Deeds: A.13201 - A.13300

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Deeds: A.13201 - A.13300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.13201 - A.13300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: A.13201 - A.13300". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

A.13201 - A.13300

Norf. A. 13201. Bond by 'Rychard Alyng, Umfree Merer, Rychard Alyng,' the younger, of Honenggem Thorpe, 'hosbond men,' to William Aslake, of Holme, gentleman, in 4l. at All Hallows next, conditioned for the delivery by the younger Richard to the said William of 'on soffyhent destres in and a pone the fee or grownde wyche Shargent Catlyng ded howld the daye of hys dethe a pon the maner of Est Todnahm caled Barres or eles to paye or cause to be payd the a reges of the rente dewe on to the sayd Wyll'm Aslake yn the vewe of the same maner at shoche tyme as the sayd Wyll'm Aslake . . . . shall apoynte.' 13 October, 5 and 6 Philip and Mary. Paper. Signed Umfray Mere.
[Norf.] A. 13202. Bond by Richard Bulwer of Wod Dallyng, co. Norfolk, gentleman, and William Selltes, and Robert Gabyn, of the same, 'bochers,' to William Hastyngez, of Corpustye, in 20l. at All Hallows next, conditioned for the payment of 10l. namely 20s. at All Hallows yearly till the whole be paid. 28 March, 34 Henry VIII.
Camb. A. 13203. Feoffment by George Baasley, of Tofte, Nicholas Maye and Thomas Baasley, son of Thomas Baaseley, of the same town, they being enfeoffed to the use of Edmund Hanson, clerk, late rector of Tofte, deceased, and of his last will, at the special request of William Hanson, clerk, cousin and heir and executor or administrator of the said Edmund, to Robert Holder of Barton, 'yoman,' William Adam, John Adam, and Thomas Holder, of Orrewell, 'husbondmen,' of 12a. arable in the fields of Barton and Whittewell, whereof two selions containing three roods, &c., which they had together with the said Edmund Hanson, Thomas Baseley, late of Tofte, 'smyth,' and John Grene, late of Comberton, since deceased, to them, their heirs and assigns, as in six several charters thereof to them made more fully appears; to hold to the said Robert Holder, William Adam, and the others, to the use of the said Robert, his heirs and assigns. Barton, 8 March, 8 Henry VIII. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Salop. A. 13204. Indenture of award, 13 October, 8 Elizabeth, by Thomas Ludlowe, of 'the Moore,' co. Salop, esquire, and Adam Lutley, of Bromcroft, in the said county, gentleman, between Anne Gower, of Oxenbold, in the said county, widow, and William Gower, one of the sons of Thomas Gower, late of Oxenbold, deceased, touching letters of adminis- tration obtained by William out of the 'Court of Prerogatyve in the Arches,' 'upon his surmise then made that his said father died untestat without any will makinge, which surmise was an untruthe,' and other matters, the parties being bound in 40l. apiece to abide their 'arbytrament,' &c.; they award first and principally the parties 'to be fromhenseforthe perfett lovers and frendes'; item, whereas William got into his hands the said letters of administration to the disquietness and trouble of the said Anne, 'which nowe he confesseth was unadvisedly don,' and further surmised that his father had goods in 'sondry dyoceses by meane wherof also he thought at the lest to put her to the charges' to prove the will in the prerogative court, 'or elles at the lest to dryve her to answere there, while he knewe perfettly his father had made a will and ordeyned the said Anne sole executrix,' which will is 'provid in the right place accordinglie,' he shall cause the said letters to be annulled and call back his informations; she shall pay him 26s. 8d. for his expenses, whereof 18s. is already paid, the residue to be paid when he has 'absolutely discharged her in the said court.' English. Signatures.
Camb. A. 13205. Sale and feoffment by Richard Aunger, of Berton, son and heir of Richard Aunger of the same, the elder, to John Puregold and Margaret his wife, Hugh Chapman of Cambridge, executors of the will of Henry Veysy, of Cambridge, Paul Smyth, and John Thirleby, of the same, and John Rolff, of Barton, of 3a. arable lying together in Barton, between land late lord 'Greys,' &c. which descended to him on his said father's death; to hold to Margaret's use for life, with remainder to the use of the said executors for sale and the performance of the said will. Barton, 4 May, 1 Henry VIII. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Camb. A. 13206. Bond by Richard Maldon, of Barton, and Robert his son and heir, of the same, husbandmen, to Robert Holder of the same, husbandman, in 13l. at Christmas next, conditioned for the payment of 10l. at Michaelmas next. 28 October, 34 Henry VIII. Fragments of seals.
A. 13207. Counter bond by John Gyfford, knight, to Thomas Lucy, knight, in 100l. at Whitsun next, conditioned for saving the said Thomas harmless in respect of an obligation of 100l. wherein they together with William Legh, gentleman, stand bound to Sir Thomas Lovell, knight, and other, to the king's use. 27 March, 6 Henry VIII.
A. 13208. Counter bond by William Sandes of 'le Vyne,' co. Hants, knight, to Thomas Lucy, of Charleton (sic), co. Warwick, esquire, in 550l. at Michaelmas next, conditioned for the payment of 500l. 1 August, 1513, as parcel of 1,100l. for the payment whereof at the said date to Thomas Lovell, knight, and John Heron, esquire, to the king's use, they stand bound by an obligation of even date. 5 June, 3 Henry VIII. Signed Wyll'm Sandys. Seal.
Camb. A. 13209. Feoffment by Thomas son of Richard son and heir of John Dycke of Barton to William Sterre and Edward Bronde, of a messuage and parcel of land called 'Croftelond,' which the said Richard lately bought of John Anger, and 4a. 3r. arable and one third of a half-acre mead lying dispersed in the town, fields and meadows of Barton and Haselyngfeld; which messuage and land he lately had jointly with Robert Rolf and John Howe, since deceased, inter alia, by the gift of the said Richard Dycke, his father, by oharter dated at Barton, 10 May, 19 Henry VII; to hold to the said William and Edward to the use of the same William Sterr, his heirs and assigns. Barton, 24 January, 6 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
Norf. A. 13210. Counterpart indenture, 28 December, 5 Elizabeth, between Peter Reade of Gymmyngham, esquire, and John Stanlye of Skottowe, gentleman, of the one part, and Clement Harward, of Alborough, gentleman, of the other, being the defeasance of a feoffment made to them by the said Clement, on the 10th instant, of 'on inclosse called the Westende closse' in Alborough, containing 30a., to wit, if he save them harmless in respect of a bond in 200 marks whereby they jointly with him and at his request for his proper debt stand bound to one Thomas Kytson, esquire, for the pay- ment of 100l. they shall stand seised thereof to his use, or otherwise to their own use, discharged of all except the dower of Anne his wife and rents to the chief lord. English. Signed Clement Harward. Witnesses' names endorsed. Cancelled by cuts.
Norf. A. 13211. Indenture of demise, 3 November, 13 Elizabeth, by Clement Harward of Alborough, esquire, to Christopher Langdon, of Wolterton, gentleman, of 'all that his severall shepes pasture or hethes comonly callyd Bodham Hall Heth and Brimly Heth' with all other his land near adjoining in Wickemer, Little Barningham and Matlaske, 'nowe or late commonly layde and fedd in somer tyme with the flocke of shepe of the said Clement pastured and going upon the said hethes and one parre callyd the Middell Parre,' containing 3a., between other land of his, the highway, land of Edmund Barnes, and 'a way leding from Wickmer chyrche to Little Barningham,' except land which has 'within thes tenne or twelve yers bene plowed lyeng on the est side of a dyke deviding the said landes and the said heath callyd Bodham Hall Heth, and eight acres of land of William Dyxe esquier nowe in tillage,' in the occupation of Robart Dowe of Matlaske, 'and one other acre in the tenure of the said Robert Dowe now in varyauns betwene the said William Dixe and the said Clement, and one other acre of Edmund Barnes of Wickmer, and 'too peces of Thomas Cooke of Little Barningham,' containing 2a. 1r.; for ten years from Michaelmas last; paying at the 'nowe dwelling house of the said Clement in Alborough,' 24l. for the first year on Michaelmas day, and the like during the residue of the term 'on the feast day of saynt Peter the advincula comonly called Lammes,' &c. English. Signed C. Herward. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Camb. A. 13212. Sale and feoffment by Henry Dowse and Henry Skotte, churchwardens of Great Everdon, with the assent of the other parishioners, in fulfilment of the last will of Joan Burgh, daughter and heir of John de Burgh and Margery, his wife, formerly of Barton, to Robert Holder, of Barton aforesaid, 'yoman,' Henry Condalle, clerk, perpetual vicar of the parish church of Barton, Nicholas Fanne, of the same, and Edmund Holder son of the said Robert, of a cottage in Barton, with croft adjacent, formerly belonging to Henry Garlyke husband of the said Joan; to hold to the use of the said Robert Holder, his heirs and assigns. Barton, 31 March, 16 Henry VIII. Seals.
