Index: P

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Pack Whites
-, coloured and uncoloured cloths called, 294

Padstow, co. Cornwall
-, letter dated from, 285

Paget, Charles, brother of Thomas Paget, 3rd Lord Paget
-, reference to his pardon by King, 294

Paget, [? Thomas], a lawyer
-, working in collusion with Sir William Cornwallis, 120

Palatinate, The [Germany]
-, 158

Palavicino, Edward, son of (late) Sir Horatio Palavicino, merchant and political agent
-, acknowledges payment of money, 223

Pale, The, Ireland
-, construction of new fort for the defence of, 113

Palmer, Andrew
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 239
-, his assessment of silver content of Scottish ore in Tower, 239

Pamber (Pambur), co. Hants
-, the forest of, 213

Pambur. See Pamber

Pan Krorofskye. See Zebrzydowski

Parades, Madame de, maid of honour to Queen of Spain
-, Duke of Frias proposes to marry, 147

Paramore, Thomas, Mayor of Canterbury
-, 175

Parcy. See Percy, Sir Athur

Paris [France]
-, news about important marriages at, 28
-, letters dated from, 28, 50, 75, 105, 277
-, news from, 123
-, 310

Parker, Edward, 12th Lord Morley
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 97
-, requests compensation in land for legal expenses, 97
-, 120

Parker, John, J.P. for Cornwall
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of grain from Cornwall, 261

Parker, Matthew, late Archbishop of Canterbury
-, augments Corpus Christi College, 93
-, a member of the reforming Visitors to University of Cambridge, 94

Parker, William, Lord Monteagle, son of Edward Parker, 12th Lord Morley
-, involved in suit concerning land, 86
-, given land by King, 97

Parkyns, Sir Christopher. See Perkins, Sir Christopher

-, 25, 34, 43, 100, 117, 263, 264, 275
-, prorogued by King, 31
-, tries to reform conditions in University of Cambridge, 65
-, proclaims liberty of trade with France, 107

Parliament, Spanish (Cortes)
-, provinces and towns denounce their representatives in, 78
-, grants subsidies to Philip III, 185, 202

Parma, Duke of. See Farnese, Alessandro; Farnese, Ranuccio

Parrott, —, Master of a ship of Bristol
-, conveys Irish fugitives from Corunna to Ireland, 184

Parry, Sir Thomas, English Ambassador to France
-, letter to Mustapha Aga, 97
-, receives abridged copy of Sully's Life of Henry IV, 104
-, commissioned to treat for revocation of French edict against English cloth, 162

Parsons (Persons, Persones), Robert, English Jesuit and Rector of the English College at Rome
-, Willis charged with contacting, 117, 125, 126
-, reasons given by Willis for meeting, 126
-, described as one of the greatest of the King's enemies, 246
-, his former intrigues against King at Rome, 249

Parsons, Thomas, former deputy for the Customs farmers at Faversham
-, 218

-, hunting with nets and traps results in disappearance of, 275

Passage, North-West
-, Captain Tomkins wishes to discover, 66

-, counterfeiting of, 117

Patterson. See Patterson, William

Patterson, William, Scottish Catholic
-, sent with Hamilton to Earl of Salisbury, 227

Paul V, Pope. See also Borghese, Camillo
-, quarrels with Venice, 17
-, report of his preparing an invasion of England, 39
-, his bulls conveyed to East Indies, 61, 183
-, collects money to repair flood damage, 63
-, Cardenas visits, 63
-, expected to help Earl of Tyrone, 66
-, his Nuncio in secret talks at Prague, 71
-, demands contribution from people of Rome to repair flood damage, 72
-, his power to depose princes magnified by an Italian preacher, 80
-, his Nuncio proposes to meet Archduke Matthias, 114
-, 122, 126, 130, 156, 179
-, rumour in France of new league between certain monarchs and, 146
-, receives gift of mules, 156
-, reported not to be able to assist fugitive Irish Earls, 167
-, suspected by France of collaborating with Spain, 184
-, said to be engaged in reconciling France and Spain, 185
-, reported to have given title of King of Ireland to Earl of Tyrone, 192
-, Philip III said to be supporting revolt in Ireland by means of, 209

