Deeds: C.5101 - C.5200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Deeds: C.5101 - C.5200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1915), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: C.5101 - C.5200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1915), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: C.5101 - C.5200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1915), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

C.5101 - C.5200

[Kent.] C. 5101. Grant by John Ferthyng of the parish of 'la Downe' to John Pettele of the same parish of a land called 'Litul Pesfeld' in the parish of 'la Downe,' extending from the highway to 'Baylyves- croft,' and from land called 'Michil Pesfeld' to land called 'Pesfeld' which John Bayly holds. 6 May, 8 Henry IV. Seal.
[Warw.] C. 5102. Grant by Richard Hawe of Solihull to William atte Birches of the same, clerk, of 8d. rent from four fields of land in Solihull, whereof one at Scherdemor, another at Schere Wyndes extending from the lane called 'Longeleyelone' and the other two at 'le Conynger,' which fields he had by the feoffment of Dame Ela, late the wife of Sir Peter de Burmyngham. Wednesday after St. Hilary, 16 Edward II.
Endorsed: Non valet quia fuit pignus, &c.
London. C. 5103. 'Bill endented' witnessing that, 11 June, 26 Henry VI, 'we Thomas Stones and Water Gorfyn, executours of the testament of — Alrede, in the presens of Sir Thomas Terell, knyght, have delyvered to Katerine Carpenter of London vidue, a large roll of parchemyn wretyn and lympned with certeyn maters of the byble,' which Katharine had lent him 'while he leved,' 'whereof I knowlege me the said Katerine that I am fully content.' English. Paper. Seal.
[Lincoln.] C. 5104. Grant by Roger Graynesby of Grymesby to John Lang- holm of Conyngesholm, Thomas Moigne of Clee, John Lek of Grymesby and Roger Barbour of the same, of four tofts and a seld in Grymesby whereof one, his principal toft, wherein he dwells, is in a lane called 'Flesshewerrawe' next St. James's churchyard, another little toft, opposite the principal toft on the other side of the lane, called 'Wynehowe,' the seld on the corner of the lane abutting on the market-place, &c., another toft in 'Denesgate' between a messuage of John de See and a tenement of the abbot and convent of Welhowe abutting on 'le Carter- gate,' &c. and another toft in 'Flotiergate,' &c. with three selions of land lying together in the field of Grymesby called 'Behyndby,' containing 1a., abutting on 'Pyttom' and 'Frostland.' Witnesses:—John Carbot, mayor of Grymesby, Peter Empryngham and John Skendelby, bailiffs, John Empryngham and William Lytster. Thursday before Michael- mas, 15 Henry [VI].
[Wilts.] C. 5105. Grant by John Warneford to John Mull, his heirs and assigns, of his whole tenement in Remesbury, in 'Oxonefordustrete,' which he had by the gift of Alan . . . olit'. Witnesses:—Thomas Temese, John Looff and others (named). Thursday after St. Andrew, 13 Richard II. Seal, ('W').
[Kent.] C. 5106. Grant by John Gerveis son of Gervase of Pelsedene to William Brun, of his whole messuage at Pelsedene with house thereon; for this William gave him 36s. in gersum, 28 Edward [I]. Witnesses:— Thomas son of Alexander the clerk (clerici) and others (named).
Kent. C. 5107. Grant by William Waleys, citizen of London, to Joan (Johanne) Cowngherst of 'Les Grene' in the parish of Codham,'husbond- man,' of his whole messuage with garden called 'Chevelers' lying on the west of the said 'Lees Grene' at 'Wallstrete,' &c. which he had by the gift of John Mannyng; rent, 8d. Codham, 16 February, 23 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 5108. Grant by Henry atte Sole to Thomas Colpeper and Joan his wife, of his whole wood next the wood of the prior and convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, called 'La Frithe,' in the parish of Est- farlegh; to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of Thomas; for this they gave him 33s. beforehand in gersum. Friday, the eve of St. Matthias, 4 Edward III. Fragments of seal.
[Lincoln.] C. 5109. Grant by Thomas Bouet, clerk, to John Stoyle of Oselby of all his land, &c. in Oselby which he had by the gift of William Watson, clerk. Witnesses:—Robert Jordan of Oselby, Robert Kelyngholme of the same, John Caa, William Caa, Simon Bell. Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 13 Henry IV.
Bedford. C. 5110. Bond by William Watford of Toturnho, gent, and Thomas Watford of the same, gent, and Isabel Watford of the same, 'widowe,' to Lawrence Pycot of Dunstaple, in 10l. at Michaelmas next. 24 June, 17 Henry VI. Fragments of two seals.
Middx. C. 5111. Grant by Roger Colney, citizen and draper of London, to Stephen Brakkeley, chaplain, and Robert Goys of co. Bedford, chaplain, of all his estate in all those tenements in 'Soperlane' in the parish of St. Antholin (Antonini) London, which he, and one Sir Robert Goldsmyth, clerk, since deceased, had by the grant of Robert Chirche- man, citizen and fishmonger of London, and Margaret his wife, daughter of Joan late the wife of William de Hanapstede, citizen and grocer of London, for the term of the lives of the said Robert and Margaret. John Hende being then mayor of London, and William Louthe and Stephen Speleman, sheriffs. Witnesses:—Richard Odiham, Henry Halton, Henry Sibsay. 28 March, 6 Henry IV. Copy on parchment.
At foot: Memorandum of enrolment in the husteng of London of pleas of land, Monday, the feast of St. Margaret, 6 Henry IV.
[Bedford. Herts.] C. 5112. Grant by John West of Dunstaple to William Anable, Andrew Barbour, John Troutgh and Robert Haddon of Dunstaple, of all his land, &c. in Dunstaple, Keneswort, Toturnho and Hoghton Regis. Michaelmas, 18 Richard II.
[Staff.] C. 5113. Grant by Hugh de la Delwus of Betteley to Alice wife of Nicholas Quitede of Wrinhul and the heirs of her body of a place of turbary in the fee of Beteley, situate next the quintain (quintanam) of Cracalmos on one side, and 'Wremediche' on the other, and it extends from 'la Stele' of Wrine to the land of Ralph Saxi. Witnesses:— John the carpenter (carpintarius) and John son of Geoffrey, bailiffs of Beteleye, John Marchald, Thomas de Thecun' and others (named). The day of the Assumption, 1362.
[Worc.] C. 5114. Grant by William de Malverne of Wych to Robert son of John Cassy of the same of his tenement in Wych between the gate of John Bras and the tenement of Thomas de Malverne, his brother. Witnesses:—Thomas Ingram, Thomas son of John Cassy and others (named). Saturday, the feast of St. Philip and St. James, 7 Edward III.
