Cecil Papers: March 1601, 1-10

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1601, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp100-119 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1601, 1-10', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1906), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp100-119.

"Cecil Papers: March 1601, 1-10". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 11, 1601. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1906), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol11/pp100-119.

March 1601, 1–10

Rowland Whyte to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 1. By the death of the Lord-lieutenant of Wales the place of muster-master in Anglesey is void, for he who held it by his authority came seldom there, and lately made it away to a young man that was never soldier in his life.
I was born in that county. Please you to be the mean I may have the nomination of the place for one sufficient and able to train men, and if necessary to command them.—1 Mar., 1600. Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (77. 18.)
Sir Thomas Fane to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 2. Having received the enclosed, together with a packet therein to be transmitted to the Duke of Brachiano, supposed then to have been at Calais, I hired one Thomas Vayle with his bark, to whom I delivered 30s. imprest and promised him his reasonable charges. The D. of Brachiano, having stayed but one day at Calais, was gone to Brussels before the packet could come to Calais, in respect of the great storm that raged here from the North East for seven or eight days. Vayle expects his money promised, and I am to desire your pleasure for his better satisfaction.—Dover Castle, ij Marcii, 1600.
Signed. Remains of Seal. ¾ p. (77. 19.)
Richard Gifford.
1600/1, March 2. Examinations of servants of Mr. Richard Gifford, of King's Somborne in the County of Southampton, taken before Thomas, Bishop of Winchester.
Francis Flint, aged 34. On Monday the 9th of February last, Mr. Gifford came from Andover to his house at King's Somborne, about one of the clock in the afternoon, and upon what news he knoweth not, called to see what store of muskets and calivers he had in the house. Finding that he had but one musket and one caliver, he sent one of his servants, called Alexander Ewens, to Winchester to provide some better store of muskets, shot and powder. There was speech in the house amongst some of the servants of her Majesty being dead.
Alexander Ewens, servant in house and butler to Mr. Gifford, age about 28. Deposes as above. Adrian Salter was the servant sent to see the store of shot and armour in the house. Mr. Gifford sent the examinant in company with Mr. Hampden Gifford to Winchester to buy three muskets and powder. That afternoon examinant came to Winchester, and, after enquiring at Powell's the smith's, bought from Launcelot Vibert one musket, a bag of bullets and a pound and a half of fowling powder only; but of Richard Adderley he bought twelve pounds of powder, which he put in a firkin and carried it to the inn where his horse stood. He desired Vibert to try to get him two or three muskets, but actually only had one. He heard no report of any rising of the Earl of Essex in arms.
Adrian Salter, aged about 29 years. As above. Was ordered to see what muskets there were, but could find none, the bailiff who had them last year in charge being departed from his master's service. He did not clean any arms or armour that afternoon. There was no speech that he heard in the house concerning the Earl of Essex, but there was a report that her Majesty was dead, which report came from Andover as he heard, but he knows not by whom it was brought.
Taken before the Bishop of Winchester the second day of March, 1600.
Signed : “Tho : Winton.” 1¾ pp. (77. 20.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, c. March 2.] I know not how to crave favour of your Honour, because I never deserved by any service anything from you. I know that it is the course for men in misery to make protestations of their affections. But if you will consider from whom this cometh, it will no doubt work the better effect in your noble heart. If it be found I knew of the least hurt intended to Her Majesty, let me be made an example unto all ages. If I were true to him whom I once served and from whom I received all my advancement, it is a good consequent that I will ever be true to you from whom I desire the greatest favour that ever happened unto me. I will deserve it of her Majesty by one of the best services that ever was done to her or to the State since her coming to the crown. I am hastened to be short and therefore pray that either my Lord Harry Howard, my Lord Gray, or Mr. Fulk Greville may hear some of these overtures which I offer.
I humbly beseech your Honour to command my bolts to be taken off, which have almost lamed me already.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“Sr J Davies Ire.” 1 p. (181. 66.)
Sir John Davis to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 2. According to your direction by my brother for the soliciting of other of the Lords, I wrote unto my Lord Treasurer and imparted the services that I would undertake for the redeeming of my life and poor estate, which was not so fully hearkened unto as I expected.
But I rely upon your promise at what time you gave order unto Sir Walter Rawley, that if I were indicted, it should be stayed; if otherwise, that it should go no further.
I humbly beseech you to preserve my poor reputation, as dear unto me as my life, that I may not be brought unto trial : for if that course be held against me in respect of my estate, I will willingly resign and pass over my office, wardship and all that is mine unto whom and in what manner it shall please your Lordship to appoint. Only let me avoid trial, which is as bitter and disgraceful unto me as I hope, if God have so appointed it, death itself shall be.
I beseech you likewise to consider the many services that I am able, and will most assuredly, perform towards you, and how much any further disgrace will disable and deject a spirit of a modest carriage and never before tainted. Referring myself wholly unto you both for this and for some poor means to relieve me with, I rest.—2 of Mar., 1601.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“2 March, 1600.” Seal. 1 p. (77. 21.)
Capt. William Eustace to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 2. A matter was this present day made known unto me by a French youth newly come into my service, which I am bold to let you understand to avoid any danger which the same might grow unto if the man's intent might take effect agreeable to his speeches uttered unto the youth. It is a tender of coining of such new money as her Majesty now hath a making for Ireland to any of that country that would entertain him well, seeming withal to be in discontentment that others were preferred before him to make this new money. The man's name is one Captain Warner, as the youth tells me, sometime heretofore depending on your Honour. What he is, I know not.—This second of March, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (77. 22.)
