Deeds: A.12201 - A.12300

A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1906.

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'Deeds: A.12201 - A.12300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5, ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'Deeds: A.12201 - A.12300', in A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Edited by H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"Deeds: A.12201 - A.12300". A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 5. Ed. H C Maxwell Lyte (London, 1906), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

A.12201 - A.12300

Glouc A. 12201. Counterpart of demise, 20 May, 16 Elizabeth, by William Catesby, of Lapworthe, co. Warwick, esquire, to Thomas Cowper, of Marstonne, co. Gloucester, husbandman, in consideration of 60l., of a 'leasue or pasture' within the lordship of Willicott, called 'the Howse leasue,' between 'The midle leasue' and 'Marston filde,' and also of 'half of the heye growinge in a meadowe called Quinetonne meadowe,' for five years from date; rent, 30l. &c. Witnesses' names endorsed. English. Seal.
Norf. A. 12202. Indenture tripartite, 10 July, 37 Elizabeth, between Thomas Berrington, of Ormesby St. Michaell, yeoman, Margaret Berrington, of the same widow, and John Berrington, of Dreyton, yeoman, of the first, Sir Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, of the second, and Jarmy Goodwyn, of Ormesbye, gentleman, of the third part; whereas the said Thomas by deed of even date had enfeoffed the said Sir Edward and Jarmy of twenty-one pieces of land ground and 'bruerye' in Ormesbye St. Michael and Ormesbye St. Margarettes, and of ten pieces of ground in the same, respectively; covenant by Thomas, Margaret and John to levy a fine of the same before Easter next, to inure to the said Sir Edward and Jarmy respectively in fee. Signatures of Thomas and John Beryngton and Jarmy Goodwyn. English. Two seals; a unicorn's head out of a coronet, for Goodwyn. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf. A. 12203. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blycklyng, knight, to Thomas Mundes, of Burghe Marie, 'husbondman,' of 1r. land in Burghe, between land of the manor of Ufford, land of the manor of Burghe Vaux, &c. which the said Thomas held of him, as of his manor of Burghe Vaux by copy of court roll; rent, 1d. to him and the lords of the said manor; attorney to deliver seisin, John Burton, clerk. Burghe, 20 December, 25 Elizabeth, 1582. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Middx. A. 12204. Counterpart indenture, made 20 October, 1570,12 Eliza- beth, between John Wale, of the parish of St. Marye Matfellon alias Whitechappell, without Algate, of London, co. Middlesex, sawyer, of the one, and Thomas Peerson, citizen and 'merchauntaillor,' of London, of the other part; whereas William Dunce, of Easham, co. Essex, yeoman, and Johan, his wife, by indenture dated 10 May, 3 Elizabeth, with licence obtained of the lord of the manor of Stebunhuth, co. Middlesex, according to the custom, demised to John Inglishe of Whitechappell aforesaid, 'blacksmythe,' a tenement, or cottage, with 1a. garden, 'on the southe side of Whitechappell strete within the lordshippe of Stebunhuth,' in the occupation of the said John, for twenty-one years from Michaelmas then next; and whereas one Henry Fawkes, citizen and grocer of London, who 'had and yet hath 'the interest and term of years therein of the said John, by his indenture dated 20 April, 11 Elizabeth, demised to John Harrys, citizen and 'letherseller' of London, a tenement newly built by him on the said garden, with part of the said garden laid to it, from Lady-day then last for eight years, at 40s. rent, which lease, by conveyance dated 11 July, 11 Elizabeth, 1569, the said John Harrys assigned to the said John Wale; and whereas the said Henry Fawkes by indenture dated 11 January, 11 Elizabeth, 1568-9, demised to the said John Wale a further portion of the said garden plot, from Christmas then last for twelve years; and whereas the said John Wale had made ten several leases of parts of the premises so demised to him, viz., to Henry Martin, pewterer, John Somerland, grocer, Peter Meservis, draper, Henry Allen, draper, Rowland Richardson, carpenter, Thomas Mayor, blacksmith, Robert Jefferson, baker, Richard More, 'fremason,' John Williams, 'baker,' and John Wardall, weaver (A. 12194); assignment, in consideration of 10l. by the said John Wale to the said Thomas Peerson, of the leases to him and Harrys, and Harrys' conveyance to him, with the 'counterpanes' of the said ten leases, &c. English. Seal.
Warw. A. 12205. Counterpart of demise, 20 June, 30 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catisby, of Ashby Legers, co. Northampton, knight, to William Askewe, of Lapworth, co. Warwick, 'yoman,' of a messuage, &c. in Lap- worth, in the tenure of 'Philipp Barneshurste otherwise Banister,' widow, for twenty-one years from Philipp's death, at 40s. rent, &c. English. Seal.
Chester. A. 12206. Counterpart of demise, 24 January, 10 Elizabeth, by John Danyell, of Derysbury, esquire, to Richard Johnson alias Jackeson, of the same, husbandman, in consideration of 32l. in hand, and of 5 marks to be paid on Richard's decease, of a 'mease or tenement,' &c., in Derisburie, in Richard s occupation, to hold for the lives of Margaret Richardson and Elizabeth Richardson, daughters of the said Richard, at 32s. 8d. rent, &c. English. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf. A. 12207. Counterpart of feoffment, according to indentures of agreement of even date, by Edward Clere, of Blicklyng, esquire, to Nicholas and John Kene, of fifty-five pieces of land, &c. containing 47a. 1r. in Rolesbye, Reppes and Burghe, &c.; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Clyppesbye, gentleman, and Leonard Candeler. 10 August, 5 Elizabeth. One seal. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Essex. A. 12208. Feoffment by William Bastewyke, of Borham, to Nicholas Smythe, Henry Cornewall and Thomas Grome, of the same, of a croft of arable there called 'Gylescroft,' between land formerly of Sir Hugh Burnell, knight, and now of Thomas Boleyn, knight, land formerly John Loundenyzsshe's, and the lane from Munchestye alias Dentalltye to Dukesparke, &c.; also of a messuage called 'Goodeves tenement,' next the lane from Bukkeshorne to Great Lyes, &c. 1 September, 1 Henry VIII. Seal.
Warw. A. 12209. Indenture of demise, 20 July, 28 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesbie, of Ashbye Legers, co. Northampton, knight, to Edwarde Hedges, of Lapworthe, co. Warwick, 'yoman,' of 'Lapworthe Parke' in Lapworthe, 'the mannor howse of Lapworthe, called Irelandes farme,' 'Sparhaukesfeilde' and 'Wakefeildes,' in as beneficial a manner as one Morrice Miles lately occupied the same, with the closes, &c. which he lately demised to Elizabeth Catisbie, widow, in Bushwood, in the same county, &c.; a 'water milne, the streame of water with the milne holmes,' then in the tenure of — Gibson, 'milner'; to hold the Park for seven years fom St. George's Day last, and the manor, &c. for the like term from Lady Day last; rent, for the Park 66l. 13s. 4d., for 'Irelandes Farme,' 24l., for 'Wakefeides' 9l., for 'Sparhaukesfeilde' 6l., for part of Bushewood 17l., and for the residue 5l. 6s. 8d., &c.; the tenant to discharge 'tyethes,' &c. English. Seal, effaced.
Norf. A. 12210. Indenture of bargain sale made at Norwiche, 10 November, 9 Henry VIII, by John Flegge, of Nedham, co. Suffolk, 'gentilman,' to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwiche, 'gentilman,' of the 'maner of Bokenham sumtyme Margaret Ideleys,' with the advowsons of the churches of Bokenham and Hasyngham, 'and allso withe the marke of swannes to the same maner perteynyng,' with other land, &c. late the said Margaret's and sometime John Jermy's in Bokenam and Hasingham aforesaid, &c.; and the said Thomas 'grauntith' to pay to the said John 'after xx yeres perchas accordyng to the trew and clere value of the said maner,' viz. 100 marks 'att the delyvery of the said estate,' whereof John acknowledges the receipt of 40l. and the residue of the purchase money over and above the 100 marks 'to be payed in iiij. yeres nexte then ensuyng aftir moderacion of Antonie Hansart esquier,' or if he die they agree to 'stond to the moderacion and assignament of Edmunde Gelgate of Gipwiche.' English. Signed Be me John Flegge. Seal.
A. 12211. Bond by John Flegge, of Nedeham Market, co. Suffolk, 'yoman,' to Margaret Idley, widow, in 500 marks at Whitsun next, conditioned for performance of covenants in indentures between them of even date. 16 March, 6 Henry VIII. Signature and seal.
Norf. A. 12212. (i) Counterpart indenture, 20 July, 8 Elizabeth, between Edwarde Clere, of Blicklinge, esquier, and Thomas Damet, late of the same, 'yoman,' and Anne, his wife, being a bargain and sale to him by the latter of their third part of the manor of Martham, demised by the Queen, by letters patent under the great seal, 26 June, 5 Elizabeth, to Hugh Ellys, gentleman, who by his last will and testament dated 2 January, 7 Elizabeth, gave the said lease and term of years to his three daughters, viz. Frances, now the wife of Thomas Ladde, Anne now the wife of the said Thomas Damet and Fawstine Ellys. Signed By me Thomas Damet. English. Seal and seal of arms (party per chevron in chief two leopards' heads erased, and in base an acorn slipped and leaved).
(ii) Bond by Thomas Damet, late of Blicklinge, co. Norfolk, 'yoman,' to Edward Clere, of the same, esquire, in 300l. conditioned for the observance of covenants in a pair of indentures of bargain sale by the said Thomas, and Anne, his wife, of even date. 20 July, 8 Elizabeth. Seal effaced.
