Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Baas (Boas), co. Herts, manor of, 10.
-, Earl of Salisbury's election directive to freeholders of manor of, 188.

Bacon, Alice, wife of Francis Bacon, Lord Verulam, 114, 115.

Bacon, Francis, Attorney-General, Lord Keeper and later Lord Chancellor, Baron Verulam, later Viscount St. Albans, 15, 37, 51, 60, 84, 118, 131, 146.
-, Lady Ros examined by, 72.
-, his warrant to Reade, 87.
-, his remarks at examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 95, 98, 103,
-, his opinions and verdict at examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 113.
-, copy of his decree in suit between Earl of Salisbury and Mainwaring, 130.
-, his attitude towards submission of Yelverton, 133.
-, his letter to House of Lords, 146.
-, judgment on, 148.
-, his submission to House of Lords, 148, 156.
-, purchase of his Henry the Seaventh, 158.

Bacon, Sir Nathaniel, of Stiffkey, co. Suffolk, 116.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, of Redgrave, co. Suffolk, 116.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper (d. 1579), his portrait at Salisbury House, 250, 428.

Bacton (Beighton), co. Suffolk, 15, 16.

Baduley, Thomas, 361.

Bagg, Sir James, of Plymouth, Vice-Admiral of North Cornwall, 246.

Bagne [?Bains (Les), Loire, France], 288.

Bailiff (Bayleife), George, of Hartingfordbury, co. Herts, in arrears with contribution towards defence of King of Bohemia, 126.

Bailly (Bayle, Baily), René, tutor to Edward Cecil, 390, 391(2), 403, 417.

Baker, Sir Henry, of Sissinghurst, Cranbrooke, co. Kent, his estate valued at £2000, 14.

Baker, —, gives evidence at the trial of Anne Turner, 21.

Balcanquhall (Belcanquall), Walter, Dean of Durham, called an incendiary by Scottish Parliament, 367.

Balcarres, Lord. See Lindsay, Alexander.

Balderston, George, 268.

Baldock, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.
-, voting for Hertfordshire M.P.s at, 205.

Balford, Sir William. See Balfour, Sir William.

Balfour, Robert, 2nd Lord Balfour of Burleigh, opposes nomination of officers of state by Scottish Privy Council, 363.

Balfour (Balford), Sir William, in the service of the States General, later Lieutenant of the Tower, and Parliamentary commander, 79.
-, his examination regarding attempted escape of Earl of Strafford read in House of Commons, 359.

Baliston, John [? John Ballestone, cooper, of Norwich, co. Norfolk], sued by Ansell and Hubbard, 53.

Ball, Mr, guest at Hatfield House, 1.

Ballanden, Sir William. See Ballantyne, Sir William.

Ballantyne (Ballanden), Sir William, Master of the Horse to the Prince Elector, brings news from Scotland to London, 363.

Ballard, Simon, Rector of Bacton, co. Suffolk, sues Mannynge for non-payment of tithes, 16.

Ballard, Lieutenant-Colonel. See Pollard, Hugh.

Balliol College, Oxford, terms of a gift by Dame Periam to, 116.
-, agreement between Dame Periam and, 120.
-, Master of. See Parkehurst, John.

Balmerino, Lord. See Elphinstone, John.

Baltic Sea, States General alarmed by advance of Emperor's power as far as, 230.

Bambery, Madame. See Knollys, Elizabeth.

Bampfield, Sir Amyas, of Poltimore, co. Devon, 12.

Bampfield, Sir William, of Drury Lane, London, and Turnworth, co. Dorset, owns coppices in Wiltshire, 41.

Banbury, co. Oxford, 380.

Bancks, Mr, 258.

Bankes (Bancks), Sir John, barrister, of Gray's Inn, later Attorney-General, and Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 265, 281, 290.

Bankett of Jests. See A Banqet of Jests.

Banqueting Hall, Whitehall, London, King's speech to House of Lords in, 191.

Banstead Downs, co. Surrey, 394.

Bar, Catherine de Bourbon, wife of Henri de Lorraine, Duc de (d. 1604), mentioned, 198.

Barbary (Barbera) [N. Africa], 246.

Barber, Goodman, constable, of Sandon, co. Herts, 10.

Barbera. See Barbary.

Barclay (Barclaie), John, author, copy of his Argenis supplied to Edward Cecil, 427.

Bard, Colonel. See Bard, Henry.

