Deeds: C.5001 - C.5100

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1915.

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'Deeds: C.5001 - C.5100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1915), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: C.5001 - C.5100', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1915), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: C.5001 - C.5100". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 6. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1915), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

C.5001 - C.5100

[Kent.] C. 5001. Grant by John son of Osbert Flemyng to Richard son of Ralph Willem of Doune of 3r. (virgatas) of land in the parish of Doune in the field called 'Raulynesdone'; for this Richard gave him 20s. before- hand in gersum. Doune, Wednesday after St. James the Apostle, 10 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5002. Grant by Adam Scrivayn to Sampson Chyld of 1r. (virgatam) land in the parish of 'la Doune' in the field called 'Wyntresfeld.' Tuesday after the Annunciation. 12 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5003. Grant by Richard Colyare of 'La Dowene' to Juliana daughter of John Aleyn of a messuage with a house thereon and a place of land in 'La Dowene' between his great house and the highway to London. The feast of St. Andrew, 16 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5004. Counterpart indenture, being the memorandum of an agreement made Sunday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 13 Edward III, between William son of Richard Trowmer of 'la Doune' and one of his heirs of the one part, and Henry, Thomas and John his brethren and also heirs of Richard, of the other, viz. William grants them all his purparty of the lands which came to him by his father's decease in exchange for a field called 'le Pyktel,' his purparty of a messuage and grove in 'la Doune' excepted; and whereas William was not of lawful age, if when he come to it he dissent, let each brother return to his own. Three seals.
[Kent.] C. 5005. Grant by John Colebit to Sampson Child of all his land in a field called 'Seuenesland' in exchange for 1½a. land in 'Scherlonde.' Saturday after the Purification, 4 Edward III. Cf. C. 4993.
Kent. C. 5006. Grant by William Rotheley of Dertford and John Sharp of Eard to John Outlawe of Eard of a messuage with garden and arable by Crayfordstrete, also of a parcel of land and wood at Moltgrove by Groveshern in the parish of Eard; also of a parcel of meadow in the marsh called Dokelynghope by Tradehope, which inter alia they had, together with Walter Jolyf since deceased, by the gift of Thomas Roys and Agnes his wife. 12 March, 2 Edward IV.
[Kent.] C. 5007. Grant by John son of William Alfegh to Thomas Makerel, the elder, of 1a. land in a field called 'Deanland,' between 'Leapere- strete,' &c. in the town of Westerham; consideration, 20s. with the costs of marling (marlure). The eve of St. Margaret, 11 Edward II.
[Bucks.] C. 5008. Indenture (paper) made at Monks Rysborough (Rys- borough' Monachorum) 27 March, 12 Edward IV, witnessing that William Lamborn, Nicholas Kyng, the elder, Robert Kyng and William Alconer, arbitrators chosen between Nicholas Wendover and William Taylour of Monks Rysborugh, carpenter, award that William shall keep the peace towards all his neighbours and especially towards the said Nicholas and concerning the setting fire to Nicholas' houses, so that he shall do no harm to any of his neighbours or to the said Nicholas as to their bodies, or as to setting fire to their houses; William shall pay John Langston his fees due for the king's writs and for his favour at the gaol, that he was not imprisoned, shall bring no action against those who arrested him and shall pay Nicholas 20s., whereof 2s. 4d. to the sheriff for his fee, for damages sustained.
[Devon.] C. 5009. Quitclaim by John Geigg of Dertemouth to John Montfort, the younger, of the same, of his right in a tenement in Clifton Derte- mouth; also of his right in a garden lying 'a Boweton' there. Whitsun eve, 15 Richard II.
[Essex.] C. 5010. Bond by Thomas Dane, prior of Berden, and the convent of the same to John Coteys and William Thorne in 10l. at Easter next. 10 October, 34 Henry VI.
[Essex.] C. 5011. Grant by Roger Mede of Berden and Alice his wife to Sir Thomas Dane, prior of Berden, George Morefyn, esquire, of Manewden and John Pende of Berden of a messuage with croft of land adjacent, in Berden, between the highway called 'Rochefordis- hill,' &c. which they purchased of Richard Lamberd of Berden, 12 Richard II. The feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, — Henry VI. Apparently not executed.
Oxford. C. 5012. Grant by John Wellesborne to John Wykes, yeoman of the cellar (selarii) of the queen, and Maud his wife of all his lands, &c. in Henton, Wynnale and Chynnore, co. Oxford, which came to him by the death of John Wellesburne, the elder, his father, as son and heir, and by reason of a feoffment thereof made by John Justiser of Wycombe, co. Bucks, to his said father together with Peter Fetplace, esq., Thomas Derham and John Lichelade, dated at Henton, Tuesday before St. Chad the Bishop, 15 Henry VI, which cofeoffees died in his said father's lifetime with no estate thereof made or delivered to any. Thursday, 8 January, 28 Henry VI. Copy on paper.
[Oxford.] C. 5013. Grant by William, perpetual vicar of Sydenham, and Sir Simon, chaplain of the same, to William Jurdan and Katharine his wife of all their land, &c. in the fields of Henton, in the parish of Chynnore; to hold to them and William's heirs and assigns. Henton, Monday before St. John the Baptist, 13 Richard II. Copy on paper.
Bucks. C. 5014. Draft of a bond by Thomas Stonor of Stonor, co. Oxford, the younger, esq., and Thomas Stoner of Stoner, the elder, esq., to Richard Quatermayn and Richard Fowler, esquires, in 40l. at Mid- summer next, conditioned as follows. Whereas the said Richard Quatermayn, on day of date, has sealed and delivered a release made to Thomas Stoner, above, to the use of Thomas Stoner, the younger, and Sybyll Brekenoke, 'as in the sed reles therof the date is the viij. day of Apryll,' 12 Edward IV, if the said Thomas or Sybyll or any in their name hereafter show the said release or take any benefit thereby against Eustas Grenevyle or his heirs "of any of the iij. partys of Pen' islond in Hadnam," co. Bucks, which the said Eustace claims to be bis inheritance, whereby Eustace or his heirs 'myght be barryd of the seid iij. partes of Pennys lond,' the obligation to stand, 'and els be voyde.'
