Cecil Papers: 1603

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp97-124 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: 1603', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp97-124.

"Cecil Papers: 1603". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp97-124.


[Before 1603]. Petitioner states that Henry Poole (fn. 1) holds the site and demesne land of the manor of Poole by a lease granted to one Twymo in Edward VI's reign, and that since the time of Henry VIII, Twymo, Poole and his father have had eight leases of the premises, none of them being granted as a reward for services, nor fines paid to the Crown for them. Petitioner declares that the leases were improperly granted and that his complaint can be substantiated by the records of the "Court of Dochy". If any part of his charge is not true "I will now loose my lease, the grounde whereof was her Matyes princelye rewarde to her servante; bought by my honorable maister, and geven to me with as kinde and trewe heart as ever noble gentellman bestowed a rewarde upon his lovinge servante."—Undated and unsigned.
Endorsed: "Chambers." ½ p. (P. 2294.)
Lisle Cave to Sir Robert Cecil.
1602–3, March 23. His cousin, Francis Cave, of Hugglescote Grange, has just died, and petitioner asks that he be given the wardship of his heir Brian Cave, who is 17 years of age. He refers to a previous request made at the wish of the father, who was his cousin-german and nearest neighbour, and to Cecil's favourable response to it.—From Horsepool, the xxiii of Marche, 1602.
Holograph. 1 p. (P. 2464.)
William Hill to Sir Robert Cecil.
[c. 1603]. He requests to be granted the wardship of the heir of Walter Smith, deceased, of Herefordshire, and also that of the heir of Robert Dupper, (fn. 2) deceased, of the same county, which have been concealed for three years or more. He undertakes to prove the Queen's title to these wardships at his own expense.— Undated.
Note by Cecil: "Let a warrant be made for a comission, and if the suggestion be treu I will consyder of his sute with favour." ¾ p. (P. 63.)
John Warahouse to Sir Robert Cecil.
[temp. Elizabeth]. He is a subject of the Duke of Saxony and sent 4½ lasts of wheat on board the Hamburg ship which were delivered to the Queen. He is in debt to various people and begs Cecil to expedite the payment for his corn, for which he has been waiting for some sixteen months.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 407.)
— to [? Sir Robert Cecil].
[? temp. Elizabeth]. "The post who brought this packet from Yarmouth fell sick by the way, and at London hired me to ride post to the Court, and for lack of instructions I cannot mak any bill of particulars, but leave the allowance to your honorable pleasure to be rated and set down in this warrant annexed."— Undated and unsigned.
½ p. (P. 505.)
John Shoemaker to Sir Robert Cecil.
[temp. Elizabeth]. He is a prisoner in the Counter in the Poultry. Recently a London citizen, Solomon Prowde, promised to obtain for him £500 worth of cloth on credit, upon condition that petitioner paid him £100. Petitioner was induced to enter into bonds for the payment of that sum, but Prowde never fulfilled his part of the bargain. He has, moreover, not only refused to return the bonds signed by Shoemaker, but has caused him to be committed to prison. Petitioner adds that during the past ten years he has redeemed many English captains from Spain and Portugal without receiving any compensation, a fact to which the Lord Admiral can attest. He has also some important and confidential information to impart to Cecil, which he will not reveal to any other person. He requests to be allowed to do so, and asks Cecil to consider his case.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The petition of one John Shoomaker, a straunger, whoe hathe some important secrete to reveile unto your Honor, which he woold not willingly shewe to any other but to your selfe."
½ p. (P. 1207.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. A description of the antiquity of Yarmouth, giving the main events in the history of the town from the reign of Canute to that of Henry IV. Another hand has added the names of the Stewards of Yarmouth, the last being Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex.—Undated.
Latin. Endorsed: "Yermouthe Antiquitye." 1 p. (230. 12.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIII, p. 369.]
— to his Catholic Majesty.
[temp. Elizabeth]. Portugal being at present quiet, the writer urges that the army and ships now ready should be used against England. This action would both settle Flanders and restore England to the Catholic faith. There is every assurance of Papal approval and support.—Undated.
Holograph? Italian. ½ p. (186. 128.)
W. King to —.
[temp. Elizabeth]. He is preparing an expedition to the Indies and asks for favour and protection in prosecuting the same. He also furnishes the following details:
"A pinnesse to lie in the passagio one moneth for interceptinge such smale vessels as shall goe to St John de Porterico.
All which tyme my shipp shall be at the Sona for such shippinge as shalbe bounde for St Domingo.
Then shall the pynnesse goe on the north side of Hispaniola, and the shippe on the south side, and meete at St Antonia there to water.
Ffrom thence to the Hundoros and to rainge the bay alonge to the Cracols, and soe upp all the Bay of Messico to certeyne places, where and at what tymes in my knowledge shippes doe lade."
King would be pleased to hear whether the recipient of his letter would like to "adventure" something in the proposed expedition.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "W. Kings bill of adventure to the W. Indies." ¾ p. (98. 137.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. The particulars of corn and other tithes and of profits from certain lands at Thorpe, co. Northants, Kirkoswald, co. Cumberland, the manor of Ingoldsby, co. Notts, and Dodworth, Beadlam and Wombleton, co. Yorks.—Undated.
Endorsed: "My L. of Lincoln." ⅓ p. (P. 2367.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Annual value of the rectories of Abbots Ann and Haughton, co. Hants, and of the Deanery of Winchester.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Deane of Winchester." ½ p. (P. 2180.)
William, Lord Cobham.
[temp. Elizabeth]. Arrears owed by William Brooke, 10th Lord Cobham, for subsidies during various years in the reign of Queen Elizabeth.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The note of suche wrytts of debts as is cum fforth owtt of the exchequer for my lord." 1 p. (145. 108.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. List of ships destroyed or captured by enemy action or lost at sea during the past three years. Their value is given as well as the names of the ports and towns to which they belonged. Two further items are added:
"Only one companie of marchants trading to the Eastlands from London, Ipswich, Hull and Newcastle in halfe this space of tyme have lost 100,000l taken by the enemie.
A great number of maryners alsoe proportionable to this losse of shipping have been taken and destroyed by the enemye and cast away throughe disorderly pressing and forceing uppon winter voyages, besides many more whoe by reason of those discouragements and want of pay have either rune away to the enemie or betaken themselves to forreine service or to any other trade rather then to a sea manns life, to the inestimable losse and danger of the kingdome."—Undated.
Endorsed: "A list of English ships lost and taken by the enemie within space of 3 years." 2 pp. (141. 343.)
St. Albans.
[temp. Elizabeth]. A list of freeholders within the liberties of St. Albans, that is at Watford, Sarratt, Rickmansworth, Aldenham, Abbots Langley, East Barnet, Chipping Barnet, Northaw, Bolton, St. Michaels, St. Stephens, Sandridge, St. Peters, Redbourne, Ridge, Codicote, Bramfield, Shephall, Hexton, Newnham, Norton and St. Paul's Walden.—Undated.
14 pp. (213. 49.)
Sir John Fortescue.
[? temp. Elizabeth]. "Out of Sir John Ffortescues booke of defence of the tytle of the Howse of Lancaster." The passage concerns the alleged title to the Crown of England of Edward IV, based on "the right of a woman called Dame Phillip, doughter as he saieth to Sir Lyonell of Andwerp, elder brother to Sir John of Gaunt, of whom is lyneallie discended the verie true Christian Prince K. Henry the VI", and sets out to prove the historical falsity of the claim. (fn. 3)Undated.