Cornw. A. 13213. Counterpart of demise by John Reskymer, esquire, to Huchin (Huchino) Roger, John his son and Jenet (Jenette) his daughter, for eighty years, of a messuage in Trevedour within the parish of St. Martin, whereof the said Huchin is tenant at will; rent, 14s., the best beast on deaths, according to the custom of the hundred of Keryer, doing suit to his court at Tremayn. 27 April, 1 Edward VI.
Worc. A. 13214. Statute Staple by Edward Yonge, of Crombe Abitott, gentleman, to Conan Richardson, of Parshor, gentleman, in 300l. at Easter next. 27 January, 3 Edward VI. Signed per me Edwardu' Young. Fragment of seal of the staple of . . .; seal lost; buck trippant, collared, bezanty, opposite signature, Ric' Lyster.
Glouc. A. 13215. Indenture of demise, 26 January, 27 Henry VIII, by Richard Anselme, abbot of Winchelcombe, and the convent of the same, to Richard Rogers, of Dowdyswell, Johan his wife, and William, John, Nicholas, Richard and Robert, their sons, for sixty years, of a pasture called 'Rosteley' in the parish of Wythyngdon, in the lordship of Dowdyswelle, at 6l. rent at Lady Day and Michaelmas by even portions, and at the feast of the Ascension three quarters of 'gud barly maltt,' during the space of twenty-seven years next, and thereafter six quarters, also twelve 'chesys the price of iiijs' at Michaelmas; they shall assign it to none but their children. English. At foot Irrotulatur per W. Berners auditorem.
Endorsed: John Hygford.
Denb. A. 13216. Indenture of bargain and sale, 20 April, 26 Elizabeth, by Roger ap Rees ap Hoell, of Aber[ch]wilar, co. Denbigh, gentleman, and Henry ap Roger ap Rees, his son and heir apparent, to Edward ap David Lloyd, of Cayroys, co. Flint, gentleman, in consideration of 50l. of a house or tenement wherein Margaret verch Kynnerick dwells, and seven closes, land and wood, viz. three are called 'Bryn y David alles,' containing 5a. between land of Thomas ap Harry Vaughan. the highway from Ruthin to Croyswyan, and land of Thomas Salesbury, esquire, the fourth is called 'Kay siak,' the fifth 'Kae byghan,' the sixth 'Hanner Koyd Kay yn y twy,' the seventh 'Ka . . . . .,' containing in the whole 10a., lying together between land of the said Roger ap Rees, the said highway, &c. and are situate in Aberchwilar and Blorant, within the lordship of Ruthin, county Denbigh. 1584. English. Witnesses' names endorsed. One seal.
Norf. A. 13217. Counterpart of demise, 4 December, 5 Edward VI, by Richard Aslak, of Norwich, gentleman, to William Blenerhayset, of the same city, gentleman, of the manor of Estodenham from Michaelmas last for four years, at the rent of 'oon gyllyver flower' at Midsummer, if demanded; the demise to be void on payment of 22l. 13s. 4d. on the feast of All Sayntes next. English. Signed Will'm Blenerhayset. Proviso endorsed against cutting timber.
Camb. A. 13218. (1) Bargain and sale and feoffment by Richard Malden of Berton, 'husbondman,' to Master Reginald Baynbryg, bachelor in Theology, James Wylson, John Crocyer, Cuthbert Hakerston, Robert Cowper, Robert Fewell and Christopher Bland, clerks, and to their use, of 40a. arable in the fields of Berton, Grawndcestre, Cotton and Whytwell, as in the schedule annexed, which the said Richard bought of Robert Holder of Berton, together with other land, as appears by charter, 20 December, 30 Henry VIII. Berton, 8 December, 35 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
(2) Schedule annexed.
Norf. A. 13219. Feoffment by Richard Hoo to William Bury, William Baker and James Tolle, of all the land, &c. late of John Pomfrett, clerk, in Skerneng, which he had by the gratis release of the said William and William; also of a close reckoned at 7a., late William Dey's, lying at 'lez Aldrez' in Skerneng, between a close of his on the south and lands of divers men, now of him the said Richard, on the north, and abutting on land of Huntingfeldhall on the west, which close Thomas Hoo, his father, whose heir he is, had, together with Francis Southwell, John Sturgeis and Geoffrey Brakke, to the use of the said Thomas, by the gift of John Pomfret, of Skerneng, the elder, John Pomfret, clerk, his son, William Slappe and Clement Pomfrett, by charter dated 11 April, 24 Henry VII; to hold to the said William, William and James, to the use of Agnes, his wife for her life. Skerneng, 31 March, 25 Henry VIII. Signed per me Ric'm Hoo. Seal. Endorsed: My mother's joyntour.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Camb. A. 13220. Sale and feoffment by John Puregold, executor of the testament and last will of Henry Veysy, late of Cambridge, Paul Smyth and John Thirleby, of Cambridge, Richard Aunger and John Rolf, of Barton, in performance of the said will, to Robert Holder, of Barton, Henry Condalle, clerk, vicar of Barton, William Holder and Edmund Holder, sons of Robert, and Nicholas Fann, of Barton, of 7½a. arable, and a close of wood lying dispersed in Barton, situate as described, all of which they, together with Margaret, late the wife of the said John Puregold, and Hugh Chapman, since deceased, of Cambridge, John's co-executors, had by the feoffment of John Howes, of Cambridge, by charter dated at Barton, 12 January, 24 Henry VII.; also sale and feoffment by same to same of 2a. 1r. arable lying dispersed in Barton, situate as described, which together with the said Margaret and Hugh, they had by the sale and feoffment of Richard Aunger, son and heir of Richard Aunger, the elder, deceased, late of Barton, by his charter dated there 4 June, 1 Henry VIII.; also sale and feoffment by same to same of 3a. arable, lying together in Barton, between lord 'Greys' land and 'the pryours wey' leading to Cambridge, &c., which together with the said Margaret and Hugh they had by the sale and feoffment of Richard Aunger, the son, by charter dated at Barton, 4 May, 1 Henry VIII; also sale and feoffment by same to same, of two selions containing 3r. land in 'le Hille Feld' of Barton, which together with Richard Serle of Barton, since deceased, they had by the sale and feoffment of Margaret Aunger, of Whitewell, widow, and of Nicholas son and heir of Sampson Aunger, of the same, by their charter dated 28 January, 7 Henry VIII; to hold to the said Robert and the others to his use, &c.; attorney to deliver seisin Ignis (Ignem) Elger. 5 February, 16 Henry VIII. Signatures of Puregold and Smyth. Five seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 13221. Feoffment by John Pomfret, clerk, son and heir of John Pomfret, late of Skernyng, and executor of the said John's will, to Richard Hoo and William Hoo, of all the land, &c. in Skernyng whereof his said father died seised. Skernyng, 29 September, 18 Henry VIII. Signed per me Johe' Pomfret.
Memorandum of livery of seisin, in the presence of Robert Eyer, gentleman, Clement Pomfret, and others, endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13222. Indenture between Elizabeth, late the wife of Sir Waryn Lercedekne, knight, and Sir John Trevarthian, knight, witnessing that Sir John has bargained with her for the marriage of Elizabeth, daughter and one of Sir Waryn's and her heirs, with Otys, his eldest son and heir apparent which marriage she had by the king's grant by letters patent; Sir John shall pay for the marriage 140 (sept vyntz) marks; he shall give to the said Otys and Elizabeth, the daughter, lands to the value of 20 marks yearly in county Cornwall, within a quarter of a year after she attains the age of fourteen, if Otys be then alive, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion in default to himself and his heirs; if they have issue, Sir John shall enfeoff them of land to the further value of 10 marks within half a quarter of a year after the birth, in tail, with reversion in default as above, &c.; bonds in 100l. and 1,000l. respectively, &c. 12 March, 2 Henry IV. French. Damaged.
