Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


-, Turkish forces march against insurgents in, 124

Bachler, John
-, his treasonable speech at Newcastle, 177

Bacon, Sir Francis, SolicitorGeneral
-, subscribes pardon to Clotworthy, 127
-, 231, 295

Bacon, George, English recusant
-, placed in a Jesuit school in Portugal, 44, 69, 100
-, Lee's description of, 44, 69
-, his brother a scholar in France, 69
-, placed by Fludd with Condesa de Fearas, 80
-, to go as page to East Indies, 80
-, remains at school in Lisbon, 132

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, High Sheriff of Suffolk
-, King dines with, 89
-, 141

Bacon, —. father of George Bacon
-, 44, 80, 100

Badilia, Father, a Spanish Jesuit
-, Cardinal Colonna frequents company of, 157

Baela, Pedro de, Royal notary at Madrid
-, 103

Balagny. See Balagny, Damien de

Balagny, Damien de, French courtier
-, his quarrel with Duc d'Aiguillon, 48

Balbi, Messrs
-, financial agreement with the company of, 303

Baldwin. See Baldwin, William

Baldwin, William, English Jesuit and conspirator
-, alleged to be under protection of Archduke Albert, 19
-, proposes college for English Jesuits at St. Omer, 111
-, 153, 222
-, Privy Council protests against Archduke Albert's protection of, 175

Ballandine, William. See Bellenden, William

Balmerinagh, Lord. See Elphinstone, James

Balmerino, Lord. See Elphinstone, James

Balmerinoch, Lord. See Elphinstone, James

Bamberg, Bishop of. See Gebzattel

Banbury, co. Oxford
-, wool market at, 92

Bancroft, Richard, Archbishop of Canterbury
-, writes to Earl of Shrewsbury about Constable, 39
-, 40, 137(2), 181, 205
-, his verdict after hearing dispute between Bishop and Chancellor of St. David's, 199

Bandini, Octavio, Cardinal, Archbishop of Fermo
-, in correspondence with Meoli, 302

Banister, Henry, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Barbary (Barbarie)
-, English pirates seize French ship off, 14
-, 44, 55, 162, 218
-, French forbidden to trade with, 73
-, Henry IV reported to be contemplating war against, 147
-, Christians sold as slaves into, 236
-, unsuccessful Spanish expedition against, 273

Barcelona [Spain]
-, money sent to Italy from Spain through, 61
-, money to be dispatched to Low Countries from, 75
-, Venetian Ambassador reported drowned off, 101
-, Viceroy of Sicily refuses Philip III's request for galleys to be sent to, 146

Barclay, Jean de (John Barkley), French poet in King's service
-, his pension, 306

Barkley, John. See Barclay, Jean de

Barnaby, John, a London merchant
-, his Cognac stayed at Bristol for prisage, 223

Barnard (Barnerde), William, Alderman of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Barnard, William, J.P. for Devon
-, informs Privy Council of high price of corn in the shire, 250

Barnard (Barnerd), —, English recusant
-, tries to proselytize English youth in Lisbon, 81, 132
-, goes to the East Indies with Conde de Fearas, 132

Barnes, Robert, of Cowdry, co. Sussex, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Barnes, —, under-searcher at the port of London
-, his illness, 232

Barnet (Chipping), co. Herts.
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Barnevelt. See Oldenbarnevelt

Barnewall, Catherine
-, accessory to wrongs allegedly committed by Ulick de Burgh, 164

Barnstaple, co. Devon
-, 39, 46
-, Flemish pirate captures ship from, 235
-, scarcity of corn at, 285
-, Mayor of. See Beapell, Richard

Barnwood, co. Bucks
-, gift of timber from King's forest of, 235

Barrett, —, late official at the port of London
-, his death, 180

Barrow, Paul, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Barwicke. See Berwick

Basle (Basile) [Switzerland]
-, 233

Basset, Francis, brother of Sir Robert Basset
-, at Bergen op Zoom, 129

Basset, Jehan, merchant of (Les) Sables d'Olonne,
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Basset, Sir Robert, of Heanton Punchardon, co. Devon, refugee in Antwerp
-, condemned to pay money as Thomasin's surety, 32
-, his goods forfeited to King, 32, 33
-, letter to Francis Basset, 129
-, complains of plots to kidnap him, 129
-, his quarrel with Edmondes, 130

