Lateran Regesta 338: 1436-1437

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 338: 1436-1437', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 30 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 338: 1436-1437', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 30, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 338: 1436-1437". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 30 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXXXVIII (fn. 1)

6 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Regularibus

8 Kal. Nov.
(f. 37.)
To the archdeacon of Hainaut (Hannonie) in Liége. Mandate as below. The pope recapitulates his late mandate to the bishop, dean, and John Osichigi, canon, of Clogher, to cause Patrick Ofairceallaich, then perpetual vicar of St. Bridget's, Nurnaig, in the diocese of Kilmore, to be received as a canon of the Augustinian priory of St. Mary, Droimleathan, in the said diocese, and to receive his regular profession [above, p. 384], and after so doing, to summon Cormac Magamuragan, a canon of the said priory (who, without obtaining any canonical dispensation on account of his illegitimacy as the son of Peter Magamuragan, then too a canon of the said priory, and an unmarried woman, had unduly detained possession of the said priory for about five years, as he was still doing), and others concerned, and to collate and assign it to the said Patrick; whether they found that it was still void by the death of its prior, the said Peter (whereby it, being conventual, had become reserved to Martin V under his general reservation of all conventual priories, and, that pope having died without disposing thereof, remained reserved to the present pope), or was void in any other way. At the recent petition of the said Patrick—containing that he formerly incurred sentences of excommunication etc. for simony because, before the date of the said letters, a suit having arisen between him and another about a certain perpetual vicarage in the said diocese, he made an agreement whereby, reserving his right to the vicarage, a yearly pension of one mark upon its fruits etc. was to be paid to him, which he received for some years; and adding that the said John [Osichigi], proceeding alone, has received him as a canon of the said priory, but has not caused him to be received in accordance with the said letters, and has put forth a definitive sentence, which was not then drawn up in writing, by which he made to him, having then made his profession of the said order, de facto provision of the priory; that he has paid money to certain persons on account of the priory, after he had obtained possession in force of the execution of the said sentence, which has become a res judicata, and has detained the priory for some time, as he still does, taking the fruits; and that, being under the said sentences, he has celebrated mass etc.—the pope orders the above archdeacon, after Patrick has duly resigned the priory, to absolve him from the said sentences etc., enjoining a salutary penance, to dispense him on account of irregularity contracted by thus celebrating, and to rehabilitate him. Sedes apostolica, pia mater. (An. and Ciprianus. | An. xx. de Adria.)
8 Kal. Nov.
(f. 38d.)
To the same. Mandate, recapitulating the preceding, after he has absolved etc. Patrick, and after Patrick has duly resigned the above priory, to collate and assign to him the same, dependent on the Augustinian monastery of St. Mary, Kells (de Kenlis), in the diocese of Meath, and value not exceeding 25 marks, still void and reserved as above. Dudum felicis recordacionis. (An. and J[a.] Goier. | An. xxx. Octavo Id. Novembris Anno Sexto. de Adria.)
4 Non. April.
(f. 84d.)
To Robert Eglesfelde, canon of the Augustinian monastery of St. Mary, Carlisle. Indult for seven years to take and to let etc. to any persons, even laymen, whilst studying letters at an university, the fruits of the perpetual vicarage of Adyngham in the diocese of Carlisle, which he holds by a papal dispensation, and of any other benefices which he may hold in future, and not to be bound to reside in them. Religionis etc.
