Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1933.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1933), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 16, 1604. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1933), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Ba., Jo., letter from, 36.

Baas, the, manor of [in Broxbourne, Herts.], 58.

Babb, Miles, 52.

-, Gervase, Bishop of Worcester, letter from, 176.
-, -, -, of the Council of the Marches of Wales, 337.
-, Uriell, a merchant, accused of fraud, 76, 77.
-, -, letter from, 70.

Backcleugh, Baclughe, see Buccleugh.

-, Anthony, 20.
-, Sir Francis, 22, 42, 187, 235.
-, -, and wardships, 141.
-, -, as Commissioner for Causes Ecclesiastical, 290 (bis).
-, Nathaniel, 42.
-, Sir Nicholas, 186.

Badham, Richard, 31.

Bagenall, Sir Samuel, letter from, 329.

Bagg, Mr., of Plymouth, 340, 348.

Bagshawe, Dr., 9.

Bainton, (Baynton; Yorks), manor of, 441.

Baker, Richard, 311.

Balbani, Antonio, letters from, 242(2).

Balentyne, Pety, 16.

Bales, Peter, letter from, 402.

Ball, William, executor to Lord North, letter from, 402.

Balloon Court, the, 391.

Balmerino (Balmarino, Balmerinoch, Bamerinoth), Lord, see Elphinston.

Balthazar, Florentius, of Delft, 453.

Bamerinoth, [Balmerino], see Elphinston.

Bamwell, Sir Patrick, in Ireland, 121.

Banbury (Banbery), [Oxford], 168.

Bancroft, Dr. Richard, Bishop of London, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, 10, 95, 172, 242, 431.
-, letters from, 172, 204, 234, 274, 373.
-, letters to, 64, 289, 416.
-, and Deanery of Christ Church, 328.
-, created Archbishop of Canterbury, 336.
-, and non-conformable ministers, 366, 379–380, 416–417.
-, and appointments in the Church, 366.
-, asks for the profits of Archbishopric during the vacancy, 407–408.
-, and perusal of treatises of divinity, 427.
-, proposed for the Court of Delegates, 440.

Banes, Edward, letter from, 125.

Bangor, Dean of, see Parry.

Baptista, Jean, a priest, 27.

Barber, Mrs., 33.

Barham Down [Kent], 205, 208, 211.

Barker, R. (of the Council of Marches of Wales), 337.
-, -, and patent of alnage of cloth, 465.

Barkley, Edward, 458.
-, see also Berkeley.

Barkway, (Herts.) 14.
-, Vicar of, see Clerke.

Barley, Capt., 279.

Barlow (Barloe), William, D.D., Dean of Chester, 291, 459.
-, letters from, 95, 242.

Barlowe, Mr., 36.

Barnard, Edward, sheriff of Wilts., 458.

Barnavile, see Barnevelt.

Barnes wood (belonging to Cecil), 265.

Barnevelt (Barnifeld, Barnvelt, Barnavile), Mons. de, President of Assembly of States General, 39, 46, 93, 134, 207, 231.
-, proposed knighthood for, 269.
-, and the Spanish treaty, 282, 301.
-, and Lord Grey of Wilton, 436.

Barnifeld, see Barnevelt.

Barnstaple [Devon], 149, 362.
-, letter dated at, 66.
-, baize made and dyed at, 137.
-, farm of Customs at, 348.

Barnton [Edins.], letter dated at, 181.

Barnvelt, see Barnevelt.

Barons, in the Tower, allowance for diet of, 440.

Barrington, Sir Fr., 368.

-, David, 18th Baron and 5th Viscount, letter from, 59.
-, John, 59.

Barry Court [York], letter dated at, 59.

Barton, Richard, 299.

Barwick, see Berwick.

Base, the, see Baas.

Basill, Simon, 346.

Basle (Basil; Switzerland), canton of, 47.

Bassano, Andrea, 57.

