Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1965.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607, ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Edited by M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie( London, 1965), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 19, 1607. Ed. M S Giuseppi, D McN. Lockie(London, 1965), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


H., —, Mr., 19.

"Habeas Corpus," 343, 345.

Habington (Abingdon) [Mary], wife of [Thomas]. See Abington.

Hackney [co. Middx.], 62, 222, 231.
-, letter dated from, 258.

Haddington, Lord. See Ramsay, John, Viscount Haddington.

Hadington, Viscount. See Ramsay, John, Viscount Haddington.

Hadsor, Richard, letter from, 315.

Haggerston [Northumberland], 5.

Haggerston, Mr., of Haggerston, 5.

Hage, La. See Hague.

Haghe. See Hague.

Hague (Haghe), the, [Netherlands], 103, 306, 342, 347, 388.
-, letters dated from, 8, 18, 29, 38–40, 42, 55, 80, 122, 270, 294, 311, 317, 347, 370, 377, 384.
-, commissioners at, messengers from, 338.

Haiducks, the, (Hayduggen), 331, 379.

Hainault [Belgium], Seneschal of, 251.
-, his death, 251.

Halifax [co. Yorks], three free markets, 396.
-, grant of a Market to David Waterhouse, 396.
-, inhabitants of, letter from, 396.

Haling (Halyng, Halinge) [Island] [Hants], letter dated from, 232, 303, 337.

Halinge. See Haling [Hants].

Halle. See Hall.

Hall, Adam, of Yardhope [Northd.], 487.

Hall (Halle), Charles, 374.
-, letters from, 433.
-, his suit mentioned, 433.

Hall (All), George, 9.

Hall, Mr. 241, 271, 514.

Hall, Robert, 96.

Hall, Thomas, of Brainshaugh [Northd.], 487.

Halyng. See Haling Island [Hants].

Hallingbury Morley [Essex], 456.

Hallsay, James, alderman of Kingston upon Hull, 331.

Halswell, Nich., 50.

Halyruidhous. See Holyrood House.

Hambleton Hall [Yorks], 454.

Hamburg [Germany], 122, 189, 204.
-, ship of, 229, 510–12.

Hamburgers [inhabitants of Hamburg], 265.

Hamersley, Hugh, 210.
-, letter from, 171.

Hamilton, James, 315.

Hamilton, S. (? Lord Advocate of Scotland), letter from, 46.
-, See Hamilton, Sir Thomas.

Hamilton, Sir Thomas, Earl of Haddington, Ld. Advocate for Scotland [1595–1612], 398.
-, in charge of His Majesty's mines, 103.
-, letter from, 46, 103.
-, Lord Advocate for Scotland, 355, 369.
-, -, letter from, 46, 235.
-, -, letter to, 213.

Hamleton, Scottish merchant, 469.

Hammond (Hamonde), Henry, fellow of Gonville and Caius College, signs letter, 211(2), 386.

Hamond, Nicholas, petition of, 507.

Hamonde, Henry. See Hammond, Henry.

Hampshire, 456.

Hampton. See Southampton.

Hampton Court [co. Middx.], 177, 248, 303, 309, 449.
-, letter dated from, 260.
-, -, mentioned, 277.

Hanbery, Richard, letter from, 434.

Hanlip, Manor of. See Hindlip.

Hannewald (Hannywald) [Andreas], 26.

Hannington, Sir Henry; Hannington, Lady Ruth. See Harrington.

Hannywald. See Hannewald.

Hanse Towns [see also Hamburg, Stade, etc.], new league between them and Swiss mentioned, 129; petition from merchants of, 508.
-, new league between them and Spain mentioned, 129.
-, commissioners of, visit English ambassador to Spain, 308; reported to have left Spain, 340.

Haraneder (Hareneder) [Jehan] 'd', French merchant [of St. Jean de Luz], 337.
-, claim against [Sir Robert] Basset[t], 402–403.

Harbey, Erasmus, merchant of London trading to Spain and Portugal, 443.

Harborn [William] [1st English ambassador to Turkey], 266, 287.

Harding, Richard, patent for bringing in logwood revoked, 443.

Harding, Mr D[r]. Thomas [1516– 1572], 400.

Hardret, Abraham, his petition to the king, 434.
-, appointed one of king's jewellers, 434, 497.
-, letters and petitions to Earl of Salisbury, 434–5, 497–8.
-, details of losses of and money owing to, 498.

Hardwick (Hardwyke) [Derbyshire], 379.

Hardwick [Bess of]. See Talbot, Elizabeth [Countess of Shrewsbury, 1518–1608].