½ p. (230. 4.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Epitaph on Edward Corton.—Undated.
Latin. 1 p. (140. 92.)
Robert Cecil.
[temp. Elizabeth]. The commonplace book of Robert Cecil which contains inter alia copies of speeches in Parliament, addresses to Queen Elizabeth, letters to the Queen and others, reflections on the political problems of the day, in particular that of the Queen's survival, arguments for and against the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots. There are also copies of two poems, one by Fulke Greville.—Undated.
57 pp. (286.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. Genealogy of the family of Cecil in Northamptonshire.—Undated.
1 m. (213. 125.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Genealogical tables of the Kings of France, Aragon, Castille, Sicily and Naples, and of the ducal houses of Burgundy and Gelders, drawn from the History of Philippe de Commines.—Undated.
5 pp. (230. 5.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. A list of Latin books, with authors' names and dates, dealing with subjects of theological and historical interest.—Undated.
Latin. 20 pp. (210. 7.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. "Whether that the cumming or staying of M may concerne the present or future good or evell of him self and of C and N. In the considering whereof 48 cases following doe result by the combination of them." There follows a series of permutations involving M, C and N.—Undated.
2 pp. (135. 105.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Details of fees and charges incidental to the legal delivery of property and the grants of warrants for that purpose. There are two lists of such payments—one for an ordinary, and the other for a special, livery.—Undated.
2 pp. (130. 154.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Passages dealing with "de revocand: Donationibus" by Andreas Tiraquellus.—Undated.
Latin. 2¾ pp. (140. 247.)
[These passages appear (Nos. 166 to 171) in the preface to Volume VI of the Opera Omnia of Tiraquellus which was printed in Frankfurt in 1597.]
[temp. Elizabeth]. Copy of a coloured chart by Gerard Mercator (1512–94).
1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 80.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. Plan of lands at Skenfrith, co. Monmouth, now used as the cover of a terrier of Hoddesdon post 1581.— Undated.
1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 19.)
[temp. Elizabeth or James I]. Plan of the upper floor of the Strand block of old Somerset House.—Undated.
1 sheet. (CPM 11. 56.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. Plan of the garret at Pymmes, Edmonton, co. Middlesex.—Undated.
Endorsed: "A plott. Pyms." 1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 35.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. Ground plan of Pymmes at Edmonton, co. Middlesex.—Undated.
Endorsed in Sir William Cecil's hand: "Pyms at Edmonton." and in other hands: "Plotte of Pyms Howse new built" and "Mr Sacretary Wyllsons plottes ffor Edmondton."—1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 31.)
South West England and South Wales.
[temp. Elizabeth]. Map of Somerset, Devon, Cornwall, Monmouth and Glamorgan. The main towns are marked, three principal roads represented by dotted lines, and the localities where deposits of lead and copper are found or worked indicated by crosses.—Undated.
Endorsed in Sir William Cecil's hand: "Cornubia, Devonia et pars Walliae huis opposita." 1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 1.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. Map of the Fenland between Peterborough and Wisbech drawn by John Hexham of Huntingdon.—Undated.
1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 29.)
[temp. Elizabeth]. Plan of Chester and the River Dee, showing fishermen with conical salmon nets.—Undated.
1 sheet. (CPM supplementary 3.)
Golleta, Tunis.
[temp. Elizabeth]. Plan of the citadel of Golleta, showing the enlargement of the fortress by the construction of additional bastions. The legends are in English.—Undated.
½ sheet. (CPM 1. 53a.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Interpretation of a scriptural theme with appropriate exhortations.—Undated.
Latin. 1 p. (250. 1.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. A critical dissertation on the subject of secret marriages.—Undated.
Endorsed: "p. clandestino matrimonio." Latin. 22 pp. (210. 9.)
[? temp. Elizabeth]. A religious discourse or sermon.— Undated.
Latin. 7½ pp. (140. 254–7.)
Commonplace Book.
[? temp. Elizabeth]. Quotations, mostly in Latin but a few in English, from the Scriptures and classical writers on a number of moral and philosophical topics.—Undated.
255 pp. mostly blank. (243. 8.)
Lady Unton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1603, April 24. It is doubtful whether her brother-in-law, Mr Ralph Gibbs, of Warwickshire, will recover from his present illness. She therefore requests Cecil not to take away the wardship of the son from his mother, her sister, because of the smallness of the estate and the debts which burden it. Besides, it provides a jointure for herself who has to maintain eight young children. 24 April, 1603.
⅓p. (P. 1440.)
Lord Darcy to Sir Robert Cecil.
1603, April 26. Concerning the dispute between him and Rie, he declares that he complied with the injunctions contained in Cecil's letter to him, and allowed Rie to take possession of certain cattle and household stuff. When the late Queen Elizabeth died, Rie's wife, who insolently referred to her as "her greatest enimie", slanderously accused Darcy's people of stealing her goods. Darcy protested strongly to Rie about these allegations and informed him that in future any restitution of his goods would be done according to inventory, and that he would indemnify him for anything that was missing. Darcy gives his reasons for detaining Rie's property as follows: (1) that the late Queen and present King had an interest in them since Rie stood indicted for burglary and felony; (2) that he himself had a good claim to them; (3) Rie had, contrary to an order from the Court of Wards, detained lands from Darcy which were worth £140 annually. Darcy states that he did not receive Cecil's letters requesting him to answer certain charges preferred against him until the 20th of April. "I humblie praie that by reason of myne attendaunce, I maie be spared for puttinge myne answere untill the coronation of his Matie be paste." He asks that Rie be obliged to surrender to him the lands which he detains contrary to the injunction of the Court of Wards.—This xxvi of Aprill, 1603.
½ p. (P. 2337.)
[See H.M.C., Salisbury MSS, Vol. XII, pp. 4 and 581.]
John Bellott to Sir Robert Cecil. (fn. 4)
[Before May 13, 1603]. He has been Feodary of Denbighshire for twenty years by the gift of Lord Burghley, Cecil's father. Because of indisposition he can no longer perform the duties of that office, and therefore asks that it be granted to Roger Williams. (fn. 5)Undated.
½ p. (P. 748.)
William Maddocks to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before May 13, 1603.]. His late father, John Maddocks, died seised of the office of the Ushership of the Exchequer and Marshal of the Common Pleas, which are held of the King in chief by grand serjeantry. Petitioner is therefore a King's ward. Cecil has granted his wardship to his mother, Frances Maddocks, but inasmuch as his father died owing £700, leaving many children to be provided for, and that petitioner will receive only a small rent out of the said office during the remaining years of the lease, he asks that Cecil show consideration to him in the matter of composition of his wardship and livery, since he will hardly be in a position to pay the fine and fees arising from it.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1366.)
Joan Wood to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before May 13, 1603]. Ralph Wood, her late husband, and his ancestors have occupied for two hundred years a cottage formerly owned by one Langford and now in Cecil's possession. "By resonn that your poare oratrix husbande being olde and lying bedride fyve yeares, on Henri Rigby, a neyghbur of his, uncharitablie hathe tacken the same cottadg and land, in all but six acres, over our heades to the utter undoing of my selffe and six smalle children lefte me by my deceased husbande." For the non-payment of rent during the past two years, Rigby has forfeited his lease which has come to Cecil's hands. Petitioner asks for a letter to Mr Bestonn directing him to lease the property to her and her children for the rent which Cecil would ask of any other lessee.—Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petissionn of Joan Wood to the end that the righte honoorable Sir Robert Sissille wolde pleas to graunte to hir and hir poar childeren a further estat of a poar cottedge and six accars of lande the which hir latte husbande and his awnsestors hathe beenn tennant into theis 200 years and moare, and will geve for the same so mutche as any other man whatsoever."
