Lateran Regesta 350: 1437-1438

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 350: 1437-1438', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 350: 1437-1438', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 350: 1437-1438". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCL (fn. 1)

7 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Diversis Formis

Kal. Aug.
(f. 31.)
To the archbishop of York. Mandate, at the recent petition of Robert Place, layman, of his diocese—containing that he formerly contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti with Elisabeth Pudsay and publicly solemnized it before the church after the manner of the country; and adding that she, who has meanwhile died, never cohabited with him, and that he did not carnally know her, but that she was a leper—to dispense him to contract marriage with the said Elisabeth's sister, notwithstanding the impediment arising from the aforesaid, or with any other woman if there be no impediment. Ad ea ex apostolico. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xx. de Adria.)
5 Kal. Oct.
(f. 37d.)
To the bishops of Lisieux and Meaux. Mandate to receive from Lewis, archbishop of Rouen, whom the pope has this day appointed perpetual administrator of the church of Ely [above, p. 625], in order to save him the labour and expense of coming to the apostolic see, the usual oath of fealty, and to send it to the pope as usual. Cum nos hodie. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
4 Non. Sept.
(f. 39.)
To William Felter, dean of York, doctor of canon law. Indult for three years to take and to rent etc. to any persons, even laymen, the fruits etc. of his deanery, a major elective dignity with cure, whilst in the service of John, archbishop of York, or studying letters at an university or residing in one of his benefices. Litterarum etc.
Concurrent mandate to the bishops of Durham and Lichfield and the abbot of St. Mary's, York. Litterarum etc. (An. and Cyprianus. A. de Camporegali. | An. x. xii. de Adria.)
11 Kal. Aug.
(f 53d.)
To David de Hamylton, clerk, of the diocese of Whiteherne. Grant to him—who is related to James, king of Scots in the fourth and fifth degrees of kindred, is a kinsman of Archibald, duke of Touraine and earl of Douglas, is in his eleventh year, and was lately dispensed by papal authority, as the son of a priest, professed of the Premonstratensian order, and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders, and hold a benefice even with cure—that any diocesan or ordinary may, as often as he thinks good, grant to him, to be held by him in commendam until he attains his twenty-fourth year, any benefice with cure, even if a parish church or a perpetual vicarage or a dignity (not major or principal) etc. with cure, even if elective, and that he may receive such benefice in commendam, provided that he do not hold more than one benefice; with dispensation after he attains the said year to hold such commended or any other similar benefice, notwithstanding the said defects of birth and age etc. Vite etc. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. Adria.)
10 Kal. Sept.
(f. 67.)
To John Knyght, rector of Portelemouth in the diocese of Exeter, I.U.B. Dispensation to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, any other, or, if he resign the said church, any two benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if two parish churches etc., and resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases; notwithstanding the pope's late ordinance [see above, p. 247] etc. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
7 Kal. Sept.
(f. 81d.)
To William Man, rector of St. Mary's, Godford, in the diocese of Salisbury. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth, at his own petition and that of queen Joan (fn. 2) [of Navarre], whose confessor and a member of whose household he is, to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 10l. sterling, one other etc. as in the preceding. Nobilitas generis, vite etc. (Ja. and G. de Elten. | Ja. xxxx. Aprutin.)
4 Kal. Sept.
(f. 87d.)
To Richard Beauchamp, rector of Amondesham in the diocese of Lincoln. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth, to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 80l. sterling, one other etc. as in the preceding. Nobilitas etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
4 Non. Sept.
(f. 93d.)
To Thomas Taylar, rector of Compton Bassete in the diocese of Salisbury, I.U.B. Dispensation to him, who has for more than sixteen years studied and publicly lectured in canon and civil law in the university of Oxford, to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the above ordinance etc. Litterarum etc. (Ja. and Ja. Goier. | Ja. xxxx. Aprutin.)
10 Kal. Sept.
(f. 106.)
To Richard Dawen, rector of Torrynge in the diocese of Chichester. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth, to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 40 marks sterling, any other etc. as above, f. 67. Nobilitas etc. (Ja. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | Ja. xxxx. Aprutin.)
10 Kal. May.
(f. 106d.)
