Deeds: A.12301 - A.12400

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Deeds: A.12301 - A.12400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.12301 - A.12400', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: A.12301 - A.12400". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

A.12301 - A.12400

[Sussex.] A. 12301. Feoffment by Thomas Delve, the elder, of Framfeld, and Margaret, his wife, to Robert Delve, of Ukkefeld, their son, and Alice, his wife, of a messuage with garden adjacent, land, &c. in the parish of Buxsted, called 'Chylleygh,' which they bought of John Chilley, of the said parish. Buxsted, 15 November, 32 Henry VIII. Seal. Memorandum of livery of seisin, 20 November, endorsed.
[Sussex.] A. 12302. Feoffment by Robert Delve, the elder, of Uckefilde, and Alice, his wife, to Nicholas Delve, of Uckefilde, their son, of a messuage, with garden adjacent, and land, &c. in the parish of Buxsted, called 'Chilleygh,' which they bought of John Chilley of the said parish. Buxsted, 23 April, 16 Elizabeth, 1574. Seals. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Sussex. A. 12303. Release by. John Delve, of Horsemonceaux, 'yoman,' eldest son of Robert Delve, deceased, to Nicholas Delve, of Buxsted, 'yoman,' his brother, of his right in a messuage or tenement and 20a land, now in the occupation of the said Nicholas in Buxsted, formerly the said Robert's. 10 January, 32 Elizabeth. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Essex.] A. 12304. Feoffment by John Bisshop, the younger, son of Sewallus Bisshop, of Springefeld, to Sir John de Wendovere, clerk, of 3r. and 5 dayworks of meadow in Springefeld in 'Reynisshemad,' between the meadow of his cousin (cognati) John Bisshop and the meadow of the said Sir John. Great Leghes, Monday after St. Mark, the Evangelist 23 Edward III. Seal.
[Essex.] A. 12305. Feoffment by John Bisshopp, of Springfeld, the elder, John Pese, Nicholas Boxsted and Richard wulvet, of the same, to John Nele, of the same, the elder, John Joynour, of Chelmesford, John Ardelegh, the younger, Edmund Pasford and John Kent, of Springfeld, of two crofts, called 'Cobbescroftes,' in Springfeld between the highway from 'Oliveris' tenement to Okele and the grove (gravam) called 'Musgrove,' land called 'le Redene' and land called 'Merlegh,' abutting on 'Otesland' and 'Musgrovelane,' which together with other land in Springfeld and Little Waltham they had jointly by the feoffment of the said John Nele. Springfeld, 29 April, 34 Henry VI. Two seals and fragment of third.
Essex. A. 12306. Feoffment by John Tendryng, son and heir of John Tendryng, formerly of Borham, 'chaundeler,' deceased, and Henry Slyford, chaplain, to John, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury and chancellor of England, Thomas Ormond, knight, lord Ormond, otherwise styled Thomas, earl of Ormond, John Hardyng, master of the House of St. Thomas, the martyr, styled of Acon, London, Gilbert Talbot. knight, brother of John Talbot, late earl of Shrewsbury, and John Byconell, knight, of two crofts of land, enclosed with hedges and ditches, lying together in Borham, the one called 'Helwysecroft,' formerly Robert Bubbe's, and the other called 'Redehoodescroft' formerly Adam Eldefeld's, whereof the croft called 'Helwyse' contains by estimation 7a. and lies between land formerly Edmund Dodebrooke's called 'Homefeld,' now the earl of Ormond's, on the west and the lane from Newhall (nova aula) to the common way, on the east, abutting on the croft of land called 'Redehoodes,' on the south, and on land called 'Petecrewse' alias 'Fissheland,' now the said earl's; and the other croft called 'Redehoodes croft' contains by estimation 1a. and lies between the croft called 'Helewise' late Robert Bubbe's, on the north, a croft of land of the earl, called 'Payses,' on the south, and abuts on the said lane and 'Dodebrookes alias Homefeld,'on the west; which crofts they had jointly by the grant of John Bolle, son and heir of John Bolle, late of Chelmesford, in the said county, 'dyer,' deceased; warranty by John Tendryng for himself and his heirs. 29 July, 14 Henry VII. Seals.
Essex A. 12307. Deed poll by Richard Artour and Isabel, his wife, sister unto John Neele; 'for asmuche as' they 'surmysed and shewed unto Thomas Erle of Ormond that certayn landes in Spryngfeld,' co. Essex, 'whiche the foresaide John Neele solde unto William Carre of Chelmesford in the saide countie,' and he to the earl, 'were entailed to the same John Neele and to theires of his body, and for default of suche issue to remayne to the saide Isabell in taile. The foresaide Erle in dischargyng his conscience if any suche entaill were as we surmysed, gave us the saide Richard and Isabell a grete somme of money ovyr and beside the money paide for his first purchesse to this entent that I the saide Richard shulde cause a like estate to be made to my saide wif in taile of other lands or tenementes of like value as the foresaide landes surmysed to be entailed ben. For whiche money' . . . 'I the saide Richard have caused' such an estate to be made of land called 'Hornes sumtyme John Mundes set and lying in Spryngfeld foresaide and xij acres of lande' there in 'Pesyngfeld,' 'for a recompence to my foresaide wif and her heires of hir body begotyn for the foresaide landes surmysed to be entailed.' 'Yevyn the last day of May the xiijth yere of the reigne of Kyng Harry the vijth English. Seals.
[Essex.] A. 12308. Feoffment by Robert de Borham, knight, to Robert Wlfhet, for his homage and service, and 20s. in gersum, of all the land, &c. which Nicholas Wlfhyet, Robert's father, formerly held of John de Borham, his father, in the town of Little Wautham, lying between land formerly Hervey Rydel's and the fee formerly Ralph de Besevill's; to hold, &c. except religious men and Jews, by service of 16d. yearly for all service, save the king's service, to wit 3d. to a scutage of 40s. and so in proportion. Seal, a boar passant, with legend, sigill. roberti. de. borham.
Essex A. 12309. Feoffment by Thoma Zowch, 'gentilman,' and John Forde, of Borham, to John, cardinal archbishop, and the others, as in A. 12306, of ½a. meadow in Borham, co. Essex, in 'Westmanmade,' between 'Barnaidesrode,' late John Hamelyn's, now the earl's, meadow parcel of the earl's manor of Newhall, meadow formerly Edmund Dodbrok's, now the earl's, and meadow called 'le Fitz rode,' which, together with Robert Giles, since deceased, they had by the gift of Thomas Secok, of Borham; to hold to the said archbishop and the others to the use of the earl and of his last will; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Nethersole and Thomas Geryng. 4 November, 15 Henry VII. Seal, possibly of arms (a lion passant and a chief indented) and seal.
Essex. A. 12310. Feoffment by Thomas Secok, of Borham, co. Essex, and Joan, his wife, daughter and heir of John Tendryng, deceased, to Thomas Zowch, 'gentilman,' Robert Gyles, and John Forde, of Borham, of ½a. meadow in Borham in 'Westmanmade,' between the meadow called 'Bernardesrode,' late John Hamelyn's, meadow of the lord of Newhall, meadow formerly Edmund Dodbrok, now the lord of Newhall's, and the meadow called 'le Fitz Rode,' which ½a. descended to the said Joan on the death of the said John Tendryng, her father. Seals.
Endorsed: Dimidia acra terre perquisita de Thoma Zowche' &c
Essex, A. 12311. Feoffment by John Tendryng, of Borham, 'chaundeler,' and Agnes, his wife, to John Appulton, of Little Waldyngfeld, co. Suffolk, 'gentilman,' Robert Dean, of Neweton, John Reve, of Boxford, the younger, John Tendryng, farmer (firmario), of Borhamhall, John Pecchy, of Wodeham Ferreys, co. Essex, John Bolle, of Chelmesford, 'dyer,' Thomas Kent, of the same, and William Sampson, of all their land, &c. in Borham, formerly Robert Bubbe's; a messuage and 18a. land called 'Elyottes,' in Borham, with 1a. meadow, in a meadow called 'Wrosenhey'; a croft of land called 'Grenelanecroft,' in Borham, between 'Grenelane,' land late William Tabur's, land of Nicholas Borham and the highway from Chelmesford to Whitham; all of which they had by the gift of John Ardelegh 'att Ponde' of Borham; also of two crofts of arable and ½a. wood in Borham, viz. one called 'Tounhannescroft alias 'Cornewalys Croft' and the other 'Layacre,' lying alike, being made into one croft, between land of William Hayward, land belonging to the manor of Borhamhall, the wood called 'Lousheywode' and land called 'Elyotteslande,' and the ½a. wood lies between 'Tounhannescroft,' the said William Hayward's land, wood belonging to the rectory of Borham, &c.; which crofts and wood they had by the feoffment of John Bastewike, of Borham, the elder; also of all the land, &c. called 'Redehodes,' lying scattered in Borham, which they had by the feoffment of Roger Rolf, of Little Waltham; also of a messuage, with garden and two crofts of land adjacent in Borham called 'Gerardes,' between land of the prior and convent of Leghes, called 'Westfelde,' land formerly Thomas Taylour's, and the highway from Chelmesford to Whitham; which messuage, &c. they had by the feoffment of John Tendryng, farmer (firmarii), the said John Bastwike the elder, and William Waleis, 'turnour.' Borham, 20 April, 2 Edward IV.
Certificate by Robert Cornewaleis, John Chertesey, Richard Pratte, John Rochestre, John Elys, of Chelmesford, Nicholas Boram and John Tendryng, son and heir of John Tendryng, deceased, that they saw, heard and read the original charter, of which word for word the tenour is before written, in no way vacated, &c. delivered to the said John the son, the day under-written. Dated 20 August, 14 Henry VII. Seals of Cornwaleys and the others.
Essex. A. 12312. Feoffment by John Dynham, knight, lord deDynham, John Reynesford, William Tysted, esquires, William Carre, of Chelmesford, and Anne his wife, John Cornyssh, the elder, 'mercer,' John Elys, 'grocer,' John Chartesey, the elder, and John Bigland, 'bocher,' of the same, to John, cardinal of the title of St. Ciriac, archbishop of Canterbury, chancellor of England, Thomas Ormond, knight, lord Ormond, otherwise styled Thomas, earl Ormond, Gilbert Talbot, knight, John Byconell, knight, John Hardyng, Master of [the House] of St. Thomas the Martyr of Acon, London, John Clopton, esquire, and John Nethirsall, 'yoman,' of all their land, &c. in Spryngfeld and Little Waltham, called 'Neelles,' which they had by the grant of John Nele alias Munde, son and heir of John Neell 'atte water,' late of Spryngefeld, aforesaid; to hold to the use of the said earl, his heirs and assigns, to perform his last will; attorneys to deliver seisin John Tenderyng of Borham, and William Brownyng of Chelmesford. Witnesses:—Thomas Tyrell, knight, Robert Plommer, 'gentilman,' and others (named). 9 February, 12 Henry VII.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the Bench, roll the first of charters &c. acknowledged, Hilary term, 12 Henry VII.
