America and West Indies: June 1693

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'America and West Indies: June 1693', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696, ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: June 1693', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Edited by J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: June 1693". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 14, 1693-1696. Ed. J W Fortescue (London, 1903), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

June 1693

June 1. The Governor approved all the elected Councillors except Elisha Cooke. Nineteen of the Councillors were sworn. Bill for a public market in Boston read.
June 2. Daniel Pierce elected Councillor in lieu of Elisha Cooke, and accepted.
June 3. James Taylor elected Treasurer. Bill for prevention of clandestine sales. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., 393–398.]
June 1. 382. Minutes of Council of New York. The difference about the assessment of Newtown still continuing, it was ordered that two men of each party attend the Council on the 3rd inst. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 427.]
June 2. 383. Petition of Benjamin Skutt to the Queen in Council. Praying that, in consequence of the losses of West Indian merchants, he may have a licence for his advice-boat of 150 tons and 16 guns to sail to and from Barbados, also a commission for her as a private man-of-war, and immunity from embargo or pressgang. 1 p.
Over page.—Order of the King, of 2 June, referring the petition to Lords of Trade and Plantations for report. Signed. J. Trenchard. The whole Endorsed, Recd. 12 June, '93. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 16.]
June 2. 384. Minutes of Council of Nevis. The Assembly agreed with the Council to draw up an address to the King, asking for despatch of another squadron. Joint Committee appointed to levy an assessment. The Assembly again refused to accept the Council's proposal as to altering the value of pieces-of-eight except by repeal of the existing Act; to which the Council agreed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., p. 277.]
June 3. 385. Minutes of Council of New York. The disputing parties from Newtown being heard, it was ordered that the present assessment be forthwith completed by the present assessors. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., p. 427.]
June 5. 386. Minutes of Council of New York. The Governor returned and reported that though he could prevail little with the people and Government of Pennsylvania, yet that he had gained them to submit to the Royal Government and his own administration, and to furnish a little assistance which, though trifling, was an introduction of a future supply. He also reported that Virginia had given £600 (New York money) towards the assistance of this province, in the form of bills on England, which bills Mr. Van Cortlandt at once accepted. The Council resolved itself into a grand Committee on the present Act of Revenue. Order for material to the value of £7 to be furnished to Jonathan Marsh for experiments on the model of a new vessel of his invention.
June 6. The letters from Virginia and Maryland as to assistance read, and the Governor desired to return thanks. The Governor reported that sixty men were wanting to make up the complement of the force on the frontier. Resolved to examine the Militia Act and see what provision is made against deserters and absconders.
June 7. Order for Colonel William Smith and Colonel Willett to go to Queen's County and enquire as to the foundation of a rumour of an insurrection of Indians in Nassau Island. Resolved that H.M.S. Aldborough accompany the Governor, there being rumours that the French have gained over the Five Nations. Resolved that Colonel Lodowyck be authorised to explain the state of affairs in the province to the authorities in England. Agreed to discharge the ship Elizabeth, her papers being in order.
June 8. Agreed to replace John Young by Colonel William Smith in command of the detachment of Suffolk County for the frontier. Order for Captain Edward Chant to answer Sir W. Phips's accusations in writing. Orders for sundry payments. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 428–433.]
[June 5.] 387. Lord Howard of Effingham to Lords of Trade and Plantations. Thomas Gardner did apply to me when I was in Virginia for the £200 promised by Sir W. Berkeley for taking Bacon during the rebellion; but the revenue being very low I paid him but £25, on which I heard no more of him until the present petition. I was told by the Council at the time that he did very good service in apprehending Bacon, but I do not know if he has received any more of that gratuity. Signed. Effingham. Holograph. 1 p. Endorsed, Recd. 5 June, 1693. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 5. No. 23; and 36. pp. 276–277.]
June 6. 388. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Order for payment of £10 to Elizabeth Fothergill for nursing two sick men of H.M.S. Conception. Order for payment of £100 to Increase Mather as President of Harvard College. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., p. 239.]
June 6. 389. Minutes of General Assembly of Massachusetts. Several Councillors sworn. Bill to prevent clandestine sales read a second time. Four Councillors appointed to thank Increase Mather for his sermon. Bill for confirmation of titles in Martha's Vineyard read a first time. Bartholomew Green allowed to set up a press in Boston, for the printing of what is licensed only.