The Essex Rebellion.
[After 1600/1, March 2.] The Earl of Essex was committed to the Tower 8 February, 1600, and remained prisoner till the 25th of the same.
The Earls of Rutland and Southampton and Lord Sandis were committed the same day.
Lords Cromwell and Monteagle were committed 9 February, 1600.
Sir Charles Danvers the same day, and remained prisoner five weeks and a half.
Captain Lea, prisoner half a week.
Sir Gelly Meyrick and Henry Cuffe, prisoners two weeks and a half.
Sir Henry Bromley, committed 21 February, 1600.
Thomas Smith, committed 2 March, 1600.
¾ p. (83. 77.)
Ralph Coningesby to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 3. I have stayed these two men going for Ireland with divers letters without warrant from your Honours.—From my house at North Mimms, this third of March, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (77. 23.)
Sir Arthur Capell to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 3. For your favourable letter unto Sir Francis Vere on the behalf of my son Edward Capell, the bearer hereof, who is desirous to serve under his government. As soon as he hath obtained it, he purposeth immediately to pass over into the Low Countries.—From my poor house at Hadham, this 3 of March, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (77. 24.)
Sir Charles Danvers to the Council.
1600/1, March 3. The articles which my Lord of Essex sent unto Drury House, as near as I can remember, were these : Whether both the Court and the Tower should be both attempted at one time; if both, what numbers should be thought requisite for either; if the Court alone, what places should be first possessed, by what persons, with what numbers. And for those which were not to come into the Court beforehand, where and in what sort they might assemble themselves with least suspicion to come in with my lord, whether it were not fit for my lord and some of the principal persons to be armed with privy coats. I take it was another article whether it were not fit, and being fit who were to be appointed to stay my Lord Admiral and Mr. Secretary in their lodgings, and the Captain of the Guard. Somewhat more there was about the ordering of that attempt, of no great importance, the particularities whereof I protest I do not remember. The roll contained, as I remember, 42 of my lord's servants and followers and about so many more captains, noblemen and gentlemen of quality. The most of them did openly appear in this action. Of those which did not, I do not remember any more than my lord of Sussex, Sir Harry Nevill, Sir Richard Lovelace, Sir Cary Reynall, and Sir H. Brumley. My Lord Chandos and Sir John Lee were named by my lord for such as he took to be his friends, but I do not remember that they were in the note. I cannot say directly whether Sir Tho. Gerrard were in the note or no, but my lord purposed to have him moved at the instant only, so that if he would be against him he should be able to do him no great harm; and as I remember in my lord's own project which he set down, he appointed how and in what sort he would have him dealt withal by Sir John Davies. If I shall remember any other I will set them down, and in this as in all other things will deal with your lordships very directly and truly. [PS.]—If your lordships will have me set down the names of such as manifested themselves in the action, I will set down as many as I can remember, but I shall hardly remember them all : My lord Sands, my lord of Rutland, my lord Monteagle, my lord of Southampton, Sir Ch. and Sir Jo. Percy, Francis and Sir George Manners, Sir Tho. West, Sir Tho. Gates, Sir Ro. Vernon and his brother, Sir W. Constable and his brother D. Constable, Sir Ed. Baynham, Sir Chr. Blunte, Sir Harry Cary, Sir John Davies, Capt. Cunye, Mr. Littleton, Capt. Wilton, Sir Chr. Heydon, Capt Peirce Edmonds, Sir John Heydon, William Norris, Capts. Owen and John Salisbury, Capt. Peter Winne, Capt. Whitlock, Ellis Jones. There were some captains more which I know not, and some peradventure which I cannot remember.
Holograph. Endorsed by Cecil :—“3 March, 1600, Sir Ch. Danvers.” 3 pp. (83. 94.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 4. I received by the hands of one of my brethren, Mr. Alderman Weld, this enclosed writing. He brought with him also one John Cooke, dwelling within Newgate, who delivered the same to him. Cooke saith his servant, George Zachary, about nine of the clock last night, going to make clean his entry, and to shut in his outer door, found the same cast into the entry.—London, this fourth of March, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (77. 25.)
