Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp172-190 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp172-190.

"Cecil Papers: Miscellaneous 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp172-190.

Miscellaneous 1609

The Earl of Essex to Viscount Cranborne
[1609]. 'I hope your Lordship will pardon my soe long silence and impute it rather to my want of meanes of sending then to the least want of my love, for both my being in Staffordshire part of this summer and your Lordship being soe far a traveler in the fourthiest parts of Fraunce hath bene causes of my delaise.' Undated
Holograph Seal ½ p. (200 10)
King James I to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1609] My little beagle, although I have no occasion of burthening you with any more business till my return, yet in regard of your letter I thought good by this present to settle your mind that you may be sure to sleep securely till my return in anything concerning those points that ye touched in your letter to me. I thought good to delay my writing unto you till now because the party that came that day being by when I received your letter, a present writing of me and sending back of a new packet might have been suspicious. Of my Lady Anne Home's dealing till now I have made you already to be advertised. I am to speak with her again this day, and then I will be able to judge further; but if she will be still wilful some conscionable course must be now thought upon for the conclusion of this business, for it can hang no longer as it doth; but her friends are much discouraged that one man refused to be her agent, as ye have already heard. I have yet heard no word of Poolie because Lumsden came but out of the North upon Saturday last, and hath ever since been bedfast of a fall that put his shoulder out; and to conclude now I find that ye have omitted none of my directions given you at parting; and though it be but a matter of recreation I cannot but thank you for your great diligence used for the enlarging of Theobald's park, though for that knavish draught I must knock you at meeting; and so farewell. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: 'His Majesty.' 1 p. (134 131)
King James I to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[? 1609] My little beagle, I have now reason to long to be advertised what is done in the examination of that person that was before the Council, being three days since he was examined, which (by your letter even now received since I began to write), I perceive is a coming; but in the meantime that ye and your fat fellow thesauraire may know what we are doing here, Hay is returned with open mouth against the examinate. He told me of his being at Hampton Court, whereof I seemed to have been ignorant; he assured me that she spake as far against that man, and condemned him as far of unhonest dealing as I could have wished. He assured me that she would never open her mouth for him, if it were not by Mistress Drummond's persuasion, which he says he told to Drummond who answered him only with a blush, and therefore he advised me to seem angry at the Chancellor for another cause, for which they already feared my wrath; and he said that would move Drummond, who loved the Chancellor much better than the other, to be so careful in appeasing me towards him, as she would gladly let the other run his destiny. He swears no creature pities him as being, besides this offence, a dishonest partial bribing man of his own nature; he says whatsoever punishment I spare towards him, I lay upon my own honour; but at one thing ye will smile, he advised me not to sell the bear's skin before he were slain; for, said he, that would be thought 'menns' particular, and immediately thereafter made suit for Sir George Hay to be secretary and for Roper's office to Robin Carre, and made Carre suit for a Scottish register, which the party hath, for the controller his father. An my answer was short after much hearing, that I would proceed in the course of his trial and punishment with a cold dry resolution only to seek the clearing of my honour to the uttermost; that it was true my honour bound me not to spare any punishment that rigour of law would allow; if my wife would forbear to mediate, I would be more glad, if otherwise I would constantly go on my own course without the least alteration for her or any flesh, for if she did meddle in a thing thus belonging to my honour, it might well harm herself but would never move me; as for the other suits I told him it was yet not time to talk of them. To conclude, since he is examined I would be glad to be well resolved what is the best course for clearing of my innocency. I am able to prove that he hath spread two or three sorts of false and contrary reports in this errand, for which he merits less favour. I must now likewise resolve how and in what manner he is to be tried; and in my conscience I cannot see how my honour can permit me to mitigate any punishment that the severity of law can lay upon him, especially in regard of the false rumours he hath spread; and yet so fully must I satisfy the world in the trial of this, that my greatness must never colour my goodness, nor my authority my honesty, for I shall never desire to be thought a great king if the reputation of an honest man be not joined thereunto. And so farewell. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: 'His Majesty to me.' 2½ pp. (134 147)
[? 1609] Safe conduct granted by Mustapha Basha of the city of Algiers (Arjel) 'gran bacil' for the Grand Signior Sultan Amato to the community and individuals of the States of Flanders, for all Flemings coming to the city and territory of Arjel.
Sealed with black stamp 1 p. (130 180)
Sir Anthonie Barker to the Lord High Treasurer
[? 1609]. Is farmer of Holme Park, Sonninge, co. Berks. Prays that the last commission of inquiry as to supposed waste and spoils of the park may be returned, and if it appears that no such wrong has been done, he may be no further molested in the cause. Undated.
1 p. (P. 413)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 506.]
[Sir Thomas Bartlett] to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] I have made known my extremities faithfully to your Honour, my miseries being so violent as I cannot longer without consenting to my own death prolong from public testimony of the world. If passion have overmastered me in my former letters, forgive me that am now returned to myself. The conformity I have expressed I intended only to your Honour from whose bounty I crave relief and supportation. Undated.
Unsigned Endorsed: '1609. Sr Tho. Bartlett.' ¼ p. (128 69)
James Bellasses to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609 or later] He has expended great sums in preparations in certain alum mines in Yorkshire 'before any grant was published by Lord Sheffield.' Prays that his works 'may have good success and effect.' Asks to explain his business personally. Undated.