London. A. 12313. Indenture of demise by Thomas Percy, prior of Holy Trinity within Algate, London, and the convent of the same, to William Reed, of London, 'yoman,' of a tenement with a garden in the parish of St. Katharine Colman, of the said city, between the tenement formerly of John Abbot, mercer, on the east and west, the highway on the south, and a tenement and garden belonging to the prioress and convent of Dertford, co. Kent, on the north; from Michaelmas last for forty years, at 13s. 4d. rent; William to keep the same in repair, together with the pavement (paviamento) of the highway, &c. 15 November, 1510, 2 Henry VIII.
Memorandum endorsed that William is to keep the drains clean.
[Devon.] A. 12314. Indenture of demise, 1 October, 27 Elizabeth, by Jasper Baidge, 'Richard' his wife, and Richard Baidge, Jasper's son and heir apparent, to John Fytz, esquire, in consideration of 35l. to the said Jasper in hand paid, of land called 'Hilclose' and 'Hilmedowe,' the latter divided into two parts and in the tenure of John and Jasper Woode, in Pashill alias Passell, in the parish of Tavistock, and reputed as parcel of the tenement called Pashill; to hold 'Hill close' for twenty-four years from Michaelmas last and 'Hilmedowe' for twenty-one years from the last day of September, 1688; at 2s. rent, viz. 12d. for each. Witnesses' names to sealing and delivery, 14 and 28 December, by Jasper Baidge and 'Richord' his son (sic), and by Richard Baidge respectively, endorsed.
Devon. A. 12315. Counterpart of demise by Joan, lady Sydenham, late the wife of John Sydenham, esquire, to Roger Smyth and Joan, his wife, and John, their son, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a close in Holbrooke, called 'Denelondes,' within the parish of Clyst Honyton, late Robert Kenerleigh's, and of 2a. in 'le Denehayes,' late in the tenure of John Drywode, at 33s. 4d. rent; also of the reversion expectant on the death of John Cole, and Joan his wife, of a messuage in Holbrooke, of a close of land and pasture called 'le Wodepark, Briggemede,' a 'parock' on the south of the messuage, 'Bremelhay,' 'Shakebere,' 'Tonmede,' 'Lange- parock,' and 'Pokepark,' for the like term at 38s. rent. Brympton, 20 October, 8 Edward IV.
N'hamp. A. 12316. Counterpart indenture, 2 November, 29 Elizabeth, between Sir William Catesby, of Water Lambeth, co. Surrey, knight, and John Popson, of Busshwood, co. Warwick, yeoman, of the one part, and Alexander Myles, one of the sons of Maurice Myles, of Creeke, co. North- ampton, yeoman, of the other, being an assignment by Popson to Myles, of his interest in the manor of Westhaddon, under indentures of lease, recited (A. 12260). Signature of Myles and seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. Cf. A. 12213.
Chester. Lanc. A. 12317. Indenture being the appointment by John, abbot of 'the monastery of our blessed lady of Whalley,' and the convent of the same, of Edward, earl of Derby, 'and lorde Stanley,' as steward of all their land, &c. in the counties of Lancastre and Chestre, for life, with the fee of 8 marks, and such profits, &c. as Thomas, late earl of Derby, his father, had, &c. 17 September, 17 Henry VIII. Fragment of conventual seal.
[Norf.] A. 12318. Release by Juliana Waterman, of Carlton, widow, late the wife of John Waterman, to Richard Wynschippe, clerk, of her right in a messuage with croft adjacent, 1½a. land in Bokenham Ferye, between land of Thomas Cowper, land of the manor of Bokenham, &c. with an alder-carr (alneto) containing 1a. with a well at the south end, called 'Bakhousyerd,' in Bokenham, &c. 24 November, 34 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Norf.] A. 12319. Feoffment by Walter Balle, of Southwode, Stephen Treman, of Hasyngham, and Robert Davy, of Cantelee, to Nicholas Cowper, of Bokenhamfery, John Treman, of Hasyngham, the elder, and Robert Man, of the same, of a messuage, built on, in Bokenhamfery, with 13a. 1½r. arable, and 1a. 1r. marsh, in divers pieces, in the towns, fields and marshes of Bokenham Fery and Strumpeshagh, which they had, together with Nicholas Heryng and John Maundevyle, since deceased, by the feoffment of Sir Thomas Moryell, late rector of the church of St. Margaret of Cantelee, since deceased, and John Goodwyn, of Acle, by charter dated at Cantelee, 24 October, 4 Edward IV. Witnesses:—William Norwych, 'jantylman,' and others (named). Bokenhamfery, the Assumption of the B.V.M., 7 Edward IV. Seals.
Chester. A. 12320. Counterpart of demise, 22 May, 2 Edward VI, by John Danyell, of Derresbury, 'gentylman,' to John Denys, of Mor', 'yoman,' in consideration of 5l. in hand, 40s. 'at the feast of Seynct Martyn in wynter' and 20s. 'at the feast of the Invencion of the crosse next comyng,' of a messuage, &c. in Derresburye, late in the occupation of Rychard Penyngton, 'and also a porcion of grownde within the common wode,' to hold to the said John, and Alice, his wife, from the feast of 'Seynt Martyn in wynter' next, for their lives in survivorship, at 21s. rent.
Note at foot: Selyt and delyvered the v day of Juli in the presens of Thomas Flecer, vicar of Ron[c]orne, Thomas Harper of More and others (named).
Norf. A. 12321. Bond by John Blyant, of Intwode, esquire, to Thomas Godsalve, in 400 marks, at Easter, conditioned for his standing to the award of John Wode of Fulborne, co. 'Cambregge,' Humphrey Wyngfeld, esquire, John Spelman, and Francis Moundeford, 'all lerned in the Kynges lawes,' touching the manor and advowson of Bokenhamferry and the advowson of Hasyngham, &c. to be delivered before Easter next, 25 November, 10 Henry VIII. Signed per me, John Blyaunt. Seal of arms (on a fess between two chevrons three escallops).
N'hamp. A. 12322. Release by Thomas Parkyns, of Weylton, son and heir of William Parkyns, of the same, to Thomas Lucy, knight, and dame Elizabeth, his wife, of Ascheby Leger, of his right in a messuage, with a garden, in Weylton. 23 June, 15 Henry VIII. Witnesses:—Humphrey Lucy, gentleman, and others (named).
Endorsed: Welton.
Devon. A. 12323. Indenture being a feoffment by Jasper Baidge, of Pashill, in the parish of Tavistocke, yeoman, to Richard Rundell, of Ugbere, in the same parish, yeoman, of his land, in the occupation of John Baseley, in Brodwill, in the same parish, with proviso that if on the last day of October he paid 20l. to John Glanvile, esquire, at the dwelling house of the said John in Tavistocke, for which payment the said Richard stood bound with him, the feoffment and seisin had thereon to be void; attorneys to deliver seisin, Philip Rundell and George Edgcomb. 30 September, 29 Elizabeth, 1587. Signed, Jaspar Badgge. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Warw. A. 12324. Indenture of bargain and sale, 4 November, 18 Henry VIII, by William Hudpytte alias Tailler, of Rowyngton, to dame Elizabeth Lucy, widow, of three closes called 'Hudpytt Closes,' in Shrewley, with the reversion of land there held by Elizabeth Hudpytt for the term of her life, and with all his land, &c. in Hatton, Haseley and Shrewley; consideration, 9l. 6s. 8d. English.
N'hamp. A. 12325. Bond by John Garfeild, of Ashbielegers, husbandman, to William Catesby, knight, in 20l. conditioned for the performance of covenants in indentures of demise of even date. 10 April, 21 Elizabeth. Seal broken.
[Linc.] A. 12326. Indenture being a feoffment by Roger Drawswerd, of Kirketon in Holand, Richard Stalworth of the same and Robert Murre, of Frampton, to John Comyn, of Frampton, son of the late Robert Comyn, of Kirkton Willington, and to Alice daughter of John Poles, late of Kirkton aforesaid, the younger, and to the heirs of the bodies of the said John and Alice, of a messuage and a place of land with buildings thereon, lying dispersed in Kirkton, the messuage lying in Willington, between the messuages of the heirs of William Comyn and the heirs of Richard Maygar, abutting on 'Willingtongate' and the dike (sewer') between Kirkton and Frampton, and the place of land lying in 'Fenlandys' between lands of John Meres and Richard Willughby, esquires, and abutting on the road called 'Kirktonengesgate' and the highway, which they had by the feoffment of the said John, with remainder, in default of the issue of the said John and Alice, to them the said Roger, Richard and Robert for the performance of John's last will, 23 July, 4 Henry VIII. One Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Surrey. A. 12327. Indenture of demise, —, 2 Elizabeth, by William Staunton, of Westminster, co. Middlesex, gentleman, to Thomas Alderton, of Ewell, yeoman, of a messuage called 'Waggmooris in Ewell, from Michaelmas —, for twenty years, at 3l. rent; covenant by Thomas to suffer Christopher Thorne and — his wife, and the longer liver of them, now inhabiting there, to occupy the said messuage and certain acres of land, in as ample manner as they enjoyed the same when Thomas Mussage was owner thereof, &c. Not executed.
[Cornw.] A. 12328. Indenture whereby Nicholas Enys, reciting that Thomas Tretherff, esquire, and his ancestors, held a messuage and an acre of land Cornish of him in Tregonan within the parish of Seynt Newelyn, ratifies the said estate, to hold in pure socage, by fealty and 5s. rent and 12s. 6d. for a relief. Witnesses:—Peter Bevyll, esquire, Richard Penros, Robert Vyvyan, Reginald Gayer, Constantine Rawe. 4 April, 3 Henry VIII. Signed Nich'us Enys.
N'hamp. A. 12329. Assignment by John Tompson, of Legers Ashbie, and Robert Farnam alias Varnam, of Lylborne, husbandmen, executors of the will of Edmund Grubb of Ashby, aforesaid, husbandman, to William Chibnall, of Legers Ashby, gentleman, in consideration of 24l. of their estate, as executors, in a lease for twenty-one years, at a rent reserved of 34s. 6½d. made to the said Edmund, 20 December, 17 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesby, knight, by the description of William Catesby of Ashby aforesaid, esquire; except 'iij errable landes lying in the iij feildes of Ashbie' bequeathed by the said Edmund to his wife Agnes for the residue of the term, and except corn and hay on the ground, &c. 9 April, 31 Elizabeth. English seals.
Chester. A. 12330. Bond by Hugh Venables, baron of Kynderton, and Nicholas Danyell, of Dersbury, esquire, to King Henry VI, in 380l 14s. 6d. at Christmas, conditioned for the observance by Nicholas of covenants in indentures dated at Westminster, 8 June, 13 Henry VI, between the king and himself. 15 June, 13 Henry VI. One seal.
Devon. A. 12331. Counterpart of demise, 2 November, 4 Edward VI, by John Sydenham, of Legh, co. Somerset, gentleman, to Richard Flaye and Joan, his wife, for the term of their lives in survivorship, in consideration of 4 marks for a fine in hand paid, of his part or portion of a tenement in Farryngdon, called 'Hillacombe,' in the said Richard's occupation; rent 7s. 4d. and the 'seix' parte of there best beaste' for a 'heryott or farleve'; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Trusloo and John Cocke. English.
