[Staff.] |
A. 11301. Release by Simon Yongge of Brodeocke to Hugh del
Holyns of Mosley of his right in the land, &c. formerly William de
Wodde's, lying in Barkusfforde, within the fee of Chetelton. Tuesday
after St. Parnel the Virgin, 11 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11302. Release by James de Rommesore to John de Oldryche, the
younger, son of Richard de Oldrych, of his right in the land, &c. which the
said John had by his feoffment within the fee of Chetulton, and which he
had by the feoffment of Nicholas de Bentilegh. Rommessore, the feast of
St. Hilary, 8 Henry VI. Seal. |
Staff. |
A. 11303. Release by John Carter, rector of the church of Kyngeley,
William Smyth and William Dey, chaplains, to Hugh Tumour and Ellen
his wife of their right in all land, &c. within the fees and lordships
of Ippestones, Chetelton, and Bradnope. Witnesses:—John Feney, of
Bradnope, and others (named). Ippestones, Michaelmas Day, 3 Henry V.
Seals. |
Chester. Staff. |
A. 11304. Feoffment by John Egerton of Egerton, co. Chester,
knight, to John Bowker of the lordship and manor of Chedelton &c., as in
A. 11237, which he had by the feoffment of Edward Egerton of Wryne-
hill aforesaid, esquire; attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Dodde and John
Dodde. 81 July, 41 Elizabeth. Signature of Jo: Egerton. Seal.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. Cf. A. 11243, 11262, 11281
11307. |
[Warw.] |
A. 11305. Feoffment by Nicholas son of Reginald the smith (fabri)
of Berkeswelle to John son of Rondulf de Bech of Berkeswell and Agnes his
wife and their heirs of la. l½r. with a quarter of ½r. land, which descended
him on the death of his father Reginald, whereof two selions lie together
by the road from Berstone to Coventre, and the residue, &c.; rent to the
chief lords 5¼d. Sunday after St. Hilary, 4 Edward II. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11306. Release by Robert, lord of Chetilton, son of Sir William
de Chetilton, to John de Morug and Agnes his wife and the heir of Agnes,
for their homage and service, of the homage and service, together with
reliefs and escheats, and all other commodities due to him and his heirs,
from Richard de Cetilwrhe, Rowe de Roenhale and Philip de Honecota,
and from their heirs begotten on the bodies of Alice, Felicia and Sibilla,
daughters of Adam de Munh'ford, and of the homage of Adam son of
Hugh, of Chetilton, and of Juliana, and of the heirs of the said Juliana,
daughter of Adam de Munh'ford, for the tenement of Munh'ford, and from
Robert son of Hugh of Chetilton and Avicia, and from their heirs of the
said Avicia begotten; also grant that the said persons may have common
in his tenement of Chetilton on both sides of the Chirnet, where other free
men common of right; rendering therefore 4s. yearly, and suit of his court
of Chetilton by one man for all the others; and the said persons, dwelling
on the tenement of Munh'ford, shall grind at the mill of Chetilton and pay
toll, as the other free men give in the said manor; for this the said John
and Agnes gave him six marks beforehand. Copy. |
Chester. Staff. |
A. 11307. Feoffment by James Gest of Egerton, co. Chester, 'yonian,'
to John Wilkynson, of the lordship or manor of Chedelton, &c. as in
A. 11237, which he had by the feoffment of Thomas Dodd, 'yoman';
attorneys to deliver seisin, Thomas Dodd and William Johnson. 9 August,
41 Elizabeth. Seal. Memorandums endorsed of livery of seisin. Cf.
A. 11243, 11262, 11281, 11304. |
[Salop.] |
A. 11308. (1) Feoffment by Thomas son of Sir Thomas de Hawkeston,
knight, to Isabel, daughter of Richard Venables of Newbolt of his manor
of Marchumley in the parish of Hodnet, to hold to her and the heirs of her
body with remainder, in default, to his own right heirs. Witnesses:—
Robert de Legh, lord of Haddelynton, Griffin de Wareyn, lord of Hightfeld
and others (named). Hawkeston, Sunday before Christmas, 48 Edward III.
(2) Letter of attorney of even date by same to John Clerk (clericum) of
Smalrys, to deliver seisin of same to same. Copies on one skin.
