Cecil Papers: January 1606, 16-31

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1606, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp20-40 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1606, 16-31', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp20-40.

"Cecil Papers: January 1606, 16-31". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp20-40.

January 1606, 16-31

Sir Ferdinando Gorges to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 16. Here arrived this week a man-of-war of Holland, set out by certain merchants of Amsterdam, whose captain's name was Jope. Having lain in the Sound some two days he understood of a Dunkirker that rode in Cattwater, and being persuaded by certain of the company that she was rich, they first made him drunken and then in that humour drew him to give an attempt upon her. The 15th of this month at 2 o'clock in the morning he passed himself by our guards in two boats full of men, who were kept so close as not above 4 could be discovered to be in each boat, and being called unto by the sentinel, answered that they were of How, and that they came out of the sea from fishing. But as soon as they had rowed up the harbour as high as the ship lay, they presently boarded her without any resistance or noise-making, and finding it not safe to carry away the ship, seized on the master, and rifled certain commodities (but of no great value) and so returned, making reply to the sentinel that called out to them, that they were of How. But word being brought me by bargemen that were at that time to unlade corn out of a Flemish ship thereby what had happened, I used my best wit and means to recover the poor men their goods and liberty and the better to bring it to pass I employed Mr. Mathew of this town, whose credit I know to be most powerful among the people of those provinces; and so far forth prevailed by entreaties and threats, as in the end they set at liberty the prisoner and restored what could be recovered from that unruly company, although they were at this time 2 leagues in the sea under sail. But now the wind is come to the southwards and they forced into Cawson Bay, so as I doubt nothing but to be able to take so good a course therein for the satisfaction of all parties, as neither his Majesty nor their lordships shall need to take any further notice of it.—From his Majesty's fort by Plymouth, 16 Jan., 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (109. 124.)
Sir John Ferne to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 16. The Lord Archbishop of York departed this life yesternight the 15th of this month, at his house called Bushoppthorpe, 2 miles distant from York. In whose place I beseech God to bless the Church with a zealous, painful and preaching successor, whereto I nothing doubt you will give your best furtherance. I am emboldened at this time, and upon this ground of religion and the Church, to become both an informer and a suitor to you. I have observed here that there has been a defection from religion to popery immediately upon the Earl of Huntingdon's death, increased by the quiet and pacific government of this learned prelate now departed, and the late connivancy in the Queen's time at the priests and Jesuits, upon the moving of their pretended controversies. Since his Majesty's succession this defection to popery, and also an apostacy from all religion to impious atheism and profanity, has, by their abuse of his Majesty's mercy and the supine negligence of many ecclesiastical governors, grown to that height that by these horrible treasons both King and State are practised upon. You well know what means are best for redress of this mischief, amongst which the placing of fit bishops is not the least: and therefore to this province of York, so overpestered with popery and not with "purinisme," I beseech you such a one may succeed as is learned and zealous, and that will be industrious against papists, and attentive to his function both in preaching and government. Such a one I hold the Lord Bishop of Durham, who has long experience of this northern people and country, and with whom the Lord President and Council here shall entertain very good correspondence in all matters, which will be available both to religion and the King's service: whereas by oppositions between those two jurisdictions in the times of Archbishops Younge and Sands, no good ensued. If you will commend the Bishop to this see, a fitter successor than Dr. James, the Dean of Durham, I suppose cannot be: learned, very grave, wise and of honest conversation unreprovable, a stout oppugner of papists, and dare in person search their houses and apprehend the most insolent of them. He is an excellent magistrate in that country. The Jura Regalia annexed to that bishopric makes that Bishop a principal civil governor in that country, and I know the said Dean in matters of justice most upright and sincere.— York, 16 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. (190. 30.)
The Mayor, Aldermen and others of Chester to the King.
1605–6, Jan. 17. In reply to the King's letters of Nov. 22, for the electing of Hugh Mainwaringe to the office of Recorder, they state that by their charter of Henry VII no one is eligible for that office but an alderman, and no one can be chosen alderman except he be first enfranchised, which Mainwaring is not, but is a mere stranger. They cannot therefore elect him without breach of their oaths and liberties. They beg the King to accept this just excuse, and to grant them their free election.—Chester, 17 Jan., 1605.
Signed by John Litler, Mayor, and 48 others. 1 sheet. (196. 108.)
Justices of Wales to the Privy Council.
1605–6, Jan. 17. We have of late received your lordships' letters to us with a petition and articles thereupon endorsed, by which we find not ourselves alone, but others also of greater degree called into question for many enormous abuses and wrongs supposed to be committed within this government. We have (according to your direction) sent up these gentlemen, of good sufficiency and long experience in this court, to make such answer and just defence for us in our absence, as to such general accusations (containing no certainty of persons, time, or other particulars) can be made. If the affairs of the country would in this term time have admitted our absence from hence, we would gladly have attended ourselves in this cause, so highly touching our reputations; being assured that when the truth shall have freed us of those scandalous imputations, it will appear unto you how rare a precedent this is, that private men not particularly grieved shall take upon them the names of whole counties to defame and question the public seat of justice and authority of his Majesty's Council in such manner as those petitioners have done.—From his Majesty's castle of Ludlow, 17 Jan., 1605.
Signed: R. Lewkenor: H. Touneshend: Ri. Atkyns. Seal. 1 p. (109. 125.)
