America and West Indies: July 1693

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'America and West Indies: July 1693', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: July 1693', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: July 1693". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

July 1693

July 1. 434. Office of Ordnance to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We have considered the list of stores demanded for Fort William Henry in New York, and though the list is very long considering that the place has already been supplied once since Their Majesties' accession according to Governor Sloughter's full requisition, yet we cannot say that they are unnecessary, the less so since Governor Fletcher reports the embezzlement of much of the stores before his arrival. The arms and accoutrements for the troops of dragoons are already shipped. As to brass guns, none but iron guns are allowed for any garrisons at home or abroad. If the Treasury will provide the money, the stores can be supplied. Signed. H. Goodricke, Jo. Charlton, Tho. Littleton, Wm. Boulter. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 2 July. Read 15 Sept. and 27 Dec. '93. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 19; and 48. pp. 72–74.]
[July 2.] 435. Act of East New Jersey. To forbid the exportation of timber, etc., except £100 security be given by the ship's master to carry the same to Great Britain or the West Indies. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 2 July, 1693, from Colonel Fletcher. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 20.]
July 3.
Post Office.
436. Commissioners of the Post Office to Lords of Trade and Plantations. On the petition of Benjamin Skutt (see No. 383), we see no objection to his proposed packet-service provided he be obliged to deliver all letters both in England and Barbados immediately on arrival; and we believe that such a service will be of great utility to the merchants. Signed. R. Cotton, Tho. Frankland. 1 p. Endorsed. Recd. 5 July, 1693. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 21.]
July 3. 437. Governor Codrington to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I enclose duplicates of my letters of 10 and 15 May. After writing them I visited all the Islands of my Government; and in each they have ever since been mending the old fortifications and making some new ones, in case of an attack by the French. But I must acknowledge that our numbers are so lessened by sickness and by the war that we cannot be safe unless a squadron of ships be sent to us; for if ships of war should arrive from France we may undoubtedly expect a descent from Martinique, and we have little reason to believe that Sir Francis Wheler can be fitted in New England to return to us. I beg therefore the more urgently for a squadron to be sent to us. Signed. Chr. Codrington. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 30 October, '93. Undated; but intended date is given in Codrington's letter of 17 October, 1693. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. No. 14; and 44. pp. 129, 130.]
July 6. 438. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for payment for despatch of messages by land and water. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 253, 254.]
July 6. 439. Minutes of General Assembly of Massachusetts. The Governor, being unwell, directed the Assembly to consider what bills were before them and adjourn de die in diem.
July 7. A joint Committee appointed to examine the dispute between the towns of Ipswich and Topsfield as to boundaries. Bills for securing estates of deceased persons debated. Governor Fletcher's letter as to the murder at Deerfield read, as also the answer thereto. The Governor reported that the Indians at Pemaquid desired a cessation of arms.
July 8. Bill to enable John Phillips to collect his arrears read a first time. Agreed to send Major-General Wait Winthrop and Major John Pyncheon to Albany to treat with the Indians there. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 409–411.]
July 7. 440. Dormant Commission to Samuel Bernard to be Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica in case of Sir William Beeston's death or absence. Copy. 1½ pp. Undated. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 7. No. 18; and 53. pp. 158, 159; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 345–347.]
July 8.
New England.
441. Sir Francis Wheler to Governor Sir William Phips. I have already communicated to you our extremely sickly condition, and the King's orders for us to join such forces as you have raised and attack Quebec. Your answer was that you had received no instructions as to the expedition, that the force for that service should be at least 4,000 strong, that we ought to have sailed on that service at very latest on the 1st of July, and that you should have been given at least four months to collect your forces from the other colonies. The health of our men is now restored, but of the two regiments with us not above 650 of all ranks are left, and of the fleet not half its complement remains, and of that remainder not above a third are seamen. The ships themselves are in good order, and we have plenty of provisions. Pray give me your opinion in Council whether we alone can attack Quebec, and if not, what place in the Canada river or Newfoundland can be forced by us. Pray state also and give in writing your opinion as to the men and ships necessary and the time of year most fitting for an attack on Quebec or other of the French plantations in Canada. Here follows a list of the squadron. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 5 Jan. 1693–4. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 68.]
July 10.