N'hamp. A. 12213. Counterpart indenture, made 2 November, 29 Elizabeth, between Sir William Catisbye, of Water Lambethe, co. Surrey, knight, and William Chibnall, of Bushwood, co. Warwick, gentleman, of the one part, and Alexander Myles, one of the sons of Morrice Myles, of Creeke, co. Northampton, yeoman, of the other, being an assignment to Alexander, by William Chibnall, of a lease made to him, 20 August, 16 Elizabeth, by George, Richard, Edmund, Edward and John Catisbye, sons of Sir Richard Catisbye, knight, deceased, for 99 years, if the said George and the others lived so long, of the manor, place and windmill, then occupied by John Lucas, with land, &c. belonging, and cottages, &c. then in the occupation respectively of Thomas Eves and Dorothy Smart, widow, in West Haddon, at 5l. 3s. 4d. rent; with covenants by Sir William and William Chybnall, that he the said William Chybnall is lawfully seised of the said manor, for the term unexpired under the said recited indenture, and that whereas the said Morrice Myles claimed the premises for years yet to come by a lease thereof made to him by the said Sir William and William, upon which a rent of 5l. 3s. 4d. and a quarter of oats yearly is reserved, such rent shall, during the continuance of the term, be payable to the said Alexander, &c. Signed by Alexander Myles. English. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. See A. 12260, 12316.
Norf. A. 12214. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 20 November, 7 Elizabeth, by Edward Clere, of Blicklinge, esquire, to William Neave, of Banning- ham, 'yoman,' in consideration of 15l., of 4a. 3r. land, &c. in Byllockbye, in eight pieces; to hold of the manor of Burghe Vaux by 20d. yearly, &c. Signed By me Will'm Neve. Seal.
Norf. A. 12215. Bond by Edmund Burdon, of Little Walsingham, and John Booterall and John Baker, of the same, 'yomen,' to Paul Gressham and Thomas Salman, of the same, gentlemen, in 160l. at Midsummer next, conditioned as follows:—the said Edmund shall yearly, for fifteen years, next following the death of Agnes Walpole of Walsynggham, 'wedow,' grind and bake, or cause to be ground and 'baken,' 8 quarters of wheat, 'good, swete and able marchaunte,' and, as shall be directed by her will, distribute the same in bread to such poor persons as shall be thought most necessary by the said Paul and Thomas; and shall make six gowns, worth 6s. 8d. each, of good strong 'frese,' for poor men and women, as above; and shall provide 'foure chalder of see cooles' to be distributed as above; and shall pay 5l. to John Burdon, his brother, within two years after her death, and 40s. to Oliver Burdon, within one year. 4 January, 6 Edward VI. Seals.
Norf A. 12216. Indenture of release by Margaret Berington, of Ormesby, widow, to Thomas Berington, of Ormesby St. Michaell her son, of her life estate in 24a. land and 12a. 'bruery' in Ormesby St. Michaell and Ormesby St. Margaret, whereof he had the reversion, to enable him to sell and convey part thereof to Sir Edward Clere, knight, and part to Jarmy Goodwyn, gentleman. 7 July, 37 Elizabeth, 1598. English. Seal. Witnesses endorsed.
Herts. A. 12217. Indenture being a feoffment by John Clyfford, of London, mercer, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter and heir of John Sawyer, deceased, to Thomas More, knight, John Skewys, esquire, Thomas Leyn- thorpe, Thomas Clyfford, the younger, William Barle, Richard Gylle and Humphrey Fitzharberd, and to Richard Clyfford, of London, mercer, to the use of them the said John and Elizabeth, of all their land, &c. in Royston, Sondon, West Myll and Bontyngford; attorneys to deliver seisin Thomas Brocas and Thomas Doune. 18 July, 17 Henry VIII.
Devon. A. 12218. Indenture being a feoffment by Richard Lake, the younger, of Abbotsham, to John Rowe, Henry Cooke and John Pascowe, of the messuage, land, tenement and cornmill in the parish of Abbotsham called 'Combewakewill,' late in his occupation, to the use of Margaret, his wife, for life, with remainder to the use of him, his heirs and assigns; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Escott and Richard Hauckerydge. 3 May, 6 Elizabeth. Signed per me Rychard Lacke. English. Witnesses and memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
[Linc.] A. 12219. Testament, with probate annexed, dated 23 April, 1557, of Rowland Lymell, parson of Beckingham, co. Lincoln; to mother church of Lincoln, 20d.; to every 'pooare cotyarde' in Beckingham, and Sutton, Fenton and Straglethorpe, 12d.; to every godchild 'knowne lyveing,' 4d.; to repair of highways in Beckingham and Sutton 'to be payd unto woorkemen to sett stone in the sommer tyme wheare most neide requierith,' 26s. 8d.; to Beckingham church, 10s.; Fenton church, 3s. 4d.; Stragletho[r]pe church, 3s. 4d.; to churches of Broughton, Stapleforth and Barnebe, 2s. each; to Rowland 'sune of Rowland Heynes, my godsune,' 40s., 'and all suche bookes of myne that he shall have neide of to the furtherance of his learneing'; to Richard and Foulke, sons of Foulke Lee, deceased, 5l. each; to George, Foulke and Joane, children of Edmund Lymell, his brother, deceased, 5l. each; to Dorithe Lee, daughter of the said Foulke Lee, 40l.; to his sister Elizabeth Lee, 'all the silver plate whiche my mother Joane Lymell, widow, dyd appoynte unto me in recompence of monye which I dyd lende' her, as by her will appears; to William Lokar, son of William Lokar, 'plummar,' 'yf it shalbe thought unto my executors that the said William wilbe thriftey,' 40s.; to his servants 'their quarter wages yf they shall sarve but one moneth the daye of my departing'; to Rowland Heynes, 'my cossen,' 20 marks, 'to thentente that he wilbe one of myne executors sworne'; executors' costs to be charged to his estate; residue to William Lee, 'my sisters sune,' to be executor with said cousin Rowland Heynes; Richard Lee, above named, to be supervisor, with 20s. 'for his labor and payenes.' English.
Proved before Michael Dunynge, doctor of laws, vicar general of the bishop of Lincoln, 3 September, 1558, at Lincoln, and administration granted to the executor above named. Seal, perishing.
Essex. A. 12220. Feoffment by William Bastewyke, of Borham, 'yoman,' to Nicholas Smythe, of Borham, aforesaid, Henry Cornewall and Thomas Grome, of the same, of the land, &c. called 'Booles alias Radels' in Borham, which he had by the feoffment of Margaret Bastewyke his late mother. 1 September, 1 Henry VIII.
N'hamp. A. 12221. Counterpart of agreement, 3 February, 12 Elizabeth, between William Catesbie, of Asshebie Leagers, esquire, and Lawrence Maidwell, of Gretton, yeoman; whereas Lawrence had expended 20l. for William on the fencing of a coppice called 'Sallowe Coppice,' in Gretton woods, and 20l. 'for the hedging quick setting and making of one dytche' of 50a. adjoining the 'coppises of wood called Hallowe Bottam Eveno quarter and Brockholles'; and whereas William by his obligation, dated 28 July last, stood bound to Lawrence for the payment of 30l.; and whereas Lawrence had paid William 66l. in hand, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged; and whereas by deed dated 17 January last William had appointed the said Lawrence and one William Harrys of Asshebie Leagers, 'yeoman,' his attorneys, to sell for him, and for his use, the wood called 'Sallowe Coppice'; agreement between the parties that Lawrence may recoup himself the sum of 136l., made up as above, out of the sale of the said wood. English. Signed By me Laurence Mayde- well'. Cf. A. 12268, 13071 and counterpart, A. 13085.
Norf. A. 12222. Bond by John Flegge, of Nedeham Market, co. Suffolk, 'gentilman,' to Thomas Godsalve, 'gentilman,' in 400l. at Lady Day next, conditioned for his standing to the award of Thomas Russhe, one of the king's 'serjauntes at armes,' Francis Moundeford, 'gentilman,' and Robert Flegge, of Westm[inster], merchant, as to the manor and advowson of Bokenhamffery, and the advowson of Hasyngham, and other the tenements there late of John Jermy, esquire; as to the sums of money demanded by John Flegge for the sale of the premises; and as to all actions depending between the parties; the award to be 'made and yelden' before Lady Day next. 22 February, 10 Henry VIII. Signed per me Joh'em Flegge. Seal.
Norf. A. 12223. Indenture of bargain and sale, 19 April, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, by Thomas Gawdy, of Roklond, esquire, to Edward Clere, of Ormesby, esquire, in consideration of 160l. beforehand, of the manor of Scrowteby Bardolphes, with 'lete and viewe of franke pledge' &c. English. Signed, Thomas Gawdye. Seal.
Essex. A. 12224. Deed poll by Thomas Hubbard, whereby after reciting that by their charter indented dated the last day of November, 8 Henry VII (A. 7720), John Clopton, and others, granted to Joan Grene, widow, late the wife of Thomas Grene, of Witham, land, &c. in Spryngfeld, Chelmes- ford, Mulsham, Boreham and Little Waltharu, 'Ribodes Tenement' in Spryngfeld, and. land in 'Westmore Mede,' with remainder, after her decease, to Thomas, earl of Ormond, him the said Thomas Hubbard, and others, to the earl's use, he releases his estate therein to the said earl and the others. 7 February, 2 Henry VIII. Seal.
Endorsed: Relaxacio Thome Hobart gent' de Olyvers.
