Index: U, Z

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: U, Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: U, Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: U, Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Udall, William, informer, (? late in the service of Sir Edward Digby)
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 181
-, refers to importation of seditious books and traffic in priests, 181

Ulloa (St. John de Lova) [Honduras]
-, 183

Ulm [Germany]
-, Diet of Swabia meets at, 16
-, soldiers put at disposal of gentry of, 146

Ulster [Ireland]
-, rebellion in, 151
-, 152, 164

Underhill, George, Keeper of the King's gardens at Greenwich
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 152
-, requests payment of fees out of London Customs, 152

United Provinces, The
-, their greater confidence in France than in England, 4
-, attitude to question of peace or war of leaders of, 4
-, ratify agreement with France, 29, 73
-, expectation in Spain of peace with, 54, 68, 169
-, use of secrecy in negotiations over religion by, 75
-, Spanish recognition of sovereignty of, 91
-, naval strength of, 91
-, Malacca reported captured by forces of, 101, 132, 166
-, effect of prospects of peace on foreign soldiers in service of, 104
-, attitude to war of Protestants and Papists in, 104
-, better treatment in Spain of merchants from, 116, 131, 132, 167, 169, 178, 183, 211
-, debts due in Spain to merchants from, 119
-, exercise of Catholic religion not to be tolerated in, 122
-, King's views on proposed defensive league between England, France and, 135, 153
-, growing suspicion of Spanish motives in, 144, 145
-, reported breach of truce between Spain and, 151
-, Archduke Albert takes exception to proposed league between England, France and, 152
-, Privy Council explains reasons for English league with, 175
-, less hostility towards Spaniards shown by people of, 178
-, Spain benefits commercially from prolonged truce with, 183, 185
-, Cornwallis regards as harmful to England increase in naval and commercial strength of, 185
-, demand for withdrawal of English forces from, 186
-, two views on Indies trade in, 187
-, references to England's league with, 207, 212, 220
-, Neyen's views on English alliance with, 207
-, Cornwallis's arguments in defence of English league with, 208
-, Prada's criticism and warnings concerning English alliance with, 209
-, Cornwallis defends conclusion of agreement between England and, 210
-, Cornwallis deplores possibility of too great French influence on, 210
-, Philip III acknowledges independent status of, 210

Upberry (Gillingham), co. Kent
-, letter dated from, 192

Upbury. See Upberry

Urbino [Italy]
-, people and animals killed by avalanches at, 123

Urley, Case
-, receives benefit of forfeitures by recusants, 199

Utley, John, of London
-, granted licence to travel abroad for three years, 131

Uvedale, Sir Edmond, of Moore Critchell, co. Dorset
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 26
-, claims ownership of Chetterwood Lodge, 26

Uxbridge, co. Middlesex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288


Vaizon (Vaizom, Veson), [Vaucluse, France]
-, King alleged to have solicited cardinal's hat for Bishop of, 248, 254, 259
-, 255

Vaison, Bishop of. See Chisholm, William

Valencia (Valentia) [Spain]
-, English imposter at, 55
-, Prince of Tassis nominated to church of, 72

Valladolid (Valledoleth, Valodelith) [Spain]
-, letter dated from English College at, 6
-, Cornwallis at, 21
-, mortality at the English College of, 55
-, English Jesuits and priests at, 170
-, Philip III and his Council move to, 172
-, Spanish Court returns to Madrid from, 198
-, anti-Government libels at, 218

Valledoleth. See Valladolid

Valodelith. See Valladolid

Vanguard (Vantguarde), The
-, 280

Van Loor. See Lore, Peter Van

Vannetten, Mon., General of the Victuals
-, paid for his victuals, 270

Varigotti (Variogotti) [prov. Genoa, Italy]
-, Spanish designs on, 157

Variogotti. See Varigotti

Vaucelas, André de Cochefilet, Comte de, French Ambassador to Spain
-, 194(2), 207
-, his indisposition, 195