[Devon.] C. 5115. Grant by Lavina late the wife of Thomas Culling to John Alwork of her whole tenement, with liberty adjacent, in Tavistok, between the tenement of John Vynchewille, the tenement of Thomas de Milemete, the highway from the pillory (pylloria) of Tavistok to Banawylle, and the water called 'la Fischlak'; rent, 8d. Witnesses:— Richard de Hyndeforde, Richard Broker, David Vynchewille, Nicholas, Bodi and Robert Tankard reeve of the borough of Tavistok. Thursday after the feast of St. Leonard, Confessor and Abbot, 10 Edward III. Seal, with legend, s. lavine . . . .
[Kent.] C. 5116. Grant by Henry Nicolet of 'la Doune' to Robert Byset of the same of 3r. land at 'Westffeld' between lands of the heirs of Henry Byset abutting on 'Drawkeland,' &c. Saturday after St. Luke, 20 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5117. Grant by Robert son of John Derild of Down (Duna) to Ralph son of William the smith (fabri), of all the land which came to him in inheritance after the death of John, his father, in 'la Dune' between land called 'Eldereden,' &c.; rent, ½d. of forgavel (forgabulo) at Easter, for all service; for this Ralph gave him 16s. in gersum. Witnesses:—Thomas de Opstrete, and others (named). Seal, damaged.
[Hants.] C. 5118. Quitclaim by Hugh son of Huhelina (Hugo Huheline), fisher (piscator) of Motesfonte and Maud his wife, daughter of John Smith (fabri) of Whitchurch (Albo Monasterio) to John de Dumbredan, his heirs and assigns of their right in two houses which John Baron holds in the fee of Aldredeston, together with 12d. rent which John Baron and his heirs ought to pay; for this John gave them 10s. beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:— John le Engleys, Henry atte Hull, Hugh atte Heleweye, John le Fraunceys, William Sprot, John le Eyer. Seal, with legend, s. matilda . le . faber (sic).
[Oxford.] C. 5119. Grant by Simon Notebem of Stanlak to John Reede of Stanlak of ½a. arable in 'Cokescroft' in Stanlak. Monday, the feast of the Purification, 1 Henry IV. Seal.
[Oxford.] C. 5120. Grant by Agnes le Lauender of Stanlak, widow, to Geoffrey le Chapman of Stanlak and Emma his wife, for their service, of ½a. arable in 'Cocus crofte' of Stanlak, land of William Cook (coci) on one side and land of Geoffrey le Irmonger on the other. Witnesses:—John Laurence of More (Mora), Robert de Eleford, Thomas Densy of Brighthamton and others (named). Stanlak, Sunday after the Purification, 10 Edward II. Endorsed, Carta de una dimidia acra in le Cokescroft ad finem curtilagii Alicie Bradewell.
[Oxford.] C. 5121. Grant by John Notebem to Stephen — and Joan Stephen's wife, his daughter, of a messuage with curtilage between the messuage of Richard Kors and the messuage of Richard 'le Greye' and ½a. arable lying in the croft commonly called 'le Kokis croft' in Stanlake; to hold for their lives in survivorship and all the time of one heir of their bodies begotten; rent, 14d., viz. 3½d. at the feast of St. Thomas, Apostle, 3½d. at the feast of St. Mary in March, 3½d. at Midsummer and 3½d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses:—William Freman of Brithamton, Thomas Densi of the same, John Deine, William de Appulton, Robert Cook (coco) Robert Tailur. Seal, with legend, [s . iohann]is . notebem.
[Hereford.] C. 5122. Grant by John de Addesoure to Walter Restout, for 2 marks beforehand, of 2a. land in Morfurlunga, between land of William Payn and land of Richard son of Parnel and stretching to Walter's moor; rent, 2d. at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and the feast of St. Andrew, for all service save the king's service. Witnesses:—Adam de Calva, John Mael, John Mervin, Nicholas Mervin, Stephen de Pionia, William Payn and other. Seal, with legend, s . iohanis . de . adesover.
[Oxford.] C. 5123. Indenture of demise by Robert son of Sir Hugh de (sic) Blunt to John and John and Roger, sons of Lawrence atte Dene, of a place of Ms in Crowell, between the tenements of Hugh Est and Roger le Chapman, for the term of their lives in survivorship; rent, 2s. 6d., for all service save a heriot on the death of survivor; they shall keep up the house thereon. Crowell, Sunday after the Ascension, 9 Edward III.
[Bedford.] C. 5124. Grant by Robert de Broi, son of Walter de Broi of Blechesh' to God and St. Mary and brother Robert Parage of the hermitage (hermitorium) in the wood (nemore) of Blechesho and to the brethren who shall serve (servituris) God in the same hermitage in habit of religion, as the inner and outer ditches show and a croft (cruftam) beside (que acostat ad) Netherehei as enclosed with ditches, to hold in pure alms; also of free pasture for five cows, five pigs, forty sheep and a horse (caballum) in the town of Blechesho, in his demesnes (dominiis). Witnesses:—Hugh, prior of Caldewell, Geoffrey, canon of the same, Thomas the canon, nephew of the said prior, Ralph de Broi and Robert de Broi, brothers and parsons, Robert de Albennith', Thomas de Fraxino, Robert son of Ralph de Bolehurst, Geoffrey de Broi, Stephen son of Robert son of Sanson, Hugh Pipard, Robert Estrange, Warin son of Hugh, Robert Truncath, Ralph de Bolonho, Robert son of Ralph the clerk (clerici), William de Bolenho, Matthew the clerk, Hugh de Sancto Edwardo, and Gervase, Roger, Robert, of Brocton, brethren.
[Glouc.] C. 5125. To all faithful, William Giffard, greeting. Be it known to you that Erembertus gave himself and all his land which he had in the territory of Chedewrthe, to wit Meresdena, with all its appur- tenances, to God and St. Mary and the monks of Brueria in perpetual alms, and this he did by permission (concessu) of his sons Roger, William and Henry and by permission (concessu) of Athelica his daughter and of William, husband of the same Athelica. Of this donation I, William Giffard, was witness and confirmer and witnesses were other more, Henry, brother of my lord Roger the earl, Walter the chaplain, Henry the sewer (dapifer), Hugh Luvet, Robert Murdac, Geoffrey Bruto, Ralph de Vaus. Remains of a red leather bag to contain seal, now lost.