Bard, Henry, Baron Bard of Dromboy, Royalist Governor of Campden House near Evesham, 377, 378(2), 379(3).
-, references to abuses committed by, 378.

Bargrave, Mr [? Robert Bargrave of Bridge], co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 13.

Barham, Mr [? Thomas Barham, of Teston], co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.

Barkchier Hows. See Berkshire House.

Barker, Elizabeth, widow of Stephen Barker, 191.

Barker, Henry, nephew of Stephen Barker, sues Elizabeth Barker, 191.

Barker, Stephen, of Norwich, co. Norfolk, his widow sued, 191.

Barker, Mr, Escheator of Nottinghamshire, 258.

Barkham, Sir Edward, of Southacre, co. Norfolk, 257.

Barkhampstead St. Peter. See Berkhampstead.

Barklay, Serjeant. See Berkeley, Sir Robert.

Barkway (Barkway cum Nuthampstead), co. Herts, 115.
-, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Barley, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Barlow (Barlowe), Mr, 235.

Barnard, Daniel, 290

Barnes, John, of Wheatacre, co. Norfolk, sued for alleged non-payment of tithes, 178.

Barnes, Sir William, of Woolwich, co. Kent, his property valued, 14.

Barnet, co. Herts, 149, 206.

Barnet, East, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Barnham, Sir Francis, of Hollingborne Hill, co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 14.

Barnhill (Barnehill), Forest of Dean, co. Gloucester, 401.

Barrett, Lord. See Barrett Edward.

Barrett, Edward, Lord Barrett of Newburgh, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 334.

Barriston, Edward, 188.

Barry (Barrye), Mr, partner to Roger Clarke, a London mercer, 254.

Bartlett, Sir John. See Berkeley, Sir John.

Bartlett, Colonel [? error for Berkeley, Sir John, of Bruton, co. Somerset], 380.

Barton, Richard, of Brigstock, co. Northants, 264.

Barton Bendish (Bendishe), co. Norfolk, manor of, 56.

Barwick. See Berwick.

Basil (Basyll), Simon, Surveyor of the Works, his estimate of expenses of 1st Earl of Salisbury's tomb, 15.

Bassano, Jeronimo, of Waltham, co. Essex, an official of the Presence Chamber, 15.

Bass Bridge, Haddingtonshire, Scotland, Scots build fortifications at, 336.

Bassett, Lady. See Basset, Jane.

Basset, (Sir) Francis, of Tehidy, Illogan, co. Cornwall, ViceAdmiral of Cornwall, 256, 257, 420(2).

Basset, Jane, Lady Basset, mother of Sir Francis Basset, 420.

Bastille, The, prison, Paris [France], 33.

Bastwick (Beswick), co. Norfolk, 135.

Bastwick, John, physician and Puritan polemicist, 398.

Basyll, Simon. See Basill, Simon.

Batchell, Richard, churchwarden at Turnworth, co. Dorset, collects money towards establishment of theological college in Chelsea, 58.

Bates, Mary, in the service of the Earl of Suffolk, letter to her daughter, 195.

Batey, Andrew, of London, his house shut up by plague, 208.

Bath, co. Somerset, medical certificate dated from, 2.
-, reference to late Earl of Salisbury's visit to, 8.
-, 214.
-, Kinggoes from Evesham to, 377.

Bath, Order of the, reference to Viscount Cranborne's, 272.

Bathford, co. Somerset, possibility of sale of Earl of Salisbury's lands at, 11.

Battle, —, tenant to Mr Sillis, isolated by plague, 208.

Batter Mead, Hatfield, co. Herts, 114.

Battersee, Mr, of Farningham, co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.

Battison. See Battison, William.

Battison, William, of London, auditor to the Earl of Salisbury, 439, 440, 449.

Baugh (Boghe), William, Captain, English pirate, cheated by Bingley, 99(3).

Bavaria [Germany], troops march towards Austria from, 122.

Bavaria (Baviers), Maximilian, Duke of, Bohemian hopes of profiting from good relations between Elector Palatine and, 89, 90.
-, not expected to intervene with his forces against Prince of Orange, 119.
-, reconciles Emperor and Upper Austria, 128.
-, Emperor proposes to transfer Elector Palatine's electoral power to, 159.
-, suspicious of Spanish successes in Palatinate, 190.

Baviers. See Bavaria.