442. Governor Kendall to Lords of Trade and Plantations. When the Assembly of last year brought me a bill for raising a thousand men and for a sum of money to defray the expense, they at the same time presented me with an unanimous address, assuring me that if the money proved insufficient for the expense of the expedition they would raise what should further be needed. After the departure of the forces for Martinique the accounts were made up, when it was found that no less than £5,000 would be wanting for that service. I therefore called the Assembly and acquainted them that their honour would suffer much if they did not make provision for the payment of the debt, the Commissioners having upon the public faith engaged themselves for it. But no arguments prevail with them, one great reason being that, their time being near expired, they thought by this shew of frugality to commend themselves to the county at the next election. Being much concerned at this behaviour and at the ill consequences of it I expressed myself warmly about it in Council, where some of their patrons and advisers endeavoured to excuse them, and all were of opinion that if I issued writs at the expiration of that Assembly, the same men would be chosen and would certainly make good what they had promised. This I accordingly did and in the writs reference was made to an Act passed in the former Assembly, by which, among other qualifications, all candidates were required to produce a certificate of their having received the sacrament within twelve months before. But when the writs came to be returned there were but twelve members found so qualified and therefore the rest of the elections were declared void and new writs issued in the same form as the first. Notwithstanding this second writ some members of the Council, to whom they were directed, had the insolence to return the same men as before, though they knew them to be still unqualified and obstinately so. I took this as a signal affront to myself and the Government and expressed myself accordingly, asking these Councillors before their parishioners if they thought that Act about electing had the force of law. They agreed that it had. Then I asked them if they would advise me to dispense with any part of it. They said no; on which I think you will agree that I had reason enough to be angry with them. Notwithstanding the endeavours of these factious fellows the members duly elected amounted to seventeen; and as fifteen suffice to make a house I sent to them to choose a Speaker and ordered new writs to be issued for the five wanting members. But these incendiaries, resolved to give me as much trouble as they could, prevailed with three of the seventeen to absent themselves, though on the place immediately before, so that there were but fourteen left, not enough to make a house, choose a Speaker and punish refractory members. But at the return of the next writs I doubt not but there will be a house, and that the villainous designs of these ill men will be defeated.
The names of the chief persons for whom there has been so much struggle are Holder, Sutton and Pilgrim. The first of these owned himself at quarter sessions to be a Quaker, and it is notorious that neither he nor any of his children have been christened; and therefore it is to be believed that he has a dispensation to take the oaths and pull off his hat that he may be the more serviceable to his party. The Quakers indeed are very numerous here and a great weakness to the Island, for they are wholly useless for its defence and yet of considerable interest and great industry in promoting the election and preferment of such as are well affected towards them. It is most certain that they are all Jacobites and many of them papists in masquerade, the heads of them here holding correspondence with William Penn, who governs them as absolutely as the King of France does his miserable subjects. Sutton and Pilgrim come to our Church in the morning and go to the Quaker meeting in the afternoon; they are not christened themselves nor are their children, nor when dead are they given Christian burial. The last Assembly seeing how fatal it would be if in process of time they should come to be the greater part in the Council or Assembly passed the above mentioned law to check them, to which I readily assented. A better proof of its necessity could hardly have been given than the present disturbance. These three persons, though they had publicly declared that they would not qualify themselves under the Act, had yet the impudence to make interest to be elected twice, telling the people that they were standing up for their liberties, which were abridged by that law. Such defiance of a law made for the security of the country is in my opinion a near approach to rebellion. But that members of Council should so far countenance it as to present the same men to me twice, after they had refused to produce the certificates required by law, seemed to me plain evidence of their unfitness for that trust; and I have accordingly suspended Major Andrews and Mr. John Bromley and taken security for their good behaviour. Signed. J. Kendall. P.S.—Having directed the writs for the five wanting members to well affected men I find, since writing the above, that they have returned duly qualified members, so that we have now an Assembly legally chosen. I submit five names of honest and well affected gentlemen for the vacancies in the Council. The first named was lieutenant-colonel to Salter's regiment in the expedition to Martinique, and greatly distinguished himself. On a separate sheet are the names as follows:— Colonel Robert Bishop, John Whetstone, Colonel Richard Scott, Colonel Willoughby Chamberlayne, Philip Price, Burch Heathersall. 3½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 2 Jan. Read 3 Jan., '93–4. Annexed,
442. I., II. Copies of the first and second writs issued to George Andrews for election of a member for St. Joseph's, with the return of John Holder in each case.