Bastille, The [Paris, France]
-, 48

Bates (Bayetes), Thomas, English merchant in Seville
-, arrested for breaking Spanish King's regulation on lodging of foreigners, 198

Bath, Earl of. See Bourchier, William

Bath and Wells, Bishop of. See Still,
-, John; Montagu, James

Bathori, Gabriel, Prince of Transylvania
-, defeated in battle by Haiducs, 16
-, comes to agreement with Ragotski on Transylvania, 124
-, has partisans in Poland, 304

Bathori (Battori), Stephen
-, report of possible offer of Polish Crown to, 9

Baths (Bathes)
-, coloured and uncoloured short cloths called, 294

Battell. See Battle

Battle (Battell), co. Sussex
-, 199

Bavaria, Ferdinand, Duke of, uncle to Maximilian, Duke of Bavaria
-, his death, 62, 71

Bavaria, Maximilian, Duke of
-, disarms burghers of Donauwörth, 16
-, Diet of Swabia protests against his actions at Donauwörth, 16
-, introduces Jesuits at Donauwörth, 17
-, supports Emperor, 165

Bawden, Ralph (Raffe), J.P. for Kent
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

Baxter, John, captain in the Irish army
-, collaborates with Taaffe against O'Conor Sligo, 136

Bayetes, Thomas. See Bates, Thomas

Bayly, Adrian, vicar of Claydon Steeple, co. Bucks
-, allowed to absent himself, 200

Baynam. See Baynham, Sir Edward

Baynard's Castle, London, residence of the Earl of Pembroke
-, letter dated from, 159

Baynes, Edward, English Catholic, resident in Lisbon
-, intrigues to obtain post as consul instead of Lee, 155
-, his unpatriotic conduct, 155

Baynham (Baynam, Bainham), Sir Edward, English Catholic
-, suffering from paralysis in Madrid, 54
-, 55, 217, 225
-, arrives in Brussels, 168
-, receives substantial allowance, 199
-, reported to be considering entry into monastery, 219
-, his arrogance towards Edmondes, 225
-, assaulted by Edmondes, 232
-, reported to have left for Aix, 237
-, intends to go to Spain, 244
-, told to leave Brussels, 252
-, not to return from Spain, 268

Bayona (Bayon), Isles of, [Spain)]
-, 235

Beadford, John. See Bedford, John

Beane, Robert
-, compiles list of engrossers of grain for Court of Exchequer, 205

Beapell, Richard, Mayor of Barnstaple
-, informed of preparations for invading England or Ireland, 39
-, conveys his information to Earl of Bath, 46

Beaton, James, late Archbishop of Glasgow
-, mentioned, 258

Beauchamp, Lord. See Seymour, Edward

Beaumont, Christophe de Harlay, Comte de, former French Ambassador in England
-, 11(2), 12
-, his certificate attached to Bouillon's petition, 12
-, intercedes on behalf of Jean de Haraveder, 33

Becher, William
-, letter to Thomas Wilson, 277
-, provides lackeys and page for Viscount Cranborne, 277

Bedel, Abraham, Senior of King's College, Cambridge
-, recommends Kellet to Earl of Salisbury, 77

Bedford, Earl of. See Russell, Edward

Bedford House, Strand, London, residence of the Earl of Bedford
-, letter dated from, 190

Bedford (Beadford), John, shipmaster
-, at Seville, 198

Bedoe, Robert
-, compiles list of engrossers of grain for Court of Exchequer, 205

Belem (Belyne) [Portugal]
-, Sparrow dines at the monastery of, 235

Belford, co. Northumberland;
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269

Belgiojoso (Belgioiose), Jean Jacques Barbiano, Count of, commander of Imperial troops in Hungary
-, strangled by orders of Archduke Matthias, 158

Belon, William
-, his pension, 306

Below, Mr.
-, 272

Bell, Dr. See Bell, John

Bell, Sir Edmund, of Outwell, co. Norfolk
-, 311

Bell, John, former Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University
-, mentioned, 95

Bell, Robert, a London merchant
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 24
-, concerned with procuring stone from Caen, 24, 231

