Index: U-Z

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: U-Z', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: U-Z". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Udall, Mr., 80.

Uffington, letter dated at, 321.

Underwood, John, 215.

United Provinces, the, 325–326.

danger to the state of, 326.

disputes between members of, 326.

States General of, 19, 24 (2), 25, 63 (2), 166, 179 (2), 195, 205, 206, 239.

—, letter from (in French), 325.

—, accord with Queen Elizabeth, 93.

—, army of, 232, 239 (3), 243.

—, assembled at Brussels, 195 (2).

—, — the Hague, 326.

—, communications sent to M. Noel de Caron, 71.

—, English in service of, 146.

—, difficulty in furnishing galleys, 123.

—, fleet of, 19.

—, grant of supplies for maintaining the war, 195, 201, 206.

—, moneys due from, to Queen Elizabeth, 148.

— at Ostend, 231.

—, proposition made to, by Queen Elizabeth, 325.

—, Treasurer General of, 195.

treaty of union of, 326.

Upnor, co. Kent, castle of, 451.

Ursene, Dun Virginia. See Orsini.


Vadrey, Mr., 361.

Valasio, Don Luigi di, 199.

Vale Royal (Valeroyall), letters dated at, 230, 253.

Valentine, Kinborowghe. See Lee.

Valladolid (Vales de Lid, oppidum Vallisoletti, &c.), 36, 157, 341 (3), 342.

English seminary at, 341–342.

— —, Rector of, 341

Valley, Knight of the [Thomas Fitzgerald], land of the, 353.

Van Eycken, —, 58.

Van Peen, Charles, 348.

Van Zenden, Jasper, 399 (2), 431 (2).

Vanlour, Mr., 348.

Varden, William, 215.

Vaughan, Mr., a Jesuit, 448.

Richard, Bishop of Chester, 283–284.

—, letters from, 41, 84, 153, 160, 315, 343, 373.

Vaux, Mrs., 16.

Velasco, Don Alonzo de, letter to, 40.

Don Loys de, 206.

Vendelo. See Venlo.

Vendôme, Cæsar, Duo de, 22, 23.

Venetian, a, 154–155.

Venice, 3, 114–115, 149, 150 (2), 151, 176, 249 (2), 291, 400, 449.

letters dated at, 25, 115.

ambassadors and consuls at, 462.

consulship at, 249, 334, 462.

gold and silver of, 465 (2).

King of Portugal in, 407.

Levant Company in, 214.

ship from, 124.

Signoria of, 334 (2), 462 (2),

Venlo (Vendelo), Flanders, 380, 381, 391.

Ventoun. See Setoun.

Vere, Edward de, Earl of Oxford, 251 :

—, letter from, 257.

—, daughter of, 251.

Sir Francis, Governor of Brill, 30, 31, 132 (2), 150, 187, 193, 198 (2), 199, 213 (2), 223 (2), 335 (2), 399–400.

—, injured, 264–265.

—, quartermaster of, 271.

Sir Horatius, 380, 881.

—, regiment of (in Flanders), 381.

Verney, Sir Edmund, 5.

Vernon, Henry, 131.

Margaret, the Queen's ward, 95, 131.

Verona, Bishop of, 364.

Verreicken, Mr. (“The Audiencer Vorreyken”), 38.

Veuara, John, letter from, 46.

Vezini family, 87.

Sir Horatio Paulo, 88 (2).

Viana [Vianna, Portugal], 207, 425.

letter dated at, 425.

Vice-Admiral, the, 375.

Vicenzo (Vicentio, Vincentio) de, Ottavian Negro, 154.

letter from, 155.

Victualling of ships, 392, 405.

soldiers, 224.

Victuals, price of, 398 passim,

Villar (Villiar, &c.), Don Louis (Louys, Luigi) de, 193, 198 (2), 213.

Vitot, Monsieur de, 119.

Vlyssinghe. See Flushing.

Vortigerus, 166.

Vytoria, Spain, 250.

Vyvyan, Harry, letter from, 340.


W., Mr. D., 39.

Waad (Wade, &c.), William, Clerk of the Privy Council, 19, 81 (2), 176, 185, 250, 256, 262, 363.

letters from, 125, 135, 172, 293 (2), 353, 463.

— to, 26, 35.

signature of, counterfeited, 252, 274.

Wakeley (Wackley), Thomas, letter from, 465.

house of, 465.

wife of, 465.

Wakeman, John, 214.

Thomas, 291.

Wakering, Gilbert, 95.

petition of, 131.

Walborn (Walburn), co. Yorks, letter dated at, 11.

Wale, Thomas, letter from, 460.

Wales, 7, 17, 403.

Council for, 241.

—, Lord President of, 140 (2).

Marches of, 98 (3).

North, 16, 180.

Presidentship of, 98.