442. III., IV. Copies of the first and second writs issued to John Bromley for election of a member for St. John's, with the return of John Leslie, in each case. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. Nos. 22, 22 I.–IV.; and 44. pp. 54–60.]
July 10. 443. Minutes of General Assembly of Massachusetts. Join Committee appointed to draw up a letter to Governor Fletcher as to the despatch of negotiation to Albany. Bill to prevent clandestine sales again read and debated.
July 11. The Governor laid before Council Sir F. Wheler's letter of 8 July (see No. 441). Militia Bill read a second time and committed.
July 12. A reply to Sir F. Wheler approved. Militia bill amended. Additional Bill for regulating the House of Representatives read and committed.
July 13. Bill for coasting vessels read and amended. Grant of £500 to John Phillips approved, and of an annual salary of £150 until a new Treasurer be sworn. Bill for partition of lands read. Letter sent to Governor Fletcher to apprise him of the departure of messengers to make peace with the Maquas.
July 14. Bills for coasting vessels, for punishment of criminal offences, and for partition of lands were read and passed. The additional bill for regulating the House of Representatives was rejected. Bill for Sheriffs' accounts read first time. Letter to the Government of New Hampshire as to the detention of William Peprell's ship.
July 15. The Militia Bill was sent down to the Representatives for alteration. Bill for Sheriffs' accounts passed. Order from John Phillips to furnish the last assessment lists. The Governor dissolved the Assembly. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 411–416.]
July 11. 444. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for the Naval Officer to endeavour to get credit for supply of the King's ships, and draw bills for the same on the Admiralty. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. p. 254.]
July 11. 445. Governor Kendall to Earl of Nottingham. Identical with the letter to Lords of Trade and Plantations of 10 July, with the omission of the recommendations of new members of Council. Holograph. 4 pp. [America and West Indies. 456. No. 51.]
July 11. 446. Warrant for the appointment of John Whetstone to be of the Council of Barbados. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., p. 351.]
July 11. 447. Minutes of Council of Barbados. John Leslie being now duly qualified, was sworn of the Assembly, also William Allonby, Richard Walters, George Andrews and John Stewart. John Waterman approved as Speaker. The Assembly asked for an adjournment, which was granted. George Andrews and John Bromley suspended the Council, and ordered to give security for good behaviour. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XII., pp. 410–416.]
July 11. 448. Journal of Assembly of Barbados. List of Members.
St. Michael George Peers
St. Michael John Stewart
St. Peters Thomas Meyrick
St. Peters Alexander Walker
St. Thomas William Eastchurch
St. Thomas William Allonby
St. John Archibald Carmichael
St. John John Leslie
Christchurch John Dempster
Christchurch Thomas Maxwell
St. Lucy Michael Terrill
St. Lucy Robert Yeamans
St. James Abel Alleyne
St. James Richard Walters
St. Philip Philip Price
St. Philip Willoughby Chamberlayne
St. Andrew John Mills
St. Andrew Charles Sandiford
St. George Sir Henry Pickering, Bart.
St. George Henry Applethwaite
St. Joseph John Waterman
St. Joseph John Waterman, jun.
John Waterman, chosen Speaker, George Payne, Clerk, William Burnet, Marshal. The House requested an adjournment, but first fixed the salaries of the officers, and altered the rule of the House, so that voting should in future be by "escroll" and not by vote. Adjourned to 1st August. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XIV., pp. 347, 348.]
July 11. 449. Extract from Minutes of Council of Barbados, giving the proceedings for the suspension of George Andrews and John Bromley. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 23 Dec. 1693. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 23.]
July 11. 450. Extract from Minutes of Council of Barbados. Order of the Governor deferring the date of the sailing of the fleet to England, in concession to a petition from the merchants and planters. 4 pp. Endorsed, Rec. 23 Dec. '93. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 24.]
