Index: U-Z

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: U-Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 12, 1602-1603. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Udall (Uvedale, Tudall) :

Sir Edmund, 533.

Edm., J.P. of Dorset, 700(2).

Thomas, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Sir William, an introduction desired for his son, 208.

William, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

William, a prisoner, letter from, mentioning his son, 665.

—, a report of, as to a gold mine, allusions to, 168, 575.

Uffington, letter dated at, 33.

Uffington [Lincolnshire], 232.

women from, join in the Kesteven riots, 179.

Ulrick (Oeleryck), Duke, King of Denmark's second brother, 381.

Ulster, 14.

articles subscribed by Tyrone for the government of, alluded to, 451.

lands in, held by rebels, 632.

United Provinces, States General of, assisted by the Queen, 34, 149.

the sale of provisions, received from, 96(2), 103.

and the dissensions at Emsden, 129, 352, 426.

letters from, directed to Monsieur Caron, alluded to, 138.

memorandum as to loans borrowed by, and bonds given, 228.

schedule of bonds and treaties with, 256.

towns subject to, English relations with, alluded to, 284.

send their excuses for not appearing at a christening, 327.

consultation with Count Maurice, mentioned, 341.

a reprimand for Count William, 353.

proposition of, 475, 476.

a statement of the expenses of, 475.

news of the Commissioners of, 645.

army of, proceedings of, &c., 34, 116, 190, 202, 203, 222, 223, 225, 226, 235, 258, 259, 260, 261, 271, 321, 354, 369, 379, 383, 397, 453, 454.

—, disposition of troops in, 166.

—, the divisions and generals of, 189, 190.

—, journal of, 268–270. See also Low Countries, campaign in.

men-of war belonging to, lying off the coast of Flanders, 534.

Unton, Sir Henry, allowance given to, quoted, 435.

Upsatlington, treaty with Scotland at, 257.

Usbeck, King of the Tartars, disagreement with the King of Persia, 311.

Usi Bassa, chief of the Janissaries of Damascus, his murder causes the siege of Aleppo, 121.

Uttermoend, near Rostock, 381.

Utrecht, province of, inundations in, 608.

Uvedale. See Udall.


Valencay, Commander of. See Passagio.

Valence, Bishop of, treaty with Scotland, 257.

Valencia (Valyncyal), 50, 51, 329.

soldiers raised in, 172.

the Viceroy (Vize Rey) of, 173.

Vali of Van, complaint against, 146.

Valladolid (Valiadolid, Valledolet) [Castile], 286, 287, 568, 569, 592.

letters dated at, 406, 592, 670, 671.

English seminary of, warning against Jesuits and priests from, 211, 212.

news from, 292.

Van Hamel, the house called, near Grave, occupied by the Spaniards, 277.

Varabon, Marquis of, 150.

Varrell, Mr., 669.

Vassan, Don Alphonso de, brother to the Marquis de Santa Cruz, 655.

Vaughan (Vaughten) :

Griffith, exception taken to his appointment as sheriff of Merionethshire, 481, 482, 483.

Sir John, letter from, 172.

John, esq., of Karagay in Merionethshire, 482.

—, petition from, 483.

Capt. John, 4.

—, letter from, 2.

—, payment to, 92.

—, petition from, alluded to, 604.

Mr. Justice, 89.

Owen, of the co. of Montgomery, 496.

—, suit against Lady Herbert, 28.

Richard, Bishop of Chester, 142, 160.

—, letters from, 77, 109, 446, 545, 606, 669.

—, commended for the vacant see of Hereford, 437.

—, desires the living of Bangor, 669.

Roger, 642.

Thomas, gentleman, 37.

Thomas, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

William, letter from, 211.

Vause, young, information concerning, 229.

Vavasour (Vavasor) :

—, 185.

Sir Thomas, 318.

Vawer, William, Mayor of Bristol, 6, 32, 96, 169, 291(2).

letters from, 27, 30, 31, 54, 182, 254, 284, 287, 288, 328, 369.

letter signed by, 170.

his son, a prisoner in the Spanish galleys, suit with regard to, 287, 288.

Vaz, Pedro, a Portugese of Seville, owner of a vessel, 118.

Vazon, Bishop of, “Cheseham,” proceedings of, 664.

