Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1904.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600, ed. R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Edited by R A Roberts( London, 1904), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 10, 1600. Ed. R A Roberts(London, 1904), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Hackford, 280.

Hackluit, Mr., 436.

Hackness, 302–303.

Hackney (Hakney), letters dated at, 17, 135, 148, 257, 296.

Haddam (Haddham), letters dated at, 190, 191, 394.

Hadingtone, letter dated at, 20.

Hadsor, Mr., 5.

Richard, letter from, 16.

Hadylfie (Hadylsa), Marmaduke, alderman of Kingston-upon-Hull, letters from, 62, 323.

Hague, the (Haghe, Haye), 247.

letters dated at, 30, 31, 63, 166, 307, 326.

English resident at. See Gilpin(e).

Haigh, the, Yorks, 14.

Haines, —, 433.

Hakney. See Hackney.

Hales, Charles, letter from, 187.

Edward, 214.

Mathew, 214.

Halgh, Gertrude, 131.

son of, 131.

Haliwell, letter dated at, 361.

Hall, Arthur, 379, 398.

—, letter from, 394.

William, of Notts, 38.

Hallow, Hallo, co. Worcester, 354.

Hallydaye, Leonard, merchant of London, letter from, 329.

Ham, Mr., speaks with the Queen, 363.

Hambleton, Mr., 291.

Hamburgh (Hambroughe), ships of, 102, 145.

Hamden, Mr., 144.

Hamersley, Hugh, 216.

Hamilton(ne), Mr. James, 68, 266.

—, letter from, 291.

John, Marquis of, 364.

Hamon, Laurence, 341.

Hampshire (Southampton, county of), 236, 281, 360.

the Queen's progress into, 220.

sheriff of, 220.

Hampson, Thomas, 216.

Hampton. See Southampton.

Hampton Court, 316.

letter dated at, 337.

Hanam, John, letter from, 403.

grandfather of. See Popham, Sir John.

servant of, 403.

Hanger, John, 216.

Hanmer, Mr., a seminary, 448.

Hanse towns (“Hances”), the, 239.

Hansome, Thomas, 188.

examination of, 188.

Hantonne. See Southampton.

Hanwell, letter dated at, 323.

Harbert. See Herbert.

Harborne, Mr. William, esquire, 214.

Harderet, Abraham, 362.

Hardie, Mr., 86.

Harding(e), John, of Berwick, 164, 165 (2), 214.

Josua, letter from, 390.

Rafe, letters from, 429, 434.

Hardware, H., mayor of Chester, letters from, 12, 136, 137, 186, 189, 233, 268, 323, 337, 339, 349.

— to, 136, 337.

Hardwyck, letter dated at, 172.

Hare, —, 175, 250 (2).

John, Clerk of the Wards, 408, 415.

—, letter to, 111.

Richard, 154 (2), 159.

Harford. See Haverfordwest.

Harlech (Harlowe), Wales, castle of, 180.

Harmor, George, letter from, 240.

Harrington (Haryngton), Sir John, letters from, 199, 220.

Harris, Alexander, 214.

Christopher, letter from, 143.

Mr., understeward of Reading, 97; and see Herries.

Harrison, W., merchant of London, letter from, 329.

Harrolston, letter dated at, 330.

Harrvey, Stephen, 214.

Harryes, Thomas, of Broughton, 360 (2).

Hart(e), Captain, 137.

John, 214.

Sir John, governor of the Muscovy Company, 214, 348.

—, letter from, 236.

Hartcastle, Thomas, 62.

Hartford Bridge, 50, 85.

Hartley, Alexander, petition of, 14.

Hartoppe, Thomas, letters from, 379, 464.

brother of, 464.

mother of. See Odyngzells.

Harvey (Harvie, &c.), Captain, 322.

(Harvy, &c.), deputy lieutenant of the Ordnance, 101, 457 (2).

—, letters from, 100, 399.

Captain Gawen, 337.

—, letters from, 39, 337.

—, warrant for, 337.

Mr., 20.

Thomas, commissary for forces for Ireland, report by, 339.

Harwick. Giles van. See Resould.

Haselbury, co. Dorset, 14.

