Cecil Papers: January 1604

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1973.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp124-126 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1604', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1973), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp124-126.

"Cecil Papers: January 1604". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 23, Addenda, 1562-1605. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1973), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol23/pp124-126.

January 1604

[Before January 13, 1603–4]. "Deposition de Maistre Claude Giraudet, Advocat en Parlement a Paris, sur ce qui cest passe en la mort de Francois Faure tue par un gentilhomme Anglois nomme Wiseman, ledit Sr Giraudet ayant este present.
Le jour des Roys dernier, ledit Wiseman et Faure jouant ensemble aux tables tomberent en different de sorte que ledit de Faure donna un desmentir audit Wiseman qui se contenta de luy en voir un autre en eschange.
Depuis ce temps la ils ont tousjours beu et mange ensemble sans se dire rien l'un a l'autre jusques a samady vintquatrieme jour de janvier quayant soupe ensemble ledit Wiseman se leva le premier de table et prenant une chair de natte la rangea a un coing de la cheminee et sassit dedans pour se chaufer.
A l'instant mesme se leva ledit de Faure lequel s'estant aussi approche du feu print ledit Wiseman par derriere et luy dit 'Levezvous de la, vous estes sur ma chaire.' Auquel ledit Wiseman respondit 'Cest la raison', et se levant la luy ceda. Faure luy repliqua quil la luy devoit ceder d'autant quil estoit le premier en la maison. Ce entendant ledit Wiseman luy demanda comme il avoit entendu le faire lever de sa place, sur quoy sans autre propos ledit Faure luy donna un coup de poing en la face de telle force que le sang luy sortit en grand abondance par le nez et par la bouche.
Ledit Wiseman se promenant par la salle estanchant son sang, murmurant et menaceant ledit de Faure de tirer raison de loutrage quil avoit receu de luy, de Faure luy dit quil ne le craignoit point pourveu quil le print en homme de bien. A quoy ledit Wiseman respondit quil se souvint de quelle facon il le lavoit prins, et ainsi ledit de Faure se meist a regarder les joueurs. Et comme ledit Wiseman se fust adresse a son hoste et luy eust demande si la chaire estoit pas a luy, et luy eust dit quil eust a se resouvenir de loutrage quil avoit receu en sa maison, ledit de Faure print la parolle et luy dit que de ce qui sestoit passe il ne s'en fallait prendre a l'hoste, et quil estoit la beste qui avoit fait le dommage. Et ainsi pres d'un cart d'heure apres le coup de poing donne ledit Wiseman print une espee qui estoit sur un buffet et en donna un coup dans le coste droit dudit de Faure dont il mourut environ deux heures apres."—Undated.
Endorsed: "An abstract of the proces agaynst Mr Wiseman." 2 pp. (130. 186.)
[See PRO, State Papers France, Vol. 51, pp. 25b–27, 85, 164b.]
Grant by the City of Gloucester.
1603–4, January 20. Declaration by the Mayor and burgesses of the city of Gloucester that "as well for and in consideration that the right honorable Robert, Lorde Cecill, Barron of Essingden, wilbee pleased to vouchsafe his ho: freindshippe and favourable countenance towardes the saide Cittie of Gloucester, the which the saide Maior and Burgesses doe very humblie praye and intreate, as also for divers other good causes and considerations them moveinge": they hereby grant to Lord Cecil an annuity of five pounds for the term of his life.—January 20, 1 Jac 1.
1 m. Seal. (Deeds 119/9.)
Mr Rainsford's Estate.
[1603–4, January 24]. "A true abstract of Mr Raynsfords estate at the tyme of his death with such money as Mrs Raynsford hath receved since for wards by your Lordships favour granted unto her husband in his lyff tyme."
Details of the debts, valuation of goods and property, and money allocated for the education and portions of his children and for his mother's jointure. Persons named include Mr Houghton, Mr Henry Rainsford, Mr Miles Whitaker and Mrs Anne Rainsford.—Undated.
Endorsed: "Mr Raynsford decesed, 1603, 24th January, his estate." ½ p. (P. 2461.)
[See H.M.C. Salisbury MSS, Vol. XVI, p. 12.]
Francis Heyborn to Lord Cecil.
[1603–4] January 29. It is only the desperate situation in which he finds himself that forces him to be troublesome to Cecil, since it concerns the office which he has held for 24 years under the Earl of Derby and his predecessors. Immediately after hearing that the Earl was to be Chamberlain, (fn. 1) he obtained his promise that he would continue his favour to petitioner. Upon writing to Cecil he was advised to attend upon the Countess at Manchester, which he did and secured a promise from her likewise that she would write to her husband on his behalf. But in the course of time he received a word from her that the office had been promised to others; but almost simultaneously he was reassured by the Earl that he would not be deprived of it. Thereupon petitioner communicated this information to the King. He protests that he has not been over-presumptuous in his suit, and begs Cecil to entertain a better opinion of him than others would have him do. The loss of his office would be a severe blow to him "and the greefe to me wilbe the more to be thought worthy to receyve such loss and disgrace at those hands wher I had made profession of my services".—29 January.
1 p. (P. 1954.)
Francis Raine to Lord Cecil.
1603–4, January. Sir Anthony Cooke enjoys for the term of his life the stewardship of the Queen's manor of Havering-atBow, co. Essex. He is now reported to be gravely ill, and petitioner, who has occupied the post of understeward for forty years since the days of Sir Anthony's grandfather, requests that should he die, he be allowed to continue in that office under Cecil or whoever shall be appointed to take Sir Anthony Cooke's place.—January, 1603.
1 p. (P. 1318.)


  • 1. William Stanley, 6th Earl of Derby, was made Chamberlain of the county Palatine of Chester on October 30, 1603.