July 12. 451. [The Agents for Barbados to Lords of Trade and Plantations?] Before the last fleet sailed to the West Indies we represented the extreme want of men and asked that a regiment might be stationed there (see No. 193). Hearing now that the campaign is over and that the regiments are ordered another way, we entreat that a regiment may be sent from England with all convenient speed. A guard is allowed to the Leeward Islands, and the like is as much needed in Barbados. If Barbados should fall, the Leeward Islands must likewise perish. The late taxes and the present war have so ruined us that we cannot defend ourselves. Our sugar works are dropping down: not one man in twenty can repair them, so that the whole Island is in poverty and misery. We strained ourselves to the utmost to send 1,003 men to the late expedition, and the number that returned is much short of that which went, so that we are weaker than ever, unless helped from England. The expedition cost us in one way or another £30,000, and we have not 30,000 acres that can pay taxes, so that the charge of this one thing comes to a noble in the pound. We must also ask for a few light frigates to protect our provision-ships against French privateers. Had not our privateers been discouraged by the exaction of the King's tenth part from them, we should not have needed these frigates. On the whole matter Barbados will be ruined unless supported by ships and men from England. It will be convenient, and no charge to Their Majesties, if there were two despatch boats between England and Barbados. We beg for a permission and protection for them. Unsigned. 1½ pp. Endorsed, July, 12, '93. [America and West Indies. 456. No. 52.]
July 12.
452. Governor Sir William Phips to Sir Francis Wheler. In answer to yours of the 8th we think that you are not strong enough to force Quebec, besides that the time is too late to make a descent by land in aid of your attack. There is no place in the Canada river below Orleans that is worth attacking but you may find French merchantmen at St. Pierre and Placentia in Newfoundland worth attacking. To attack Quebec 4,000 land-forces are necessary for attack on the city and for a diversion by land higher up the river. 2,000 men should be sent from England, and 2,000 raised in these Colonies. The Indians are under the direction of the Government of New York. The naval force should be as strong as your present squadron. 3,000 firearms and 500 barrels of powder should be sent to Boston, and all the Colonies should be warned in good time, so that the expedition should be in the river by the 1st of June at latest. The English and Colonial forces should meet at the fort of Canseau. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 5 Jan. '93–4. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 69.]
July 14.
453. The Secretary of Massachusetts to the Lieutenant-Governor and Council of New Hampshire. The complaint of William Peprell as to the seizure of his barque is still before us (see No. 372). The matter is highly resented by the Governor and Council, who however are ready to accommodate it in a friendly way; and I am desired therefore to ask your reasons for the detention of the ship. Signed. Is. Addington. Copy. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 20 Dec. '93. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 70.]
July 14.
454. Lieutenant-Governor Usher to the Earl of Nottingham. Since my last, the great guns granted by the King for New Hampshire are all mounted, and at the mouth of the river is built a good stone fort, called Fort William and Mary. Had we a few more men I should not doubt our ability to defend ourselves against a foreign enemy. The port is of great importance, since it is the only place where the King is supplied with masts; and it could supply all England with resin, pitch and tar, if an end were put to the war with the Indians. It would be of great advantage to have a general governor over all these provinces. New Hampshire has but 750 men who ever since April last have been compelled to stand on their defence, for Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island refuse to help us with men or money, though for this eight weeks the enemy's scouts have been discovered about our frontier towns, which are greatly exposed to incursions. I hope that the neighbouring provinces will be ordered to help us with men and money, the men to be placed under the orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the place which they are in, who will be best able to turn them to account. Sixty or a hundred men over and above our own would suffice. I fear that the constant watch and ward and the consequent neglect of husbandry will force our inhabitants to desert the frontier-towns, which would be a great advantage to the enemy and a great loss to us. Signed. John Usher. 1 p. [America and West Indies. 561. No. 36.]
July 14.