June 7. Proclamation for apprehension of deserters from Their Majesties' service. Bills for restraining excessive usury, and to regulate the building of ships read a first time. James Taylor approved as Treasurer.
June 8. The bills as to usury and ship-building passed. Bill to encourage a Post Office read a first time.
June 9. Post Office bill passed. William and Benjamin Browne sworn of the peace in Essex County, and John Carey approved as Clerk of the peace etc. in Bristol County. Bill for confirming titles in Martha's Vineyard read a second time. Order for payment of the expenses of the Commissioners who visited Martha's Vineyard. Bill for better collection of the Impost and Excise duties read a first time.
June 10. Bill for better securing the estates of deceased persons read a first time. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 398–402.]
June 7. 390. Lords of the Admiralty to Lords of Trade and Plantations. We think that all prizes taken to westward of Fayal should be within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty Courts to be established in America. Signed. Falkland, J. Lowther, Robt. Austen. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 9 June. Read 12th June, 1693. [Board of Trade. Plantations General, 2. No. 60; and Jamaica, 53. p. 143.]
June 10. 391. Minutes of Council of New York. William Pinhorne readmitted to the Council on his coming to live in New York. Orders for repairs of the fort. The Committee presented its report as to the debts of the Colony and the manner of paying them. Order for the payment of the debts enumerated by them. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 433, 434.]
June 10.
392. Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Beeston to the Earl of Nottingham. Since my last I have news from Carthagena that a strong rebellion of blacks was lately designed in and about that city. The plot having been revealed to the Governor by a negro boy the soldiers were presently ordered in arms, who fell upon all the negroes, free as well as slaves, that they met in the city, and destroyed them. The Governor then raised about 2,000 men, marched into the Country and fell upon all that they met with there. I cannot yet say how many they killed, but they themselves say about 300. Yet before this could be accomplished (so the report says) the blacks seized upon about sixty of the handsomest young virgins and carried them into the woods. This will cause a great want and make negroes dear amongst them. When I sent the Falcon to cruise on the coast of Hispaniola, there being no negroes here to supply the Assiento, Sir James Castile sent four sloops to St. Thomas with about £300,000 in money in hopes of securing negroes there. There is no news yet of any of them though we daily expect them, and now here are about 700 negroes arrived and more daily expected. The Assembly has passed four Acts to which I have consented, one for a day of humiliation, another to raise money to arm two sloops for our defence, a third to recall deserters from us, and the fourth to hinder export of provisions and stores of war. They have now adjourned and gone home to levy the tax. There is still much trouble about the Admiralty Court. Many think I have not power to condemn prizes, and the Assembly wishes to pass a special act, but this I refused, not being willing to trench on the Royal prerogative for the enlargement of my own authority. Letters from England by way of Barbados say that I am already removed from this Government, but I cannot believe that when the King has raised me to such employment he will turn me out without cause assigned. Whatever the royal decision I shall not complain, but I submit it to your consideration what a loss it must be to a man to disseat himself, spend much money, and hazard a dangerous voyage to a desolate and sickly country, only to be turned out without having offended. It must lead to reflections and disreputation which is greater loss to an innocent man than all the rest. Signed. Wm. Beeston. Duplicate. 1½ pp. [America and West Indies. 540. No. 34.]
June 10.
393. Lieutenant-Governor Sir William Beeston to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I enclose copies of four Acts passed by the Council and Assembly. Several privateers and pirates "that go under the notion of this Island" have found their way into the Red Sea, where they have committed unheard of piracies, murders and barbarities. These are now returned with vast wealth to most of the northern plantations in America where they quietly enjoy their ill-gotten riches, but whether with or without the knowledge of the Governments I do not know. The Assembly has adjourned till the 27th inst., most of the members, as justices of the peace, having gone to raise the tax to fit out sloops against the French privateers. Signed. Wm. Beeston. ¾ p. Endorsed, Recd. 6 Nov. 1693. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 7. No. 17; and 53. pp. 170, 171.]