Hardwyke. See Hardwick [Derbyshire].

Hare, —, 456.

Hare, Mr, 391.

Hare, Mr. Samuel, citizen of London, 443.

Hare warren, 334–5, 342.

Hareneder, — d' (French merchant).
-, See Haraneder [Jehan] d'.

Harewood (Harwod) [Yorks], 391.

Harford. See Seymour, Edward, 2nd Earl of Hertford [1539– 1621].

Harfort Brig. See Hartford Bridge.

Harington (Haryngton), Sir James, 124.

Harington (Harrington, Haryngton), John, 1st Baron Harington of Exton, 334.
-, his aunt, the Countess of Sussex, 211.
-, his son, 45(2).
-, his daughter. See Russell, Lucy.
-, letter from, 14, 45, 104, 124, 211, 289, 299, 435(2).
-, letter to, 45.
-, Lieutenant of Rutlandshire, 124.
-, his request for his allowance of charges incurred on behalf of Lady Elizabeth, 299.

Harington, Sir. John, 80, 480.
-, letter from, 242.

Haristigny. See Aristigny.

Harlay [Achille de], President of [Parlement], 103.
-, letter to, 102.

Harlay, Robert, baron de Montglas, 177.

Harman, Edmond, case against Thomas Bland, 489.

Harmar, John, Warden of Winchester College, letter from, 435–436.

Harpur, Sir John, 348.

Harrington. See also Harington.

Harrington (Hannington), Lady Ruth, letter from, 90; her husband. Sir Henry, and her son, 90.

Harris, Sir Arthur, letter from, 282.

Harris, Sergeant, the younger, 199, 256?

Harris, Richard (Gentleman usher), 14, 290.

Harrison, Robert, petition of, 498.

Harrison, W., 210.

Harrold's Park [co. Bedford], 256.

Harry, Count [—]. See Nassau, Count Henry of.

Harsnett, Dr. [Samuel], Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, 1606–1607), 180, 318, 382, 497.

Hartford Bridge (Harfort Brig, Hartford Brig) [co. Hants], 58.

Hartewell, Mr., 450.

Harvey (Harvy), Gawen, signs letter, 362.

Harvey, Captain John, 63.

Harvey, Mr. Robert, citizen of London, 443.

Harvey, Simon, letter from, 62.

Harvy or Harvye. See Harvey.

Harwich [co. Essex], 483, 495.
-, Customer of. See Jenney, Edward.
-, Controller of. See Parker, Aug.
-, Searcher of. See Aire, Thomas.
-, officers of, letter from, 60.

Harwod. See Harewood [Yorks].

Haryngton. See Harington.

Hassard, Robert, of Lyme Regis, 397.

Hasselaer, Pierre, merchant of Amsterdam, 122.

Hastings [co. Sussex], 245.

Hastings, Henry, 3rd Earl of Huntingdon [d. 1595], Lord President of the Council of the North, 471, 471n.

Hastings, Henry, 5th Earl of Huntingdon [1586–1643] (m. Elizabeth Stanley, daughter of 5th Earl of Derby), 124.
-, letter from, 162, 347.
-, -, mentioned, 427.
-, his brother-in-law [John] Egerton's letter mentioned, 162.

Hatfield [Herts], 94, 95, 140.
-, plague at, 93.
-, exchanged for Theobalds, 143.
-, parish of, 145.
-, works at, 214, 226, 229(2), 458.
-, inquisition held at, 356n.

Hatfield, "the Lady of." See under Anne of Denmark.

Hatfield Park [co. Herts.], 115.

Hatton. See Hetton [Northd.].

Hatton, Sir Christopher, former Chancellor of Oxford University, 368, 375.

Havana [Cuba], 272.

Havering-atte-Bower [co. Essex], 233.
-, brief from tenants and inhabitants of, to Salisbury concerning election of a J.P., 362.
-, High Steward of Manor of. See Coke, Sir Edward.

Havre ("Newhaven") [France], Governor of, 469.

Hawkesworth. See Hawksworth.

Hawking, 255. See Falcons.

Hawkings, —. See Hawkins.

Hawkins (Hawkings), Lady [Margaret, w. of Sir John Hawkins, 1532–1595, d. of Charles Vaughan, of Hergest Court], her brother a pirate, 229.

Hawkins (Hawkyns), Sir [Richard], formerly Vice-Admiral of Plymouth [co. Devon], 402.
-, letter from, 68.

Hawkins, Captain Thomas, 149.

Hawksworth (Hawkesworth), Mr., 16.

Hawkyns. See Hawkins.

Hawley, Richard, 23.

Hay, 144, 266.

