Index: T

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Tailo(u)r, William, 62 (2), 214.

Talbot, Elizabeth, Countess Dowager of Shrewsbury, letters from, 172, 342.

—, sons of. See Cavendish.

Gilbert, Earl of Shrewsbury, 11, 29, 132, 172, 176, 322, 342, 370.

—, letters from, 127, 133, 192, 353, 361, 365, 424.

—, lands purchased by, 424.

—, mother-in-law of, 366.

—, sickness of, 365.

John, a recusant, 204.

Mary, Countess of Shrewsbury, 366.

—, letter from, 353.

Talbott, Sir John, 192 (2), 310.

—. letters from, 260, 310.

—, bond concerning, 310 (2).

Tannet, David, letter from, 406.

Tarrick, 66.

Tasborough (Taresborough), Sir Thomas, 348.

Tavistock (Towstock), letters dated at, 63, 88, 384.

Taylor (Tayler), Francis, alias Richard White, a recusant, 280.

—, examination of, 280–281.

—, marriage of, 280.

Ursula, a recusant, 203 (2).

Teixera, Diego, 425.

Temple, Mr., 306.

—, letter to, 339.

Peter, 215.

William, 215.

William, secretary to the Earl of Essex, 347.

—, letters to, 347, 354.

Terceras, Tercerces, the (Terceira), 258, 272–273.

Terence, a sentence of, 110.

Terington, —, 393 (2).

Termonte, Juan, 40.

Teviotdale, West, 47.

Thames, the, 323.

Thaxsted, co. Essex, 190.

Thelsall, John, 174 (2).

Theobalds, 173, 321, 408.

Sir Robert Cecil's house at, 322.

letter dated at, 307, 310, 322.

Thimpost. See Impost.

Thinne, Capt., 33.

Thirberry, —, 186.

Thomas, Sir,” a “Queene Marie preeste,” 448.

Thomond, Earl of. See O'Brien.

Thomond, tenants in, 104.

Thompson, Paul, letter from, 16.

Thompsone, Thomas, examination of, 188.

Thomson, Mr., 285.

Richard, fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge, 54, 55.

—, letter from, 53. And See Tompson.

Thornborough, John, Bishop of Limerick, letters from, 187, 277, 379.

house of, 338, 379 (2).

Thornburgh, Ed., letter from, 186.

wife of, 186.

Thorneton, Thomas, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford, letter from, 154.

Thorneton in the Street, co. Yorks, 204.

Thornton, George, esquire, captain of the Popinjay, 136 (2).

—, letter from, 136–137.

Sir Geo., 105.

Thorpe, —, 434.

Henry, letter from, 29.

Mr., clerk of the Works, 140.

alias Wright, —, 256.

Throckmorton (Throgmorton &c.) :

Sir Arthur, letters from, 125, 186.

Sir John, 220.

Sir Nicholas, 125–6.

Thumery, Jean de. See Boissise.

Thurmingham, Mr. Anthony, 339.

Thursby, Thomas, of Cotting, co. Yorks, examination of, 185.

Thurscross, Luke, alderman of Kingston-upon-Hull, letters from, 62, 125, 323.

Thwinge alias Hylton alias Nysaunce, Edward, a priest, 284.

Tickencote, co. Rutland, 231.

Boiowes wood in, 231.

Ticknall, county Derby, 119.

Tillot, Reignold, 214.

Tin and tinners, 159–160, 374, 375, 382, 383, 411 (2), 415–416.

Tipper, Patrick, letter from, 274.

Tipperary, 278, 299.

Tippin, Robert, 214.

Tireone. See O'Neil, Hugh, E. of Tyrone.

Tirrell, Francis, 164.

Tobacco (tobaca), 416–417.

Toddington, letter dated at, 174.

Tofts (Tofftes), co. Norfolk, letter dated at, 153.

Tolderbye (Towlderby), Mr., 217, 348.

