Cecil Papers: October 1596, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1895.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1596, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp411-436 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1596, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1895), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp411-436.

"Cecil Papers: October 1596, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 6, 1596. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1895), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol6/pp411-436.

October 1596, 1–15

Thomas Chester to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 1. Two days past I received the enclosed for your Lordship, being sent me from Toloza from one Mr. Barret, by his servant, who wrote me to convoy the same with as much expedition as I could, which I have performed per post unto Paris and Roan, under cover unto a merchant of London who is there resident, whose name is William Willastone. Another letter from him I received for your honour, which I do send by way of Rochelle to be conveyed unto Bristol, for that I understand there are shipping of those parts at present; which letter I have enclosed within one to Mr. John Barker, who I know will be careful for the speedy sending of the same unto you. Any answers sent to this place, where I shall be resident some seven or eight months, I will see conveyed with as much speed and security as I can devise.—Burdeuz, this first of October, 1596.
Holograph. Seals. 1 p. (45. 28.)
Toby [Matthew], Bishop of Durham, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 1. By a letter from the Lords of the Council, signed by your honour among the rest, I perceive that the Lord Treasurer hath acquainted you with divers great misdemeanors committed by one Robert Tailboies of this county, esquire.
As required by their Lordships I have taken bond for Tailboies' personal appearance before the Council at the Court, and have caused certain justices of the peace to receive examinations on matters objected against him, whereof I enclose a minute. I doubt not but you will think that such a person, being not only a Justice of Peace, Custos Rotulorum, and Attorney General to the Bishop, but also supposeth himself and is presumed of others to have some sorry skill in the statute laws of this realm, were more fit to be well punished than a more private man. This is certain that, if he should escape unrebuked, his example no doubt would grow to great insolency in others of his humour, and be no small impediment to all such services as by authority of their Lordships may be required in these parts upon the like occasion of Border affairs. I, only for executing what was commanded, was most disdainfully and despitefully abused by him. But that is little or nothing in comparison of his gross and proud contempt against the high preeminence of that sacred Senate, whose dignity next to the royal prerogative of Her Majesty should be inviolably and reverently preserved.—Bishop Auckland, the first of October, 1596.
Endorsed :—“A letter of the Busshopp of Duresme to my Master at “Nonesuch.” ½ p. (45. 30.)
Enclosure :
Robert Tailboies Esq., his misdemeanor, committed at Brisselton Hill, on Tuesday 10 August last, when the horsemen for Darlington Ward, appointed to attend the Lord Warden of the Middle Marches at the day of Truce, were by the justices to be viewed, with their horse and furniture, by virtue of letters from the Lords of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council.
1. He said openly, in the hearing of the multitude there assembled, that the justices did they knew not what, and had none authority so to assemble Her Majesty's people in arms, nor to levy money; and that he would charge them with the same and would be informer against them, and therefore willed them to look to their answer thereof.
Tho. Calverley to the former 6 int.
Robert Robson to the 4 int.
Tho. Jeneson
2. He did not only deny to join with the said justices as one of them in that service (being of that division), but impeached their authority : said openly that his brother Willm. Tailboies (having land and living at West Auckland) should not pay his part of cessment laid for furnishing a man to that service, which cessment was laid rateably by the ancient values of the lands, according to the custom and usage of the county which of long time hath been observed in the like service.
Tho. Calverley to the former 6 int.
Robert Robson to the 4 and 2 int.
Robert Bowes
Cl. Colmore
3. He said that neither Bishop of Durham nor justices, nor any other but the Queen herself, could make any such taxation or cessment, and that to make any such taxation or cessment was treason.
Tho. Jeneson to the 5 int.;
4. He has oftentimes defended that the justices had no sufficient authority so to assemble or arm Her Majesty's subjects, and that the letters from the Lords of Her Majesty's Most Honorable Privy Council were no sufficient warrant to levy money for the furniture of the said horsemen in the execution of that service, and that it was rebellion to do the same.
Cle. Colmore to the former 6 int.
5. He wrote a letter to the Bishop of Durham about Our Lady Day in Lent last, purporting the grievousness of levies and impositions laid upon the inhabitants of this realm, as holding that justices cannot tax if they be not authorised by statute, and that all impositions should be letted which tend to the public diminution of subjects' goods; as also, that no imposition by way of benevolence should be assessed upon any whatsoever subject, because the general good in all government is preferred to any private respect. All which he wrote to dissuade the Bishop from levying money and furniture, though meet to be assessed upon this county for those ten horsemen which, both by authority from above and by direction from Her Majesty's Council at York, were enjoined to this county, for the more strength and assistance of the said Lord Warden; as appeareth by his letter proved to be his own hand writing.
Tho. Calverley, 7 and 8 int.
Cl. Colmore 7 int.
Robert Bowes
Robert Robson
6. At Auckland the fifth of April last, the said Bishop did shew Mr. Tailboies' said letter, and Mr. Purify and Mr. Fearne, two of Her Majesty's learned council at York, who in the presence of divers justices controlled the same. He notwithstanding maliciously persevered in that his error, and upon the said tenth of August, besides his intemperate speeches aforesaid, upon the reading of the Bishop's warrant, written in Her Majesty's name and according to the contents of their Lordships' said letters against his brother William Tailboies to the effect mentioned in Robert Robson's depositions to the third interrogatory, he snatched the said warrant out of the hands of Thomas Calverley, chancellor of this county, and openly with great vehemence used these horrible oaths and unseemly speeches and demeanor, “God's death! God's heart! God's wounds! Commit my brother! Commit a f . . .; The Bishop nor none of you all shall commit my brother!” And then, calling by name upon the said Thomas Calverley, put out his tongue and grinded with his teeth, and in disdainful manner took his tongue betwixt his fingers, and tearing the Bishop's said warrant with his fingers and teeth said, “Tear it! Tear it! Yea, by God's death would I, if it were his cap.”
Tho. Calverley, 8 int.
Robert Robson, 4 int.
Tho. Jeneson, 5 int.
Tho. Calverley 6 int.
Robert Bowes
2 pp. (45. 29.)
Sir Edward Norreys to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 2. Since my last here is little alteration of things. The enemy's camp lieth still about St. Poull, not strong, nor well paid, and in great fear of the French. The country are greatly out of liking with the Cardinal, and now they attribute all that hath been done to Mr. de Roud, saying the Cardinal is neither fit for war nor council; so that it is hoped amongst them that the Count Fuentes shall come again.
Now, my Lord, that the winter is so come on, and that I have set all things in as good order as I can, I beseech you that I may have leave to come over for a while. I shall think myself greatly bound to you for it, and here I do fret myself to death. I hope that by your favour there will be no difficulty made of it.—From Ostend, this ij October, 1596.
Holograph. 1 ½ pp. (45. 31.)
W. Waad to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 2. The priest in the Clink is, by an accident, drawn into suspicion. He was with me this morning, and hard by my door met with one Tho. Hodyson, one of the learnedest men amongst them. If he may be set at liberty, he protesteth, and I do believe, in short time he will discover all those about London. He informeth me of a very tall handsome man lately come from beyond the seas, apparelled all in black, a black satin doublet, velvet gascons, a long cloak with buttons. He was thrice in one week at the Clink, but being warned by Jarnet, cometh no more. If there were order taken to remove Jarnet to Wisbyche, it would be speedily done, for your Honour understood by Diapre that he giveth advertisement beyond the seas; and out of doubt none of his sort hath the advertisements that he hath.—From Wood Street, the 2 of October, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 32.)
French Advertisements.
1596, Oct. 3. It is now resolved to hold the assembly in this town [Rouen], to the calling whereof the King was unwillingly drawn but upon urgent necessity, and much more to an assembly general of the States; apprehending to be thereby solicited for the redress of sundry things which will hardly receive present reformation, and especially to be pressed in the matter of his marriage.
The things likely to be handled in the assembly are, to settle an order for levying the King's receipts, and to suppress the number of divers officers employed therein, to the payment of whose fees did run a great sum of money; to gain some ease of disburdening to the common country people of the taxations which they bear; to procure the new impositions to be generally received into the towns, and the clergy to accord the sale of some lands with the allowance of the Pope. For the first point of the Treasurers, they have already begun to take order that, where in each of the seventeen generalities (as they call them) throughout the realm, there were before ten Treasurers and other ten under-officers called Esleus, that of the first there shall remain only two, and of the other, three; whereby will be yearly saved to the King above 200,000 crowns in their wages. But this is the more hardly digested for that, upon the like intent to have proceeded lately in that course with them, in consideration of fines drawn of them particularly, they were re-established by new edicts.