Bawtry, Serjeant. See Bawtry, Leonard.

Bawtry, Leonard, Serjeant-at-law, acts for defence in examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 103(2), 104.

Bawtry, Thomas, 417.

Bayford, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 127.

Bayle, Mr. See Bailly, René.

Bayley, Ralph, a physician of Bath, signs certificate, 2.

Bayly, William, of Salford, co. Somerset, his unruly conduct in manor court, 393.

Bayning, Viscount. See Bayning, Paul.

Bayning, Paul, 2nd Viscount Bayning of Sudbury, 387.

Bayntons Coppice. See Bayton's Coppice.

Bayonne [Basses-Pyrénées, France], Prince Charles passes through, 168.
-, Viscount Andover at, 174.

Bayspoole, Miles, an attorney of the King's Bench, involved in legal proceedings, 168.

Bayton's (Bayntons) Coppice, Chetterwood, co. Dorset, 140.

Beachampton, co. Bucks, 449.

Beacons, Privy Council gives order for maintenance of, 85, 297.

Beale, Henry, shoemaker, of London, 255, 265.

Béarn [France], petition for peace and pardon to Louis XIII from, 155.

Beauvale (Beavall, Bevall), Greasley, co. Notts, 254, 288, 342.

Beauvoir. See Belvoir Castle.

Bedford, co. Beds, tenants of Brigstock pay towards maintenance of garrison at, 380.

Bedford, Lady. See Russell, Anne.

Bedford, Earl of. See Russell, Francis.

Bedford House, Strand, London, residence of the Earl of Bedford, two die of plague at, 208.

Beighton. See Bacton.

Belasyse, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Fauconberg of Henknowle, 433.

Belcanquall, Dr. See Balcanquhall, Walter.

Bell, Robert, a London merchant, associated with exploitation of copper, 202.

Bell, Simon, maker of masques, 13.

Bell, The, Strand, London, 430.

Bellamy, John, tenant to the Earl of Salisbury at Brigstock, co. Northants, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 495.

Belleval, Richard de, Chancellor of the University of Medecine at Montpellier, signs death certificate of Viscount Cranborne, 435, 436.

Bellot, Mr. See Bellot, Thomas.

Bellott (Billott), Thomas, formerly Gentleman Usher to Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, 90, 261.

Belton, co. Suffolk, 38.

Belvoir (Belvoire, Beauvoir) Castle, co. Leicester, letters dated from, 441, 445(2), 454(2).
-, 456.

Benefield (Beninfeild), co. Northants, letter dated from, 194.

Benevente, Juan Alfonso d'Herrera, Conde de, Mayor-domo to the Queen of Spain, conveys Queen's gifts to Prince Charles, 172.

Benezet, Phillippe, surgeon, of Montpellier, France, signs death certificate of Viscount Cranborne, 435, 436.

Bengeo (Bengehoe), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Beninfeild. See Benefield.

Benington, Robert, Bailiff of Benefield, co. Northants, letter from, 194.

Benjamin, Mon, of Paris, Viscount Cranborne and Robert Cecil lodge at the academy of, 288.

Bennet, Richard, a London merchant, son of Sir Thomas Bennet, 163, 238.

Bennet, Robert, Colonel, Parliamentary commander, 377.

Bennet, Sir Thomas, Alderman and former Lord Mayor of London, suit between Sir George Dalston and, 163

Bennet, Colonel. See Bennet, Robert.

Bentley (Bently) Heath, South Mimms, co. Herts, waste called, 421.

Bere, Sidney, executor of Earl of Pembroke, 418, 419.
-, undertakes obligation to repay money in dining hall of Serjeants Inn, 427, 428.

Berisford, Mr [? Michael Berisford, of Squerries, Westerham], co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.

Berkeley, Lord. See Berkeley, John.

Berkeley, Sir Charles, of Bruton, co. Somerset, receives instructions from Earl of Salisbury concerning deer in Cranborne Chase, 296.

Berkeley, John, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton, 448.

Berkeley (Berkley, Bartlett), Sir John, of Bruton, co. Somerset, involved in conspiracy against Parliament, 357.
-, placed by John Pym in the custody of Lord Wilmot, 366.
-, refused bail, 366.

Berkeley (Berkley), Sir Maurice, of Bruton, co. Somerset, 12.

Berkeley (Barkley), Sir Robert, King's Serjeant, 269.