Wilts. A. 12332. Indenture of demise by Thomas Mundy, of London, 'gentilman,' to Henry Frogg, of the city of Salisbury, 'bocher,' of a tene- ment called 'Nedlers' and a curtilage, meadow and 5a. arable adjacent in Stratford Comyn under the castle of Old Sarum, with arable to the said tenement belonging in the south field, and pasture for one cow, from Michaelmas next for thirty-one years, at 20s. rent. 1 December, 27 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: My landes that I bowt of Mr. Mondey at Stratford.
No f. A. 12333. General release by John Borsdale, of Bokenham Fery, 'husbondman,' to Lawrence Colyns, of the same, 'husbondman.' 15 June, 10 Henry VIII. Seal.
Surrey. A. 12334. (1) Indenture of bargain and sale, 24 October, 29 Elizabeth, by Francis Wylmer, of the parish of 'St. George the Martir in Southwark,' 'inholder,' to George Dally, of the same, yeoman, of four messuages or tenements, in the several occupations of Amor Lucas, Bennett Lull, Henry Tailour and William Feld, in Long Lane, in the parish of 'St. Mary Magdaleyne nere Barmondesey,' between the tenement of Edmond Hilles, woodmonger, in the tenure of Margaret Atkynson, to the west, and the tenement of Peter Kyng, 'goldwyer drawer,' in the tenure of John Gibson, to the east, &c. Signed by mark.
(2) Bond of even date by same to same conditioned for the observance of covenants.
Devon. A. 12335. Indenture of demise, 23 May, 3 Elizabeth, by Philip Sture, of Marridge, esquire, to John Hoppyn alias Holwill, of Woodberrie, husbandman, in consideration of 53l. paid in hand, of a cottage called 'Fraunkes Howse' and certain closes, &c. (named) parcel of the manor of Woodberrie which he had for years yet to come by the demise of the 'Custos and Collidge of the vicars chorall of the Cathedrall churche of St. Peturs in Exeter'; to hold to the said John for the term of sixty years from Michaelmas next if the said John, Anne, his wife, and Richard and Grace Hoppyn alias Holwill, his children, or any of them, so long live, at 4l. 3s. 10d. rent, and the best beast for a 'heriette or farlive,' &c.
Warw. A. 12336. Indenture of demise by Sir William Catesby, of Lambeth, co. Surrey, knight, to Nicholas Slighe, of Lapworth, co. Warwick, turner, of the 'mannor, fearme place and capitall messwage,' &c. in the parish of Lapworthe, called 'Bromeham Fearme alias Bromeshall,' with land, &c. occupied with the same, viz. &c. 'one close of land called Fletchers, tenne days earthe of arrable lande in one fielde called Churche fielde, three dayes earthe in a fielde called Merrells fielde, one tenement or cottage called Sorells house standing upon Harbery Hethe,' &c. now in the tenure and occupation of Elizabeth Catesbye, widow, late the wife of Edmund Catesby late of Bromeham aforesaid, esquire, with a croft called 'Bromeham Crofte' now or late in the tenure of John Ashbye, a meadow between 'Harbery Heathe' and 'Kinswood Broke,' now or late in the tenure of Leonard Hardinge; 'the olde and accustomed rente of all and singuler the premisses with their appurtenaunces is seaven poundes and two shillinges by yeare'; also of the 'capitall messwadge or tenemente fearme or mannor of Wellesborne,' with their appurtenances in Wellesborne Mountfort, in the said county, in the occupation of Stephen Hopkyns 'of the yearly rente of' 46s. and a tenement there in the occupation of William Mason, of the rent of 26s. and another tenement there in the occupation of William Hopkins, of the rent of 21s.; to hold to the said Nicholas Slighe, and his heirs, 'to the onlye proper use and behoof' of the said Elizabeth Catesbye, from Michaelmas last for one hundred and one years, if she shall so long live, with remainder for the residue of the said term as to the premises in 'Bromeham alias Bromeshall' and Lapworth to the use of William Catesby, son and heir of the said Edmund Catesby, and his assigns, and as to the premises in Wellesborne Mountfort, to the use of Richard Catesby, second son of the said Edmund, at rents of 7l. 2s. and 4l. 13s. respectively; attorney to deliver seisin, Thomas Itchener, of Packwood, his servant. 15 February, 28 Elizabeth, 1585.
Norf. A. 12337. Charter tripartite being a feoffment by Richard Hoo, of Skarning, and Thomas Hoo, of Burnham St. Clement, co. Norfolk, gentlemen, in performance of covenants in indentures tripartite, 8 August, 6 Edward VI, between Richard of the first, Humphrey Deane, by the name of Humphrey Deane of Tilney in Mersshland of the second and the said Thomas by the name of Thomas son and heir apparent of the said Richard, of the third part, to Richard Southwell and Henry Bedingfield, knights, Thomas Knyvet, George Touneshend, John Jenney and Robert Bozom, esquires, Robert Cooke, gentleman, and Thomas Skelton, clerk, of the rectory and church of Skarning, with its appur- tenances, and of their land in Stanfield, and of the manors of Northend Hall, Little Skarning and Gontons, and of all the other messuages, land, &c. in Skarning, Great Fransham, Gressenhall, Kempston and Beeston, late of Thomas Hogan, esquire, and Susan, his wife, [and of a meadow called Redmedowe in Skarning erased], also of their lordship (seignioriam) and 4l. 16s. 9d. and a rent of eleven hens and three capons, late parcel of the free chapel of St. Nicholas in Gressenhall aforesaid, issuing from certain lands and tenements in the occupation of divers persons in Skarning, Great Fransham and Stanfield aforesaid, Great Dunham, Wendling, Brisley and Great Bittering, late of Nicholas le Straunge, knight; to hold to the said Richard Southwell, and the others, to the use of the said Richard Hoo, for life, with remainder to the said Thomas Hoo, John Hoo and William Hoo successively in tail male, with remainder to them successively in tail, with remainder to Margaret, Joan and Elizabeth, daughters of the said Richard in tail, with remainder in default to Edward Dene, son of the said Humphrey Dene, and his heirs for ever; also, in like performance, of the manor of Ingworth with land, &c. there and in Erpingham, Colby, Ittringham and Owlton, 4a. land near 'lez longmedowez,' in Skarning aforesaid, late of John Shelton, knight, a close called 'Brend- wode Cloos' in Skarning, a close near by of 3a. on the north of 'Danghweight wey,' a meadow of 2a. near by late in the tenure of William Stephenson, a meadow in Skarning called 'Redmedowe,' in the tenure of Thomas Shrympling, land (quoddam pictellum) called 'Waltham Pightell' there, a house and garden near 'le church gate' of Skarning late in the said William Stephenson's tenure, a messuage near by where John Gallard dwells, a new built house with a close called 'Waltham Yard,' a close called 'Halcroft,' and the site of the manor of Northendhall, in the tenure of the said Thomas Shrimplyn; to hold to the said Richard Southwell, and the others, to the use of the said Thomas Hoo and of the heirs male of his body, with remainder as above. Skerning, 17 September, 1 Mary. Signature of Thomas Hoo. Seal, a bird displayed. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. Endorsed the secret estate by Thomas Hoo and other for Deane.
Devon. A. 12338. Release by Robegia Wyllughby, of Turnerspudell, co. Dorset, widow, one of the daughters and co-heirs of William Satchefyld, esquire, deceased, and late the wife of Nicholas Wyllughby, to John Wyllughby, her younger son, of her right in land, &c. in the parishes of Tavystoke, Rowdon, Weste Wonwood, Syddynham, Lamerton, Nethercombe, Pruston, Peterstavy, Newton Ferrys, Moddecombe and Holbeton, or elsewhere, co. Devon; to hold to the said John, his heirs and assigns for ever; warranty. 10 May, 1 Mary. Seal.
Devon. A. 12339. Indenture of demise by Jaspar Badge, of Tavistock, yeoman, Richord, his wife, and Richard Badge, his son and heir apparent, in consideration of 80l. fine, to John Fytz, of Fytzforde, esquire, of closes and parcels of land, wood and meadow, in the occupation of Walter Trowte and Walter Elforde, late parcels of the tenement, inhabited by Jaspar, called Pashill alias Passell, in the parish of Tavistock aforesaid, for twenty- one years, as to various portions of the same, from Michaelmas, 1584, 1587 and 1589 respectively, at specified rents, &c. 1 November, 25 Eliza- beth. English. Fragments of seals. Witnesses' names endorsed. See Counterpart, A. 12524.
N'hamp, A. 12340. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 6 April, 24 Henry VIII, by 'Richard Verney, late of London, esquiyer, and Dame Elizabeth, his wyfe, late wyfe to Sir Thomas Lucy, knyght, decessed, and somtyme wife to George Catysby, esquyer, also decessid,' to Thomas Haddon, late of West Haddon, esquire, of a close or pasture called 'Boyelond,' in the fields of Watford, containing 50a., also of 'a mease' and 6a. meadow in Boyelond, and 'a mease, a dowehouse,' a close of 2a., a garden place, a close called 'the Mylne Holme' of 2½a. and 57a. arable and 3a. meadow in Watford; consideration, 140l., whereof 120l. in hand, and 20l. the residue 'in the feast of Seynt Petur the Advyncule, otherwise callid Lammas' next. English. Seal.
Devon. A. 12341. Indenture made 22 July, 28 Elizabeth, between Jasper Baidge, of Pashill, yeoman, and John Fytz, of Fytzforde, esquire, whereby after reciting A. 12339 and A. 12134 and the demises made by the said Jasper to William Grilles, merchant, and others, 2 July, 26 Elizabeth, and 6 January, 28 Elizabeth, of closes called 'above towne,' 'Butt Parck,' 'Mowhaie Parck' and 'Little Parck,' for terms of twenty-one years, in consideration of 28l. 6s. 8d. he demises all the above mentioned premises to the said John for a further term of twenty-one years to commence upon expiration of the existing leases, at 4s. 4d. rent, with proviso for the vacating of the present demise upon repayment by Jasper of the above sum on 1 November next to the said John at Fytzforde 'where he nowe dwelleth in Tavistock.' Signed Jasper Badgge. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Herts.] A. 12342. Chirograph indented, Wednesday after the Apostles Simon and Jude, 14 Edward I, being a release by Godfrey le Shepherde to Sir Adam de Stratton of all action and plaint by reason of any money paid by him to Sir Adam levied by the king's order (preceptum) or by any sheriffs; for this Sir Adam has released to Godfrey all debts, so that Sir Adam shall have no claim against him by reason of any recognisance made by Godfrey or by John de Borham in any court, or by reason of any surety (plegiagii) entered into by the said Godfrey concerning any land which Godfrey holds of the said John, and Alice his wife, by charter of feoffment; saving to Adam and his heirs 5s. rent due by the said John, and acknow- ledged, for his lands; so that Godfrey, and his heirs and assigns, holding the lands and tenements which were John de Borham's, shall pay 5s. yearly at Easter therefore to Adam, his heirs and assigns. Witnesses, Hugh de Jernemuth, Thomas de Aygneus, Roger Aygnel, Robert de Watford, William Blaket, Robert Waldeshef, clerk. Seal, a ram, with legend, s. godefridi. b'kar'.
Endorsed: Istud scriptum irrotulatum fuit coram Baronibus de Scaccario in termino Sancti Michaelis anno regni regis Edwardi xiiij. incipiente xv.