Bassett (Basset):
-, Captain Edward, 354.
-, -, letter from, 370.
-, Mrs., a Scottishwoman, 10.
-, Lady, 438.
-, Sir Robert, a fugitive in Italy, 3.
-, -, as surety in £1500, 438.

Bassette, —, bonds of, 167.

Bateman, Thomas, 458.

Bath [Somerset], the Bath, 52, 99, 175, 269, 454.
-, letters dated at, 277, 308, 314.
-, places in, Barton House, 311.
-, -, King's Bath and Cross Bath, 179, 274.
-, -, the Mill, 311.
-, -, parish of St. Michael's, 274.
-, -, parish of Stalls, the Swan Inn in, 274, 275, 308.
-, -, the South Gate, 311.
-, -, the Swan without the North Gate, 308, 312.
-, -, West Gate house, 311.
-, -, woodyard, 311.
-, Bill of Mortality in, 310–312.
-, the plague in, see Plague.
-, Lord Burghley goes to, 243(2).
-, Lord Cecil's proposed visit to, 179, 274–275, 295, 300, 303, 304(2), 308, 309, 310, 313, 314(2), 409, 465.

Bath, Earl of, see Bourchier.

Bath and Wells (Somerset), diocese of, 51.
-, bishop of, see Still.

Bavaria, Duke of, see Rhine.

Bavy, Mr., the Queen's bailiff, 343.

Bax, Captain Marcellus, 91.

Baxter, Thomas, of Norfolk, 427.

Bayleys, Andrew, 9, 10.

Bayly, Richard, 274, 311.

Baynam, John, and his wife, Elizabeth (formerly Dayes), 183.

Baynard Castle, see under London.

Baynbrygg, Edward, letter from, 284.

Baynham, Sir Edmund, letter from, 42.

Baynton, see Bainton.

Baynton, Henry, 458.

Bayonne (Bayon), [France], 6.
-, letter dated at, 116.

Beaker, Thomas, 311.

Beaumaris [Angl.,], 202.

Beckington [Somers.], carrier of, 276.

Bedell, Arthur, an alleged enemy of Cecil's, 75.

Bedford, letter dated at, 181.

Bedford, Earl of, see Russell.

Bedingfield (Bedingfelde):
-, -, lease of, 167.
-, Sir Henry, 89.
-, Henry, a ward, 403.
-, Thomas, 89, 403.

Beeston, Sir Hugh, 355, 365.

Bell, Richard, warden clerk of West Marches of Scotland, letter from, 342, 373.
-, commendation for recompense of, 342.

Bellett, Thomas, 12.

Bellingham, Sir Edward, 358.

Benedictine friar, a, 65.

Benefield (Bennifield, Benifilde), [Northants], 222.
-, letter dated at, 318.

Bennet College, see Cambridge University, Corpus Christi.

Bennett (Benet, Bennet):
-, Sir John, LL.D., 290, 327, 330, 340.
-, -, as guardian surrogate of Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 440.
-, Robert, Bishop of Hereford, 407.
-, -, letter from, 234.
-, Sir Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, 443.
-, -, letters from, 153, 194, 312, 340.
-, -, letter to, 223.

Bennifield, see Benefield.

Bergavenny, [Lord Abergavenny], see Nevill.

Bergen (Norway), 148.

Bergen op Zoom (Berghen), 134, 450.

Berges, William de, Archbishop and Duke of Cambrai, 54.

Berghen, see Bergen.

Bergues St. Vinoch (Berges St. Winock, Berghes) [Flanders], 72, 98.

Berkeley, (Barckley, Barkley), Henry, 19th Baron of Berkeley, and a dispute over the King's game, 23, 24, 25.

Berkshire, Elizabeth's last journey to, 75.

Berne (Berna), [Switzerland], letter dated at, 299.

Berry, Sir Benjamin, Lieutenant Governor of Portsmouth, 191, 192.