1 p. (P. 808)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 521]
William Boord to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609] Has discovered two papists in Essex; Mr Greene, of New Sandford, and Mr William Thursgo of Finchfield. Of the great resort of strangers to Greene of the same factious religion. Prays Salisbury to take order therein. Undated.
1 p. (P. 606)
Thomas Browne to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609] The King's founder of iron ordnance and shot. He had a contract with the late Queen for taking away unserviceable iron ordnance, and replacing them with serviceable pieces; but owing to her death this service has not been proceeded with. Of late a mine of ore has been found at Brenchley and Horsmonden in Kent, such as the like has not been hitherto obtained for making ordnance, as may appear by the ordnance he has cast for the forts of Gravesend and West Tilbury. He acquainted the King therewith, who referred him to the Council. Begs Salisbury's favour that he may proceed with the service as heretofore. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (196 104)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 576]
Michael Bruskett to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609] Ill disposed persons have gotten his whole estate into their hands. He understands there shall be an employment of soldiers very shortly into Ireland, and begs for a company of those men who are to be levied nearest London, or for the conduction of some of them, so that he may take order with his creditors. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '1607[sic]' 1 p. (123 172)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 577]
Proctorship of the University [of Cambridge]
[1609] Reasons why juniority ought not to prejudice Leonard Mawe, suitor for the proctorship of the University of Cambridge. Arguments supported by instances in which the junior has been preferred to the senior at elections in the University. Undated.
Unsigned 1 p. (136 204)
Another Copy of the Above
Endorsed: 'Reasons for chusing a junior to be Proctor.' (136 205)
The Countess of Essex to Viscount Cranborne
[? 1609]. 'My afficcion mokes me to rite sence yet ys all the serves I can doe ys to let your Lo. know that if I could be the messegeg my self I should think my paynes well spent.' Is glad to hear that he has grown. Undated
PS. 'Hire ys no nuse but that youer wife ys as hansuem I hore as onye you shall see in France for all hould her so here.'
Holograph Two seals on green silk 1 p. (200 96)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] Having set my business in order for my departure for Guernsey, this afternoon I mean to go to the Court, and tomorrow to kiss both their royal hands. My barque is gone to meet me at Weymouth, and my Lord Admiral has directed a small ship of the King's to waft me from thence to Guernsey, for the coast of England and the islands are full of French pirates. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609 Lord Carew.' 1 p. (195 130)
Milerus, Archbishop of Cashel, to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609] The late Queen by letters to the Lord Deputies and the Governor of Munster gave authority for renewing and confirming certain immunities and privileges touching the churches under his charge, and other matters touching himself; but the letters took no effect by reason of the late troubles. Prays for fresh letters to the same effect, and that the Lord Deputy be required to accept from him a surrender of the precinct of the monastery of Loughdarge, called St Patrick's Purgatory, and of lands in Ulster called Termon Graghe and Termon Imoughan, and to regrant the same to him under certain conditions. Undated.
¾ p. (P. 261)
The Cautionary Towns
[c 1609] Forasmuch as concerns the Cautionary Towns, because his Majesty is straightly bound by the former contracts, whereof the interest is descended to him as the successor of the late Queen, to deliver those places to no one but the States, there is no possibility for his Majesty to do anything contrary to the public faith, which he is resolved to observe inviolably towards all the world. Nevertheless his Majesty will be obliged now to summon the said States to a further treaty, in respect that his peace and friendship with the King of Spain and the Archdukes makes some change necessary in many particulars. In this treaty, amongst other conditions relative to the contract, his Majesty promises his good brothers to insert a clause, in which he will appoint a convenient time in the which, if the States shall not be contented to harken to reasonable conditions of pacification with those Princes, then his Majesty holding himself free from all other obligations, shall dispose of these Cautionary Towns as he shall please agreeable to the rules . . . [breaks off]
Draft in French and English Imperfect 2 pp. (128 84)
Richard Chandler
[1609] Two papers.
(1) Note: 'to remember to make stay of the pardon of Richard Chandler, in prison in the gaol of Salisbury. Undated.
Endorsed: '1609.' ¼ p. (P. 2357)
(2) A note from Sir Henry Butler for staying of a pardon for one Chandler. Gives particulars of highway robberies committed by Richard Chandler in various places. Undated.
½p. (P. 2357a)
Sir Henry Clare to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609 or later] Since I delivered your Lordship the project for corn I have industriously laboured to answer all objections. The more I have waded into it, I hold it the more worthy of your protection. For the true meaning thereof is to enrich the King's Majesty and to bring the prices of corn into his Highness's hands, to the general good of all men but especially to the poor people who shall always be relieved. And no man hindered thereby but the cormorants of the commonwealth, whom no law will curb. These things are to be showed only to you and not to be publicly spoken of, because the whole managing of this weighty matter will rest only in your Lordship. Whereby you shall gain the hearts and prayer of the poor. Again his Majesty with all the nobility and his Highness's attendants shall be sure to have all provision for corn cheap and ready. I am now fit to satisfy you herein at your convenient leisure, which I now attend.
Holograph Addressed to the Earl of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer Endorsed: '1606.' (sic) ½ p. (118 130)
Clarendon Park, Wiltshire
(? 1609] Recommendation, signed by the Earl of Pembroke, that certain trees in Seaven Rodes Coppice, Clarington Park, co. Wilts, be sold. Undated.