The Bishop of London to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 17. I received lately by Mr. Levinus [Munck], your lordship's secretary, a note of certain Spanish books brought to my hands about August last, as your Honour is informed, which I, having compared with some books that I have in that language, can find very few of those mentioned in his list; so that it seems the searcher, or he that brought them to me, reserved many of them to their own use. Amongst those few books that I received, there were some other instruments of their superstition, namely a whip and some girdles of hair and steel made for the exercise of their regular, but irreligious and paganish, discipline, whereof they make no mention in their catalogue. If you direct them which desire restitution to myself, or prescribe me whither to send for them, I shall very willingly return unto them their trashes (ut, qui sordescunt, magis sordescant), such as they can or will challenge to themselves, and be under my hand. I wish the harm extended no further than unto themselves, and that our own people were not too much infected by such privileges as they enjoy. I pray you peruse this note enclosed, of which sort we have many presented unto us, but privileged from punishment as persons entertained by the ambassadors and reputed their domesticals.—17 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (109. 127.)
The Enclosure:—St. Olave in Hart St.—We are informed that there is harboured in the Spanish Ambassador's house one Dr. Tayler and his brother, his servant and one of his brother's sons: more the porter called Kinge, a laundress, and a boy in the kitchen, whose names we cannot learn, with many other English people that resort to the house and are generally reported to hear mass.
Fragment. Unsigned. ½ p. (109. 126.)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 17. I have according to your commandment returned the protection by the post, which I could not dispatch till this morning because his Majesty was abroad all the afternoon, and not fit to be troubled at his return. I have not found more difficulty in passing a bill by reason of the docket made by Mr. Attorney pretending his employment into France for his Highness's service, because neither he had heard of any such thing from your lordship nor found it mentioned in your letter. I replied that either you had a purpose to use him secretly for some service there, or else it was to satisfy the form of the law, which properly gives not protection but in regard of public service.—From Enfield, 17 Jan., 1605.
PS.—This morning his Majesty spends in writing to my Lord of Dunbar, in the afternoon will be abroad, and to-morrow early toward home as I hear.
Holograph. 1 p. (109. 128.)
The Vice Chancellor and Senate of Cambridge to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 17. They thank him for having snatched their printer, John Legate, a willing worker and a man of unblemished character (rirum officiosum moribusque integris), from the jaws of the Londoners. As Salisbury has so piously taken up this cause, may he go through with it strenuously to the end! The London printers threaten in a short time to make obsolete the printing privileges which have been granted to the University; and this they will do if Salisbury allows the dictionary of Thomas Thomasius, which the University and its printer claim of hereditary right, to be struck out of their hands. The Londoners claim some sort of rights which they trust will mitigate the atrocity of the wrong they are doing. But if his lordship will weigh these in equal scales the writers do not doubt such claims will be scattered as leaves by the wind. For they neither shun the quarrel nor will they default from their pledges.—16° Kal. Februarii, 1605.
Latin. 1 p. (136. 128.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 17. The commission of bankrupts against Renzye [De Renzi] is already passed the seal. I was long importuned by the creditors for justice before I passed it. I had special care of the commissioners, and therefore have appointed the Recorder of London and Dr. Crompton to be of the quorum. What you will have further done by me, let me know and I will follow your direction.—17 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. ½ p. (190. 31.)
Sir Edward Coke, Attorney General, to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 18. The messenger is returned out of Northamptonshire, and Sir Everard Digby is by due proceeding of law according to the directions given by my Lord Chief Justice and myself indicted of most horrible and heinous treasons. The commission was executed at Wellingborough where the fact was done on Thursday last. This messenger has taken great pains, and being a good clerk helped to speed the business. This afternoon we proceed with the great indictment.—18 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (109. 129.)
[A. Gorges (?)] to Lord Carew.
1605–6, Jan. 18. Although my want of health here for this month held me within doors, so as yet I am not able to endure the coldness of the air abroad, yet I am desirous to hear of your welfare, and by a few lines to let you know of some bruits that I hear of, that may concern the State, that if you think fit it may be related to my Earl of Salsburye. I doubt not but you have to fore heard of some practices suspected to be in following by wildfires, and of the killing of sheep in the pastures only for the fat and "cawles" to that purpose, the which I am persuaded is still on foot and prosecuted by some villainous creatures. For I credibly heard this day, that within this 24 hours there be certain butchers that had many sheep slain in the fields and nothing but the "cales" and fat taken away. It seems the fire is not yet out of their fingers, and I like it the worse because it is so much followed now just against the Parliament time, for certainly they hope by some wicked practice to divert the prosecution of their former devilish purposes, and the deaths of those abominable traitors. Surely the city is shrewdly "ferced" with malicious papists, and dangerous rumours are daily spread, and good it were that the searches were more strict both for such villains and such wares in every particular house and cellar, which I know is not thoroughly done, for I myself dwelling in the heart of London have a house and cellarage enough to shelter multitudes of such dangerous wares and traitorous people, if my inclination were so devilish; and yet because I am no citizen, but of another vocation, my house was never enquired after, whereby I gather that thousands of gentlemen also that dwell in London are in like sort forborne, which were not well in such a cause; especially when we see that gentlemen are the chief actors in these tragical determinations, and may make London their hiding corner, being so vast and confused especially about the suburbs. I would these villains that are detected had their hire, so as no hope might remain by treachery to release them; a tree on a highway were fitter for them with martial law than a ceremonious jury, being such odious matters of fact, and not of trial. We see they intend no such formal executions with us, wherein they play on all the advantage that such gamesters may do. The streets of London are full of open grates and windows into cellars full of wares, into which places fires being conveyed, they will be the more terrible and take greater hold. Besides the churches and vaults would be searched, for a knave sexton may be a fit host for such guests. It were also to be wished that the watches and warders of the city gates did search such strangers as come in daily, and have a good eye to their weapons and to the disposure of them, for a few desperate villains with arms may surprise a gate on a sudden by night, and then if fires be cast abroad they may let in or let out whom they list.—In haste from Walebrooke, 18 Jan., 1605.