Vaughan, Charles, of Linton, co. Radnor (? Hereford), recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Vaughan, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Vaughan, Margery, of Kinnersley, co. Hereford, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Vaux, Mistress. See Vaux, Joyce

Vaux, Joyce, sister of Edward Vaux, 4th Baron Vaux of Harrowden
-, becomes a nun at Brussels, 223

Vaux, Mabel
-, 174

Vaux, William, attainted
-, forfeits manor of Catterlen, 174

Vavasour (Vavicer), Sir Thomas, of Copmanthorpe, co. Yorks, Knight Marshal
-, compounds with Lord Chamberlain for surrender of grant, 128
-, 308

Vavicer, Sir Thomas. See Vavasour, Sir Thomas

Vawer, William, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Velasco, Don Luis de
-, his quarrel with Don Inigo composed, 43

Venables. See Venables, Richard

Venables, Richard, tenant of the parsonage of Andover
-, despoils King's woods, 47

Vendôme, Henrietta Catherine, Mademoiselle de, illegitimate daughter of Henry IV of France
-, her father's scheme for a marriage between Marquis de Rosny and, 49

Venice [Italy]
-, refuses passage to Jesuits, 16
-, quarrels with Pope, 17
-, expels Theatin order, 17
-, news from, 63, 72, 123, 146, 157, 188
-, Spain piqued with, 112
-, 136, 147
-, firearms forbidden to be carried in, 157
-, public executions at, 157
-, reported to have banished Shirley, 189
-, letter dated from, 233
-, English Ambassador's audience with the College (the Cabinet) of, 233
-, Nuncio at. See Gessi

-, extraordinary sale in London of, 275
-, Lord Admiral to prosecute keepers guilty of selling, 281

Vere, Edward de, 17th Earl of Oxford
-, the property of his daughters in Essex, 33
-, 90

Vere, Elizabeth, Countess of Oxford, widow of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 108
-, requests Earl of Salisbury's favour in purchase of ancient family property, 108

Vere, Sir Francis, Governor of Portsmouth
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 106
-, forwards information of alleged Spanish designs on the Brill, 106

Vere, Henry de, 18th Earl of Oxford, son of Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford
-, 108

Vere (Veer), Sir John, in the service of the United Provinces
-, deprived of his command for killing a Frenchman, 199

Verneuil, Henriette de Balzac d'Entragnes, Marquise de, a mistress of Henry IV
-, rumour of secret marriage between Duke of Guise and, 28

Vernon, Sir Robert, of Hodnet, co. Salop
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 129
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to influence Lord Chancellor in his favour, 129

Vernon, Mr
-, assigned wardship of John Shalcross, 311

Verres, —
-, his letter to be directed to Earl of Salisbury or Lord Danvers, 206

Verreycken (Verreyken), Louis, the "Audiencer" of the Archdukes
-, nominated to treat with Dutch, 3, 19
-, goes to Brabant, 166
-, 168, 172, 187

Veson. See Vaison

Viana (Vyana) [Spain]
-, English ship seized at, 68

Victor Amadeus, Prince of Piedmont, son and heir of Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Savoy
-, marriage projected between daughter of Grand Duke of Tuscany and, 72
-, entertained at Piacenza by Duke of Parma, 123
-, Fuentes apologises to, 124
-, visits Venice incognito, 147

Vienna [Austria]
-, news from, 15, 62, 71, 72, 100, 124(2), 125, 145, 303
-, Cardinal Dietrichstein at, 114(3), 124, 125
-, Archduke Matthias takes artillery from arsenal in, 114
-, military preparations at, 145

Vignacourt, Aloph de, Grand Master of Malta
-, sends his representative to Rome, 63

Villa d'Ambrogiana
-, Florentine Court retires to, 157

Villach (Villech) [Carinthia, Austria]
-, demand for reinforcements by Governor of, 16

Villalonga, Pedro Franqueza, Conde de
-, replaced in his office by Prada, 172

Villena, Juan Fernandez Pacheco, Marquis de, Viceroy of Sicily
-, refuses request of Philip III for galleys, 146

