Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Cadillac [Gironde, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 107

Caen [Calvados, France]
-, imposition levied upon English cloth at, 177, 178

Caernarvonshire (Carnarvon]
-, 103

Caesar, Sir Julius, Chancellor of the Exchequer
-, 6(2), 11, 27(2), 32, 52, 55, 57, 58, 59
-, nominated Commissioner for suits, 22
-, signs joint letter to King's woodward at Durham, 28
-, signs letter concerning cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44
-, 68, 70(2), 71, 73, 99(2), 119(2)
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 116, 119, 160, 232, 233, 292, 295
-, 125, 128(2), 148, 151, 163, 171, 197, 201, 212, 229, 259, 269, 286
-, signs Privy Council letter on transportation of corn from King's Lynn, 211
-, granted reversion of Mastership of the Rolls, 292
-, 295, 299, 327(4), 328(10), 330(2), 331(2), 332, 336, 337, 338, 340(2), 342(2), 343(3), 347, 348(3), 349(2), 350, 351, 357, 358, 359(5), 361, 362

Cage, [? John]
-, proceedings against, 130(3)

Calais (Callais) [Pas-de-Calais, France]
-, Marshal of Poland crosses to, 84
-, 215, 220
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 237, 249
-, Marshal of Poland proposes to cross from Dover to, 290
-, Governor of. See d'Arquien

Calderon, Don Rodrigo, Spanish Ambassador Extraordinary to Archduke Albert
-, mentioned by Digby as possible ambassador to England, 334

-, one of main exports from Bristol, 123
-, sent from Lancashire to La Rochelle, 253
-, investigation into illegal export from Lancashire of, 257, 258

Callowdon, co. Warwick
-, letter dated from, 50

Calmar. See Kalmar

Calshot (Calshott) Castle, co. Hants.
-, repaired, 327
-, 350
-, Keeper of. See Smyth, Richard, Fleming, Francis

Calvert, George, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury, and a Clerk of the Council
-, 12, 53, 60, 100(2)

Calvert, Robert, an Undertaker in the Ulster Plantation
-, 201
-, given leave to transport stock into Ireland free of Customs duties, 299

-, German Protestant Princes desirous of reconciling Lutherans and, 116

Cambell, Thomas, Sheriff of London
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 144
-, Lord Mayor of London, 169
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 169, 230
-, petition to, 230

Cambridge (Cammerich), co. Cambridge
-, Noel de Caron goes to, 16
-, 53
-, reaction to Pemberton's Newmarket sermon at, 149

Cambridge, University of alleged poverty of, 8
-, obtains relief in payment of aid to King, 144
-, election of Proctor at, 174
-, 294
-, Vice-Chancellor of. See Jegon, Thomas; Duport, John,; Neville, Thomas; Goche, Barnabas

-, 211
-, Privy Council advertised of prices of corn by J.P.s of, 223

Cammerich. See Cambridge

Canada (Nova Francia)
-, Hudson forced to put into, 152

Canary Islands, The
-, George Taylor, a prisoner in, 78

Canon (Channon) Row, Westminster, London
-, letters dated from, 170, 292

Canterbury (Canterburie), co Kent
-, letter dated from, 32
-, letter dated from Christ's Church at, 158
-, 200
-, attempt to sell pepper illegally at, 207(3)
-, letter endorsed by post at, 291

Canterbury, Archbishop of. See Bancroft, Richard

Canterbury, Dean of. See Neville, Thomas

Cape Cod [Massachusetts, U.S.A.]
-, Hudson at, 152

Cape Henry [Virginia, U.S.A.]
-, Hudson at, 152

Capell, Sir Arthur, of Hadham Parva, co. Herts.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 40
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375
-, his wife. See Capell, Margaret

Capell, Margaret, wife of Sir Arthur Capell
-, 40

Capell (Caple), Richard, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Caple, Richard. See Capell, Richard

Carao, Lord. See Carew, George

Carcassonne (Carcasonne) [Aude, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 108

-, sale of King's woods in, 68

-, alleged depravity of, 25

-, money raised in Spain upon impost of, 101

Carew, Lord. See Carew, George

Carew (Carao), George, Baron Carew of Clopton, Master of the Ordnance, Vice-Chamberlain to the Queen
-, 19, 148, 219, 295, 308, 309
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 151, 175, 226, 227, 304
-, leaves for Guernsey, 175
-, reports on conditions in Guernsey, 227
-, appoints Salter to receive profits from the erection of furnaces, 292
-, his tour of inspection in Ireland, 303
-, his views on the general situation in Ireland, 304, 305, 306
-, a principal Commissioner to Queen, 372

Carew, Sir George, English Ambassador to France
-, 103, 114, 178, 269(2)
-, letter to French Secretary of State, 134
-, his pension, 308

Carew, Richard, of Anthony, co. Cornwall
-, reference to his death, 11

Carew or Carie, Sir Wymond, of Snettisham, co. Norfolk
-, 235

Carey, Sir Edward, a Teller of the Receipt
-, 340

Carey, Elizabeth, wife of Sir Robert Carey
-, purchaser of a pension, 180
-, her pension, 308

Carey, Henry, 1st Baron Hunsdon of Hunsdon
-, 332

Carey, Sir Henry, of Berkhampstead, co. Herts.
-, 326 and n.