Berkhampstead, co. Herts, house of correction to be erected in, 83.

Berkhampstead, Little (Berkhamsted Parva) co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 127.

Berkhampstead St. Peter, co. Herts, 83.

Berkshire House (Barkchier Hows), St. James's, London, 433.

Bermondsey, co. Surrey, 290, 459.

Berrowe, Thomas, a preservator of the Forest of Dean, 401.

Berry, Mr, of Lid, co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 13.

Bertie, Montagu, 2nd Earl of Lindsey, taken from his house by troop of horse, 433.

Bertie, Robert, Lord Willoughby of Eresby, later 1st Earl of Lindsey, raises volunteers for States General, 193.
-, his claim to Earldom of Oxford, 216.
-, claims office of Lord Chamberlain, 217.
-, examines Felton after his assassination of Duke of Buckingham, 244

Berwick, co. Northumberland, Scottish Treaty Commissioners demand dismantling of fortifications at, 342.
-, order given for demolition of fortifications at, 364.

Berwick (Barwick), co. Wilts, 41, 374, 418.

Best, Jacques de, a merchant, signs joint petition to Privy Council, 138.

Besthorpe, co. Norfolk, 188.

Beswick. See Bastwick.

Beswick, Mr [? William Beswick, of Spilmonden, Horsemonden], co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 14.

Bethlem Gabor (Bethelem Gabor, Bethlen Gabor, Gabriel), Prince of Transylvania, considered as possible King of Bohemia, 88.
-, Bohemian Estates on good terms with, 89, 94.
-, 89, 135.
-, reported to be in field with army, 94.
-, said to have been crowned King of Hungary, 119, 122, 128, 135.
-, military assistance expected from, 122, 128.

Bevall. See Beauvale.

Bèze, Theodore de, French Protestant writer and minister in Geneva, purchase of his Greek Testament, 391.

Bickford, Thomas, a smith, work undertaken by him at Hatfield House, 5.

Biggen, Laurence, appointed keeper of game, 35.

Billingsley, Captain. See Billingsley, Henry.

Billingsley, Henry, Captain, his examination concerning conspiracy against Parliament read in House of Commons, 359.

Billott, Mr. See Bellott, Thomas.

Bingen [Hesse, Germany], Ansbach's troops to camp at, 121.

Bingham, John, Captain, appointed commissioner to consider military assistance for Palatinate, 141.

Bingham, Mr, Steward to the Marquis of Dorchester, 442.

Bingley, Sir John, of Westminster, Clerk (later Remembrancer) of the Exchequer, disclosure at Lord Treasurer Suffolk's examination of abuses committed by, 97, 99, 106, 107, 109, 110, 111.
-, his denial of charges, 100.
-, Yelverton's indictment of, 108.
-, sentence passed on, 110.
-, censured by Star Chamber, 113.

Birchmore (Burchmore), Mary, wife of Thomas Birchmore, petition to King, 446.

Birchmore, Thomas, formerly Rector of Beachampton, co. Bucks, petition for grant of arrears of tithes to, 446.

Bird (Byrde), William, Dean of the Arches, 53.

Bird, —, accuses Wright of plotting death of King and Prince of Wales, 6.

Biscay, Bay of, Catherine of Braganza's ship delayed in, 444.

Bishopsgate, London, 255, 396.

Bishopsteignton (Teignton), co. Devon, manor of, 36, 37.

Bishop Stortford (Bishops Stortford), co. Herts, 115.
-, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Blackamoor, at Theobalds, 166.

Black Bull Gate, [? Strand], London, 208.

Blacke, Mr. See Blake, John.

Blagdon (Blagden), co. Somerset, tithes of, 195, 380, 381.
-, effect of war on tillage at, 381.

Blagdon (Blagden) Park, co. Somerset, 287, 459.
-, Warden of. See Gerard, Walter.

Blair, Adam, Clerk to the Scottish Treaty Commissioners, 329 (2), 337, 341, 342(2), 343 (2), 344, 346, 350, 351, 356.

Blake (Blacke) John, Rector of Elstree, co. Herts, collects money towards defence of King of Bohemia, 125.

Bland, —, his evidence produced at examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 99.

Blandford, co. Dorset, letter dated from, 230.
-, 321, 386.
-, King's carriages moved to Newbury from, 380.

Blatchford, Robert, witnesses Earl of Pembroke's will, 416.