Paulet (Pawlet), Sir George, Governor of Derry
-, his negligence leads to destruction of Derry, 151, 152

Paumer [? Palmer], —, cousin to Lord Gray
-, 141

Pawlet, Sir George. See Paulet, Sir George

Payne, Richard, a copyholder
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 305
-, requests with other copyholders confirmation of estate, 305

Peace Negotiations, The
-, prospects facing, 29
-, threatened by dispute over Indies trade, 57, 91, 141, 187
-, rumours in Spain of conclusion of, 68
-, their progress likely to influence conduct of Diet of Ratisbon, 71
-, 74, 75, 83, 91, 103, 111, 116, 119, 166, 172
-, secrecy used in, 75, 103
-, Philip III makes excuses for Spanish-Dutch naval action to preserve, 80
-, doubts over success of, 92, 102, 112, 141, 144, 163, 172, 186, 207, 219, 240
-, Duke of Lerma criticised for his part in, 99
-, article recognising Dutch right to trade in Indies said to be agreed to in, 103
-, possible effects on Spain's policy of success of, 112
-, attitude of Spanish Council of State to, 122, 123
-, references to, 129, 177, 186, 207, 215, 240, 261, 273
-, rumours of Spanish military designs under cloak of, 144, 145
-, Philip III reported to have proclaimed breach of, 151
-, reasons adduced for belief in eventual agreement over, 166, 169, 172
-, an English argument against success of, 172
-, demands of Flemish-Spanish delegates at the, 186
-, counter-demands of the Dutch, 186
-, Anglo-Dutch league justified as favouring success of, 207, 210
-, Spain's control over FlemishSpanish Commissioners at, 261
-, Philip III's refusal to be included in clause renouncing sovereignty holds up, 267
-, ultimatum presented by Dutch at, 273
-, attempt to blame James I for ill success of, 277, 285

Peacock (Peacok), William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Peak, The, co. Derby
-, 67

Peckham, George, of Stanley Grange, co. Yorks, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Peckham, Sir George, of Denham, co. Bucks
-, detains annuity on John Maney's land, 296 and n.

Pedro, Don. See Toledo, Don Pedro de

Pelham, Thomas, officer of the port of Faversham
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 217

-, legal proceedings regarding licence for transporting, 305

Pemberton, (Sir) James, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Pembridge, co. Hereford
-, 199

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Henry; Herbert, William

Pen, Griffith
-, authorised to go abroad, 85

Pendennis (Pendennys), co. Cornwall
-, materials ordered for the fort at, 200

Penelli, Cardinal. See Pinelli, Domenico

Penistone Friezed (Penystone frised)
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Penistone (Penystone) Whites
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Penryn, co. Cornwall
-, letter dated from, 261

Pepper, Sir Cuthbert, of Temple Cowton, co. Yorks
-, his death, 226, 230
-, Lord Sheffield's tribute to, 230

Percy (Parcy), Sir Arthur, former Lieutenant of the Tower
-, mentioned, 234

Percy, Dorothy, Countess of Northumberland, wife of Henry Percy, 9th Earl of Northumberland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 304

Percy, Henry, 9th Earl of Northumberland
-, 25
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 304
-, his wish to have a scholar read to him during his imprisonment, 304

Peretti, Prince, nephew to Alessandro Peretti, Cardinal Montalto
-, 147

Peretti, Alessandro, Cardinal Montalte
-, presents gifts to Pope and Cardinal Mellini, 156

Perkins (Parkyns), Sir Christopher, diplomatist
-, Nicholas Smith's case referred to, 52
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 98

Perkins (Pyrkins), Mr
-, receives letter from Madrid, 273

Perrot, Sir James, of Haroldstone, co. Pembs
-, his law suit against Countess of Northumberland, 304

Persall, Mr. See Persall, John

Persall, John, English Catholic
-, conveys Cresswell's message to Cornwallis, 21

Persia, King of. See Shah Abbas

Persia, Ambassador of
-, arrives in Madrid, 54
-, to return to Persia with East Indies fleet, 100
-, promises to ensure good treatment of English merchants in Persia, 100
-, Conde de Fearas accompanied on his voyage to East Indies by, 132