Bellarmin (Bellarminio, Belarimino), Robert, Cardinal
-, releases Crichton from Avignon, 248
-, his chaplain charges King with formerly writing to Pope and Cardinals, 253
-, King's letter in favour of Chisholm sent to, 259
-, Meoli uses cipher in correspondence with, 302

Bellenden (Ballandine), William, Scottish scholar and diplomatist
-, his pension, 306

Bellerica. See Billericay

Bellewe, Mr.
-, 130

Belston, Augustine. See Belson, Augustine

Belson (Belston), Augustine, of Aston Rowant, co. Oxford, English Catholic
-, offered liberty of worship in exchange for money, 142

Belvoir, co. Leicester
-, letters dated from, 20, 282

Belyne. See Belem

Benavente, Juan Alonzo Pimental, Count of, Viceroy of Naples
-, raises troops, 72
-, furnishes Earl of Tyrone with money at Rome, 203

Benevento (Benevente) [Campania, Italy]
-, Cardinal Borghese becomes patron of Abbey of, 157

Bennett, Barnaby, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Bennett, (Sir) Thomas, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Bennett College. See Corpus Christi College

Bentley, Mr., an English recusant
-, arrives in Madrid from Low Countries, 55

Berault, Etienne, merchant of St. Gilles in Poitou
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Bere, Forest of [East], co. Hants 315

Bergen op Zoom (Bergen up Some, Bergyn) [N. Brabant, Netherlands]
-, Governor ordered to entertain Spinola, 3
-, 129

Berk (Berg), Asche, chief Gentleman of the Chamber to the Duke of Würtemberg-Mompelgard
-, accompanies the Duke to Scotland, 288

-, 212, 234, 308
-, coarse cloth made in, 295

Bernardi (Bernardo), Philip, an Italian merchant
-, involved in legal proceedings, 278

Bernardo. See Bernardi, Philip

Berrie, Robert, merchant of Chester
-, to appear before Lord Treasurer, 27

Bertin, Father, a Capuchin friar at Aire
-, acquaints De la Roc with alleged scheme to murder James I, 236

Berton, The
-, French merchantman taken by English ship called, 63

Berwick (Barwicke), co. Northumberland
-, 250, 262, 290
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269
-, Mayor of. See Grigson, Hugh

Bethell, Zachary (Zacharie), official of the Office of Robes
-, 92

Betterton, Richard
-, acknowledges receipt of money, 241

Beveridge, Henry
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 152
-, requests to be given John Dalling's post, 152

Beversham, James, Mayor of Orford signs joint letter to Privy Council, 43

Bevys, The, of Southampton
-, lost in a storm off Cadiz, 116, 170

Beyren, Duke of. See Maximilian [of Bavaria]

Biddlesdon (Bidlesden), co. Bucks
-, letter dated from, 20

Biens. See Binche

Bienvilliers, Mon. de, a gentleman of Normandy
-, his son to be page to Viscount Cranborne, 277

Bilbao [Spain)]
-, English imposters at, 55
-, ordnance from England discharged at, 171

Billericay (Bellerica), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Billing, Captain, Muster-master of Somerset and Wiltshire
-, 298

Billingsgate, London
-, 278

Billoteau, Jacques, merchant of St. Gilles in Poitou
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester
-, letter to Earl of Northampton, 58
-, suffers from athritis, 59

Binche (Biens) [Flanders)]
-, Archdukes return from, 216

Bindon (Byndon), co. Dorset
-, 204

Bindon, Viscount. See Howard, Thomas

Bingham, John, saddler to the King
-, warrant for payment of money to, 127

Bingley, John, an official of the Exchequer
-, involved in legal proceedings, 191

Bingley, Sir Ralph (Raphe), DeputyGovernor of Lough Foyle
-, O'Hagartie's lands in possession of, 305

Birchenshaw, Ralph, Muster-master in Ireland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 148
-, describes state of affairs in Ireland, 148

Bird, Peter, Examiner of the Court of Welsh Marches
-, retires from his post, 40

Biscay (Biskin, Biskay) [Spain]
-, movements of squadron of, 45
-, preparations for building new galleons in, 44, 54, 198
-, prohibition on sailing to Newfoundland imposed on mariners of, 78
-, 81, 99, 132, 154, 235
-, English priest at Fontarabie in, 171
-, English prohibited goods transported to, 301