Berwick-upon-Tweed (Barwicke, Barwik, Beruike), 66, 128, 138.
-, letters dated at 4(2), 5, 9, 13(2) 14, 28(2), 31, 147, 171, 376.
-, townsmen of, letter from, 31.
-, Prince Charles at, 176, 195.
-, garrison of, dissolution of, effects of, 8–9.
-, -, Governor of, house of, 13.
-, -, charges of, 28.
-, -, ordnance from, to be sent to London, 171.
-, -, decrease of pensions in, 376.
-, -, "Apologie for," 442.
-, -, controller at, see Crane.

Berwick, Lord of, see Home.

Beston, Sir Hugh, 42.

Bestwick, —, a Catholic, 33.

Beswick, William, 449.

Bettws (co. Denbigh), 287.

Bible, translation of, order for, 403.

Bilboa (Bilbow), [Spain], 6.
-, letter dated at, 356.

Bildwas, see Buildwas.

Billingsley (Byllingsley):
-, Sir Henry, 43, 312.
-, Lady, 313.

Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester, 172.
-, letter from, 194.
-, letter to, 421.

Bilton, Edward, a shipwright, 89.

Bird, William, clerk, letter from, 14.

Birde (Byrde), John, notary public, a statement from, 76.
-, letters from, 75, 403.

Bishop Auckland (Durham), letter dated at, 231.

Bishop (Bushop), Barnaby, 176, 177.

Bishops, the, Jurisdiction of, 404–405.

Bishops Waltham [Hants.], letter dated at, 194.

Bishopthorpe [Yorks.], letters dated at, 221, 236, 327, 330.

Blackenburg, see Blankenberg

Blacker, William, 458.

Blackwater, fort of, (Ireland), winning of, 266.

Blackwell, Rev. Father George, the Archpriest, 33, 118.

Blague, Thomas, Dean of Rochester 290, 291.

Blakenburch, see Blankenberg.

Blakfriers (Blackfriars), see London and Westminster Places.

Blankenberg (Blackenburg, Blakenburch, Blanquenberge, etc), [Flanders], held by the enemy, 41, 93, 97, 104, 188, 230, 232, 267, 282.

Blarney [co. Cork], letter dated at, 182.

Blaye (Bloy; France), 452.

Bletsoe [Beds.], 217, 263.
-, Lord St. John's house at, letters dated from, 202, 206, 209.

Blithman, John, 153.

Blocq, Mons. de, letter from, 97.

Blount, Charles, Earl of Devonshire, Lord Mountjoy, 10, 11, 44, 139, 245, 254, 295, 329, 392, 433.
-, letters from, 72, 94, 221, 236, 277, 300, 305, 345, 354, 430(2).
-, letter to, 437.
-, to go to Spain, 11.
-, and Lord Grey of Wilton, 48, 122.
-, and Berwick Garrison, 171.
-, as Captain of Portsmouth, 191, 192.
-, desires the King and Queen to visit his house at Wanstead, 255.
-, commits a man to prison, 321.

Bloy, see Blaye.

Bluett, Mr., a priest, 10.

Blunderville, Thomas, 47.
-, his nephew, see Burnell, Captain Francis.

Bodfary (co. Denbigh), 287.

Boer (Boores) forces, 98.

Bois-le-duc (Bolduyne, Bolduc), [North Brabant], 92, 282.

Bommel (Bomel), [Holland], 41.

Bond, John, 34.

Bonnor, Edmund, Bishop of London, 63.

Books and pamphlets:
-, Aphorisms by Antonio Perez, 198.
-, Apologie for Berwick, 442.
-, Dr. Barlow's, on the Ecclesiastical Conference, 95, 242.
-, Basilicon Doron, 402.
-, Bible, the, translation of, 403.
-, Dion, translation of, 197, 201.
-, on divinity, perusal of, 427.
-, on fasting, 299.
-, grammar, 433.
-, of law, 236, 427, 433.
-, on nonconformity, 451.
-, on perpetual government of the Church, by the Bishop of Winchester, 422.
-, of physic, 427.
-, A Review of our English Justice, 289.
-, Stow's Chronicle, 326.
-, Conestaggio Genevois's history of union between Castile and Portugal, 345.
-, indiscreet publishing of, to be checked, 427.