½ p. (P. 829.)
Martin Adys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before May 13, 1603]. Since he submitted his petition he has been indisposed and prevented from following up his suit. Lord Cobham has now in his custody the books which were delivered to him by the searcher at Sandwich. Petitioner requests that he "maye have some consideration in this soe cheargeable a matter to me".—Undated.
½ p. (P. 176.)
John Leeke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[Before May 13, 1603]. A certain Locksmith has procured from Cecil the promise of the wardship of Hutchinson, the grandson of petitioner's late wife, on the grounds that the ward's father was married to Locksmith's sister. This is untrue, neither is there any kinship or family alliance between Locksmith and the ward. Petitioner asks that he be granted the wardship, and is ready to pay Locksmith such compensation as Cecil thinks reasonable. —Undated.
⅓ p. (P. 132.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Hull to Sir Robert Cecil [sic].
1603, May 14. They appeal to him once again on behalf of the unfortunate people of Hull who suffered a severe loss because of the action of the King of Denmark. The death of the late Queen Elizabeth deprived them of their hopes of restitution, and they can only turn to the King for their relief. "The town can no longer maintain the whole burden of alleviating their misery." Hull this xiiiith of May, 1603.
PS. "Right honorable. By reason of the convenyency of this bearer, our solicitor Thomas Hartcastle for the losses of our inhabitants, we have sent your honor vil xiiis iiiid due to your honor from this place at the feast of St Michell last past for your honors ffee as Stewarde here."
Signed: W. Barnard, Mayor and eight other signatures. Damaged. 1 p. (P. 2072.) See P. 2020 infra p. 219.
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, p. 208.]
May, 1603. A notebook, probably that of a bailiff, containing various memoranda and accounts relating to Brigstock, together with drafts of letters, mostly undated, presumably written to Lord Cecil. They include:
(1) A letter dealing with a survey by Sir Edward Watson and other commissioners appointed by the King. It refers to Lord Mordaunt's desire to become tenant of Brigstock Park, and his willingness to maintain 500 deer there. His house is within half a mile of the Park and his grounds are adjacent to it. "Your Lordships mony commythe in very slowly. I fynde the men of this contry very carelesse of their woords and promyses."— Undated.
(2) A letter to the effect that the sheriff of Northamptonshire and Lord Mordaunt "have effectually performyd the tenure of the Kings Mats pleasure concerninge Brigstock parcks, wherby I fynde all men nowe well satisfied of your Lordships right, and the unruly people of Brigstock are thereby made quiett". Money is still slow in coming in because of its scarcity in the country. "But they nowe endevor to sell their wooll which beinge don, I doubt not but we shalbe satisfied. I understande that it wolde have ben a very pleasinge thinge unto the contrie if in case your Honour wold either have continuyd the Little Parck a parck still, or have forborne to lett the same unto Sir Thomas Tressam, a gentleman whom I finde most odiouse in this contrie, not only for his religion but also for his harde and extreme usage of his tenants and countrymen. The rebelliouse people of Brigstock and som others in this contry have not forborne to speake it openly that your Honour and we your Lordships officers are of Sir Thomas his religion. But I trust the wisest and honestest sorte are otherwise perswaded." Other matters discussed deal with the deer in the parks, petitions against Cecil from certain inhabitants of Essendine concerning alleged concealed lands, and a movement to persuade Cecil to abate his rents out of Essendine by £20 or £30 annually.—Undated.
(3) A letter describing an incident on May 19, when Chany "a beggerly fellowe who hathe ben the follower of the dishonest cawse of the rebelliouse people of Brigstock against your Honour", rode into the Great Park of Brigstock and with one, Mr Simon Montague of Brigstock, his brother-in-law, ordered all the labourers who were working there to leave the park in accordance with the King's alleged wishes. He eventually confessed to Cecil's bailiff, when the latter met him, that he had no warrant to interfere with the workmen, and that the King had only spoken of the preservation of the deer and not of the park's timber. Chany also told him that it was the King's pleasure that his brother-in-law should have charge of the deer. "But I answeryd that unlesse he cowlde showe a better warrant then his owne reporte Mr Mowntagewe, whom I know to be your Lordships enemy, shuld have nothinge to doe there unlesse I sawe your Lordships warrant for it." Chany's activities may be calculated to hinder many people from paying money for the wood they have bought out of the parks. "The badd people of Brigstock made a collection of mony amountinge unto the som of 51, as I understande, to beare Chanys charges in the solicitinge of this dishonest cawse unto his Matie."—Undated.
(4) Another incident at Brigstock. "Uppon Chany his last badd usage of hym selfe here, a troope of lewde women of Brigstock assemblyd them selves toguither uppon Friday last in the Greate Parck and behavd them selves very disorderly there, forbiddinge and commandinge in his Maties name suche as were workinge to deciste from fellinge any more trees or bushes there (beinge suche as we had sowlde at our furst comminge there), straightly charginge them not to come thether any more for that purpose." Chany has departed for the Court, and has been given a horse and some money by Simon Montague. His reason for going was the bailiff's refusal to allow Montague to assume charge of the deer. Cecil is urged to acquaint the King with these misdemeanours. "Also notwithstandinge your Lordships most honorable bountie lately publishyd here in the Markett Townes nerest adjoyninge unto the Greate Parck, I fynde that the rebelliouse people of Brigstock doe accepte most unthanckfully therof, accomptinge your Honours right in these parcks to be nothinge worthe, and verely belevinge that his Highnes will shortly take them from your Honour and converte them unto their former usage." He would like to see Cecil appoint a commission to inquire into these late disorders, and their authors made an example of. Otherwise there is a danger that they will increase.—Ketteringe, May, 1603.
(5) A letter dealing with the treatment of deer in the parks and other matters. "I understand that Chany still followithe the corte with a wickyed purpose to wrook [sic ? wreak] against your Lordship what myschiefe he may, beinge incoreged therunto by his brother in law, Mr Si. Mountegue, who hathe furnishyd hym both with horse and mony for the purpose."—Undated.
(6) The King's directive for an inquiry to be held into the slaughter of deer in the Great Park. Cecil's enemies have averred that no deer were turned out into the forest; the truth is that many deer from the Great and Little Parks were turned out to the number of about 3 or 400. Two hundred of them were turned out of the Little Park into a walk in Rockingham Forest called Farmynge Woods, of which walk Simon Montague is keeper under Lord Burghley. Despite a request to take charge of these deer, Montague refused to do so, with the result that the greatest number of them "doe ronn straggelinge in the contrie and permittyd to be killyd by any base companion". A good number of deer in the Great Park were also turned out into the walk called Geddington Woods. But the keeper there refused to allow them to remain in the place where they had been put, a large coppice called Lotaftes, where there was suitable pasture. These deer, too, are now scattered over the countryside. There remain 500 deer in the Great Park and some 100 in the Little Park.—Undated.
(7) Cecil is informed that if Sir Thomas Tresham succeeds in persuading him to place the keeping of the Little Park in his son's charge, "it will fall out to be a matter most displeasinge unto the contrie if either he or any of his shall have any thinge to doe there. Uppon the former communycateon of a lease to be grantyd unto Mr F. Tressam, Sir Thomas cawsyd one of his servaunts namyd Thomas Walker (a notable recusaunt) to be placyd in the Lodge in the Little Parck whoe (as yet) is there still remayninge. This Walker, as I am credebly informyd, hathe had once or twyse masse sayde there sithence his comminge thether, and divers men and women hereabouts of that religion have congregatyd them selves thether in the night tyme to be partakers of his idolletry." Cecil is urged not to allow any lease or farm to be awarded to Tresham or his family, for this and other reasons. —Undated.