Signature torn off. Endorsed: "To ye noble lorde Carew my honorable good coosen wth speade or in hys absence to Mr. Levynus Munck" (the names are scored through) and in a later hand: "A. Gorges." 3 pp. (109. 130.)
Sir Henry Goodere to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605–6], Jan. 18. He has sent him a letter from the Lord Treasurer and prays his furtherance in the business. If the suit should prove beneficial to him, it will cut off his importunity to the King and Council for further relief, instead of the benefit which was intended him out of the estates of some recusants, and the concealment of Somerfield's lands: by neither of which has he reaped any other fruit than charges and pain.—18 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. Sir Henry Goodyeare." 1 p. (190. 32.)
Francis Gofton, Auditor, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6. Jan. 19. This morning, in a creek coming out of the Thames near to my house at Westham, where I have a liberty of fishing, was taken and brought unto me a young porpoise, which I make bold to present to your lordship, not for the worth but for the rareness thereof, being taken so near unto London.—Redcrosse Street, 19 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (109. 132.)
John Lytler, Mayor of Chester, to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 19. The box hereunto annexed, directed to your Honour, I received this day from the Countess of Derby, and being required by her letter to use special care for the speedy dispatch hereof have forthwith sent the same unto you in post.—Chester, 19 Jan., 1605.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (109. 133.)
Postal Endorsements: "At the Citie of Chester the xixth daie of Januarie 1605 at one of the Clocke after noone. At Namptwiche at fyve in the eveninge."
Sir Francis Goodwin to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 20. It pleased you some year and a half past to depute Sir Edward Tirrell of this country in the stewardship of Whaddon and of Burton, which manors are part of her Majesty's jointure; wherein though your election then were and his execution ever remained void of all just exception, yet he being at this present in no violent sickness but languishing weakness, I beseech you to confer the same place upon me, if God call him away from it. I confess myself denied by the meanness of my means to undertake, and of my deserts to demand or attempt much. Nevertheless if it please you to make trial of me in this kind (they being two ordinary country villages, always in that office united, and the one containing the chace and chief house of my Lord Grey, though my Lady's during her life) I will always strain myself to whatsoever shall be done in the execution of that business.—Wooburn, this 20 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (109. 134.)
Sir Richard Lewkenor to Lord Zouche.
1605–6, Jan. 20. Although I can write nothing now of moment touching the business of this court more than that which I and others sent by Mr. Crouther and the rest, yet for plain overthrow of the first fruit of the slanderous petition of the calumnious opposers or rather informers against your lordship and us of this Council, I hope we shall be able to furnish you with proof sufficient of very many knights, esquires, gentlemen and others of great sufficiency in these four counties, as also by the mayors, aldermen and other officers of the chief towns, that they were neither acquainted or consenting to the exhibiting of the said articles or petition or the desires thereby, but that they desire the continuance of the old jurisdiction; whereof the mayor and divers of the aldermen of Hereford have already subscribed. Which certificate with many other to that effect you shall receive by the end of the week. In the mean season, although this be the first precedent (and hope it shall be the last) that judges of any court should (by general accusations of private men) be driven to answer all their proceedings from their first entrance into their service until the exhibiting of the articles, which contain divers years; wherein if perhaps any manner of proceeding shall be misliked, I hope it will be a sufficient answer for your lordship and me that we found the same in the instructions and used in the court by your predecessors and mine many years before our coming hither.
I received on Saturday two several commissions of oyer and terminer for trial of divers receivers, aiders and relievers of the traitorous rebels in Staffordshire and Worcestershire, wherein, although there be divers knights and esquires named, yet myself, Mr. Richard Barker and Mr. George Wylde are only of the quorum: and two or three letters from the Council by post one on another's neck, commanding us speedily to perform that service, which we have determined to do this week. I beseech you to signify what is conceived of those whose examinations I sent you, for Shervington and Smalman remain still in ward, and Mrs. Greye and the woman and John Smyth restrained, all in safe custody in one house.—Ludlowe Castell, 20 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (109. 135.)
Richard Lloyd to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 20. Begs him to deliver the enclosed to the King, touching something of the causes of Parliament. His brother Lodo. Lloyd, one of the Serjeants at Arms to the King, shall attend Salisbury to know whether the King will command it to the press or not. He desires that it might be imprinted, so that all Lords of Parliament, knights and burgesses might daily peruse it, and that it might be to all subjects as a glass to view some of their faults therein.—Ludlowe, 20 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. 1 p. (190. 33.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1605–6, Jan. 22. Although your letter of 6 January, which came not to my hands before the 20th of the same, doth not require any present answer, yet I could not omit to give you notice of the receipt, and to say something to the contents thereof. First I must let you know that his Majesty approveth very well of your discretion used in the matter betwixt the Pope's Nuncio and yourself; for indeed whatsoever they would treat with us in that kind is but upon terms of advantage to themselves, and therefore you did very wisely to put it off in such a manner. Next, concerning the imputation cast upon you by the Jesuits of your extraordinary partiality against their religion in the pursuit of the matter against Baldwin, I will only say thus much, that if you had received my last dispatch when you wrote yours, it would have appeared unto you how roundly the King hath dealt with the Baron of Hoboque and how particularly you are avowed in all things; but you shall have now some occasion by this proclamation enclosed to stop their mouths, and to make all the world see how far their impious Order above all others is engaged in this devilish conspiracy. For all these 3 described in the proclamation are the very pillars and oracles of their order in these kingdoms; and it doth not only appear that they have been casually made acquainted with the Plot of the Gunpowder, but that they have been principal comforters to instruct the consciences of some of these wicked traitors in the lawfulness and meritoriousness of the act. And although in his Majesty's book there is not any mention made of them and of as many things else which are come to the knowledge of the State, yet it is but a frivolous inference that thereby the Jesuits seek to serve their turn in excusing of their Order, considering the purpose of his Majesty was not (as you have well noted), to deliver unto the world all that was confessed concerning this action, but so much only of the manner and form of it and of the means of the discovery as might make it apparent both how wickedly it was conceived by those devilish instruments, and how graciously it pleased God to deal with us in such an extraordinary discovery thereof. Concerning the gentleman you named, Captain James Blont, it is very material to take hold of the circumstances of his foreknowledge in part of their expected alterations in these parts; in which respect his Majesty hath commanded me to require you that you do summon him upon his duty to his Majesty to repair hither into England to answer to such things as shall be objected against him: wherein if he do detract to obey it will be an invincible argument of his guilt in the action; and if he do obey and repair hither, many things may be known by him which may serve to the clearing of some things which yet remain obscured. And of this your summoning of him you may in general terms give notice of it to the Archdukes' ministers that there are some things here to be objected against him, for which his Majesty would have him to make his repair hither. Lastly, if there come a party unto you with a message as from Sir Francis Lacon I pray you to entertain him and give ear to what he shall propound unto you; for if I be not deceived he may do very good service and will prove honest.—22 Jan., 1605.
