Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1971.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1971), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 22, 1612-1668. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1971), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


A Banqet of Jests or Change of Cheare, purchased, 286.

A Hundred Merry Tales, an English jest book, purchased, 286.

Abbington, Anthony, Gentleman Usher to Prince Henry, petition to King, 6.

Abbot, George, Archbishop of Canterbury, 51, 60, 84, 118, 131, 141, 163, 177, 191, 197.
-, letter to Bishop of Bristol, 57.
-, his opinions and verdict at examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 112.
-, in favour of referring Yelverton to King's clemency, 132.
-, takes oath to marriage treaty with Spain, 185.
-, his report from both Houses of Parliament to King, 189.
-, reference to one of his servants, 270.

Abbots Langley (Abbotts Langley), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Abdy (Abdey), Christopher, of London, petition to King, 31.

Abraham, —, in the service of the Bailiff of Marston and Pebworth, co. Gloucester, 376(4), 379.

Achilles Statius. See Tatius.

Adams, William, 459.

Aelianus, Claudius, Roman historian and rhetorician, c. 250 a.d., purchase of work by, 391.

Aesop, purchase of his Fables, 215, 280, 281, 391.

Agas, Radulph, of Stoke-by-Nayland, co. Suffolk, a surveyor, petition to King, 153 and n.

Albert, Archduke of Austria, Governor of the Low Countries (d. 1621), his portrait at Salisbury House, 251.

Alchurch (Alchurche), Thomas, clothworker, of St. James, Norwich, presented for nonattendance at church, 16.

Aldbury, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Aldenham, co. Herts, letters dated from, 77, 136(2).
-, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Alderholt (Alderholte), co. Dorset, 207.
-, encroachments and other offences committed at, 235– 236.

Alderholt Heath, co. Dorset, waste called, 236.

Alderholt Rother, co. Dorset, common called, 237.

Alderholt Warren, co. Dorset, 287.

Aldous (Aldus), James, of Starston, co. Norfolk, sued for nonpayment of tithes, 116.

Alençon [Orne, France], handed over by Louis XIII to Marie de Medici, 124.

Alençon, Duchy of, part of patrimony of French King's sons, 33.

Alessandro, Captain [? of Naples, Italy], 51.

Alford, Sir Edward, of Cassiobury, co. Herts, 300, 302.

Algiers [N. Africa], 409.

Alienation Office, 206.

Allen (Alleyne), George, physician, of Hertford, co. Herts, in arrears with contribution towards defence of King of Bohemia, 126.

Allen, John, warden of St. Martin's Church, Norwich, presents Stocking, Cooke and Alchurch for non-attendance at church, 16.

Allen (Allenn), Mr, his letters concerning conspiracy against Parliament read in House of Commons, 360.

Allett, Dr. See Aylet, Nicholas.

Allington, Mr, of the Pipe Office, 252, 253, 258 (2), 265.

All Souls College, Oxford, Wolley Leigh's death at, 384.

Alsheim (Alzheim) [Rheinland Pfalz, Germany], retaken from Spinola, 133.

Alstedius, Johan Heinrich, German Protestant writer and Professor of Divinity at Herborn, purchase of his Thesaurus Chronologiae, 388.

Alterenes. See Alt-yr-ynys.

Altrenges. See Alt-yr-ynys.

Alterenys. See Alt-yr-ynys.

Alt-yr-ynys (Alterenes, Alterenys, Altrenges) Walterstone, co. Hereford, letters dated from, 36, 214, 215, 235, 270.
-, 210, 434.
-, marriage settlement of Algernon Cecil includes, 434.

Alum, Lord Treasurer Suffolk charged with negligence in farming of, 94, 95, 103, 106, 109.

Alzheim. See Alsheim.

Amadis de Gaule, purchase of the Trésor d', 286.

Ambassadors, envoys, etc.
-, England:
-, to France. See Herbert, Sir Edward; Sidney, Robert.
-, to Holland. See Boswell, Sir William; Carleton, Dudley.
-, to the Mogul. See Roe, Sir Thomas.
-, to Spain. See Digby, Sir John; Aston, Sir Walter.
-, King of Bohemia:
-, to England. See Dohna.
-, Spain:
-, to England. See Coloma; Gondomar.

