Cecil Papers: February 1601, 21-28

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1601, 21-28', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp75-100 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1601, 21-28', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp75-100.

"Cecil Papers: February 1601, 21-28". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp75-100.

February 1601, 21–28

Captain T. Jackson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb. 21.] I would be loth to have the brand of treason, which I could hardly avoid if I should seek to convey any offender out of her Majesty's power; but that her Majesty may use mercy unto whom she shall please to extend mercy, among which number Captain John Selby may be : whom I cannot accuse, but so far as I dare and honesty to a friend may induce me, I greatly desire your compassion to excuse him a pena quamvis non a culpa, because the ignorant and indiscreet carriage of himself hath suddenly plunged him in these so great miseries, being of his own disposition free from all thought of pretended practice. I entreat to be examined of his present being, as one of his most familiar acquaintance. You may also, and first, examine his uncle; but what my knowledge is, I will honestly deliver.—This present Saturday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“21 Feb. 1600.” 1 p. (76. 99.)
Henry Cuffe to the Privy Council.
1600/1, Feb. [21]. “A true answer to such articles as were proposed unto me on Saturday the [21] of February by the Lords of her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council.”
[Printed : Camden Society's Publications. O. S. LXXVIII. App., p. 85.]
The Earl of Essex.
1600/1, Feb. [21]. “An abstract out of the Earl of Essex's own confession.”
Original draft, with corrections by Cecil. [See S. P. Dom. Eliz. Vol. 278, No. 104, p. 587 of Calendar.] 2 pp. (83. 91.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 21. I have sent you the copy of such instructions as I have given to the preacher for St. Paul's Cross to-morrow, the effect whereof he shall deliver in his sermon unless you give other direction. I must know your pleasure by seven of the clock, or eight at the furthest, in the morning.—At my house in London, this 21 Feb. 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (180. 27.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 22. Sir Henry Neville in satisfying of your letters is posted with some three or four men to the Court to you, after whom I have sent Captain Windebank and one of my servants in post to observe him and such course as he shall take; which if the same be direct, then to pass as unknown persons; otherwise to make stay of him by force of your warrant.—Dover Castle, 22 February 1600.
[Postscript].—While I sought to prevent his passage by sea, he on the sudden took horse, leaving his wife and children here with the gentlemen of his retinue.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (76. 100.)
Declaration by Sir Charles Danvers.
[1600/1, Feb. 22.] Account of his connexion with the Earl of Essex, and of the doings of the latter from the time of his first commitment to the Lord Keeper's custody.
[Printed in a somewhat abbreviated form in Birch's Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Vol. II., pp. 470–473, and in the Camden Society's Publications. O. S. LXXVIII. App., p. 100.]
Endorsed by Cecil : “22 Feb. 1600. Sr. Ch. Danvers.” Holograph. Draft. 7 pp. (83. 104.)
Fair copy of the above.
Endorsed by Cecil : “2o Martii 1600. Sir Ch. Danvers' Declaration.”
Holograph. 11½ pp., containing 341 lines, which are numbered by tens in the margin. (83. 108.)
Sir William Malory to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 23. I have of late heard, to my great grief and all other that are her Majesty's faithful and loyal subjects, of the great conspiracies and wicked treasons intended against the sacred person of our most gracious Queen, by whom next under God we only live in happiness; and for that I acknowledge myself so many ways bound to offer my life and all I have in her service, which I beseech you to make known to her Highness. And if please her Majesty to command me to repair to the Court, either privately or with such company as you from her Highness shall direct me, I shall be most willing and ready presently to perform the same; beseeching you I may know her Majesty's pleasure by you, which if you direct to the post of Burrow bridge it will be presently delivered unto me.—My lodge at Hewton Park, this 23 of February 1600, at four of the clock in the afternoon.
Signed. 2/3 p. (76. 101.)
Thomas Payne, Mayor of Plymouth, and Christopher Harris to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 23. By virtue of your warrant of the 8th inst. directed to the Mayor of Plymouth, stay was made of one Thomas Tompson, Walter Tompson, and Roger Pue, gentlemen, then in Plymouth, and bound forth to the sea, whereof you were advertised and their examinations likewise sent. Having detained them thirteen days, and received no farther directions concerning them, we have sent up Thomas Tompson and Roger Pue, and being men of worth, as we understand, have taken their bond to her Majesty's use in 300l., to that effect; wherewith we hope you will be well pleased.—Plymouth, 23 February 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (76. 102.)
The Earl of Essex.
[1600/1, c. Feb. 23]. “An abbreviate of the examinations concerning the purpose of some apprentices to deliver the Earl of Essex out of the Tower.” They intended to draw their company together by libels, with hope to have 5,000 persons. Two libels made, but none of those published. Some others dispersed, but the authors not yet known. They intended to meet at the Exchange, Sunday, 15 February, at 10 in the morning. Then to possess the gates, every gate to be guarded with 100 men. To breach the compters and prisons and thence to take captains. Then to guard the churches, and to keep in their masters. To shut up the Lord Mayor and enforce his officers to go with them. To take armour, weapons and shot out of armourers' houses. To furnish themselves with powder and then to enter the Tower. If they were withstood, then to batter the Tower and break down the bridge To take out the Earl and swear him not to hurt her Majesty. Afterwards to send a certain company to the Court to surprise some honourable persons there, and to entreat her Majesty's favour for the Earl and themselves. This done, to retire themselves in peace. Three or four of the principal plotters did undertake to make others acquainted. It appeareth that about 20 were by them made privy thereunto and promised furtherance, but how many more were made acquainted at the second hand is yet unknown.
Of the principal agents and plotters, three taken, imprisoned and examined confess ut supra. The rest known, but not taken until their lordships' pleasures be further understood.
Before time of execution of this their practice, about Friday night or Saturday morning, the complotters, either crossed or forewarned by some accidents, seemed to repent and purposed to desist.
2/3 p. (83. 67.)
Lord Dudley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 24. It was vulgarly reported this last summer that Mr. John Littleton was in the Low Countries, and that (as his followers gave it out) by commandment of the Privy Council to stay the quarrel between the Earl of Southampton and the Lord Grey. Mr. Littleton hath a kinsman his neighbour called Humphrey Perrott, one in all his secret counsels most inward; what was become of him all this winter was unknown both to his wife and common friends. Sometime it was reported that he was drowned at London, sometime that he lived in Cheshire, but lastly, some meeting him at Bristol reported that he was going into Ireland, which yet goeth current that there he was; but what is become of him since his return I hear not. At home he is not. It is thought there was some extraordinary provision of armour at Mr. Littleton's house, Prestwood, where some (sent by me to watch what was done, and to charge in her Majesty's name such as they found carrying anything thence to stay) espied four wains coming thence in the night loaded, whereof three were shadowed with hay and the fourth with other stuff; and in one they heard a rattling as it were of armour. They were guarded by Humphry Littleton, John Littleton's brother, and a great number of others well armed, besides the wainmen. And being in her Majesty's name required by the watchmen to stay the sheriff's coming to search for the Queen, they replied (scorning her Majesty's most royal name) “that they would 'Queen them';” and therewith Humphry Littleton, reviling the watchmen, commanded his adherents to kill them, whereupon they did beat and wound the watchmen and forcibly drive away their carriages.—Dudley Castle, 24 February 1600.