Dr. J. du Port to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 4. In the overflowing of so many insupportable griefs as these lamentable times do present to my wearied mind I know not, Right Honourable, the common comfort of all Christians set apart, whether anything in this world doth more inwardly refresh me, than the consideration of your honourable good favour towards me. For why should such a one as I am fear to speak a truth? Being servant to that unfortunate gentleman that now, I hope, is with God, I did honour and love him with such entire zeal and affection, as since the first news of his disloyal downfall, I have found no peace in my bones. And much less since the sentence of death passed against him. A matter so very burdenous unto me as I must confess ten times I took pen and paper into my hands with an obstinate resolution by my letters even prostrate at your Honour's feet to have begged mediation to her Majesty for him, or rather for a general amnesty of all offences. And ten times forsooth a shivering fear of such imputation from your Honour's sacred and reverend wisdom as my soul abhoreth, enforced me to cast both away from me again. Yet so as I will not deny that my mind was still busied with these passionate thoughts till the very moment wherein I heard of that fatal blow which cut asunder the thread of his life and of my hope. Oh! black and dismal day, and worthy to be razed out of the calendar, not wherein he died, but wherein that wicked and unhappy plot was either contrived or practised, which the judgment of a Prince of such incomparable mercy and grace, and the impartial consent of so worthy and honourable a Council, found worthily to deserve such a death. Now forsooth, being plunged in such a sea of restless cogitations, whither may I (my duty to God and my Prince above all things foreprized)—whither may I cast my eyes with more comfort, than to the contemplation of your Honour's so often experienced goodness towards me? And so much the rather for that with a most thankful heart I must confess the sum of my best fortunes, since the time of my first looking abroad, by God's Providence wholly to have flowed from your honourable house. Twenty years since I was proctor of the University of Cambridge. It was by the strength and favour of your Honour's thrice worthy and most honourable father. Some ten years after that again I was advanced to the poor mastership of Jesus College. Your said father subscribed my bill to her Sovereign Majesty in this manner, “This party is a gentleman and learned and worthy of the place.” Again, after a few years, it was my lot to be in competition for a certain dignity, I wot not where. It pleased your Honour to grace me in it with mediation in your own person to her excellent Majesty, and that, as I have heard, not without the advice and direction of your said honourable father. And to be short forsooth, your Honour hath been pleased ever since to hold me in good regard. The which things considered, who shall joy in your Honour's so high advancement in the favour of the Prince and of all true hearted subjects, and that in regard of your Honour's most reverend and divine wisdom, if I shall not? Or to whom shall your gracious acceptance of this poor place over us in the University, which your Honour's most worthy father, whom I can never remember but with a thousand blessings, enjoyed almost 40 years together, with such peace and content to the whole body in general and to every member thereof in particular as I think no age can afford us the like precedent—to whom, I say, shall this high favour be most grateful and acceptable if not to my poor self, a most unworthy branch from the same root? But now, forsooth, being bound to your Honour in so many obligations, might I presume to beg further without offence, that the same would be pleased to accept me, though most unworthy, in the number of your chaplains.—From Jesus College in Cambridge, 4to Martii, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (77. 26.)
Ro. Brerewood, Mayor of Chester, to the Council.
1600/1, March 4. According to your Lordships' letter, I have made stay of that proportion of treasure sent hither to be transported into Ireland, containing four chests, wherein there are, as one Parkins who had charge of the bringing of it hither informeth me, four thousand pounds or thereabouts. It is in safe keeping.—Chester, the iiijth of March, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¼ p. (77. 27.)
The Same to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 4. I have received your letter of the 28th of February, with one enclosed directed to Mr. Molyneux, controller of the Isle of Man, which I will send thither by the next safe passage.—Chester, the 4th day of March, 1600.
Holograph. ¼ p. (77. 28.)
Answer of Sir Gelly Merrick.
1600/1, March 4. I wrote not any letter to my brother John to come to London, for in Michaelmas term he was here and brought my lord's rents.
I wrote to my brother Dr. Francis Merrick, upon occasion of his writing to me for procuring his lease which I have entered into bonds of 1,000l. to procure him, that it were best for him to come up himself and then I would set down some course to effect it, for in my name it would not be passed : and this was all that I wrote. This letter I wrote about Christmas, thinking this term to have dealt in it, in regard as I think the lease is out now at our Lady day.
He sent a man to me with a letter to desire me to deal with Mr. Lawley, the prenotary of that country, that he should be a mean to his brother Mr. Francis Newport, a Shropshire gentleman who was determined to sell land in Pembrokeshire, and that Mr. Lawley being his brother-in-law should deal that my brother might refuse some part of it if he were purposed to sell it. I wrote unto him that Mr. Lawley was not here, and in the term I thought he would be, for so his brother the principal of New Inn told me.
I had no private conference with my lord that Saturday night after Mr. Secretary Herbert's departure, neither with Sir Christopher Blunt, more than everyone that was there had; for until his lordship went to his bed there was a dozen or sixteen in the chamber.
Capt. Cuney and Capt. Dansye are tenants to my lord. When I was in the country my brother and Captain Cuney were desirous to take the demesnes of Carew to rent and to have the stock taken off. I answered that I could not let it, neither would I without my lord [Essex] were moved. But I do not remember that I writ for them to come up, but since Capt. Cuney came up he moved me to take the demesnes. I willed him to move my lord himself, and he told me that he had suits to the lords of the Council for monies due to him.
For powder, there was none brought more than was before in the house, which was not forty pounds weight.—Tower, the 4th of March, 1600.
Endorsed :—“Answers of Sir Gelly Merrick to some interrogatories propounded to him.”
Holograph. 2 pp. (83. 96.)
John Bird to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 4. Informations taken for her Majesty's behalf by John Bird, notary public, to be considered by the Privy Council for the better repressing the rebellious rout and quenching of this begun rebellion, &c.
One James Price, now or late keeping about the Strand (servant to Sir Gelly Meyrick at his apprehension) long before said he knew much of the Earl's intentions, and of his master's, and that great matters were in handling which would shortly break into action. He also said the Kings of Scotland, France and Denmark had promised to aid the Earl in some actions he pretended in England.
Mr. Broughton, of the Council of Wales, held for a great politician and lawyer and most inward with the Earl (to whose government he was left in his minority by his father) cannot be thought ignorant of the Earl's intentions by many secret consultations together in Essex House a little before Christmas, and being of his counsel for conveying his lands to others; best knew the considerations him thereunto moving. Price can discover one Owen James in Wales, who was used by Sir Gelly Merrick and his brother Sir Francis for a bad instrument in sundry unsound actions, and therefore meet to be sought out.
Sir Gelly was as stirring a rebel, as well of the Earl to break out as many gentlemen in Wales, and on the Sunday's insurrection and resisting the Queen's forces, as any other in the house, howsoever closely he may shadow the making of those warlike provisions and other his disloyalties with undertaking only the charge of his domestical affairs, as is pretended.
