Deeds: A.13101 - A.13200

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Deeds: A.13101 - A.13200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.13101 - A.13200', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: A.13101 - A.13200". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

A.13101 - A.13200

Norf. A. 13101. Indenture, 24 July, 37 Henry VIII, between Sir William Fermour, of Est Barsham, knight, and Richard Hoo, of Skerning, gentleman, whereby Sir William covenants to make an estate in fee simple before All Hallows next to the said Richard, of the manor of Ingworth with all land, &c. in Ingworth, Arpyngham, Colby, Ittryngham, Stanfelde and Ouleton, belonging to the late suppressed monastery of Hempton, with the rents thereof due at Michaelmas next, and a like estate of the parsonage or rectory of Seynt Peter in Skarning, late parcel of the possessions of the late surrendered monastery of Waltham Holicrosse, with all tithes, &c. thereto belonging, in as ample manner as Sir William shall purchase of the King's Majesty, at the costs and charges in the law, not exceeding 13s. 4d., of the said Sir William; in consideration whereof Richard covenants to release to Sir William all his right in the manor of Hempton otherwise [in the] late dissolved monastery of Hempton, or in any land in county Norfolk or elsewhere late parcel of the possessions of the said monastery of Hempton, the manor of Ingworth and land, as above, excepted; Sir William covenants that if Richard is distrained by the king for 'tenthes to be reserved upon the purchase of the said late dissolved monastery of Hempton,' or upon any parcel of its possessions, he may enter upon the said dissolved monastery and distrain; Richard covenants to pay Sir William 6l. upon delivery of the said estates in fee. English. Signed by me Wyll'm Fermor. Seal, broken.
Warw. A. 13102. Indenture of award by Sir John Conway, of Arrowe, knight, between Sir William Catysby, knight, lord of Byssehopton and Thomas Parnell, of the same, husbandman, touching a copyhold there, they being severally bound to him by their deeds obligatory, 17 April last, in 100l., to stand to his judgment, viz. Catesby to pay 20l. and Parnell to deliver up possession of the copyhold, &c. 10 May, 23 Elizabeth. Signed J. Conway.
A. 13103. Bond by Thomas Sotehill, of Sotehill Hall, co. York, esquire, to Thomas Darcy, knight, lord Darcy, in 1,000l. at Easter next. 20 January, 22 Henry VIII. Signed per me Thomam Sotehyll. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed that this obligation was sealed and delivered, 21 January, 22 Henry VIII, before Cuthbert Conyers, Thomas Trigot, esquires, and John Nevill, with their signatures.
Warw. A. 13104. Bond by John Bracebrygge, of Kynnesbury, esquire, to Thomas Lucy, knight, in 500 marks, at Midsummer next, conditioned for his observance of covenants in 'ij byll of articlez assigned and seeled' by him, touching the marriage of the heir of Symon Bracebrygge, son and heir of the said John, and touching the disposition and use of manors, lands, &c. of the said John, according to the true meaning of the said articles. 18 January, 5 Henry VIII. Seal.
Norf. A. 13105. Indenture between John and William Hoo, sons of Richard Hoo, of Skerneng, gentleman, of the one part, and the said Richard of the other; whereas they, at Richard's request, stood bound with him to Humphrey Deen, gentleman, in 100l., and whereas by his charter dated at Skerneng, 20 July, 2 and 4 Philip and Mary, he had enfeoffed them of divers closes, &c. there, they now re-enfeoff him thereof, with right of re-entry thereon should the said Humphrey at any time after Richard's decease recover any sum against them. 2 September, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary. Signed by me John Hoo, by me Will'm Hoo.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
London. A. 13106. Assignment in consideration of 30l. by John Gates, esquire, of the King's Privy Chamber, and Thomas Throgoode, to Philip Hobbye, knight, one of the king's gentlemen of his privy chamber, of the reversion of a messuage or house, gardens, &c. granted to them inter alia by the king's letters patent, 5 July, 36 Henry VIII, within the precinct of the late priory of the Friars Preachers called 'le Blacke Frieres' in the city of London, formerly (antea) in the tenure or occupation of the lord Zouche, then (tunc) in the tenure of Massa (Masse) de Myllan, widow, late (quondum) the wife of Peter Mylon (Petri Mylon'), the Greek (greci), and late (nuper) in the tenure of Nicholas Andrew. 4 June, 38 Henry VIII. Signed by me John Gate, By me Thomas Throughgood. Note at foot Irrotulatur sexto Februarii 1565 coram Willmo. Fuller Audi.
Lanc. A. 13107. Indenture of bargain and sale, 6 April, 3 Edward VI, by Robert Proctor, of Keisden, co. York, yeoman, to John Redmayn, of Thornton, co. York, esquire, in consideration of 20 marks, of the 'fouert part of the manor or capitall messuage of Wraton in Lonsdayll,' with all tofts, &c. 'to the seid fout or fourt parte' belonging, of which he is seised or which 'here after shuld dissend' to him by 'state of inharytaunce,' &c.; covenant on behalf of himself and Dowsebell, his wife, to levy a fine; 'also wher the same Robert hayth here to fore demysyd and sett the tennementes perteinyng to the seid fourt part' 'to the tennandes ther inhabytyn or occupying according to the coustome of that lordship ther and resavyd ther fyne and gressom ther fore,' covenant by Redmayn for their quiet possession, without further fine. English.
Worc. A. 13108. Counterpart of assignment, 17 June, 33 Elizabeth, by William Chibnall, of Legers Ashbie, co Northampton, gentleman, and John Popesonne, of Busshwoode, co. Warwick, yeoman, to Thomas Beste, of Wareslye, yeoman, of the lease made to Edmonde Catisbie, gentleman, and themselves, 2 March, 19 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catisbie, of Lapworth, co. Warwick, knight, of (inter alia) the manor of Waresley, for twenty-one years to begin on the decease of Katheren Throckmerton, widow, who then held the same as part of her jointure. English. Signed Thomas Best. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Sussex. A. 13109. Indenture of bargain and sale, 24 September, 40 Elizabeth, by William Rose, of Westerton, in the parish of West Hamptnet, yeoman, to Edward Rose, of West Itchenor, yeoman, in consideration of 130l., of a messuage and garden adjoining in Kypston in the parish of Hunston, in Edward's occupation, and of all other his land there, 'sumtymesthelandes and tenementes of one Thomas Flynt,' &c. English. Signed William Rose. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13110. Assignment by John Arrundell, gentleman, and Richard Rawe, yeoman, both of Verian, in consideration of a certain sum beforehand, to Gregorye and Zacharye Arrundell, sons of Walter Arrundell, gentleman, brother of the said John and uncle of the said Richard, and also for their natural 'love, favour, delite and affeccion' towards the said Gregorye and Zacharye 'being theire kinsmen and of theire bloud,' of a lease whereof they stand seised for the years yet to come, made, 1 October, 30 Henry VIII, by John Harrys, clerk, 'master or keeper of the house of Saynt John Baptist nere the Bridge of Helston,' to Thomas Luke, of Helston Burghe, of all his land, &c. in Tregentalen, in the parish of Constantyn in the hundred of Kerryer, for 80 years then next, at 20s. rent for all service 'except two lawe courtes,' 'the toll of tynne,' and 'for everye deceasse a best beast in the name of a heriott or farleve.' 17 January, 29 Elizabeth. English. Signed by marks. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
London. A. 13111. (1) Indenture, 10 November, 23 Elizabeth, between George Foster, citizen and goldsmith of London, son and heir of John Foster, deceased, citizen and bowyer of London, of the one part, and William Dermer alias Dormer, of London, 'scryvener,' of the other. Whereas the said George has bargained and sold to the said William a messuage or tenement, late in the said John's occupation, in the parish of St. Katherine, Christchurche within Algate, and also all that messuage or 'tenement bakehowse,' in the same parish, then or late in the occupation of William Jackson, baker, with all other the land, &c. late the said John Foster's in the said parish, as by an indenture, acknowledged in the court of Chancery, dated 4 October last, appears; for the purchase whereof the said William Dormer has paid, 'before thensealinge hereof,' 200l.; therefore the said George covenants that he was lawful owner, that the said William may quietly enjoy, unencumbered, and that he will further assure by fine, &c. 1581. English. Signed George Fostear. Fragment of seal of arms (Dodd).
Endorsed: Thindenture of covenauntes . . . .
(2) Bond by same to same in 400l. conditioned for observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 10 November, 23 Elizabeth, 1581. Signed George Foster. Fragment of seal of arms.
Sussex. A. 13112. Release by Owin Chadwyke alias Evans, of Hunston, yeoman, to Thomas Rose, of Westerton, yeoman, of all his right in a messuage and garden in Kepston in the parish of Hunston. 25 April, 12 Elizabeth. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Essex A. 13113. Letter of attorney by Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, Thomas, bishop of Ely, Henry, Viscount Bourghchier, Peter Arderne, John Hampton, Richard Waller, Thomas Stones, Richard Ryche, citizen and mercer of London, John Grene, of Wydyton, Thomas Pownde, William Goodyng and Walter Gorfen, to William Nanseglos and John de la Pantrie, to deliver seisin to Agnes Alrede, late wife of Richard Alrede, late of the county of Essex, esquire, of the manor of Newhalle, and of the land &c. in the said county, which formerly were of Thomas Coggeshale, esquire, and also of certain other land, &c.; which manor, &c. were lately of Thomas Hille and Thomas Gale, who had the same both by the gift and feoffment ot the said Richard Alrede and by the release of the said Richard Ryche and Walter Gorfen; to hold to the said Agnes for the term of her life, with remainder to William Cotton, esquire, Thomas Tudenham, knight, John Leventhorp and Thomas Radclyf, according to the form of a certain writing indented made to the said Agnes by the said duke and the others. 15 July, 30 Henry VI. Set of seals complete. See A. 13118, 13127.
