Cecil Papers: October 1596, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1596, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp436-465 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1596, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp436-465.

"Cecil Papers: October 1596, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp436-465.

October 1596, 16–31

Pe[ter] Proby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 16. This enclosed letter from the town of Hull being sent unto me (their solicitor by patent), I presume to send the same to your good Honour. In this cause, the city of York have written unto Sir John Fortescue, their High Steward, (as your Honour is for Hull) that by your two honourable remembrance of the cause, if any let of your good meanings towards them shall be attempted by those towns that should yield contribution with them, it may receive answer such as in your wisdoms shall be thought fit.
I received a letter from my deputy posted at Chester (there the 12 of this month at night) wherein he writes that from Liverpool, with the opportunity of the wind, the 11 of October, four hundred were embarked and set sail, but those at Chester lost the wind and abided there. He further writes that he hath sent over his man with your packet to my Lord Deputy; who set sail the 4 October in a small bark that he pressed for expedition because of the haste in the direction thereof.—At my poor house in London, xvjth of October, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 76.)
Donoghe O'Connor Slygo to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 16. Since my coming into this realm, I have been honourably and well used by the Lord Deputy and whole Council, and by their Honours appointed to repair into the Province of Connaght; whither I rode, and meeting there with the Lord General of Her Majesty's forces it pleased his Honour to use me with very honourable and good regard, which I thought meet to be made known unto your Lordship.
Amongst other accidents happened unto me in my travels in Connaght, I met with certain persons as messengers, from Hugh Roe O'Donill, who delivered unto me as his message what is contained in the note hereinclosed, which I thought good to send unto you as I have made the same known to my Lord Deputy and Council here; the contents whereof nor any other message or proffer whatsoever shall not divert me from my due obedience and vowed loyalty unto my Sovereign Lady the Queen's most excellent Majesty, whem I honour and esteem above all others.
I have also found by some experience in Connaght and especially in the county of Sliggo, that my presence there would do some good to contain the people of that country in good terms, chiefly such as by my own means were drawn to submit themselves : and to enable me thereto I have moved the Lord Deputy and Council to allow me to have Ballymote, with a company of English soldiers to be there garrisoned for the safeguard of my person, which otherwise may be in danger of my ancient enemy O'Donill. If my suit shall be their Honours be made known to your Honour, my trust is you will not fail to further me therein, and any other way for my good.—At Dublin the xvjth of October, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (45. 78.)
The Enclosure :
Mc. Dermonde Breen Mc. Swyne and Teing O'Harte brought me this message from Heugh Roe O'Donell.
Heugh Roe O'Donell would forgive me all the entry that his predecessors claimed in my lands. He promised that he would give me the arbitrement of four of my men and four of his men, conditionally that I should forego any prince and help him and the rest of the Irishy. Unless I consent to this offer, I shall undo myself and my posterity for ever; and by my means I shall be an instrument to undo the rest of all those that defend their own right.
Also he sent me, if the Irishy were overthrown by my means, that I shall be after less esteemed of any man and dispossessed of all that Her Highness bestowed upon me at this present. Therefore consider with yourself how hardly you were dealt withal by those ungodly officers that coveted my life and lands and were sent for our wars in Ireland, you should not be restored to your living during your life, nor none of your name. If these my great offers which I offer you may not move you at this present, which was never offered to any of your predecessors, of any my predecessors, I will place another of the Connors in your place, and call him O'Connor Slyggoe, and will maintain him, not doubting but I shall be assisted of others that will maintain myself and him.
And for performance of these my offers, I will get O'Neyle Magwyre, Drahane O'Rourke, McMahoney O'Reylly, O'Dougherty D. Boyle, the three McSwynes, all the sept of O'Galchove McWilliam, both O'Connors, McDermode O'Kelly and all the Catholic Bishops of the North.
And finally, Hugh Roe O'Donnell did undertake that Sliggoe shall never be builded without his consent, if I do not agree to his offers.
1 p. (45. 77.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 16. By Captain Baskervile's man, who brought me your lordship's letter, I have made answer unto you, wherewith, and with my reasons in it, I doubt not you will be satisfied. The company, as I wrote to your Lordship in it, I am very well contented that you shall give him, being otherwise at my disposition. For the Castle, I beseech you to pardon me, my promise having been long since to another; neither, indeed, is it fit for me or for this Government to have any man in that place whom I do not perfectly know, for it is a place that, if it be not well handled, will give great occasion of complaint, which I must answer for, and yet be no whit acquainted with it. I have herein written unto my Lords, as also about the cautionary companies, and the extreme absences of captains from this place : as this letter shall come to the Board, I beseech your lordship give it your furtherance. I send herewith the copy of a letter of mine to my Lord Treasurer of news lately come out of Spain. I write them to him and to my Lord Admiral because they may be the willinger to join with your Lordship for the undertaking of any action which I know must necessarily fall upon you. If you think good to have the man himself who brought them sent over, I will see it done; but he doth aver it very constantly, and will lay his life that the fleet will come for England this winter. The Scotchman named Luggy, of whom I wrote to my Lord Treasurer, I have since spoken withal. He seems to know great practices in Scotland, and means to meet with them and sure he is a man of good wit; but men of his profession will ever praise their own commodities. He hath not acquainted me with them, but saith he will either write them to you or steal over himself into England, for otherwise he is bound in 2000l., as I think, to come neither into England nor Scotland. The Scottish Conservator, as they call him, is sent for home to answer to the shape which the Earl of Arrol made from him. The whole matter I am sure Valch hath told you, for they of this province were much troubled lest Her Majesty should lay unto them the ill liking to him. Other matter here is not any. Of the D. of Bouillon's coming hither I cannot say anything, but I think it will not now be long.—At Flushing, the 16 of Oct., 1596.
Holograph. (45. 79.)
The Enclosure :
Yesterday came out of Spain certain ships, in one of which was a sailor who told me he came from Lisbon the 12 September, new style, which is the 2 with us, and from Bilboe the 25. He had been long upon the galleys and in the end escaped. He is of these countries and his name is Jacob Bartels. He saith that at Lisbon there are fourty-four Dutch ships, flyboats and hulks, and twenty ships of the King's. At St. Andreas twenty-four with Pedro de Valdez, whereof six great new ships, called Apostles; but they have yet no ordnance in them, and it is not known when the gallies which were sent to Naples for it will return. At Porto in Portingall are three ships, which must also come to St. Andreas, also 15 gallies. This Fleet is ready and shall be commanded by the Addentado of Castiglia. Their course will be for England for the Isle of Wight; when they have possessed that they will attempt Portsmouth. This, he saith of his knowledge, will be done this winter, and to that effect they have taken pilots of these countrymen by force, yet pay them very well, who have assured them they know these places well. The meeting of the whole Fleet shall be at Ferroll.
At St. Sebastian are twelve small flyboats laden with soldiers, which are to come to Callice with the first wind. I have told the Vice-Admiral here of it to warm the States' men-of-war. It were good the like were done to H.M. ships upon the Narrow Seas, for it would be to great purpose to have those ships cut off. In the Fleet for England are store of land soldiers, but all raw fellows except the garrison of Blannett, which are 2,000, and come wit with Valdez. This is all I understood of him.
The merchants of Middleborough have advertisement that there is 16,000,000 granted to the King in Spain for the invasion of England. The defence continueth that no shipping shall go from hence to Spain, but I fear me, underhand the merchants will find some means to get through, and either there must be traffic or there must be ships of war out of these countries set to sea, or it is to be feared many of the sailors will run to the enemy. The news of these parts are not great. The other day the troops of Zealand had an enterprise upon Hulst, but it succeeded not, and indeed the enemy knew of it two or three days before, for it was a plot of the States, and a matter that passeth by so many cannot be long secret.
Of the Cardinal there is no great matter. He is himself at Bruxells and his troops about Arras, where the inhabitants keep as good watch against him as against the French. There was a report here the last day that the French had lost certain ensigns, but I do not hear it confirmed. Count Moris (they say here) is gone abroad with some troops of horse, but it is not known whither. Some think, upon some enterprise; others that he is gone secretly to meet his brother, the Prince of Orange, at Emerick in the land of Cleeve. This I have from a servant of his, but do not think it much to be trusted till there be confirmation; which if it be so, no doubt your Lordship shall receive from Mr. Gilpin. Here is come to Midleborow a Scotchman called Luggy, who hath, I understand, been banished from Scotland, and hath been prisoner at Bruxells. I know not the man but will have anything done to him in any sort if your Lordship wish it.—Vlushinge the 15 of October, 1596.
P.S.—There are also at St. Lucas, which I had left out, twenty-six Flemish ships and two of the King's.
Endorsed in Essex's handwriting : “News from Bilbo this present month of October.”
1 p. (45. 74.)
News from France.
[1596, Oct. 16.] We understand that the King purposed shortly to remove his army out of Artois into Hainault, both for their better means to live and upon some enterprise he hath there. It is advertised from Brussels that the Cardinal going to walk without the town, did very narrowly escape taking lately by the horsemen of Breda that did advance themselves to the gates of Brussels and brought away prisoners. That also the said Cardinal hath despatched the Admiral of Arragon to the Emperor and the Princes of the Empire, to deal with them for the choosing of him to be King of Romans, to the end to have the King of Spain's daughter in marriage.