Blay, —, complaint about, 134.

Blayne, Colonel [? Thomas Blaney, Parliamentary commander], at Sudeley, 376.

Blechenden, Mr [? Thomas Blechenden, of Woodnesborough], co. Kent, his estate valued at £500, 13.

Blechenden, Mr [? Humphrey Blechenden, of Ruffin's Hall, Aldington], co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 13.

Blois [Loir-et-Cher, France], 168.
-, Viscount Cranborne and Robert Cecil visit, 288.

Blount, Mountjoy, 1st Earl of Newport, Goring claims to have revealed conspiracy against Parliament to, 358.

Blount (Blunt), Sir Thomas Pope, of Tyttenhanger, co. Herts, collects free gift for King, 15.
-, collects money for defence of King of Bohemia, 124.
-, 188.

Blunt, John, Captain, royalist, Governor of Pebworth, co. Gloucester, 377, 378.
-, in charge of garrison at Marston House, 378.
-, imprisons Bailiff of Marston and Pebworth, 379.

Blunt (Blunte), Richard, of Alderholt, co. Dorset, guilty of encroaching on Earl of Salisbury's waste at Alderholt, 236.

Blunt, Sir Thomas Pope. See Blount, Sir Thomas Pope.

Blunt, Mr, conveys message from Earl of Salisbury to Earl of Dorset, 318.

Blunt, Captain. See Blunt, John.

Boas. See Baas.

Bocking Park, co. Essex, marriage jointure of Lady Anne Cecil to include, 178.

Boghe, Captain See Baugh, William.

Bohemia, election of King of Bohemia discussed at Prague by Estates of, 88.
-, Elector Palatine elected King of, 90, 91.
-, defence of proceedings of Estates of, 91.
-, money collected in England towards defence of, 117, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129(2), 135, 137.
-, Count of Thurn reported to be with army on frontiers of, 122.
-, Mansfeld makes incursion from Upper Palatinate into, 151.

Boisdauphin, Urbain de Laval, Seigneur de, Marshal of France, 124.

Bolstrede, Mr. See Bulstrod.

Bolton Abbey, co. Yorks, letter dated from, 402.

Bonde, Mr, 87.

Books of News, purchased for Earl of Salisbury, 389.

Booth (Boothe), Mr., Steward to the Marquis of Hertford, 375.

Bordeaux (Bourdeaulx) [France], mention made in examination concerning conspiracy against Parliament of a canon of, 360.

Bosevile (Bosvile), Sir Robert, of Little Mote and Petham Court, Eynsford, co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 14.

Boswell, Sir William, English Ambassador at the Hague, 232.
-, House of Lords permits opening of correspondence between King and, 319.

Boteler. See Butler.

Boughton (Bouten), co. Northants, letters dated from, 292, 433.

Bouillon, Henri de la Tour, Duc de, Bohemian hopes of profiting from alliance of Elector Palatine with, 89.

Bound, Bartholomew, 42.

Bourchiers (Bourcheirs) Hall, Tollesbury, co. Essex, letter dated from, 449.

Bouten. See Boughton.

Bow Bridge. See Bulbridge.

Bowen, Lieutenant-Colonel. See Bowen, Henry.

Bowen, Henry, Lieutenant-Colonel, Parliamentary commander, his troops quartered at Cranborne, 387.

Bowes, Sir Jerome, of London, 31, 32.

Bowes, —, member of the jury at Franklin's trial, 24.

Bowle, John, chaplain to Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury, endorses certificate, 2.

Bowman, William, 458.

Bowyer, Lady Anne [? widow of Sir Henry Bowyer, of Denham, co. Bucks, involved in legal proceedings, 447.

Bowyer, Christopher, coroner within the liberties of Cranborne, co. Dorset, guilty of destruction of young trees, 237.
-, his violent behaviour at Chetterwood, 278.

Bowyer, Francis, of All Saints, Hertford, co. Herts, in arrears with contribution towards defence of King of Bohemia, 126.

Box, Henry, grocer, of London, 418.

Boyle, Lewis, Viscount Boyle of Kinalmeaky, son of Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, 283.

Boyle, Richard, 1st Earl of Cork, letters to Lord Clifford, 272, 279.
-, 275, 276, 277, 282, 316.
-, Lord Deputy Wentworth's attitude towards, 276.
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 281, 282.