[Middx.] A. 12343. Confirmation by John Bukuinte, son of Geoffrey Bukuinte, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of the gift, grant and charter of confirmation which Juliana his wife, with his consent and assent, made to the same canons concerning (super) 26d. rent from 9a. land and 1a. meadow which William Stonhard held of her in the town of Hedelmetun, of the fee of Ralph Heirun; to hold to them for the soul of the said Juliana, rendering therefore yearly to Ralph de Heirun and his heirs ½lb. cummin or 1d. at Christmas for all service.
[Middx.] A. 12344. Grant in free alms by John son of Geoffrey Buquuint to God and the church of Holy Trinity, London, and the canons there, for his soul, of 32d. rent which Geoffrey son of Saiva used to pay him for a messuage (de uno managio), 7a. land and a grove in Edelmetun, to wit whatever he had therein and in the said Geoffrey and his services; with warranty for himself and whoever shall succeed him in his lands and rents by inheritance or purchase (in hereditatem cel in comparacionem) with compensation in default in lands or rents in London or the suburb; this gift was made on the feast (die festivitatis) of St. Botolph, 1217. Witnesses:—John Blund, Alexander le Escroer, Hamo le Cornur, Hugh de Sartrino and others (named). Fragment of seal.
A. 12345. Chirograph being the memorandum of an agreement between Adam de Stratton, clerk, and Avice, late the wife of John Horn, to wit that from the feast of the Nativity of the B.V.M., 10 Edward [I] to the quinzaine of St. Martin next to come Adam has delivered (tradidit) to her ten oxen (bores), price 100s. twelve horses (affros), price 7 marks, and two cart-horses (equos carectar'), price 20s. under this form, to wit, if the said cattle (averia) within the said terms were damaged (deteriorata), she binds herself to make good the damage by the view of good men. Seal.
[Wilts.] A. 12346. Release in free alms by Alfred de Ebrigge to God and the church of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Bernard of Lacok and the religious ladies (dominabus) serving God there, of his common of pasture in the tilth (in quadam cultura) called 'la Hele' in the field of Lacok, and in all the land of the said ladies next the said tilth. Witnesses, Sir (dominis) Walter de Paveli, John de Holte, Roger le Cras, Ralph le Cras, Adam Harding, John le Roche, Nicholas Bubbe. Lacok, Wednesday the feast of St. Denis, the Martyr, 2 Edward II.
Devon. A. 12347. Bond by Jasper Baidge, of Tavistock, 'yeman,' and Richard Baidge, his son and heir apparent, to John Fytz, of Fytzforde, esquire, in 100l. conditioned for his quiet enjoyment of land, &c. called Pashill alias Passell in the parish of Tavistock, which they had 'mortgaiged in fee' to him, &c. 12 December, 31 Elizabeth. Signed Jaspar Badgge, Richard Badge. Seals. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Calais. A. 12348. Feoffment by John Brigges, soldier (soldarius) of the town of Calais (Calesie), and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of William Aprice, and Alice his wife, deceased, which Alice was heir of William Cove her father, deceased, to Thomas Hues, one of the porters (uni portariorum) of the said town, of a tenement, with a cellar below, in 'Sholane,' in the parish of St. Nicholas, in the said town, the said lane on the west, John Hoberd's tenement on the east and south and the street called from of old the Corn Market (marcatum granorum) on the north, which descended to the said Elizabeth. Certified under the seal of Thomas Redeman, the mayor, and the aldermen of the said town. Calais, 3 November, 21 Henry VII. Fragment of the seal of the mayoralty.
Memorandum endorsed of registration of record in the little green (glauco) register of the acts of court of the great hall of the town of Calais, in the time of Thomas Redeman, mayor, 21 Henry VII.
London. A. 12349. The testament, dated 18 July, 1421, 9 Henry V, of John Marchaunt, citizen of London, for many (quamplurimos) years Common Clerk of the said city; soul to God the Father, body to be buried in the conventual church of Holy Trinity within Algate, London, between the north door giving entrance from the cloister to the choir, between the Holy Water Stoup (fontem aque benedicte) on the east and the stone wall on the west; to Thomas Preston, the rector, and the churchwardens and parishioners of St. Margaret of Lothebury, 5 marks quit rent from his land, &c. late of John le Botener, the elder, in the parishes of St. Olave in the Old Jewry, St. Stephen of Colmanstret and St. Margaret of Lothbury, in Colmanstrete ward, London, which, by the description of a messuage and eight shops, with solars over, he had by the feoffment of Richard Osbarn and Henry Hert, citizens of London, William Craneley, Henry Jolypace and William Holme, clerks, by charter enrolled in the Husting, Monday before the Purification, 5 Henry V, on condition that the said rector, wardens and parishioners shall claim no further rent from the premises by reason of any grant for the church, or a chaplain in the same, made by the said John le Botoner, and that they shall, so far as it will go, apply the same to finding a chaplain to celebrate in the chapel of St. Mary, the Virgin, within the said church for his soul and the souls of the said John le Botoner, Margery and Mabel, the said John's wives, and all faithful deceased, with power to dismiss a dishonest chaplain and to appoint a tit and honest one in his place; the rent, if otherwise applied, to cease, and the land to be discharged from it, &c.; to Sir William Clerc, the prior, and the convent of the said church of Holy Trinity, all the above land, &c. so charged, and the reversion of two tenements adjacent, which belonged formerly to Nicholas Marchaunt, his father, and after- wards to William Castre, citizen and cutler of London, in the said parish of St. Margaret, expectant on the completion of two years from William Castre's death, inasmuch as John Castre, his son, died recently without heir of his body; upon condition that the said prior and convent shall keep the premises in repair and shall find three fit and honest canons weekly, beginning with the elder and so step by step to the newest of the priests, to celebrate daily for his soul, and the souls of Lettice, his wife, and of their fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, their benefactors and all faithful deceased, giving 1d. to the canon who celebrates daily, and 3d. every Friday to the poor of St. Katharine of Crichirch, namely to three poor persons to pray for the souls aforesaid; and further shall keep his obit (anni- versarium) on Thursday and Friday in Easter week, with Placebo and Dirige and obsequies of the dead after nones (nonam) on Thursday, and mass of Requiem by note on Friday for the souls aforesaid, giving 30d. on the Friday to thirty poor in the wards of Portsokene and Algate; and further shall pay to Richard Osbarn and John Carpenter, his executors, and the survivor of them, 40d. at Midsummer yearly, and after their decease 6s. 8d., viz. 3s. 4d. each, to the common clerk and common countour (narratori) of the said city for the time being, to see his said bequests performed; if the said prior and convent fail to repair the premises, or to perform, &c. the bequest to them to be void, and the premises to remain to the mayor and commonalty of the city of London, to the use of the warden and chaplains of the chapel of the Gildhall (Guyhalde) of London, who shall assign two chaplains weekly to celebrate, as above, with 3d. to three of the poor in the parishes of St. Olave, St. Stephen and St. Margaret aforesaid, observing his obit, as above, with alms to the poor of the wards of Chepe and Colmanstrete, and payments to his executors, &c. as above; the premises to remain to the mayor and commonalty, for the maintenance of conduits and other city charges, if the said warden and chaplains make default. Executors, Richard Osbarn and John Carpenter.
Endorsements (i.) Witnesses' names.
(ii.) Proved before John Bodeman, clerk, commissary general of the bishop of London, Prid. Kal., August, 1421; administration granted to the executors.
(iii.) Enrolled in the Husting of pleas of land Monday after St. James, the Apostle, 10 Henry V. Carpenter.
(iv.) Memorandum that John Marchaunt, clerk, son of Nicholas Mar- chaunt, late citizen of London, was admitted, &c. and sworn in the time of Richard Merlawe, mayor, &c. And it is entered in the paper (papir') with the letter 'C,' viz. 15 February, 5 Henry V.
Essex. A. 12350. Feoffment by Joan Herlyng, of Chelmesford, widow, late the wife of Guy Herlyng, of the same, Robert Plommer, Thomas Salle, gentlemen, Richard Pratte, Thomas Tendryng, bailiff, Thomas Chalk, 'draper,' John Cornyssh, the elder, 'mercer,' John Chertesey, the elder, John Munde, 'mercer,' John Holden, 'fuller,' William Munde, son of the said John, Thomas Harry otherwise called Thomas Salmon, Thomas Laurens, 'carpenter,' John Love and Richard Biggemore, of Chelmesford, 'shomaker,' to Thomas, earl of Ormond, Thomas Grene, Thomas Huberd, John Huet, William Catelyn, 'gentilmen,' and William Power, of Boreham, 'yoman,' of tenement called 'Bisshops' in Spryngefeld and Little Waltham, which they had inter alia by the feoffment of John Colvile and Thomas Stafford, by charter dated 20 November, 1 Henry VII; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Eve, John Biggemore and John Bygulon of Chelmesford. 2 April, 2 Henry VII. Seals.
[Devon.] A. 12351. Counterpart of demise by Gabriel, the abbot of the house and church of St. Mary, Buckfastre, and the convent of the same, in con- sideration of . . . 13s. 4d. fine, paid to Sir Alfred Gill, the late abbot, by John Cheseman, the elder, Ellen, his wife, and John their son, to the said John, Ellen and John, for the term of their lives in survivorship, of a tenement and two ferlings of land in Brounston, already in their occupa- tion; rent, 20s. at three terms of the year, to be paid in their manor of . . . . . al, and the two best beasts, or 20s. for heriot or ferleve; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Hervy and John Creppyn. 12 November, 30 Henry VIII.
[Norf.] A. 12352. Probate copy of the last will and testament, dated 20 September, 1510, of Olyve Gygges, 'wedow,' of Burnham St. Clements; soul to God, 'our lady Sainte Marie' and 'all the holy companye of hevyn,' 'body to be buried in the chapell of our lady within the churche of Sanct Clement in Burnham,' to the 'hey altare,' 20s.; repair of church, 6s. 8d.; 'comyn lighte of the same churche equally to be devydid a mong them iij combe barly'; to the 'gilde of Sancte Clement ther v combes barly'; to Jonhn my sonne iij fethir beddis in the parlor with blankettes coverynges hangginges and vj coishons the color blew'; to the same John the 'cownter in the halle with the somer hanging of redde say and the wynter hangging'; to the same John ' vj peyre of my best shetes and my best tabilcloth of diapre, my best silver salte and vj of my best silver spones'; to the same John 'ij maseros and ij peces of silver and my best girdill of silver and gilte with my best gold ring and ij cheistes '; to the same John a 'garnysh of pewtir vessell, ij brasse pottis and a posnet and vj of my best candilstikes with a greit bason and a yewir when he shall cum to the age of xxi yeres'; if he 'departe owte of this worlid, as God forbede, or he cum to the age of xx yeres then I will that all my said stuff with a potell panne, a lytill panne with a starte and my great peys to hym bequethed as is a boue said be sollid by myn executors and disposid for my sowil my husbondes sowillis and all good frendes sowilles'; to Richard Hoo 'my neve' 40s. 'j mylche cowe and a hole bed that is to say a fethirbedd a bolster j peyre of blankettes a peyre of shetes and a coverlet a seler j tester withe the curtens and a complete hanging for a chambre'; to 'Elianour and Agnes my doughtirs' the residue of household stuff between them; if said son and daughters trouble her executors or claim sheep given to them by her husband's will, bequests to be void; to servant 'Henri Bacon' a quarter of barley; to servant 'Alis Benet,' 'j' bulloke of ij yeres age and a combe barly'; 'to every of my servantes within my place bothe men and women j comb barly'; to 'the whight friers of Burnham a foresaid vj combe barly'; 'to the church of sancte Clement in Burnham,' 'a tabill clothe of diapre and ij of my best kercheys'; godchildren a 'comb of barly' apiece; 'Item I will have a seculer preist singing in the chapel of our lady aforesaid by the space of a hole yere if hit may be born for my sowill and my frendes sowillis'; residue to executors, viz. 'my brother Thomas Hoo and Thomas Jenyson that thei dispose as hit may be most plesure to God and profight of my sowill,' with 40s. for their labour. English.
