Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson, —, 281.

—, of Seville, 37.

Captain, letter from, 444.

—, birthplace of, 445.

John, 215.

Mr., a seminary, 448.

Robert, of Newcastle on Tyne, 204 (2).

Thomas, letter from, 254.

—, father of, 254.

Jacksone, Arthur, 215.

Jaco, Colonel, 389.

James, Francis, 28.

Mark, of Portsmouth, 174.

—, son of, 174.

alias Ecleshall, Thomas, 174, 175.

Janvrin, Nathaniel, 215.

Jarkhie, Father, 217–219.

Jarvice. See Jervis.

Jarvis, Francis, of Exeter, 18.

Jean, le Captaine, 118.

Jeanes, —, 403.

Jeffereys, Jerom, 403.

Jefferies, Thos., 63.

Jegon, Dr. John, vice-chancellor of Cambridge, 54, 209–212.

letters from, 379 (2).

Jehoseph. See Jesepp.

Jenison, Mr., 281.

Jennet, Thomas, 215.

Jermyn, John, letter from, 248.

Robert, letter from, 248.

Jersey, Isle of, 257, 276, 277, 370.

Jervis (Gervys, Jarvice), Thomas, her Majesty's ward, 367, 409 (2).

letter to, 409.

Jesepp (Jheosopp, Jehoseph), William, of Checkwell, 340, 378 (2).

examination of, 340–342.

mother of, 340.

Jesopp, Dr. 237 (3).

death of, 237.

Jesson, Arthur, 215.

Jesuits, the, 36, 144 (2), 163 (3), 341, 350.

—, to be expelled, 450; and see Priests.

Jewellers, 322 (2), 384.

Jewels, Master of the. See Gary.

and plate, the Queen's, 384–385.

from the Tower, sale of, 356–359.

Jews, the, 462.

Jheosopp. See Josepp.

Johnes, Mr., muster master, 359.

Johnson, James, 306.

Johnston, Gawyn, 289.

Johnston (Johnstone), Lord of, 61, 64, 65, 66 (2), 69.

Jolles, John, 89, 351, 431.

Jones :

John, of Surrey, 406.

Rice, mayor of Bristol, letters from, 195–6, 227, 264, 287, 321.

Thomas, bishop of Meath, letter from, 134.

Sir Thomas, 371.

Jonson, William, minister of English seminary at Seville, 341.

Joseph of Arimathea. 166.

Jourigny, la Comtesse de, 33 (2).

Judges, the, exhortation of the Lord Keeper to, 182, 183.

Jurie, Monsieur de la, 119.

Justices of the peace, the, exhortation of the Lord Keeper to, 182, 183.


Kar. See Kerr.

Karew. See Carew.

Kavenaughes. See Cavenaghes.

Kay, —, a Scot, 279.

Kayle, Hugh, goldsmith, 356, 385.

Keale, Christopher, 214.

Dr., 210.

Keeper, the Lord. See Egerton, Sir Thomas.

Kellam, Lawrence, 203.

Kellet, William, 216.

Kelleway, —, 440.

Kelly, John, 255.

Kellye, Capt., 103.

Kelso, the Friar's at, 60.

Kemball, Walter, of Wapping, carpenter, examination of, 150–151.

Kempe, —, esquire, of Blisland, 346.

—, wife of, 346.

Edmund, 215.

Kendall, George, 410, 432.

letter to, 410.

Kene, —, 302 (2).

Kenrick, Capt. Hugh, 149.

Kent, county of, 144, 164, 275.

house of Sir John Rooper in, letter dated at, 200.

Lord Lieutenant of. See Cobham.

Kerbey, Jeffery, 217.

Kerr (Kar) :

Andrew, of Roxborough, 47.

Sir Robt., 46, 47 (2), 48 (4), 60 (2).

—, created Lord of Roxburgh, 390 (2).

Kerry, 299 (2).

high sheriff of, 441.