[Norf.] A. 13223. Feoffment by Thomas Poumfreit, late of Skernyng, now of Estdereham, and Clement Poumfreit, of Skernyng, to Richard Hoo, Edmund Bedingfeld, knight, Christopher Jenney, esquire, John Poumfreit, clerk, John Giggez, Thomas Bury, and Robert Kirkby, to the use of the said Richard, of a piece of land in Skernyng, in 'Bitfeld,' between land of the manor of Skernyng, in Clement's occupation, land late of John Pynnez, land late of John Martyn, the elder, and the highway, reckoned at 1a., which, together with John Poumfreit, the elder, since deceased, they had by the feoffment of Thomas Rownyng, late of Skernyng, and William Rownyng. of Estdereham, by charter dated at Skernyng, 20 January, 9 Henry VII. 2 December, 18 Henry VIII. Signed per me Clem. Pomfret propria manu. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Kent. N'hamp. A. 13224. Indenture tripartite, whereby John, bishop of Worcester, reciting that he, together with William, late bishop of Durham, deceased, for the debt of Richard Haute, esquire, and at his special request, by their writing obligatory were bound to William Catesby, squire for the body of the king, in 700 marks to be paid to the said William at a certain term; and reciting that Thomas Grey, late marquess of Dorset, Anthony, late earl Ryvers, since deceased, John Fogge, William Haute and Henry Ferrers, knights, William Alyngton, esquire, John Milborn, of the county of Hereford, and Thomas Peyton, son of Thomas Peyton, late of Esilham, and of Margaret, his wife, deceased, Nicholas Gaynesford, esquire, Humphrey Tyrell, esquire, Thomas Stydolf and John Fyneux, were seised of the manors of Denton and Tapton, co. Kent, and of divers other lands, &c. in the parish of Denton, late John Yerde's, and of divers lands called Thryles alias Dryles, in the same county in fee, by the gift and feoffment of the said Richard Haute and of John Isaak, esquire, to the use of the said bishops, for their security and indempnity in respect of the 700 marks against Catesby; and reciting that the said Richard Haute, the said marquess of Dorset, John Fogge and Nicholas Gaynesford were attainted in the parliament held, 23 January, 1 Richard III, and the lands whereof they, or others to their use were seised, 18 October, in the said year, were forfeited, lands, &c. of which they were seised to the use of others excepted, with a proviso that nothing in the act should be prejudicial to him, the said bishop, or to the administrators of the bishop of Durham in respect of the manors and lands aforesaid, but that the persons thereof seised should carry out the bargain entered into between the said Richard Haute and the said bishops; and reciting that he, the said bishop of Worcester, had caused one Thomas Peyton, son and heir of the said Thomas the son, to give and alienate to the said William Catesby, and to John Catesby, of Olthorp, esquire, to William's use, the manor of Welton, co. Northampton, in full satisfaction for the said 700 marks; now, by the present writing tripartite indented, he the said bishop enfeoffs the said Thomas Peyton, the grandson, of the said manors and lands in Kent, in full satisfaction for the said manor of Welton, to hold in tail, with re- mainder in default to the heirs of the body of the said Margaret, with remainder in default to her right heirs, with warranty against Thomas, abbot of Westminster; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Dygges, Richard Fyneux and John Tathewell. 23 January, 2 Richard III. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment on the dorse of the Close roll, the said month and year.
Cornw. A. 13225. Counterpart of demise, 16 November, 24 Elizabeth, by John Grebare alias Reskymer, of Meyrthyn, esquire, and William Grebare alias Reskymer, . . . . ., to Johan, wife of John Thomas, with her said husband's assent, and to William and John Thomas, their sons, for the term of their lives in survivorship, in consideration of . . . . . . ., of . . . . [in] . . . . . alias Borvannecke Wolas and in the 'fyldes of Marhasyowe percell of Borvanneck aforesaid' [late in the occupation of] . . . . 'Chynowith gentleman or his assignes'; also of the 'house now decayed beynge upon the sayd tenement' . . . [which] '. . . Chyno- with or any ther before did holde'; at 4l. rent, [suit of court of] the manor of Trevarthyn, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, . . . . Cowche and Thomas Ryst. Signed per me Joh'em Thomas. Witnesses' names endorsed. Damaged.
A. 13226. Bond by John Len', of Seynt Stephyne of Lanceston, co. Cornwall, gentleman, Robert Cansy, of Northam, co. Devon, gentleman, and Thomas Browne alias Bevyll, of Kokebery, co. Devon, gentleman, to John Baigge, of Tavystocke, in 100 marks, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date between the said John Len', Robert Cansy and 'Johane' his wife, of the one part, and the said John Baigge of the other. 27 July, 6 Edward VI. Signed per me Thomam Browne, the mark of John Lenn'.
Cornw. A. 13227. Indenture, tripartite, 10 March, 11 Elizabeth, between 'Jamez' Strecheleghe, of Poundestoke, gentleman, of the first, John Lamerton, of Woodeknoll, in the parish of Marhamchurche, 'husbond- man,' of the second, and William Lamerton, his son, of the third part, leading the uses of a recovery to be suffered and a fine to be levied by James to William of the reversion of lands, &c. in Marhamchurche called 'Woodeknoll, Woodeknoll Parke and Horelake,' which the said John and 'Jone' his wife held of the said James for the term of their lives at 4l. 13s. 8d. rent, with covenant by William to pay the like rent. English. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 13228. Indenture of demise by Elizabeth Catesby, late the wife of George Catesby, esquire, to Thomas Wheler, of Henley in Artherne, 'barcar,' of a tenement there between George Turnar's and Rychard Marlow's extending in 'lenketh from the payment of Henley,' to 'the lytyll parke of Henley'; also of a croft called 'Buckeley within the lordeschepe of Bewdeserte,' under the 'Lytyll Parke' on one side, and 'londe of the gylde of Henley on the other'; also of 'iiij erabull buttys lying within Wheteley fylde,' whereof 'iij lyne to gedyr' between land of the said 'gylde,' land of 'Sir John Aston knyzgth,' land of John Harwell, and land of 'Rouland' Stokes, and 'the other butte lythe between land of William Raynaldys, late 'Angnes' Deysters, land of the said Elizabeth, in John Pratt's holding, land of the said John Harwell and 'the comyn churche way that gothe from Wheteley unto Wotton'; also of a 'lytyll gardenplace withowte the bareyates of the towne of Henley,' 'callyd Berneyard,' between land of 'the lordys of Henley,' and land of John Harper of the same town; to hold for 60 years at 19s. rent, &c. Witnesses, Roulond Stokes, John Pratte, 'then beyng Master of the gylde of Henley,' and others (named). 'Gevyn at Henley in Artherne,' 16 May, 23 Henry VII. English.
Cornw. A. 13229. Indenture being a feoffment by John Skewys, esquire, to William Reskymer, second born son of John Reskymer, esquire, deceased, and to Alice Denssell, one of the daughters and heirs of John Denssell, late serjeant-at-law, nephew of him the said John Skewys, which Alice by God's grace [William shall marry], and upon condition that he marry her, of all his manors, lands, &c. in Skewys, Polrode, Bulland, Scawen, Fentenvenna, Tredrym, Sulgena, Sent Crede and elsewhere in the county of Cornwall, all tin works (operibus stannariis) and toll of tin worked within the said manors, &c. excepted and reserved to him and the heirs of his body issuing; to hold to the said William and Alice and the heirs of their bodies, rendering therefore yearly to him and the heirs of his body 90l. by quarterly payments, with remainder, if the said Alice die without heir of her body, to the heir male of the body of the said William, rendering to him and the heirs of his body the rent as aforesaid, with remainder, if William die without heir male of his body, to John Reskymer, esquire, elder brother of the said William, and to the heirs male of his body, rendering the rent as aforesaid, with remainder, if John die without heir male of his body, to the right heirs of him the said John Skewys, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Warin Benet and William Bathe. 6 February, 80 Henry VIII. Copy on paper.
Cornw. A. 13230. Bond by William Carnesewe, the elder, of Bockellie, and John Tredenecke, of Tredenecke, esquires, and John Coisgarne, of Laddock, gentleman, to the queen in 200 marks, conditioned for the payment of 100l. to the 'Receyvor of her Highnes Dutchye of Cornewall' at All Hallows next. 1 February, 8 Elizabeth. Signed William Carnsuyow, per me J. Tredeneck, per me Joh'em Coysgarne.
Endorsed: Received hereapon of Charles Tredennecke the soume of fyftye pounds. Received hereupon of Mr. William Carneshewe the somme of fiftye pounds. Cancelled by cuts.
Cornw. Devon. A. 13231. Indenture being a feoffment by Isota late the wife of Hugh Strange, cousin and one of the heirs of John Carwynnek, widow, to Edward Tretherf, son of John Tretherf, esquire, of all her land, &c. in Carwynnek, Trevelek, Grampond, in the parish of St. Creed (Sancte Crede), Leskerdburgh, and Brendon nigh Leskerd, co. Cornwall, and in Plymouth, co. Devon; to hold to him and the heirs of his body, of her and her heirs, by the rent of a grain of corn at Michaelmas in September, and to the chief lords the services due and accustomed; with remainder in default of his issue, to Reginald Tretherf, his brother, in tail, with remainder in default to Katharine, daughter of the said John Tretherf, in tail, with remainder in default to the said John Tretherf, esquire, his heirs and assigns; warranty. Witnesses:—John Skewys, William Tretherf, Edward Menwynnek, William Lour', John Joce. Carwynnek, 20 September, 1 Henry VIII.
[Cornw.] A. 13232. Indenture being a feoffment by John Penwarn, esquire, to John Calmady and Agnes Penwarn, his daughter, John's intended wife, in tail, of all his land, &c. in Fentengembres vyen, Retalek, and Lamyllyn; attorneys to deliver seisin, Lawrence William, and James Trethyugy. Fentengenbres vyen, 18 January, 82 Henry VIII. Three separate memorandums of livery of seisin endorsed.
A. 13233. Bond by Richard Robson, of London, gentleman, to William Catesbye, of Leagers Asshebie, co. Northampton, esquire, in 200l., conditioned for the performance of covenants in indentures of even date. 1 May, 11 Elizabeth. Signed per me Ric'm Robson. Seal (a gem).
Endorsed: sealed and delivered to Richard Catesbie gentleman to be delivered over to the withinnamed William Catesbye as the deede of the withinnamed Richarde Robson in the presence of Gylbeyrt Hussey, Roberte Gage, Raphaell Pemberton.