By Price's report, the Welshmen had common knowledge near to Christmas of this intended rebellion.
Price being a man of 100 marks lands, concluded to pass a mortgage thereof unto Sir Gelly his master, and received beforehand in part of a greater sum 150l., and no assurances are thereof as yet passed; which money is to be repaid to her Majesty for a debt due to Sir Gelly, if he be convicted and attainted.
The presumption is great that Roger Vaughan, lieutenant of Radnorshire and a justice for the peace, of lands 1,000l. by year, cannot be ignorant of this rebellion, and a favourer thereof. For Sir Gelly and he not past a fortnight before came together from Wales, where Sir Gelly 'estated' his lands upon him in trust, and conveyed from his own house much of his best goods yet remaining with Vaughan, and continued bedfellows in Essex House until the broil began; when he was put out by Sir Gelly for some other purposes, and so lay closely in London till the day after the Earl's condemnation, whereupon he returned home.
This Roger Vaughan, John Seaborne of Sutton, esq., of 600l. in lands of Herefordshire, and Roger Bodnam of Rodrasse in the same county, like many other justices and gentlemen, namely Owen James alias Morgan, being matched with Sir Gelly and most inward of his secrets, have been and are held for most obstinate papists, and all their wives; and albeit some of them (by dispensation from the Pope for saving their fines according to the statute) may sometimes be seen at church, yet never received they the communion; and by letters procured from the Earl stopped the course of law for indicting them by Sir Gelly's means; such was his power as no judges at the Assizes could bring them under the laws, and so live incorrigibly and are most dangerous to the state. Sir Gelly could not be ignorant that their houses were ever places of refuge of traitorous priests which labour the disturbance of the state, and of massmongers; by bearing out of whom and their adherents he made his corrupt gain 400l. or 500l. yearly.
Neither may Sir Gelly's sons in law, David and William Gwyn, be thought clear of this rebellion, for they (accompanied with others at the time of the Earl's apprehension) were at Colbroke coming to him, but thereupon were discomforted and returned to Wales, sending their minds by James Price to Sir Gelly. The like did Sir John Vaughan.
On the Sunday's uproar in Essex House, one Piers Edmondes was there, whom Sir Gelly sent, as it is said, with messages into Wales, as before he had been with secret instructions into Ireland, to such as the Earl there best reckoned of. Him the Earl so favoured as he rode often in coach with him, and was wholly of his charges maintained, being a man of base birth in St. Clement's parish.
It is also thought very dangerous in these 'queasie' times that any of the Earl's followers should remain lieutenants of countries, sheriffs, &c., particularly his uncle Sir George Devereux, justice in Pembrokeshire and Glamorganshire (sojourning in the house of John Barlow, an esquire of a thousand pounds in lands upon both sides of Milfordhaven, called Slebeach and Mynwere) who being also a noted recusant hath been still kept from indictment by the Earl's countenance and Sir Gelly's policies, being a justice in commission, yet having his houses seldom without Jesuits and traitorous seminaries; whose son and heir married the Countess of Southampton's sister, and therefore thought good of some well affected subjects, best knowing that country and his powerful sway over the people—at whose houses a ship of 400 tons may ride at all tides—that he were bestowed in Westbeach or confined far enough from that open haven, and made defencible wards against foreign invasion; who was much doubted in his loyalty in ao 1588.
Neither may Sir Francis Merrick be thought meet to be lieutenant of — who being lately Sir George Devereux's horsekeeper [was] knighted by the Earl in Ireland. By whose fraudulent courses, with his brother's abusings of the Earl's estate by him managed, he hath gotten out of the earldom 400l. or 500l. by year, which in good time may revert to the Crown by discovering their falsities.
Neither may Sir John Vaughan of the Golden Grove, a man of 800l. by year, knighted by the Earl in Ireland, married to Sir Gelly's daughter, be thought unacquainted with this rebellion, much less be put in trust for execution of any public services touching apprehending any of this traitorous combination or their estates for her Majesty's most advantage.
In like sort the sheriff of Pembrokeshire, Devereux Barrett, and sheriff of Denbighshire being the Earl's followers, and another brother of Sir Gelly's, a customer for Cardigan and Pembrokeshires, and justice in commission.—4 March, 1600.
Holograph. 3 pp.
Dorso :—Same to same.
What informations were over generally touched in my last, I hold it but a duty, or at least a pardonable fault, to amplify as time occasioneth. For no secondary respects to myself did I offer to be joined to pursuivants for apprehending any persons therein touched, neither desired I the commission for post horses in nature of a passport; but only for the better accomplishment of the required services. Albeit, for my own particular good, your father afforded me many the like, and without which armour of defence against all crossing practices of the malignant sort, no public services may be achieved in London or abroad.
Holograph. ½ p. (83. 97. 98.)
Richard [Bancroft,] Bishop of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 5. Two priests, lately prisoners in the Gate house, Midleton and Hunte, were sent yesterday towards Lancaster to receive their trial the next assize. At, or a little before their departure, they writ this enclosed to a priest in prison.—At my house in London, this 5 of March, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p.