Veiott, Dr., chancellor of the Count of —, 657.

Velasco, Don Pedro de, 602.

Vendolo (Vendulo) (on the Maas), 269, 336, 399.

townsmen of, request of, to the States refused, 379.

Venetian :

Ambassador, an Irish servant of, 548.

—, in England. See Scarumelli.

—, in Rome, 301.

—, at Constantinople. See — Nani. See Contarini, Francesco.

merchants, cargo belonging to, said to be captured, 136.

ships taken as prizes, letter from the Queen to the Doge concerning, 553.

Venice (Venis), 25, 98, 190, 252, 254, 336, 337, 356.

letters dated at, 116, 123, 195, 325, 387, 442, 455, 553.

news from, 137, 146, 156, 266, 285, 298, 299, 310, 325, 345, 365.

Dutch vessels arrive in, 146.

a minute for, sent to Sir R. Cecil, 211.

ships from, with Spanish goods, plan to intercept, 549.

London merchants trading to, petition with regard to Sir T. Sherley, 576.

trade with England desired, 622.

traffic in the Levant, 622.

the messenger in London from, alluded to, 664.

the Doge of, letter to, 553.

Duke of, sequestered goods to be given as a gratuity to, 708.

the Signiors and Signoria of, 386.

—, a decision of, 299.

—, proclamation issued by, alluded to, 442.

Government or State of, resolve to divert the stream of the Brenta, 123.

—, letter brought from, alluded to, 207.

—, fit out ships to free their coast from men-of-war, 550.

—, Secretary of. See Scarumelli.

Venlo (Venloo, Venloe) [on the river Maas], 202, 235, 307, 320, 327.

project for the seizure of, alluded to, 354.

Venräy (Venroy), [Netherlands], 203.

Vercelli [Italy], 123.

Vere (Veare, Veere) :

Edward de, Earl of Oxford, letters from, 39, 82.

Sir Francis (“His Excellency,” “our General,” &c.), allusions to, 149, 166, 262, 263, 336, 352, 516, 614.

—, letter to, 460.

—, projected conference with the Estates of Holland concerning his disposition of British troops, 55.

—, bearers of letters from, 89, 541.

—, division under the command of, 190.

—, his answer to the challenge of the Earl of Northumberland, 134.

—, a recommendation to, desired, 157.

—, progress of his campaign, &c., 202, 203, 223, 225, 260, 261, 269, 277, 353, 354.

—, his dealings with mutineers, 260.

—, wounded, 296, 327.

—, retires to recover from his wound, reports as to his progress, 308, 320(2), 352–354, 384.

—, rumour of his death, petition for his post, 372.

—, complaint against, 431.

—, recovered, 506.

—, in connexion with Sir John Ogle, 634–635.

Horatio, brother of Sir Francis, division commanded by, in the Low Countries, 261.

Lady Susan, 43.

Verneuil, Marquise de, mistress of the King of France, 136.

Vernon :

Henry, claim to the barony of Powis, 496.

Sir Robert, pretending title to the barony of Powis, as to his suit, 496, 497.

Verses, 568.

Viana, Vyana, 356, 445.

Vice-Admiral, the, 196.

rebuked for his neglect with regard to Lord Zouche, 75.

Vice-Chamberlain. See Stanhope, Sir John.

Viceroy, the, his widow and her son leave Sicily for Spain, 156.

Vicenza, an English canon of, 195.

Vidiguera, Conde de la, late viceroy of the East Indies, reported a prisoner in Lisbon, 339.

Vienna, news from, 122, 136, 137(2), 146, 155, 156, 266, 285, 298, 310, 326, 345, 365.

Vigo (Viego) [Portugal], 241.

Vilabassi, the chief, head of, demanded, 121.

Villa Verde, Lowys de, wounded at Ostend, 602.

Villareale, Marquis of, Portuguese Governor of Ceuta, instructions to, 253.

Ville Roy, M. de, 92.

Vincent, William, of Kent, priest, description of his person, 212.

Vinta, Cavalle, the Grand Duke's secretary, 157.

Visia, Count di, sent as emissary to the King of France, 310.

Viuiuian. See Vivian.

Vivera, 216.