Keswick (Keswycke), 217.

Keylway, Keylweye :

Francis, 340 (2).

—, letter from, 236.

—, son of, 236.

Thomas, letter from, 340.

—, father of, 340 (2).

Keymell, Mr., 169.

Kidman (Kydman), —, 192, 353.

Kidson, Robert, Fellow of Peterhouse (Cambridge), letter from, 224.

Kilcrea, Kilkrea, Ireland, castle and lands of, 81.

Kildare, Earl and Countess of. See Fitzgerald.

Kildare, county, 274–275.

earldom of, 461.

Kilgre, Sir Henry. See Killygrew.

Kilkenny, 278.

charter of, 372.

Corporation of, 372 (2).

solicitor for. See Langton.

Killigrew(e) (Kilgre, Kyllygrew), Mrs Dorothy, letter from, 279.

—, husband of, 279.

Sir Henry, 192, 207.

—, letter from, 193.

—, daughter of, 193.

John, 196 (3) 279.

—, letter from, 116.

William, letter from, 92.

Kilmainham, Prior of, 89.

Kilmallock, 298.

agents for, 292.

Kilmor, Kilmoor, Ireland. See Culmore.

King(e), Captain, 322.

George, 16.

Capt. George, 74.

Mr., Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, 387.

Robert, letter from, 205.

Kingeswell. See Kingsmill.

King's Bench, the, 468.

King's County, Ireland, 465.

Kingsmill (Kingesmill, Kingsmyll, Kingeswell) :

Ferdinando, 447.

Capt. Francis, letter from, 158.

Justice, 464.

J., 37.

Richard, 336, 369.

Kingston, letter dated at, 339.

Kingston-upon-Hull (Hull), 187–188.

letters dated at, 62, 125, 188, 323, 362.

inhabitants of, 187, 362.

mayor of. See Armynge;


— and aldermen of, letters from, 62, 124, 323, 362.

—, recorder and aldermen of, 187.

—, —, letter from, 187–188.

ships sailing from, 188.

Kinsale, 359.

Kirkbie, Thomas, of Headon, 106 (2).

Kirkham, Kyrckham :

—, 346 (2).

—, daughter of, 346.

—, wife of, 346 (3).

Robert, 238 (2).

Kirton, Thomas, letter from, 240.

Knavesborowe, Christopher, 341.

Richard, 341.

Knebworth, letter dated at, 231.

Knight, Knyght :

Nicholas, 201.

—, examination of, 202.

T., vicar of St. Martin's in the Fields, 181.

—, letter from, 466.

Knight Marshal, the, 84.

Knightley (Knyghtley), Lady, letter from, 111.

Mr., 111.

Ri., letter from, 240.

Sir Richard, letters from, 102, 124, 152, 310.

Knighton, Knyghton, Mr., 257.

G., letter from, 234.

Knights, 220.

list of, 468.

proclamation about, 199, 208.

Knockfergus (Knockvergus, &c.). See Carrickfergus.

Knollys (Knowles, Knowlis), Sir Francis, 390.

—, son of. See Knollys, Henry.

Henry, 390.

—, letters from, 191, 199, 385.

—, children of, 191.

—, wife of, 191; and see Knollys, Margaret.

Margaret, letter from, 390.

—, Lettice, daughter of, 390–391.

Mr., 330.

Sir William, Comptroller of the Household, 262, 296, 307.

—, letter from, 354.

—, letter to, 254.

—, nephew of. See Devereux, Robert, Earl of Essex.

—, governor of Ostend, 334.

Knyght. See Knight.

Knyghtly. See Knightley.

Knyghton. See Knighton.

Knyvett, Mr., 152.

Thomas, 385.

Krabbe, Magnus, 230.

Kripps, Edward, 216.

Kydman. See Kidman.

Kyllygrew. See Killigrew.

Kyng, —, shipowner, 337.

Kynstonne [? Kingston], 291.

Kyrckham. See Kirkham.