The Enclosure :
R. M[idleton] and T. H[unte] to —.—Having gotten some short opportunity we thought it our parts to signify our tribulations, quœ invenerunt nos nimis. For since we came out of Lancashire, both in the way, day and night, and since, we were never without chains and straitly kept, without pen, paper, or speech of any, until this hurley burley brought us together. My friend was examined as followeth upon a letter which he wrote unto the Queen, viz. that the Puritans conspiring together would either have deposed her Majesty or shortened her days by setting up of the Earl of Essex. The reasons are these, that if he had returned from Ireland with his power into Wallasey Lake, that then Sir R. Mull, with his 'complices, should have aided him with ten thousand at the least, with the Bishop of Chester and his 'complices adjoining to him their crew, as appeareth by the letters which Sir Thomas Garrat, K. Marshall, wrote to his brother in law, Sir R. Mull, with others, and also by the letters which the Earl sent out of Ireland to divers worshipful of our country that they should be ready against his coming, the proof whereof hath urged the Earl to this tumult, and yet have we no relief, whether it come of the forgetfulness of the Council, or malice to religion will not suffer them, we know not. But this we know, that covetousness hath so blinded our extorting keeper, that we still do feel the hardness of his oaken heart; so that we may say, “Tribulatio et angustiœ invenerunt nos et pane tribulationis sustentamur, sed Deus est nostrum refugium et portus, ideoque in vinculo pacis nosmetipsos vestris orationibus commendamus.—Last of February. Yours in vinculis, R. M., T. H.
Read and burn it.
We are more brief that we would be through want of opportunity, therefore we pray you to pardon us. I pray you send unto me Cleonard's Hebrew Grammar by the bearer, if you can, and receive money of the bearer, and no other grammar but that ¾ p. (77. 29.)
William, Lord Sandys to the Lords of the Council.
1600/1, [about March 5]. I beseech your Honours to receive and expound with favour, the petition of a distressed prisoner, that this day had been worthily condemned, if her Majesty's mercy had not superabounded her justice. I am, in remorse of conscience, tormented at my disloyalty, being blinded in my judgment by affection, and drawn by fair pretences of danger unto the Earl of Essex, whose disloyal designs I never discerned until I was by him entangled in this rebellious action—to my confusion, unless by her Majesty's mercy I be relieved.
Undated. Signed.
Footnote :—“Forwarded by the Lieutenant of the Tower.” 1 p. (77. 78.)
Sir Henry Woodhouse to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 6. It was my evil hap, seven years past, to engage myself to her Majesty in three several bonds, of 300l., 200l., and 1,280l. respectively, for the debts of John Gostling, William Minne and Nicholas Wyntar, gentlemen of this country. The first bond I have fully satisfied; of the second I have paid 180l., and of the third 1,130l. My lands for satisfying of these debts have been extended into her Majesty's hands these 7 years past at such extreme and unusual rates as I have not had 10l. yearly to maintain myself, my wife and eleven poor children. I have parted with all my cattle, plate, jewels and household stuff. My debt yet remaining unpaid is about 180l. I beseech you intercede for a privy seal for its estallment at 20l. yearly. I have done her Majesty service, but being an evil beggar, have never sued for recompense. Some testimony of my losses in her service I have here enclosed.—Norwich, this 6 of March, 1600.
Holograph. Endorsed with a list of names. Part of seal. 2 pp. (77. 31.)
Zachary Lok to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 6. According to your late direction, I have admitted Mr. Wynwood's man to the speech of Sir Henry Nevill; for whose better despatch in these causes I sent for a cabinet of his writings to Sir Henry Killigrew's, where he was lodged, the key whereof my lady Nevill delivered to my man. At whose return, Sir H. Nevill opened the same in my sight, and took thereout such writings as I saw were pertinent to his present business. Every till in the cabinet was full of several writings touching his employments and private estate. All are safe in the cabinet, the key whereof he delivered presently to my keeping.
These letters of his to Mr. Wynwood contain no other point but for Mr. Wynwood's stay there till her Majesty give other directions to him, the dissolving of his family and sending away of his furniture and other utensils there.—Chelsea, the 6th of March, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (7. 32.
Sir Henry Lee to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 6. I am weakly come to this poor lodge. I desire you should know what becomes of me that her Majesty and the Lords may know where to have me. I mean, with her leave and favour, to see Bath, and after it, as a desperate patient, to pilgrimage it to the Wells in Cheshire. I entreat your favour for the furthering of this my liberty, of which my desire I have already by message acquainted Sir John Stanhope. If this journey cure not my gout, as in reason it will not, then will I sit down content with God's will.—From Woodstock Lodge, the 6th of March.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” Seal. 1 p. (77. 33.)
George Limauer to —
1600/1, March 6/16. After your departure, I found myself stupid with regret for your company. Signor Hannibale joined me, and we went and drank to your lucky journey until my head span. The misfortune of Signor Cornelio is giving me much trouble and anxiety. I fear it may go ill with him, for being mixed up in a bad business.—Venice, 16 March, 1601.
PS.—We hear that the Earl of Essex has been arrested, with sixteen of his principal followers, for a disturbance relating to the succession to the Crown. I have just received your letter and letters from England which I have sent by Jeronymo to Signor Hassal. The enclosed reached me from Padua from Bedelli.
Italian. Holograph. 1½ pp. (85. 88.)
Giovanni Basadonni to —
1600/1, March 6/16. I am much pleased to hear of your coming here, and will be at your commands. I have sent on your letter to 'Signor Baile' of Constantinople. I hear from him that the English ships which come to Constantinople are mostly laden with powder and provisions of war. This makes all men cry out against that nation and I wonder that the greatness of the Queen, the wisdom of her counsellors, and the religion of “Signor Sicil” allow the glory of their country to be stained for the advantage of a few men.—Venice, 16 March, 1601.
[The name of the person to whom the letter is addressed is cut out.]
Italian. 1 p. (85. 89.)