130 pp. (CP. Deeds 137/6.)
[See The Royal Forests of Northamptonshire, 1558–1714, by Philip A. J. Petit (Northants Record Society, Vol. XXIII), pp. 172–4.)
John Stanley to Lord Cecil.
1603, June 4. He encloses details of the annual value of certain manors now in the King's hands for Cecil's information. He will provide further particulars of leases, etc., if they are required.—iiii Junii, 1603.
Endorsed: "1603. Auditor Stanley to my lord with a note of certayne mannors now in his Mats hands." Holograph. ⅓ p. (P. 2452.)
The Enclosure
Annual value of the manors of Patrington, Bishop Wilton, Cloughton, Wetwang, Cottingham, Hemingbrough and Nunnington in Yorkshire, Dent in the county of Richmond, and the rectory and part of the college of Staindrop in the Bishopric of Durham.
1½ pp.
Richard Francke to Lord Cecil.
1603, June 5. Rance, (fn. 6) stepfather to Henry Burle, and the executors of the will of Burle's father, have petitioned Cecil for the wardship of Burle. Cecil has postponed his decision until he has been informed by their neighbours of their respective qualities and fitness to be entrusted with the wardship. Petitioner is closely acquainted with the claimants and their estates, and is of the opinion that it should be bestowed upon the executors of the child's father, together with the person who has been made responsible for the administration of the minor's goods. This ffyfte of June, 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed: "June, 1603. Certificat concerning Burles wardship." ½ p. (P. 2379.)
The Inhabitants of Penzance to the King.
[1603, June 19]. From time immemorial a market has been held every week on Saturday in the town, as well as three yearly fairs. The inhabitants have also enjoyed the issues of anchorage and quayage, and the use of certain curtilages, greens and other grounds for which they have paid a farm to the Crown. Nine years ago, however, Penzance was raided and burnt by the Spaniards and the inhabitants can not, by the laws of the realm, buy or sell victuals nor keep markets and fairs for the maintenance of themselves and their families and the port without a special dispensation from the King to confirm the same. If this grant is not awarded, the port faces extinction and the repercussions would be felt by neighbouring towns such as (St.) Buryan, Madron, Paul, (St.) Levan, St. Just, Sennen, Sancreed, Morvah, Zennor and Gulvall, whose inhabitants have always obtained what they needed from Penzance market. Petitioners request that the King grant by charter the incorporation and liberties above mentioned, and the authority to hold pleas in actions under £20, for which they will pay the customary farm, besides continuing to maintain the town and port and paying their rents.—Undated.
Note by Sir Julius Caesar: 1603, June 19. The King has referred the petition to the consideration of the Lord Treasurer, Lord Admiral and the Chancellor of the Exchequer who, if they think it fit, are to give order for the legal formulation of petitioners' requests, to which the King will append his signature.
Note by Lord Buckhurst, the Earl of Nottingham and Sir George Home: 1603, July 29. Before the petitioners can be granted their requests, a writ of ad quod damnum and a commission of inquiry are both necessary to satisfy and determine certain aspects of the case. When these prerequisites have been completed, the King may grant his charter to Penzance.
Note by the Earl of Nottingham: That care must be exercised to preserve the rights of the Admiralty in the matter of anchorage and quayage.
Note by Lord Buckhurst and Sir George Home: A writ of ad quod damnum has been granted by the Lords.
Note by Lord Buckhurst: The names of the commissioners for anchorage and quayage are—Steward of the manor, Surveyor of the county, Sir John Parker, Sir William Lower, John Hender, Thomas Cheverton, William Stalling.
Note by Lord Buckhurst: 1603, November 27. The commission of ad quod damnum has not been executed, and is to be renewed to the former commissioners. Addressed to the Counsellor of the Chancery of Cornwall.
3 pp. (P. 2034.)
Richard George to Thomas Hesketh.
1603, June 27. In conformity with the instructions contained in Hesketh's letter of May 19, he summoned William Hanikcorn and Anthony Webb alias Woolworth, the King's ward, with a view to arranging a composition for Webb's marriage. During the discussion that followed, he found that the total value of the land was less than £4 a year, out of which the King's rent of 23/4 was to be deducted. In the light of this estimate the marriage could not have been worth more than the £30 composition which he would have offered to Hanikcorn. But the latter and Webb were not able to reach an agreement, and he therefore informs Hesketh of what he has done in the matter, leaving it to him to bring it to a satisfactory conclusion.—Cicester, this xxviith of June, 1603.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Oct. 1603. Mr George his certificat." ¾ p. (P. 2391.)
John Arundel to the Privy Council.
[1603, ? June]. He fears that the congregating of so many Londoners at Highgate, where he has been confined for recusancy, may endanger his family and himself. He has found accommodation there in too small a house, and can neither procure a more convenient house nearer to London nor friends who would be willing to receive him and his dependents into their homes. He therefore requests permission to move to his own house at Chideock in Dorsetshire, and is prepared to comply with any conditions imposed on him by the Council.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 785.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, pp. 124, 178–9.]
The Countess of Warwick and Sir William Russell to —.
[June, 1603]. They request that the case of the Countess of Cumberland be brought to the attention of the King. Differences of opinion have long alienated her from her husband, and attempts to reconcile them have failed. As far back as 1601 the matter was entrusted to Sir Drue Drury, Sir John Peyton and Mr Beale, who induced the Earl of Cumberland to agree to certain financial arrangements for the maintenance of his wife, daughter and household. However he did not observe them, and the matter was then taken up by Lord Cecil, who persuaded the Earl to conclude a similar agreement whereby he granted allowances to his family and discharged their debts. Again he did not honour this undertaking, despite appeals and requests from Lord Cecil and the Countess of Cumberland who "can have no answer nor gett any thinge to furnishe her selfe as is fitt to attend on her Matie nowe comeinge (fn. 7) or for other solempnyties of the tyme present". Since all other means have proved ineffectual, there is no alternative but to solicit the King's intervention.—Undated.
Signed only. Seal. Endorsed: "1603. Countesse of Warwick. Sir William Russell. Concerning the Countesse of Cumbreland." 1 p. (115. 6.)
[? Henry, Lord Cobham] to Sir Roger Ashton.
[Before July, 1603]. "I unterstande you have compounded to procur a pardon for Thomas Lucas, the murderer of my brother Sir William Brooke, whose memory is every day dearer to me then other. I will not be so unjust as to beleeve it before your self confesse it, nor so idle as to describe unto you the nature and degree of so notorious an injurie. Only I will remember you that I know (and you should know it better) that wee live under a kinge who will bothe maintaine the right of his subjects and the peace of his kingdome, and that by so hainous a wronge you shalle throw your self upon a whole family wherof I dare assure you there be some that will lose there lives with there honor. I pray you, Sir, let me receave your answear."— Chanon Row, this — (fn. 8).—Undated.
½ p. (206. 91.)
Thomas Eviseed to Lord Cecil.
