Index: D

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Dabscote (Dapscote, Dabscat), — 96, 100

Dabscote, Mrs.
-, her confession, 100

Dackombe (Dekham), John, of Motcombe, co. Dorset and the Middle Temple, London, Steward to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 51
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 312
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 313
-, 366, 371

Dacre, Francis, of Croglin, Cumberland, calling himself Lord Dacre of Gilsland, brother of Leonard Dacre, attainted
-, petition to King, 177
-, protection granted to, 342

Dacre, Leonard, of Naworth, co. Cumberland, attainted 1570
-, his lands, 311

Dacres, Lord (of the South). See Lennard, Sampson

Dacres, Sir Thomas, of Cheshunt, co. Herts.
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

Dain, River. See Ain

Dale, Mr. tenant of the Earl of Salisbury
-, 235

Dalkeith, co. Edinburgh, Scotland
-, King compiles his book at, 83

Dallington, Robert, formerly in the service of the Earl of Rutland
-, recommended for Prince of Wales's service, 170

Dallison, Sir Roger, of Laughton, co. Lincs, Lieutenant of the Ordnance
-, 19

Damaim. See Ad Dammam

Damport, William, a footman to the King
-, 316

Dancastell, Anne and Elizabeth. See Dancastle

Dancastle (Dancastell), Anne, of Well House, co. Berks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 259

Dancastle (Dancastell), Elizabeth, of Binfield, co. Berks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 259

Dand, —
-, commits abuses in Sherwood Forest, 57

Dansker. See Dantziger, Simon

Dantziger or Dauncer (Dansker), Simon, pirate
-, reference to his murder by Sultan of Algiers, 250

Danube, River
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 245

Danvers, Lord. See Danvers, Henry

Danvers, Henry, Baron Danvers of Dauntsey, Lord President of Munster
-, 254, 278

Danyell, Joan, of Westminster, formerly in the service of Frances Devereux, wife of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex
-, petition to Queen, 364

Danzig [Poland]
-, loss of ships and goods by people of, 363

Darby, Edward
-, 51

Darcy, Sir Francis, of Isleworth, co. Middlesex
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 200

Darford. See Dartford

Dariry. See Valencia

Darlington, co. Durham
-, letter dated from, 60

Darrell Hagg, Wheldrake, co. Yorks.
-, Earl of Cumberland buys trees in wood called, 116, 119, 120

Dartford (Darford), co. Kent
-, 214
-, letter endorsed by post at, 291

Dartmouth, co. Devon
-, letter dated from, 152

Darvoll. See Darvold

Darvold (Darvoll), co. Hereford
-, King's trees at, 58

Dauphiné [France]
-, reference to the Parlement de, 110

Daventry, co. Northants.
-, letter endorsed by post at, 61

Davies, Jeffrey
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 14

Davies (Davyes), Sir John, AttorneyGeneral of Ireland
-, 45, 104
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 117, 121
-, his reflections on character of Irish, 118
-, his comments on survey of Tyrone, 121

Davison, Mr. See Davison, William

Davison, William, secretary to Queen Elizabeth
-, reference to his financial activities on behalf of insurgents in Low Countries, 58(2)

Davye, William, of Attlebridge, co. Norfolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Davyes, Sir John. See Davies, Sir John

Davyes, Sir John, Receiver-General for Essex and other counties
-, his death, 61

Deacon, John, a preacher of Hertford
-, his statement on supposed treasure at Hertford Castle, 126, 127
-, imprisoned for deceitful practices, 128

Dean, Forest of, co. Gloucester
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, sale to Earl of Pembroke of wood from, 327, 348

Deane, Sir James, of London
-, signs joint petition to Earl of Salisbury, 1

Deane, Mr., Headmaster of Westminster School
-, 373

Decro, John
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in land enclosed by King, 328

-, measures taken against stealers of, 102
-, King infuriated by theft of, 136, 192
-, request for allowance of winter food for, 151
-, 189
-, Sir Edward Coke said to have illegally killed, 192
-, exemption from general pardon of those guilty of stealing, 274