Norf A. 12225. Counterpart of demise, Monday before Lady Day, 36 Henry VI, by Elizabeth Clere, of Grmesby, to Walter Hagh, of Filby, of the rents due from divers her tenants for 273a. ½r. arable belonging to the manor of Ormesby, viz. 181 quarters 4 bushels of 'clene barly be the mesure of the seid maner every fourthe busshel heped, out take .vij. quarters therof be striked mesure,' with the reversion of the said land after the tenants' terms; also of 246a. 3r. arable, 'demenys of the forseid maner, now beying in the husbondrye of the seid Elizabeth,' in Ormesby, Scrouteby, Castre, Filby and Hemmesby, 'wherof arn somerlayd this yer' 'xxxj acres j rode with vij erthes of the whech arn composted with the carte xvj acres j rode in the seid yer and with the folde viij acres in the same yer. And composted with the cart in the yer last passed,' &c. 'Also,' &c, 'arn composted with the folde this yer xxxix acres and an half which arn sowen with diverse greynes that is to seyn with whete xj acres and an half with peson x acres and with barly xviij acres,' &c.; also of 'v. incloses' belonging to the said manor, viz. 'Westles clos,' 'Snekkesclos,' 'Sr Jonesclos,' 'Seynt Margaretes clos,' and 'Northous- clos'; also of the 'pastering and gresyng of a pasture called Brakenham and a gret rnedew callyd Snekkes medewe and with a yerd called the Milhous yerd so that he put no bestes ther in'; also of 'the faldage of the seid maner and ij duffhouses,' 'with the esement of all the houses and bernes in the seyd maner beyng, with fre entre and issu in behovable tyme,' 'except and out taken the halle the chapel and alle the chaumbres anexed to the same halle,' &c, 'the wodehous, the garite and a golfstede in the newe berne to leyn therin reed'; also of the 'catell and stor,' viz. 'xv quarteres of clene whete weel fied,' 'xx quarteres of ote weel fied,' &c., 'the crop of xij acres peson, wherof half fleggordes and half fecches'; ploughs 'with al the trewerk and iren werk' belonging, &c.; to hold for seven years from Michaelmas next; rent, &c.; Walter shall gather the arrears of barley due from the said tenants to the said Elizabeth, and shall carry the same, when required, to. 'Yermoth, Wynterton and Weybrigge'; 'and the seid Walter schal have whynnes and flagges sufficient for his eyldyng,' &c. 'he schal fynde to the seid Elizabeth strawe or whynnes for hir brewyng and baking as long as she abyde at Ormesby'; he 'schal yeve yerly' to her 'a fat boor for brawne ageyn Cristemes,' &c.; with further covenants endorsed. English.
Warw. A. 12226. General release by Hugh Tofte, of Hatton, co. Warwick, 'husbandeman,' and Alice, his wife, to Thomas Lucy, knight, and Eliza- beth, his wife. Asshby Legeard, 10 February, 9 Henry VIII. Seals.
Hunt. A. 12227. Indenture of fine in the quinzaine of St. Martin, 26 Henry VIII, between Ranulph Lynne, Thomas Englefild, knight, one of the justices of the Bench, Alexander Fetyplace, William Wollascott, Robert Reynold, gentlemen, and Thomas Awaley (sic), querents, and Anthony Molory (sic), esquire, and Alice, his wife, deforciants, of two messuages, a croft, 16a. land, 4a. meadow, 12a. pasture and 8a. wood in Est Pery, in the parish of Grossam (sic), to the said Ranulph and the others, and the heirs of Ranulph, with warranty by Anthony and Alice for themselves and the heirs of Alice; consideration, 40 marks.
Endorsed: Hunt', &c.
Essex. A. 12228. Feoffment by John Tendryng, the elder, of Borham, Nicholas Wareyn, of Danbury, Thomas Fuller, of the same, and John Nethershale, of Borham, aforesaid, for a sum paid beforehand, by Thomas Ormond, knight, earl of Ormond, to the said John Tendryng, and at John's special request, to the said earl, Gilbert Talbot, knight, Henry Vernon, knight, Thomas Greynvylde, knight, and Thomas Huberd, 'gentilman,' of 3a. land between land belonging to the earl's manor of Newhalle, the highway from Walkefare to Branktre, land late of William Spendlow, called 'Bussheland,' and the lane from 'Jacobestie' to 'Crauwenhoyte,' which they had, to John's use, by the gift and feoffment of Thomas Polley alias Vyncent, son and heir of Joan late the wife of William Spendlow of Borham, and which she, in her widowhood, had, together with John and Thomas Walis and John Forde, of Borham, to the use of her and her heirs, by the gift and feoffment of Gerard White son and heir of John White, late of Sandon, and of Agnes, his wife, daughter and heir of William Sporon; attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Bykner and John Wolmere. Borham, 26 November, 22 Henry VII. Seals.
Norf A. 12229. Indenture made 10 February, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary, between Thomas Gresham, esquire, of the one part, and Thomas Makyn of Marston, of the other, whereby, after reciting that he is seised in fee simple of the manors of Langham and Marston, 'with a grett somme of demeane landes,' 'besides the costomary and coppyholdlandes,' of the said manors, which 'demeane landes have not in tymes past bene occupied or imployed to the best proffytt neyther of the lorde nor yett of the tennauntes there,' the tenants and farmers thereof having 'had no certeyne estate in the same,' the said Thomas Gresham, 'at the specyall sewte' 'of dyvers of his tennauntes,' 'and for the imployeng of the said landes herafter to a better comoditye' being contented 'to sett and lett owte' 'the said demeane landes to his tennauntes,' demises to the said Thomas Makyn 4a. 3r. land, &c. as in a 'sedule indented' annexed, in Langham, for one hundred years from Michaelmas last, at 3s. 2d. rent, &c. English.
[Norf.] A. 12230. Feoffment by John Spronte, of Hasyngham, to Lawrence Cullyng, of Bukkynhamferry, and Agnes, his wife, William Smyth, of Strumpsale, and John Dorant, of Bukkynhamfery, of a messuage with buildings and a croft of l½a. land in the same town, between land of Thomas Cowper, on the east, land of the lord of the manor of Bukkynhamferry, on the west, &c. together with an alder-carr (alneto) of 1a. with a well (puteo) at the south end, and it is called 'Brakkehousyerd,' between the alder-beds of Thomas Cowper and of the said manor, and abutting on Thomas Cowper's marsh. 5 October, 4 Henry VIII. Seal. See A. 12163.
Norf. A. 12231. Counterpart of sale by Edward Clere, of Blicklinge, esquire, lord of the manor of Scrowtbye Bardolphes, to John Marston, of Ormesbye, 'yoman' of a messuage with 3a. land annexed to it in Scrowtbye aforesaid, next land of the said John, &c.; rent, to the lords of the manor of Scrowtbye, 12d., with suit to all courts, and 12d. for a relief on deaths or sales. 14 June, 7 Elizabeth. Signed per me John Marston. Seal.
Norf. A. 12232. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, lord of the manors of Ormesby and Bardolphes in Scrotbie, to John Williams, of Scrotby, in consideration of 32l., of six pieces of land and pasture severally lying in Scrotbie; rent, 22½d. yearly to the lords of the manor of Bardolphes, double rent for relief, and suit of court once a year; attorney to deliver seisin, John Marston. 3 October, 21 Elizabeth, 1579. Signature of John Wyllyems. Seal of arms, quarterly fretty and a lion rampant.
Norf. A. 12233. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blycklyng, knight, lord of the manor of Scrotby Bardolphes, to John Willyams, of Scrotby, aforesaid, yeoman, in consideration of 36l. of a close (inclausum) called 'Bullyworthes Closse,' containing 3a. in Scrotby; rent, 19¾d. to the lords of the manor of Scrotby Bardolphes, double rent for relief, and suit of court once a year; attorney to deliver seisin, John Merston. 10 April, 25 Elizabeth, 1583. Signed by me John Wyllyems. Seal.
Memorandum of attornment, &c. endorsed.
Norf. A. 12234. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 11 January, 32 Eliza- beth, by Edward Clere, of Blycklyng, knight, lord of the manor of Scrotby Bardolphes, to John Gree, of Ormesby, 'carpender,' of a close containing 5a. in Scrotby.; rent, 22½d. to the lords of the said manor, a double rent for a relief, and suit of two general courts. Signed by mark. Seal.
Norf. A. 12235. Deed poll whereby James Willihams, of Ormysby, reciting that one Thomas Lyster, late while he lived of Ormysby, and others to his use, were seised of a messuage, a close called 'Coldhams' and seven pieces of heath (bruar') there, formerly Giles Lyster's, and that he, James, by virtue of a Statute, 1 Richard III, has the use of the premises, enfeoffs William Palmer, clerk, vicar of the churches of Ormysby, John Willyhams, William Haneng, Thomas Willyhams and Thomas Wattys, of Ormysby, thereof; all of which he, together with Thomas Lyster, Robert Pykeryng, and William Man, since deceased, had by the gift of Giles Lyster and William Lyster, his son, by.charter dated 10 January, 18 Edward IV; to hold to the said William and the others, to the use of the said William Palmer, clerk, and his assigns. Ormysby, 16 August, 15 Henry VIII. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
London. A. 12236. Counterpart indenture, 14 June, 19 Elizabeth, between Thomas Pereson, of the city of Westminster, gentleman, of the one part, and Gilbert Moxsey, citizen and 'merchaunttailor,' of London, of the other; whereas Thomas, at Gilbert's request, stands bound with him, by obliga- tion dated 3d. inst. to Reignold Barker, citizen and 'merchaunttailor' of London in 200l. with condition endorsed for saving Reignold harmless in respect of an obligation, of even date, whereby he stood bound with Gilbert, at Gilbert's request, to William Rawlins, of London, mercer, in 160l. for the payment of 100l. on 4 December next; Thomas Pereson by these presents grants that if Gilbert, before 5 December next, acquit him in respect of the obligation made to Reignold, a statute staple, dated 5 May, 17 Elizabeth, of 160l. and a single obligation, of even date, of 60l. wherein Gilbert stands bound to him shall be void. English. Signed per me Gylbart Moxsay. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Worc. A. 12237. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 20 April, 31 Elizabeth, by Katharine Throkmerton, of Chastleton, co. Oxford, widow, late the wife of Anthony Throkmerton, esquire, John Throkmerton, esquire, Thomas and George Throkmerton, gentlemen, sons of the said Anthony and Katharine, to Anthony Tyrryngham, of Henwick, co. Bedford, esquire, and John Catesby, of Newenhame, co. Bedford, esquire, of the manor of Greene, with land, &c. in Alchurch alias Alverchurch, Greene, and Kinges Norton; covenant by Katharine, Thomas and George to acquit the premises of all incumbrances, save rents and services to the lords of the fee, and save an indenture of demise, 11 January, 30 Elizabeth, by the said Katharine to the said George of the premises for forty-one years to be reckoned from her death, at 20l. rent, the said rent to be payable to the said Anthony and John during the said term, and save certain several leases made heretofore to Thomas Rogers, John Throckmerton, or — Myllor, of parcels of the premises, for terms determinable on her death, &c. and covenant by John Throckmerton for quiet possession, &c. English.