[Before July, 1603]. In November two years ago the late Queen Elizabeth ordered Alderman Holmeden and Alderman Anderson (fn. 9) through the Earl of Nottingham, the Lord Admiral, to find accommodation for 24 Turks and Moors at 6d a day until shipping could be found to convey them to their own country. Petitioner was appointed to provide them with lodging and succeeded in doing so. But the owner of the house where they were accommodated has lately arrested him for the sum of £23:2:0, which he claims to be due to him, and which was not paid, as promised by the late Queen. He is held responsible for the debt simply for having brought the Turks and Moors to that house, and he asks Cecil to arrange for its payment without delay.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 795.)
Thomas Bramston to Lord Cecil.
[1603] July 7. He is writing from Newgate where he has been confined since his voluntary return from banishment. He assures Cecil that he had no sinister or disloyal motive in entering England clandestinely, but had done so for reasons of ill health, since he is still suffering from the infirmities which he acquired during twenty years of imprisonment. He was advised by physicians abroad that a visit to Bath might have a restorative effect upon him. He asks Cecil to mediate with the King for permission to go to Bath, particularly as there is an outbreak of infection at Newgate which is endangering him and the other prisoners there. He will provide as many sureties to answer for his appearance as the Privy Council thinks fit.—From Newgate, 7 July.
Endorsed: "1603. The humble petition of Tho. Bramston, for his goinge to the Bathe."
½ p. (P. 785.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, pp. 101, 102.]
Roger Houghton to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 15. Regarding the steps taken by Mr Dackeres and Mr Ames to deal with plague infected houses at "Walltom Crose". "The[y] have caused the dores to be shutte up, and them selves deow give them relyife untill the controbution determined, and then the[y] are to be repayide againe, which wilbe one Sunday after service." He does not doubt but that his Lordship will bear the greatest burden. "The[y] have apoyinted a wattch to continue day and night to abridge such Lonndoneres as wolde come thither, and to see that the[y] keape good order and tarye in there howses which are infected. There is two apoyinted to watch att the lawne ende which comes from the hyie waye to your Lordships howse, only to keape away rogges which we are very muche trowbled with. There deoth not resorte so fewe as twentie in a day moste commenly. There is one howse more infectted since Humfrey Fflynte was with your Lordship, and theere [three] there in sicke att this instaunt. The Lord be mersyfull to them. Out of those other foure howses hath dyed 1111." He hopes that the measures already taken will help to prevent the plague from intensifying. All the members of his Lordship's household are in good health. He has received £408 brought by Mr Ames from Brigstock. "Theoballes, this xvth of Julii, 1603."
Holograph. Endorsed: "1603, Roger Houghton to my Lord from Theobalds." 1 p. (General 27/17.)
Edward Geaste, William Geaste and Edward Geaste, junior, to —.
[After July 16, 1603]. They have become sureties for other men's debts, and have recently been harassed by one creditor, who is a recusant. They presume that the reason for this is the fact that, upon the King's proclamation of high treason against Clerke and Watson, the two priests, (fn. 10) they arrested Clerke in Worcestershire and brought him to Sir John Pakington, Lieutenant of that shire. They are now unable to prosecute their debtors for recovery of the debts in order to pay their own creditors, and ask to be granted the King's protection for three years. —Undated.
1 p. (P. 745.)
John Watkis to Lord Cecil.
1603, July 29. In the 43rd year of the late Queen Elizabeth's reign, he was able to establish by examining authentic documents that the lands held by the late Henry Clifford, of Brackenborough, were subject to the conditions governing tenure in capite. He requests that Cecil "of your honourable accustomed bountie towardes such as travell in this kinde for the benefitt of the Kinges Matie" bestow upon him the wardship of Clifford's heir. —June 29, 1603.
Note signed by Cecil: "Let him resort to any two of the Counsayle of the Court whereof the Surveyor or Atturney to be one, and if he can show pregnant matter and procure an order, he shall have my warrant."
1 p. (P. 235.)
Margaret Valyne and Margaret Svinmister alias Valyne to the King.
[Before August, 1603]. They are resident in Brussels with eleven orphan children. Their brother Nicholas Valyne, who died in England, bequeathed half his goods to their children, and appointed John Poiteau and John Johnson to act as his executors. The latter survived Poiteau and arranged a marriage between Valyne's widow (fn. 11) and one Gerrad Gosin, a close friend of his, which was contrary to the testator's will. He then conspired with them to ignore the stipulations of the will regarding the legacy to Valyne's nephews and nieces, and to convey the whole estate to their own use. Petitioners are too poor to proceed against them by law, and request that a Master of the Court of Requests be appointed to hear and determine the case.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 764.)
Thomas Scudamore to Lord Cecil.
[After August 3, 1603]. He refers to a petition to the King which has been handed over to Lord Kinloss for perusal, and which concerns the offences committed by his son John Scudamore, whom petitioner was able to have released from the Tower by an appeal to Cecil through the good offices of Sir William Waad. John Scudamore has been informed against by Copley as being accessory to Watson's conspiracy, and is now bound over in the sum of £500 for his appearance upon summons. Petitioner resides near Altyrynys and was formerly well known to Lord Burghley. He asks that his son be summoned to appear with little delay, since he is capable of fraudulent dealing and malicious behaviour towards petitioner. So is his wife Amy, who was the means of bringing him into contact with Copley and Watson, and continues to commend Watson's activities.— Undated.
1 p. (P. 603.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 27, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, pp. 210, 213–14.]
Sir Eustace Hart to Lord Cecil.
1603, August. He complains on behalf of himself and his wife, Lady Mary Willoughby, widow of Peregrine, Lord Willoughby, that an injunction has been awarded against them by the Court of Wards prohibiting them from felling any woods on the lands of Robert, Lord Willoughby, son of Lady Mary. The injunction seems to have been issued because of information given that they had committed spoil within these woods, which they emphatically deny. Only such trees as were granted as her dower to Lady Mary by the Court have been cut down, which as a tenant in dower she was at liberty to fell. Inasmuch as these woods belong to petitioners, and that they are contented with the property assigned to them during the minority of Lord Willoughby, they ask that the injunction by withdrawn and that they be permitted to enjoy the benefits accruing from their lands.— August, 1603.
¾ p. (P. 1621.)
Sir Thomas Bourke to the King.
[Before September 11, 1603]. He refers to his services to the late Queen Elizabeth and to him, and mentions the £2000 due to him from the Crown in the right of his wife, the widow of Anthony Brabazon. Petitioner has refrained from being too troublesome in this matter of debt, but he now asks for a grant of so much escheated land and attainted estates in Ireland as the King thinks fit; for a pension out of the English or Irish Exchequer; and for the remission of all arrears of rent due from him for the lands he holds of the Crown, and which have been ruined by the late rebellion in Ireland.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 547.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 86.]
Neville Bligh.
[1603, October 1]. Particulars of the lands held by Neville Bligh by knight service and other tenures, and now descended to his heir who is a year and three months old and a King's ward. Details are given of the annual rental of the property, what portion is due to the King, the money allowed to Bligh's mother as her jointure and to his widow as her dower, and what remains for the maintenance of the heir.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1 October, 1605. D. Sharp for Blighs here (heir)." 1 p. (P. 2282.)
Matthew Woodward to Lord Cecil.