Persons or Persones. See Parsons, Robert

Perth, Earl of. See Drummond, James

Pesthouse, The, London
-, 234

Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, King recommends Richard Blake to Fellowship at, 89

Pettus, Sir John, Mayor of Norwich certifies good behaviour of Dehem, 252

-, increase of Cutoms duty on, 180
-, reduction of increased duty on, 196

Pewterers' Hall, London
-, riot against pre-emption of tin at, 213

Pexall (Pexsall), Elinor, Lady, widow of Sir Richard Pexall
-, involved in legal suit, 287

Pexall (Pexsall), Sir Richard, deceased, of Beaurepaire, co. Hants
-, leaves legacy to Sir Pexall Brocas, 287

Peyton, Sir John, Governor of Jersey
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 23

Philip II, King of Spain
-, mentioned, 102

Philip III, King of Spain
-, reported to be in favour of continuing war against Dutch, 18
-, said to have assembled forces for invasion of England, 39
-, agrees to liberation of English prisoners, 45
-, sends letters for clearance of Englishmen, 46
-, more accommodating to Eng lish demands, 52, 139, 189
-, defrays expenses of Persian envoy, 54, 100
-, offered military help by King of Persia, 54
-, reviews judicial and administrative appointments, 54
-, 57, 61, 69, 72, 78, 82, 102, 111, 116, 130, 139, 166, 184, 189, 194, 195, 198, 202, 203, 207, 222, 284, 303
-, sends gifts to Sigismund of Poland, 64
-, his financial aid to Earl of Tyrone, 66, 147, 221
-, his debts, 73
-, unable to pay foreign or domestic debts, 78, 99
-, excuses fight between Spanish and Dutch ships, 80
-, too poor to pay his guards, 99, 218
-, assigns pension to George Carr, 103
-, takes measures to reduce duration of suits in royal court, 112
-, spends Easter at Escurial, 112, 122
-, orders release of Dutch ships and better treatment of Dutch merchants, 131
-, Persian Ambassador establishes amicable relations between King of Persia and, 132
-, Cornwallis intercedes for Danish gentleman with, 140
-, refused galleys by Viceroy of Sicily, 146
-, forbids lodging in any but Spanish houses for foreigners, 147, 151, 155, 169, 198
-, reported to have proclaimed breach of Dutch-Spanish truce, 151
-, recalls pensioners to his service, 155
-, at Lerma, 167, 194, 195, 208, 218
-, his ordnance cast by a German, 171
-, goes to Valladolid, 172
-, sends gifts to Henry IV, 172
-, Cornwallis obtains pardons from, 178
-, memorandum on his correspondence with Catholics of Scotland, 178
-, suspected by France of collaborating with Pope to elect Emperor amenable to them, 184
-, Shirley proposes to establish peace between Turkey and, 189
-, thought by Cornwallis to be desirous of peace, 195
-, his reaction to news of AngloDutch league, 208
-, said to be supporting Irish revolt by means of Pope, 209
-, recognises independence of United Provinces, 210
-, his gambling a subject of defamatory verses, 218
-, reported to have been approached by Earl of Tyrone to make him King of Ireland, 235
-, said to be contemplating resumption of war against United Provinces, 261
-, refuses to be included in treaty clause renouncing sovereignty over Dutch, 267, 268, 277
-, thought to be unable to find competent commander for his forces, 267, 268
-, his reported appreciation of English mediation, 268
-, continuation of treaty talks conditional upon recognition of Dutch sovereignty by, 273, 284, 285
-, sends Marquis of Seralva to visit Archdukes, 273
-, reported to be determined not to renounce sovereignty over Dutch, 277
-, Cornwallis alleged to have committed King to obtain unconditional truce for, 277

Philip, Prince of the Asturias, eldest son of Philip III of Spain
-, 172

Philippine Islands
-, Spain sends new Governor to the, 61
-, dispersal by weather of ships sailing to, 183
-, Governor of. See Silva, Don Juan de