Surrey. A. 12238. Indenture of demise 4 May, 25 Elizabeth, by Christopher Marshall, of Bluberry, co. Berks, gentleman, to George Eveleigh, of the Middle Temple, London, gentleman, in consideration of 12l. in hand, of a messuage, or tenement, with garden, barn, stable and yard, late in the occupation of William Henmarshe, gentleman, and Alice, his wife, in Lambhith, with so much of the wharf or garden between the messuage and the 'ryver of Thamys' as was occupied by the said William; to hold from Lady Day last for six years and ten weeks, at a peppercorn rent for the first year, and 12l. rent during the residue of the term. English. Signature and seal.
Norf. A. 12239. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blickling, esquire, lord of the manor of Burghe Vaux, to John Coke, of Billockbie, husbandman, of a piece of land containing 3r. in Billockbie, &c.; rent, 12d. to the lord of the manor of Burghe, double rent for a relief, and suit of court; attorney to deliver seisin, Richard Heyward. Billockbie, 29 March, 12 Elizabeth. Seal.
Norf. A. 12240. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere of Blicklinge, esquire, lord of the manor of Burghe Vaux, to John Scott, of Thrigby, gentleman, of 3r. land in three pieces, in Thrigby field, abutting on the common of Thrigby called 'South Grene,' and on lands of John Gardyner, Thomas Burre, Thomas Goosee, William Paston, esquire, and Thomas Clere, esquire; which land, inter alia, he had by the bargain and sale of John Parker, of Pokethorpe, in the county of the city of Norwich, gentleman, and Richard Churche, of Pokethorpe, yeoman, by their writing indented dated 10 May, 12 Elizabeth; rent to the lord of the manor of Burghe Vaux 1d., double rent for a relief and suit of court, or 3d. for each default; attorney to deliver seisin. Richard Heyward, his servant. Thrigby, 12 May, 18 Elizabeth, 1576. Signed By me Jhon Scott. Seal, broken.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 12241. Indenture of award, 16 February, 10 Henry VIII, by Humphrey Wyngfeld, esquire, John Woode, John Spylman and Francis Moundeford, gentlemen, arbitrators chosen by John Blyaunt, of Intwoode, gentleman, and Anne, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Jenney, gentleman, deceased, of the one part, and Thomas Godsalve, of the city of Norwich, gentleman, of the other part, concerning the manor and advowson of Bokenham Fery, and the advowson of Hasyngham, with land, &c. formerly of John Jermy, of Bokenham Fery, esquire, in the towns of Bukkenham Fery, Hasyngham and towns near adjoining, which were by him bequeathed for sale; to wit, having 'dyvers tymes' called before them 'bothe seid parties and their lerned councell' and having 'ripely and groundely' 'understond' the matter, they 'orden and deme' that Thomas Godsalve shall enjoy the premises, and that John and Anne Blyant shall before Michaelmas, 1521, do every thing to be reasonably devised by Thomas 'by fine feoffement reles with warrantie of the seid John and Anne and theirs of the seid Anne ayenst the abbot of Westminster and his successours,' &c. 'for the determynacion and extyntisment' of their interest therein; for all which Thomas shall pay to the said John and Anne 120l., to wit 60l. at Thetford, co. Norfolk, 'in the churche of the Blake Freers there the Thurresday in the secunde weke of clene Lenton next comyng bitwene the hourez of one and v. at after none of the same day,' and give bond for payment of 60l., the residue 'in the fest of Seynt George,' 1520, 'at the cite of Norwiche in the churche there called Cristes Churche,' &c. English. Seals (1) two wings conjoined in lure, (2) a boar's head erased, (3) an inverted letter 'S,' (4) a fleur de lys.
Norf. A. 12242. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere of Blicklinge, esquire, lord of the manor of Scrowtbye Burdolphes alias Scrowbye, to Agnes Willms of Scrotbe, widow, upon condition of her performance of covenants as in indentures between them, dated 15 June, 4 Elizabeth, of 5a. 1r. land, in four pieces, in Scrotbye; rent, 2s.; attorneys to deliver seisin, Leonard Candler and John Marston. 20 June, 4 Elizabeth, Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 12243. Counterpart of feoffment by John Clere, knight, lord of the manor of Boroghe Vaux, in consideration of 10l. to Henry Norwiche, of Rollesby, of 1½a. land in Rollesby, late parcel of the said manor; rent, 2d. 7 January, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary. Seal.
Norf. A. 12244. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 15 October, 3 Henry VIII, by Margaret Ideley, of Bukkenhamfery, 'gentylwoman,' executrix of the will and testament of John Jermy, gentleman, late her husband, to John Flegge, of Nedeham Markette, 'yoman,' of the manor of Bukkenhamfery with the advowsons of the churches of Bukkenhamfery and Hasyngham, with all manner of 'londes, medowis, fedynges, moris, merchis, aldercarres,' &c. thereto belonging within the county of Norfolk; also of 'oon mark of swannys wyth all the londes late Lyghtfotys'; 'for the whic' bargeyn and sale' John shall pay her 400 marks, viz. 20 marks yearly, till all be paid; he is to be quit of the bargain on payment of 100s. Signed per me Joh'em Flegge. English. Seal.
Memorandum endorsed that he shall not charge the land without her consent; she is to have a chamber for herself and her maid, &c.
Essex. A. 12245. Counterpart of A. 12176.
[Norf.] A. 12246. Indenture of fine in the quinzaine of Easter, 7 Henry VIII, between Ralph Verney, knight, Richard Wentworth, knight, Thomas More, 'gentilman,' Thomas Wentworth, esquire, George Treheyron, 'gentilman,' Ralph Chaloner, 'gentilman,' Edward Styrope, 'marchaunt,' and Robert Flegge, 'mercer,' querents, and John Flegge and Margaret Idley, widow, deforciants, of the manor of Buknam Fery, 300a. land, 60a. meadow, 10a. wood, 100a. moor, 40a. marsh in Buckenham Fery and Hassyngham, with the advowsons of the churches of Buckenham Fery and Hassyngham; with warranty by John and Margaret, for themselves and the heirs of Margaret, to Ralph and the others and the heirs of Edward, against John, abbot of Westminster, and his successors; consideration, 300 marks.
Norf. A. 12247. Bill indented made 'the daye of the Purification of our lady,' 10 Henry VIII, in the church of St. Thomas of Acon, London, between 8 and 10 o'clock 'before none,' witnessing that Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, gentleman, 'as assigne unto John Flegge of Nedeham Market,' co. Suffolk, gentleman, by John's order, has paid to Rauf Warreyn, of London, mercer, 6l. 13s. 4d. by order of Edward Styrop of London, 'haburdassher,' and George Legh, of Newyngton, co. Surrey, gentleman, 'which pretenden either of theym to be executors or assignes unto Margarete Ideley, late of Newyngton aforesaid, wydowe nowe decessed, and to have the admynistracion' of such money as was due to her by John at her decease 'for the bargeyn and sale of the maner of Bokenham fery, &c. and of the adowsons of the churches of Bokenham and Hassyngham, co. Norfolk; to be redelivered by Ralph to whichever of the said Edward and George shall be decreed entitled to receive the same by Mr. Doctor Veyse, dean of the king's chapel, Mr. Doctor Taillour and Mr. Robert Toveys, 'Maisters of the Kynges Chauncerye,' or two of them. Signatures and seals of Styropp, Legh and Godsalre. Witnesses' names endorsed.
N'hamp A. 12248. Bond by Richard Varney, of Legers Assheby, co. Northampton, esquire, to Michall Dormer, citizen and mercer of London, in 100l. at Michaelmas next, for goods bought of him in the staple of Westminster. 22 February, 22 Henry VIII. Signed: Per me Richard Verney. One seal lost, the other (seal) with legend, s. maiorat. stapvle. westm. p'. statvt. mercator' (counter seal) a wing. R' by me Mygell Dormer the xxiiij. day off . . . . . . by Rychard Catysby skuyer xiijli. vjs. viijd. in full payment off the sum withyn wretyn.
Pemb. A. 12249. Release by Jankyn Eynon, son and heir of Edmund Eynon, of Wiston, to Rese ap Thomas, K.G. (militi ad gartheram domini regis) of his right in three burgages and gardens at Wiston, between lands of John Wogan, knight, and 'John Goba of the lane,' and 'the Mary Lane'; in 12a. arable in the parish of Wiston between the highway called 'Clarbuston is wey,' Thomas Magot's land, &c.; in three several acres of arable at Dyngstobill, between lands of Thomas Magot, John Wogan, knight, &c.; in 1a. arable at 'le Under Hokes, between lands of John Wogan, Pyrs Cheurfeld, &c.; and in 3a. arable at Lanbroche, between lands of John Wogan, knight, &c. 27 May, 16 Henry VIII.
Norf. A. 12250. Letter of attorney by John Flegge of Nedehammarkett, co. Suffolk, 'yoman,' to Richard Pawmer, of Norwich, 'scryvener,' to deliver seisin of the manor of Buckenhamfery, with the advowsons of the churches of Buckenhamfery and Hasyngham, land, &c. belonging to the said manor, land, &c. formerly Lightfoottes, and of all his land, formerly John Jermy's, there or elsewhere in the county of Norfolk, to Ralph Varnay, knight, Richard Wenteworth, knight, Thomas More, 'gentilman,' Thomas Wenteworth, esquire, George Tryheron, of London, 'gentilman,' Ralph Chalner, late of London, 'gentilman,' Thomas Raven, 'clothman,' Edward Styrop, of London, 'marchaunt,' Robert Flegge, of London, mercer, William Salman, of Nedehammarkett, John Bryde, of London, 'gentilman,' Edmund Dawndy, of Ipswich, mercer, John Brynwyn, 'clothman,' and Richard Osborn, of London, 'skynner,' to the uses contained in his charter indented, dated 15 August, 6 Henry VIII. 18 November, 6 Henry VIII. Signed John Flegge. Seal.
