Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson, Joseph, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

"Jacquette" (ship), 56, 58.

Jainville, Prince. See Joinville, Prince.

James I of England and VI of Scotland (1566–1625).
-, general references to—passim.
-, called "King of Brittany," 32; "King of Great Britain," 7, 125, 322.
-, petitions to, 59, 115, 289, 390, 397, 415, 416, 420(2), 424, 425, 434, 435, 436, 453, 477, 482(2), 497, 499, 502, 508.
-, petitions to, mentioned, 3, 93, 124, 153, 154, 182, 204, 211, 289, 297(2), 360, 421, 428, 434, 439, 449, 469, 482n, 492, 501, 502, 504, 508.
-, letters, etc., to, 20, 30, 34(2), 39, 66, 82, 94, 130, 139, 142, 143(2), 152, 168, 211, 232, 235, 239, 240, 303, 344, 401, 405, 412, 432, 442, 473.
-, letters, etc., to mentioned, 11, 42, 66, 140, 150(2), 184, 241, 277, 278(2), 334, 358, 360, 368, 371, 372, 374, 427.
-, letters, etc., from, 14, 22, 24, 51, 73, 83, 100, 165, 174, 203, 257, 284, 285, 291, 310, 351, 355, 380, 440.
-, letters, etc., from mentioned, 11(2), 14, 18, 19(3), 20, 21, 27, 31, 50, 66, 69, 70, 83, 130, 143, 150, 152, 179, 192, 197, 201, 205, 209, 212, 234, 239, 276, 277, 278, 290, 321, 355, 358, 362(2), 371, 372, 403, 405, 406(2), 436, 440, 449, 517, 518, 519.
-, For information regarding the King's life at Court, see Court. See also Deer.
-, his health, 85, 223, 233, 235, 330.
-, his wife. See Anne of Denmark.
-, his children. See Henry, Prince; Charles, Duke of York; Elizabeth, Princess; Mary, Princess.
-, his mother. See Mary, Queen of Scots.
-, referred to as angry or offended, 11, 182, 196–7, 207–8, 292, 334–5, 343, 458, 492.
-, his plate stolen, 274.
-, refers to Robert Cecil as a Puritan, 164, 348.
-, praises Robert Cecil to Earl of Dunbar, 185, 507–8.
-, jokingly abuses Robert Cecil, 192.
-, messenger from Christian IV to, 2.
-, his revenues and debts, 1, 233, 276, 277, 283, 284–5, 286, 291–2, 293, 296, 299, 303, 353, 355, 397, 415, 417, 420, 427–8, 432, 433, 457, 473–4, 484, 486, 497, 504.
-, his manors in Lincolnshire, 40.
-, his lands in Hertfordshire, 144.
-, his rents, revenues and prerogatives in Jersey, 264, 282, 433, 493.
-, leasing of his woods, 303.
-, loan to. See Aldermen.
-, subsidy to. See subsidy.
-, his receiver at York. See Scudamore.
-, his deputy receiver for Cumberland and Westmorland. See Craven, Mr. Richard.
-, his printer. See Barker, Mr.
-, his ministers. See Privy Council.
-, his proctor. See Serle, Alexander.
-, his Sergeant of the Cellar. See Boy.
-, his Privy Chamber. See Privy Chamber.
-, grooms, etc., of his Bedchamber. See Bedchamber.
-, his gentlemen ushers, 218, ? 514.
-, his attorney. See Hobart.
-, his solicitor. See Bacon.
-, his master of his Cocks. See Beaumont.
-, his principal secretary. See Cecil, Robt., Earl of Salisbury.
-, his procureur in Jersey. See Carteret.
-, his chaplain. See Dr. Duport.
-, his embroiderer. See Parr, John; Shipley, John.
-, his jeweller. See Hardret, Abraham.
-, surveyor of his works at Theobalds. See Basill, Mr. Simon.
-, Paymaster for the King's Houses mentioned, 254.
-, negotiations with France, 8.
-, rumoured to be "Protector of the Venetians" against the Pope, 72.
-, his progress through England, 173, 233, 235. See also Court.
-, erection of tomb to his mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, 100.