Villeroy, Nicolas de Neufville, Seigneur de, Secretary of State to Henry IV
-, informs Duke of Sully of Henry IV's order for his retirement from Court, 48
-, English Government's answer to his proposals for close alliance, 215, 216

Vilvorde [Brabant, Flanders]
-, Willford imprisoned in the Castle of, 232

Villvorde. See Vilvorde

-, instruments for repairing, 43

-, Spanish resentment of proposed English colonization of, 53, 68, 81, 167, 185
-, Earl of Southampton reported to be coming to Spain to explain English plans concerning, 54
-, report by Ferdinando Gorges on, 56, 109, 110
-, attitude of Red Indians in, 56
-, French encouragement to Indians to drive English settlers out of, 56
-, rumour of English defeat by Spaniards in, 58
-, 66, 75, 135, 194, 195
-, Spain thought to be preparing naval expedition to, 78, 171, 178
-, hint that Spain might use West Indies as base to harass settlers in, 81
-, supplies sent from England to, 109
-, Spanish policy affected by colonization of, 112
-, 207, 219

Virginia, President of. See Wingfield, Edward

Visconti, Ottavio, Count, Chamberlain to the Archduke Albert
-, sent to reconcile differences between Emperor and Archduke Matthias, 163

Vuankoke. See Gogh, Walter Van

Vyana. See Viana

Vyvyan, Francis, of Trelowarren, co. Cornwall, J.P.
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of grain from Cornwall, 261


Wade. See Waad, Sir William

Waad (Wade), Sir William, Lieutenant of the Tower
-, 73, 74, 109
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 234
-, asks for directives regarding treatment of prisoners in time of plague, 234
-, reports on vulnerability of warders and others to plague, 234, 235

Wadeson, Edward, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Wadeson, Robert, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Wainewright, —
-, compiles list of engrossers of grain for Court of Exchequer, 205

Wadsworth. See Wadsworth, James

Wadsworth, James, former chaplain to the English Embassy in Madrid
-, reference to his conversion to Catholicism, 55

Wakeley. See Wakeley, Thomas

Wakeley, Thomas, lessee of the Abbey of Navan
-, 121

Walepoole. See Walpole, John

-, Council of, 37, 40
-, thieves in South, 97
-, sale in Spain of ordnance from, 169
-, 251
-, coarse cloth made in Marches of, 294
-, butter and cheese shipped to France and Spain from ports of, 303
-, jurisdiction of the President and Council of, 314
-, Monmouthshire always included within jurisdiction of Council of, 314
-, President of Council of. See Eure, Ralph

Walford, co. Hereford
-, 199

Walker, Robert, Sergeant of the Privy Buckhounds
-, granted goods and property of recusants, 200

Walker, Thomas
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 182
-, requests to be presented to church of Saxby, 182

Walker, Thomas, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Wall, John, postmaster at Durham endorses letter, 269

-, Sigismund accommodates dispute involving ruler of, 52

Waller, Sir Thomas, Lieutenant of Dover Castle
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 241
-, reports on the grievances of Duke of Würtemberg's gentlemen, 241

Wallis (Wallys), John, attached to the office of Privy Harriers
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 190
-, inquires about a promised lease of woods, 190

Wallop, Sir Henry, Steward of the King's manor of Summerford
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 283
-, requests renewal of lease of ironworks, 283

Wallys, John. See Wallis, John

Walmerode, Benjamin Bunickhausen de, Councillor of State to the Duke of Würtemberg-Mompelgard
-, in England with the Duke, 227

Walmesley (Wamsley, Warmesley), Sir Thomas, Justice of the Common Pleas
-, 37
-, appeals against transfer to Kent circuit, 51

Walpole (Walepoole), John, of London
-, George Bacon sends letters to his father through, 80

Walpole, Richard, English Jesuit
-, his death at Valladolid, 55

Walshe, Katherine, a widow
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 197
-, petitions Earl of Salisbury to favour her suit, 197