Walker, John, 14.

Thomas, letter from, 403.

Walley (Wallye), Mr., 78, 74.

Walloons, Wallons, &c., (troops), 198 (3), 201, 213.

Wallop, Mr., 18.

Sir Henry, Treasurer of Ireland, 18, 176, 220, 223, 238, 244 (2), 265 (2), 293.

—, letter from, 52.

—, clerks of, 75.

—, father of, 52.

—, proceedings against Richard Boyle, 437–439.

—, wife of, 220.

Walpole (Walpoole, Warpoll), Father, of the English College at Seville, 36 (3), 37 (2), 341.

Walsham, North, co. Norfolk, 201.

Walsingham, Sir Francis, Secretary of State, 24, 203, 389, 414.

Mr. [Sir Francis ?], 193.

Walsingham House, 182.

Waltham, co. Essex, 310.

forest of, 461.

Walton, William, 216.

Walworth, Hugh, yeoman of her Majesty's Chamber, 189 (2).

Walworth, letter dated at, 83.

Wapping, 151.

War, munitions of, 359.

Warcoppe, —, 253.

Wardell, Cuthbert, examination of, 188.

William, examination of, 188.

Wardour (Warder) Castle, 283.

letter dated at, 283.

Wardoure, Christopher, of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Wards, 94, 379, 443.

the Queen's, 106 (2), 107, 112, 115, 117 (2), 126, 127, 149, 367, 409 (2), 421, 435.

Clerk of the. See Hare.

Wards and Liveries, Court of, 9, 16, 83, 105, 110, 116, 155.

—, attorney of the. See Hesketh.

—, causes in, 107, 372.

—, censure of, 131.

—, messenger of. See Goodwyn.

—, order of, 135.

—, petitions in, 95, 105, 107, 117, 119 (3), 131–132.

—, Master of the, 200; and See Cecil, Sir Robert.

—, money to be paid into, 124.

—, Surveyor of, 369, 378.

Wardships, 83, 97, 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 117, 118, 119 (3), 121, 123, 126, 131–182, 135, 190, 256, 314, 403, 405, 406 (3), 408, 414, 429, 464 (2).

bills of, 25.

commission of, 315.

concealed, 14, 17, 38, 894, 408, 408, 421, 423 (2), 428, 431 (3).

Ware, 279.

river of, 8.

Waring, Arnold, 464 (2).

John, 1.

—, letter from, 177.

Wark, 47.

Wark Castle, 47.

Warner, Henry, letter from, 248.

Warren, John, 216.

Thomas, 215.

Warwick, Countess of. See Dudley.

Warwick, county of, 149, 256, 383.

Washborne, Henry, 214.

Washfourd. See Wexford.

Wastall, William, 216.

Waterford, 19, 261, 298 (2), 299, 340.

letter dated at, 236.

citizens of, 236.

corporation of, 261.

mayor of. See Madan.

Waterhouse, —, 49, 162.

Sir Edward, 439.

Waters, Thomas, 214.

Watkins, Thos., 52.

—, wife of, 52.

Thomas, a prisoner in Bristol, 73–74.

Watlesburgh, letter dated at, 314.

Watson, John, letter from, 75.

Mr., 70.

Watts, John, alderman of London, letter from, 416.

son of, 417.

Wawler, Henry, examination of, 188.

Waynman, Captain, Marshal of Connaught, 415 (3).

Wead, Mrs., 245.

Weames. See Wemyss.

Weaye, Mr., a seminary, 448.

Webbe, Robert, the Queen's ward, 126.

grandfather of, 126.

uncle of, 126.

Webster, Dr., archdeacon of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

Richard, letter from, 11.

Weekes, George, 410.

Welche, Walter, 412, 419.

Wells, letter dated at, 390.

Wells Cathedral, Treasurer of, 390.

Wemmes. See Wemyss.

Wemyss (Weames, Wemmes), 355 (2).

Wenington, Old, co. Lancaster, 311.

Wenman, —, 14.

Sir Richard, 14.

Wentworth, Anne Dowager Lady, letter from, 462.

—, “cousin Wade,” 462.

—, husband of. See Pope, Sir W.

Westhaugh, Laird of. See Beton.

Westminster, 411.

letters dated at, 83, 155, 233, 239, 252, 282, 293, 339, 366, 415, 420, 421.

College, 367.

letters dated at, 174, 368.

Collegiate church of. 368 (2).

Dean of. See Goodman.

the Gatehouse at, 202, 233, 277, 384, 429.

—, letters dated at, 135, 158, 173, 196, 333.

King's Street, 174, 279.

—, the “Red Lion” in, 279.

Palace of, letter dated at, 435.

Dr. Christopher Parkins's lodging at, letter dated at, 290.

prebend in, 437.

Westmorland, Earl of. See Nevill.

