Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Cabillau, François, 443.

Cadiz (Cales), 245.
-, winning of, 266.
-, sheriff (eschevin) of, see Angulo.

Cadsand (Cassand, Cassant, the Island) Island of, 84, 89, 93, 206, 210, 213, 214, 218, 230.
-, letters dated at, 59, 68.
-, Army and Fleet of States General at, 58, 60, 63, 69, 125.
-, the Spanish attempt an attack on, 72, 73, 81, 207, 229.
-, proposal to build fortress on, 64, 82, 88.
-, fort of St. Pierre, or l'Espine, on, 59.
-, garrison for, 232.

Caesar (Cesar, Ceasar):
-, Sir Julius, Master of the Requests, 9n, 28, 52.
-, -, letters from, 154, 351.
-, -, letter to, 439.
-, -, a charge against 148 (2), 170, 180.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, as president of Court of Admiralty, 440.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.
-, Thomas, proposed as Baron of the Exchequer, 28.

Calais, 289.
-, the Duke of Lennox at, 346.

Cales, see Cadiz.

Callard, Emmanuel, 427.

Calvert, Mr., Lord Cranborne's servant, 370.

Cambrai (Cambray), certificate dated at, 54.
-, Archbishop and Duke of, see Berges.

Cambridge, 414.
-, water supply to, 55.
-, letters dated at, 176, 355.
-, St. Mary's Church in, 391.
-, University of, letter to, 389.
-, -, study of civil law at, 39.
-, -, religion in, instructions regarding, 389–391.
-, -, -, memorandum concerning, 398.
-, -, translators of the Bible at, 403.
-, -, chancellor of, see Cecil, Robert.
-, -, Vice-Chancellor of, 65.
-, -, -, letters from, 38, 347.
-, -, -, re-election of, 347.
-, -, -, see also Cowell.
-, -, senate of, letter from, 38.
-, -, Caius College, Masters and Fellows of, letter from, 59.
-, -, Corpus Christi College (Bennet) 349.
-, -, Emmanuel College, letter dated at, 381.
-, -, -, Fellows of, names of, 378.
-, -, -, -, and divine service in, 378, 381–382.
-, -, Jesus College, letter dated at, 57.
-, -, Magdalene (Mawdlen) College, 65.
-, -, St. John's College, 65.
-, -, -, letters dated at, 346, 353.
-, -, -, Lord Cranborne's son at, 346, 366, 374.
-, -, see also Universities.

Cambridge, Earl of, see Plantagenet.

Cambridgeshire, Sir Philip Herbert's manor in, 439.
-, Lord North's bequests to, 402–403.

Camerino, Bishop of. see Bufalo.

Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Argyle, 169.
-, letter from, 4.

Cannington, (Somerset), 99.

Canterbury (Cantorbury, Canterbry), [Kent], postal endorsements at, 103, 112, 204, 212, 329, 332, 346.
-, letters dated at, 205, 208, 212, 289.
-, the Constable at, 201, 205.
-, French minister at, 212.
-, Prerogative Court of, guardian surrogate of, see Bennett.

Canterbury, Province of, 461.
-, profits of during vacancy, 407–408.

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 433.
-, -, as Commissioner for causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, see also Whitgift and Bancroft.
-, Archdeacon of, see Fotherbie.
-, Dean of, 74, 234, 289.
-, -, see also Nevile.

Canterbury Park (Kent), replenishment of game at, 422.

Capell, Sir Arthur, letters from, 89, 334.

Cardel, Monsieur, dancing master, 432.

Cards, playing, manufacture of, in England, 402.

Carew (Carewe, Caroe):
-, Sir George, Vice Chamberlain and General Receiver to Anne of Denmark, 193, 247, 268, 347, 410, 418.
-, -, letters from, 117, 119, 238, 308, 408.
-, -, signs as Privy Councillor, 162, 163.
-, Sir George, a Master in Chancery, letter from, 304.
-, -, to engross the Spanish treaty, 233, 304.
-, Dr. Sir Matthew, a Master of Chancery, 440.
-, see also Kerreue.