Endorsed: Marchamley. |
[Staff] |
A. 11309. Feoffment by John de Wrime to Hugh son of Roc (Roce)
of Betiley of a place of land in the field of Ravenshalf, &c.; rent, to the
chief lord of Betiley ½d. viz. at Lady Day ¼d. and at Michaelmas ¼d.
Witnesses:—William son of Gregory and John de Thyknes, bailiffs, and
others (named). Betiley, Wednesday after St. Barnabas the Apostle, 1317. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11310. Deed poll by William Hasels, reciting that Hugh Wetereyles,
vicar of the church of Leek, Oliver Feney, chaplain, and John Bullok,
chaplain, had granted to him, inter alia, a messuage called 'Hullehouse,'
within the lordship of Chetulton for term of his life, with remainder to
Richard his son, his heirs and assigns; release to his said son of all his
estate therein. Chetulton, Monday before Midsummer, 30 Henry VI.
Seal. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11311. Feoffment by David son of Yoreth (Yarwardi) of Horton
to Griffin and Madoc his sons, successively in tail, with reversion in
default to his own right heirs, of all his land &c. there, charged with an
annuity of 30s. payable to him half-yearly. Witnesses:—Richard de
Wover, William de Stocton and others (named). Horton, Thursday the
feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 1343. Seal, effaced. |
[Staff.] |
A. 11312. Letter of attorney by Ralph de Eggerton, the elder,
esquire, to Thomas Walker, to receive Seisin from William Burry of
Chetulton of two bovates of land in Chetulton; and from Richard Bosley
and Joan his wife of two other bovates there; and from Hugh Rosette of
a messuage, &c. within the lordship of Chetulton, called 'le Bothum,'
according to their respective charters to him thereof. Wrynehill, Monday
after the Purification, 30 Henry VI. Seal. |
Chester. |
A. 11313. Indenture of bargain and sale, 20 July, 2 James, by
Robert Whitbie of Dunham uppon the Hyll, co. Chester, gentleman, to
John Egerton of Egerton, co. Chester, knight, of the manors of Kirkeby
Walley, alias Wallezey and Liskatt. English. Signature of Robert Whitbie.
Seal of arms, as to A. 11278. Witnesses' names endorsed. |
London. |
A. 11314. Indenture between John Kyry, warden, and the other
masters and brethren of the convent of Friars Minors of the city of London,
and William Cantelowe, citizen, mercer and alderman of London, whereby
the said friars with the consent of Thomas Radnore, provincial of their
order, in consideration of 200l. alms for the repair of their church, covenant
with the said William that a mass shall be daily celebrated, the three days
before Easter only excepted, for the souls of Thomas Gloucestre, esquire,
Anne his wife, the said William and Margaret and Elizabeth his wives, his
parents, issue and benefactors, in their said church, for the greater part in
that part thereof where the bodies of the said Thomas and Anne lie buried;
the cantor for the time being shall assign a fit brother in his table of
directions weekly, the said brother on bended knee immediately before or
after such mass shall say the De profundis publicly and openly, first reciting
in English (in vulgari) as follows, Pro animabus Thome Gloucestre, &c.; their
obits shall be kept with funeral service and mass with note, &c.; with further
provisions to secure the due observance of the above covenants. London,
in their chapter house, 26 March 1458, 36 Henry VI. Certified under
their common seal and the seal of the said Thomas Radnore. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11315. Release by Arnald Savage son of John Savage, knight, to
John Merbury, of Over Walton, for 7 marks received from the said John, in
part of 20 marks. 13 July, 29 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 11316. Indenture of demise by Richard Ingram and Alice his wife
to Thomas Kylby and Margaret his wife of Over Norton, co. Oxford, for
the term of their lives in survivorship, of a tenement in Chepyng Norton,
in the upper street, &c. with a curtilage and garden adjacent, which, with
½a. at the end extending to the quarry, they had by the gift and feoffment
of the said Thomas. Chepyng Norton, 4 August, 11 Edward IV. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11317. Feoffment by Thomas [Grene] of Ormesby and Mary his
wife to Sir John . . . . ., Osbert Monford, esquire, Thomas
Arnald of Rollesby, John Broke and William Stywardesson of . . . . .,
of all their land, &c. in Ormesby [and Scrowtby]; 1a. land, in two pieces,
excepted, whereof one is called 'le schort halfacre,' and the other 'le long
halfacre'; to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of William, &c.