Cornw. A. 13114. Assignment by John Lamerton, of Wodeknoll, in the parish of Marhamchurche, to his son William Lamerton and Avys, William's wife, of the term of twenty-one years, to commence after the decease of himself, Johanne his wife, and the said William, in certain land in Wodknoll and Whorelake in the said parish, which he had by the gift of 'Rycherd' Hervy, of Marhamchurche. 15 December, 8 Elizabeth.
Memorandum endorsed of sealing and delivery, 13 January.
Middx. A. 13115. Deed of gift by George Wilson, of Westminster, gentleman, to John Bulfinche, 'one of the ordinarie yeomen of the quenes majestes chamber,' and to John Page, of Westminster, gentleman, of all his goods, &c. in his dwelling house called 'the Castell taverne,' in West- minster; he has put them in possession by the delivery of certain keys of chests. 3 May, 5 Elizabeth. English. Signed By me George Wyllson. Witnesses, William Capper, 'constable,' and others (named).
London. A. 13116. Indenture, 21 September, 22 Elizabeth, being a deed of gift by Stephen Craske, citizen and vintner of London, and Anne his wife, late the wife and sole executrix of the will of John Foster, late citizen and bowyer of London, deceased, to George Foster, of London, goldsmith, son of the said John, of 'all and every the waynscott' in the messuages, late the said John's, in the parish of 'Saint Kathereine Christ Church nere Algate of London,' with all bedding, implements of household, &c. and with all the 'mynimentes counterpaynes of leases,' &c. bonds, which were the said John's at his decease; also appointment of the said George as their attorney to receive and demand all debts due to the said John, &c. 1580. English. Signed per me Steph' Craske. Seal.
Glouc. A. 13117. Indenture of bargain and sale and feoffment by John, earl of Warrewic, K.G., great chamberlain of England, in consideration of 120l. to Owen Whorwod, gentleman, with the king's licence, of all those pastures, woods and closes called 'Rosteley,' in the parish of Wythingdon, formerly belonging to the monastery of Wynchecombe, and now or late in the tenure of Richard Rogers, and Joan his wife, William, John, Nicholas, Richard and Robert, their sons, which he had, to him and his heirs, inter alia, by the king's letters patent, 22 June, 1 Edward VI; to hold by the service of 1/100th part of a knight's fee and 13s. 5d. yearly rent to the king at Michaelmas yearly in the Court of Augmentations; 'attorneys to deliver seisin William Stretford, gentleman, and Charles Hurste. 3 July, 1 Edward VI. Signed J. Warwyk. Seal, cracked. Note at foot:—Acknow- ledged the same day before me W. Grimysted, one of the Masters in Chancery.
Memorandum of livery of seisin 24 August, endorsed, and of endorsement on the Close Roll.
Essex. A. 13118. Deed poll by Thomas Tudenham, knight, John Leventhorp, esquire, and Thomas Radclyt reciting that Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, and others (as in A. 13113) by their indenture dated 15 July, 30 Henry VI, granted to Agnes Alrede, late the wife of Richard Alrede, of the county of Essex, esquire, the manor of Newhall and all the lands, &c. in Essex which were some time of Thomas Coggeshale, esquire, as well as other lands, all of which the said duke and the others, together with the said Richard Alrede, had by the grant of Thomas Hyll, of Badowe, and Thomas Gale, late of Sabrightford, who had the same both by the feoffment of the said Richard Alrede, and by the release of the said Richard Ryche and Walter Gorfen, to hold to the said Agnes for life, with remainder to them the said Thomas Tudenham, John Leventhorp and Thomas Radclyf, and to one William Cotton, since deceased, with a proviso that if she remarried she should be liable for waste; grant of the said reversion expectant on Agnes Alrede's decease to John Neell, clerk, Thomas Urswyk, Thomas Loyell, Thomas Burgoyne, John Aps, the elder, John Byconell and Thomas Stele. Witnesses:—Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Grene, William Tyrell, Richard Ryche, John Sturgeon. 2 January, 34 Henry VI. Two seals.
[N'hamp.] A. 13119. Feoffment by Robert Mallore, of Welleton, knight, to John his younger son (filio meo post nato), of a messuage in the town of Welleton with a croft adjacent, which he bought of Simon Mallore his cousin (cognato), with 80a. arable in the fields of Welton, to wit 40a. in the east field whereof three half-acres in 'Le Heme Wong' next land of Hugh Tailor (scissoris), three half-acres on Crocho between two highways, 1a. at Colemanneslake, which formerly was Richard Heyr's, three half-acres on Crocho, formerly William Warner's, 1a. on Crokho extending from the pathway to 'grene,' of the land which was formerly Simon Maulore's, &c. and in the west field 40a. arable to wit, 1a. on 'Hulken' &c.; also grant to the said John of pasture for four oxen, two horses or mares, and six cows, in his demesne leasows (pascuis) and pastures with his own oxen and cows, and free ingress and egress to the green (in grenam) with all his beasts; to hold to the said John and the heirs of his body begotten, rendering therefore yearly to him and his heirs a rose at Midsummer and 12d. to the heirs of Stapelton for all service and suit of court, &c. with remainder in default to himself and his heirs. Witnesses:— Sir Eustace de Watford, knight, Sir William de Welton, knight, Sir [H]ugh de Tywe, knight, Sir John de Cranford, Sir William Mallore, Thomas de Watford, William de Watford, brothers of Sir Eustace. Seal (a lion rampant) with legend s. roberti. mavlvre.
Oxford. A. 13120. Grant by Dame Elizabeth Wellisburne, of Asteley, co. Warwick, widow, late the wife of Edward Chamberlayne, esquire, and formerly wife of John Wellisburne, knight, and executrix of his will, to Arthur Wellisburne, son (filio naturali) of the said John, in full of all bequests from his said father and her own promises, of 40s. annuity from her manors of Myxbury and Fullwell, for the term of his life; she has put him in possession by giving him a royal of gold (regale aureum). 20 March, 8 Elizabeth. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 13121. Letter of attorney, whereby Walter Bonham, of Hackeneye, co. Middlesex, reciting that Sir John Gresham, the younger, of London, knight, stands bound by recognizance remaining of record in the Chancery, dated 19 April, 4 Edward VI, in 1,000 marks to him and to Sir William Sharington, of Lacock, co. Wilts, knight, appoints the said Sir William to ask and receive, in both their names, to the only use of the said Sir William, the said sum when payable. 1 March, 5 Edward VI. English. Signed Walter Bonham.
Leic Linc A. 13122. Indenture being a feoffment by Richard Burgh and Robert Richardson, vicar of the parish church of Est[ne]ston, co. Northampton, chaplain[s], to Henry Sotehill, son and heir of John Sotehill, esquire, and Joan his wife, of the manors of Stokfaston, co. Leicester, and Haconby, co. Lincoln, and of all the land, &c. late Ann Sotehill's or in the hands of others to her use in Stokfaston, and of all the land, &c. in Haconby, late of John Sotehill, the father, or of Henry Sotehill, the grandfather, of the said Henry, or in the hands of others to their use, all of which they had by the gift of the said Henry Sotehill, son of John Sotehill, esquire; to hold to the said Henry and Joan and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to his right heirs; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Marre, rector of the church of Stokfaston, Henry Nicholles, of the same, William Smyth, of Haconby, and Robert Abb[ott], of the same. 7 April, 17 Henry VII. Signed Rob'tus Richardson, Richardus Burghe. Seals.
Endorsed: Thes persones folowing were present att Stokefaston on Trinite evyn after even song the yere within wreten when Sir Richard Burgh and Sir Robert Richardson delivered season of the seid manor by the parson of Stokfaston and Herry Nicholles their attourneys to Herry Sotehill and Jane his wif . . . . . . .
Item thes persones folowing were present att Haconby the morowe after Trinite Sunday . . . . . .
Item be it hadde in mynd that the seid Herry Sotehill was present in his own persone and resceyved lyverey of season for hym and his wyff in the seid manors . . . . . .
Linc A. 13123. Counterpart of demise, 12 October, 32 Elizabeth, by Richard Cony, of Kirkton in Holland, gentleman, to Leonard Pury, of the same, gentleman, in consideration of 12l. of all the messuage and buildings in Kirkton in a place called 'the Marketsteade' and 6a. land and pasture adjoining, and 5a. pasture in Kirkton in a place called 'tholde Seadicke,' 1a. pasture in Kirkton in 'Theires Felde,' called 'Deakon acre,' 3r. land in Kirkton in a place called 'Skeldicke Feld,' 5r. ('rades') land in Sutterton and Kirkton, in a place called 'Cotefeld,' 3r. land in Kirkton in a place called 'Lockholme,' and 10a. 1r. land in Kirkton in a place called 'Theires Feld,' all which premises were late in the occupation of Thomas Pury; to hold to the said Leonard from Michaelmas last for fourteen years, at 8l. rent, payable at 'the feastes of Phelippe and Jacobbe thappostelles and St. Michaell tharkangell'; Leonard to do repairs, Richard finding the wood, or rent to be abated; Leonard to pay charges upon premises, as land in Kirkton is usually charged, Richard discharging the chief rents to the lords of the fee; covenant by Richard before 25 March next to 'bring to the saide messuage somuche willowe and thorne as will hedge in all the younge stoven or springes ther belonging to the same or elles in default thereof . . . . somuche tyncell or rise as shalbe sufficient for the enclosing of the same ground.' English. Signed Leonardo Purye.