Carey (Carye, Carie):
-, [?] Henry, 1st Lord Hunsdon ("the old Lord Hunsdon"), 217, 442.
-, Sir John, 3rd Lord Hunsdon, Marshall of Berwick, 139.
-, -, letter to, 442 (an enclosure).
-, -, his father [Henry Carey, 1st Lord Hunsdon, q.v.] 442.
-, Sir Robert and Norham Castle, 78, 451.
-, Sir Edmond, 122.
-, see also Cary.

Carliolen, see Carlisle, Bishop of.

Carlisle (Carlile), men from Berwick garrison, to serve at, 5, 8.
-, commissioners to repress outrages at, 127.

Carlisle (Carliolen), Bishop of, see Robinson.

Carlow (Catherlow, Caterlogh; Ireland), waste lands in, 430.
-, castle, 275.

Carmarden (Carmerden), Richard, surveyor of the Port of London, 231.
-, letters from, 317, 340.

Carmarthen, Mr., 381.
-, Mr., his licence for Irish yarn, 239.

Caroe, see Carewe.

Caron, Sir Noel de, Sr. de Schoneval (Mons. Caron), agent of the States General in England, 322, 323, 460.
-, letters from, 173, 174, 269, 382.
-, brings letter from Winwood, 360.

Carr, —, a prisoner, 38.
-, Launce, 376.

Carre, Mr., of the King's chamber, 158.

Carrell, Edward, 417.

Carrick [Ireland], letter dated at, 140, 147, 181.

Carrickfergus (Knockfergus), [co. Antrim], 430.
-, lease of Customs to, 442.

Carshalton [Surrey], letter dated at, 267.

Carthagena, [Spain], 462.

Carty, Cormock, letter from, 182.

Carvill, Robert, 31.

Carwed fynydd (Karwedvynyth; in Llan Nefydd par., co. Denbigh), 287.

Cary (Carye):
-, -, his son, 37.
-, Sir Edward, Master of the Crown Jewels, 300, 386.
-, Sir George, Treasurer at War in Ireland, (Mr. Treasurer), 44, 195, 462, 463.
-, Richard, 33.
-, see also Carey.

Casabianca, Martin, a prisoner of war, 449.

Cassand, see Cadsand.

Cassubia, Markgrave of, see Brandenburg.

Castile (Castilia), kingdom of, customs with Portugal, 345.
-, goods brought to, 356.
-, Kings of, 401.
-, Constable of, see Velasco.

Castillion, Sir Francis, letter from, 408.

Casubiorum, Marchioni of, see Brandenburg.

Caterlogh, see Carlow.

Cathelin, Mr., a nonconformist minister, 421.

Catherlow, see Carlow.

Cave, Sir Thomas, letters from, 359, 368.

Ceasar, see Caesar.

