[Norf.] |
A. 10901. Release by Margaret daughter of the late John le Ray of
Brunham to William de Veautre of the same, of her right in a meadow
next . . . . called 'Harwye,' which he bought of her mother Agnes.
Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Kalethorp and Sir Ralph de Hemenale, knights,
and others (named). Thursday after St. Matthew the Apostle,
17 Edward II. |
[N'hamp] |
A. 10902. Feoffment by William Saunsum of Watford to Nicholas
son of Edmund de Watford of a place on the west of his house in Watford,
18ft. by 16ft. to build a chamber thereon. Sunday before St. George the
Martyr, 35 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10903. Demise by William son of Robert Brounleye of Schreuele
to Thomas son of Walter Lovekin, of the croft which came to him on his
father's decease, for nine years from the Finding of the Holy Cross,
35 Edward I; consideration, 5s. beforehand. Seal. |
Leic. |
A. 10904. Indenture being a confirmation by John son and heir of
John Nel of Derset Magna of the demise made by his father to William
le Clerc of Geydon, and Joan his wife, for the term of their lives in sur-
vivorship, of a messuage and half virgate of land in Dunton, held in
bondage by Ralph Giffrey, together with the said Ralph and his issue, and
69s. 6d. rent from tenants there, with the reversion of their tenements.
5 April, 10 Edward III. |
[Camb.] |
A. 10905. Feoffment by John de Sutton the younger of Great
Wilburham to Sir William de Arderne, chaplain, and Nicholas Tone of
Bodekesham lode (de lada de Bodekesham), of a messuage with croft and
meadow adjacent, in the town of Great Wilburham, formerly of Sir Henry
Lyndzeue, chaplain, of Wilburham aforesaid, lying between his tenement
of inheritance and the common pasture of the town called 'le Holm,' also
of a croft (croftum terre campestris) called 'Valettes Croft' there. Thursday
before St. Lucy the Virgin, 16 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10906. Letter of attorney by Marina Lannargh to John Nanskylly
and John Pellour to deliver seisin to James Veyll and Richard Nanspyan
of her land &c. in Lannargh Mor, Helstonburgh, Hellogan, Bodryvyell,
Trewodones, Carvolgh, Carnegynfyn, Boswyn, Trevynsyn, Penhelek Byan,
Polleowe, Trefoyll and Padystowe. Lannargh Mor, 10 August, 22
Edward IV. |
N'hamp. Oxford. Suff. |
A. 10907. Indenture being the memorandum of an agreement made
Sunday after the Nativity of the B.V.M., 16 Edward II, between Hugh le
Despenser, earl of Wyncestre, and Sir Giles de Wacchesham, to wit that
Sir Giles shall enfeoff the earl of the manors of Foulbrouk and Westhalle
with all the lands he has in Swunebrok and Teynton, co. Oxford, to hold to
the said earl and his heirs for the term of Giles' life, in exchange wherefore
the earl shall enfeoff him of the manor of Bernewell, co. Northampton, and
10l. rent from the manor of Kerseye, co. Suffolk, for the term of his
life. French. Seal of arms (a chevron between three crescents), broken.
See A. 10769. |
[Camb.] |
A. 10908. Feoffment by Roger del Exchequer (de Scaccario) to
Geoffrey his brother of 20s. rent in the towns of Great and Little Wilburcham,
from tenants, named, with the homages of them and their heirs; rent, a
pair of gloves, price 1d. at Easter, for all service. Witnesses:—Sir Martin
Chamberlain (Camerario), Sir William Thalemach, Sir Robert Engayn, Sir
Hugh de Crauden and others (named). Seal of arms (chequy) with legend:
[sigil.] rogeri. de. scaccar[10]. |
[Heref.] |
A. 10909. Memorandum of the sale by Walter son of Richard de
Leye to Richard son of Richard Morwy, of all his goods &c. in Leye
beside Webbeleye. Leye, Friday the feast of St. Hilary, 19 Edward III. |
Kent. |
A. 10910. Chirograph indented being the counterpart of a demise
by Hugh le Despenser to his beloved yeoman (vadletto) John de Haudlo,
for his good and faithful service, of the [manor] of Tremeworthe, with the
advowson of the church of Crundale, and 10l. yearly rent from . . . . .
for certain tenements in the suburb of Canterbury [with the appurtenances
to the said manor], advowson and rent belonging, viz. [whatever belonged
to the fee] of Valoynes in the county of Kent; to hold the said John for the
term of his life at the rent of rose at Midsummer. Witnesses:—Sir
Robert de Burgherse, and others (named). Saturday after St. Luke the
Evangelist . . . . . Seal of arms (a bend between six crescents).
Endorsed: . . . de reversione manerii de Tremworthe. |
Kent. |
A. 10911. Release by Isabel daughter of Drew, of Orpintone to
Philip de Malevile, of her right in the land &c. formerly her father's in
Orpintone, or elsewhere in the county of Kent. Witnesses:—Thomas de
Mersteham, then serjeant of the prior of Canterbury at Orpintone, Robert
atte Forde, serjeant of the parson of Orpintone and others (named).
Wednesday after the Holy Trinity, 9 Edward I. Seal, with legend.
s. isabell. fil. drv. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10912. Confirmation in free alms by Walter de Dunstanvill to the
church of St. Pancras and the monks there of his parents' gift to them of
the land of Niwetimbre, being of his fee. Witnesses:—Robert de Dunstan-
vill, Richer the priest of Tortindon, Herbert brother of the earl Rainald,
and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10913. Demise by Richard Lovel of Weleton, to Benedict Alwen
of the same, of ½a. arable and 1r. meadow there, from Michaelmas, 3
Edward II, for fifteen years. |
[Camb.] |
A. 10914. Feoffment by Bernard and Sabina his wife to Luke de
Fordham, chaplain, of the land Bernard had with his wife by the gift
of Andrew son of Robert in Gosecroft, to wit in the fields of Saham, in
exchange (scambio) for three acres of land; that this charter may remain
stable &c. they have bound themselves (fide media nos obligavimus) and set
to their seals. Witnesses:—Sir W. vicar of Fordham, Sir Walter de
Ysleham, Adam de Chipenham, and others (named). One seal remaining,
with legend: s. sabine fil. rob'ti . . . . . . |
[Warw.] |
A. 10915. Feoffment by Herbert Carter (Karetarius) of Coventre, for
the health of his soul, of his wife's, his ancestors' and successors', to the
church of St. Mary of Stoneleigh (Stanlega) and the monks there, in pure
and perpetual alms, of 12d. rent from his land and messuage in Coventre,
that, to wit, which extends itself into the great street (magnum vicum)
opposite the white cellar, between the messuages of Randulf de Henele and
Henry le Furuer, to be paid on All Hallows day. Witnesses:—William
le Buttere and others (named).
Endorsed:—In vico comitis. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10916. Feoffment by Henry son of John Geffrey of Helurtofte,
to Walter Parlus, of Watforde, of a croft and 4a. arable in Helurtofte.