The Marshal of Byron remaineth in Artoys and often visiteth the enemy, but not without great pain to make the army to live, which the Marshal complaineth to be in very great necessity for want of pay. He persuadeth the King to undertake the siege either of Dourlans, Ardres, or Heslin.
The ambassador of Savoy received audience of the King two days since at Gallyon, and in his speech to him, as the King hath since declared, he inferred first of how great utility the peace with his master would be to him and also of like necessity, praying him, therefore, not to be dissuaded from it by those that did only regard their particular end, alluding to Monsieur de Diguieres. The King made him answer that he doth hear his servants in councils of all natures, but that he doth only embrace that which he knoweth to be fittest for the utility of his realm. He hath referred him to the Constable, Monsieur de Bellievre, Monsieur de Villeroy, and Monsieur de Syllary to treat with him, and in the mean time doth defray him.
It is advertised hither from many parts that the King of Spain doth make a general stay of all shipping in his realm to take revenge of the late descent made at Cales, which, it is said, he doth so passionately bear as he wisheth only to live until he may satisfy his said revenge : whence also proceeded his displacing of his three principal counsellors, the Count—, Don John Idiaques, and Christopher de Moro, whom notwithstanding he hath since recalled, but increased the number of counsellors at war of persons of quality. That upon the said assurance he hath obtained of the subjects of Spain a contribution of thirty millions, to be paid in twenty years, which is yearly fifteen hundred crowns. And also for the said purpose he hath lately withdrawn his troops which were in Brittany, except only three hundred to remain at Blavett, and intendeth likewise to recall the forces he hath employed in his galleys against the Turk, which will make 10,000 men. And they seek not to conceal it that the said preparation is for England.
The Archduke Maximillian hath of late taken a place of very good importance upon the Turk, and the said Turk hath not yet made further progress with his army, but the same doth much break by sickness and otherwise.
The late death of the Cardinal Toletto at Rome is here much lamented, both for being a great scholar and reported to be of like integrity of life : as also for having been the principal instrument to persuade the Pope to receive the King.
Monsieur Chombert is shortly to go to treat with the Duke Mercure, with whom they do not conceive any hope of present according, in respect that, enjoying so great a contribution by the truce, he will be loath to change condition until he shall find necessity more to press him.
It is now in question whether the Duke Mompensier shall go forward with the marriage of the daughter of Longueville, which the King doth seek to impeach and to match him with the Duke Joyeuse's daughter, to the end to hinder the suit made to her by Monsieur de Vaudemont, the Duke of Lorraine's second son. She is a very great partie.
Headed :—“Roan, the 3d of October, 1596.”
[? In Sir Thomas Edmonds' handwriting.] 2 pp. (45. 33.)
Robert, Lord Rich to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 3. We are here come into a pestilent country both for soul and body, and full of excellent words and accomplements of courtsey which, together with chopt and larded meat, we are fed withal, reported to be of the King's charge, but the burghers of the town wish all our throats cut and gone, because they fear it must fall to their share to pay for it : and we that are but bad travellers can be content to hasten our retreat as soon as the King's patience will permit us the performance of swearing, and forswearing ceremonies, both for our first business as also to yield Monsieur St. George all his due rights, which now we may the sooner hope to be despatched because the King's fair great-bellied Mrs. is come to this place upon Thursday night last, attended with a hundred horse for her better security, lest some grando should carry her away.
My Lord Ambassador is deferred from any assured audience by the King hunting his usual chase, and slow workers of the pageauts which are in every street ordained for his welcome into the town. In some streets are set up greater statuaries of Justice and Temperance than can be found (as I hear) in the whole realm. Upon Tuesday, his Majesty is expected, and at Notre Dame Church our La : with a new white gown and the last King are directed to entertain him. Other semblances too many to trouble your Lordship with I omit, being assured that your Lordship is better informed of matters of substance by linguists than by me your poor “doom” brother that am without words or French humour.
Mr. Fouk Grevyll, in my Lord of Shrewsbury's passage by sea, behaved himself so excellently in his kind, that I hope your Lordship will be a means for his preferment to make him a king, which long since he hath deserved in Her Majesty's service, and I doubt since his landing the sea air hath nothing altered his complexion, having with him so good a physician as Sir Henry Palmer for his comfort.
Our English gentlemen have some of them been so bold as to visit Madame de Mounshew in her bedchamber, whither they were brought by a French gentleman this morning as an especial favour after they had visited that part of the Abbey which is prepared for the King. She sate masked in her chamber till she went out into the next room to dine. It seems beauty is much prized when it is so daintily kept. She is lodged very richly, as they report, and adorned with more beauty of jewels than especial features of good favour or fairness. I think His Majesty will not hold all ceremonies accomplished till he shew us her that is his chief delight. I perceive your Kings and great men are not so happy to hear of their faults to reform them as others, but fearing to be over tedious to your Lordship, I take my leave, and wish you all health and happiness.—From Roan, this 3d of Octo., 1596.
P.S.—The D. Mounpensier saluting me remembers much kindness to your Lordship. If it is thought that the D. de Mayne will excuse his absence from hence like a subject where he hath been accounted a chief. My Lord of Shrewsbury hopes to receive his dispatch about this day seven-night, and to be ready to embark at Deape about the 14 or 15 of this month, if shipping be there ready.
Holograph Seal. 2 ¼ pp. (45. 34.)
Robert, Lord Rich to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 3. I received this morning, by an English merchant of this town, the enclosed packet for your Lordship, brought this morning hither from Bruges. If your Lordship have any occasion to send letters hither, here is one Willison, a factor for one Mr. Bass, that dwells near Peter van Lore, that will faithfully do any service you shall trust him with.—From Roan, this 3 of Octo., 1596.
P.S. We have nothing yet of the Duke of Bullion's return out of the Low Countries.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 37.)
John [Whitgift,] Archbishop of Canterbury, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 3. Sending letters received yesternight from Canterbury. Upon understanding from him what shall be thought fit to be done, he will see it performed; unless it please their Lordships to send for the party to be further examined, which (as the Archbishop thinks) will be most convenient.—Croidon, the 3 of Octob. 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 36.)
Sir H. Newton to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1596], Oct. 3. What a comfort it is unto me in my distress to have such a gracious message from Her Majesty that it appears she is partaker of our sorrows. How should I answer her most royal kindness, but daily in my prayers unto God to bless her uprising and downlying, her forthgoing and homecoming, and to increase those most excellent and royal graces in her which never any histories have recorded in any queen as in our most excellent paragon.
For the death of my son Strangways, the Lord's hand is outstretched as well beyond the seas as on this side. Numeravit Deus terminos quos non poterimus preterire. For my own part, I would have had a boy Strangways, but it pleased the Lord otherwise to determine. My cousin, Mr. Seymor, made marvellous speed down; he was with me upon Friday night, 1 October, and I most humbly thank you that it hath pleased you to signify Her Majesty's most gracious favour towards me. Unto whose most excellent Majesty I beseech you to commend my most humble and dutiful service.
For Her Majesty's most gracious comfort sent me down by you, I mean to keep it as the precious thing which I shall ever have, and so leave it to my son—Written at Barz Court, Oct. 3.
Endorsed :—“1596. Sir Ha. Newton to my Master.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 38.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 3. More than is in this enclosed, I know not anything worthy the reading, unless of the things we are promised to see but yet have not beheld, as the King's entry into this town in great pomp and glory, yet without the D. of Mayne, who hath excused, himself by my being here, whom he pretendeth to have been one of the chiefest means of the Sc. Qs. death, his cousin, but as Mr. Edmondes told Monsieur Villeroy (after the King had told him thereof), it was but that Duke's device to keep himself from being brought hither by the King (as it were) in triumph, and so, I think, the King himself conceiveth. The preparation in this town for the King's receiving is exceeding great. They cannot be ready until Tuesday next, which hath kept him from hence ever since my coming hither, for he hath been at Gallion this fortnight. The D. Espernon is sent to Fountaynbleu to bring hither the King's sister, but she being much discontented, for that she cannot be suffered to marry the Count Soissons, it is thought she will not come. The Constable's wife and many other great ladies are already here, and the King's Mistress arrived here in a litter with few company on Thursday last, and hath no other lodging but the King's to lay her great belly in. That day she came hither the King went a hunting, but losing himself (in like of following his chace) he was found (they say) the same night by his Mrs. side, but in his own bed in this town; but it was so secretly carried as all the boys in the street spoke of it. The King hath taken exceeding great care of my honourable entertainment since my arrival at Deape. Monsieur Farvacques met me before I came at Cleare, where I lodged. Your Lordship hath lain there, and knoweth the goodness of that lodging; yet for myself I had no cause to complain for I lay in the castle. There the King began to defray me. Monsieur Surrenne, maistre d'hostell, and one of the marshals of the camp, whom I think your Lordship knows for a good companion, was there. Farvacques told me before him that he saw the King's letter to him, wherein he wrytt to make me chere entiere. Your Lordship knoweth what that meaneth, but I mean not to trouble his worship further than the kitchen. By this time all I can inform your Lordship is said but that the King hath sent me word he will go roundly to work with me : the next day after his entry here I shall have audience : the day following he will take his oath and the third day receive the Garter. I wish your Lordship all the honour and happiness you do to yourself, and rest your cousin and friend most assured, Gilb. Shrewsbury.—At Roan, the 30. of October, 1596.