½ p. (132 179)
Crown Woods and Forests
[1609 or c. 1609] Fifteen papers.
(1) The writer has made an abstract of all the woods in England. The value of the King's woods is but 403,0001. The woods to be spared are but worth 103,8001. Woods on the lands of copyholders by inheritance are 3,0001, which if sold would bring but little profit to the King, and give great discontent to the subject. Criticisms on the surveying. Undated.
1 p. (132 131)
(2) Account of John Thorp for sales of the King's woods in Huntingdon, Rutland and Northampton; and note of his services. Undated.
Endorsed: '1609.' 2½ pp. (132 120)
(3) Considerations touching the leasing of the underwoods in forests and chases; and first of the coppice in Whittlewood Forest. Undated.
Apparently by Robert Johnson Endorsed: '1609.' 2½ pp. (132 124)
(4) Farm of roots and stumps of trees in the King's forests. Notes upon the petition for farming of roots of trees, etc, in the King's forests. 2 copies. Notes thereon in Salisbury's hand. Undated.
pp. (132 150)
(5) Another paper on the same subject. Undated.
½ p. (132 153)
(6) 'An answer to the articles given by my Lord Treasurer' on the same subject. Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'The answer concerning the suit of roots.' 1 p. (132 154)
(7) Provisions according to which the petitioners desire grant of roots and stumps of trees sold in his Majesty's forests, etc. Undated.
1 p. (132 155)
(8) List of commissions for woods in various counties of England and Wales; divided into those 'returned' and those 'not returned.' Undated.
1 p. (132 160)
(9–15) 'Articles to be performed by virtue of our Commission of Sale annexed touching Forests, Parks and Chaces.'
The papers relate to woods in the counties of Durham, Northampton, Warwick, Cumberland, Kent, Surrey, Herts, Yorkshire and Bucks. Mem. 297 is a parchment sheet signed by Sir Robert Johnson, and endorsed 'Sir Robert Johnson's Notes upon the conclusion of the Survey and Sale of Woods, a° 1609.'
12 pp. (141 291–293, 297, 298, 300, 302)
Francis Dacre to the King
[? c 1609] Prays for the title of honour, and that small part of Dacre's lands which was old inheritance of the Dacres; not insisting of his title of blood, nor any other titles. Undated.
½ p. (P. 1825)
The Merchants trading to France to the Earl of Salisbury
[? c 1609] By the 4th article of the late treaty the mayors and aldermen of Rouen, Caen, Bordeaux and other places were to deliver to the French King's Council the patents whereby they raise taxes upon the petitioners, and the same were to be defaced if not granted upon just cause. In 1570 and 1571 Rouen obtained an imposition upon English cloth, to be applied to the redemption of a loan; but although they have collected over 100,000 crowns more than the interest and redemption money, yet the imposition is still continued. Caen in 1579 and 1592, and St Malo in 1603, obtained the like grants. Also it was promised by the French King and Monsieur de Rosny that English ships should be freed from unshipping their artillery at Bloys, and that the ship of war appointed upon the river of Bordeaux should be prohibited from staying English ships; likewise that the bonnetiers of Paris should not detain merchandise brought to them to be viewed more than 48 hours. They beg Salisbury to recommend to the English Ambassador there the prosecution of the repeal of the above impositions, and the grant of the said articles. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (196 132)
Impost on French Wines
[? 1609 or later] Warrant to the farmer of the impost of French and Gascoyne wines, discharging the Countess of Dorset, second dowager, from the payment of impost on four tuns of wine to be provided for her own household. Undated.
Unsigned (P. 2238)
Walter Gibson to 'Your Honours' [? the Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar]
[1609] Reports upon certain of the King's woods, unspecified, now being dealt with for the Earl of Shrewsbury. Describes the abuses and spoils made there by the officers, Sir John Ferris, Mr Kinston, Mr Brookeshawe and others. If unsold, no command will reform the abuses, and none dare buy the woods but the Earl. Justifies his sale of woods in Derby hills. Undated.
Holograph 1 p. (132 130)
Hartest Wood
1609 Particular of Hartest Wood, Suffolk, of which Sir Robert Drury desires a lease in reversion. 1609.
1 p. (132 123)
Retailing of Wines in Ireland
[? 1609] Concerning licences for retailing wines, aquavite and 'huskabath' [whisky] in Ireland.
The same laws which restrain the retailing of wines in England without special licence are also in force in Ireland. The paper gives details of a plan whereby persons in Ireland who have incurred penalties for so doing should, on the payment of certain fines or rents, be released therefrom, and be granted licences preserving them from such penalties in the future, and authorising the sale of aquavite and 'huskabath' as well as wines. Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'Concerning wines.'
2 pp. (130 185)
[See Cal.S.P.Ireland, 1608–1610, pp. 215, 336. In March, 1610, Lady Arabella Stuart was granted the licensing of all taverns for the sale of wines and usquebaugh in Ireland for 21 years. (Ib. p. 414)].
The Jesuits
1609. Copia di lettera scritta in Bologna, nella quale manifestando si l'eccellenze e perfettioni della compagnie de Padri Giesuiti, insieme vengono resolute molte oppositioni fatte ad essi Padri et agli loro instituti. 1609.
(276 6)
Lady Kennedy
[? c 1609] Requests of Lady Kennedy with respect to her property in Sudley and other portions of her inheritance. Speaks of the 'unnatural dealing' of her mother.