-, his wishes concerning conies at Hatfield, 115.
-, his household supplies, 144.
-, in connection with election of Master of Caius College, Cambridge, 203–205, 211, 367, 375.
-, Master and Fellows of Christ's College ask to be allowed to make a free election of a Fellow as Gabriel Moore, the king's candidate, is unsuitable, 212–3, 405–6.
-, Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, object to one of their Fellows being given a dispensation by James I to hold a benefice, 362–3.
-, of St. Johns, Cambridge, object to James I's instructions to elect a Fellow, 66–7, 69–70.
-, his liking for melons, 247.
-, audience with Prince of Moldavia, 252.
-, grant to Lord Saye and Sele mentioned, 290.
-, displeasure at book written against his mother, 292, 492–3.
-, allegations of a papist, Browne, against James I, 295–296.
-, his dealings as James VI with troubles on borders of England and Scotland, 300.
-, grant of lands in Ulster to various persons mentioned, 257, 315, 397–8, 463, 499.
-, his views on the proposed peace negotiations between Spain and United Provinces, 236– 238, 351–353, 358–360.
-, his commissioners for peace negotiations between Spain and United Provinces. See Commissioners.
-, his possible intervention in peace negotiations between Spain and United Provinces, 295, 305, 317, 395. See also Peace Negotiations; United Provinces, etc.
-, his part in the League proposed by the States mentioned, 328–9, 483–484.
-, his proclamations. See Proclamations.
-, proposed visit from the Lady [Princess] Elizabeth mentioned, 334; visit by Prince Henry to, 164; attitude towards illness of Princess Mary, 247; in connection with household of Charles Duke of York, 278–9.
-, gift of monkeys to, 313.
-, gift of pictures, including one of the king's mother, from the Prince of Nassau, 334, 348.
-, proposed exchange of lands with Sir Oliver Cromwell, 334.
-, his views on Fuller's case, 338, 342, 343, 360.
-, minute from Salisbury to — on the proceedings in Fuller's case, 344–346.
-, his views on the Union of England and Scotland, 363.
-, concerned with a new "project of woods," 363–364, 389.
-, suggests jokingly that Salisbury marry "the lady" [Lady Buckhurst], 364.
-, Earl of Cumberland's suit for remission of his brother's debts, 419.
-, suit of "L. D.", 420.
-, - Francis Dacre, 420.
-, grants petition of Henry, Lord Danvers, 421–422.
-, his letters desired on behalf of son of neighbour of Lord Denny, 422, 495.
-, Act to secure Theobalds to himself, his heirs and successors mentioned, 437n.
-, desires to enlarge Theobalds Park, 453–454.
-, grant to the drapers of Coventry concerning the sale of woollen cloth, 439.
-, confers a fellowship of Exeter College, Oxford, 440.
-, Prince Henry desires to be allowed to learn to swim, 447.
-, annoyed by Edward Robinson's sermon against the Scots, 458.
-, suit to, from Lord Scrope, mentioned, 469.
-, provision to be made for the repayment of the French king's debt to James I, 484.
-, orders taken by the Council in the Marches of Wales concerned with persons charged with speaking sedition against the king, 485.
-, his prerogative to put impositions on tobacco, whale-fins, etc., mentioned, 486.
-, his intervention requested in dispute over Bidstone Park, 503.
-, his grant of pension to Ulrich, Duke of Holstein, 505.
-, in connection with the Earl of Hertford's lands, 508–9.