Concurrent mandate to the dean of York and the archdeacons of Richmond and Cleveland. Religionis etc. (An. and Cyprianus, Ja. Goyer. | An. xvi. xviii. de Adria.)
8 Kal. Nov.
(f. 88.)
To the bishop of Chichester. Mandate as below. The recent petition of William Picton, subprior, and the convent of the Cluniac monastery of St. Pancras, Lewes, in his diocese, contained that formerly Robert Auncell, prior thereof, following the example of his predecessors, gave, granted and assigned in perpetuity, for himself and his successors, to the said William and his successors and the convent 10 marks of yearly rent, payable every year in equal portions at Christmas, Easter, St. John Baptist's and Michaelmas, namely from the pension of the church of St. Olave in Southwerk, London, 6 marks, and from the pension of a moiety of the church of West Walton 4 marks; that he ordained that the subprior for the time being and one monk chosen by common assent should receive the said sum from the said pensions in perpetuity and should administer it for the use of the convent, in return for which gift, grant and assignment the said subprior William and all the convent promised, for themselves and their successors, to observe and solemnly celebrate the anniversary of the said prior on the day of his death, as was wont to be done every year in perpetuity for the late Hugh de Chyntriaco, sometime prior, every year in perpetuity, also an anniversary for Thomas Neland his predecessor, also a daily mass at the altar of St. Mary Magdalen with certain collects and prayers, and a requiem commemoration before the beginning of mass, and after mass a commemoration of the Holy Spirit for the wholesome estate of the said prior, during his life, and after his death for his soul, as well as of his parents and friends; that he further ordained and assigned 13s. 4d. from the said ten marks for the refreshment of the convent both in hall and refectory on the day of his anniversary in perpetuity (pro refectione conuentus predicti tam aule quam refectorii facienda die anniuersarii sui imperpetuum), to be arranged by the said monk elected by the convent as above, subject, however, to the supervision of the subprior for the time being, who should every year, with the seven seniors of the convent, audit the account, alike of the said 13s. 4d., as also of the said [remaining] 9 marks; and enjoined that the subprior for the time being should swear on the Gospels to faithfully perform all the foregoing. etc., as is contained in the sealed letters of the said prior Robert. The pope orders the above bishop, if he find the aforesaid lawful, to confirm the same.Apostolice nobis desuper. (B. and Ja. Goyer. | B. xxxv. Valven.)
7 Id. Sept.
(f. 129d.)
To the bishop of London. Mandate, at the recent petition of the present abbot of St. Peter the Apostle's, Westminster,—containing that although when the priorship, which is an office without cure (simplex), becomes void it has hitherto been the custom for the abbot for the time being to nominate five, seven, nine or more of the monks for the election or nomination of a new prior, for the said monks to so elect or nominate one of the monks as prior, and for the said abbot to confirm or consent to such election or nomination, nevertheless recently Nicholas Ascheby, an alleged monk professed of the said monastery, pretending that he had been elected or nominated, by way of scrutiny, by some of the monks, has, under pretext thereof and with the support of certain laymen, detained possession of the priorship for about a year, against justice and the said custom, acting as if he were true prior—to summon the said Nicholas and others concerned, and if he find that his said election or nomination was against the said custom or otherwise uncanonical, to declare it to have been and to be null; the pope hereby granting faculty and power in that event to the abbot for the time being and convent to elect etc. and confirm, for this time only, one of the monks to the said office, in accordance, however, with the said custom, and to proceed to make such election etc. and confirmation, even if the time thereof has for this turn lapsed. Justis et honestis. (An. and Cyprianus. | An. xxviii. de Adria.)