Copy. 2 pp. (227. p. 176.)
P. Philippes alias Harison to —.
1605–6, Jan. 22. Your friend who sends this enclosed desires an answer with all speed. There can be nothing done unless you come into England (as his lawyers tell him) and therefore presently send me word, whether you can come over about Easter term, if you can appoint time and place, and your friends will not fail to meet you. I have sent here enclosed a letter to Mrs. West, which you may peruse and deliver her. Our affairs here go forward wonderful well beyond mine own expectation, whereof I mean very shortly to write at large, by such as shall bring the letters themselves to you. In the meantime commend me most heartily to all my friends, and tell Mr. Freuillion that his father and mother died both a little before Christmas last.—Excester, 22 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Endorsed: "Papists allegations." ½ p. (109. 139.)
The Enclosure:—Treatise headed: "Caput 10um. De summis injustitiis contra ipsas injustissimas leges tempore Elizte, cum non solum summo jure sed preter atque adeo etiam contra omnia jura contra Cathcos agebatur."
Latin. 3 pp. closely written. (109. 137.)
Adam Newton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 23. His Majesty's promise of the deanery of Durham made unto me at Hampton Court in the hearing of the Prince and my Lord of Canterbury the very same day he was nominated Archbishop, together with the notice it pleased you to take thereof by my own report first, but since testified unto me at divers times by my Lord Carew, Sir John Harington and Sir Thomas Lake, made me so secure of the obtaining of that deanery whensoever the Archbishop of York should die, that I did not imagine any opposition or dream of any difficulties. But now the matter not being like to pass without competition, it has pleased the Prince of himself to be a suitor to his Majesty by a letter, which he wishes your lordship to second, not doubting but you will easily satisfy such objections as by former precedents are already answered. I will make bold to remember two points. The one, that if a man of sufficiency had the place I serve in, he would in common opinion be thought capable of as great preferment as this; the other, that if my enjoying of it shall prove hurtful to Church or Commonwealth, being advised thereof by you, I will most willingly relinquish it, and accept somewhat fitter, after I am possessed of it. Only for the present, having settled my hopes thereon, and the world having taken notice thereof, as well for the King and Prince's credit as for my own, I am loth to go without it.—Richmond, 23 Jan., 1605.
PS. by Henry P[rince]:—"My Lord, I have read your discourse and am glad to see in so little a body so great a mind and so well resolved. This your resolution I doubt not will make you continue your former purpose towards my master."
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "Mr. Newton the Prince's schoolmr." 1 p. (109. 140.)
Sir Thomas Fane to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 23. Having long since taken order for the stay of Thomas Wilson according to the tenor of your letters, and the like letters from the Lord Warden, I am now to advertise you that the said Wilson came to Dover yesternight with purpose this morning by virtue of your pass to transport himself. But being brought unto me by the Clerk of the Passage I caused him this morning to be searched, but find no writing or papers about him, because such papers as he has are in his portmanteau, which he offered to open before me, but I would not permit the same, holding it more correspondent to my duty to send the portmanteau fast locked and sealed up to your lordship and my Lord Northampton to have the first view. The key I have enclosed in the like dispatch to his lordship by post. It seemed very strange to Wilson that having your pass he should be stayed by any other authority, but I affirmed to him that he was not named Wilson but rather one Acton, one of the conspirators, whereunto he answered that indeed his name was not Thomas Wilson but Thomas Barnes, though he were usually known by his name of Wilson. And further allowed that Mr. Livinus [Munck] was privy to the whole drift and secret purpose of his letters, and that he was with Mr. Livinus upon Sunday last in the morning, which caused him more to admire his sudden stay. I purpose to keep him safely in a chamber in Dover Castle, where he shall have no access or conference to or with any man.—From Dover, 23 Jan., 1605.
PS.—Here enclosed is a letter sent by the said Wilson to Mr. Livinus written before me.
Holograph. 1 p. (109. 141.)
The Same to the Earl of Northampton.
1605–6, Jan. 23. To the like effect.