P.S. I forgot to inform you that the D. Montpensier met me a mile from the town, accompanied with the most of the gent. of Normandy, and so brought me hither to my lodging. The next day early he went to the King.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 39.)
1596, Oct. 3. Soldiers delivered to Captain Arthur Chichester at Hertford by Sir Henry Cock, Sir John Brocket, and Sir Philip Boteler, deputy lieutenants of the county.
1 p. (141. 178.)
George Gilpin to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 4. Although not having heard this long time of the receipt of sundry of my letters, yet I cannot omit the least opportunity to be still troublesome to shew my dutiful service. As I wrote before, Sir Robert Sidney at his last being here left two chains, one for Admiral Duynenvoorde, and the other for John Geertbrantz, Vice Admiral. The admiral's, I have since sent to his house; and the other, Geerbrantz, upon my writing to him, sent his son for, yielding many thanks to your Lordship for so honourable a remembrance which they will ever be ready to merit, with all service and other dutiful offices. The Duke of Buillion is still here, having effected nothing because some of the States, not feeling authorised to deal in so weighty a matter, have written to their provinces for further orders, which they of Zeland have not yet sent, but their deputies are looked for hourly, and then some resolution will be taken : until which time the Duke takes patience though the delay somewhat troubled him. Count Maurice and the rest of the Counts continue there to keep the Duke company, and the Cardinal having sent all his forces to the frontiers of France to defend their limits, all is as quiet as if there were no enemy, and if the French can keep the Cardinal in those quarters, Count Maurice may chance to be doing of somewhat ere winter come.
The horsemen of Barques and Breda, with a few footmen, were of late as far as Bruxels, ravaging and spoiling round about; so as they returned with store of cattle and many prisoners, without any appearing in all the journey to annoy them, so weak are the enemy's garrison left. From other places like raids are made, to the profit of their soldiers and the harm of the other side.
The Prince of Orange is come to Emmericq whether the Countess of Hohenlo is gone to salute him. Count Maurice having also sent one of his Councillors to like effect, what will follow time will discover : it is somewhat to be marvelled at that the Cardinal trusteth the said Prince so far.
Monsieur Aldegonde is sent by Count Maurice to be governor in Orange, and establish such order that he may keep possession, which by the King of France's favour will be more easy. To fasten it the better it is said there is a meaning to see if a match can be made between his sister, the Lady Emilia of Nassau, and Monsieur de la Tremouille.
The States are very glad their deputies have had so gracious an audience, in hope of better success by your Lordship's favour; wishing that such a good end might be made as might stand with Her Majesty's liking and their estate could endure.—From the Haeghe, this 4th of October, 1596.
Seal. 2 pp. (45. 42.)
Thomas Fowler to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 4. My cousin Wynybancke's wife has entreated me to attend you for appeasing of some dislike grown between them, which, as it appears by your letter your Honour hath given leave to any of her friends to attend you, I would willingly have done, but it hath pleased God to visit me with so great sickness that I am not able.
If it shall seem good to your Honour to call them before you, she hath promised to perform anything you may think fit for her to do, and I doubt not my cousin Winnibancke, whom I hold to be my very good friend and kinsman, will, upon your Honour's motion and knowledge of this letter, willingly do the like.
I beseech your Honour to take some good order therein so soon as your leisure will permit, for she complaineth that the lieth in London wanting both mean, money and apparel. I am most willing to wait upon you at any time in London but as yet I am not able to travel further.—From my house in Islington, the iiijth October, 1596.
Signed. 1 p. (45. 13.)
Arth. Atye to William Downhall.
1596, Oct. 5. “Mr. William, slack not, I pray you, the tide now it serveth; and in any wise let me hear often from you. Send your letters to Sir Gillye Merricke's chamber at Essex House, for thither I have appointed Williams, my man, to come every day for them. Advise me whether it be good I send a man to wait there at Court or not. And once a week I would willingly be at Court myself were it not so far off and so uncommodious for lodging. I pray you send me word what hope there is of remove.” If occasion require send a special messenger hither and I will pay his charges.—Kylbourne, 5 Oct. 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (173. 139.)
Sir Edward Denny to Lord Burghley.
1596, Oct. 5. Prays that he may draw in his former bond for the repayment of his debt to the Queen by 200l. yearly, and pay it by 100 marks yearly. Prays Burghley to further the grant of his patent for the walk of Epping.—5 Oct. 1596.
1 p. (1945.)
Sir Ferdinando Gorges to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 6. Intreating the continuance of Cecil's favour, whereon he builds his hopes as already having received many benefits thereby.—From the fort at Plymouth, the 6 of October 1596.
Seal. ¼ p. (45. 44.)
Levies in London and Kent.
1596, Oct. 6. (1.) Draft warrant to the lieutenants of the city of London for the levy of certain forces within the city for the Queen's service beyond the seas.
1 p. (45. 45.)
(2.) The like to the lieutenant of the county of Kent for the levy of men to be selected from the Trained Bands for the same service.
Both endorsed :—“6 October 1596. Copy of.”
1 p. (45. 46.)
J. Herbert, Master of Requests, J. Stanhope, and B. Swale, to the Lords of the Council.
1596, Oct. 6. According to their Lordships' letters they sent for John Berington, lately committed by the Council to the Marshalsea prison, and examined him diligently on each point in the said letters. His answers are enclosed.
And because the keeper who brought him before them exhibited a note under one Roger Walton's hand, of certain lewd speeches lately used by the said Berington in prison, they have likewise examined him upon those points, and have inserted his answer in the said examination, annexing thereto the note of the alleged words and speeches.—The Arches, this 6 of October, 1596.
Signed. ½ p. (45. 50.)
The Enclosures :
(1.) Examination of John Berington.
Is about 26 years of age. Born in Herefordshire and brought up there. Scholar at Lemster, Hereford and Worcester until about 16 years ago. After, served Mr. Thomas Wyinor about a year, and after, Mr. Harbert Croft about 3 years; waited on him in his chamber. From his service, this examinant went to the Low Countries, when he was about 21 years of age. Went first to Brill, Flushing, Middleborowe, and Andwarp, staying not above five or six days in any of those places. Went alone. From Andwarp he went towards Colen. At Andwarp, spake with the Earl of Westmorland, and only saluted him.
Before he went over seas, he went orderly to Church to public prayer.
Continued his travel to Venice, never staying above ten days in any place. From Venice to Farrara, Bolonia and Florence, still only as a traveller. At Florence, met with Mr. James Guychardin who lent him 5 crowns. In Florence stayed not above three days, going thence to Sienna, and so to Rome, where he stayed a long time, being sick. Seeking for relief, he went to Cardinal Allen, who received him, being sick, into his house, and relieved him there about thirteen weeks.
After he had recovered, at the end of those thirteen weeks he returned directly into the Low Countries to return home. At Brussels he stayed himself, and being destitute enquired for relief of his countrymen, and especially sought unto Sir W. Stanley, who had been at Cardinal Allen's in Rome whilst he was sick there, and had there talked with him. Hereupon, this examinant seeking for a passport of Sir William Stanley to pass the Spanish King's country, Sir W. told him he could give him no passport : but, if he would serve, he would give him entertainment. Whereupon, by Sir William Stanley's means and Jaques, his lieutenant-Colonel, they gave this examinant 25 crowns entertainment for the month, and at that rate he served under Sir William's bond three years. At the end of the three years, they served in Frisland, where the Italians making a mutiny he left Sir William Stanley's regiment, and sorted with the mutineers, where he was in their garrison two years within a month, until they received their pay. At which time he, receiving his pay as the other mutineers did, came away for England through Liege and those countries, to avoid the King's dominions, who laid for to take the mutineers. He took shipping at Flushing, coming thither from Brabant disguised for a merchant, and landed at Margate about seven weeks and four days since, being the midst of August last.