Cecil, (Cecyll, Cicil, Ceecyll, Cycell, Sissell, Cesill):
-, Sir Edward, son of 2nd Lord Burghley, letters from 45, 90, 129, 218.
-, -, in Low Countries war, 203, 436.
-, -, -, promotion of, 130, 131.
-, Robert, Lord Cecil of Essendon, (Easton), afterwards Viscount Cranborne, Secretary of State (Mr. Secretary), 42, 113, 120.
-, -, letters from, 26, 52, 70, 87, 100, 194.
-, -, -, as Viscount Cranborne, 278 (2), 288, 301, 305 (an enclosure) 312, 318 (2), 322, 342, 378, 389, 391, 418–428 passim, 444.
-, -, letters to, 1–267 passim.
-, -, -, as Viscount Cranborne, 267–465 passim.
-, -, personal letters to, from James I, 325, 362, 393–398 passim.
-, -, presents sent to, 179, 181, 242, 248, 253, 261, 275, 308, 316, 317, 355, 385, 387, 430.
-, -, accusations against, 9–11, 12, 26.
-, -, suggested marriage of, to Lady Barbara Ruthven, 29.
-, -, as a nominator of Registraries for Brokers in Westminster, 56.
-, -, alleged plot against, 57.
-, -, dedication of a book to, 95, 242.
-, -, estates of, 119, 135, 154, 167.
-, -, -, in Hertfordshire and Middlesex, 58.
-, -, a forged signature of, 152.
-, -, signs as Privy Councillor, 162, 163.
-, -, as a godfather, 207, 267, 277.
-, -, and sale of Lord Cobham's lands, 224, 338,
-, -, character of, described to the king, 254.
-, -, created Viscount Cranborne, 267.
-, -, lands offered to, 267, 277, 324.
-, -, his harbinger in Bath, 276.
-, -, visit of, to Bath, see under Bath.
-, -, views of, on justice, 288.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.
-, -, wishes to learn Italian, 299.
-, -, and appointment of marshal of Briel, 305, 306.
-, -, and warrants for money and timber for bridges, 307.
-, -, referred to as James's little beagle, 325–327, 362, 393–398 passim.
-, -, and Lady Shurlye, 333.
-, -, aged by toil, 360.
-, -, as Chancellor of Cambridge University, 367, 381, 389–391.
-, -, purchase of manor of St. Michael's Mount by, 374.
-, -, referred to in cypher, 398.
-, -, threatened with decapitation, 403.
-, -, as 1st Earl of Salisbury, lands of, in Kent, 411.
-, -, comments of, on change of Sovereign, 420.
-, -, and replenishment of game at Canterbury Park, 422.
-, -, his Welch interpreter, 439.
-, -, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.
-, -, as High Steward of Kingstonupon-Hull, 445.
-, -, his "wish of a young wife," 446.
-, -, as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 458.
-, -, his wife, sister of Lord Cobham, 21, 166, 255, 295, 352.
-, -, his daughter Frances, 292, 364.
-, -, his niece, 364.
-, -, -, Lady Susan, see Herbert.
-, -, -, see also Winchester.
-, -, his aunt, see Russell, Lady.
-, -, his brother, see Cecil, Thomas.
-, -, his son, see Cecil, William.
-, -, secretaries of, see Munck and Brereton.
-, Thomas, 2nd Lord Burghley, Lord President of York, brother of Lord Cecil, 50, 79, 246, 323, 451, 467.
-, -, letters from, 38, 203, 243(2), 407(3).
-, -, illness of, 407.
-, -, and suit regarding lease of woods, 407.
-, Sir William, first Lord Burghley, father of Lord Cecil, 21, 50, 217, 359.
-, -, as Lord Treasurer, 153.
-, -, his godson, 305.
-, -, his memory respected by foreigners, 338.
-, -, and appointment of Bishop of London, 344.
-, -, and trade with the Levant, 380.
-, William, (Mr. Cecil), son of Robert Cecil (Lord Cobham's nephew), 262, 409, 429.
-, -, letters from, 241, 353.
-, -, a horse for, 301.
-, -, sent to St. John's, Cambridge, 346, 366, 374.
-, -, as 2nd Earl of Salisbury, 412.
-, Dr., 9.

Ceecyll, see Cecil.

Cerrano, see Serrano.

Cesar, see Caesar.

Cesill, see Cecil.

Chaderton (Chatterton): Laurence, of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 367.
-, -, letters from, 381, 382 (enclosure).
-, William, Bishop of Lincoln, letters from, 43, 379.

Chaloner (Chalynor, Chalinor, Challoner), Sir Thomas, 108, 186, 400, 457.
-, letter from, 173.
-, letter to, 118.

Chamber, Katherine, wife of Robert Lewes, 52.

Chamberlain, the Lord, see Howard, Thomas.

Chamberlayne, John, 9.

Chambers, William, 457.

Chancellor, the Lord, 274, 413, 467.
-, see also Egerton.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, see Exchequer.

Chancery, Court of, 329.
-, a decree of, 295.
-, filing of pleadings in, 369.
-, masters of, see Amye, Carew, Legg, Stanhope, Swale.

-, Frances, Lady, letters from, 49, 53, 324(2).
-, -, letter to, 53.
-, Lord, see Brydges.

Chandos estate, claims to, 49, 256.

Chapel Hainault (Chappell Hennolt; Essex), 307.

Chapel Royal, Dean of, see Montague.

-, Henry, 311.
-, Thomas, 274, 311.

Chappell Hennolt, see Chapel Hainault.

Charier, Dr. Benjamin, letter from, 348.

Charles IX, King of France, gift of, to Lord Darnley, 18.

Charles, Prince, Duke of York, ("the Duke") [afterwards Charles I], son of James I, 220, 222, 269.
-, account of, 163–164.
-, journey of, to England from Scotland, 137.
-, at Berwick, 176, 195.
-, at Worksop, 227.
-, watches hunting, 227.
-, title for, 398.
-, suggested as King of Scotland, 367.