[Essex.] C. 5015. Grant by Thomas Dane, prior of Berden, and the convent of the same, to Sir Thomas Tame, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Berden, in order to have his continual residence about the cure of the parish aforesaid unless he be hindered by sickness or other reasonable cause, of the site late of the rectory of the church aforesaid and now appropriated to the vicarage thereof; also of all oblations and emoluments incident to the altarage of the said church; also of 10l. pension both from their lands in Berden and from their rectory there; also, for his life, of eight cartloads of wood for fuel, to be taken from the hedges and wood of the priory there; to hold for his life in full satisfaction of the portion or endowment of the vicarage; with 40s. penalty for default. 28 September, 34 Henry VI.
C. 5016. Indenture, being the defeasance of a writing obligatory of statute staple of Westminster of even date whereby Thomas Ormond, knight, and William Scot, esq. are bound to Dame Margaret Tresham, widow, and William Catesby, squire of the Body of the King, in 100 marks on the eve of the Epiphany next, viz. if they pay to the said Dame Margaret or her assigns for life on the altar in the chapel of the rood (capella crucifixi) being on the threshold (existenti super solium) within the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, near 'le Northdore,' 4l. 4s. 11d. half yearly, 42s. 5½d. on Whitsun eve and All Hallows eve, between 9.0 and 11.0 a.m. the writing to be void. 16 December, 1 Richard III. Fragment of one seal. Cf. C. 4698.
[Kent.] C. 5017. Grant by Henry de Suthuuode to John and Thomas, sons of Iselota atte Park, of 6½a. whereof 3a. 1r. (virga) lie in a field called 'le Estlese' extending from 'Welpeetesfrith' to the way leading to 'Luggestizele,' 3a. 1r. in a field called 'le Westlese' extending from the park of Betrise to a grove called 'Amelotehaze'; rent, 19½d. for all service; for this they gave him 30s. in gersum, 15 Edward I. Witnesses:—William de Suthwode, John de la Dune, Alexander le Clerk, Robert Rolf, Ralph Walkelyn, John Rolf, John Nichole, John Gernes, Robert Gernes, Robert son of Gunnota, Simon le Clerk, Ralph Stoyl and other. Memorandum (Et notandum est) that I the aforesaid Henry have given to John, my brother, one part of a certain hey of mine, between 'Smethereden and Snattesdale,' and the same John shall have his full [share] between the pasture of William de Suthwode and a pasture called 'le Estre Lese,' formerly Henry de Suthwode's; further I have given to Robert, my brother, two dayworks in a grove called 'le Westgrof' for his part of a hey which remains (restat) between the park of Betrise and Amelotehaze; so that they never can claim anything of the said bargain (marchia) which I have sold to the said John and Thomas sons of Iselota.
[Bucks.] C. 5018. Indenture of apprenticeship of John Griffyn of Kardygan in Wales to John Justicer, weaver of Wycombe, from Midsummer, 9 Henry V for three years, with covenants as in C. 4962. Witnesses:— Thomas Aversdell, mayor of Wycombe, John Pryk and John Wokyngham, bailiffs there and others (named). Monday after St. Bartholomew, in the year above written. Seal.
Kent. C. 5019. Grant by John Hever of Hese, Simon Shotte of Brome- legh, the elder, and William Cowper of Downe to Isabel Smyzthe late the wife of John Smyzthe of Downe of all those lands and tenements with all their appurtenances (sic) except a croft of land called 'Belysland' with six other parcels of land lying dispersed in a place called 'le Hilde,' and also another parcel of wood called 'Poke Grove'; to hold to her for life, with remainder to them, their heirs and assigns, for sale, the money therefrom to be disposed according to the intent of the last will of the said John Smyzthe. Downe, 14 June, 12 Edward IV. Fragments of seals.
[Cornw.] C. 5020. Chirograph indented witnessing that whereas John de Allet holds all his land, &c. in Scilly (Sullia) of Sir Ranulph de Blaunch- minster (Albomonasterio) by knight-service and by service of keeping Ranulph's castle in the isle aforesaid for a certain time and by other certain services in his own person or by two men, the said Ranulph has released and quit-claimed for himself and his heirs to John and. his heirs the service of keeping the said castle for ever; for which release John has granted to Sir Ranulph and his heirs 13s. 4d. rent from all his land in Brayer, Brethiel and Seynt Maudut in the said isle, with right of distraint; and Ranulph grants for himself and his heirs that whenever John or his heirs have made default in part or in whole in payment of a rent of one hundred and fifty puffins (poffonum) at the terms in a charter of Richard de Wyk contained, it may be lawful to John and his heirs to pay 1d. for three puffins (poffonis) and so for single ones. Witnesses:—William de Halap, John de Lambron, Richard de Trefinor, Ranulph de Speccote and Guy de Seyntaubyn. Dated at Tregamidon, Tuesday before St. Ambrose the Bishop, 10 Edward III. Fragments of seal detached.
[Kent.] C. 5021. Grant by Idonia late the wife of William le Hog' to Maurice her son of a croft of land with house thereon which she lately purchased of Gilbert ate Napeltone in the towns of Westerham and Hever, called 'le Patkescroft,' between the road (stratum) from 'Cherlmanewod' to Westerham, &c. Consideration, 20s. beforehand. Saturday, the feast of St. Barnabas, Apostle, 10 Edward II.
London. C. 5022. Writing whereby John Wolf and Alice de Lincoln, his wife, reciting that she had given and chartered to Sir Thomas de Thorp, clerk, a messuage which she had in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less (parve) London, to hold to him his heirs and assigns, rendering to her therefor for her life 10 marks by quarterly payments, release their right to him in the said rent. Witnesses:—John de Wengrave, mayor of London, William Furneis and John Priour, sheriffs, Hamon Godcbep, alderman of the ward, Robert le Kallere, and others (named). 15 July, 12 Edward II. Seals, decayed. Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the husting of common pleas, Monday before St. Margaret, 12 Edward II.