Carey, Sir Robert, Master of the Robes to Prince Charles
-, 328

Carey (Carrew), Valentine, chaplain to the King
-, named as possible Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 139
-, 153
-, King states his preference for election as Master of, 160
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 193

Carigline. See Carrigaline

Carill, Sir John, of Angmering, co. Sussex
-, his "requests", 120

Carisius, Dr. Jonas. See Charisius, Jonas

Carlisle, co. Cumberland
-, letter dated from, 67
-, goods conveyed by land from Scotland to England to pass through, 314

Carlisle, Bishop of. See Robinson, Henry

Carlow (Caterlogh), county of, Ireland
-, scheme for plantation in, 347

Carmarden, Richard, Surveyor of Customs in the Port of London
-, letter and New Year's gift to Earl of Salisbury, 170

-, sale of King's woods in, 68

Carmichael, Sir Hugh
-, granted recusants' property, 316

Carne, Edward, of Ewenny, co. Glamorgan, Receiver of the King's revenues in South Wales
-, instructed to provide regular payments for Council of Wales, 338

Caron, Sir Noel. See Caron, Noel de

Caron, Noel de, agent of the States General in London
-, has audience with King, 16
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 138
-, requests King's letters to further liberation of Dutch prisoners in Tunis, 138
-, wishes to be permitted to keep gift of Venetian glass, 138
-, 216

Caron, William, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Carpenter, Edmund, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Carr (Carre), Sir Robert, courtier, later the King's favourite and Viscount Rochester
-, 5, 18, 173, 265, 333
-, book sent to King under cover of packet addressed to, 145
-, declared by Lake to be instigator of intrigue to provoke ill feeling between King and Earl of Salisbury, 264
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 269, 270, 339
-, receives annuity, 327
-, paid £12,000, 327
-, letter from Winwood to, 353

Carredyn, Elizabeth, of co. Hereford alleged to be recusant, 296

Carrew, Mr. See Carey, Valentine

Carrigaline (Carigline) alias Bevir (Beaver), co. Cork, Ireland
-, 351

Carryer, William, of Yaxley, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Carse, John, Page of the Bedchamber
-, his pension, 308

Cartaret [Manche, France]
-, news brought to Jersey from, 219

Cartaret, Philip, Seigneur of St. Ouen
-, 219

Cartignano, Claudio di Ruffia, Count of, Ambassador Extraordinary from Savoy to England
-, rejection of marriage proposals brought by, 343

Cartmeale. See Cartmel

Cartmel (Cartmeale), co. Lancs. manor of, 61

Cary, Lady. See Carey, Elizabeth

Casaubon (Cassabone), Isaac, classical scholar and former librarian to Henry IV, King of France
-, his opinion of King's book, 288 (2)
-, his pension, 308

Cashaim. See Kaisheim

Casimir, John, Count Palatine, son of Frederick III, Elector Palatine
-, English loan for use of insurgent Low Countries delivered to, 58

Casimire, D. See Casimir, John

Cason, Edward, of Hertford, co. Herts.
-, signs joint letter of Hertfordshire J.P.s to Earl of Salisbury, 128

Caspian Sea
-, King of Persia offers English merchants trading facilities on, 325

Cassabone. See Casaubon, Isaac

Cassander, George, Catholic writer
-, reference to his Consultation, 288

Castello Cavalese (Castello Covelo) [in former province of Cavalese, Lower Tyrol, Austria]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to impregnability of fortress at, 244

Castello Covelo. See Castello Cavalese

Castelnau (Castellnau) [Hérault, France]
-, Barony of, 108

Castelnaudary [Aude, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 108

Castelnau du Rhône (Rosne) [Drôme, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 110

Castel Rodrigo, Christoval de Moura, Marquis of, Viceroy of Portugal
-, summoned to Madrid, 334

Castile, Constable of. See Frias

Castle, John, Clerk of the Privy Seal
-, 155, 202

Castra, Don Francesco de, Spanish Ambassador in Rome
-, his arrogant behaviour, 81, 82

Caterlogh. See Carlow

Cathay. See China

-, propaganda to promote, 61
-, its strength in Ireland, 91
-, books circulated in England to disseminate, 100, 214

Catholics, English
-, rumours in Spain of persecution of, 333
-, attend religious services at house of Spanish Ambassador in London, 334

Catlin, Robert
-, presented to rectory of Tilhurst, 346

Cattai. See China

Catullus, Caius Valerius, Roman poet
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to his residence at Lake Garda, 242

Caumont [Lot-et-Garonne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 107

Caus, Solomon (Salamon) de, gardener to the Queen
-, payments to, 340

Cautionary Towns, The
-, memorandum on, 175

Cavaillon [Vaucluse, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 110

Cave, Sir Alexander, of Rotherby, co. Leicester
-, 363

Cave, Oliver [? of Stanford, co. Northants.]
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 210

Cave, Sir Thomas [? of Thorpe Satchville, co. Leicester]
-, 363

Cavendish (Cavndishe), Richard, politician and author
-, reference to his seclusion from legal office by judges, 194

Cawdre, John, husbandman, of Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, involved in attempt to transport calf-skins abroad, 258

Cawood Castle, co. Yorks.
-, letter dated from, 151

Cecil, Catherine, wife of William Cecil, Viscount Cranborne
-, chosen by lot as King's Valentine, 16
-, 135
-, Earl of Salisbury commends behaviour of, 157
-, her absence from Communion gives rise to malicious talk, 215

Cecil, Sir Edward, nephew to the Earl of Salisbury, CaptainGeneral of English troops in Dutch service
-, Viscount Cranborne wishes to meet, 208(2)
-, 236
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Cecil, Frances, daughter of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury
-, given gift of plate, 1
-, threatens to grow taller than her brother, 135, 157
-, her absence from Communion gives rise to malicious talk, 215