Walshe, —, late husband of Katherine Walshe
-, mentioned, 197

Walsingham, Andrea, or Awdrey, Lady, Keeper of the Queen's Wardrobe of Robes, wife of Sir Thomas Walsingham
-, her accounts discharged, 128
-, letters patent of her appointment as Keeper of Queen's robes, 149

Walsingham, Sir Thomas, of Scadbury, co. Kent
-, 128

Walter, Mr [? a lawyer]
-, his opinion on title to lands, 159

Walthall (Watthall), William, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Waltham, co. Hants
-, letter dated from, 60

Waltham, Geoffrey (Geffery), citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Waltham, Richard, of Trehill, Kenn, co. Devon, J.P.
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn, 250

Waltham Cross, co. Herts
-, brawl in an inn at, 242

Waltham Forest, co. Essex
-, 284, 315

Walton, Thomas [? of Walton, co. Lancs], recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Walton, William
-, witness to treasonable speeches at Newcastle, 177

Wamsley, Sir Thomas. See Walmesley, Sir Thomas

Wanborough, co. Surrey
-, the coppice at, 270

Warburton, Sir Richard, commander of English troops in Dutch service
-, his death, 36, 37

Ward (Warde), Robert, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Ward, John, an English pirate reported to have become a Turk, 236
-, chased from the Straits by Duke of Tuscany, 236

Wardrobe, Great
-, 128

Wardrobe of Robes, The Queen's officials of, 128
-, Keeper of. See Walsingham, Andrea

Wards, Court of
-, 86, 217
-, Receiver-General of. See Fleetwood, Sir William

-, 25, 33, 134, 140, 144, 250, 251, 296, 311

Ware (Warre), co. Herts
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Warmesley, Justice. See Walmesley, Sir Thomas

Warners, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Warre. See Ware

Warren, —, barber to Duke of Lerma
-, provided with a fictitious claim to Earldom of Norfolk by Sankey, 55

Warenne, William de, Earl of Warenne or Surrey
-, fictitious descent from, 55

Warrock, Mr. See Warwick, Thomas

Warwick (Warrock), Thomas, husband of Elizabeth Somerville
-, 115
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 313

-, 308

Watford, co. Herts
-, trained bands of Hertfordshire to meet at the Rose in, 299

Watson. See Watson, William

Watson, Thomas, Teller of the Exchequer
-, Earl of Cumberland enters into money bond with, 212

Watson, William, conspirator
-, his treason mentioned, 163

Watten [Nord, France]
-, Jesuit college to be removed from Louvain to, 153
-, Privy Council protests against proposed establishment of new English college at, 175
-, 217
-, English Jesuits settle at, 222
-, Archduke decides not to permit English Jesuits to go to, 232

Watthall, William. See Walthall, William

Wawldern, Mr [? William Walrond, of Bradfield, co. Devon], J.P. of Devonshire
-, reports Cross's flight from England, 204

Wayters, —, under-searcher at the port of London
-, appointed contrary to custom, 232

Webb, John, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Webb, Richard, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Webb, William, English imposter in Spain
-, pretends to be son of Earl of Suffolk, 55

Welde, (Sir) Humphrey, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Welden, Mr
-, seeks exemption from jury duties, 1, 2

Weldon, Thomas
-, 222

Wells, Francis, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Wembworthy (Wembworthie), co. Devon
-, 127

Wensloe. See Winslow

West Indies
-, 3
-, English taken prisoner in, 45
-, Dutch trade with, 57
-, Spanish ships prepare to sail to, 61
-, Spain hostile to foreign contacts with, 68
-, hint that Virginia settlers may be harassed from, 81
-, States General insist upon keeping places occupied by them in, 83 91
-, Spain offers trade concessions in exchange for Dutch renunciation of trade with, 91
-, Dutch Company of, 92
-, peace article accepted on Dutch trade with, 103
-, suggestion that English should attack Spaniards in, 109
-, English colonization in Virginia affects Spanish policy on, 112
-, Spanish fleet leaves St. Lucar for, 132
-, 168, 195
-, departure of biggest Spanish fleet for, 183
-, ships arrive in Spain with silver from, 266, 268, 273