Hastings. —, 45.

Sir Francis, letters from, 26, 372.

George, Earl of Huntingdon, letter from, 314.

—, son of, 314 (2).

Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, late President of the Council of the North, 203.

Hatton :

Sir Christopher, Lord Chancellor, 277, 429 (3), 435.

Christopher, the Queen's ward, 429 (4).

Elizabeth, Lady, 429.

—, letter from, 443.

Robert, 435.

Thomas, 435.

—, mother of, 435.

Hatton House, letter dated at, 41.

Hatton's issue,” 440.

Haughter. See Houghton.

Havana, 7, 36 (2).

Haverfordwest (Harford), 360 (2).

mayor of. See Powell.

Havre, 144.

Hawarden Castle, letter dated at, 154.

Hawkins (Hawkyns, Achens), Richard, prisoner in Spain, 36, 151, 245.

letter from, 2.

Hawks, Master of the, office of, 270.

Haydon, Sir John, 433.

Haye. See Hague.

Hayes, Captain, 462.

Edward, letter from, 461.

—, kinsman of, 462.

Mr., 185.

Hayman, Nicholas, letter from, 219.

—, son of, 219.

Robert, B.A., 219.

Haywood, D., 285.

Headon, 106.

Heale, —, 393; and see Hele.

Heath, Captain, 122.

Heathman, John, “singing man,” petition of, 368 (2).

Heaton, —, 382.

Heigham, T., letter from, 248.

Helbre (Helbrye), Cheshire, 323.

the Katherin of, 137.

Hele (Heale), John, Recorder of Exeter, letter from, 291.

Mr. Serjeant, 406.

Walter, senior, 160.

Henderson, —, 389.

Heneage (Hennedge), Sir Thomas, 274 (2).

Henison, Mounce, a Danish captain, 92.

Henley-on-Thames, 394.

Henry VII. See England.

Henry VIII. See England.

Henryson. John, 143.

Herbert (Harbert), Anne Lady, of Chepstow, letter from, 444.

Dr., 140.

Sir Edward, letter from, 252.

H., letter from, 461.

Henry, Earl of Pembroke, 166, 408.

—, letters from, 97, 98.

Henry Lord, son of the Earl of Worcester, 166, 176, 408.

John, Secretary of State and Privy Councillor, 13, 80, 93, 96, 145, 261, 268 (3), 345, 431.

—, letters from, 142, 148, 367, 370, 377.

—, — to, 387.

—, house of, 268.

—, nephew of, 371.

Sir John, 391.

Hereford, county of, 31, 267.

Heriot, George, goldsmith, 68.

Herries (“Harris”), Lord, 61, 64, 65, 66 (2), 69.

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour.

Hertford, gaol at, 310.

Hertford, county of, 191, 234.

High Sheriff of. See Chester.

Hesketh (Heskett), Robert, 336.

Thomas, Attorney of the Court of Wards, Sheriff of Lancashire, &c., 116, 127, 153, 154, 280 (2), 281, 303, 325, 335 (2), 336, 415.

—, letters from, 155, 283, 335.

—, house of, 335.

Heusden (Hewseden), Holland, 150.

Hewes, William, 214.

Hey, Alexander, 143.

Heydon, Sir Christopher, 458 (5).

Heyward, Henry, mayor of Dartmouth, letter from, 410.

Hibbott, Thomas, 337.

letter from, 337.

Hickcox, William, 217.

Hickes, Mr., letter to, 200.

Hickman, Eliezar, 217.

Hicks, Michael, esquire, letters to, 249, 334.

Hides, trade in, 196.

Higginson, Mr., 385.

Higgons, James, 214.

Hill (Hyll) :

James, letter from, 130.

—, brother of, 131.

Philip, 386.

Hilton, John, letter from, 1.

Hippissley, Anthony, 214.

Hitchens, Richard, mayor of Plymouth, letters from, 8, 15, 143, 189, 272.

Hoare, Edmond, letter from, 404.

Hobbs, Nicholas, 215.

Hoby (Hobie, &c.), Sir Edward, 239.

—, letter from, 121.

Sir Thomas Posthumus, 302–304, 325, 391 (3).