Signed. ¾ p. (76. 103.)
Christopher Harris to the Lord Admiral and Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 24. A report being brought unto me of some speeches that were used by one Roger Loveer, of Osten near Plymouth, that came lately out of Ireland, I sent for him, from whom I took the Examination enclosed.—From the fort of Plymouth this 24th of February.
Signed. Endorsed :—“1600.”
On the back :
“From the forte of Plymouth at five in the after nonne hast hast post past hast hast Chr. Harris.
From Ashbertone at one of the clock in the night.
Exeter after 6 in the moring.
Honnyton a leven at fore nown 25 February.
Crockhorn at thre a clocke in the afternone 25 February.
Rec. at Sherborn at 11 of clock att nite.
at Shaston at 12 a clok the 26 of febrewari.
Salbeary at 4 of the cloke in the afternone.
Rcd. at Andever at 8 clocke at night being thursday.
at bassingestok at hafe owre after 4 the 27th.
Harttford bridg at 8 in the morning the last February.”
Seal broken. ½ p. (76. 105).
Enclosed :
The examination of Roger Lover, of Ossen near Plymouth, before Christopher Harris, esq. at the fort of Plymouth, the 24th of February 1600.”
Coming upon the coast of Ireland he was by foul weather forced into Baltimore the last of January last, and during his stay there he had some conference with Sir Finin O'Driscoll, who demanded of examinant what news there was in England. To whom he answered he knew none, for that he had been some fourteen weeks out of England. Then he asked examinant whether he knew the fort of Plymouth; who answered, “yea.” Then said he, “The bulwark of the fort was blown up the Sunday after Twelfth Day last”: for which examinant seeming to be sorry, “Nay,” said he, “I will tell thee more; the captain of the said fort is a traitor, which thou shalt hear more plainly when thou comest into England.” Examinant desiring to know how he understood it, he said he would shew it him in writing, which because he could not read he told it to the master of the ship, one Robert Rawling of Newcastle, who went to the said Sir Funin O'Driscoll and read it as he said to this examinant. Sir Finin O'Driscoll said also to this examinant that it behoved them to take heed, for if Sir Ferdinando George [Gorges] were not taken, he would set the town of Plymouth on fire. And farther saith he departed from Baltimore the second of this instant, and the 4th arrived at Cork, from whence he returned into England the 14th.
Copy. 1 p. (76. 106.)
Sir Richard Lovelace to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 24. If I have given cause to be imprisoned, let death be my reward. If not, suffer not my name to be spotted with such malefactors as are now in question. I am most willingest to give myself unto your Honour, if you will be pleased to accept of me, and as to Essex I was, so long as he was noble, so shall I be unto you.—This 24th of February 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (77. 5.)
Lord Darcy to the Lords of the Council.
[1600/1,] Feb. 24. I received your Lordship's letter this night. Since the day of the arraignment I have been so exceedingly tormented with an ague as I have not been able to stir abroad, and it hath so weakened me as I cannot well sit on a horse, much less go on foot. In regard whereof, if conveniently I may be at this time spared, I would be glad to be pardoned.—In haste, this 24 of February.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed.—“1600.” ½ p. (77. 6.)
Lord Dudley to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 24. Recounting with myself, in what kind of offices I could best shew my gratitude to your Honour, I find none so meet as service, which since I cannot so fully perform as by your favours I am bound, it may please you to entertain my brother as a pledge for me.—Dudley Castle, this 24 of February 1600.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (77. 7.)
Sir Edward Coke to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 24. The Commission of oyer and determiner for treasons in Middlesex is adjourned until to-morrow at eight of the clock. Whether there shall be any proceeding against any that be indicted, and how many, or whether the commission shall be adjourned until some further day, I pray you let me receive your direction.—This 24 of Febr. 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (180. 28.)
Richard [Bancroft], Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 24. Sir Christopher Blunt, when he came last to London, brought with him the Countess of Leicester his wife's best jewels, and amongst them a clock or watch set with diamonds worth above 400l. I know not where any of them are; but do suppose that if some person of credit with the Countess (such a man as you might trust) were sent unto him as from her, to understand what he had done with them, they might so be got.—At my house in London, this 24 of Feb. 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (180. 29).
Lord Thomas Howard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, before Feb. 25]. My lord of Essex doth importune me and Mr. Lieutenant [of the Tower] to receive with him to-morrow, avowing his reason to be only to satisfy the world by leaving behind him testimony with us that what he hath done and said is all true I would for my part do willingly what you will think fit in this case, but not of myself without acquainting you. I pray you send by this bearer your speedy answer what I shall do, which I will obey.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” ½ p. (83. 59.)
William Letchfeild's Confession.
1600/1, Feb. 25. First—that Sir Robert Drewry talking of the Earl of Essex with Monsr. Beron in Paris of the Earl's being in prison or in keeping, Sir Robert spoke these words, how that and if so be he were in France, or that they had such a man in France as he was, he could not nor should not be used as he was and is. And, how that Monsr. Beron should say that and if the Earl woulk that he had yet ten thousand men at his command if he would seed any means to give them entrance.
How that Sir Robert said that and if so be that our Majesty did not use men better than she did the Earl, or reward or deal better than she had done, that she would or should have fewer friends than she had or have.
How that Sir Robert spake that he hoped one day to come to the cutting of some of the best of their throats.
How that Sir Robert being in the Duke or Duchess of Guise's chamber hearing the ladies of France speaking evil of the Queen, one Mr. Prentis coming upon some business to Sir Robert that he had set him about, and entering into the chamber where Sir Robert and these ladies were, Sir Robert seeing him coming made him go out, lest, as he said, he should have heard those words, and so for to have written their speeches which they spake unto Sir Robert, into England, which, as he said, might have endangered him.
And that Thomas Letchfeild, my brother, heard and can testify some of these speeches abovesaid, and all these speeches were spoken by Sir Robert Drewry, being in Paris, betwixt Christmas was twelvemonth and our Lady day following.
He saith that before his coming to be examined of the Lord Chief Justice, that Sir Robert being below came to the said examinate, and threatened him, swearing that he would have his ears and halsteeds and that my Lo. Chief Justice was informed of our villainies against him, and therefore for to be well advised of what I said and to be sure of proof, with divers other speeches. And after sent for this examinate to Drury House and told him how that my Lo. Chief Justice thought well of him, and said that now he had found him an honest man, and that he would deal well with him, with divers other speeches.
Sir Robert Drewry had a book which was in my keeping which is called a conference touching the succession to the Crown.