Bisham, co. Berks
-, King and Queen going to, 307

Bishop, James, an English pirate
-, co-operating with Jennings, 236

Bishop, John, prisoner in the King's Bench prison
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 24

Bishop Thorpe, co. Yorks
-, letter dated from, 47

Bishops Auckland (Bishops Awkland), co. Durham
-, letter dated from, 281

Biskin. See Biscay

Bisson, Etienne, a merchant of Havre-de-Grace
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 14

Blake (Blag), Richard, of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, King recommends him for a Fellowship, 89

Blackaller [? John or Thomas], naval captain
-, his petition concerning the wardship of Costard, 134

Blackfriars, London
-, plague at, 307

Blag. See Blake, Richard

Blauchet, Michel, merchant of (Les) Sables d'Olonne,
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Blencowe, Anthony, Provost of Oriel College, Oxford
-, signs testimonial on behalf of Matthew Lister, 301

Blessing, The, of Southampton 151

Bletso (Bletsoe), co. Bedford
-, letter dated from, 103

Blont, James. See Blount, James

Blount (Blont), James, English Catholic conspirator
-, alleged to be under Archduke Albert's protection, 19
-, 210, 237
-, proposes to become a Jesuit, 244

Blount, Sir Michael, son of Sir Richard Blount
-, 234

Blount (Blunt), Sir Richard, former Lieutenant of the Tower
-, mentioned, 234

Bludder, Sir Thomas, of Flanchford, co. Surrey, First Commissioner of the Victualling Office
-, 200

Blunt, Sir Richard. See Blount, Sir Richard

Blunt, James
-, witness to treasonable speeches at Newcastle, 177

Boda, Mr., companion to Theobald Gorges
-, leaves for Germany, 233

Boer (? Bowyer), "Millord", ViceAdmiral at Ilfracombe
-, allows English pirates to escape, 14

-, Emperor requests financial aid from Diet of. 100
-, date fixed for second Diet of, 100, 106, 114
-, Archduke Matthias threatens to march to, 114
-, postponement of Diet of, 114
-, ordered by Emperor to oppose Archduke Matthias, 114
-, instructions for mobilisation in, 125
-, possibility of insurrection against Emperor in, 146
-, reluctance to grant supplies on part of Diet of, 146
-, Haiducs make incursions into, 158
-, breakdown of conference between Archduke Matthias's delegates and Estates of, 181
-, Emperor agrees to 17 out of 22 Articles in exchange for armed support by, 187

Bolde, Henry, co-heir to estate of Sir Thomas Langton
-, Privy Council intervenes on behalf of, 30
-, 31

Bolles, George, Alderman of London
-, supports petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Bolmere, —, [? Robert Ballmer, English informer at Seville]
-, 133

Bologna [Italy]
-, Papal Legate in, 302

Bolschay. See Bostkai

Bolton, Richard
-, requests confirmation of grant of forfeitures of alehouse recognisances, 289

Bolton, Mr.
-, signs agreement concerning concealed lands, 85

Bonnyman, John, footman
-, accompanies Prince Henry's hounds to France, 300

Bonsegno, The, of Venice
-, lost off Zara, 124

Boodt, de. See Boodt, Anselm de

Boodt, Anselm Boetius de, Burgomaster of Bruges
-, sends present of capons to his uncle, Noel de Caron, 9

-, letter concerning the publication of, 205
-, Earl of Salisbury advised to have first refusal of, 300

Booth (Bouthe), Sir George, of
-, Dunham Massey, co. Chester, a Deputy-Lieutenant of Lancaster and Chester
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Derby, 197

Booth, Richard, of London, recusant
-, his goods and property forfeited, 200

Bordeaux [Gironde, France]
-, 19, 102, 161

Borgesi, Cardinal. See Borghese, Scipio

Borghese (Burgeso), Camillo, Cardinal, later Pope Paul V
-, formerly "protector" of Scotland at the Curia, 248
-, consults Master of Gray about authenticity of King's alleged letter, 249

Borghese, Giovanni Battista
-, letter to Meoli, 192
-, promises Meoli help to become one of Pope's Chamber, 302