Hay (Haye), Sir Alexander, 453.

Hay, Sir George, 436n.
-, petition to the king, 436.
-, desires grant of all fines of personal actions in Courts of King's Bench and Exchequer, 436.

Hay [George or James?], one of the king's chamber, 53.

Hay, James, Lord Hay, later Earl of Carlisle, 69–70(2), 182(2), 209, 364, 398.
-, nuptials of, 2.
-, settlement of lands of Lord Denny's on, 33.
-, letter to mentioned, 93.
-, "Thomas," 456.
-, letters from, 436.
-, memo. of his debt, 33.
-, reversion of lease of impost of Ireland, obtained by, 182.

Hay, Master, 47.

Hay, Paul de la, letter from, 127.

Hay, Thomas, Lord Hay [? James].
-, See Hay, James, Lord Hay.

Hayduggen. See Haiducks.

Haye, Sir Alexander. See Hay.

Haye, Lord. See Hay, James, Lord Hay, etc.

Haye, Madame de la [Charlotte des Essarts], 67.
-, Henry IV's mistress, 250.
-, Monsieur le Comte de Beaumont's mistress, 250.

Hayes, Lord. See Hay, James, Lord Hay.

Hazelle, Captain, 418.

Heal, Mr. Serjeant [Sir John], 41, 242.

Healey, John, Latin and English verses by, mentioned, 437.

Heborne, —, 297. See Heiborne.

Heborne, Captain Alexander. See Hepburn.

Hebrun. See Hepburn.

Hecham, Sir Ro. See Hicham, Sir Ro.

Hedentun. See Ramsay, John, Viscount Haddington.

Heemskercke, Jacob de, Dutch admiral, sails for Spanish coast, 28; his death, 122.
-, his burial, 148.

Heiborne (Heborne), Ferdinando, Groom of the Privy Chamber, 461.
-, Constable of Chester Castle, 297, 461.

Heidelberg, Elector of [Elector Palatine]. See Frederick IV.

Hele, Serjeant. See Heal, Mr. Sergeant.

Helford [co. Cornwall], 157.

Hellund, William (of St. John's College, Cambridge), 67.

Helson, Bartholomew, 177.

Helvetia. See Switzerland.

Hemskerch. See Heemskercke, Jacob de, Admiral of Holland.

Hendirson, Thomas, 240. See also Anderson; Henrison.

Hendon [co. Middx.], letter dated from, 136.

Henrison, Captain Thomas, 498. See also Anderson, Hendirson.

Henry, Prince, son of James I [died 1612], 59, 78, 164, 193, 197, 215, 216, 269, 299, 313, 327, 334, 412, 448, 497.
-, note from, 158, 447.
-, serjeants-at-law for, named, 347.
-, wants to be allowed to learn to swim, 447–448.
-, "Protector of the Dutch," 272.

"Henry the 9," 242 [refers to Prince Henry].

Henry IV, King of France and Navarre, 3, 7, 8, 16, 38, 48, 55, 66–67, 79, 130, 148, 166, 177–8, 181, 197, 202, 251, 278, 295, 302, 305, 322, 332– 333, 448, 448n, 482, 502.
-, his Court. See French Court.
-, his household, 177.
-, his guards, 82, 166.
-, letter from, 102.
-, letter to, 126, 263.
-, -, mentioned, 197.
-, ordinance of, 133.
-, edict of, establishing a Chamber of Justice, 32.
-, his character, 48, 352.
-, his mistresses. See Moret, Countess of; Verneuil, Marquise de; Haye, Madame de la.
-, matters relating to his subjects and the Turks, mentioned, 82.
-, in relation to the breach between Venice and the Papacy, 102–3, 112(3), 339.
-, furnishes galleys with slaves, 241.
-, embarks large quantities of money, 241.
-, takes water of Pougues, 249.
-, welcomes the Jesuits, 250.
-, wishes to ally Dutch and Swiss with him, 250.
-, his discourse on flight of Earl of Tyrone, 260–261.
-, his quarrels with House of Guise, 261.
-, disclaims responsibility for debts of his predecessors, 263.
-, his treatment of the ambassador of Savoy, 283.
-, has differences with Duke of Savoy, 333.
-, his resolutions concerning peace negotiations of Spain and United Provinces, 286.
-, his views on peace between Spain and United Provinces, 236–238, 338–339, 468.
-, commissioners for peace between Spain and United Provinces, 103, 236–238. See Chouart; Jeannin; Place.
-, proposes peace terms between United Provinces and Archduke, 80.
-, his possible intervention in peace negotiations of Spain and United Provinces, 295, 305, 317, 338–339, 352–353.
-, his part in the league proposed by the States mentioned, 328–9, 351–3, 468, 483–4.
-, his Procureur Général forbids Maître George Criton to discuss his theses, 385.
-, his advocate. See Bref, Cardin le; Servin, Mr. Louis.
-, his ambassadors in England.
-, See Beaumont, Comte de; Boderie, M. de la.
-, allows payments to Scottish merchants whose ship had been seized in France, 469.
-, provision to be made for the repayment of the French king's debt to James I, 484.
-, See also France; French.