[1603, October 1]. Upon receipt of letters from the Mayor and Aldermen of Windsor, Cecil ordered that petitioner should have the disposal of the person and estate of James Gallis, a lunatic. At the same time Richard Gallis, one of James's brothers, had a joint estate with him for the term of their two lives in a certain inn in New Windsor called the Garter. It was rented at £12 per annum, and half of this sum was all that James Gallis had for his maintenance. Upon the expiration of the current lease, and contrary to Cecil's order, Richard Gallis made another in his own name only to one Nicholas Woods. Gallis died recently, and now Woods continues to occupy the property without paying rent. Moreover he threatens to procure a revocation of the order issued by Cecil on behalf of petitioner. Petitioner has provided James Gallis for the past nine years with food, clothing, lodging and medical care, for which he has received only £6 annually. Since all others interested in this affair are concerned solely with their own material benefits, petitioner requests that the first order, for the disposal of Gallis's person and estate by him, be confirmed.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1 Oct. 1603. The state of the case with the humble petition of Mathewe Woodwarde of Windsore."
1 p. (P. 772.) See P. 2392 infra p. 119.
William Erbury to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 12. He is the King's farmer of one third of the manor of Elsham, co. Lincoln, which is in his Majesty's hand. Since the death of the late Queen Elizabeth the tenants have refused to pay their rents until they are assured that the manor is in the King's possession, and that they may safely pay them to him as farmer. Requests letters that the tenants be given every assurance on this point, so that in this way litigation may be avoided.—12 Oct. 1603.
½ p. (P. 1198.)
Sir George Southcott to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 15. He has been informed that his adversary, Poole, has complained to Cecil about his behaviour when delivering a supersedeas, which he had received from the Court of Wards. He protests that he executed it with rigid observance of the law, and that he has done so with all court orders during the three years taken up by his case. He accuses his opponents of conducting themselves with impropriety and in a derogatory manner towards the orders of that court, and has protested about it in a petition to the King. He proposes to prefer a bill in the Court of Wards on this point and wishes to answer any charges brought against him. He requests that this and his opponents' bill may proceed together.—From Buckland Toutsaincts, the 15th of October, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (P. 2394.) See P. 1951 supra p. 97.
Sir William Strode to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 15. At the request of John Woolcombe, of Plymton Mary, when he was on his death bed (he having been Strode's servant for 20 years) and that of his wife, he asks for the wardship and marriage of the deceased's son, William Woolcombe, who is seven years old and who has only inherited ten pounds in rents. Of this sum two parts are allocated to the use of four sisters for their maintenance and education during their brother's minority, so that all he has is £3:6:8 every year until he comes of age. Strode offers to pay a reasonable composition for the wardship "which I seek not to make the lest profytt unto my self but for the good of the sonne, whose fathers faithfull service doth require noe lesse at my hands then to be soe provident for him as his father was carefull of my occasions".—From Meavie, the 15th of October, 1603.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603, October 15. Sir William Strode to my Lord for the wardship of the heyre of Jhon Woulcombe, decessed." ½ p. (P. 2395.)
John Browne to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 17. Recently Cecil bestowed on him the wardship of the heir of one of petitioner's brothers-in-law. But the father being restored to health, he has received no benefit from it. He now asks for the wardship of the son of his eldest brother, who has just died.—From Burleigh, the xviith of October, 1603.
Endorsed: "17 Oct. 1603. Mr John Browne to my Lord." ½ p. (P. 1962.)
Richard Ashton and others to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 22. They have received a commission from Sir Richard Molyneux to hold an inquiry after the death of Thomas Barton, which was directed to Thomas Bold and others. They and Sir Richard met at Wigan on two occasions, but inasmuch as the commission was directed to Bold under the designation of Escheator of Lancashire, whereas he is only DeputyEscheator, the proceedings were postponed on the grounds that he was not properly warranted to proceed with them. They ask that the commission be renewed but the name of Escheator removed.—Wygan, this xxiith of October, 1603.
Signed: Richard Asheton, Thomas Bold, Roger Downes, Feodary, Thomas Asheton. 1 p. (P. 2199.)
Sir Richard Molyneux to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 24. He thanks him for his favour concerning the wardship of the heir of Thomas Barton, of Barton, co. Lancs. He requests the renewal of Cecil's warrant for a new commission for the finding of the wardship "for that the Eschetor beinge wronglie named in the last commission made, all the proceedings therein voide".—The xxiiiith of October, 1603.
Endorsed: "24 Oct. 1603. Sir Richard Molineux for a new commission." ½ p. (P. 1933.)
[Lord Cecil] to the Sheriffs and Feodaries of various shires.
1603, October 28. Since the accession of the King there has been an unparalleled negligence in collecting debts due to the Court of Wards and accounting for them to the receipt of that court. This may be partly due to the prevalence of the plague, which is wide-spread throughout the kingdom, but the fact that "allmost no one penny hath ben brought in this halfe year" can only be attributed to the perversion of the collectors "whoe seeme by this course to be agreed amongst themselves to keep the Kings Maties moneys in there hands, and to make their particular gayne under this pretext of the generall contagion". By the command of the King, the High Sheriff is to order the under-sheriff to pay over immediately all moneys levied by him to the receipt of the Court of Wards at Richmond. He is also to return personally any process directed to him, to the Court of Wards when it is held in Winchester, and not to depart until the process has been duly examined by the counsel of the Court. The feodaries are hereby enjoined to surrender all sums of money received by them to the same receipt without delay, and to warn those lessees who withhold their rents that if they continue to do so, Cecil will be regretfully obliged to grant new leases to other people in their place. "I must plainly lett you know, the ffeodary, that if you bringe not in such moneys as you have already receaved, I must not only displace and appoint others in your roome but allso take such course with you and your sureties for the arrierages as the law doth provide in that behalfe." He assumes that henceforth they will perform their duties properly out of respect to the King "particularly at this time when the very ordinary assignations out of the Receipt cannot bee satisfied, the discredyt wherof doth light upon me and the reste of the officers of the Courte".—From the Court at Wilton, this 28 of Octobr. 1603.
Endorsed: "28, 29 Octobr. 1603. To the sheriffs and feodaries of divers shires." 1¼ pp. (P. 2377.) Two other copies.
Evan ap Evan, Thomas ap Evan and Elizabeth Morris to the King.
[1603, October 29]. Elizabeth Morris inherited certain lands after the death of her father and married the petitioner Thomas ap Evan. Some six years ago, Edward Whittingham and Margaret Whittingham alias Bethell brought an action against them in the Courts of Star Chamber, Exchequer and Common Pleas, claiming a title to the lands. Petitioners obtained an order from the Court of the Welsh Marches to stop proceedings and to have the title to the premises tried at the common law in Montgomeryshire where the property lies. However Edward Whittingham went to London and entered the service of Sir Edward Herbert, and was thus able to circumvent the order on the grounds that he was no longer resident in the Welsh Marches. He proceeded to prosecute his suit in the Court of Requests, but finding that he was likely to have an adverse verdict there, he transferred it to the Court of Wards. By these proceedings and by the exaction of £9 from petitioners for so-called arrears, he has reduced them to penury; he now threatens a further attachment for alleged arrears of £19:10, which would result in imprisonment for petitioners who cannot pay. They therefore ask the King to stay the payment of that sum until the title to the lands in question be determined either by the Lord President and Council of Wales, or in Montgomeryshire where Whittingham is again resident.—Undated.
Note signed by Sir Julius Caesar: "At the Court at Wilton, the xxixth of October, 1603. These suppliants are to attend upon the Court of Wards for order in this cause without further trouble to his Matie."
Endorsed: "The humble request of your poore subjects is to have the xixl 10s within mentioned forborne the payment untill the title of the premisses alsoe herein specified be tried either before your Highnes Counsell in your Marches of Wales or ells in the county of Mountgomery where the landes doe lye. And that it will please your Highnes to prefixe a tyme for tryall of the same with expedition, and that the sute may beginne att the comissions whereupon witnesses are already examined. And also that the ixl within mentioned which were wrongfully levied on your subjects may be repayed unto them." 1 p. (P. 561.)