1 p. (146 105)
[Sir Thomas Lake] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[? 1609] I have omitted in my other letter to advertise you that there is a purpose here, if it hold, that his Majesty goes over tomorrow, and the Prince also, into the Isle of Wight to hunt a stag which out of the forest is gone thither, and supposed that if he be hunted there will back by water again into the forest.
Sir John Drummond is a suitor to you to favour him towards Mr Garraway and those who have bought lands of his Majesty; that whereas he is his Majesty's tenant of a small thing called Shenston of 31 rent, which he is advertised that they have sold to Mr John Elphingstone who is toward the Queen, that Sir John may be preferred in the buying before any, he being tenant and willing to pay for it. He supposes also that Mr Elphingstone does but lend his name, and it is some other that buys it. He hopes greatly of your favour that he may buy his own. Undated.
In the hand of Sir Thomas Lake 1 p. (130 169)
Melkesham Wood
[? 1609] Recommendations made by a commission, consisting of Sir James Ley, Attorney of the Court of Wards, and others, for the improvement of the Forest of Melkesham. Undated.
1 p. (132 180)
Minchen Wood
[? 1609] Content of Minchen Wood. Undated.
Endorsed: 'Larkym: measure of woods.' ½ p. (P. 2247)
The Countess of Montgomery to the Lord Treasurer
[1609] Prays for the wardship of one Thomas Salloine 'whose father died but this night and his son is fifteen years of age.' Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (128 80)
New Forest, etc
1609. Two papers.
(1) Abstract of the presentment of the jury at the commission of enquiry of the spoils of woods in his Majesty's New Forest.
Signed: J. Norden. 1609. 3 pp. (132 126)
(2) Account by John Norden of the moneys raised by the sale of his Majesty's woods in Aliceholt and New Forest, 1609.
3 pp. (132 132)
New Year's Gifts
1609. Account of money given by and to the King on New Year's Day, 1603 to 1609 inclusive; and given by and to the late Queen on the same day, 1596 to 1602, inclusive. Lost by the King in those years, 8231 7s 1d; by the Queen, 6,6721 17s 4½.d Undated.
Endorsed by Salisbury: 'A note of the charges in the Jewel House.' 1 p. (195 131)
Commissioners for the North
[1609] Sir Nicholas Curwen; Sir Robart de la Valle; Sir Wilfride Lawson; Mr Edward Gray of Morpeth.
Endorsed: '1609. Names of commissioners for the North.' ¼p. (128 98)
[? 1609] 'Pensions granted by his Majesty, and the names of those who bought them.'
Sir Robert Melvyll 2001; Lady Walsingham. Alexander Douglas 451; Richard Hales. Sir James Hamilton 1001; John Welles. John Buchannon 1001; John Tunstall. Michael Elphinston 2001; Thomas Proctor. Patrick Galloway 2001; Arthur Ingram. William Chalmer 801; Thomas Footes. Andrew Lambe 1331; John Harrison. Bishop of Rosse 2001; Peter Francke. Sir James Lindsey 1001; Sir John Jolles. Daniell Muller 401; Henry Shafton. William Anstruther 2001; Thomas Wroth. John Spottiswood 801; Thomas Audley. Sir John Grayme 2001; Sir Edward Francis. Sir James Murray 1211; William Hay. Lord Hay and James Murray 2001; Lady Cary. Sir James Semple 2001; James Kirton. James Stuart 2001; Lady Hastings. Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick 2001; Lady Newcomen. William Erskin and Walter Alexander 2001; John Grimesditch. Patrick Turnor 301; Judith Portington. John Murray 1331; Thomas Hampton. Undated.
1 p. (196 36)
Sir Allan Percy to the Privy Council
[1609 or later] The Masters of the Trinity House at Newcastle compounded with his father, late Keeper of Tinmouth Castle, for the maintenance of a light in the castle for the direction of ships, which charge and profits were bestowed upon suppliant. Sir William Selby, of late appointed Deputy-Keeper of the castle, will not suffer him to keep the light, but has taken it and the profits into his own hands. Prays that Selby be ordered to pay him what profits he has received, and to permit him to keep the light. Undated.
1 p. (P. 1103)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 420, 501]
[Sir Thomas] Phillips to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1609] The rent due unto his Majesty at May next out of the lands and territories the citizens are to have is above 300l, which I think may be saved, they entering upon the profits from May forward, which in those parts is the beginning of the ½ year. May it please your Lordship that Port Rushe and that land you shall think fit to allot me, to be exempt out of the liberties of the city or town to be erected at Coulrayn. In the territories and lands are seven aeries of hawks, and on the sea side a very good rock falcon. Undated.
Unsigned Endorsed: '1609. Cap. Philips.' ½ p. (128 81)
Sir Thomas Phillips
[1609] A brief of such things as Sir Thomas Phillipps, knight, is to convey unto his Majesty for the advancement of this intended Plantation in Ireland, viz:
Imprimis the Abbey of Colrayn and lands thereunto belonging for which was offered before there was any change in building 1000l, with which there goes a salmon a day during the fishing and a day's fishing, which is the Monday after Midsummer day. The least that ever he had that day was 11 hogsheads but many years much more. Also ¼ of the loopes in fee-farm, with half of the rest by lease for 18 years to come. For all these fishings he will be farmer to the city at 50l per annum. So all things considered he thinks the premises undervalued to any but his Majesty at . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000l.