A. 13234. Indenture of apprenticeship of Richard Wharton, son of Richard Wharton of Shap Abbey, co. Westmoreland, gentleman, to John Clarke, citizen and 'iremonger' of London and one of the company (societatis) of merchant adventurers [to] Spain and Eastland, to be taught the art he uses from Christmas next for nine years. London, 27 August, 1589, 31 Elizabeth. Signed Richard Whartonn. Seal.
Bucks. Oxford. A. 13235. Letter of attorney by Dame Elizabeth Wellisborne, of Asteley, co. Warwick, widow, late the wife of John Wellisborne, knight, deceased, to Edmund Wellicombe, of Myxburye, co. Oxford, yeoman, to deliver seisin to John Wellisborne, son and heir of the said John, and to Anne, his wife, according to the effect of an indenture of demise, 16 August, 7 Elizabeth, by her made, of the manor of Fulwell, the manor of Mixburye, the cony warren, and all other the land, &c. of the said Sir John, granted and demised to her for life, in the counties of Oxford and Buckingham, except a meadow called 'Lynche meadow' and another meadow called 'Wysshames Lake.' 10 August, 9 Elizabeth. Signed Elyzabeth Wellsburne, Rycharde Chambrelayne. Witnesses:—Wyllyam Momforde and others (named). Seal.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin, 20 October, in the said year: also 'Lady Wellisbornes letter of attorney to Wellicomb . . . . . to delyver possession to my unckle Wellisborne.'
Warw. A. 13236. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Nicholas Ethell alias Lawrence, of Nonneaton, gentleman, in performance of covenants in indentures of 13 November last, and in consideration of 80l. to Edward Vaughan, of London, gentleman, of land, &c. in Nonneaton formerly in the occupation of Agnes Wurshippe and now in his own; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Rotherham, Robert Lee and Edmund Chamberleyne. 24 December, 13 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Cornw.] A. 13237. Counterpart of demise, 10 May, 27 Elizabeth, by John Reskymur alias Grebar, of Merthen, co. Cornwall, esquire, and William Reskymur alias Grebar, of the said county, gentleman, to Edward Mabe, Jenet his wife, and Henry, their son, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of four pieces of ground in Burvannacke wartha, parcel of the manor of Trevarthen, containing 3a. which the said Edward before held, at 8s. 6d. rent, at the terms usual in the hundred of Keryar, one capon at Michaelmas, 5s. 'heariott or farliffe' and suit of court in the manor of Trevarthen; attorneys to deliver seisin, Henry Badcocke and John Favel. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Warw. A. 13238. Bond by John Oughton, of Fyllongley, yeoman, to John Suffocke, of Nonn Eton, 'tannar,' in 60l. conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of bargain and sale of even date. 27 June, 31 Elizabeth. Seal, broken. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Warw. A. 13239. Feoffment by Edward Wightman, of Hinckley, co. Leicester, gentleman, in part performance of covenants in indentures of 24 July, to Edward Rawlett, of Nonn Eton, co. Warwick, 'chandler,' of a messuage, &c. in Eton alias Nonn Eton, next land of William Boughton, esquire, &c, now being in Edward's occupation, which he had by the gift of Thomas Wightman, gentleman, his brother, and which the said Thomas bought of one Thomas Cotton of the town of Leicester, merchant, by charter 15 May, 2 Edward VI. Dated 26 July, 20 Elizabeth. Signed Edward Wyghtman. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 13240. Release by Edmund Grene, of Skarneng, gentleman, son and heir of Edward Grene, gentleman, to Richard Hoo, of his right in ½a. arable recently enclosed by Richard and in ½r. meadow towards 'Pennenges- karre,' late John Pynnez', and afterwards the said Edward's, in Skarneng. 29 March, 1 Mary. Signed per me Ed. Grene. Seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo.
London. A. 13241. Assignment by William Kirkeham, citizen and haber- dasher of London, to his son Robert, of London, haberdasher, and to John Spencer, of London, haberdasher, late his apprentice, of two leases, as in A. 13199, of a tenement, &c. in the parish of St. Mighell by Crokedlane, London. 18 June, 21 Elizabeth. English. Signed by mark.
Cornw. A. 13242. Indenture of bargain and sale, 10 September, 19 Elizabeth, by John Rawlyn, of the parish of Plenynt alias Pelynt, 'weyver,' and 'Elinor' his wife, to Peter Bevyll, of Rosilyon in the parish of St. Blasie, gentleman, in consideration of 21l., of their land, &c. in Tregryan alias Tregryhan and Boscaveyvan alias Boscavyan, in the parish of St. Blasye, with all the land, &c. in Chardmen Crudrer alias Jarran Crudrer and common of pasture in the parishes of St. Blasie and St. Austell, being now in the several tenures of one Philipe Bodye, Richard Body, John Trenannce, John Wylton and John Harle. Names of witnesses, John, William and Philip Bevyll, Philip Willes, endorsed.
A. 13243. 'This bylle made,' 5 'Juny,' 12 Henry VIII, witnesses that Edmund Newenham, esquire, has received of Sir Thomas Lucy, knight, 'by the handes of Dame Elizabeth Lucy his wyffe fourescore markes' of money 'parcell of the mariage money as it apperith in a pare of indentures of covenauntes of maryage,' made between Sir Thomas and himself. Signed by me Edmonde Newenham.
Cambridge. A. 13244. (1) Indenture of bargain and sale, 30 July, 36 Henry VIII, by Richard Malden, of Barton, 'husbondman,' to Richard and John Aylmere, of the same, 'husbondmen,' and to their use, of all his land, &c. in Barton, Grauncester, Cotton, and Whytwell, with grant to them of all his goods, as at Midsummer, 1546, upon condition that if he acquit them against one John Veysy, of Cambryge, 'appotycary or grocer,' in respect of an obligation, 28 March, 34 Henry VIII, wherein he and Robert Malden, his son, and the said Aylmeres stand jointly and severally bound to the said John Veysy in 200 marks with condition endorsed that he shall deliver to the said John 'eyghtene' score quarters of malt at the days and places therein mentioned, and if he pay to one Richard Mydleton, of Cambryge, 7l. 10s. at Michaelmas next, and to one William Fyssher, of Cambryge, 10s., so that the said Richard and John Aylmere be at no time troubled for any such debts, then the said sale of land, and estates had thereon, and the said gift of goods shall be void; with proviso that if Richard be minded before Midsummer, 1546, as aforesaid, to sell any part of the premises 'out ryght,' the said Richard and John shall be preferred purchasers, and the proceeds of such sale shall be employed wholly towards the payment of the said debts. English.
(2) Indenture of even date, being a feoffment by same to same of said land, to be void upon observance of covenants in indentures annexed; attorneys to deliver seisin, Robert Malden, his son, and Richard Byrde, of Barton, 'husbondman.' Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
York. A. 13245. Bond by Charles Lawson, of Laughton, co. York, 'yoman,' to John Clyghton, of Burton, co. Lancastre, gentleman, and Nicholas Morley, of Southe Kyrkeby, co. York, gentleman, in 100l. at Christmas next, conditioned as follows:—'Condicion of this obligacion is suche that if the above bounden Charles Lawson dowe hurt hynder Anne Clyght his wyffe or make any tytle or clayme to the forsayde Anne or to any of hyr goodes or land dowrynge her naturall lyfe upon payne of forfetynge of one obligacion where in he standes bound in one hundrethe pounde and in prisoment of his body. And then this obligacion to be voyde.' Rodderam, 20 October, 2 Elizabeth.
Norf. A. 13246. (1) Counterpart of demise, 1 April, 1598, 40 Elizabeth, by Sir Edwarde Clere, of Blickling, knight, to Alis Harwodde, of Ormsbie, widow, of twenty-one pieces of 'land, grounde and bruerie' in Ormsbie, situate as described, woods and sporting rights excepted, from Michaelmas last for eighteen years, at 4l. 1s. 7d. rent.
(2) Bond for performance of covenants.
Camb. A. 13247. Counterpart indenture, 16 November, 8 Elizabeth, between Richard Aunger, of Coton, co. Cambridge, gentleman, and John Hawes, of Grayes Inne, co. Middlesex, gentleman, of the one part, and Richard Aylemer, of Barton, co. Cambridge, yeoman of the other, to declare the uses of a recovery suffered to them by the said Richard of a messuage, 50a. land, 2a. meadow, 8a. pasture, 1a. wood and common of pasture for 'twoo kyne,' in Haselingefilde, Barton, Comberton and Graunceter, with voucher against William Ames and John Howell, Michaelmas Term, 8 and 9 Elizabeth, ro. 159, viz. to the use of the said Richard, his heirs and assigns.