London. A. 13124. Indenture of bargain and sale by John Rycroft, esquire to Robert Gustard; citizen and 'bruer' of London, of 'sixtene hundreth quarters malt good swette and merchaunt accompting to every hundreth thereof six score quarters,' to be delivered at Robert's dwelling house within four years, at certain dates, to be measured by 'lande mesure accustumably used' in the said city, 'be it by fate or busshell sised and sealed for lande mesure at the Guyldehall' within the said city, at John's charges in 'mesuryng shotyng and beryng'; price, 432l. viz. 4s. 6d. for every quarter &c. 22 June, 7 Henry VIII. English.
Warw. A. 13125. Indenture of bargain and sale, 19 June, 17 Elizabeth, by Edward Vaughan, of London, gentleman, to John Suffock, of Eton alias Nonn Eton, 'tannar,' in consideration of 100 marks, of a messuage or tenement in Eton alias Nonn Eton, in the occupation of 'Raiff' Needam in 'Backhowse Lane.' English. Signed per me Edwardum Vaughan. Seal. Names of witnesses:—Anthony and Peter Temple, and others' endorsed.
London. A. 13126. Indenture tripartite, 1 August, 1496, 11 Henry VII, between Richard Charnok, prior of 'the hous of the Hooly Trinite beside Algate in London otherwise called Cristeshirche,' and the convent of the same, of the first part, Thomas Roche, 'one of the Barons of the Kinges Eschequer,' John Huse, esquire, and — Morgan, executors of the testament of Dame Beatrice, late the wife of William Lemyng, late citizen and grocer of London, of the second part, and John Hardyng 'mastyr of the college of Seynt Thomas of Acres in London and the brethern of the same college,' of the third part, witnessing that whereas the said William Lemyng, being a 'citezen and freman of London' and seised of certain lands and tenements called —, in the parish of Colchirche in London, in fee, gave the same by his last will to the said Beatrice for her life, with remainder to the prior of Cristischirche and his successors upon such conditions as should be devised by his executors, after whose decease the said executors ordained and devised that the said prior and his successors should yearly keep 'a solempne obite' for the soul of the said William and all Christian souls, and should after the decease of the said Beatrice 'yerely dispose in weys of charite and almes to pore people,' for the souls of the said William and Beatrice, 20s.; 'Nevertheles at the speciall instance request and desire of the same Dame Beatrice in hir lif was aggreed and accorded' that the said prior and his successors should, according to the said devise, 'kepe fromhensffurth yerely a solempne obite' for the souls of the said William and Beatrice and all Christian souls, and should distribute on the day of the said obit to poor people 'in dedys of almes,' 20s., and 'over that it is aggreed' between the parties abovesaid that the prior and his successors 'shall syng or do to be song a solempne colet at oure Lady masse ther for the soules of the same William and Beatrice daily fromhensffurth while the place shall stande,' and shall 'wokely syng or do to be song iij masses for' their souls and their friends' souls 'at the aulter of our Lady ther or any other aulter within the saide chapell of our Lady,' and shall pay 'wokely the preste that shall syng the saide iij masses for the [soules] aforesaid, viijd.', and shall pay yearly to every brother, being a priest 'syngyng and redyng at the obite aforesaide xijd. and to the subpriour of that place beyng at the said obite .xxd. and to every novice brother beyng no preste .vjd.'; further the said prior and convent at the instance of the said Dame Beatrice, for the good service done to the said William Lemyng by one William Mathewe 'have gevyn graunted and by theis endentures confermed to the saide William,' for term of life, the tenement wherein he now dwells 'rent fre,' and yearly to have of them 'a goun of yomen lyvere orels vjs. viijd. for the same,' and 'wokely duryng his lif xvjd. for his comons'; in default of observing the 'premisses' or any of them, 'the same priour and covent covenaunten and graunten by this writyng to pay to the said Mastyr and brethern an annuell rent of xli.', and they to discharge the said obit, &c in their stead. English.
Essex. A. 13127. Deed poll by Thomas Urswyk, knight, chief baron of the king's Exchequer, and Thomas Lovell; reciting that Agnes Alrede, late the wife of Richard Alrede, of the county of Essex, esquire, lately held for the term of her life the manor of Newhall, and all other the land, &c. in the county of Essex formerly belonging to Thomas Coggeshale, esquire, with certain other lands, by the demise of Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, and others (as in A. 13113), with reversion to Thomas Tudenham, knight, John Leventhorp, esquire, Thomas Radclyf and William Coton, lately deceased, who, in her lifetime, granted that the said manor, &c. should remain, after her decease to them, by the names of Thomas Urswyk and Thomas Lovell, and to one John Byconell, and to John Neell, clerk, Thomas Burgoyne, Thomas Stele and John Aps, the elder, since deceased; and she attorned to them accordingly and afterwards died; and they entered upon the premises and were seised thereof in fee, and the said John Byconell afterwards by his deed released to them all his right therein; the said Thomas Urswyk and Thomas Lovell have granted and by these presents confirmed the said manor and all the aforesaid lands and tenements to John Morton, clerk, [Master] of the Rolls of the king, John Hardyng, master of the house of St. Thomas the Martyr, called of Acon, London, Gilbert Talbot, brother of John Talbot, late earl of Shrewsbury, Thomas Mongomery, knight, Thomas Ormond, esquire, John Pygot, serjeant-at-law, William Paston, esquire, John Clopton, esquire, John Byconell, John Don', the elder, citizen and mercer of London, and William Nanseglos, 'gentilman,' to the use of the said Thomas Ormond, his heirs and assigns; attorneys to deliver seisin, Richard Bataill and Hugh Mathewe. Witnesses, Thomas Tyrell, knight, Clement Spyce, esquire, Thomas Grene, 'gentilman,' Robert Plommer. 'gentilman,' Jonn Tendryng. 10 February, 14 Edward IV. Two seals, one a gem, with rush band, and the other of arms, riz. a chevron between three squirrels sejant, with legend sigillvm. thome. lovell.
Norf. A. 13128. Indenture being a feoffment by Richard Short, of Burnham Ulp, 'roper', to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, of a messuage, built on, with a barn, &c. in Burnham aforesaid, abutting on the highway from Burnham Market to Holkham, &c.; also of 2½a. land in one piece at 'Brancasterwey' in Burnham Westgate, abutting on land of Master Calthorp, &c.; all of which he had by the feoffment of William Short of Burnham Ulp, 'tailour,' by charter indented, 19 April, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary. 21 April, 1 Elizabeth.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
York, [N.R.] A. 13129. Feoffment by Edmund Metham, of Melsinbie, co. York, gentleman, to Leonard Franke, of Kneton, gentleman, Richard Redmayn, of Thornton, gentleman, Robert Blackburne, of Caponwrae, and Francis Redmayn, of Thornton, of a moiety of his manor of Melsinbie, a messuage or tenement in the tenure of John Kylburne, and a messuage or tenement in the tenure of Richerd Robynson, with their appurtenances in Melsinbie, to the use of William Metham and Ann his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, with remainder to the right heirs between them lawfully begotten. 8 May, 1 Edward VI. Signed Edmu'd Metham.
Norf. A. 13130. Grant by Francis Southwell, esquire, to Richard Hoo, gentleman, of the next presentation pro hac vice of the advowson of the vicarage of Skarning, which he had in right of Alice his wife, late the wife and sole executrix of John Mynn, who had the same by the grant of 'the very true owner and patron of the same.' 1 February, 4 Edward VI Signed per me Franciscum Southwell.
[Sussex.] A. 13131. Copy of evidences concerning the advowson of the third part of the church of Torryngge.
(1) Grant in free alms by Hugh de Fokynton to God and St. Pancras and the monks of Lewes for the souls of himself, his ancestors and successors, of a third part of the church of Torryngg, which is of his right, and of all his right in the said part or church after the decease of Thomas' the clerk, to whom he gave the said part for life, and when it comes to their hands let them dispose it to the honour of God on whom they will. Witnesses:—Ralph chaplain of Hekynton, &c.
(2) Confirmation by Simon, bishop of Chichester, of Hugh de Fokyncton's gift, as above. Witnesses:—Master Philip Rufus, &c.
(3) Release by the dean and chapter of Chichester cathedral to the prior and convent of Lewes of any right they had in the advowson of Torryngg by reason of a third part of the manor of Torryngg, which was formerly of Sir Roger de la Ware, knight; further they have inspected a charter of Hugh de Fokynton, great-grandfather (proavi) of the said Roger to the monks of Lewes of the advowson of the church of Torryngg (set out) and ratify it. 7 February, 1317, 11 Edward II. Witnesses:—Ralph de Camoys, &c.
(4) Chirograph tripartite; whereas controversy arose touching the advowson of the church of Torryngg, after the decease of Martin, rector of the said church, between Ralph de la Haye, patron of a third, the prior and convent of Lewes, patrons of a third, and Thomas de Heldham and Thomas, his son, patrons of a third, it was agreed between them as follows:—Ralph chose a clerk for this turn, to wit Master Peter de Heldham, and all the said patrons presented him; when, after Peter, it happen the church to be void, the prior and convent shall choose and all the patrons shall present; on a succeeding vacancy Thomas and Thomas de Heldham shall choose; and thereafter the choice shall revert to Ralph de la Haye, and so one party after another, in the above order. Done in the year of grace 1200, II Nones December, next after the consecration of Master Eadmund, Archbishop of Canterbury (sic). Witnesses:—Ralph de Wylendonn, &c. Copies on one skin.
Warw A. 13132. Counterpart of demise, 22 June, 1563, 5 Elizabeth, by Michael Pultney, of Misterton, co. Leicester, esquire, to Thomas Wrighte, of Over Whyttacre, of his moieties of two messuages, or tenements, a watermill called 'Pulbagge Myllne,' &c. in the parish and lordship of Over Whytacre in as ample manner as the said Thomas or one William Mason, lately deceased, possessed the same, from Michaelmas next for forty-one years, at 24s. 8d. rent for the tenement and mill, and 5s. 3d. for the other tenement, &c. English. Signed Thomas Wrighte.