To Andrew Ayllewyn, perpetual vicar of Promhell in the diocese of Canterbury. Dispensation to hold for life with the said vicarage, value not exceeding 20l. sterling (besides which he holds the chantry without cure of SS. Stephen and Thomas the Martyr by the town of Rommene in the said diocese, called a free chapel, value not exceeding 25l.) any other etc. as in the preceding. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. Adria.)
Prid. Id. Sept.
(f. 112.)
To the bishop of Lichfield and Coventry. Mandate to dispense William Saladin, layman, and Cecily Oicke, (fn. 3) of his diocese, to remain in the marriage which they contracted before the church and consummated in ignorance of an impediment of spiritual relationship arising from Cecily's mother having been godmother to William at his baptism, proclaiming past offspring, if any, and future offspring legitimate. Oblate nobis. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
Id. July.
(f. 124d.)
To Donald Macnachtan, dean of Dunkeld, doctor of canon law. Dispensation as below. After he had been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried nobleman and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold any mutually compatible benefices with or without cure, of any number and kind, even if canonries and prebends, dignities, etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, and when he was holding the said deanery, a major elective dignity with cure, Martin V dispensed him to hold therewith for seven years, not yet expired, any other incompatible benefice, even if a parish church or a dignity, etc. At his recent petition, containing that he afterwards obtained and is still holding with the said deanery the parish church of Wem in the diocese of Dunkeld, the pope hereby dispenses him (who is also M.A., and holds the canonries and prebends of Logy in Dunblane and Invernochty in Aberdeen, value together not exceeding 26l. sterling, the value of the said deanery and church not exceeding 50l. and 10l. sterling respectively) to hold the said deanery and church together for life, and resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, with grant that in future graces he need make no mention of his said defect. Litterarum etc. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An. lx. de Adria.) [See above, p. 368.]
3 Kal. Aug.
(f. 131d.)
To John Legati, canon of Dunkeld, licentiate of canon law. Dispensation as below. Martin V dispensed him to receive any two benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if dignities etc. or parish churches or perpetual vicarages, and, if they were not two parish churches to hold them for ten years, if they were two parish churches or perpetual vicarages to hold them for two years only, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, and hold instead two other incompatible benefices, with the said limitations. The pope hereby dispenses him (who is also M.A., and became a licentiate of canon law by examination) to hold the said two incompatible benefices together after the said ten years and for life, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and hold instead for life two incompatible benefices, provided that after the said two years they be not two parish churches. Litterarum etc. (An. and M. Pinardi. | An.xxxv. de Adria.)
4 Id. Sept.
(f. 183d.)
To Richard Reynhill, rector of Old Romenal in the Marsh of Romenal, in the diocese of Canterbury, I.U.B. Dispensation to him—who was lately dispensed by papal authority as the son of unmarried parents (i) to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, (ii) after he had been so promoted and had obtained the above church, to hold any benefices, of any number and kind, compatible with one another and with the said church, and to resign all, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased—to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, one other above, f. 67. Litterarum etc. (An. and Cyprianus. | An.xxxx. de Adria.)
3 Non. Aug.
(f. 197.)
To William Bell, priest, of the diocese of St. Andrews, M.A. Dispensation to him—who was formerly dispensed, as the son of a priest and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, after which he was ordained priest and the pope ordered provision to be made to him of a benefice with or without cure in the gift of the Benedictine abbots and convents of Deinfernyline and Abirbrothoch, in the diocese of St. Andrews—to hold any benefices with or without cure, of any number and kind, compatible with one another and with the said benefice, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases.Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxv. de Adria.)
(f. 197d.)
To Richard Gardenar, priest, of the diocese of Glasgow. Dispensation to him—who was formerly … gift (as in the preceding) of the bishop and the dean and chapter etc. of Glasgow and the Cluniac abbot and convent of Paisley in the diocese of Glasgow—to hold any benefices etc., as ibid. Vite etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxv. de Adria.)
Prid. Id. Aug.
(f. 210.)
To John Clere (? rectius Clerc), (fn. 4) archdeacon of Chichester. Indult for seven years to take and to rent etc. to any persons even laymen, the fruits etc. of his benefices whilst studying letters at an university, and not to be bound to reside. Vite etc.