Herts. C. 5126. Grant by William Syer of, Dunstaple to Lawrence Pycot, William Anable, John Skynner, James Sodlomb and William Albryght of 5a. arable lying together in the field of Kennesworth; to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of Lawrence. 9 September, 13 Henry VI. Seal.
[Devon.] C. 5127. Quitclaim by William Fot of Tavystok, smith, to John de Fynchewille, burgess of Tavystok (Tavystochie), of his right in a tene- ment in the town of Tavystok with the liberty adjacent, situate between the highway (regiam stratam) from the pillory of Tavystok towards Banewill (Banewillam) on the west, 'la Fyslak' on the east, and between the tenement of Thomas Collyng and Lavina his wife on the south and the place of John Popelston on the north. Witnesses:—Robert Corneys, reeve of the borough of Tavystok and others (named). Palm Sunday, 11 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5128. Grant by Reynold Scriveyn of the parish of 'la Dune' to Richard de Burcham, son of Roger de Wudeham, of 2d. rent with escheats which John de Aqua of the parish of 'la Dune' used to pay him, viz. at Mid Lent from a certain piece of land which lies in 'the weter felde' between a land called 'Parises Croft,' &c.; also of ¾d. rent with escheats which Robert the taylor (cissor) of Cokerherst and Henry Wankelin used to pay him from ½a. land which Sabina de Grene Helde sold, which lies in 'the west feld,' between land of John de Aqua, &c.; for this Richard gave him 14d. in gersum, 25 Edward [I]. Witnesses:— John de Upstret, and others (named).
Hereford.] C. 5129. Grant by Walter called 'Hethene' to John son of Ralph the smith (fabri) for 14s. 6d. beforehand, of la. land in the field called 'Moramfeld,' between his land and land formerly Robert Swonild's, and extending from Thomas Aubrey's land to the fee of Maurdine; rent to the chief lords ½d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses:—William Devereus, and others (named). Seal, with legend, [s . wal]teri . le. hethen.
[Dorset.] C. 5130. Grant by Richard Dude, with the assent of Parnel his wife, to Michael Dyg of Lodres of two shops in the lane leading to Kyllingesmille which is called 'Godmannelane' between the house of Edward Renaud and his own shop; to hold to the said Michael, his heirs and assigns, in chief of the king; for this gift, grant, confirmation of the present charter and their acknowledgment (recognitione) in the antient court of the king of Brideport before the bailiffs and commonalty of Brideport, according to the custom of the manor of Brideport, Michael gave them 5 marks, and to the bailiffs and commonalty of Brideport [for] witnessing and enrolling their recognizance —; warranty against all men. Witnesses:—Adam de Laverkestoke, William Horn, bailiffs, Edward Renaud, Peter Prestes, William Byrne, Edmund de Ramesham, John Barri.
[Berks.] C. 5131. Grant by Henry Drewe, son and heir of Thomas Drewe, late of Hungerford, to Joan Darell late the wife of [George Darell, knight, of his tenement at 'Helmus' which John Salman holds, with the whole pasture called 'Sandonesdown,' and with all land, &c., antiently demised therewith; also of all that wood called 'Stubwode' and ½a. land next it; also of a grove of wood by 'Hamvile' which John Hawes holds and all that pasture called 'Hethclos' which Roger Henley holds, with the reversion of a close called 'Shephouseclos' and of 10a. land in the fields of 'Hillefeld' and 'Hamviles' which Robert Flaket holds for term of years. Witnesses:—John Issebury, esquire, Alexander Cheyny, esquire, John Togyll, Ralph Wynchestour, William Boucher. Hungerford, 12 January, 2 Richard III. Seal. Cf. C. 3271.
[Kent.] C. 5132. Grant by John Hwyffyn of 'la Doune' to William Dyn of the same of the tenement which he had by the gift of Alice daughter of John Henry of 'la Doune,' and which the said Alice had by inheritance after the death of John her brother. Monday after the Purification, 29 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] C. 5133. Grant by Robert Gerveis of Pelseden to John his elder son of 3r. (virgatas) of land in the croft below his messuage between land of Felice de la Park, the grove of Richard de Buritham, &c; for this John gave him 4s. in gersum on the morrow of the Apostles Philip and James, 9 Edward II.
[Hants.] C. 5134. Grant by Randulf de Hulla son of John de Hulla of Penitona to Sir Robert de Meysi, his heirs and assigns, of the whole croft called the croft of Duntesdel which lies between the wood of Sir Robert and the wood of the lord of Foxcote; rent 3d. at Michaelmas; for this Robert gave him 7 marks; warranty against all men and women who can live or die, and against all foreign demands. Wit- nesses:—Sir Richard de Paulesholte, Roger son of Stephen of Andevria, Luke de Clanefeld, Nicholas Kipping of Winchester, Peter Long, Adam de Marisco, Gilbert de Foxcote, Gilbert 'le Schois,' William brother of Randulf de Hulla, Richard de Hulla, William the smith (fabro), Hugh de Hulla. Endorsed, De crofto que (sic) appellatur Duntesfyld juxta Peniton.
[Surrey.] C. 5135. Grant by Reynold de Wodeham to John his son of all his land, &c. which he had by the gift of John Halydaye in Honewaldesham within the parish of Waybrugg; to hold to him and the heirs of his body begotten. Waybrugge, 10 March, 46 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 5136. Quitclaim by Sir George vicar of Westerham to William atte Wode, Joan his wife, and John their son of his right in a meadow called 'Potonesmede' lying at Coleslonde in the parish of Westerham, which he had by the gift of John de Malmisbury the younger. Sunday after [Christmas], 21 Edward III. Seal.
[Norfolk.] C. 5137. Grant by John son of Robert Bonde of Herlaxston to Gilbert his brother of the same of a messuage with buildings and a croft, with 11d. rent to the same messuage belonging, situate in Cokthorpe, between the tenements of John Dawe and Richard Bonde, which messuage in Herlaxston ought to belong to him by descent after the death of his mother. The day of St. Guthlac, 46 Edward [III].
[Dorset.] C. 5138. Grant by Lucy Logebaces, late the wife of Henry Wlaf of Pudele, widow, to Robert called 'Snau' of Brideport and Joan his wife of all that her part of the house and curtilage in Brideport which is situate in the west street of the said town in the south part thereof, between land of Walter Logebash, her brother, and land of Stephen Logebash, her other brother; for this they gave her 6 marks beforehand in acknowledgment (recognitione). Witnesses:—John Kyde, John Barrey, then bailiffs of Brideport, Peter de Ramesham, Robert Skinner (pellipario), William de Chauntemerle, William Sely, John de Stikillan.