Vivian (Viuiuian, Vivion, &c.), Hanyball, Head Sheriff of Cornwall, 214.

letters from, 457, 663.

Vlishingen. See Flushing.

Vuedale. See Udall.

Vyana. See Viana.


Waad(e), Willam, Clerk of the Privy Council, 32, 69, 229, 312, 413, 451.

letter from, 356.

letter to, 704.

Waal, the river, inundations from overflow of, 608.

Waddam, — father-in-law to Glanfield, petition of, alluded to, 147.

Waite, Mr., a lease to, from the Dean and Chapter of Bath and Wells, 508.

Wake, Mr., petition for his vacated office in Sawcy Forest, 70.

Wakefield, town of, benefaction to, 252.

Wakeman :

John, Barbary merchant, 578.

Richard, petition from, 578.

Walachia, Woywode from, at Constantinople, 155.

Waldegrave, George, J.P. for Suffolk, letter signed by, 523.

Wales, appointment of sheriffs in, 481–483, 505.

state of religion, &c., in, 524–525.

lands of Lord Hertford in, referred to, 584, 586.

Chief Justice of, 118.

Marches of, instructions to the Lord President for the governance of, 427.

—, musters to be taken in, 666.

—, state of, 680.

Council and Court of the Marches of, a suit in, 27.

—, considerations touching, 216, 217.

—, prejudiced against Lord Zouche, suggested reformations in, &c., 341, 342.

—, minute to the Lord President of, 427.

—, letters dealing with matters connected with, 463, 464, 465, 480.

—, the post of President of, 507.

—, Mr. Justice, a member of, 303.

—, Lord President of. See Zouche, Lord.

South, muster of the five shires of, 620.

—, projected journey of the Lord President to, question with regard to the carrying of the seal, 648, 650.

Walker, Thomas, Mayor of Exeter, 71, 151.

Walley (Wolley), John, servant to the Lord President of Munster, office wrongfully granted to, 84(2).

Wallmerod, Buwinckhausen de, Ambassador for the Duke of Wirtemburg in France, letter from, 100.

Walloons, on their way to Hungary, 266, 298, 326.

Commander of. See Telligny.

Walon, the country of, mutineers overrun, 476.

Wallop, letter dated at, 378.

Wallop :

Sir Henry, Treasurer at Wars in Ireland, 522, 702.

—, letter from, 456.

H., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Richard, Registrar of the High Commission in Ireland, petitions, 83, 84(2).

—, William and other sons mentioned, 84.

Wm., J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Walmesley (Walmslie) :

[Justice], alleged interest in the house of Davers, 39.

Nicholas, merchant, 704.

Walpole, —, lying rumours spread by, 154.

Walshe, Ro., Mayor of Waterford, letter from, 234.

Walsingham :

Sir Francis (Mr. Secretary), 109, 142.

—, as ambassador in the Low Countries, loan recommended by, 228.

—, jewels delivered to, mention of, 256.

Ursula, Lady, 534.

—, letter from, petitioning for the reversion of a lease granted to her deceased husband, 152.

Walslebe, Valntin v., a member of the suite of the Duke of Pomerania, 373.

Waltham, letters dated at, 60, 66, 321.

Bishop of Winchester's house at, letter dated at, 208.

High Sheriff of Hertfordshire desirous of residing at, 512.

Waltham Cross (Walton Cross), 625.

Wansworth, the lane at, 102.

Wapingthorne [Sussex], 176.

Wapping, cause of plague in, 438.

Warburton (Warberton) :

Mr., 83, 461.

P., Justice of Common Pleas, letter from, 243.

—, list of sheriffs signed by, 494.

—, at Chester, 517, 523.

Ware, James, letter from, 233.

Ward, —, 374.

Wardour (Warder), letter dated at, 410.

Wardships and the Court of Wards and Liveries, 36, 44, 63, 79, 82, 132, 187, 234, 295, 348, 349, 391, 416, 480, 483, 484, 487, 490, 503, 521, 526, 527, 534, 577(3), 581, 620, 645, 663.

causes in, alluded to, 28, 480, 484.

money to be paid into, 344.

as to a suit for a concealed ward, 466.

information concerning an idiot fit to be taken into, 480.

revenue from, 577.

a servant usher of the, 355.

