Index: F

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1976.

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'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: F', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1976), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: F". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 24, Addenda, 1605-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1976), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Fairclough, Hugh, of London, clothier
-, petition to Cecil, 207 and n

Fairfax, Viscount. See Fairfax, Thomas

Fairfax, Thomas, Viscount Fairfax
-, creation of his title, 266

Fairfax, Sir Thomas, of Nun Appleton, co. Yorks., Parliamentary commander
-, 280

Fajardo, Don Luis, commander of Spanish galleys
-, complaints against, 92, 106

Fakenham, co. Norfolk
-, manor of, 250

Falcon, The
-, shop in Britain's Burse called, 274

Fane, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle
-, 73

Fanshawe, Sir Henry, of Ware Park, co. Herts., King's Remembrancer of the Exchequer
-, 154

Farley, John, of Bosbury, co. Hereford
-, brings action against Honyng, 50, 51

Farnaby. See Farnaby, Thomas

Farnaby, Thomas, schoolmaster and classical scholar
-, his Phrases purchased, 282

Farnham, John, Gentleman Pensioner to the late Queen Elizabeth
-, 115

Faulcon, Sieur
-, 166

Faversham, co. Kent
-, 155
-, Deputy-Searcher at. See Powell John

Fawconer, William, of Laverstock, co. Wilts.
-, petition to Cecil, 186 and n

Fawconer, William, of Westbury co. Wilts, uncle of William Fawconer
-, 186

Faweather, James, a soldier
-, petition to Cecil, 103

Feild. See Field, Nathan

Feld. See Field, Nathan

Fells, William, of Yarrow, near Helbre, Wirral, Cheshire
-, petition to Cecil, 47

Felton, Anthony, of Jarrow, co. Durham
-, his petition, 224

Felton, Thomas, a commissioner for the discovery of recusants' lands
-, 186

Fendall (Ffendal), Josias, tenant in Britain's Burse
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 288

Fenn, Henry, of St. Bennett's, London, a common solicitor of cases
-, 122

Fenton (Ffenton), Sir Geoffrey, Secretary to the Council of Ireland
-, 160

Fenton (Ffenton), Joseph, of London, surgeon
-, paid medical expenses, 211

Ferabosco, Alphonso, teacher of music to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Ferdinand II, Emperor
-, King solicited to mediate between Bohemia and, 238

Feria, Duchess of. See Dormer, Jane

Fermage, Nicholas
-, 3

Fernandez, Gabriel, of Aldgate, London, Portuguese merchant
-, 53

Fernley, Christopher
-, petitions to Cecil, 215, 216

Ferrer, John, an esquire in the service of the King
-, petitions to King, 58, 81

Ferryby, Henry, of Barton-uponHumber, co. Lincoln
-, 192

Fetch, William, tenant in Brigstock Park
-, petition to William, Earl of Salisbury, 279

Fettiplace (Ffetiplace), Thomas, [? of Pusey, co. Berks.]
-, 16

Ffendal, Josias. See Fendal, Josias

Ffenton, Mr. See Fenton, Joseph

Ffetiplace, Thomas. See Fettiplace, Thomas

Ffivie, Lord. See Seaton, Alexander

Ffootes, Thomas. See Footes, Thomas

Ffortescu, Mistress. See Fortescue, Elizabeth

Ffortune, Anne. See Fortune, Anne

Ffoster, Julian. See Foster, Julian

Ffountaine, William. See Fountain, William

Ffowkes, Sir Henry. See Fowkes, Sir Henry

Ffowles, Sir David. See Foulis, Sir David

Ffranke, Peter. See Frank, Peter

Ffroome, Mr. See Frome

Ffryer, Dr. See Fryer, Thomas

Ffullerton, Sir James. See Fullerton, Sir James

Ffynch, Mr. See Finch, Thomas

Ffynwood, John. See Finwood, John

Field (Feild, Feld), Nathan, actor, member of the Queen's Revels
-, paid for acting at Britain's Burse, 168
-, receives payment, 168

Fiennes, Richard, 7th Lord Saye and Sele
-, granted forfeiture of recusant, 30

Fiennes, William, 1st Viscount Saye and Sele
-, polemical attack on, 277

Finch (Fynch), Sir Moyle, of Eastwell Place, Eastwell, co. Kent
-, 147

Finch (Ffynch), Thomas, son of Sir Moyle Finch
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Findon, Henry
-, 246

Findon, Margery, wife of Henry Findon
-, 246

Finet (Finyt), John, of Soulton, co. Kent, in attendance on William Cecil, Viscount Cranborne
-, receives bass viol from Lanier for Viscount Cranborne's use, 158
-, accompanies Viscount Cranborne on the continent, 190, 199
-, signs travelling expenses, 201 232

Finet, Thomas, of London goes to Constantinople, 177

Finwood (Ffynwood), John, cook in the service of Meriall Littleton, of Hagley, co. Worcester
-, assists in arrest of Littleton, 57
-, his allowance for action against Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 68