June 12. 394. Minutes of Council of Nevis. The Council proposed that the sick men should be brought ashore from H.M.S. Chester and provided for at the Island's expense. The Assembly agreed to set apart a place for them, but thought it unreasonable for the charge to be borne by the Island. Joint Committee appointed to make a new division of the trenches. The Assembly agreed with the Council to draw an Act to compel horses and negroes to be sent to their respective companies on an alarm. The King's letters patent for grant of an escheated estate to Samuel Gardner offered for consent of the Council and consented to. The Assembly and Council agreed to replace such gun-carriages as are rotten by lignum vitœ or mastic wood. Joint Committee appointed to fix the price of provisions. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., pp. 278, 279.]
June 12.
New York.
395. Governor Fletcher to William Blathwayt. The bearer, Colonel Lodowyck, is charged by the Council to lay the affairs of the Province before my Lords and yourself, if you can spare the time. He can tell you more than I can write. He is a man of very good principles and strict morals, and will find credit with you. I cannot promise much assistance to this province from Pennsylvania. I have spent some weeks there, but never yet found so much self conceit. They will rather die than resist with carnal weapons—nay they would persuade me their province was in no danger of being lost to the Crown, though they have neither arms nor ammunition; nor would they suffer the few men fit for it to be trained. Their minutes of Council and Assembly, which are now transmitting to you, will appear a farce. I was at a loss for want of a provincial seal. I could not carry that of New York with me, nor would it have done for Pennsylvania, as it is yet distinct. Pray procure me a warrant to use the seal of New York. We shall also want 20 pieces or artillery for the fort, with ammunition, but I know not whether these people will ever answer so great a charge to the Crown. They will not fight themselves nor part with money to such as will do it for them. I am now starting for Albany, having news that some of our Five Nations are inclined to treat with the French. Signed. Ben. Fletcher. Holograph. 2½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 8 Sept. 1693. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 15; and 48. pp. 53–55.]
June 12. 396. Abstract of the preceding letter, with the following abstract from the Minutes of Council in Pennsylvania. 26 April. Philadelphia. Governor Fletcher's Commission was published, Thomas Lloyd, the Deputy Governor, being offered the first place in the Council, refused. Mr. Markham was sworn to that place, and several other persons also were appointed of the Council. 27 April. Mr. Markham appointed Lieutenant-Governor. A list of civil officers approved. On debate as to the number of representatives, it was decided that four members be chosen for Philadelphia, the like for Newcastle, and three for each of the other Counties. 2 May. Newcastle. Governor Fletcher's Commission published, and several justices of the peace took the oaths or signed the declarations. 5 May. Petition of seven persons, styling themselves the delegates of the Provincial Council, read, praying that the Legislative powers should be called together as provided by the received law of the province. Agreed that, the address being general, the Governor cannot regard nor answer it. 8 May. Resolved to build a fort to command the channel on the river; the site to be considered. 10 May. Some Indians came to pay their respects, and to ask that the Senecas may be persuaded not to harm them, as last summer. They were thankful for a Lieutenant-Governor whom they knew, as, when the Quakers governed, sometimes one and sometimes another pretended to the Government, and when they went to war with French or Indians the Quakers would not encourage them nor make any preparation themselves. 13 May. Several justices took the oaths or signed the declarations; three refused. 16 May. George Ferman sworn of the Council. 2½ pp. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 16; and (abstract of letter only) 48. p. 49.]
[June 12.] 397. A collection of documents sent by Governor Fletcher with his letter of 12 June.
397. I. William Penn to Governor Fletcher. London. 5 December, 1692. Hearing that a Commission goes to thee to command my province at least during the war and my absence, I give thee this caution—that I am an Englishman, and that country and the Government of it inseparably my property, dearly purchased in every way, and much indebted to me and to my children. No quo warranto has been brought nor trial held in that affair, so I must impute it to misinformation given to the Lords of Trade and Plantations and to excessive care on their part for British territory. I therefore hope thou wilt tread softly. Thou hast formerly discoursed largely in favour of free and property principles; I expect proof of it in my own case, and that my deputies find no interruption, they being as fully empowered by my patent as though I myself were on the spot. The discouragement which will be given to the inhabitants, who went there in reliance on the faith of the Crown, and the decay of their infant trade, are the motives that prompt me to write thus. Copy. 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 20 Dec. 93.