Philipps, Captain. See Philipps, Thomas

Philipps, Thomas, Captain
-, sends information from Ireland to Earl of Salisbury, 308

Piacenza (Plaisance) [Italy]
-, Prince of Modena and bride entertained by Duke of Parma at, 123

Pickford, John
-, claims to act as English consul at Seville, 183

Piedmont, Prince of. See Victor Amadeus

Pietra (La Pietre) [prov. Genoa, Italy]
-, Spanish plan to erect fortress at, 157

Pignaranda, Diego de Cuniga, Duke of, son of Juan de Cuniga, Duke of Miranda
-, obtains pension and title, 157

Pin, Thomas, an English pirate
-, seizes Le François, 10
-, executed, 11
-, 14

Pinelli (Penelli), Domenico, Cardinal, Dean of the Sacred College
-, reasons given by Willis for contacting, 126

Pinn (Pynne) Whites
-, coarse cloth called, 294

Pipe Office
-, 225

-, list of French ships seized by English, 13, 14
-, active in Mediterranean, 63, 73, 124, 147, 236, 312
-, commission for suppression of, 205
-, threat of increase in number of, 236

Pistorius, John, councillor to the Emperor and antiLutheran polemicist
-, expectations of his demise, 71

Pitts (Pytts), Thomas or Jonas, agent to Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, 120, 140, 188, 220, 221
-, Receiver of Norfolk and Huntingdon, 239
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 239, 306
-, enquires after Cornwallis's affairs in England, 306

Plaisance. See Piacenza

Plate, Silver
-, licences to export, 204, 222, 239

Plate Fleet, The
-, expected in Spain, 81

Playfere, Thomas, divine and chaplain to James I
-, letter to Viscount Cranborne, 237
-, concerned about his post as Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, 237

Pleydall (Pleydell), John, guilty of incest
-, forfeits his bond of good behaviour, 128
-, involved in legal proceedings, 306

Pleydall, Gabriel
-, involved in legal proceedings, 306

Plymouth, co. Devon
-, pirates arrested at, 10
-, French ships taken by English pirates to, 13, 14
-, letters dated from, 15, 57, 110, 151
-, 265

-, news from, 9, 52, 62, 64, 106, 124, 304
-, 165
-, pension of English agent in, 306

Poland, King of. See Sigismund

Poland, Queen of. See Anne

Poole, Katherine, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 404

Poole, co. Dorset
-, letters dated from, 170, 296

Poor, The
-, high price of grain affects living conditions of, 117, 127, 154, 160, 174, 175(2), 261
-, agitation amongst, 174, 175
-, confiscated corn sold to, 219

Pope, The. See Clement VIII; Paul V

Poppel, Christof
-, sent by Emperor to pacify Diet and people of Moravia, 146

Porchmoth. See Portsmouth

Porrlech (Finistère, France]
-, manor of the Bishop of Léon at, 25

Portingale. See Portugal

Portman, Sir Hugh, brother of Sir John Portman
-, his death mentioned, 133

Portman, Sir John, of Orchard, co. Somerset
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 133
-, requests stay of proceedings on money matters, 133

Porto Rico. See Puerto Rico

Portsmouth (Porchmoth), co. Hants French ships taken by English pirates to, 13
-, iron ordnance shipped to Leghorn from, 170
-, corn shipped overseas seized and sold to poor at, 219
-, letter dated from, 219

Portslade (Porteslade), co. Sussex 276

Porttor, Christopher, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Portudal (Puerto Dalia) [West Africa]
-, negroes shipped by English factor to Malaga from, 112

Portugal (Portingale)
-, 10, 78
-, report on the state of, 45
-, desirous of buying English ships, 68
-, alliance between Dutch and natives at Malacca undermines authority of, 69
-, order for better treatment of Dutch traders welcomed in, 131
-, new regulations affecting foreigners in, 147, 155
-, insufficiency of harvests in, 218
-, list of prohibited English commodities imported into, 301

Portugal, Council of
-, 212

Portugal, Viceroy of. See Castel Rodrigo

Portuguese Language
-, Englishmen learning, 44

Porty, Richard, Mayor of Rye
-, letter to Earl of Northampton, 233
-, gives details of Harvey's state, 233