Corpus Christi day (festo solempnitatis corporis Christi), 21 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10917. Chirograph indented being the memorandum of an agree-
ment between Sir Henry de Lodbroc and Nicholas his brother, to wit the
said Nicholas has granted to the said Henry and his heirs all the land &c.
which he had in the town Langele beside Claverdon; for this grant the
said Henry is bound to pay him 10 marks yearly from the said tenement,
with power of distraint both in the manor of Lodbroc and in the manor of
Langele. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas, rector of the church of Crek, Sir
Ralph, rector of the church of Pirye, Sir Hugh, rector of the church of
Blaby, and others named. Langele, Lady Day, 8 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10918. Feoffment by William de Walishale of Coventre, mer-
chant, to Henry de Sutton of Coventre, merchant, and Isabel his wife, and
the heirs and assigns of Henry, of a tenement with a pond (stagno aquatico)
and of two cottages with curtilages adjacent in the Well Street (vico fontis)
of Coventre, between the lane called 'Folkeshul Welle Lane' and the
tenement of Nicholas Aleyn, in width, and in length from the higway to the
stream of 'Hulle mulne,' towards the priory of Coventre; all of which he
had by the feoffment of Elyas de Catesby, cook of Coventre. Witnesses:—
William Horn, mayor, and John de Ruysshale and Henry Pane, bailiffs of
Coventre, and others (named). Friday after St. Hilary, the Bishop,
21 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10919. Release by Richard son of Roger Baldewyne of Skernyng
to Robert, abbot of Wendlynge, and the canons there, of his right in all the
tenement they held, of the tenement which formerly was his father Roger's
and also of Sarah, Roger's mother, in Skernynge and Great Frausham, &c.
London, Thursday before St. Luke, the Evangelist, 20 Edward I. Seal,
with legend s. ric'i fil. rog'i baldewyn'. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10920. Feoffment by Agnes, late the wife of John le Ray of
Brunham Suthtone, to William son of Peter le Veautre and Lettice, Peter's
mother, of Brunham, for 6 marks beforehand, of 1a. 5p. of meadow in
Brunham, between her meadow and the meadow of Lettice late the
wife of Peter le Veautre &c. Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Calethorp, Sir
Thomas de Snitertone, and others (named). Wednesday in Easter week,
31 Edward [I].
Endorsed: Harrows medow. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10921. Feoffment by John son of John Colman of Yelvertoft to
William de Tekne and Agnes his wife of ½a. land with headland there.
Tuesday the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, 20 Edward III. |
York. |
A. 10922. Counterpart of agreement between the king and lady
Joan de Bares, countess of Surrey, being a demise by the countess to
the king of the dower she had by his assignment in the county of York of
the land &c. which was of John de Warenn, earl of Surrey, her late husband
in the said county, in exchange for 120l. annuity charged on the customs
of the ports of London and Chichester. Westminster, Saturday the feast of
the Apostles Peter and Paul, 33 Edward III. Seal of arms (chequy, in a
Memorandum endorsed of endorsement on the Close Roll in June in the
said year. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 10923. Feoffment by John Goldere of La Clive to Hugh le Bret
and Maud his wife of a messuage in the town of Lewes in the street of St.
Mary, in the market there, in exchange for a messuage in La Clive between
his own messuage and that of Sir John, the chaplain, son of Ralph the
carpenter. Sunday after All Hallows, 22 Edward I. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 10924. Release by Richard son of Robert le Ferour of Rameseye
to Sir William Randes, chaplain, and Gilbert de Warrewik, of his right in
a messuage in Rameseye next 'le Kolan' on one side and the messuage of
the abbot of Rameseye on the other. Thursday after St. Peter and St. Paul
the Apostles, 11 Edward III.
Endorsed: est P. Tirington. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 10925. Feoffment by Agnes late the wife of Andrew Clerk of
Rameseye, widow, to Robert Lylleford and John Coupere the younger,
dwelling in Rameseye, of 1a. arable in Rameseye field, between 'le Byggyng-
weye' &c. and abutting on 'Beterestrate' and 'Pyltham'; also of 1r. arable
there. Saturday after the Annunoiation, 3 Richard II. |
Norf. |
A. 10926. Award of William Calthorp, esquire, touching a 'mese'
&c. in dispute between William Grome and William Heyward, of Brunham
Norton. 20 September, 28 Henry VI. English. Seal, a naked child,
with the legend 'as hit plessith.' |
[Warw.] |
A. 10927. Release by Robert Tyscote of Henley in Arthern and Isabel
his wife to John Porrey of the same of their right in a messuage there.
Wednesday after Whitsuntide, 11 Edward IV. Seals. |
Isle of Wight. |
A. 10928. Release by John son and heir of Giles de Bello Campo to
the king of his right in the manor of Fresshewatre in the Isle of Wight
and in all other the lands which the said Giles acquired in the said island;
and which the king held. Witnesses:—David de Wollore, master of the
rolls, and others (named). Westminster, 12 October, 36 Edward [III]. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10929. Feoffment by William de Birston or Birstune, rector of a
third part of the church of Itringham, to Sir Peter, rector of the church of
Irminglond, and Thomas de Birstune of a piece of land in Irminglond field
between lands of John and Andrew de Buxstune, and of the rents and
services which John de Cokifeld, knight, used yearly to receive from the
tenement formerly William Kywald's in the town of Irminglond, together
with the advowson of the church of Irminglond. Monday the feast of
St. Peter's Chains, 2 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10930. Feoffment by Robert atte Bridge (ad pontem) of Welton
to Robert son of Robert de Caldecote in the same town of 1r. meadow in
'Smalebrok' in Welton meadow; rent, a peppercorn at Christmas; con-
sideration, 5s. beforehand. Seal, broken, with legend: s. rob', ad. pon . . . . |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10931. Feoffment by Richard Lolle of Wynnewyk and John
Bailly of Yelvertoft to John Gundewyn of Yelvertoft, son of the late
John Gundewyn of the same, deceased, and to Margaret his wife, daughter
of Richard Astell of Teken, in tail, with remainder in default, to the right
heirs of John, of the land &c. in Yelvertoft and Cleycoton, which they
jointly had by the feoffment of the said John, the son, by his charter of
fee simple. 19 January, 6 Edward IV. Seals. |
Cornw. |
A. 10932. Indenture whereby John Holand, earl of Huntyngdon,
reciting that William Howell had enfeoffed him of all his, William's, land
&c. in Stratton, and of all his land &c. in Estgrove and Westwode, in the
manor of Stratton and Dounerewe in the manor of Hylton, re-enfeoffs the
said William thereof, subject to rent, payable to him for life, of 6s. 8d.
12 February, 12 Richard II. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10933. Indenture tripartite, being a feoffment by Henry Lordes-
sone, otherwise called Henry de la Heus, chaplain, and Peter Tekene, of
Yelvertoft, to Thomas Tekene, son of the late Richard Tekene of Yelvertoft
of 12a. arable in Yelvertoft fields, with a furlong (quartrona) of pasture, and
with the whole meadow belonging to the said furlong, all of which Thomas
Tekene, grandfather of the said Thomas, and William Taillour, chaplain,
had by the gift and feoffment of John Stafforde of Yelvertoft and Margery his
wife; to hold to the said Thomas in tail, with remainder to John and
William his brothers successively in tail, with remainder to John Pynton,
William Bikerton, Richard Craunforde, John Asshby, John Robert, and
Thomas Gundewyn, all of Yelvertoft, and their heirs, for sale and disposal
for the souls of Thomas Tekene and Margery his wife, and of all faithful
deceased. 20 June, 3 Henry V. Witnesses:—Sir John Mayhu, rector of
Yelvertoft, and others (named). Seals. Cf. A. 8444. |
Warw. |
A. 10934. Letter of attorney by John de Catesby of Assheby Leger,
co. Norhampton, to Thomas Beausale of Rodborne, to deliver seisin to
William Babyngton, John Weston, Richard Knyghtley, Geoffrey Allesley,
Robert de Catesby, Thomas Baron of Rokeby, John Nyghtyngale of
Daventre, John Steward, parson of the church of Rodborne, John Hancokes,
chaplain, and William Overton, of all his lands in Rodborne and elsewhere
in the county of Warwick, lands held for term of life, or years, excepted.