[Chester.] C. 5139. Grant by Hugh de Dottona to Rand[ulf] son of Joceram de Hellisby, his heirs or assigns, of one part of his land belonging to Lehee, which is called Wolvelee, within these bounds (divisas), to wit as the isle of Berterton and the isle of Lehee meet (conveniunt), ascending the sike (siccam) till it comes to the oak (gradient quercum), &c. as the way extends to the bridge of Actona, &c.; rent, 9s, 6d., &c.; also grant of a messuage without the said bounds; he is not to cut oaks in Bradeie wood (nemore) without leave; in the other woods of Lehee he may have 'housebote' and 'haybote.' Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Dotton, G. de Bodewourthe, Adam de Hellisby, Peter de Frodesh[am], Robert de Bradeford, Hugh de Clatrewike, Richard de Hellisby, Peter the clerk, and other. Endorsed, A deede for Clous hous graunted by Hughe Dutton.
[Kent.] C. 5140. Grant by William son of Richard of Down (de Dona) to Lettice daughter of Richard 'le Chaluner,' of a daywork and a half and a quarter part of a daywork of land, with a house thereon, in a place in Down (Dona) lying east and west in length and north and south in width, between his messuage and the highway; rent, 2d. at Mid-Lent; for this she gave him 15s. in gersum. Seal, with legend, s . will'i. child.
[Heref.] C. 5141. Grant by Walter de Maurdin, son of Ralph de Maurdin to Richard de Bagingedene, his heirs and assigns and their heirs, for his service and for 18 marks beforehand in gersum, of his whole meadow and his whole pasture which he held on the other side (ex alia parte) of Lugge towards the part of Welintone, whereof he held part of the king and the other part of Roger de Chaundos, which meadows and pastures lie between the meadow of the bishop of Hereford and the meadow of Burhulle on the one side (parte) and Lugge on the other, whereof one head extends towards Lestenesford and the other towards the pasture of the lord of Welintone; to hold in fee and heredity by free socage, rendering to Sir Roger the services due and to him and his heirs a pair of gloves of the price of ½d., for which they will acquit the said meadow, &c. of royal service. Witnesses:—Nicholas le Seculer, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s . walteri . de mawerd'.
[Kent.] C. 5142. Grant by John son of John Scrivin of 'la Dune' to Richard de Burgham of all his land, &c. in the parish of 'la Dune,' rendering to the chief lords the services due and accustomed, and to him, his heirs and assigns, the rent of a rose (rosam de forgabulo) at Midsummer, to be demanded there; for this Richard gave him 16s. in gersum, 20 Edward [I].
[Norfolk.] C. 5143. Grant by Richard son of Walter de Runhale to Roger de Stalham, for his homage and service and for 20s. in gersum, of a piece of land in the town of Cringelford, with a grange thereon; rent, 1d. at All Hallows. Witnesses:—Simon de Hedersette, Sir Alexander de Wallibus, Hubert de Vaus, and others (named).
[Suffolk.] C. 5144. Quitclaim by Agnes late the wife of Alan Nerbold of Wysynton, widow, to Robert Mordel of Neylond, Alice his wife, and Edmund their son, and their heirs of her dower in ½a. land in Wysynton, in 'Lanefeld'; for this they gave her 4s. beforehand. Witnesses:— Robert de Bures, William de Ernested, and others (named).
[Kent.] C. 5145. Letters patent whereby Elizabeth, lady de Say, reciting that John Clement, her steward, had sold in her name to Thomas Pettele of 'la Doune' by Coodham ten thousand of 'talwode,' to be taken and made in her park of Betrede, for 10l. paid her beforehand by her said steward, with allowance to the said Thomas of the charcoal coming from the lop. (cablices) of the trees felled to make the said 'talwode,' as heretofore allowed, grants the said Thomas the bargain aforesaid with ingress and egress till Michaelmas year to make and carry the said 'talwode' out of her lands of Betrede called 'la Meed' and 'Chapelhagh,' binding herself to observe the above covenants. The day of St. Dunstan, 16 Richard II. French.
[Kent.] C. 5146. Grant by Geoffrey de Messingeham to Richard de Burtham son of Roger de Wudeham of a curtilage of land with a house thereon with a grove, lying in length towards the north between land of Henry de Suthwude called 'le Reden' and towards the south between land of the said Henry and of John Pret called 'Suthcroft,' in width towards the east between 'Suthwudesstrete' and towards the west between the grove of John 'le Pret'; also of a curtilage with house between 'Chalkecroft' and the way to 'Widemere,' and between 'Suthwudes- strete' and 'Chalkecroft'; also of a piece of grove in 'the Essenegrove,' of 5a. land in 'the Helde' and of la. land in 'Snettes- dele,' situate as described; for this Richard gave him 6 marks in gersum, 26 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—Henry de Suthwude, and others (named).
N'hamp. C. 5147. Grant by Alfred son of Ailyus of Norhant' to God and St. Mary and the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhant' and the brethren serving God there, for his soul and his ancestors' souls, of 8½d. rent which before they gave him from the house without the north gate of Norhant' which is between the house which was Adam the clerk's and the house of Henry 'le Macun,' so that the said house may remain to them quit of all secular service in pure and perpetual alms. Witnesses:—Odo the chaplain, Simon Parvus of Buket', John the skinner of Norhant', Robert Talleaste, Richard the clerk, John the deacon of Kirkebi, and many other.
[Oxford.] C. 5148. Grant and quitclaim by William Sifrewast to Ralph de Mackenei, his heirs and assigns, of 10s. rent which Ralph used to pay him yearly for land at Backorig, rendering therefore yearly to him and his heirs 1d. at the feast of St. Nicholas for all service, save foreign service; for this Ralph gave him 9 marks 3 shillings. Witnesses:— Philip de Sandervill', Robert Basset, John Huscarl', John de Sottewell, James Huscarl', William son of Robert of Harewell.
[Berks.] C. 5149. Quitclaim by Hawys late the wife of Richard de Waleton to Richard son of Richard 'le Gauntir' of Aventon, for 5s. beforehand, of a third part of an acre of meadow which she had in dower at 'la Twyvorde,' and it lies between the water which is called Kenete and 'la Hinecrofte.' Witnesses:—Reynold de la Hide, Geoffrey Schort, Henry Schort, Ralph Tapping, Walter Pighun, William Pinel, John Punsard, and other.