Finyt, Mr. See Finet, John

Fisher, Sir Clement, of Packington, co. Warwick, J.P.
-, 26, 38

Fitzgerald, Frances, widow of Henry Fitzgerald, 12th Earl of Kildare, and wife of Henry Brooke, 11th Lord Cobham
-, her allowance, 67
-, 173, 235

Fitzgerald, Gerald, 14th Earl of Desmond (d 1583)
-, reference to his attainder, 82

Fitzgerald, Katherine, sister of James Desmond or Fitzgerald
-, petition to Privy Council, 130
-, petition to Cecil, 131

Fitzgerald, James, Earl of Desmond "the Sugan" (d 1607)
-, reference to his death in Tower of London, 130 and n, 131 (2)

Fitzgerald, Sir James FitzPiers, former commander of a foot company in Ireland
-, petition to Cecil, 181

Fitzgerald, Sir Thomas, of Connaghe, co. Cork, Ireland (d 1595)
-, mentioned, 131

Fitz Howarde. See Howard, Theophilus

FitzJames, Lady Jane, of East Malling, co. Kent, deceased, late widow of Sir James FitzJames, of co. Devon, deceased
-, mentioned, 26

FitzWilliam, Viscount. See FitzWilliam. Thomas

FitzWilliam, Anne, widow of Sir William FitzWilliam, late Lord Deputy of Ireland
-, her death, 20

FitzWilliam, Sir John, of Gray's Inn Lane, London, and Gaynes Park, co. Essex, brother of Sir William FitzWilliam
-, his armed opposition to his brother, 20, 21

FitzWilliam, Thomas, Viscount FitzWilliam and Baron FitzWilliam of Thorncastle
-, creation of his titles, 266

FitzWilliam, Sir William, of Milton, co. Northants., son of Sir William FitzWilliam, late Lord Deputy of Ireland
-, his statement on his dispute with his brother, 20
-, his brother. See FitzWilliam, Sir John
-, his mother. See FitzWilliam, Anne

FitzWilliams (Ffytzwylliams), Mr.
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

-, 8, 13, 227
-, Viscount Cranborne in, 200
-, Estates of, 225
-, Imperialist army in, 241

Flechamer, Jean Jacques, Treasurer, later Secretary, to the Archdukes
-, his petition, 55

Fleet, Mr. See Fleet, John

Fleet, John, of Halton, co. Worcester, J.P.
-, examines persons charged with aiding Gunpowder Plot conspirators, 58

Fleet, The, prison, London
-, 2, 10, 11, 130, 204
-, letter dated from, 19
-, relief of prisoners in, 26
-, Cecil's gift of money to prisoners in, 206
-, Keeper of. See Hodgkinson, William

Fleet Bridge, London
-, 70, 79

Fleetwood, Henry, of Gray's Inn, London
-, 164, 227

Fleetwood, Sir Miles, of Aldwinckle, co. Northants., Receiver of the Court of Wards
-, 201

Fleetwood, Sir William, of Aldwinckle, co. Northants., Receiver-General of the Court of Wards
-, 99

Fleming, Sir Thomas, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer
-, 82, 113
-, formerly Recorder of Winchester, 130 and n

Fletcher, John, Deputy-Bailiff of St. Neots
-, petition to Cecil, 5

Flint, Humphrey, Keeper of Cheshunt and Theobalds
-, 189 and n

-, alleged subversive activities of Catholics in, 56
-, Great Sessions in, 90

Florence. See Maccarty, Florence

Floreste Espagnole. See Santa Cruz de Dueñas

Florus, Lucius Annaeus, Roman historian (fl 3rd century A.D.)
-, his Roman History purchased, 229, 282

Flying Boys
-, take part in entertainment staged in library of Salisbury House, 149

Fontainebleau [Seine-et-Marne, France]
-, 165 and n

Footes (Ffootes), Thomas, of the Royal Household
-, his allowance, 63

-, entertained in Paris by William Cecil, 283

Ford, Mr.
-, 75

Forget. See Frêne

Forrest, Edmond
-, witnesses Brooke's bond, 177

Forrest, Edward, auditor, prisoner in the Marshalsea
-, petition to Cecil, 44

Forrest, Robert, Master of the Horse to William, Earl of Salisbury
-, Rashleigh's letter to, 233

Forrest, —
-, mentioned in verses, 284

Forte, Thomas, a surveyor
-, maps drawn by, 163, 281

Fortescue, Dame Alice, widow of Sir John Fortescue
-, petition to Cecil, 160

Fortescue, (Ffortescu), Elizabeth, Mother of the Maids in the Royal Household
-, her allowance, 67

Fortescue, Sir John, of Salden, co. Bucks., Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster (d 1607)
-, 36, 54, 79, 97, 101, 126 and n
-, letter from Copley to, 37
-, mentioned, 126, 134 and n 135 (2)

Fortescue, Sir William, of Salden, co. Bucks., son of Sir John Fortescue
-, 127 and n, 232