Item, whereas by his industry there is erected a fair market with which the benefit of the town and some small tenements thereunto belonging is now worth 50l per annum, which he values but at 5 years purchase and so at . . . . . . . . . . . .250l.
Item, his charge in building fortification and other needful charges there . . . . . . . . . .400l.
Item, his lease under the Great Seal of Ireland, whereof there is the custom of Bann and Port Rushe for 18 years to come, which though they now yield but 40l per annum, yet soon may be worth 200l per annum. Nevertheless he values them but at. . . . . . . . . . . . . .200l.
Item, he has built a water-mill, which is very commodious to the town, now worth to him 30l per annum, which he values at 5 years is. . . . . . . . . .150l.
Item, his lease of four ferries of the Bann, being from Tome to Colrayn, which he values but at . . . . . . . . . . . . .100l.
Item, his lease under the Great Seal for making of aquavitae within the county of Colrayn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100l.
Item, his lease of the woods he had from Tyrone wherein there is yet five years to come, they containing seven miles in length and two in breadth, being the most commodious in those parts, lying nearest to the Bann, to which at his very great charge he has made the ways passable, and now the time of his hope for profit being come, is nevertheless content to part with them for 300l, which Tyrone offered for them before his departure, when he could not conceive the profits they are now like to yield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300l.
Sum total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2500l
[Notwithstanding all things thus undervalued, it is alleged by some that it cost him a small matter. It may be answered that the price of a head, which he often ventured for it, is not to be undervalued. Besides it is well known that his plantation there, and making good that place and others in those parts, was a great means of relief to such of his Majesty's subjects as fled at the overthrow of the Derry, and gave a stop to Odoghortie and others that they did his Majesty no further damage. To this may be remembered he was a good means to civilise that part, that it gave no small encouragement to the Londoners to proceed and esteem things of good value in this their plantation. In bringing of this from a vast wilderness he spent much money and long time, and yet for all his hazard, care and industry, has not made his estate much better since his first employment in Ireland.] Undated.
Endorsed: '1609. The demands of Sir Thomas Phillips for those lands and other profits which he is to convey unto the King's Majesty in Ireland.' The paragraph in brackets following the sum total has been struck through. 1 p. (128 82).
The Privy Council to the King
[? 1609] Having read this afternoon a letter of your Majesty's brought by Sir George Kerr, on Saturday night after we had broken up from Council, we take ourselves bound in duty no longer to defer to acknowledge the receipt thereof and the comfort we received thereby, not only in respect of those princely rules and limitations which may serve us for a directory in our councils and our actions, but also in regard that we observe engraven in your Majesty's own breast that clear and constant judgment and resolution; whereby as we may promise ourselves no less help from you towards the rectifying of your estate out of the virtue of your own care and providence than your Majesty may challenge of us, your humble servants, by the obligations of our duty and conscience.
From which so visible and so perfect a sympathy between the affections and actions of such a King and servants as encouraged and resolved as we are and shall be, we doubt not but we may say there is as great hope of honour, safety and greatness like to follow as by the contrary apparent demonstration of inevitable and imminent inconvenience. In which consideration seeing then (most Gracious Sovereign) we shall now but trouble you with studying to express in more words the precious price whereat we esteem this letter and the consequence thereof, let these our ingenuous and thankful interpretations and acknowledgments for this which we have received, be sufficient for the present to make you think us worthy of the honour we have by the trust which you repose in us. For an account of our endeavours since your departure vouchsafe to accept a relation without troubling yourself to hear any tedious declaration how we have done it, because the story of labours without effects are but like the trees which are full in blossom and never bear fruit; only be pleased to dispense with this little ambition of ours, if we presume to say that the provision we have made in a time, where lack of payment hath bred so great a diffidence and observation of superfluous expenses maketh hopes but barren of repayment, hath no precedent, as well considering the general applause it hath in respect of the object, for which they see it is borrowed, as the contentment it hath given to the world that hath beheld such a loan as this wrought with no other authority or compulsion by such importunity than is usual in the traffic between private men. Your Majesty shall therefore only understand in gross that your farmers of your customs do now discharge you of 120,000l, whereof they deliver 60,000l (in specie) in hand and before Christmas, and take upon them to pay the rest where we do now assign it; so as now your Majesty remains no more a debtor but to them for that sum, and this they must forbear till Christmas come twelve months, continuing still the payment of all the rents as if there were no such bargain. By which your Majesty may conclude a strange change in your estate like to follow, especially seeing we shall not need to apply the saying of the scripture to your Majesty, that are our earthly God, 'what will avail though Paul plant and Apollo [sic] water, if God do not give increase.'; for now your Majesty may be secure that the Treasurer of Ireland shall no more complain of want for any debt to that little army, whereupon dependeth the peace of that kingdom; that in the Admiralty no soldier nor mariner shall have cause to mutiny for lack of money or meat, an unsafe thing among men of that profession; no more shall the Office of the Ordnance; that the Office of your Works shall be satisfied, by whose being unpaid your houses are suffering decay, and the works that are done do double in their price; the Treasurer of your Chamber (upon whom so many of your servants do depend) shall be cleared; that your Cofferer shall be enabled to satisfy the country for his arrears with the contentment of many particular creditors now desperate.