[For this case see PRO. Star Chamber Proceedings 5, W 4/13.]
Thomas Hesketh to Lord Cecil.
1603, October 30. It has been reported that the term is to begin on November 12th in Winchester and to end on the 14th, but no proclamation has been published to this effect. He is at a loss what to do to attend since the journey is long and dangerous "in the tyme of this generall infection and in the depe of wynter". If Cecil has special need of his services, he will "nether spare labor nor ffeare annie daunger ffor (as I thincke) I can be in no greatter then yow are continuallie whose lyffe is ten thousand tymes of more value then myne for mannie respects". But since the business of the term cannot be heavy or important inasmuch the court is only to be held for two days, he asks that Cecil inform him through Myles Whitaker or Brereton whether his attendance is necessary, particularly as he surmises that the counsel of the court will be present. Concerning the letters which have been distributed throughout the English shires about the sale of wardships, the return of the certificates having been fixed before the 10th of December, he proposes to leave on November 7th and make his way towards Cecil, unless he will have heard from him in the mean time, "which will hardlie be except the posts be more speedie then ordinarie".—Heslington, nere the citie of Yorke, October the 30th, 1603.
PS. "The letters for the sale of wards do take smale effect in these parts as yett, ffor men generallie cannot ffynd in their harts to part with monnie allthoughe it be for their good."
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (P. 2397.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of New Windsor to Lord Cecil.
[October, 1603]. In previous letters Cecil had ordered that Matthew Woodward should be given the custody of the person and estate of James Gallis, a lunatic, and that the Mayor and Aldermen should deal with any person who attempted to meddle with this arrangement and disturb Woodward in his possession of the lunatic and his estate. In the case of any refractoriness and contempt of this order, the guilty party was to be reported to Cecil. In accordance with that instruction, they now certify that Richard Gallis, brother of James, who had a joint estate with the latter in an inn called the Garter in New Windsor, has leased the inn to Nicholas Woods and reserved the whole of the rent of £16 yearly to himself, with intent to defraud James Gallis and Matthew Woodward, thereby depriving his brother of the sole source of maintenance that he possesses. Moreover, both Woods and Richard Gallis refuse to apportion any part of this rent towards his upkeep except on the condition that they be entrusted exclusively with the custody of the lunatic and the disposal of his estate. They are reporting this state of affairs so that Cecil may take appropriate measures to deal with it.—Undated.
Signed: Humphrey Fawcet, Mayor and nine other signatures. Endorsed: "The seconde certificat. 1603. The humble certificat of the Mayor and Aldermen of the Towne of Newe Windsor." In another hand: "Oct. 1603." 1 p. (P. 2392.) See P. 772 supra p. 115.
Edmund Riley to Lord Cecil.
[Before November, 1603]. He refers to a previous disclosure by him of the conspiracy of Warbara Riley, widow of John Riley, deceased, and others to hinder the claims and titles of other people to her late husband's property. Petitioner had asked that the wardship of the son should not be granted to the mother, and that all papers and evidences should be produced before the Court of Wards for the purpose of an inquisition. Despite Cecil's order to this effect, Warbara Riley had not arranged such an inquisition, and petitioner adds that some of the commissioners nominated on her behalf are partial to her. He requests that Cecil again issue his former instructions so as to prevent any injustice being committeed against his mother and sisters who are claimants, and that he demand an explanation why the other party has not proceeded in the matter according to his injunctions. (fn. 12)Undated.
Endorsed: "The humble petition of Edmond Riley, who most humbly beseecheth your Lordship commaunde the due procedinge in a cause betweene your suppliant, Warbara Riley and others." ½ p. (P. 844.)
William Scrutton to Lord Cecil.
[? c. November, 1603]. He is the Bailiff of the King's manor of Walton cum Trimley and Felixstowe, co. Suffolk, and has held the office by letters patent from the late Queen Elizabeth and the King. Owing to his being heavily engaged in his duties, he did not find the time to get the King's patent passed by the Great Seal. The manor has been conveyed recently to the Queen as part of her jointure, and one Thomas Rowe, with the assistance of Mr Hitcham, the Queen's Attorney, has procured a grant of the bailiwick from Cecil. Petitioner assures Cecil that "had it not beene for this infectious tyme (the sicknes beinge in those partes) he would have bene heretofore an humble suitor to your honor for the same". He asks to be allowed to retain his office as bailiff, and names Sir Michael Stanhope and Mr Wentworth, Steward of the manor, as persons who could testify to his worth and character.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 1625.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, pp. 48 and 52.]
Paul Bayning to the Privy Council.
[Before December 5, 1603]. In January 1602, upon the earnest entreaty of Henry, late Lord Cobham, and George Brooke his brother, (fn. 13) he lent them £1980 in ready money and took their bond of £4000 for its repayment within one year. Lord Cobham and his brother are now condemned for high treason; neither have they discharged their due debt to petitioner. He asks to be assisted in obtaining the money from them.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1036.)
William Bisphame to —.
[After December 5, 1603]. He and Thomas Waile, at the earnest request of George Brooke, late executed, and his wife became sureties on his behalf to one Adams in the sum of £200. Since the time of Brooke's arrest for treason, Adams has sued petitioner and he has been obliged to pay the money. He asks that the sum paid by him as well as other debts owed by Brooks to him be restored out of the latter's lands which are due to be sold.—Undated.
1 p. (P. 32.)
Edward Payne to Lord Cecil.
[Before December 6, 1603]. The King has bestowed the manor of St. Neots, co. Huntingdon, upon the Queen as part of her jointure. Certain fairs are held annually within the manor, one of them on St. Nicholas's Day (fn. 14) which will be in three weeks' time. But the King's proclamation issued three months ago prohibiting fairs within 50 miles of London "in respect of resort of Londoners thether" makes him apprehensive of keeping the fair without Cecil's approval, since St. Neots lies within 42 miles of London. Petitioner requests that approval, since the Queen can expect to derive some benefit from the fair which, in turn, "dependeth upon resort of cuntry people thether".
¾ p. (P. 1626.)
Jane FitzGerald to Sir Robert Cecil, Baron of Essendon
[1603]. She feels ashamed of having to importune him, but the destitution of her sister and herself forces her to do so, particularly as they can only depend upon him for some relief. "I need not to your Honor agravate our miserie, who for want ly pawned in our lodginge at Greenewiche, being debarred of the smale meanes formerly allowed us, so that we are not able to followe the court to be suitors." She begs that, being orphans, they be allowed adequate means of livelihood, thereby freeing him from further solicitations on their part.—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603. One of the ladyes of Desmond to my lord." ⅓ p. (113. 163.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, p. 373.]
Kirkstall Abbey.
[1603]. "The fee farm of so many of the abbay landes of Cristall alias Kirkstall Abbay in the county of York, as be not yet sold away to Justice Walmesley, reserving his Maties rent.'— Undated.
Endorsed: "1603. Cristale Abbay." ¼ p. (P. 2286.)
Ellen McCarthy to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. Following upon her last interview with him, she entreated Sir Thomas Lake to deliver a letter from her to the King concerning her petition for an increase in her pension. The King replied that he would be willing to grant it if he obtained the concurrence of both Cecil and the Privy Council, to whom he referred her suit. Her petition is to be discussed by the Council tomorrow, and petitioner reposes her complete confidence in Cecil and the Vice-Chamberlain that it will be granted and her position assured, so that she need no longer be troublesome to the King and the Council.—Undated.
