Lateran Regesta 324: 1434-1435

Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Lateran Regesta 324: 1434-1435', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447, ed. J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Lateran Regesta 324: 1434-1435', in Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Edited by J A Twemlow( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Lateran Regesta 324: 1434-1435". Calendar of Papal Registers Relating To Great Britain and Ireland: Volume 8, 1427-1447. Ed. J A Twemlow(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.

In this section

Lateran Regesta, Vol. CCCXXIV (fn. 1)

4 Eugenius IV (cont.)

De Exhibitis (cont.)

3 Non. Aug.
(f. 2.)
To Master John de Cameraco, papal chaplain and auditor. Mandate, at the recent petition of Robert Scrymgeour, canon of Lismore [alias Argyll], M.A.—containing that (after the pope had ordained that whosoever impetrated a benefice peaceably possessed for a year by another, should express in his impetration the possessor and his degree, nobility and how many years he had been in possession, and the explicit cause of his having no right, and should be bound to have the possessor cited within six months before a competent judge etc. [Ottenthal, Regulæ Cancell. Apost., p. 248, i.e. No. 81 of the Regulæ Eng. IV]) the pope ordered provision to be made to him of the deanery of Caithness, a major dignity with cure, which was then void because Alexander de Suthirlande had held it for more than a year without being ordained priest, and which the said Alexander had unduly detained for about twelve years; that Robert obtained the commission by the pope to Master Peter Nardi, papal chaplain and auditor, of the cause which he intended to bring against Alexander, but that, because the public instruments of citation etc. were lost in a shipwreck, no further proceedings have been taken for about two years; and adding that Alexander, who has continued to detain possession for about two years, is of noble race, although not so described in the [pope's] said letters—to collate and assign to Robert, who is also B.C.L., by both parents of noble race, and a kinsman of king James, the said deanery, value not exceeding 20l. sterling, still void as above, summoning and removing the said Alexander; notwithstanding that Robert holds the parish church of Dunott[ar] in the diocese of St. Andrews and the canonries and prebends of Glascre in Lismore and Logy in Ross, value altogether not exceeding 60l. sterling, and that the pope has granted him provision of a canonry with reservation of a prebend and a dignity etc. of Glasgow, and of a benefice with or without cure in the gift of the bishop and the prior and chapter etc. of St. Andrews, and that he lately dispensed him, then holding the parish church of Glascre in the diocese of Lismore, which he has since resigned, to hold therewith for life another benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible, and to resign them, simply or for exchange, as often as he pleased.Nobilitas generis, litterarum etc. (An. and Ja. Goier. | An. xxxiiii.Quarto Idus Novembris Anno Quarto. de Adria.) [4¼ pp. See above Reg. Lat. CCCXXIII, f. 136d.]
1434. (fn. 2)
4 Id. Nov.
(f. 10d.)
To the bishop of Amiens, the treasurer of Aberdeen and James Innes, canon of Moray. Mandate, at the petition of Robert Scrymgeour, canon of Ross—containing that although collation and provision were made to him by authority of the ordinary of the canonry and prebend of Logy in Ross on their voidance by the death of Richard Bullok, nevertheless David de Petyne, clerk, of the diocese of Moray, wrongfully claimed them, prevented, as he still does, the said collation etc. from taking effect, and appealed to the apostolic see; that the pope at Robert's instance committed the cause of the appeal and of the principal matter to Master John Walling, papal chaplain and auditor, who by a definitive sentence declared the said collation and provision canonical, adjudged the canonry and prebend to Robert, imposed perpetual silence on David and condemned him in costs, which he afterwards assessed at 32 gold florins of the camera; and adding that he fears … secular arm etc., as above, Reg. CCCXXIII, f. 132d, mutatis mutandis. (B. and Anselmus. | B. xx. Valven.)
7 Kal. March.
(f. 153d.)
To the bishops of Winchester and Bath and the chancellor of Wells. Mandate, at the recent petition of John Soone, perpetual vicar of Merilench alias Morilinch in the diocese of Bath and Wells, containing that the Benedictine abbot and convent of St. Mary's, Glastonbury, in the said diocese, the patrons of the said church, take so much yearly of the fruits etc. of the said church, which they hold to their own uses, that with the rest he cannot be maintained etc.—to summon the said abbot and convent, hear both sides, and decide what is just without appeal. Humilibus supplicum votis. (B. and Anselmus. | B.xii. Valven.)
8 Id. Nov.
(f. 173.)
To the abbot of Derham in the diocese of Norwich and the prior of Ely. Mandate, at the recent petition of John Southam, John Haget, Richard Heth and Richard Ingoldesby, canons of Lincoln—containing that formerly Robert Cayngham, priest, of the diocese of Lincoln, although he had no jurisdiction over them, ordinary or delegated, at the instance of John Macworth, dean of Lincoln, excommunicated them and caused them to be publicly proclaimed excommunicate, therefore they have appealed to the apostolic see—to summon the said dean and priest, absolve the said canons conditionally (ad cautelam), hear both sides and decide what is just without appeal, dispense the said canons on account of irregularity and rehabilitate them.Humilibus etc. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xxxxv. de Adria.)
4 Kal. Dec.
(f. 230d.)
To Master Laurence de Arecio, papal chaplain and auditor. Mandate as below. The treasurership of Limerick, a dignity, becoming void and reserved to Martin V by the death of William Oconyr, who, a member of the papal court, died not more than two days’ journey from Rome, where the said pope was holding his court, namely at Genazzano (in castro Genezani) in the diocese of Palestrina, whither he had betaken himself for recreation or other purpose, the said pope granted provision thereof to Thomas Chapeman, clerk, of the diocese of York, B.C.L., although John Scorloli (sic), priest, of the said diocese [of York], had unduly detained possession for some time. Pope Martin died without otherwise disposing of the said treasurership and without his letters of grant being drawn up, so that it remained reserved to the present pope, who at Thomas's instance committed the cause between him and John, although not lawfully devolved to the Roman court, to the above auditor, who has proceeded short of a conclusion. Seeing that, as the said Thomas's petition added, it is asserted that the said John has no right, although he has unduly detained possession for about ten years without canonical title, the pope orders the above auditor, if it appear that John has no right, to collate and assign the treasurership, a non-major dignity with cure, value not exceeding 40l. sterling, still void as above, to Thomas, who is also an abbreviator of papal letters; notwithstanding that provision was lately granted to him by papal authority of the canonry and prebend of Laghton in York, of which he has not got possession, value not exceeding 60l. [see above, pp. 235, 236]. He is hereby dispensed to hold for three years with the said treasurership any other benefice with cure or otherwise incompatible. Litterarum etc. (An. and Franchomme. | An. xxv.Tertio Non. Novembris Anno Quinto. de Adria.) [5pp.]