455. Lieutenant-Governor Usher to Lords of Trade and Plantations. All last winter Sir William Phips kept 63 soldiers in our frontier towns for their defence, but in April last (though the enemy's scouts had been seen) he withdrew them all and left the towns defenceless. The enemy's way is to skulk in the woods till an opportunity for onset offers itself; and when they have done their mischief to fly back to the woods again. It is a vast expense and loss to so little a place for all the men to be on duty daily, and we can raise but 750 in the whole province, but I can get no assistance from Massachusetts, Connecticut nor Rhode Island, in money or in men. If New York can hardly carry on the war by itself, much less can we. These Colonies would be better defended if placed under one Governor-General. Sir William Phips claiming authority on the Piscataqua, I have perused the Charter of Massachusetts and conceive that he has no right to do so. So I shall assert the right of this province from three miles north of the Merrimac up to Maine, until your pleasure is known. One Peprell with a ship from the south was stopped by the fort to pay duty to Massachusetts. He appealed to the General Court at Boston, and some persons were sent to treat with me about it, but as they declined to set down their business in writing I heard no more of it. If the King would next spring send seven or eight frigates and some soldiers and order all the Colonies to help, I doubt not but that Canada might easily be taken. Signed. John Usher. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 24 Sept. Read 6 Dec. 1693. [Board of Trade. New Hampshire, 1. No. 27; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXVII., pp. 228–230.]
July 14. 456. Statement of the sum received by the Agent of Colonel Godfrey Lloyd's regiment from 1 April, 1690. £15,888, and £4,490 for provisions. Scrap. Endorsed, Mr. Gery's acco. 14 July, 1693. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. No. 15.]
July 14. 457. Minutes of Council of New York. The Governor returned from Albany and reported that the Indians appeared better satisfied than at any period heretofore, and that they had promised to go as far against the French in Canada as ever. He reported also that he had intelligence from Senectady of the departure of 400 French and Indians from Canada to Cadaraqui and of another party of French marched for some unknown destination, and that he was ready to go to the frontier if he could find forces. It was agreed to ask for the 200 men promised by Sir W. Phips. On enquiry into the case of the two Indians in custody for murder at Deerfield, the Council agreed that their innocence was established, and that Sir W. Phips be asked to take care that their blood be not shed by the New Englanders. Order for inspection of the city fortifications. The Governor reported the receipt of £362 from Maryland as a contribution to defence. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 436–439.]
July 15. 458. Instrument of the Chancellor and Senate of the University of Oxford, granting the degree of Master of Arts to Samuel Miles of New England. 15 July, 1693. Copy. Latin. Endorsed (by error), 25 July, 1693. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 71.]
July 15. 459. Robert Hooper to Governor Codrington. I have acquainted Mr. Crispe with the contents of your letter, but his answer is that he knows of no such order as you refer to, and that if it was obtained by Captain Thorn and Sir Timothy Thornhill it was without his privity. He seemed much unsettled in his resolutions, but now he informs me that, not having been in the least instrumental in obtaining the order, he will not meddle in the prosecution of the accusations against you, and that he begs for restoration to your favour, to which end he will acknowledge his error in the most signal and open manner that you may think fit to propose. (See Governor Codrington's letter of October 17, infra.) Copy. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 12 Dec. 1693.
Duplicate of the foregoing. Endorsed, Recd. 29 Dec. 1693. [Board of Trade. Leeward Islands, 4. Nos. 16, 17.]
July 17. 460. Minutes of Council of New York. Resolved to send a member to Boston to welcome Sir Francis Wheler, and to ascertain if he designs an attack on Canada, that there may be time to make preparations to help him. Order for a circular to be sent to the neighbouring Colonies asking them to send Commissioners to New York on the first Wednesday in October, there to deliberate as to the quotas to be furnished for relief of the frontier-guards. Order for a circular to the Justices to collect the arrears of taxes. A Committee appointed to consider as to the advisability of establishing a Court of Exchequer. Order for payments. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 439–441.]
July 20. 461. Minutes of Council of New York. Orders for sundry payments; also for certain licences to purchase lands, and for excusing the town of Senectady the payment of the quit-rents due Lady-day last. Reduction ordered to be made in the purchase of a licence to sell liquor in favour of William Appeel, a poor man who was wounded by the French at Senectady in 1689. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 441–442.]
July 20. 462. Clerk of Burgesses of Virginia to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding the Journal of the House of Burgesses from 2 March to 3 April, 1693. Signed. Peter Beverley. ¼ p. Endorsed, Recd. 25 Sept. 1693. Enclosed,
462. I. The Journal of the House of Burgesses, from 2 March to 3 April. 60 pp. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. Nos. 24, 24I.]
July 20. 463. Duplicate of the above covering letter. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 25.]
July 21.