Out of Germany it is also advertised that the Turk, moved with the loss of Atna taken by the Archduke Maximilian, went unto the recovery of it : whereupon the Christians were forced to abandon it, and there he hath since caused to be beheaded one of his principal commanders for failing to go to the succour of it, as he did ordain him, and that the said Turk is approached from Belgrada to Buda, which giveth a great astonishment in Germany; and thereupon a commandment given to pull down the suburbs of Vienne. Howbeit it is not conceived that he will attempt anything this winter. His army is said to be 150,000 men, and to have with him sixty pieces of artillery, but being the most part small ones.
The report of the preparations in Spain is daily confirmed to be great, and that also the Indian Fleet is arrived with fourteen millions.
The ambassador of Savoy is nothing well edified with the answers given him : to whom hath been signified that the K. can be content to understand to a reconciliation with the said D. so as he will perform his first offers to the K. by the president Rochetti, which was to stop the passage of the Alps against the King of Spain : and for the Marquisate of Salluces, that he will be content to make the Pope judge of the difference. The said Duke proposed that he might remain in neutrality, as doth the Franche Conte, until peace shall be made between the King and the K. of Spain, and then this to be also concluded; but the King refuseth the same, so as now the resolution seemeth to be taken to return to the war with the said Duke, wherein it is specially meant to employ Monsieur Desdiguieres, who intendeth to make the same by the way of Savoy, and not in Piedmont, as formerly (with more inconvenience) he was tied by the Princes of Italy in respect of some secret contributions yielded by them.
The Duke of Nevers departed yesterday from hence discontented for that the Constable doth take the precedence of him, which he pretendeth his house hath ever had of the Constable's.
Endorsed :—“French Advertisements. Recd. 16 October, '96, from my L. of Shrewsbury.”
1 p. (45. 81.)
R. Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 17. Mr. Hesketh thinketh it very convenient for the good of your cause in the Duchy that you sign this letter to Mr. Brograve and return it me, if it may be, this night. I have spoken with Mr. Moore about the estate of your lands at Chelsey, who saith you need not doubt but all shall fall out very well : notwithstanding, when he hath looked up a certain piece of evidence, he will give such direction for a conveyance to be made from my Lord Buckhurst as you shall not afterwards need to fear him; for whatsoever interest is or may lie in him to prejudice you, either by himself or by combining with my Lord Marquesse, shall so be derived from him as all shall be safe. But in any case my Lord Buckhurst must not know that any conveyance is sought of him for any other cause than for the invalidity of his release in respect of his tenancy in common.
Endorsed :—“17 of Octob. 1596. Yr Hon. servant R. Percival.”
Undated. Holograph. 1 p. (45. 82.)
R. Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 17. Mr. Patyson, being made acquainted with the signing of the bill, and knowing that Sir John Stanhope hath been prejudiced heretofore for lack of a caution in the like lease, to this effect, that the rent should not be payable before recovery and possession had, advised me that I should request Mr. Vaughan to make this lease with such a caution, who hath drawn it up in that form, as you may see, but dareth not ingross it so without warrant from my Lord. He hath therefore willed me to send you back the particular, that with Sir John Fortescue's privity (because his hand is to it) you may procure my Lord to insert these same words in the margent of the particular, close before my Lord's name where I have made this mark, Reddendo ex eo tempore, &c. This done, upon return of it, it shall be ingrossed and sealed presently.—From your Honour's house, this 17th of October, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (45. 83.)
Sir Jo. Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 17. This morning I received this letter from Don Emanuell, whom I answered, as is true, that as I was from Court, so was my state such as I was uncertain when to return, for as yet my medecine, though I have done with it, hath not done with me, and was as fresh this morning a work as though it had been new taken; and though without any great trouble, yet so as neither can I mannerly go abroad, nor without fear of worse if I should. The messenger's desire was I should recommend him to your Honour, which I thought better to yield to than to contest with him. It is some six weeks since Her Majesty commanded him 30l. by me out of her privy purse. If they stay still here they will be every month at this point. Wherefore, if it pleased Her Majesty to cause them to be sent to, that if they will, according to their own desire, either go over with Sir Tho. Baskervyle in France as ordinary soldiers or seek their better fortune of the French King, who, I hope, will set them some way a work, or take any course to be gone, then Her Majesty will give them something to transport them withal, and wish that they may find as good relief elsewhere as they continually from Her Majesty's bounty have had here.—From my lodging near Charyng Cross, this 17 of 8ber.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 84.)
Sir R. Sydney to Lord Burghley.
1596, Oct. 17. The last day, I received word from Rol. White that, concerning the magazine of victual I have been so long suitor for, your answer to him was that Her Majesty persisted still in that I should have made proffer of merchants to make provision of it so as they might have licence to transport it, without that she should give any imprest towards it. To which I must say, as ever I did, that I do not know upon what words of mine Her Majesty did gather so much : neither had I, when I spake unto her, had conference with any merchants, according as I told your Lordship, when, by order from Her Majesty, I was appointed to wait upon you, my Lord of Essex, and my Lord Admiral at Westminster. But if I gave Her Majesty any occasion to take it so, I am very sorry for it, for I cannot find any that will undertake it without imprest, especially now in these dear years; and so I told Her Majesty when I last took my leave; at what time I left her resolved to have a store here for three or four months, whereas my demands were for six, and this I found was by the recommendation your Lordship had given of it. If, therefore, hereby I sought any good to myself, it were reason, since Her Majesty saith that I made such offers, that either I should perform them or make an end of serving. But since it exceedingly concerneth her Majesty, and her only, and that herein I do but discharge the duty of an humble servant in shewing what is to be done, and the nearest means how to be done, Her Majesty is not to answer me herein, who have no other interest but what comes from her, but herself and her own service. For for myself I am in no danger but of the fear that Her Majesty's state in this town may come in danger. For no man can desire a fairer excuse of giving over a town than that he had nothing to eat, and that the want of it was not any way by his negligence—nay, which is more, if I had any doubt of myself that in any such occasion I should be afraid, I could not make a better provision beforehand for myself than to suffer, after so long soliciting, the town to be unprovided; since by any council of war or other in the world I should be absolutely cleared, considering nemo tenetur ad impossibile. I humbly beseech your Lordship, therefore, not to give over the persuading of Her Majesty, in regard of some small imprest, not to leave this town unfurnished, the necessity whereof (if I be not deceived) will every day grow more and more. Rol. White shall duly attend your Lordship's pleasure together with the merchants' offers and demands herein. Of powder there is some pretty quantity, though short of that which is requisite, for powder is as necessary for the defence of a town as meat is for the soldiers. And if Her Majesty would send ever some 8 or 10 last more, it would be kept safe for her here, and very greatly confirm the safe keeping of the town. I have at the last brought the States to allow powder for all our companies, as well auxiliary as cautionary, but not without much ado, and some store of powder they have allowed us to be here against any great necessity : but altogether is nothing the proportion which is fit for such a place as this is. Upon the fortifications of the town they have wrought somewhat, and to some reasonable purpose, but yet not that which is sufficient. But when the winter is come on, and that they have made an end of working, and that order is taken for the payment of that which is already done, I will then propose some further works unto them; and will leave nothing unattempted that may be for the defence of the town, that, when God or the Queen shall call me hence, he that comes after me shall find all things easier for him. And very necessary it were to have an Ingenier here, but such an one as were indeed fit do I not know where to find in England. For he must be such an one as well knows his art, and besides hath been both within and before many towns besieged. Among all the rest of Her Majesty's expenses in the war, I would it would please her also to have this. It would come to a very small matter, and yet be to very great purpose. Another suit also of mine I must again humbly recommend unto you, which is for the six cannons which I moved Her Majesty and your Lordship for. Your Lordship knows that this town hath of either side the sea dykes, which are the walls which keep out the sea from overflowing the country. They are high and thick and join to to the town wall without any ditch between, whereby they yield very good means for the planting of a battery and the coming to an assault. If they be well defended the town is almost assured, and one of the chiefest means of defending of them is to have sufficient artillery within to make a counter battery. Her Majesty saith that it belongs to the States to see sufficient ordnance in the town. Indeed they were bound to leave such ordnance here as was in the town at the time that the contract was made, but that is not sufficient for the avenues here, and some of the pieces are soiled so as they cannot be shot off until they be new cast, which I will, if I can, procure to be done this winter. But Her Majesty, I trust, for the guard of this town will not repose upon the States, who perhaps may have conceits of some such occasions wherein they would be glad that it were not too well provided for. And I think indeed they would be glad to see it strong against all the world saving against themselves. And this I have ever found, that they are extremely hardly brought to do anything for the strengthening of it, which, I am assured, would not be if it were in their own hands. For at Camfire, which is nothing of like worth nor any way so near unto danger, they bestow great charge. But in those things which belong unto them to do, it must please Her Majesty to use her authority in requiring them of them, but for the assurance of the town unto her she must trust unto herself. I humbly beseech your Lordship to continue your care of the well doing of this town in making known unto Her Majesty these wants, and in persuading of her to have them supplied. And further, because it is fit to give you an account at all times of the garrison, it may please you to know that here hath been great sickness this end of summer, both of violent agues and bloody fluxes, whereof many are dead and very many remain still sick, and now lately the plague is come into one house. At Middleborow it hath been these many days, brought thither, I think, out of Picardy, and already there are fifty houses infected; so as it is to be feared that this town, in respect of the nearness and also the daily intercourse, will be likewise visited. God of his mercy, I trust, will have care of it.—At Flushinge, the 17th of Oct., 1596.