1 p. (109. 142.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 23. Upon receipt of Salisbury's letters of the 1st instant sent to President Ricardott to let him know if he had received any letters from the Baron of Hoboque in answer to those businesses he last treated with his Majesty and his Council, he would be glad to speak with the Archduke and him about the same. It was at least 12 days after the arrival of Salisbury's letters before the letters came from Hoboque. When they had been communicated to the Archduke Edmondes had audience with him and private conference with the President. The Archduke expressed his contentment with the honourable treatment of his Ambassador and that he would endeavour of his part to give his Majesty all the satisfaction that should depend of him, but as yet he had received no news out of Spain and must entreat patience until then. Edmondes signified that his Majesty had commanded him to let him know that he would not further insist to have a view of Baily's and Owen's papers, seeing he perceived of how little fruit the same was like to be in regard of the liberty given for the suppressing of all matters worthy of knowledge. The Archduke answered that if there had been anything to have been discovered out of the said papers touching the treason he would not have failed to have imparted the same unto his Majesty and so desired to be excused that for special considerations he could not permit the visiting of the papers. If Hoboque had informed his Majesty otherwise, as Salisbury's letter seemed to import, he had much mistaken his direction.
Afterwards he said he had understood his Majesty had given order for the stay of some part of the Scottish company which were coming hither under the Earl of Hume. Edmondes had no knowledge thereof but, if so, the Archduke was to impute the cause to the ambition of the Jesuits for intermeddling so passionately to have the absolute sway of all his Majesty's subjects coming to serve here. The Archduke confessed they had shown themselves more busy than they ought to have been but hoped, seeing himself had given no cause of offence, his Majesty would not retract his favour towards him. He complained further that by reasons of the dissensions between the L. Arundell and the captains of the regiment, divers of the captains were ready to give over their places and besides L. Arundell gave daily passports to as many particular servitors as were willing to withdraw themselves. Edmondes had not heard of any dissension in the regiment but only between Sir Griffin Marckam and Sir Thomas Studder the sergeant major, which drew a partaking of the captains of the one and the other side, wherein it appeared that other favourers of Studder maintained a faction against the Colonel. Marckam was not as yet so far restored to his Majesty's favour that he could think the King had any purpose in this. The Archduke himself as little believed it to be true and only desired no occasion might be given for discontenting or breaking the regiment. He did not seek for his own part to give entertainment to any other than such as should remain in good opinion with his Majesty.
The last conferences in England with Hoboque have wrought much good effect here for both the Archduke and President Ricardott have been very careful to give all the satisfaction that might be. The latter said he was sorry Salisbury should conceive of him as grown coldly affected to the furtherance of the services of England, which he protested he would not be. One other great circumstance is likely to have wrought with them here, for since Edmondes's last letters to Salisbury letters are come hither from the Pope to his Nuncio declaring his great detestation of the late abominable treason and insisting for some intervention that greater severities be not enforced against the Catholics in England.
Has acquainted Ricardott with the renewing of the offer by the States for giving caution for restoring anything unlawfully taken by their ships. The motion was nothing pleasing to him for it was to force them to yield to a course of equality with them whom he called their subjects.
In his last letters of the 7th [sic, rectius 6th] instant he informed Salisbury of the conspirators' design to have transported the English regiment into England. This information was first brought by Sir Griffin Marckam to whom Blont discovered himself. Since then there have been other speeches delivered by Capt. Orme to Marckam likewise which cast some suspicion upon Sir Wm. Windsor to have partaken in the knowledge of that practice. The L. Arundell being also informed of these particularities by Marckam is very willing to discharge his Majesty's service in anything which shall depend on his commandment over the regiment.
Understands Sir Edmond Bainham is returned to Millan and Capt. Eliott is come to Paris.—Brux. 23 Jan., 1605.
Copy. 52/3 pp. (227. p. 170.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Dr. Lionel Sharpe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605–6], Jan. 24. Not upon any desire to gain your favour, but upon a godly sympathy I write unto you "There is no honest man but is infinitely moved with your answer." I have made the King's divine speech the ground of a meditation to myself, which I will send to your lordship, if you think anything worth the reading that I can write. It may appear by one clause of the admonition, that it was some Jesuit or seminary priest, which did bind these together by sacrament. O wicked thing to make the sacrament an instrument of executing murder; but such an idol as they make of it may seem fit for such a purpose.—24 Jan. from Mortlake.
Holograph. 1 p. (109. 143.)
Sir John Ferne to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 24. The Dean of Durham has sent me these his letters directed to your lordship, with certain examinations here enclosed, which he desired I should present unto you; and so I determined to have done if I had begun my journey at the time appointed, which by sickness I am constrained to defer, and therefore I send them to you by post.—At York, 24 Jan., 1605.
Signed. ½ p. (109. 145.)
Sir John Byron to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 24. I received your letters and direction on Thursday the 23 of this month, at 5 o'clock in the evening, and presently repaired to Nottingham, where by the discreet assistance of the mayor in the same night at the place mentioned in your directions I apprehended one John Farmer, a recusant as appears, being a lean, spare man, of middle age and stature, and born in the county of Leicester, I find no special matters about him, more than a mass-book, and some of his own writings, showing him to be a recusant, whom I have not further examined, but have left his body to the safe custody of the mayor and sheriffs of Nottingham, together with his host, where I found him, till your pleasure be further known.—From Nottingham, 24 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (109. 144.)
Ulrich, Bishop of Schwerin and Schleswig, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1605–6, Jan. 24. I count among the greatest proofs of your friendship the letters you have sent me, and hope to receive more news of what has passed in England since I left. I will write to you of how things go on here, but must first thank you for your kindness to Sieur de Guntrot and Sieur de Danstreuder, which I will ask you to continue, assuring you that it is not the badness of his cause but the malice of his enemies that keeps him in trouble: for they have done all they can to damage him in the Imperial Council, where all goes by cabal and corruption while the Emperor is not answerable for a hundredth part of what goes on there. I am glad to have your favourable news of the affairs of the King in England and Scotland. As to the Ambassador sent by the King my brother to the King of England I was glad to hear of his good reception and the contentment given to him, but much troubled that avarice should prevent the King my brother from giving proper satisfaction in his turn, but I hope he may yet understand our great obligations to the King of England. Nothing remarkable has been done in this army. The Turk has taken Strigonia, and the Imperial army has retired from the island of Gomora to the river Rabe, and being encamped there some five or six thousand Turks, Tartars and Hungarians passed the river to attack them; but they were discovered and the army got to horse, and after some skirmishes they broke and fled with the loss of two thousand horses and five or six hundred men killed and prisoners; many men and horses were drowned in the Rabe. The loss on our side was small, but among others the Comte de la Val a young French nobleman was killed. The enemy at once retreated. For other news I refer you to the bearer.—From our army at Stencmanger. 24 Jan.