464. Peter Beverley to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Forwarding duplicate of the Journal of the House of Burgesses from 2 March to 3 April, 1693. ¼ p. Endorsed, Recd. 28 Mar. '94. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 26.]
July 21. 465. Minutes of Council of Virginia. George Kener being charged by the Rangers with refusing to pay them the tobacco due to them, was discharged on his explanation, and offers as to payment in future. Charles Anderson ordered to be inducted to Westover parish. On the petition of the inhabitants of Sittenborne for division of the parish it was ordered that some of the vestrymen from each side of the Rappahannock attend on 23rd October. Complaint of Hugh Cambell against the County Court of Nancymond heard, and complainant left to his legal remedy.
July 22. Order for the fleet to sail to Europe. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXIV., pp. 811–814.]
July 22.
466. Governor Sir Edmund Andros to Lords of Trade and Plantations. All is well and orderly here, but we are in great want of supplies and have large stores of tobacco in our hands, the London fleet not coming in this year, while we have another crop already in view. I send the laws and the proceedings of the General Assembly, the records of the Council and the Auditors' accounts. The revenue is in unexpected arrear; but want of the usual fleet and the contribution of £600 to the Governor of New York is the reason. He applied for it just after the French had burned the Maquas' Castles and made further attempts on Albany, so I thought I could not do less. I wrote the Governor also offering further assistance in men or money. I have tried to put the militia in a good posture, but find them indifferently armed, few being able to provide themselves. I have mounted twelve guns, which were lying on the ground at James City, on land carriages, and two more on old ship-carriages, to command part of the river. Carriages are also making for some good guns at Tindall's Point on York river, and designing for other old guns in other places. Pray send us some powder and cannon shot, for they are not to be had here, and there is no powder in store. I am building a good vault at James City, for want of which the powder was formerly distributed all over the several Counties. Signed. E. Andros. 2½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 25 Sept., '93. Read 16 Mar., '93–94. Enclosed,
466. I. Journal of the General Assembly of Virginia from 2 March to 3 April, 1693. 44 pp.
466. II. Names of persons recommended to supply vacancies in the Council. 22nd July, 1693. William Cole, John Armstead, Richard Johnson, Edward Portue, Lewis Burwell, Matthew Page, Robert Carter, Dudley Diggs, William Randolph, John Lloyd, Lawrence Smith, Anthony Lawson. Signed. E. Andros. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 25 Sept. '93.
466. III. Another copy of the preceding.
466. IV. Stores wanted for forts and other places where great guns are. A short list in the handwriting of Sir E. Andros. 1 p. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. Nos. 27, 27 I.–IV.; and (without enclosures) 36. pp. 241–243.]
July 22. 467. Abstract of a letter from Sir E. Andros. Asking leave to go as far as Delaware or New York, for the benefit of his health. 1 p. Endorsed, Read 16 Mar. '93–4. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 28; and 36. p. 248.]
July 22.
468. Governor Sir Edmund Andros to the Earl of Nottingham. This goes by a small fleet of ships to Bristol, which voyage the masters have urged to prevent the ships from being eaten up by the expense if not by the worm. I forward journal of the Assembly and other returns. All is well and quiet here. There are few persons who are not satisfied and ready to serve in any capacity proper for them. For some of them, as Colonel Richard Lee and Mr. Ralph Wormeley, I have already found vacancies pending the King's further orders. I find the militia indifferently armed but promising better as soon as they can. Repeats the information as to the mounting of guns and the sending help to New York as in letter to Lords of Trade and Plantations of same date. No. 466. Signed. E. Andros. 3 pp. Endorsed, R. Sept. 25, '93. [America and West Indies. 638. No. 11.]
July 22. 469. Copy of Minutes of Council of Virginia. 20 September, 1692, to 22 July, 1693. 37 pp. [America and West Indies. 638. No. 12.]
July 25.
470. Ralph Wormeley to the Earl of Nottingham. Forwarding Journals of Council and Assembly. 1 p. Inscribed, R., Sept. 25,'93. [America and West Indies. 638. No. 13.]
July 25. 471. Ralph Wormeley to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Advising despatch of journals of Council and Assembly. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 25 Sept. '93. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 29.]