Probate endorsed, at Norwich, before the official of the bishop's consistory court of Norwich, 25 October, 1516; administration granted to Thomas Hoo, with power reserved to the other executor. Ecc'esiastical seal.
Devon. A. 12353. Feoffment by Jasper Baidg, of Tavystock, yeoman, to Richard, his son and heir apparent, of his land, &c. called Pashill alias Passell in the parish of Tavystock, now or late in the tenure of Walter Trowte, John Fytz, esquire, and Mary, his wife, John Collyn, John Wode, William Grylles and Walter Mayster. 12 December, 31 Elizabeth. Signed Jaspar Badgge. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Cornw. A. 12354. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 12 February, 11 Elizabeth, by James Stretchleghe, of Poundestocke, gentleman, to William Lamerton, of the parish of Marhamchurche, yeoman, in consideration of 20l. 6s. 8d. paid in hand, of land, &c. called Woodeknoll and Woodeknoll Parke, and Whorelake otherwise called Horelake, in the said parish of Marhamchurche, occupied by John Lamerton, William's father, Joan, wife of John and the said William by the demise of Elizabeth Stretchleghe, widow, and of Robert Stretchleghe, James' father, or of the said Robert, or of the said Robert and Margaret, his wife; to hold of the chief lords, &c.; rent, to the said James, his heirs and assigns, 4l. 13s. 8d. &c. Seal. Witnesses' names, John Kempthorn, John Lamerton, and others endorsed.
A. 12355. Bond by Richard Sellyng, of Lowestoft, co. Suffolk, 'yoman,' to William Robardes, of Whetakre, co. Norfolk, gentleman, in 40l. at Michaelmas next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 23 September, 1 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Norf. A. 12356. Grant by Richard Hoo to Simon Leverich of a cottage, or messuage, in Skarneng, formerly built on, lying beside 'Northendhall grene,' &c. which together with Edmund Bedyngfeld, knight, Christopher Jenney, esquire, Thomas Bury, Robert Kirby and John Giggez he had by the gift of Richard Newman, son and heir of Thomas Newman, late of Skerneng, by charter dated there, 1 September, 19 Henry VIII; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. Skerneng, 17 May, 29 Henry VIII. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[N'hamp.] A. 12357. Letters patent by Sir John More, priest, presented by dame Elizabeth Lucy, late the wife of Thomas Lucy, knight, the patroness for this turn, to the parish church of Barby, in the diocese of Lincoln, appointing Master John Cole, A.M., Sir Thomas Thurman and John Ayrer, clerks, and John Hynckley and Robert Clerke, literates, as his proctors, to appear before the bishop of Lincoln, &c. to secure his admission as rector and his institution, &c. Certified under the seal of the office of William Ryvet, doctor of laws, official of the archdeacon of Middlesex. London, 15 December, 1530.
Brecon. A. 12358. Feoffment by Jevan ap Morgan and Gwenlian verch Morgan, his wife, to George ap David, of two gardens in 'le Strowed, in the parish of St. John the Evangelist within the fee of the king, late of the prior of Brecon, extending from the gardens of Hoel ap Gwatkyn and Saunders Paynot to the lane going to the house of John ap Rees Beenlloid, &c. 15 August, 37 Henry VIII. Seal.
Brecon. A. 12359. Release by same to same of same. 31 August, 37 Henry VIII.
Brecon. A. 12360. Bond by same to same for quiet enjoyment of same. 15 August, 37 Henry VIII.
Brecon. A. 12361. Release by William ap John Havarde and Thomas ap William, his son, to Jevan ap Morgan alias Hoper and Gwenllian verch Morgan, his wife, in tail, with remainder in default to Jevan's heirs and assigns, of their right in the above gardens. 20 August, 32 Henry VIII. Seals.
London. A. 12362. Indenture made 19 September, 22 Elizabeth, between Stephen Craske, citizen and vintner of London, and Anne, his wife, late the wife of John Foster, citizen and bowyer of London, of the one part, and George Foster, of London, goldsmith, son of the said John, of the other; witnessing that whereas the said John Foster was seised in fee simple of a 'messuage or tenemente bakehowse' in the parish of 'St. Katherine Christchurch besides Algate of London,' and of another messuage or tenement and all shops, &c. thereto belonging in the parish of 'St. Katherine Christchurch within Algate of London,' late in his own occupation, and by his last will dated 2 June, 1569, 11 Elizabeth, gave the said two messuages which he had lately bought of Robert Harris and William Barker, and which were late the inheritance of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, and Margaret, duchess of Norfolk, as in her right, the one being in his own occupation and the other in the occupation of William Jackson, baker, of London, to Anne his said wife, for life, with remainder to George, Emanuell, Peter and Francis, his sons successively in tail male, with remainder in default to his own right heirs; and afterwards the said John died seised, and the said Anne entered, and being seised of the premises for life took to husband the said Stephen; release by Stephen and Anne to George of all their estate therein in consideration of 40s. yearly to be paid to Stephen for Anne's life quarterly at the 'shop nowe in the occupation of the said George, and of Humfry Bankes of London, goldsmyth,' 'nere the west end of the cathedrall churche of St. Paule,' &c. Sealed, &c. the day and year above, 1580. Signed per me Stephin Craske and by mark. Witnesses:—George Ersby, servant to William Dernier, notary and others (named). Seals. See A. 12365.
Brecon. A. 12363. Feoffment by Havarde and son to Jevan ap Morgan alias Hoper, and wife, of gardens, as in 12361. 12 August, 32 Henry VIII. Seal.
Brecon. A. 12364. Bond by William ap John Havarde, of Pontwillym, within the lordship of Dynnas, gentleman, and Thomas ap William ap John Havarde, of the same, gentleman, to Jevan ap Morgan alias Hoper, and wife, in 20l. at Michaelmas, conditioned for the quiet enjoyment of 'twoe gardeyns lyinge in the Strowed in the suburbs of the towne of Breknok,' according to the above charter and release. 10 August, 32 Henry VIII. Seals.
London. A. 12365. Release by Stephen Craske, and Anne his wife, to George Foster, of messuages, as in A. 12362, in performance of covenants in the said indentures contained. 20 September, 22 Elizabeth, 1580.
Memorandum of enrolment in the husting endorsed.
Dorset. A. 12366. Indenture of demise, 8 April, 1536, [27] Henry VIII, by Thomas Sterky, clerk, prebendary of the prebend called Barnesley, founded within the king's free chapel of Wymbourne Mynstre, to John Walker, 'gentilman,' of the said prebend from Easter next for forty years, at 8l. rent. English. At the foot in Latin: We, Reginald Poole, the dean, and the chapter of the abovesaid free chapel, &c. approve and ratify the said lease. 12 April, 1536, 27 Henry VIII.
[Norf.] A. 12367. (1) Indenture of fine in the octave of St. John the Baptist, 26 Edward III, between Robert Clere, and Alice his wife, querents, and Walter Clere, parson of the church of Wynterton, deforciant, of the manor of Burgh St. Mary, and 20a. land, 6a. meadow, 6a. pasture and 20s. rent in Rollysby, Cleppesby, Byloweby (sic), Wynterton and Burgh in Flegge, and the advowson of the church of St. Mary of Burgh in Flegge; to Robert and Alice, for life, with remainder to Robert son of the said Robert in tail, with remainder in default to Robert's right heirs.
(2) Feoffment by Oliver Wyth, knight, to Robert Clere, of Ormesby, and Alice his wife, in tail, of 1r. of land in Burgh St. Mary in Flegg, with the advowson of the church of St. Mary of the same, by the service of a rose at Midsummer, with remainder to Robert, son of the said Robert and Alice, in tail, with remainder in default to William, brother of Robert, in tail, with reversion in default to himself and his heirs. Witnesses, Sir Robert de Benale and Sir Robert de Mauteby, knights, and others (named). Burgh St. Mary in Flegge, Monday after St. Hilary, 30 Edward III.
(3) Indenture of fine from the day of St. John the Baptist into fifteen days, 40 Edward III, between William de Wychingham, Reginald de Eccles, Hugh Fastolf, Henry, parson of the church of St. Mary of Burgh, and Robert de Northhows, of Ormysby, querents, by John de Wyghton put in the place of the said Henry and Robert, and William Clere, of Ormysby, deforciant, of the manors of Morhalle, Stratton nigh Buxton, called 'Merkeshales,' and Burgh St. Mary in Flegge, called 'Stalhamhalle' and 'Vauceshalle'; to them and the heirs of Henry.
(4) Indenture of fine in the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist, 40 Edward III, between William Clere, William Ode and Robert atte Northous, querents, and William Sperwe, deforciant, of the manor of Kesewyk; to them and the heirs of William Clere; consideration to William Sperwe, 200 marks.
(5) Release by William Clere, of Ormysby, to Robert atte Northous, and William Ode, both of the same, of his right in the manor of Kesewyk nigh Norwich, which he and they had by the grant of William son of John Sperwe by fine. Ormysby, Sunday after Lady Day, 5 Richard II.
(6) Grant by Robert atte Northous, of Ormysby, to Bartholomew Applyerd, citizen of Norwich, Thomas Hemenhale, parson of the church of Wynterton, Nicholas de Wychingham and Geoffrey de Somerton, of the manor of Kesewyke nigh Norwich, with all his lands which formerly were of William son of John Sperwe or of William Clere in the town of Kesewyke, with the advowson of the church of the same town, or elsewhere in the hundred of Humylyerd. Witnesses, Sir John de Mauteby, knight, John Fastolf, of Castre, and others (named). Kesewyke, Tuesday after St. Martin, the bishop and confessor, 8 Richard II.
(7) Grant by Bartholomew Applyerd, Thomas de Hemenhale, parson of the church of Wynterton, Nicholas de Wychingham and Geoffrey de Somerton, to Denise (Dionise), late the wife of William Clere, of Ormysby, of the manor of Kesewyke, with all lands, &c. in the hundred of Humlierde, which they had by the grant of Robert atte Northous, to hold, with the advowson of the church of the same, for the term of her life, while sole and chaste. Witnesses, John de Mautby, knight, John son of Nicholas Fastolf, and others (named). Kesewyke, Friday after St. Lucy, the Virgin, 7 (septisme) Richard II. French.
(8) Release by William Ode, of Ormesby, to Robert atte Northous, of the same, of his right in the manor of Kesewyk nigh Norwich, which he and William Clere, had by the gift of William son of John Sperwe by fine. Ormesby, Monday after St. Michael in monte Tumba, 8 Richard II.