Seal. Endorsed: "1603. Mrs McCarty to my Lord." ⅓ p. (P. 1947.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, pp. 142 and 154.]
Sir William Bowyer to the King.
[1603]. He served the late Queen Elizabeth as a captain for 30 years, and has since then been engaged in suppressing the insurrections on the borders. He was "the first captayne that tooke armes and daunted the proud insolensies of those rebells whoe otherwise were likelie to have overrun and oppressed the whole borders". He now asks to be granted £20 yearly in fee farm in return for these services.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 970.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XV, pp. 354–5.]
John Correll, Sieur de Meautis, to the Privy Council.
[1603 or after]. In March, 1601, petitioner's ship was captured and pillaged at sea by Sir Richard Cowper. He obtained judgment against him and his two sureties, Sir Robert Bassett and John Young, in 1603 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was granted letters by the Council to execute the order for reparations to be given him for his losses, and delivered it to Peter Woodall, one of the messengers of the Chamber, who proceeded to arrest Young. But because of the latter's obstinacy and Woodall's duplicity, petitioner still remains without compensation. Sir Richard Cowper and his sureties are in the service of the Earl of Nottingham and are greatly favoured by the King's messengers. Petitioner requests a warrant for the arrest of the three men, and that Woodall be summoned before the Council to answer for his fraudulent dealings.—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1824.)
Sir John Fitzedmund Gerald to the Privy Council.
[1603]. Petitioner's ancestors have always remained loyal to the Crown, and he himself opposed the rebels in the last four revolts in Munster, which cost him all his goods. In consideration of his services and past letters of appreciation and promises of remuneration, he asks to be elevated to the status of Baron. The late Queen Elizabeth granted him 100 marks a year of attainted and escheated lands which he did not prosecute because of his military commitments and in order not to hinder the undertakers of the plantation which had begun in Munster. He asks for the renewal of the grant, and also for the King's letters to the Lord Deputy to accept the surrender of his lands and the regranting of them to him, in compliance with the general directive that all the King's subjects in Ireland should yield up their lands and receive them back again from the Crown. He wishes the regranting to be done in as absolute and favourable a manner as that awarded to the Lord of Up Ossory and Sir Richard Boyle. —Undated.
1 p. (P. 1823.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 71.]
Sir James Sandiland's suit.
[? 1603]. It has been reduced by the Lord Treasurer "into these 3 heades which are things verie casuall and harde to be recovered." First, all moneys which were due to the late Queen Elizabeth from the recusancy of James Braybrook, Francis Morris and William Fitton, and which were concealed from the Queen. Secondly, all moneys due as rents, arrears of rents, issues and profits of recusants' lands seized in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and which were received or are to be answered for by any sheriffs or officers before March 24 in the first year of the King's reign, and which have not been paid. Thirdly, all recusants' goods which have been seized by any officer or person and which were due to the late Queen before the said March 24th. The suit is valued by the officers of the Exchequer at £5000. But since they estimate that £1000 will be spent, and much time taken, in recovering the money, there is not likely to be more than £3000 for Sir James Sandilands when the whole business is ended.
½ p. (P. 978.)
[See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1603–10, p. 61, and H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XIX, p. 285.]
Sir Robert Wroth to the King.
[1603]. He is the King's tenant for 40 years yet to come of the manor of Loughton, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster and situated within the King's Forest of Waltham, co. Essex. The manor house, "whereof, as your Ma. well knowes, is of old low buildings, in great decay, the roomes very smale and unfitt to receve your Ma. at your repaire to the said Forest". He asks to be granted a lease in reversion of the manor for 41 years, paying annually the ancient rent of £48 without provision, as well as a lease of the perquisites and profits of the manor in paying the old rent without provision. In return he will pay a four years' fine and spend £500 in six years on buildings within the manor.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1603. Sir Robert Wroth." ¾ p. (P. 778.)
Turlagh McHenry to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. He is of the Fews and petitioned the King to be allowed to surrender the Fews, the vicarage of the Kregan with Twoaghue, to the Crown and to be regranted the same on condition that he was to be free from all impositions, etc, claimed by the Earl of Tyrone, by reason of the attainder of Shane O'Neill in the 11th year of the late Queen Elizabeth's reign, and the patent of the county of Tyrone made for the Earl in the 29th year of her reign. According to the attainder the chieftains in Ulster were to be exempt from O'Neill's taxations. Besides, the Fews were never part of Tyrone or under the Earl of Tyrone's jurisdiction. In respect of these considerations petitioner requests the region to be discharged from impositions or the latter reduced, and that he and his tenants be rendered safe from "the feare and danger of soe greate a neighbour".—Undated.
½ p. (P. 1662.)
[See Cal. S.P. Ireland, 1603–6, p. 14.]
Elizabeth Woodrove to Lord Cecil.
[1603]. It was her misfortune to submit a petition to the Privy Council when Cecil happened to be absent. She requests his help, "for the good report of your honorable and pittifull disposition towards the distressed hath perswaded me chiefly to depend upon your Lordship". She regards herself as the poorest petitioner who ever applied to him for assistance, for she is not "only voyd of maintenance butt allso of limmes and all other worldly comforts".—Undated.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1603. Mrs Woodroof to my lord." ⅓ p. (P. 2477.)
Ralph Riveley to the King.
[1603 or after]. He served Robert Bowes, deceased, former ambassador of the late Queen Elizabeth in Scotland, for nine years in that country. He was promised promotion but Bowes's death destroyed his hopes and left him in poor circumstances. He asks that he be granted the next soldier's pay of 8d a day that shall become available in the garrison at Berwick.—Undated.
Note by Cecil: "His Matie proposeth to continew the payes of that garrison no longer then those do live that have served in it, (fn. 15) and for his services to the Ambassador hath no porpose to give rewards, and therefore thinks it a vaine motion."
1 p. (P. 1895.)


  • 1. Knighted in 1603.
  • 2. Probate of his will granted in 1601. [See Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, Vol. IV, 1584–1604, p. 135.]
  • 3. The original has been printed in The Works of Sir John Fortescue, Knight, collected and edited by Thomas (Fortescue), Lord Clermont. See Part 2, pp. 517–18.
  • 4. Sir Robert Cecil was created Baron Cecil of Essendon on May 13, 1603.
  • 5. Bellott was replaced as Feodary by Thomas Hughes in 1604. [See PRO. Wards 9, Vol. 471, under Denbighshire.]
  • 6. Edward Rance married Alice, widow of Henry Burle, senior, and the mother of the ward. [See PRO. Wards 9, Vol. 348, fol. 137b.]
  • 7. Queen Anne left Scotland at the beginning of June, 1603, to join King James in London.
  • 8. Lord Cobham was arrested in July, 1603 and committed to the Tower of London.
  • 9. Knighted on July 26, 1603.
  • 10. The King's proclamation for the arrest of Clerke and Watson was published on July 16, 1603.
  • 11. Buried on August 2, 1603, and her husband Gerrard Gosin on September 4 in the same year. [See The Registry of St. Olave, Hart Street, London, 1563–1700, pp. 134, 136.]
  • 12. An Inquisition Post Mortem was held on November 8, 1603. [See PRO, Wards 7, 38/175.]
  • 13. Executed at Winchester on December 5, 1603.
  • 14. December 6th.
  • 15. This decision was taken by James I in 1603. [See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS. Vol. XV, under Berwick.]