The feast of St. Lawrence the Martyr, 8 Henry V. Seal of arms (two lions
passant in pale). |
[Norf.] |
A. 10935. Feoffment by John son of John de Wroxham to Adam
Tylman of Honyngham Thorp, of two pieces of arable in the field of
Honyngham Thorp near 'Hundirdmere,' on the east, containing 1a. ½r.
more or less. Tuesday after St. Faith the Virgin, 16 Edward III. Seal,
broken. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10936. Feoffment by same to same of 1½ rood land there.
Sunday, Lady Day, 16 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10937. Feoffment by Roger Aylesbury, of Lapworthe, to William
Mounfort of Thoneworthe and Agnes his wife and William's heirs and
assigns, of the reversion, expectant on the decease of Agnes his mother, of
all his part of the manor of Grendeburgh. Thoneworthe, Monday after St.
Peter the Apostle, 14 Richard II. Fragment of seal. |
Surrey. |
A. 10938. Feoffment by William Poleyn and Joan his wife to their
son John, of all their land &c. in the parishes of Coveham and Little
Bokeham, and elsewhere in the same county, which they had by the gift
and feoffment of John atte Nalderet and Stephen atte Well. 8 September,
10 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
Camb. Suff. |
A. 10939. Release by William Grene, esquire, to Richard Fitz Lowys
and Henry Tey, esquires, of his right in the manors of Little Carleton,
otherwise called 'Barbydoys' in Carleton, and 'Colvyles' and 'Moynes' in
Weston, co. Cambridge, and in Thyrlowe, co. Suffolk, which, together with
the said Richard and Henry, and others who had released their right to
them and him, he had by the gift of William Fyndern, knight, by charter
dated at Westminster, 18 March, 18 Edward IV, and which of late belonged
to Thomas Fyndern, knight, father of the said William. Carleton, 9 May,
19 Edward IV. Fragment of seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10940. Feoffment by Richard de Curzun, with the assent of
Parnel his wife, to his daughter Sibilia, of three virgates of land and two
tofts in Gilvertoft, to wit the half-virgates held by Yvo le King and Eda
the widow (vidua), Henry Damage, Richard son of Ralph, Robert le Berker
and Reginald Miller (molendinarius), 5a. held by Walter le Hay, and 5a.
held by Nicholas Stok and two tofts held by Robert Alsus (Alsi), together
with the said Yvo, Eda, Henry, and the others, and all their issue; rent 1d.
at Easter, for all service. Witnesses:—Robert de Wavere, Robert de
Folevill, Eustace de Watford, Thomas de Curzun, Adam de Stanford, John
de Rokeby, Richard de Curzun, his son (filio meo), Simon Butler (pincerna),
Roger de Curzun, his son (filio meo), Henry Curzun, Peter the clerk. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10941. "This endentur made bytwene Raffe Reskymmer squyer
of that on partye and William parson of Seynt Colombe the mor of
that othyre partye beryth wyttnesse that the sayde Raffe hath receyvyd
off the sayd parson of Seynt Colombe that is to wyttyng . j. cope gylt
peysyng xxiij unc' et di. prec' qz unc' iij.s. iij.d. j. pax y gylte off v. unc.'
prec' unc' iij.s. iiij.d. A flatt pece of sylver v unc' iij quart' et di. prec' unc'
ij.s. viij.d. A flatte pece with a cuverer xiiij. unc' et quart' prec' unc. ij.s.
viij.d. Thre chaundelers off sylver xxxvj. unc' prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. xiij.
spones xij unc' et quart' prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. A flatte pece playne of
vij. unc' et di. prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. A flatte pece playne of ix. unc'
quart' et di. quart' prec. unc. ij.s. viij.d. A standyng cope keveryde off
xx. unc' prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. A flatte chasyde pece keveryd off xvj. unc'
et quart' prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. A flatte pece off vij. unc' et di. quart'
prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. A salte saler and keveryd off xj. unc' et di. quart'
prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. A salte saler of vj. unc' et di. quart' prec' unc' ij.s.
viij.d. A flatte pece keveryd of xv. unc' quart' et di. quart' prec' unc' ij.s.
viij.d. A chasyde pece of iiij. unc' et di. quart' prec' unc' ij.s. viij.d. I
wrytt att Reskymmer the Sunday next a for the fest off Seynt Laurence in
the yer of the regne of Kynge Harry the vjt the xxiiijti." Cf. Counterpart,
A. 11551. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10942. Letter of attorney by John Holmyng of Marsham to
William Holmyng of Matelask and Thomas Bertylmewe of Little Bernyng-
ham to deliver seisin to Thomas Bonet of Wykmer, clerk, John Wagstaf,
chaplain, John Croppe, the elder of Aylesham, and William' Gloys of
Wyghton, of 8a. 3½r. land, with a messuage and buildings lying dispersed
in Matelask, Plumsted, and Toun Bernyngham, according to his charter, of
even date, made to them thereof, dated at Matelask, 12 December, 39
Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10943. Feoffment by Robert son of Geoffrey de Thoftis to Peter
son of William le Weutre of Brunham and Lettice his wife for their
homages and service and 30s. in gersum, of a piece of land which he
formerly bought of Hervey Bigot in the parish of St. Andrew, next land of
the said Peter, &c; rent, 1½d. viz. ½d. at Michaelmas, the Purification and
Whitsuntide. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10944. Counterpart of demise by Emma late the wife of John de
Catesby, and John de Catesby her son, to Henry Knot of Coventre,
'deyster,' of part of their tenement (unam particulam tenementi sui) in
Coventre, called 'le Poleyard,' wherein in are three ponds, extending from
the brook called 'le Hulmullwatur,' &c, for thirty years at 33s. 4d. rent,
payable to the said Emma, for life, and after decease to the said John, &c.
Witnesses:—Robert Shepley, mayor, Thomas Wyldegrys and Richard
Power, bailiffs of Coventre, and others (named). Wednesday, Lady Day,
4 Henry V. |
N'hamp. |
A. 10945. Counterpart of demise, 20 June, 14 Henry VII, by George
Catesby, 'squyer,' and Elizabeth his wife, to Adam Hochynson, 'sadeler,'
and Johane his wife, for twenty-one years from Michaelmas next, at
53s. 4d. rent, of 'all that their .ij. tenementtes with .iij. ruffis and their
appurtenaunces set toged[er at] the corner of the Chequyr in the town of
Norhampton, ageyne the inne callid the Crown,' &c.; also of 'a garden a
dufhows and a ponde,' 'set in the knyght strete in the seide town,'
'adjoynyng to the close of the towre in Seynt Jylis strete on the north
syde.' English. |
[Linc.] |
A. 10946. Release by John Clerk of Morton, William Patte and
Margaret his wife of the same, and John Gamulle of Boleby, cousins and
heirs of William son of Hugh de Donnesby of Morton, to Orframina late
the wife of Walter de Poynton of Canewyk, and Robert son and heir of
the said Walter de Poynton, and Robert's heirs and assigns, of their
right by inheritance after the decease of the said William, and of Juetta
and Cecily, his sisters, in the lands which were the said William's,
Juetta's, and Cecily's, in Morton, H[ar]methorp, Calthorp, Hakeneby, and
Steynethweyt, saving to the said John Clerk 6d. rent which John his
father, used to pay yearly, together with the reversion of the moiety of 2a.