Witnesses:—William Clyppesby, esquire, William Stywardesson, the elder,
and others (named). Ormesby, Friday before St. Thomas the Apostle
29 Henry VI. Seals, with rush bands. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11318. Feoffment by Henry Abartoeu to John de Trevarthian and
Isabel his wife of the rent and service of John le Marchaunt for 2¼a. 20p.
land English, of Alfred Leche (Alvredi medici) for 1½a. land English and for
his messuage and place; of Walter le Coeth for ½a. land English; of John
Ballou for ½a. land English and 21½p. land; of Silvester de Penmeneth for
½a. land English and 20p. land; and of John Wynter for 1¼a. land English;
of John de Moel for la. land English in a croft called Guael Buvyl.
Witnesses:—Peter de Kemyel, John de Trebethou, Peter de La[n]nergh,
Joceus de Tregemynion, John de Aula. Marcasiou, Monday after St.
Martin the Bishop, 9 Edward II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11319. Feoffment by Juliana de Marghasyou (Parvo Foro), daugh-
ter and heir of R . . . . . the clerk of Marghasyou (Parvo Foro), widow,
to Benet son of Henry Lauri, of 2a. land English in Marghasyou (Parvo
Foro), with the rent and service of Henry le Pyk, John Dayen, Luke le
Gornewyd, Clement de Brevannec, John le . . . ., John Colman,
Richard Hygebou, Odo de Talvan, Joan, late the wife of Michael Smith
(fabri), Osbert le Marchaunt and Robert de Boskennou; to hold to the said
Benet and his heirs of the body of Eva daughter of Hamelin de Boslaynou
begotten for ever; and to hold of her, all the days of her life by service of
9s. 1d. yearly, payable quarterly at the feasts of St. James the Apostle, St.
Michael in September, St. Andrew the Apostle and Mid Lent; and after
her decease of the chief lords of the fee by the services due and accustomed.
Witnesses:—John de Trevarthian, Hervey de Trevaswethen, Oger de
Carrau, William de Trethygember, Richard the clerk (clerico). Marghasyou
(Parvum Forum), Monday after St. Ambrose, 14 Edward II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11320. Feoffment by Juliana de Marghasyou (Parvo Foro)
. . . ., widow, to . . . . . . . . . . . [and Eva, daugh-
ters of] Hamlin de Boslaynou, of a messuage in Marghasyou (Parvo Foro),
. . . . acres of land English, with the rent and service of . .
. . ., John Jowenyn, of the Mount (de Monte); of Osbert Da . . . .; of
. . . . Ballou; of John Presclou; of . . . . .; of Osbert Stefne;
of Ra . . . .; to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, by service
of 9s. payable quarterly. Witnesses:— . . . . . Trewaswethen,
Oger de Carrau, William de Trethig[ember]. . . . . . Monday after
St. Ambrose. . . . . .
Endorsed: Marhesow, Gwelbevyll. |
Camb. |
A. 11321. Letter of attorney by John Crispe of Fenystanton, co.
Huntingdon, to James Stanard of Broune to deliver seisin to Robert Morys,
the younger, of Broune, of 22d. rent from certain parcels in the town of
Broune. Fenestanton, Sunday before Christmas 15 Henry VI. |
[Bedf.] |
A. 11322. Feoffment by Adam Hareng of Ikelford to Robert Lutte
of Clifton and Maud his wife, and her heirs and assigns, of 2½ roods land
in the field of Clifton. Friday after St. Barnabas the Apostle 14 Richard II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11323. Feoffment by Mark (Marcus) de Seynt Mauduit to John
de Trevarthyan and Isabel, his wife, of a messuage and la. land English
in Marghasyou, the messuage lying between the tenement of Roger Douce
and the tenement of Peter Cayou, and the acre being in Guael Polprei,
which extends from Marghasyou towards Beauleu. Witnesses:—John
de Kelleriou, Reginald de Trembethou, John de Bosfrancan, Alan de
Trethykember, Ralph of the Mount (de Monte). Trevarthyan, Friday
before St. Mark the Evangelist, 10 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11324. Grant by Katharine Carfulek, widow, to John Davy of
Grauntpont, of all her goods, &c. Grauntpont, 21 March, 11 Henry VII. |
[Notts. |
A. 11325. Grant by Nicholas de Wiccheford to William son of
Thomas of Flintam, for his homage and service, of two bovates of arable in
the territory of Flintham, and of a toft and croft which Thoma3, father of
the said William, formerly held; rent, 3s. for all service. Witnesses:—Sir
Henry Touke, Peter de Kelom and others (named). |
Cornw. |
A. 11326. Bond by Roger de Carmynou, knight, to Edward, prince
of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester and to Tidman de Lym-
berg, merchant of Almain and receiver of the said Edward in the county of
Cornwall, in 6l. to be paid to them or their attorney bringing this letter, at
Lostwythiel, at Christmas next. London, 6 October, 21 Edward III.