This is the true copy of William Lychefylde's confession made upon his oath before me the 25 of February 1600. J. Popham.
pp. (84. 15.)
Sir Richard Lewkenor to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 25. The speedy sending away of this bearer, Mr. Serjeant Crutchelow, with Sir Francis Merrick, permitteth not time to advertise you of the state of these parts at large; but shortly thus : I find it both throughout Wales and the marches thereof, that the people thereof are generally very quiet, without any stirs, mutinies, or spreaders of rumours or news, for which and for wandering and straggling wayfaring men, we have caused good watches to be set in all towns and parishes where common passages are. The Earl of Essex was greatest in South Wales because he had lands in Pembrokeshire and Herefordshire, and some land or farm in Carnarvonshire, and some iron works not far from this town in the confines of Shropshire and Herefordshire, where it is informed me he had some stock of iron, and that he had some colts, horses, and cattle (but of no great value) in his parks and lands in Herefordshire and Pembrokeshire, which I had made some commission to inquire of from hence, and so to have examined Sir John Vaughan that married Sir Gelly Merrick his daughter, to whose house Sir Gelly his wife removed and carried her plate and principal stuff (as it is informed) fortnight or three weeks before this traitorous act attempted. But I did it not because my associates here were and are scrupulous and doubtful whether we might do it or not until we received direction therein from you and other the lords of her Majesty's Privy Council. I assure you the fall of the Earl, in those parts where he was greatest, is not grieved at, because I do generally hear that he was (and the rather by Sir Gelly Merrick his means) often very chargeable and burdensome unto them; and Sir Gelly Merrick himself lived by such oppression and overruling over them that they do not only rejoice at his fall but curse him bitterly. This bearer can more at large inform you, who hath taken great pain and a very long journey to the furthest part of all South Wales for the apprehension of Sir Francis Merrick, whom I had a little conference with in demanding of some questions of him, and find that Sir Gelly his brother did before or at the beginning of the last term write for him and Captain Cunye to come up to London, he the said Sir Francis to have gone through with the assignment or passing of a lease for which he hath already disbursed 1100l., as he saith. What Captain Cunye his business was or wherefore he was sent for to London, he knoweth not, as he saith. He confesseth the being with Sir John Vaughan since this traitorous act, and that he also spake with his man Laughern that was at London at the time of the act committed, and amongst the followers of the Earl in London that day : but saith he received neither letter nor message by him from any creature in the world.—From her Majesty's Castle of Ludlow, the 25th of February 1600.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (76. 107.)
Sir Thomas Wylsford to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 25. My son, having married Sir George Carew's niece, is desirous to be employed in her Majesty's Irish service. Understanding that Sir Charles Percy had a company and was Colonel of a Regiment there, now haply to be put from it at the least, he desires most humbly to be preferred to the same. He has from a private soldier, passed and taken all degrees of offices to a Colonel.—This 25th of February 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“Sir Thomas Wilford.” ¾ p. (77. 8.)
The Execution of the Earl of Essex.
1600/1, Feb. 25. On Wednesday being the 25 of February 1600, about 8 of the clock in the morning, was the sentence of death executed upon the Earl of Essex in the Tower of London, where a scaffold being set up in the court, and a form near unto the place whereon sat the Earls of Cumberland and Hertford, the Viscount Byndon, the Lord Thomas Howard, the Lord Darcy, the Lord Compton; the Lieutenant with 16 persons of the guard being sent for the prisoner, who coming in a gown of wrought velvet, a suit of satin, a felt hat, all in black, and a little ruff about his neck, and arriving on the scaffold with three chaplains, Dr. Mountfort, Dr. Barlow and Mr. Ashton; he, veiling his hat, made reverence to the Lords, and spake to this effect. “My Lords and you, my Christian brethren, who are here to be witnesses of this my just punishment, I confess to the glory of God that I am a most wretched sinner, and that my sins are more in number than the hairs of my head, and that I have bestowed my youth in wantonness, lust and uncleanness, and that notwithstanding divers good motions from the spirit of God put into me, the good which I would, I have not done, and the evil which I would not, I have done. For all which I humbly beseech my Saviour Christ to be a mediator to the Eternal Majesty for my pardon; especially for this my last sin, wherein so many for love of me have been drawn to offend God, their sovereign and the world. I beseech God to forgive it us, and to forgive it me, the most wretched of all. And I beseech God to send her Majesty a prosperous reign and a long life, [if] it be His will! I beseech God give her a wise and an understanding heart. O Lord, bless her and the nobles and ministers of the State. And I beseech you and all the world to hold a charitable opinion of me for my intention to her wards, whose death, I protest, I never meant, nor violence to her person. And I desire all the world to forgive me even as I do freely and from my heart forgive all the world. I never was, I thank God, atheist not believing the Word and Scriptures, neither Papist trusting in my own merits, but hope for my salvation from God by the mercy and merits of my Saviour, Jesus. This faith I was brought up in, and here am now ready to die in, beseeching you all to join your souls with me in prayer, that my soul may be lifted up above all earthly things in my prayers. For now I will give myself to my private prayers, yet for that I beseech you to join with me, I will speak that you may hear.” Then putting off his ruff and gown, presenting himself before the block, he was (as it seemed) by one of the chaplains encouraged against fear and death, to whom he answered that “having been divers times in places of danger, yet where death was never so present nor certain, he had felt the weakness of flesh, and, therefore, now in this greater conflict desired God to strengthen him.” And so kneeling down, the executioner also on his knees desiring him pardon, to whom he said, “I forgive thee, thou art a minister of justice,” and so began his prayers, saying : “Oh God! Creator of all things and Judge of all men, thou hast let me know by warrant out of thy Word, that Satan is then most busiest when our ends are nearest, and that Satan being resisted will fly. I humbly beseech thee to assist me in this my last combat, and, since thou acceptest even of our desires, as of our acts, accept of my desire to resist him even as of true resistance; and perfect by that grace what thou knowest in my flesh to be frail and weak. Give me patience to bear as becometh me this just punishment inflicted upon me by so honourable a trial. Grant me the inward comfort of thy Spirit. Let thy Spirit send unto my soul an assurance of thy mercies. Lift my soul above all earthly cogitations, and when my life and body shall part send thy blessed angel which may receive my soul and convey it to thy joys in heaven.” Then, saying the Lord's prayer and the creed, he iterated this petition : “Lord Jesus, forgive us our trespasses. Lord Jesus, receive my soul. Into thy hand, O Lord, I commend my spirit.” And so desired to be informed what was fit for him to do for disposing him fitly to the block, saying he would only stretch his arms. He spreading them wide out, his doublet taken off, in a scarlet waistcoat and bowing towards the block, he said, “With humility and obedience to Thy commandments, in obedience to Thy ordinances to Thy good pleasure, O Lord, I prostrate myself to my deserved punishment.” So laying flat along on the board, his arms stretched out and laying down his head and setting it to the block with these last words in his mouth, “Lord Jesus, receive my soul,” it was severed by the axe from his corpse at three blows, the first deadly and absolutely depriving sense and motion. Finis.