William Rider, Lord Mayor of London, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 7. According to the former directions of the Lords of the Privy Council, the watch and ward hath since the beginning of these troubles been duly performed in each place of the City, and yet also remaineth as orderly kept at the gates of the City. Wherefore, inasmuch as the soldiers of the adjoining shires are discharged, may we have order for discharge of the ward at the city gates for the day time (though the watch by night be better strengthened) for the avoiding of fabulous rumours of the vulgar sort.—London, this vijth of March, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (77. 34.)
Walter Cope to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, March 7.] I was with my Lord Treasurer this morning for his hand to some letters. I then informed him of your case with the Turkey merchants and moved him to permit you to deliver over your bonds in part payment of your rent; being a respite of time granted by her Majesty in favour of the merchants. Unto which his Lordship willingly assenteth if it be not prejudicial to your grant, as I presume it is not. This will a little ease you in your rent, but you must bethink of some course for the rest of the moneys, for within 17 days it will be due.
Mr. Partington attendeth to speak with you about your business. There is an outer terrace upon which no man shall be able to walk except it be set with trees to make a shade, and except your officers agree how it shall be finished, whether with brick or earth.
Holograph. Undated.
Endorsed “7 March, 1600.” Seal. ¾ p. (77. 35.)
John Skynner to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1], March 7. Being now in expectancy to have from Sir John Carew the Chamberlainship and his company of an hundred men in Berwick, I am desirous to be recommended to my Lord Willoughby there for his consent. I beseech your effectual letters in that behalf, being married to a poor kinswoman of your Honour's.—March the vijth.
Holograph. Endorsed :—“1600.” 1 p. (77. 36.)
Francis Lambard to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, March 7.] Asking to be employed. If the present occasions minister no foreign employment, I would recommend to your consideration my former poor endeavours to deserve and my present empoverished estate.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“7 March, 1600.” Seal. 1 p. (77. 37.)
Thomas Cawoode to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 8. In my simple opinion you have not been very well informed in your choice of some of your officers for executing your farm of silks, as Mr. Laurance Smith can partly certify you. I should have waited on you had I not been ill, and thinking your patent did not take place till the 25th of this month, I have been hoping to attend you by then. I am very glad you have been so well instructed of a clerk to take the merchants' entries, where in my judgment you have made choice of the fittest and most perfect man for that purpose in London, William Seres, whom I meant to have moved your Honour to make choice of.—This 8th of March, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. ¾ p. (77. 38.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 8. I send you the answer Cuffe hath made unto the question I demanded of him. He is penitent, and seemeth much grieved that he did not at first explain all things. I have received a warrant for his execution to-morrow, but would not impart it unto him because I first desired his answer.—Tower, this 8 March, 1600.
Holograph. ½ p. (85. 71.)
Henry Cuffe to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, [March 8]. Letter commencing, “It is now high time that he whom public justice hath pronounced the child of death.”
Endorsed by a later hand :—“L. written after Mr. Cuffe's condemnation on the 5th of March, 1600/1.”
pp. (83. 99/2, 100.)
Annexed :
The Same to the Same.
Letter commencing, “Sir, In answer to your demand.”
Holograph. ¼ p. (83. 99/1.)
[Both printed in extenso : Camden Soc. Publications, Old Series, No. LXXVIII., App., pp. 81–5.]
Sir Gelly Meyrick.
1600/1, March 8. I have set down to Mr. Coope that the land of Pembridge and Eardesland was by feoffment conveyed unto my son, which you did execute, you know it to be true. I hope her Majesty and the Council will see that poor infants shall be justly dealt with. Mr. Beston and Mr. Coope hath promised me to further any good they can for him.
The parsonage of Knighton to my younger sons, which conveyance was also in my study. For other things, you can justly inform any. Some debts I could not remember I referred to you, but they be but trifles.
Huchins' 100l. which is due to the Queen, I wish, if it please God, it may be paid out of the iron works.
The lease of Pembridge and Eardesland is conveyed to you and my brother Sir Francis to save you harmless, being bond for me, and monies due to my brother. This is just.
Now for my lady Clyfford's 500l., the lease of the parsonage in Eardesland was to have paid her and is still, for Mr. Newton and Mr. Wysam have it but of trust, saving Mr. Newton is bond for 100l. to James Tomkings; for the rest, he hath money and [can ?] spare a little. Where he says he is bond to Morgan Awbery, that is for Sir John Vaughan, and with him, who will save him.
Where you are bond to Symond Meyrick for 100l., you have land at Ware to answer that and other debts which you owe for me. Therefore deal justly and God will bless it, and let my son have your best help. You can witness my honest dealing with my lord.
Wever, I have put under my hand to Mr. Secretary and sent it by Mr. Cope that you have dealt justly with me, and to my knowledge you had no more of mine, neither Thomas Owen, but what you have disbursed. This is true, as I believe and as I hope to be saved. Then for your being at Essex House, it is true, and what you did, God knows, was by my command, and I hope in God that my death will satisfy your error whatsoever. I do protest that, to my knowledge, you had no musket, but the malice of the world is very much, but God is just and will defend your innocency; and God make thee His servant.—8 March, 1600.
“Witness my keeper and ghostly father : per me Ricardum Hyckman : John Rhodes, minister.”
Holograph. 3 pp. (83. 101.)