Charles, Duke of Sweden, 65, 74, 230, 377.
-, ships of, sent against Poland, 284.

Chateauherault (Chateau le Roy), Duchy of, see Hamilton.

Chatillon, Count of, 361.

Chatterton, see Chaderton.

Checker, the, see Exchequer.

Cheek, Mary, Lady, letter from, 356.

Chelsea [Middx.], 70.

Chenes, —, of Lombard Street, 455.

Cheney (Cheynie, Cheyney):
-, Lord, lands of, 233, 269.
-, Henry, petition from, 322.

Chequer, see Exchequer.

Cheshire, 108.

Chester (Cheshire), 77, 101.
-, letter dated at, 111.
-, suggested appointment of a new Justice at, 121.
-, Court of Exchequer of, 156, 157, 432.
-, wine duty at, 157, 158.
-, decay of shipping at, 158.
-, mayor and aldermen of, and privy seals for loans, 315.
-, mayor of, see Dutton.

Chester, diocese, money collected in, 327.
-, Bishop of, 327.
-, -, see also Vaughan.
-, dean of, see Barlow.

-, Charles, 108.
-, Colonel, 134.
-, Sir Robert, 15, 134.
-, Walter, a sea captain, 108.

Chewt, Charles, 193.

Cheyney, Cheynie, see Cheney.

Chichester, Bishop of, as commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290.

Chicke, Sir Hatton, 90.

Childerley [Cambs.], letter dated at, 217.

Chillingham [Northumberland], letters dated at, 30, 176.

Chilton Hall (Suffolk), 305.

Chippenham [?] (Chipnam), 314.

Chippingdale (Chippingedalle), Dr. J., commissary and justice of Leicestershire, 359.
-, letter from, 409.

Chitesley, Thomas, 48.

Christ Church, see Oxford University.

Christian IV, King of Denmark, 43, 445.
-, relations of, with Sweden, 66, 377.
-, and licence for fishing, 119, 239, 272.
-, in Norway, 148.

Christian, Robert, 52.

Chronicler, the Kings, office of, 433.

Church of England, and Cambridge University, 378, 389–390.
-, James I and, 389–390.

Church, Ro., 60.

Churchland [in Wedmore], manor of, (Somerset), 466.

Cicil, see Cecil.

Cinque Ports, the, James I to visit, 237.
-, Warden, of, see Howard, Henry.
-, -, office of, 335.

Ciprian, —, an elder of the French Church, 197, 201(2), 244.

Clan Carty, see McCarty.

Clanricard, Earl of, see Burke.

Clark (Clarke, Clerk):
-, Robert, Baron of the Exchequer, letters from, 28, 350, 359.
-, -, letter to, 427.
-, Thomas, vicar of Barkway, 15.
-, William, a priest, 15.

Clarkenwell, see Clerkenwell.

Clayton, Dr. Richard, letter from, 346.

Cleave, see Cleve,

Clement VIII, The Pope (His Holiness), 44, 109, 400.
-, and dealings with France to bring England to Catholic obedience, 7, 71.
-, and the Treaty between England and Spain, 226.
-, and 30 per cent customs, 228.
-, prohibition by, against trade with English and Dutch, 246.
-, a bull from, 289.
-, Nuncio of, 366.
-, -, in Brussels, 400.
-, and the French King, 435.

Clerk, see Clarke.

Clerkenwell (Clarkenwell), [Middx.], letters dated from, 52, 384.

Cleve, Captain, of Kent, 87, 247.

Cliffe (Clyve; Kent), 411, 412.

-, F., letter from, 123.
-, George, K. G., 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 150, 398, 430.
-, -, letters from, 200, 269, 291, 427.
-, -, letter to, 176.
-, -, and the Berwick garrison, 5, 8.
-, -, Border Lands granted to, 25.
-, -, suit of, anent the Debatable Lands, 393.
-, Mr., 217.

Clink, the [Southwark], 52.

Clinton, Henry, 2nd Earl of Lincoln, letter to, 70.
-, Thomas, styled Lord Clinton, son of the Earl of Lincoln, 42.

Cloasburne, see Closeburn.

Clocaenog [?], Clockaynock Park, 328.

Clockaynoch Park [? Clocaenog, q.v.).

