America and West Indies: April 1714

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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'America and West Indies: April 1714', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: April 1714', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: April 1714". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 27, 1712-1714. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1926), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

April 1714

April 2.
627. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Enclose preceding memorial. Unless he be despatch'd in a very few days, he will lose the opportunity of going this year to Newfoundland, the last ships being now upon their departure. Autograph signatures. 1 p. Enclosed,
627. i.–vi. Duplicates of Nos. 620–623. [C.O. 194, 23. Nos. 12, 12 i.–vi. and (duplicate of Representation) 12a; and (without enclosures) 195, 5. pp. 368, 369.]
April 2.
628. Four certificates as to Mrs. Salenave's possession of a plantation in St. Kitts, etc. Signed, (i.) Cha. Mathew, Eliz. Moore, Ste. Duport. (ii.) Eliz. Salenave. (iii.) N. Blakiston. (March 23, 1713). (iv.) Fran. Duport. (April 5th, 1713). 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 10. Nos. 15, 15 i.-iii.]
[April 2.] 629. Mr. Ryley to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The officers petitioners for settling a Colony in North America to be intituled Nova Anna, having found out a method to do it at a moderate charge to H.M., are ordered by the Lord High Treasurer to attend your honours, etc. They pray H.M. to grant them in the Letters Patents for the said settlement the liberty of coining 1500 tun of copper half-pence and farthings for England and the Plantations, etc. Endorsed, Recd. Read 2nd April, 1714. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 15.]
April 5.
630. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. My Lord Treasurer desires the Council of Trade and Plantations to examine into the truth of enclosed, and to report their opinion what they conceive fit for H.M. to do therein, and also whether there are not several others in like circumstances with these peticoners with respect to their pretencons to lands in St. Christophers. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 6th, Read 30th April, 1714. 1p. Enclosed,
630. i. Petition of Stephen Duport to the Queen. Petitioner's plantation in the English part of St. Kitts was damaged to the amount of £11,500 by the English forces under General Codrington 1690, when petitioner was a prisoner in France, etc. Prays to be compensated by some lands in the French part. 1 p.
630. ii. Order of Queen in Council upon the case of Stephen Duport, Jan. 27, 1708/9. 1 p.
630. iii. Petition of Stephen Duport and other Protestant refugees of the Leeward Islands to the Queen. Pray for the renewal of H.M. reference of their case, July 23, 1713, to the Council of Trade and Plantations, the former papers having been mislaid. 1 p.
630. iv. Petition of Alletta de la Coussaye to the Queen. Prays that her father's plantation in the French part of St. Kitts may be restored to her; he (Capt. Vandelbourg decd.), having fled from it to the English quarter on account of the persecution of Protestants. Petitioner is now in possession. 1 p.
630. v. Certificate of Stephen Duport that Capt. Vandelbourgh was long possessed of the plantation claimed in preceding. Signed, Ste. Duport. April 6th, 1714. ½. p.
630. vi. Description of Capt. Vandelbourgh's plantation. Signed, Ste. Duport. April 8, 1714. ½.p.
630. vii. Petition of Paul Minvielle de Bonnemere to the Queen. Daniel de Bonnemere, father and son, who served in H.M. forces, fled from their plantation in the French part of St. Kitts, upon account of the persecution of French Protestants when the French took it. Petitioner heir at law and creditor, as having supplied said refugees with money, prays to be restored to that estate. 1 p.
630. viii. Certificate of Stephen Duport and Elizabeth Salenave in support of preceding. Signed, Eliz. Salenave, Ste. Duport. April 6, 1714. ½. p.
630. ix. Description of Daniel de Bonnemere's plantation. Signed, Ste. Duport. April 8, 1714. ½.p.
630. x. Petition of Mary and Marguarett de Nampon. Pray to be restored to their plantation in the French part of St. Kitts, from which they fled upon account of the persecution. 1 p.
630. xi. Certificate of Elizabeth Salenave and Stephen Duport in support of preceding. Signed, Eliz. Salenave. Ste. Duport. April 6, 1714. ½. p.
630. xii. Description of Dr. de Nampon's plantation. Signed, Ste. Duport. April 8, 1714. ½p.
630. xiii. Petition of Catherine Fraise to the Queen. Prays to be restored to the plantation in the French part of St. Kitts, from which her father, Daniel de Lompre (=Longpre du Chemin v. xv. infra) (decd.) fled upon account of the persecution. Petitioner and her husband are now in possession. 1 p.