[Oxford.] C. 5023. Grant by Alice de Crowelle of Watlyngtone, widow, to Robert Thalemach of Cleyore and Isabel his wife and Robert's heirs and assigns of 3a. arable lying dispersed in the fields of Cleyor, whereof ½a. in 'Berforlong,' ½a. in 'Flexforlong,' ½a. in 'le Middelfelde,' ½a. in 'Dicleforlong,' ½a. in 'le Coumbefelde' in le 'Longelonde,' ½a. in 'Swttemerefforlonge.' Cleyor, Sunday before the Purification, 17 Edward II.
Berks. C. 5024. Demise by John Teff of Hungerford, mason, and Agnes his wife to John Gunter of Hulle by Inkepenne and Robert Munkeston of Sandon by Hungerford of a pasture called 'le Frythdon' in the fee of Sandon, with a house called 'Shepehous' between the croft of Edmund Gunter, &c. for twelve years at 5s. rent; they will put the house in repair before Christmas next and John and Robert shall keep it in repair. Witnesses:—William Coventr', esq., Roger Gunter and others (named). 1 October, 8 Henry VI. Seals, broken.
[York. W.R.] C. 5025. Grant by Matthew de Oxpring to Henry son of Henry de Rockeley his lord, and the heirs and assigns of Henry, of the homage and whole service of Henry le Webester for a bovate of land in Royghbircheworthe, to wit 2s. rent and all manner of foreign service; to hold of the chief lord of the fee. Witnesses:—Sir Nicholas de Worteley, knight, Ralph of the same and others (named). Wyrkis- burgh, the feast of the Assumption, 27 Edward [I].
[Kent.] C. 5026. Grant by Thomas Beccle of the parish of 'la Doune' to Peter de Mechelmor, clerk, and Robert William of all his goods. Thursday, the feast of St. Matthew, . . . . Richard II.
Devon. C. 5027. Grant by John de Fynchewille, mercer (mercenarius), to John Pollard of Tavystok, his heirs and assigns, of an easement of the south wing (pugnionis) of his tenement in Tavystok, between the hall of the said Pollard on the south and the place of John Popelston on the north, the highway from Tavystok to Banawille on the west and 'la Fyslak' on the east, so that whenever the said wing be built afresh and higher they can attach the timber and walls of their hall to it, &c. Witnesses:—Joel Gages, reeve of the borough of Tavystok, and others (named). Friday before St. Peter's Chair, 8 Edward II. Seal.
[Kent.] C. 5028. Grant by John Broun of the parish of 'la Doune' to Thomas Jolyff of the same parish of all the land, &c. which he acquired from Christian and Margery his sisters in 'la Doune,' at 'Pelzedene', viz. a messuage with house thereon and a croft before the door of the said messuage called 'Brouunys Crofft'; also of 1½a. land in a place called 'Elwynnes redyn.' Dated at Pelzedene, Wednesday the feast (in festivitate) of St. Michael, 18 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5029. Grant by John Aunfrey of 'la Doune' to Richard son of Ralph Will[em] of the same of a piece of arable containing 3r. (virgatas) in 'la Doune' in a field called 'Homfeldisden' bounding on the road from Orpington to the church of 'la Doune,' &c. Saturday after the Lifting up of the Holy Cross, 13 Edward III.
[Berks.] C. 5030. Grant by Ralph Wolverych to Walter de Northoue and Joan his wife of a small garden in the town of Goud Ingeflod which he had by the gift of Stephen de Hauvill between the tenement formerly of Richard Osegod and the tenement formerly of Richard de Mortone; to hold to them and the heirs or assigns of Walter of the chief lords by the rent of a grain of corn for all service. Witnesses:—William le Brun, William de Sandene, John de Oterberne, John Alger, John Doublet, Hugh le Horch, William de la Penne, Roger Pynel, Nicholas Gonter and other. Dated at Goud Ingeflod, Monday after St. Barnabas, 11 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5031. Quitclaim by Richard att Pette, son of Richard att Pette of Scottes Hokolt to Thomas de Schelvelegh of his right in a tenement which was John Haylman's in the same parish. Witnesses:— Thomas at Halle, William Haylman, Roger Grey, William Taylor and other. Scottes Hokolt, Wednesday after St. Bartholomew, 17 Edward II.
[Heref.] C. 5032. Grant by Adam de Bremfeld of Mawerdyn to Hugh Baudewyn of Buford, for 6 marks beforehand, of 4a. arable within the manor of Mawerdyn which lie in a field called 'Bertmanescote'; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas, for all service. Dated in the month of September, 1274, 2 Edward I.
[Kent.] C. 5033. Grant by John Ferthyng, the elder, to Thomas Ferthyng of 5½a. and two dayworks (deiworcas) of land in 'la Doune' and Kestan, whereof 4a. lie together in a croft called 'Luttleholfeld,' &c. The feast of All Hallows, 40 Edward III. Seal damaged.
[Kent.] C. 5034. Grant by John Aleyn of the parish of 'la Doune' to Hugh son of Luke, smith (fabri) of Scottes Ocolt, of seven dayworks of land in the croft under his messuage; for this Hugh gave him 11s. 3d. The eve of St. Luke, 16 Edward II.
London. C. 5035. Indenture, being the defeasance of letters obligatory of the statute of the staple of Westminster and a recognisance in the Chancery whereby Bartholomew Blaket is bound to John Bryan, citizen and fishmonger of London in several sums of 40l., 104l. and 40l., viz., if Bartholomew pay to John, and Thomas son of John, in the church of Holy Trinity the Less (parve) 40s. at Christmas and Mid- summer equally for their lives in survivorship and a year over, the recognisance, &c. to be void. London, Saturday, the morrow of the Translation of St. Thomas the martyr, 48 Edward III.