Endorsed :—“A report of the Lord of Essex his death.” 1½ pp. (180. 30.)
[A varying account is printed in Birch's “Memoirs of Q. Elizabeth,” Vol. ii., p. 482. See also Calendar of S. P. Dom., p. 595.]
Lord Chief Justice Popham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 25. I received this packet with a letter to myself from Sir Humphrey and Mr. Reve Stafford out of Berkshire, who advertise me that there were three persons stayed in a watch near unto them, each having his piece, travelling towards Ireland; and, for that they travelled in that manner at this time having letters with them, it seemeth they made bold to open the letters, which I see not, for aught I can perceive, to be of any moment, but that to Sir Francis Rush, which appeareth to be somewhat darkly written. The gentlemen having stayed the men, desire to be advertised what were fit to be done further with them. At this present also William Lychfyld is sent up to me out of the West parts, but I have not yet examined him.—Serjeants' Inn, the 25th of February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (180. 31.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 26. Give me leave yet once again to importune you for my coming up. I desire it not now for my private affairs, but in these desperate times I desire to be near about her Majesty. I take God to witness, my spirit is restless, and till I be with you I shall have no feeling of content. You may have many worthy men that you put trust to and that are truly yours, but so long as you are to her Majesty as I know you are, by God, Sir, I will be as honest to you as any he that lives. I have matters to impart unto you of some moment, if I were with you; but papers have long ears and I dare not trust them. My deputy is returned, the country is quiet, and there is no appearance that Scotland will any way stir to molest us till their ambassador return, before which time, if it shall please her Majesty, I may be at Court and back again. I desire no more but to see her Majesty and to speak with yourself, and in the mean time, as I know you have a special care of her Majesty's safety, so be not you too careless of your own estate; for if those that are so devilish minded see no hope of her Majesty's fall, who can tell whether their vain imaginations may make them think of a second means, and so by cutting off your Honour, have a hope to bring their further designs to a better effect. Good Sir, let me hear from you, and my leave withal if it be possible.—Woddrington, 26 February 1600. [Postscript]—This day I hear Harry Lee is gone to serve the King of Scots, not minding to return.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (76. 108.)
Henry Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 26. Hoping that your troubles with time are delayed, though not dissolved, I am bold after many days to renew my suit for George Morey, the lord of Bawiris servant's passport, and such gratuity as shall seem fit for so mean a service, only pretending a promptitude to service; which I think twenty crowns cast away in is not much (after so many less likely large bounties), if you hold so fit. I desire nothing less than to solicit so unfruitful affairs as Scottish prove in effect, and will therefore hereafter be by you only drawn to have liking to them. This employment of the party being founded upon affection of an able party to serve her Majesty, and embraced by former grateful acceptance of his brother, were not to be lost now, when time may make all good instruments put in use.—Strand, 26 February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (76. 108/2.)
Walter Moubray to Archibald Douglas.
1600/1, Feb. 26. I have used manifold lawful means for the recovery of my goods. It rests I give them advertisement of my revenge : and that is that, either for the loss of my goods, profit, loss of time, the Council send over to Calais to James Borthyle's house within the space of twenty days twelve hundred pounds “stir”: or else I shall be another Herostratus, I shall cause my name sound through other nations for the revenge I shall work against Englishmen : and Scotland, qlk I be repaid of the preceding sum, shall I never press to come near. For the Englishmen, travelling as merchants, searches out the whole secrets of Spain, besides the increasing of riches in their own country, qlk never one of them shall be spared but all go to the galleys. The particular sum that I will have for satisfaction of all is twelve hundred pound sterling, and if it come not over within the former space I am as well content, for I have used this advertisement as the last lawful mean. Therefore it will please your L. to deliver this other letter to Sir Robert Cecil, and, if ye hold it back, ye will do great hurt. Beside the repayment of my loss be revenge. I have intercepted a letter of the Queen's attorney, that will double my sum to me. I believed to have found Thomas Nicholson in Calais, being the Queen's agent, to have opened up all this matter to him. Having no further but my hearty commendations to Joseph, Robert Maners, your lordship's kinswoman.—S. Thome, the 26 Februar 1600.
Holograph. Addressed, “Lyme Street, London.” Scotch. 1 p. (77. 10.)
Richard Shute to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 26. This included was left at my house yesterday. It is the hand of one Wilkenson, who is well acquainted with deceits touching custom causes. I am ready to show the abuses that may hinder your benefit.—26 Feb. 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (77. 11.)
Essex's Rebellion.
1600/1, Feb. 26. “Names of the prisoners and what course is to be taken with them.”
Persons already indicted and fit to be arraigned Sir Christopher Blunt
Sir Charles Davers
Sir Gelly Merrick
Sir John Davies
Henry Cuffe
William Temple
Francis Tresham
Sir William Constable
Not yet indicted, but fit to be indicted Thomas Warberton
William Downall
Robert Gosnall
Francis Buck
Edward Bromley
Already indicted and to be forborne to be arraigned, but yet fined Sir Henry Carew
Sir Robert Vernon
Ellis Jones
Edmond Bushell
Robert Pitcheforke
Sir Henry Parker
Sir Ferdinando Gorges
Sir Charles Percy
Sir Joscelin Percy
Charles Ogle
John Wright
Christopher Wright
Sir Henry Lindley
Robert Catesby
Edmond Whitelock
Edward Wiseman
Attainted and fit to be executed [blank]
Fit to be forborne from being indicted, but yet to be fined Sir Edw. Michelborne
Richard Cholmley
Robert Dallington
Simon Mallorie
Francis Manners
George Manners
Sir Thomas West
Grey Bridges
Thomas Crompton
John Vernon
Captain White
Arthur Bromfeild
Captain John Norris
John Grant
Sir Edward Littleton to be delivered upon good bonds
William Norris
To be discharged without bonds, without indictment, arraignment or fine Thomas Tomkins
Philip Williams
John Temple
William Perkins
Edward Throckmorton
John Foster
Christopher Dorrington
William Wingfeild
Edward Reynolds upon bond to his own lodging
John Vaughan to be discharged upon bond
Henry Paity
Stephen Mann
Dean Wood, to be sent to his own house upon bonds
Thomas Conden
John Arden
William Spratt
Ambrose Bloundell
Francis Kinnersley gent.
Edward Kinnersley
William Grantham
Edward Hanmer
John Roberts
Francis Leicester
William Greenall
William Greene
Gregory Sheffield
Francis Predowne
Robert Dotson
Peter Riddall
William Rishbrooke
John Limericke
— Milborne
Such as were in the action and not yet taken Sir Christopher Heydon
Sir John Heydon
Peirce Edmonds
Peter Winne
Sir Simon Weston
Captain John Salisbury
— Masham
Fit to be kept in prison without indictment or any other prosecution against them Francis Smith
Endorsed :—“26 February 1600.” 3 pp. (83. 92.)