630. xiv. Certificate by Elizabeth Salenave and Ste. Duport in support of preceding. Signed, Eliz. Salenave, Ste. Duport. April 6, 1714. ½. p.
630. xv. Description of the lands of Daniel de Longpre du Chemin. Signed, Ste. Duport. April 8, 1714. ½. p.
630. xvi. Petition of Martha Assailly to the Queen. Prays on behalf of herself, mother and sisters to be restored to the plantation of her father, Peter Assailly, in the French part of St. Kitts, from which he fled to Boston on account of the persecution of Protestants, etc. General Codrington granted it to Col. Walter Hamilton. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 10. Nos. 19, 19 i.–xv.; and (without enclosures) 153, 12. pp. 117, 118.]
April 6.
631. Certificate that Mrs. Renoult was in possession of the plantation in St. Kitts claimed by her (v. June 25, 1712). Signed, Eliz. Salenave, Pen. Russell. ½. p. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 12.]
April 6.
632. Circular letter from the Council of Trade and Plantations to the Governors of Plantations. H.M. having by Her Royal Proclamation of Feb. 28th last (inclosed) been pleased to command that the Articles of Peace and Commerce concluded at Utrecht the 2/13 day of July and the 29/9 day of Nov./Dec. 1713, between Great Britain and Spain be published and observed throughout all her Dominions; we send you herewith copies of the said Articles, that the same may be made publick in your Government and observed accordingly. [C.O. 324, 10. p. 40.]
April 8. 633. (a) Estimate of the charge of settling a Colony, Nova Anna (v. April 2), of 5 companys independant allowing four yeares for the settlement. Total, 105, 595l. 6s. 8d.
634. (b) Estimate of the profit from coining 1500 tuns of copper (copper at 93l. 6s. 8d. a ton, to produce 205l. 6s. 8d. in coin at 11b. for 20d.) Casting etc. and coining, at 35l. per ton. Deduct for exchange 11l. per ton. Total profit, 97,000l. Endorsed, Recd. Read 8th April, 1714. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 16.]
April 8.
635. Mr. Popple to Sir Isaac Newton. Encloses preceding for his opinion. [C.O. 5, 913. p. 477.]
April 9.
636. Lord Bolingbroke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses following for their report. Signed, Bolingbroke. Endorsed, Recd. 10th, Read 12th April, 1714. 1 p. Enclosed,
636. i. Memorial of Wm. Keith. Robert Quary late Surveyor General of the Customs on the Continent of America had H.M. letter constituting him a Member of Council in each of the Provinces under his inspection, vizt. Pensylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North and South Carolina, the Bahama Islands and Jamaica, because it was convenient that he should be present to assist at the making of such laws as were proposed for the advantage of trade, and to object against such as might be prejudiciall to the Revenue, or any other branch of the publick interest. Petitioner, his successor, prays to be appointed to sit and give his opinion in the several Councils of the Provinces abovenamed in all matters relating to the publick revenue and trade with respect to the laws, constitution and interest of Great Britain, and also to enter his protest as often as occasion shall require. And since he does not insist on the privilege of voting in those Assemblies, it is humbly conceived that this may be extended to the Propriety Governments, as well as to those immediately belonging to the Crown. 1¼. pp. [C.O. 323, 7. Nos. 29, 29 i.; and (without enclosure) 324, 10. p. 41.]
April 10.
637. Mr. Secretary Bromley to the Council of Trade and Plantations. It is H.M. Pleasure that you prepare copys of the several papers and representations relating to the garrisons of Jamaica and the Leeward Islands, which have been sent over from the respective Governors, and the opinion of the Assembly with respect to the forces there, and that such copies be forthwith laid before the House of Commons. Signed, W. Bromley. Endorsed, Recd. 10th, Read 12th April, 1714. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 10. p. 46; and 138, 14. p. 98.]
April 13.
638. Lord Bolingbroke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. It is H.M. pleasure that your Lops. should consider the enclosed Memorial, and Petition on behalf of inhabitants of Mountserrat, as likewise the several matters which are referred to Commissarys by the 10th, 11th and 15th Articles of the late Treaty of Peace, and upon the whole make your representation to be laid before H.M., etc. Signed, Bolingbroke. Endorsed, Recd. 13th, Read 14th April, 1714. 1 p. Enclosed,
638. i. Petition of the Hudson's Bay Company to the Queen. Return thanks for the great care H.M. has taken for them by the Treaty of Utrick, etc. And whereas by the XIth Article, satisfaction is to be made to the Compa. for all damages sustained from ye French in times of peace, for which Commissaries are to be nominated on both sides to adjust the same, the Company are ready to make out their demand of damages, whenever H.M. shall thinke fitt to name Commissaries etc. Signed, Wm. Potter, Secr. 1. p.