Westminster (Weastminster), London
-, letters dated from, 30, 259
-, 173, 201, 214
-, Earl of Salisbury argues for bestowal of share of City of London's wealth on, 213
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Westminster Abbey, London
-, tomb for Lady Sophia to be erected in, 108

Westminster Palace, London
-, letters and orders dated from, 108, 149, 165(2), 180, 183, 196, 204, 222, 282, 284
-, 253

Westminster, Dean of. See Neile, Richard

-, the gaol in, 76

Weston, co. Somerset
-, manor of, 305

Weston, Sir Richard, of Sutton, co. Surrey
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 282

Weynford or Wentworth, Sir John
-, his servants involved in a brawl with Chaner, 242

Whaddon, co. Bucks
-, Lady Gray defends her claim to perquisites at manor of, 20
-, complaints of the tenants of the manor of, 41

Whetston, Luke, Master of the Seaflower
-, 44

Whipp, Robert, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Whitaker, Jeremy, in the service of the Earl of Salisbury
-, 101

Whitby (Strand), co. Yorks
-, fear of scarcity of corn at, 153
-, letter dated from, 154
-, petition against transport of corn submitted by inhabitants of, 187

Whitebread, —, in the military service of Archduke Albert
-, alleged to have betrayed Willford, 225

Whitehall, London
-, letters, etc. dated from, 70, 83, 85, 92, 160, 161, 206
-, 311

White Knight, The. See Fitzgibbon, Edmund

Whithered, Thomas, priser of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 223
-, justifies exaction of prisage for wines imported at Bristol by London merchants, 223

Whitson(e), John, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Whittington, co. Worcester
-, 199

Whittington, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Whitwick, co. Leicester
-, 206

Wiborn, Edward, of Battle, co. Sussex, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Wicliffe, Thomas, [? of Dalton, co. Yorks], kinsman to Brackenbury
-, 283

Wigge, Robert, waiter in the service of the Earl of Salisbury
-, his death, 300

Wilbraham, Sir Roger, Chancellor to the Queen
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 76, 280, 281

Wilkinson, —
-, reference to project of, 173

William, Robert. See William, Robert

Willem, Mr See Willens, Wolfert

Willens (Willem), Wolfert, a Danzig merchant
-, ships clapboards to England, 7

Willes, —, shipowner of Cardiff
-, conveys ordnance to St. Lucar, 170

Willford, Thomas, President of the Spanish Merchants Company
-, imprisoned for corresponding with Earl of Salisbury, 222
-, his alleged confession, 225
-, his need of money, 225
-, brought to Brussels to be tortured, 232
-, subject of agreement between Archduke and Edmondes, 234
-, his case not one of capital punishment, 237
-, Earl of Salisbury denies any speech with, 240
-, Edmondes reports on legal aspects of case of, 242, 243
-, reference to his being tortured, 242
-, his case transferred to Archduke's Privy Council, 243
-, 245, 252(2), 258, 260(2)

William (Willam), Robert, former Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, his case mentioned, 93

Williams, Jenkin, in the service of Art O'Neill
-, to be sent by Earl of Tyrone to England, 67

Williams, Thomas
-, receives benefit of forfeitures by recusants, 199

Williams, Widow, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Williams, —, English imposter in Spain
-, pretends to be son of Earl of Worcester, 55

Willis, Simon, Clerk of the Privy Council
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 117, 125, 127, 129, 133
-, denies treasonable relations with Parsons, 117, 125
-, petitions Privy Council, 126
-, gives his reasons for meeting Parsons, 126
-, allowed to receive friends in prison, 127
-, compiles a diary of his travels, 129
-, offers sureties for his release, 133
-, Francis Michell's comments on, 134

Willoughby, Lady. See Hart, Mary

Willson, Dr. See Wilson, William

Wilmot, Sir Charles, member of the Irish Privy Council
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 314
-, requests that his pension be paid in England, not in Ireland, 314