—, letters from, 9, 302, 303, 325.

—, house of, 325.

—, preacher of, 325 (2).

—, wife of, 303, 304, 325.

Hoddesdon, Christopher, letter from, 62.

Hoddestone, William, 341.

Hodge. John, 215.

William, 216.

Hodgekinson(n), Henry, mayor of Preston, 335 (3).

—, letter from, 335.

Hogeneen, Sebastian van, 230.

Holcroft (Holecroft) :

Mrs., 5.

mistress Isabel, 230.

Thomas, 236, 424.

—, letters from, 230, 253.

—, niece of, 236.

Holderness, 188.

Holford, Henry, Jane wife of, petition of, 429.

Holland, Ro., minister at Gravesend, letter from, 242.

Holland, 58, 235, 291, 381.

Edward Cecil sues for company of horse in, 132.

English trade with, 93.

the frontiers of, 232.

places in, 124; and see United Provinces.

Holland (Linc.), 82.

Hollande, Bartholomew, 215.

Hollanders, the, 145 (2), 200, 412.

ships of, 427, 456.

Hollmes, Matthew, 340, 341 (3).

becomes a priest, 341.

Holman, Edmund, 215.

Holmden, Mr. Edward, alderman of London, 214.

Holstein (Holst, Holsten), Duke of, 130, 179.

Holstein, ambassadors of, 131.

Holt Castle, letter dated at, 251.

Holwell (Holwal), letter dated at, 372.

parsonage of, 26.

Holy Cross, Ireland, 147.

Home, Hume, Humes :

Lord, 94, 266, 369, 388.

—, refuses to be Earl of March, 390.

Sir Alexander, 47, 83.

Alexander, minister of Dunbar, 83.

Sir George, 60, 72, 83, 267.

Honiton (Hunyton, &c.), 28, 258, 411.

Honiman (Honyman, Hunnyman, &c.), Thomas, 261, 349, 370, 387, 390 (2).

letters from, 350, 361.

— to, 390.

bond to, 387.

Honsdon. See Hunsdon.

Hontley. See Huntley.

Hoogan, Robert, 106.

Hooper (Hoper), Henry, letter from, 116.

Richard, vice-treasurer of Ireland, 223, 238, 244 (3).

Hopkins (Hopkenes), John, mayor of Bristol, letters from, 89, 350, 354, 386.

Hopton, Dorothy, 94–5.

William, 94, 215.

—, heir of, 95.

—, widow of, 94–5.

Hore, Edmond, letter from, 421.

Horne, Thomas, gunner, 148 (3).

Horneby, co. Lancaster, 311.

Hornsea, 188.

Horse, General of the, 178.

Horses (geldings, nags, &c.), 122, 148, 182, 189, 267, 269.

Lady Norris's, 448.

licences to pass, 91, 113, 143.

supply of, 114, 115, 117, 118.

transport of, 339.

warrant for taking of, 123.

Horsey, —, 440 (2).

Horsley, 328 (2).

letter dated at, 329.

Horsman's wife,” 133.

son of, 133.

Horsom,” 35.

Hort, John, mayor of Bristol, letter from, 73–4.

Houghton (Haughter), Elizabeth, 132.

Richard, 132.

Sir Richard, 335, 336, 344.

—, letter from, 30.

Roger, steward to Sir Robert Cecil, 370 (2).

—, letters to, 194, 244.

William, 30.

Hounslow, 196, 382.

Heath, “seeking clean air on,” 81.

Howard(e), Charles, Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral, 11, 39, 51 (3), 97, 103 (3), 109, 113, 123, 134 (4), 199, 207, 231, 244, 262, 298, 300, 313 (2), 337, 348, 411 (2), 430, 436, 450.

—, letters from, 106, 220, 302, 336, 400, 407, 418.

—, — to, 114, 152, 163, 312, 344, 447.

—, commission granted by, 241.

—, to confer as to victual for Ireland, 343 (2).

—, officers of, 228.

—, orders of, 387.

—, petition to, 231.

—, privy seal to, 384.

—, ship of, 194.

—, suits to, 402, 444.

—, tenths of, 109.

—, warrant of, 128.