of mowing meadow in the south meadow of Morton, which Elizabeth
Prodemay held for her life; and saving the other moiety of the said 2a. to
the said Walter and Margaret Patte and Margaret's heirs. Tuesday before
Christmas, 42 Edward III. Seals. |
Chester. Derby. Norf. Suff. Wales. |
A. 10947. Feoffment by Henry de Clif, clerk, to Sir Robert de
Monte Alto, knight, and Emma his wife, and the heirs male of the body
of the said Robert, with remainder, in default, to Isabel queen of England,
for life, with remainder to lord John of Eltham, in tail, with remainder,
in default, to the king and his heirs, of the castle, town and manor
of Mold (de Monte Alto) in Wales, the castles (sic) of Hawardyn, with the
stewardship of Chester, and the manors of Hawardyn, Lee, Bosele and
Neston, co. Chester, the manor of Walton upon Trent, co. Derby, the manor
of Cheylesmore, co. Warwick, and 107l. rent from the prior of Coventre,
and his successors, together with the homage and service of the said prior,
the castle of Rysyng, and the manors of Rysyng, Snetesham and Kenynghale,
and a fourth part of the Tolbothe of Lenne, co. Norfolk, and the manors of
Cassynglonde and Frammesden, co. Suffolk, with all advowsons, knights
fees, &c. Witnesses:—John, bishop of Ely, the king's chancellor,William
de Herle, Roger de Bilneye, Roger de Watevill, Nicholas de Gonevill and
John Walewayn, knights, and others (named). Notyngham, 8 May, 1
Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
Chester. Wales. |
A. 10948. Indenture being a release by Emma late the wife of
Robert de Monte Alto, to Queen Isabel, of her life estate in the castle, town
and manor of Mold (de Monte Alto) in Wales, the castle and manor of
Hawardyn, the stewardship of Chester, the manors of Lee and Boselee and
the manor of Neston, co. Chester, the reversion whereof, expectant on her
decease, belonged to the said Queen, by virtue of fines thereof of late levied
in the King's court and with his licence; to hold to the said Queen, with
all regalities, knights' fees, advowsons, &c. from the day of date, in con-
sideration of 400l. annuity payable to her quarterly in the city of London,
at 'la Tour. Servat'; if she survived the said Queen the premises to revert
to her. London, 3 December, 5 Edward III. Seal of arms, with two shields
(1) Quarterly and a bordure chequy, (2) a lion rampant; bad impression, and
broken. |
Chester. Norf. Suff. |
A. 10949. Feoffment by Robert de Monte Alto, steward of Chester,
and Emma his wife to Henry de Clif, clerk, of the manors of Neston,
co. Chester, Framesdene, co Suffolk, and Snetesham and Kenynghale, and
of a fourth part of the Tolbothe of Lenne, co. Norfolk. Witnesses as in
A. 10947. Peterborough, 14 April, 1 Edward III. Seals, one of arms (a
lion rampant), broken. |
A. 10950. Release by William Dudley, clerk, Thomas Chaundeler
clerk, Richard Harecourt and Edmund Rede, knights, Humphrey Forster
Henry Heydon, Robert Restwold, Jaquettus Blundell, William Bagard
clerk, and William Danvers to Thomas Le, clerk, and William Marter
clerk, of their right in the lands &c. which they had by the feoffment c
John, duke of Suffolk. Dated (day and month left blank) 16 Edward IV
In margin, signature apparently of 'Suffolk.' Three seals remaining, broken
Bedf. Bucks. Norf. Suff. |
A. 10951. Letter of attorney by Thomas Lee, clerk, and William
Marten, clerk, to Edward Grymston, and William Kene, to receive seisi
from John, duke of Suffolk, or his attorney on that behalf, of the cast
of Wyngefeld, and the manors of Wyngefeld, Sylharn, Fresyngfeld, Strat-
broke, Hurtes of Saxmundham, Swannes of Saxmundham, and Mounde-
viles of Sternefeld, a mill, 600a. land, 40a. meadow, 800a. pasture, 20a.
wood, 100a. heath, 100a. marsh, 52l. 6d. rent in Wyngefeld, Sylham,
Estham, Fresyngfeld, Weybrede, Mendham, Hoxon, Sternefeld, Saxmund-
ham, Farneham, Rendham, Freston, Snape, Stratford beside Halton, and
Orford, with the advowsons of the churches of Wyngefeld and Stratford,
and of the abbey of Leyston and priory of Buttele, co. Suffolk; also of the
manor of Huntyngfeld, in the same county, and of the manors of Benhale,
Beklyng, Canteles in Snape, and Veysez in Stratford, in the county afore-
said; also of the manors of Walsham, Westhorphall, Mershall in Westhorp,
Wyverston, Hovelles in Wyverston, Watelysfeld, Cotton, Frostenden,
Dagworth, Cretyng St. Olave, Mutford, and Fastolf in Mutford, and the
hundred of Mutford, 20 messuages, 20 carucates of land, 100a, mea-
dow, 1,000a. pasture, 100a. wood, 10l. rent in Westhorp, Walsham,
Wyverston, Watelysfeld, Cotton, Baketon, Old Neuton, Gyppyng Neuton,
Fenyngham, Mendelysham, Dagworth, Haughley, Neuton, Chilton,
Onehouse, Harleston, Mutford, Gysselham, Kessynglond, Kyrkele, Pakefeld,
Carleton, Russhmer, Barnaby, Frostenden, Cretyng St. Olave; and of the
advowsons of the churches of Westhorp and Wyverston, Watelysfeld and
Frostenden, co. Suffolk; also of the manors of Bulcamp, Henham and
Stratford beside Benhale in the same county of Suffolk; also of the manors
of Stokton, Geldeston, Beres, Claxton, Helghton, Carleton, Kerdeston,
Ryston, and the hundred of Shropham, and the soke of Stokton, 20
messuages, 2 mills, 10 carucates of land, 60a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 20a.
wood and 40s. rent in Geldeston, Stokton, Gelyngham, Elyngham, Brome,
Claxton, Helghton, Carleton, Kerdeston, Resham (sic), and Swanton, co.
Norfolk; and of the manor of Netherhalle of Saxlyngham, 30a. land,
14a. meadow, 20a. pasture, and 40s. rent in Saxlyngham, Flotemanton,
Brokedisshe, and Harleston. in the said county of Norfolk; also of the
manors of Causton and Burgh, and of the manor of Costessey, in the
county of Norfolk aforesaid; and of the manors of Grovebury and Leighton
Busard, in the counties of Bedford and Bucks; according to the form of the
charter made to them thereof by the said Duke. 20 August, 16 Edward IV.
Seals. |
Linc. Notts. York [E.R.]. |
A. 10952. Feoffment by John duke of Suffolk to Thomas Lee, clerk,
and William Marten, clerk, of the manor of Faxflet, co. York, and the
advowson of a chapel within the site of the same manor and 10 marks rent
from the tenements in North Dalton in the same county, late belonging to
William Gascoigne, knight, and William Jankyn, esquire, and 6 messuages,
6 tofts, 15½ bovates, 3a. land in Beaugham; also a messuage and one
bovate of land in Drypole; also 18a. land in Cotyngham and Newlond, and
all other his lands and tenements in the county of York; also feoffment to
them of the manors of Gresthorp, Normanton, Sutton and North Cliffton, co.