Borghese (Borghi, Borgesi), Scipio, Cardinal
-, becomes patron of abbeys in Italy, 157
-, 266
-, writes to Meoli, 302

Borghi, Cardinal. See Borghese, Scipio

Borja, Don Inigo de, Castellian of Antwerp
-, his quarrel with Don Luis composed, 43

Borne. See Bourn

Borromeo, Frederigo, Cardinal
-, 147

Bosschently [? Bosch, Netherlands]
-, letter dated from, 2

Bostkai (Borskay, Bolschcay, Botzkay), Stephen, late Prince of Transylvania
-, Hungarian Diet demands confirmation of treaty between Emperor and, 52, 62, 64
-, 125

Boswell, Sir Robert, of Kent
-, 151

Boteler (Butler), Sir Henry, of Hatfield Woodall, co. Herts.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123
-, agrees to sell his property at Hatfield, 123

Bothwell, Earl of. See Hepburn, Francis Stewart

Bottins, Pierre, merchant of St. Gilles in Poitou
-, his ship seized by English pirates, 13

Botton, Sir W. See Button, Sir William

Bouillon, Henri de la Tour, Duke of
-, returns to Sedan from Paris, 16

Bouillon, Guillaume, a merchant of Coutances
-, his petition to French King and Council, 10
-, English Ambassador answers charges made by, 14, 15

Boulton, —, a musician from Holderness
-, examined as recusant at Orford, 42, 43

Bourchier, William, 4th Earl of Bath
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 31, 39, 46, 175, 235
-, sends report of alleged Spanish preparations for invasion of England, 46
-, reports on discontent amongst poor because of scarcity of corn, 175
-, forwards depositions of mariners and merchants returned from Portugal, 235

Bourbon, Marie de, daughter of Henri de Bourbon, Duke of Montpensier
-, to marry the Duke of Orleans, 28

Bourgley, Laird of. See Cecil, William

Bourke, Redmond. See Burgh, Redmond

Bourn (Borne), co. Lincoln
-, iron mills at Chester exchanged for the manor of, 291

Bourne, Sir John, formerly Secretary of State to Queen Mary
-, mentioned, 143

Bouthe, George. See Booth, Sir George

Bowes, Sir Jerome, diplomatist, patentee for making glass
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 90
-, requests intervention in his dispute with the farmer of his glass workshops, 90
-, Misselden complains of the covert opposition of, 224

Bowyer (Boyer), Sir William, of Denham, co. Bucks, Captain of Berwick
-, 133, 250, 262
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 268

Boyer. See Bowyer, Sir William

Bowyer, Mr.
-, recommended to Carew by Earl of Salisbury, 75
-, 251

Boyle, James, Deputy of the Company of Merchant Adventurers in Middelburg
-, signs letter to Earl of Salisbury, 109

Boynton, Sir Francis, member of the Council of the North
-, ordered to stay transport of corn from Yorkshire, 187

Boys, John, J.P. for Kent
-, requests provision of corn for poor, 175

-, 144, 162, 172
-, defamatory rumour about Barneveldt in, 144
-, cavalry strengthened in, 166
-, Spanish peace negotiators demand sovereignty in the villages of, 186
-, Dutch cavalry raid town in, 258

Brackenbury (Brakinbury), Francis letter to Earl of Suffolk, 283

Braintree (Brayntree), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Brakinbury, Francis. See Brackenbury, Francis

Brandenburg, Joachim Frederick, Elector of
-, his relations with Emperor, 157
-, his ambassador receives gifts of wine from Emperor, 158

Brandon, Charles, Duke of Suffolk
-, claims by Earl of Hertford and Lord Monteagle to estates of, 86, 97

Brantingham, co. Yorks
-, letters dated from, 149(2), 252, 270

Brasse, Richard, yeoman of the Buckhounds
-, granted goods and property of recusants, 200

Braynford. See Brentford

Brayntree. See Braintree

Brecknock, Wales
-, Lloyd to be offered as alternative choice the Commisaryship of, 199

Breda [N. Brabant, Netherlands]
-, Governor ordered to entertain Spinola. 3
-, 29
-, English children at the orphanage of, 244

Brent, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Brentford (Braynford), co. Middlesex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Brentwood (Burntwood), co. Essex
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Breny. See Cavan