Concurrent mandate to the dean of London and the abbots of Westminster and Waltham, in the diocese of London. Vite etc. (An. and A. Pizolpassis, A. de Camporegali, Ciprianus. | An. xvi. xviii. de Adria.)
10 Kal. Sept.
(f 213d.)
To James de Chaumbre, rector of Cullas in the diocese of St. Andrews, bachelor of canon law. Dispensation to him, who is of noble race and a kinsman of great nobles and barons, to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 13l. sterling, any other etc. as above, f. 67. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
8 Id. June.
(f. 224.)
To the abbot of Holywood (Sacrinemoris) in the diocese of Glasgow. Mandate, if he find it was lawful, to confirm the grant made for life to Robert Scot (or Stot), rector of Tinwald in the diocese of Glasgow, by John Maucilhauc, provost of St. Mary's, Lincloudan, in the said diocese, under a yearly cess of 4 pounds of wax, of a certain piece of land (quendam fundum) with two gardens (ortis), which lies between the cemetery of St. Mary's and the garden (ortum) of the late John Heslihop, priest, with herbage for two horses and licence to use the firewood (lucrandi focalia) belonging to the provostship, even as the late Alexander de Carnis, the said John's predecessor, had done; the said Robert doubting thevalidity of the said grant. Sedis apostolice graciosa. (An. and G. de Elten. | An. xx. de Adria.)
Non. April.
(f. 225.)
To the bishop of Durham. Mandate to dispense John Clerk of Nessebett, layman, and Marion, of his diocese (who formerly, not being ignorant that the late Isabel, John's sometime wife, had been godmother at the baptism of a child of Marion by a late husband of hers, but believing that the same was no impediment, contracted marriage per verba legitime de presenti and consummated it) to remain in the said marriage, notwithstanding the impediment of spiritual relationship; decreeing past offspring, if any, and future offspring legitimate. Oblate nobis. (An. and Ciprianus. | An. xx. de Adria.)
4 Id. July.
(f. 226d.)
To John Kirkby, rector of Skelton in the diocese of Carlisle, bachelor of canon law. Dispensation to him—whom Martin V dispensed to hold with Skelton for ten years, not yet expired, any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased [above, p. 22], by vigour of which he obtained and still holds with Skelton the parish church of Withyngdon in the diocese of Worcester, value not exceeding 35 and 40 marks sterling respectively—to retain for life the said two churches or any two other benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and hold instead two similar or dissimilar benefices, even if two other parish churches or perpetual vicarages, or dignities etc., notwithstanding the above ordinance etc. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxxv. de Adria.)
4 Id. July.
(f. 233.)
To Edward Prentys, precentor of Salisbury, B.C.L. Prolongation as below. John XXIII dispensed him to hold for seven years with the archdeaconry of Essex in London [which is a dignity with cure] any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a parish church etc. [and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased, as in Cal. Lett. VI, p. 287]; and Martin V (he having resigned the said archdeaconry and obtained the precentorship of Salisbury, a non-major dignity with cure, as well as the parish church of Stokenham in the diocese of Exeter) prolonged the said seven years, then about to end, by other three [Cal. Lett. VII, p. 260], and subsequently (he having resigned Stokenham and obtained the parish church of Byschopyshamton in the diocese of Worcester) prolonged the said three years by other five, and afterwards the said five by other seven [above, p. 93], within which last period he, [having resigned] the church of Byschopyshamton, obtained the parish church of Clyve Episcopi in the same diocese, which he at present holds. The end of the said seven years being at hand, the pope hereby dispenses him to hold together for life the said precentorship and church, the value of each not exceeding 120 marks sterling (besides which he holds a canonry and the prebend of Gedworth in Salisbury and a canonry and prebend in the nuns’ monastery of Wheetwell [sic] in the diocese of Winchester, value not exceeding 40 and 30 marks respectively), and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, and hold instead two other incompatible benefices, even if two parish churches etc. notwithstanding the above ordinance etc. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. l. de Adria.)
15 Kal. Aug.
(f. 241.)