[Stafford.] C. 5150. Grant by Richard son of John de Kynefar' to Cristina daughter of Adam Osyet of a messuage in the town of Stavertun, to wit within the manse (mansionem) formerly Adam Osyet's, and 3a. of his arable in the field, whereof ½a. lies in the field of Westcot, one sellion (seillo) on croft Wymark', one sellion 'ate Seerde,' one sellion 'ate Hauthorne,' one headland (forerda) extends itself upon the assart of Richard de Kynefar, two sellions lie at 'Stanidelf,' one sellion extends itself from the highway to 'Elmeleye,' two sellions extend themselves from 'Elmeleye' to Gerald's tillage (culturam Geraldi), one sellion lies in 'Nethre Ruicroft' and extends itself to the highway; to hold to her for the term of her life; provided it be not lawful for her to demise or pledge the said messuage to religious men and all persons attached to religion; rent, 7d., viz. 3½d. at Michaelmas and 3½d. at Lady Day. Witnesses:—Reynold de Aqua, Peter Damisele, Reynold son of Geoffrey de Staverton, Robert de Aqua, Robert son of Reynold son of Geoffrey, John de Aqua, Nicholas Innocent, and many other.
[Kent.] C. 5151. Grant by Luke le Cobbe to Gilbert le Child of all his land in the town of 'la Hese,' except a capital house with six dayworks of land which he retains, to hold to the said Gilbert, his heirs and assigns, except Jews and men of religion; rendering therefore yearly to Gilbert Franceys and his coheirs and their heirs 10d., viz. 5d. at Michaelmas and the Sunday of Mid Lent 5d. and at Christmas two hens, and he and his wife shall have their meal (prandium) or other two men, whomever he please to send there; he shall find Gilbert (Franceys) a man in autumn to reap, and that man shall have his meal (prandebit) with Gilbert or his coheirs; likewise rendering to Robert Amys 1d. at Michaelmas; likewise to Adam Franceys ½d. at St. Thomas Apostle, for all service; for this Gilbert gave him 60s. in gersum. Witnesses:— Godfrey de Bastane, Ralph de Pikherst, William le Foulere and Richard his son, Geoffrey atte Heze, Richard le Frense, John ate Elde Hache, Luke de Mallinge, and others (named). Seal, with legend, s . lvc[ . e . le . co]bbe.
[Kent.] C. 5152. Grant by Geoffrey son of Osbert le Fleming to Ralph Willem of the parish of 'la Dune' of all the land which he had or could have after the death of Osbert his father, in a field called 'Curteyses Feld'; also of the rent and service which John de 'la Dune' and the heirs of William le Smith of 'la Dune' owed him for a land called 'Wildeland'; for this Ralph gave him 19s. in gersum, 32 Edward [I]. Seal, with legend, s . galf'd' . le . flemi'g.
[Kent.] C. 5153. Grant by Roys daughter and heir of Robert de Puteo of the parish of 'la Doun' to John de 'la Doun' and Denise his wife of 8d. free rent with escheats which John and Richard, sons and heirs of Ralph Willeam, ought to pay her viz. at . . . (ad mlam) for land in 'Newemannes Felde' in the north head at 'Baselinelde'; to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of John; for this they gave her 4s. beforehand, Tuesday next the feast of St. Augustine the Bishop, 9 Edward II. Seal, with legend, s . rois . fil . rob'ti.
[Heref.] C. 5154. Grant by Walter de la Barre to Philip son of Hugh de Kynardesleye, for 20s. beforehand, of 1a. land within 'Stertesfelde,' to hold in fee and heredity; rent, 2d.; warranty against all men and women, Christians and Jews. Witnesses:—Sir Hugh, chaplain of Kynardesleye, Philip called 'le Budel,' Hugh de Ailliveleye, and others (named). Endorsed, De terris in Welinton.
[N'hamp.] C. 5155. Grant by Simon son of Peter of Buketon, for the soul of Alexander de Buketon and for the soul of Edith his wife and of all his ancestors, to God and St. Mary and the brethren of the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhamton, of 1a. land in the field of Buketon', to wit ½a. on 'Eueteswell' next the tillage of the brethren, and ½a. on 'Pikho' between land of the brethren and land of Lawrence son of William of Buketon'; to hold in pure and perpetual alms Witnessess:—Sir Walter son of Alexander, Philip (Phill'o) the lord lord (domino), and others (named.)
[Oxford.] C. 5156. Quitclaim by Michael de Hegfelde to Walter de Esthall of his right in 4a. arable land (terre lucrabilis) within the manor of Mungewell at 'la Greyehone' (a la Greyhone) which he at any time had by the gift of Thomas de Engelfeld, situate as described. Witnesses:— Sir Henry son of Robert, Sir Peter de Esrugge, then steward of the honor of Walingeford, William Morin, Colin (Colino) de Mungewell, Geoffrey Lengleis (Anglico), John Sundy, John de Oylli, Simon de la Dene. Seal, with legend, [s.] michae[lis de] hegfe[ld].
Kent. C. 5157. Indenture of bargain and sale by Sir Robert Brandon, knight, to Robert Rede, 'sergeaunt atte lawe,' of all the land, &c. in the parishes of Orpyngton and Farnburgh late of Richard Couper's, and of land, &c. in the parish of Orpyngton at Crofton which Thomas Couper the younger lately purchased of William Girdeler; also of 3a. meadow in the parish of Hayes late of John Brysley and Elizabeth his wife and of all other land, &c. late of John Catesby, knight, one of the king's justices, and of Dame Elizabeth his wife in the towns and parishes aforesaid; consideration, 30l.; covenant to make estate thereof in fee simple to the said Robert Rede, William Wodegate, John Ware and Christopher Kendall to Robert's use before the feast of 'Alhalowen' next, &c. 15 July, 10 Henry VII. English. At foot, 'Brandon R.' Seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 5158. Grant by Simon son of Peter of Buchet[on] to God and St. Mary and the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhamton, for the health of his soul and of his father and mother and of Alexander de Buchet' sometime his lord and of all his ancestors and successors, of 6d. rent for the upkeep of a light in the same hospital, to wit from the tenement of Philip son of Lawrence and Agnes (Annetis) his wife which they held of him in free marriage in the town aforesaid, to be paid at Michaelmas yearly. Witnesses:—Walter son of Alexander, William son of the priest (sacerdotis), and others (named).
[Norfolk.] C. 5159. Quitclaim by John Holler, gentleman, to Thomas Baret the elder of Southbirlyngham, Henry Bagot of Norwich, gentleman, and Roger Dokkyng, of his right in all the land, &c. in the towns, fields and marshes of Southbirlyngham, Beighton, Hasyngham and Lyngwode or elsewhere within the hundreds of Blofeld and Walssham, which he, together with them, had by the feoffment of William Dyxon, clerk. 20 April, 13 Henry VII.