Into which enumeration of these several titles we only descend at this time because your Majesty can conceive what effects the lack of payment in these special offices of state and honour may beget, not only in point of profit but of the safety of your crown. To which we will only add this further circumstance, that though we foresaw all other courses would have been drawn into length and ended in the end in uncertainty, yet have we used it so in breaking off with the City as neither themselves nor the world can conceive that your Majesty resorted to this way out of any just ground you had to suspect that you should there have been denied in the conclusion, but only out of this princely greatness to make choice of those to lend who had more particularly been benefited themselves by contract with you than of others who have not lately had any such opportunity. Of whom (even in justice and in honour) we must now say no less than this, that they have now won to themselves great credit and reputation, and deserve of your Majesty all princely favours and protection. So must we say particularly for the bench of your Aldermen that they (with your honest Recorder) have both carried themselves with good diligence and discretion in communicating our proposition, and from their bench were ready to lend the sum of 20,000l.
For the rest which your Majesty can expect in point of diminution and improvement you may please to stand secured, seeing we have now found out the principal verb, that we will omit no time nor opportunity for the accomplishment of the rest of our intentions; beseeching your Majesty in this mean time to set this down for a certain rule, that they must for the most part be works of time, and yet of such time as shall make a work of honour and contentment by the help of your authority and directions, from whence all our endeavours for the good of this estate must receive continual life and comfort, as the greatest streams maintain their current from their proper fountains and natural springs. Undated
Draft, much corrected by Salisbury Endorsed by Salisbury: 'My notes to his Majesty'. 5 pp. (134 136)
[? The Privy Council] to the Commissioners of the States General
[? 1609] In your first audience with his Majesty, after acknowledging the royal favour so effectually shown from all time to the States of the United Provinces, his oldest and best friends and allies, and particularly at the last meeting of his commissioners with those of the Most Christian King and others for the negotiation of the peace and treaty lately established to the relief of your Provinces which had seemed weakened by the great and unbearable costs of the war, you hinted at the end of your address at certain other particular matters to be proposed, which you thought well to defer to his Majesty's better convenience. His Majesty charged us, before his departure, to confer with you in this matter, but we have been compelled up to the present to put it off, owing to the great amount of business, both domestic with our Parliament and foreign, due to the presence of the Ambassadors of other great Princes and States. We hope you will take this in good part and impute it to the necessity of the time and circumstances, being assured that every means in our power we will use to the advancement of the honour and dignity of your State and cause, of which, next to that of the King our master, we shall always be most zealous. You will be pleased therefore to set out particularly the further proposals you have to make. Undated
Draft in the handwriting of one of the Earl of Salisbury's secretaries. French. Endorsed: 'Introduction to the conference with the States.' 1½ pp. (128 85)
The Earl of Montgomery to Viscount Cranborne
[? 1609] 'Though I coulde never sinse your being in Fraunse heere by any thatt I was so much as remembred by you, yett I so much affect you thatt you shall nott blame mee of forgettfullnes, though I may justly aquse you of itt.' Assures him of his constant devotion. Undated.
PS. 'Both my sisters commend theare love to you, and my Lord and my brother of Pembroke desiers to have there servis remembred to you.'
Signed Two seals on pink silk, 1 p. (200 97)
Memoranda for the Privy Council
[? 1609] 'A memorial of such things as his Majesty left in charge with his Council concerning his public service.'
The subjects include:—the grievances offered to his Majesty's subjects in Spain, directions into Ireland about the coin, directions to prevent abuses in levying subsidies, and execution for the commission of copyholds.
'Causes of private men more particularly recommended.' Sir Edward Grevill. Earl of Montgomery. The case concerning the Earl of Hertford.
Additions in Salisbury's handwriting: Tobacco. Artsens's overtures. Money to be made current. Undated
Endorsed in Salisbury's handwriting: 'Memoriall.' 1½ pp. (128 93)
The Queen's Forests, Parks and Houses
[? 1609] Houses: Somerset House, Middlesex; Nonsuch, Surrey; Theobalds, co. Herts; Havering at Bower, Essex; Pontefract Castle, co. Yorks. Forests, Chases, Parks, etc: Gillingham Forest and Park, Dorset; Exmore Forest, Devonshire; Theobalds two parks, co. Herts; Nonsuch; Little Park, Surrey; Pontefract Little Park, co. Yorks; Havering two parks, Essex; Whadden Chace and Park and Hanslope Park, co. Bucks.
Endorsed by Salisbury 1 p. (132 158)
H. Renaldes to the Earl of Salisbury
[? c 1609] Of his offer of employment to the King 'about present and perpetual discovery.' Offers to contrive a secret conveyance in some place of Salisbury's new buildings, whereby messengers may be sent and matters of respect effected without any apparent note even to such as are in the house. Undated
Petition 1 p. (P.2345)
Lady Ralegh to the King
[? 1609] I beseech you signify your gracious pleasure concerning myself and my poor children. Whereas you have disposed of all my husband's estate to the value of 4000l a year, there remains nothing to give me and my children bread but one fee farm rent of the Bishop of Sarum, which you have bestowed on my husband during his life; that it will please you to relinquish your right in the reversion of that farm and suffer those poor harmless children to enjoy the same. Undated
Unsigned ½ p. (195 85)
Annexed Draft of warrant to pass in the Lady Ralegh and her children all his Majesty's interest in the lands. ½ p.