Cecil, Matthew
-, 366

Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury, Principal Secretary of State and Lord High Treasurer
-, receives New Year's gifts of plate, 1, 2
-, concerned about King's need of money, 3
-, letter to Hobart, 4
-, to be asked to intervene in Kirkham's case, 6
-, requested by Markham to alter his place of banishment, 8
-, letter to Wilson, 8
-, 11, 29, 32, 44, 50, 52, 53, 56, 74, 83, 84, 99(2)
-, letters to Edmondes, 13, 19, 48, 54, 64, 97
-, King pays tribute to sense of honour of, 18
-, intercedes with King to moderate his anger towards Coke, 24
-, letter to King's woodward at Durham, 28
-, pays for transport of stone from Holy Island for building at Durham House, 29
-, disliked by Queen in matter of Balmerino's trial, 30
-, advises Lord Cranborne how to behave in France, 32
-, reference to him as Master of the Wards, 36
-, desirous of showing his pictures to Prince Henry, 39
-, receives gift from Lee, 39
-, requested to allow English beer to be sent to Merchant Adventurers at Middelburg, 43
-, his character and work as Secretary praised by King in public, 47
-, letter to Richardot, 54
-, favours restriction of fishing rights of Netherlands near English coast, 54
-, his help solicited by Lesieur to obtain a post, 61
-, snubs Lord Norris in a letter, 65
-, his "fee deer", 71
-, takes lease of ground in Durham House Court, 73
-, undertakes to build stable for Bishop of Durham, 73
-, presents Prince Henry with a nag, 84
-, opposed to purchase by Duke of Holstein's agent of ordnance and cloth in England, 94
-, his resentment at being called "fool" and other names by King, 96
-, his instructions to Edmondes how to deal with Flemish support for Irish rebels, 97, 98
-, suspects motives behind proposed disbanding of Irish Regiment, 98
-, 100, 120(3), 122, 124, 126, 133, 145, 154, 163, 164, 210, 212, 280
-, his attention drawn to complaints of the poor at Farnham, 103
-, his gift of goshawk and tercel to Spanish Ambassador, 122
-, petition from Bristol to, 123
-, letters to Viscount Cranborne, 123, 135, 156, 215, 218, 220, 259, 362
-, letter to Sir John Stafford, 127
-, receives gift of falcon, 137
-, is offered vine plants and plum trees, 137
-, Pemberton's supporters summoned to meet, 144
-, receives a present of ambergris from Godolphin, 146
-, Queen requests his opinion about a suit, 151
-, proposal to instal a "secret conveyance" in his house, 185
-, letter to Sir Thomas Tyringham, 186
-, King agrees to conference between French Ambassador and, 197, 199
-, his interest in the manufacture of copper, 200
-, his letter to Bury St. Edmund's, 198
-, his comments on proposal submitted by French Ambassador, 203, 204
-, advises expedition in the signing of the Anglo-Dutch defensive treaty, 205
-, stone shipped from Berwick to London for the use of, 206
-, signs Privy Council letter on transportation of corn from King's Lynn and elsewhere, 211, 224
-, wishes Viscount Cranborne to visit Italy, 212, 218
-, desirous that Viscount Cranborne should go to Cleves, 215, 220
-, payment of subsidy by, 216
-, revises Viscount Cranborne's itinerary, 220
-, letters to Sir Thomas Lake, 229, 268
-, condemns Fair of St. Bartholomew as source of plague in London, 230
-, his woods in co. Kent, 230
-, expected at Holdenby, 231
-, involved in transaction concerning the extraction of silver from lead ore, 249
-, letter to Miles Whitaker, 251
-, references to his speeches in Parliament, 253, 281
-, High Steward of Bishopric of Norwich, 253
-, attack by anonymous M.P. on, 261, 262
-, defends himself in letters to King, 264, 267, 268
-, Carr declared to be instigator of attack in Parliament on, 264
-, refers to troubles in late Parliament, 268
-, libel against, 276
-, request by Princess Elizabeth to, 276
-, congratulated by Princess Elizabeth on his restoration to health, 276
-, concerned with defects in Book of Rates and Parliament's attitude to proposed increases in Customs duties, 284, 285
-, describes opposition in Parliament to King's wishes regarding impositions, 286
-, tries to influence Parkins to fall in with Countess of Derby's wishes, 291
-, his debts estimated at £24,000, 313
-, 294(2), 296, 298, 299, 301, 312, 313, 315, 316(3), 317, 318(2), 319, 327(8), 328(10), 332(4), 333, 337, 338, 339, 340(3), 342, 346, 348(5), 349, 350, 351, 352, 354, 359(5), 360(2), 361(2), 363(2), 364, 365, 368(2), 372
-, to submit names of people capable of contributing to King's loan, 317, 318
-, his draft of proclamations concerning rumours and liberty of speech, 321, 322, 323
-, his correspondence over election of Proctor at Queens' College, Cambridge, 323, 324
-, to take muster of trained bands of Hertfordshire, 327
-, to be J.P. within precincts of Salisbury Cathedral, 330
-, his will, 333
-, authorised to permit transport of ordnance to Denmark, 338, 339
-, receives letter of thanks from Viscount Rochester, 339
-, letter to Sir Walter Cope, 347
-, his debts, 347, 362
-, tries to find cure for his illness at Bath, 362
-, High Steward of Queen's manor of Bisley, 363
-, his note on contents of petitions, 363, 372
-, involved in dispute over land at Cobham, 364
-, jewellery supplied to, 366
-, reference to his activity during suppression of Essex's insurrection, 368
-, Steward of the manor of East Greenwich, 368
-, Paman writes prefatory epistle to, 369
-, his notes on complaints about pirates, 369
-, his letter to Ross, 370
-, papers concerning lands of, 370, 371
-, breviat of his will, 371
-, receives gift of a deer, 372
-, poem dedicated to, 372
-, to contract with farmers of Customs, 372
-, a principal Commissioner to Queen, 372
-, reference to his hospital in Waltham, 373
-, his association with Gray's Inn, 373
-, funeral of, 374
-, epitaph on, 375

Cecil, Theodosia, wife of Sir Edward Cecil
-, her gratitude to Earl of Salisbury, 233

Cecil, Thomas, 1st Earl of Exeter
-, 71, 122, 327
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 252
-, conveys lands to Clare College, Cambridge, 328