P.S.—I am, since the writing thereof, certainly informed that in Midleborow are one hundred houses infected of the plague. In this town I hear yet but of two.
Postscript and signature in Sidney's handwriting.
Seal broken. 3 pp. (45. 87.)
A copy of the above letter.
Probably the enclosure in the letter to Lord Essex of 22 Oct. p. 448, post.
M. D'Esdiguieres to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 17/27. The glory of his name impels the writer to wish to do him service. No one in the world bears him more complete affection. Has asked Mons. Edemond “de vous en donner une assurance plus particulière.”—Rouan, 27 Oct. 1596. Signed.
French. Seal. 1 p. (46. 4.)
Lord Edward Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 18. I humbly crave pardon for my former oversight in praying your honourable favour and not acquainting you with my desire (the same occasion being now offered that before was purposed) which is some of my companies at the suit of my cousin Champernowne to be taken from me, once under Sir John Gilbarte's charge and now appointed me by your Honour and the rest of the honourable Council, do now presume to send you both his reasons to crave and my answers to deny : and if it shall seem to your honourable wisdom, having already to my great charge armed, trained and exercised them and appointed them to several bands, both the trained and untrained, according to your directions, fit for me to hold them, I humbly pray your favour, and I doubt not but fully to discharge my duty and for the best good of the country.—Berry Castle, the xviijth of October, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 88.)
Peter Proby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 18. By Mr. Chanceler I am willed to look out such papers as are in that study, whereof I have the key, at Savoye, which do concern the treaty with the States and the contract made between Her Majesty and them, and to bring the same to him. I have accordingly sought and found only thirty Articles in French of 1585 concerning the same course, which (as I suppose) is the copy of the original that passed the seals between Her Majesty and them that were Commissioners here at the time. Withal, there is in English an extract out of the Earl of Leicester's instructions from Her Majesty, which I suppose to have been delivered to Sir Thomas Heneage by Mr. Secretary at the time of his going to the States; and this is a copy of Mr. Lak's handwriting. There is also a paper of reasons showing the cause that my Lord of Leicester did accept of the title of Excellency; these three being all concerning that matter that I can find. But the originals of the contracts (if my Lord or your Honour have them not), I suppose were in Mr. Secretary his study at Walsingham House in a chest : and then D. Jeams, who, at his death, had the sorting of his Lordship's papers, can best inform your Honour (and so I told Mr. Chanceler) where those and such like are.—At my poor house, this xviijth of October 1596.
Endorsed : “Petter Proby to my Master.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 89.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 18. If any matter worthy advertisement had fallen out since my last of the 4th present, I would not have thus long been silent. The Duke of Buillon, for a good while after, could do nothing until they of Zeland sent their deputies some eight days ago, when the States began to negociate the matter of the league. After some conferences one is like to be concluded so as he will be, in all likelihood, ready to depart within eight or ten days at furthest.
The doubt that these men begin now to be in of their deputies' speeding doth very much trouble them, as well in regard of their estate, which will afford no more means to enlarge their offer, as that they dare not make any mention thereof, much less to let it come abroad that Her Majesty insists upon remboursement and to be discharged of succouring them any longer, which news would greatly trouble the people and breed further inconveniences in time. They live yet in some hope at least that Her Majesty will graciously consider of all, and their deputies be demitted with such an answer as in some sort may be to their reasonable contentment, and help to hold matters here in good terms.
The purposed restraint of traffic with the Spaniards is not yet concluded, because some towns make difficulties as yet, and will not agree thereunto; but, in my opinion, it will be brought unto it at last if a way can be found to impeach the Easterlings and others from traffic into Spain and those parts and the passage about by Scotland barred, which must be done by keeping of ships of war in those parts. We have news of the King of Spain's great preparations and arming for the seas, and that his attempt is on the Island of Wight, as your Lordship shall understand more particularly by the examinations which the States will send over to their deputies, and, as it seems, the man that came out of Spain and reports them will be sent over; to which end I dealt very earnestly with them. It will be requisite to be vigilant and careful to prevent the enemy by being in such readiness that he may be met and fought with ere he come nearer, wherein these men will be forward enough if it shall please Her Majesty to take such a course. To have attempted the firing of these ships in the havens and ports of Spain had been a service of great importance, and judged of most men to be more easy than is imagined. The States' deputies that that were in Denmark are on their return homewards, having been well received and used, but of their speeding will be heard at their arrival. Monsieur Aldegonde stayeth till he have finished a view by him which he hath written in French. The Countess of Hohenlo and he whom the Count Maurice sent to the Prince of Orange are returned, making great good report of him and his kindness every way; being now gone to Cullyn where he purposeth to lie, so to try if he can procure to get the use of his goods by the King of Spain retained.
There was an enterprise on Hulst, but being discovered by the enemy he prevented the same, and had gotten men in the town and ports in hope to have had a band on our men, but being marked when they came near made the retreat without the loss of any. The Count Maurice hath made a voyage to Breda and Hulst, where he changed the garrisons to prevent the disorders which were a growing amongst them : and is looked for here within a day or tweyne. The Duke of Bullion hath several times asked what I heard from your Lordship, with protestation of the singular affection he bare unto you.—From Haeghe, this 18th of October, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 2 ½ pp. (45. 90.)
The Vice-Chancellor and others of Cambridge University to Lord Burghley.
1596, Oct. 18. They have recourse to him as their Chancellor upon prejudice to their privileges lately offered by the refusal of the Mayor of the Town to take his oath for their privileges, in such sort as before time had been used at his first entrance : of whom they would not have complained if they could by neighbourly conference have had remedy at home. This being one of the greatest privileges of the University, begun to be infringed the former year and now again by the new Mayor continued, if they should suffer this innovation to run on, they fear it would grow in this and other like privileges, to the great prejudice of their body. Therefore they crave his honourable direction and aid, and for his less trouble, have recommended the cause to Sir Robert Cecil, their High Steward, and also written to the Lord Keeper, their Recorder, for they think they will seek unto him for assistance, of whose integrity and uprightness as they nothing doubt, so as if such, as under him do counsel and direct them, would carry that respective regard of the University privileges as Mr. Justice Shute did when he was Recorder, it would further the peace of both bodies.—Cambridge, 18 October 1596.
Signed :—Roger Goade, Vice-Chancellor; Robert Some, Umphry Tyndall, Edmund Barwell, Thomas Nevile, Jo. Duport, John Jegon, Thomas Byng, Thomas Preston, James Montague.
Endorsed :—“The Provost and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge.”
1 p. (136. 43.)
Sir R. Sydney to [the Earl of Essex].
1596, Oct. 20. Since my last unto your Lordship I understood from Mr. Burnham that you are desirous to know something concerning the state of this town, and that therein he gave his opinion unto you. If I had sooner known your will that way I would sooner have satisfied you, for I do not think any Englishman knows so much of this town as I do, neither shall there be any man more willing to serve you in it. For besides the doing you service, I know it is for the good of the town that the particularities of it be known unto you. I will therefore cause a “plott” of it to be made which I will send you. I have one already, which serves my turn sufficiently, but being made by the hand of a soldier, it is not so fair set down as is fit to send you. And if there be any other thing about this town or these parts which your Lordship would know, if it please you to command me, I will get it if any way it be to be gotten. I understand also that your Lordship is entered into some consideration for the exchange of the Briell into Camfere now that Lord Burrow goes into Ireland. It would be a matter very greatly for the Queen's service if it could be compassed, which once might well have been done, but now I fear will be full of difficulties, and I know it is not now the first time that your Lordship hath thought of it. If it please you to have me to set down what I think of it, I will in my next letter unto you. But, howsoever, if at any time your Lordship enter into question of it, a place by it, called the Haghe, must not be forgotten, without which Camfire is not of so great worth. Indeed, in my poor judgement, there is not any place in Christendom so necessary for the state of England as is this island, which would be wholly almost under Her Majesty's commandment if she had, to that which she hath already, that which I have now spoken of. Almost, I say in respect of Armuld, which may give an entry from the inside as out of Holland or Brabant. But what came from the sea must be commanded by Her Majesty. Neither do I think that the other had, but means might be made for this also.—At Flushing, the 20th of Octo., 1596.
Copy. 1 p. (45. 93.)
Robert Laing to— —.
[1596], Oct. 22. I have delivered your letters according to your directions to my L. of Durron, and to my L. Governor, and to Captain Boyar in like manner, and to shew you the estate and the dealing of our country, that I cannot tell how nor what fashion to begin at, for it is more inconstant nor ever you saw it. There is here two style of faction; the one is “lykle” the Papist faction is too like to overthrow the other. There is a general assembly and convention the 26th day of this month to be had in Edinburgh, and as yet we know not who shall come to it. I have written to your trusty friend and mine, Mr. Secretary, Mr. Lok. I would you understood that I have left out something unwritten to Mr. Secretary. There is, I understand, a secret dealing betwixt the Earl Bothwell and some of our Papist Lords in Scotland; and I do understand in like manner that Mr. Archibald is in pleye (?) with him, so far as I can hear; and, therefore, I would request you that you would make Mr. Secretary acquainted with the same, and to bear Mr. Archibald still in hand as he has been hitherto, and to let him understand nothing that is done nor said towards him, for you understand that if he suspect anything, we can get nothing done. God willing, I think to return back with all expedition after the Convention. I would request that you would desire Mr. Secretary to write to me, as I have written to him, with the next post to George Molsone; naught else, but I hope Mr. Secretary shall shew unto you things which I have written him (from Leith ?). And so commits you to God, at Edinburgh the 20th day of October, your honour's assured servant at his power, Ro[ber]t Laing.