Wilson, Thomas, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 30, 48, 225, 228, 229, 233, 268, 277, 279
-, receives gifts from Finet in Paris, 104
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 227, 228, 230, 262
-, reports on progress of "Britain's Burse", 228
-, recommends Bruning, 273
-, summarises Meoli's correspondence, 302

Wilson, William, Canon of Windsor
-, Dowager Lady Russell's proposal to rent a house from, 307

-, 58
-, Privy Council informed of grain prices in, 117
-, dispute between Earl of Hertford and J.P.s of, 298

Win, Captain. See Wynne, Owen

Winchester, co. Hants
-, letter dated from, 82

Winchester, Bishop of. See Bilson, Thomas

Winchester College
-, James I writes to, 47

Windsor (Wyndsor, Winsor), co. Berks
-, letters and orders dated from Court at, 205, 235
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers 288
-, 307

-, Chester merchants requested to pay impost of, 27
-, imposition on sweet, 191, 193
-, dispute over prisage wines at Bristol, 223
-, argument in favour of higher rates on Rhenish, 294

Wingfield, Edward, President of Virginia
-, 56

Wingfield, Sir Richard, Marshal of the Army in Ireland
-, defeated by the Irish, 192

Wingfield, Sir Robert, of Upton, co. Northants
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 174
-, requests mediation of Earl of Salisbury, 174

Winslow (Wensloe), co. Bucks
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Winter, Thomas, Catholic conspirator
-, 260

Winwood, Sir Ralph (Rafe), English agent to States General
-, authorised to deal with Count of Emden's affairs, 5
-, 311

Wirtzbourch, See Würzburg

Wischer, Mons., Archduke Albert's
-, representative at Diet of Ratisbon
-, received in audience by Emperor at Prague, 114

Witbie, Thomas
-, conveys letter from Mayor of Chester to Earl of Salisbury, 38

Witgenstain, Count of. See SaynWittgenstein

Witherwicke, Judith, a minor
-, 182

Withnall, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House,
-, 201

Witt, Mr
-, 133

-, pasture land used to cultivate, 47
-, profits made from sale of, 47
-, Lord Saye and Sele ready to farm fines imposed on production of, 48, 92

Woburn (Wooborne), co. Bedford
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Wodhull, Nicholas
-, requests confirmation of grant of forfeitures of alehouse recognisances, 289

Wolley. See Woolley, Sir Francis

-, attack people in Germany, 17

Wooborne. See Woburn

Woodstock, co. Oxford
-, Earl of Salisbury expected at, 230
-, letter dated from, 232

Woolley (Wolley), Sir Francis, Clerk of the Pipe of the Exchequer
-, valuation of his interest in coppices in bailiwick of Surrey, 271

Worcester, Earl of. See Somerset, Edward

Worcester, co. Worcester
-, Assizes at, 308

Worcester, Deanery of
-, 87
-, candidates for, 89

-, inhabitants petition to be released from jurisdiction of Council of Wales, 37
-, 81, 199, 303, 308
-, coarse cloth made in, 294

Worksop (Worsop), co. Notts
-, letter dated from, 40

Wörmser (Wormbser), Jan Jacques, Steward to the Duke of Würtemberg-Mompelgard
-, accompanies the Duke to Scotland, 228

Worsop. See Worksop

Worsopp, Edward, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Wotton, Lord. See Wotton, Edward

Wotton, Edward, 1st Baron Wotton of Marley, Comptroller of the King's household
-, J.P.s of Kent send requests for corn for the poor to, 175
-, 206
-, Lord Carew's proposal to exchange offices with, 291

Wotton, Sir Henry, English Ambassador to Venice
-, 136, 179, 224
-, goes for holiday to Lake Garda, 233
-, orders a picture of Earl of Salisbury to be made in mosaic, 233

Wrey, William, J.P. for Cornwall
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of grain from Cornwall, 261