[Warw.] A. 13133. Indenture, 20 September, 16 Elizabeth, between Richard Over, of the city of Coventre, gentleman, son and heir of Henry Over, late alderman of the said city, and the administrator of his goods, of the one part, and the 'maior baylyffes and commynaltie' of the said city, of the other; whereas the said Henry by his will, 24 June, 1567, declared that 'the maior and his bretherne and theire successors' should have yearly the rents of divers houses of his in the said city, and an annuity of 10l. 'at the Quenes Majesties handes which he the same Henry bought of one John Meynard' till they had received from the said 'howses, tenementes and patent,' 500l. 'to certen uses and intentes' in the said will mentioned; and whereas they have received 380l.; covenants by Richard for the payment of the balance, for the performance whereof he stands bound jointly with William Fynnys, 'marchaunt,' and John Potter, 'mercer,' of the same city, in 200l. English. Signed Rychard Over.
Endorsed: 'Betwene the Citie and Mr. Over . . . .'
Warw. A. 13134. Counterpart of demise, 7 June, 20 Henry VIII, by Richard Catesby, of Assheby Legear, co. Northampton, esquire, to William Stanhurst, of Corley, 'hubondinan,' Jone his wife, and William their son, 'fyrst b[egot]yn of that name,' of all his land, &c. in Corley, in William's occupation, from Lady Day last for twenty years, at 16s. 8d. rent, &c.; they covenant that 'William the sone shalbe allweys redy and as often as the seid Richard shall commande hym to wayte upon hym yn all jorneyes lawfull with horse and names bowe and arrowez swerde and bokelar,' &c. English.
A. 13135. Bond by Edmund Newnham, esquire, to Thomas Lucy, knight, in 200 marks at Michaelmas next, conditioned for observance of grants and agreements specified in a 'rolle of paper,' signed by them both, touching a marriage to be had between William Newnham, his son and heir, and Awdrie Catesbie, daughter to Dame Elizabeth Lucy, Sir Thomas' wife, which roll remains in the custody of Antony Fitzherbert, 'one of the kynges serjantes att the law.' 19 May, 12 Henry VIII. Signed per me Edmund Newenham.
Sussex. A. 13136. Feoffment by John Page, of Ringmere, co. Sussex, yeoman, in consideration of 42l. to John Pukle, of Lewes, yeoman, of land and pasture called 'twoo acres,' containing 10a., in the parish of Ringmere, between 'Wallerdes Landes,' 'Pitfield,' 'Tyland' and 'Strode landes'; rent, to the lords of the fee, 1d. 2 January, 18 Elizabeth. Signed by me John Page.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 13137. Feoffment by Rose (Rosa) Bosevyle, of Nuneton, widow, to William Appelby, of Nuneton, and Margery his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, of a messuage in Nuneton over the water (ultra aquam), in length between the highway and the other highway called 'le Bondende,' &c., which William de Merton, clerk of the prior (clericus prioris) of Nuneton gave her; with reversion, in default of issue, to William and Margery, to brother Roger Appelby, prior of Nuneton, and Roger Dolbe, of Nuneton, for their disposal (ad utilitatem et ordinacionem eorum). Witnesses:— William Bosvill of Nuneton, Roger Bosvill, Warin Hosewyf and others (named). Nuneton, Thursday after the Annunciation, 15 Richard II. Seal.
Linc. A. 13138. Bond by Robert Austen, of Stepyng in the parts of Lyndesey, to John Copledyke, of Harryngton, knight, in 100l. at Michaelmas next, conditioned as in 'a payr of indentures of covenauntes' between them, of even date, appears. 3 August, 1 Edward VI. Signed Robert Austyn. Names of witnesses, Richard Ogle, esquire, and others, endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 13139. Release by George Fulborne, in consideration of a certain sum paid him by Richard Hoo, to the said Richard, Edmund Bedingfeld, knight, Christopher Jenney, esquire, William Hoo, John Giggez, Thomas Bury and Robert Kirkby, of his right in all the messuages, lands and free tenements which he lately bought of one William Henrison; to the use of the said Richard, his heirs and assigns. 2 September, 19 Henry VIII. Names of witnesses endorsed. See A. 13141.
A. 13140. Bond by Robert Gatisbye, of Chasselton, co. Oxford, esquire, and Randall (Randolphum) Brereton, of London, knight, to Thomas Smythe, of London, gentleman in 200l, conditioned for the payment of 103l. 6s. 8d. on November 15th next at the now dwelling house of James Stanley upon Cornehill, London. 12 July, 41 Elizabeth. Signed Robart Catesbye, Ran. Breerton. Witnesses:—James Stanley, Owen Breretonn. One seal. Cancelled by cuts.
[Norf.] A. 13141. Feoffment by William Henrison, in consideration of a certain sum paid him by Richard Hoo, to the said Richard, Edmund Bedingfeld, knight, Christopher Jenney, esquire, William Hoo, John Giggez, Thomas Bury and Robert Kirkby, to Richard's use, of all the messuages, lands and tenements in Skernyng, which he lately had jointly with Richard Harington, Robert Henrison and Thomas Muffett, and John Botry and Thomas Aungiour, to his own use. 1 September, 19 Henry VIII.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Sussex. A. 13142. Bond by Thomas Burges, of Buxsted, husbandman, to Nicholas Delve, of the same, yeoman, in 100l. conditioned for Nicholas' quiet enjoyment of a parcel of land called 'Blasmatrede,' in Buxsted containing 7a., which he had sold to the said Nicholas by deed of even date, quit of all charges, &c. made by him or by John Puxsted, of Buxsted, yeoman, 'sumtyme honor' thereof. 31 December, 26 Elizabeth. Seal.
Sussex. A. 13143. Feoffment by William Rose, of Westerton, in the parish of West Hampnet, yeoman, in part performance of covenants in indentures of 24th inst., to Edward Rose, of West Itchenor, yeoman, of a messuage or tenement in Kypston in the parish of Hunston, now in Edward's tenure. 24 September, 40 Elizabeth. Signed William Rose. Witnesses' names, and memorandum of livery of seisin, 6 November, 1599, endorsed.
Norf. A. 13144. Deed poll by Alice Pomfrett, widow, late the wife of Clement Pomfrett, of Skarneng; whereas, by virtue of the act concerning uses of land, 27 Henry VIII, she is solely seised in fee of a close in Skerneng field, between the highway, land late of the said Clement, the road from Dalwheite to Skerneng church, and land of Richard Harington, late Thomas Brak's, reckoned at 5½a., and being so seised demised it, 10 September, 29 Henry VIII, to one John Burgeis, or Burges, from Michaelmas then next for nine years, with reversion to herself; in consideration of 10l. paid her by Richard Hoo and hereafter to be paid to her and by her assignment to the use of the parish church of Skerneng according to the effect of two writings obligatory of even date whereby the said Richard is bound to her for the payment of 26s. 8d. and to Thomas Drury, Thomas Michell, Richard Whighteng and Richard Kirby for the payment of 6l to the use of the said church, she has bargained and sold the reversion aforesaid to the said Richard, and in performance of the said bargain and sale has by her present charter enfeoffed him thereof. Skerneng, 24 January, 31 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of Beisin endorsed.
Sussex. A. 13145. Indenture of award, 8 November, 27 Elizabeth, by Jasper Gunter and Richard Juxon upon the claim by Thomas Byrde of the city of Chichester, 'inholder,' against Adryan Stoughton of West Stoke, gentleman, to a tenement and 12a. land called 'Hames,' rent 12s. 8¼d., one half yard land late Pages, rent 7s., a cottage called 'Carters,' rent 20¼d. and a cottage and 1a. land, sometime Hames, rent 17¼d., parcels of the manor of West Stoke; viz. Thomas, before the Purification next, shall surrender the premises at a court of the said manor to Adryan, who shall pay him 6l. 13s. 4d. at Gunter's mansion house in 'the Easte streete' of Chichester. English. Signed Jasper Gounter, Ri: Jaxon. One seal.
Endorsed: An award betwene Thomas Byrd and me touchyng Lotteys late coppyhold.
Norf. A. 13146. Feoffment by John Everarde, of Wyndell, co. Norfolk, gentleman, to Thomas Wylloughby, gentleman, by way of exchange, in accordance with an agreement between them in the presence of Edward Calthorp, esquire, Gregory Howse, William Mottes and William Under- woode, of an alder-carr (alnet') containing ½r. in Gelyngham, between the alder-carr of William Hobbys now the said Thomas', the alder-carr late John Chirchehous', medow late the said William Hobbys', and meadow late John Howet's, which descended to him on his father's death; also of a piece of arable containing 2a. in Gelyngham between the highway from Wyndell to Wynston, land of the manor of Gelyngham, land of Richard Mauclark and 'the Fenne Wey,' which he bought of John Lowez late of Gelyngham. 24 May, 37 Henry VIII. Signed John Everard.
Warw. A. 13147. Indenture of demise, 26 May, 16 Elizabeth, by Anthonye Throckemerton, of Chastelton, co. Oxeforde, esquire, and Katheryne, his wife, to William Catisbey, of Asshebey Leagers, co. Northampton, esquire, in consideration of 320l. in hand paid, of all those 'closes enclosed groundes and pastures' in Radborne, co. Warwick, called 'London Feilde' or 'London Close,' 'the Greate Feilde,' 'the Rame Close,' one 'tenement or shepperdes howse' in the said pasture called 'the Greate Feilde,' now or late in the said Anthonye's occupation, for five years, at the rent of a red rose for the first two years, and 160l. yearly for the remaining three years, 'at towe feestes or termes in the yere that ys to saye at the feest of Seynt Martyn the Bysshoppe in wynter commonlye callyd Martylmas, and the Invencion of the Holye Crosse comonlye callyd Holyrude Daye in Maii'; with provisos in the event of the deaths of either Anthony or Katharine during the term. English. Signed Antony Throkmerton, and by mark. Witnesses:—Roberte Sheldon, Fran. Dymock and others (named). Seals.