Signed: Ulrich. French. Endorsed: "24 Jan., 1605. Duke of Holstein to my Lord from the army in Hungary." 2 seals on pink silk. 4 pp. (134. 64.)
George Rooke to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 25. Although I must confess it were much more agreeable to my natural disposition to suffer your Honours to take your leisures in admitting me justification of my now questioned past life, yet importuned by some of my nearest friends, I have yielded to petition for the accelerating of my liberty or trial. I have thought it necessary to put you in mind of those public businesses that from his Majesty's Ambassador (now resident in Venice) I have had the honour lately to be the messenger to your lordship, part whereof rests yet unperfected, and whether my banishment from your presence be any impediment thereunto (as also to some of the Ambassador's private affairs) I appeal to your wisdom for judge. Because I shall be able in fewer words to give a true account of myself (your Honour already understanding in part how I have spent my time abroad, this being the third time that in these 4 years past I have been by public ministers sent home to you) I have thought it fitter to supplicate you for my release rather than my Lo. Chief Justice, by whose commandment I was first apprehended.—25 Jan., 1605.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (109. 146.)
Sir Richard Lewkenor to the Privy Council.
1605–6, Jan. 27. Together with Mr. Richard Barker, Mr. George Wylde, Mr. Bagott, Mr. Trentham and Mr. Skevington, I executed the commission of oyer and terminer for the trial of such as had been receivers, aiders, or relievers of Stephen Lyttleton and Robert Winter in Staffordshire, whereof only Thomas Smarte and John Hollingshedd were found guilty and are executed; we finding no such cause to reprieve Smarte, although he once made show of an intention of discovery, but did it not, but desisted not only for fear but for corruption and hope of greater gain, as it fell out before us. In Worcestershire I with Sir William Walshe, Sir Edward Pytt, Mr. Barber, Mr. George Wylde and Mr. Francis Dyngley proceeded against Humfrey Lyttleton, John Perckes, Margaret Perckes and Thomas Burford, who were all found guilty and had judgment. This morning Mr. Button informed me that Humfrey Lyttleton offered to do good service if his execution might be respited but until your lordships might be advertised of such discoveries as he could make of certain Jesuits and priests, which had been persuaders of him and others to these actions. Whereupon we consented for the deferring of the execution so long as I might see that he performed what he had promised by laying the same down in writing which I send unto your lordships here enclosed. I told him, although what he had done sufficed to give him respite for his examination until your pleasures known, yet I thought this would not be sufficient to procure him pardon for his life, without revealing more. He answered this was as much as upon the sudden his distracted head could remember, but whatsoever else he knew he would from time to time declare unto Mr. Fleete, a justice of the peace in Worcester. I haste to Ludlow, where the proceedings this term stay until my return thither.—27 Jan., 1605.
PS.—We have also respited Margaret Perckes, sister and servant of John Perckes, and by him forced to dress and carry victuals for Winter and Lyttleton.
Holograph. Seal. 2 pp. (109. 149.)
The Enclosure:—1605–6, Jan. 26.—The relation of Humphrey Littleton:—He knows Father Hall the Jesuit, who is for the most part commorant with Mr. Abbington at Henlip, co. Worcester. He assures himself that Hall is in Abbington's house at this present. Further, at such time as he entertained any speech with Robert Winter and Stephen Lyttleton (having then an intention to apprehend them, in regard of the odiousness of their treasons, which in his heart he detested) and again being moved in the love of a kinsman, which he then bore to Stephen Lyttleton his cousin german, and the affection which he likewise bore unto their religion, caused him to make stay of their apprehension until he had conferred with Father Hall, whether he might with a safe conscience deliver them or not. And relating to Hall the judgment of God showed upon those which were any way actors in this most detestable treason, and that the heinousness of the offence was a scandal to their religion, Hall answered that the action was good, and that he seemed to approve it, alleging an example from one of the Kings of France, who lying in extremity of sickness, even at the point of death, made a vow upon his recovery to go to the Holy Land to fight against the enemies of God; which he performed upon the recovery of his health, and went with a great army by the direction of St. Barnard, who solicited the Christian princes to join with him; and, coming within the view of the enemy, by a mighty plague he lost the greatest part of his men and himself went away discomfited. And at a second time with the like number he made another attempt, and died of the same contagion himself, no sickness or other evil fortune befalling his enemies. Hall alleged also that albeit the action had not good success, yet was it commendable and not to be measured by the event. Further, Hall's servant is now in Worcester gaol, and can he thinks go directly to the secret places where Hall lies hid. Hall was ghostly father unto Mr. Robert Winter and Mr. Catesby, and he has seen them both receive the sacrament at Hall's hands. Since this last rebellion he heard Hall once preach in Mr. Abbington's house, at which time he seemed by his sermon to confirm the hearers in the Catholic cause. And on the morrow lying somewhat long in bed, and Father Hall having ended his mass, he went into Mr. Butler's mass, where he continued during the time thereof. Also the said Butler alias Lyster is a Jesuit and lives with Mrs. Dorothy Abbington, sister of Mr. Abbington, in a part of his house at Henlip. The said Hall was priest to Mr. Abbington, and Butler priest to Mistress Dorothy Abbington. Butler was also priest unto Mr. Ralph Sheldon of Beslye, but where he is at present he knows not. Also one Jones a priest, whom he met at Mr. Winter's house, was approached by Hall the Jesuit to provide a place where Winter and Lyttleton should be received, which he did, and set one Charnock, now prisoner in Worcester gaol, by a token to bring them to Jones. This Jones was the priest which said mass openly in Monmouthshire and Herefordshire, when the great tumult was near 12 months past. Further, there is one Hamond a priest, which commonly uses Winter's house.