[Bedford.] C. 5036. Grant by John Inge, rector of Lynleye in the diocese of Lincoln, to his beloved (carissimo) father Fremund Inge, Christiana his wife and Isabel their daughter, of 2a. of contiguous land in the field 'del South' of Dunstaple between land of the prior of Dunstaple, &c. abutting on the walls of the Friars Preachers, &c.; also of a toft in the street 'del West' of Dunstaple, with croft adjacent, formerly William Chadd's; to hold to them and Fremund's heirs. Saturday, the feast (proxima in festo) of St. Barnabas, 8 Edward III. Fragment of seal.
Waterford. C. 5037. Grant by Thomas le Botiller, earl of Ormond, for service rendered to William Whyte of his island called 'Maloures Hand,' co. Waterford, for life and the lives of Anne, William's wife, and of James their son, in survivorship; rent 40s. of money current in Ireland at Michaelmas and Easter equally for all service; they shall keep the manor of the said Island in repair. 18 August, 11 Henry VII. Copy on paper headed: The copy of thendentr of my Island of Waterford.
Middx. C. 5038. Letters patent by William Peche, knight, of the county of Kent, reciting that he had sold to William Chedworth, esq., his manors, &c. in the parish of Stebenhithe, the manor of Asshwies with the great field adjacent containing 50a. excepted, and that he and Robert Markendale 'yoman' then jointly enfeoffed with him, had made estate thereof to William and to others to his use by their charter indented, and that afterwards the said William in friendly manner between them two alone had privily asked him certain questions to which he replied; that the truth may be manifest he hereby notifies that when he and Robert enfeoffed William no one else had any estate therein; no part thereof was ever entailed on anyone now alive or on any one who now has issue nor were the said manors ever charged by statute staple, statute merchant or other recognisance with any debt or rent save the old accustomed rent, so help him God and the Gospels. Sealed with his seal of arms. 13 July, 37 Henry VI.
[N'hamp.] C. 5039. Quitclaim by John son of William son of Nicholas of Brampton to God and the house of the Holy Trinity without Nor- hampton and the master and brethren there, of his right in a messuage which John Colle and Margery his wife held in the town of Boketon and in 1a. arable, ½a. meadow in the same; for this they gave him 30s. beforehand. Witnesses:—John de Boketon, Henry le Dive of Brampton and others (named). Dated at Northampton, before John de Vaux (Wallibus) and his fellows, justices in eyre, Monday before St. Nicholas, 14 Edward I.
[Berks.] C. 5040. Grant by Maud Bat, late the wife of John le Fonde of Hungerford, widow, to Geoffrey Kyng and John Kyng his brother of all her land, &c. in Hungerford, Sandon, Hulle and Ingepenne which descended to her after the death of John Bat, her brother; also of the reversion expectant on the death of Cristina who was the wife of Geoffrey Bat her father of land &c. (specified) in the same places, of the moiety of a messuage which William Fykyn holds for life and 1½a. which Roger Pal holds in Hungerford and Sandon, which ought to revert to her after the death of the said Christina, William and Roger for her reasonable part. Witnesses:—Robert de Hungerford, Alan de Hauuvyle, John le Dyghere, Richard de la Sale, William de Sandone, Richard le Fonde, Nicholas Gunter, William le Bruyn. Hungerford, Saturday after St. Margaret, 13 Edward II.
[Warw.] C. 5041. Demise by William Pillyng of Solihull to William atte Birches of the same, clerk, for life of a place of land and a meadow in Solihull, the place between land formerly Thomas de Caldeford's and land of John Pillyng and Nicholas Sibely and the road from Caldeforde- mulne to his house, the meadow between meadow of Robert Albart and the highway from Olton to Longodon; rent 20s., to commence after the first ten years, if William die within that time his executors and assigns to have the place, &c. to the end of the ten years. Monday after St. Nicholas the Bishop, 9 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5042. Grant by Richard Humfrey of 'la Doune' to Sampson son of Robert Child of 3r (virgatas) land in the parish of 'la Doune' in the field called 'West Homfeld'; for this Sampson gave him 12s. beforehand in gersum, 9 Edward II.
London. C. 5043. Demise by William Hanampstede, citizen and pepperer of London, to Richard Grace citizen and pepperer of the same, of his tenement with houses, shops, sollars and cellars between the tenement of William Herkstede and another tenement of his own on the north in Soperslane in the parish of St. Antholin, from Midsummer next for ten years; rent, 100s. 4 May, 41 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5044. Grant by William Hunte of Codeham to Thomas Petle of two crofts of land lying together between the park of Bettrede and land late of John Wilkyn and between land of his called 'Mongeresland' and land of Robert William called 'Mottescroft' late John Hunte's, whereof one croft is called 'Middelfeld' and the other 'Eastfeld.' Codeham, the eve of St. Andrew, 19 Richard II.
[Dorset.] C. 5045. Indenture made at Brydport on Michaelmas day witness- ing that John Befe has put himself apprentice to John Burges and Agnes his wife, of Brydport, for thirteen years; after the end of the term he shall serve his masters for a whole year and at the end of that they shall give him 40s., a bed worth 20s., a brass pot of three pottles, and a pan of two gallons. Witnesses:—William Olyver, bailiff of Brydport, and others (named). Dated the day and place abovesaid, 18 Henry VI.
[Kent.] C. 5046. Grant by William de Cobbyngebingeburre (sic) to John son of John de Eleslestie and Margery his wife and their heirs, of all his part of the land and wood in Cobbyngebure in the town of Edenbridge (Pontis Edulmy) between land of Henry de Sardene, &c. with a right of way from the highway from Cobbyngebure to Sardenne, through the middle of his land, through his gate. Thursday, the feast of St. Augustine, 10 Edward II.