Sir Thomas Conyngesbye to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 8. I have taken knowledge of a letter written by you to the bailiff and corporation of this town of Leominster for the choice of Mr. Herbert Crofte for their Steward, whose grandfather in former times possessed the same. I am confident, Right Honourable, that had you been informed of the state of all circumstances of this matter, you would have forborne those letters. I am in near neighbourhood unto the town by my poor chief house, and I have a house in the town where I often sojourn. An action of my father's, wherein this town gave their best assistance, was the chief motive of Queen Mary's gracious incorporating thereof. My father was Steward during his life; I have managed the office these dozen years. Upon a full information of the defection of the late Earl of Essex, some of my friends made me acquainted with their good will to elect me to supply that room; and a day was appointed for the election. I beseech your allowance of their doing as one that hath married your near kinswoman, and desires to do you offices correspondent.—From the Priory at Leomster, the 8th of March, 1600.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (77. 46.)
Richard Stephens and John Creswell, respectively Bailiff and Deputy Recorder of Leominster, to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 9. Your Lordship's letter of the 22nd of February, recommending Mr. Herbert Crofte as Steward of our Borough, was delivered unto me, the bailiff, the 3rd of this instant by John Blount esquire. On hearing of the graceless carriage of that nobleman our late Steward, we chose Sir Thomas Coningesby in his place. We hope your allowance of our proceedings herein. Refers to the services of Sir Thomas's father in the time of the commotion of the Duke of Northumberland.—From Leominster, this 9th of March, 1600.
Signed. ½ p. (77. 47.)
Henry, Lord Cobham to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 9. I send you herewith an examination taken of one William Bowyer, lately come out of Spain, as he affirmeth, together with the party himself. What he is, or whence, I cannot tell you, but in respect of the idle report he makes, do conceive some cause to suspect him.—From my house in Blackfriars, this 9th of March, 1600.
PS.—This day I have taken a little physic. To-morrow I will be abroad and attend the arraignment, if it hold; ubi, I pray you send me word. How you have disposed of the mastership of Clare Hall, I pray you acquaint me, that I make an answer to Doctor Smyth.
Signed. Seal. ½ p. (77. 41.)
The Enclosure :
William Bowyer.—Declareth that in May last he served one Mr. Thomas Keymish, a gentleman belonging to the late Earl of Essex, a kinsman of Captain Keymish, and having obtained licence to depart his service, he went over into France with one Garrett, a French merchant dwelling in Havre de Grace, with whom he adventured 20l. in merchandize to be employed for Spain. So they both passed into Spain in a French ship, and were landed at San Lucar about the end of June last, where they both remained about four months.
Afterwards, having gotten notice of an embargo of the strangers' shipping there, by reason of the English that traded thither with them, this Bowyer stole away from thence by land to Lisbon, where he got passage in a French ship bound to Calais with salt. From thence he came to Dover, and there being brought before the Commissioners and examined, was bound by the mayor in a bond of 40l. to repair unto my Lord Cobham. (77. 39.)
“A declaration made by me William Bowyer, late come from Spain.”
I, William Bowyer, have seen some two hundred sail of ships in Sant Leucas, which ships some of them are of France, and I have seen some of his galleys which are to be taken into his ships, which galleys are made with draw bridges, and I do hear by report in the country that there is 12 of them galleys, and it is reported that there is sixteen thousand men to be taken forth of Seville (“Sefel”), but I do make account of forty thousand landmen, and it is reported in the country that their King hath said that England shall not find his council to be flat-caps as his father's was, and it is thought he will to the wars; and for those ships of France in which he hath found English men to be in amongst the French men, those Frenchmen and Englishmen he hath taken their ships and put their men in the galleys, and when I was in Sant Leucas, which is but six weeks since, all the French men and all other strangers were embargoed (“yembarde”), and it was thought that the “Lantadoe” had made choice of some of those ships to serve the King; and for those Dutchmen that were dwellers in Sant Leucase and Seville, he hath taken all their goods and put them in the galleys, and it was my chance to have some speech with an Englishman that lives with those English priests in Sant Leucase, and he did tell me that there was three of them to go for England, which priests were gone before I came from Sant Leucase, and he did hear them say that they would lodge at Islington, which priests were sent by the Lantado. ¾ p. (77. 40.)
Jane Redpathe to Archibald Douglas.
1600/1, March 9. I entreat you to help me with some money in this my time of want, and to send it by this bearer George Atterborne.—This ixth of March, 1600.
Holograph. 1 p. (77. 42.)
Lord Buckhurst to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 9. I thank you for your advertisement, but as soon as I had the precept made and drawn by the Clerk of the Crown, which was about 7 of the clock, I sent my serjeant presently about it, and as he telleth me about 2 of the clock he said he had warned most of them and would also then proceed to warn the rest.
I have letters from Ireland that very lately there are arrived there 4 barks with victual, so as they are very well furnished in that kind.—This 9 of March, 1600.
Postscript.—I saw the entry made by Captain Trawton, which is plain and express for the Queen. I was fain to add Mr. Baron Clerk to Ald. Billingsley and Carmarden, because without him they could take no oath.
Holograph. 1 p. (77. 43.)
Sir William Browne to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 9. This enclosed was delivered me the 7th of March. I send it by a Dutch post of this town, having procured a man-of-war to land him in England. I have sent some heretofore which I hope have been safely brought to your hands. My last was one particularly from myself, wherein I sent your Honour the copy of an oath taken by the whole garrison upon the first bruit of these late rebellious tumults in London, because I knew not how far the infestuous contagion might be spread. There is none under the command of our governor in this place, that do not feelingly confess the vileness of the faults committed.