Holograph. Without address. 1 p. (45. 95.)
The Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriff and Burgesses of Newcastle-upon-Tyne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, October 21. Requesting credit for the bearer, Henry Chapman, an alderman of the town, whom they are sending to impart certain causes concerning their Corporation.—Newcastle, this xxjth October, 1596.
Signed.—Rayf Jenyson, Maior; William Selby, H. Anderson, William Riddell, George Farnabie, William Grenewell, Thomas Lyddell, W. Jenison, Adreyn Hedworth.
1 p. (45. 94.)
Petition from the same.
Whereas a petition was exhibited to the late Earl of Huntingdon by some few persons, most part of whom were of the younger sort, too much given to innovation and of a turbulent disposition, pretending certain abuses to have been committed in the government and disposing of the revenues of their town, which Cecil and other Lords of the Privy Council committed to be decided by the Council in the North, their humble request is that, as the contents of the said petition principally concern the estate, revenues and liberties of their town, which they hold in fee farm, and they cannot have such Counsel (their Recorder attending the Courts at Westminster) as the importance of the causes therein contained requires, the informers in the said petition may be commanded by the Privy Council either to exhibit their complaint before Cecil and the rest of the Privy Council, at the Council Table, or otherwise in the Exchequer Chamber before the Lord Treasurer, Chancellor and Barons, where the same ought to be decided in regard the town is held in fee farm by 100l. payable yearly at the Exchequer; where these petitioners may also acquaint Her Majesty's learned Counsel with the state of the said causes.
Draft. 1 p. (45. 94.)
William Willaston to [the Earl of Essex].
1596, October 22. Whereas your Lordship's pleasure is, Mr. Bussy should be monthly furnished with five or six pounds in what place of France his occasions shall call for it, upon the Right Honourable Sir Robert Cecil his letter; these are to signify that, upon sight of the said Right Honourable his letter, Mr. Bussy shall be furnished with such sums, in such places, and for so long time as the said letter of credit shall extend.—Rouen, October 22, 1596.
Endorsed :—“This is a letter that Williston wrote to my Lord, which my Lord willed me to put within the letter that I sent to your Honour.”
Holograph. (45. 96.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, October 22. I send copy of two letters of mine to Lord Burghley, that your Lordship may be acquainted with the course in all things concerning my charge, and also may assist me with Her Majesty to obtain my demands. Would that the Queen for matters of war would repose all care upon your Lordship, for then those employed should be assured that their requests would be understood whether they were reasonable or not, and withal made to understand all things when at any time she should cast any doubt.
In my letter to Lord Burghley, where I speak of Campfyre, I touch also a place called the Haghe. It is a fort in the mouth of the water of Camfyre, where, when the rest of the island held for the Prince of Orange, Monsieur de Beauvais, Admiral for the King of Spain, put men ashore for relief of Middelborrow, for ships of great burden may aboard there; and if Her Majesty had taken Camfire into her hands at that time, as the captains did make oath unto her, the States were resolved to have made it strong and have put good garrison into it. At this time there are no men in it, but the walls still remain upright. Within a day or two I will view it myself or cause it to be viewed by some sufficient man. It lieth some Dutch mile from Camfire to the seawards.
There are no news. The Duke of Bouillon is not yet come here; may be he will not come at all in respect of the plague at Middelborrow which begins to be very sore. Already there are two hundred houses infected there. Here as yet there is no great infection; I only hear of two houses. If the plague continue at Middelborrow we shall in all likelihood have our part, considering the nearness of the two towns, the intercourse between them, and the small order taken in these countries against these diseases. But God will suffer no more to be than is his pleasure, and so much shall be.—Flushing, 22 of October 1596.
Holograph. 2 pp. (45. 97.)
H. Maynard to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 22. This poor man, Citolino, hath earnestly moved me to recommend him to your Honour for his employment abroad, with offer of his honest and true service.—From the Strand, this xxijth of October, 1596.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (45. 99.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 22. Reminds Cecil of his promise to further his suit for the lease of Otford. Has procured Sir John Fortescue to move it. The Queen likes well enough of it, and only stands to be certified of the decay of the house, the value of the park, and the value of his offers : knowledge of which she has willed Fortescue to give her. Prays Cecil to second the suit.—Flushing, 22 Oct. 1596.
Holograph. 2 pp. (174. 1.)
Foreign Advertisements.
1596, Oct. 22/Nov. 1. News from Turin, of 1 Nov. 1596, of the quarrel between Cardinal le Bonromeo and the Constable, which, aggravated by the scarcity of grain, is likely to raise trouble unless the King of Spain recall the governor. Trouble is feared in Genoa from the scarcity of grain.
News from Genoa, 1 Nov. 1596, of arrival of ships there and at Leghorn with money, which, however, is for the merchants and not for the King of Spain.
Endorsed :—“Por la via del amigo de Genova.”
Italian. 1 p. (174. 11.)
Sir John Rooper to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 23. Is sending by this bearer a hundreth of cherry trees, whereof one half are of the rathe ripe cherry, and the other of the best Kentish cherry we have in the country, beseeching him to “except” them in good part, being sent by him who is and ever will be most faithfully Cecil's. They were taken out of the ground but upon Thursday last, so as none can miss to grow if they be set in any time.—From my house in Kent, this 23rd of October.
Endorsed :—1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (45. 100.)
John Vaughan, Customer of Milford, to Lord Burghley.
1596, Oct. 23. Having received a letter from Mr. Judge of the Admiralty, imparting that upon complaint unto your Lordship by Mr. Douglas, ambassador for the King of Scots, it was your pleasure I should come up to answer the same, one thing I most humbly crave, that you will not suffer Scots and Irish practisers by sleights to overthrow me. By his means, all I had, which was by your gift, he hath caused me to spend, and in the end had 40l., as appeareth by his general acquittance; the copy thereof I have sent to Mr. Justice Ceaser. From Scots, Irish and bloody-minded “wiffes,” the Lord deliver me! But yet if Mr. Douglas will procure your honourable warrant or any other commission directed to these gentlemen, as Mr. Edward Dunlee, Vice-Admiral in these parts, Harry Adams, Francis Merik, Esq., Rees Ph[ilipp]es, Morgan Powell, John Merik, gent., and if myself be in, I will do my endeavour to know the spoilers of the ship, so that commission be granted to them or to any two of them, whereof the customer to be one, and every commissioner to examine one another, and to enquire by all ways and means, as well by depositions as by juries. Humbly I cease.—Pembrok, the xxiijth of October, 1596. By him that is joyful to hear of you and doth and will pray for you and yours and end his life in loving the same.
Endorsed :—“Certain towns of Wales and Ireland.”
Impression of Seal. ½ p. (45. 101.)
Sir John Smyth to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 23. Whereas I have not written unto your Honour since this mine imprisonment and most bitter worldly afflictions, I have foreborne the same until now, in respect that I have written so many letters to your father (as I think you do very well understand), and to no other counsellor nor magistrate nor to any man in England else, but only one that I wrote to the whole body of the Council by the advice of my Lord. Certainly I do acknowledge and confess, that my sudden unexpected outrages and drunken, frantic, railing speeches were of great injury to your father, and so subsequently to his children, and had been of far greater injury in case that I had uttered the same when I had been sober and in good memory : because that whatsoever any man speaketh when he is sober, whether he be quiet in mind or in passion, he is bound to maintain and prove the same, or else to receive punishment therefore. Howbeit, being as I was at that time so extremely distempered with the excess of drinking and fume of wine, by misdiett in my head and stomach, by the which through lack of memory, I spake upon a sudden and no ways prepensed malice (without rhyme or reason) idly and drunkenly I know not what myself : I say that I do think that those railing speeches and words that I used of my Lord, your father (whom I had always before that time greatly praised), were not of that nature, nor so to be taken by the hearers, in so high a degree of malice and injury as if the same had been spoken by me or any man else being sober and in memory, because (according to the old saying) the railings and evil speeches of men either mad or drunk, and therefore void of wit and memory, are not greatly to be regarded. For I protest that, if my Lord, your father, had been mine own father, and I discontented with him and in that extreme distempered, “wynie” case that I was at that time, upon the like sudden unexpected accident, I had outraged him with as great injuries as I did, I being now nothing of kin to him. And that is not to be thought strange, considering that it is most certainly to be proved that all the same day and night, after I was so wonderfully distempered by the superfluity of the wine in my head and stomach and lack of sleep, and thereby so far from all consideration, as that I did, not only to the great hindrance of my wife and myself deliver away a great deal of money by 10l., by 20l., by 30l., by 40l. and by 50l. to my servants and such as came first to my sight, but did also commit and was ready to commit as great and greater follies and extreme evils that night towards myself, which the next morning after that I had slept, and that thereby I came to be in temper, I wondered (when it was too late to call back again yesterday) at the strange disorders and extreme drunken follies that I had the day before, for my sins and through the lack of the grace of God, committed. All which, before considered, next after my most dutiful respect performed to Her Majesty, whom I have always most dutifully and dearly loved, without any ways deserving so much as anyone tittle of Her disfavour or displeasure till that my wynie and drunken misdemeanour, I have resolved with all sobriety and good advisement, to make such voluntary and publick satisfactions whensoever I shall be called before the Lords and magistrates in the Star Chamber, as also after in the country, unto your father's honour, by me in my drunkenness so greatly injured, as that those satisfactions (which I have more at large written of to my Lord) shall not only disannul and make void and frivolous all those foresaid drunken outrages, but also shall greatly renew and increase in this 'queasie' and malicious time the great honour of my Lord, your father, throughout the greatest part of this kingdom, in the opinion of the noblemen and all other honourable personages and gentlemen and others of any discretion that shall hear the same. Which, if I, through the help of Almighty God, do perform, then I assure myself there shall be no just cause wherefore your Honour or Sir Thomas or any of yours should think of me than as of one of your most assured friends. And I have further resolved, during my life so to behave myself in all my speeches, words and writings, upon all occasions and in all employments, towards your father and you and all his, as that the same shall be a continual renewing and increasing of his Lordship's reputation and honour. I humbly beseech your Honour that when my Lord shall have recovered his health, which I most humbly beseech Almighty God presently to restore unto him, to desire his Lordship, in my name, to have my former most humble suit and request in remembrance when he shall think it convenient.—From the Tower, the xxiijth of October, 1596.