July 25. 472. List of the ships lying in James River, Virginia, ready to sail for England. Eleven ships in all. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 25 Sept. '93. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 30.]
July 25. 473. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for payment of £100 to Peter Beckford for repair of fortifications, and to empower him to press workmen if he cannot hire them. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. p. 254.]
July 25. 474. Minutes of council of Massachusetts. Order for the discharge of the Indians in custody on suspicion of a murder at Deerfield. A letter from Captain March at Pemaquid read, reporting that the Indians had come with a flag of truce and agreed to a cessation of arms until the 4th of August. Leave granted to Thomas Child and Madame Sarah Leverett to erect buildings in Boston.
July 26. Order for payments to Aaron Cooke and John Pyncheon for the expense of their mission to Connecticut, relating to a joint prosecution of the war. Sir Francis Wheler's letter applying for 400 men for an attack on Placentia read and an answer approved, showing the impossibility of supplying the men. The Governor announced his intention of going to Pemaquid to hear the proposals of the Indians. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 241–244.]
July 27.
475. Governor Sir William Phips to Sir Francis Wheler. I have received your letter of 24th announcing your intention to attack Placentia, if reinforced by 400 men from hence. Our charter forbids me to march the militia out of the country without their own consent or the consent of the Assembly. Had you made your proposal while the Assembly was sitting (who were dismissed on the 15th inst.), I should have promoted the consideration thereof with them. An expedition is now forming against the Indians to eastward, which will require many men; and the contagious sickness on the fleet discourages men from going, for it has already spread into the country and proved very deadly. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 5 Jan. 1693–4. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 72.]
July 27.
New York.
476. Proclamation dissolving the Assembly of New York. Printed sheet. Endorsed, Recd. 26 Sept. 1693. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 21.]
July 27.
477. Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Beeston, to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Since my last of 10th June, the two sloops raised by the Island are actually at sea, and the country has given the whole direction of them to myself, a trust never before granted to any Governor. I have now sent them with the Mordaunt to the coast of Hispaniola to do all the mischief they can to the French. The Falcon has lately returned from cruising, very sickly, having buried her captain and fifty seamen. Could she have gone with the Mordaunt I doubt not but to have spoiled all the French and their settlements, but now I cannot hope for much to be done, for want of men. For since this distemper has again fallen upon us, very many new-comers and seamen in the merchant-ships are carried off by it. Also the encouragement given to the pirates that have been in the Red Sea causes our people to run away to them, for there they are all pardoned, as I learn from masters of several vessels that have come here from those parts and who are now buying and fitting out vessels to go again on the same design. I have been tempted by order of some of them to pardon them here but, much as we want men, I shall not turn the Royal authority to such wicked ends, though I know not what I shall do for men for the Falcon unless some be sent here on the merchant ships from England. After her arrival I ordered her men to be taken ashore and attended by doctors. The Commissions both civil and military are now filled all over the Island and I have since called a Council of War and settled all things necessary for our defence, according to our strength. The country generally is quiet and easy but for the sickness which is among us (and in most of these parts of the world). We have also, still, earthquakes pretty frequently, but not with violence enough to do ravine though sufficient to terrify. But the Treasury is much in debt, and there is no appearance when it will be otherwise, or when there will be money to fortify withal. In the opinion of the Council and Assembly it would be very hard to make the factors pay the duty that was due on the wines destroyed in the earthquake, because it is losing more than their all and they cannot recover it from their principals in England. I have therefore shewn willingness to forgive it, on the Assembly's promising me to raise an equivalent, and I have not only their assurance of that, but good hope that, through their confidence in me, they will make a considerable addition to the Royal revenue and settle that and the body of their laws indefinitely. They are very unanimous and not jealous of me, and I shall take care that nothing is done prejudicial to the royal interest. I hope also to get them to raise money to put King's House at St. Jago (where I live) in order, for at present it only protects me from the sun and rain, having no convenience for horses or servants, nor room for but few in a family and being as common as the highway. Nevertheless my cost of living, for the honour of the Government, is more than double what I am allowed, nor is there money, nor like to be yet awhile to pay me what I am allowed by their Majesties. I beg your consideration of this. I hope that the Assembly will have done by the time that the fleet sails in September. Signed. Wm. Beeston. 1½ pp. Endorsed, [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 7. No. 19; and 53, pp. 171–174.]