Cecil, William, Viscount Cranborne, son of Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury
-, his wife chosen by lot as King's Valentine, 16
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 19, 35, 138, 170, 208(2), 212
-, attends ballet of Queen of France, 19
-, visits St. Germaine with the King of France, 33
-, 33, 35, 149, 151, 223
-, French King shows favour to, 35
-, diary of his journey through France and Switzerland, 104– 113
-, ill of smallpox at La Rochelle, 106, 146
-, Earl of Salisbury approves plan of travel of, 123
-, further reference to his illness and recovery, 127
-, news of, 146
-, entertains English merchants at Bordeaux, 146
-, commended by Earl of Salisbury for keeping diary in French, 156
-, reprimanded for going about town in Paris, 157
-, wishes to see military action in Cleves, 208(2)
-, to visit Italy, 212, 215
-, makes an excursion into Normandy, 215
-, his fear of seasickness, 215
-, warned to avoid travelling in Papal territories, 215
-, diary of his journey through France, Savoy, Italian States, Austria, Germany and Netherlands, 237–249
-, entertained by Duke of Savoy at Turin, 239, 240
-, pays his respects to Prince of Savoy, 239
-, received by the Doge, 243
-, seriously ill at Padua, 244
-, meets brother of the Margrave of Brandenburg, 246
-, received by the Prince of Orange, 247
-, pays his respects to Archdukes, 248
-, letters from Earl of Montgomery to, 291, 364, 365
-, letter to a friend in France, 295
-, loses money at tennis to Earl of Montgomery, 299
-, contributes towards voyage to Virginia, 318
-, letter from Earl of Salisbury to, 362
-, chief mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Cecil, William, of Alt-yr-Ynys (Alterinnes), co. Hereford
-, 366

Cecyll, Lady. See Cecil, Theodosia

Cecil, William, Baron Burghley
-, mentioned, 8, 157, 167, 230, 262

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, son of Thomas Cecil, 1st Earl of Exeter
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Cecil, William, Lord Ros, son of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, later 2nd Earl of Exeter
-, given licence to travel abroad, 361

Cercam, Mr. See Kirkham, Robert

Cerdon (Sardon) [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 111

Cervo (Sare), River [Italy]
-, divides Piedmont from Duchy of Milan, 240

Chalender, Sir Thomas. See Chaloner, Sir Thomas

Challener, Sir Thomas. See Chaloner, Sir Thomas

Chalmer, William, a Scottish minister
-, his pension bought by Footes, 180

Chaloner (Challener, Chalender), Sir Thomas, naturalist
-, Hudson known to, 152
-, 229, 236
-, to witness test for extraction of silver from lead ore, 249
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 253

Châlon-sur-Saône (Chaolons) [Saôneet-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 238

Chamberlayne, James, of St. Peter in Cornhill, London, merchant
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 363

Chambers, Charles, Groom of the Queen's Chamber
-, granted recusants' lands, 270

Chambéry [Savoie, France]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 238

Chambourg [Indre-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to castle at, 104

Chambre, La [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 238

Champagne (Champaigne) [France]
-, French King sends cavalry to frontiers of, 82, 89
-, 112
-, Governor of. See Nevers

Chanceaux (Chanseaux) [Côte d'Or, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 112
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 238

Chancellor to the Queen's House
-, 363

Chancery, The
-, 359

Chancery, Court of
-, 82(2), 231

Chandler, Richard, highwayman
-, papers relating to stay of pardon for, 176

Chandois, Lord. See Brydges, Grey

Chanseaux. See Chanceaux

Chaolons. See Châlon-sur-Saône

Chapelle Blanche (La) [Indre-etLoire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 105

Chapman, Vincent (Vyncent), tenant of the manor of Middleton, co. Northants.
-, petition to the Earl of Salisbury, 364

Chappel Henault Park. See Hainault

Chappell, William, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, to appear before Earl of Salisbury for supporting Pemberton, 144

Chappell Wood. See Chopwell Wood

Charente, River [France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses, 106

Charenton, [Seine, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses River Marne at, 113

Charing, co. Kent
-, King's manor at, 32

Charing Cross, Strand, London
-, 253

Charisius (Carisius), Jonas, Danish statesman and Ambassador Extraordinary to England
-, presented with a gift during his embassy to England, 260
-, his expenses in London defrayed by Exchequer, 315

Chark. See Chirk

Charles V, Emperor
-, father of late Duke of Cleves married to the niece of, 114

Charles IX, King of France
-, bestows town and castle of Langeais upon his favourite, Marie Touchet, 105

Charles IX, King of Sweden
-, his hostility towards Hyll, 2
-, King's answer to marriage alliance proposed by, 272, 273

Charles, Prince, Duke of York
-, his schoolmaster, 44
-, threatened sale of trees on land belonging to, 60
-, apportioned Brancespeth, Raby and Barnard Castles, 66
-, 73, 134, 140, 311, 341
-, commision to inquire into his affairs in the North, 132
-, pension granted to servant of, 346
-, linen, etc. for, 361
-, King awards gifts of money to instructors of, 362
-, Tutor to. See Murray, Thomas,
-, teacher of dancing to. See Lakerre, Sebastian
-, teacher of writing to. See Beauchesne, John

Charles, Archduke of Austria, Margrave of Borgau
-, to be requested to respect compromise over Cleves, 82

Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
-, rumour of a visit to Spain by, 18
-, Duke of Lerma's plan to marry his grandson to daughter of, 72
-, exchanges territory with France, 111
-, King's resolution to support Geneva against, 210
-, entertains Viscount Cranborne, 239, 240
-, his proposal for marriage between his son and Princess Elizabeth, 309
-, Sir Henry Wotton sent as envoy to, 329, 343
-, Sir Peter Saltonshall to take gift of horses to, 336
-, sends gift of an animal to King, 340
-, his marriage proposals declined by King, 343, 344, 345
-, his son a Knight of Malta. See Philibert

Charnock Forest. See Charnwood Forest

Charnwood Forest (Charnock Forest,) co. Leicester
-, abuses committed in, 70
-, woodward of. See Hoode, Richard

Charraemit [? Keremid, Turkey] 325

Charterhouse, Aldersgate Street, London
-, letters dated from, 36, 56

Charterhouse Churchyard, London
-, letter dated from, 198

Chartie, Lady Ellen. See M'Carthy

Chartres [Eure-et-Loire, France]
-, 105

Chastillion-sur-Seine, see Châtillonsur-Seine

Chateau de Notre Dame de la Garde, Marseilles [Bouches-duRhône, France]
-, port of Marseilles protected by, 110

Chateau d'If, Marseilles [Bouchesdu-Rhône, France]
-, port of Marseilles protected by, 110