Warw. A. 13148. Counterpart of bargain on sale, 20 January, 25 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesby of Ashebie Legers, co. Northampton, knight, to William Askue, of Lapworth, yeoman, in consideration of 260l., of the manor of Bishopston, a messuage or tenement and 'two yard land' in Bishopston, in the parish of Stretford upon Avon, and of all the land, &c. to the said manor and messuage belonging in Bishopston, Bishophampton, Clopton, Stretford upon Avon, Olde Stratford, Shottrie, Shottrie Meade and Welcombe; covenant for quiet enjoyment against himself and his heirs, and against George, Richard, Edmond, Edward and John Catesby, and Thomas Reinoldes, gentleman. English. Signed Wyllyam Askue. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Warw. A. 13149. Indenture of bargain and sale, 11 August, 29 Elizabeth, by John Rawlett, of Nonn Eton, 'tallowchaundler,' to John Suffocke, of the same town, the younger, in consideration of 20l., of a messuage, cottage or tenement in Nonn Eton, 'neare unto the greate bridge there called the Towne bridge,' between Edward Moare's tenement, land of 'Mris Margarett Knollys,' in William Smythe's tenure, 'the comen streete leadinge from the same bridge towardes the churche,' and land of William Boughton, esquire; covenants against all incumbrances save rents, &c. due to chief lord and dower of Mary now his wife. English. Signed John Rawlutt. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf A. 13150. (1) Indenture, 28 October, 4 Elizabeth, leading the uses of a fine to be levied before Easter next by John Aldeham, of Reymerston, gentleman, and Elizabeth, his wife, 'doughter and sole heyre of one Frances Cusshyn gentilman, deceassed,' as in her right, to Thomas Carsey, of Southebarowe, gentleman, of all their land, &c. by the description of the manors of Elyngham, Cawes and Boteldes, 5 messuages, 3 tofts, 5 gardens, 500a. land, 300a. meadow, 300a. pasture, 100a. wood and 100s. rent and 'lybertye of one faldage' in Hengham, Hardyngham, Southbarow, Lytill Elyngham, Depham and Hackforth, and of the advowson of the parish church of St. Andrew of Sowthbarowe, to the following uses:—as to all the said manors, lands, &c. with the exception of the advowson, of the 'lybertie of a folde or shepis pasture' in Southbarowe, and of the land, &c. specified in a schedule indented annexed, to the use of the said John Aldeham and Elizabeth his wife in tail, with remainder in default to the use of the heirs of the body of the said Elizabeth, with remainder in default to the use of the heirs of the body of the said John, with remainder in default to the use of the said Thomas Carsey and of his heirs for ever, and as to the said advowson, &c. excepted as above, to the use of said Thomas Carsey and of his heirs for ever. English. Signed by me John Aldham, by me Elyzabethe Aldham. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
(2) The schedule above referred to:—viz. 107½a. land, &c. and a messuage called 'Normans,' a tenement called 'Walbyes' and three closes 'sumtyme John Cusshyns gentilman,' in Hengham; 16a. in Hengham and Southbarowe; 86a. in Southbarowe; and 64a. ½r., and 3a. 'lyeng in the closses of S[..] Edward Thwaytes, clerke parson of Hengham nere his parsonage there,' in Hengham.
Warw. A. 13151. Counterpart of demise, 15 February, 6 Elizabeth, by Nicholas Ethill alias Laurence, of Asteley, 'yoman,' to William Worship, of Nonne Eton, 'yoman,' and Agnes his wife, for sixty years, if they so long live, of a messuage or tenement in N[o]nne Eton, wherein the said William now dwells, and which the said Nicholas purchased of the said William, with 'all those parcells of goodes and utensilis and inplementes of howsehold stuff whiche he likewise bought of the said William,' at the rent of 'one rose flower' at Midsummer, if demanded; William and Agnes to do half the repairs. English.
Warw. A. 13152. Counterpart of memorandum of agreement, 28 November, 34 Henry VIII, between Thomas Trussell, of Knoll, gentleman, and Margaret his wife, and Richard Busby, of the same, yeoman, to wit that Richard shall take to wife Mary Trussell, one of their daughters, before Michaelmas, 35 Henry VIII; eight days before the marriage they will pay him 20 marks; he shall occupy and enjoy half the farm of Knoll with half the park there from Lady Day next, paying 3l. at his entering for the half year, and he shall take half the profits and sustain half the rent of the said farm, &c. during their term therein, &c. English. Signed By me Rychard Busby. Cancelled by cuts.
Sussex. A. 13153. Bond by Robert Delve, of Ucfeld, yeoman, to William Delve, of Ringmer, his son, in 60l. conditioned for his cutting down no trees upon the land in Uckfeld, wherein he has a life estate, without William's consent. 19 December, 21 Elizabeth.
A. 13154. Bond by William Catisbye, of Busshwoodde, co. Warwick, esquire, to Anthony Throckmerton, esquire, in 400l. conditioned for the payment of 240l. on 26 September next 'att the mansion and dwelling howse of the seide Anthoney,' 'wherin he now dwellithe in Chastelton, co. Oxforde,' &c. 10 June, 16 Elizabeth. Signed Wyllyam Catysby. Witnesses:—Robert Sheldon, and others (named).
Receipt endorsed for 240l., 'the price of sixc hundreth cowples of ewes and lambes,' and for 15l., 'the price of xxx rammes'; also 'my sone Catysbyes band.'
Norf A. 13155. Counterpart of demise, 4 October, 5 Edward VI, by Richard Aslak, of Norwyche, esquire, to Robert Tylney, of Estodenham, yeoman, of a 'watermyll' in Honyngham Thorp, 'with a lytell pytell' on the east side of it, and the 'fysshyng in the comon rever' in Honyngham and Estodenham, from Michaelmas last for ten years, at 5l. rent; bonds on either side in 40l. for performance of covenants. English. Signed by me Roberd Tylney.
[Norf.] A. 13156. Feoffment by Thomas Rownyng, of Skernyng, and John Pescodde, of the same, to John Bullok, of Skernyng, Ralph Platfeet, of Shipdham, Thomas Wuttes, of Skernyng, John Yaxlee, learned in the law (legisperito), of Mellys, Thomas Blakeney, esquire, of Honyngham, and Ralph Pulvertoft, master of the charnel house within the precinct (magistro carnarie infra septa) of the monastery of the Holy Trinity, Norwich, of a messuage with buildings (de superedifieatum) with three pieces of arable in a croft, reckoned at 3a., adjacent, in Skernyng, between the messuage and land late of the said Thomas Rownyng on the east, the messuage and enclosure formerly John Wolcy's, late the said Thomas Rownyng's on the west, abutting on the pathway to the church, &c. which they had by the feoffment of John Colyn, of Wendlyng, and Edmund Tabbe, of Skernyng; also of 1½r. arable in Skernyng between land late of the said Thomas Rownyng on the east, land of the abbot and convent of Waltham, &c. which they had by the feoffment of John Poumfreyt, the younger, of Skernyng; warranty by Rownyng. Monday the feast of St. Matthew, the Apostle, 11 Henry VII. One seal.
Endorsed: Thomas Hoo.
Sussex. A. 13157. Release by John Puckstie, of Bucksted, 'husbondman,' to Thomas Burgys, of the same, of his right in a parcel of land there called 'Blasmatrede,' containing 7a. more or less. 16 September, 16 Elizabeth. English. Signed by mark.
Sussex. A. 13158. Sale and feoffment by Thomas Budde, of Estdeane, 'husbandeman,' in consideration of 20l., to Thomas Flinte, of the east suburbs of the city of Chichester, 'yeoman,' of a messuage and garden adjacent, and all his land, &c. in Kepston, in the parish of Honston. 12 December, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Surrey. A. 13159. Indenture, 18 June, 16 Elizabeth, whereby John Parkyns, of London, mercer, assigns to William Wilkyns, of Lamberne, co. Essex, yeoman, and Richard Edwardes, of the parish of Loughton, co. Essex, husbandman, a lease for six years granted by Thomas Gardyner, of Kewe, co. Surrey, esquire, 26 April, last past, to Richard Putto, of Highegate, co. Middlesex, gentleman, of a messuage or tenement called 'Kewe ferme' with the appurtenances, of six closes of pasture ground to the said messuage belonging, three of them near the highway from Kewe to Richemonde, and the rest near certain closes called 'Richemonde fieldes,' and of certain acres of arable in the common fields of Kewe and Richemonde, late in the occupation of one Clayton and after in the occupation of one Chambers, which lease he had by the assignment, of the 12th instant, of the said Richard Putto, at 6l. 13s. 4d. rent. English. Signed By me John Parkyns.