Wriothesley, Henry, 3rd Earl of Southampton
-, reported to be coming to Madrid to explain English plans for Virginia, 54
-, granted annuity by King, 149
-, scandalous speech about, 177
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 191, 193, 260, 311
-, protests against proposed increase of duties on sweet wines of which he is farmer, 191
-, complains to Earl of Salisbury of his losses at Bristol arising from purveyance, 260
-, 274

Wroth, Sir Robert, of Loughton, co. Essex
-, purchases a manor in Essex, 120
-, letter to the King, 315
-, requests lease of Loughton manor, 315

Würtemberg, Frederick, Duke of
-, report of his death, 27, 52
-, dies at Stuttgart, 64
-, death due to apoplexy, 71
-, his son old enough to rule, 71
-, 176, 228

Würtemberg, John Frederick, Duke of, son of Frederick, Duke of
-, gives letter of credence to Lord of Francquemont, 27
-, old enough to rule after his father's death, 71
-, 227

Würtemberg-Mompelgard, Lewis Frederick, Duke of
-, arrives in England, 227
-, wishes to visit Scotland, 227
-, grievances of his gentlemen at Dover, 241

Würzburg, Bishop of. See Mespelbrun

Wyeth, John
-, illegally offers liberty of worship in exchange for money, 142

Wymark (? Edward Wymerk), Mr 85

Wymondham, co. Norfolk
-, 213

Wynter, William, captain in the King's Navy
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 219
-, ordered to prevent corn from being transported overseas, 219

Wynne (Win), Owen, naval captain
-, his services commended by William St. John, 225


Yarmouth, co. Norfolk
-, 52, 311
-, attempt at trade monopoly in, 221
-, letter dated from, 221

Yaxley, Sir Robert
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 36, 73, 197
-, requests to be allowed to purchase a company at Flushing, 36, 37
-, asks Earl of Salisbury to find him employment, 73
-, requests removal of papist prisoner from Tower to obtain financial relief, 197

Yeldham (Much Yeldham), co. Essex
-, 33

Yong or Yonge. See Young

York, co. Yorks
-, letter dated from, 188
-, 230

York, Archbishop of. See Matthew, Tobias

York, Duke of. See Prince Charles,

York House, Strand, London
-, letters dated from, 230, 282

-, 37, 199, 226
-, prohibition of transport of corn from, 154
-, corn for relief of poor at Tenterden allowed to be bought in, 244

Young (Younge), Henry his pension, 306

Young (Younge), James his pension, 306

Young (Yonge), John
-, petitions Earl of Salisbury for custody of a lunatic, 315

Young (Younge), Sir Peter, tutor to Prince Charles
-, his pension, 306

Young (Yong), Richard, late
-, Collector of Petty Customs at the port of London
-, 169

Young (Yong), Thomas, English factor at Florence
-, Rath to send his letters via, 25, 66


Zabern [Alsace, France]
-, Archduke Leopold arrives at, 63

Zapata, Antonio, Cardinal
-, Meoli uses cipher in correspondence with, 302

Zara [Dalmatia]
-, the Bonsegno lost off, 124

Zatuar. See Szathmar

Zebrzydowski, Nicholas, Duke or Palatine of Cracow
-, report of possible offer of Polish Crown to, 9

Zeeland [Netherlands]
-, Don Pedro de Cuniga reported to be purchasing deep water port in, 2
-, ship taken by English pirates found in, 13
-, insists upon point of religion in peace negotiations, 75
-, 76, 166, 172
-, alleged Spanish designs on port of, 106
-, Philip III orders better atterment of merchants from,
-, reduction in strength of forces by Estates of, 166
-, Neyen reported to have given copies of James I's letters to Government of, 219

Zies. See Szasz

Zouche, Edward, 11th Baron
-, Zouche of Harringworth
-, 108

Zuin, Francesco, citizen of Venice
-, murdered, 157

Zunica. See Cuniga, Don Pedro de

Zuski (Sustrye, Chiaschi), Basil (Basilewski), Grand Duke of Moscow
-, Sigismund sends gift to, 52
-, opposed by Demetrius Griska, 106
-, reported to have been defeated by Griska, 124
-, plate and bell metal transported from England for the use of, 182