Norf. A. 12251. Indenture made 13 September, 22 Henry VIII, being an assignment by the prior, Richard, and the convent of the monastery or priory of our lady of Lytell Walsyngham, co. Norfolk, to William Vowell, the elder, 'broder unto the seide prior,' and William Vowell, the younger, son of the said William the elder, of their lease of the manor or lordship of Litell Walsyngham 'with feyres, mercates, courtes, vieu of frankplege, villayns and theyre sequelys, warrens, wayves, strayes' in Walsyngham Parva, Magna Walsyngham, Magna Messyngham, Grymston, Thurford, Fulmodeston, Wyton, Snoryng Magna, Barney, in the said county and in the city of Norwich, of the water-mill in Parva Walsyngham, &c. which the said prior and convent had by the lease of King Henry VII; to hold without any yearly rent to the said prior and convent; with covenant to deliver 'the dede of theyr leasse' to the said William and William before Michaelmas next; and with covenant by the said William and William to discharge the said prior and convent against the queen of all rent, &c. under the said lease, and against the king and all such persons as, after the queen's decease, shall have good title to the same. English. Conventual seal, cracked and chipped.
Suff. A. 12252. Indenture of demise, 10 September, 21 Henry VIII, by 'the Dean or Maister of Cardinall Colledge of our Blessyd Lady in Gippiswiche,' 'that is to say Maister William Capon Doctour in Dyvynitie,' 'and the Felowes of the same,' to Richerd Hert of Faltenham, 'yoman,' of 'their tithe barley belongyng to their parsonage or rectorie of Falten- ham,' from Michaelmas next for twenty-one years, at 53s. 4d. rent. English. Collegiate seal, chipped.
Norf. A. 12253. Counterpart of demise, 31 October, 1 and 2 Philip and Mary, by Thomas Bradde, of Little Walsingham, to Thomas Salman, of the same, 'yoman,' of his 'tenemente called the guylde hall, nowe brente,' 'the messuage with one bearne and ij other howses nexte adjoynynge to the dwellinge howse where' he 'nowe dwellythe,' 'two shoppes with their sollers next the courte gatez with all and singler his closses, medowes, pastures, saffron growndes and other arreable londes,' in 'Lytle Walsingham, grete Walsingham and Hyndringham,' from the Purification next for seven years, at 7l. rent; covenants by Thomas at the end of the term to 'leve to the use of the seyd Thomas Bradd twoo acres di. of lond parcell of the premisez well and sufficiently dighte planted and sette with good and haile saffron heades'; 'to edyfie and buylde upp the howse or tenemente called the guylde halle whiche lately was brente,' 'and also thakk and cover the rowffe therof well and sufficiently with thak tyles'; to repair all the said tenements 'to hym dymysed, as all other tenementes and howses in Walsyngham aforeseyd which was lately Nicholas Bradde's, at the lessor's expense. Signed, By me Thomas Salman. English. Witnesses' names, Paul Gressham, gent', and others, endorsed.
N'hamp. A. 12254. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 20 July, 4 Edward VI, by Sir Richard Catesby, of Assheby Legiers, knight, to Lewis Moor, clerk, parson of the parish church of Baroughby, in consideration of 40l., of 'his messuage with one yarde of arable londe medowe and pasture' in Brauns- ton, 'one closse in Falclyff in the parishe of Braunston,' in the tenure of Robert Stonley, 'cotage and one closse called Rages closse in Braunston,' in the tenure of Richard Buknoll, &c. English. Signed, per me Lodowicum clericum.
Norf. A. 12255. Indenture of award, 28 February, 10 Henry VIII, by Thomas Russhe, gentleman, 'serjaunt at armes unto owre sovereign lorde the Kyng,' Francis Moundeford, gentleman, and Robert Flegge, of West- minster, 'marchaunt,' arbitrators chosen by Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, gentleman, of the one part, and John Flegge of Nedeham Market, co. Suffolk, gentleman, of the other, touching the title to the manor of Bokenham Fery, the advowsons of the churches of Bokenham Fery and Hasyngham, 'a mese with certen londes called Lyghtfotes,' in Bokenham Fery, with all other the landes which were 'of John Jermy of Bokenham Fery esquyer now decessed' in Bokenham Fery, Hasyngham or other towns near adjoining, and touching sums claimed by John Flegge for the bargain and sale of the premises; Godsalve shall enjoy the said manor, &c. Flegge for the further assurance of Godsalve in the premises shall perform the covenants in his deed indented of 10 November, 9 Henry VIII; for the purposes of this award they declare the true value of the said manor and other the premises to be 15l. and no more above all charges; for which manor, &c. Godsalve shall pay 465 marks 6s. 8d., whereof Flegge has already received 40l., the residue to be paid as follows: to John Blyaunt of Intwode, co. Norfolk, esquire, and Anne his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Jenney, 120l. according to the award made between the said Thomas Godsalve, of the one part, and the said John and Anne of the other, bearing date 16 February last; to Edward Styrop, of London, 'haburdassher,' 57l.; to George Legh and Thomas Drayton, executors of the testament and last will of Margaret Ideley, 40l. as specified in the award between the said John Flegge and Thomas Godsalve of the one part, the said Edward Styrop, of the second part, and the said George Legh and Thomas Drayton, of the third, bearing date 24 February last; to Sir Richard Wentwurth, knight, 40l.; and the balance of 13l. 6s. 8d. to the said John Flegge 'the day of the makyng and seallyng of this oure awarde.' English. Signatures of Moundeforde and Robert Flegge, and three seals.
[Norf.] A. 12256. Feoffment by John Bursdalle, of Bokenham Fery, to John Spriggey, of Strumpeshaugh, in performance of a bargain and sale, and in consideration of 18 marks 10s. beforehand, of a messuage and croft adjacent, containing 3½a., formerly in three pieces, five pieces of arable and two pieces of marsh, in Bokenham, &c. all of which he, together with John Sprunte, of Strumpeshaugh, and Thomas Manwell, of the same, who survive, had by the feoffment of Thomas Thirkill, of Norwich, 'pynnere,' by charter dated at Bokenham, 6 January, 27 Henry VIII. Bokenham, 25 January, 28 Henry VIII. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Warw. A. 12257. Indenture of demise, 20 December, 23 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesby, of Bushwoodd Hall, knight, to William Askewe, of Lap- worth, 'yoman,' of a messuage, &c. in Bushopston, in the occupation of Thomas Parnell, for twenty-one years from Michaelmas last, at — rent. English. Not executed.
Norf A. 12258. Counterpart of bargain and sale by Edward Clere, of Blicklinge, esquire, lord of the manor of Scrotbye, to Agnes Wyllyams, of Scrotbye, widow, of a piece of land, containing 3r. in the north field of Scrotbye; rent, 4d. to the lords of the manor, double rent for a relief, and suit of court. 22 January, 11 Elizabeth. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 12259. Release by Thomas Jenkenson, of Tunstall, gentleman, and Edward Spryggey, of the same, 'yoman,' son and heir of John Spryggey, late of Strumpshall, deceased, to Thomas Godsalve, esquire, of their right in land, &c. in Bokenham Fery and Strumpshall, late John Spryggey's. 10 January, 18 Elizabeth. Signed, by me Edward Spryggye. Witnesses' names endorsed.
N'hamp. A. 12260. Indenture, made 20 March, 17 Elizabeth, between Richard Catesbie, gentleman, one of the sons of Sir Richard Catesbye, knight, deceased, of the one part, and John Popsonne, of Bushewoodde, co. Warwick, yeoman, of the other, whereby, after reciting that he is lawfully possessed for years yet to come, by the grant of John Stwarde and Robert Gage, gentleman, by fine in Easter term, 13 Elizabeth, between them, plaintiffs, and William Catesbie, esquire, and him, the said Richard, deforciants, of the manor of Westhaddon, two messuages, two tofts, a wind- mill, two gardens, 200a. land, 40a. meadow, 60a. pasture, 2a. wood, 20a. 'furres and heathe' and 3s. rent there, at the rent of a rose to the said John and Robert, and John's heirs, during the life of George, Edmund, Edward and John Catesbye, gentlemen, sons of the said Sir Richard, and the longer liver of them, and after their decease, at the rent of 5l.; of the reversion of which manor and rent reserved the said William Catesbie is now lawfully seised; the said Richard assigns the said manor (courts and profits of courts thereof reserved) to the said John Popsoune for the residue of his term, subject to a lease thereof, for years yet to come, made by himself and the said George, Edmund, Edward and John his brethren to one William Chybnall, &c.; covenant by John to pay Richard 5l. 3s. 4d yearly for life while in quiet possession of the premises. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed. See A. 12213, 12316.
Norf. A. 12261. Counterpart of feoffment by Edward Clere, of Blickling, esquire, in performance of indentures 20 November, 7 Elizabeth, to William Neave, of Bannyngham, yeoman, of 4a. 3r. land, meadow or pasture, in Billockby, in eight pieces; rent, to the lords of the manor of Burghe Vaux, 20d. and the like for a relief; attorneys to deliver seisin, Richard and William Grene. 12 December, 20 Elizabeth, 1577. Signed, per me Will'mu' Neve. Seal.
Norf. A. 12262. Counterpart of feoffment by Edward Clere, of Blickling, esquire, lord of the manor of Pedham Hall, in Ormesbie, in consideration of 7l. to John Merston, of Ormesbie, 'yoman,' of a messuage, or house, ealled 'a guyldhouse' in Ormesbie St. Margaret, with a small garden whereon the same is built, between the highway on the south, land of William Grene on the north, the churchyard on the east and William Grene's house on the west; which messuage, by the name of a cottage in ruins, he had by the bargain and grant of John Parker and Richard Churche, by indenture dated 10 May, 12 Elizabeth, and they by the bargain and grant of Hugh Counsell and Robert Pistor, gentlemen, by indenture, enrolled in the Chancery, dated 5 February, 12 Elizabeth, and they by the gift and grant of Queen Elizabeth, by letters patent under the great seal, 4 Feb- ruary, in the 12th year of her reign; rent, to the lords of the manor of Pedham, 2¾d., the like for a relief, and suit of all courts; attorney to deliver seisin, William Grene, of Ormesbie. Ormesbie, 4 January, 13 Elizabeth. Signed, by me John Marston. Seal.