Chatham, co. Kent
-, King's Navy at, 19
-, abuses committed in Navy's store-houses at, 87
-, timber to be stored for King's ships at, 307
-, King's storehouse of ordnance at, 350

Châtillon (Chastillon), Gaspard de Coligny, Seigneur de, Governor of Montpellier
-, commands French troops in the service of United Provinces, 101
-, his return to Holland delayed, 115

Châtillon-sur-Seine (Chastillion sur Seine) [Côte d'Or, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 112
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 238
-, Governor of. See Mirabeau

Chator (Chaitor), Mr.
-, 119
-, concerned with repair of Raby Castle, 136

Chaumont (-sur-Loire) [Loire-etCher, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 104

Chaunter, —, resident within Westminster College walls
-, two of his boarders sick of the plague, 50

Chaworth, Sir George, of Wiverton, co. Notts.
-, grant to, 360

Chelsea (Chelsey), London
-, letters dated from, 128, 223

Chelsmore. See Cheylesmore

Cheltenham, co. Gloucester
-, rectory of, 342

Chepingnorton. See Chipping Norton

Cherbourg (Sherbrooke) [Manche, France]
-, 224

Chesapeake (Chicepeicke) Bay, [Virginia, U.S.A.]
-, Hudson surveys and explores, 152

-, survey of lands in, 61
-, Surveyor of Woods for. See Woodward, John

Cheshunt Park, co. Herts.
-, enlargement of, 235
-, Keeper of. See Flint, Humphrey

Chester, Cheshire
-, 61(3), 158
-, letters dated from 61, 67, 135
-, petition to Prince Henry from Mayor and citizens of, 222
-, Mayor of. See Gamull, William
-, postmaster of. See Francis, John

Cheswicke. See Chiswick

Chesworth (Cheseworth), co. Sussex
-, Sir John Carill's request concerning house and park at, 120

Chetame. See Chetham, Thomas

Chetham (Chetame), Thomas, farmer of the Irish Customs
-, surrenders his patent, 304, 305

Cheylesmore (Chelsmore) Coventry, co. Warwick
-, Prince Henry's manor of, 22

Chicepeicke. See Chesapeake

Chichester, Sir Arthur, Lord Deputy of Ireland
-, 40, 45, 93, 102, 175, 201(3) 280(2), 295(2), 305, 306, 308(2), 309, 316, 328, 329(2), 332, 337, 338, 341(2), 346, 347(3), 348, 351(2), 352, 358, 360(2)
-, grants safe conduct to Popish priests to attend survey of Tyrone, 121
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 302, 303
-, his views on religious state of Ireland, 302
-, his report on King's revenues and state of plantation in Ireland, 303, 304
-, Lord Carew presents King's instructions to, 304
-, his attitude towards reduction of Irish army, 305
-, talk of higher honours for, 305

Children of the Chapel
-, 196

China (Cathay, Cattai)
-, trade reasons for searching for North-West passage to China, 276
-, goods transported to Turkey through Persia from, 325
-, expedition to discover NorthWest passage to, 353

Chipping Norton (Chepingnorton), co. Oxford
-, 270

Chirk, co. Denbigh
-, 316

Chirk [? Chark] Forest, co. Hants.
-, 4

Chirk, Thomas
-, killed by Turner, 316

Chiswick (Cheswicke), co. Middlesex
-, Westminster College house at, 50
-, Bishop of Rochester desirous of taking the air at, 50

Chittie, Henry. See Chittye, Henry

Chittye (Chittie), Henry, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Chiusa (L'Ecluse) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 244

Chivasso (Chivax) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 240

Chivax. See Chivasso

Chopwell (Chappell) Wood, co. Durham
-, timber to be delivered from wood at, 28, 44
-, office of woodward of, 79
-, Bailiff of. See Warde, George

Christian IV, King of Denmark
-, dispute between King of Sweden and, 2(2)
-, ready to support claims of Margrave of Brandenburg to Jülich and Cleves, 20
-, ordnance bought in England for the use of, 69
-, King replies to requests from, 158
-, informed of French King's assassination by Earl of Salisbury, 230
-, King's desire to mediate between King of Sweden and, 273
-, sends ambassador to England, 295
-, his agent allowed to transport 100 pieces of ordnance to Denmark, 338, 339
-, Anstruther sent as envoy to, 362

Christ's College, Cambridge
-, 94
-, King angered by election of Master of, 138, 139, 141, 142
-, King orders inquiry into electoral proceedings at, 142, 143
-, further references to disputed election of Master of, 143, 144, 147, 160
-, letter dated from, 193
-, election to Fellowship at, 193

Church (Churche), Rock, of Drury Lane, London, a surveyor
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 54, 59, 61, 70, 74
-, signs report on abuses committed in Sherwood Forest, 57

Cinque Ports, The
-, papers relating to, 154
-, Warden of. See Brooke, Henry

Cittadella (Citadelle) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 244

Clandaniell. See Clandonnell

Clandonnell (Clandaniell), co. Cork, Ireland
-, lands of, 278

Clare, Sir Henry, of Stanfield Hall, co. Norfolk
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 176

Clare College (Clare Hall), Cambridge
-, lands conveyed by Earl of Exeter to, 328

Clarendon (Clarington, Claringdon), co. Wilts.
-, sale of trees at Seven Roads coppice in, 176
-, 190

Claringdon. See Clarendon

Clarington. See Clarendon

Clarke, Anne, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Clarke, John, a surveyor
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 308

Clarke, Mary, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 297

Clarke, Thomas, mariner, of Weymouth, co. Dorset
-, examined about pirates' activities on Lundy Island, 209

Clarke, Dr. See Clerke, Richard

Claxton, Sir John, of Nettlesworth, co. Durham
-, criticised for his recusancy by Bishop of Durham, 132, 140