Clocks, German, brought into London, 340.

Closeburn (Lord Cloasburne), laird of, 37.

Cloth, alnage of, 324, 334, 442, 465.
-, dyeing, see under Trades.

Clyve, see Cliffe.

Coanes, Mr., 305.

Coape, see Cope.

Cobham, (Kent) borough holders in, 445.

Cobham Hall (Conham; Kent), 411.
-, Lord Cobham's house at, letter dated from, 9.

Cobham College [Kent], lands of, 411– 412.

Cobham, Lord, see Brooke.

Cockayne, Captain, 215.

Cocke, Sir Henry, letter from, 323.

Cockes, Mr., 356.

Cockette, —, 311.

Coinage, from artificial metal, 406.
-, tokens, 407.
-, de basement of, 465.
-, Scottish, suggested currency of, in England, 384.
-, Irish, 94, 322.
-, -, rate of exchange of, 464.
-, Ireland, base money in, 195, 463.
-, see also Mint.

Coining, conviction for, 268.

Coke (Cooke), Sir Edward (Attorney General), 9, 126, 131, 200, 286.
-, letters from, 22, 38, 46, 90, 226, 236, 238, 239, 244, 300, 334, 335, 372, 388, 412, 413 (2).
-, letter to, 277.
-, and petition of Dean and Chapter of Westminster 185.
-, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290, 413.
-, and the Countess of Northumberland's suit, 300, 306.
-, goes to the Court, 315.
-, his brother Denney, 334.
-, and the Crown Jewels, 385.
-, and entail of Dacres land, 428.
-, and Sir Griffin Markham, 448.
-, and Sir Walter Ralegh, 259, 455.
-, see also Cooke.

Cole, Peter, 340.

Colein, see Cologne.

Collingwoods, the, 176.

Colmore, Dr., Chancellor to Bishop of Durham, 330.

Cologne (Colein), as a Hanse town, 297.

Colonia [? Cologna] (Italy), 35.

Colthurst, Captain Edmund, to supply London with water, 417.
-, letter from, 55.

Colvill, John, letter from, 27.

Combe [co. Warw], letters dated at, 111, 312.

Commissioners, for Union of England and Scotland, see Union.
-, for Causes Ecclesiastical, see High Commission.
-, English, for treaty with Spain, see under Treaty.

Common Pleas, Lord Chief Justice of, see Justice.
-, judges of, letter from, 349.
-, -, see also Walmesley, Daniel, Kingsmill and Warburton.

Common Prayer, Book of, ratification of, 404.

Commons, House of, letter from, 413.
-, Speaker of, 46, 142, 254.
-, James I offended with, 49.
-, and apprehension of priests, 254.
-, and ecclesiastical matters, 405.
-, see also Parliament.

Compton (Cumpton), William, 2nd Lord Compton, 318, 352.
-, letters from, 365, 414.
-, letter to, 162.
-, as steward of Queen's manors, 162.

Compton Magna (Co. Somerset), manor of, 187.

Conestaggio, Genevois, 345.

Conference, the, see Ecclesiastical Conference.

Connaught (Connaugh; Ireland), waste lands in, 430.

Constable, Henry, letters from, 95, 121.

Constable, the, see Velasco.

Constance, —, the post, 433.

Constantinople, letters dated from, 21, 372.

Convocation, clerk of the, 349.

Conway, Sir Edward, letter from, 280.
-, suggested appointment of, as Governor of Briel, 305, 307–308.

Conyers, Francis, alias Browne, or Butler, 36.

Conyngesbye, Sir Thomas, letter from, 66.
-, his son Baskerville, 66.

Cooke (Coke):
-, -, servant to Lord Shrewsbury, 336, 350, 360.
-, Lady Ann, letter from, 414.
-, -, her son, Hamlett, 414.
-, Sir Anthony, letter from, 414.
-, -, "killed for surgeon's practice," 292.
-, Avis, Lady, letters from, 305, 414, 415 (2).
-, -, her son Edward, 305.
-, Hercules Francis, 292, 414 (2).
-, -, letter from, 414.
-, Nicholas, 311.
-, See also Coke.

Cooling, [Kent], park at, Lord Cobham's lands, 224, 225.

Coombes, William, 290.