Notts, and the manor of Appulby; also feoffment to them of the manors of
Bliburgh and Westwood, co. Lincoln, and the manor of Myton, and a wind-
mill, 7 messuages, 3 tofts, 18 bovates of land in Myton and Oustemarke in
Kyngeston upon Hull, parcel of the said manor of Myton, and 38 messuages,
½ bovate of land and 100l. 8s. rent in the said town of Kyngeston upon
Hull, and the advowson of the Carthusian priory there; also of 11
messuages, 6 tofts, 92 cottages, and all other his fee farms and tenements
in Kyngeston upon Hull aforesaid. Attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas
Blenerhasset and Thomas Brygge. Witnesses:—John and Robert Wynge-
feld, Richard Harecourte, Thomas Breus, and William Calthorp, knights.
20 August, 16 Edward IV. Seal of arms (a lion rampant, tail forked),
broken. |
Berks. Bucks. Camb. Hants. London. Oxford. Suff. |
A. 10953. Release by Thomas Hampden, Thomas Restwold, John
Heydon, William Stanley, Humphrey Forster and Henry Boteler, to
Thomas Lee, clerk, and William Marten, clerk, of their right in the manor
of Ewelme, called 'Burghersh maner' and in a moiety of 100a. wood in
Ewelme, Swyncombe and Tuffeld, and a moiety of the adowson of the
church of Ewelme, co. Oxford, a moiety of the manor of Estworldham, co.
Hants, a moiety of the manor of Stratteford, a moiety of the advowson of
the church of the same town of Stratford, co. Suffolk, and a moiety of 120a.
land, 3a. meadow and 3s. rent in Broune, co. Cambridge, and in the castle
and manor of Donyngton, and in all other lands and tenements in Donyng-
ton, Pentelewe, Wynterburne Mayne, Wynterburne Davers, Crokeham and
Pesemere, co. Berks, together with the advowson of the church of Pesemere;
also in the manor of Westworldeham and two carucates of land, 20a.
meadow and 20a. wood in Estworldham, Westworldham, Aulton and
Herteley, co. Hants, the manors of Hoggenorton, Cudlyngton, Garsyngton,
Swynecombe, Hanewell and Wacoscourte in Ewelme; and in 6 messuages,
9 tofts, 6 carucates and 200a. of land, 66a. meadow, 100a. wood and 20l.
rent in Hoggenorton, Cudlyngton, Garsyngton, Ewelme, Swynecombe,
Tuffeld, Bensyngton, Mungewell, Newenham Moryn, Takkeley, Nether-
cote, Cotes, Wotton and Bekebroke, and the advowson of the churches
of Swynecombe and Hanewell, co. Oxford, and in all other lands &c.
Ewelme, Bensyngton, Berewyk and Oke, in the said county of Oxford;
also in 100a. land, 6a. meadow, 100a. wood and 10s. rent in Hamel-
dene, co. Bucks; also in the manor of Akehampstede, co. Oxford, and in
tenements called 'Cottesmoreslondes,' 'Torneureslondes,' 'Brittoneslondes,'
'Derkeslondes,' 'Croucheslondes' and 'Turkevileslondes' in Ewelme, Ben-
syngton, Newenham Moren and Tuffeld, co. Oxford; also in tenements at
'Seint Austyns gate' in the city of London; also in the manor of Buk-
lond, co. Berks, and in 200a. arable, 12a. meadow in Buklond; also in
the manors of Newenham Moryn and Newnham Courteney, co. Oxford,
and in 8 messuages, 4 tofts, 300a. land, 6½a. meadow, 12a. pasture and
40s. rent in Cadewell, Est Bryghtwell, Chalgrave, Ewelme and Goldeore;
whereof they, together with others, since deceased, were seised in fee to
the use of Dame Alice, late duchess of Suffolk, since deceased, and her
heirs. 20 October, 16 Edward IV. Fragment of one seal (Restwold). |
Linc. Notts. York. |
A. 10954. Letter of attorney by Thomas Lee, clerk, and William
Marten, clerk, to James Tyrell, knight, and Richard Brodoke, clerk, to
receive seisin from John, duke of Suffolk, of land &c. as in A. 10952.
20 August, 16 Edward IV. Seals. |
Norf. Suff. |
A. 10955. Release by Thomas Restwold, son and heir of Richard
Restwold, to Thomas Lee, clerk, and William Martyn, clerk, of his right
in the castle of Wyngfeld, and in the manors of Wyngfeld, Oldwyngfeld,
Syleham, Velez in Fresyngfeld and Stradbroke, co. Suffolk, also in the
manor of Costesey, co. Norfolk, whereof his said father was seised with
others, whom he survived, in fee, and which descended to him by hereditary
right on his said father's decease. 20 September, 16 Edward IV. Seal. |
Norf. Suff. |
A. 10956. Release by Edmund Hungerford, knight, John Heydon
and Humphrey Forster, to John duke of Suffolk and Elizabeth duchess
of Suffolk, his wife, William Hastynges de Hastynges, knight, William
Dudley, clerk, Robert Chamberleyn, James Tyrell and William Knyvet,
knights, Richard Fowler, Humphrey Forster, William Danvers, Edmund
Knyvet, son of the said William Knyvet, Richard Fowler, son of the said
Richard Fowler, John Cornwaleys the younger, son of Thomas Corn-
waleys and Richard Brodoke, clerk, their heirs and assigns, to the use of
the said duke and duchess, and the duke's heirs, of their right in the
manors of Claxton and Helghton, co. Norfolk, and in the manors of
Frostenden and Cretyng St. Olave, co. Suffolk, and in all the lands, &c. in
Froatenden, Cretyng St. Olave and Baketon, co. Suffolk, whereof they,
together with others, since deceased, were seised in fee to the use of
William late duke of Suffolk and Alice late duchess of Suffolk, then his
wife, and their heirs. 20 November, 16 Edward IV. Seals. |
Berks. Norf. Oxford. Suff. |
A. 10957. Release by Edmund Hungerford, knight, John Heydon
and Humphrey Forster, to Thomas Lee, clerk, and William Marten, clerk,
their heirs and assigns, of their right in the manors of Fyfed, Garford,
Fryleford, Eton, Phelberdes and Wynterburn Danvers, and in 24 messuages,
24 carucates of land, 60a. meadow, 200a. pasture, 44a. wood and 40s.
rent, in Fyfed, Garford, Freleford, Eton, Wodwereslond, Pyle, Tubbeney,
Kyngeston, Appulton, Wynterborn Gray, and Wynterborn Mayn, and in
the advowsons of the church of Fyfed and of the chapel of St. James of
Est Hanney, co. Berks, and in the manor of Carsyngton, one messuage,
100a. land, 60a. meadow, 6a. wood, 40s. rent, a fishery, the moiety of a
ferry (passagii) in More and two parts of the manor of Cersden, co. Oxford;
also in the manors of Stokton, Geldeston, Beres, Kyrdeston, Ryston and
the hundred of Shropham, the soke of Stokton, 20 messuages, two mills,
ten carucates of land, 60a. meadow, 100a. pasture, 20a. wood and 40s. rent in
Stokton, Geldeston, Gelyngham, Elyngham, Brome, Carleton, Kerdeston,
Resham (sic) and Swanton Nowers, and the advowsons of the churches of
Kerdeston, Geldeston, Assheby and Refham, co. Norfolk; also in the
manors of Walsham, Westhorphall, Mershall in Westhorp, Wyverston,
Hovels in Wyverston, Watelesfeld, Cotton, Dagworth, Mutford, and
Fastolfes in Mutford, and the hundred of Mutford, 20 messuages, 20
carucates of land, 100a. meadow, 1,000a. pasture, 100a. wood, and 10l.
rent in Westhorp, Walsham, Wyverston, Watelesfeld, Cotton, Baketon,
Old Neuton, Gyppyng Neuton, Fynyngham, Mendelesham, Dagworth,
Hauley, Neuton, Stowe, Chilton, Onhous, Herleston, Mutford, Gesylham,
Kessyngland, Kyrkeley, Pakefeld, Carleton, Russhemer, Barneby, and the
advowsons of the churches of Westhorp, Wyverston and Watelesfeld, co.