Cancelled by cuts. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11327. (1) Feoffment by John son of Aytre . . de Tregod, with
the consent of his heir, to Baldwin son of Mergier, for his homage and
service, of a ferling of land in Trederveu which William Charles (Karolus)
held there, with all the buildings which are at the head of the well (in
capite fontis) which is called 'Fons Hemmin'; also grant in his lawn
(landa) of so much to the said ferling belonging as his other tenants have
in the same town; also grant of common of pasture, &c.; rent, 12d. for
all service . . . . foreign service shall be paid, the residue at Long
Fair (longas Nondinas); for this Ealdwin gave him 2s. in recognition.
Witnesses:— . . . . Andrew Carp . . . . ., Robert de Hendregol',
. . . . .
The above document, the better to preserve it, was tacked to:—
(2) Bond by John Organ of Treworian to Walter Renaud of 'la Medesole,'
in . . . . . . yearly rent to be received from all his land, &c. in
Treworian. Witnesses:—Ralph de Bello Prato, Oger de Na . . . .,
. . . . Boswydel, John de Trewybrest, John de Nanskelli. Dated at St.
(Sanctam) [Ladock], . . . after St. John before the Latin Gate, . . . .
Edward II.
Endorsed: Carta de Tretherf. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11328. (1) Grant by John de Hallum to John his son of 30s.
yearly rent from all his land, &c. in the territory of Neuton. Witnesses:—
Gilbert de Twys, Richard de Aston, Alan le Norreys, Simon del Hurst,
Richard le Harpour, and others (named). Friday before Palm Sunday,
(2) Defeasance of the above grant of even date; if John the younger were
undisturbed in the possession of land &c. in Neuton which he had by his
said father's feoffment, the grant to be void. Seal, efaced. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 11329. Release by Alan son of Alan de Coupeland to Alan son of
Richard, his father, of his right in the land of Midilfors in Coupeland, which
he formerly challenged as his father's gift. Witnesses:—Sir John de
Hodeleston, Sir Robert de Haverington, Sir William de Boy vile and others
Endorsed: Medellforsce. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 11330. Release by Robert son of Dolfin to Richard son of Alan
son of Ketel (Ketelli), of four bovates of land in the town of Forse, to wit
those which the said Alan gave to the said Dolfin in exchange for the land
of Mora, and which he (Robert) held of the said Richard; consideration, 4
marks. Witnessess:—Sir William de Millum, Adam his brother, and
others (named). |
[Cumb.] |
A. 11331. Acquittance by John de Denton to Richard de Caupland
and to Alan de Caupland, for 33l. 6s. 8d. for the terms of Whitsuntide,
4 Richard II, and St. Martin in winter and Whitsuntide, 5 Richard II, in
part of 40l. as contained on the dorse (in tergo) of a writing obligatory of
80l. Carlisle, Whit Monday, 5 Richard II.
Endorsed: Medelforace. |
London. |
A. 11332. Release by Thomas Alleyn and Thomas Elliot, citizens,
and 'pewterers' of London, to Thomas Shotsam, citizen and merchant
taylor, of their right in a messuage with shop, cellar, sollar, &c., then in
his possession, in the parish of St. Mary at Hill (apud montem), London,
beside Belingesgate, London, in the occupation of Thomas Fisshe, citizen
and barber and surgeon of London. 28 March, 1560, 2 Elizabeth.