[Printed in extenso in Edwards Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, 11, 409–411.
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 581]
The Royal Parks
[? 1609] Memorandum concerning my Lord Treasurer's purpose in providing pales, posts and rails for repairing his Majesty's parks. Includes a recommendation for making of coppices in Windsor Forest, after the example of the forests of Whichwood and Shotover. Undated
Endorsed by Salisbury 1 p. (132 157)
William Saghnes and James Saghnes to the Pope
[? 1609] We are Irish gentlemen, lords of certain castles in Ireland, and have come as pilgrims to Loretto and Rome. We desire to kiss the feet of the Holy Father, and to receive his blessing, and lay before him this petition.
We have been deprived of property and country for defending the Catholic faith in Ireland, and for seventeen years have served against the heretics in Flanders, where we have done good service as testified by the Archduke and our other commanders. As good Catholics we desire to continue to serve against the heretics as good soldiers, now that we have lost our country, since six years ago the Queen of England caused our father with four of his sons and one hundred and fifty others to be beheaded for acknowledging the supremacy of the Pope. Now that the war in Flanders has ceased we desire to take service with the Holy Church, and to be employed either on the Papal galleys or in some garrison. Undated.
Italian Endorsed with an order to Mani Farnese to inquire into the quality of the petitioners with a view to their employment. Endorsed further with an order signed by Mani Farnese to the Almoner to give them a little alms. Endorsed in English: 'A petition of two Irish captains to the Pope.' 1 p. (98 171)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Terringham
[? 1609] I perceive by your letter you have met his Majesty's surveyor but, being doubtful whether you be a commissioner or no concerning sale of any woods, you have forborne to deal. It is true you are not particularly named as a commissioner in that which goes out of the Exchequer, except in such places where you are an officer of such condition as those gentlemen are who are commissioners. What your authority is in Whichwood Forest or any other place wholly depends upon that commission. But because you have had the honour to attend his Majesty in his sports and can tell what will please or displease him more particularly than another, it is his Majesty's pleasure that although you be not a particular officer in those places, the Commissioners should acquaint you with their doings in any of those forests or parks near your dwelling, that you may join your advice with them for so much as concerns the beauty of the ground and benefit of the deer; wherein, as the money that may be made is no way to be compared with his Majesty's recreation, I assure myself you will be no interruption to what concerns his Majesty's use at this time but upon good and reasonable cause. To conclude, I authorize you in his Majesty's name to proceed as aforesaid, and I require all persons whom it concerns to respect you for these purposes as his Majesty's commissioner, though you be not named in the commission. Undated.
Draft, signed: R. Salisbury. Endorsed: 'A copy of a letter sent from my Lord to Sir Thomas Terringham, knight. 2½ pp. (128 94)
Sheriffs' Roll
[? 1609 or 1610] Roll of names for sheriffs. Several counties (Leicester to Norfolk) defaced and illegible.
Oxon. Michaell Dormer, miles.
Joh'es Croker, armiger.
—Wynchcombe, armiger.
Rutland Thomas Mackworth, armiger.
Will'm Halford, armiger.
Joh'es Tredway, armiger.
Salop Thomas Corbett de Stannerden, ar.
Franciscus Wolriche, armiger.
Bonham Norton, armiger.
Somerset Franciscus Babor, armiger.
Georgius Luttrell, armiger.
Joh'es Henley, armiger.
Stafford Franciscus Trentham, armiger.
Walterus Hevenyngham, armiger.
Anth'us Kynnersley, armiger.
Suffolk Thomas Wyngfield, miles.
Calthropus Parker, miles.
Thomas Tylney, armiger.
Southampton Ric'us Gifford, miles.
Henricus Whitehead, miles.
Thomas Dennye, miles.
Surrey and Sussex Ed'rus Bellyngham de Newe Tymber, miles.
Olavus Leighe, miles.
Thomas Gresham, miles.
Sir Tho. Hunt.
Warwick Thomas Dilkes, miles.
Will'm Somervile, miles.
Clemens Throgmorton, miles.
Wigorn Ric'us Greves, miles.
Edrus Pytt, miles.
Joh'es Rowse, miles.
Wilts Egidius Wroughton, miles.
Joh'es Ayloff, armiger.
Thomas Baskervile, armiger.
Parchment Roll (216 2)
Lord Stafford to the King
[1609] By the obstinate wilfulness of his wife, being seduced into 'vild' Popery by a great number of convicted recusants and strangers, suspected Seminaries, who lodge in his house, he was constrained to forsake his own house for these four years past, and very lately was by them by force kept out of his house of Stafford Castle, and constrained to lodge in Stafford town. Who also have possession of his son and only child, an infant, and educate and train him up in the same profession, and denied your subject to see him or to be known where he was. Lately he is also dispossessed of his houses and all his lands and revenues by colour of a statute of 10,000l debt, which he, by practice of Thomas Jarvis, one of his wife's confederates, was by imprisonment forced to acknowledge; and to them or any other was he not any way indebted. Although there is matter to avoid the said statute, yet he has no means to prosecute the same. He begs the premises may be referred to some of the Council to hear and determine. Undated.
Petition Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (195 133)
The Enclosure
Brief of the present estate of Edward, Lord Stafford, giving further details.
1 sheet (195 134)
Lord Stafford
[1609] Two papers.