Norf. A. 12263. Indenture of bargain and sale by Joan Pers, widow, sister and heir of Margaret Ufforth, of Great Yarmouth, in consideration of 10l. paid to them in Margaret's life, and of 20l. paid to her afterwards, to Robert Cappys, of Ormesby, gentleman, Anthony Loveday, of Great Yarmouth, gentleman, and William Mayhewe, of the same, 'marchaunt,' of a messuage in Skroteby, 12½a. land and pasture in Scroteby and Ormesby, in twelve pieces, which the said Margaret had jointly with Ralph Assheley, gentleman, Austin Pers, William and Thomas Harbrowne, to her sole use, by the feoffment of William Wellys, of Great Yarmouth, merchant, by charter dated at Skroteby, 10 October, 37 Henry VIII, and which descended to her as Margaret's sister and heir; to hold to the said Robert, Anthony and William to the following use and intent, to wit, if the said Robert pay her 20l. in the manner specified on the endorsements of seven writings obligatory of even date, in which the said Anthony and William, together with the said Robert, and at his instance, stand bound to her for the payment of the same, then to the use of the said Robert and his heirs. Skroteby, 15 October, 38 Henry VIII. Signed, bie mee Jhane Pirs. Seal. Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
A. 12264. Indenture made 4 December, 26 Henry VIII, whereby Myles Hasylrygg, 'gentilman,' covenants with Thomas Empson, George Parpoynt, and Edmund Hasylwood, esquires, Thomas Hasylwood, 'gentil- man,' and Thomas Oldnall, 'for certayn great consyderacons,' to be at their 'rule and governaunce' for seven years next; 'within two monythes after a resonable request to hym made' to 'mary' 'suche persone and none other' as they shall appoint, 'without disparagement,' before the Purification, 1541; within three months after he shall have land, &c. to the yearly value of 40l. to make estate to them of land to that value, to the use of himself and such wife, and their issue, with remainder in default to his right heirs, &c. English. Seal.
Norf. A. 12265. Bond by John Flegge, of Nedeham Market, co. Suffolk, gentleman, to Thomas Godsalve, of Norwich, notary public, in 400 marks, at Easter next, conditioned for his standing to the award of John Wod, of Fulburne, Humphrey Wingfeld, John Spilman and Francis Moundeford, 'all lerned in the kinges lawes, arbitours' chosen between the said Thomas on the one part, and John Blyant, esquire, on the other, concerning the title of the manor of Bokenham Fery, and other lands late Margaret Ideley's in Bokenham Fery and Hasingham with the advowsons of the same; to be in writing and delivered before Easter. 19 December, 10 Henry VIII. Signed, per me Joh'em Flegge. Seal.
Glouc. A. 12266. Counterpart of demise, 20 May, 16 Elizabeth, by William Catisbie, of Lapworthe, co. Warwick, esquier, to Thomas Bushell of Broad Marston, co. Gloucester, esquire, in consideration of 132l., namely 66l. in hand and the like sum at Michaelmas next, of a 'leasowe or pasture' within the lordship of Willicote, co. Gloucester, called 'Brokes Leasowe,' and another called 'Bradwaies Leasowe,' adjoining 'Radbrocke Leasowe,' with a moiety of the meadow grounds belonging to the said lordship, the said two 'leasowes' being more than one moiety of the whole lordship of Willicote, for five years from date, at 66l. rent, the said fine to be taken in discharge of the first two years' rent. English. Signed, By me Thomas Busshell.
Endorsed: Sealyd by the said Thomas Bushell and delivered to Edward Bushell, esquire, to the use of the within named William Catesby in the presence of John Davys, Edward Busshell, John Sym'es.
Warw. A. 12267. Counterpart of demise, 20 April, 23 Elizabeth, by Sir William Catesbie, of Bushwodhall, knight, to William Harrison, of- Lapworthe, his servant, and Margaret, William's wife, in consideration of good service, of a messuage, or tenement, a croft called 'Ellens Crofte, two crofts called 'Carters Croftes' the moiety of a field called 'Olde Feelde,' two crofts called 'Colbe Croftes,' with a meadow adjoining, and a pasture called 'Wilkins Lande,' in the parish of Lapworth, late in the tenure of Robert Tailor, for four score years, if they so long live, at 34s. rent, &c. with leave for them to 'stocke [and] brushe uppe ryd and carne away all and all maner of brears brembles bushes and underwoodes,' hedgerows excepted, and to take 'necessarie tyncell of the croppes and shreddes of trees and of underwoodes,' 'in seasonable tyme,' 'for makinge and mending of the moundes and fences,' and 'sufficient howsboote by the appoyntment of the said Sr William or of his bayliff of Lapworthe,' &c. English. Signature of Wyllyam Haryson. Seal.
N'hamp A. 12268. Counterpart indenture, 2 April, 12 Elizabeth, between William Catesbie, of Leagers Ashbie, esquire, and Lawrence Maidwell, of Gretton, 'yoman,' being an adjustment of accounts between them, similar in effect to A. 12221. English. See A. 13071.
Norf. A. 12269. Letter of attorney by Edward Clere, of Blickling, knight, to Robert Poynter, of Ormesbye, co. Norfolk, yeoman, to receive seisin of twenty-one pieces of land and heath, containing 25a. in Ormesby St. Michael and Ormesby St. Margaret, according to the charter thereof made to him by Thomas Berington of Ormesbye, yeoman, dated 10 July, 37 Elizabeth, 1595. 12 July in said year. Signature of Edward Clere. Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf. A. 12270. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 15 June, 4 Elizabeth, by Edward Clere, of Blicklinge, esquire, to Agnes Williams, of Scrotbye, in the said county, widow, of 5a. 1r. land in Scrotbye; rent, 2s. English. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 12271. Letter of attorney by Sir William Catesby, knight, to Edward Catesby, esquire, and William Chibnall, gentleman, to require the performance by Francis Dymmocke, esquire, of covenants contained in a conveyance made to him by the said Francis, with the assent of Charles Morrysine and 'Stephine' Thymbleby, esquires, of the manor of Erdington and in a demise for years of lands in Hoddenhull and Streetfelde. 12 Sep- tember, 23 Elizabeth. English. Signature of Wyllyam Catysby, and seal of arms (indistinct). Witnesses' names endorsed.
A. 12272. Bond by Richard Wharton, of Bungey, co. Suffolk, gentleman, to Thomas, duke of Norfolk, Great Treasurer of England, in 40l. to the king's use at Michaelmas next, conditioned for the delivery at the town of Calys, or within the marches of the same, or in any other place within the realm, of 20 quarters wheat, 20 quarters barley and three score quarters malt, 'laden and shyppyd within the kynges porte of Yermouth,' 3 February, 22 Henry VIII, 'in a shyp wherof Cornelys Andreanson under God is maister,' and for the delivery to the 'custumer of the same porte of Yermouth of a true certyfycat not allonly sealyd but also signed with thand of the custumer ther of the delyvery of the said greyne ther onles for vitelyng of the said towne or Marches afore the feste of Seint Mighell tharkangell above wreten.' 3 February, 22 Henry VIII. English. Signed, By me Rychard Wharton.
Wilts. A. 12273. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 3 May, 16 Elizabeth, by Henry Sharington, of Lacock, esquire, to William Gomeldon, of the city of 'Newe Sarum,' co. Wilts, gentleman, in consideration of 380l. of the manor and lordship of Winterborne otherwise called Winterborne Monacorum, &c. with land, &c. there in the occupation of Roger Martyn, Richard Heede, Alice Martyn, widow, Ellen Strugnell, widow, George Batter, Richard Thorneton, Gelyan Arnolde, widow, Johan Tapnell, widow, Alice Durant, Hugh Hascott, John Webbe alias Bartelett, and William Judde, and all other the land, &c. late Sir William Sharington's, knight, deceased, and now, or late, the said Henry's, in Winterborne Monacorum, Alderburye, Foarde and Laverstoke; covenant by Henry Sharington and Anne, his wife, &c. English. Signed, Will'm Gomeldon. Seal, broken. Witnesses' names, William Beamount, Oliver Sharington, John Hardkyn, endorsed.
[Leic] A. 12274. Counterpart indenture, 24 April, 20 Henry VIII, between Dame Elizabeth Lucy, widow, 'late wyf to Syr Thomas Lucy, knyght, disseasyd,' of the one part, and 'Syr William Parpoynt, knyght,' dame Jane, his wife, and Bartyn Hasylrigg, esquire, son and heir apparent of Thomas Hasylrygg, of Nowesley, esquire, of the other; whereas the said Bartyn, in consideration of 200 marks, whereof he received 40l. and 93l. 6s. 8d., is yet unpaid, bargained and sold to the said William and Jane, 'the prefermente of the marriage of Miles Hasylrygg,' his son and heir, 'to marry hym to whom yt sholde please' them, or the survivor of them, by indentures dated 20 October, 18 Henry VIII; the said parties of the second 'be now contentyd and covenaunten' with the said Dame Elizabeth that she shall have 'the custodye, rule, governaunce and mariage of the same Miles Hasilrigg to be maried to Radegonde Lucy' one of her daughters, 'yf the same Miles and Radegunde therunto will agree,' or to such person as she, or her executors, shall appoint, without disparagement; if Miles die before marriage, or before consummation, she shall have the like custody of Thomas, second son of the said Bartyn; in the event of their being in ward to the king, or disagreeing to be married by her appointment, Bartyn shall repay the money received of her, and recompence her the charges of their keep, &c.; Bartyn covenants within three months of his father's death to make an estate in fee simple of land to the value of 40l. to William Parpoynt, knight, Thomas Pulteney, knight, Thomas Emson, esquire, Robert Hasylrygg, of Donnyngton Parke, esquire, and Robert Hasylrygg, of Notyngham, gentleman, Lawrence Saunders, of Haryngton, gentleman, Richard Catysby, and William Lucy, esquires, to the use of such heir and of such his wife in tail, as to 20l. immediately, and as to the residue at twenty-one, &c.; the residue of the land, &c. of the said Thomas and Bartyn, after their decease, to remain to the said Miles in tail, and, in default, to his next heir, except land, &c. to the yearly value of 20l. reserved and appointed to the use of the last will and testament of the said Thomas, as appears by indentures 'concernyng the mariage of the same Bartyn and Anne now hys wyfe maid betwixte the same Thomas Hasilrygge on the one partie and Dame Elizabeth Sottell on the other partie,' dated 1 September, 20 Henry VII, and except land, &c. to the yearly value of 10 marks, 'whyche the said Bartyn shall have liberte to gyve to his second sonne for term of his lyf onely,' and except land to the yearly value of 40 marks 'whyche the same Bartyn shall have liberte to gyve to the same Anne now hys wyf or to any other that hereafter shalbe hys wyf for terme of their lyve onely,' with reversion of the said 10 and 40 marks to Miles, &c. for which marriage, &c. 'the said Lady Lucy covenaunteth' to pay to the same Bartyn 300 marks, whereof he has received 100 marks in hand, the residue to be paid 'after the makyng sure of the said 40l. lond and after the delyvere of the same Myles or Thomas,' &c.; statutes staple in 500l. of even date to be void if the covenants on either side are observed. English. Signed, per me Bartinu' Hesylryg esquyer.