[Camb.] A. 13248. Bond by Reginald Baynbryg, bachelor in theology, master or warden of the college of St. Katherine in Cambridge, James Wylson, John Crocyer, Cuthbert Hakerston, Robert Cowper, Robert Fewell and Christopher Bland, of Cambridge, clerks, to Richard Maiden, of Berton, 'husbondman,' in 100 marks at Christmas next, conditioned as follows:— if Richard pay to the said 'Master Reynold Baynbryg bacheler in devenyte' and the others, 30l. 'of hys owne propre goodes without any borowyng of any creature' at the end of seven years next following, then he and his heirs 'shall have the seyd xlti acres of arable landes agayne' which the said Master Reynold and the others 'hath in ther possessyon at the tyme of the makyng here off,' or, if they refuse to deliver the said land, this obligation to 'stond in hys full strength and vertue.' 8 December, 35 Henry VIII. Witnesses:—Sir Percyvall Gybson and others (named). Seals:
Cornw. A. 13249. Counterpart of bargain and sale and feoffment, 10 March, 39 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Greber, of Merthen, esquire, William Reskymer alias Greber, of the same, gentleman, and John Coffyn, of Curye, gentleman, and Zenobia, his wife, to Thomas Penrosse, of Penrosse, esquire, in consideration of 100l., of their 'mansion place' with messuages, land, &c. in 'Lanner alias Lanner Courte alias Lannarghe Meor next to Penrosse, and Lannarthe alias Lanner and Lanner Woode within the parishe of Sydny alias Sythnye,' now in the occupation of the said Thomas Penrosse and Florence, 'late wiffe to one John Agewe, deceassed,' &c. English. Signed, Thomas Penros. Names of witnesses, Thomas Seyntaubyn, and others, endorsed.
Norf. A. 13250. Indenture of bargain and sale, 28 May, 25 Henry VIII, by John Wutton, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife, to Richard Hoo, of Skerneng, of 17a. land called 'Shamewong,' lying together in one piece, in Skerneng, abutting on 'the comon water course'; also of 1r. pasture, called 'an entre,' parcel of 12a. late in the tenure of Thomas Penyman, in Skerneng, with a parcel of land or pasture containing 'half a quarter of a rode' lying within a close of the said Richard 'fast by the parsonage of Skerneng'; also of ½a. arable, newly enclosed by Richard with ½r. of meadow 'toward Penyngeskerre late John Pynnez' in Skerneng; con- sideration, 11l. 6s. 8d.; covenant by Richard to grant them, and her heirs, a rent of 7s. 'yerelie to be goeng out of all the seid londez and pasturez'; 'with a generall sute from thre wekez to thre wekez at the maner of Draiton Hall in Skerneng belongeng to the seid John and Elizabeth,' &c. Signed, per me Johane' Wutton. Seals.
Camb. A. 13251. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Holder, of Barton, to Richard Maiden, of all his land, &c. in Barton, Whitwell, Cotton, and Grauncestre, upon condition that the said Richard pay him 90l. in Barton church at certain dates. 11 December, 30 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 13252. Indenture of demise, 22 November, 6 Elizabeth, by John Aldeham, of Remerston, gentleman, to Fraunces Sturges, of Cranworth, gentleman, of 'all that pasture called Oxley Felde,' and 'all other those pastures inclosed adjoyning to the said pasture called Netherwoode alias Greate Bromehill Tyleclose and Market Close,' with meadows thereto belonging, in 'Hingham, Barowe and Hyngham,' with the feeding of the woods, &c., a little meadow of 3a. lately enclosed by one Thomas Carsey, gentleman, excepted; to hold from Michaelmas last for twenty-one years, at 40l. rent; covenants not to 'subverte' 'into tillage,' &c.; the lease to be terminable on a year's notice by Fraunces. English. Signed by me John Aldham. Fragment of seal of arms. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf. A. 13253. Indenture of bargain and sale, 16 February, 6 Edward VI, by Sir John Shelton, knight, to Richard Hoo, in consideration of 8l. of a meadow called 'Redmedowe,' with 4a. arable in one piece abutting on 'Longmedowez,' in Skarneng now in Richard's tenure, sometime part of the possessions of the late dissolved monastery of Carrowe next the city of Norwich; covenant to make estate thereof before Ascension day next discharged of all encumbrances made by himself, or by Sir John Shelton, his father, only excepting the dower of Dame Margaret now his wife, the jointure of Dame Anne Shelton, widow, and the rent and services due to the chief lords, &c. English. Signed per me Joh'm Shelton.
Sussex. A. 13254. Bargain and sale and feoffment by John Puckstie of Bucksted, 'husbondman,' in consideration of 22l. to Thomas Burgys, of Bucksted, of a parcel of land there called 'Blasmatrede,' containing 7a., between lands of Robert Delve, the road from 'lez Forest' of Asshedowne to Bucksted church, and land of Thomas Symons called 'le Stonerockes.' 15 September, 16 Elizabeth. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Warw. A. 13255. Indenture of bargain and sale, 14 October, 23 Henry VII, by Thomas Hayton, of Napton on the Hyll, co. Warwick, gentleman, 'Sybell' his wife, and Edward Hayton of Napton, their son and heir apparent, to Thomas Emson, 'squier,' son and heir apparent of Sir Richard Emson, knight, 'chaunceller of the duchie of Lancaster,' of all their land, &c. in Calcote and Bradwell; consideration, 40l. English. Signed Thomas Hayton, Edward Hayton. Seals.
Norf. A. 13256. Appointment by Lancelot Wharton, the prior, and the convent of St. Faith of Horsham, of Richard Hoo, as clerk of all courts of their manors, lands and tenements, co. Norfolk, and as auditor of the said manors, &c., by himself or his sufficient deputy, with 40s. fee from their manor of Westrudham. Horsham St. Faith, 18 December, 22 Henry VIII. Large fragment of conventual seal, cracked. Note at foot Irrotulatur. Pro officio senescalli tantum.
Oxford. A. 13257. Indenture of bargain and sale, 16 June, 14 Elizabeth, by William Catesbye, esquire, Thomas Stafford, of Chorleburye, co. Oxford, gentleman, and Geoffrey Ford, of Wallcott, in the parish of Chorleburye, 'yoman,' in consideration of 60l., to William Chybnall and William Ascoe, or Askoe, of all the woods, underwoods or trees now growing upon the manor of Walcott, or that hereafter shall be growing there during the lives of George Catesbye, of Grysemonte, co. Monmouth, or of Richard, Edmund, Edward and John Catesbye, gentlemen, brothers of the said George, and of all their estate and interest therein; covenant by Stafford and Ford that, whereas the said John Catesbye by obligation, 4 January, 14 Elizabeth is bound to them in 100 —, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of 24 January in the said year, they will avow and justify all action to be brought thereon by Chybnall and Askoe, &c.; proviso that nothing herein shall prejudice a lease made by Sir Richard Catesbye, knight, deceased, of the site of the said manor of Walcott to one John Hacker of Walcott, 11 March, 33 Henry VIII, whose interest therein the said Geoffrey Ford now has, but that he and his assigns may take such 'lopp, fewell, plowghbote and cartebote,' &c. English. Signatures and seals, one (Stafford) of arms. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Linc. A. 13258. Feoffment by Walter Backhouse, of Barrow, 'milner,' in consideration of 16l., to John Ion of Barrow, esquire, of his tenement and croft in Barton on Humber in 'Fleet gait' Street. Signed by mark. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
York, [N.R.] A. 13259. Indenture, 27 January, 5 Edward VI, between 'Christotore' Marton of Gargrave in Craven, co. York, gentleman, of the one part, and Robert Langton, late of Burton in Lonsdayle, co. York, gentleman, of the other, witnessing 'that where the said Robert heretofore for certen sommes of money' gave to one 'Nycholas Langton late of Gargrave deceased and to Clare Marton' and to the heirs of their two bodies, with remainder in default to his own right heirs, certain lands, &c. in West Hawkeswell, Huddeswell, Barden and else where within the county of York, 'and further the same Robert,' in consideration of 40l. 'and for his meate and drincke and for the meate and drincke of one Izabell Langton doghter of John Langton,' during his, Robert's, life, 'yf the sayd Izabell be so long unmaryed hath bargained' and sold to the said 'Christofore Marton all that his manor place of West Hawkeswell and the revercion of the same manor yf any suche be and all moores, medowes, pastures,' &c. 'and also the same Robert hath barganed and solde to the sayd Cristofore Marton all other his landes,' &c., in 'West Hawkeswell, Huddeswell and Barden in Richemondshyre,' co. York, and all other his lands, &c. in the said county, to hold to the said Christofore, his heirs and assigns discharged of all former bargains, sales, feoffments, &c.; 'and yt ys further covenaunted' on the part of the said Robert Langton that he is 'verey true owner of the sayd manor,' and other the premises, with power to sell, that he has done nothing, but that the said Christofore may lawfully occupy the same, with covenants to suffer recovery or otherwise further assure, to deliver up evidences, &c.; covenant by Christofore to pay Robert 3l. 11s. 3½d. 'for thole rentes of Hawkeswell whiche he receyveth at this day, yf so be the sayd rentes do extend to so moche'; for the performance of all which Robert stands bound to Christofore in 300l. by his 'dede obligatorie' of even date. English. Signed per me Christoforu' Marton.
A. 13260. Bond by William Boughton, of Lawford, co. Warwick, esquire, and John Howkyns of Cosford, in the parish of Nubolde upon Havon, co. Warwick, 'husbond and wooll gatherer,' to Elizabeth Lucy, of Assheby Leg[ers], co. Northampton, widow, in 20l. at Martinmas next, conditioned for the payment of 12l. 10s. 4d. at the said feast. 28 March, 19 Henry VIII.