Weston, letter dated at, 186.

Westwood, John, confession of, 238.

father of, 238.

Wetherby, 281.

Wexford (Washfourd), county of, 27, 182, 404.

petitions on behalf of, 404–405, 421–422.

Seneschal of, 27.

Weymouth (Wemouth, &c.), co. Dorset, 7, 258, 343, 426 (3).

Wheler, Ambrose, 215.

J., letter from, 62.

Whetchrofte, Thomas, 216.

Whiston, Mr. Harry, 93.

uncle of, 93.

White, Mrs. Ann, 119.

Dr., Chancellor of Salisbury, 161.

Richard. See Tayler.

William, 341.

alias Braye, Anne, 340–341.

Whitehall, Clerk of. See Alington.

Whitehead, Thomas, 214.

Whitfeelde, George, 216.

Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury, 8, 40, 54, 151, 165, 211, 435.

letters from, 1, 5, 11, 142, 383, 387.

— to, 53, 428.

chaplain of, 360.

letter of (mentioned), 211.

— (quoted), 210.

Whittaker, Miles, 169.

Whitton, Henry, 75.

uncle of, 75.

Whyte, Andrewe, 341.

Wiatt, Captain, 2.

Wight, Isle of, 12, 25, 350, 432.

Wigs, Mr., 411 (2).

Wigtoft, co. Lincoln, 441.

Wilbraham (Wylbram) :

Roger, Solicitor of Ireland, Master of the Requests, 87, 372 (2).

—, letters from, 290, 359.

—, letter to, 175.

Thomas, letter from, 339.

Wilde, William, 214.

Wilkes, Sir Thomas, 114.

Wilkinson, Dr., 160.

Thomas, 215.

Williams, Edward, 341.

John, letters from, 421, 449.

Valentine, 342.

Willis (Willes, Willies, Wyllys, Wyllies) :

Simon, secretary to Sir Robert Cecil, 128.

—, letter from, 244.

—, letters to, 13, 314.

Timothy, physician, mission to Russia, &c., 212 (2), 236, 237, 371.

Willoughby :

Mary, Lady, letter from, 117.

Peregrine, Lord, 117, 214, 279, 307, 335, 407–408.

—, letters from, 45, 49, 51, 53, 78, 107, 135, 148, 162, 164, 172, 189.

—, letters to, 46, 407, 418.

—, deputy of. See Guevara.

—, servant of, 280.

Willoughby House, letter dated at, 107.

Willowby, Ambrose, Susanne wife of, 327 (2).

Wills, one, a printer, 136.

Willyams, John, 214.

Wilson (Willson, Willsunne) :

Henry, of “Glasco,” 255.

John, of “Glasco,” 255.

Mr., 287, 375.

Mr. Secretary, 165.

Richard, 191 (2).

Thomas, letter from, 259.

—, Mistress Margaret, wife of, 259.

—, letter to, 259.

—, “brat of,” 259.

—, brother of, 259.

—, sister-in-law of, 259.

William, a priest, 341.

Wilton, letters dated at, 98, 99.

Wilts, county of, 152.

manor in, 85.

Wimbledon, Wymbleton, letter dated at, 236.

Wimborn(e), Giles, co. Dorset, 282.

Winchcombe, Mr., 330.

—, Joane, wife of, letter from, 330.

Winchester, Marquis and Marchioness of. See Paulet.

Winchindon, co. Bucks, letter dated at, 324.

Windebank (Windebanke), Thos., 12, 367, 392.

letters from, 13 (2), 25, 31, 37, 76, 152, 436.

— to, 391.

Windsor (Windesor), Lady, 220.

Sir William, letter from, 225.

Windworth, Captain Richard, 147.

Wine, Owen, 177.

Wine, French, 269, 362.

licence to sell, 863.

prisage, 433–434.

Rhenish, 245, 269.

Wines, lease of sweet, 311.

Wingfeilde (Wingfelde) :

Robert, letter from, 45.

Sir Thomas Maria, 75.

—, letters from, 57, 70.

—, brothers of, 58, 70.

—, regiment of, 57.

Wingfield, Antony, letter from, 65.

Sir Edward, 292.

—, letter from, 292.

Richard, petition of, 132.

Thomas FitzJaques, letter from, 10.

Winibancke. See Windebank,

Winshipp, Robert, examination of, 188.

Winson, —, a Sussex man, 35.

—, Joan, daughter of, 35.

Winwood, Mr., 289, 371.

Winwood's Memorials, 153, 158, 160 (2), 172.

Wisbech (Wisbeach), 202.

—, letter dated at, 202.

Castle, 283 (2).

—, keeper of, 467.

—, prisoners in, 202, 283, 311.

Wise, Wyse :

Sir Andrew, 19, 27.

Nicholas, of Waterford, 261.