Warw. A. 12275. Indenture, 1 July, 12 Elizabeth, between William Catesbye, of Leagers Asshebye, esquire, of the one part, and Thomas Throckmerton, gentleman, of the other; whereas Sir Richard Catesbye, knight, deceased, by the name of Richard Catesbye, esquire, by indenture, 18 September, 22 Henry VIII, demised to John Croke, of Lodbrocke, a messuage there called 'the Farme Place,' with land, &c. then in the tenure of Thomas Welyband, and further demised to the said John 'a quatren of a yarde lande lyeng in the feildes of Lodbrocke, whereof one parte of the said quartren of lande lyethe uppon a certen furlong namede Halloton' and the other on a furlong 'buttyng uppon a waye called Post Waye,' 'which quartren' was some time in the tenure of Robert Wryde; to hold to the said John Croke from Michaelmas then next for forty years; now the said William, in consideration of the good service to him done by the said Thomas has demised the said 'Farme Place,' &c. and 'quarterne of lande' to the said Thomas, for twenty-one years, at 5l. 11s. 8d. rent, the term to begin on the death of 'Katheryn Throckmerton nowe wife to Antonye Throckmerton, esquier, and mother to the said William Catesbye,' &c.
Essex, Herts. London, Surrey. A. 12276. Feoffment by Robert Southwell, esquire, and Ursula, his wife, to Nicholas Shelton and Richard Bradbrygge, of the manors of Fyllolleshall and Little Badow, co. Essex, the manor of Netherhall alias Gedelyston, co. Herts, the manor of Wodyngton alias Wotton, co. Surrey, tenements in the city of London formerly of William Estfyld, knight, now deceased, viz. two tenements in the parish of St. Magnus (sancte Magnet') called 'le Sygne of the Gunne,' a tenement without Crepylgate called 'le Popynjay aley,' and a tenement in Lumbardstret next the messuage called 'le l'opyshed' on the west side of it, together with all other their lands in the said counties; to hold for the term of the life of the said Ursula; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Wattes and William Hardyng. 24 April, 9 Henry VII.
Essex. A. 12277. Indenture tripartite being a grant by Henry Wentworth, John Hevenyngham and John Paston, knights, Philip Calthorpe, Henry Teye, Thomas Sampson, Robert Tyrell and Thomas Huntyngdon, esquires, John Brewoode, Thomas Hevenyngham and John Loveday, gentlemen, Richard Botry, clerk, John Paycok, of Coggeshall, the younger, and Thomas Maldon, of Sudbury, 'mercer,' to Margery Doreward, late the wife of John Dorewarde, esquire, of the manor of Coggeshale, two water mills, called 'Poyntell Myll' and 'Esterfordmyll,' and of all the land, &c. late the said John Dorewarde's in Great Coggeshale, Markshale, Colne, Feryng, Kelden, Blakwatyr, Inworth, Stysted and Fordhamforthe, co. Essex, for her life, for the performance of John's last will, with remainder to Ralph Chamberleyn, of Kyngston, co. Cambridge, esquire, in tail, with remainder to Edward, Ralph's brother, in tail, paying to the said Henry Wentworth, and the others, immediately after Margery's death 10l. yearly, by half yearly payments, for the performance of John's will; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Page and Robert Sunham. Coggeshale, 10 November, 11 Henry VII. Copy on paper.
Essex A. 12278. Indenture, 20 February, 10 Henry VII, whereby John Dorewarde, of Moche Yeldham, esquire, bargains, covenants and grants to 'Raff' Chaumberleyn, of Kyngston, co. Cambridge, esquire, that after his and his wife Margery's decease, Ralph shall have the manor of Coggeshale, with 'Poyntell Mill and 'Esterforde Mill' in Coggeshale, Marksall, &c. and that 'Herry Wentworth,' knight, and others (as in A. 12277) his 'feffes of trust,' shall, 'on this side the feste of Seynt John Baptiste next' make an estate of the premises to him and Margery for life, with remainder to Ralph, and Edward Chaumberleyn, his brother, successively in tail, with remainder in default to his own right heirs, to the intent to perform his last will; 'for the which remaynder' to Ralph and Edward, Ralph shall pay him 300 marks, of which he has received 20l. in hand, and as to nine score pounds, the residue, shall 'this side the fest of Medsomer' cause four sufficient persons to be bound in 10l. apiece for the payment of 3l. 10s. at Christmas and Midsummer 'be twene ix and xij of the clok be fore none' in the parish church of Yeldham, and so 7l. yearly, till all be paid, and further the said feoffees shall by their deed indented reserve a rent of 10l. for ever out of the premises to the per- formance of his last will. English.
Essex. A. 12279. Release by Philip Calthorp, knight, at the request of Edmund Bewpre, of Yaxley, co. Suffolk, esquire, and of Thomas Thursby, of Hillyngton, co. Norfolk, cousins and heirs of John Durward, of Great Yeldham, co. Essex, deceased, to Richard Sowthwell, esquire, of his right in the manor of Coggeshale, and in 'Poyntell Mill' and 'Esterfordmyll,' in Coggeshale, Markeshale, &c. of which, with Henry Wentworth, knight, and others (as in A. 12277) since deceased, he was seised by charter dated at Coggeshale, 10 November, 11 Henry VII.; to hold, &c. 15 June, 21 Henry VIII. Seal.
Essex A. 12280. Grant by Thomas Ormond, knight, earl of Ormond, and Gilbert Talbot, knight, to Richard, bishop of London, John Colett, dean of St. Paul's, John Yonge, master of the house of St. Thomas the Martyr, called of Acon, London, William Grevyll, one of the justices of the Common Bench, Thomas Ingelfeld, knight, John More, serjeant at law, John Talbot, esquire, son of the said Gilbert, William Froste, 'gentilman,' John fitz James, 'gentilman,' Thomas Hubbard, 'gentilman,' and John Cook, of the manor of Newhall, co. Essex, land, &c. in the said county which were of Thomas Coggeshall, esquire, and land, &c. which by the names of Thomas Ormond, esquire, and of Gilbert Talbot brother of John late earl of Shrewsbury, they, together with John Morton, clerk, [Master] of the Rolls of King Edward IV, John Hardyng, master of the house of St. Thomas, the Martyr, called of Acon, Thomas Mongomery, knight, John Pygott, serjeant at law, William Paston, esquire, John Clopton, esquire, John Byconell, John Don', the elder, citizen and mercer of London, and William Nanseglos, 'gentilman,' since deceased, had, to the use of the said earl, his heirs and assigns, by the grant of Thomas Urswyk, knight, chief baron of the Exchequer of the said late king, and Thomas Lovell, by their charter dated 10 February, 14 Edward IV; to hold to the said Richard, John Colett, and the others, to the use of the said earl, his heirs and assigns, for the performance of his last will; warranty by the earl; attorneys to deliver seisin, John Nethersall and Thomas Geryng. 20 March, 2 Henry VIII. Seals.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Norf. A. 12281. Indenture being a feoffment by John Flegge, of Nedeham Markett, co. Suffolk, 'yoman,' to Ralph Varnay, knight, Richard Wenteworth, knight, Thomas More, 'gentilman,' Thomas Wenteworth, esquire, George Treheron, of London, 'gentilman,' Ranulph Chalner, late of London, 'gentilman,' Thomas Raven, 'clothman,' Edward Styrop, of London, 'merchaunt,' Robert Flegge, of London, 'mercer,' William Salman, of Nedeham Markette, John Bryde, of London, 'gentilman,' Edmund Dawndy, of Ipswich, 'mercer,' John Brynwyn, 'clothman,' and Richard Osborne, of London, 'skynner,' of the manor and advowson of Buckenhamfery, the advowson of Hasyngham, and land, &c. to the said manor belonging, land formerly Lightfootes, and other land, &c. formerly John Jermy's there or elsewhere in the said county, to the following uses; if he paid to Margaret Ideley, late of Buckenhamfery, widow, her executors or administrators, 400 marks, to wit, 40 marks in hand, 10 marks at the Purification and 10 marks on the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr next, in the church of St. Thomas the Martyr, called of Acon, London, between eight and ten before noon, and so yearly till the 400 marks be fully paid, then they should stand seised of the premises to the use of him, his heirs and assigns, and in default to the use of the said Margaret and of her last will; with warranty, to the said uses, against the abbot of Westminster. 15 August, 6 Henry VIII. Signature and seal. See A. 12296.
York [W.R.] A. 12282. Bond by Francis Readmayne, of Over Lond, co. York, gentleman, to Marmaduke Readmayne, of Thornton, in the same county, esquire, in 500l., conditioned for his standing to the award of George Mountfurth, esquire, Ambrose Pudsey, gentleman, and John Stephenson, yeoman, upon all matters in dispute between them. 24 November, 23 Elizabeth, 1580. Signed, Francis Redmayn. Seal. Witnesses' names endorsed.