Amboise [Indre-et-Loire, France], Viscount Cranborne and Robert Cecil visit, 288.

Amsterdam [N. Holland, Netherlands], 13, 157, 246.

Amwell, Great, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 127.

Amwell, Little (Amwell Parva), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 125.

Ananias, Mr, petition to Earl of Salisbury for financial assistance, 392.

Andernach [Rheinland Pfalz, Germany], 128.

Andover, Lord. See Howard, Sir Thomas.

Andrewes, Mr. See Andrews, Michael.

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Ely, later Bishop of Winchester, 60, 85, 177.
-, takes oath to marriage treaty with Spain, 185.

Andrews (Andrewes), Michael, lecturer at St. Martin's-in-theFields, London, Earl of Salisbury's allowance to, 138.

Angel, The, St. Giles, Holborn, London, 245.

Angell, Mr [? Robert Angell, a London merchant], 95, 96, 265.

Angers [Maine-et-Loire, France], Viscount Cranborne and Robert Cecil visit, 288, 289.

Anglice, Countess of. See Villiers, Elizabeth.

Angoulême, Treaty of, to be implemented by Louis XIII and Marie de Medici, 123.

Anhalt, Christian I, Prince of, forces Imperialists to retire, 123.

Anne of Austria, Queen of Louis XIII, King of France, 120.
-, her portrait at Salisbury House, 251.

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I, asked to recommend Wroth's petition to King, 3.
-, 6, 44, 84 and n, 115, 213.
-, Earl of Salisbury urged to win favour of, 45.
-, opposes conveyance of Captaincy of Guard to Earl of Salisbury, 45, 54, 55.
-, authority of surveyors of, 84.
-, her portrait at Salisbury House, 251.

Ansbach (Anspach), Joachim Ernst, Marquis of, Lieutenant-General of the King of Bohemia, movements of troops of, 121, 122.

Ansell, John [? worsted weaver of Norwich, co. Norfolk], sues Baliston, 53.

Ansell, Thomas, of Ickleford, co. Herts, to provide himself with new horse and pistols, 320.

Anstey, co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Anstruther, Sir William, Gentleman of the Bedchamber to James I, 43.

Antwerp (Antwerpe) [prov. Antwerp, Netherlands], 238.

Aphthonius, of Antioch, a Sophist writer, purchase of work by, 286.

Apprentices, example of maltreatment of, 295.

Apsley, Sir Allen, Lieutenant of the Tower, his confession at the examination of Lord Treasurer Suffolk, 100.

Aragon, Council of, 171, 172, 173, 174.

Arches, Court of, 16, 53, 186.
-, Dean of. See Donne, Sir Daniel; Bird, William.

Ardeley (Yardley), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Argenis (Argenes), Edward Cecil supplied with copy of Barclay's, 427.

Argyle, Earl of. See Campbell, Archibald.

Aristotle, purchase of works by, 388, 391.

Arneham. See Arnhem.

Arnhem (Arneham) [Gelderland, Netherlands], Queen of Bohemia expected at, 147.

Arnold, John, of Llanthony, co. Monmouth, 269.
-, brings pressure on foreman of jury at Monmouth Assizes, 269.

Arnold, Sir Nicholas, of Highnam, co. Gloucester, 269.

Arran, Island of, Buteshire, Scotland, Scots build fortifications at, 335.

Arrett, Margaret, widow, of Aslacton, co. Norfolk, charged with libel, 186.

Arundel, Earl of. See Howard, Thomas.

Arundell, John, of Trerice, co. Cornwall, 12.

Arundell, Thomas, 1st Baron Arundell of Wardour, owns coppices in Wiltshire, 41.
-, 46n, 59(2), 60, 81, 84, 85, 118, 131, 146.
-, offers his land in Wiltshire for sale to Earl of Salisbury, 76.
-, opposed to referring Yelverton to King's clemency, 132.
-, names of his coppices in Chetterwood, 140.