Boyle, Richard, Viscount Dungarvan, later 2nd Earl of Cork, marriage settlement between Elizabeth Clifford and, 272.
-, 275, 276, 279, 280.
-, letter to Lord Clifford, 277.
-, Goring claims to have revealed plot against Parliament to, 358.

Boys, Sir [? Edward Boys, of Fredville, Nonington], co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 13.

Boys, Sir John, of St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury, co. Kent (d. 1612), his heir. See Boys, Thomas.

Boys (Boyes) [? Samuel Boys, of Elfords, Hawkhurst], co. Kent, his estate valued at £500, 13.

Boys, Sir Thomas, nephew and heir of Sir John Boys, his estate valued at £500, 13.

Boys, William, of St. James in South Elmham, co. Suffolk, sued for libel, 188.

Bradborn (Bradburne), Mr, a London silk merchant, 264, 268.

Bradburne. See Bradborn.

Bradbury (Bradberye), Mr [? Robert Bradbury, of Braughing, co. Herts], guest at Hatfield House, 2.

Bradfeild. See Broadfield.

Bradninch (Bradnynch), co. Devon, rectory of, 7.

Bradshawe, Peter, of St. Austin's in Watling Street, London, merchant-tailor, mentioned in accusation of fraudulent dealing brought against 1st Earl of Salisbury, 248.

Braithwaite (Brathwaite), Charles, keeper of the goods and ornaments of St. Giles Church, Norwich, 53.

Bramson, Captain, 377.

Bramston, Sir Mondiford, a Master in Chancery, of Little Baddow, co. Essex, 447.

Brandenburg, John Sigismund, Elector of, Bohemian expectations from kinship of Elector Palatine with, 89.

Brandon, Gregory (Gregorie), the common hangman of London, 399.

Branksea or Brownsea Castle, co. Dorset, 177.

Branksea Island (Insula Brownsea), co. Dorset, 177, 320.
-, munition and ordnance on, 353.

Brathwaite, Charles. See Braithwaite, Charles.

Braughing (Braughinge, Broughin), co. Herts, hundred of, 10.
-, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, and other parishes within hundred of, 125, 126.
-, Earl of Salisbury's election directive to freeholders of hundred of, 188.
-, 312, 313.

Bray, Richard, servant to the King, 256.

Bray, Thomas, servant to the King, 256.

Braynford. See Brentford.

Breach (Breache) Lane, Rushton, co. Dorset, waste called, 237.

Brentford (Braynford), co. Middlesex, 177.

Brent Pelham (Pelham Arsa), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Brereton, —, gives evidence at Franklin's trial, 26.

Brett, Sir John, of Edmonton, co. Middlesex, fails to áppear on the jury trying Franklin, 24.

Brett, Sir Robert, of West Malling, co. Kent, his estate valued at £2000, 14.

Brett, Thomas, Captain, of the Savoy, co. Middlesex, Receiver-General to the Earl of Salisbury, 2, 12, 17, 30, 151, 164.
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 9, 11, 134.
-, requests to be nominated M.P. for Old Sarum, 135.

Brewer, Mr, of Amsterdam, letter found in Sir Edwin Sandys's possession from, 156.

Brickendon (Brickendyne), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.
-, 126.

Bridell, Mr. See Bridle, Edward.

Bridges, Thomas, in the service of the Earl of Salisbury, his accounts, 450.

Bridgewater, J. See Egerton, John.

Bridgstooke. See Brigstock.

Bridle. See Bridle, Edward.

Bridle (Bridell), Edward, in the service of the Earl of Salisbury, 390(2), 429.

Bridle (Brydall), Mr, a London goldsmith, 438.
-, letter to Reynolds, 495.

Brigham, Mr, coachmaker, of London, 258(2).

Brigs, Thomas, tenant to the Earl of Salisbury at Essendine, co. Rutland, signs petition, 458.

Brigstock (Bridgstooke, Bridgstocke), co. Northants, vicarage of, 31.
-, 194, 459.
-, complaint concerning alleged excessive taxation of parks at, 194.
-, Earl of Salisbury's request to feoffees of, 264.
-, money distributed amongst poor at, 379.
-, payments towards maintenance of five garrisons by tenants of, 380.
-, papers dealing with park at, 384.
-, taxes imposed on, 385, 403.
-, letter dated from, 403.
-, petition from tenants at, 403.
-, Bailiff of. See Jackson, Nicholas.