[Kent.] C. 5160. Quitclaim by James Living of the parish of Hocholte to William de Colgate of 3d. rent from a messuage and grove which William Living heretofore sold to William de Colgate, William's father, in the parish of Sorham; for this William gave him 14d. in gersum. In witness whereof he has put to his seal, 11 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—Robert de Colgate, Robert de Tymberdene, and others (named).
[Wilts.] C. 5161. Grant by Floria daughter of Samson de Berwik to Richard de Foxle of a meadow in the town of Marleberg, in the marsh between the meadow of the house of St. Thomas of the Lepers without Marleberg and the meadow of the church of St. John of Mildenhale. Witnesses:—Roger Hervest, then steward of Marleberg, John de la Pitte, then bailiff of the same town, and others (named).
[York, W.R.] C. 5162. Grant by William Clarel, knight, lord of Peniston to William de le Hille, Moddanna his wife and the heirs of their bodies of a place of land within the bounds of Thurleston which Richard Snodding formerly held, called 'le Schawe'; rent, 3d. Fragment of seal.
[Bedford.] C. 5163. Grant by Isabel daughter of William Treue of Dunstaple and Agnes, her sister, spinsters (omnino a viris solute) to Isabel relict of Robert Dodi of the same, for her service and for 2 marks beforehand in gersum, of a messuage in North Street (vico del North) of Dunstaple on the east side, of the fee of the late Clement Undep, abutting west on 'Watlingestrat'; rent, to the prior and convent of Dunstaple yearly 14d. and to them and their heirs 1d. for warranty (pro garenlia) at Easter, for all service. Witnesses:—Stephen Aungevin, and others (named). Fragment of one seal. Endorsed, . . . . juxta Undep lane . . . .
[Cornwall.] C. 5164. Grant by John de Fonte, clerk, to Margery his daughter and her heirs of all his land without Sibert's gate (portam Siberti) in the suburb of the castle of Dunheved and 6d. rent in the same town which he used to receive from the tenement which was Alan de Cokeworthi's, and all his land in the town of Lanscaveton at St. Stephen, both that which descended to him from the marriage of his mother and that which he had by the gift of Richard the chaplain, his uncle; rent, to him and his heirs 1lb. cummin or 2d. at Michaelmas, for all service. Witnesses:—James la Warr, then mayor of Bristol, and others (named).
[N'hamp.] C. 5165. Grant by Alexander de Buchetona to God and St. Mary and the house of the Holy Trinity without Norhamton and the brethren serving God there of a rent of 3s. 1d. from the tenement which Walter de Sprotona held of him in Bucheton', to hold in pure alms. Witnesses:—Sir H. son of Peter, Richard Gubiun, Master Robert de Kinton, and others (named).
[Berks.] C. 5166. Grant by Richard Ailward of Godingeflod to John son of Richard le King of Hungerford of 1a. arable in the field of Godingeflod, situate as described; rent, ½d. at Michaelmas, for all service; for this John gave him one mark in gersum. Witnesses:— Richard de Waletone, Ralph de Helma, John Gunter and others (named).
[Heref.] C. 5167. Grant by Nicholas de Schipton of Wystaneston to Hugh Baudewyn of Buford and Joan his wife, for 40s. beforehand, of his meadow called 'le Gore' within the manor (liber' maner') of Mawerdin in 'Dolmedewe' abutting on the water of Lugge; to hold to them for her life, and to Hugh's heirs and assigns in fee and heredity; rent, ½d. at Michaelmas, for all service. Witnesses:— Sir Hugh de Frene, knight, Walter de Frene, and others (named).
[Derby.] C. 5168. Quitclaim by Katharine de Bekyngham of Breydeston to Edmund Martyn of Breydeston of her right in all the land, &c. which were formerly of Stephen de Breydeston of Bekyngham, her father, in Breydeston and Bekyngham. Witnesses:—William Pouger of Willesthorp, William de Lokynton, and others (named). Saturday, the feast of St. Barnabas, 25 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 5169. Grant by John Chyld of 'la Doune' to Sampson Chyld of the same of all his arable land in a field called 'Weer Stenynsland' within the bounds of 'la Doune' except the land of a half-daywork lying in the east part of the said field, at a street leading from 'Ferthyngs' to Walter Wyffin. The day of St. Juliana, 6 Edward III.
[Warw.] C. 5170. Grant by Thomas Larcher of Toneworth to William Elioth of the same of a messuage with curtilage formerly of William Roos in Thoneworth; also of two crofts in Thoneworth, one called 'Cotecroft' and the other 'Smethescroft'; rent, 20d. Sunday, the feast of St. Stephen, 24 Edward III.
[Devon.] C. 5171. Grant by Michael le Whetena to Jordan Chepman and Agnes his wife and the heirs of Jordan of 1d. yearly rent from the tenement which Juliana late the wife of Alexander le Whetena, his father, holds in dower in 'Millestrete' of Chepingtoryton, with the reversion of the said tenement when it happen. Witnesses:—Richard Duraunt, then reeve of the borough of Chepingtoryton, and others (named). Friday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 5 Edward III.
[Hereford.] C. 5172. Grant by Walter Restout of Welinton to Lucian the miller (molend') for 20s. beforehand, of a messuage in Welintun between the messuage of Adam de Leyburne and the messuage of William son of Payn; to hold, &c. except religion and the Jewry, in fee and heredity; rent, 2s. Witnesses:—Adam de Calva, Nicholas Mervin, John Mervin, and others (named).
C. 5173. Grant by Roger on the (super) Hurst to John son of Emma (Johanni Emme), for his service and for 12s. in gersum, of 3a. land in the north part of the land of Beyestapel on the east part of an assart of Richard de Ewrthe and in the south part of land of the said John; to hold, &c. except house of religion and the Jewry; rent, 7d. Witnesses:—Richard de Westone, William Aleyn, Peter Aleyn, Nicholas de Sondesfeud, Jordan de Langele, Robert de Stereford, Godfrey le Harewesmith, William de Ewrthe, Richard de Ewrthe, Wymund super Hurst, William Travar', Osbo[urn] the clerk.
[Lincoln.] C. 5174. Grant by Ralph son of Ralph of Oselby, smith (fabri), to John son of Simon of Claxeby of three sellions of arable in the field of Oselby situate as described; rent, ½d. in the year in which the land is sown, for all service. Seal, decayed.