A. 13261. Bond by William Catesbye, of Bushwoodd Hall, co. War- wick, knight, to John Dryden, of Copes Ashby, co. Northampton, esquire, in 100l. conditioned for the payment of 50l. at the now dwelling house of Paule Pope, scrivener, in Flete Strete, London, at Michaelmas next. 27 January, 26 Elizabeth, 1583. Signed Wyllyam Catysby.
Warw. A. 13262. Bond by Christoper Garneys, knight, to Thomas Lucy, knight, and John Spenser, esquire, in 300l. at Whitsun next, conditioned for his standing, together with 'Dame Johane' his wife, late the wife of Sir John Risley, knight, to the award of Thomas Pigot and Richard Broke, 'serjeauntes at the lawe,' between them of the one part, and the said Thomas and John, of the other, touching the dower claimed by Christopher in right of the said 'Johanne' 'of the manors of Rodborn, Ascote, Lodbroke, Bischoppeston,' co. Warwick, and of all other the manors, lands and tenements in England, 'which late were the seid Sir John Risley and late before that William Catesby of Asshby,' co. Northampton, the award to be made before Whitsun next. 2 March, 6 Henry VIII. Signature and fragment of seal.
London. A. 13263. Deed poll by Thomas Fugale, clerk; whereas the Queen by her letters patent, 25 June, 11 Elizabeth, granted to her servant Sir Thomas Beneger, knight, his executors, administrators and assigns, the moiety 'of all concealed fynes for alienacions' 'by reason of any alienacion, bargane or sale, conveyaunce or assuraunce maid of any manors, landes,' &c. without her licence 'from the session, end and determination of the Parliament holden in theight yeare' of her reign to 25 June in the said eleventh year, with full power to compound and agree with any person or persons for the said fine and to give discharges; the said Thomas Fugale, executor of the last will and testament of the said Sir Thomas, late deceased, compounds and agrees with Stephen Crosse, citizen and 'vintener' of London, for the alienation made by one John Foster, late of London, 'bowier,' by his last will, of a tenement in Algate, London, called 'the white lyon,' given by the said John by his said last will, to his wife for the term of her life, and by these presents acquits the said Stephen and his wife, &c. 20 December, 20 Elizabeth. Signed Thomas Fugale. Frag- ment of seal.
A. 13264. Bond by William Cope, of Hanwell, co. Oxford, esquire, and Edward Rawleigh, of Farmebaro, co. Warwick, esquire, to George Beddle, of Stonley, in the said county, in 46l., conditioned for the payment of 23l. 2s. on 23 August next. 2 March, 42 Elizabeth. Apparently not executed.
Wilts. A. 13265. Indenture of demise, 2 November, 1 Mary, by John Fry alias Harrys, of the city of 'New Sarum,' 'tayler,' to Thomas Codymor, of 'Stratford under the olde Castell,' of 'one halve of arable lond' in Stratford, from Michaelmas last for twenty-one years, at 8d. rent.
Cornw. A. 13266. Release by John Coffyn, of Curye, and Zenobia his wife, in consideration of 100l., to John Reskymer alias Greber, of Merthen, of their right in all the land, &c. in Lanner Vean and Tregoese in the parish of Sythney, Retallack in the parish of Ellire, Kynavoste alias Kynhewes, in the parish of St. Keveron alias Kyron, five messuages in Helstone Burgh and 6s. rent in Helston. 20 March, 39 Elizabeth, 1596. Signed John Coffynn, Zo. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Dorset. A. 13267. Indenture of demise, 11 June, 19 Elizabeth, by Richard Sarret of Wareham, tanner, to John Stone, of the same, 'pettiechepman,' in consideration of 7l., of a tenement there with a garden, between land of Roger Newboroughe, esquire, a garden plot belonging to 'oure Ladie churche,' land of the said Richard, and the highway, now in the occupation of one Roger Reade, from Midsummer next for twenty-one years at 4d. rent; covenant to repair; covenant that Roger Reade may occupie the premises for nineteen years, if he pay 13s. 4d. rent and sufficiently repair the same. English. Fragment of seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Anglesea.] A. 13268. Grant by Richard Bulkeley, knight, Edward Gruff[ith], esquire, John Lewys, Meredith ap Thomas, Rouland Gruff[ith], Hugo Lewys, John ap Rees ap Ll[ewell]in ap Hulkyn, Owen ap Hugh ap Owen Redergh ap D[avi]d, Robert ap John ap Myryke, John Owen, Richard ap Maurice ap Rees, John ap Rees ap Hoell, Rees ap Hoell ap Rees, Robert ap Rees ap Ll[ewell]in ap Hulkyn, Hugh ap Ll[ewell]in ap Jevaun, Robert ap Gruff[ith] ap Hoell, William ap Gwyll[i]m ap Ll[ewell]in Lloyd, William Wodde, Thomas ap D[avi]d ap Jevaun, William ap Ll[ewell]in ap Gwyll[i]m, Robert ap Jor[worth] ap Hoell, Hoel ap Jor[worth] ap Hoell, Maurice ap Maurice, Rees ap David ap Edeaun, John ap Jevaun Lloyd, Jevaun ap D[avi]d ap Gwyll[im], D[avi]d ap Tuder ap Ll[ewell]in, true and undoubted patrons of all the prebends of the collegiate church of Castle Kybye, in the diocese of Bangor, to William Pallett, knight, David Walker, Robert Jones, and Hugh Robertes, clerks, and to Thomas ap Res Wyn, gentleman, jointly and severally, of the next presentation to a prebend of the said church that shall become vacant. 12 October, 29 Henry VIII. Sic signatures.
Cornw. A. 13269. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 24 May, 20 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Greber, of Merthyn, esquire, to John Thomas, of Constantyn, gentleman, and Thomas Lukye, of Penryn boroughe, yeoman, in consideration of 80l. of all his wood of Gweke, called 'Gweke Woode' 'nowe standynge and there growynge and the hole fell and cutt thereof within the parishe of Mawgan next Menege,' with all 'underwodes, ryndes, skurbes, busshes, riddynges, and the fell and cutt thereof, that is to saye one only cutt,' &c., during eight years and six months next, 'leavynge suffycyent standers in the same woode accordinge to the estatutes and lawes'; covenant to save them harmless against the parson of the rectory of Mawgan 'for dysmes and tenthes,' with leave for them 'and there colyers and workemen too digge delfe and make cole pyttes in the soyle of the said woodes to born and make cooles of the said woode,' &c. English. Signed, Thomas Lukye. One seal.
A. 13270. Bond by William Catesbye, of Ashbye Legers, co. North- ampton, esquire, Robert Throkmerton of Coughton, co. Warwick, knight, and Thomas Tresame, of Ruston, co. Northampton, esquire, to the Queen, in 40l., conditioned for the payment to the receiver general of the court of wards and liveries, or his deputy at the feast of All Saints, 1572, 30l. in full of 159l. 17s. 8¼d. and ½ farthing for the fine of the special livery of the said William Catesby, esquire. 4 July, 10 Elizabeth. Signed, Wyllyam Catisbye, Robert Throkmorton, Tho. Tresams. Receipt endorsed for said 30l. 13 February, 1572, by John Battisford, gentleman, and for Mr. Bossevile for the discharge of process, 10s. and for the receiver's clerks duty 16d. Witness, Thomas Wood.
Berks. A. 13271. Indenture of bargain and sale, 10 June, 8 Elizabeth, by William Blacknoll, of Sheperyge, in the parish of Swallowfild, co. Wilts, yeoman, to Thomas Russell, of Hartley Dommer, in the parish of Shynnyngfeld, co. Berks, husbandman, of his messuage or tenement in Hartley Dommer, by a certain lane leading from the 'comen of Brodley of the south parte,' and of five closes to the same belonging, a grove, a mead, 'his yerely croppe of one pece of mead' of 1a. lying on the north of 'a certayne mead of one George Woodcock, gentleman,' 4a. of arable 'in the comen felde there callid est ham,' 6a. arable in 'West Beooreham,' 1a. mead in the 'meade there callid Barthelmewe Reades,' 1a. mead in 'Smale Mead,' 4a. mead in the 'Olde Mead,' and all other his land, &c. there in Thomas' occupation, quit of all former bargains, &c., a lease for thirty years, at 27s. rent, to the said Thomas excepted; consideration, 90l. whereof 40l. in hand and the residue at certain dates, &c. English. Signed by mark. Seal.
A. 13272. Bond by 'Kellam' (Kenelmum) Hedges, of Aston by Birmingham, co. Warwick, yeoman, to William Catesbie, knight, in 40l., conditioned for the observance of a gift, by deed of even date, to the said William, of all the goods late of Edward Hedges, 'whose administrator the [said] Kellam ys,' &c. 20 June, 30 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Chester. A. 13273. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 20 June, 16 Elizabeth, by John Daniell, of Lyncolnes Inne, co. Myddlesex, gentleman, to Gilberte Sherington, of Grayes Inne, co. Myddlesex, gentleman, in consideration of 77l., of the rectory and parsonage of Mynshull otherwise called Churche Mynshull, now or late in the occupation of Edwarde Mynshull, formerly parcel of the possessions of the monastery of Combermere, with the tithes of 'corne, sheaves and haye' there, lately demised to the said Edward, and the rent of 4l. usually paid for the same, and the letters patent thereof which the said John hath of the Queen's majesty, the advowson of the vicarage excepted; to hold as amply as any abbot or prior of Combermere, of the Queen, as of the manor of Eastgrenewytche, co. Kent, by fealty, in free and common soccage, paying to the Queen and her successors a rent of 4l. at Michaelmas yearly; covenant to farther assure; covenant that the rectory is of the clear yearly value of 7l.; proviso that if John repay the said 77l. on 20 June next he may re-enter &c., with covenant not to meddle with the tithes and profits of the rectory till after that date, and default made. English. Signed per me Gilb'tum Sheryngton. Witness, Raphe Worseley.