Briscoe, Edward, of Aldenham, co. Herts, chosen sheriff of Hertfordshire, 54.

Briscoe, Mr, Steward to Lord Barrett, 334.

Brise, Thomas, petition for payment of work, 373.

Bristol (Bristow), co. Gloucester, not thought to be in danger of Spanish invasion, 219.
-, 246, 393, 407.
-, lease of ironworks in Forest of Dean held by merchants of, 373.
-, reference to surrender by Fiennes of, 411.

Bristol, Bishop of. See Felton, Nicholas.

Bristol, Earl of. See Digby, John.

Britain's Burse, Strand, London, 18, 151, 392.
-, tax paid towards maintenance of Fairfax's army by tenants of, 391.

Britanicus, purchased, 383, 385.

Brittany, reference to Penington's attacks on coast of, 231.

Brittiffe (Britiffe), Richard, warden of St. Martin's Church, Norwich, presents Stocking, Cooke and Alchurch for non-attendance at church, 16.

Broadfield (Bradfield), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Broadnax (Broadnex), Mr [? Richard Broadnax of Cheriton], co. Kent, his estate valued at £500, 14.

Broad Street (Broadstreate) London, 27, 28.

Broadwater, co. Herts, hundred of, 83
-, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parishes in hundred of, 125, 137.
-, constable of. See Westwood, Jonas.

Brockenbrough. See Brokenborough.

Brockman, Mr [? Henry Brokman, of Newington and Cheriton], co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 14.

Brodnax, Henry, a prisoner in Newgate, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 389.
-, informs on Fussell, 389.

Brograve, Symon, of Hamels, Braughing, co. Herts, collects money towards defence of King of Bohemia, 126.

Brokenborough (Brockenbrough), co. Wilts, letter dated from, 448.

Bromfield, Mr, of Codsheath hundred, co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.

Bromley, John, signs joint petition to Coke, 38.

Brook, Lady. See Brooke, Elizabeth.

Brooke, Elizabeth, of Cowling, co. Kent, widow of George Brooke (executed 1603), her estate valued at £700, 14.

Brooke, Henry, 11th Lord Cobham, his pedigrees at Salisbury House, 252.

Brouncker (Brunckard), Henry, Gentleman-in-waiting to James, Duke of York, questioned by House of Commons, 451.

Brown, Richard, a King's messenger, complaint against 11 and n.

Browne, John, stationer, supplies books for Viscount Cranborne, 215.

Browne, Richard, of Wenhaston, co. Suffolk, sued for nonpayment of tithes, 176.

Browne, William, miller, of Higham, co. Suffolk, sued for nonpayment of tithes, 192.

Browne, Mr [? Richard Browne, of Shingleton, Great Chart] co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.

Brownists, The, Sir Edwin Sandys questioned about his correspondence with, 157.

Brownsea Castle. See Branksea Castle.

Broxbourne (Broxborne), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 127.

Brulart, Nicolas. See Sillery.

Brunckard. See Brouncker, Henry.

Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Christian, Duke of, and Bishop of Halberstadt, prepares to oppose Spinola's forces, 122.

Bruntiland. See Burntisland.

Brussels (Bruxells) [Belgium], 273.

Bryan. See Lynch, Bryan.

Bryan (Brian), Richard, mentioned in tract called New Magna Charta, 408.

Bryan, Mr [? William Bryan, of Wrotham], co. Kent, his property valued, 14.

Brydall, Mr. See Bridle.

Brydges, George, 6th Baron Chandos of Sudeley, 376.

Buchanon, Mr, conveys Robert Cecil's message to English Ambassador in Paris, 305.

Buck, Sir Peter, of Rochester, co. Kent, his estate valued at £300, 14.

Buckett, Rowland, painter, of Swan Close, St. Martin'sin-the-Fields, London, work undertaken by him at Hatfield House, 4.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville, Thomas.

Buckingham, Earl (later Duke) of. See Villiers, George.

Buckland, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Bucquoy (Buquoy, Burquoy), Charles de Longeval, Count, forces said to be marching from Italy to join, 104.
-, his death, 151.

Budaeus or Budé, Guillaume, French Councillor of State and Master of Requests, and literary critic (d. 1540), purchase of his Lexicon, 391.

Budden, Edward, of Wimborne St. Giles, co. Dorset, Keeper of Burstock Walk, co. Dorset, 41.