638. ii. Petition of inhabitants of Montserrat to the Queen. On July 8th, 1712, the French King's subjects under Monsieur Cossart, invaded Montseratt with 3,500 men and being much superior to the strength of the inhabitants who defended themselves to the utmost of their power soon conquer'd burnt plunder'd and destroyed most part of the Island carried off 1,200 slaves with severall sorts of merchandize which with burning and other devastations amounts unto upwards of 180,000l. And whereas your Majesty out of your great goodness and princely care taken of all your subjects in the late Treaty of Peace has capitulated (Article XI.) that the damages sustained by your loyall and poor subjects of the said Island by the late invasion shall be enquired into by the comissarys to be named by your Majesty and the said French King, we your Majesty's peticoners humbly beg leave for ourselves and in behalf of the said inhabitants that your Majesty would direct such commissioners to examine into their losses, and that they may be releiv'd pursuant to the Article in the said Treaty. Signed, Joseph Martyn, Ed. Sanderson, Wm. Tryon, Joseph Alford, Rowland Tryon, Dan. Alford, John Travers, Sam. Travers. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 134, 2. Nos. 36, 36 i.; and 135, 3. pp. 124–126; (without encl. ii.); and (encl. ii. and memorandum of covering letter) 152, 10. Nos. 17, 17 i.]
April 13.
Pall Mall.
639. Major Douglas to Mr. Popple. Encloses some Acts of St. Christophers. "There are also something very material in the Minutes of ye Council, of which I would have you inform Col. Jory to attend the Lords of Trade in due season." Signed, Walter Douglas. Endorsed, Recd. 13th April, Read July 15, 1714. Addressed. Holograph. ½. p. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 23; and 153, 12. p. 131.]
April 13.
Mint Office.
640. Sir Isaac Newton to Mr. People. Encloses following. My Lord High Treasurer hath the coynage of copper under consideration. Signed, Is. Newton. Endorsed, Recd. Read 14th April, 1714. 1 p. Enclosed,
640. i. Observations upon the estimate of the neat profit of coyning 1500 tons of copper into half-pence (v. Nos. 629, 633–5). (1) In the last coynage of copper money an hundred tonns per an. in six years made a great complaint in Parliament whereby the coynage was stopt all the seventh year by reason of too great a quantity of copper money, and after the coynage of another 100 tonns the nation was fully stockt during the next five or six years. Therefore six or seven hundred tonns is abundantly sufficient to stock the nation of England and a coynage of 1500 tonns in five years time is not practicable by reason of the clamours it would make amongst the people. At present there wants not above 80 or 100 tonns in all. (2) If a pound weight of copper be cut into 20d., a tonn in coyn will amount only to 186l. 13s. 4d. It must be cut into 22d. that a tonn may make 205l. 6s. 8d. But its better to coyn the money nearer to the intrinsic value. (3) Casting, drawing, cutting, flatting, scouring, nealing, blanching, drying and coyning cannot be done for 35l. per tonn. And 11l. per tonn for changing the copper money is something too much. In the last coynage of the copper money, 5d. per 1wt. was allowed by the Patentees for casting, drawing, flatting, scouring, nealing, drying and coyning, including the work of the graver and smith. There was also 40s. per tonn allowed to a Comptroller. And if 7l. 6s. 8d. be allowed for putting off, the whole charge including the price of the copper at 10d. per lwt. leaves a profit of 6d. per lwt. And this profit in coyning 1500 tonns amounts unto 85,000l., out of wch. something may be abated for housrent, clerks, coyning tools and incidents. (4) He that assays, sizes and coyns the copper money should not be impowered to make any profit by coyning it too light or too coarse, and therefore should have nothing to do with buying or providing the copper or distributing it by tale to the people, but should only receive it by weight and assay and deliver it by weight and assay after coynage, and have it in his power to refuse bad copper. ¾. p.
640. ii. Duplicate of No 634. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 17, 17 i., ii.; and 5, 913. pp. 477–480.]