397. II. Extract from a letter from William Penn to a gentlemen in Philadelphia. You will have heard of the Commission adding Pennsylvania to the Government of New York. Insist on your patent with moderation but with steady integrity. Obey the Crown speaking the language of the law, which this Commission is not, but mere sic volo sic jubco. Doubtless this is due to misrepresentations by your jealous neighbours who suggest that the French will make invasion through my province. Set forth the falsehood of this, your singular situation by land and sea, your hazards, charges, labours, that the government and not land was your motive, that you were a people that could have lived at home and went not upon motives of guilt or poverty, that it will be the ruin of the Province, which daily brings in more custom to the Crown than revenue to the Government there. Send this to our friends in London and Bristol, who will deliver your representation to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, Here is added the following,
In another letter Mr. Penn asks for a hundred persons in Pennsylvania to lend him each £100 without interest for three years and without further security than his bond and his promise to embark with all his family within six months after receipt. However they may be his friends they stagger when he comes near their purses. Copy. 1¼ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 20 Dec. '93.
397. III. Address of some of the well affected inhabitants of Philadelphia to Governor Fletcher. Welcoming him to Pennsylvania, and thanking him for the appointment of William Markham as Lieutenant-Governor. 117 signatures. Copy. 1½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 8 Sept. 1693.
397. IV. Printed copy of No. III. Endorsed, Recd. 26 Sept. 1693.
397. V. List of officers appointed by Governor Fletcher in Pennsylvania. 26 April, 1693. Lieutenant Governor. William Markham. Council. Andrew Robeson, Robert Turner, Patrick Robinson, Laurence Cork, William Salway, John Cann, William Clarke, George Foreman. Assembly. Twenty elected representatives. Chief Justice. Andrew Robeson. Justices of Supreme Court. William Clarke, John Cann, William Salway, Edward Blake. Collector and Receiver General. Robert Turner. 36 justices of the peace. Signed. David Jamison. 2½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 8 Sept. 1693. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 16, 16I.–V.]
June 12. 398. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Abstract of Governor Fletcher's letters of 14 February, 8 March, and 22 April read (see Nos. 84, 179, 289). The Attorney General was asked to report on the Charters of Rhode Island and Connecticut and the grants of New Jersey.
Petition of Benjamin Skutt as to a packet service referred to the Commissions of the Post Office.
Colonel Ralph Wormeley to be recommended as Secretary of Virginia.
Sir William Beeston's letter of 23 March read (see No. 209). Agreed to make the appointments which he recommends to the Council and to give a dormant commission to a Lieutenant-Governor. The Admiralty's report on the Commission for reprisals was received and approved.
John Kirton's petition referred to the Attorney General. John Hallett's suspension from the Council confirmed until his case can be heard. Petition of Richard Haynes referred to the Attorney General.
Abstracts of Sir William Phips's letters of 20th and 27th February and 3rd and 6th April read (see Nos. 107–109, 237, 247). Order for extracts relating to Captain Short to be sent to the Admiralty. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 191–198.]
June 12. 399. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. To recommend the confirmation of Ralph Wormeley in the post of Secretary of Virginia. [Board of Trade. Virginia, 36. p. 237.]
June 12. 400. Petition of John Kirton to Lords of Trade and Plantations. For confirmation of a private Act of Barbados to enable him to sell the estate of Brookhaven in that Island. ½ p. Endorsed, Recd. 12 June, '93. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 17.]
[June.] 401. Act of Barbados to enable John Kirton to sell certain lands, passed 4th Aug. 1691. Copy. 3 pp. Attached, a certificate that the copy is sworn correct. Signed. J. Kendall. [Board of Trade. Barbados. 5. No. 18.]
[June 12.] 402. Abstract of Sir William Phips's letters written in February, March and April, 1693. 6½ pp. Endorsed, Recd. 12 June, 1693. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 66.]
June 12. 403. John Povey to Mr. Sotherne. Forwarding extract from Sir William Phips's letter of 3 April (see No. 237), as to the substitution of his own ship for H.M.S. Conception on the New England Station. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., pp. 435–436.]