Ashburnham, Mr. See Ashburnham, William.

Ashburnham, William, Colonel, royalist, involved in conspiracy against Parliament, 357, 359.

Ashe, Quartermaster, Parliamentary commander, his soldiers quartered at Cranborne, 387.

Asher, Philip, in the service of the Earl of Salisbury, 288.

Ashford, Little, co. Hants, abuse of common of pasture at Alderholt Rother by Earl of Salisbury's tenants of, 237.

Ashley, Sir Anthony, of Wimborne St. Giles, co. Dorset, and Holborn, London, purchases land from Earl of Salisbury, 11.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 50.
-, 157.
-, dispute over manor and rectory of Cranborne between Earl of Salisbury and, 166.
-, named as one of Earl of Salisbury's enemies, 200.

Ashley, Sir Francis, of Damerham, co. Wilts, Serjeant-at-law, later Recorder of Dorchester, Earl of Salisbury's letters to, 39, 212, 215.
-, Keighley's letter to, 212.
-, complains about FitzJames's behaviour, 215.
-, 254.

Ashley, Sir Henry, uncle of Sir Anthony Ashley, 50.

Ashley, Colonel, 380.

Ashley, Serjeant. See Ashley, Sir Francis.

Ashpole, Edward, a carter, conveys letter from Cambridge to Salisbury House, 396.

Ashton, Sir Roger. See Aston, Sir Roger.

Ashton, (Sir) William, of St. Margaret's, London, 102, 229, 278, 382.
-, letters to Keighley, 167, 271.

Ashton, William, of the Grove, Watford, co. Herts, elected M.P. for Hertfordshire, 205 and n.

Ashton, Mr. See Ashton, William.

Ashton (Asheton), Mr, 41.

Ashwell (Ashewell), co. Herts, 10.
-, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Aslacton, co. Norfolk, 186.

Aspenden (Aspeden), co. Herts, money collected towards defence of King of Bohemia within parish of, 126.

Associated Counties, Earl of Salisbury taxed for maintenance of forces of, 286, 379.

Astley, Sir John, of Allington, co. Kent, his estate valued at £700, 14.

Aston (Ashton), Sir Roger, late Master of the King's Great Wardrobe (d. 1612), mentioned, 204.

Aston, Sir Walter, English Ambassador to Spain, 130, 170, 172.
-, present at meeting between Prince Charles and King of Spain, 170.

Aston, Mr, 193.

Athill, John, yeoman, of Bastwick, co. Norfolk, 135.

Atkins, Serjeant. See Atkyns, Edward.

Atkinson, Mr, Edward Cecil moved to school kept by, 417.

Atkyns (Atkins), Edward, of Lincoln's Inn, London, Serjeant-at-law, 234, 235, 269, 287, 373.

Attorney-General, The. See Bacon, Sir Francis; Yelverton, Sir Henry; Heath, Sir Robert; Bankes, Sir John.

Aucher, Sir Anthony, of Bourne Place, Bishopsbourne, co. Kent, his estate valued at £1000, 13.

Audley, Lord. See Tuchet, George.

Audley End (Awdeleyend, Aulyend), co. Essex, seat of the Earl of Suffolk, letters dated from, 3, 195.
-, 26, 115.

Augmentations, Court of, 50.

Aulicus (by F. Cheynell? or Sir J. Birkenhead?), purchase of his Hue and Cry sent forth after Britanicus, 385.

Aulyend. See Audley End.

Aurea Bulla, a law of the Empire, freedom of election in Bohemia recognized by, 92.

Austria, 92(2), 93, 104, 226.
-, Bohemian Estates on good terms with Upper and Lower, 94.
-, troops march from Bavaria towards, 122.
-, Duke of Bavaria reconciles Emperor and Upper, 128.

Avis, Thomas, carpenter, of Hatfield, co. Herts, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 256.
-, 451.

Aylet (Allett), Nicholas, physician, 166.

Aylmerton, co. Norfolk, 51.

Aymond, Lord. See Livingstone, James.