James (Jaymes) —, servant to Mrs. [Mary] Phillips, 371–372, 386, 393, 437.

James, Cousin, 184.

James, Doctor, 506n.

James, Mrs. 506.

James, Wm., Bishop of Durham [1606–1617], 446.
-, letter from, 24, 300, 377.

Jamestown (James Town) [Virginia], 418.

Jamet, Monsieur, 67.

Janin, President. See Jeannin, President Pierre.

Janissaries, 34, 333.

Janson, John, merchant of London, trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Janti. See Ilanz [Switzerland].

Janvil, Prince. See Joinville, Prince.

Janvill, Monsieur. See Joinville, Monsieur.

Jaundice, 301.

Jaymes, —. See James, —.

Jeanings. See Jennings.

Jeaninges, Jon. See Jennings, John.

Jeannin (Janin, Jeanninge), President Pierre, French ambassor or deputy to the States-General of the United Provinces, 166, 317.
-, his "treaty" in Holland, 221, 286.
-, one of Henry IV's commissioners, 103, 236–8, 328.

Jeanninge, French ambassador [to the Low Countries]. See Jeannin, President Pierre.

Jeanville, Monsieur. See Joinville, Monsieur or Prince.

Jedburgh (Jedworth) [Roxburghs], number of prisoners at, 307.

Jedworth. See Jedburgh [Roxburghs].

Jefford (Jeffourd), Captain, commander of an English ship, See Gyfford, Richard.

Jeggell, Daniel, Controller of Dunwich, etc., signs letter, 46.

Jegon, Thomas, Master of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, signs letter, 363.

Jeninges. See Jennings.

Jenings, Capt. See Jennings, Capt.

Jenings, Thomas. See Jennings, Thomas.

Jenken, Wm., Fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, signs letter, 363.

Jenney, Edward:
-, signs letters, Customer of Ipswich, 47.
-, -, Customer of Harwich, 60.

Jenninges. See Jennings.

Jennings, Capt., pirate, 157.

Jennings, Dorothy, 2nd wife of Sir John, 373.

Jennings (Jenninges, Jeaninges, Jeninges), John, (son of Sir John), 373n.
-, wardship of, 196, 233.

Jennings (Jenninges, Gennings, Jennyns, Jenyns), Sir John, 233, 372–373.
-, wardship of his son John.
-, See above.
-, note of his debts, 356.
-, had become lunatic, 356n.
-, inquisition into his lands and tenements mentioned, 356n.
-, his second wife [Dorothy Bulbeck] mentioned, 373.

Jennings (Jeninges, Jeaninges), John, 159(2).

Jennings (Jenings, Jeninges, Jenynges), Thomas, brings letters on behalf of Hugo Gurgeny, 72.
-, follows Gurgeny's suit, 267–268.
-, a papist in John Gurgeny's service, 324–325.

Jennyns. See Jennings.

Jenson, Arthur, 481–482.

Jenynges. See Jennings.

Jenyns. See Jennings.

Jephson. See Jepson.

Jepson (Jephson), Sir John, 377.
-, letter from, 379.
-, -, mentioned, 377.

"Jergon" [i.e. jargon], a, 303.

Jermanye. See Germany.

"Jernessaye." See Jersey; Guernsey.

Jersey, ? 162, 239.
-, rents and revenues due to the king, 264, 282, 433.
-, -, abstract of, 284.
-, governor of. See Peyton, Sir John.
-, king's procureur of. See Carteret, Philip.
-, receiver of (temp. Elizabeth), 282.
-, bailiff and justices of, 282, 493.
-, inhabitants of, 284.
-, See also Guernsey; Commissioners in Jersey.

Jervis, Thomas:
-, His Majesty's ward, 452.
-, -, his suit, 452.

Jesop, Barthol, 409.

Jesuits, 22, 53, 111, 112(2), 113, 114, 128, 137, 158–159, 178, 185, 201, 250, 251, 267, 268, 303, 313, 332, 342, 378, 481.
-, Superior of the [in England].
-, See Garnet.
-, Rector of the Jesuits College in Brussels, 200.
-, at Louvain, 201, 342.
-, in the Low Countries, 313, 481.
-, at Jesuit College in Spain, 201.
-, those banished from Venice, now living in France, 250.
-, College of in Lisbon. See San Roque.