Lord Harry, 318, 328, 329, 382.

Thomas, late Duke of Norfolk, 254, 440.

Thomas Lord, of Malden [? Walden], K.G., 392 (2).

Thomas Lord [? of Bindon], 58, 59, 194 (2), 253, 333.

—, letter from, 444.

Sir William, Master of the Hawks 270.

Howe, Christopher, owner of the William, 137.

Howell, John, mayor of Exeter, letters from, 28, 121.

Howes, William, a priest, 341.

Hudson, —, 179.

James, letters from, 110, 113, 133, 257, 261.

Hugett, Bartholomew, 215.

Hughebant, Charles, 387.

bond of, 387.

Huguenot, a, 197.

Hull. See Kingston-upon-Hull.

Hulst, Flanders, 246.

Humber, the, 188, 253, 254.

Hume. See Home.

Humes, Lord. See Home.

Humphorie, John, 215.

Hungary, 170, 442.

the Turk in, 320.

Hungerford, Anthony, letters from, 138, 141.

Sir Walter, 138 (2).

—, Lady, wife of, 138.

—, brother of, 138.

—, daughters of, 138.

Hunnings, Mr., 208.

Hunnowodd, Captain, 213.

Hunnyman. See Honiman.

Hunsdon (Honsdon), Lady, widow, estate of, 325.

Lord, sometime governor of Berwick, 254, 444.

—, son of, 444; and see Carey, George.

Hunt(e), Mr., 231

Mr., a seminary, 448.

George Lee, 417.

Thurstane, 373.

Hunter, —, a servant, 69.

Hunting Tower, 389.

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings.

Huntingdon, county of, 466.

Huntingdon, town of, 147.

Huntingfield Hall (Norfolk), manor of, 106.

Huntly (Hontley, &c.), Marquis of, 60–61, 72, 354, 388.

Huntly, John, 214.

Hunyton. See Honiton.

Hurleston, Mrs, niece of Countess Dowager of Southampton, 457.

—, husband of, 457.

Hussey, —, 27.

Hutchenson, Stephen, 303.

Hutchinson, Thomas, 216.

Hutton, Matthew, Archbishop of York, Lord President of the Council of the North, 211.

letters from, 86, 344.

— to, 214.

— of administration from, 165, 214.

Mr., 176.

Hyde, Arthur, 340.

—, letters from, 267, 282, 294.

Hyll. See Hill.

Hylliarde, William, the younger, 303.

Hylton, Edward. See Thwinge.


Ilfracombe (Ilfarcombe), Devon, 36, 63.

Impost, farmer of the (“Thimpost”), 348.

Imprests, Auditors of the, 411.

Inchequyn, in Connaught, Baron of, 290.

in Munster, Baron of, 290.

Indians, the East, 206, 207.

Indies, the, 7 (2), 15.

trade in, 146.

the East, 36, 242, 260, 271, 329, 427.

—, bazaars of, 132.

—, merchants of, 132, 445–446.

the West, 102, 205, 396, 397.

—, mines in, 396.

—, Twelve Apostles from, 78.

Inglestone, Ralfe, 215.

Inquisition, the, 145, 146.

English gentlemen put into, 33.

Ipswich, 167, 464.

letter dated at, 185.

a hoy of, 188.

Ireland, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18 (2), 26, 27, 30, 34 (3), 35, 36 (2), 52, 59, 63, 67 (3), 68, 70, 85, 108, 139, 147 (2), 148 (2), 173 (2), 192, 221, 238, 240, 252 (3), 253, 255, 263 (3), 264, 265, 278, 297, 298–300, 302, 306, 310, 370 (2), 382, 389 (2), 395, 404–405, 420, 421, 430, 437–439, 441, 442, 447, 452 (2), 456, 463.

the army (forces, &c.) in and for, 12, 42, 45, 50, 57, 88, 103, 104, 134, 147, 158, 173, 182–184, 189, 191 (2), 192, 217–219, 225, 238, 242, 264, 285–286, 294, 298, 322, 336, 376, 420, 427, 454–455.

auditor of. See Payton.

auditors sent into, 292–293.

commissioners in, 265.

common calamity of, 256.

consultation touching, 433.