P.S.—Amongst my distempered, wynie and dawish prodigalities, I delivered to one John Clarke, a false Judas Fleming of mine, 24l., who the same night, within six or seven hours after, stole and robbed out of a house I had above the value of 30l., and presently with a good gelding of mine rode in post to certain justices of peace and to one of the deputy lieutenants, and told them divers most false and malicious fables of me, devised of his own false cosening and cony catching brain.
The name R. Barkeley is written in another hand above the postscript.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 102.)
Sir Henry Davers to the Earl Essex.
1596, Oct. 23. Mr. Edmunds can so sufficiently inform you of my courses and desires as I shall not need to be tedious to your Honour in my letter, only I must humbly entreat your Lordship to be my apology if Sir Anthony Mildmay, now publicly armed, shall under that shield exercise his private malice, whereof he begins to make some show. Upon hope, therefore, that in this or in any other cause concerning me I shall not want your Lordship's favour, I end.—Deepe, 23 Oct. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 2.)
Sir Charles Davers to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 23. Expresses his devotion to Essex for favours received. The King has committed a letter to Lord Shrewsbury to be delivered to the Queen in his behalf : prays Essex to advise with “my Lord” how the same may be used to his best advantage.—Deepe, 23 Oct. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 3.)
Sir Horatio Palavicino to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 23. Arrived in London yesterday evening, and will shortly call at Cecil's house to pay his respects. The bearers of his letter desire audience to present a petition concerning their dispute with M. Horsey.—London, 23 October, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 4.)
Foreign Advertisements.
1596, Oct.23./Nov.2. News from Turin, 2 Nov. 1596.—Letters from Prague state that the Turkish army was encamped under Agria which was likely to be lost, as it could not hold out eight days, and the Christian army could not unite before the 15th ult. Later news of the siege, in which it appears the Turks were disheartened because a number of them who had taken possession of a ravelin were blown up by a device of the engineer Cocorano; also news of the numbers and position of the Christian army. The quarrel in Milan between the clergy and the King's ministers. Other news from Prague of the dangerous position of Agria. Don Pietro de Medici, brother of the Grand Duke, has left Rome for Genoa to pass into Spain with the galleys of Don Pietro di Toledo. The Pope has suspended for four months Cardinal le Bonromeo's excommunication of President Menoco in Milan.
News has just come that Agria has surrendered on conditions, but that the Turks have nevertheless cut to pieces every one within it.
Endorsed :—“Por la via del amigo di Genova.”
Italian. 2 pp. (174. 12.)
Sir Anthony Poulett to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 24. By virtue of the licence granted by Cecil and other Lords of the Council for his repair into England, he is now newly arrived in these parts, having left all things in good order in the Isle under his charge, Her Majesty's works as far advanced as the season would permit, and his uncle his lieutenant to keep the islanders in their due obedience. Things being thus settled there, and his poor little business by occasion of his long absence utterly unsettled here, he beseeches that he may remain in these parts until immediately after Christmas; at which time he will wait on Cecil at Court to be disposed of at his command.
Is right sorry to find in these parts the dearth and scarcity of corn so great, and would be glad to bring any little remedy he might thereunto; and although the Isles have felt the smart of the unseasonableness of the summer, yet he hopes Jersey will be able to spare some supply for these parts; which will be easier brought to pass if their Lordships vouchsafe letters of commandment to him not to permit any manner of grain to be transported from the Isle for any other place but this realm.
If this be allowed, his humble suit is there may not be notice given that this cometh from him, which may breed some unkindness towards him of the islanders, and that he may receive the order as soon as conveniently may be.—From my poor house in Somerset, this 24th of October, 1596.
Endorsed :—“Rec. at London the xxixth.”
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (45. 103.)
Sir R. Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 24. The other night Bouvel delivered unto me your Lo. letter. I am very glad that Her Majesty doth any whit allow of my writing. It is not my profession, and I know I am not very happy in it neither. Notwithstanding, I had rather in ill words make the Queen know that which I think fit for her service than out of too much modesty to hold my peace. For though I do her Majesty no good in it, yet this good I do myself that I discharge my conscience. For this town, I think the reasons be not altogether impertinent; and if there be anything that either by chance or want of well expressing remains doubtful to your Lordship, I beseech you let me know it, and I will satisfy it. Truly, methinks, both for the Queen's safety and after for her profit, there might be good grounds laid, and believe it, my Lord, either she must take some course with these countries and not suffer them remain as they do, or she will or she be aware receive some great disadvantage. I once began to talk with your L. of this and will, if I come not into England this winter, write what I think. But in these matters I would rather speak first and after write. I did think to have seen the D. of Bouillon here in his return, and with him have conferred at large of it; but, as I hear, he takes shipping at Rotterdam. I know that he is full of it, and if the French do intend to run that course, we must not suffer them to have the start of us. But I will lay some blocks, if I do not see their course clear : and truly there are some honest men amongst them, but in matter of profit they are not in general to be trusted. I think to make a step into Holland some days hence and stay there a few days; and if I do, Her Majesty's service shall not lose by it. For perhaps I shall do that which few of her Ambassadors would bring to pass, in respect of the credit I have with some of them there, and indeed I know they trust me. Here are no news at all but general opinions of the preparations in Spain. What the Cardinal doth I know not, but some opinion there is that his troops are coming into these parts of Flanders. From Gaunt I am advertised that the quatre membres de Flandres insist much with the Cardinal to have a fort built at Newerhaven in Flanders : it is the place I spoke of in my letter to the Queen; and truly, whether the enemy or the States do build upon it, the worth of this town will be exceedingly impaired. The wind turned suddenly and the boat goes away in haste; your Lo. therefore, I trust, will bear with the faults in the letter and in the writer, who will supply some of them with being most faithfully your Lo. most affectionate servant, R. Sydney.—At Flushing, the 24 of Oct. 1596.
P.S.—The plague increased at Middleborrow. They say there dieth there 200 in a day; but I do not think so many. My Lord Treasurer is more curious than ever he was to know all things about this town. I know not what his reason may be.
Holograph. 3 pp. (45. 105.)
The King of Scotland to Robert Bowes.
1596, October 24. Being purposed long since to have spoken you for obtaining us a Placat to buy some horses in England, we will therefore effectuously request and desire you to send in and procure one for buying of so many horses as shall be necessary for our use, as you will do us right thankful and acceptable pleasure—from Dunfermline. 24 October, 1596.
Addressed :—“To our trusty and wellbeloved, Mr. Robert Bowes, ambassador to our dearest sister and cousin, the Queen of England.”
Signed. ½ p. (133. 155.)
W. Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 25. Thanking him for having procured Her Majesty's hand to his commission of lieutenancy.
Cecil need not envy his ease in the country, for during his abode there he has taken more pains than pleasure, and now is a concealed Londoner only to see his wife settled, meaning sometime this week to give attendance in Court, where he will rest as one who doth acknowledge himself greatly beholden unto Cecil.—This 25 of Octobre.
Endorsed :—“1596. Mr. Comptroller of the Household to my Mr.”
Holograph. ½ p. (45. 107.)
J. Guicciardini to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 25. Acknowledging receipt by Mr. Reynolds, Essex's secretary, of his Lordship's letter to the Duke, and the other writings and instructions, and likewise honourable present, which coming from his Lordship he could not with good manners refuse howbeit he has in no sort deserved. Protests his readiness to serve Essex without any other respects than for deserving his good opinion.—London, the xxvth of October, 1596.
Holograph. ½ p. (45. 108.)
M. De Reau to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct.25./Nov.4. Le Cap. Baldy passant comme pelerin par ce pays, a desire avoir l'honneur de vous baiser les mains avant que continuer son voyage : et par mesme moyen vous faire quelques ouvertures dont il s'est advise depuis estre party de France, sur les affaires qui se traictent maintenant entre ceux de sa nation, pour en user selon que vostre prudence jugera convenir. Je Pay connu des long temps fort affectionne serviteur du Roy mon Maitre, luy en ayant rendu de bonnes preuves par Passiduite de son service. Ce qu'il entend vous communiquer ne peut a mon advis prejudicier. Plustost, si la chose est bien mesnagee, pourra elle apporter de Putilite. II s'est voulu addresser a vous, tant pour avoir eu l'honneur de vous avoir autresfois veu a Diepe, que pour vostre reputation, qui a ce que je voy est aussy bien espandue parmy les caverneuses montagnes de Suisse, que dans les costes d'Espagne. J'en desire l'accroissement avec toute prosperite.—Londres, 4 Nov. 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (174. 18.)