Clayford or Eard, co. Kent
-, parsonage of, 342

Clayton, Robert
-, holds licence to erect furnaces, 292

Cleave. See Cleves

Cleere, Thomas, official of the port of Ipswich
-, payment to, 361

Clefton, Lord. See Clifton, Sir Gervase

Clefton, Sir Jervice. See Clifton, Sir Gervase

Cleghorn, —, a Scottish gentleman
-, 102

Clement VIII, Pope
-, mentioned, 345

Clerk of the Castle. See Packnam, Mark

Clerke (Clarke), Richard, prebendary of Canterbury
-, favoured by King as new Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 139
-, amongst those considered by King as future Master, 160

Cléry [-sur-Loire] [Loiret, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 104

Cleves (Cleave, Cleeves, Cleeveland), Duchy of [Germany]
-, Margrave of Brandenburg notifies King of his claim to, 20
-, 36, 51, 101, 219, 233, 246, 273
-, Neuburg and Brandenburg come to terms over, 82
-, Cardonne and Spinola meet Edmondes to discuss affairs of, 100
-, French troops to be lodged on borders of, 101
-, reaction of Archdukes to intervention of French King in affairs of, 114, 117
-, King signs declaration on, 116
-, Pope reported to be convening German Catholic princes to defeat Protestant succession to, 117
-, Margrave of Brandenburg prepares for war in, 197
-, Viscount Cranborne desirous of seeing military action in, 208(2)
-, 215

Cleves, John William, Duke of
-, his death, 34
-, his father married to the niece of Emperor Charles V, 114

Clifford, Lord. See Clifford, Henry

Clifford, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 39
-, buys trees in King's wood of Wheldrake, 116, 119, 120(2), 125
-, letter to Caesar, 119

Clifford, Henry, Lord Clifford, later 5th Earl of Cumberland
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Clifton, Lord. See Clifton, Gervase

Clifton (Clefton) Gervase (Jervice), 1st Baron Clifton of Leighton Bromswold, co. Hunts.
-, responsible for depopulation, 89 136, 293

Clifton, John, former purser of one of the King's ships
-, discharged of a debt, 358

Clifton Cambell. See Clifton Campville

Clifton Campville (Clifton Cambell) co. Stafford
-, rectory of, 346

Clinton, otherwise Fiennes, Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 128
-, his sudden generosity rouses surprise and suspicion, 254

Clogher (Clowger), Bishop of. See M'Mahon

Clopton, co. Warwick
-, 292

Cloth, English
-, trade with France jeopardised by poor quality of, 44
-, King's proposal to form new company to improve trade with France in, 44
-, King's Council prolongs imposition of extra duty on exports to France of, 55
-, King refuses Duke of Holstein's agent permission to buy and transport, 94
-, lack of foreign markets affect growth and sale of, 159
-, disputes concerning, 230

Clowger, Bishop of. See Clogher

-, to be used instead of wood to burn bricks at Hatfield, 2
-, unloaded and sold illegally at Gravesend, 230, 231

Coates, Nicholas, of Mildenhall, co. Suffolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Cobham (Conham), co. Kent
-, Earl of Salisbury's woods in, 230, 319

Cobham, Lord. See Brooke, Henry

Coblenz (Coblentz) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 246

Cock, Sir Henry, of Broxbourne, co. Herts., Cofferer to the King
-, signs joint letter of Hertfordshire J.P.s to Earl of Salisbury, 128
-, 183, 197

Cockayne, William, Sheriff of London
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 144

-, King to attend, 28

Cockman. See Phillips, Thomas

Cocks, Richard, English merchant resident at Bayonne and San Sebastian
-, letter to Wilson, 10

Cockshott Coppice, Wychwood Forest, co. Bucks.
-, 278

Coe. See Coo, Thomas

Cogan. See Cogan, Robert

Cogan, Robert, commissioner to survey the Customs of Ireland
-, 305

Coke (Cooke), Sir Edward, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
-, prevented by work from being appointed Commissioner for suits, 22
-, prostrates himself in submission before King, 23
-, 49, 53, 131, 145, 255(2), 294(2)
-, his new "points of law", 131
-, alleged theft of deer by, 192
-, said to have killed a deer in Waltham forest, 192
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 194
-, opposes King's plan to erect new office in Court of Common Pleas, 194
-, mourner at the funeral of the Earl of Salisbury, 374

Colborne, Henry, Gentleman Usher to the Queen
-, granted recusants' lands, 297

Coldham Hall, co. Suffolk
-, 297

Cole, Abdias, of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, request that he be awarded Fellowship at Queens' College, Cambridge, 156

Coleraine (Colrayn, Coulrayn), co. Londonderry, Ireland
-, town to be built at, 181
-, the Abbey of, 181
-, county of, 181
-, 338

Coles, John, labourer
-, granted lease by Lord Clifton at Buckworth, 89

Coleshill (Coleshull), co. Warwick
-, letter endorsed by post at, 61

Coleshull. See Coleshill

Collies, John, yeoman, of Melbourn, co. Cambridge
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Collonges (Cologne) [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 111

Colman, Morgan, of London
-, petition from, 324

Cologne (Cullen) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, 120
-, Viscount Cranborne's description of, 246

Cologne, Ernest of Bavaria, Archbishop Elector of
-, maintains 800 armed men at La Tour de Cesar, 246

Colstaple (Colstable) Farm, co. Sussex
-, 120

Columbus, Christopher
-, mentioned, 276

Colvile, Lord. See Colvill, James

Colvill or Colville, James, 1st Lord Colville of Culross
-, Edmondes to advise on the question of Scottish Guard with, 341

Combe, co. Warwick
-, survey of King's woods at, 40
-, Lord Harington given sole right to buy timber in, 51

Combmartin (Combmartyn), co. Devon
-, 146

Come, John, searcher for the farmers of the Customs at Poole
-, charged with irregularities, 51