Tompson (Tomson, Thomson), Richard, merchant, letters from, 1, 87, 167.

Robert, 215.

Tooke, Walter, 369.

William, letter from, 406.

Topcliff(e) (Topclyffe, Toplyffe) &c.) :

Lionel, of Becckstone, co. Norfolk, 149.

—, Edmund, son of (alias Richard Cornwallis), 149.

—, —, examination of, 150–151.

Richard, 151.

—, letter from, 349.

Mr., 3.

Topsham (Apsam) 109.

Torbay, 351.

Tordoe Wathe (Scottish Borders), 75.

Toron, —, 226, 227.

Torr', 18.

Toser, Thomas, 194.

Totnes, 18.

Toulon, letter dated at, 77.

Tour, Monsieur de la, 119.

Tournay, 456.

Towcester (Tosester), 169.

Towlderbie, Mr. See Tolderby.

Townrowe, Richard, 214.

Townsend (Touneshend, &c.), Mr. Henry, 97, 98 (4).

—, letter from, 140.

Sir John, 352 (2), 367, 458 passim.

Mr., 166, 169.

—, nephew of, 166.

Towstock.” See Tavistock.

Tracy, Sir John, letter from, 173.

Trade and commerce, 249, 425, 433.

in the Indies, 146, 329, 445–446.

in Ireland, 302.

in the Levant, 214, 334.

in the Low Countries, 248.

with Russia, 170, 275.

with Spain, 175.

Transalpine countries, 320.

Transylvania, 290.

Sigismund, Prince of, 177 (2), 289, 290, 309.

Traves, —, 335.

Treadway, John, 85.

Treasurer, the Lord. See Buckhurst.

the late Lord. See Cecil, Sir William, Lord Burghley.

Treaties, Burgundian, 46, 145–146.

Spanish, 46, 93, 145–146.

Treaty with France, 157.

of peace between Spain, Austria, and England, 166.

Tredway, Mr. 306.

wife of, 306.

Treffry, Aboll, 378 (3).

William, letter from, 109.

Trelawarren, letter dated at, 340.

Trelawney, Sir Jonathan, 196.

Trench, —, 106.

Tresham (Tresame), William, letter from, 372.

Trevers, Thomas, 341.

Trevor, Mr., 39.

Treviliane, George, 28.

Trewe, Owen, 217.

Triplow (Thriplowe), near Cambridge, letter dated at, 421.

Tripoli, 455.

Trosheis, William, 421.

Troughton (Trowgton), Captain John, 392, 400, 427.

Troute, Richard, petition of, 423.

Trowte, Thomas, 214.

Tucker, Leonard, 111.

William, 36.

Turin, 319, 321.

Turk, the, 170–171, 320.

dominions of, 334.

Turkey, 170.

Grand Seignior of, 170, 249, 463.

Levant Company in, 214.

Sultana, of, 249.

“Vizer” of, 249; and See Porte, the.

Turkish army, the, 170.

merchants, 411 (2).

ports, 455.

Turks (or Barbarians), 249, 462.

captives taken by, 63.

Turner, Dr., a physician, 77.

Turnor, Edward, letter from, 399.

brother of, 399–400.

Turrell, Captain, 213.

Turrett, Capt., 150.

Tybothes. See Theobalds.

Tye, Thomas, of Ipswich, 464.

Tyndall, Humphrey, D.D. of Cambridge, 54 (2), 210.

letter from, 326.

Tyne, the river, 203.

Tynwell, letter dated at, 42.

Typpar, Mr., 79.

Typping, Edward, letter from, 106.

Tyrone, Earl of. See O'Neill.

Tyrone, Ireland, 218.

merchants for, 255.

muskets provided for, 253.

Tyrrell, Captain, 217 (2), 219 (3).

—, petition of, 218–219.

Mr., a justice, 167.

William, 217; and See Tirrell.

Tyrrie, Mr., agent for the city of Cork, 458 (3).

Tyvidale, 46.