Suffolk; whereof they, together with others, since deceased, were seised in
fee, to the use of William late duke of Suffolk and Alice late duchess of
Suffolk, then his wife, since deceased, and their heirs. 20 November,
16 Edward IV. Two seals, broken. |
[Sussex] |
A. 10958. Indenture of demise by Robert Savage, clerk, to Joan
Cowpere, for the term of her life, of a messuage and a curtilage severally
lying the Westport (in Westporta) of Southenovere, the messuage being
between Emma Fishere's tenement on the west, and the curtilage of John
called Botiller, 'tannere,' on the east, and the curtilage being in the lane
called 'Goldstrete,' &c.; which messuage and curtilage he had, with other
things, by the demise of John Bayly and Elizabeth his wife; reserving to
Geoffrey Haselwode a cellar (celaro basso) on the west, and a chamber
(alta camera) and a study (parvo studio) on the east side of the said
messuage, an easement in the kitchen, space sufficient for his fuel,
enjoyment (disportu) of the garden, leave to draw water at the well, with
ingress and egress to the same at due times; also grant to the said Geoffrey
and his heirs of the said messuage and curtilage after the death of the said
Joan. Suthenovere, the feast of the Translation of St. Edward the King
and Martyr, 2 Henry V. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 10959. Feoffment by Richard Bretegrene of Micham to his son
Richard, in tail, with reversion, in default, to himself and his heirs, of a
messuage there. Monday after the Holy Trinity, 18 Edward III. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 10960. Feoffment by William Basse of Micham to Richard
Bretegrene of the same, Isabel his wife and Richard son of the said
Richard, in tail, with reversion, in default, to Richard's heirs, of a ½a. land
there. Monday after St. George, 13 Edward III. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 10961. Indenture of demise by Alice younger daughter of Walter
Saleman of Miham to Simon Ballard and Beatrice his wife, of a ½a.
land lying at 'Longe Battesworthe,' &c. for sixteen years from Michaelmas,
11 Edward III; her charter of feoffment to them of a ½a. land there to be
void, if their possession be undisturbed during the said term. |
Calais. |
A. 10962. Feoffment by John Basing, citizen of London, and
burgess of the town of Calais, to John Harald, 'esquier,' of a vacant site
in the town of Calais, in St. Mary's parish, in the street called 'Staple
Court strete,' between the city walls on the north, the said John Harald's
messuage and the messuage late William Benteley's on the west and the
messuage late William Ellerton's on the south; saving the rents and ser-
vices, if any, due to the church and hospital of St. Nicholas of the town of
Calais. Certified under his seal, and the seal of the mayoralty of the said
town. Witnesses:—John Styrap, mayor, Robert Priket, Simon Lilyerd,
John Chamberleyn, Thomas del More, Robert Holand, Robert Staumford,
Henry Merifeld, William Haveryng, William Lentyn and James West,
aldermen of the same town. Calais, 28 April, 19 Richard II. Fragments
of seals.
Endorsed: Irrotulatur in registro de cartis aule Cales' anno xiiijmo in
dorso papiri tempor' Johannis Stirap maioris anno regni regis Ricardi
Secundi xixno. |
Bucks. Leic. Wilts. |
A. 10963. Release by John Longevill, esquire, to Thomas Darnall
and William Joukyn, clerks, of his right in the manor of Haversham, called
'Plankes Maner,' and in the advowson of the church of the same manor, co.
Bucks, and in the manor of Compton Chamburleyn, and the advowson of the
church of Bereford, co. Wilts, and in the manor of Claybrok, co. Leicester,
all of which he had by the gift and feoffment of William Castelyn and
Thomas Stanbrugge by fine levied in the king's court. Witnesses:—John
Chasteleyn and John Reynes, knights, and others (named). Haversham,
the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 10 Henry IV. |
[Leic] |
A. 10964. Feoffment by John Sleford of Great Bowdon and Agnes
his wife to Robert Sleford of Yelvertofte, of a messuage, with a garden
adjacent, in Great Bowdon. Tuesday, the feast of St. Katharine the
Virgin, 6 Henry IV. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10965. Counterpart of demise by Joan late [the wife] of John
Mallore, knight, lady of Welton, and John her son, to John Thresshe of
Welton, Alice his wife and John their son, for term of their lives, at 18s.
rent, of the messuage and half virgate in Welton which Nicholas Steer
lately held; and they shall find one mower &c. Sunday after the
Conversion of St. Paul, 5 Richard II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10966. Indenture of demise by Dame Margaret Catesby of
Asscheby Legger to Simon Schawe of Welton, of a croft in Welton for
twelve years, from Michaelmas, 17 Henry VI, at 12d. rent. Seal. |
A. 10967. John de Limesi to all his men &c., French and English,
&c. know that I have given, &c. to William son of Wodard (Wodardi) and his
heirs, for their homage and service, a virgate of land in Selflehurst and in
Midelmor, &c. quit of 'tac' and 'tol' and of my chaces (caceis), &c.; rent,
4s.; for this William gave me 32s. and to Aliz my wife a piece of gold
(unum aureum). Witnesses:—Robert de Colingeham, John de Wilmecote,
Thomas de Chingesford, Richard de Heirun and others (named). Seal,
effaced. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10968. Indenture of demise by Robert Fitz Wyth, lord of
Bobunhull, to John son of William de Catesby, for John's life, of 40s. rent
from the manor of Bobunhull, with leave to distrain in default on the said
manor and the manors of Shotesw[elle] and [Bernan]gre, in the same
county. 6 October, 35 Edward III. Seal of arms (two bendlets). |
[Warw.] |
A. 10969. Indenture of demise by John Brome of Lapworth to John
Atebarre, of the same, Emot, his wife and Geoffrey their son, for their lives
in survivorship, of a field called 'Wahweleye,' lying between the road
leading to Burmyngham and a field called 'Chirchefeld' beside' Hyrewalle-
feld '; rent, 4s. 6d. Sunday after St. Katherine, the Virgin and Martyr, 50
Edward III. Seal (a falcon preying on a fowl). |
[Norf.] |
A. 10970. Release by Edmund Wyntyr and Henry Notyngham,
esquires, to John Drewe, clerk, of their right in the manor called 'le
Veautres,' with the lands and tenements which formerly were Simon
Veautres' in Brunham St. Clement, Brunham Thorp, Brunham Suttonn,
Brunham Ulp, Brunham St. Andrew, Brunham St. Edmund, Brunham
Westgate, Brunham Northtonn, Depdale, Holkham, Wyghtonn and War-
ham. Brunham, Saturday after St. James the Apostle, 1 Henry VI.