There came in the ship with him from Flushing one Goldesmith and one Graye, whom he took to be merchants, whom he never knew before, but they said they were merchants of Middleborowe.
Within two days of coming to Margate, he came to Mr. Secretary to have submitted himself to him; but he sent him to Mr. Wade to be examined, so as he never spoke with Mr. Secretary. Asked of his going to Church, he saith directly that he will not go to Church; and being charged that, since coming into the Marshalsea, he professed himself a Protestant, he confesseth he did so and dissembled his religion, thinking thereby the easier to get his liberty and come forth of prison.
Asked about speeches by him used, that he cared not if there were but a painted cloth between him and them that said the public prayer, he denieth those speeches, but saith that he said to one Walton, a prisoner with him in the Marshalsea, who asked him if he would go to service, he denied to do so. Walton told him, “Why will you not go to it? You hear it as you lie in your chamber.” He answered, “So I be not present at it, I care not for that.”
Asked whether he did not say that he had a dispensation both to eat flesh and come to church and dissemble his religion, he denieth directly he used those words. But he saith that Walton being at table with him on a fish day in the Marshalsea, and he there eating flesh, Walton asked him why he being a Catholic did eat flesh, this examinant answered “I am a soldier, and soldiers are dispensed with to eat what they list.”
Headed :—The examination of John Berington taken by Mr. John Harbert Esq., Mr. of Requests, Mr. Stanhop and Mr. Swale, Doctor of the Civil Law, the vjth of October 1596.
2 ½ pp. (45. 48.)
(2.) John Berrington hath said he hath served the King of Spain and received a pay of him in the Low Countries.
More, he do say that he is a Catholic and will not come to Church, and did not care if there were but a painted cloth between him and the service that is daily said in the Marshalsea by the priest of St. George's Church, and that he had a dispensation both for eating of flesh and the hearing of the ordinary service.
And how he hath dissembled in his religion, Mr. Eyde, the porter, is able to deliver by word of mouth. By me, Roger Walton.
1 p. (45. 47.)
M. de La Fontaine to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 6. Your favour has opened the door to a poor man, jeweller and excellent workman, to deliver himself from the bonds of a certain griffin, as from the claws of a bird of prey, which after seizing upon the poor jeweller, beggared by his evil counsels in suits which have ruined his family, would after the fleece tear away the skin itself of all this poor family. If your authority, in snatching this prey from him, could cut his claws, and stop him from his trade of kindling division between poor people in order to reap his harvest from their misfortunes, it would be a great benefit to our churches and perhaps to yours also.—London, 6 Oct. 1596.
Signed. French. 1 p. (173. 140.)
William Wallop, Mayor of Southampton, to the Lords of the Council.
1596, Oct. 7. In reply to their letter of the 5th of this instant, requiring the stay for some few days of the sending over of those companies to be embarked here for the French King's service in Picardy, and yet nevertheless to continue the shipping in readiness for their transportation. The shipping and victuals is already prepared for their transportation as required; the which notwithstanding, I have made stay of the shipping, and order shall be taken for the soldiers and other the contents of your letters accordingly, albeit corn is at a very extreme rate and price amongst us, wheat being at 7s. a bushel and very hard to be gotten for money; and more grievous like to be by means of the soldiers' stay, if other order may not be taken for removing some of them hence to Winchester and Romsey.—Southampton, this vijth of October, 1596.
Signed, Wm. Wallop, mayor. 1 p. (45. 51.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 7. Pleaseth your Honour, I do suspect your doubtful conceit of my proceedings in the performance of your promise to Her Majesty in my behalf upon my deliverance, which is the special cause that I send this bearer purposely with my letter to Her Majesty, to be delivered by my very good friend, Sir John Stanhop, containing the articles against Merrick, with some additions. I know not certainly whether he will undertake the delivery, yet, methinketh, it shall not be refused, considering it is for Her Majesty's service, and so endorsed. Sir John Fortescue, at his return yesterday from London, made me no great show of willingness to exhibit the articles, or to meddle in those matters with Her Majesty, but rather did advise me in love to take heed and be well advised both of my speech touching Merrick and otherwise, considering his power and interest with his lord and master; howbeit did require a note thereof briefly to be given him, with the charty parties and bills of lading which I keep for my discharge. It is strange that all the world should stand in so great doubt of Sir Gellie's might, but I mean not to meddle before Her Majesty's or your father's directions.
I have of late discovered matter very deeply concerning my Lord, your father, whom I so much reverence and have found so honourably disposed towards me heretofore, as I take it to be my duty not to conceal it but to impart it to your Honour at my next attendance. I thank God it hath hitherto been my hap in the course of my life that such as have maliciously sought to wrong me have fallen into the pit of their own mischief. And for your better satisfaction, if at any time you shall find I do undertake anything without good proof, reject me for ever. And I do desire (as one of God's greatest blessings) to be believed when I speak truth. And so in haste I humbly take leave from my house in Holborn, this vijth of October, 1596.
P.S.—I would you would vouchsafe to write a word to the Lord Keeper for his certificate in the cause betwixt Mrs. Rice and me, for she threateneth my further trouble.
1 p. (45. 52.)
The Mayor and others of Lincoln to Lord Cobham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 7. Have received their letters reminding them that at the request of Sir John Woollye, dec., they promised the office of sheriffs' clerk of the city, for this year, to one Edward Wadesoun, it being already given for last year. Never made any such promise, nor could do so, for the office is in the gift of the sheriffs alone. Moved the now sheriffs in the matter, who replied that their promise was long ago given. Most citizens eligible to be sheriffs have already given their promises although the place “is not worth half the suit that is made for it.”—7 (?) Oct., 1596. Signed, George Dicconson, maior : Robert Rishworth, Wyllm. Yates, Wyllm. Mylners, E. Dynnys, Wyllm. Wharton, Robert Mason, Leon Hollingworth, John Becke; and with the marks of Wm. Gosse, John Redferne, Tho. Swift and Abraham Metcalfe.
Sealed with a seal in which the date 1591 appears at the top. Endorsed incorrectly :—“primo Oct.”
1 p. (173. 138.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 7. “I pray your good Honour to pardon my forgetfulness in my other letter, in not mentioning that Mr. Chancellor advised me not to meddle against Merrick before I were restored to her Majesty's favour statu quo prius, and had my plate yet remaining seized in Mr. Middleton's custody redelivered me; being constrained at this present to borrow vessel for mine ordinary use, and little else so seized but what was mine long before Cales voyage, and may be hazarded by offence taken in my contention with Merrick. I likewise am certified from Plymouth that Best (of whom I gave your Honour notice by former letters) hath bestirred him handsomely in those parts about the cleanly conveyance of Sir Gillie's store of sugars; and hath showed himself no less good husband here in these parts, for within these fifteen days he hath purchased a thing near Ware of about 300l. yearly value (a good return of so small expense in so short an adventure as Cales). Sir Richard, his father, would have been glad with a fourth part of that revenue. He reported this day that he hath notice of two several bills her Majesty hath in her custody of matters against him, and desireth very much to come to his answer; which I humbly beseech your Honour, in his behalf, to hasten, that this controversy may be cleared whether of us be the honester.”—From my house, 7 Oct. Signed.
P.S.—Please give the messenger “an ordinary bill for his charges, as in like cases is usual.”
1 p. (173. 141.)
John Danyell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 8. It is commonly reported that some Spaniards, come out of Brittany, are landed in the North of Ireland. If there be but a few come thither, it is like they will send more out of the Low Countries. Sir William Stanley, no doubt, will be a great procurer thereof, for he hath been very desirous of that journey for a long time. It is also like that the Geraldine in Spain, with the rest of his traitor's consort there, will procure some forces to be sent with them for Mounster, informing the King that they will, with the help they shall find there, easily win that province while Her Majesty's forces are making head against the enemy in the North. It is likewise like that Colonel Symple Ascott who married the Treasure of the Indies' daughter, with the rest of the Scottish Bishops, Jesuits, priests and others in Spain, will inform the King that he may with more safety send treasure and other necessaries into Scotland in Scottish bottoms to be conveyed into the North of Ireland than to be sent directly from Spain in any other bottom, and that the King's army there may be victualled out of Scotland. Pray God, Her Majesty do not find that some of the civilest sort of Ireland be not already joined unto the enemy in this confederacy. Under correction, he thinks that any Scottish, Irish or any other ship coming out of Spain, France or the Low Countries, being met withal, should be earnestly searched, and letters written to the magistrates of the haven cities and towns of Ireland to use like search carefully, in hope that some of their treasure or letters may be met withal.