[Warw.] A. 12283. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Brasbrige, esquire, to John Burreman, Thomas Thurman, clerks, Richard Wylkes and John Waldyff, gentlemen, of a pasture called 'Bromemecrofte,' a meadow called 'Bromemecrofte' late in the tenure of John Willewby, a pasture called 'Kynnesburyleys,' a meadow called 'Michelles medowe' and a pasture called 'Medulfeld,' in the tenure of Thomas Woodscbawe, of Thonworth, a pasture called 'Townsenfild,' late in the tenure of Richard Woodschawe, a pasture called 'Stallyngeloynefeld,' late in the tenure of Thomas Harcell, a pasture called 'Mocketons,' late in the tenure of Robert Hollyar, of Hurley, a meadow called 'Buryemedowe,' a pasture called 'Thornenefeldes' late in the tenure of Thomas Willson and Thomas Buteler, of Wateley, a pasture called 'Fyrculwoode,' late in the tenure of Thomas Wylson, a pasture called xl. s. and the messuages and land lately held by John Harcell, Simon Waterhuse, Thomas Phillipes, Robert Nicolles, Robert Chyrremon, Richard Harres and John Ottehurste; to the use of himself and Joan, his wife, in tail; warranty; attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Adyngeson and Thomas Willson. Kynnesbury, 26 September, 18 Henry VIII.
Endorsed: Tonworth ut supponitur, aliter nescitur.
Warw A. 12284. Counterpart of bargain and sale, 7 February, 29 Henry VIII, by Richard Catisby, of Lapworthe, esquire, to John Colett, of Nuthurst, 'yoman,' in consideration of 29l. in hand, all his land, &c. in Solyhull and Corley, free of all incumbrances, &c. save a lease for years yet to come to one William Stonhurst of the land, &c. in Corley. English.
Sussex. A. 12285. Feoffment by John Benyamyn, of Channton, co. Sussex, 'yoman,' to Joan Couper, daughter of Henry Couper, of Oxsted, co. Surrey, 'yoman,' for life, of 40s. rent from fields of land called 'Langky' and 'Crokyd filde,' in the parish of Selmeston or Selmyton; which Joan, Thomas Benyamyn, his son, with God's grace should marry; he had put her in seisin by 1d.; the annuity to commence on Thomas' death. 1 March, 35 Henry VIII. Seal.
Devon. A. 12286. Indenture of demise, 29 April, 21 Elizabeth, by Jasper Badge, of Pashill, in the parish of Tavystocke, 'yeoman,' to Walter Trowte, of Tavystocke, 'cordiner,' in consideration of 13l. 6s. 8d. fine, of a close called 'the best lease' in Pashill, adjoining 'Beare Waye,' in the occupation of the said Walter, for five years from 'Alsayntes' next; rent, 4d. English.
A. 12287. Power of attorney by Acelin Salvage and Benedict Spinola, merchants of Genoa (Jeneuses), executors of the will of John Maria Faire, late citizen and goldsmith of London, to John Incent, notary public, to prove the same, &c. 3 February, 1551, 6 Edward VI.
Norf. A. 12288. Bond by John Pitts, of Sheringham, 'baker,' to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, in 200l. at Michaelmas next, conditioned for the observance of covenants in indentures between them of even date. 12 April, 1 Eliza- beth. Seal.
[Norf.] A. 12289. Indenture being a feoffment by John Pitts, of Sheringham, co. Norfolk, 'baker,' in performance of covenants in a charter indented dated 12 April last, and in consideration of a certain sum, whereof 15l. in hand in full of 60 'combz' of wheat, to Thomas Hoo, gentleman, of a messuage late Clement Booking's, in Towneberningham, with land late of the said Clement and of Clement his father, in Towneberning- ham, Northwoodberningham, Plumpstede, Matlask, or elsewhere, which he had by the grant of the said Clement, the son, by charter dated 2 November, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary. 12 August, 1 Elizabeth. Witnesses' names, 'Lanselet Smalpese, gent,' Robert Pagrave, gent', William and Edmund Costons, endorsed.
Norf. A. 12290. Indenture of bargain and sale, 12 April, 1 Elizabeth, by John Pitts, of Sheringbam, 'baker,' to Thomas Hoo, of Burnham Overey, gentleman, in consideration of four score pounds, of a messuage late Clement Booking's in Towne Berningham, and 46a. of 'frelond ' and 7a. 'copihold lond' there and in Northwodeberningham, Plumpstede, Matlask, or elsewhere in the county of Norfolk late the said Clement's, or of Clement, his father, with covenant that John Pitts and Margaret, his wife, and Clement Booking, the son, and — his wife, shall make a sufficient estate in fee simple of the 'frelondes,' and surrender the 'copihold londes' 'in like fee simple by the rodd according to the custome of the manor,' &c.; also grant to the said Thomas of 5l. due to be paid by the executors of one William Watts for the farm of the premises, &c.; covenant by Thomas to deliver to the said John four score 'comb wheate of good stuff swete and able merchant' before Christmas next, at Burnham, in the said county, in full payment of 20l. parcel of the said 80l. and to pay 50l. 'for the debt of the said John' to the said Clement, viz. 10l. at Christmas yearly till 50l. be paid and 10l. to the said John at Christmas, 1569. English. Seal. Witnesses' names, as to A. 12289, endorsed; also memo- andum that 'the paymentes to Pitts is at ij and iiij of the clock in thafter- noone at Northberningham chirch. The paymentes to Booking is at Sheringham chirch and no howres named.'
Cornw. A. 12291. Indenture of demise by George Greynvile, of Penheale, co. Cornwall, esquire, in consideration of 25l. fine paid by William Lamerton, to the said William and Degory and Henry Lamerton, his sons, for their lives in survivorship, of a close of land or pasture called 'Cownaparke,' in the parish of Marramchurche in the said county, parcel of the Barton of Hilton, with 'way for all maner of driftes and cariages'; all which is or lately was in the occupation of the said William and of one Thomas Rattenbury; rent, 20s. 10d. and their best beast or 40s. for a heriot, suit of court of the manor of Hilton, &c. 24 May, 19 Elizabeth. English. Signed, Per me Georgiu' Greynevyle. Seal, three rests, a mullet for difference, with rest repeated as crest, and motto ubi pallas ibi pal[ma]. Witnesses' names and memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed.
Warw. A. 12292. Release by Thomas Lucy, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife of George [Catesby], esquire, deceased, to William Adkyns, of Wolscote, the elder, and Nicholas Adkyns [son] of the said William, of their right in a messuage and 3a. of land in Grenburgh, the said William and Nicholas being seised thereof in fee. 24 January, 2 Henry VIII. Seals.
Warw. A. 12293. Feoffment by Richard Catesbie, of Warwicke, esquire, to William Catesbie, of Lapworth, knight, of his part and purparty in the manor, &c. in the parishes of Nuneaton and Monckes Kerby, which late were the hereditaments of one William Asteles, esquire, deceased, and all other his land, &c. there; attorney to deliver seisin, Samuel Mason, gentleman. 16 April, 20 Elizabeth. Signed, Rychard Cattysbey. Seal, a lion passant, Witnesses' names endorsed.
Norf. A. 12294. Counterpart of bargain and sale and feoffment by John Clere, knight, in consideration of 40l. beforehand, to Thomas Goos, of Ormesby, of a close there called 'Seynt Margarettes clos,' containing 4a. &c. whereof, as parcel of the manor, he suffered a recovery, inter alia, to his own use, Trinity term, 36 Henry VIII, to Robert Peyntour, clerk; rent, 3s.; attorney to deliver seisin, John Ranyngham. Ormesby, 28 June, 38 Henry VIII., Seal, a bird.
Kent. A. 12295. Indenture of demise, 1 October, 31 Henry VIII, by Thomas Hatteclyff, of Lewisham, esquire, to John Hennynges, of Combe, yeoman, of a tenement, with 'kechyne, barne and stable,' in 'Estlane' in Estgrene- wyche, 4a. 'upelande' and 14a. 'marshelande' in 'the newe marshe,' and 13a. 3r. of 'marsheland' in the 'cowemershe,' belonging to the said tenement, in the said parish; a stable, with chamber over, adjoining the said barn, excepted; to hold from Michaelmas last, for 12 years, at 10l. 10s. rent. English. Signed, per me Thoma' Hatteclyff.
Norf. A. 12296. Counterpart of A. 12281.
Surrey. A. 12297. Bond by John Dewe, of Fetcham, co. Surrey, yeoman, to Robert Gavell, of Cobeham alias Cobham, in the same county, gentleman, in 300l. at Christmas next, conditioned for Robert's quiet enjoyment of 'the manner place, fermehowse and landes of Fetcham,' which John had by the demise, 24 January, 24 Elizabeth, of Francis Crosse of Stoke Dawburne, in the said county, gentleman, and his interest wherein he had assigned by lease of even date to Robert. 27 September, 1587, 29 Elizabeth. Signed by mark. Seal.
Devon. A. 12298. Counterpart of demise by Gabriel Dunne, abbot of St. Mary Buckfastr', and the convent of the same, in consideration of 5l. to John Bucke, the younger, of a tenement and two ferlings of land in Brounston, which Christopher Dever held of them, for eighty years to begin after Christopher's death, at 20s. rent, at the three terms usual in their manor of Heithfild, and to the lord of Modbury 6d. at Michaelmas, 26s. 8d. for 'heriet' or 'ferlev,' suit to two courts yearly at Heithfild as other tenants do. &c. 26 September, 30 Henry VIII.
Devon. A. 12299. Counterpart of demise, 24 February, 3 and 4 Philip and Mary, by John Sydenham, of Lee, co. Somerset, esquire, John Sydenham, of Tawnton, in the said county, gentleman, and Katharine, his wife, in consideration of 5l. 6s. 8d. in hand, to William Cassewyll of Saint George Clyst, co. Devon, husbandman, of a barn, meadow and four closes of land in the parish of Honytons Clyst, for life, at 20s. rent, &c. English. Seal.
Devon. A. 12300. Feoffment by John Axe to John Sydenham, esquire, and John Sydenham, the younger, of all his land, &c. in Axhayes in the parish of 'Honyton ysclyste'; attorneys to deliver seisin, William Peperell and John Norman. 1 July, 35 Henry VIII. Seal.