York, W.R. A. 13274. Indenture of bargain and sale, 24 September, 4 Elizabeth, by Richard Cokson, of Nether Holand, co. York, yeoman, to George Saivile, of Wakefeld, co. York, gentleman, of a messuage, or tenement, &c. in 'Westgate strete,' between the tenement of John Roberte, commonly called the 'Horseheade,' and James Wilson's tenement, in the several occupations of Richard Bentlay and John Craven; to hold the said messuage, &c. in Wakefeld, &c.; covenant to further assure, quit of all charges save rents and services due to the chief lords, and the several leases for term of eighteen years made by Robert Cockson, Richard Cokson, Elizabeth Cokson, Thomas Cokson, clerk, Robert Killingbecke and John Cokson, to George Foxcrofte and John Drake; with covenant for quiet enjoyment against himself and 'Johannet now his wife,' &c. English. Seal. Names of witnesses, Henry Grice, esquire, and others endorsed. Endorsed: Stound Howse in Westgate.
Camb. A. 13275. Sale and feoffment by Robert Holder, of Barton, yeoman, William Geep, of Orwell, and John Upholder, of Barton, to John Smythe, of Barton, Margery his wife, Henry Cundall, clerk, of the same, Richard Byrde, of the same, and Richard Wolf, of Cambridge, of a tenement, with croft adjacent, in Berton aforesaid, next the road to Cambridge, abutting on 'Chirchelane,' also of a toft in Barton, called 'Taronstoft,' between Henry Aylmer's tenement and the tenement formerly built on called 'Londons,' late Robert Fanne's; which tenement, toft and croft they had, together with Thomas Holder, of Orrewell, since deceased, by the feoffment of William Bukenham and Richard Edon, clerks, and Paul Smith, apothecary, by charter dated at Barton, 4 February, 12 Henry VIII.; to hold to the use of the said John Smyth jointly with Margaret, his wife, their heirs and assigns; attorney to deliver seisin, John Thirleby. Barton, 17 January, 16 Henry VIII. Fragments of seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Linc A. 13276. Counterpart of assignment, 23 May, 7 Elizabeth, by Launcelott Lovelace, of London, gentleman, to Richard Marshall, of Kerton co Lincoln, yeoman, of the lease made to him by the Queen's letters patent under the seal of the Exchequer, of the 21st instant, for twenty-one years at 15s. rent, of the 'ninthe sheaffes of tithe come' in Ouston and Haxey, parcel of the possessions of the late monastery of 'saynte Leonardes in the citie of York.' English. Signed Rycharde Marshaule. Seal.
London. A. 13277. Bond by William Hobson, citizen and haberdasher of London, to Bartholomew Hobson, citizen and draper of London, in 100 marks, conditioned as follows:—Whereas Martha Hobson, now wife of the within-named William Hobson, and executrix of the last will and testa- ment of Mary Hobson lately deceased, hath lately complained against the within-named Bartholomew Hobson in the court of requests concerning certain goods belonging to the said Mary supposed to be in the hands of the said Bartholomew, if she discharge the said suit or complaint before . . March next the bond to be void. 3 September, 44 Elizabeth. Signed per me W. Hobson.
A. 13278. Bond by Richard Preast of Ashbie Legers, co. Northampton, husbandman, to William Catesby, knight, in 10l., conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 10 April, 21 Elizabeth. Fragment of seal.
N'hamp. A. 13279. Bond by Richard Jonys, of the town of Northampton, yeoman, and Thomas Saxby, clerk, rector of Pisford in the said county, to Richard Catesby, knight, sheriff of the said county, in 6l., conditioned as follows: if Thomas [Ingram] of the town of Northampton, yeoman, keep or cause to be kept the king's gaol of the castle of Northampton and all the prisoners now there, or that hereafter shall be in his keeping by command- ment of the king's justices, and save harmless the said Sir Richard Catesby for all manner of escapes, &c., the obligation to be void. 20 January, 3 Edward VI. Signed by me Thomas Saxby. Seals. See A. 13310.
Cornw. A. 13280. Indenture being a grant by John Tretherff, esquire, and Elizabeth, his wife, to John Reskymer, esquire, of leave to make a 'hedwere' in their land of Tregomynyon, in the parish of Keveran, and a water-course to his mill called 'Pengarrek Myll' in the said parish; rent to them and the heirs of John Tretherff, 6d. 1 January, 3 Elizabeth. Signed John Tretherf, Elysabet Tretherf. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 13281. Bond by William Catesby, of Leagers Asshebye, co. North- hampton, esquire, to Thomas Stafford, of Cornberye, co. Oxford, gentleman, and Geoffrey Ford, of Walcot, co. Oxford, yeoman, in 100 marks, con- ditioned for the payment of 30l. at Stafford's mansion house at Cornberye, where he now dwells, on 12 October next. 19 June, 14 Elizabeth. Signed by me Wyllyam Catisby.
N'hamp A. 13282. Bond by Edmund Nicholson and Thomas Yates, citizens and merchant taylors of London, to the Queen, in 300l. conditioned as follows:—Whereas the said Edmund and Christian his wife claimed, in a cause depending in the Court of Requests, against Francis Egerton, gentleman, and Anne, his wife, and others, certain lands, &c. late of one Michaell Brookes, deceased, in Northampton and Kingsthorpe, co. Northampton, and the rents, &c. thereof from Michael's death, during the minority and to the use of Anne Brookes, Michael's daughter and heir; and whereas it is ordered, 11 October, 39 Elizabeth, that the said Edmund shall so enjoy the premises to Anne's use, without interruption of the said Francis and Anne; if therefore the said Edmund shall within twenty days after notice given at his dwelling house 'called the Nunnes Head in Watling Streete, London,' account to the said Anne Brookes, upon her attaining the age of fourteen, and made no claim to the premises in his own right, the obligation to be void. 1 November, 40 Elizabeth. Signed Edmonde Nicholson, Thomas Yates.
Cornw. A. 13283. Release by Richard Rawe, of Verian, to John Arrundell of the same, of his right in all his land, &c. in a certain tenement called Tregantalen in the parish of Constantyne in the hundred of Kerryer according to the form and effect of a certain indenture, 1 October, 30 Henry VIII, with these presents delivered. 31 October, 27 Elizabeth. Seal. Names of witnesses, Arthur Fursse, clerk, Robart Arundell, Anthony Goldsmyth, endorsed.
Norf. A. 13284. (1) Counterpart of demise, 13 March, 42 Elizabeth, by Sir Edward Clere, of Blicklinge, knight, to Symon Smith, of Ormesbye, yeoman, of twenty-one pieces of 'lande, grounde and bruerye' in Ormesby, 'which bene menceoned and abbuttalled in the scedule indented annexed,' trees excepted, from Michaelmas last for fifteen years, at 4l. 1s. 7d. rent. English.
(2) The schedule above referred to.
(3) Bond of even date by Smith in 10l. for observance of covenants.
Bucks. Warw. A. 13285. Deed poll whereby Jane Hungerford, widow, late the wife of Edmund Lucy, esquire, and executrix of his testament, after reciting that the said Edmund declared his last will that the feoffees of his manors, lands, &c. in Charlecote, Hunscote, Scheryngton and Schrowley, co. Warwick, and Haversham, co. Bucks, should suffer his executors to take the profits thereof, therewith to pay his debts and legacies and perform his will; and that her co-executor, Robert Lestraunge, had received therefrom and from the debts due to the said Edward sufficient to pay all the said legacies and debts; she releases Sir Robert Drury, knight, John Hopper and Richard Drewell, Edmund Hasilwode, Thomas Candyssh, William Saunders, John Thome, John Coke, 'prist,' and John Burman, clerk, now tenants of the said manors, &c., and her son Thomas Lucy now 'pernor of the profites' thereof, from all demands, and all her right therein by reason of the said will, and grants all her interest therein to the said Thomas. 18 February, 3 Henry VIII. English. Copy or draft.