Norf. A. 13160. Bargain and sale and feoffment by Thomas Drewrye, of Skerneng, 'husbondeman,' to Richard Hoo, in consideration of a certain sum, viz. of 100s. paid to him by the said Richard beforehand and to be paid to one Thomas Sekker, the younger, hereafter, by the writing obligatory of the said Richard of even date, by his assignment, of a close containing 1a. land in Skerneng near the late chapel of St. Botolph between the meadow and pasture of Robert Hogon, gentleman, late of the abbot and convent of Wendeling, on the west, and the common pathway on the south, which he lately had together with Thomas Downeng, of Rising, the elder, and Thomas Anger, of Skarneng aforesaid, the elder, but to his own use, by the feoffment of Geoffrey Brakke, John Pomfrett, clerk, Thomas Brak and Robert Kirby, by their charter dated at Skarneng, 26 October, 22 Henry VIII, and whereof by virtue of the act, 27 Henry VIII, concerning uses of land, he is solely seised. 2 November, 32 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 13161. Feoffment by Katharine Newman, of Skernyng, widow, late the wife of Richard Newman, sole executrix of the last wills and testaments both of Thomas Belde and of the said Richard, to William Wynde, Joan his wife, and Thomas Sekker, of Skernyng, the elder, of 1a. arable there at 'Holbekcroftesend' next 'le Gravelmere' between land formerly William Sekker's, now in the tenure of the rector of the church of Skernyng, land formerly of John Pownfrett, the younger, now of Alice Pownfrett, late the wife of Clement Pownfrett, the abbot of Waltham's close, and the footpath to the chapel of St. Botolph, which inter alia she had, together with Richard Newman and Robert Fyssher, since deceased, and Thomas Drury and William Dey, who survive, by the feoffment of Clement Pownfrett and Walter Newman, of Skernyng, by their charter there, dated 19 June, 16 Henry VIII; to hold to the said William, Joan and Thomas, to the use of the said William and Joan, their heirs and assigns. Skernyng, 17 April, 27 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed; also Thomas Hoo.
Sussex. A. 13162. Counterpart of demise, 8 September, 32 Elizabeth, by Adrian Stoughton, of West Stoake, esquire, to Henry Clarcke, of the parish of great St. Peeters within the city of Chichester, 'clarcke,' in consideration of Henry's goodwill and faithful service to George Stoughton his 'greate uncle' and other his kindred, for threescore years if the said Henry, Grace his wife and Albon their son do so long live, of a messuage or dwelling house with one little close, called the 'Half Yarde Gardeine,' containing ½a., and 4a. land adjoining, late parcel of the manor of West Stoake, with common for twenty sheep upon the common belonging to the tenants of the said manor, at 9s. 8d. rent, doing suit of court upon reasonable notice of the keeping of the said courts 'to be geven either openlie in the parishe churche of West Stoake,' 'or els at the messuage or tenement' aforesaid, or 12d. for every default. English. Signed Henry Clark. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf. A. 13163. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Drurye, in performance of a condition specified in an indenture, dated at Skarneng the 1st inst., made to him by Thomas Pinchebek, to the said Thomas and Margaret daughter of Richard Hoo, the intended wife of the said Thomas, of all the land, &c. in Skarneng which he had by Thomas' charter of the said date, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to Margaret's right heirs. 2 January, 34 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin in the presence of John Robertez, gentleman, the farmer thereof for term of years, and of the said John s attornment by payment of 1d.
Warw. A. 13164. Feoffment by Edward Vaughan, of London, gentleman, in consideration of 100 marks, to John Suffock of Nuneaton, 'tanner,' of the burgages, &c. in Nonneaton, late in the occupation of Agnes Worshippe and now of Nicholas Ethell alias Lawrence, lately bought of the said Nicholas and by him bought of William Worshippe, Agnes Worshippe, Richard Smyth and Eleanor, Richard's wife; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Chapleyne and John Baileys. 20 June, 17 Elizabeth. Signed per me Edwardum Vaughan. Seal. Witnesses' names, Anthony and Peter Temple, and memorandum of livery of seisin, endorsed.
Norf. A. 13165. Grant by John Bourghchier, knight, lord Barners, to William Sheryngton, Robert Hogan and Edmund Whyte, gentlemen, of the office of bailiff of his manor or lordship of Asshewelthorp and of the wardenship of his woods there, by them or their deputy or deputies, during their lives or the longer liver of them, with a fee of 3d. a day as bailiff and 1a. of underwood yearly, and 20s. yearly as wood-warden to be paid at the hands of the receivers, tenants or other occupiers of the said manor. 16 February, 22 Henry VIII. Signed John Berners. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 13166. Indenture tripartite, 17 January, 27 Henry VIII, between Thomas, abbot of Wendeling, of the first, Edmonde Ferrour, of Gressenhall, of the second, and Richard Hoo, of Skerneng,of the third; whereas Richard by obligation of even date stands bound to Edmonde, by the abbot's consent, in 20l. for the payment of 20 marks to the abbot's use at divers dates, in full satisfaction of the purchase of land, &c. in Skerneng, to him and his heirs, by force of a deed of feoffment thereof made to him, 4 January last by the abbot and convent; it is now covenanted between them, that Richard 'shall contynuallie and from tyme to tyme with all con- venyent spede and dilligence doe as moche as in hym . . . . . shalbe without craft fraude or male engyne to possesse occupie and enjoye the said londez,' according to the said deed of feoffment, but if 'by thorder of eny lawez spirituall or temporall, by force of any decre sentence or jugement' he shall be put out of possession thereof within two years next, the said obligation shall be void. English. Signed per me Thomam abbatem.
A. 13167. Counter bond by Arthur Plantagenet, esquire, to Thomas Lucy, esquire, in 100l. at Whitsuntide next, conditioned for his saving Lucy harmless against Thomas, earl of Arundell, in respect of 100l. in which at Arthur's request they are bound together to the said earl. 26 March, 3 Henry VIII. Signed Arthur Plantagenet. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 13168. Sale and feoffment by Thomas, abbot of the monastery of St. Mary of Wendlyng, of the Premonstratensian order, and the convent of the same, for a certain sum beforehand, to Richard Hoo, of Skernyng, gentleman, Edmund Bedyngfeld, knight, Henry Bedyngfeld, esquire, John Gigges, of Burnham, and William Bury, of Great Walsyngham, of a close (inclausum) called 'Mille Closse,' with a meadow adjacent containing 6a. with a pightel called 'Erleham yard,' in Skernyng; also of a close called 'Felcarclos,' with 15a. arable in divers pieces and 2a. meadow on the east of the said close, in Skernyng; also of 15a. land in 'Havercroft,' on the south of the messuage of the said Richard Hoo, late of John Pomfret, clerk, in Skernyng, being in three pieces, parcel of the demesne lands of the manor of Northendall in Skernyng, viz. 13½a. next land late Geoffrey Brakk's, abutting on 'Hawes Clos,' 1a. next land late the said Geoffrey's and land of the said Richard, and ½a. next land of the said Richard, and it is (est una forera vocata) 'an hevedlond,' together with an acre of meadow parcel of the said demesne lands, and it abuts on the chapel of St. Botolph there; also of 3r. land now enclosed among other land of the said Richard in Skernyng in 'Churchegate Clos' abutting on the highway from Skernyng church to Estdereham; also of 4a. ½r. land in 'Coldhamfeld' in Skernyng, in two pieces, at 'le Mille Hyll' there, called 'Huntyngfeldhall Millhyll,' abutting on 'Foxweightway'; to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Richard; attorney to deliver seisin, Gilbert Walsham, clerk. 4 January, 27 Henry VIII. Signed per me Thomam abbatem, per me dominum Thomam Peke, per me Christoferum Waterhows, per me Thomam Bedall. Seal. Witnesses and witnesses to livery of seisin endorsed.
Warw A. 13169. Bond by Edward Vaughan, of London, gentleman, and Nicholas Ethell alias Lawrence, of Oldbury, gentleman, to John Suffock.of Nonneaton, 'tanner,' in 40 marks, conditioned for their saving him harmless, in respect of premises in Nonneaton, late in the tenure of Agnes Worshipp, which the said Edward had bargained and sold to him, against Elizabeth Ethell, now wife of the said Nicholas, for her dower, and against the heirs of one Robarte Slade, late of Nonneaton, deceased. 20 June, 17 Elizabeth. Signed per me Edwardum Vaughan and by mark. Witnesses, Anthony and Peter Temple and others (named). Seals.
[Norf.] A. 13170. Feoffment by John Dykman, to Edmund Bedyngfeld, Christopher Jenney, esquires, Thomas Hoo, Philip Southall, 'gentilmen,' William Pynchebek, John Wagstaff and Robert Fissher, of all the land, &c. which he had by the feoffment, dated at Skernyng, 9 January, 9 Henry VIII, of Thomas Hoo, of Hengham, John Sturgez, 'gentilmen,' Geoffrey Brak, John Malby, of Estdereham, and Robert Wodethorn, of Hengham, aforesaid. Skernyng, 12 February, 9 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13171. Counterpart of demise, 10 April, 25 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Greber, of Merthen, co. Cornwall, esquire, and William Reskymer alias Greber, 'in the saide countie,' gentleman, in consideration of 25l. 6s. 8d., to John Masone, of Gwavas, within [the parish of Grade], with remainder to Elizabeth his wife for the term of her widowhood, with remainder on her death or after her widow's estate ended, to Richard Masone their son, for the term of his life, of all those their messuages, land, &c. in the town of Gwavas in the parish of Grade, and of all their lands, tenements, &c. [at Enys Gwavas], in the parish of Goenwallowe alias Landawenecke, also of 'two closes of downe grounde in Trethevas Downe,' enclosed by Heughe Masone, deceased, father of the said John, also of 12a. of ground of the said down next adjoining thereto, enclosed by the said John Masone, together with common of pasture sufficient in Trethevas Downe for the beast and cattle of the said John commonly pastured or to be pastured and kept . . . . . on the above mentioned lands, and 'common of fewell' [in] Trethevas, 'to be consumed and occupied at and in the house Gwavas aforesaid,' 'and not els where,' at . . . . rent, the best beast for 'heryotte or farlive,' one 'harvest journeie,' or 4d., doing suit to the court of the manor of Trrethevas and the mill of the said . . . .; attorneys to delivr seisin, . . . Harrie, clerk, and Roger Thomas, yeoman. English. Signatures of John, Elizabeth and Richard Mason. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Cornw.] A. 13172. Counterpart indenture, 14 June, 40 Elizabeth, between Richard Skynner, of Collumpton, co. Devon, gentleman, of the one part, and William Billi[ng alias] Trelawther, of the parish of St. Advent, co. Cornwall, gentleman, of the other; whereas Stephen Townesende, clerk, D.D., late dean of 'St. Peter in Exon' and the chapter of the same, by their deed indented, 18 June, 28 Elizabeth, demised to [Thomas Laude], of Tyverton, co. Devon, 'marchant,' now deceased, 'the tythinge garbe, ['belonginge unto the parish churche of St. Breward'], [co. Cornwall], the advowson of the vicarage excepted, [for] 'and during [the term of] the lives of Margerie Skynner, wife of the said Richard Skynner, Henry Skynner and Mary [Skinner, their children,] and every of them longest living, at 9l. 6s. 8d. rent; and whereas the said Thomas by his deed indented, dated 28 October, 28 Elizabeth, demised the premises to the said Margerie for ninety-nine years if she should so long live; this indenture witnesses that the said Richard has demised to the said William Trelawther 'all that one halfendeale or moyetie' of 'the tything garbe' belonging to the parish church of St. Breward, for five years, at a rent, for the first year of 15l. paid in hand, on 14 June, 1599, 10l. at the dwelling house of Jasper Bridgeman, gentleman, in Exeter, on 14 June, 1600, 12l. 10s. and so on for residue of term; covenant in the event of Margery's death. English. Signed Will'm Byllyng. Witnesses' names endorsed. Paper. Injured.