Sir Henry Nevill to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, c. Feb. 26.] I have made bold, according to your permission, to write unto my wife a word or two to comfort her, which I desire, if it please you, that Packer may carry. Please you to add some comfortable message unto her by him, for otherwise I fear the apprehension of it may work some sudden and dangerous effect in her, being subject as she is to so violent a passion of the heart. Please you also to direct me what I shall do with my servants that be at Paris, and whether I shall not discharge them. I have set down in writing the substance of that I can call to mind to have understood touching this late wicked practice. I do but stay the writing it out again to send it unto your Honour and to my Lord Admiral, to whose compassion, next to God's mercy and her Majesty's, I do most humbly recommend my distressed estate.
Holograph. Undated.
Endorsed :—“Feb. 1600.” ¾ p. (77. 15.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to the Privy Council.
1600/1, Feb. 27. Upon signification of her Majesty's pleasure unto me for the provision of a large and convenient house in the City, furnished with bedding and other necessaries, for lodging and receiving the Earl of Mar and his train, I can find none so fit as Crosby Place, the house of Sir John Spencer, knight, in Bishopsgate Street, being very large and he seldom using it. I pray you to require him by your letters to make ready the same.—London, 27 February, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (76. 109.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 27. Since I came home from the Court, I am informed that a fellow goeth about the street, selling the ballads whereof here is a copy enclosed. He giveth it out that the Countess of Essex hath made it, which procureth many to buy it. I have sent divers up and down the city to see if they can meet with him. I am told that the ballad was made half a year since upon some other occasion, and that the knave, to make his gain, doth affirm as is before mentioned. I have sent for the Warden of the Stationers and will take as quick a course as I can. These villainous printers do trouble me more than I will write of.—At my house in London, this 27 of Feb. 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (77. 4.)
William Becher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 27. Having been long a prisoner in great distress by want of my books of accounts, which have been withheld from me four years, my meaning was to beseech that either my books may be restored, or that the untrue suggestions which have been the cause of their detainment may be tried before the Lords.—This 27th February 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (77. 12.)
John Lyly to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 27. I would be an humble suitor to her Majesty to have something out of the lands, leases, goods or fines, that shall fall unto her Highness by the true fall of these false, desperate and disloyal traitors. I am not so impudent as to entreat your Honour a motioner, but a favourer if haply it be moved, that after thirteen years' service and suit for the revels, I may turn all my forces and friends to feed on the rebels.—Feb. 27 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ½ p. (77. 14.)
Dr. G. Fletcher to the Lord Mayor of London.
1600/1, Feb. 28. I was committed by your Lordship to Mr. Alderman Hampson's by the appointment of some of the Lords of the Council. I have been his prisoner this fortnight. My conscience is free. I have a great family and many poor children. I entreat you to crave direction from Sir Robert Cecil whether I may be discharged or no. To help the distressed and innocent is charitable; to move thus far for your own poor servitor, safe and honourable.—The 28th of February 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (77. 3.)
Dr. G. Fletcher to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 28. The affliction of a poor faithful subject in being noted by this restraint, you can measure by your own loyal heart. Remember, I beseech, my life past; remember your own testimony given of me a few days since. I have erred, I confess, in my affection towards that Earl, but I have erred with her Majesty, your Honour and many thousands. But I left him when he left his duty towards his Prince. His late ungodly and seditious fact, I utterly abhor. My humble suit is that because both the City and my wife and 12 poor children require my duty, you will give me leave to repair to mine own house and to enjoy my liberty.—28 Feb. 1600.
Holograph. ¾ p. (77. 4.)
George Brady to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 28. I am moved to make known divers bad and lewd practices against the State and your Honour. Being sick I cannot come, but I crave that some one may be sent to whom I may deliver the cause in secrecy, or that I may come unto you on horseback.—28th of February 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (77. 13.)
John Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, Feb. 28. My hard hap is that two of this traitorous company are indebted to me to the value of three hundred threescore ten pounds and better. Whereof John Littleton, the traitor condemned, oweth me upon good specialty 200l. or better, and that bloody murderer, Captain Thomas Lee, for whom I became bound at his last being here before this time, 100l. for the setting of him forward into Ireland. Which I have continued at interest ever since, and could never receive either principal or any interest towards the discharge thereof, which now amounteth to the sum of 170l. I beseech you to assist me with your friendship to her Highness in this my distressed state.—Tower, this 28th of February 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (180. 32.)
Sir Robert Carey to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.]. Your letter sent to the gentleman porter, I received the 7th at 9 in the morning, and sent it away within half an hour I received it. This letter enclosed, I received this morning at 10 hours, and sent it to you before eleven.
Sir, for matters in Scotland I deal little withal, unless it be for Border causes belonging to my charge; yet I am very lately informed of some news, which although it may be you are already acquainted withal, yet I hold it my duty not to conceal it. The King of Scots hath had a private meeting and conference with Sir William Eure in the dead time of the night; to what end I know not. It may be Sir William will not deny it if he be asked the question If it shall please you to employ me therein, I will do my best to know the far end thereof. Otherwise I will busy myself as little as I can with Scots causes.
Holograph. Undated. Seal. ½ p. (47. 116.)
[See S. P. Scotland, Eliz. Vol. 67, No. 14.]
The Master of Gray to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb. ?]. I have sent your Honour the little Alphabeta of all in my opinion necessary.
I desire to have the King's first letter whereby he wills me for to retire forth of England, for it must serve me for a warrant. Together with the project against Holland, if it be doubled. Remember a warrant to convoy my letters to your Honour after my landing, and my passport for furnishing horses.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 68.)
The Master of Gray to Mr. Lok.
[1600/1, Feb. ?]. I am exceeding glad that now that her Majesty is resolved of men's meanings without her own danger. I pray you if you go to Court, cause send a warrant or command to the port to stay all riders northward, for there is a Scottish merchant ready to start this morning, and meetest it were notice of this came first from the Queen. Remember my passports and see them written in honourable form.
Send me word what is become of Essex.
Mr. Huesone is with me and informs of this merchant. He has with him Hamilton's letters. If he were intercepted, you will see if any of this was known in Scotland.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 1 p. (181. 69.)
Anonymous Letter to The Queen.
[1600/1 Feb.]. Your most obedient and loving subjects do with grievous sighs and tears behold the dangerous stay and standing both of your person and commonwealth. We perceive plainly the whole weight of us all to rest upon hollow brittle 'kickses': how can this vineyard prosper when venomous worms have pierced the tender roots of the chiefest plants, whereby for a season they could not spring, and now like caterpillars do climb, having brought them in despair to bring both bodies and all to the ground? A woeful and a dangerous time is this for us poor sheep to live in, when wolves and foxes shall thus prey upon our chiefest shepherds! Were it not greatly in regard of our allegiance and care of your Majesty's quiet, we would adventure to smoke those caterpillars and to chase such wolves and foxes. Thus praying for your Majesty's long and prosperous reign, we conclude, most earnestly and most humbly entreating your Grace with speed mercifully to consider lest we all perish together.