[April 13.] 641. Some amendments desired by Newfoundland traders to be made to the Act for encouraging the Trade to Newfoundland. Endorsed, Recd. Read 13th April, 1714. 1½. pp. [C.O. 194, 5. No. 42.]
April 13. 642. List of papers relating to the Regiment of Jamaica laid before the House of Commons. (v. April 10th.) [C.O. 138, 14. pp. 99, 100.]
April 14.
643. Lord Bolingbroke to Mr. Attorney General. Encloses following. It is H.M. pleasure that you do consider what may be properly done for quieting this Corporation in the possession of the farm, and for relieving them as to the demand of arrears of quit rent, and that you do report your opinion thereupon to H.M. Signed, Bolingbroke. Enclosed,
643. i. Extract of an Address from the Rector, Churchwarden and Vestrymen of Trinity Church in the City of New Yorke in America to the Queen. The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Clarendon your Majtie's. late Governor of this Province (who, during his whole administration omitted no opportunity of giving all due encouragemt. to the churches under his care) did grant a lease of your Majtie's. farm to us for seven years under the rent of 60 bushells of wheat yearly payable unto your Majty. (the like lease having been before granted by Governor Fletcher etc.). But as these rents were esteemed a perquisite of the several Governors for the time being, Col. Fletcher who was a great benefactor and promoter of the first settling of this Church, did remit the rent during his time, for that pious use, as also did the Earl of Clarendon, so much as accrued under the lease granted in his time, and that noble Lord imitating the zeal of his Royal Mistress for promoting the interest of this infant Church, and the settling a lasting foundation for its support, by vertue of the authority given him by your Majty., did in the 4th year of your Majtie's. glorious reign, by your Majtie's. letters patents under the seal of this Province, grant the same form to the Rector and inhabitants of the city of New York in communion of the Church of England as by law established, and their successors for ever under the yearly quit-rent of three shillings. We therefore with awfull reverence presume to inform your Majty. that the Corporation of this Church are now prosecuted in the Court of Chancery in this Province in your Majty's name, for the several rents reserved on the leases before granted and by the several Governors before remitted, and your Majty.'s most gracious Letters Patent for the said farm are rendred disputable. Pray H.M. directions for stopping the said prosecution, and confirming the church in the possession of the farm. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 38–41.]
April 14.
St. James's.
644. H.M. Warrant to the Governor of New York. You are to stop the prosecution now carrying on in the Court of Chancery against the corporation of Trinity Church (v. preceding) and not to suffer any further proceedings to be had in that suit, until We shall signify Our further pleasure, etc. Countersigned, Bolingbroke. [C.O. 324, 33. pp. 41–43.]
April 14.
Queen's Bench Rules.
645. Jeronimy Clifford to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Prays for decision upon his request of Dec. 29, 1713, etc. Signed, Jer. Clifford. Endorsed, Recd. Read. 14th April, 1714 Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 388, 76. No. 167.]
April 14.
646. Mr. Popple to Jeronimy Clifford. Reply to preceding. The Council of Trade and Plantations command me to acquaint you, that they have already done all they can in that affaire. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 74, 75.]
April 16.
647. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Bolingbroke. Enclose copies of Representation from the Council of Virginia (v. Sept. 14. 1713), and another from the President, Council and Assembly of Maryland, relating to the decay of the tobacco trade, for H.M. pleasure thereupon. [C.O. 5, 1364. pp. 29, 30.]
April 20.
648. Mr. Popple to Mr. Blathwayt. The Council of Trade and Plantations desire an account of all the revenues, rents and quit-rents, payable to the Crown in Jamaica, and of the arrears thereof. As also an account of all grants of land in that Island, the quantity of acres in each grant, to whom granted, and under what covenants since 1660. [C.O. 138, 14. p. 102.]
[April 20.] 649. Extracts from the Minutes of Council and Assembly of St. Kitts, Montserrat, Antigua and Nevis, in praise of Governor Douglas' administration, etc. Endorsed, Recd. (from General Douglas) 20th April, Read 15th July, 1714. 16 pp. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 24.]
April 21.
St. James's.
650. Order of Queen in Council. Confirming the Act of Jamaica, for vesting the estate of Thomas Finch in trustees, etc. Signed, Ja. Vernon. Endorsed, Recd. Read June 24th, 1715. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 137, 10. No. 77; and 138, 14. pp. 336, 337.]
April 22.