(9) Release by Katharine, daughter of Hugh de Aysschewell, to William Clere, of Ormesby, of her right in a meadow and marsh in Hapton, in 'Flurdon Medewe,' in divers pieces, which formerly were of John, father of the said Hugh. Tybenham, Friday the feast of All Souls, 43 Edward III.
(10) Feoffment by John de Eyllefford, knight, to Robert Clere, of Ormesby, and William, his son, of the whole manor of Frethorp, called 'Morhalle,' co. Norfolk, with other his land, &c. in the towns of Lympen- howe, Redeham, Cantele, Mowton and Suthwode, or elsewhere in the hundreds of Blofeld and Walsham. Ormesby, Thursday after St. Mary Magdalen, 29 Edward III.
(11) Indenture of fine from Michaelmas into fifteen days, 34 Edward III, between William son of Robert Clere, querent, and Nicholas de Putton and Margaret, his wife, and John son of William Cheneduyt and Elizabeth, his wife, deforciants, of a moiety of the manor of 'Morhalle'; to William and his heirs, with warranty against the heirs of Margaret and Elizabeth; consideration paid by William, 20 marks.
(12) Letter of attorney by Edward de St. John (Sancto Johanne), knight, to John Buscy, of Suthwode, and William de Ormesby, to deliver seisin to Robert Clere, of Ormesby, and William, his son, of a messuage and a carucate of land in 'Morhalle,' co. Norfolk, according to the form of his charter. Southwode nigh Lympenhowe, Sunday after St. Matthias, the Apostle, 33 Edward III.
(13 in dorso) Deed poll by Robert atte Northous, of Ormesby; reciting that Denise (Dionisia) Clere, late the wife of William Clere, of the same, held the manors of Ormesby, Burgh in Flegge, Frethorp, Kesewyke, Stratton, Wynterton and Estsomerton, two parts of the manor of Runham, the advowsons of the churches of Burgh in Flegge, Stratton, Kesewyk and Wynterton, with the chapel of Estsomerton, the advowson of the church of St. Edmund of Fysshergate, in Norwich, view of frank pledge in Wynterton, court baron, and other courts, called 'Havenecourtes,' a certain custom from boats called 'Botetolle' in Wynterton, 10s. rent and 16a. land in Wynterton, and other lands in the county of Norfolk, late the said William's, for the term of her life; as by a certain confirmation thereof made by John Clere, son of the said William, to the said Denise, his mother, appeared; with reversion thereof expectant upon her decease to him, the said Robert, and to Geoffrey de Somerton, which Geoffrey by his writing had released his right therein to him; the said Robert grants the said reversion to Sir Robert de Berneye, knight, Nicholas de Wychyngham, Oliver Groos, William Applierd, Simon Baret, John de Yelverton and to the said Geoffrey, with condition well and faithfully therewith to perform the last will of the said William Clere upon their souls' peril, as upon their souls' peril the said William commanded him and the said Geoffrey, and others, in his said last will; and the said Denise, affirming and confirming the present grant has attorned to the said Sir Robert and the others. Witnesses:—Sir John de Mauteby, knight, Robert de Mauteby, and others (named). Somersby, 20 September, 19 Richard II. Copies on three skins.
N'hamp. A. 12368. Counterpart of assignment, 14 February, 21 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesbye, of Lopworthe, co. Warwick, knight, to Anthony Burbage, citizen and skinner of London, in consideration of 21l. in hand and 20l. to be paid at the dwelling house of Emanuel Maunsell, 'scryve- nour,' in 'Fletestreate nighe Temple Barre of London,' 20 May next, of the custody of the lands and of the marriage and wardship of 'Lawraunce' Blakesley, son and heir of Robert Blakesley, of Gretton, co. Northampton, yeoman, deceased, which Robert held his land, &c. in Gretton of the said Sir William, as of the manor or lordship of Gretton, by knight service. English. Signed by me, Anthony Burbayge. Witnesses:—Tho. Tresams, Emanuell Maunsell, scriv'. Seal.
London. A. 12369. Indenture of bargain and sale, 4 October, 23 Elizabeth, by George Foster, citizen and goldsmith of London, son and heir of John Foster, late citizen and bowyer of London, deceased, to William Dermer alias Dormer of London, scrivener, of a messuage or tenement late in the said John Foster's occupation, and of a 'messuage or tenement bakehowse,' in the occupation of William Jackson, baker, in the parish of St. Katheryn Christchurche within Algate of London,' &c. 1581. Signed: George Foster. Witnesses:—William Dodd, scriv', George Ersbye, Robert Androwe. Seal of arms (viz. [ar.] on a fess between two cotises wavy [sa.] three crescents [or], for 'Dod').
Memorandum at foot that it was acknowledged before Laurence Huse, one of the masters in chancery, 9 November, in the said year.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment, by W. Herd and John Baylie, deputy clerks of enrolments, on the dorse of the Close Roll, 10 November, in the said year.
London A. 12370. Indenture of even date, being a feoffment, in consideration of 200l. by same to same of same. Signed: George Foster. 'Sealled and delivered in the tenemente Taverne nowe in thoccupacion of Robert Dodd, and late in thoccupacion of John Foster and afterwardes delivered in the tenemente Bakehowse above specified by the said George to the said William Dormer in the presence of us R. Smy[t]he, Robert Northe, Wm. Dodd, scriv'. Seal of arms, as above.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin, 24 October, 1581, of the 'tenemente Bakehowse' and the 'other tenemente nowe a taveme,' &c.
Oxford. A. 12371. Release by Joan Flecher of the borough of New Woodstock, widow, to Henry Flecher, her son, of her right in a messuage, burgage, or tenement, in the high street of the said borough formerly occupied by John Flecher her late husband, and in all other the lands and tenements late the said John's. 28 January, 23 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Warw. A. 12372. Counterpart of demise, 3 January, 83 Henry VIII, by Richard Catesby, esquire, to Thomas Grene., of Tonworthe, 'yoman,' in consideration of 100 marks fine in hand paid, of all his land, &c. specified, in Tonworthe, &c. from the Purification next for fifty-one years, at 3l. 16s. 6d. rent, &c. English.
Glouc. N'hamp. Oxford. Warw. A. 12373. Indenture, 4 July, 10 Elizabeth, between Sir William Cecill, knight, Master, and Robert Keylwey, esquire, Surveyor of the Court of Wards and Liveries, on the Queen's behalf, and William Catesby, esquire, cousin and heir of Sir Richard Catesby, knight, witnessing that the Queen being agreed to grant him a special livery of the land, &c. in possession and reversion, descended to him from the said Richard, he had delivered to them a schedule indented annexed of the lands, and their value, which he intended to have out of the Queen's hands by the said special livery, with covenants, &c. Signed W. Cecill. and Rob't Keylwey. Seals.
(Annexed.) The 'Valor' or extent of the land, &c. late of Richard Catesby, knight, which at his death, 8 March, 7 Edward VI, descended to William Catesby, esquire, as his cousin and heir, a minor in the King's custody; which William attained his age of twenty-one, 24 March, 10 Elizabeth, as appeared by inquisition taken at Warwick, 14 June, in the same year, and had, 1 February previously, sued his special livery, viz.—
In the county of Northampton; the manor of Gretton, 70 messuages, a water-mill, a bakehouse, 1,040a. land, 200a. meadow, 140a. pasture, 1,000a. wood, 50s. rent, in Gretton, and a messuage in Harringworth, parcel of the said manor, held of the Queen in chief, by half a knight's fee and 25l. rent; worth 25l. 16s. 2½d. yearly; the manor of Assheby Legers, 12 messuages, 200a. land, 50a. meadow, 300a. pasture, 22a. wood, in Asheby, held of the Queen, as of the duchy of Lancaster, by fealty and 54s. ½d. rent; worth 56l. 13s. 6¼d. yearly; the manor of Sellesworth, 100a. land, 200a. pasture, 6s. rent in Sellesworth, held of the Queen by fealty and 3s. 10d. rent; worth 21l. 12s. yearly; the above manors are charged with 40s. yearly to Edward Edwardes, woodward of the manor of Gretton, 40s. yearly to John and Leonard Bennett for their lives in survivorship, and 40s. yearly to Eobert Holme, clerk, for his life; there remains, in possession, 98l. 1s. 8¾d.
In the county of Northampton, the manor of West Haddon, 27 messuages, a water-mill, two dovecots, ten gardens, four orchards, two ponds, 260a. land, in West Haddon, held of the Queen, as of the duchy of Lancaster, by fealty and 1d. rent; worth 5l. 4s. 4d. yearly; in the county of Warwick, the manors of Lapworth, worth 26l., Bramham and Brisshophampton, worth 10l. and Wellesborne, worth 5l. 6s. 8d.; in the county of Oxford, the manor of Walcot, worth 12l. yearly; the above manors were given by Richard's will to Thomas, Richard, Edmund, Edward, George and John Catesby, for the term of their lives in survivorship.
In the county of Gloucester, the manor of Wilcot, held of the Queen, service unknown, worth 30l. yearly; in the county of Warwick, the manor of Bushewood, [a park] called 'Lapeworthe Parke,' a water-mill, and 'Graungefeld,' 'Conyngrefeld' and 'Youefeld,' with a meadow, in Redborne, worth 36l. 13s. 4d.; the above manors, &c. are in jointure to Dame Elizabeth Catesby, late the wife of the said Richard, for her life.
In the county of Warwick, 'Gretefeld' and 'Londonfelde' in Rodborne, worth 36l. 13s. 4d., and the manor and advowson of Ludbroke, worth 26l. yearly; in the county of Oxford, the manor of Chestlington, worth 10l.; in the county of Worcester, the manor of Waresley, worth 4l. 16s.; the above manors and lands are in jointure to Katharine, late the wife of William Catesby, esquire, son of the said Richard, now wife of Anthony Throgmerton, esquire, for her life.
In the county of Warwick, a house in the town of Warwick called 'The Deanes Howse,' worth 40s. yearly, given to John Catesby, one of Richard's sons, in tail.
In the county of Gloucester, the manor of Allescote, worth 11l., in possession.
Sum total 319l. 15s. 4¾d; in possession, 109l. 1s. 8¾d.; in reversion, 210l. 13s. 8d. Examined by William Cooke.
Endorsed: William Catesby, A levery of his landes.