Cooper, John, of Norfolk, 427.

Cope (Coape):
-, Sir Walter, 75, 348, 354, 355.
-, -, letters from, 415 (2).
-, Lady, 292.

Copenhagen (Copenhaven), 148.

Copley, Anthony, letter from, 165.

Coppin, Sir George, letter from, 179.

Coppinger, —, nephew of Lord Cobham, 197.

Corbett, John, letters from, 358, 416.

Cordell, Thomas, 381.

Corham, William, a recusant, 457.
-, petition from, 322.

Cork (Ireland), 429.
-, paymaster of, 408.
-, insolent carriage of Irish at, 419.

Cormock, —, 409.

Corn, high price of, 464.

Cornay Mills, (Isle of Man), 110.

Cornwall, a tithe in, 73.
-, farm of customs in, 348.

Cornwall, Duchy of, seal of, 260 (2).

Cornwall, Sir Thomas, 337.

Cornwallis (Corwallis):
-, Sir Charles, 385.
-, Lady Katherine, 204.
-, -, warrant on behalf of, 288.
-, -, proceedings against for recusancy discontinued, 416.
-, Thomas, groom porter, 204.

Cotton (Cotten):
-, family of, 34.
-, John, 33.
-, William, Bishop of Exeter, letter from, 234.

Cortasse, Juan Ruys, a prisoner of war, 450.

Council, the, see Privy Council and North.

Couper, Sir John, an armour maker, letter from, 418.

Court, the, letters dated from, 72, 126, 166, 338.
-, Christmas festivities at, 388–389.

Coventree, Mr., 446.

Coventry [co. Warw.], the plague in, 111.

Cowell, John, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University, letter from, 347.
-, and administration of Holy Communion at Emmanuel College, 378.
-, see also Cambridge University, Vice-Chancellor of.

Cox, Richard, of San Sebastian, 6, 136, 227.

Coxie (Coxye) [? Holland], 88, 125, 205.

Cranborne, (Dors.), 277.
-, Chase, 324.

Cranborne (Craneburne, Cranbrocke), Viscount, see Cecil.

Crane, John, Controller of Berwick, letters from, 4 (2), 5, 8, 12, 14, 147.
-, services of, to the garrison, 14, 28 (2), 30, 31.

Cranfield, Lionel, 51.

Crasso, Sigr. Aurelio, 36.

Cressbroke (Cresbroke) manor, [in Cheshunt], 58.

Critz, John, de, 346.

Croft, Sir Herbert, 42.

Cromer (Norfolk), inhabitants of, letter from, 427.

Cromer, William, sheriff of Kent, 411.

Crompton, Sir Thomas, 43.
-, letters from, 168, 244.
-, as Advocate-General for foreign causes, 245.

-, Edward, 3rd Lord Cromwell, 397.
-, -, letter from, 307.
-, Sir Oliver, 45, 384.

Crooke, Sir John, Recorder of London, 290 (bis).

Crosbie, Patrick, 325.

Crosby, John, 434.

Cross (Crosse), Sir Robert, 267.
-, -, letter from, 277.

Crown Jewels, see Jewels.

Crown Lands, warrant concerning, 323.

Crowther, Mr., 37.

Crumpton, Captain, 95.

Cuba, 246.

Cudworth, Mr., Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 378.

Cullings (Cullens) [Herts], manor of, 58.

Cumberland, 327.

Cumberland, Earl of, see Clifford.

Cumpton, see Compton.

-, Patrick, letter from, 428.
-, Walter, archer of the King's guard in Scotland, 428.

Currants, farm of, impost on, 381.

Curwen, Sir Nicholas, letter from, 127.
-, as Commissioner for Border Causes, 342.

Custom House, 51, 77.
-, clocks from Germany at, 340.

Customs, between Castile and Portugal, 345.
-, auditors for, 348.
-, special notaries for, 371.
-, causes, 441.
-, farm of, 182, 316, 319, 340.
-, -, in Norfolk, 335.
-, -, in western counties, 348.
-, -, in London, 354.
-, silk farm of, 354.
-, officer of London, see Moore.
-, 30 per ciento, see under Spain.

Cutler, Thomas, 311.

Cutts, Sir John, 202.
-, -, letter from, 217.

Cycell, see Cecil.

Cyvell, see Seville.