Leic A. 13173. Indenture of acquittance in same form as A. 12474. 25 April, 33 Elizabeth. One seal.
Norf A. 13174. Counterpart of demise, 30 August, 7 Elizabeth, by Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, to William Pepys, of the same town, gentleman, of 17a. arable there, 'the particlers wherof with there abutalles do appeare in the backsyde of this indenture,' from Michaelmas next, for ten years, paying therefore yearly 'xiiij combz iij bushelles barlye bayor measure of good and lawfull stuffe,' before Christmas, viz. at Christmas, 1566, 'at Burnham Norton stathe or elleswhere in Burnham,' 'into such hoye or shippe' as he shall assign, and so yearly. English. Signed per me Will'm Pepes. The position of the acres is described on the dorse. Paper.
[Norf] A. 13175. Indenture of fine in the octave of St. Michael, 37 Henry VIII, between Henry Bryggis, querent, and William Bolte, the elder, and Alice his wife, deforciants, of a messuage called 'Nobyll,' a messuage called 'Rechers,' 20a. land, 5a. meadow, 20a. pasture and 5a. wood in Skarneng, viz. grant for themselves and the heirs of Alice to Henry, who regrants to them for the term of their lives in survivorship, with remainder to Oliver Pomfrett and his heirs.
Endorsed: The conveiaunce of londez bought of Oliver Pomfret in Chapelfelde. Thomas Hoo. Copy. Paper.
Cornw. A. 13176. Counterpart of demise, 12 November, 26 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Greber, of Merthen, co. Cornwall, esquire, and William Reskymer alias Greber, gentleman, brother to the said John, 'in the saide countie,' in consideration of 6l. fine, to Davye Thomas, of the parish of Gonwallo, 'housbanman,' Harrye Thomas, his son, and Johan Thomas, his daughter, of one half of their tenement in . . . . . . in the said parish of Gonwallo, parcell of their manor of Wynianton, 'whiche the said Davye, Agnyes . . . . . . now holdithe of the graunt of John . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; attorneys to deliver seisin, James Chemder and . . . English. Decayed.
Norf. A. 13177. Indenture of bargain and sale, 20 September, 8 Elizabeth, by Thomas Parke, of Kynges Lynne,' marchaunt,' to John Grebby, of the same, 'marchaunte,' of the capital messuage and tenement wherein he and Beatrice Parke, widow, his mother, now dwell, with the 'gardeyn yardes kayes and watergates,' 'in Kynges Lynne afforesaid in the Tuesday markett place there,' between the messuage 'late Richard Bowsheres nowe in thoccupacion of John Kynne,' on the north, 'the common lane called Puddyng Lane' on the south, the said market place on the east and 'the greate ryver of Kynges Lynne called Lynne Haven' on the west; also of one other 'litle mesuage or tenement wherin oon Thomas Richardson nowe dwellith' in Kynges Lynne 'in the Satterday markett place there betwene the tenement of the Maior and burgessez of Kynges Lynne on the east,' the tenement of Stephen Duplacke on the west, the said market place on the south and the tenement of the mayor and burgesses on the north, except such interest as the said Beatrice has in the premises under the will of Robert Parke, father of the said Thomas. English. Signed per me Thomas Parke. Seal.
Sussex. A. 13178. Sale and feoffment by John Chylley, of Buxsted, to Thomas Delve, of Framefeld, the elder, and Margaret his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of the messuage and garden, with land, &c. which descended to him on the death of John Chylley, his father, in the parish aforesaid. Buxsted, 3 January, 15 Henry VIII.
London. A. 13179. Bond by Richard Elmar, citizen and fishmonger of London, to Margaret Smythe, of London, widow, in 100 marks, conditioned for the payment of 50l. at Midsummer, 1580, at her dwelling house in Oldefyshestreate, London. 15 June, 21 Elizabeth. Signed by me Richerde Ellmar. Fragment of seal.
Camb. A. 13180. Counterpart of a release by Margaret Brown, late of the city of London, widow, in performance of an order in Chancery, 26 June last, in a suit between her, complainant, and Dorothy and John Woortes, defendants, and in consideration of 6l. 13s. 4d. to be paid her as in four writings obligatory, 26 June last, is specified, to the said John Woortes, his heirs and assigns, being in his possession, of her right in messuages, &c. sometime belonging to one William Neale, clerk, deceased, and afterwards to William Hastinges and Margarett, his wife, likewise deceased. 26 June, 21 Elizabeth. English. Seal (three garbs and a crescent).
Memorandum of sealing, &c. by Woortes endorsed.
Camb. A. 13181. Sale and feoffment by William Barbour, mayor, and Thomas Brakyn, William Whyttyngham, John Burgeyse and Richard Dawson, burgesses of Cambridge, to Robert Holder, of Barton, 'yoman,' Thomas Holder, his son, William Adam, John Adam and John Holder, of Orrewell, to the use of the said Robert and his heirs, of a tenement in Barton, between land of the prior of Barnewell and of Richard Charleton, knight, &c. together with 27a. arable in Barton and Graundeceter, situate as described, which they had inter alia by the bequest of John Hessewell, alderman of the said town; attorneys to deliver seisin, Richard Dale and John Thirleby, burgesses of Cambridge. 12 January, 10 Henry VIII.
Memorandum of livery of seisin, 23 January following, endorsed.
Linc A. 13182. Indenture of award by Henry Bradshawe, esquire, 'generall attornaye' to the king, and Robert Broke, esquire, recorder of London, between Foulke Grevyle, knight, and Dame Elizabeth, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Edward Wylloughbie, late lord Broke, 'one of the patronesses,' and Dame Jane Cornewall, widow, one of the daughters and heirs of 'Symonde' Mylbourne, esquire, 'one other of the patronesses' of the advowson of the parsonage and church of Bekyngham, now or late vacant by the death of one William Burden, late 'encumbent of the same'; Dame Jane shall present for this 'torne,' Grevyll and wife 'at the next vacacion,' and so on alternately. 10 February, 3 Edward VI. English. Signed per me Henr' Bradschawe, per me Rob tum Broke. One seal.
Norf. A. 13183. Indenture of partition, 2 January, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, between Richard Hoo, of Skarnenge, gentleman, and William Hoo, of Tylney in Mershelond, his youngest son, of land, &c. free and copy, called 'Howardes' in Tylney aforesaid, which by indenture tripartite of bargain and sale, 1 March, 2 and 3 Philip and Mary, they had jointly purchased of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, earl Marshal, and whereof a recovery was suffered to them in Easter Term in the said years by the name of two messuages, 60a. land, 40a. meadow, 80a. pasture in Tylney. English. Seal.
Endorsed: Sinse this tyme as it is saied my father hath made an estate to my brother William of this moitie; also Thomas Hoo.
Suff. A. 13184. Feoffment by Margaret Wyllett, spinster, of Haverlond, co. Norfolk, daughter and heir of William Wyllett, of Northales, to William Beare of the messuage which descended to her on her father's death in Northales. Northales, 18 November, 12 Elizabeth. Seal.
Memorandum of livery seisin, in the presence of John Wyllett and others endorsed.
Cornw. A. 13185. Counterpart of demise, 8 July, 25 Elizabeth, by John Reskymer alias Grebar, 'in the countie of Cornewall, esquire,' and William Reskymer alias Grebar, gentleman, brother of the said John, in considera- tion of 20s. fine, to 'John Christover, Mellier his wife and Allise their daughter, of St. Illarie, fisher,' for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a close of pasture 'in Gwaland ther,' containing one English acre and a half, which the said John before held, tin, &c. excepted, at 4s. rent, and one capon at Christmas, 4s. heriot, and doing suit to the manor court of Trevarthen, &c. English. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Warw. A. 13186. Counterpart of bargain and sale and feoffment by Richard Catesby, of Assheby Legiers, co. Northampton, esquire, in consideration of 20 marks, to John Whateley, of Henley in Ardern, 'drapar,' of a tenement with garden and orchard lying together in Henley aforesaid, a meadow called 'Phillippes Medowe' with a brook there, and a croft adjacent, a parcel of land called 'a slynge,' and eleven selions of arable with the heads (foreris) called 'two Hadlondes,' with the pit (puteo) and the hedge (uno lez hedgerowe) to the same selions belonging, all lying within the lordship of Bewdesert in a close or field there called 'Comen Croft,' whereof six selions with the pit lie, &c.; also of a rent of 3s. 4d. from a tenement in Henley now belonging to the gild of Henley; attorneys to deliver seisin, Hugh Marvyn, gentleman, and William Eburne of Henley. 4 March, 32 Henry VIII. Seal.