Signed: Fr. Dingley; Humfrey Littelton.
Note.—This confession was read before me in the presence of Humfrey Lyttleton, who affirmed the same to be true, whereupon I with other the commissioners sent for George Charnock, who with much ado confessed so much as was laid to his charge for his consenting to convey Winter and Lyttleton to a place called Combe in the parish of Welchenewton, lying in the confines of Monmouthshire and Herefordshire. He says that Jones the priest and his son sometimes use the house of Mrs. Griffith of Combe, and sometimes the house of one Browne, a recusant in the Forest of Dean.
Signed: R. Lewkenor. 3 pp. (109. 147.)
Jane Nevill to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605–6], Jan. 27. Pardon the importunity of great necessity, and grant your favour where it is so much desired. I formerly commenced a suit to his Majesty that he would grant the creation of a baron, such an one as for his religion, conversation and ability as almoner of ways shall seem fit to you his honourable councillor. This is to the King no charge, but honour profitable to the commons. The affliction of sickness has compelled me this long to defer my suit, therefore unless you assist me, I despair of good success therein.—Aldarsbrooke, Jan. 27.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605. The pretended Countesse of Westmerland." ½ p. (109. 150.)
Lord Sheffield to [the Same].
[1605–6], Jan. 28. After the writing of my letter I received a letter from the Council at York wherein they advertised me of the imprisonment of one Nalton, a minister, who was committed by their lordships for speaking unfitting speeches of my Lord of Southampton. There he lies, therefore I would be glad some course might be taken for him that his cause might be heard in what fashion shall best please you; for the man exclaims because he is not brought to his trial. I pray remember the matter I spoke to you of in my Lord Chamberlain's chamber about Judge Walmsley, for I hear he makes means to come this circuit again; which if he should do, things standing as they do, it could not but overthrow all, for the papists have ever borne themselves much upon his favour.—28 Jan.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (120. 32.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Same.
1605–6, Jan. 29. I hearing that this present afternoon there was a scaffold setting up very near and right against the greatest and fairest gate of Pawles Church, whereupon to torture and quarter these wicked and bloody conspirators: in my poor judgment I did not think it a fit place to be defiled with the blood of such wretches, nor to make a butchery in the churchyard, and almost under the eaves of the most famous church of our kingdom. Much could I say for the unfitness thereof, but I know you can farther and better conceit it in a moment than I can express in a volume. Only this I know, traitors and papists will calumniate our too much neglect of those reverent places, growing indeed but too fast into contempt otherways. Besides it is an ill presage to have blood and execution approach so near the capital house of God's divine service. Lastly, I well remember that that was the place of happy memory, even the midst of that great gate, where our late dread and dear Sovereign offered up in all humility upon her knees her thanksgiving to God for the great victory upon the Spaniards and therefore too worthy to be now polluted with gibbets, hangmen, or the blood of traitors. But I willingly submit my opinion to your wisdom.—Walebrooke, 29 Jan., 1605.
Holograph. 2 pp. 190. 34.)
Sir Robert Bassett to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1605–6], Jan. 30. Being lately advertised of some courses taken against me for my speedy repair into England, I have made my humble apology to the King (fn. 1) and am bold briefly to present the like to you; wherein I am desirous to give all demonstration I can of my loyal intention, and would be loth, though I have not satisfied for the instant what by proclamation is required of me, to incur the least ill censure, which I would not willingly deserve. My debts in England lie so leavy upon me that I know my creditors would use me with little humanity if they had me in their power, but being out of their hands I hope it will not be ill thought of, if I keep myself so until they are compounded withal. Be a means to his Majesty that I may be suffered to live in Brussels until my debts are paid, and favour me with your letters to Sir Thomas Edmondes, that in the meantime he would advertise the King of my behaviour, as I shall deserve, and to assist me with his counsel.—From Roome, 30 Jan.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1605." 1 p. (109. 151.)
A Certificate.
1605–6, Jan. Received of Richard Ferris, one of his Majesty's messengers, 28 Jan., 1605, a letter from the Privy Council concerning Mr. Abington and the priests. And afterwards Richard Ferris was employed by Sir Henry Bromley from his house at Holt to Henlip and Worcester, for the separating of the prisoners from Mr. Abington. [Other similar services are recounted.]
Signed: Henry Bromley Note:—"This bearer was very careful and painful in this service." ½ p. (109. 152.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, Jan.] Having received intelligence of the Archbishop of York's death, whereby it is likely some great removes will be of the bishops, I recommend to your furtherance my motion to the King in that behalf. Not being able to attend upon him by reason of my sickness, I have written to him to this effect; that "Dirrum" [Durham] were fit to succeed the Archbishop: the Dean him: and Mr. Ubanke the prebend, the Dean. These are all very sufficient for the places; but the especial motive to me is their long acquaintance with the affairs of that country, which will puzzle a novice, especially at this time, considering the state of that country.
One other request I should make to the King at this change, which remembering some speech of yours when I last moved it, has stayed me till I knew from you how you stood affected therein. It is touching the deanery of York. I moved the King for Dr. Goodwin; but I remember you told me that you aimed at it for one of your chaplains; wherefore I desire to know what you intend therein. In anything wherein I may know your intention, you have not a friend that will be more unwilling to give the least cross than I will be.—Undated.