Wardehouse, fishing at, matter under consideration at the conference at Bremen 487.

Wardrobe, the, suggestion that hangings, &c., should be lent from, 321.

Warner, Henry, J.P. for Suffolk, 523.

Warren, Anthony, 16.

Warren, the matter of, 539.

Wars, Treasurer at. See Cary, Sir George.

Warton, —, niece of Lord Cumberland, 542.

Warwick, Earl of Leicester's burial at, alluded to, 403.

Warwick, Anne Dudley, Countess of, 281, 282, 618.

letter from, 97.

letter to, 484.

Waterford, city of, 93, 535.

letter dated at, 234.

the Papists and Seminaries of, 531.

Corporation of, present to Sir R. Cecil from, 234.

Mayor of. See Walshe.

Watermouth near Ilfracombe, 439.

Watson, Wattson :

Mr., 263, 413, 519, 661.

Mr., a priest, 632.

Anthony, Fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, 526.

Mrs., house of, at Theobalds, 318.

Waymouth. See Weymouth.

Wayneman, one, a prisoner in London, supposed to have dealings with the Jesuits, 101.

Wax, price obtained for, 571.

Weare :

Edward, 192.

Humphrey, nominee for the Solicitorship for Ireland, 647.

Webb, Dr., 88.

Wedmore, manor of, 519.

Weigge, Robert, waiter at the Custom House, 62.

Welby(e) :

Adles (Adlard) son-in-law of A. White, in difficulties, 44, 580.

Richard, merchant, 704.

Welburye. See Trollope.

Wells, 382.

the Chapter House in, letter dated at, 589.

Bishop of, 371.

D. of, letter endorsed, 410.

Dean and Chapter of, question of a lease, 489, 508, 519.

Deanery of, the house of, 519.

Wells :

Thomas, gentleman of Hampshire, recusant, 676.

Gilbert, his father, 676.

Welsh, Mr., 303.

Welsh pedigree, a, to make merry with, 587.

Welshers, the,” restoration of goods to, point insisted on, in an answer from the Imperial Ambassador, 640.

Wemys (Wemes), Lord of, arrival from France, 141.

Wentworth :

John, esq., 322.

Lady, petition from, 577.

Lord, a ward, 577.

West :

James, priest detained on suspicion, 660.

Sir Thomas, letter from, alluding to the grievous sickness of his father, 84.

Thomas, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

West India prize, cast away in the Bay of Laugust, 75.

West Indies, 271.

fleet, reported movements of, 99, 105, 277, 328, 332.

—, returning to Spain, is harassed by Sir Richard Leveson, 132, 133.

Westbury [co. Shropshire], the manor of, sale of, 496.

Westminster, 263.

letters dated at, 174, 415, 435, 477.

dispute as to the reparation of the bank in the parish of, 174.

a bailiff of. See Baker.

Burgesses of, letter from, 174.

College of, letter dated at, 143.

Dean and Chapter of, surveyor of, See Man, William.

Dean and Prebendaries of, letter from, 142, 143.

Dean of. See Andrews.

late Dean of, 174.

High Steward of. See Cecil, Sir R. Abbey, choir (“Queere”) of, appointment of singing men in, its constitution, &c., 143.

and St. Martin's le Grand, warrant appointing viewers of encroachments upon H.M.'s waste in, 459. See also London and Westminster Places.

Westmorland, Earl of, at Brussels, 570.

Westphaling, Henry, Bishop of Hereford, death of, application for his see, 78.

Wethers, Henry, shipwright, examination of, 193.

Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, 15, 83, 311.

letters dated at, 17, 76, 81(2).

estimate from the Mayor and Bailiff of, for a proposed journey of Lord Zouche, 69.

Customer of. See Bellott.

Mayor of. See Pitt, Richard.

Whalley, Mr., a debt of, alluded to, 491.

Wheeler (Wheler), J[ohn], clerk to the Merchant Adventurers, letters from, 363, 597, 663.

proposed as successor to George Gilpin, 390.

Whetley, master of a vessel, 698.

Whitaker, a church in Norfolk, the advowson of, in question in the Court of Wards, 581.

Whitakers, Miles, 348, 349.