Boores, see Boer.

Bordeaux (Bordeos), [France], 1, 174.

Bordeaux (Bourdeous), river of, 452.

Borders, see Scotland.

Borja, Don Inigo de, 449–450.

Boteler, Sir Henry, sheriff, 186.

Boucloughe, Boughclou, see Buccleugh.

Boughton Malherbe [Kent], letter dated at, 186.

Bourbourg (Bourbrough), [Artois, France], 72.

Bourchier, William, 3rd Earl of Bath, letters from 3(2), 149, 338, 403.
-, complaint of, against a woodmonger, 149, 338, 362, 403.

Bourdeous, see Bordeaux.

Bowes, George, prospecting for gold, 194.
-, -, letter from, 37.
-, Sir Jerome, 43.
-, Thomas, letter from, 378.

Bowyer, (Boyer), Captain (Sir William) commander of Berwick garrison, 12, 147.
-, letters from, 13, 27, 28, 171, 376.

Boyer, see Bowyer.

Boys (Boyes), Sir John, 290 (bis), 446.

Brabant (Brabone), 54, 78, 102, 199, 261.
-, and trade with English Merchants, 265.
-, the Archduke to send forces into, 306.
-, Little, 41.

Brackyn, Francis, 296.

Bradbury, Captain Jonas, letter from, 405.

Brading (I.O.W.), 375.

Brailes (Brayles), [Warws.], recusants in, 177.
-, vicar of, see Dacres.

Brandenburg, Joachim Ernest, Markgrave of, and of Prussia, Stettin, Pomerania, Cassubia, and Vandalia [Pomerania], Duke of Silesia and Jägerndorf, Burgrave of Nuremburg, Prince in Rugen, 435.

Braughing hundred (Herts.), 186.

Brayles, see Brailes.

Breeden, [Belgium], 97.

Breerton, see Brereton.

Breill, see Briel.

Bremen, late English Commissioners at, 156, 298.
-, as a Hanse town, 297.

Brend, James, 457.

Brereton (Brewerton, Breerton, Bruerton), Mr., Secretary to Lord Cranborne, 74, 168, 240, 454.
-, letter to, 304.

Bretany [Britain], see Great Britain.

Brett: Sir Alexander, 193, 455.
-, Captain, 436.

Brewerton, see Brereton.

Brewning, see Bruninge.

Brianie, 96.

Bridge, see Bruges.

Bridger, Br., a Puritan, 100.

Bridges, John, Dean of Salisbury, afterwards Bishop of Oxford, 11, 290.
-, letter from, 453.

Bridges, see Bruges.

Bridgwater [Somerset], farm of Customs at, 348.

Briel (Brill, Breill, Bryll), the, 267.
-, letters dated at, 280, 306.
-, Governor of, request for position of, 280.
-, -, suggested successor to, 305, 307.
-, -, see also Vere, Sir Francis.
-, Marshall of, request for office of, 305, 306.
-, -, see also Topclyffe.

Briges, see Bruges.

Briges, —, cousin to Lord Grey of Wilton, 436.

Bright: —, a sheriff's deputy, 23.
-, -, of London, 83.

Brightman, Mr., an unconformable minister, 380.

Brigstoke (Brigstokes; Northants), 266, 451.
-, letter dated at, 50.
-, Lord Cecil's Park at, 38.
-, -, game and upkeep of, 49, 318.
-, -, damage done to, 421.
-, parsonage and vicarage of, 100.

Brill, see Briel.

Brinkworth, Thomas, 308.

Bristol, infected cloth sent to, 77.

Bristol (Bristowe), Bishop of, 259.
-, -, see also Thornburgh.

Brittany (Britaine), 89.