Commissioners for Irish Causes
-, 347
-, certificate from, 351

Commissioners for King's Debts
-, 332

Commissioners for Sale of Lands
-, 328, 329, 330, 331, 337

Commissioners for Sale of Timber
-, 365

Commons, House of. See also Parliament
-, debates "Great Contract" proposals, 216, 217, 218
-, grievances presented to King by twelve members of, 227
-, King impatient with speeches made in, 256, 321
-, criticism by M.P. of composition of, 261
-, King angered by rumour of anti-Scots petition to be presented by, 263, 265
-, Carr declared to be instigator of criticism of Earl of Salisbury in, 264
-, bitter attack by King on, 266
-, "violent" opposition to new impositions by, 286
-, Speaker of. See Phelips, Sir Edward

Commons, House of, Irish
-, effect of new corporations in Ulster on tractability of, 305

Common Pleas, Chief Justice of the See Coke, Sir Edward

Common Pleas, Judges of the
-, King displeased by behaviour of, 140, 141, 145
-, King's plan to create new legal office opposed by Coke and, 194
-, 359

Compton, Lord. See Compton, William

Compton, William, 2nd Lord Compton
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 231
-, 262

Comyng (Cumyng), Patrick, of London
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 38, 364
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 257

Conas [Hérault, France]
-, Barony of, 108

Condé, Prince of. See Bourbon, Henri de

Condy, Prince of. See Bourbon, Henri de

Confessor, The. See Brizuela, Inigo

Conham. See Cobham

Coningsby (Conisbie), Sir Richard, Gentleman Usher
-, his pension, 308

Conisbie, Sir Richard. See Coningsby, Sir Richard

Connaught, Ireland
-, 305, 306, 347, 348
-, state of fortifications in, 305
-, Commissary of Victuals in. See Smyth, Thomas

Conor, Lysagh. See O'Connor, Lysagh

Conowey. See Conway

Conquest, George, Keeper of Houghton Park, co. Bedford
-, 349

Conquest. See Conquêt

Conquêt (Le) (Conquest) [Finistêre, France]
-, 189

Constable, Sir William, of Flamborough, co. Yorks.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 85

-, in pursuit of Jesuits, 63

-, 245

Consultation, The
-, written by George Cassander, 288

Contractors for Rectories, etc.
-, 328, 331, 336

-, reference to canons passed by, 315

Conway (Conowey), co. Denbigh
-, letter dated from, 103

Conway (Conwaye), James, conspirator, prisoner in the Gatehouse
-, letter to Lord Kinloss, 193 221(2)

Cony Street [? Conyhope Lane], London
-, letter dated from, 85

Conyers, Marmaduke, in the service of Sir Henry Slingsby
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 277

Coo or Coe, Thomas [? of St. Martinsin-the-Fields], prisoner in the Counter
-, 129, 130, 135

Cooke, Lord. See Coke, Sir Edward

Cooke, Sir Francis, of Trusley, co. Derby
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Cookley (Cookeley), co. Suffolk
-, customs of tithing in parish of, 16

Coolaney (Coolwony), co. Sligo, Ireland
-, 348

Coolwony. See Coolaney

Cooper, Mr. See Cooper, Robert

Cooper (Cowper), Sir John, of Rockbourne, co. Hants.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 269

Cooper, Robert, of Durham
-, witnesses lease by Bishop of Durham, 73

Cope, Sir Anthony, of Hanwell, co. Oxford
-, 348

Cope, Sir Walter, of Kensington, Chamberlain of the Exchequer
-, letter to Lord Norris, 41
-, 43, 59, 100, 146, 272, 342, 348
-, signs certificate concerning sale of King's woods, 79
-, signs certificate relating to forestry matters, 85
-, Henry Hudson known to, 152
-, letter from Earl of Salisbury to, 347

Cope, Sir William, of Hanwell, co. Oxford
-, 296

Copledike (Copuldike), Edward, of Harrington, co. Lincoln
-, his death, 120

-, Russell awarded licence to manufacture, 200
-, references to furnaces for manufacture of, 292

Coppinger, Mr.
-, 34

Copuldike, Edward. See Copledike, Edward

Coram D'oro
-, new method of gilding and painting leather called, 316

Corbett, John, Clerk of the Privy Council
-, countersigns Privy Council's letter concerning provision of gunpowder, 84

Corbett, Sir Thomas, of Stanwardine, Salop
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Cordell (Cordel), Thomas, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Coreham, John, of the Company of Merchant Adventurers
-, readmitted after expulsion for marrying a foreigner, 329

Cork, county of, Ireland
-, 337, 351

Cormond [? Cormorand] [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 111

-, project for ensuring cheap prices and abundance of, 176
-, Privy Council's directions for transportation from Lynn of, 211, 224
-, prices of, 231

Cornelius. See Devos

Cornet Castle, Guernsey
-, letter dated from, 227

-, list of commissioners to investigate piracy in, 10, 11
-, plan to counteract operations of pirates entrusted to J.P.s of, 213
-, order to arrest Salkeld sent to, 213
-, Sheriff of. See Rasheley, John

Cornwall, Duke of. See Henry, Prince

Cornwallis (Cornwaleys), Sir Charles, English Ambassador to Spain
-, concerned with case of arrested English merchants, 5
-, to remain in Madrid for another year, 5(2)
-, sends packet to Earl of Salisbury, 10
-, slandered by his secretary, 16, 17
-, to be recalled from Madrid, 17
-, his ill health, 17
-, requested by Lady Grey to give her the use of her money, 48, 93, 125
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 220
-, marriage of his daughter, 220

Cornwallis, Sir William, of Brome Hall, co. Suffolk
-, 153

Correr, Marc Antonio, Venetian Ambassador to England
-, 16
-, King critical of, 92
-, granted audience, 129

Corunna (The Groyne) [Spain]
-, Earl of Tyrone reported to be at, 125

Cosham, near Chippenham, co. Wilts.
-, Queen's manor of, 374

Coston, near Bath, co. Somerset
-, Queen's manor of, 374

Cotelis, Sir Thomas. See Cottel, Sir Thomas

Cottel (Cotelis) or Cutteal, Sir Thomas, a Dutch denizen merchant
-, 232

Cottingham, co. Northants.
-, King's tenants at, 3

Cottington, Francis, attached to the English Embassy in Madrid
-, returns to England, 312