651. Lt. Governor Pulleine to the Council of Trade and Plantations. An opportunity now presenting of a direct passage home, etc., I lay hold of it to give an account of what pass'd in our Assembly, which I conven'd in January last. Refers to his Speech and their reply, enclosed, that your Ldships. may the more easily judge of ye temper of the people, and how well they kept their word with me. Your Ldships. cannot but perceive by the enclos'd, their debts were ye principal matter that wanted a remedy: and all ye progress they have made towards satisfying them, is the reimbursing a sum of money of the Queen's, wch. they had unlawfully made use of; as your Ldships. may see by ye complaint, I made in the last, I did myself ye honour to write to you: and, I am persuaded, even this would not have been done, if some of our topping men had not us'd all their interest to effect it; being in fear that otherwise, they themselves were liable to repay it: as in my opinion they certainly were. I enter no further into this matter here, having explain'd it so fully in my last, and beg'd yr. Losps.' directions upon it. As soon as they had finish'd this, and other private Acts, of little importance, which I now also send home, they begg'd my concurrence to an adjournmt. to ye first Monday in April, wch. I comply'd with, in hopes to keep them in temper, to go through with business ye next meeting. Upon their second meeting they voted, in ye very first half hour to raise no more money, to my great surprize and astonishmt. and what is yet stranger, after such vote haveing past ye house, they order'd a committee to inspect ye fortifications, and to make a report, what repairs were necessary to be made. Upon such methodical proceedings I sent for ye Speaker and ye House to attend me, at the Council board; where I laid before them, with all the address I was master of ye ill consequence of their rash precipitate resolution of raising no money, and ye ill effect it would have upon ye publick, for ye time to come: but all was to little purpose; for upon their return to ye House, they fell into their former heats, and the very menconing of raising 6 or 700l. which wou'd have sett them clear, even put them into a sort of a mutiny and, after wrangling and scolding one with another, till they were weary, they beg'd me to prorogue them to ye first Tuesday in August: which I very readily comply'd with considering the temper they were in. What has happen'd in this affair, is an undeniable demonstration of the great poverty of this Island; for when one considers, that 6 or 700l. is look'd upon as irretrievable, it is apt to fill one with very shocking ideas of our approaching misery. For this little Island grows not ye eigth part of the corn we eat: and all ye strong liquors they use here, which is a great quantity, as well as ye cloathing, is bought with ready money: and how they will for the future come by that ready money, is even past my comprehension. For trade, all over ye West Indies, is, at present, at a stand; and when it will recover it's usual currency, is more than I can pretend to foresee. My Lords, I think it wou'd be of no great importance to ye Crown of England, if there were no such place as Bermuda in Natura rerum: But seeing Providence has thought fit, to place such a spott of ground, in so important a scituation, and to provide it with such excellent harbours; the Crown, in my opinion, can never take too much care of it: and I dare affirm, without any peradventure, that, if an active enemy had it in possession, they wou'd wholly ruin our American commerce. This Island, at present, is very populous, considering its extent, and might be maintain'd by its present inhabitants, and ye Company ye Queen is pleas'd to leave here, against any ordinary attempt: But, I foresee, that as soon as ye Governmt. of the Bahamas is settled, in any reasonable condition to protect them against the insults of the Spaniards, that at least one third of our inhabitants wou'd leave us. And, now I'me upon ye head of the Bahamas, I think it my duty to acquaint your Ldships., of the present condition of those Islands. There are about 200 familys scatter'd up and down amongst them; but their principal residence is at Providence, Harbour Island, and Ilathera: who live without any face or form of Governmt. every man doing onely what's right in his own eyes. They have serv'd, of late, as a retreat for three setts of pyrates, who committed their depredations in open boats, with about five and twenty men in a boat. They have taken from the Spaniards within these eight months, at least, to the value of three score thousand pounds: And hearing that ye Spaniards at ye