De Provisionibus Prelatorum

9 Kal. March.
(f. 261d.)
To Thomas [Brouns], elect of Rochester. Provision to him, dean of Salisbury, I.U.D., in priest's orders, of the said see, void by the death without the Roman court of John [Langdon], during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope. Apostolatus officium.
Concurrent letters to the chapter, to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese, and to the vassals of the church of Rochester—Apostolatus etc.; to the archbishop of Canterbury —Ad cumulum; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (An. and Ja. Goyer. | An. xx. x. x. x. x. x. x. de Adria.)
14 Kal. April.
St. Chrysogonus's,
(f. 267.)
To Gerald de Podenxs, abbot of the Benedictine monastery of St. Mary de la Sauve-Majeure (Silve majoris inter duo maria (fn. 3) ) in the diocese of Bordeaux. Provision of the said monastery, void by the death of Philip [de l’ Espinasse, on July 1, 1433, Gallia Christiana, II, col. 875], during whose life it was specially reserved by the present pope, in ignorance perhaps of which the convent elected as abbot the above Gerald, one of the monks, bachelor of canon law, in priest's orders, who, likewise ignorant, consented, but afterwards caused to be set forth the matter of the election, which was null, in consistory before the pope.Ad ea ex apostolice servitutis.
Concurrent letters to the convent, and to the vassals of St. Mary's, and to the archbishop of Bordeaux—Ad ea etc.; and to Henry, king of England—Gracie divine. (An. and P. de Montella. | An. xviii. viiii. viiii. viiii. viiii. de Adria.) [Gallia Christiana, loc. cit. has the forms ‘de Podens’ and ‘de Podenciis.’ See below, Reg. Lat. CCCXXVIII, f. 244d.]
4 Id. Jan.
(f. 301.)
To John Bloxwych, elect of Holar (Ollen.) [in Iceland]. Provision to him, a Carmelite friar, S.T.B., in priest's orders, of the said see, void and therefore reserved by the pope's translation this day of John, bishop thereof, to the see of Skalholt (Scaloten.). Ecclesiarum utilitatibus.
Concurrent letters to the clergy and to the people of the city and diocese—Ecclesiarum etc.; to the archbishop of Trondhjem —Ad cumulum; and to Eric, king of Denmark—Gracie etc. (An. and A. de Camporegali. | An. xx. x. x. x. x. Sed gratis in plumbo et Registro de mandato d. n. pape. de Adria.) [Eubel, Hierarchia, under ‘Holen.,’ and ‘Scalholten.’ has ‘1435 Jan. 5,’ following Vol. 66 of the Obligationes, f. 16, which in fact has under 1434[–5], ‘die mercurii Nonas mensis Januarii.’]


  • 1. Described in Italian on the back of the volume ‘Eugenio IV. 1434. Anno 4.Lib. 5.’ On the bottom edge is the contemporary description: ‘Q[uintus] de exhibitis et provisionibus prelatorum anno iiii to There is no contemporary flyleaf.
  • 2. Datum Florencie A. S. D. millesimo quadrin[gentesi]mo tricesimo quadrin[gentesi]mo (sic) Quarto Idus Novembris Anno Quarto.
  • 3. i.e. the rivers Dordogne and Garonne.