Glouc. Warw. A. 12374. Indenture of demise, 13 April, 11 Elizabeth, by William Clarke, of Dundon, in the parish of Quaynton, co. Bucks, esquire, and Dame Elizabeth Catesbye, his wife, to William Catesbye of Ashbye Ledgers, co. Northampton, esquire, in consideration of an annuity of 40l. payable half yearly, of the manor of Bushwood in the parish of Stratforde uppon Havon and a park commonly called 'Lapworth Parke' in the parish of Lapworthe, co. Warwick, which she had inter alia by the gift of Sir Richard Catesbye, knight, her late husband, to hold 'so longe as they two shall live together' reserving to themselves the pasture of Rodborne and Willicott, cos. Warwick and Gloucester, part of her jointure, and woods in 'Heye grove' and the 'Myll Hill,' in the said parishes of Lapworthe and Stratford uppon Haven, and 'thre boockes and thre dowes' yearly; covenants by Catesbye that when it 'shall fortune the sayd Dame Elizabethe to dye' the said William Clarke, his heirs and assigns during one whole month after her death shall have 'the free depasturynge, fedynge and walke' of his cattle then on the 'pasture groundes called Willicott' in the parish of Quinton, co. Gloucester, and on the pasture ground called Rodborne in the parish of Rodborne, co. Warwick, parcel of her jointure; that, 'if he thinke good and do lyke of his service,' 'one John Clarke now dwellinge in the sayd Parke of Lapworthe' shall have the 'free depasturinge fedynge and gate of foure lease one nag or mare,' 26s. 8d. 'for his wages and one liverye cote,' ['and the gate of certen hoges' struck out] as he 'enjoyed the same hertofore of the d [e] myse and graunte of the sayd William Clarke and Dame Elizabeth Catesbye,' in consideration that the said John shall during his life 'keep and mayntayne the cunyes' in the said park 'to the proper use' of the said William Catesbye; that one Robert Taylor shall have his dwelling house there for life, at 5s. rent; and that one William Latham shall have the herbage in the said park till 'Allsayntes' next. English. Signatures of W. Clarke and E. Catysbye. Two seals (1) per chevron an eagle displayed in base and in chief three cats' faces, (2) A cat sitting and the letters E.C. Witnesses' names endorsed, the last being 'Edmund Catesbie.'
N'hamp. A. 12375. Counterpart of demise, 20 October, 18 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesbye, of Lygers Ashbye, co. Northampton, knight, and William Chybnall, of Bush wood, co. Warwick, to Morrys Myles, of Creke, co. Northampton, yeoman, of the 'manor farme place or capitall messuage and one wynde mylne,' late in the occupation of John Lucas, with all land, &c. therewith occupied in Weasthaddon, with cottages in the occupation of Thomas Eves and Dorothy Smarte, widow, from Michaelmas last for twenty-one years at 5l. 3s. 4d. rent. English. Seal broken. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Glouc.] A. 12376. Manumission by James de Mertone, attorney (locum tenens) of Sir Richard de Bosco, knight, of Henry Atenok and Adam Atenok, his son, of the parish of Dymmok, whose bondage (nayvitatem) he had by Sir Richard's gift, with leave for them and theirs to come and go, &c. saving to him and his assigns a rose at Midsummer; the charter of manu- mission which he had from Sir Richard he has delivered into their hands before witnesses. Witnesses:—Sir John de Fromptone, rector of the church of Wynterborne Hundingtone, Philip, rector of Frome Belet, John de Hereford, chaplain, William de Penbrugge, Walter Haket, Roger Waryn, Richard Clerk (clerico) of Dymmok. Werdesford, IV Ides May, 27 Edward [I]. Seal (Virgin and child and figure adoring), with legend, s. iacobi. de mertone. Cf. A. 8250, 12380.
Warw. A. 12377. Counterpart of demise, 20 October, [5] Edward VI, by Sir Richard Catesbye, of Asshebye Legers, co. Northampton, knight, to Humfrey Gower, of Lapworthe, co. Warwick, gentleman, Jane, his wife, and Thomas his son, in consideration of 8l. 'in the name of a fyne or incom in hande payde,' of the messuage in Lapworthe, inhabited by Margerye Walton, widow, four closes of pasture and meadow adjoining, two closes called 'Brokeshawe' and 'Ruddyng,' 'fower acres or dayes earthes' of arable, 'and three acres or dayes mathes of medowe' in a close called 'Cleycroft,' there, in tenure of the said Margerye; to hold from the Purification next for ninety years, if they so long live, at 18s. rent, and the best beast for a 'harryott,' &c.
N'hamp. A. 12378. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 10 September, 34 Henry VIII, by Eichard Catesbye, of Asshebye Legers, esquire, to Henry Wryght, of Welton, yeoman, in consideration of 47l. of two crofts each with one 'yarde' of arable, meadow and pasture, in the tenure of Alice Fraunces, widow, and Richard Collman, a croft with the appurtenances in the tenure of Henry Wylles, a croft with two roods of meadow thereto belonging, in the tenure of Thomas Sabyn, and certain land, &c. of the yearly value of 8s. in the tenure of John Welche, with all other his land, &c. in Watforde, except the lands, &c. contained in a certain 'closure pasture or grownde callede Boylonde'; covenant by Richard that the said land is quit of all charges, 'the tytle of dower of Elyzabethe' his 'nowe wyfe,' &c. excepted, and that it is of the present value of 47s. 7d. &c. Seal.
Endorsed: An indenture of bargeyn and sale of certen Chaunsery land in Watforde.
Bedf. A. 12379. Indenture of bargain and sale, 18 February, 31 Henry VIII, by Henry Watson and Agnes, his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of 'Antony' Amyott, late of Ampthyll, deceased, to Thomas Newman and Isabel, his wife, another such daughter, in consideration of 53s. 4d. of a 'moyte of a tenemente and a yerde' in 'the hye strete' there. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Glouc] A. 12380. Release by Richard styled (dictus) de Boys, knight, to James de Merton, his steward, of his right in Henry Aterok (sic), of Dymok, his bondman, with his issue, &c. (cum teta sequela sua et omni prole sua cum omnibus catallis suis); willing and granting that they may come and go, &c. Witnesses:—Richard de Portus, Walter Haket, Roger Waryn, Nicholas de Stertedene, John de Bosco, Thomas de Heske, John de Ocle, William le Palmer, Richard Clerk (clerico) of Dymok. Seal (Mortimer) with legend, sigillvm. ricardi. dvb[ois]. Cf. A. 8250, 12376.
Devon. A. 12381. Indenture of bargain and sale, 21 August, 29 Elizabeth, by Jasper Baidge, of Tavistock, yeoman, to John Fytz of Fytzforde, esquire, in consideration of 14l. of six closes of land in Pashill alias Passell, in the parish of Tavistock, called 'Bowetowne,' 'Butt Parck,' 'Mowehaye,' 'Little Parck,' 'the Hillclose' and 'the Hilmedowe,' in the occupations of Walter Maisters, John Collyn, John Woode, Jasper Woode and the said John Fytz; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Kensall and Thomas Harcourt; the bargain and sale to be void upon repayment of the said 14l. on 26 December next at 'the mansion housse' of the said John at Fytzforde. English.
Devon. A. 12382. Counterpart of demise, 2 July, 26 Elizabeth, by Jespar Badge of Percell in the parish of Tavistock, husbandman, to William Grilles, of Tavistock, merchant, in consideration of 22l. fine, of two closes called 'the above towne' and 'the Butt Parke' at Percell from Lady Day, 1589, for twenty-one years at 4d. rent, &c. English. Signed By me W. Grilles. Witnesses' names endorsed, Teste me Thoma Lybbe and others.
Westminster. A. 12383. Indenture, 18 May, 23 Henry VIII, being an assignment, in consideration of 15l., by Edward Yngham, of the town of Westminster, gentleman, to Thomas Crumwell, gentleman, to the king's use, of a messuage called 'the Rose,' with a shop and two tenements, annexed 'in the Kinges strete at Westminster,' which by their deed indented dated 24 October, 1528, 20 Henry VIII, 'John, abbot of the monasterie of Seynt Peters of Westminster the prior and convent of the same,' demised to him and 'Cecillie' his wife for thirty-five years at 4l. 16s. 8d. rent. English. Seal.
Devon. A. 12384. Indenture of bargain and sale, 26 July, 22 Henry VIII, by Richard Goodyer, and Grace his wife, of Totness, to John Sydenham' of the parish of Olde Clyve, co. Somerset, of all their part of all land, &c'. in Faryngdon, Wodbery, Pyn, Alysbere and Honyton Clyst, in consideration of 11l. 8s. 6d. paid in hand. English. Fragment of one seal, the other perished.
Endorsed: Memorandum that this wryting was sealyd and delyvered to the within named John Sydenham the xxxth day of July 22 Henry VIII, in the presence of Thomas Sydenham of Culmestoke, John Potter of Rockebere, John Englysshe.
Cornw. A. 12385. Release by Thomas Lamerton, clerk, rector of Lapford, co. Devon, to his brother Richard Lamerton, of his right in a tenement called Wodeknoll and Horylake in the parish of Marhamchurche, which Joan Lamerton, their mother formerly held, with the exception of two closes called 'Brodeparke' and 'Saundeparke.' Witnesses:—Sir John Lamerton, chaplain, Nicholas Penycott, John Wodeward. Lapford, 3 March, 16 Henry VIII. Fragment of seal.
Devon. A. 12386. Counterpart of demise, 24 October, 30 Elizabeth, by John Sture, of March, esquire, to Edward Baron of Northuyshe, yeoman, Wilmote his wife and John their son, for the term of their lives in survivorship in consideration of 4l. fine, and 36s. 8d. rent to be paid to him and the heirs male of his body, the best beast for 'heriott or farleiffe,' two capons at Christmas, two harvest days' work at Brodley or March, or 8d. instead, and suit of the manor court of Gosek[n]oile alias Courtisknolle, of all his land, &c. with one piece of land at Northdowne, at Luprudge in the parish of Northuyshe, late in the tenure of Laurence Rede, &c. English.
Endorsed: Luppridge.
Kent. A. 12387. Surrender by Laurence Fanne, one of the juratts of the town and port of Neue Romnye, to Arthur Bee, 'Commen Clearck' of the same, of his years to come in a parcel of land there, next land which the said Arthur of late bought of him; which parcel of land he held by lease of the maior jurats and commonalty of Neue Romneye, dated 22 March, 7 Elizabeth. Dated 14 April, 11 Elizabeth. English. Seal (l. f.). Witnesses' names endorsed.
London. A. 12388. Will dated 2 June, 1569, 11 Elizabeth, with probate annexed, of John Foster, citizen and 'bowier' of London; to be buried at the discretion of his executrix and overseers; goods to be divided into three parts according to the custom of London, one part to wife Anne, one part between his children George, Manuell, Peter and Frauncis, his sons, Emme, Margarett, Barbara and Jane, his daughters, and the child 'my wieff goeth withall,' to be paid to the sons at 24 and to daughters at 21 or marriage, with benefit of survivor- ship; the third part, subject to legacies and funeral expenses, as to one half to wife Anne, and as to other half between children equally, as above. As to his land, &c. his two messuages or tenements in the parish of St. Katheren Christe Churche which he lately bought of Robert Hams and William Barker, late the inheritance of Thomas, duke of Norfolk, and Margaret, duchess of Norfolk, in her right, the one being in his own occupation and the other in the occupation of William Jackson, baker of London, to Anne his wife, for life, with remainder to George, his son, Emanuell, his second son, Peter, his third son, and Frauncis, his fourth son, successively in tail male, with remainder in default to his right heirs. To his cousin Elizabeth Petenson, a ring of gold worth 20s. to cousin Ellen Reynoldes 'one old Angell of gold.' Executrix, wife Anne; overseers, cousin Richard Betenson, gentleman, and Stephen Crosse, of London, 'vyntner,' to Richard a ring of gold worth 20s. and to Stephen 'one old Angell and my best rynge.' Signed John Foster. Witnesses:—Betenson, Crosse and Robert Bell. Proved before the Commissary General of the Bishop of London by Anne, the relict, 6 June, 1569. Fragment of official seal.