(1) A brief of the present estate of Edward, Lord Stafford, now dispossessed of all his lands by the indirect practice of his wife and one Thomas Jervis.
Stafford complains that by the multitude of papists and recusants that continually had recourse to his house, his wife was seduced into papacy and brought up his son therein; which caused him to forsake Stafford Castle. Details the practices of his wife and her confederates, Thomas Jervis and others, before and during his imprisonment to obtain possession of his lands under colour of obtaining his release. Undated.
Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (P. 2361)
(2) 'An answer for the Lady Stafford and Thomas Jervis unto the brief made by the Lord Stafford of his estate.'
The answer states that Lord and Lady Stafford were born and bred in the religion she now professes. Lord Stafford's forsaking his house was for the love of lewd and infamous women with whom he lived. Details of Jervis's intercourse with him while he was prisoner in the Fleet for releasing one Bradshaw, a burglar and murderer, and of his riotous and outrageous conduct at Stafford Castle; also particulars as to his property. Undated.
Unsigned 2 pp. (P. 2361)
Francis de Verton, Sr de Laforrest, to the King
[? c 1609] In consideration of his services prays for grant of concealed lands in Ireland. Undated.
½ p. (P. 257)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 380, 487, 540]
Ann, Lady Warborton, to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] In behalf of her son, Cecyll Warborton, his Lordship's godson, who has no means left him by his father but the offices of Constable of Lancaster Castle, the stewardship of his Majesty's manors in Lynesdale, co. Lancaster, the bailiwick of the manors of Rigbycwra and Singleton, co. Lancaster, the clerkship of the county court in Lancashire, and the woodward and surveyor of his Majesty's woods and underwoods beyond Trent, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, by virtue of a patent from his Majesty for term of life. These offices and a hundred marks a year out of the Exchequer were her own before her marriage by his Honour's favour, and are all which her husband has left yearly for herself and the bringing up of her children. Prays that he will signify his pleasure to Mr Chancellor and Mr Attorney of the Duchy that such deputies may be appointed by her as they upon conference with Mr Justice Warborton shall think sufficient for the execution of the place for the benefit of her son during his minority. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' ½ p. (128 96)
Sir Edward Watson to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609] The King, on his second coming into Northamptonshire, for the sport he had in Rockingham Park commanded restraint not only of the deer, but for the preservation of them and of his woods also. As keeper of the park he certifies Salisbury thereof, and sends the King's hand for the same by his son, he himself being old and not able to travel. He has made stay of sale till Salisbury's pleasure be known. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: '1609.' ½ p. (132 128)
Sir Richard Weston to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1609] Of a suit, apparently for farming of the stubs and roots in forests and chases. Details his dealings with his partners in the suit, and the latter's inability; and begs for the bestowal of the suit upon himself. Mr Lasley mentioned. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (132 149)
Monsieur Willart to 'Millor Sessille' [the Earl of Salisbury] Lord Treasurer
[? 1609 or later] Finding myself upon advice given me from Le Havre of the 7th of this month, how two long ships (roberges), said to belong to the Queen (a la royne) have taken a ship of Le Havre returning by way of Conquest from the Isles of Peru (des ylles du Perou), the captain of which is named Dingouville, I have thought before making any complaint thereof, to resort to the agent of his (? her) Majesty near the King to beg him to write to the effect that the said ship may be sent back without loss or damage; and remembering the friendship you have promised me when I had the honour of seeing you in France, and knowing with what affection you embrace justice, I have desired to accompany the letter of the said agent with this word to beseech you to have the ship returned to us. Paris. Undated.
Holograph French Endorsed: 'M. Villart to my L. T'rer.' 1 p. (190 22)
The Company of the Wireworks
[1609] Two papers.
(1) In answer of the two points desired to be agreed unto by the Earl of Pembroke, for ending controversies which might let the quiet proceeding of the wireworks. The first concerns Tintern, which the Earl says is not yet in his possession, being in jointure to his mother, but when at his disposal he will refer his right therein to his counsel; and if the Earl of Worcester will do the like, an end may be made without trouble. The second relates to the rights in the stream at Whitbrooke. Undated.
Endorsed: '1609.' 1 p. (195 132)
(2) Points to be agreed to by the Earl of Pembroke, for ending the controversies as to the wireworks.
The Earl to recall a lease, which has of late come to light, made by his father to the Company of the Battery Works of the water at Tintern; and which has ever been held to be the inheritance of the Earl of Worcester. For the avoiding of further suit between the Earl of Pem broke and Lord Herbert, it is desired that the Earl would accept a surrender of those copyhold lands of inheritance which Lord Herbert has bought. The copyholder is now in danger of losing the inheritance of the water, and till the controversy be ended, the Company cannot go forward with their works at Whitebrook. Undated.
Endorsed: 'L. Harbart, 1609.' 1 p. (P. 2273)
Inventory of Papers
[1609 and earlier] 'Inventory of letters and papers concerning public affairs.'
Includes letters from the Earl of Bedford, Lord Scrope, Mr Drurye, Marshal of Berwick, and other officers there touching the state of the town and the Borders; also letters relating to divers matters between the years 1560 and 1609.
In several hands 14 pp. (140 40)
Paul Wentworth to the Earl of Salisbury
[? Before 1610] Prays for a renewal of the lease granted to his late father, of woods, etc, appertaining to Burnham Abbey, co. Bucks. Undated.
½ p. (P. 415)