De Diversis Formis

4 Kal. Oct.
(f. 178.)
To Clement Denston, archdeacon of Sudbury in Norwich, bachelor of canon law. Grant to him—whom the present pope lately dispensed to hold for two years the said archdeaconry, which is a non-major dignity, and any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a parish church or a perpetual vicarage or dignity not major nor principal etc., even if elective and with cure, which two years the pope afterwards prolonged by one, by letters in which it is stated that the value of the said archdeaconry does not exceed 40l. sterling, and which he fears may be held surreptitious because the value of the said archdeaconry exceeds the said sum, although it does not exceed 100l. of like money—that the said second letters and their consequences shall nevertheless hold good from the date of these presents; with dispensation hereby to hold together for life the said archdeaconry and any benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if a parish church or a perpetual vicarage [or] a dignity etc. even if elective and with cure, and to resign both, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, provided that he do not hold two parish churches or two perpetual vicarages, or two major or principal dignities etc. Litterarum etc. (B. and Pizolpassis. (fn. 2) | B. l. Decimoseptimo Kal. Novembris Anno Sexto. Valven.) [See above, pp. 576, 577.]
Non. July.
(f. 179.)
To William Hanle (or Haule), clerk, of the diocese of York. Dispensation to him, who is in about his twentieth year, has the tonsure, and is studying in the university of Oxford, to hold, after he attains his twenty-third year, any benefice with cure, even if a parish church or a perpetual vicarage or a personatus etc., even if elective and with cure. Vite etc. (B. and Pizolpassis. (fn. 2) | B. xxv. Valven.)
17 Kal. Nov.
(f. 181.)
To John Lane, rector of Bekyngton in the diocese of Bath. Dispensation to him, who is a chaplain and a continual member of the household of John, bishop of Bath and Wells, chancellor of England, and holds the said church, the free chapel of Hongerford and a canonry and prebend of Wherwill, in the dioceses of Bath, Salisbury and Winchester, value not exceeding 50l., 5l. and 10l. respectively, to hold for seven years the said church and any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, even if another parish church or a perpetual vicarage, or a dignity, even major or principal, etc., even if elective and with cure, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases. Vite etc. (An. and Blondus. | An. xxxx. de Adria.)
7 Id. Dec.
(f. 204.)
Relaxation, in perpetuity, of three years and three quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the Assumption and on the feast of St. Patrick visit and give alms for the repair etc. of the parish church of St. Modocius, Druymleathan, in the diocese of Kilmore. Univ. etc. Licet is. (An. and Poggius. | An. xxiiii. de Adria.)
13 Kal. Feb.
(f. 266.)
Relaxation, in perpetuity, of two years and two quarantines of enjoined penance to penitents who on the Assumption visit and give alms for the conservation of the parish church of St. Mary, Kyrkbeane, in the diocese of Glasgow. Univ. etc.Dum precelsa. (An. and A. de Florencia. | An. xvi. de Adria.)
8 Id. Oct.
(f. 292.)
To the abbot of St. Werburgh's, Chester, in the diocese of Lichfield. Mandate, at the recent petition of Walter Haydok, a canon of St. John's, Chester—containing that inasmuch as he had held for some time, by tolerance of the ordinary of the place and of the chapter of St. John's, and was still holding, a canonry of St. John's and the prebend called the fourth prebend of the Cross on the south side, and also the vicarage choral without cure, and by reason of it a stall, and had received, and was still receiving their fruits etc., value not exceeding 8 marks, together with his daily distributions whenever he was present at divine offices, Richard Stanley, archdeacon of Chester, Thomas Chestyrfeld, a canon of Lichfield and Robert Maderer, I.U.B., specially empowered by bishop William, granted him indult, the said chapter consenting, to continue to hold together for life the said canonry and prebend and vicarage, as he had hitherto done, and ordained that on every solemn and double feast he should hold the stall in the choir due to him by reason of his prebend, dressed like the other canons, and should receive double commons in accordance with the statutes, and that he should on pro-feasts and other holidays (in pro festis vero et aliis ferialibus diebus), occupy the stall in the choir due to him by reason of his said vicarage choral, and take the profits like other vicars choral of the said church and receive the distributions, as is contained in letters patent of the said bishop and chapter—if he find the said indult and ordinance lawful, to confirm them. Sincere devocionis affectus. (An. and N. Volrat. | An. xxvi. de Adria.)
4 Non. April.
(f. 316.)
To David Ogilby, rector of Fethiekern (sic) in the diocese of St. Andrews, M.A. Dispensation to him—who is also a B.C.L., and of a great race of nobles; who holds besides Fethirkern a canonry and the prebend of Lethen[oth] in Brechin, the value of each not exceeding 20l. sterling; and to whom the pope lately granted provision of a canonry of Glasgow and another of Aberdeen, with reservation of as many prebends therein and of a dignity etc. of one of them—to hold with Fethirkern any one other, or without it any two, benefices with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleases, etc. Nobilitas etc. (P. and Ciprianus pro Ja. Petri. | P. xxxxv. de Varris.)


  • 1. Described on the back of the volume in Italian, as usual: ‘Eugenio IV. 1436Anno 6. Lib. 2.’ On the bottom edge of the volume is the contemporary description: ‘Secundus de Regularibus et de diversis formis anno vio Eugenii pape iiiiti ,’ There is no contemporary flyleaf
  • 2. This name is here written in full in the Register.