White (Whyte) :

Anne, letter and petition from, alluding to the difficulties of her son-in-law Adler Welby and his brother Henry Adam, 44, 580.

John, J.P. for Hampshire, 677.

Robert, and his partners, owners of the Thomasine, 75, 76, 81.

White Knight, the daughter of, marriage of, 549.

Whitelocke, Capt., desires employment, 481.

Whitfaeld, the Chancellor, 500.

Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 47, 62, 109, 112, 480.

letters from, 9, 141, 437, 489.

letters to, 7, 211, 306.

letter signed by, 247.

conferences with, mentioned, 123, 424.

gives a list of fit persons for the vacant sees of Hereford and Norwich, 437.

concerning the living of Bangor, 669.

Whittlewood Forest about Grafton, parks and walks of, petition for, 70.

Whittenstein, besieged, 381.

Whittofte, Hugh, a priest, imprisoned in the Gate House, 520.

Whyte. See White.

Widdrinton :

Roger, a recusant, complaint concerning evil practices of, 115.

Henry, brother of Roger, “a good justicer and upright man,” 115.

Wigan [co. Lancashire], letter dated at, 643.

parson of. See Fletewood.

Wigges, one, wife of, said to be an accomplice in a proposed robbery, 204.

Wight, Isle of, 99, 220.

Lord Chamberlain of the, allusion to instructions to, 378.

Wigmore, Capt. Richard, of the garrison of Flushing, 85.

letters from, 307, 319, 327.

Wiharton, letter dated at, 674.

Wilbraham, Roger, [Master of the Requests], 73.

letter from, 157.

to be consulted as to the nomination of a solicitor for Ireland, 646.

Wildgoose, Mr., in connexion with a cause in the Court of Wards, 484.

Wilkes (Wilcks) :

Sir Edmund, 255.

Sir Th., 384.

Wilky, Archbald, a boy, 165.

Wilkinson, one, and his wife, concerned in a plot, 86, 126, 144.

William, brother,” 512.

Willemstad (Williamstate), provost marshal of, executed for attempting to betray the town, 515.

William, Grave. See Nassau, Count William of.

William of Thynnglby, servant of the Earl of Lincoln, 411.

William, Mr. See Cecil, William.

Williams (Wyllyams) :

Capt., 651.

Da, letter from, 642.

John, J.P. of Dorset, 700.

Morgan, objections against, 576.

Willis (Willes, Willies, Wyllys) :

Mr., bill of, allusion to, 297.

Captain, in Ireland, payment to, 92.

Captain James, 167, 390, 510.

—, capture of, by the Spaniards, 656, 678, 679.

Simon, Secretary to Sir R. Cecil, 230.

—, letters from, 249, 516.

—, copy in the handwriting of, 75.

Willoughby (Willughbye) :

Charles, Lord, of Parham, grandchild of, proposed match with Lord Rutland's sister, 187.

Christopher, letter from, 576.

Sir Fr., 702.

Lord, 12, 257.

—, alluded to by Lord Zouche, 342, 603, 611, 620.

Wilson :

Anthony, felon reprieved for the galleys, 243.

Thomas, in Italy, 470.

—, letters from, 322, 385.

—, letter to, 414.

—, accused of plotting against Sir Anthony Sherley, refutes the charge, 323.

Wiltshire, levies for Ireland from, 31.

Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, lands in, desired by the Earl of Oxford from the escheat of Davers, 40.

Winchester, a physician of, attends Lord Burgh, 66.

a former schoolmaster of, allusion to, 212.

Bishop of. See Bilson.

the diocese of, as to the renewal of the High Commission for Causes Ecclesiastical within, 123.

Winchester, Lucy, Marchioness of, niece of Cecil, letters and petitions from, 34, 83, 509, 623, 624.

Windebank (Wyndebank, Wynebancke), Thomas, 151, 152, 273.

letters from, 195, 297, 391, 467, 621.

a cause decided by, 579.

Windsor, (Wyndsor), 376.

letters dated at, 284, 458.

H.M.'s chapel of, letter dated at, 168, 215, 507.

Dean of. See Bennett.

Deanery of, question of appointment to, 291, 490, 598.

Wine, an imprest of, in France, allowed to Ambassadors, mentioned, 44.

Wines, collectorship of the impost of, 150.