[Kent.] C. 5175. Grant by Richard and Walter, sons and heirs of Ralph Godeman, to William Cristemesse of the whole tenement which came to them by descent after the death of their said father in the town of Westirham; also of all the lands and tenements which they purchased of Richard, their brother, and John de Lefherst and Alvreth daughter of Roger Godeman, his wife, in the said parish; also of 5d. rent which the heirs of Richard de Hadlo were wont to pay them yearly for their tenements; for this William gave them 10 marks beforehand. Witnesses:—John Sq[uer]ry, and others (named). Christmas Eve, 19 Edward II. Fragment of one seal.
[Suffolk.] C. 5176. Grant by Thomas son of Peter de Reydon to . . . . for 20s. beforehand in gersum, of . . . . from the bridge [of] 'le Mazun to the piece aforesaid as a drift way (ad chaciandum), lying . . . . upon land of the hall of Reydon and the other head upon land formerly . . . .; rent, . . . . for all service. Witnesses:—Robert de Reydon, . . . . de Forholt, John de Forholt, Richard Wade, and other. Fragment.
[N'hamp.] C. 5177. Grant by Henry de Pincheni of Morthona to Geoffrey de Hanthona. for his homage and service and for 5s. which Geoffrey gave him, of a half-virgate of land in Morthona which Goce le Blund (albus) held with house (masagio) and croft; rent, 2s., for all service saving foreign service. These are witnesses:—Bartholomew de Sulegrave, Robert de Pincheni, Ernald Magnus, Magnus the clerk (clericus), Ralph de Sureia, Ralph the squire (armiger), Robert de Leia, and Robert le Blund (albus). Endorsed, De terra Galfridi de North'.
[Suffolk.] C. 5178. Grant by Ralph son of Alice Martin of Breth[er]tune to Geoffrey Wyth of Gernemuth, for his homage and service and 20s. given me in gersum, of a piece of land in the town of Breth[er]tune; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. Witnesses:—John de Askeby, Henry de Havelund, Richard de Hinghes, William his brother, Gilbert de le Nes, Ralph Key, Nicholas Cabelou, Roger de Colekirke, and others (named). Fragment of seal.
[Bedford.] C. 5179. Grant by William Clay of Lower (Inferiori) Caldecote to William Bendeye of Schortemade of 1½r. meadow in 'le Remade' on 'Dreyenholmhurst,' abutting on 'le Eldere.' Witnesses:—John le Blount, William le Blount, William de Edlesborou, John le Saltere and Richard le Chyld. Schortemade, Sunday before St. George, 4 Edward III. Endorsed, Dryeholmhurst.
[York, W.R.] C. 5180. Grant by John son of Robert 'del Hawe' that whenever he shall receive anything for the marriage of John son and heir of John de Wode[house] for the tenement of Snodenhill he will pay a moiety thereof to Richard son of Robert de Ospryng; that, as of right, the said marriage shall be made with Richard's assent as well as his and that they shall shave the profit. Witnesses:—Roger de Gunyldthwayt, and others (named).
[Berks.] C. 5181. Grant by Hugh Pinel, son and heir of William Pinel of Helme, to William Pinel, his brother, of the tenement which he had by his father's death in the town of Sandone and Helme aforesaid; for this William gave him 40 marks beforehand in gersum. Wit- nesses:—Nicholas Guntir and others (named). Helme, Sunday after St. Matthias, 30 Edward [I].
C. 5182. Illegible. Fragment of seal, marked, i h c.
[Bedford.] C. 5183. Letter of attorney by John de Wotton, perpetual vicar of Merston, to John del Almore of Dunstapl' to hold and continue his seisin in all the land, &c. which he had by the gift and feoffment of Philip de Wibesnade as in Philip's charter thereof is contained. Wibesnade, Monday after St. James the Apostle, 22 Edward III. Endorsed, . . . . seisinam in manerio de Wypsnade . . . .
[Norfolk.] C. 5184. Quitclaim by Ralph son of Sir John Bygot of Stocton, knight (militis), to Sir Walter de Calethorpe, knight, of a yearly rent of 10l. from the manor which Walter has by his gift and feoffment in Sithingg and elsewhere. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Nodariis, Sir William Lovel, Sir John Curzoun and Sir Robert de Erpingham, knights, Sir Thomas de Elyngham, clerk, Roger Bigot, and others (named). Westminster, the feast of St. Luke, 14 Edward II. Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the Bench, roll the first of charters and protections, Trinity term, 14 Edward II. Seal of arms, damaged (on a cross five escallops).
[York, N.R.] C. 5185. Charter dated at Westminster, 7 November, 6 Edward I, in favour of John de Aston. [Cal. of Charter Rolls, Vol. II, p. 208.]
[Berks.] C. 5186. Grant by Richard Bousch to William Warbulton, Thomas Besylys, William Lodelow, John York, William York, and Thomas Yong of 5½a. meadow, whereof 4½a. lie in the meadow of West Hakebourne at 'le Mede Cherde' and 1a. in 'Est Hakebourne Mede' and is head-acre (capitalis acra) on (super) 'le Smale Broke.' West Hakebourne, 1 October, 22 Henry VI. Seal.
[Lancaster.] C. 5187. Bond by Thomas de Hyde of Urmeston to Robert de Assheton and Richard, his son and heir, in 100l. at Christmas next, conditioned (in French) for his standing to the award of John de Arden, Robert de Longeley and Robert de Mere, chosen on his part, and of Hamon de Mascy of Rixton, John Domvill of Lyme, and Piers de Mascy, chosen on the part of the said Robert and Richard, touching an annuity of 60s. which he claims against the said Robert and also a moiety of the manor of Assheton, and if they cannot agree to the award of James de Strangweys. Wednesday before Michaelmas, 2 Henry V. Seal (a boar's head erased).
Salop. C. 5188. Demise by Hugh Cardemaker, master or warden of the hospital of the Holy Trinity of Bruggenorth, and the brethren and sisters of the same to Richard Kyngeslowe of Bruggenorth, mercer, of a tenement in Bruggenorth in 'Hongreystrete,' situate as described, which tenement he now holds; to have, &c. from day of date to Lady Day next and thence on for ninety-nine years at 6s. 8d. rent. Witnesses:—Thomas Horde, esquire, and the said Richard Kyngeslowe, [being then] bailiffs of the town and liberty, Henry Taycok, and others (named). Dated in the said hospital, 24 June, 35 Henry VI. Fragment of seal of hospital.
