Index: A

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1968.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608, ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Edited by M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1968), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 20, 1608. Ed. M S Giuseppi, G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1968), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Abercomby, Abraham. See Abercromby, Abraham

Abercromby (Abercomby), Abraham, saddler to Prince Henry
-, receives payment for his services, 200

Abraham, Richard, 143

Adams, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Admiralty, The
-, 10

Admiralty, Court of the
-, Bouillon's charges against the Judge of, 11, 12

Admiralty, Judge of the. See Crompton, Sir Thomas

Adortherdie. See O'Dogherty

Advantage, The, of the King's Navy
-, letter dated from aboard, 225

d'Aerssens. See Aertsens

Aerschot, Charles de Croy, Duke of
-, loses legal case against Duchess of Longueville, 258

Aertsens (d'Aerssens), Cornelius, Recorder to the States General of the United Provinces
-, his conduct of business criticised, 3
-, 83

-, Henry IV prohibits trade between France and, 73

Ahmed I, Sultan of Turkey
-, orders general mobilisation to suppress revolt in Anatolia, 72
-, his Chamberlain requests passport for England, 97
-, revolt in Babylon against, 124
-, his Chamberlain. See Mustapha Aga

d'Aiguillon, Henri de Lorraine, Duc
-, his quarrel with Balagny, 48
-, Marquis de Rosny enamoured of sister of, 49

Aire (Ayre) [Pas-de-Calais, France]
-, alleged English Catholic conspirator at, 236

Aix-la-Chapelle [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Baynham leaves Brussels for, 237

Albert, Archduke of Austria, jointGovernor of the Spanish Netherlands with Archduchess Isabella, his wife, daughter of Philip II of Spain. See also Archdukes
-, Cornwallis protests against reception of Earls of Tyrone and Tyrconnell by, 18, 19
-, 19, 72, 75, 82, 86, 111, 116, 173, 176, 268
-, requests James I to further peace, 19
-, Privy Council's charges against, 19
-, annoyed by treatment of his ambassador in London, 32
-, reported to have favoured peace with Dutch to facilitate invasion of England, 39
-, his reserve towards Earl of Tyrone, 67
-, Count of Mansfeld sent to, 86, 101
-, prohibits entry of cloth paying dues to United Provinces, 96
-, his ambassador to Diet of Ratisbon received by Emperor, 114
-, discontent amongst armed forces of, 141
-, proposal to remove seditious English refugees from care of, 141
-, takes exception to Anglo-Dutch league, 152
-, sends Count Octavio to reconcile Emperor with Archduke Matthias, 163
-, lack of pay demoralises soldiers of, 166
-, Earl of Salisbury approves proposed treaty with, 168
-, his ambassador in London offered a league on same terms as Anglo-Dutch league, 175
-, reported to be supporting Archduke Matthias against Emperor, 187
-, to be shown a copy of AngloDutch league, 212
-, 222
-, orders that no English Jesuit be admitted to college at Watten, 232
-, meets Duke of Mantua at Brussels, 232
-, agreement over Willford between Edmondes and, 234
-, transfers Willford's case to his own Privy Council, 243
-, his motives for doing so, 243
-, orders Baynham to leave Brussels, 252
-, alleged manoeuvre to foment spirit of mutiny amongst forces of, 258
-, suffers from gout, 266
-, critical of Spanish attitude towards treaty negotiations, 267, 270
-, his forces defeated at Rheinberg, 268
-, troubled by ultimatum in peace talks, 273
-, his confessor detained in Spain, 277
-, requests Preaux to arrange new peace talks, 277
-, pleased with prolongation of truce, 284
-, assures Edmondes of eventual renunciation of sovereignty by Philip III, 284

Alberti, Oratio, a Venetian jeweller
-, murdered by his French servant, 157

d'Albigny (d'Arbigni), Charles Simiane, Seigneur, Governor of Savoy
-, his death, 43, 63
-, his family imprisoned by Duke of Savoy, 73
-, his company of horse disbanded, 73

Aldersey, William, merchant of Chester
-, to appear before Lord Treasurer, 27

Aldobno, Cardinal. See Aldobrandino

Aldobrandino (Aldebrandino), Piero, Cardinal
-, passes through Milan, 147
-, references to letters from King to, 248, 259

-, 79, 81, 289, 299
-, articles of direction concerning, 110

Alexander, Walter, Gentleman Usher to Prince Henry
-, (?) 89
-, his pension, 306

Alford, Samuel (Samvell), citizen of Exeter
-, begs Earl of Salisbury to accept High Stewardship of Exeter, 173

Algiers (Argier)
-, preparations at Naples for naval expedition against, 63
-, enslavement of French traders at, 73
-, report of projected Spanish enterprise against, 78