Wingfield (Winfelde, Winkfield, Wynfield, &c.) :

Sir Anthony, 322, 468.

Sir Edward, Commissioner at Bristol, letters from, 97, 104, 166, 168, 170, 171, 182, 191, 208, 565.

—, petitions for further favour for, 372, 565.

Mary, Lady, letters from, 372, 565.

—, letter to, 565.

Sir Richard, Marshal of Ireland, dwelling at the castle of Reband, 434.

Richard, letter from, alluding to his father, 176.

Thomas, Feodary of Suffolk, 577.

Winston, Sir Henry, letter from, 45.

Winter (Wynter) :

Sir Edward, Vice-Admiral of the county of Somerset, 54, 648.

—, dispute with Lord Zouche, and submission of, 463, 464, 480, 618, 635.

—, “his bad carriage” referred to, 524.

Jh., 46.

John, letter from, 219.

Sir W., 185.

Winton, letter dated at, 676.

Winton, Earl of. See Seaton.

Wirral [co. Cheshire], 76, 346.

Wise, Nicholas, agent for the Corporation of Waterford, 234.

Witherby [Yorks], manor of, petition concerning proposed sale of, 70.

Wittfeld, Chancellor, late Danish Commissioner, 640.

Wittoughe house, 107.

Withrington, Thomas (Friar Woodlock), 535.

Wokingham, 554.

Wolchurch, parson of. See Hayward.

Wonau, Baron of, on a mission from the Elector Palatine, 57.

Wood in a ship unnamed, search amongst, mentioned, 616.

Wood (Woode) :

Mr., 114.

Mr., a complaint against, 545.

Benjamin, and his company, surprised in the South Sea, 697.

Edmond, declaration by, 157.

J., letter from, 318.

John, and other tenants of the Queen's town of Witherby, letter from, 70.

John, of London, victualler of H.M.'s forces in Munster, agent of, in Cork, 291.

Michael, 632.

Captain Thomas, payment to, 92.

Wood Green in Mr. Coxe's land, 317, 318.

Woodhouse, Sir Philip, 322.

Woodlock, Friar, at Waterford, 535.

Woodstock, letters dated at, 58, 420, 647.

Wool and Custom house quay, the unlading of ships at, 121.

Woolwich, 703.

Worcester :

county of, levies from, for Ireland, 31, 164.

—, Sheriff, knights and gentlemen of, reception of Lord Zouche by, 303.

—, the filling of a muster-master's place in, 409.

—, appointment of a deputy-lieutenant for, cause of a complaint from Lord Zouche, 673.

Bishop of, receives and entertains Lord Zouche, 303.

Countess of, pleased with the Queen's remembrance, 43.

Dean of. See Eccles.

Earl of. See Somerset.

Works, Controller of the, 199.

a gift from, 528.

Workshop, letters dated at, 276, 359, 362.

Worseley, Mr., 378.

Worthington, Edmond, of Cheshire, intends to become a Jesuit, 213.

brothers of, Jesuits, 213.

Wortley, young, the Widow's son,” 260.

Wotton, Sir Edward, letter from, 576.

Woywodes, two, at Constantinople, 155.

Wrenham, Jo., patentee for the provision of saltpetre and gunpowder, 64.

Wrest, a young couple at, allusion to, 359.

Wright :

Jesuit priest, a prisoner, 232, 405.

Mr., 202.

Mr., connected with water works, 370, 407.

Daniel, a goldsmith's son, 568.

—, apprehension of, 570.

Doctor, 371.

Wroth :

Mr., 42, 80.

Sir Robert, concerned in a certain lease, 278.

Wurtemburg (Wirtemburg), 298.

Friedrick Duke of, letter from, 71.

—, letters from, sent to Sir R. Cecil for presentation to the Queen, 100.

Ambassador of, in France. See Wallmerod.

Wyarda, Dr., a councillor of the Earl of Sweden, sent on a mission, 521.

Wybarn, Percival, Prebend of Westminster, letter from, 142.

Wygorn, letter endorsed, 516.

Wylde, G., of Inner Temple, 647.

Wyllams, Lieutenant Rice, conductor of levies, 182.

Wyllson, Mr., 526.

Wyllughby. See Willoughby.