N'hamp. C. 5047. Know, &c. that I, Richard, rector of the church of Blechissho am bound to pay to the Master and brethren of the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhampton 4 marks in the name of a perpetual benefice (nomine perpetui beneficii) at Norhampton, viz. 2 marks at Michaelmas, 1264, and 2 marks at the feast of St. Luke next following so that if it be not paid at the appointed terms I will give 20s. in the name of a pain in addition to the principal (principali sorte in suo robore durante); I have found sureties, viz. Hervey, rector of a mediety of the churches of Middilton and Colentr', and William, vicar of the church of All Saints, Norhampton, &c.; subjecting myself to the jurisdiction of the official of Bedeford so that he may compel me to payment; we, the aforesaid Hervey and William the vicar have submitted ourselves to the coercion of the official of the arch- deacon of Norhampton; both I and we the sureties have put our seals to the present letters. Witnesses:—Sir William, chaplain of Uppeton, Alan de Norhampton chaplain of Bellingg', William de Leyrc', clerk, Richard de Arderne, clerk, S. de Newerk and other. Dated at Norhampton, the day of the Assumption, 1264. Tabs for three seals.
Endorsed:—Pro fratribus Sancte Trinitatis de ecclesia de Blechesho.
[Kent.] C. 5048. Grant by William le Leapere to Robert Helfey of 1a. land in the parish of Westerham in the field called 'le Deanland' between land of Roger and William Helfey and his land called 'Kyxes Haue,' &c.; for this Robert gave him 7s. beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:—Richard de Eastlonde, John de Evere and others (named). Saturday after the Holy Trinity, 23 Edward I. Seal effaced.
[Bedford.] C. 5049. Grant by William Hobbus and Simon Gillimyn, or Gillymyn, of Dunstapl' to William Grom, called 'le Tunok,' and Joan his wife, of the same, of a messuage in the street 'del West' of Dunstapl', abutting on 'Ikeneldestrate,' &c. Monday, Midsummer eve, 39 Edward III. One seal, possibly of arms.
[Kent.] C. 5050. Grant by Gilbert Foner of 'la Doune' to Sampson Child of the same parish of a balk (lymitem) and of all his rights of the same balk (lymitis) in a field called 'Stonyfeld,' the land of the said Sampson, lying beside the church of the said parish on the north; for this Sampson gave him 14d. in gersum. Sunday after St. Dunstan, 9 Edward II.
[Essex.] C. 5051. Grant by Nicholas Germayn, rector of Berden, to Henry Longley, John Barley and Ralph Grey, esquires, and George Merefen, gentleman, of a meadow containing 3a. in the town of Farnham, in the hamlet of Hasele, with ingress and egress from the highway leading from Mcneweden towards Storteford across a croft called 'le Melleford Croft,' abutting on the highway from Farnham to Bentfeld, &c. Witnesses:—John Fytz Rechard of Claveryng, &c. Farnham, the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 15 Henry VI.
Endorsed:—Sciant, &c. quod ego Edmundus Edmunde de Berden in comitatu Essex', dedi, &c. Johanni Morel de eadem et Agneti uxori mee (sic).
[Kent.] C. 5052. Grant by William ate Helle, fisher (piscator) of London, to Richard de Burhham son of Robert de Wudeham, of a piece of land in Suth Wudes Suth felde between land called 'le Helde' and a croft called 'Rundecroft,' and between land of John de la Dune which lies 'ater Pyrie' and 4a. land pledged to the said Richard by William de Suth Wude; also of a piece of land, with bounds (metis) and other appurtenances, which lies between land called 'Rolvesland' and lands of John de la Dune called 'Buyele' and 'Witefeld' and between land called 'Wibardene Buyele' and a land called 'Northfeld'; also of a piece of land called 'Fith yerde' which lies in Rolveslonde between 'Scottescrofte' and land of Henry Wankelin and between land of Hugh ate Grenestrete, clerk, and land of the heirs of Robert Wiberd; for this Richard gave him 50s. in gersum, 25 Edward [I]. Witnesses:— Thomas 'ater up stret' and others (named).
Middx. C. 5053. Quitclaim by William Kylvyngton, esquire, of Milhende, to Richard Hamme, esquire, of his right in all the lands and tenements, rents and services and reversions of all his tenants who hold of him for term of life or terms of years in the fee of Milhende in the parish of Stebunheth, with all meadows, woods, gardens, leases, pastures, &c., which the said Richard, and Thomas Lowsell and Robert Coton, had by his gift; with warranty thereof. Milhende, Saturday the feast of St. Erkenwald the Bishop, 13 Henry IV. Seal broken. Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the memoranda of the Exchequer, Michael- mas term, 13 Henry IV, King's Remembrancer's side.
[Kent.] C. 5054. Quitclaim by Peter Bakere of Doune to Thomas Petle and John son of . . . . . of his right in . . . . . land and wood in the parish of Doune within two fields called 'Southfeld' and 'Lytelwestfeld.' Monday, 12 April, 9 Henry V.
[Kent.] C. 5055. Grant by William Wyllen, Richard Willen and Sampson Willen to William Dyn of Codham of all the land which came to them by inheritance after the death of Thomas their father in the field called 'Wyggeden' on the upper side of the highway from Grenehold to 'la Hese' on the one side and the highway from Grenehold to South- wode on the other. Codham, Wednesday after the Epiphany, 31 Edward III. Two seals.
[Kent.] C. 5056. Grant by Richard son of William ate Putte of 'la Doune' to Sampson Child and his heirs of 3r. (virgatas) land in 'Easter Belyes Londe'; for this Sampson gave him 10s. beforehand in gersum. Doune, Monday, the feast of St. Alphege, 9 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5057. Grant by Roger Joleyf to Thomas Joleyf his brother of the parish of 'la Doune' of the moiety of a messuage and curtilage with a house thereon which came to him by inheritance after the death of Thomas Joleyf his father in the same parish of 'la Doune,' next the church between the road from the said church to Codham, &c. Sunday before St. Barnabas, 37 Edward III.