Alicante [Spain]
-, rich cargo arrives at Leghorn from, 147

Allington, Mr. See Allington, John

Allington, John, Surveyor of the Customers' and Comptrollers' Books
-, 191

Almond, George, Alderman of Hull signs letter requesting Earl of Salisbury's help in confirming Corporation's privileges, 80

Alnwick, co. Northumberland
-, letter endorsed by post at, 269
-, postmaster at. See Atkyns, John

Alport, Thomas, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 201

Alsbury. See Aylesbury

Altam. See Altham

Altham, Baron. See Altham, Sir James

Altham, Edward, English Catholic, formerly in Spanish service reconverted to Protestantism, 219

Altham, Sir James, Baron of Exchequer
-, Nicholas Smith's case referred to, 52

Ambassadors, Residents, Envoys etc.
-, from Archduke Albert:
-, to England. See d'Hobocque
-, from England:
-, to Brussels. See Edmondes.
-, Thomas
-, to France. See Carew, George:
-, Parry, Thomas
-, to Poland. See Bruce, William
-, to Spain. See Cornwallis.
-, Charles
-, to Turkey. See Glover, Thomas
-, to Tuscany. See Lesieur, Stephen
-, to Venice. See Wotton, Henry
-, from Florence:
-, to England. See Malaspina, Francesco
-, from France:
-, to Brussels. See Preaux, Abbé de,
-, to England. See La Boderie, Le Fèvre de
-, to Spain. See Vaucelas, Comte de
-, from Spain:
-, to Brussels. See Cardona, Felipe
-, to England. See Cuniga,
-, Pedro de; Giron, Fernando
-, to France. See Toledo, Pedro de; Cardenas, Inigo de
-, to Emperor. See San Clemente, Conde de
-, to Venice. See Cardenas, Inigo de
-, from Venice:
-, to England. See Giustiniano, Giorgi
-, to France. See Foscarini, Antonio
-, to Spain, Priuli, Francesco

Ambresden. See Ambrosden

Ambrose, Peter, of Sturry, co. Kent
-, involved in illegal transportation of hides, 217

Ambrosden (Ambresden), co. Oxford
-, inhabitants granted timber from King's forest to repair church, 235

Ampleford, John, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Ampleford, John, of Portslade
-, mentioned in connection with attempt to ship leather
-, clandestinely from Shoreham, 276

Ampleford, John, son of John Ampleford of Portslade 276

Ampthill (Amtill), co. Bedford
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Amsterdam [N. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Centurione goes to, 166 169, 303

Amstruther. See Anstruther

Amtill. See Ampthill

Amurath, Grand Vizier of Turkey
-, advances with army towards Babylon, 124

Amurat Rais, Governor of the Morea
-, with a fleet near Corsica, 124

Amurath Rays. See Amurat Rais

Anatolia (Natolia) [Turkey]
-, rebellion in, 72

Andalusia (Andolozia) [Spain]
-, 44, 154
-, English prohibited goods transported to, 301

Anderson, Captain. See Henderson, Thomas

Anderton, James, trustee for Sir Thomas Langton
-, signs letter to Privy Council, 30

Andolozia. See Andalusia

Andrewes, Lancelot, Bishop of Chichester
-, his role in answering polemical attacks on King, 260

Anees, William. See Anys, William

Angell, William, purveyor of fish to the King's household
-, one of farmers of impost on logwood and brazil woods, 176

Anhalt, Ludwig, Prince of, son of Joachim Ernest, late Prince of Anhalt-Dessau
-, arrives in Prague, 71

Anne of Denmark, Queen of James I
-, jewels and pearls provided for, 10
-, unwisely recommends a petition, 89
-, 41, 127, 140, 205
-, reference to her jointure, 128
-, appoints Lady Walsingham as Keeper of Queen's Robes, 149
-, scandalous speech about, 177
-, lent a jewel for Royal progress, 192
-, letter from Earl of Salisbury to, 273
-, 300, 307

Anne Catherine, wife of Christian IV, King of Denmark
-, said to be with child, 142

Anne, Infanta of Spain, daughter of Philip III, King of Spain
-, project of marriage between Dauphin and, 169, 172

Anne, 1st wife of Sigismund III, King of Poland
-, gives birth to a son, 62

Anscell, Thomas, of Great Barford, co. Beds.
-, authorised to conclude purchase of Melchbourne manor, 103

Anstruther (Amstruther), James
-, his pension, 306

Anstruther (Amstruther) Robert
-, his pension, 306

Anstruther (Amstruther), William
-, his pension, 306

Antony, co. Cornwall
-, 261

Antwerp [Belgium]
-, Calley imprisoned at, 32
-, 57, 96(2), 102, 125, 146, 170, 236
-, 252, 284
-, trade with Indies sought by merchants of, 83
-, letter dated from, 130

Anys (Anees), William, a merchant
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 271
-, offers project for providing King with money, 271