Havana were makeing preparations, to attack both them, and the receivers, they shar'd their booty, and dispers'd. The names of two of their Captains were Cockram, and Hornygood, both of which, at present, are refug'd amongst those people. Cockram has marry'd ye daughter of one Thomson, one of the richest inhabitants of Harbour Island, and sails in a sloop of his, between those Islands and Curaçao, loaden with brasiletto; which is doing a prejudice still to ye Crown, in defrauding ye Queen of her dutys, and is the spoiling of that trade, by letting ye Dutch into it. I suppose, as soon as they hear that Governmt. is settled, they will scamper away. I'm inform'd, this has done our tradeing people, a great deal of prejudice amongst the Spaniards, who treat us with ye name of pyrates, and refuse to have any commerce with us: Tho', in reality, they are onely serv'd in their kind, haveing committed several pyracies upon us, under pretence of sham commissions, tho' I heartily wish the thing had a present remedy, on both sides, it being a great discouragemt. to trade in general. I presume to tell your Ldships., that till the Bahamas are settled in some form, they will still be a nest for pyrates: and we are now inform'd they are gathering togeather again, haveing riotously and quickly spent, what they as wickedly got. The people of this Island have often endeavour'd to have ye Bahamas annex'd to this Government: and indeed that settlement was first made from hence, and we are ye onely people in a manner, that ever did or does trade with them. I am sensible it is a Proprietary Government, but as they have abandon'd 'em, as a derelict for many years, and never got a shilling by them, I cannot be persuaded that they wou'd be against H.M. reassuming them into her hands. So, if yor. Ldships. think it for ye interest of the Crown, to joyn them to this Government, I will endeavour to make them usefull, in the best manner they are capable of, to my native country, and scowre them clear of that sink or nest of infamous rascalls, who do an infinite mischeife to trade, by makeing us scandalous to our neighbours, etc. Signed, H. Pulleine. Endorsed, Recd. 7th June, 1714. Read 24th Feb. 17 17/18. 4 pp. [C.O. 37, 10. No. 4; and (abstract) 37, 24. p. 2.]
April 23.
652. Governor Nicholson to Lord Bolingbroke. I had not the honour of recieving your Lordp's. letter of Oct. 19th untill two days agoe: it is with the greatest satisfaction imaginable to me that H.M. hath thought fitt, that your Lordp. should take upon you the care of the Southern Province, with the West Indies, etc. Having this opportunity by Sir Charles Hobby I can't omitt paying the humblest of my duty, etc. Sir Charles Hobby can give your Lordp. a just and full account of affairs, both in relation to this, and the neighbouring Governments, but more particularly what concerns H.M. garrison of Annapolis Royal, he was at the taking thereof, and had the command of a regiment, at that time and afterwards twice Commander in Chief there, in the absence of Samuel Vetch who, I think hath acted very arbitrary and illegaly, and hath defrauded Her Majesty very considerably and instead of proving his accounts to me hath runn away. Sir Charles can prove a great many things concerning his male administration: I humbly begg leave to recommend Sir Charles Hobby to your Lordp's. protection. I would not presume to do it but that I have always found him a gentleman very well affected to H.M. intrest, and service, a true, and zealous son of the Church of England, as by law established the state of which he can give your Lordp. a more perticular account in relation to the hardships the members thereof are under in these parts, and what little encouragment they meet with, etc. Signed, Fra. Nicholson. Endorsed, Rd. 28th June. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 752. No. 3.]
April 23.
653. Lord Bolingbroke to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Refers following for their report. Signed, Bolingbroke. Endorsed, Recd. 24th April, Read 5th May, 1714. 1 p. Enclosed,
653. i. Petition of Sir Bibye Lake, Bart., grandson and heir of Capt. Tho. Lake, deed., and Edward Hutchinson, heir of Major Tho. Clarke, decd., to the Queen. Between 1639 and 1654 Lake and Clarke purchased of the Indians and English several parcels of land lying upon and near Kenebeck River, etc., and made a settlement, which was destroyed by Indians 1675 and 1684, since which owing to the war they have not been able to recover. Pray H.M. to confirm their title to said lands, in order to re-settle the same. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. Nos. 19, 19 i.; and 5, 913. pp. 485–488.]
April 24.