Your Majesty's poor distressed commonwealth full of bleeding hearts.
Addressed :—“Into the hands of our most noble and gracious Queen of England deliver me.”
Endorsed by Cecil :—“Libels.” ½ p. (76. 97.)
The Earl of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.] When a man is bound in a stricter bond than words, he can never with words make any satisfaction. Such is now my case with you, for your deeds have expressed your love, and there lies nothing in me to enable me in the same kind to make requital, and it were a great shame for me to endeavour it in that kind which myself hath before condemned.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Feb., 1600.” Seal. ¾ p. (77. 16.)
The Earl of Pembroke to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.] I think myself infinitely indebted unto you for the favours I perceive you have done me. I pray still continue your love towards me. My occasions urge me to a speedy resolution, and until I understand further of her Majesty's pleasure, I cannot determine of anything. If she give me leave to go down to settle my business, I shall receive it as a great grace, and ever be ready to answer this matter at the least warning.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Feb. 1600.” ¾ p. (77. 17.)
Mary, Lady Clifford to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.] I humbly believe you will consider the distress of a widow desolate of comfort. My suit is that I may have from you some few lines to Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower to examine Sir Gillam Merrick of the trust I committed to him in my extremities, in the want of friends when I was in expectation of death. I had neither alliance nor much acquaintance in that barbarous place to commit my discharge of a wife and mother of my declining estate from thousands to hundreds. Sir Gillam Merrick by his letter acquainted Sir John Townsend with this trust upon his first apprehension. I am bound by duty to respect you and may be made much more by your commiseration to have a disposition never to neglect to give you the service of my heart.
Signed. Undated. (83. 2.)
Richard Percival to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.] I send this enclosed from Sir John Peyton. It may please you to sign these warrants enclosed, which are for mine own suit. I send also note of his name that hath bought the woods upon condition to be discharged of purveyors, and prayeth your assistance.—This present Saturday.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Two seals. ¼ p. (83. 32.)
The Earl of Essex.
[c. 1600/1, Feb.] Information of John Bird.
Sir George Devereux, knt., uncle to the Earl of Essex, being in commission of the peace in cos. Pembroke and Cardigan in South Wales, came down upon the sudden, with one man only attending him, at Christmas last, and did ever since (as yet he doth) sojourn at the house of John Barlow in Slebeche or Mynwere, which houses are on both sides of Milford Haven in co. Pembroke : which John Barlow is and hath been of long time an obstinate notorious recusant, being a man of greatest living and power in that shire. By whose greatness the Judges of assize of that circuit could not as yet at any time get him indicted, albeit they endeavoured their uttermost, in such awefulness he holdeth the people, and so strongly was he countenanced by the Earl of Essex, through the means of Sir Gelly Merrick, who (as is supposed) made his gain 100l. a year of him.
George Barlow, eldest son of the said John, having been married to one of the Vernons, cousin german to the Earl of Essex and sister to the Countess of Southampton (by whom he hath two sons), liveth there with his father and Sir Geo. Devereux in house all together at Mynwere, by the side of Milford Haven, where a ship of 400 tons may come to the house. The brethren and one other son of John Barlow are Jesuits and Seminaries beyond the seas or covertly in England.
This Barlow, ao 88, and in all doubtful times of foreign invasion, hath been greatly suspected of the better sort knowing him. Also it is to be considered that one Devereux Barrett (so christened by the old Earl of Essex, Walter) now being sheriff of Pembrokeshire, is of alliance to the Earl of Essex now being, and is his known professed follower, and most familiar and inward with Sir George Devereux and Barlow; in regard whereof and of a piece of money, for which Sir Gelly Merrick made him registrar for the diocese of St. David's (consisting in 7 counties, for his life and two sons in law of the said Barrett named Meade) he is the more to be suspected for the execution of such services as may concern any of these traitorous confederates, or persons before named.
Mr. Walter Rice, one of her Majesty's servants, now in Court, an esquire of fair living both in cos. Pembroke and Carmarthen, Sir John Ogan [Wogan], James Perrot, George Owen, Thomas Lloyd, and Richard Grafton, justices of peace, are able to manifest what may seem doubtful and to execute what may be expedient in these queasy times, and also Mr. Albone Stepney [Stepneth], not long since sheriff of both shires, now or lately in London.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (83. 54.)
— to —
[1600/1, Feb.] Sir—There is one Harris a young man prisoner here in the Counter who, sitting at dinner among his fellows, said that he heard you on Sunday when the Earl [of Essex] made that insurrection, say to the Earl these words : “My lord, do you want any aid? if you do, you shall have aid enough.” Which words one Kyrton being at the table took witness of, and went presently to Mr. Secretary and informed him of them, and yesterday Mr. Doctor Cæsar, Sergeant Elverton and Sir Jerome Bowes came hither and examined the said Harris and others about it. You are wise, and I trust falsely accused; the goodwill I bear you maketh me inform you this much in secret. Now use your discretion and prevent danger.
Undated. Endorsed :—“Delivered by Alderman Holliday, 1600.” ½ p. (83. 55.)
William Reynolds to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.] The man and woman and the baker which spoke those desperate words I wrote to you, I never saw any of them before that Sunday morning, nor since. There is one William Green, called Captain Green, in the Counter Poultry, who I hear was in the rebellious troop with the Earl of Essex; which Green (amongst divers of the Earl's men which have quarrelled with me) met me in Thames Street about 2 years ago, where he quarrelled with me. He is generally reported to be a cutpurse, picklock and thief, and lives by cosening shifts. I marvel also what became of Pearse Edmonds, the Earl of Essex's man, born in Strand near me, who had many preferments by the Earl. His villainy I have often complained of; he dwells in London, and was corporal general of the horse in Ireland under the Earl of Southampton. He ate and drank at his table and lay in his tent. The Earl Southampton would “cole” and hug him in his arms and play wantonly with him. This Pearse began to flatter me in Ireland, offering me great courtesy, telling me what pay and gifts the Earls bestowed upon him, to move me to desire and look for the like favour. But I could never affect them to make them my friends, especially Essex, whose mind I ever mistrusted, only I desired his employing me to do my Queen faithful service; whose supremacy next and immediately under God I ever acknowledge, and that her Majesty is defender of the true ancient catholic and apostolic faith, which faith I do stedfastly believe according to the truth of the Scriptures and Athanasius' creed. Prays a letter or warrant for 20l. pension yearly out of London and Middlesex.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (83. 62.)