William Cycyll to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 25. Sends a present of a pair of table knives, four cases of fruit trenchers, and two dozen of meat trenchers.—Allterenys, 25 Oct., 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (204. 40.)
Sir George Carewe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 26. Writes to complain of Cecil's old servant, “that proud Welshman, Wynne,” who when Carewe was ready to come to Court, has, with a servant of Lord North's to protect him, violently broken the chamber door of Carewe's lodging, and placed “another” therein, with scornful words. Pays for his lodging, whether present or absent, and although Wynne, of his abundant grace, says that Carewe shall be otherwise lodged when he comes, thinks he is only displaced because he has not given a bribe. Begs him to send for Wynne and tell him to treat his (Cecil's) fellows, if not with respect, at least with justice.
Has never been accustomed to be placed by the harbingers, and will feel disgraced if the party who replaces him be not of far better quality than himself. His trunks of apparel and other stuff are still in the chamber taken from him.—The Mynorits, 26 Oct. 1596.
Endorsed :—“Concerning the taking away of his lodging by Winne, the harbinger.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (46. 1.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl o Essex.
1596, Oct. 26. “My lord, the enemy, it is said, maketh some head in these parts of Flanders, and 2,000 men are at Assenede, not far from Axel. The Margrave of Anwarp is passed into the land of Waes with 400 mariners, and there be thereaway 200 or 300 flat bottom boats. The States know not what is intended, but they fear Ostend, Bearfleet, Axel or Turneuse. The sailor is now sent into England whose 'refuse' I sent your Lordship some days since. Mine own matters I humbly recommend unto your Lordship. I understand your Lordship is desirous to obtain Sir Coniars Clyfford's company for Sir John Shelton. Your Lordship shall have my consent for it, though it be a cautionary company, and Sir John Shelton, being my old acquaintance, never sent word of it. I beseech your Lordship be good to Cap. Fleming for Sir Ar. Savage's company.
“Ships must go from hence to receive the D. of Bouillon at Brill if so (sic) carry him into France.”—26 Oct.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 2.)
Lord Harry Seymour to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 26. If health had served would have been bearer of his own letters to Cecil's father and himself in favour of his nephew Mr. Edward Seymour in his humble suit. “I should be very partial if I should recommend him to his merits, but leave that to the world, who can testify his sufficiency every way in ability to serve his prince and country.”—The Black Friars, 26 Oct. 1595. Signed, H. Seymour.
Endorsed :—“Lord Harrye Seymor.”
Seal. 1 p. (46. 3.)
Garrett De Malynes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 26. Whereas by Mr. Henry Brooke I did understand partly your Honour's pleasure, in answer of my letter written the 14th of July last, I have tried to come to the understanding of that motion. Interim, Estucan de Yuara was constrained shortly [to go] for Spain, who went with a full resolution to make the king . . . . . . he had found to impart this matter of importance . . . . . . quietness of Christendom. And although those . . . . . . unlooked for by them have happened in the . . . . . . combination (as they call it) with France and the . . . . . . are nourished, which albeit they seem to be hindrances . . . . . . then tending to peace and concord, nevertheless. . . . . .was so acceptable, that every matter and accident hath . . . . . . the rather for being preferred by Don Idiaques and Xp~douan . . . . . . the Governor of Calis, Juan de Ribas (unto whom the sequel of the . . . . . . recommended) received letters to the same effect. And caused so much to be signified unto me, by a friend of mine called Estucan Nunes, dwelling at Calis, of whom I have received divers letters, recommending the matter in most vehement manner, assuring me that the Cardinal also is altogether inclined thereunto, and that the President Richardot at his last being at Calais was very glad of this introduction wrought in some good sort, that neither party did seem to seek one unto the other, and in such secrecy that none but the above-named were privy thereof. So that, in conclusion, in furtherance hereof it standeth me upon, to manifest some probability at the least, to have audience and credit in the cause, which appearing in some sort, shall presently discover a great part of the intent. The means how to work this are referred unto your Honour, for as I would not spare my blood and all my small means to the effecting hereof, so I would neither offend your Honour or incur any displeasure. And therefore I think it my duty not to proceed herein until your honourable answer.
The report of the. . . . . .Xp~douan de Mora is not true. Also what preparation the . . . . . .Biscay and especially at Lixborne. Where they did. . . . . .Lucar and Sevill, whereof the 22 are of the. . . . . .Bate, not unknown unto the right ho. Lo. . . . . .lemons, from my friend of Calis, is committed. . . . . .being accused for a spy. I pray God to give me liberty shortly, whereof I doubt not if I may have [the result] that my cause both in equity and justice doth deserve, then, God willing, I shall come to wait upon your honour. . . . . ..King's bench, 26 Oct. 1596.
Holograph. Much damaged. 1 p. (174. 7.)
P. De Regemortes to the Earl of Essex
1596, Oct.26./Nov.5. Touschant ma depesche et partement, lequel pour beaucoup des raisons n'oseroy volontiers prolonger davantage : considerant aussi que ce n'est pas icy la place ou V. Excel. poult tirer service de moy, et qu'alieurs je le pourroy faire principalement en la conjuncture presente : en laquelle les nouvelles presentes pourrayent fleschir les humeurs a un dessein desiré et les entierement confirmer par les bonnes resolutions qu'on pourroit entendre par dela la mer. Car les difficultes qu'on m'allegua y estant de vostre part la, sont quasi ou plutost semblent entierement ostees : lesquelles consistoyent qu'on n'oseroit declarer, en tel estat de gouvernement, aux villes la defence de la traficque. Et d'autant par la raison de l'utilite publique les a faict condescendre a ce point, lequel je n'osoy esperer, et tandis qu'on est icy en bonnes inclinations, il me sembleroit necessaire de haster ce faict entretant que les chaleurs durent. Et combien que par apres on entendat aucun dilay de la venue de l'ennemy le secours estant joint, il pourroit facilement causer un exploite de plus grande consequence que d'une defensive : et si la flotte est en chemin on gaignera autant de temps. Priant V. Excel. me vouloir faire cognoistre quand sans molestation je pourray attendre sur icell pour y prendre conge, et vacquer a ses services ou icell me les plaira commander.—Londres, 5 Nov. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 19.)
Humphrey Founes, Mayor of Plymouth, Sir Ferd. Gorges, and Thos. Harris to the Council.
1596, Oct. 27. To-day arrived a ship, the Fortune, of Hamburg, laden with wheat, with a passport under the lord Admiral's hand as one of the ten to pass for the Duke of Florence. Considering the scarcity of corn, by the furnishing of ships with bread from hence, have ventured to stay the ship, and ask further directions.—Plymouth, 27 Oct. 1596.
Endorsed :—“A letter writ by the 1. Admiral and my master to discharge the ship, primo No : at Richmond.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 5.)
Sir Ferd. Gorgesto Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 27. Has conferred with Mr. Stallenge, who desires now to take another course in that matter. Asks him to take notice of “this letter,” which they send to the Council.—Plymouth, 27 Oct. 1596.
Endorsed :—“At Richmond.”
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 9.)
William Stallenge to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 27. By Cecil's letter to Sir Ferdinando Gorges and by one from Mr. Willis, understands Cecil's favour in dealing with Lord Anderson concerning the writer's suit. As he is indebted to others and might become troublesome to Cecil, desires the Queen's protection under the Great Seal, for one year, to be renewed year by year. If this cannot be, will desire Sir Ferd. Gorges “to send for him who hath me now in suit and to deal with him according to your Honour's favourable letters.” Owes only debts made in Spain and acknowledged without compulsion here in England, and has paid, since his coming over, near 1,300l., although he has no means but his service. Willed Mr. Allabaster to acquaint Cecil with the form of the letters to be written by him, lest afterwards they should be objected against him. “Sir Ferdinando Gorges and myself have called before us divers of those that have bought goods of the late action, and have required payment according to your Honour's instructions, which as yet none of them will yield unto, but do give their bonds to appear before your Honours, as I suppose all the rest will do the like.”—Plymouth, 27 Oct. 1596.
Endorsed :—“At Richmond.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (46. 6.)
W. Borough to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 27. Sends bearer, Geoffrey Davis, as a fit man for the purpose Cecil spoke of. He has the Spanish and French tongues very perfectly, having been apprentice to alderman Sir Edward Osburne and employed in Spain 14 or 15 years and in France 4 or 5 years. In 1585, at the request of Sir Francis Walsingham, then Principal Secretary. introduced him, “to have been employed in Spain for a like service,” but his business and troubles in the law were such that he could not go; he, however, furnished Sir Francis with a man to his liking. Now he will go himself.—Limehouse, 27 Oct. 1596.
Holograph. Seal broken. 1 p. (46. 10.)
Alleged Plot Against The Queen.
1596, Oct.27/Nov.6 Extract from an advertisement from Luca, 6 Nov. 1596, stilo novo, to the effect that, 10 days since, six Englishmen shipped at Ligorne for Spain, “lately come from Rome and all sworn to kill her Majesty.” One calls himself Bauchling or Barbar or Barkar, a Lincolnshire man, sometime B.A. in Corpus Christi College in Oxford; another is Ferckox, son to a mercer in Cheapside; “the names of the other four he could not learn.”