Henry IV (of England), 143.

Henry VI, King of England, 74.
-, civil wars in his time, 60.
-, charter of, granted to Southampton concerning foreign buying and selling, mentioned, 475–477.

Henry VII, grant from mentioned, 444.

Henry VIII, 74, 224, 242, 415.
-, letter from mentioned, 444.

Henshaw, Thomas, Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge in 1608, 66, 70.

Henshaw, Thomas, silkman, letter from, 249.

Hepburn (Heborne, Hebrun), Captain Alexander, 234, 245, 475.

Herbert, Lord Felix, 186, 187, 188, 190.

Herbert, Sir John, letter to, 419.

Herbert, Mary, Countess of Pembroke, letter from, 196.

Herbert, Matthew, of Colbroke [? Colebrook, Shropshire], letter to, mentioned, 485.

Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery [1605], younger brother of Earl of Pembroke, 14, 219.
-, attends of king, 207.
-, his suit, 257, 264.
-, letter from, 221.
-, petition to, 503.

Herbert, Susan, Countess of Montgomery, wife of Philip Herbert, cr. Earl of Montgomery [1605], Earl of Pembroke [1630], letter from, 290.

Herbert, Wm., 3rd Earl of Pembroke [1580–1630], Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall, 85, 368.
-, attends of king, 207.
-, letter to, 157.
-, letter from, 451.

Hereford, Bishop of. See Bennet, Robert, Dean of Windsor and Bishop of Hereford, 1602– 1617.

Herefordshire, 243.

Herington, Mr., of Bifront, 4.

Heron, Mr., of Chipchace, 4.

Hertford (Harford), Earl of, my Lord of. See Seymour, Edward, 2nd Earl of Hertford [1539–1621].

Hertfordshire, 222.
-, inquisition into lands of Sir John Jennings in Hertfordshire, 356n.

Hervey, M., "The Life of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel" (1921), 479n.

Hervey, Serjeant, 41.

Hesketh, Robert, 415.

Hesledon (Heslyesyde) [Northd.], alias Monk Hesledon, 487.

Heslyesyde. See Hesledon or Monk Hesledon [Northd.].

Hesse [Germany], ambassador of, mentioned, 379.

Hetherston (Edderston) [Northumberland], 4.

Heton, Martin, Bishop of Ely [d. 1609], letter to, 37.
-, letter from, 43.

Hetton (Hatton) [Northd.], 4, 5.

Hext, Edw., 50.

Hey, L[ord]. See Hay, James, Lord Hay.

Heyden, Dr. Benjamin, Dean of Wells, letter from, 301.

Heyden, Edward, 301.

Hicham, Sir Robert (Her Majesty's Attorney General), 19, 37, 43, 227, 499.
-, letter from, 226, 437.
-, petition against him mentioned, 437.

Hicks (Hickes), Sir Michael, 241.

Hicks, Sir Baptist, warrant for mentioned, 205.
-, his suit mentioned, 427.
-, his two daughters mentioned, 427n, 428.

Hides, 39, 473.
-, profits of, 341.

Higden, Merlin, fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, signs letter, 363.

High Commission, Court of, for Causes Ecclesiastical [in the province of Canterbury], 66, 84, 281, 286, 338, 349.
-, its power questioned, 344.
-, its proceedings in Fuller's case, 344–345, 463–464.
-, commissioners of, 66, 344–345.
-, differences with Court of King's Bench, 348.

High Commission, Court of [in the province] of York, 139, 145.

High Peak [Derbyshire], 395.

Hilderstone (Hilderstonn) [Linlithgow, Scotland], silver mines at, 213, 235.

Hildesley (Hildesleye), Francis (Frauncis), Steward and Constable of Sheriff Hutton Park and Castle, 471.

Hill, Mr., 315.

Hill, Peter. See Hills, Peter.

Hillingfleet, Cuthbert, petition from, 163.

Hillmorton [Warw.], 423.

Hills (Hill), Peter, 10, 509.

Hilton, Edmond, case against Edmond Powell, 489.

Hindlip (Hanlip) [Worcs.], manor of, 9.