The sums owing to the rest of his creditors being but little to each of them, and meaning truly to pay these within twelve months, he humbly beseeches Cecil to procure him security from arrest or commitment during that time : he will take order that none of his creditors shall suffer if this be granted. Has long been desirous to serve his Honour, if he will receive him into his service, not meaning to put Cecil to any charge, but only to have his countenance of his service to deceive any.—This viijth of October, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (45. 53.)
Ro. Poly to Lord Cobham.
[1596,] Oct. 8. It may please your Honour remember that Smyth in his last made mention of a letter sent out of Spain from Fa : Parsons (rector of the English Seminary there) unto Fa : Craton, resident in the Scottish Seminary at Lovaine; the copy whereof, with other advertisements of some consequence, he hath sent enclosed in this packet, which came to my hands this morning, and would have brought unto your Honour myself, but that these six days past I have been sick and much troubled with overmuch bleeding.
It may please your Honour to consider the particulars and importance : and I will attend you at the Court. In the meantime I most humbly beseech you to remember poor Udall in the Marshalsea, sick and without relief. He hath and may do some part of good service by conveyance, he protesting innocency of any trespass, and is willing to give security for his good behaviour and appearance, as your Honour shall think fit. He lies under no Privy Councillor's warrant nor commandment, only Mr. Toplyffe committed him, and at your Honour's request will easily discharge and send him to you; whom you may despatch over and appoint to return as occasion of service shall require.—Octo : 8.
Addressed, “To the Right Hoble. the Lord Cobham, Lo. Chamberlain to Her Majesty and one of Her Highness most honorable Privy Council.”
Endorsed :—“1596.”
Holograph. 3 Seals. 1 p. (45. 54.)
The Mayor and Townsmen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 8. It was of late thought convenient by the Council that the towns of Halifax with the vicarage, Wakefield and Leeds, having some benefit by this port in the vent of their cloths, should contribute towards the great charges which the city of York and this town only have hitherto sustained, in the setting forth of one ship from this port in the Queen's late service to Calez; and the Council directed the justices there to levy some reasonable sum. The justices delay answer, and will no doubt seek to revoke the Council's order. We pray that the order be maintained, and that a proportionate sum, 400l. or 500l. out of the 1,400l. incurred, may be set down for them to pay, those towns being great and rich, and ours little and poor.—Kingston-upon-Hull, 8 October 1596.
Signed by John Chapman, mayor, and others. Much damaged.
1 p. (213. 23.)
H. Earl of Lincoln to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 9. I understand by my Lord, your father, that Her Majesty removeth to Richmond on Tuesday, and therefore am bold to desire your favour either to excuse my stay till Tuesday from the Court, or to send me answer by this bearer whether I shall need to come before. I am the more desirous to stay a day longer for that my ship (where all my goods are) and most of my servants are not arrived; but I hope will be here this next tide, for that the wind serveth well, and therefore cannot stay longer except they of Dunkirk meet them. I came away from Flushing in a man-of-war which I found ready to hoist up sail; as soon as I landed, was appointed to go to arrest certain Hollanders past Dunkirk. I arrived this last night, wearied with my long lying on shipboard and glad to tread once again on English ground. Will desire you to spare my report of all other matters till my coming.—My lodging in Channon Row, this 9th of Oct., 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 55.)
Sir Robert Napper to Henry Maynard.
[1596,] Oct. 9. After my departure from you yesterday at the Court I happened homewards upon Mr. Yonge, son and heir to Sir John Yonge, deceased, and Mr. Cook, servant to my Lady Yonge, who desired my advice touching the wardship of John Strangwaies, an infant of eleven years old, lately happened to Her Majesty, and shewed me (being that countryman) this petition in effect here inclosed : which in part I altered, and caused to be new written as now it is. Afterwards I perceived by them that my very honourable friend Sir Robert Cecil had dealt therein on behalf of Lady Newton, whose daughter married this ward's brother, deceased, and therefore I persuaded them to stay the delivery thereof until I acquainted you, that he might conceive that I was not willing further to deal therein than might stand with his liking. Whereupon I brought them to this offer that whereas Sir Henry Newton hath resting in his hands the sum of 550l. due to the executors of John Strangwaies esquire, deceased, father of the now ward, which is by the death of the said ward, being his executor and dying intestate, subject to the payment of his debt, and hath received likewise 300l. more of the profits of the ward's lands, as they say, these two gentlemen will undertake on behalf of Lady Yonge, the petitioner, for whom they follow, to perform all the contents of the said petition. Also they will procure discharge to Sir Henry Newton of the said 550l. and that shall be for his Lady's recompense, in consideration Mr. Secretary hath been seen therein on their behalf. Besides, they will give for recompense to you or any other upon whom your honourable Lord shall bestow the ward upon, 1,000l.; besides Her Majesty's fine to be set down by his Honour; praying you to acquaint Mr. Secretary herewith, that he may not take it meant of me any way to cross or hinder any purchase of his. And because it shall appear that it is meant that the petition shall be justified as true, and that this offer on Lady Yonge's behalf shall be performed, the said gentlemen have subscribed the same petition and this letter. And thus having sent you the petition, having no meaning to charge myself with the performance of anything vouched true or promised, but desirous to be a mean of some good end, I have hasted this letter to you before you come from the Court. The state of the ward's lands is as well known unto me, being the same countryman and dealing altogether for his father when I was a practiser, as to any man; and I do verily persuade myself the promises will be performed.—From the Middle Temple, this 9 of October, early in the morning.
Underwritten :—“We do promise to perform as above is written in all respects.”
Signed, Robert Yonge. John Cook.
Addressed :—“To my very worshipful friend Henry Maynard, Esquyer, at the Court at Nonsuch, give these.”
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 56.)
T[homas], Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 9. Mr. Secretary; Her Majesty did will me to leave this protection to be signed, for that I am to attend your father about the matter of the States at London, and I know not with whom to leave it better than with you; praying you to remember Her Majesty of it when other bills are to be signed by her.
[The rest of the letter refers to a composition for the debts of some person whose name does not appear, made pursuant to the order of the late Lord Keeper and the writer, to whom the matter had been referred by the Queen, and to the inconvenience which will result to the creditors unless the said protection be obtained.]—This Saturday, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 57.)
Levies in London.
1596, Oct. 9. The division of 450 soldiers levied in London for the Queen's service in France, by the committees thereunto appointed, according as they were pressed, armed, and furnished out of the several wards.
1 p. (141. 179.)
The Lord Mayor of London to Lord Burghley.
1596, Oct. 10. Sending muster rolls of 450 men levied in the City, by Burghley's directions, for the Queen's service in Picardy, and delivered the 9th of this instant to the captains, who have embarked them; and requesting repayment of 20l. 5s. prest money defrayed for the levy.—From London, 10th Oct., 1596.
Signed : “Stephen Slang, maior.”
1 p. (45. 58.)
John Mychell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 11. Seeking to be further employed in the Queen's service. He had employment by Secretary Sir Francis Walsingham, in 1589 (the year after the fleet of the Spanish), at which time he was travelling into parts of Italy and making his way through Artoys to Bruxelles, where he was solicited by the said Secretary for certain intents, wherein he did both carefully and faithfully discharge his duty. Albeit at his coming into England he was not used, as others of less desert were, owing, as he thinks, to Walsingham's death in the spring following. At that time he came to Ireland, where he has lived ever since, save that last year he spent the summer in Scotland, meaning the summer of 1595. At his first coming to Ireland, he did the Queen a small service in the time of Sir William Fitz Williams, who, he is assured, doth well remember the same.
If God should give Cecil a mind to assist him in this dangerous time, doubts not he can do very acceptable service to the Queen, especially in Ireland, which God doth know is in a strange uproar, having noted many particular matters for the benefit thereof. Further, he can with security, by a mean he hath found, go into the King's country, and, if it can benefit his country, he is ready to go. Writes in haste, the ship being ready to sail, and commits his life to this paper.—Waterford, Oct. xj., 1596.
P.S. If Cecil sends to him he will come over as upon other occasions. He is living with one Patrick Grant in Waterford, who serveth the Earl of Ormond.
Holograph. 2 pp. (45. 59.)