1 p. (46. 40.)
1596, Oct.27/Nov.6 Has through friends received a proposition which Virginio Orsino, a Roman baron, has lately made to the king. Has made enquiries to find who this Orsino is. Gives the result, showing that Orsino is head of his house, allied to most of the chief families of Italy, and has been general of the Italian cavalry in France in this war. Risk of making the proposed enterprise directly from France. Suggests that as the Pope is the instrument of all our ills he should be deprived of his temporal power. Describes how this is to be done, with the aid of the Grand Turk, and by sending secretly some 1500 of our men, Grisons and Swiss, to the aid of Orsino; and as for money the Queen of England ought not to grudge 100,000 crs. for a matter so much to her advantage. Orsino, being servant of the French King, could not make the enterprise without his knowledge, but might take up arms in Italy as the King's lieutenant in the kingdom of Naples. For our security the King should give us his word and deliver one of his sons in pledge to be kept at Basle or some other safe place.—Dieppe, 6 Nov. 1596.
Headed :—“Copia d'una lettra di Mons.—–scritta ad un suo amico in Inghilterra et tradotto in Italiano.”
Italian. 5 pp. (174. 22.)
E., Lord Sheffield to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 28. Sir, As in my court affairs I have ever found your friendly kindness, so now in my country's actions, to which now I wholly incline myself, I make bold to entreat the like, for both which I will rest ever to be commanded by you to my power. The cause is this. By reason of some suits I am like to have this next year, the appointment of the service of this country may either further or prejudice me much. Therefore I earnestly entreat you that you will do your endeavour that either Mr. Mounson or Mr. Pellam may be chosen, either of which being very sufficient and without partiality to any party. Yet I know that they both will work the best they can not to come within the bill, and especially Mr. Pellam, by my lord your father's means, except you do something therein. It concerns me much, therefore let me, I pray you, entreat your friendship therein.”—28 Oct.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 11.)
Raby Castle.
1596, Oct. 28. Annas Robinson's report touching the search of evidence in Raby Castle made by Sir W. Bowes and others.
This concerns a claim by Raphe Bowes to Nusan and Westholme, which fell to the Queen by the attainder of Charles Earl of Westmorland. “The parties abovesaid (seven members of the Bowes family named) hath taken upon them to make search within the castle of Raby, and there did embezzle her Majesty's evidences concerning Nusan and Westholme, to the end to disinherit her Majesty. And had all these their servants in company with them whose names are herein written, and ever as they got any evidences concerning their turn they cast them down to Raphe Bowes. Also the said Annas did ask some writings for to . . . upon her chest, and they said she should have some, but as soon as they had done Sir William got them all up and cast them into the fire, and she got a few writings and claimed them of her chest, but as soon as Sir William heard tell he sent two men for to take them from her and to burn them.”
Signed by Annas Robinson and five witnesses.—Oct. 28, 1596.
1 p. Decayed. (204. 41.)
— to John Taverner, Surveyor General of the Queen's woods from Trent Southward.
1596, Oct. 28. Ordering a particular of Rudge coppice in the Queen's forest of Pewsham, Wilts.—28 October, 1596.
Unsigned. 1 p. (2295.)
J. Wemys of Logye to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 30. “Please it your Honour, the great favour and courtesy which it pleased the same to use towards me at my being in these parts, obliged me so far, that I left Germany, where I was in quiet, and repaired toward Brabant, duly to see wherein I could find any occasion that tended to her Majesty's service and weal of her Highness' country, wherein I might give the least proof of my humble affection.” Having proceeded somewhat therein, imparted his intention to an Englishman to show to Essex, with what “misery, peril, and loss” to himself Essex knows. Desires to know, through bearer, how he may repair to Essex's presence to impart what cannot well be written. Bearer will show why he did not come in person.—Campheir, 30 Oct., 1596.
In slightly Scotch dialect.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 12.)
James Anderton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 30. According to his letters received before last assizes at Lancaster, repaired to Mr. Hesketh, and the search was made as Mr. Hesketh will report. Will see the engrossing of Cecil's fines completed and exemplified (according to statute) upon the ending of the last proclamation, at next assizes.—Lostocke, 30 Oct., 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 14.)
Sir Richard Bingham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 30. Begs to be remembered for his liberty, and for an indifferent trial of the imputations against him. Relies wholly upon Cecil's father and himself.—“From the prison of the Fleete (being most grievous unto me),” 30 Oct., 1596.
Signed :—Ry. Bingham.
1 p. (46. 15.)
Tn. Smithe to Mr. Secretary.
1596, Oct. 30. L Send you the letters you commanded to be written, and would have come myself but that you were pleased I should stay here. “The letters for the maritime counties are eight in all, whereof I delivered one to yourself yesterday, and my man now bringeth seven more with him. The rest are warrants for stay of shipping, and a particular letter to the lord Marquis and lord Mountjoye; and a letter for Mr. Seymoure to be made deputy lieutenant.” As to the other letters to be written, Sir Thomas Wilkes, being there, or his man going from hence, will make answer.—Richmond, 30 Oct.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 20.)
Mathias Holmes to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 30. Your favours have been such towards me, both in procuring my enlargement, being imprisoned by the bishops seven years ago, and likewise having been in Ireland with Sir Richard Bingham, your acceptance of me at my return, writing for me to Sir John Harrington, and accepting me for your chaplain, that I can but admire God's providence towards me in moving you to tender such a worm. The last benefit was the greatest, for after my return from Sir Richard Bingham, the bishops, incensed against me for carrying over Mr. Travers to be master of the college, put me to silence and sought occasion to imprison me. They imprisoned me not, because I was in your service, which shelter I acknowledge with all thankfulness : and though you procured not my liberty of the ministry, the prelates not regarding your letters, yet your writing was a benefit. For these honourable kindnesses I always desire to do you service. I was compelled by the rigour of the bishops to come over into Zeeland, where at Middleboro' I preach among the merchants and am well entertained; but the air is so pestilent that twice I have been sick and looked for no life. If by any means I could enjoy the ministry in England it were a benefit of God. I hear much news and meet with many who are able to inform perfectly of matters done in Brussels, Italy, Spain and France. Herein I have desired to serve you, knowing that your wisdom now is to acquaint yourself with foreign affairs, and learn the things done in the courts of other princes, especially enemies; and herein, as Cominæus records, Lewes the XI. of France so excelled, that nothing was done in any prince's court nor hatched, which he had not certain notice of; and for this your honourable predecessor, Sir Francis Walsingham, was in estimation, nothing being contrived anywhere which he knew not by intelligence. Pardon Pan, if he sings before Appollo; love of you makes me bold. Among others here able to inform, is one who was employed a long time by Walsingham, and is able to inform of Spain, Brabant, Italy; of Jesuits and such like. Some of his informations I send enclosed, and if it seems good to you to have word from time to time, one word which you may send by the merchants' post of Middleborow shall command them.—Middleborowe, 30 Oct.
Endorsed—“30 Oct. '96.”
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 9.)
M. De Reau to the Earl of Essex
1596, Oct.30/Nov. 9. Puys que vous juges estre expedient, et mesme necessaire, que je face un petit voyage suyvant ce que fut hier dit, je vous suplie moyenner, par vre dexterite et prudence ordre, que mon conge ne fut plus longuement dilaye, et que je puysse avoir promptement encores une petite audiance de sa Mate, sur larrivee de ses troupes a St. Valery; sur la revocation desquels je desirerois avoir vre opinion, paree que tout presentement quelqu'un ma dit que sa Mate avoit aucunement change d'advis. Faites moy ce bien aussi, Mons., sil vous plaist, que je puysse avoir la lettre que me promistes hier, et, sil estoit possible, lestat de larmee dEspagne et son desseing, selon que le flamand que messieurs des Estats ont envoye icy Paura peu representer. Je vous baise humblement les mains.—9 Nov., 1596, Londres.
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 26.)
The Queen to Lord Burghley.
1596, Oct. 31. Has, at the suit of Sir Robert Sidney, governor of Flushing, licensed Jacques Gele and Peter de Walcher, burghmasters of the same town, to transport, for their own use, 100 tuns of beer, from the Port of London, free of “any later duty or imposition” except the custom. Requires him to certify the officers of the port accordingly.—At Richmond, 31 Oct. 1596, 38 Eliz.
Sign Manual. Seal injured. 1 p. (46. 16.)
William Camden to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 31. “Right honourable, I do fear lest in these few lines in publica commoda peccem; but fearing more to offend her most sacred Majesty and displease the humour of the Court, which I know not, I submit this enclosed to your honourable censure out of a chapter of Anagrammes incidentally to be handled after a discourse of English names and surnames in a treatise which would gladly pass [under] your patronage. Your honour knoweth t[hese] are matters of more difficulty than mo . . . . . yet in great estimation with the F . . . . and others. Whatsoever they are, I refer them to your consideration, sive legi, sive tegi jubeas, and will attend your pleasure herein.”—Westm. 31 Oct.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 17.)
Sir Thomas Wylkes to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 31. As he was reading, to Cecil and the rest, the advertisement delivered by the mariner of Middelbrough, he was taken with a fit of an ague and forced to go to his lodging, where it has held him all this night past. Begs to be excused to the Queen and, if he miss his second fit to-morrow, will not fail to be at Court on Tuesday morning.—London, 31 Oct. 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (46. 18.)