Cotton, Francis, paymaster of the works at Portsmouth
-, prevented by indisposition from acting as commissioner, 164

Cotton, Henry, Bishop of Salisbury (Sarum)
-, 185
-, his rights protected in Incorporation of Salisbury, 330
-, granted authority of J.P. within precincts of Cathedral of, 330

Cotton, Philip
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 161

Cotton, Sir Robert, antiquary
-, given papers relating to affairs of the Navy, 154
-, his help acknowledged by Agarde, 272

Coulrayn. See Coleraine

Count Palatine. See Frederick IV

Courland (Curland), William, Duke of
-, sends letter with gift of hawks to King, 162

Court of Assistants, The (of the Company of Merchant Taylors)
-, 207

Coutances (Quittance) [Manche, France]
-, 219

Coventry, co. Warwick
-, 21
-, letters dated from, 21, 42
-, reasons for decay of, 42
-, Mayor of. See Hancock, William

Cowdray (Cowdry), co. Sussex, seat of Viscount Montagu
-, letters dated from, 202, 258

Cowell. Doctor. See Cowell, John

Cowell, John, Master of Trinity Hall, Cambridge
-, 147, 315

Cowper, Sir John. See Cooper, Sir John

Cox, [? Roger, Governor of the Hospital of Mary Magdalene at Beccles, co. Suffolk]
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 43

Crabball. See Crabwall

Crabwall (Crabball), co. Lancs. survey of land called, 61

Craig, Doctor. See Craig, John

Craig, James, an Undertaker in co. Armagh, Ireland
-, 346

Craig, John, physician to the King
-, 163(2)

Cranborne, co. Dorset
-, 249
-, report on building operations at, 250, 251

Cranborne, Lady. See Cecil, Catherine

Cranborne, Viscount. See Cecil, William

Crane, John, mariner
-, engaged in shipbuilding, 329

Craven, Sir William, Lord Mayor of London
-, recommends pardon for Turner, 316

Crayford or Eards, co. Kent
-, parsonage of, 342

Crayke (Creake), co. Yorks.
-, 79

Creake. See Crayke

Credo, Grand et Petit [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions mountains called, 111

Creichton (Creighton, Crighton) Sir James, Collector of Petty Customs in the Port of London
-, named as one of Sir Robert Stewart's sureties, 165
-, quarrel between Ashley and, 262
-, 299

Creighton, Sir James. See Creichton Sir James

Crema (Creme) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 241

Crema, Julio Camillo (Camello), an Italian
-, King bestows £100 on, 328

Creme. See Crema

Crighton, Sir James. See Creichton, Sir James

Croke (Crooke), Sir John, judge, brother-in-law of Sir Robert Wingfield
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 122
-, 164, 289

Croker, Sir John, of Hook Norton, co. Oxford
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 186

Cromwell, Sir Oliver, of Hinchingbrooke, co. Hunts.
-, reference to his marriage to the widow of Sir Horatio Palavicino, 210
-, 231

Croocher. See Crowcher

Crook, Thomas, of Baltimore, co. Cork, Ireland
-, letter to Wilson, 40

Crooke, Judge. See Croke, Sir John

Cross, Humphrey, King's messenger sent in search of Jesuits, 63

Crouched Fryers. See Crutched Friars

Crowcher (Croocher), Agnes, of Stockbury, co. Kent
-, condemned to death and later reprieved for alleged infanticide, 226 and n.

Crowcher (Croocher), Thomas, husbandman, of Stockbury, co. Kent
-, condemned to death and later reprieved for alleged infanticide, 226 and n.

Crutched Friars (Crouched Fryers), London
-, letter dated from, 53

Cugery. See Cuisery

Cuisery (Cugery) (Saône-et-Loire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 112

Cullen. See Cologne

Culpeper, Frances, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Culpeper, Lady Mary, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Culpeper, Mary, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

-, 13, 177, 333
-, state of woods in, 67
-, exempted from loan to King, 315

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford, Francis

Cumyng, Patrick. See Comyng, Patrick

Cuniga (Cunniga), Don Pedro de, Spanish Ambassador to England
-, criticised by Spanish Ambassador at Brussels, 4.
-, refuses to receive King's book, 80
-, receives gift of goshawk and tercel from Earl of Salisbury, 122
-, 124, 205
-, interception of books carried from the house of, 160

Cuningham, Sir James, an Undertaker in co. Donegal, Ireland
-, his complaint against Bingley, 360

Cuningham, James, uncle of Sir James Cuningham
-, his complaint against Bingley, 360

Cupman, Robert, tenant of the Earl of Salisbury at Bermondsey
-, 374

Curland, Duke of. See Courland

Curle (Curll), Walter, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Curll, Water. See Curle, Walter

-, rents and profits from the sale of, 252

Curson, Lady Anne, daughter of Walter Curson, of Waterperry, co. Oxford
-, alleged to be recusant, 291

Curson, Sir Francis, of Waterperry, co. Oxford
-, 48
-, Lord Norris complains about, 62, 65
-, dismissed as his lieutenant by Lord Norris, 68

Curtlandes, near Horsham, co. Sussex
-, King's land called, 27

Curtys, William, yeoman, of Bassingbourne, co. Cambridge
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Curwen, Sir Nicholas, of Workington, co. Cumberland
-, named Commissioner for the North, 180

Curwen, Robert, of Ingerside Hall, co. Lancs.
-, petition from, 326

Customs, The
-, King's resolution to discharge his loan from the farmers of, 23
-, 50, 229, 253
-, silkworms and mulberry trees to be imported free of, 124
-, account of farmers of, 170
-, loan to liquidate King's debts advanced by farmers of, 183
-, abatement of Customs duties, 225, 249
-, proposal for letting out, 277
-, analysis of the inequalities and defects in the rates governing, 283
-, examples of over—and under charging commodities subject to, 284, 285
-, references to farmers of, 340, 352, 361
-, letter to Privy Council from farmers of, 364
-, arguments of farmers in support of validity of their grant of, 364
-, paper relating to Irish, 366 372

Cuszal Agatch. See Kisilagatsch