An honest man or two of this town, who usually trade for London, saw one Alphonso, a Spaniard, there. They found at their coming hither his picture hanged on the gallows in Holland, for divers unutterable insolencies and extortions committed in the land. They hear also that he made his first escape to this side from the enemy for some foul fact committed. So they came to me saying that they could do no less than to will me to signify so much into England, to the end that a good regard might be had of him being a desperate fellow, who haply to procure pardon with the Spaniard may undertake some notorious villainy.—Flushing, this 9th of March, 1600.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (77. 44.)
Sir Arthur Gorges to the Earl of Nottingham and Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 9. I must in all humility seek some comfort and relief to shun those hateful inconveniences that do urgently follow penury and despair, or else be enforced to seek leave to forsake my country and live privately and poorly abroad, than at home to beg or steal, that for these twenty years' space have in as good sort and as chargeably many ways served her Majesty as any gentleman in England of my coat.—This 9 of March, 1600.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (77. 45.)
Sir John Peyton to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 9. According to your direction in behalf of Thomas Watson, I moved Cuffe touching the 200l. owing by him unto Sir George Cary, Treasurer of Ireland. Before your direction Cuffe had opened himself unto me in that point, and was desirous that so much as was due might be satisfied. His estate, I conceive, he hath also fully imparted, being sufficient to satisfy that debt and a great deal more, and sufficient to defray all the charges her Majesty hath been at in this place with a good advantage,—I mean, as well of himself as of all other the prisoners committed hither for this rebellious action, as also the extraordinary charge of soldiers appointed for the guard of this place. His estate is in other men's hands of trust and testamentarywise disposed by him under his hand delivered unto me, and only known unto myself, the which at your pleasure I will send unto you.—Tower, this 9 of March, 1600.
Postscript.—My Lord Sands humbly desireth that it may please you and the Lords to permit him to write unto you.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (83. 103.)
Captain Christopher Levens to Sir Robert Cecil.
[1600/1, March 9.] Asking for rewards for services done on the occasion of the late rebellion. The most deserving were Sir Francis Darcy, Sir William Woodhouse, Captain Price, Captain Lovell, Captain Selby, Captain Malbye, Captain Riche, Captain Chatterton, Captain Gilbert, Mr. Lile, one of her Highness' servants, and Mr. John Wells. I beg that our petition may be entertained. Of the sum mentioned therein both the bearer and the sender have present need. Of my own merits, as befits our profession, I shall leave him to speak.
Holograph. Undated. Endorsed :—“9 March, 1600.” 1½ pp. (180. 35.)
Capt. Joseph May to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 10. On the eighth of March, in Falmouth, driven there by an extreme storm, I received intelligence of a pirate living 3 leagues off in a harbour called Helford haven, who had 10 days afore taken a Frenchman trading in merchandise out of Milford in Wales. To apprehend this malefactor I used my endeavour and effected [it], the captain and 10 men fled away in the boat carrying such things as they had. The French ship was taking in wheat in Milford, the Frenchmen say, 20 days afore. They lamenting their miserable estate unto me, I delivered them their ship and all their goods, whereby no dislike should grow from your good Honour to me. Further, there have been many ill deeds attempted against the French lately in roads and harbours hereabout, which if it be [not] with great endeavour looked into and reformed, will turn to the trouble of your Honour and the rest of H. M. Council, as also the great loss of such merchants as shall trade into France. Here in Falmouth I have stayed for the fleet bound for Ireland three days, and now am sailing for Cork.—The 10 of March, 1600.
Endorsed in error :—“10 March, 1597.”
Holograph. 1½ pp. (49. 54.)
Sir Richard Leveson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 10. I have enquired according to your direction for Cornelius Arrens in Calais. He is part owner of the White Hound, belonging now to Calais, heretofore to Middleburgh. For my better colour I directed a letter unto him, by means whereof some other Dutchmen dwelling in the town told my messenger that by the last news they received from him he was in Lisborne and from thence was bound into the Straits. It is very likely that his lading is merely Spanish, but I fear it is hard to prove it unless you have letters or some other apparent matter, yet methinks he should be made to confess it.
In my last I advertised you of an arrest in Spain of all ships of all nations, which, as I now gather, is done only to enrich some particular men. The Adelantado and some others have commission from the King to stay, search and confiscate all ships that have in them any English or Dutch goods, or any quantity of money. For the proving whereof the people are exceedingly tortured, and the Adelantado, as it is said, hath gained infinitely much. This is the end and purpose of that arrest. Of any other preparations in Spain, I have no intelligence.—Dover Road, the 10th of Mar., 1600.
On the back :
“Dover, at 10 before none, the 10th day of March.
Cannterbury, past 1 afternone.
Syttingborn, 5 after none.
Rochester, the 10 day allmoste 8 at night.
Darford, at 6 in the morning.
London, the 11th of March, at almost 12 in the day.”
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (77. 48.)
Jane Jobson to Sir Robert Cecil.
1600/1, March 10. The good opportunity which she gladly hears of, namely his honorable dignity in the University of Cambridge, makes her bold to become a suitor in behalf of a very toward scholar, one Aldias Cole, her husband's sister's son, whom for the good affection she conceived of him, even in his tender age, she made choice to bring up as her own, and has ever since kept and maintained him at his book, first in the country to her great comfort, and since, now for two years' space, in Trinity College in Cambridge, and is credibly given to understand he has spent his time to no less than his own profit and commendation. Wherefore it may please him to grant his letters to the Master and Seniors of that house for a scholar's place at the next election, and her hope is it would much prevail for his good.—Brantingham, 10 March, 1600. Signed :—“Your Honour's poor kinswoman in all duty, Jane Jobson.”
1 p. (136. 84.)