June 12. 404. John Povey to Henry Guy. Forwarding extracts from Governor Fletcher's letters as to the violation of the Navigation Acts, for information of the Treasury. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. p. 27.]
June 12. 405. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. That the King be moved to order arms and accountrements for two troops of dragoons to be sent to New York. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. p. 28.]
June 12. 406. John Povey to the Recorder of London. Recruits being needed for the two companies at New York, you are desired to state what number of malefactors are now in Newgate who are to have the benefit of the transportation-pardon and may properly be used for this service. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. pp. 46–47.]
June 12. 407. John Povey to Mr. Sotherne. Forwarding an extract from Sir William Beeston's letter (see No. 209), and asking if two small frigates can be sent to Jamaica instead of the Falcon. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 147.]
June 12. 408. Minute of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Recommending the issue of a dormant Commission to Samuel Bernard to be Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 155.]
June 12. 409. Minutes of Council of New York. The Governor asked the Council if they had any suggestions to make before he left for Albany. Orders for sundry payments in connection with the operations at the frontier.
June 13. Order for payment of the four companies at Albany up to 1 May. Colonel Lodowyek's instructions signed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXV., pp. 434–436.]
June 12. 410. Minutes of General Assembly of Massachusetts. Order forbidding all intercourse with the officers and men of Sir F. Wheler's fleet owing to the sickness thereon, the Governor having made provision for the accommodation of the sick. Bill to secure deceased persons' estates read a second time; bill to confirm titles in Martha's Vineyard read a third time and debated. Letter written to the Government of Connecticut as to the complaints of the towns of Enfield and Suffield of the encroachment of the inhabitants of Windsor in Connecticut.
June 13. Bill as to titles in Martha's Vineyard passed. Militia Bill read a first time.
June 14. Bill for better collection of import and excise duties passed. Conference as to the bill for a market in Boston. Bill to encourage the killing of wolves read. Order for an allowance of £100 to the town of Gloucester at next assessment, £30 a year granted as salary to the doorkeeper and messenger of the Council Assembly.
June 15. Bill to encourage the killing of wolves passed. Bill for regulating Their Majesties' forces read. Major Pyncheon sent to enquire as to the murder of persons by Indians at Deerfield, and a letter written to Governor Fletcher, asking that the Magistrates at Albany may enquire as to the same likewise.
June 16. Bill for coasting vessels read. Bill to change the time of the Superior Court in Bristol, Barnstable and Plymouth carried. Francis Hooke appointed Probate judge of York County and John Wincoll registrar of wills.
June 17. Order for allowance of £50 to the people of Nantucket at next assessment. James Taylor sworn Treasurer. Bill allowing £500 to John Phillips, late Treasurer, read and debated. Adjourned to 6 July. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 402–408.]
June 13. 411. John Povey to Mr. Sotherne. Forwarding extract from Sir William Phips's letter, reporting his suspension of Captain Short, for information of the Admiralty (see No. 88). [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXII., p. 436.]
June 13. 412. John Povey to the Commissioners of the Post Office. Forwarding the petition of Benjamin Skutt (see No. 383) for their report. Draft. ½ p. [Board of Trade. Barbados. 5. No. 19.]
June 13. 413. John Povey to the Attorney General. Forwarding the petition of John Kirton, and the Act of Barbados concerning him, for his report. This entry is misdated, 1692, in the Entry Book. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 374, 375.]
June 13. 414. Instructions of the Governor and Council of New York to Charles Lodowyck. He is to represent to the Lords of Trade and Plantations the exhausted state of the province and the impossibility of guarding the frontier at Albany without help in men and money from the neighbouring Colonies, which despite the Royal orders will give no assistance. Nothing is to be hoped for from Pennsylvania, the people being mostly Quakers, unless it be joined to New York. The annexation of the Jerseys would be of great advantage since all the people that can are moving thither to escape taxation, likewise the annexation of Connecticut being within two days' march, "dry-foot," of Albany. The Indians are inclined to make peace with the French, not having received the usual presents. If this happen the province will be ruined, and not only the province but the whole of the Colonies. New York again is much injured in her trade since the Navigation Acts are not enforced in neighbouring Colonies. If Canada were once taken from the French, all dangers would be removed. Copy. 3 pp. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 17.]