[Wilts.] C. 5058. Grant by Richard Myldenale of Remmesbury to Walter Myldenale his son of a croft of arable and wood containing 4a. at 'la Hokededych' in the parish of Froxfeld, late Geoffrey le Parmunter's. Witnesses:—Nicholas Wotton and others (named). Monday after St. Nicholas the Bishop, 23 Henry VI.
[Kent.] C. 5059. Grant by Robert Gerveis of Pelseden to John his son of his messuage at Pelseden, except a chamber called 'le West Chambre' and 'le West Hawe'; for this John has given him 15s. Sunday before St. Andrew Apostle, 9 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5060. Grant by Agnes daughter of Richard Guthac to Sampson son of Robert Child of thirteen dayworks of land in a field called 'Litlewestfeld'; for this Sampson gave her 2s. in gersum, 5 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5061. Grant by Richard de Nortfolk, clerk, to Walter Colpeper of all the land which he bought of Henry Rotk' in the town of East- farlegh in a field called 'Wodecroft'; for this Walter gave him 7 marks in gersum, 6 Edward II. Witnesses:—Philip de Frakenham, Bar- tholomew ate Sole and others (named).
Middx. C. 5062. Quitclaim by Alice late the wife of William le Taillour and sister of Edmund de Harewe late goldsmith of London, to Robert le Bret and Agnes his wife, their heirs and assigns, of her right in a half shop formerly the said Edmund's in the market of Westchep in the parish of St. Matthew of Fridaistrete, between shops of Nicholas le Convers on either side, whereof she impleaded the said Robert by writ of right in the husting of London before Ralph de Sandwyco then keeper of the city, William de Farndon then alderman of the ward, Ralph le Blund and Hamo Box then sheriffs; for this they have given her 2 marks beforehand. Monday before the Ascension, 20 Edward [I]. Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in full husting of London, Monday the morrow of the Holy Trinity, 20 Edward [I].
[Kent.] C. 5063. Quitclaim by William de Luxstyle to Richard son of Ralph Willem of 'la Doun' of his right in 3a. land in the midst of a field called 'Northfeld' in the said parish of 'la Doun' between a croft called 'Rededyche' and land of William de Troghmer, &c. with the third part of a hedge inclosing the said land. The Lifting up of the Holy Cross, 17 Edward III.
[Cornw.] C. 5064. Grant by Thomas Lucombe to Henry Marney, esquire, and Isabel his wife, of all his land, &c. in Trescawe, formerly Alice Whytyng's; to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of Henry; attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Glyn and John Harry. Witnesses:— William Carnsuyowe and Richard Flamank, esquires, John Watte of Bodmyn and other. 4 March, 5 Henry VII.
[Oxford.] C. 5065. Counterpart of indenture of sale, 21 January, 18 Edward IV, by Sir William Stonor, knight, to John Mershe of Watlyngton, co. Oxford, 'corveser,' of five hundred 'beches,' 'to be taken within all the grounde of Saunders and a grounde called Herryes landes,' at Grenefeld, 'the said beches to be drawen on the saide grounde wodman- lyke after the custume of wodsale' for 14 marks to be paid at certain dates. English. Paper. Seal.
[N'hamp.] C. 5066. Quitclaim by Lawrence son of William de Preston, for his soul and his ancestors' souls, to the Master and brethren of the hospital of the Holy Trinity without Norhampton of the homages and services due from a messuage and a half-virgate of land in West- haddon which William son of Adam formerly held, saving to him and his heirs a rent of 12d. therefore. Witnesses:—Walter de Buketon, John his son, John the clerk of Norhampton, Richard de Holm in West- haddon, Henry Wale in Esthaddon, Richard son of Adam of Tekene, Henry Flemeng of Buketon, Walter de Brampton, clerk, and other.
[Warw.] C. 5067. Grant by Simon Lynne of Ippesley and Agnes his wife to John son of Ralph de Gardino of Solihull in free marriage with Sybill his daughter and their heirs lawfully begotten of a place of his land in the manor of Solihull between land of Reynold, rector of the church of Solihull, &c.; to hold the said place, with buildings thereon of the chief lords of the fee, according to the liberties and customs merchant of the market (mercat' fori) of Burmicham; rent to the chief lords 6d. at the terms appointed in the town of Solihull. Witnesses:—Hugh Albert of Solihull and others (named).
[Kent]. C. 5068. Grant by Adam Rauf to William Broun of a piece of land in a field called 'Eylwines Reden' between a road from Luckestethel to Pelseden, &c.; for this William gave him 4s. beforehand in gersum, Monday after St. Faith, 11 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5069. Grant by Richard Rolf, son of Richard Rolf of the parish of 'la Doune' to Thomas Byset of the same, of his croft called 'Pekecroft' in the parish of Codham. La Doune, Sunday after the Annunciation, 30 Edward III. Witnesses:—Richard ate Noke, Robert ate Wode and others (named).
[Surrey.] C. 5070. Grant by Stephen atte Bour' of Nohtfeld to John Provyz of Ewelle and Agnes John's daughter of 5a. arable whereof 2a. lie at 'Tromeshagh' and 3a. at 'le Syxacres'; to hold to them and the heirs of Agnes. The day of St. Mary Magdalen, 10 Edward III.
[Kent.] C. 5071. Grant by John Chyld to Sampson Chyld of all his land in a croft called 'Wylcokcroft' in the parish of 'la Doune'; also of his land in a place called 'Longeland' in the said parish; also of his land in a place called 'Ealdreden' in the said parish. Sunday before the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 12 Edward III.
Dorset. C. 5072. Grant by Thomas Reve to John Knyche, clerk, of all his land, &c. in the town of Bryddeporte. Witnesses:—John Camell, Thomas Husee, John Bouet, John Squyer and Richard Chaldecote. Dated at Schapewyk, 16 September, 22 Henry VI.
[Kent.] C. 5073. Grant by John son of Ralph Willyam to John his son of a croft of land called 'Helewyshaghe' at Southwode in the parish of 'la Doune' between the park of Sir Geoffrey de Say and the messuage of Lucy de Byford, a field called 'Snettesdale' and land of John Prat. Thursday after St. Dunstan, 11 Edward III. Witnesses:—John ate Nocke and others (named).