Signatures of 'Thomas Alen,' 'Thomas Ellyott.' Seals. |
Warw., Worc. |
A. 11333. Deed poll by Ralph eldest son of Ralph Shirley, knight;
whereas Thomas Chaworth, Thomas Mawreuarde and Nicholas Mount-
gombry, the younger, knights, by charter indented dated at Radclyff on
Soore, 14 May, 7 Henry V, gave to the said Ralph the father and Alice his
wife, the manor of Sheldon with its appurtenances, in the counties of
Warwick and Worcester, and all other the lands, &c. in the towns of
Sheldon, Lyndon, Kyngton, Bekenhull, Merston Cuyly, Colleshull, Castell
Bromwyche and Yerdeley in the said counties, which formerly belonged
to Ralph Basset of Drayton, knight, and which they had by the gift of
William Thirnyng, knight, to hold to the said Ralph and Alice and the
heirs of their bodies, with remainder, in default, to the right heirs of
Ralph the father; ratification by Ralph the son by the present writing to
the said Ralph the father and Alice of their estate in the premises as
above. Witnesses:—William Mountford, John Cokayn and William Peyto,
knights, and others (named). 8 July, 9 Henry VI. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 11334. Grant by Robert de Lechelode, warden and prior of the
hospital of the Holy Trinity of Longebrug without Berkeley, and the
brethren and sisters of the same place, to Thomas Aleyn and Alice his wife,
their heirs and assigns, of 3s. rent from Walter Sely, his heirs and assigns,
for a tenement in the new town of Berkeley which Walter held of them,
&c.; rent, a rose at Midsummer if required. Witnesses:—Thomas de
Swonhungre and others (named). |
[Essex.] |
A. 11335. Chirograph, indented, witnessing that whereas the manor
of Beauchamp Williame is held of Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford (Oxeneford)
by homage and fealty and by the services of two knight's fees; of which
manor Maud, late the wife of John Bottetourte, has acknowledged herself by
this indenture, to hold of the said earl the eight parts of the said manor by
the services beforenamed, which to the eight parts belong; and for the which
eight parts John Botetourte, husband of the said Maud, did homage to the
said earl in her right; and the said Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, after
the death of the said John, has acknowledged himself to have received fealty
of the said Maud together with the services which to the eight parts
belong, to wit for four scutages (pur quatre escuages), so that nothing
is behind at the making of this indenture, to wit that the said Maud has
done fealty as tenant for life of the eight parts of the said manor by fine
levied in the king's court, with remainder to John son of John Botetourte,
in tail, as is fully contained in a fine thereof levied in the king's court.
And the said Robert de Veer, earl of Oxford, has acknowledged himself to
hold of the said Maud by reason of the manor of Gestingthorp, which she
holds for term of her life, by fine levied, with remainder thereof to John
son of John Botetourte, in tail, 82a. land in the towns of Great and Little
Gelham, by homage and fealty and by scutage (per escuage), to wit of the
eighth part (del ouytisme partie) of a knight's fee, and by the services of 4s.
yearly and two suits of (deux venues a) her court of Gestingthorp, at the
courts next after Michaelmas and Easter, to receive the 4s. and do the suits
(avenues) by the hand of Thomas de la Pole and his heirs. [And] the said
Maud has acknowledged herself to have received the fealty of the said earl
and the arrears in full at the making of this indenture. Given under the
hand &c. of the said Maud and of the said John her son, and of the said
earl respectively. Witnesses: Sir William le fitz Rauf, Sir John de Busser,
Sir Thomas de Loveigne, Sir John de Lystone, and others (named).
Hengham Castle, 20 March, 19 Edward II. French. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 11336. Feoffment by William son of Avelin to Nicholas Blundel,
son of Reginald Blundel, for his homage and service of 6½a. land, with a
half-virgate of meadow in Tatlestrop, in one field, and 6½a. land, with a
half-virgate of meadow in the other field of Tatlestrop, to wit:—in the field of
Hordon, in 'Longehordona' next 'Helde,' between the said Nicholas and
Ralph le reve (prepositum), a half-acre; in 'Helde,' at 'Wouelond,' at
'Catterhole,' at 'Holemerssefurlung,' in 'Utlonge' next 'le Havetlonde,' in
'Holdehordon,' &c., half-acres; rent, for all service, save royal service, yearly,
from 7 Henry III for sixteen years following, 12d.; and the said Nicholas
and his heirs shall receive from John le Child during the sixteen years all
rents &c. arising from the said land and meadow; and after that term the
said Nicholas and his heirs shall render 18d. yearly for all service; for this
Nicholas gave him 20s. in gersum. Witnesses:—Richard de Bradwell,
Walter de Swell, Reginald Blundel and William and John, his sons, Peter
de Burton and others (named).