Hugh Cuffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.] Although I have framed the enclosed petition, I must confess I never more intend to dwell in Ireland, having had so many crosses. Nevertheless, I shall not fail to perform in my two daughters and my bailiff, who are there settled upon my lands, the reinhabiting of my seigniory. I have thought it not fitting to prefer any petition without acquainting your Honour first. Howbeit I did promise my Lord President that I would prefer a petition to the intent to draw over the undertakers, I do intend to deal no further therein than shall be to your good liking. Touching the letter that was sent me from the Lord President and Council to be delivered to your Honour, concerning the Mayor of Limerick, I was desirous to second the same by all that I might. For the other letter touching my Lord President's provision of corn and my private occasion, I shall think myself much bound in obtaining the same, but you best know what is fit to be granted.
PS.—I have received this present [instant a letter from Mr. Billingsley, Sir Henry Billingsley's eldest son, an undertaker, who doth earnestly entreat me to procure him a licence to transport some corn and other necessaries for the reinhabiting of his seigniory; I do beseech you to grant us order for the same.
Signed. Endorsed :—“Feb. 1600.” Seal. 1 p. (180. 33.)
The Enclosure :
Hugh Cuffe to the Lords of the Council.—The late misfortunes in Munster were caused by the defect of undertakers, and the scarcity of English tenants on the estates. At the beginning of the insurrection, I was appointed commander of the town of Kilmalacke, which I fortified at my own charge and defended against siege for ten weeks with the help of 80 of my tenants and servants, the Queen having in the Province but 130 soldiers. In the defence, I lost my only son. If the rest of the undertakers had put their helping hands as far forth as myself, this great mischief had not befallen us. Yea, if they had but performed the covenant of their Articles, which was for every full seigniory to have in readiness 20 foot and 10 horse, the 36 undertakers holding 20 full seigniories between them, it would have been sufficient against any strength that was sent into the Province by the traitor, Tyrone, as also to have daunted the courage of the evil disposed Provincials.
Now that the country is quiet enough again for me to have some 16 ploughs going, my suit is that all the undertakers hereunder written be commanded upon a pain, either to go over themselves next spring or to send some to inhabit their seigniories, as by their letters patent they are enjoined to do. Otherwise myself and some few others that are desirous to do her Highness service shall lose our labour, as hitherto we have done. There are in the Province 10000 ploughlands chargeable. This land is for the most part wasted by the wars, but by Michaelmas twelvemonth there will be 6000 ploughlands inhabited, sufficient to bear with ease the charge of 1000 men, the number which the country ought to maintain. The soldiers should be ordered to take their payment in victuals at the rate of a full beef for 20s., a hog 5s., a mutton half a crown, a barrel of wheat 6s., a barrel of barley 4s., a barrel of oats 2s., which at these rates would never grieve them. As the other ploughlands shall grow to be inhabited, it will be an ease unto the first proportion. Until Michalmas next her Majesty would have to bear the charge for the 1000, and for the next twelvemonth the counties could bear one half and her Majesty the other half. This charge may well be imposed upon them, for they were contented being rebels to find 3000 soldiers to serve against her Highness, and may well find a third of that number to keep them in their loyalty.
In order to encourage the Undertakers to do their duty, I pray that we may have toleration of our rents for a time.
The names of the Undertakers.
County of Cork.—Sir Walter Rawley, knight; Lady Norreys; Sir Robert Ashfield, knt.; Bernard Grynvild, esq.; Walter Sayntlger, esq.; Arthur Hyde, esq.; Hugh Cuffe, esq.; Henry Beecher, esq.; Mrs. Spencer; Arthur Robinson's heir; Mr. Goldfinche; Mr. Robyns.
County of Waterford.—Sir Walter Rawley; Mr. Fleetwood, esq.; Mrs. Dolton.
County of Limerick.—The Earl of Ormond; Sir Edward Fytton, knt.; Sir George Bowser, knt.; Sir William Courtnay, knt.; Sir Francis Barkley, knt.; Lady Uttrud; John Stroud, esq.; Henry Billingsley, esq.; Captain Collom; William Trenchard, esqrs'., heir; Mr. Mannorynge; Sir George Thornton, knt.; Sir George Beeston, and the heir of Mr. Bostock.
County of Desmond and Kerry.—Sir William Herbert's heir; Nicholas Brown, esq.; Sir Edward Denny's heir; Justice Gold's heir; Charles Herbert, esq.; John Champion; Captain Connoughway's heir.
1 p. (180. 34.)
Sir John Lloyd.
[1600/1, Feb.] Denbigh. Sir John Lloyde, lately knighted in Ireland by the Earl of Essex, whom he followed in the late service there. This knight did harbour and entertain in his house three of the traitors in this late rebellion, viz. John Salusbury his brother in law, Owen Salusbury, and Peter Wynn, all three captains and followers of the Earl of Essex, and the two last formerly pardoned for treason, and so known unto him. Those three were the greatest friends and the inwardest that the said knight had. They had his house at their command, and his purse, and some of them had most of their means from him.
There has been of late divers meetings and private conferences between them, as namely in Christmas last in the town of Wrexam, Denbighshire, they all met there, and there Sir John Lloyde became bound for Captain John Salusbury for money he received for his journey to London. He was likewise bound in divers great sums of money for him.
Captain John Salusbury, being in Sir John Lloyde's house, received a letter from the Earl of Essex a fortnight before Christmas or thereabouts, and the next day he took his journey towards London, and about a week after he returned back again to Sir John Lloyde's house, and thence shortly after together with Sir John Lloyde met with the other two traitors Owen Salusbury and Wynn, as aforesaid.
The said John Salusbury, captain, came immediately after his coming to London to Essex House, and the next morning he rode to Northamptonshire to one parson Puleston's house, whose brother served the said captain, and was with him in this late action. The said captain has another servant in town, one Turbrige, that can tell much of his master's secrets.
Enclosed is a slip of paper containing :
“Sir Frauncis Meryck, in comt. Penbroock.
Sir Robt. Remyngton, London.
Thomas Warberton, in count. Wyltshyre.”
Endorsed :—“1600. Feb. An information concerning Sir John Lloyd, Owen Salysbury, Peter Wynne, &c. Warbreton. Remington.” 1¼ pp. (214. 35.)
Christinne, Lady Sandys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, c. Feb.] Is very much troubled with some hard speeches her Majesty used towards “my Lord,” when her Highness was moved for her (the writer's) going to see him : which she durst not herself move, although other ladies had access to their husbands. Fears the Queen has lately heard something against him. Prays Cecil to let her know if he finds any alteration in the Queen : and to get her leave to see her Lord, who is not well : and the pain which now troubles him has heretofore brought him to great extremity.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Lady Sandys. 1600.” 1 p. (250. 132.)
Ja. Hudson to Sir Robert Cecil.