Aqualate Mere, co. Stafford
-, 250

Aquilat. See Aqualate Mere

Arabella, Lady. See Stuart, Arbella

Aragon [Spain]
-, 146

d'Arbigni. See d'Albigny

Archdukes, The. See also Albert and Isabella
-, accept proposals for truce with Dutch, 3
-, their request for prolongation of truce granted by Dutch, 5
-, Cornwallis protests against reception of fugitive Irish Earls by, 18
-, anxious to make peace with Dutch, 29
-, inclined to concede Dutch demand for trade with Indies, 83
-, 103, 155, 167, 203, 211, 216, 222, 284
-, conjectured that Philip III's youngest son would inherit Low Countries upon death of, 199
-, criticise Anglo-Dutch league as breach of treaty between England and Spain, 212
-, Sir John Harrington presented to, 233

Archer. See Archer, James

Archer, James, Irish Jesuit
-, withdraws from Spanish Court, 55

Areskin, Lord. See Erskine, John

Areskin, William. See Erskine, William

Areskin, —. See Erskine

Argyll, Scotland
-, letter dated from, 182

Argyle, Earl of. See Campbell, Archibald

Arigone. See Arrigoni, Pompeo

Arminius, Jacobus, Professor of Divinity at Leyden
-, his dispute with Gomarus, 172

Armitage, Thomas, member of Merchant Adventurers in Middelburg
-, disenfranchised for marrying a foreigner, 109

Arnold, James, of Edinburgh
-, ordered to forward letters to Lord Gray, 268

Arrigoni (Arigone), Pompeo, Cardinal, Bishop of Benevento
-, Meoli uses cipher in correspondence with, 302

Arrys, Martin, English Catholic and priest at St. Lucar
-, 171

Arrys, —, English Catholic, cousin to Martin Arrys
-, arrives at St. Lucar, 171

Arsenal, The [Paris, France]
-, 48

Arundell, Charles, English Catholic refugee and conspirator
-, mentioned, 26

Ashburton (Aysheburton), co. Devon
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 289

Ashby, co. Leicester
-, 199

Asheton, Richard, trustee for Sir Thomas Langton
-, signs letter to Privy Council, 30

Ashley, Sir Henry, former Master of the Game at Chetterwood
-, 26

Ashridge, co. Herts.
-, Lord Chancellor's house at, 204

Ashton, Mr.
-, 134

Ashtown, Mr. See Aston, John

Askote, —,
-, his man, 121

Aston (under-the-Hill), co. Oxford
-, 143

Aston, John
-, petitions Privy Council for importation of soap ashes, 289

Aston (Ashtown), John, former chaplain to Sir Garrett Moore in Ireland
-, Irish witnesses attend examination of, 177

Aston (Astowne), Sir Roger, Master of the King's Great Wardrobe
-, letter from Earl of Salisbury to, 74
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 89(2), 120, 121(2), 130, 133, 272, 276, 289
-, is master falconer to King, 89 295

Atherlony, Sir James. See Auchterlony, Sir James

Atkinson, Anthony, former searcher at Hull
-, loses his post, 148, 279
-, Jane Jobson intervenes on behalf of, 148, 252
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 149, 279

Atkyns, John, postmaster at Alnwick
-, endorses letter, 269

Attorney-General. See Hobart, Sir Henry

Auchterlony (Atherlony), Sir James
-, his pension, 306

Audiencier, The. See Verreyken, Louis

Audley, Lord. See Tuchet, George

Augsburg, Bishop of. See Knoringen

Auguste. See Augsburg

Aulonne. See (Les) Sables d'Olonne

Ausonne, Duke of. See Ossuna

-, 78
-, activities of Diet of, 100
-, adheres to Archduke Matthias, 106
-, forces raised in support of Archduke Matthias by Diet of, 145

Averell, Henry, tenant or farmer of a shop at the Royal Exchange
-, signs petition against Earl of Salisbury's proposed "Bourse" at Durham House, 202

Avignon (Avigneon) [Vaucluse, France]
-, Crichton confined at, 248

Avila (Avyla), Gomez de
-, recommended by Privy Council to Cornwallis, 195

Avila, Dona Maria de, wife of Gomez de Avila
-, legal suit decided in her favour, 189
-, 195

Avigneon. See Avignon

Axell, Honofrio van. See Axel, Honorius van

Axel, Honorius (Honofrio) van, native of Flanders and lawyer, resident in Rome
-, arrested by Inquisition for corresponding with English ministers, 192

Ayamonte (Aymonty) [Spain]
-, Englishman accused by English friar at, 156

Aylesbury (Alsbury), co. Bucks
-, petitions for execution of Statute concerning artificers, 288

Aylesford, co. Kent
-, private stocks of wheat to be certified at, 300

Aymonty. See Ayamonte

Ayre. See Aire

Aysheburton. See Ashburton