Hinshaw [Thomas]. See Henshaw, Thomas.

Hippocrates, Dr., 182.

Hitcham, Sir Robert. See Hicham.

Hoath, Baron of. See St. Lawrence.

Hobart[e], Sir Henry, Attorney General [4 July, 1606– 27 Oct., 1613], 40, 75, 219, 342, 363, 462–463, 463n, 492.
-, letter from, 9, 93, 220, 222, 231, 258, 354, 437–438, 443.
-, letter to, 421, 462.
-, proceedings in regard to Commission for depopulations, 220, 222.
-, proceedings in regard to Commission for sewers, 231.
-, his part in Fuller's case, 345, 464.
-, to consider the Laws of England and Scotland, 363.
-, alteration of a draft made by him, 421.
-, proceedings in a dispute between the drapers and mercers of Coventry, 438–439.
-, case against Sir Robert Dudley, etc., 489.

Hobbie, Sir Edward. See Hoby, Sir Edward.

Hobkenes, —, a merchant, 146.

Hobocque (Hoboque) [Conrad Schetz de Grobbendonck], Baron de, Ambassador of the Archdukes in England, 327, 495.
-, letter from, 225.

Hoby, Sir Edward, 46.
-, letter from, 104.

Hoby, Sir Posthumus, letter from, 138.

Hohenlohe, Count of, 369.

Holborn [co. Middx.], 107, 158, 159, 172.

Holborn, St. Andrew's, 159.
-, constable of, 159.

Holborn, sheriff's house in, letter dated from, 194.

Holcroft, Sir Thomas, 415.

Holdenbie. See Holdenby [Northants].

Holdenby (Holdenbie) [Northants], 389.

Holderness (Houlderness) [Yorks], 293.

Holiness, His. See Paul V.

Holland, Richard, of Denton [Lanes.], 415.

Holland [one of the United Provinces, q.v.], 41, 53, 133, 147, 166, 170, 200, 218, 237, 273, 280, 516.
-, estates of, 41, 304.
-, Advocate of. See Oldenbarnevelt.
-, return of the Cordelier to, 133.
-, deputy from, for England, 147, 166. See Berck.
-, twenty thousand crowns sent from France into, 200.
-, Cope to go to via Brussels, 218.
-, journeys of Verreycken to, 237, 273, 280.
-, negotiations of, with Spain, 215, 304.
-, ship from, freed by Spain, 322. See also Dutch ships.

Holland, Admiral of. See Heemskercke, Jacob de.

Holland, Advocate of. See Oldenbarnevelt, Johan van.

Holland, Ambassador of, to France.
-, See Myle, Cornelis Van der; Aerssens, Francis van.

Hollanders. See Dutch.

Holstayne, Duke of. See Holstein, Duke of.

Holstein (Holstayne), Ulrich, Duke of, 42(2), 505.
-, letter to, 468–469.

Holyrood House (Holyroodhous) [Edinburgh], letter dated from, 158, 216.

Holy See, 333. See Paul V.

Home, Alexander, 1st Earl of, 398.

Home, George, of Berwick, Earl of Dunbar. See Home, George, 1st Lord Home of Berwick, Earl of Dunbar.

Home, George, 1st Lord Home, of Berwick, Earl of Dunbar [1605–1611], 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 31, 44, 47, 52, 65, 85, 95(2), 98, 129, 158, 192, 205, 207, 218, 277, 318, 330, 377, 487, 506.
-, letters to, 300(2), 350.
-, letters from, 164, 184, 192, 209, 239, 247, 254, 307, 314, 320(2), 426–428, 506–7.
-, letters to mentioned, 14, 158, 205, 506.
-, letters from, mentioned, 14, 19, 95, 507.
-, Treasurer for Scotland, 129.
-, Styled Commissioner [correctly Lieutenant] for the Middle Shires, 300, 314, 317, 320, 350.
-, his illness mentioned, 314, 350.
-, prisoners taken by him named, 428.

Home, Sir Patrick, wishes to build a house near London, 207.

Homonnay, Valentin, chosen as Prince of Transylvania, 331.

Honduras [Central America], ships of, 243.

Hone, Jo., 409.

Honey, 184.

Honiton (Honyton) [co. Devon], 58.

Hooper, Peter, Master gunner, at Downe Cannon, 131.

Hoord, —, 363–364.

Hoorn (Horne) [Holland], 157.

Hooth, Lord of. See St. Lawrence.

Hoppe, M., 245.

Hopper (Hoper), Richard, letter from, 284.

Horncastell. See Horncastle.

Horncastle [co. Lines.], 174.