Possonia. See Pressburg

Potham. See Potton

Potkyn, Christopher (Christoffer), tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Potkyn, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Pott (Pottes), Thomas, Keeper of Prince Henry's dogs
-, receives benefit of forfeitures by recusants, 199
-, accompanies Prince's hounds to France, 300

Potters Clay
-, conditions at Farnham Castle for digging of, 61

Potton (Potham), co. Bedford
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Poultrain (Poutrain), Maximilian, alias Colt, Master Sculptor to James I
-, to erect tomb to Lady Sophia, 108
-, letter to Earls of Salisbury and Suffolk, 223
-, offers his professional services as sculptor to King, 224
-, employed in carving statues for "Britain's Burse", 231
-, his bill for stone and chimney pieces submitted to Earl of Salisbury, 310

Powell, John, former deputysearcher at Faversham
-, his petition, 217
-, condemned by officers of the port of Faversham, 217

Powle, Paul
-, 33

Prada, Andreas (Andres) de, Spanish Secretary of State
-, 18, 102, 139, 140, 152, 207, 220, 268
-, alleged to be Cresswell's friend, 22
-, readier to meet English demands, 52, 139
-, signs testimonial to George Carr, 102
-, given Villa Longa's office, 172
-, his reply to Cornwallis, 208
-, denies Spanish support for Irish revolt, 209
-, declares Anglo-Dutch league to be breach of peace between Spain and England, 209
-, Cornwallis defends AngloDutch league in letter to, 210, 211

Prague (Praage) [Bohemia]
-, news from, 71, 77, 124, 125, 145, 157, 158
-, newsletters from, 85, 100, 105, 113, 114(2), 181
-, preparations for the militarisation of, 125
-, Imperial garrison resented in, 146
-, members of garrison killed by people of, 158
-, Archduke Matthias near, 158, 165
-, Spanish Ambassador hires bodyguard at, 171
-, Emperor decides to await Archduke Matthias at, 187

Prasberg, Richard de, councillor to the Duke of WürtembergMompelgard
-, accompanies the Duke to Scotland, 228

Pratz, Secretary. See Pratz, Philip

Pratz, Philip, Secretary of State to Archduke Albert
-, conveys message from Archduke to Sir Thomas Edmondes, 243

Preaux, Charles de l'Aubépine, Abbé de, French Ambassador Extraordinary to Brussels
-, presents ultimatum on treaty negotiations to Archduke Albert, 273
-, requested to arrange fresh peace talks, 277
-, receives assurance of Philip III's eventual adherence to renunciation clause, 284

-, Arminius rejects doctrine of, 172

Pressburg (Possonia) [Hungary]
-, Inquisition re-established at, 16
-, Hungarian Diet meets at, 52, 62
-, Archduke Matthias attends Diet at, 62, 64, 71
-, Haiducs at, 62, 64, 71
-, Protestant delegates at Ratisbon demand that Emperor ratify all done by Matthias at, 77
-, 100, 124

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Preston, co. Sussex
-, letter dated from, 276

Preston, Captain. See Preston, Thomas

Preston, Jenico, Viscount Gormanston
-, his daughter married to Cahir O'Dogherty, 151
-, 152

Preston, Sir Richard, Constable of Dingwall
-, 248

Preston, Thomas, Captain, in the Archduke's service
-, resolved to return to Ireland, 67

Prideaux, Nicholas, of Padstow, J.P. for Cornwall
-, requests Earl of Salisbury to prohibit unlicensed transport of corn, 261
-, reports on provisioning of Cornish ships engaged in fishing off Newfoundland, 284

Priuli, Francesco, Venetian Ambassador to Spain
-, his description of Philip III, 99
-, reported drowned off Barcelona, 101