[Dorset.] C. 5189. (1) Grant by William Hamond of Dorchestr' and Alice his wife to Hugh Hyder of Brideport and Alice his wife of a burgage in Brideport in the east street of the same town, on the north side and on the east side of 'Stakelane,' between the tenement of Alice late the wife of Robert Budde and the tenement late of John Cole; to hold to them and Hugh's heirs and assigns. Witnesses:—Edward Tyte, John Sire, bailiffs there, John Hay ward, and others (named). Brideport, Friday in Easter Week, 12 Richard II. Fragment of one seal.
(2) Copy of court roll of Brideport, of court held there, Monday after St. Mark, 12 Richard II, to which court came Alice wife of William Hamond of Dorchester, formerly wife of Robert Budde, and acknowledged the right of a tenement in east street, between the tenement of the said Alice on the one side and the tenement late John Cole's on the other, to be the right of Hugh Hyder, &c.
[Kent.] C. 5190. Demise, grant and quitclaim by Osbert son of Richard of Cristeshell to John de Isberghe and Joan, his (Osbert's) mother, for the term of her life of the tenements which came to him by his father's death in Pecham, Woteryngbery, Eldyngg and Netlested, for 13s. 4d. rent. Monday after the Epiphany, 15 Edward II. Contemporary copy.
Lincoln. C. 5191. Grant by William Welton, clerk, to John Sampall of Snarford, esquire, of all his land, &c. in Welton by Lincoln. 20 October, 7 Henry VII.
[Chester.] C. 5192. Certificate by George Wynynton 'of the Northwiche,' gentleman, and Humphrey Wynynton of Andurton, gentleman, that whereas one Margery Starky, wife of Thomas Starky in the county of Lancastr', deceased, pretended a title and made claim to a parcel of land of one Robert Wilson lying in 'the Northwiche,' which the said Robert 'hath taken to a fee ferine of the said Thomas Starky, to him, his heirs and assigns for ever'; and whereas the parties agreed in the presence of 'Maister Davy summe tyme servaunt to my lord of Derby and Roger Paver of Northwiche' to abide the award of Lawrence Dutton and Robert Chauntrell, of the part of the said Margery, and of them, the said George and Humphrey, of the said Robert's part; they awarded that Robert should pay her 4d. a year more 'than bis takyng was of seid Thomas,' that she and her son and heir should confirm his estate, and that he should occupy the land 'like as he hath done' till the said Margery and her son had made him such writing of confirmation. One seal. English.
Kent. C. 5193. Bond by Thomas Cawston of the parish of Orpyngton, co. Kent, yeoman, to Thomas, prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, in 10 marks, at Christmas next. 17 November, 12 Henry VIII. Can- celled by cuts.
[Surrey.] C. 5194. Indenture of demise, 25 August, 2 Richard III, by Bartholomew Chaloner, son of Thomas Chaloner 'late deceased,' to 'Maister' John Gunthorp, clerk, keeper of the king's privy seal, of all the lands, &c. in the parishes and lordships of Camerwell and Lambehith, 'as well holden by charter as by copie,' which were of the said Thomas; to hold from Christmas next for fourteen years; rent, 3l.; the said 'Maister John' has paid 22l. 'bifore handes'; lands called 'Cardenal- hides' 'holden by copy' are excepted, &c. English.
C. 5195. Indenture, 1 September, 3 Edward IV, witnessing that whereas variance and debate hath been had and moved between William Bulkeley of Ayton, Arthur his son, William Lowe and Isabel daughter of Gruffydd ap Jevan on the one part, and Hoell ap Morgan, Edward ap Jankyn ap Meredith, Margery wife of John Lleys, and Gruffydd Lewt' of the other part, the parties were bound to abide the award of William Stanley, knight, of all manner of debates between them; the said William awards that the said William and Arthur shall pay the said Hoell 6l. at certain dates, to the said Edward 20s., to the said Gruffydd Lewt' 40d., and to the said Margery 6s. 8d.; also that the said Hoell shall pay to the said William Lowe 13s. 4d., and to the said Isabel 6s. 8d. English. Fragment of seal.
Wilts. C. 5196. Indenture (not executed), 6 December, 17 Henry VII, witnessing that John Yorke, esquire, 'shreve of the countie of Wilteshire,' has deputed Christopher Nicholas, gentleman, 'to be his undershreve.' English.
[Kent.] C. 5197. Indenture, being the defeasance of a writing obligatory whereby John son of Robert ate Grove is bound to William ate Wode of Westerham in seven marks, on the day of St. Matthias the Apostle, in the town of Westreham, at 'le Rammes,' at the end of seven years next, to wit, if Robert, brother of the said John, die within the said seven years or release his claim to the land, &c. whereof William was enfeoffed by John in the town aforesaid, &c. the writing to be void. Saturday [after] St. Gregory the Pope, 20 Edward III.
Middx. C. 5198. Writing whereby John Middelton the younger, son and heir of John Middelton the elder, citizen and mercer (merceri) of London, reciting that the same John the elder by his nuncupative testament and last will willed, &c. that Elizabeth, his wife, afterwards wife of William Hampton, knight, citizen and alderman of London, since deceased, should have his capital hostel or tenement in the parishes of St. Mary of Aldermanbury and St. Lawrence in the Old Jewry, London, for term of her life, with remainder to Stephen, Thomas, William and Edward, his sons, and Anne, his daughter, successively in tail, with remainder in default to his own right heirs, which Edward Middelton and Anne afterwards died without issue, ratifies the estate of the said Elizabeth therein, with remainder as above. 30 October, 22 Edward IV. Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the husting of London.
[France, dep. Sarthe.] C. 5199. Bond given by Guillemin de Mortre, Nicolas de Mauge and Julian Nepveu to Richard Norhenton, herald of the earl of Herfort, for payment of eight score gold francs before Candlemas next by reason of the ransom of the town and parish of Maiet, which parish Sir Robert Conolle Quenolle (sic) has given to the said Richard during the ransom of the said town and parish until Lady Day; to be paid in the town of Vas or of Le Mans (doumans). Sunday next All Hallows' Day, 1370. Fragment of seal.
[Wilts.] C. 5200. Grant by Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, &c., John, abbot of Malmesbury, John Willughby, knight, Richard Haute, esquire, John Phelip, clerk, and John Mermyn of Marleburgh to Joan late the wife of George Darell, knight, of the manor of Axford by Ramesbury, which they, together with Richard Chapeleyn, since deceased, had by the gift of the said George, to hold to her in name of her dower of all lands, &c. in the county the manor of Litelcote and her dower thereof only excepted; rent, 40s. yearly. Witnesses: — Roger Tocotes, knight, John Wroughton and Henry Long, esquires, and many other. 8 January, 14 Edward IV.