Seals. |
Norf. |
A. 10971. Release by Henry Barker, clerk, and William Bochyeer
of Brunham St. Clement to Cecily late the wife of John Brokford, John
Porteer, Geoffrey Swalow and Geoffrey Porteer of the same, of all the
lands and tenements they had by the feoffment of the said John Brokford,
late deceased, in Burnharn St. Clement. The feast of St. Katharine the
Virgin and Martyr, 30 Henry VI. Seals, broken. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10972. Feoffment by Thomas Jyggys of Burnham Overey to
John Porteer, Geoffrey Swalowe of the same, and Geoffrey Porteer of
Holkam, of a piece of arable, containing seven roods, in Burnham Overey,
in 'le Estgat,' &c., which together with Hugh Porteer and Alexander
Daltoon of Burnham Overey and William Lexham of Burnham Westgat,
late deceased, he had by the gift and feoffment of William Groom, of
Burnham Norton. Sunday after Easter, 30 Henry VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10973. Feoffment by Thomas Broun of Toneworth to Thomas
atte Wodyate of Rowynton the younger and Richard son of the same,
of two fields, lying together, called 'le Blakefeldes,' in Toneworth, between
the road from Heneley to Brymecham and the road from Heneley to
Sulhull, the land John Nothirst holds, and the road to Bentley Heth. The
feast of St. John the Apostle and Evangelist, falling in Christmas week,
3 Henry IV. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10974. Feoffment by Thomas Tayler of Yelvertoft to Thomas
Gundewyn, son and heir of William Gundewyn of the same, of la. arable
in the field of Cleycoton, north of 'le Portewey' &c. called 'Athorweakur';
rent, to the chief lord, an iron needle (acum) at Easter for all service.
Sunday after Michaelmas, 17 Henry VI. Seal. |
Cornw. |
A. 10975. Counterpart of demise by John Reskemer and Joan his
wife to dame Alice Fortescu of a yearly rent of 4l. 7s. 10d. out of all their
lands &c. in the county of Cornwall which formerly belonged to Robert
Cayell, esquire; to hold to the said Alice for the term of the life of Philippa
Carmynow, widow. 13 March, 13 Henry VII. Seal of arms (a saltire
between mullets, or estoiles; Luccombe). |
[Warw.] |
A. 10976. Release by Henry de Bonevile of his right in all his land
which he held held of Sir Henry Pipard in the town of Lappeuurthe, to
wit that land which lies between the land of Anketil le Franceys and the
land of Sir Thomas de Bisscopisdon, which William de Bisscopisdon father
of the said Sir Thomas bought formerly of Sir Luke Sorel; to hold to him
and his heirs freely, &c., doing therefore the service due to Sir Henry
Pipard the chief lord of the fee yearly, 5s. 3d. at three terms of the year,
to wit at Michaelmas, the Purification and Whitsuntide, 21d., and at
Christmas four hens, for all services, &c.; for this gift, grant and quit-
claim the said Sir Thomas gave him 15 marks beforehand. Witnesses:—
Sir William de Curly, Sir Bardulf de Cestreton, and others (named). |
[Herts.] |
A. 10977. Feoffment by William Coc of Stand[on] to Hugh de
Bodegesham, for his homage and service, of all his land in Pohendene, and
the homage and all the rent and service of Hubert de Stand [on], and his
heirs, for 1½a. meadow, held of him for 16d. yearly; rent, 12d. for all service;
for this Hugh gave him 25s. 4d. in gersum. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10978. Counterpart of demise by William Catesby, knight, by
leave of his feoffees, to John Philipp, of Henley, 'Walker,' of a tenement
in Henley, with a garden adjacent, and of a croft, with meadow, in
Botteley; also of twelve selions of land in the common field of Beaudesert,
and of a parcel of land lying without Botteley gate, called 'a parrok,' for
sixty years, at 10s. rent. Henley, 24 September, 12 Edward IV. Seal,
an eagle displayed. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10979. Counterpart of demise by John Malory, esquire, to
Thomas Pelett of the same, 'miller,' for life, from Michaelmas next, at
50s. rent, of his water-mill, called 'le Feeldmylle,' situate in Welton
meadows, a holm (holma) of meadow called 'le Milleholme,' a piece of
pasture called 'le Mille acre,' &c. Sunday after St. Matthew the Apostle
and Evangelist, 1422. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 10980. General release by John Nanswhydan the elder to John
Tretherff the elder, esquire; also release and warranty to the said John
Tretherff of all his land &c. in Treworian, whereof the said John Tretherff
was then seised. Treworian, the eve of St. Clement the Pope, 18
Henry VII. Seal. |
N'hamp. |
A. 10981. Indenture being a feoffment by John Catesby, son and
heir (heres de sanguine) of William Catesby, esquire, to Christopher Bone-
faunt, and Thomas Foxe, clerks, of all his land &c. in Silesworth.
10 January, 11 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10982. Feoffment by Margery daughter of Simon son of Warin
de Ssreuele to Walter son of John Lovekin of Ssreuele, for service, of his
six headlands (chevitias) of land, with their appurtenances in Ssreuele,
between Ssreuele wood and her land which John Lovekin held of her;
rent, 1d. for all service; for this Walter gave her 5s. in recognition before-
hand. |
[Camb.] |
A. 10983. Confirmation by William Thalemache, with the consent
of Alice his wife, of the gift and sale by Walter, parson of Little Wilburcham,
to the prior and convent of Angleseie, of the land which was Stephen
son of Claricia's, in Little Wilburcham, being of his fee; also confirmation
to them of all the land which was Walter le New's, in the same, the meadow
at Sameles excepted; also of the messuage, with a croft, which they had by
the gift of Eustace de Little (Parra) Wilburcham; to hold the said lands,
with their appurtenances, saving foreign service and the service belonging
to him and his heirs therefrom. Witnesses:—Sir Richard, parson of King's
Wilburcham (Wilburcham Domini Regis) and others (named). |
[Hants.] |
A. 10984. Feoffment by John Trapel of Fordingbrigge, to Alice, late
the wife of John Baudewyne, of 10a. arable in a croft called 'Luplond';
consideration, 10 marks in gersum beforehand. Witnesses:—Master John
Gerberd, John de Brommore, and others (named). |
N'hamp. |
A. 10985. Feoffment by Thomas Peyton son and heir of Thomas
Peyton son and heir of Thomas Peyton late of Esilham, esquire, to William
Catesby, Squire of the Body of the King, and to John Catesby of Olthorp,
esquire, of the manor of Welton, co. Northampton, and of all the land &c.
there which ever were his said grandfather's. Attorneys to deliver seisin,
William Litelhay and William Staverton. 14 February, 2 Richard III.
Seal (a beast passant). |
[Bucks.] |
A. 10986. Feoffment by Richard son of Peter Attemerende of
Fowelemere to Geoffrey son of Ralph Est of Dachett of 1a. and a piece of
land in the town of Dachett; rent, a red rose at Midsummer for all service.
Fragment of seal. |
A. 10987. Memorandum of an agreement between Geoffrey son of
Robert de Gerdel[e] and Gilbert Basset, to wit that he has granted and done
his homage to Gilbert, and he and his heirs shall render to Gilbert and
his heirs, at their option, three capons (altilia) yearly, or 6d. provided
Gilbert and his heirs shall defend, maintain and warrant him and his heirs
according to the form of the realm, against all men, as their free man.
Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Blacwell, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Camb.] [Norf.] [Sussex.] |
A. 10988. 'Notum sit tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego
Willelmus de Warenna comes Sudreie dono deo et sanctis apostolis ejus Petro
et Paulo ad locum Sancti Pancratii pro anima patris mei et matris mee
et mea ipsius et Rainaldi fratris mei salute . omnem terram quam
Willelmus de Caili de me tenet . et illam terram quam habuerunt idem
monachi in Sipea[m] que reddit xvi solidos . et illud quod habebam in
Salingeford et in marisco de Luna xvi solidatas . ac illas duas iddas quas
Walterius de Grandcurt tenet de me in Welingeha[m] . et omnem terram
quam Stangrinus presbiter de me tenet . ac quicquid habebam in dominio
meo a ponte Bouehorne usque Ceagelee ab orientali via sive in terra seu in
silva usque ad viam juxta pontem de Hamwde Rad[ulfi] de Querceto;
Testes sunt Rodgerius de Glowecestrre et frater ejus Hosbertus Godefredus
de Petraponte . Ricardus de Warenna Hogo de Greniosa villa .
Rodbertus de Busevilla.' |
[Warw.] |
A. 10989. Feoffment by Walter Hunt of Coventre, 'walker,' to
Henry de Sutton of Coventre of a messuage and four cottages in Coventre,
in Sponne street (in vico de Sponna); also of 9a. land, with meadow, in
Prioures Herdewyk. Witnesses:—James de Benyngton, then mayor; John
Percy and Edward de Wedon, bailiffs, of Coventre, and others (named).
1 October, 44 Edward III. |
Bucks. |
A. 10990. Grant by William Catesby, John Huggeford, Robert
Throgmerton, Thomas Lovet and John Turpyn, esquires, to Richard
Maryet and John Brewster, jointly and severally, of the next presentation
of the rectory, or parish church, of Waunden, when by the death, or other-
wise, of Richard Fuller, clerk, rector of the same, it should happen to be
void; they the said Catesby, and the others, being in possession inter alia
of the manor and advowson of Waunden by the grant of John Palady,
clerk, and Robert Barker, clerk, who had the same inter alia by the grant
of Thomas Byllyng, knight, chief justice of the king's Bench. 1 March,
21 Edward IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 10991. Grant by William de Veautre of Brunham to William
March of Stanhowe, Walter and Thomas sons of the said William, and
Sir John, vicar of the church of St. Clement of Brunham, of all his goods
and chattels moveable, to do their pleasure with. To put them in seisin
thereof he has delivered to them all his keys and certain of his beasts
(averia). Dated 12 November, 3 Edward III, in the presence of (coram)
Sir Thomas, parson of the church of Stanffeld, Robert de Veautre and
others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10992. Feoffment by Alice late the wife of Robert atte Well (ad
fontem) of Helidene, widow, to William her son the clerk, for service
rendered, of her whole grange, with a certain part of her court adjacent to
the same, and with a dovecot situate in the said court, in the town of
Helydene, between the highway and the tenement of the nuns of Catisby,
together with the reversion of two cottages with courts, annexed to the said
tenement, expectant on the decease of William Snou, who holds the same
of her for his life and a year over. Sunday before St. Barnabas the
Apostle, 6 Edward III. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10993. Indenture of demise by John Burgh of Braundeston and
Emma his wife, to Agnes his mother, for the term of her life, of the
messuage in Braundeston, next that of Henry Leyr of Welton, which they
lately had by her gift and feoffment (A. 9256); rent, a grain of corn at
Christmas. Monday after St. Luke, the Evangelist, 6 Richard II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 10994. Indenture of demise by John Bukmore of Lapworth, and
Agnes his wife, to John Barre of Lapworth, and Emma his wife, for the
term of their lives in survivorship, with remainder to Richard their son,
for life, to hold of them, and the heirs of Agnes, at 9s. 4d. rent, of a field
of land and meadow, called 'Wylkynslond,' between the pool (stangnum)
called 'Lapworthmulnepole' and the tenement formerly Henry Cowe-
herd's. Sunday after St. Nicholas, 21 Richard II. Seal of arms, blurred
impression, with legend, s. phil. de. alesburi. |
Leic. |
A. 10995. Indenture being a feoffment by Edmund Newenham and
Richard Kyrton, clerk, to Robert Catesby of Newenham, co. Northampton,
esquire, and Lettice his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship,
with remainder to William their son, in tail, with remainder to Nicholas
their son, his heirs and assigns, of the land &c. in Thedyngworth, co.
Leicester, which they had by the gift and feoffment of the said Robert;
attorneys to deliver seisin, Richard Glover and—Wryght. 14 March,
7 Edward IV. Seal of arms (three demi-lions passant gardant, in fess
point a mullet of six points) with legend, sigillum edmundi neunam,
and seal, broken. |
N'hamp. |
A. 10996. Feoffment by Philip Frauncton of Catesby and Alice his
wife, to William Pere, chaplain, and Richard Taskere of Catesby of 8a.
arable and ½a. meadow in Heliden beside Catesby, lying in half-acres at or
upon 'Helidene Forthe,' 'Pershull,' 'Lastrich Hull,' 'Litteldon,' 'lez
Puttes,' 'Middel Attelfeld,' 'Hethen Buries,' 'Scharplond,' 'le Mede,'
'Smallond,' 'Rowenhull,' 'Northrugg,' 'Blakenlond,' 'Syslapes,' under the
abbey, and on 'Flexbrook,' and the ½a. meadow in the common meadow of
Heliden. Monday the morrow of the Annunciation, 4 Henry IV. Seals. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 10997. Release by Richard son of Ralph Godefrey of North
Kyvelingworth to Benedict de Drayhton of Welton of his right in 1d.
rent from 3a. land in Benedict's tenure, and the land is called 'Hokeslond';
which rent he had by the grant of John Ace of Welton. Friday after the
Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 1 Edward III. Seal, broken. |
Bucks. |
A. 10998. Indenture of demise by Master John Gunthorp, clerk,
John Elryngton, 'gentilman,' John Langley, Roger Lay ton and John
Johnson to Master John Seymere, clerk, for twelve years from Michaelmas
last, at 70s. rent, of the croft called 'Brocas Crofte' in the parish of Eton
beside Windesor, 29 January, 1 Henry VII. |
[Derby.] |
A. 10999. Chirograph indented being the memorandum of an agree-
ment between Gervase son of Richard de Bernack, of the one part, and
Simon son of Simon and Maud his wife, daughter of Peter de Raleye, of
the other, touching the land of Middilton in Le Peck which the said Maud
had in dower by the gift of John son of Richard de Watervile, late her
husband, and touching the land which Peter de Raleye, her father, bought
of Alice de Wynefeld in the same town; to wit Simon and Maud have
granted to Gervase and his heirs all the land she had in dower for ever,
and the land which her father bought until her decease; for this Gervase
has granted to the said Simon and Maud all his land of Bramton in
exchange for the said land of Middilton to hold for the life of the said
Maud, with reversion after her decease to the said Gervase; and the land
of Middilton, which the said Peter de Ralye bought, shall revert to the said
Peter or his heirs; and further the said Gervase and his heirs shall give
12l. yearly to the said Simon and Maud during the life of the said Maud.
Witnesses:—Sir William de Colevile, Ralph son of Reginald, Richard de
Bernack, Peter de Weston, Richard de Lindon and Hugh de Goldingham,
knights, and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 11000. Release by John de Toppesforde of Lapworthe to Thomas
le Fleccher of Lapworthe of his right in a cottage, two crofts and a
curtilage. Lapworthe, Saturday after St. Ambrose, the Bishop and
Confessor, 32 Edward III. |