Wymarke, Edward, letter from, on the subject of his book of Concealments, 16.

Wyndebank, Wynebancke. See Windebank.

Wynfield. See Wingfield.

Wynne :

Ellen, wardship of, etc., 483.

Ellis ap Robert, said to be murdered, 482, 483.

John, of Gwrdyr, sheriff of Merionethshire, 482.

Wynson, W., of Barnstaple, 51, 54.

letter from, 154.

Wynsor, Captain, payment to, 92.

Wynter. See Winter.

Wynton. Earl of. See Seaton.

Wyse :

Christopher, 71.

John, letter signed by, 71.

John (the younger), 71.

Wytham, 554.

Wytham, Thomas, merchant, 704.


Yarmouth, 287.

cases of plague in, 438.

Yaxley, Sir R., 702.

Yelverton :

Serjeant Christopher, letters from, 22, 29, 243.

—, list signed by, 494.

William, nephew of Serjeant Yelverton, holding a captaincy in Ireland, and an allusion to two brothers slain, 29.

Yonckar, Peter, of Hamburgh, merchant, 25.

Yonge, Lady, of the manor of Abbotsbury, 527.

York, 82, 135, 200.

letters dated at, 83, 85, 233, 239, 343, 698.

Earl of Roxborough's ill treatment of pledges from, 94, 128.

prisoners at, allusions to, 115, 194.

Council and Court at, president of. See Cecil, Lord Burghley.

—, late Lord President of, allusion to, 232.

—, members of. See Malorye. See Stanhope. See Ferne.

—, as to a cause depending in, 260.

county of, lands in, belonging to the Queen from the escheat of Davers, 40.

—, tithes in, belonging to Sir H. Neville, 72, 113.

—, feared result of the presence of Jesuits in, 232.

—, a new judge appointed to, approved, 239.

Archbishop of. See Hutton.

Yorke, Captain, payment to, 92.

Youghall, 35, 424.

Young, Mr., Lord Admiral's man, 86.


Zante, 299.

Zealand (Zeeland), ships from, to be discharged from H.M.'s quays, 176.

treaty with, 256.

Admiral of, commander of all the forces before Sluys, 331, 389.

—, directions issued to, alluded to, 336.

States of, preparations for the defence of their coast, 337.

Zetiviel, Ritchart, sum owed to, by Count d'Egmont, 95.

Zouche (Souche) :

Edward la, Lord Zouch(e), Lord President of Wales, 9, 241, 468.

—, letters from, 56, 83, 156, 194, 207, 213, 214, 226, 288, 303, 311, 341, 409(2), 436, 437, 447, 451, 463, 465, 480, 507, 524, 602, 611, 618, 619(2), 647, 651, 652, 666, 673(3), 697.

—, copy of a letter from, 436.

—, letters to, 74, 305, 427, 610, 635.

—, desires to obtain the Queen's consent to go to Guernsey, 56.

—, minute of a safe conduct for his journey to Guernsey, 60.

—, arrangements for his proposed journey to Guernsey, 69, 75, 76, 81.

—, alludes to his former embassies in Scotland and Denmark, 157.

—, one desiring recommendation to, 195.

—, arrives at Ludlow, 303.

—, his difficulties as Lord President, 341, 342.

—, a youth arrested for recusancy by, who escaped, 602, 603, 610.

—, his willingness to retire from the Presidentship of Wales, 612.

—, and the case of Sir Edward Winter, 618.

—, disagreement with Mr. Justice Lewkenor, 619, 681.

—, his losses, &c., 620.

—, proceedings of, for the musters of the shires of South Wales, &c., 620.

—, certain matters of procedure on which he desires advice, 648, 650, 666.

John, cause against, alluded to, 180.

Zubiaur or Sebure, called Siriago (Seryago, Sereogo, &c.), Pedro, Spanish Admiral, at the Groyne, 93.

reported preparations of, 181.

with his fleet, news of, 418, 447.

—, account of an engagement with, 419.

treatment of English prisoners, 654, 655.

to succeed Don Diego, 675.

Zweibrücken, Duke of (“Duke of Deuxponts,” Duca de Dui Ponti), starts to take possession of the Duchy of Berg and the Duke of Cleves, pretext of, 345.

and his two sons, 644.