[Kent.] C. 5074. Grant by Henry son of Walter of Wilbureham to Ralph Willem of all the part of his land which he had in a field called 'le Suere'; for this Ralph gave him 12s. in gersum, 33 Edward [I].
[Glamorgan.] C. 5075. Grant by David ap Jankyn ap Gr[ono] Vaur and Anne verch Watkyn his wife, of the parish of Pendoyluyn and Robert ap M[ado]c and Geneta verch Watkyn his wife of the parish of Aradur to Thomas ap John ap Jankyn of Land[aff] of a tenement with garden in Feyrwater in the lordship of Land[aff], extending to Nant Tuyllcoed and St. Fagan, &c, and 3½a. arable lying together in a field there called Kreig Tuyllcoed between land late of Jankyn Gibun, &c. extending towards land of the chantry of David Math[ew], &c., and 1a. arable there between land late of Morgan Gamach, &c. extending towards Pull y Kellien and the road from Feyrwater to Aradur; attorneys to deliver seisin Jevaun ap Hoell ap M[ado]c and William Llywelyn alias William Maur. Witnesses:—Philip ap Hoell, Jankyn Saer, John ap Jankyn Saer and other. Feyrwater, 1 May, 21 Henry VII.
[Kent.] C. 5076. Grant by John son of William ate Newlonde of the town of St Mary in Ho and Joan his wife daughter Thomas ate Church (de Ecclesia) to Stephen son of Stephen of Delham and Margaret his wife, and the heirs of Stephen of 2a. 11 day works of land in the said town, situate as described (forty dayworks to an acre), in exchange for a piece of land in the said town in a field called 'Gondulvesfeld' to wit what Stephen acquired of Robert, the chaplain, vicar of Kynggesdon, 3 Edward II.
London. C. 5077. Quitclaim by Isabel Brother late the wife of John Brother, the elder, citizen of London, to Richard Wolmar, citizen of London, of her right by way of dower in a tenement with buildings formerly the said John's, in the parish of St. Botolph towards Byllyngesgate, which the said John gave to John Brother his younger son by charter; for this Richard gave her 10 marks beforehand in gersum. Witnesses:— Sir John le Breton, knight, keeper of the city, Henry Box and Richard de Glocestr', sheriffs, Thomas Cros, alderman of the ward and others (named). The octave of Easter, 22 Edward I. Seal (a gem).
[Kent.] C. 5078. Grant by Agnes daughter of Richard 'in the Lane' of Farnberwe to Gilbert son of William of Suttone of all her right in the land, pastures, woods, heys (haghiis), &c., in Doune which came to her by inheritance after the death of the said Richard; for this Gilbert gave her 40s. beforehand in gersum. Sunday before St. James the Apostle, 6 Edward II. Memorandum of certain payments endorsed.
[Bedford.] C. 5079. Grant by Thomas the smith (faber) of Eytone to Robert Pylling of the same of 1r. land in a furlong called 'Bi twene the mulles.' Witnesses:—John Agace, Peter Peverel and others (named). Eyton, Monday, the morrow of Easter, 4 Edward II.
[Bedford.] C. 5080. Copy on parchment of grant by William son of Robert Bryan of Dunst[aple] to William Schefford, baker, of 8a. arable and ½a. meadow lying dispersed in the fields of Hougthon Regis, as described. Houghton, Monday after St. John the Baptist, 1335, 9 Edward III. And it is to be known that the sealed charter remains in the hand of Simon Wyshamsted of Dunstaple in owel mein (equa manu) to be kept and shown for both parties when need be.
[Derby.] C. 5081. Grant by John Hykkelyng of Swanwykke to Thomas Chaworthe, knight, of all coal-mines on his tenements within the lordship of the said Thomas, with free ingress and egress; Thomas grants that as long as his pits (putei sui carbonales) stand on John's ground, John may have the pasture of his close called 'Diconfeld' free of rent. Alfreton, 12 February, 4 Henry V. Copy on paper.
[Kent.] C. 5082. Grant by Ralph Scryveyn to Sampson Child of all his curtilage 'ate Hulle' which he acquired of Gilbert son of William Josep; for this Sampson gave him 14s. beforehand in gersum. Doune, Saturday after St. Alphege, 9 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5083. Grant by John Pret, son and heir of Henry de Suthwode, to Henry his brother of all the part of the land which he had in a field called 'Reden,' between the park of Bertre and a way called 'la Thewey,' &c.; also of all the part of his land which he had in a field called 'Emebote Hawe,' between land of Richard de Burgham called 'Eghefeld,' &c.; for this Henry gave him 16s. 8d. in gersum, the day of St. Augustine the Bishop, 10 Edward II. Seal, with legend: [s.] io'his. pret.
[Kent.] C. 5084. Grant by Nicholas and Stephen, sons of Robert Wiberd, to Richard Scrivin son of Norman Scrivin of the whole part of their grove which came to them in inheritance after their father's death, which lies in Kineligrave; also I, Stephen, have given to the same 1d. rent with escheats which I ought to pay at Mid Lent for a half-acre land which I have in 'thesutherpukelonde' next land of John Wiberd the elder; for this Richard gave them 2s. in gersum, 23 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—John de Aqua, Reynold Scrivin, John Wiberd, Henry Wiberd and others (named).
[Suffolk.] C. 5085. Grant by John Garlond of Edwardiston to John Chapman of Kerseye, Robert Lokethop and Thomas atte Tye of Lellesey, of a messuage in Edwardiston, abutting on the highway from the church to Boxford. 1 April, 48 Edward III. Seal.
[Kent.] C. 5086. Quitclaim by Joan late the wife of John Philpot of Maydestane, daughter of the late John Tannere of the parish of St. Mary in Ho to Adam Lovekyn of the same of her right in all the land, &c. which Adam bought of the said John her husband in the parish of St. Mary aforesaid. Maydestane, Sunday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 7 Henry IV. Fragment of seal.