June 14. 415. The Receiver of London to Lords of Trade and Plantations. In reply to your letter ordering me to inspect my papers of convicts for transportation I can find but fourteen men, which I think would answer your purpose. Signed. S. Lovell. ¼ p. [Board of Trade. New York, 5. No. 18; and 48. p. 47.]
June 15. 416. Journal of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Sir William Beeston's letter of 23 March further considered. Order for part of it to be reported to the King, and for the new Commissions for the government of Barbados and Jamaica to be respited for the present.
The Attorney General's report on the draft charter of the Proprietors of New Jersey read.
Order for the Board of Ordnance to report on Governor Fletcher's request for stores. [Board of Trade. Journal, 7. pp. 198–200.]
June 15. 417. Memorandum of Lords of Trade and Plantations. Recommending that the signature of the commissions and instructions to the Governors of Barbados and Jamaica be delayed until August, by which time the Committee will have further particulars before it and can act accordingly. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. pp. 152–153.]
June 15. 418. John Povey to the Lieutenant-General of the Ordnance. Enclosing a list of the ordnance stores asked for by Governor Fletcher, for report whether they can be supplied. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. pp. 71–72.]
June 15.
419. Order of the Privy Council. For arms and accoutrements for two troops of dragoons to be sent to New York. [Board of Trade. New York, 48. pp. 28–29.]
June 19.
420. Governor Richier to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I have an account of several articles exhibited against me before you. I thank God I can safely say that they do not affect me and do not doubt that I shall justify myself. I could not read the last article without horror. Innocency itself could not preserve me at that moment from consternation at finding myself accused of breach of trust and black ingratitude, crimes which my soul abhors. Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins (who died of the sickness) is charged with disaffection, and I hear that it is sworn that he refused the oaths of allegiance. Twice he took them on assuming different offices; the times and places are registered and sworn to by the Secretary. I beg leave to come to England and defend myself. I cannot uphold the King's authority nor carry out my duty without a sufficient number of soldiers. I have now little more than the name of Governor, especially since my accusers have written to announce their success against me. Samuel Trott, Thomas Walker and another have endeavoured to raise an open rebellion against me, which I have so far with difficulty prevented by the help of Mr. Fifield. So little assistance have I had that those people would say that if Fifield were out of the way, the Governor would have none to execute his commands. They pitched upon Walker, a man of violent temper, to finish their malice against him, who after lying in wait for him several times without success, caused Mr. Fifield to meet him outside the town on the 29th of May and having a sword hidden in the grass gave him (both their swords being drawn) a mortal wound above the left pap. Walker has made many friends by this murder, and so little is the crime resented that it is made a great article against me for putting him in irons, which Trott tells them is against the Magna Charta. I have granted a warrant to his brother, John Fifield, to remain in the Secretary's office till I receive the King's orders. I trust that you will not assume my guilt before I have an opportunity of defending myself. Signed. I. Richier. 2 pp. Endorsed, Recd. 6 Dec. '93. [Board of Trade. Bermuda, 2. No. 11; and 28. pp. 92–94.]
June 20. 421. Minutes of Council of Barbados. Councillors Bond and Bromley reported that John Sutton, John Pilgrim and John Leslie had been returned by a majority of votes for the Assembly, but could not produce certificates that they had taken the sacrament, as required by law. Councillor Bond therefore did not return the members as elected; but Mr. Bromley, having returned Mr. Leslie as elected, was with him severely rebuked by the Governor, who declared the election void. John Holder's election was objected to on the same grounds and on other grounds also, and the objection was upheld by the Governor. Other members and returning officers also were rebuked for being unqualified and returning unqualified men. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XII., pp. 407–410.]
June 22.
422. J. Sotherne to John Povey. Forwarding a letter, respecting the withdrawal of the guard over the masts at Piscataqua. Signed. J. Sotherne. ½ p. Annexed,
422. I. Extract of a letter from John Taylor. 15 June, 1693. I am informed that Sir W. Phips has removed from Piscataqua a company of soldiers that had lain there three years and, with the inhabitants, pretty well secured the place from insults of French and negroes. The masts and all other concerns are now exposed, and may be destroyed by a small number of men, so I beg that the frigate may be ordered from Boston to Piscataqua. Copy. ½ p. [Board of Trade. New Hampshire, 1. Nos. 26, 26 I.]