Jesuits, Irish, 267, 303.

Jewel, John, Bishop of Salisbury [1522–1571], his controversy with Thomas Harding, 400.

Jewell, William, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, letter from, 440.

Jeweller. See Trades and professions.

Jewels and precious stones, 11, 14, 109, 130, 141, 241, 470.
-, crown, 132.
-, of Infanta pawned, 244.
-, See also diamonds; pearls.

Jewish merchandise, 430.

Jews, 6, 225, 473–474.
-, in Germany, 25.
-, one lately turned Christian, 25.
-, eastern, 473.

J. K., Sir, 82.

Jobson, Mr. Richard, Vice-Admiral of Ireland, 159, 162, 421.

Jobson, Thomas, of Cudworth [Yorks], request for the wardship of his heir, 429.

Jock of the Lake. See Graham, John.

Johnson, Arthur (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Joinville (Jeanville, Jainville, Janvil, Janvill), Monsieur or Prince. See Lorraine, Claude de.

Jolles, Sir John, Kt., citizen of London, 443.

Jones, Edward, 190, 421.
-, letters from, 1, 2, 440(2).
-, his brother, 1, 2.
-, his debts, 2.

Jones, Lewis, made Dean of Cashel, 425.

Jones, Lieutenant, 167.

Jones, Mr. Rowland, Collector of Customs at Bridgwater, 142.
-, appointed Deputy Customer, 171.

Jones, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin, Lord Chancellor of Ireland [1605–1619], 63, 228.
-, letter to mentioned, 490.

Jones, William, of Newport [Monmouthshire, Wales], 485.

Jonson, Ben, his entertainment at Theobalds, 136; in French, 138.
-, mentioned, 491.

Jonson, John, of Fossdyke Stowe (Fosdike Stowe) [co. Lincs.], 174.

Joyeuse, Francois de, Cardinal, 333.
-, negotiates between Pope and Venetians, 102, 110–114.

Judges, the (in Fuller's case), 275, 284, 338, 342, 343, 344, 345, 349, 353, 356, 463–4.

Judges' circuits, 59, 480; in Ireland, 165.

Julich (Juliers) [W. Germany], 40, 42; ambassador of mentioned, 379.

"Jung Frau" ("Damoiselle," "Yong Froe," "Young Frowe") (ship), 122, 510–2.

Juries, commissions for, 490.

Jurors, 479.
-, proclamation for, 207, 224.

Justinian, Cardinal. See Giustiniani.


Kaie, Mr. See Kaye, Mr.

Kalender Oghlu (Callender Ogli), rebellion of, 376, 387.

Kaschau. See Kosice [Czechoslovakia].

Kassa. See Kosice [Czechoslovakia].

Kaye (Kaie), Mr., 391.

Keble, Wm., Fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, seeks to hold a benefice with his fellowship, 362–363.

Keene, Edmund, petition of, 512.

Kellett, —, of the Wardrobe, 297, 452.

Kelley. See Kelly, John.

Kellie. See Kelly, John.

Kellies [Sept, of Queen's County, Ireland], 150.

Kelly, Ensign Garrot, letter from, 150.
-, petition from mentioned, 150.

Kelly (Kelley, Kellie), John, case against Sir John Egerton, 199, 273, 399, 503.

Kendal [co. Westmorland], 29, 318.

Keneybolton. See Kimbolton [Hunts].

Kennedy, John, 5th Earl of Cassillis [1567? – 1615], petitions James I, 362.

Kensington [Middx.], 17.

Kent, 94.
-, under-sheriff of, 257.
-, J.P. of. See Brooke, Charles.

Kenyon, George, 489.

Ker, Robert, Lord Roxburghe [? 1570–1650], 60, 193.
-, letter from, 97.

Kerney, Sir Francis, 198.
-, his uncle and son, 198.

Kerr, Mark, 1st Earl of Lothian [ob. 1609], 241.

Kerseys, 16, 287, 499, 500, 517.

Kerwich, —, 96.