A. 13187. Grant to William Riburgh and Joan his wife, by William de Bodekysham, prior provincial of the order of friars preachers, in regard of their devotion to the order, of participation in the masses, prayers, &c. of the brethren of the order throughout the English province; and further that after their decease their souls shall be commended to the orisons of the brethren of the whole province in the provincial chapter, if their obits be there announced, and masses and orisons enjoined for them as for brethren deceased. Dated in the Provincial Chapter at Lincoln, on the feast of the Assumption, 1368. Illuminated initial.
Endorsed: F. J. Elmele bta.
Camb. A. 13188. Sale and feoffment by Richard Aunger, son and heir of Richard Aunger, the elder, whilst he lived, of Barton, to John Puregold and Margaret his wife, Hugh Chapman, of Cambridge, executors of the last will of Henry Veysy, of Cambridge, Paul Smyth and John Thyrleby, of the same, and John Rolfe of Barton, of 2a. 1r. arable lying dispersed in the fields of Barton, which inter alia descended to him on his said father's decease; to hold to the use of the said Margaret for the term of her life, and thereafter to the use of the said John Puregold and Hugh Chapman, executors as aforesaid, for sale, to perform therewith the last will of the said Henry Veysy. 4 June, 1 Henry VIII. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Linc A. 13189. Counterpart of demise, 4 February, 31 Elizabeth, by Elizabeth Whitfeilde, of Langham, co. Rutland, 'gent' and widdow,' to Richard Cony, of Kirkton, in the parts of Holland, gentleman, of 35½a. arable in Kirton aforesaid, which she holds by virtue of a deed made to her by one John Cony, late of Westbie, deceased, for the term of her life; to hold from Lady Day last for fifty years, if she so long live, at 8l. rent. 1588. English. Signed per me Ric'um Cony. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf A. 13190. Sale and feoffment by Anthony Easte, of Lynne Regis, merchant, and Elizabeth, his wife, late the wife of John Collyson, of the same, tanner, in consideration of 40l., to John Grebby, of the same, merchant, of a messuage or tenement, formerly two tenements, there, in 'Littell Porte' Street, between 'Bishopes bridgg' and the east gates, &c. and a close or pasture near by, which the said Elizabeth and John Collyson had inter alia by the feoffment of Thomas Parke and Robert Some, dated 10 August, 28 Elizabeth. Warranty for themselves and the heirs of Elizabeth. 29 June, 36 Elizabeth, 1594. Signed By me Anthonye East. Fragments of seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Camb. A. 13191. (1) Bargain and sale and feoffment by Richard Baasley, of Toft, cousin and heir of Thomas Baasley, of the same, in consideration of 10l., to Richard Aylmer, of Barton, yeoman, of 10a. arable in the fields of Barton, Cotton, Grauncester and Comberton. 12 June, 4 Edward VI.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
(2) Terrier of the lands contained in the writing annexed.
[Norf.] A. 13192. Counterpart of feoffment by John Bullok, Clement Pomefreth and William Pynchebek, all of Skernyng, to Robert Sekker, of the same, and Margaret his daughter and heir, and their assigns, of 1a. arable called 'Yelde Acre' in the field of Skernyng, which they had, inter alia, by the feoffment of John Skotte, citizen of Norwich, 'sherman,' by charter dated at Skernyng, 23 February, 22 Henry VII; to hold to the said Robert and Margaret by 6d. rent for ever at Michaelmas yearly, for all service. Warranty by Bullok. Skernyng, 5 April, 9 Henry VIII. Seals.
Endorsed: Carta indentat' pro vjd. redd'; also Thomas Hoo.
A. 13193. Bond by William and John Hampton, citizens and merchant taylors of London, now resident at Ferversham, co. Kent, to Francis Fryer, of London, gentleman, in 200 marks, conditioned for the payment of 100l., 6 August next. 12 August, 6 Elizabeth. Signatures and seals.
Cornw. A. 13194. Counterpart of demise, 1 December, 40 Elizabeth, by John Foote, of the parish of Adventt alias St. Tathen, yeoman, to John Harvie, of Helston, within the parish of Lanteglosse juxta Camelford, yeoman, in consideration of 40l., of a [meadow], a grove in the said meadow, and a 'flandde' adjoining to the same meadow and grove, situate in Trewyntt alias Michell Trewyntt, in the parish of Adventt alias St. Tathen, containing 3a. land, adjoining 'justmente groundde of Hennen,' land of Richard Carnsewe, esquire, [called] Trecarene, 'the river of water descendinge from the moore towardes Trecarene,' one part of the same river running between the said 'justmente' ground and the 'flandde,' the other part running between the grove and . . . . .; all of which premises are in the occupation of Robert Litlar, gentleman; to hold for twenty-two years from Lady Day next; rent 1d. at Michaelmas if demanded, and capon for 'heryotte or farlyeffe' if any due, &c. English. Signed John Harvy. Witnesses names endorsed.
[Linc.] A. 13195. Counterpart of A. 12807.
Endorsed: Ordinacio Cantarie in Harrington. Cf. A. 12570.
Warw A. 13196. Counterpart of demise, 7 June, 40 Elizabeth, by Gabriell Pulteney, of Misterton, co. Leicester, esquire, to John Weston, of Fresley, husbandman, in consideration of 20l., of a messuage or tenement in Fresley, in John's occupation, with the land, &c. therewith usually demised, to hold from Michaelmas next, for twenty-one years, at 32s. rent, best beast for 'harriott' &c. Signed by mark.
[Norf.] A. 13197. Feoffment by John Botry, of Gressenhall, and Robert Kirby, the younger, of Skernyng, to William Henrison, Richard Haryngton, Robert Henrison and Thomas Muffett, to the use of the said William and his assigns, of a messuage and cottage, in Skernyng, which were formerly Adam Man's, with a croft adjacent, 1a. land enclosed there and 3a. arable called 'Peperlande,' and 1a. meadow and a piece of underwood in the common, abutting on the common pasture called 'Wodegate grene,' land of the manor of Skernynghall, land of the manor of Draitonhall, &c.; all of which they had by the feoffment of John Man, Geoffrey Brakke, and Edmund Michell, by charter dated at Skernyng, 19 November, 12 Henry VIII. Dated at Skernyng, 14 November, 16 Henry VIII. Signed per me Robertu' Kyrby. Two seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[N'hamp.] A. 13198. Feoffment by Thomas de la Huse to John de la Huse, his son, of all his lands and tenements in the town and fields of Yelvertoft, with liberty of a court from three weeks into three weeks and with right of presenting to the church of Yelvertoft in turn (cum cursus evenerit), with liberty of bull and boar continually from year to year to go (progressur') within the town and fields aforesaid and beyond as his charter requires (carta nostra exigit), with liberty of grinding upon (molend' super) the water- mill next after that which is in the bynne (prox' post id quod in bynno constat); to hold with all other rents, &c. to the said John de la Hewse, in tail, with reversion in default to his own next heir male. Yelvertoft, Tuesday after St. Peter's Chains, 1 Edward II. Witnesses:—Sir Stephen Malore, knight, Peter Pidyngton and others (named). Copy. Paper.
London. A. 13199. Deed poll of assignment by John Johnson, son of Robert Johnson, citizen and 'merchaunttaillour' of London; whereas William Emerson and John Redman, citizens and bowyers of London, by their indenture of lease, 17 October, 1565, 7 Elizabeth, demised to William Kirkham, citizen and haberdasher of London, a tenement with 'shopp celler sollers,' &c. in St. Michaells lane in the parish of St. Michaell by Crooked lane in the city of London, being parcel of the tenement there called 'the Cuppe,' for thirty-four years from Michaelmas then last; and whereas Richard Chester, draper, and George Smythe, 'girdeler,' citizens of London, by their indenture dated 7 July, 1575, 17 Elizabeth, demised to the said William Kirkham 'all that litle shoppe which is nowe used as parte of the tenemente above mencioned as it was then particioned and was before that tyme in the occupacion of George Hilliard, musition, being parcell of the then dwelling howse of the saide George Smythe situate in Crooked lane above named,' for twenty-four years from Michaelmas then next; and whereas he, the said John Johnson, by good title then enjoyed the premises; in consideration of 50l. he assigns the said indentures and all his right therein to Thomas Newce of Broxborne, co. Herts, gentleman, for the residue of the terms; with proviso that if he pay the said Thomas 50l. at the dwelling house of Walter Tooke, esquire, in 'Aldrichgate streete in the suburbes of London' on 8 December next, the assignment shall be void. 8 December, 37 Elizabeth. English. Signed per me Jno Johnson. Witnesses:—Robert Sison, scrivener, Elias Collin apprentice to John Murfin, scrivener, Launcelot Lovelace.
Endorsed:—A poll deed from Jo. Johnson to Mr. Tho. Newce. See A. 18241. Cf. A. 12773, 12805.
A. 13200. Bond by Richard Walker, of Coventry, mercer, to Ralph Waren, citizen and mercer of London, in 8l. 15s. at Midsummer next. 22 February, 7 Henry VIII. Signed per me Rychard Walker. Seal.