Broge, Captain, 282.

Brograve, Sir John, 15, 160, 446.

Broke, Arthur, letter from, 318.

Brokers, see Pawnbrokers.

Brokett, Sir Pecksall, 318.

Bromfield, see Broomfield.

-, Sir Henry, 43.
-, Robert, a merchant, accused of fraud, 76, 77.

Bronkar, see Brounker.

-, Mr., 411, 412.
-, Mrs., 412.
-, Mrs. El., letter from, 243.
-, Sir Calisthenes, and his wife, 333.
-, Duke, 123.
-, -, letter from, 244.
-, -, letter to, 378.
-, -, purchase of Lord Cobham's lands by, 224–225, 338, 352.
-, -, his father George, 224.
-, George, late brother of Lord Cobham, executed for treason, 157, 224.
-, -, his son William, 224.
-, George, 6th Lord Cobham, 224.
-, -, grant of lands to, 411.
-, Henry, 8th Lord Cobham, 8, 15, 97, 164, 205, 331, 451.
-, -, letters from, 21, 157, 197, 201(2), 228, 244(2), 352, 365, 375, 409(2), 410(2).
-, -, and an alleged plot against James I, 9, 10.
-, -, attainder of, and loss of lands, 9, 243, 413.
-, -, writs against, 22.
-, -, schedule of debts and assets of, 31.
-, -, an interview with, 123.
-, -, in the Tower, visitors allowed access to, 192.
-, -, -, -, names of, 193, 197, 198.
-, -, servants of, 197(2).
-, -, -, names of, 193, 198.
-, -, his nephew Coppinger, 197.
-, -, his nephew William Cecil (q.v.), 366, 409.
-, -, his apothecary (Pothecary), 198.
-, -, his clerk of kitchen and cook (coke), 193, 198.
-, -, lands of, a claim for purchase and reversion of, 224.
-, -, -, in Gloucestershire, fee farm of, heirs of, 352.
-, -, -, schedule and papers, etc., relating to, 411–412.
-, -, -, purchase of, by Duke Brooke, see Brooke, Duke.
-, -, his cause to be heard in Parliament, 253.
-, -, reported to have left the Tower, 452.
-, -, buys goods of Sir Walter Ralegh, 455.
-, -, his wife, see Kildare.
-, -, his sister, married to Cecil, 21. see also under Cecil, Robert.
-, -, his steward, see Mellershe.
-, -, houses of, see Cobham and under London, Blackfriars.
-, William, 7th Lord Cobham, 9, 21, 224, 411.

Brookes, Serjeant, 318.

Broomfield (Bromfield; Essex), 467.

Broques, Thomas, an English merchant in Spain, letter to, 6.

Brosgrave, Sir John, 15.

Broughton, manor of, Privy Seal dated at, 300.

Broughton (Browghton), [Oxon.], 340.

-, Hugh, letter from, 344.
-, M., 314.

Brounker (Bronkar, Bruncker), Sir Henry, Lord President of Munster, 465.
-, letter from, 55, 111.
-, letters to, 105, 419.
-, his patent of issues, 429.

Browghton, see Broughton.

Browne (Brown):
-, -, a Roman Catholic, 44.
-, Sir Anthony, 414.
-, Francis, ecclesiastical Register, 330, 335, 340.
-, Robin, 335.
-, Thomas, surveyor of Queen's lands in Lincolnshire, 343.
-, -, letter from, 353.
-, Captain Thomas, of Munster, letter from, 406.
-, Sir William, fighting in the Low Countries, 78, 222.
-, -, letters from, 61, 66 (2), 79, 90, 96, 102, 108, 111, 115, 117, 204, 213, 218, 267, 269, 270, 279, 281 (2).
-, See also Conyers.

Broxbourn (Broxborne), [Herts.], letter dated at, 323.