Budden, Sir William. See Button, Sir William.

Buffkin, Levin, of Gore Court, Otham, co. Kent, his estate valued at £500, 14.

Bulbridge (Bow Bridge), Wilton, co. Wilts., 46.

Bulstrod (Bolstrede) [? Edward Bulstrod, of the Middle Temple, London], 269.

Bunckley, —, [? of Alderholt, co. Dorset], guilty of possessing encroached land on Earl of Salisbury's waste at Alderholt, 236.

Bungay, co. Suffolk, manor of, 56.

Bungay, Holy Trinity, parish of, co. Norfolk, 177.

Buntingford, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Burbage (Burbith), co. Wilts, 395.

Burbith. See Burbage.

Burchin [? Birch] Coppice, Chetterwood, co. Dorset, 140.

Burchmore, Mary. See Birchmore, Mary.

Burcistooke Walke. See Burstock Walk.

Burford (Burfford), Mr, 245.

Burgh, Richard, 1st Earl of St. Albans, 282.

Burghley, near Stamford, co. Northants, letter dated from, 118.

Buridanus, Joannes, French philosopher and Rector of the University of Paris in XVth century, purchase of work by, 391.

Burlamachi. See Burlamachi, Philip.

Burlamachi (Bourlamaqui, Burlemacke), Philip, merchant, of St. Bennet, Gracechurch, London, mentioned in examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 96, 106.
-, 129, 187(2).

Burleigh, Lady. See Cecil, Mildred.

Burlemacke. See Burlamachi, Philip.

Burley, Lord. See Balfour, Robert.

Burley, Uncle and Aunt. See Cecil, William; Cecil, Elizabeth.

Burnet, Thomas, graduate in medicine of Montpellier University, later physician at Edinburgh, signs death certificate of Viscount Cranborne, 436.

Burntisland (Bruntiland), Fifeshire, Scotland, Scots build fortifications at, 335.

Burrow or Barrow (Barrowe), Hambleden, co. Northants, conveyed to Balliol College, 116, 121.

Burseystok Walk. See Burstock Walk.

Burstock (Burseystoke, Burcistooke) Walk, co. Dorset, 41, 296.
-, Keeper of. See Budden, Edward.

Burton, Henry, Puritan preacher and polemicist, 398.

Burton, Robert, divine, his Anatomy of Melancholy bought for Arthur Capell, 258.

Burwood [? Bowood], co. Dorset, 207, 386.

Busby, Richard, Headmaster of Westminster School, 334.

Bush Lane, London, 26.

Bushey (Bushy), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Bushy, Charles [? of Cheshunt, co. Herts], 158.

Butler. See Butler, John, of Hanley.

Butler or Boteler, family of, of Woodhall in Watton, co. Herts, 136.

Butler (Boteler), Beckingham (Bockingham), of Tewin Manor, co. Herts, collects money towards defence of King of Bohemia, 125.
-, petition to Earl of Middlesex, 175.

Butler, Ellis (Elles), 41.

Butler (Butteler), George, cousin of Lord Clifford, 276.

Butler, James, 1st Marquis of Ormond, purchase of copy of King's letter to, 389.

Butler or Boteler, Sir John, of Woodhall in Watton, co. Herts, guest at Hatfield House, 1.
-, 188, 192, 300, 301, 311.
-, elected M.P. for Hertfordshire, 205 and n.
-, Earl of Salisbury's directive to freeholders to vote for, 209,

Butler, John, of Hanley, co. Dorset, Keeper of Stapleford Walk. co. Dorset, 41, 58.

Butler, John, of Woodhall in Watton, co. Herts, elected M.P. for Hertfordshire, 205 and n.

Butler, John, 128.

Butler or Boteler, Sir Oliver, of Berham Court, Teston, co. Kent, his estate valued at £800, 14.

Butler or Boteler, Sir Robert, of Woodhall in Watton, co. Herts, receives money collected for Bohemia, 137.

Butler, Captain, guest at Hatfield House, 1.

Button (Budden), Sir William, of Alton Priors, co. Wilts, guest at Hatfield House, 2.

Buttons Close, Starston, co. Norfolk, 116.

Byfield, Nicholas, theological writer, his The Marrow of the Oracles of God purchased, 286.

Bygrave, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Byng, Mr [? George Byng, of Wrotham] co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 14.

Byrde, William. See Bird, William.