July 27. 478. Minutes of Council of New York. Order for all who have agreed to advance money for the public use, receiving interest for the same, since 1690, to bring in their certificates before 1 September that a method of payment may be found. The Committee appointed to consider the expediency of erecting a Court of Exchequer reported against it. Advised that the Assembly be dissolved and new writs issued. Orders for sundry payments. Resolved to pull down the chapel in the fort, it being unsafe.
July 28. The Governor reported that he had received information that the Five Nations had resolved to treat with the French without his knowledge. Order for reading of the letters reporting the same, and for translating the French letters of the Jesuit Millet and of the Superior in Canada. The Governor expressed his surprise at this behaviour of the Five Nations after their late friendly profession, and proposed to send Dirck Wessels to them forthwith to remind them of their promises and to exhort them to exchange Millet, their prisoner, for an Indian boy, according to their pledge. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 442–447.]
July 28.
479. Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Beeston to the Earl of Nottingham. I transmit a duplicate of mine of the 10th June and part of the Marquis de les Menez's answer to me as to Captain Tristan. Sickness has come among us again and the Falcon has suffered much. I do not know how to man her without wholly ruining the merchant ships, for besides the losses through death the press for the King's ships frightens away many, and many go to the Northern Plantations, where the Red Sea pirates take their plunder, are pardoned and fit out for a fresh voyage, which makes all kinds of rogues flock to them. We have none of them here, but some would have come and to do so offered money through their friends to be pardoned, which I have wholly refused. I have had the Falcon's men tended ashore which has restored most of them; and the lieutenant of course takes command of her, but how to give him another lieutenant I know not, having no powers from the Admiralty. I recently sent the Mordaunt to Hispaniola. Could I have sent the Falcon with her and raised no more than 500 men from the shore we could have destroyed their craft and their settlements by the seaside. There are near 300 seamen about Corisac, but though I have sent a proclamation to them to return, offering to receive them well, they will not come for fear of being pressed. No vessels will come from North America for the same reason; we have no trade by the sloops, and no ships come to us from England. So that we are in great difficulty and in a meaner condition than I have ever known. Unless men are sent to us we shall sink. Signed. Wm. Beeston. Holograph. 1½ pp. Endorsed, R. Nov. 6, 93. Enclosed,
479. I. Extract from a letter from Marquis de les Menez to Sir William Beeston. I confess that Captain Tristan's business has troubled me much, for I have always endeavoured that English vessels should have good passage in these harbours, and have given orders accordingly. Frenchmen have too often been allowed to come and prosecute unlawful trade, under pretence of being English. I was lying very sick when I first heard of the matter, and my grief over the deceit of these men went near to cause my death. I have put the guilty parties in close confinement with a view to proper punishment. But do not doubt that the vessel was lawfully seized, for most of her people were French and her captain known to be one of the greatest pirates in America. Had he been brought in alive, I should have punished him. I ought to believe that you would hinder such vessels from sailing from Jamaica. 1 p. A translation so crude as to be barely intelligible. [America and West Indies. 540. No. 35, 35I.]
July 28.
480. Minutes of the General Council and Assembly of the Leeward Islands. The Assembly sent up an Act for fortifications, which was returned by the Council with amendments, which were agreed to with modifications. The Assembly sent up a short additional Act to the Act encouraging the importation of white servants, which was accepted by the Council. The Council asked the Assembly for particulars of their accusations against Colonel Thomas Hill. Orders for quartering of soldiers, for certain payments, and for holding of a special court. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., pp. 235–239.]
[July ?] 481. Address of the Mayor and Common Council of New York to Governor Fletcher. Thanking him for his good service towards the Indians and to the whole province and presenting him with a cup of gold. Printed sheet. Endorsed, Recd. 26 Sept. 1693. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 22.]
July 31. 482. Minutes of Council of New York. The Governor's letter to the Sachems of the Five Nations read and approved. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 447.]
July 31. 483. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Letter from Major Pyncheon read, reporting the murder of eight or nine persons at Brookfield by Indians, and praying instructions. Advised that a garrison of ten men be despatched thither. The Governor read the Queen's letter of 15 April, 1693, concerning the proceedings as to witchcraft.