[Kent.] C. 5087. Grant by Gilbert son of William Josep, and son of Amice ate Hulle, to Roger Scryveyn, of all his curtilage 'ate Hulle'; for this Roger gave him 10s. in gersum. Dated at Doune, Wednesday after St. Alphege, 9 Edward II.
[Dorset.] C. 5088. Grant by William son of John Richemham to William 'le Smith,' called 'Higecok,' of all that his messuage in Brideport in the lane called 'Rothemundis Lane'; for this William gave him 5 marks beforehand. Witnesses:—William Quarel and John Snaw, bailiffs of Brideport, and others (named). Monday after St. Edmund the Bishop, 11 Edward III. Seal.
London. [Middx.] C. 5089. Counterpart of demise by John de Burgh, Richard de Burgh and Robert de Burgh to Robert Golescher, citizen and 'botel- maker' of London, of all their land, &c. in the parishes of St. Mary Matfelon without Algate, London, Stebenhithe and Hakeney, from Easter next for ten years, rendering therefore yearly to Roger Hungarton, chaplain and William atte Hoke, butcher, or their attorney, in the name of Agnes late the wife of Guy Allesley, 20l. by quarterly payments, doing all repairs, towards which he may pull down an old barn near 'Crommesplace,' in a croft which the said William atte Hoke has to farm; if the said Agnes die within the term the rent to be paid thenceforward to the said John, Richard and Robert. London, 20 March, 6 Henry VI. Seal, broken.
[Surrey.] C. 5090. Grant by John Veirchild of Chelesham in free marriage to Alice daughter of Henry de Swtwode of the parish of 'la Doune' of his whole tenement in the parish of Chelesham. The morrow of St. Hilary, 16 Edward II.
[Kent.] C. 5091. Grant by John Rolf to John his son and John's heirs, of a moiety of all the land, &c. which he purchased of Richard de Burkham at Southwode in the parish of 'la Doune.' Midsummer day, 11 Edward III.
[Dorset.] C. 5092. Chirograph indented, being the memorandum of an agreement made Thursday after the Epiphany, 18 Edward II, between Robert de Bessyn of the one part and John le Gardiner and Edith his wife of the other, to wit that they have demised to him the mill of 'la Wodemulle,' and 5s. rent from the land, &c. of Nicholas de Carevile at Neweheye in the vale (vallo) of Merschewode for life, to hold to him in allowance of 100s. rent from their land, &c. at Bessynishegh, as appears in their charter of feoffment of the said land, &c, which rent he releases and quit-claims to them. Witnesses:—John de Pillisdone, John Tristram, Robert de Hyndecomb, Lawrence de Forstersheye, John de la Schaghe and other.
[Kent.] C. 5093. Quitclaim by Alice relict of Gilbert de Sutton of Farn- bergh, widow, to Sampson Child of her dower in the land, &c. which he had by her husband's demise, in the parish of 'la Doune.' Witnesses:—Henry att Upstret and others (named). Farnbergh, Wednesday after All Hallows, 5 Edward III. Seal, damaged.
[Essex.] C. 5094. Grant by Roger de Waleden to Sir Humphrey de Waleden of his manor of Machingg. Dunton, Thursday before St. Bartholomew, 8 Edward II. Seal.
[Kent.] C. 5095. Grant by Robert son of Bartholomew the baker (pistoris) and Juliana his wife to Robert son of Richard Ferthing of all the part of their land which they had in a field called 'Beliesland,' between a field called 'Norther Belies land,' &c.; for this Robert gave them 26s. 4d. in gersum, the morrow of the Conversion of St. Paul, 11 Edward II. Witnesses:—Henry de Upstret, Simon his brother and others (named). Fragment of one seal.
[Sussex.] C. 5096. Grant by Alexander ate Sandhelde of Hestgrenstede to William ate Parke of Hestgrenstede and Hodierna his wife, their heirs and assigns, of a croft of land in Hestgrenstede called the croft 'ate Voulegate,' containing 2a.; rent 2d. for all service. The day of St. Stephen, 9 Edward II.
[Lincoln.] C. 5097. Grant by John son of Simon of Folmetby to William son of Gilbert of Oselby, his heirs and assigns, of the whole half tenement and the right and claim which he has in the town and territory of Oselby by way of inheritance as the tofts, lands, meadows and rents are faithfully divided, to wit in the east field a selion on 'Linelandes,' a selion abutting on 'Hengcroftdike' next land of Henry Syrref, one on 'Stainfurlanghes,' &c.; to hold the said half tenement of the prior and convent of Elesham, rendering therefor yearly 5s. 9d. at Whitsuntide and Martinmas, for all service; warranty and quittance from suits of court, except suit of a court next after Michaelmas. Witnesses:—Peter Ferur' of Oselby, Richard Marcand' of the same, John Scrop, Reynold at Cross (ad Crucem), Henry Sirref, Peter son of Herbert, William son of Richard and other.
[Kent.] C. 5098. Grant by Henry son and heir of Walter de Wilbureham to Ralph Willem of 5s. 10d. rent, with escheats, &c. which Ralph owed him yearly for a messuage in the parish of 'la Dune' and for a croft before the gate of the messuage; for this Ralph gave him 40s. in gersum, 1 Edward II. Witnesses:—Thomas 'del Upstrete,' Henry his son and others (named).
Bedford. C. 5099. Grant by William Salcok otherwise called Michell of Wypsnade to Richard Foxe, bishop of Exeter, Henry Cantelowe, citizen and mercer of London, William Haryet, citizen and draper of London and Nicholas Alwyn and Thomas Quadryng, citizens and mercers of London, of all his land, &c. in Wypsnade. 26 June, 5 Henry VII. Seal, damaged.
[Kent.] C. 5100. Grant by John the smith (faber) to Samson Chyld of 1r. (unam virgatam) of land in the parish of 'la Doune.' Sunday before St. Martin, 11 Edward III.