M. Noel de Caron to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 11. In favour of the bearer, the Vicar of Streatham, a very worthy man, who has a suit in the Court for a prebend in St. Paul's of small value. His vicarage of Streatham being also small, he seeks by the other to get a sufficient living. He was chaplain and servant of Secretary Walsingham, and afterwards of the late Lord Keeper.—Streatham, 11 Oct., 1596.
Endorsed :—“In favour of Mr. Rabbett.”
French. Holograph. 1 p. (173. 142.)
William Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 12. The intelligence that presently I have by the relation of one Francis Tenant, a Scottishman, I have thought fit to impart unto you.
There is one Dixon, a Scottishman, lately come to London; he is to pass to Paris, and intendeth to seek his passport at your hands. He hath been a great practiser with the four excommunicate earls, as the relator termeth them. It is thought he hath letters to the Duke de Mayn, Earl Bothwell, and the Bishop of Glasgow, with whom the relator hath seen him much and frequently conversant.
He will seek his passport under the name and countenance of a merchant. It may be he will be accompanied with some to pass in that passage with him, which he intendeth at Dover or Rye, where at his embarking his errand and purposes may be deprehended with some careful eye to such as may, under colour of falling in his company by chance, have those letters committed for the time which he for danger of such would not have found upon him. Which, being the caution that the said Tenant the relator delivered, I do add also, though needless to your Honour who know best to entertain the man and the matter in best opportunities.—12 Octob., 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 60.)
W. Waad, Edward Vaghan, and Richard Skevyngton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 12. We have examined John Hale according to your directions, who, because those letters which were left at Mr. Kempton's house from certain prisoners in Bridewell and from Pearcie, the priest, came not to his hands, doth take no knowledge of them, but the parties that wrote the letters do not deny the same; and there were answers procured by a letter from him by some of them, wherein he craved the resolution and advice of Pearcie for his direction in some form of meditation, whereunto, as it seemeth, he hath bound himself. The letters for the priest are very suspicious in divers points, but both of them do interpret the same only to concern prayer and meditation, and in one place there is mention made of a priest called Father Frauncys, whom, as Pearcie saith, is well known unto Hale. Hale is a most obstinate and dangerous person, wherefore we thought it our duty to put you, as the rest of their Lordships, in mind of the cause why this party and a brother of his were committed, which is not unknown to some of their Honours. This John Hale and his brother Edward were apprehended, with one Gravener, in the North parts, coming out of Ireland and going into Scotland upon some message from the Earl of Tyrone, as is to be suspected, with whom they had been conversant for the space of six weeks at his castle of Clanrikard, being entertained during that time at his table, as lodged in his said castle. At which time, as they further confessed, they viewed sometimes a hundred or more soldiers, well appointed with shot and other furniture fit for the wars, being at that time the first preparation to the Earl's rebellion. And the said Hale then further confessed that Gravener, who after poisoned himself, had then sundry times secret conference with the said Earl, but what the same was they were ignorant of. And they being then further demanded whither they purposed to travel after their return out of Scotland, if they had not been apprehended, their answer is they intended to go into France to learn the language, though, by the circumstances of their examinations, it was more evident it should be for Spain or Rome; as appeareth further by the certificate and examination taken by the Bishop of Lemrick and other her Majesty's Commissioners at that time, which then were sent unto the Lords of the Privy Council.
Further, what was confessed was by the younger brother, and nothing by this John Hale, whose answer was always to us that he was a Catholic, and that he was not further bound to accuse himself. So as we have always held this party to be a very obstinate, resolute, and dangerous person, and unfit to be at liberty, neither were we acquainted with his former enlargement, and therefore have now committed to Newgate close prisoner, and given order that he shall be indicted upon the statute of recusancy, whereby he may be lawfully detained. And we have also given further order to send for two other of the brothers upon the bail taking for their forthcoming, whereof we thought good to advertise your Honour, to the end we may receive further directions.—From London, this xijth of October, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (45. 61.)
William Willaston to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 12. This present day the packet enclosed came to his hands from Bordeaux, from a merchant there resident, called Thomas Chester, a stranger to him.
Assures Essex of his loyal obedience to the Queen and all affectionate service to his country, the peers thereof, and more particularly to his Lordship, whom he hopes the Lord hath raised up to answer the hope of the whole commonweal. If Chester or any other employed for Essex have occasion to send their intelligence to Bordeaux, and Essex cause this to be addressed to him, he will have it conveyed with that diligent care that may balance the importance of it. It has been his misfortune in zeal to his country, to provoke Mr. Ottwell Smith, a year ago, to write what he received from the mouth of a Frenchman concerning the intercepting of letters from some English nobleman to the King of Spain, signed “Howard.” He was as ignorant that it was the Lord Admiral's name as void of imagination of any disloyalty in his Lordship. Both Mr. Smith and he received great blame from the Queen and the Lord Admiral causeless; and things done for the best turned to the worst discourage the most faithful. Writes this lest Essex, having heard the premises, should be deceived in him. Though his intent was good, he was too rash to ground on Frenchmen's words so great matters. Has thought it his duty, seeing Lord Rich was there, to deliver the letters to him, but has charged the post, if he be in danger of Dunkerkers, to cast all away rather than let it fall into their hands.—At Rouen, October 12, 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 63.)
The Deputies for the States General to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 12/22. Some merchants dwelling in London have very earnestly required a word from them to Essex in favour of Laurence Chimey, a Fleming, lately brought prisoner from Cades, having lost his all by the capture and sack of that town, to the total ruin of his wife and five children; that, relying on his sincerity and good behaviour in these parts, it would please his Lordship to release him and another Fleming, who has lost his senses since the taking of the town, and to give them to Sir Samuel Bagnal, to be ransomed.
It is not likely that after loss of all they had any ransom will be forthcoming; they ask therefore for their release without any ransom.—London, 22 October, 1596, Stilo Novo.
Three Signatures. French. 1 p. (45. 98.)
Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury to [the Earl of Essex].
1596, Oct. 13. I was bold to write to your Lordship when I writ last to the Court. I know not whether you have received them. At this time I hope you will pardon my shortness, the rather for that I trust to see your Lordship at the Court within these ten or eleven days, if God send a fair wind. All our business is ended here, where the King and all those Princes that are here at this time have shewed so many signs of their affections to Her Majesty as in this time they possibly could express. If your Lordship will pardon me for the particularities until I see you, I will thank you, for I have not leisure at this present to enlarge as I would. I wish to your Lordship all the honour and happiness that your noble heart is worthy of, and so I will take my leave.—“At Roan, in post hast, this 13th of Octobr., 1596, Your 1. cosen and most affectionate friend, Gilb. Shrewsbury.”
Holograph. Without address. 1 p. (45. 64.)
Lord Rich to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 13. I understand by this post, Peter Browne, that he hath safely delivered unto your Lordship the packet I sent last week. Since which time, my Lord Ambassador hath performed the solemnity of all the ceremonies he came for, the one upon Saturday, and Monsieur St. George on Sunday. On Saturday, my Lord was feasted at the Duke Mumpensier's at dinner, where was remembered seven healths, your Lordship's being one, which made us the fitter to swear with the King. The next day, my Lord presented Sir An. Mildmay who, with his Lordship, dined with the King, and that night the King feasted us all at the D. house, which is fairer and better furnished than the Court.
I was informed yesterday that 2,000 Spaniards are landed at Callys from Bluett, by a gentleman of the Religion; which, if it prove so, your Lordship shall soon understand, and the King hear of before he be ready for them.
Upon the fresh report of the Spaniards landing in Ireland, our Ambassador Lidger hath moved the King to forbear our troops till the spring. Whereunto he yielded not fully, but desireth them after three months, if he have occasion to use them.
To-morrow, the King appointed my Lord to take his leave, and then, if, his present be ready, I hope we shall be at Deape on Saturday with the Commander, who useth us with more kindness than all the rest, both here and at his own government.
This day should have been certain fireworks upon the river to entertain the King and his Mrs., of three small gallies, much after the manner of my Lord Mayor's at London; which should have made a great fight, and two of them overcome, which must signify the King's victory against the Spaniard and League. It is appointed to-morrow. I assure myself you are now troubled with matters of more importance, else would I have been more tedious in describing the King's entry.
My Lord of Shrewsbury expected letters from your lordship by the last post, but I assured him he returned without your knowledge.