Holograph. 1 p. (114. 140.)
Sir Everard Digby's goods.
[? 1605–6 Jan.] List of "such things as were carried away from the house before the Sheriff had the writ to "praise goods."
Household stuff, 5 cartloads 200l.; 5 score sheep 45l.; the trunk that was my Lady's and her woman's 50l.; cock of hay 8l.; goods of Richard Daye's 20l.; and other things. Sir Anthony Tyringham and Sir William Andrewes, before the coming of the sheriff, took an inventory of the goods in every chamber. Note as to the feather beds. All goods are carried away, even to the very floor of the great parlour. Signed by John Lee.
At foot: John Lee to [Lady Digby ?].
Good Madam, Whenas your man Andrew requested me, because I was a 'praiser, to send you a true certificate of what was done by Mr. Sheriff, concerning the goods of Sir Everard Digby's: accordingly I have so done, and because they shall remain so to be justified, I have there set my hand.—Undated.
pp. (191. 145.)
[Cf. Calendar of S.P. Dom. 1603–1610, p. 283.]
The Gunpowder Plot.
[1605–6, Jan.] Bill of charges of Sir Arthur Throckmorton, High Sheriff of Northamptonshire, for the seizing and safekeeping of the goods and chattels supposed to be Francis Tresham's, the prisoner in the Tower of London for high treason, at Lyveden, Rushton. Rowell, Pipwell and Silseworthe; as also for taking inventories of the goods and chattels of the Lord Mordant's at Draighton; and for seizing by inquisition of the goods and chattels of Robert Catesby and other traitors at Ashby Ledgers: by virtue of letters from the Council and writs directed to him; as also by an order of the Court of Exchequer for the delivering back of the goods and chattels thought to be Francis Tresham's so seized into the hands of Lady Merryll Tresham, as by the indentures and inventories now delivered may appear: which bill he humbly desires this Court to allow him.
The 11th of November for my coming post from London, with 6 horses and a guide, to my own house at Paulersperry, 50 miles at 2½d. the mile, 10s. 5d. a horse: for all 3l. 12s. 11d. For our dinner at Barnet the same day 13s. 3d. For guide money 3s. 6d. The 12th for sending my Under Sheriff post to Ashby to Mr. Erasmus Dreydon's with my letters for his company to Rushton, and for his coming back again, 6s. The same day for sending post to Sir Richard Chitwood's with my letters for his company to Rushton, and for his coming back again 12s. The same day for sending post to Sir William Sammuell's (for the same purpose) 6s. 3d. The 13th for our dinners at Kettering, as I went to Rushton 27s. 8d. For our horsemeat at Kettering the same day 9s. 4d. Given to Waterton the messenger that brought me down the first letters for my going to Rushton; and staying him from Tuesday until Saturday, when I wrote back to the Lords, 5l. For post horses for Mr. Michaell Foxe, when I sent him up the 17th from Rushton to the Council with letters; for 2 horses and a guide 47s. 3d. For his charges by the way 20s. For his charges for waiting there from the 18th to the 22nd, when he brought down the commission with him: for himself and his man for 5 days at 6s. a day 30s. For his coming back to Rushton post with the commission 47s. 3d. For his charges by the way 20s. The 19th, given to Sir Euseby Andrewes when he went up post from Rushton and carried my letters and other things to the Council 5l. The 20th given to the messenger that carried up Flamsteed and Levins, 2 of Tresham's servants, from Rushton to the Council (whom the Lords had written to me for), to bear their charges 6l. The 23rd for sending to Sir Anthony Mildmay and Sir William Fitzwilliams, 2 of the commissioners, to advertise them of the said commission, and to desire their repair to Rushton 10s. The 24th I paid to Thomas Pilkington, my Under Sheriff, for sending post to London to carry back the commission, none of the commissioners being in the country, and also my letters to my Lord Chief Baron; for post horses 30s. 7d., his charges going up and attending 8 days 40s., for his post horses back again 30s. 7d., in all 5l. 1s. 2d. The 7th of December paid to Thomas Pilkington, my Under Sheriff, upon his bill, when I sent him post to my Lord Treasurer and my Lord Chief Baron about the order: for post horses up 30s. 7d., for his charges staying there 30s., for the charges laid out about the order 3l. 4s. 4d., for post horses down 30s. 7d., for his man's charges, staying behind him to dispatch the order and to take it out, and for horse hire home 16s. 8d., in all 8l. 12s. 2d. Spent from the 13th of November in all manner of charges for meat, drink and horsemeat at Rushton and Lyveden unto the 4th of December, for myself and all my company, of my money disbursed out of my own purse 35l. 17s. 8d. Board wages to 4 of my servants I left at Rushton and at Lyveden to keep the goods there, from the 4th of December until the delivery of them up by indenture and inventory the 18th of January, being 45 days at 12d. the day, 9l. The 19th of January given to counsellors for fees for agreeing upon the indentures, and drawing of them with their inventories, according to the order 8l. 13s. 4d. For ingrossing the indentures with the inventories in 3 parts, and for parchment, 3l. Total of the charges about the seizing of Tresham's goods and chattels 102l. 15s. 9d.
At Drighton, my Lord Mordant's house.
The 30th day of November paid for writing and engrossing the inventories into 3 parts, and for parchment, 3l.
At Ashby Ledgers, the house of Robert Catesby.
The 26th of November, for all manner of charges there for myself and my company, with the charges of the Jury that were upon the inquisition, and for the bringing of the evidences by cart unto my house, 6l. 13s. 4d.
Sum total of all the charges laid out about these several businesses. 112l. 9s. 1d.—Undated.
2 pp (192. 51.)


  • 1. See Appendix to this volume.