June 22.
New York.
423. Captain Richard Short to Mr. Sotherne. I have already acquainted you with my illtreatment at Sir William Phips's hands. I made my way from Piscataqua to New York, arriving about the middle of May, and lay there till the 17th of June, when, while waiting for a fair wind, I received a letter from Captain Fairfax advising me of Sir Francis Wheler's arrival at Boston, whither I am now bound with all speed. Copy. 1 p. [Board of Trade. New England, 6. No. 67.]
June 22. 424. Minutes of Council of Jamaica. Order for payments of certain salaries and on account of fortifications. Order for purchase and delivery of arms, for revival of night guards, and for empowering colonels to hold regimental courts martial. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 77. pp. 252, 253.]
June 23. 425. Petition of John Hallett to Lords of Trade and Plantations. I hear that, my petition to the Queen having been referred to you, you will not examine the proofs until the whole of the proceedings are before you. I beg therefore that all testimonies and records proper to be sworn on my behalf in Barbados may be taken there, and that the sum of £2,500 be deposited in the Court there, not to be disposed of till you have determined the case. 1 p. Inscribed. Recd. 23 June. 93. [Board of Trade. Barbados, 5. No. 20; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 358–359.]
June 24. 426. Minutes of Council of Nevis. Acts for sending down horses on alarms, and for fixing the price of fresh provisions, passed. A new member added to the Committee appointed for assessment. New Articles of War and Act to confirm the same passed. Agreed to grant compensation to Mrs. Earle for damage to her property in the fortifying of Mount Mary. Agreed to empower the Treasurer to repair the Sessions-house. On the proposal of the Assembly for withdrawal of half the negroes from work on Mount Mary the Council agreed to withdraw three fourths of them on the first Monday in August. Act to repeal the Act for regulating of money passed. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. XLVIII., p. 279.]
June 26. 427. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. A letter to Major Pyncheon was approved, directing further enquiry into the case of an Indian arrested for a murder at Deerfield. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 239–240.]
June 29. 428. Minutes of Council of Massachusetts. Order for payment of £500 to Sir William Phips for his expenses since his arrival. Proclamation for a day of prayer and fasting. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXIV., pp. 240, 241.]
June 30.
429. Order of the Queen in Council. Appointing Fulke Rose and Henry Low to be of the Council of Jamaica. Signed. John Nicholas. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 156.]
June 30.
430. Order of the Queen in Council. For a dormant commission to be prepared for Samuel Bernard, to be Lieutenant-Governor of Jamaica. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. p. 157; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 344–345.]
June 30.
431. Order of the Queen in Council. Directing the Commissions for the Governors of Barbados and Jamaica to erect Courts for trial and condemnation of prizes, to pass the Great Seal. Signed. John Nicholas.
Here follows copy of the Commission. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 53. pp. 144–146; and Col. Entry Bk., Vol. VIII., pp. 348–351; and Vol. C., p. 299.]
June 30. 432. Minutes of Council of Virginia. Order for clearing all ships for Europe that are ready to sail on the 17th of July, on their giving security to assemble at York River. [Col. Entry Bk., Vol. LXXXIV., pp. 810–311.]
[June?] 433. Abstract of a Memorial from the Governor of Martinique to Monsieur de Chamlay. 1. The French are divided between too many Islands, consequently, being unable to succour each other, several have been driven off and others much endangered. 2. To relieve these people I propose to settle them in Jamaica. Five or six men-of-war, with above forty guns, and two thousand regular troops will suffice, with arms and ammunition for five thousand men. A number of smaller vessels will carry two thousand persons who have been ruined by the English in St. Christophers, Guadeloupe, Hispaniola, &c. The enterprise should be conducted under the flag of England and by Commission from King James. The real design should appear to be the proclamation of King James, and then by his name the people will be gained over. The advantages of Jamaica are set forth. Translation. 2 pp. Undated. [Board of Trade. Jamaica, 7. No. 17A.]