Signor Peres arrived here yesterday from Mons. Saulies house. He came with his cousin to visit my Lord this afternoon, and prepareth a letter unto your Lordship of great secrecy, which he will not commit (as he saith) to any but myself. Mr. Fouk Grevell signified unto me your Lordship's health and happiness, which I pray the continuance, and so remain, your Lordship's most faithful poor brother to do you service, R. Riche.—From Roan, ye 13 of Octo., 1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 65.)
The Archbishop and Council of York to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 13. As heretofore we acquainted our very good Lord, your father, and yourself of the apprehension of one Miles Dawson, a seminary priest, and of his conversion and confession upon the examination then taken; moving your Honour's favour that he might by us be put in hope of Her Majesty's most gracious pardon, which notwithstanding we thought not meet for us to solicit the effecting thereof until we saw some better trial of his full conformity and some service. Since which time he hath daily frequented Divine service, desired and had conference for his better strengthening in true religion, wherein he holds himself fully satisfied, and doth spend his time in reading of good books, being of himself of very honest, godly and quiet conversation. And for that he hath lately set down a more ample confession of his travel beyond the seas, wherein having discovered the names of sundry ill-disposed subjects remaining in the seminary at Vale de Lyte in Spain, and some other matters of State meet to be imparted unto your Honours, we have thought it our parts to send you a copy thereof, and withal his pardon drawn by the Clerk of the Assizes. We are humble suitors that the Master of the Requests may be moved to prefer it, and that the poor man may have your honourable recommendations to Her Majesty in furtherance thereof, he being of very poor friends, and not able to make means for it otherwise than by humble petition; which we presume the rather to do for that we doubt not but he will prove a good member of the commonwealth and true and faithful subject to Her Majesty.—From York, this xiijth of October, 1596.
Signed :—Matth. Ebor.; J. Stanhope; Wm. Cardynall; Jo. Ferne.
Seal. 1 p. (45. 69.)
The Enclosure :
The Examination of Miles Dawson.
Saith that being in Ireland, in the wood of Fingles, at the house of one Mr. Sedgrove, within two miles of Develing [Dublin], one Burnell, an Irish priest, moved him to be made a priest and promised to carry him to a Catholick Bishop, which he did indeed about thirty miles from Devillin. Was made sub-deacon, then deacon, and another time full priest, but the Bishop's name was not to be known because (as Burnell told him) the said Bishop had escaped from prison, whether from Develin or the Bishop of Meth he knoweth not.
Examined why he went into Spain, he saith that hearing the Pope had interdicted all Bishops to give orders to any Englishman without dimissories and letters of commendation from some rector of some seminary college, having opportunity of a friendship, he passed into Spain and landed at Bilbo in July last was two years; and from thence, in company of an Irish priest whom he found at Bilbo, he travelled on foot unto Valle de Light [Valladolid], and so resorted to the seminary college.
Examined how he was received, he saith that after he was brought unto the rector, one Alfonsus, a Spaniard, and unto two English Jesuits, the one called Father Charles, the other Father Thomas, (for by other names they were not known saving that this examinant did know Thomas Wright) he was committed into a chamber alone for eight days, where he had meat and drink brought unto him by an English scholar, called Thomas Palester, none other resorting unto him saving the said two Jesuits; which time he was appointed to give himself unto mental prayer and meditation. The sixth day he made a general confession of his sins, particularly but auricular, unto the confessor of that college, a Spanish Jesuit called Caspar. The eighth day he was admitted into the college, at what time he had liberty of six months given unto him to deliberate whether he would take the oath of the College, viz., that he would go into England to win men and women to the Catholic Romish religion, whensoever he should be appointed by the Superiors of the College. At the end of six months he took the said oath, but tarried in the College almost a year and a half.
Item. He saith he had his diet, raiment and books allowed of the College all the time he was therein.
Item. Being examined what Englishmen he did see therein, &c., he saith that about thirty Englishmen are in that College. Father Charles and Father Oswald, the Jesuits, are the chief, Father Charles being sub-rector and Father Oswald, præfectus studiorum, which office Wright, the Jesuit, had before him. One Smith, a priest, read philosophy; another Smith, the organist. One Benet, a Welshman, a priest : Smithson, a Yorkshireman, Johnson, Parsons, a nephew of Father Parsons, Palester, May, Thorne and Ashton, priests : Martin, a scholar; Kemp, Tomson, Felicok, Atkinson, Lightfoot, Martiall, school divines : Hall, Chapman, Berington, Bindwhistle, Powell and Thurles, philosophers. The rest he doth not remember.
Examined what he knoweth of Father Parsons, he saith he never saw him; for all that time the said Parsons was sick at Civill (as was told this examinant) of a quartaine ague, and partly to oversee the building of a new College at Civill for seminary priests. And he further saith that Parsons getteth many English prisoners set at liberty, and procureth them money to carry them into England, and so getteth favour of many : and he heard that he was in election to be Cardinal.
Examined what damage he heard threatened against the Queen's Majesty and realm, &c., he saith that, about Michaelmas was a twelvemonth, being sent into England by the rector of the College, he met with one Captain Burleie at St. Sebastian, who told him, in great secret, that in the spring twelvemonth after (which is the next spring now following) the King of Spain would certainly invade England : and he saith that the said Burleie had, the summer before, conducted certain gallies with Spaniards into Cornwall, and there had burned certain villages. And he further saith that, being at St. Sebastian and Fonte-revia and other port towns, he saw divers ships in building, which the said Burley said was for England.
Item. He saith that the navy which Wright, the Jesuit, did say was for England this last summer, was employed some other way. It was to place the Prince of Morocco in his kingdom, or some other Prince.
Examined what he knoweth of Thomas Wright, the Jesuit, he saith that he did know him in York before he went over sea and found him in the seminary at Valedelight, where he was the third man in the College : and, the second day of May was twelvemonth, he was appointed by his superiors to come into England to win souls to the Romish religion, which thing he did undertake very willingly as a thing that he had desired long before.
Item. He saith that the said Wright did write back to him from S. Sebastian, and told him of the great navy in preparing in the port towns, which he said was either to Brittaine, England or Scotland. And from London he writ a letter to the College, certifying the rector and others that he had yielded himself to the Worshipful Bacon, because he knew no way to escape from being taken; but the whole College, both Spaniards and Englishmen, there did utterly mislike his doing.
Item. He further saith that, at his departure from the College, he had 50 crowns given him pro viatico into England. And concerning his doing before his going over sea and since coming into England, he refers to his former examination.
Headed :—“Ebor. 5o Octobris, Ao. Dni. 1596. Second examination of Miles Dawson, taken upon his oath voluntarily offered before us whose names are hereunder written.”
Signatures as in covering letter.
3 pp. (45. 67.)
Chr. Parkins to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 14. Though for want of lodging I cannot yet be at hand for usual duties, yet I thought good by these to testify my desire thereunto, requiring you Honour's good favour as it shall be needful. And for that the dealing with Her Majesty's Latin letters requireth some retreat, Sir John Woolley his wonted lodgings might decently be to purpose; neither were it discretion that any man should emulate what were yielded me for Her Highness' service. The which would be the more seemly, if it would please Her Majesty to make me the Latin Secretary, whereof my Lord, as I understand, would have good liking, partly for his good favour towards me and partly for his good opinion and proof of me in that kind of service.—London, the xiiijth of October, 1596.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (45. 66.)
Sir Anthony Mildmay to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 14. Because there hath happened nothing yet since my coming hither, worthy your knowledge, I have forborne to trouble you with my letters; yet I think not good to neglect this duty any longer though I have no matter of any great weight to impart unto you. The K. made his entry into this town the 6th of this present, well received by the townsmen and honourably attended on by his nobility. The next day he granted my L. of Shrewsbury his first audience. He entertained him with all ceremony belonging to his place, and not long after feasted him very royally, omitting no shews of kindness to him that might testify his affection to Her Majesty, as appeared by a motion made by me to him for the stay of those men that should at this present have come to his service, whereto he willingly yielded for Her Majesty's better satisfaction and for the safety of the poor men, of whom he seemed to have great compassion in respect of the infection in Picardy where they are appointed to serve. For the particulars of all other occurrences here, because my Lord Treasurer is at large informed of all those things by a letter from my L. of Shrewsbury and me, it may please your Lordship to be referred thereunto.—Rouen, the 14th of October, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 70.)
Sir R. Sydney to [the Earl of Essex].