Defiance, The, of the King's Navy to be repaired, 307, 349

Deighton or Deighton Springs (Dighton, Dyghton), co. Yorks.
-, sale of King's woods at, 79, 119, 120, 125
-, state of woods at, 125

Dekham, Mr. See Dackombe, John

Delaett, John, brother of John Vandenbemd
-, 168

Delahay, Paul, of Peterchurch, co. Hereford
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 366

Delaval (De La Vale), Sir Ralph, of Seaton Delaval, co. Northumberland, Sheriff of Northumberland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 70

Delaval (De la Valle), Sir Robert, of Seaton Delaval, co. Northumberland
-, named Commissioner for the North, 180

De La Vardin, Monsieur. See Lavardin

Delawne or De Lawne, William, divine and physician
-, provides Queen with drugs, 327

Delft [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 247

-, recusants in, 316

Denham, Sir John, Chief Baron of the Exchequer in Ireland
-, succeeds Winch as Chief Justice of King's Bench in Ireland, 332

Denham, Mr.
-, 48

-, 237
-, list of gifts to members of the embassy from, 260
-, Lord Willoughby going to, 341
-, Prince of Orange suggests that confederation to defend Protestant religion include, 355
-, 358

Denmark, King of. See Christian IV

Denne (Denn), near Horsham, co. Sussex
-, letter dated from, 27

Dennett, John, of Wing, co. Bucks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

Denny, Edward, 1st Baron Denny of Waltham
-, 332
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Dennye or Dennis, Thomas, of Shanklin, Isle of Wight
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Deolphus, Deo, of Enkhuizen, mariner
-, examined about activities of pirates on Lundy Island, 210

-, list of persons indicted for offence of, 90, 91

Deptford, London
-, abuses committed at Navy's storehouses in, 87

Derbent [Caucasia, Russia]
-, 325

Derby, Countess of. See Stanley, Elizabeth

Derby, Countess Dowager of. See Stanley, Alice

-, 54, 59
-, sale of King's woods in, 75, 178

Dereham (Derhame), Roger, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Dereman, Thomas, of Alconbury, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Derhame, Roger. See Dereham, Roger

Derrick, Peter, yeoman saddler to the King
-, to have his livery, 340

Derry. See Londonderry

Derry, Bishop of. See Montgomery, George

Desansano. See Desenzano

Desenzano (Desansano) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 242

Dethick, Henry, Chancellor of the diocese of Durham and Master of Greatham Hospital
-, witnesses lease by Bishop of Durham, 73
-, Bishop of Durham's request on behalf of, 73

Deuxponts, John I, Duke of possibility of his agreeing to a compromise over Cleves, 82

Deuxwell (Dewxwell), Thomas [? Thomas Dewxell of Gloucester]
-, King's gift to, 338

Deverall, William [? of Arnold, co. Notts.]
-, purchases rights in the manor of Arnold, 59

Devereux, Frances, Countess of Essex, wife of Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of Essex
-, letter to Viscount Cranborne, 135
-, scandalous report about Earl of Montgomery and, 368

Devereux, Robert, 2nd Earl of Essex
-, mentioned, 224
-, reference to his insurrection, 368

Devereux, Robert, 3rd Earl of Essex
-, 155, 157
-, letters to Viscount Cranborne, 169, 172
-, one of his gentlemen buys a pocket dag, 221

Devises (Le Devises), co. Wilts. survey of the castle at, 224 249

-, plan to counteract activities of pirates entrusted to J.P.s of, 213
-, 313
-, Queen's manor in, 374

Devonshire, Earl of. See Blount, Charles

Devos, Cornelius
-, reference to his patent for making alum, 55

Dewhurst, Thomas, son of Barnard Dewhurst, former secretary to Lord Burghley
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 235

Dickinson (Diconson) Thomas, tanner, of Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, involved in case of illegal transportation of calf-skins, 258 (2)

Dieppe (Dyepe) [Seine Inférieure, France]
-, 223

Digby, Sir John, English Ambassador to Spain
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 255, 311, 333
-, letter from, 306
-, vexed by defective communications with London, 312
-, exchanges views with Spanish Secretary of State, 333
-, seriously ill after extraction of tooth, 335
-, 344
-, his servant rewarded for conveying letters from Madrid to London, 352

Dighton. See Deighton

Dighton Spring or Springs. See Deighton

Dijon [Côte d'Or, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 112, 238
-, Governor of. See Lux.