654. William Sharpe, President of the Council of Barbados, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I do myself the honour of addressing your Lordships from this place where I arrived the 7th instant, and that day delivered H.M. Order to Mr. Lowther then in Council, recalling him from ye Governmt., and commanding him upon receipt thereof to deliver the seale, publick papers and ensigns of Government to me. He publish't it, declared it should be obeyed, broke up the Council without any adjournment, and sent to me to come and receive the seal, etc., which when according to his appointment I did that evening, he refused, objecting that the order being only under the signet and sign manual, could not controul, or (as his words were) could not destroy his commission, which was under the Broad Seal. I told him, my Lords, that the Order did not destroy, or repeal his Commission, but only suspended him from exerciseing the powers thereby granted to him, and enabled me to act under it. But he persisting, my Lords, in his refusal, I thought it adviseable to consult the Counsellors thereupon, that it might appear, I was not remiss in doing all that legally I could, to procure the obedience to H.M. commands. Your Lordships will be pleased to observe from the inclosed papers their different opinions, and that a majority of them, without whome the proper oaths could not be administred to me, adviseing that I could not exercise the Government till Mr. Lowther's departure, I was obliged to submit, or enter upon harsher measures, the last I thought not at all proper, and therefore sat down contented with the first; He has, my Lords, fixt this day for leaving the Island, after which I shall in the administration pursue the calmest, and most healing measures, in which I hope I shall have such a concurrence, as may procure a thorough reconciliation here, at least abate the heats and animosities which have been fomented, etc. Signed, Wm. Sharpe. Endorsed, Recd. 14th June, Read 26th Aug. 1714. 2 pp. Enclosed,
654. i. Copies of correspondence between Mr. Sharpe and the rest of the Council of Barbados upon Governor Lowther's refusal to surrender the Government to him, April 8–17th, 1714, referred to in preceding. Same endorsement. 6 pp.
654. ii. Copy of Address from inhabitants of Barbados to the Queen. Return thanks for the appointment of William Sharpe. 214 signatures. Same endorsement. 2 pp.
654. iii. Copy of Address from the Clergy of Barbados to the Queen. To same effect as preceding. Signed, Saml. Beresford, Gilbert Ramsay and 6 others. Same endorsement. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 20, 20 i.–iii.; and (without enclosures) 29, 13. pp. 106–109.]
April 26.
Boston, New England.
655. Governor Dudley to Lord Bolingbroke. Acknowledges letter of Oct. 19, which I received not till April 13th, etc. I take perfect satisfaction in my dependance upon your Lordship's office, etc., and pray that I may have your Lordship's patronage and favour. P.S. This is accompanyed with one great packet from Quebec directed to Mr. Pontchartrain which in the cover to me Mr. Nelson says he had leave from my Lord Dartmouth to send this way which therefore I have covered to your Lordship. Signed, J. Dudley. Endorsed, Rd. 29. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 752. No. 4.]
April 27. 656. Robert West to Mr. Popple. I am inform'd that Sir Byby Lake hath petitioned H.M. for a grant of an Island near Pemaquid, call'd Rowsick als. Arrowsick Island. This was in the reign of K. James II. granted by the Governor of New York to John West, from whose widow I have a conveyance of it, etc. Prays for notice of hearing Lake's petition. Signed, Rob. West. Endorsed, Recd. 27th April, Read 5th May, 1714. Addressed. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 866. No. 20; and 5, 913. pp. 488, 489.]
April 27.
657. Wm. Sharpe, President of the Council of Barbados, to the Council of Trade and Plantations. On the 24th instant Mr. Lowther delivered me, an inventory of ordnance stores, the commission for trying of pyrates, ye Admiralty commission, H.M. Letters Patent under the Great Seal for the government of this, and other the dependent Islands, his general Instructions, and H.M. Great Seal for this Government appointed, and imediately embarqued and set saile in the ship Barbados Merchant, for Great Britain. I did, my Lords, notwithstanding his reception of me, shew him all the respect I could, in regard to the character H.M. had been pleased to honour him with. Besides the above papers, my Lords, he left me none; not one order, relating to private persons, or causes, or to the Publick. I have summoned the Council and Assembly to meet the first of May, when I shall earnestly recommend to them the falling upon the most vigorous measures for promoteing trade, and for advancing the publick credit, which is to a scandalous degree low, and I will endeavour all that in me lyes to put an end to the dissentions and animosities of this place. Signed, Wm. Sharpe. Endorsed, Recd. 1st July, Read 26th Aug., 1714. 2 pp. Enclosed,
657. i. Copy of H.M. Additional Instruction to Governors relating to devolution of Government (v. C.S.P. 1707. No. 874 ii.) Same endorsement. 1½ pp. [C.O. 28, 14. Nos. 21, 21 i.; and (without enclosure) 29, 13. pp. 110, 111.]
[April 30.] 658. Stephen Duport and others to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Proposals concerning the resettlement of the French part of St. Kitts. Signed, Ste. Duport, Jos. Crisp and 7 others. Endorsed, Recd. Read 30th April, 1714. 1¾ pp. [C.O. 152, 10. No. 18.]