To Patrick Sandelandis, perpetual vicar of Erskyn in the diocese of Glasgow, M.A. Dispensation to him, a priest and of a great race of barons, to hold for life the said vicarage, value not exceeding 9l. sterling and any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a dignity etc., and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
4 Non. July.
(f. 246.)
To James Kennedi, elect of Dunkeld. Indult to him, to whom the pope has recently made provision of the said see, and who is a subdeacon, to be promoted to deacon's and priest's orders by any catholic bishop or bishops, on any Sundays or double feasts, even extra tempora, and to be consecrated by one of the same or another catholic bishop, assisted by two or three others. The consecrator is to send James's oath of fealty to the pope as usual. Cum nos nuper. (Ja. and A. de Camporegali. | Ja. xvi. Aprutin.)
9 Kal. June.
(f. 246.)
To Robert Cantell, rector of Askeby in the diocese of Norwich, bachelor of canon law. Dispensation to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 40l. sterling (besides which he holds the wardenship of the free chapel of Haveringmore in the diocese of Ely, value not exceeding 3l.) any other benefice with cure and incompatible, even if another parish church etc., and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, notwithstanding the above ordinance etc.Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxxv. de Adria.)
9 Kal. June.
(f. 247.)
To John Heigham, rector of Rougham in the diocese of Norwich, B.C.L. Dispensation to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 40l. sterling (besides which he holds the free chapel of St. Mary, Maldon, in the diocese of London, value not exceeding 20 marks sterling) any other benefice with cure etc. as in the preceding. Litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxxv. de Adria.)
9 Kal. Aug.
(f. 261.)
To John Broune, rector of Hardyngton in the diocese of Bath. Dispensation to him, who is of noble birth, to hold for life with the said church, value not exceeding 10l. sterling, any other benefice with cure etc. as in the preceding. Nobilitas generis, vite etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
3 Kal. Aug.
(f. 262.)
To Thomas FitzWilliam, rector of Emlay in the diocese of York, B.C.L. Dispensation as below. After he had been dispensed by papal authority, as the son of an unmarried nobleman and an unmarried woman, to be promoted to all, even holy orders and hold a benefice even with cure, and in virtue thereof had obtained the parish church of Stock in the diocese of Bath and Wells, Martin V dispensed him to hold any benefices with or without cure, of any number and kind, compatible with one another and with the said church, and to resign all, as often as he pleased, simply or for exchange [above, p. 149], after which, having resigned Stock, he obtained Emlay. The pope hereby dispenses him, who is of noble birth, to hold for life with Emlay, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, any other benefice [with cure] and incompatible, even if etc. as above, f. 246. Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. de Ugolinis. | An. l. de Adria.]
Prid. Non. July.
(f. 286d.)
To the archbishop of York. Mandate, at the petition of John Brank of Skelton, layman, and Alice, relict of John Gilberne, also of Skelton, layman, of his diocese—containing that they formerly (not in ignorance that the said John Gilberne, during his lawful marriage with the said Alice, had been godfather at the baptism of an illegitimate daughter of the said John Brank) contracted espousals and had offspring, and that they fear that, on account of the said circumstance of baptism, they cannot solemnize marriage before the church and remain therein—if he find that at the time of the said circumstance the said John had carnally known Alice, to dispense them, notwithstanding the impediment of spiritual relationship to solemnize marriage before the church and remain therein, decreeing past and future offspring legitimate; if not, to declare that such dispensation is not necessary on account of the said John's having been godfather. Oblate nobis. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxv. de Adria.)


  • 1. Described on the back of the volume: ‘1437. An vii. Eugenii IV.’ On the bottom edge is the contemporary description: ‘Secundus de diuersis formis Anno viio Eugenii pape iiiiti .’ Fol. i has the contemporary heading: ‘de diversis formis.’ There is no contemporary flyleaf.
  • 2. The name ‘Johanne’ is added in the margin by Ja[cobus Aprutin.].
  • 3. or ‘Oitke.’ This name has been corrected in a different ink.
  • 4. Le Neve-Hardy, Fasti, I, p. 260, has John Lindfield as archdeacon of Chichester from 1412 till his death in 1440. John Lindefeld has occurred on p. 409 of the present volume as archdeacon of Chichester on October 28, 1432. ‘Clere’ is perhaps an alias.