Dilke (Dilkes), Thomas, of Maxstoke, co. Warwick
-, his name on 'Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Dingouville—, captain of a ship of Le Havre
-, his ship seized by English, 189

Dirbige, Hans von
-, sells cabinet of antiques to Prince Henry, 352

Ditchley, co. Oxford
-, letter dated from, 39

Ditton Park, co. Bucks.
-, decay of mansion in, 49

Doch, William, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Dolphin, The. See Louis

Dombar, Earl of. See Home, George

Donato, Leonardo, Doge of Venice shows much favour to Viscount Cranborne during his visit, 243

Donauwürth (Dunawert) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 245

Done, Hugh, Captain, former commander of foot in Ireland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 292

Donegal, Ireland
-, 338, 360
-, High Sheriff of. See Bingley, Sir Ralph

Donhalt (Donhault), Gregory
-, 358

Donhalt (Donhault), Leonora, wife of Gregory Donhalt
-, 358

Donhalt (Donhault), William
-, grant to, 358

Donhalt (Donhault), William, son of William Donhalt
-, grant to, 358

Donhault. See Donhalt

Donne (Dun), Sir Daniel, Judge of the Admiralty
-, 11
-, commits Gifford to prison, 271, 293

Dora Baltea (D'Oure), River [Italy, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 240

Dorcester. See Dorchester

Dorchester (Dorcester), co. Dorset
-, 85

Dordogne, River [France]
-, 107

Dormer, Michael, of Ascot, co. Oxford
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 186

Dormer, Sir William, son of Robert Dormer, 1st Baron Dormer of Wyng
-, 25 (2)

Dorset, Countess Dowager of. See Sackville, Anne

Dorset, Earl of. See Sackville, Robert

Dorset House, Fleet Street, London, residence of the Earl of Dorset
-, letters dated from, 12, 214

-, 211, 237
-, recusants in, 264, 272
-, Queen's manors in, 374

Dort [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 247

Douai [Nord, France]
-, projected establishment of college of English Benedictines at, 9

Doubleday, Edmund, Teller of the Mint
-, King favours his petition, 114
-, 158

Douglas, Alexander
-, his pension bought by Hales, 180

Douglas, James
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 203

Douglas, Sir James, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber and an Undertaker in co. Armagh, Ireland
-, 346

Douglas, Sir Robert, of Spott, co. Haddington, Scotland, Master of the Horse to Prince Henry
-, 15
-, buys horses in Venice for Prince Henry, 84

Dounbar, Earl of. See Home, George

Dounham. See Dunham

D'Oure, River. See Dora Baltea

Dover, co. Kent
-, pepper sold illegally in, 207
-, Papist committed at, 214
-, 237

Dover Castle, co. Kent
-, letter dated from, 95
-, Clerk of. See Packnam, Mark

Down and Connor, Bishop of. See Todd, John. Dundas, James

Downham, Doctor. See Downham, George

Downham, George, prebendary of St. Paul's
-, amongst those considered by King as future Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 160

Draper, John, a bricklayer of Hertford
-, involved in treasure hunt at Hertford Castle, 126

Drayton (Draiton) [? co. Leicester]
-, survey of manor of, 293

Dreadnought, The, of the King's Navy
-, to be repaired, 307, 349

Drogheda (Droghedach, Droheda) co. Louth, Ireland
-, benefits enjoyed by freemen of, 304, 305

Droheda. See Drogheda

Dromond. See Drummond

Dromore, Bishop of. See Todd, John. Tanner, John

Drope, John, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 261

Drumfries. See Dumfries

Drummond (Dromond), David, servant to the King
-, 131

Drummond, [? Sir Edward]
-, 172

Drummond, Mistress [? Jane Drummond, Lady of the Bedchamber to the Queen]
-, 172
-, her pension, 308