Endorsed: Tatlestrop. |
[Bucks.] |
A. 11337. Hugh de Bolebec to all his men and friends, French and
English, &c. Know that (quia) I have given back to Robert del Broc all his
father's land of Cestresham and 'del Broc' and have taken homage from him
therefore and he has given me his relief, at the request of his father and
other his friends, who presented him to me as his son and heir; I have so
given it back to hold of me and my heirs freely for 30s. yearly, viz. 10s. at
the feast of St. John and 10s. at St. Peter's Chains from his land of
Cestresham, and from his land of Broc 10s. at the feast of St. Martin; but
if the king of England go into Wales with his army and I go with him
then the said Robert shall find me a horse for forty days with saddle and
halter, a linen sack and a woollen sack and a man to mind it; this shall be
at my cost; which horse shall be appraised as a sumpter; if it return,
it shall be given back to him, otherwise the price of it shall be allowed him
in his first service, &c.; his ancestors so held of my ancestors, &c.
Witnesses:—Emma de Aubervill, [R]avening de Messend[on], R[obert]
his son and others (named). |
[Glouc.] |
A. 11338. Feoffment by Maurice de Berkele to Peter de Wyke, for
his homage and service, of the land which he had in Walamegarston, and of
all the land called 'Oldevrithegorste' and of all the land called 'Stapelling'
and of all the meadow and pasture between the stream (filum aque) of
Bradiflete and the meadow which Robert son of Isilia of Swanleygh then
held of him; to hold, &c. with the exception of the road (chimino) from
Longebrugg to Bradiflete; rent, 20d.; for this Peter released to him all the
land of Wyke with the whole fishery. Witnesses:—Sir Maurice de Salso
Marisco, Maurice de Stanes and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 11339. Feoffment by Roger son of Henry de Mundham to Richard
de Seeng', for his homage and service, of la. land in the town of Mundham
called 'Westacre,' to hold by service of 3d.; consideration, 10s. in gersum. |
[Norf] |
A. 11340. Feoffment by John Balles, 'grocer,' citizen of Norwich,
executor of the testament and last will of Alice Balles, late of Norwich,
widow, and by John Philip, 'hosyer,' and Robert Boys, 'grocer,' citizens of
Norwich, at the instance and special request of the said John Ballys, and
according to the tenour of the said will, to Henry atte Mere of Norwich,
'screvener' and Thomas Worcestre, citizen of Norwich, 'goldsmyth,' of
the tenement, with buildings, late belonging to Robert Beverle, clerk, in
Norwich in the parish of St. Peter de Mancroft in the street called
Sporerrowe,' &c., which, together with the said Alice, they had by the con-
firmation of William Gryme, late citizen of Norwich, 'hosyer'; attorney to
deliver seisin, Austin Bisshop of Norwich, chaplain. 2 September, 23
Henry VII.
Memorandum of livery of seisin endorsed. |
Camb. |
A. 11341. Feoffment by Thomas Dyke, son of Richard Dyke of
Berton, co. Cambridge, Robert Rolfe and John Howe of the same to John
Peyke, clerk, vicar of Berton and Eversdon, Robert Kynge of Eversdon and
Alexander Rogere of the same, of la. arable lying dispersed in Berton fields,
&c. which, inter alia, they had by the gift of the said Richard Dycke.
17 July, 19 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11342. Feoffment by John son of Hugh to John son of Robert
atte Cross (de Cruce), for his homage and service of 2a. land in the parish
of Fobbing, in the field called 'Dedefelde,' extending from south to north
and abutting on (marchiant) the land of William Gyrard; rent, to him and
his heirs, 9d.; consideration, 10s. in gersum. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11343. Feoffment by Ralph, rector of the church of La Westlee,
to Sir Peter de Newport, archdeacon of London, of 2a. land in the parish
of Fobbingg in 'Dedefeld,' extending from south to north and abutting
(marchiant) on William Gyrard's land; to hold, &c. except Jews and
religious; rent (reddendo . . . . . . . . heredibus official' . . . ), 9d.;
consideration, 1 mark beforehand.