Horne [Holland]. See Hoorn [Holland].

Horsberg, Capt., 117.

Horse companies, 38–9, 40–1, 219, 259, 270, 299.

Horse races, 431.

Horses, 58, 78, 110, 125, 131, 197, 266, 289.
-, trotting, 23.
-, English, nags, 229.
-, Turkish, 23.

Horsestealing, 96, 100.

Horsey, Sir Ralph, Deputy Lieutenant of Dorset, 512.

Horsley [Surrey], letter dated from, 150.

Hosiers. See Trades and professions.

Hosiers, of Coventry, dispute with mercers of Coventry, 435, 438–439.

[Ho]spitalhouse; in Suffolk, 396; in Hants, 446.
-, at Theobalds, 1, ? 64. See also London, Bedlam.

Houberd, Sir John, 325.

Houghton, Roger, steward to Earl of Salisbury, 381.
-, letter from, 125.
-, letter to, 319, 383.

Houlderness. See Holderness [Yorks].

Houldsworth (Oldesworth, Oudesworthe), Arnold, appointed to receive fines of all actions for debt in Court of King's Bench, 436.

Houll, Guill, proclaimed a pirate by the king, 403.
-, complaint concerning his pardon, 403.

Hounds, 23, 131. See greyhounds.

Hounduras. See Honduras.

Household, the, 389.

Household, Coroner of the Verge of, 94

Household, of King of France. See French King's household.

Hovenden (Ovington), Henry, 313.

Howard, Alatheia, Countess of Arundel, wife of Thomas, Earl of Arundel [m. 1606, d. 1654], 227, 518.
-, her illness, 331.

Howard, Anne, Dowager Countess of Arundel, widow of Philip, 1st Earl of Arundel, disputes likely to arise with Earl of Cumberland, 145.
-, "My Lady," 337.
-, her estate mentioned, 227, 478.
-, ? One of the 4 Countesses, 227.

Howard, Catherine (Catheryn), Countess of Suffolk (2nd wife of Thomas, 1561–1626), 320, 448, 507.

Howard, Lady Catherine (Catheryn), younger daughter of Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, 461; probability of her marriage to Viscount Cranborne hinted at, 310.

Howard, Charles, Lord H. of Effingham, and Earl of Nottingham, Admiral of England [1585–1619], 28, 30, 37, 170, 270, 344, 400, 503, 512, 515.
-, letter from, 232, 234, 303, 337, 449.
-, letter to, 43, 47, 60, 64.
-, warrant from mentioned, 218, 517, 520.
-, grant of an annuity to, 349.
-, his suit mentioned, 449.
-, views of Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury concerning his bargaining with the Earl of Arundel, 478–479.

Howard, Henry, Earl of Northampton [1539/40–1614], Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, 51, 52–3, 100, 142, 160, 162, 191, 207, 251, 320, 347, 355, 360, 371, 424, 435(2), 442, 453, 489, 507.
-, certificate of expenses signed by, 110.
-, house at Charing Cross [Northampton House, the Strand], 110.
-, letter to, 63, 298.
-, letter from, 245, 479.
-, letter from mentioned, 251, 371.
-, letter to mentioned, 294.
-, signs letter from Privy Council, 272.
-, accused of assisting Sir Robert Dudley, 296.
-, his book, 281.
-, a book intended as answer to, almost finished, 281, 336.

Howard, Philip, 1st Earl of Arundel, father of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, 518(2).

Howard [Robert] (son-in-law of Mr. Buxton, of Norfolk), 343; petition of, 494.

Howard, Thomas, Earl of Suffolk [1561–1626], Baron Howard of Walden, Lord Chamberlain [1603–1614], 22, 28, 53, 94–95, 142, 171, 218, 239, 247, 279, 320, 501, 507, 515, 519.
-, letter from, 191, 253, 448, 478, 479.
-, letter signed by mentioned, 191.
-, letter to, 9, 93, 298, 337.
-, -, mentioned, 334.
-, his chamber, 270.
-, signs letter from Privy Council, 272.
-, Steward of the University of Cambridge, 448.
-, views on dispute over Arundel House between Chas. Howard, Lord Admiral, and Thos. Howard, Earl of Arundel, 478.

Howard, Thomas, Earl of Arundel [sometimes referred to as Lord Arundel, but compare entries in this index for Arundell of Wardour] [1585– 1646], 22(2), 153, 227, 331, 337, 490, 518.
-, his petition to the king, 153.
-, petition to, 518.
-, views of the Earls of Suffolk and Salisbury concerning his bargaining with Charles Howard, the Lord Admiral, 478.