[? 1601, between 19 and 28 Feb.] The order of the Council for the restitution of the Scots merchants' goods taken by the Bishop of Durham's direction, is disobeyed, and the goods sold. One of the poor men affirms that when the warrant was presented to the Bishop's officers, they asked for time to communicate with the Bishop, who was at Bristol, and the Bishop's order came that they were to be sold. The Scots merchants have complained to the King, who being much moved with the malice, as he conceives it, could scarcely believe their report, and said he would write to the Bishop to see if he would with request satisfy the Council's command : and if the Bishop refused, he would send his own letters of complaint to the Queen. Encloses copies of both letters. The Lord of Wemes delivered the King's letter and persuaded earnestly with the Bishop, but all that the Bishop would yield to was to render back one half of the goods, saying, that if they had been unsold, he could then have helped the matter : but now he would answer the matter, and the King's letter also. Mr. Fowels commended the matter earnestly to Hudson. He sends to Cecil the Lord of Wemes his pass at Berwick, wherein Wemes prays Cecil's pass for himself and servants and small nags. Wemes prays to be expedited, because “it is now March in France, and all ordinances for denears pass in this month for the most part.” Wemes would speak with Cecil, if it please him : otherwise he will say his mind to Hudson, to show to Cecil.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 104.)
Sir Richard Lovelace's Declaration.
[1600/1, Feb.]. At my coming with the Council into Essex House, being commanded so to do by Sir John Skidmore, there came to me the Lord Mounteagle requiring me to go with him and take such fortunes as they did. Then Sir Charles Davies used persuasions, saying unto me they had assurance of the city, and the countries, and all would join with them. Afterwards Sir John Davies came unto me with great confidence, saying such order was taken on their sides, both in the city and country, that there would be no resistance against them. Words did they use to this effect. Notwithstanding, I refused to go with them, and was prisoner there with the Council and returned with them to the Court.
Signed. Undated. Endorsed by Cecil :—“1600. Mr. Lovelace his declaration.” ½ p. (84. 8.)
Thomas Blount, Captain Thomas Lea, and Sir Christopher Blount.
[1600/1, Feb.]. Concerning Mr. Thomas Blount his sending for to prove those speeches which passed between my Lord of Essex and Tirone, the best course will be to direct the Bishop of Worcester to send for him on some matters between them, and then the Bishop send him away with secrecy and security. Otherwise, being a recusant, he may be fearful and keep out of the way. He is of an honest, loyal disposition as any of his sort may be. If at his first coming he be used with mildness, he will not only discover more than I have delivered, but he can reveal all Sir Christopher Blount's practices, which in private to me he utterly condemned. He lives seven miles from Worcester, and is generally known as Mr. Thomas Blount of Astley. He holds land of the Bishop of Worcester.
Concerning Captain Thomas Lea.
First, he caused James Fitz Pearce to run into rebellion upon a private compact of revenge betwixt them two upon my Lord of Ormond.
Secondly, he supplied the Mores and Connors, being rebels and in action, with all necessaries, and supplies them daily with the use of his wife and otherwise.
Thirdly, he made (in my Lord of Essex' time) several offers of service upon the rebels, all which he discovered to them before hand; as I can prove by them in Ireland that were privy to it.
Concerning Sir Christopher Blount.
That he was reconciled to the Catholic Religion is manifest. First, one Robert Lawlor, vicar general of the English pale from the Pope, doth acknowledge he did it. Secondly, one Fitzsimons, a Jesuit in Dublin, doth say he did it. There is no question but he was at confession with them both. These parties in England can witness it; Sir Edward Blount, of Kidderminster, Sir Francis Lacon, of Shropshire, and Mr. Thomas Blount, of Astley.
Sir Christopher Blount is to be called in examination for his means of delivery of Captain Blage, whose letters I had and have some of large offers of service against O'Donnell, Tirone, and the Spanish faction, upon sufficient assurance, but by this Sir Christopher he was discharged out of Dublin Castle and no service entertained or security taken, and it is said this captain is sent into Spain.
He is further to be examined upon the delivery of two or three priests in the Castle of Dublin, discharged by his means, being men of the baddest disposition. Undated. Unsigned. (179. 107.)
Information of Henry Maunder.
[1601, Feb.]. Henry Maunder, one of the messengers of her Majesty's chamber, being sent in these late troubles with warrant for her Majesty's service unto the sea-coast upon Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, and coming unto one Johnson, bailiff of Aldborough in Suffolk, to whom he shewed his warrant, the said baily presently said that he doubted this dangerous practice was in hand long before, for that of late there was a gentleman at his house of whom he enquired for two of his friends who had married his wife's kinswomen, and this man told him that my Lo. of Essex and my Lo. of Rutland had sent them over into France to buy armour, and the said baily saying that they might have furnished themselves as well in England as in France, he replied that the French armour was far better for horsemen; and the said messenger demanding him of what the names of those two men were, he said Gravener and Gates : of which intelligence this messenger thought it his duty to acquaint your Honour.
Unsigned. Undated. Endorsed :—“Henry Maunder's information, 1601.” ¼ p. (84. 14.)
Thomas Lord Burghley to Sir Robert Cecil.
[?1601, Feb.]. In favour of Sir Thomas Revesby who desires to attend on him for two or three days, and after these tumults past, to return into the Fleet again.
Holograph. Undated. ½ p. (179. 108.)
Christofer Levens to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, c. Feb.]. Acknowledges Cecil's favours to him when he was wounded and shot lately in the rebellion.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601, Captain Levens.” ½ p. (90. 109.)
Pearce Edmonds to Mr. Wade, Clerk of the Council.
[1601, c. Feb.]. Prays Wade's furtherance and advice. His fault was the general error and neglect of his master's (Essex's) men and followers. His old hurts got in her Majesty's service bursting out, he was enforced for remedy to come to London two days before “that dismal day,” by which mischance, being among his Lordship's people innocently, he stands in like danger they do. If it be made known to the Commissioners that he has spent 20 years in the Queen's service, he doubts not but to receive a more favourable censure. Whether to submit himself to Mr. Secretary, or to hope of a general pardon, he knows not.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 76.)
Pearce Edmonds to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1601, c. Feb.]. To the same effect as the preceding. Prays Cecil to be a means for his enlargement.
Not in the same hand as the preceding. Undated. Endorsed :—“1601.” 1 p. (90. 77.)
Offices lately in Possession of Henry, Earl of Pembroke.
[1601,? Feb.]. The keeping of Claringdon Park, Wilts. Stewardship of Brecon and Dinas, with the portership of the Castle of Brecon. The stewardship of the three castles in the county of Monmouth : these castles are of the Duchy lands.
Undated. ¼ p. (90. 144.)
Sir Francis Knollys to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, Feb.]. It is now sixteen days since my Lord Chamberlain as from Her Majesty committed me to the custody of Sir Thomas Laighton, and since to my brother Robert; and I have set down under my hand the occasion of my coming to London and the cause of my being at Essex House “that dismal day,” with truth and sincerity. My suit is that this being duly examined, you would favour me that her Majesty may be satisfied of my innocency in this matter.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 1 p.