Forth, William, prisoner in the Fleet
-, petition to King, 204

-, reference to existence in library at Salisbury House of "great booke of", 149

Fortune (Ffortune), Anne, in the service of Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, her allowance, 66

Foryat Street, Worcester
-, 96

Foster, Francis, of Salop, English priest
-, petition to Cecil, 85
-, 86n

Foster (Ffoster), Julian, sempstress to Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, her allowance, 66

Foster, Thomas, in the service of Sir Robert Cecil
-, petition to Cecil, 227

Foster, Mr.
-, 75

Fotherby, Dr. See Fotherby, Martin

Fotherby, Martin, Bishop of Salisbury
-, mentioned unfavourably in verses, 236

Fouler, Moses. See Fowler, Moses

Foulis (Ffowles), Sir David, Cofferer to Prince Henry
-, his allowance, 64

Foulsham, Richard [ ? of Lincoln's Inn, London]
-, petition to Cecil, 78

Fountain (Ffountaine), William, Sergeant-at-Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Fowkes (Ffowkes), Sir Henry, of Bulwick, co. Northants.
-, his allowance, 68

Fowler (Fouler), Moses, Dean of Ripon
-, 40
-, signs petition to Cecil, 52

Foyle, Loch, Ulster, Ireland
-, 105, 106

Foyle, Mr.
-, 75

-, 6, 8, 13, 32, 42, 133, 185, 188, 190, 214, 217, 220 (2), 230
-, paper imported into England from, 23
-, reference to effect of civil wars in, 23
-, description of wares secretly conveyed to England from, 24, 25
-, trade between England and, 43, 246
-, stone imported from, 90
-, capture of ship from, 101
-, Synod held in La Rochelle by Huguenots of, 116
-, state of trade between Scotland and, 127
-, attempted transport of hides from England to, 155, 190
-, Viscount Cranborne buys bass viol to take to, 158
-, English ship seized by mariners from, 161 and n
-, complaint of abuses in trade between England and, 246
-, English interests demand neutralization of influence of, 265
-, William Cecil in, 283
-, Chancellor of. See Sillery

France, King of. See Henry IV

Francfort. See Frankfort

Francisco (Franciseky) Tomasso, brother of Jacques Francisco, alleged plotter against the King
-, his petition, 93

Franciseky, T. de. See Francisco, Tomasso

Franckland, Thomas, of London, scrivener
-, witnesses Brooke's bond, 177

Francton, John, printer to the King in Ireland
-, petition to Privy Council, 72

Frank (Ffranke), Peter, in the service of the Queen
-, his allowance, 65

Frankfort (Francfort) [Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 200
-, 237

Franklyn, George, tenant in Britain's Burse
-, petitions to William, Earl of Salisbury, 289 (2), 290

Frederick V (The Palsgrave), Elector Palatine
-, sends envoy to England, 211
-, at Rochester, 230
-, King's attitude towards assumption of Bohemian crown by, 238, 239

Frederick, Christopher, Sergeant Surgeon to the King
-, petition to King, 28

Freed, John, Sergeant-at-Arms
-, his allowance, 66

Freeman, Mr. See Freeman, Nicholas

Freeman, Nicholas, of London, clothier
-, 190

Freher, Philip, tutor to William Cecil
-, accompanies him to France, 283

Frendsbury. See Frindsbury

Frêne, Pierre Forget, Sieur du, Secretary of State to Henry IV, King of France
-, countersigns Royal command, 117

Freville, Sir George, of Hardwick, co. Durham
-, 84

Frindsbury (Frendsbury), co. Kent
-, 179

Frissell, Nicholas, of St. Martin's le Grand, London, shoemaker
-, petition to Cecil, 216

Frome (Ffroome), Mr., of Newgate, London
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

"Frontynack" (? Frontignan)
-, French wine called, 190

Frost, William, in the service of Thomas Dallom
-, signs receipt, 189

Fry (Frye), William [ ? of co. Devon d 1611]
-, reference to his imprisonment in Spain, 178

Fryer (Ffryer or Friar), Thomas, of St. Botolph's, Aldersgate, London, physician
-, 147

Fryer (Ffryer or Friar), Mr., son of Thomas Fryer
-, visits Italy and Rome, 147

Fulbrook, co. Oxford
-, chapel of, 56

Fulham, co. Middlesex
-, 246

Fuller, Mr. [? Nicholas Fuller, of London, mercer, M.P. for London]
-, 157

Fuller's Lane, near Gray's Inn, London
-, letter written from, 159

Fullerton (Ffullerton), Sir James, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to the King, and Surveyor-General of the lands of Prince Charles, Duke of York
-, his allowances, 62, 66
-, 256

Furst, William, of co. Devon
-, 185

-, scheme to employ people of Hatfield in making, 164, 236
-, manufacture in Devon of, 256

Fyler, George, of Cranborne, co. Dorset
-, letter to Keighley, 262