Council of, 35, 148 (2), 221, 465.

crompsters on the coast of, 337, 451.

dogs sent from, 123.

Earl of Desmond going to, 264.

— Southampton going to, 263.

— — in, 139.

— — quits, 262; and see Southampton.

employment of Lord Cromwell in, 126.

the English Pale in, 185, 252, 275, 302, 455.

Sir William Fitzwilliam in, 335.

Grand Prior of. See Kilmainham.

“great causes of,” 393.

Great Seal of, 243.

horse to be raised in and for, 94, 220, 222.

intelligence from, 217–219.

lands in, 353.

letter from (to Cecil), 345.

licence to go into, 86.

Lord Chancellor of. See Loftus.

Lord Deputy of, 27, 37 (2), 140, 152, 158 (2), 182, 208, 217–219, 221, 257, 260, 263, 285, 286, 292 (2), 294, 319, 345, 377 (5), 384, 404, 416 (2), 421 (2), 438, 447 (3), 461 (2), 464; and see Mountjoy.

—, commission to, 438 (2).

—, petition of Captain Tyrrell to, 218–219.

—, suggested letter from Cecil to, 447 (2).

—, warrant of, 438.

— (Lord Grey), 441.

— and Council of, 310, 437.

—, —, letter to, 310.

—, Lieutenant of, 405.

Lords Justices and Council of, 5, 15, 35, 45, 158.

merchants from, 252.

money borrowed in, 223.

— for, 446.

— spent in, 396.

moneys in, 462.

munition for, 255 (2), 464.

nobility of, 68.

office in, 461.

persons leaving, 341, 402.

poor towns of, 25.

possessions, &c., of the Queen in, 455, 461.

preferment in, 80.

Privy Council in, 437 (2).

— employ Richard Boyle in England, 437.

provisions for, 349, 353, 426 (2), 431.

the Queen's debts in, 45.

— letter for, 107.

rebels in, 146, 147, 255, 260 (2), 264, 278 (3), 298–300, 310, 338, 404–405, 441, 442.

revenues of, 244.

servitors in, 433.

ships for, 39, 46.

soldiers come out of, 108 (2).

Solicitor of. See Wilbraham.

Spaniards invited to, 67–68.

Spanish ships coming to and from, 272 (3).

“that land of Ire,” 345.

“that unhappy country,” 220.

the “torn realm” of, to be reclaimed, 183–184.

transportation of soldiers, horses, &c., to, 227, 282, 349, 350–351.

transporting letters into, 464.

treasure going to, 43, 70, 402.

Treasurer of. See Wallop.

troubles of, 96, 454–455.

victual for forces in, 343, 345, passim, 350, 351.

warrants sent into, 191.

wars in, 156, 356, 394.

Ireson, Robert, 215.

Irish, the, “accursed nation” of, 375.

moneys taxed for, 50.

run to her Majesty's enemies, 300.

Irish bishop, an, 204.

captains, 389.

debts, 292.

gentlemen in London, 277.

merchants, 433.

practice, 277.

service, 231.

ship, an, 341.

Irishman, a poor, 230.

Irishmen stayed at Dover, 65.

Irishry, the, attainder of, 464.

Isabella (Izabella), fort of (near Ostend), 231 (2), 232–233, 239, 243.

the camp or leaguer before, letters dated at, 229, 233, 235.

Isabella Bellisima, fort of (Jersey), 352.

Isfield, co. Sussex, letter dated at, 114.

Isham, Francis, 341.

Islington, letter dated at, 192.

the “Angel,” 192.

—, letter dated at, 199.

Italian gloves, 344.

letters, 319.

news, 25.

proverbs, 318.

soldiers, 243.

Italians, 8, 146, 175, 198 (2), 200, 201, 462.

at battle of Nieuport. See Nieuport.

Italy, 33, 87, 147, 197, 249, 259, 363, 364, 389, 406.

princes of, 414.

Spaniards driven out of, 407.

Ivat, Thomas, 216.

Ivy(e) (Iue, &c.), George, 412, 449.

Paul, 277, 352 (3).

—, letter from, 247.

Ivy Bridge, co. Devon, 317.