Drummond (Drommond), Sir John grant of money to, 5 179

Drury, Sir Robert, of Hawstead, co. Suffolk
-, 178

Drury (Drurye), William, Marshal of Berwick
-, 190

Drurye, Mr. See Drury, William

Dublin, Ireland
-, letters dated from, 40, 201, 306
-, benefits enjoyed by freemen of, 304
-, 305, 308

Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland
-, 103, 342, 348
-, letters dated from, 303, 304

Duck, Thomas [? of New Windsor, co. Berks.]
-, 373

Dudley, Lord. See Sutton, Edward

Dudley, Ambrose, lessee of the manor of Chopwell, co. Durham
-, commissioned to sell trees in Chopwell Wood, 44

Dudley, Anne, Countess of Warwick, 3rd wife of Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick
-, mentioned, 83

Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester
-, mentioned, 194

Dudley, Sir Robert (styled Duke of Northumberland and Earl of Warwick)
-, reference to case between King and, 148

Duffield Frith, co. Derby
-, sale of woods at, 54

Duffilde Frythe. See Duffield Frith

Dumfries (Drumfries), Dumfriesshire, Scotland
-, goods conveyed by land from England to Scotland to pass through, 314

Dun, Sir Daniel. See Donne, Sir Daniel

Dünamünde (Dunemond) [Livonia, Russia]
-, Poles reconnoitre fort at, 163

Dunawert. See Donauwörth

Dunbar, Earl of. See Home, George

Dunbar, William, an Undertaker in Ulster
-, permitted to transport cattle into Ireland without paying Customs duties, 271

Dundas, James, chanter of Moray to be Bishop of Down and Connor, 329

Dunemond. See Dünamünde

Dunfermline, Earl of. See Seton, Alexander

Dungannon, co. Tyrone, Ireland letter dated from "the camp beyond", 121

Dunham (Dounham) co. Norfolk letter dated from, 43

Dunkirk (Dunkerk, Dunquerque), [Nord, France]
-, furnishes bonds as security for repayment of loan from England, 58
-, Roman Catholic book for England to be shipped over in boat from, 61
-, secretary of the Admiral of Aragon sent secretly from, 68, 69
-, ships built for Spain at, 87
-, 98, 207
-, Papist books and priests cross to England from, 214
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 248

Dunster (Dunstar), John, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Duperron (Peroone), Jacques, Cardinal
-, his opinion of King's book, 288

Duport, Dr. See Duport, John

Duport, John, Master of Jesus College, Cambridge
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 79, 195
-, elected Vice-Chamberlain of Cambridge University, 195

Durance, River [France]
-, 109, 110

Duresm Yard. See Durham Yard

Durham, co. Durham
-, letter dated from, 66

Durham, Bishop of. See James, William

Durham, Bishopric of
-, letter to King's woodward in, 28
-, 79

Durham, county of
-, 45, 60, 66, 119, 177
-, recusants in, 351
-, reversion to Watson of alms room in Cathedral of, 372

Durham, Dean of. See Newton, Adam

Durham House, Strand, London
-, stone brought for the building of "Britains Burse" at, 29
-, letter dated from, 224

Durham House Court, Strand, London
-, Earl of Salisbury takes lease of ground in, 73

Durham Yard (Duresm Yard), Strand, London
-, 37

Düsseldorf (Dusseldorpe) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Duke of Neuburg and Margrave of Brandenburg jointly acknowledged in, 82
-, 101
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 246

Dutton, Sir Thomas, in the service of the States General
-, 233
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 233

Dutton, Mr.
-, suitor to King, 18

Dwelly, George, King's falconer 336

Dyepe. See Dieppe

Dyer, Sir William, of Great Staughton, co. Hunts.
-, 38

Dyer, Mr.
-, 38

Dyghton. See Deighton

Dyons, George, of Hoggeston, co. Bucks.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Dyos, Mr.
-, sent to discuss City of London's affairs with Earl of Salisbury, 150