Howard, Thomas, Viscount Howard of Bindon, Lord Lieutenant of Dorset, 142, 448, 512(4).
-, letters from, 5, 50, 105, 151, 399(2).
-, letters to, 28, 29, 30, 310.

Howard, Lord Wm., 3, 6, 15, 29, 44, 52, 106.

Howe, John (a papist), 267.

Howell, Thomas Bayley, "State Trials," 453.

Howth, Lord. See St. Lawrence.

Hubberd, Serjeant, 41.

Hubberd. See Hobart; Houberd.

Huchenson, Matthew, of St. Tooley's [= St. Olave's], London, 157.

Huddleston, Mr., of Westmorland, married to — Gray, 3.

Hudson, James, letter from, 139.
-, letter to, 139.

Huet, 274.

Huguenots, 79, 133, 166, 250, 262, 448n.

Hull [co. Yorks]. See Kingston upon Hull [co. Yorks].

Hume. See Home.

Hungarians, 24.

Hungary, 26, 188, 331; late truce in, 468. See Transylvania.

Hungerford (Hungerforde), Mrs. [Bridget], 290.

Hungerford, Sir John, 290.

Hunsdon. See Carey, John, 3rd Baron Hunsdon [1603– 1617].

Hunt, Thomas, 157.

Hunte, —, 321.

Hunter, Mr. Andrew, 124.

Hunting, of stags, 191, 192, 194, 200.

Huntingdon, letter dated from, 320, 353.

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings, Henry.

Huntingdonshire, 220, 223(2), 456.
-, Commission for depopulations, 479; concealed lands in, 507.

Hurleston, Roger, gent., of Chester, 264.

Hus, —, 56.

"Husband," the (ship), 392.

Husband, Christo., fellow of Gonville and Caius College, signs letter, 211(2), 386.

Hussey, Sir James, Commissioner in Jersey, letter from, 282.

Hutton, Mr. Serjeant, 499.

Hutton, Willm., signs accounts, 374.

Hyde Park [co. Middx.], 131.

Hynde, Edward, petition of, 509.

Hynde, Sir William, brother of Edward, 509, 510.


Ibarra, Don Diego d', Spanish envoy extraordinary, 140, 146, 156, 161, 200, 208.
-, his two sons, 156.
-, recalled to Spain, 177, 221.
-, his unfavourable report on the proceedings of the Archduke and Spinola, 255.

Iden, John, servant of Henry, Lord Cobham, 416.

Idiaquez (Ideaques), Don Juan de, 322.

Ierlande. See Ireland.

Ijssel (Isal) [River of Netherlands], 54.

Ilanz (Jante) [Switzerland], 117.

Imperial Commissioners, 379. See Rudolph II.

Imperial Majesty, his. See Rudolph II.

Imperial Towns, 380.

Impost of Ireland, reversion of lease of, 182.

Imposts, impositions, 27, 171, 256, 263, 266, 276, 285, 287, 311, 374, 391, 486, 499–500, 503, 508. See also Customs.

Inclosures. See Enclosures.

India, 418.

India prisoners, 271. See Challines, his company.

Indias, President of the Council for the. See Leamos, Condi de.

Indies, 71, 122, 292, 312.
-, fleet from, 244, 256, 302, 304.
-, prisoners taken in, mentioned, 312, 341 [See also East Indies; West Indies.]

Infanta, the [Isabella Clara Eugenia, daughter of Philip II of Spain, joint governor of the Spanish Netherlands with her husband Archduke Albert. See Austria], 79, 157.
-, Almoner of. See Neyen, Jan.
-, her jewels pawned, 244.

Infanta, the [daughter of Philip III of Spain], possible match with Dauphin of France, 255.

Inghilterra, Sr. Amber d'. See Glover.

Ingleby (Ingilby), Sir William, 165.

Ingram, Mr. Arthur, citizen of London, 443.

Ingram, John:
-, letter from, 239.
-, -, mentioned, 247.

Innthal [Alps], 117.

Inquisition [at Lisbon, Rome, etc.], 72, 111, 123, 268, 324.
-, prison of, 111, 123, 303.
-, congregation of the, at Rome, 161, 196.

Inquisitors, 10, 247, 271, 509.

Inthal. See Innthal.

Ipswich [co. Suffolk], 483.
-, officers of, letter from, 47.
-, Controller of. See Parker, Aug.
-, Customer of. See Jenney, Edward.
-, Searcher of. See Clere, Thomas.