Brereton (Bruerton), Rondell, of Brereton, Cheshire
-, Sir Henry Townshend asked by Earl of Salisbury to favour, 70

Brereton, William, a DeputyLieutenant of Lancaster and Chester
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Derby, 197

Brescia (Bressia) [Italy]
-, to be assigned as marriage dowry to Catherine de Medici, 72

Breslau, Charles, Bishop of, Master of the Teutonic Order, 6th son of Charles, Archduke of Austria
-, his money seized by Haiducs, 16

Bressia. See Brescia

Brett, Richard, Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford
-, 143

Brewer, William, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

-, coarse cloth called, 294

Brigstock, co. Northants
-, certificate of trees felled at, 307

Brill, The [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Don Pedro de Cuniga reported to be purchasing deep water port at, 2
-, 26, 36
-, alleged Spanish designs on, 106

Brine. See Brünn

Bringwood (Bringswood), co. Hereford
-, lease of ironworks at, 283

Bringswood. See Bringwood

Bristol (Bristow), co. Gloucester
-, 92, 170, 171(2), 260
-, ordnance shipped to St. Lucar from, 170
-, nature of commodities sent to Spain from, 171
-, Irishmen carried from Spain to Ireland in a ship from, 184
-, letters dated from, 223, 285
-, payment of prisage by London wine merchants justified by prisers of, 223
-, information on Portuguese fleet provided by merchants of, 235
-, letters brought from Spain to London via, 228, 241
-, Earl of Salisbury accepts High Stewardship of, 285

Bristol, Bishop of. See Thornborough, John

Britain's Burse, Strand, London
-, Earl of Salisbury's project to build, 201
-, progress of building of, 228, 231
-, commended by French Ambassador, 231
-, lease of shops in, 263

-, 162

Brocas, Sir Pexall, of Steventon, co. Hants
-, involved in legal suit, 287

Brome, George, of Holton, co. Oxford
-, requests that Berkshire be discharged from supplying carriages for transport of timber, 212

Bromfield and Yale, Lordship of, co. Denbigh
-, tenants request Earl of Salisbury to renew their leases, 289

Brooke ( Broke), Sir Basil, of Madeley, Shropshire, English Catholic
-, Lord Saye and Sele offered money to protect, 47

Brooke, Christopher (Crystover), shipowner of Bristol
-, conveys ordnance to St. Lucar, 170

Brooke, Henry, 8th Baron Cobham
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 73, 203
-, requires help in financial matters, 73, 203

Brooke, Robert, a London merchant
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury complaining of sequestration of goods, 289

Brookebanke, Henry, an embroiderer
-, recommended as tenant of a shop at Durham House, 204

Brookesby (Bruxbey), James
-, Rath to send his letters to, 25
-, letter from Rath to, 66

Broughton, co. Oxford
-, 82

Broughton, Mr
-, 251

Brouncker (Bruncard), Sir Henry, former Lord President of Munster
-, mentioned, 255

Brouncker, William, son of Sir Henry Brouncker
-, letter to Carr, 17

Brown, —,
-, 205

Browne, John, an English merchant
-, his agent to forward to him Rath's letters from Florence, 25

Browne, Thomas, an iron-founder
-, licence to ship unserviceable ordnance abroad renewed to, 221, 222

Browne, Sir William, Deputy-Governor of Flushing
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 26
-, his indiscretion, 103
-, instructed not to assist banished Scottish ministers at Flushing, 184
-, 228(2)

Browne, William
-, witness of brawl at Waltham Cross, 242

Bruce, Edward, 1st Baron Bruce of Kinloss, Master of the Rolls
-, member of Commission to examine Bouillon's case, 15

Bruce (Bruice), Edward, son of Edward, Lord Bruce, Master of the Rolls
-, his pension, 306

Bruce, William, English Ambassador to Poland
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 106

Brudenel, Mr. See Brudenel, John

Brudenel, John, English Catholic
-, Lord Saye and Sele offered money to protect, 47

Brudnell, Hugh, of Rufford Abbey, co. Notts, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Bruerton, Rondell. See Brereton, Rondell

Bruges [W. Flanders, Flanders]
-, Caron's nephew made Burgomaster of, 9

Bruice, Edward. See Bruce, Edward

Bruncard, Henry. See Brouncker, Sir Henry

Bruning, Matthew, of the English embassy in Madrid
-, letter to Perkins, 273
-, sends news from Spain, 273