Keswick (Cumberland), mine at, 506.

Ketzmoor. See Kexmoor [Yorks].

Kew [co. Surrey], letter dated from, 137, 141.

Kexmoor [Yorks], 454.

Kidderminster [Worcs.], 487; letter dated from, 358.

Kiffin, Mr. 99.
-, his wife and children mentioned, 99.

Kildare, Earl of. See Fitzgerald, Gerald, Earl of Kildare.

Kilkenny (County) [Ireland], 260.

Kilkenny, West [Ireland], 135.

Killetraghe [Ulster, Ireland], 499.

Killigrew, Sir William, 8.
-, his nephew, 8.

Kimbolton (Keneybolton) [Hunts], letter dated from, 296.

King, Mr. Auditor, 136.

King's Bench, Court of, 463, 515, 520.
-, Sir Robert Cary's request for the sole making of "latitats" in the, 298.
-, differences with Court of High Commission, 348.
-, grant to Arnold Oldsworth of fines of all actions for debt from bills and bonds, 436.
-, case in, concerning foreign buying and selling in Southampton, 477.

King's Chamber, messenger of, 517.

King's County [Leinster, Ireland], 165.

King's embroiderer. See Parr, John; Shipley, John.

King's Lynn (Lynn) [Norfolk], 493.

King's receiver. See Scudamore, Deputy Receiver. See Craven.

Kingston upon Hull [Yorks], letter dated from, 331.
-, letter concerning the privileges of the town, 331.
-, reply to letter concerning the privileges of the town, 354.
-, petition from inhabitants of, 513.
-, petitions from mentioned, 354.
-, aldermen of. See Almond, George; Barnerd, Wm.; Chapman, Christopher; Casson, James; Field, Joseph; Graves, John; Hallsay, James; Lister, John.
-, mayor and aldermen of, letter from, 331.
-, mayor and burgesses of, letter from, 65.
-, mayor of, letter from, 66.
-, mayor of. See Almond, George; Swan, Thomas.
-, sheriff of. See Burgis, Richard.
-, ship of, 517.

Kinloss, my Lord of. See Bruce, Edward, Lord Kinloss and Baron Bruce of Kinloss [1549?–1611].

Kinsale [Ireland], siege of, 17.

Kirkadye. See Kirkcaldy, Sir Wm., Lord of Grange.

Kirkby Malzard. See Kirkby Malzeard [Yorks].

Kirkby Malzeard (Kirkby Malzard) [Yorks], inhabitants of, 470.
-, court of, 470.

Kirkcaldy, Sir Wm., Lord of Grange, Governor of Edinburgh Castle (d. 1573), 46.

Kirkham, Mr., Secretary to Earl of Salisbury, 108.

Kirton, James, 417.

Kirton (Kyrton), Josias, 416–417.
-, letter from, 182.
-, wife and children of, 182.

Kitford, Thomas, lands purchased by king from, 144.

Knevett, —, 16.

Knevit, Sir Thomas, 173.

Knightly, Mr., 487.

Kniveton. See Knyveton.

Knockfergus. See Carrickfergus.

Knolles, Sir Henry, ill, 283.

Knollys, Sir Francis, reply to his arguments against the superiority of bishops, 400n.

Knowsley [co. Lancs, England], letter dated from, 297; mine at, 506.

Knyghtley, Sir Richard, letter from, 277.

Knyvet, Edmund, pass for, 2; c.f. Knevett above.

Knyveton, William, Esquire of the Peace, co. Derby, 163.

Kosice (Cassovia, Kaschau, Kassa, Cassauw) [Czechoslovakia], 331, 379.

Kotkovitz, Kotkowitz. See Chodkiewicz, Jan.

Krasnystaw [Poland], 188.

Krickingen, Baron von, 332.

Kyllford, Thomas. See Kitford, Thomas.

Kyneliertie [Ulster], lands in, 397.

Kyrton, Josias. See Kirton, Josias.

Kyther. See Kidderminster [Worcs.].