Ireland (Ierlande), 7, 17, 19, 23, 29, 61, 63, 74, 76, 78, 85, 101, 102, 106, 107, 126, 127, 131, 132, 146, 150, 157, 163–164, 167, 170, 195, 207, 213, 228, 232, 259(2), 260, 265, 267(2), 269, 273, 279, 293, 298, 302, 303, 306–307, 313, 315–316, 330, 389, 414, 417, 431, 444, 445, 451, 468, 481, 486, 496, 499, 501. [See also Connaught, Dublin, English Pale, Munster, Ulster, etc.].
-, Vice-Admiral of. See Jobson, Richard.
-, Roman Catholic archbishop in.
-, See O'Kearney, David.
-, "the Bishop in Ireland," 19, 23. See also Magragh.
-, Church of [Protestant], 168, 195, 228.
-, copies of warrants from, mentioned, 213.
-, Great Seal of, 257.
-, Impost of, reversion of lease of, 182.
-, -, lease of mentioned, 404.
-, letters from, mentioned, 127, 477.
-, dispatch from, mentioned, 315–316, 360–361, 489.
-, Council of, 62, 127, 306.
-, clerk of. See Usher.
-, Lord Deputy and Council of, letter to, 260.
-, -, -, mentioned, 151, 268.
-, -, -, requested, 499.
-, Lord Deputy of. See Chichester, Sir Arthur; Blount, Charles.
-, Lord Lt. of. See Sir Arthur Chichester; Blount, Charles.
-, Lord Chancellor of. See Jones, Thomas.
-, Attorney General in. See Davies, Sir John.
-, Treasurer in. See Butler, Thos, Earl of Ormond.
-, Chief Justice of, 316.
-, treasurer at wars in, 404.
-, -, his agent. See Reignoldes, Mr.
-, lands in, 428, 463, 499.
-, rebellion in, 115, 167, 444, 445, 451.
-, coast of, pirate trade on, 229.
-, fugitive earls of, 164. See O'Neill, Hugh; O'Donnell, Rory.
-, lords of, 191, 295, 302, 451.
-, suggested measures in the event of rebellion in, 451.
-, letters from king for levying of men for, 277.
-, transport of soldiers to, 277– 278, 283, 298–299, 324, 348, 363.
-, victualling of soldiers in, 289, 298–299.
-, men from Devon for, 306.
-, men from Cumberland, Westmorland and Northumberland for, 373–374, 390.
-, intended erection of forts and citadels in, mentioned, 411.
-, grant of annuity to Earl of Nottingham from customs of wines in, 349.
-, increase in the establishment for, 457.
-, attempts to persuade Jews to settle in proposed, 473.

Ireland, transportation to, 114, 255.
-, list of Grahams transported there, 101, 106, 255.
-, Grahams transported there mentioned, 126.
-, lands of those transported there mentioned, 258.

Ireland [? John], of the Hutt, 415.

Ireland, Thomas, 399, 424(2).

Irish (Language), 195.

Irish, the, 131, 140, 164, 263, 279, 282, 283, 304.
-, a spy amongst. See Travers, Jeffrey.

Irish bishops [R.C.], 268. See also O'Kearney.

Irish Causes, Commissioners for, 3.

Irish earls, 378; "these Irish fled," 258. See O'Neill; O'Donnell.

Irish hounds, 23.

Irish Jesuits, 267, 303.

Irishman, an, 304. See Cullen; see also Irish above.

Irish nobility. See Ireland, lords of.

Irish priests and seminarists, 191, 195, 260, 413, 414.

Irish regiment, 330.
-, numbers of, 313.

Irish scholars, 195.

Irland, George, 34.

Iron, 100, 434.
-, mention of a secret for converting iron into steel, 393.

Irun (Hirone) [Spain], 519.

Isal. See Ijssel [Holland].

Isham, Sir Euseby, charges against him concerning depopulations, 423.

Isham, Gregory, charges against him concerning depopulations, 423.

"Island," the, 424. See Man.

"Islands (Yllands), the." See Azores.

Isle of Man. See Man, Isle of.

Isles, the, 152. See Azores.

Isles, the, 162. See Guernsey; Jersey.

Isle of Wight. See Wight, Isle of.

Ispahan (Eastfan) [Iran], letter dated from, 110.

Italian saying about Spain, 238.

Italian advertisement, an, 439.

Italian food, criticisms of, 121.

Itall Castle. See Etal Castle [Northumberland].

Italy, 25, 67, 82, 117, 123, 181, 225–226, 238, 249, 255, 283, 474.
-, Council of War and State in [Spanish], 73.
-, corn bound for, 42, 109.
-, letters from mentioned, 240, 380.
-, mountain passes into or out of, 116, 117, 123, 181, 226.
-, princes of, 430.

Ivory, 57.