Bruning, —, uncle to Matthew Bruning
-, 273

Brünn (Brine) [Moravia]
-, Diet of Moravia to be held at, 125

Brunswick (Braunswick), Henry Julius, Duke of
-, expected at Prague, 71

Brunswick-Lüneburg, Ernest II, Duke of
-, his agent in London petitions on behalf of, 38

Brussels (S. Brabant, Netherlands]
-, 5, 32, 83, 101, 110, 153, 187, 199, 258, 272
-, rumour of Spinola's recall from Geertruidenberg to, 27
-, letters dated from, 67, 118, 163, 196
-, English nuns at, 223
-, Willford brought to be tortured at, 232
-, Baynham ordered to leave, 252

Bruxbey. See Brookesby, James

Bryant, Nicholas
-, supposed manslaughter of, 127

Brydges, Grey, 5th Lord Chandos
-, involved in legal proceedings over property, 269
-, receives profits of the Isle of Man, 277

Buchanan, John
-, his pension, 306

Bucher, Secretary. See Pucher, Johan

Buck, Sir Thomas
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 265
-, sends news of events in Eastern Europe, 265

Buckeridge, John, Master of St. John's College, Oxford
-, King's letter to, 121

Buckfastleigh, co. Devon
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

-, 128

Buckner, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Buildwas (Buyldwas), co. Salop
-, 129

Buillon, Duke of. See Bouillon

Bullock, John, of Whittington, co. Worcester, recusant
-, subject to forfeiture, 199

Bumford, Mr, a London merchant
-, his servant sentenced for bringing uncertificated French goods into Spain, 173

Buntingford, co. Herts
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Burbeck, Thomas, servant to Sir John Weynford (or Wentworth)
-, involved in a brawl, 242

Burgeso, Cardinal. See Borghese, Camillo

Burgess (Burgis), Richard, Alderman of Hull
-, signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Burgh, Frances de, Countess of Clanricarde, wife of Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricarde
-, sends presents to Willis, 134
-, her petition to Earl of Salisbury, 293

Burgh, John de, son of Richard de Burgh, 2nd Earl of Clanricarde
-, 164 and n

Burgh (Bourke), Redmond, styled Baron Leitrim
-, letter to Cornwallis, 164 and n
-, complains of wrongs committed against him and his family, 164
-, offers his service to James I, 180

Burgh, Richard de, 2nd Earl of Clanricarde
-, mentioned, 164 and n

Burgh, Richard de, 4th Earl of Clanricarde
-, gathers forces of Connaught against Donogh O'Connor, 192
-, 293

Burgh, Thomas, an English merchant in Portugal
-, receives justice at the hands of the Viceroy of Portugal, 132

Burgh, Ulick de, 3rd Earl of Clanricarde
-, accused of murdering John de Burgh, 164

Burgh, Lady. See Burgh, Frances de

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil, William

Burk, John. See Burgh, John de

Burk, Sir Richard. See Burgh, Richard de

Burk, Ullick. See Burgh, Ulick de

Burntwood. See Brentwood

Burrough, Walter, citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Bursia. See Busra

Burte, Robert, a surveyor
-, 143

Burton, Francis, a London stationer publishes religious pamphlet, 113

Burton, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Busher, John, deputy to the Customs farmers at Faversham
-, seizes goods at Faversham, 218

Busra (Bursia) [Turkey]
-, Anatolian rebels burn, 72

Bussy, Mr
-, 282

Butcher, John, Mayor of Bristol
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury for accepting High Stewardship of Bristol, 285

Butler, Sir Henry. See Boteler, Sir Henry

Butler, Thomas, 10th Earl of Ormond
-, 240

-, shipped to Spain from Bristol and West country, 171
-, shipped to Spain and France from ports of Cheshire, Wales and Lancashire, 303

Buttes, Henry. See Butts, Henry

Button (Botton), Sir William, of Alton, co. Wilts
-, 227, 228

Butts (Buttes), Henry, former Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, his case mentioned, 93

Buyldwas. See Buildwas

Bylles, —, under-searcher at the port of London
-, appointed contrary to custom, 232