York. [W.R.] A. 13286. 'End and award' by Robart Waidsonn, Robart Richard- sonn, Regnould Fawcett, James Fawcett, John Fawcett, John Whithead (struck out), Regnould Cowper, Regnould Holme, Regnould Ward, Roger Cock, James Fawcett, Huge Bland, 'Robart Waidson younger,' Rowland Haber, Robart Sawer and James Fawcett, 'for the matter in variaunce betwene Thomas Atkinsonn, plentive, and John Atkinson, defendaunt.' 'The isshewe is whether the said Thomas,' 'or the said John,' 'haithe the title of tenantright, accordinge to the custome of the manner of Sedbardge, of one messuage and tenement called the Whynnes.' 'It appearithe that one John Atkinsonn, late of Lambrick,' co. Westmoreland, deceased, 'from whome the said John Atkinsonn now defendant deryvethe his title, by meane conveyaunce of one Arthure Dawsonn,' 'should have interest,' as 'the said defendantt alledgethe,' in the premises, 'by force of one indenture maid betwene John Whithead and Robart Whithead of Horton alias Overton his sonne of thone party, and John Atkinson of Lambrick, Kinges Baliffe, John Atkinson, and Cristofer Bland of thother party,' dated 23 April, 18 Henry VIII; 'whiche indenture,' 'we fynde not good, nor that any interest doth passe therbye to the said John Atkinsonn of Lambricke, or to any other person claymenge frome him.' It farther appears that in September, 3 Elizabeth, 'a jurie impanneled at Sedbardge' 'fownd the title and tenentrightt' 'to be in the saide Thomas Atkinson now com- plenantt,' which finding they confirm. 29 October, 19 Elizabeth. English.
Cornw A. 13287. Release by John Loone, the elder, 'of St. Nighton besides the parish of Wynnoe,' yeoman, and John Loone, the younger, his son and heir apparent, to Peter Bevell, of Rosilion, in the parish of Blasie, esquire of their right, present and to come, in land, &c. in the town and fields of Tregorock in the parish of St. Austoll. 20 May, 32 Elizabeth. English. Signed by mark and per me John Lon the younger. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13288. Counterpart of demise by John Reskymer, esquire, son and heir of John Reskymer, esquire, deceased, to John Raynold, Joan his wife, and John and Alice, their children, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a toft in Marhasbean, to build thereon a new house within two years next; also of three closes in Marhasbean, abutting on land of the marquess of Dorset on the east and north, with land of the heirs of Brevanek Wolas on the west and land of the heirs of Tehell on the south; also of a quarter of an acre [called] 'Parke Vean,' abutting on land of the heirs of Chynowyth on the west and east, land of John Humfray on the south, and land of the heirs of Vyvyan on the north; and the said toft abuts on land of the heirs of Roskylly on the east, land of the heirs of Tyher on the west, land of the heirs of Karkyryen on the north, and with 'le comyn' there on the south; rent, 19s. 6d., viz. 12d. for the toft, 17s. for the three closes and 18d. for the quarter acre, doing suit of his court twice a year at Marchasbean in the months of May and September, with 5s. for heriot. 30 September, 24 Henry VIII. At foot:—Pro fine duarum anguillarum pinguium.
Warw. A. 13289. Counterpart of demise . . . . April, 24 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catisbie, of [Bushwood] 'Hawle,' knight, to John Rawbone, of Lapworth, yeoman, and Margaret his wife, in consideration of 50l. of a messuage, toft, orchard, and divers closes of land and meadow in Lapworth, late in the occupation of John Toft and Elizabeth his wife, for sixty years, if they so long live, at 28s. rent; they shall 'stocke brushe uppe ridde and carie awaie' all 'breers brembles bushes and underwoodes, hedgerowes excepted,' and shall take 'sufficient and necessarie tyncell of the croppes and shreddes of trees and of underwoodes,' for fencing; two best beasts for 'heriettes,' &c. English.
Notts. A. 13290. Indenture of demise, 26 May, 11 Elizabeth, by Peter Clarke, of the town of Nottingham, mercer, to William Lovelace, of Lenton, gentleman, of the half of one close called 'Edmonson close otherwaes called Morton,' in the lordship of Lenton, late belonging to the monastery of Lenton, now or late in the holding of Robert Johnson of Radford; to hold the said half close jointly and severally together with the said Peter from Michaelmas 1573, for twenty-one years, paying to the said Peter 23s. 4d. rent; covenant to assist Peter in recovering the said close under a former lease. English. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Camb. A. 13291. Bargain and sale and feoffment by John Aunger, of Fulmer, 'husbondman,' in consideration of 10l., to Richard Aylmer, of Barton, 'husbondman,' of 2a. arable lying dispersed in 'Downe felde,' in Barton, viz. 1½a. between land of John Ward on the east and 'le comen balke' on the west, one head abutting on 'Hardwicke waie' the other on land of 'le Mercers' of London, and ½a. in the same field, between land of Richard Aylmer, &c. 25 June, 5 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
A. 13292. Bond by John Goodman, of Badby, co. Northampton, 'husbondman,' and Richard Capys, of Dreyton in the said county, 'husbond- man,' to Thomas Lucy, knight, sheriff of the county aforesaid, in 40l. at Midsummer next, conditioned for saving the sheriff harmless against the king and 'Clement thabbot of Evesham,' for 'thaunswere of a accion at the sute of the sayd Clement,' and for John Goodman's personal appearance at Westminster 'xv days aftur Trinitatis.' 10 June, 12 Henry VIII. Signed John Goodman. Seals.
Cornw. A. 13293. Counterpart of demise, 23 September, 1 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer, of Tremaygn, esquire, to Thomas Tretherf, of Tretherff, esquire, of his 'berton or mancion house of Tremaygn within the parishe of Saynt Martyn yn Meneag,' with land, &c. in Tremaygn, in his own occupation, for the term of Thomas' life, at 'the olde accustomed rent' of 3l. 'at the foure termes of the yere withyn the Hundred of Keryer moste used,' rents to the chief lord, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Lawrens Chynhale and Nicholas Trethowen. English. Signed Thomas Tretherff. Witnesses' names to sealing and to livery of seisin endorsed.
N hamp. A. 13294. Bond by Thomas Seywell, of Bifild, yeoman, to William Catesbie, of Asheby Legers, knight, in 100 marks, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures between them of even date. 20 March, 24 Elizabeth. Signed Thomas Sewell. Witnesses:—William Baldwin, Robert Calcot. Seal, broken.
Warw. A. 13295. Feoffment by William Hudpytt otherwise called William Tailler, to Dame Elizabeth Lucy, widow, of three closes called 'Hudpytt Closez,' in Shrewley, abutting respectively on 'Lye Lane,' land of Peter Bleke and on 'Shrewley Hethe,' to the west of 'Colyers Fildez,' lying contiguously and abutting on the road from Warwick to Birmyngeham, on the north of 'Longe Lane'; together with the reversion of the lands which Elizabeth Hudpytt now holds for the term of her life in Shrewley; and also of all his land, &c. in Hatton, Haseley and Shrewley. 6 November, 18 Henry VIII.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
A. 13296. Bond by Richard Wharton, the elder of Shap Abbey, co. Westmoreland, gentleman, and Anthony Halton, citizen and 'letherseller' of London, of the parish of St. Gregory near the cathedral church of St. Paul, to John Clarke, citizen and 'iremonger' of London, in 200l., conditioned for the good behaviour of Richard Wharton, son of the said Richard, during his apprenticeship to the said John, viz. for nine years from Christmas next. 27 August, 1589, 31 Elizabeth. Signed Antone Hallton. Seal.
A. 13297. Bond by Thomas Tresame, of Rushton, co. Northampton, knight, and Francis Tresame, of the same, esquire, to John Younge, gentle- man, in 100l., conditioned for the payment of 60l., 20 May, 1601, 'att or in the Telling howse usuallie appointed for receiptes and paimentes,' within the 'Royall Exchange, London.' 15 December, 1597, 40 Elizabeth. Signed Tho: Tresame.
A. 13298. Bond by Richard Wraye, of Soberton, co. Hants, yeoman, and Philip Wraye, of London,'tailer,' son and heir of the said Richard, to Thomas Darcy, knight, lord Darcy, in 40l. at Easter next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures between them of even date. 8 February, 24 Henry VIII. Signed Phylyp Wray. Fragments of seals.
A. 13299. Bond by Elizabeth Brigges, of London, widow, executrix of the will of Richard Brigges, late citizen and 'plasterer' of London, to John Smyth, of the parish of Wendon Loftes, co. Essex, gentleman, and Richard Wright, citizen and 'clothworker,' of London, and Jane, his wife, in 200l., conditioned for her standing to the award of Stephen Slanye, alderman of London, Robert Atkinson and William Towes, esquires, and John Stone, citizen and 'haberdasher,' of London, to be delivered before the 20th inst., or in default to the 'umparidge' of 'Raphe' Rookeby, esquire, 'one of her majesty's counsell' of the Court of Requests, touching the matters specified in a bill of complaint against her exhibited in the said court by the said Richard Wright, and Jane, and John Smythe. 8 June, 31 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Camb. A. 13300. Release by Thomas Aylmer, of Barton, husbandman, to Richard Aylmer, of the same, husbandman, his uncle, of his right in land there and in Grauncestour, which the said Richard had, to him and his heirs, by seisin thereof delivered to him by John Aylmer his, Thomas', father, being parcel of 20a. bought by John of William Fuller of Foxton, 'yoman,' by the description of William Fuller, one of the sons of John Fuller, late of Foxton 'yoman,' as by charter, 1 October, 37 Henry VIII, appears. 6 August, 2 Elizabeth. Seal, broken.