Devon. A. 12389. Counterpart of demise, 4 November, 25 Elizabeth, by Jasper Badge, of Pashill, yeoman, to John Hawkyn, of Pixton, and John Collyn, of Morwelham, 'husbondmen,' in consideration of 14l. in hand paid,' of two closes of land, called 'Mowhay Parke' and 'Lytell Parke' at Pashill, in the parish of Tavistock, from Michaelmas next for twelve years; rent 'one peny of sylver,' at Michaelmas, 'yf the same be demaunded.' English. Signed by marks. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Worc. A. 12390. Indenture made 7 February, 35 Elizabeth, between Sir William Catesby, of Lambeth, co. Surrey, knight, of the one, and Thomas Ridley, esquire, 'Doctor of the Law,' and Margaret, his wife, of the other part, witnessing that whereas by indenture tripartite 11 February, 32 Elizabeth, between him the said Sir William of the first, Anthony Tiringham and John Catesby, esquires, of the second, and the said Thomas and Margaret, of the third part, the said Anthony and John bargained and sold to the said Thomas and Margaret, the manor of Grene in Allchurch alias Alverchurch and Kings Norton, co. Worcester, to them and their heirs lawfully begotten and in default to their right heirs, now the said Sir William covenants and grants to and with the said Thomas and Margaret, that he the said Sir William, and the said Anthony and John and every person claiming from or under the said Sir William, Robert his son and heir apparent, the said Anthony Tiringham, John Catesby and Katharine Throckmerton, or any of them, or from or under William Willington, deceased, or any of his heirs, other than is in the said recited indenture excepted, and other than the said Thomas and Margaret, shall during seven years next upon reasonable request to be made to the said Sir William, do such further acts for the better assurance of the premises, with warranty against Sir William, Katharine Throckmerton and William Willington, and their heirs, as by the said Thomas and Margaret shall be required, and at their expense. English. Signed, Thomas Ridley. Seal of arms. Witnesses' names endorsed.
N hamp. Oxford. Warw. A. 12391. Indenture, 1 December, 23 Elizabeth, being a gift, grant and surrender by George, Richard, Edmund, Edward and John Catesbye, esquires, sons of Sir Richard Catesbye, knight, deceased, to Sir William Catesbye, of Ashebye Legiers, co. Northampton, knight, cousin and heir of the said Sir Richard, that is to say son of William his son and heir, of the estate given to them for the term of their lives and of the longest liver of them by their said father's last will and testament, with reversion expectant to the said Sir William, in the manors of Lapworth, Bromeham, Wellesborne and Bushopston, co. Warwick, Wallcott, co. Oxford, and West Haddon, co. Northampton.
Devon. A. 12392. Counterpart of demise by John Syddenham of Legh, esquire, in consideration of 4l. fine paid him by Jane the wife of 'Raff' Duckyngfyld, citizen of Exeter, and John Mylford, otherwise Cholas, son of 'Roidger' Mylford, otherwise Cholas, deceased, to the said Jane for life, with remainder to the said John for life, of his purparty of a capital messuage called Stone, with the common pastures belonging, in the parish of Pynhoo, late in the tenure of Johan Hull, widow, deceased, at 4s. 6d. rent, &c. English. Signed by me Rauffe Duckynfellde, the mark of Johane Duckenfelld. One seal.
Warw. A. 12393. Will, dated 26 March, 5 Henry VIII, with probate annexed, of Johan Hongerford, of Charlecote, co. Warwick; soul to God, &c. body to be buried 'att Thelford in our Lady Chappell ther to be layd by my furst husband Edmund Lucy'; 'for my principall mortuary, as the right of the churche shall require'; executor to 'fynd a preste to synge for my sowll and my first husbondys sowll Edmund Lucy' the souls of her father, mother and friends, and all 'Cristyn sowllys,' for one year in our Lady Chapel at Thelford, and to have 8 marks for his wages, 'and I wyll that my owne prest shall syng for me that yere yff he wyll and yff he wyll not myn executours to hyer a nother'; to 'every preste that shall come to my beriall,' 4d., to 'the clerke,' 2d.; 'to Seynt Mary churche of Wyssetter,' 6s. 8d.; 'to the hows of Thelford to ley there in our Lady Chappell by my first husbond. Edmund Lucye Esquire,' 40s.; to the church of Byshophampton, 3s. 4d., the church of Washe parton, 3s. 4d., the church of Wellysborn, 3s. 4d., to Nobold, 3s. 4d.; to 'the blake fryerys of Warwyche,' 20s.; to 'the howse of grey fryerys of Brignorthe my challys'; to son Thomas Lucy, knight, 'a hangyng for the altar in Charlecote of rede damaske and blewe, and the frontell of crymson velvett inbrodered and a corparas of crymson clothe of golde and the hangyng of the chappell of rede say and grene and to remayne in Charlecote to my son Thomas Lucy, knyght, and after his decesse to remayne to William Lucy his son and heyer and after his decesse to the heyers of Charlecote'; to said son 'my best bed in my grete chambre and all thyng belongyng to the same chambir with hangynges and in the inner chambre within that next the gardyn all that beddyng with hangynges of the chambre I bequethe to my lady hys wyff, after the decesse of hir to remayne to Radygon hir doughter and myne'; to said son 'ij settelles in the parlour'; 'in the kechyn my best pott and the rackes of yron'; said son to 'have all the rest of my housholde that is to say the hangyng in my hall and in the parlour quicions stolys and coffers for to pay for performannce of my wyll as myche as itt is worth'; to William Ley and Margaret Ley my doughter childern on fetherbed the one of the bedys in a fore chambre and the hangyng to the same and the other fetherbed in the chappell chambre and the sparver and hangyng of ytt with counterpoyntes and blankettes to the same and spervers one of red say and grene a nother of bord Alexaunder hangyng in the same chambre'; to said son 'in the backhows the ledes and fattes there sett att this day'; she wills that 'all suche cattell and cornes and all manere of graynis and hey be left be myne executours at Charlecote as it was delyverd on to me by a boke made betwyxt my sayd sone and me'; William Ley and Margarett Ley to have a 'garnyche of vessell and either of them a brasse pott'; to 'Amy Frebody my blacke gowne purveled with shankes and my best kirtell of wursted'; to my 'doughter Annelay a blacke gowne furryd with mynkes and to hir doughter a gowne of black furryd with shankes'; 'to my gossop John Spenser of Hodynell esquier a hangyng of the IX worthies for a hall and to my gossop his wyff a blacke gowne with coffys of blacke velvett lyned with sattyn of Bridges and to Dorothy his doughter her mattens bocke and to Margret Ley a nother mattens bocke'; 'to the churche of Lockysley,' 3s. 4d.; to 'Marten my servaunte,' 20s. and 'one payer of shettes'; to 'Barrett my servaunte,' 3s. 4d.; to 'all my other servauntes the yomen and the carter xxd. a pece and all other servauntes att severell wagis. And I have in my woll house a grete lede and iij smale ledes to be sold to performe my wyll. And also I wyll that my place and all my goodes unbequethed and a counterpoynt of verdour on lyned shalbe sold by my executours and my cornes and cattail to bryng me to the grownde and to performe my wyll above sayd'; 'I wyll that my gossop John Spenser of Hodynell, esquier, be myne executour'; 'I wyll that my sone Sir Thomas Lucy be my other executour.'
Proved 5 August, 1514, at Lamehith, before the archbishop, the testament of Joan Hungerforde, widow; administration granted to Thomas . . . ., knight, the executor, the other executor renouncing, . . . . . in the eleventh year of our translation. Fragments of official seal, with arms of the see and the archbishop impaled.
Essex. A. 12394. Feoffment by Joan Herlyng, of Chelmesford, widow, late the wife of Guy Herlyng, of the same, Robert Plommer, Thomas Salle, gentlemen, Richard Pratte, Thomas Tendryng, bailly (ballivus), Thomas Chalk, 'draper,' John Cornyssh, the elder, 'mercer,' John Chertesey, the elder, John Munde, 'mercer,' John Holden, fuller, William Munde, son of the said John Munde, Thomas Harry otherwise called Thomas Salmon, Thomas Laurens, 'carpenter,' John Love and Richard Biggemore, of Chelmesford, 'shomaker,' to Thomas, earl of Ormond, Thomas Grene, Thomas Huberd, John Huet, William Catelyn, 'gentilmen,' and William Power, of Borham, co. Essex, 'yoman,' of all that tenement called 'Bisshops' in Spryngefeld and Little Waltham, which inter alia they jointly had by the grant and feoffment of John Colvile and Thomas Stafford, by charter dated 20 November, 1 Henry VII; warranty by Joan; attorneys to deliver seisin William Eve, John Biggemore and John Bygulon, of Chelmesford. 2 April, 2 Henry VII. Seals.
Norf A. 12395. Feoffment by Thomas Pynchebek, son and heir of William Pynchebek, late of Skarnyng, deceased, to Thomas Drory and John Bene, of the same, of all his land, &c. there, upon condition that within four days after livery of seisin they shall make estate thereof to him and Joan Lotys, daughter and heir of Simon Lotys, late of Flete, co. Lincoln, deceased, his intended wife, to them and their heirs. 15 October, 83 Henry VIII. Seal, broken. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Devon. A. 12396. Statute staple by Simon Worth, of Worth, co. Devon, esquire, to Edward Pye, of Mackstocke, co. Warwick, esquire, in 400l. at Michaelmas. 25 November, 1 Edward VI. Signed by me SymonWorthe. Three seals, (1) of the staple of . . . . (2) a fess vair between three (?) cranes heads erased (3) broken, opposite signature of Edward Mountagu.
[Linc.] A. 12397. 'The entente of this present feoffement to this codycell indentyd annexyd ys such that the feoffes naymyd in this presente dede,' and the heirs of the survivours of them shall stand seised of the said manors, &c. in Harryngton, Aswardby, Sutterby, Langton, Sausthorp, Hagworthingham, Bagenderby, Braytoft, Fryskeney and Waynflett, 'namyd in this dede,' to the use of Sir John Copuldyk, knight, and 'my lady Elisabeth his wyff,' for their lives in survivorship, on condition that she claim nothing further by reason of dower and make no voluntary waste; and after their decease the feoffees shall stand seised thereof to the use of Sir John's right heirs for ever. English. Signed, John Copul- dyk. Fragment of seal.
Linc. A. 12398. Feoffment by John Fenne, in performance of conditions in indentures between him and John Copeldyke, esquire, to the said John of all his land &c. in Harrington, Aswardby and Sausthorpe, with warranty. 16 November, 5 Elizabeth. Signed, John Fe[nne]. Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 12399. Bond by Francis Barrentyne, esquire, to Walter Bonham, knight, in 200l. at Christmas next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures of even date. 3 August, 4 Edward VI. Signed by me Francys Barantyne. Seal.
Lanc. York, W.R. A. 12400. Acquittance, 29 May, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, by William Brathwaite of Wraton, co. Lancaster, yeoman, to John Redmayn of Thorneton, co. York, esquire, and Richard Redmayn and Thomas Redmayne, his sons, for 20l. in full of 45l. as by award thereof made dated 27 January, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary. Witnesses:—Sir John Andrewe, vicar of Mellinge, Sir George Holme, clerk, Marmaduke Hodgeson, John Crosse.