Privy Council, The
-, orders restitution of Bouillon's goods and arrest of English pirates, 10
-, its attitude towards Archduke Albert, 19
-, gives instructions touching wardships in Jersey, 23
-, deals with the case of Mary Capeot, 25
-, intervenes on behalf of Henry Bolde, 30
-, 33, 38, 42, 52, 70, 76, 79, 89, 95, 107(2), 108
-, petition on behalf of Derbyshire miners to, 38
-, orders re-examination of recusants at Orford, 43
-, Company of Grocers petitions, 50
-, engages spies to watch Earl of Tyrone, 67
-, Dobbinson's request to, 76
-, letter to Gofton, 82
-, 110, 115(2), 117(2), 119(2), 122, 125, 127, 128, 133, 138, 143, 145, 163, 174, 175, 177, 191, 193, 204, 205, 206, 207, 211, 212, 220
-, informed of the price of grain in Wiltshire, 117
-, takes exception to part of Willis's testimony, 126, 129
-, directs Earl of Salisbury to enforce prohibition of engrossing and exporting corn, 160
-, authorises Earl of Salisbury to order increase in dues on English cloth exported to France, 161
-, letter from London merchants to, 161
-, thought in Spain to be opposed to peace negotiations, 169
-, offers alliance to Archduke Albert on same terms as Anglo-Dutch league, 175
-, protests about English traitors and proposed new English college in Flanders, 175
-, issues order for transport of leather to Channel Islands, 206
-, discusses Anglo-Dutch league with Archduke's Ambassador, 212
-, issues directives concerning corn in Kent, 226
-, 226, 227
-, directs Earl of Salisbury to allow corn to be bought for relief of poor at Tenterden, 244
-, informed of the high price of corn in Devonshire, 250
-, ordered by King to establish truth of charges of his alleged correspondence with Pope, 253
-, interrogatories to be applied to Balmerino by, 253—256
-, King's letter of thanks to be communicated to, 261
-, receives petition for invalidating patent from Company of Dyers of London, 263
-, receives counter-petition from patentees of compounded dyers, 264
-, obtains loan for King from private citizens of London, 288
-, receives petition from John Aston, 289
-, 293, 298, 313

Privy Seal, Office of
-, 30

Proby, (? Peter), a lawyer
-, solicits confirmation of privileges of Hull Corporation, 80

-, persecuted in Styria, Carinthia and Hungary, 17
-, effect of events at Donauwörth on Protestant delegates at Diet of Ratisbon, 63, 77
-, attitude towards war of Dutch, 103
-, suspicion of Imperial manoeuvres for attack on German Protestant princes, 171

Prouse, John, Governor of Exeter merchants trading with France
-, requests Earl of Salisbury that Exeter merchants be allowed freedom of trade in cloth with France, 107
-, conveys offer of High Stewardship of Exeter to Earl of Salisbury, 173

Pryce, Matthew, Customs officer at Cardiff
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 306

Pucher (Bucher), Johan, Secretary of Imperial Aulic Council
-, 146

Puckain, Baron de
-, commands cavalry under Archduke Matthias, 85

Puerto Dalia. See Portudal

Puerto de Santa Maria (St. Mary Port) [Spain]
-, 151

Puerto Rico (Porto Rico) [West Indies]
-, Challines puts Spanish friar ashore at, 116

Pugno en Rostro, Conde de. See Puñonrostro

Puño Enrostro, Conde de. See Puñonrostro

Puno Rostro, Conde de. See Puñonrostro

Puñonrostro (Pugno En Rostro, Puño Rostro, Puño Enrostro)
-, Francisco Davila, Conde de
-, undertakes to remove Irish fugitives from Corunna, 194, 209

Punta, [point or cape near Venice]
-, English ship wrecked on, 124

Purbeck, co. Dorset
-, stone from, 262

Purcas, Thomas, of Yeldham, co. Essex
-, seised of land at Castle Hedingham, 33
-, case of the wardship of his son, 33

-, criticised on social and educational grounds, 48

Pye, George, prisoner in the Compter
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 34

Pynnar, Nicholas, Captain, engineer and surveyor
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 120
-, applies to be attached to troops destined for Scottish Isles, 120

Pynnock, Henry, Portreeve of Gravesend
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 215
-, sends suspected persons to be examined by Earl of Salisbury, 215

Pytts, Thomas (or Jonas). See Pitts