Baldi to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 31. About 6 p.m. yesterday, two men came to my lodging, one of whom told me, in German, that the feecretary of the Council, not feeling well and having to be very early at Court to-day, had sent them to deliver me the present which it pleased her Majesty to give me; which I received with great reverence. As this young gentleman, being of a good house and highly connected, has risked this journey with me and can greatly assist me, I have given him to understand that the present is for him, and he is coming to thank you for it; for myself it is enough to have kissed the hands of the most virtuous princess in Europe, earnestly desiring to serve her against the pernicious practices of her enemies. Coming from France, provided himself with money only sufficient to come hither, on account of the danger, and has now nothing left for his return to Switzerland. Asks for some money to provide himself and his men with horses and other necessaries after they pass the sea.—London, 31 Oct. 1596.
Signed :—“Baldi du Canton de Glaris en Suisse.”
Endorsed :—“Colonel of the Swiss in France.”
French. Holograph. 1 p. (46. 19.)
John Gyles to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 31/Nov. 10 Mr. William Homes, preacher to our company in this town, counselled me to impart such intelligence as I had from time to time to you, I have many years done my duty, and had many promises of the Earl of Leicester and Sir Francis Walsingham, while I dwelt in Antwerp, and in great peril. I was set out of my house and was prisoner with Mondragon in the castle of Antwerp, for suspicion of writing to Leicester and Walsingham. The Lord delivered me out of their hands, but greatly to my cost. For that you know me not, Mr. Attehow, who was here with Leicester, and those about Sir Francis, as Mr. Bownam and others, can inform you of me. I have written to Sir Robert Cecil, and by him encouraged to continue. But since May last I have not written him, for I have but travail for my pains. If it may be to your content, my travail shall be at your command upon answer hereof. Since the loss of Calais I dwelt in Antwerp 30 years, and sometimes have writings from thence, as from other places.
First, the effect this week of the occurrences out of Italy are as follows. The Prince of Ascaly upon his misdemeanour is confined and bound to continue at Orano for five years; and is to maintain nine lances against the Moors. Cardinal Joyeuse is expected daily at the Court of Madrid, his purpose being to treat a peace between France and Spain. A practice (is) in hand to create the Cardinal “Artsducke” King of Romanies, and by means of the Pope to have him discharged of his Cardinalship; which if it come to pass, as no doubt it will, then he shall marry the Infant of Spain, and this is earnestly working. There are 25 ships with merchandise arrived at Seveil from the West Indies, and have brought with them 6,000 “arobes” cochoniella. The treasure put into certain galleons at the Avano. Great preparation made through all Spain for an army against England. The ships of the quarter of Biscay are appointed to fetch part of the Spaniards out of Bretaine, and Don Pedro de Vellasco has charge to levy men in Andalosia.
In Constantinople is marvellous great dearth. The Turk's fleet sore vexed with the plague, and his land camp in little better case, so that it is thought it will not long continue together. The Antwerp post brings certain news that five galleons are come to Lisbon which were left at the Avano, and have brought 12 millions of treasure; of which five, one is cast away, with two millions, and four millions are for the King, and six for the merchants. In Bretaine, Don Ino Dell Aquila, governor of the Spaniards there, has fortified Blewet almost invincibly. They also fortify at Benier and Ambon, two ports in Bretaine, meaning, as soon as the truce is out with the Duke de Marcary, to go into the field, having a good number of soldiers, &c. The Protestants make great instance to the French King, that they may not be excluded out of the government of the state, but have their part in the offices of the crown, the administration of justice and the finances; and by their manner of fortifying divers places and providing armies, it is thought if they cannot have their demand they will raise a new trouble in France. The Cardinal Archduke is yet at Brussels, yet would he depart to his camp, which lies near to Ostend, but the States of Brabant will not let him depart. 500 boats and 3,000 oars are in readiness at Dermonnd, and had an enterprise upon Axesell; but being on both sides advertised, it is not put in execution. About 10 days past have arrived five great ships laden with sugars, and with them 80 Moors. They were hired by Spaniards in Spain to fetch their sugars at St. Toma, and returning for Spain, understood of the arrest, and so brought the sugars to this town. If they had been met with in the narrow seas they had been good prize. Here are merchants that would favour the goods, but the States have taken them into their custody. I hear from Brussels that the Cardinal keeps his camp lingering in Flanders only to find opportunity to clap before Ostend, if by any means any garrison depart out of it. Those of Flanders solicit hard, and make the Cardinal believe that they know a way how they may get Ostend. The council of wars have agreed to besiege Ostend if any mean be to effect it. I have writings from Lucke that they levy men in all those parts to make new regiments and strengthen the old; and the most that they take up are Luckners. The Cardinal expects many new Spaniards, and great quantity of money, which this winter shall be brought by shipping to Calais. The King of Spain has ready 6,000 men and store of money and means to land them in Ireland, or in these countries if he can. Their leaders are Don Sansyo de Luna and Don Sansyo de Leva. There have been divers captains of Spaniards in Ireland, and in some parts of Scotland, and are safely returned into Spain. At the Dutch posts in London there are divers letters brought which come to this town, and directed in Dutch according to the note hereinclosed, and are of this very hand that this note is of and within the letter written by me Simon Jobson. If the party be laid for that brings those letters to the posts you shall find out strange matters, for they come from Jesuits and traitors which lie in London, and by every post write two or three great letters for Antwerp.—Mydelborw, 10 Nov. 1596; stylo novo.
Endorsed :—“Advertisements from Jho. Gyle, Mat. Holmes, Phil. Henniman, Mr. Phelleps, Tho. Nicholas.”
Holograph. 4 pp. (174. 28.)
1596, Oct. A note of money paid to Sir John Stanhope for provision of light horse and petronels out of several dioceses, as follows :—
Lincoln, 23 light horse and 36 petronels, 643l. 13s. 4d. Ely, 2 l. h. and 24 p., 198l. 13s. 4d. Norwich, 7 l. h., 95l. 6s. 8d. Co. et Lich., 4 l. h. and 5 p., 140l. Llandaff, 6 l. h., 80l. Oxford, 2 l. h., 40l. Total 1197l. 13s. 4d.; whereof paid 1100l.
Endorsed by Cecil's clerks :—“Oct. 1596. A note of money &c.”
1 p. (46. 21.)
Mich. Stanhope to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. “I performed the contents of your letter instantly. Her Majesty said that she was glad that you met them, and that she would not have you to return till something were concluded to purpose. She willed further to tell you that she was angry with my Lord your father that he would jog (joghe) his body now, being in that case he is, and was angry with me that I did not stay him. This morning (?) these newses (?) bred work, and but that I heard my Lord of Essex say that he and my Lord Admiral were presently to go to my Lord your father, and that he would send to appoint the rest of the Council to meet there, I had sent you word thereof.”
Endorsed :—Oct. 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (46. 22.)
Sir Robert Sydney to Lady Rich.
1596, Oct. Enclosing two letters received the other day from Count Ludwic of Nassow. “What there is in them I know not, only I know that he professeth himself to be very much servant to my cousin Elizabeth Vernon, and when I parted from him he demanded that trust of me that I would procure the letters he should send unto me to be safely delivered, and if any answer came to be in like sort sent unto him. It may be he is in earnest, and so I have some cause to imagine; it may be it is but gallantry. Howsoever I beseech you, Madame, let him know of the receipt of his letters, for he is a fine young gentleman and of a great house, and one that exceedingly honours my Lord your brother and yourself. This is all that your fair eyes shall be troubled withal at this time, saving only that I am promised my Lord Riche's arras shall be here very speedily, so as I doubt not but you shall have it before Christmas.”—Flushing . . . Oct. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 23.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. “My lord, you know Grand Jaws as well as I, and therefore I need say no more of him but that it is he that carrieth this letter.” Begs favour for him as an old soldier for whom the writer has not been able to do anything.
Date cut off. Endorsed :—Oct. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (46. 24.)
Henry de Bourbon to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. Vous m'avez deja tant obligé par vos courtoises passées qu'il n'était point besoin d'ajouter cette nouvelle à celles que j'ai deja reçues de vous : mais puis qu'il vous a plu me la rendre si entière par le temoignage de vos lettres, et des véritables assurances que Monsieur Riche et le Sr Emond m'en ont données de votre part, je m'en reconnais d'autant plus estroitment lié a votre service, duquel certes je m'attache plus qu'à nul autre ami que j'ai. C'est une verité, Monsieur, qui sera autorisée par les effets et le dire de Monsieur de Bouillon, par des preuves les plus signalées d'une entiere affection.
Undated. Endorsed :—“The D. Montpensier, Oct. '96.”
Holograph. 1 p. (174. 10.)
Sir Robert Sydney to the Lord Treasurer.
[1596, Oct.] My suit is that there may be a stay made of the sale of the little park of Otford, as being parcel of the said manor. There has not been any deer this 50 years, but I have ever paid the rent of 20l. with the rest of the manor. This was the reason I offered not to buy it, thinking you and the rest of the Commissioners had not power to sell it. My father, brother, and sister have had it these 50 years, and now I have the lease I will give more for it than any man, or else be content to lose it. I beseech that at the least it may be stayed till the Queen may be made acquainted, for she will not make him my landlord who she knows loves me not.
Draft in Sydney's hand, unsigned and undated.
Endorsed :—“Sir Robert Sydney to the Lo. Treasurer concerning the little park of Otford.”
1 p. (204. 42.)
(See p. 448, Oct. 22, for a letter on the same subject.)