Bruce, (Bruis, Lord Bruce), Edward, 1st Lord of Kinloss, 20, 334, 384.
-, letters from, 122, 406.
-, as Master of the Rolls, 344.
-, -, and office of records in the Tower, 346–347.
-, -, and filing of pleadings, 370.

Bruerton, see Brereton.

Bruges (Brugghe, Briges, Bridges, Bridge), 85, 91, 117.
-, enemy forces at, 88, 98, 113, 133, 204, 219.
-, inhabitants of, flee from, 90.
-, the Archduke Albert at, 102, 104.
-, galley slaves to be sent to, 105.
-, garrison for, 282.

Brugghe, see Bruges.

Bruis, see Bruce.

Brumham, letter dated at, 380.

Bruncker, see Brounker.

Bruninge (Brewning), Richard, a recusant, 457.
-, petition from, 322.

Brunswick, as a Hanse town, 297.

Brusse, Dr., 326.

Brussels (Bruxells), 457.
-, letters from Roman Catholics addressed to, 31, 32, 35.
-, the Mutineers at, 70, 72.
-, Papal Nuncio in, and a plot against James I, 400.

Bruze, Thomas, of Valladolid, letters to, 67, 123.

Brydges, Grey, 5th Baron Chandos, 263.
-, and claims to Chandos estate, 49, 53, 444.

Bryll, see Briel.

Buccleugh (Baclughe, Boucloughe, Boughclou, Backcleugh), Laird of, 322.
-, letters from, 39, 323 (an enclosure).
-, services of, with army of States General, 86.
-, demands to be made a general, 46, 47, 361.

Buckden [Hunts.], letter dated at, 380.

Buckhurst, Lord, see Sackville.

Buckinghamshire, 250.
-, election of knight of the shire for, 143.

Buckland, George, 157.

Buckridge, Dr., suggested appointment as Dean of Lichfield, 366.

Bucquoy, —, of the Archduke's army, 214.

Bufalo, Innocent, Bishop of Camerino, and Papal Nuncio in France, relics restored to, 100.

Buildwas (Bildwas), monarchy of, 114.

Bullingham, Mr., Register to the Bishop of Lincoln, 379.

Bulmer [Bevis], prospecting for gold, 194.

Bulocke, Lionel, letter from, 406.

Burbage, [Richard], 415.

Burchenshawe, Mr., Controller of Musters in Ireland, 94.

Burcher, Mr., 28.

-, John, a preacher, letter from, 238.
-, Mr., an unconformable minister, 379, 380.

Burgh, Lord, 333.

Burghley House (Northants), 38, 299, 407.

Burghley, (Burleye), Lord, see Cecil.

Burgundian (Burgoynian) forces, 113.

Burin, 199.

Burke, Richard, 4th Earl of Clanricard, letter from, 409.

Burnell, Captain Francis, letter from, 47.

Bury [St. Edmunds] (Suffolk), request for a fee farm in, 115.

-, Audrey, letter from, 243.
-, Nicholas, a London merchant, 243.

Bushen, see Bushton.

Bushop, see Bishop.

Bushton (Bushen, Busshen), Philip, of Devon, a woodmonger, complaints against, 149, 338, 362, 403.

Butlar, —, a tailor, 311.

-, Arthur, 311.
-, Henry, serving the Earl of Shrewsbury, 364.
-, Sir Henry, 323.
-, Mr., a physician, 291.
-, Theobald, Viscount Butler of Tulleophelim, nephew and son-in-law of Earl of Ormond, 140, 181.
-, Thomas, 3rd Earl of Ormonde, [Treasurer of Ireland], letters from, 139, 147, 181.
-, -, letter to, 342.
-, -, his daughter [Elizabeth], 140, 181.
-, -, nephew and son-in-law of, see Butler, Theobald.
-, see also Conyers.

Butteler, Mr., of Cambridge, 414.

Bycelop, William, a priest, 33.

Bycley, Dr. Ralph, 32, 33.

Byllingsley, see Billingsley.

Byrde, see Birde.

Bywater, Mr., 430.