1596, Oct. 14. My Lord, I received yesterday being Wednesday your letter in the behalf of Captain Nicolas Baskervile, for the having of the castle of the Ramekins now upon his brother's going into France. I would before the writing of it your Lordship had received that of mine which I wrote unto you concerning that place and the cautionary companies, for then your Lordship had already known what the right is which I pretend. But therein further to satisfy you, as also very humbly to answer your letter, it may please you to know that I have commanded Rol. Whyte to shew unto your Lordship certain letters which I have heretofore received from the Lords of the Council, as also from my Lord Treasurer in Her Majesty's name, wherein both the distribution of the companies and of the castle are adjudged unto me. Herein I am the earnester because it appears by your letter that Her Majesty should remember that she had given it to Sir Th. Baskervile. Truly, my Lord, not only the remembrance but the matter itself must have been framed in the Queen's mind since this accident fallen by them who to help their purpose would intitle the Queen. For so far it was from the Queen to have appointed Sir Th. Baskervile as I had commandment from her to place Sir Rafe Lane, neither was Sir T. Baskervile ever thought on for it, but I did nominate him. I know Sir Th. Baskervile will not deny this, and for proof of it your Lordship may see the letter of the Lord Treasurer and of the Lords of the Council. But indeed my Lord, (I beseech you be not offended with it) my too much courtesy, but especially my desire to please you in suffering of some of them to be from their charges, hath bred me these difficulties, for if I had kept them to their companies, or protested against their absences, they would have known better to know me and my authority. But this shall be the last in mine own disposition, and the last, I trust also, with your favour. But to return to the Ramekins, in another thing also Her Majesty seems to have been misinformed. For Nicolas Baskervile did never command in the Ramekins. It was Arnold who did the journey with Sir Fr. Drake, and who, in respect of his continuance in the place, might seem to have deserved somewhat towards it. And whereas your Lordship saith that Her Majesty will not have an ordinary captain in it; truly, my Lord, as long as I am governor of it, I know I must answer for all things, and therefore it may be thought I will make good choice. But neither did I ever mean to put any ordinary captain in it, for I have long since promised it, as soon as by any way it should fall void, to Captain Brown who, besides he commanded a whole year in the place while he was my lieutenant, hath since commanded with very good reputation both this town and it also, according as your Lordship knoweth. And therefore I assure myself the Queen will not hold him in the number of ordinary captains. I beseech your Lordship, therefore, let that gift of mine unto him stand, since I have so long since made it to him and that he deserves so well. And for Capt. Baskervile, I will yield unto you my right for his brother's company, that he may have it as of your gift only. This much I would beseech, that, seeing I seek for no thanks but only of you, you will not suffer me to be disgraced. For truly I am resolved to try Her Majesty's favour and your Lo., and all my friends I have else in England, and all other honest means, before I will lose my right which hath ever been incident to this place. And therefore I beseech you not to forsake me, as there shall not be any danger shall make me forbear the hazard of my life for you, the Queen and her causes only excepted. And for your Lordship's recommendation, believe it, I beseech you, that of no man it shall not be with more affection received nor more willingness obeyed than of me; and if you do bestow the company upon Captain Baskervile, I do not see why he should not think himself both very well satisfied and very much beholding unto you. For myself, it is one of the comforts I have to hope at some one time or other to be able to help an honest man who doth love and follow me. I have held your Lordship too long, I beseech you pardon me, and think me for ever your most affectionate servant.—At Flushing, the 14 of October 1596.
Holograph. 4 pp. (45. 40.)
Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 15. Good Mr. Secretary, I know not better how to discharge myself of the commandment laid of me than by sending this enclosed letter, which I pray you return by this bearer to me. So resting ever thankful for your many favours, I take my leave, with wish of all happiness to you and my good Lady Cecil, this 15 of October, your most assured poor friend, Ma : Shrewsbury.
Endorsed :—1596.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 71.)
R. Mylner to Simon Willier.
1596, Oct. 15. Asking his best help for the bearer, his right good friend, in a suit he hath to the Lord Chamberlain.—From his poor lodging this 15th of October.
P.S. “I pray you be acquainted with Mr. Warcop who doth associate this gent; but you may better be brothers than acquaintances, seeing your gibes and jests have both one taste, and savour as well of Diogenes' cell as of ancient Lacium's mirth.”
Addressed, “To his approved good friend, Mr. Simon Willier, attendant upon the right honourable Mr. Secretary Cecil.”
Endorsed :—“1596.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 72.)
Matthew Bredgate to the Lord High Admiral.
1596, Oct. 15. About some five days since there went into Callies three flyboats, very richly laden, that came out of Spain, and every day no doubt but there will be traffic more and more to Callies.
It is not unknown to your Honour what proffer they of the Five Ports hath made for setting forth of certain shipping in hope to take some of them of Callies and Dunkerk, but, for anything I can understand, they are no more forward now than they were the first day they made the said proffer to their Lord Warden, for some will be at the charge and some will not.
There is two of your poor servants, myself and Mr. Bennett, that will never desire one penny pay until we have taken some of them of Dunkerk or Callies. If we may have the Quyttance, which I know is the best ship of sail that Her Majesty hath of her burden, we will of ourselves set out a small pinnace to be attendant upon the ship, if so it may please you to grant us some extraordinary liberty, and I doubt not, God to friend, we shall do that good service upon the enemy which shall be great joy to your Lordship, with the receipt of many thanks from Her Majesty for the same service we hope to do.
I crave pardon for that I am not attendant upon you now at the Court. I protest, my gracious good Lord, want is the true cause, myself being above 60l. the poorer for the late action I was in, which I may thank the going in the ship with Sir G. Carew, for he was only good for himself and nobody else. I trust your Lordship will stand good lord unto me for to grant me pay for myself and my retinue, which are some fifteen that did ever attend the sea service. I have sent Mr. Treavour a note of their names, as he may find in the muster book of the Mary Rose. And thus, beseeching your Honour to pardon my presumption in writing, which only of duty I attempted, I commit you to the blessed preservation of the Almighty, unto whom I make my continual prayers for your long life with heavenly increase of all perfect happiness : the like to my good Lady and my honourable young Master.—Dover, the 15th of October, 1596.
Endorsed :—Capt. Bredgate.
In another hand : Bredgat, Gyfford, Wenman, Troughton, Somerton, Pepwell, Plessington, Lea, Parke, Tomken, Norton, Fenner, Button, Bradley, Trevor.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (45. 73.)
Sir T. Posthumus Hoby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1596, Oct. 15. Finding a great controversy ready to grow within this our parish of St. Martin's about the choice of a parish clerk, by reason that one Forrest, who hath been detected of much lewdness and was once judicially deprived of the place heretofore (as by this enclosed may evidently appear) doth notwithstanding seek to be thereunto restored : and besides hearing that the party doth himself vaunt that he hath procured such means unto your Honour as that you will recommend him unto us, I could do no less than certify you (by way of prevention) how orderly he was then (for his lewd behaviour) displaced by sentence given by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners.—This 15th of October, 1596.
Holograph. 1 p. (45. 75.)
Henry IV., King of France, to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 15/25. Je vous ay tousjours esprouve tres verytable an toutes choses, jan puys dyre ancores autant sur le tesmoygnage que vous maves donne par votre lettre de la bonte et vertu du Conte de Cherosbery, car yl sest conduyt tres sagemant et honnorablemant an lexecusyon des commandemans de la Royne ma bonne seur, aux volontes de laquelle jay delybere de accommoder cy apres tant quyl me sera possyble les myenes et mes aferes de facon quelle ayt occasyon de se louer et non a playndre de notre nouvelle confederasyon ny de notre antyenne amytye, an laquelle vous avies tousjoures bonne part, car votre loyaute anvers elle et votre afectyon anvers moy vous on acquys ce meryte lequel je reconnoytray eternellemant, comme vous dira le dyt Conte, a la fydelyte duquel je me remets pour pryer Dieu vous avoir, mon cousyn, an sa garde.—Ce 25 Oct., a Rouan.
Signed. Endorsed :—“25 October, 1596. New style.”
(133. 155a.)
An 18th century copy of the preceding letter. 1 p. (213. 99.)
The Constable of France to the Earl of Essex.
1596, Oct. 15/24. Vous mobliges trop davoir eu souvenance de moy. Monsieur Edmont ma rendu votre letre, et ma confirme lasseurance de votre bonne grace. Il vous dira, Monsieur, combien je la tiens chere, et que je la veulx conserver par toutes sortes de service. Croyez le done, Monsieur, sil vous plaist, et que je suis et seray a jamais votre bien humble serviteur.—Rouen, 25 Oct. 1596. Signed.
Endorsed :—“The Constable of France.”
1 p. (174. 6.)