—, letter from, 261.

Wiseman, Wisman, Wyseman :

Ra., letter from, 222.

Richard, merchant, of London, 329.

(alias Parckhurst), Richard, 154, 249, 250 (2).

Witches and witchery, 310.

Withyell, co. Somerset, 258.

Woborne (Woburn), co. Bedford, letter dated at, 147.

Wogan, Sir John, letter from, 173.

Wolf, Nicholas, 35.

letter from, 35.

Woltneel (Wowtenel), Hans, 62 (2).

Wood, Captain, 26.

Woodall, William, examination of, 188.

Woodd(e), Mr., victualler of the forces, 195–6, 207.

Woodgate, Edward, 216.

Woodrooff, Robert, 216.

Woodstock, 306.

letter dated at, 309.

controller of, 75, 307.

“the Duke” at, 427–428.

Princess (afterwards Queen) Elizabeth, a prisoner at, 427.

Woodstock Lodge, letters dated at, 85, 93, 306, 307, 350, 383, 428.

Woogan, Devoreux, 215.

Wooton. See Wotton.

Worcester, Countess of, 176.

Earl of. See Somerset.

Worcester, county of, 267, 354.

High Sheriff of, letter to, 354.

Worley, Christopher, 138.

Wormewood, Earl of. See Ormond.

Wormond. See Ormond.

Worsall, co. Yorks, 204.

Worseligh, Thomas, a priest, 341.

Worthe, Hugh, 85.

Worthington, William, letter from, 80.

Wortly, Mr., 459.

Wotton (Wooton), Sir Edward, 76.

letter from, 401.

Wowtenel. See Woltneel.

Wragg(e), John, 215, 216 (2).

Richard, 216.

Wright, Wryght, Write :

—, author of a pamphlet against religion, 125, 135.

John, 217.

Mrs., 238 (3).

William, owner of the Katherin, 137.

William, stationer, 238.

alias Thorpe, —, 256.

Wrightington, John, esq., J.P. of Lancashire, 311.

Wriothesley, Henry, Earl of Southampton, 86, 291, 292.

—, letters from, 34 (2), 262, 263, 333.

—, — to, 34, 139, 140, 178, 182, 208, 262, 263.

—, horse of, 182, 285, 292.

—, made General of the Horse, 178.

—, quarrel with Lord Grey of Wilton, 262–263.

Mary, Countess Dowager of Southampton, letter from, 457.

—, niece of. See Hurleston.

Write. See Wright.

Wroth, Thomas, 215.

Wrotte, Samuel, 2.

Wrottesley, George, 409 (4).

Wryght. See Wright.

Wyche, Richard, merchant of London, letter from, 329.

Wylbram. See Wilbraham.

Wyllies, Wyllys. See Willis.

Wymbleton. See Wimbledon.

Wymerck, Mr., 231.

Wyndsor. See Windsor.

Wyng, letters dated at, 37, 270.

Wyse. See Wise.

Wyseman. See Wiseman.

Wytham, letter dated at, 252.


Yardley, letter dated at, 242.

Yarrington, letter dated at, 294.

Yaxley (Yaxly), Captain, 193, 213.

Yeaworde, William, 217.

Yeighter, McWilliam, 219.

Yelverton, Charles, 384 (2).

Christopher, Serjeant, letters from, 192, 280.

—, nephew of, 192.

Yonge, Mr. Justice, 280.

York, Capt. Abrye, 50.

York, Archbishop of. See Hutton.

York, Archbishop and Council at, commission of, 204.

York, city of, 64, 86, 284, 303 (2).

letters dated at, 9, 32, 48, 65, 106 (2). 187, 278, 280, 285, 325.

assizes at, 46, 280.

Castle, 280 (2).

cause at, 391.

Council of. See North.

execution at, 203.

minster, Dean and Chapter of, 86, 344.

York, county of, 14 (2), 185, 188, 204, 269, 281.

East Riding of, 303.

North Riding of, 303, 406.

Youghal (Youghalle), letter dated at, 151.

mayor of, 401.

Yrun, postmaster of, 242.


Zamet, Mons., 22.

Zamoiski, Iva, Chancellor of Poland, 309.

letters from, 177 (2).

letter to, 309.

Zamoscium, Poland, letters dated at, 177 (2).

Zealand (Zeeland), 65, 233, 235, 243, 247, 467.

merchants of, 65.

regiment of, 206.

trade with, 93.

Zealanders (Zeelanders), the, 260, 466.

Zericksee (Zearicksey), Zealand, 291.

Zouche (Soutch), Edward Lord, 5 (2), 26.

—, letter from, 424.

Captain Richard, 5.

Richard, death of, 85.

Zubiaur (Ceviaire, Seviory), Pedro, Spanish Commander, 36, 342 (2).