Endorsed: carta R. rectoris de La Lee . . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11344. Release by Agnes de Kaunville, widow, to Peter de
Newport, archdeacon of London, for the term of her life, of suits of
her courts at Fobbinge due in respect of the whole tenement which the
said Peter held for her fee in the parish of Fobbinge with release of all
arrears, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Thomas de Rammesden, Sir William Giffard
and Sir Martin son of Simon, knights, and others (named). London, 42
Henry III, on the morrow of Midsummer. Seal (two lucies hauriant in
pale), with legend, . . . . canvilla. |
Essex. |
A. 11345. Grant in free alms by John son and heir of the late
James de la Lee being of full age, to Sir Robert the dean and the chapter
of St. Paul, London, and to Peter de Newport, archdeacon of London,
their brother and fellow canon, of 30a. land of the hyde of Florence (hyda
Florencii), which he held formerly (aliquando) of the fee of Thomas de
Canvill, stretching westward from the field called the mead (qui vocatur
pratum) to the road between the said land and the land of Geoffrey de la
Lee and three acres stretch towards Hauecisburi within (infra) the land of
abbess of Berking in Essex, in the parish of Fobbing; for this Peter gave
him 40s. Witnesses:—Sir William Giffard, Sir Thomas de Ramesden and
Sir Martin son of Simon, knights, and others (named). London, Thursday
in Whitsun week, 42 Henry III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11346. Feoffment by Alan Alcok of Hindringham and Lova his
wife to Reginald Galon of Great Walsingham, of a piece of land in the
field of Great Walsingham in a place called ' Relstaves,' &c. abutting on
the common path called 'Luggardesty' leading towards Hindringham.
Sunday after the Conception, 17 Edward III. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11347. Feoffment by Robert de Straphord to Richard son of
Robert of Tundresle, for his homage and service and 5s. in gersum, of all
the land in the parish of Tundresle between the land which Thomas Clerk
(clericus) gave in marriage with his daughter up to the land of Alexander de
Bemflet, &c.; also grant of common pasture wherever his tenants have
common, for six beasts, twelve sheep, two pigs and one horse; rent, 18d.
&c. for all service except the king's service, to wit 6d. to a scutage.
Witnesses:—Sir Martin son of Simon and others (named). Seal, with
legend: s. rob. de. strafo . . . |
Warw. |
A. 11348. Writ to Henry son of Walter to do full right to Philip
Boydyn and Juliana his wife of the third part of a virgate of land in
Alveston, which they claim to hold of him, in right of her dower, by service
of the third of 12d. yearly, and whereof they are deforced by the prior of
Worcester; in his default, justice to be done by the sheriff of Warwick.
Westminster, 12 October, 24 Henry [III]. Fragment of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11349. Feoffment by Robert de Straford to Edward son of John
for his homage and service and for 2s. in gersum of 4a. land between the
way leading from the house of Algar Lot, a messuage called 'Molishamstal',
&c., in the parish of Tundresleyg; also grant of common pasture for two
cows, fourteen sheep and two pigs through all his demesne assigned for
pasture, fuel for brewing and baking and for the hearth, throughout the
year, in the heath called ' Esthathe'; rent, 16d. for all service save two
suits of court, and saving the king's service, as much as belongs to the
defence of 2a. of the same fee. Witnesses:—John Gobiun and others
(named). Seal, with legend: s. rob. de. straford, chipped. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11350. Release by Thomas de Thondresle, clerk, to R. the dean
and the chapter of St. Paul, London, and to Peter, archdeacon of London,
their brother and fellow canon, of 1d. rent which he used to receive from a
field called 'Suthsmithesfeld' in the town of Thondresle by the hand of
Margery, late the wife of Robert de Straford, and of his right in woods,
pastures, heaths and other things which they had by the gift and feoffment
of the said Robert in the said town; for this Peter gave her 3s. beforehand.
Witnesses:—Sir Simon Perdriz and Sir Henry de Bretthon, knights, and
others (named). London, Wednesday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 44
Henry III. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Thunderlee . . . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 11351. Feoffment by Robert son of William de Stradford to
Robert son of William for his homage and service, of a piece of his heath
(particulam de bruera mea) next the road from the house of Algar Lot to
the house of Robert de Frene (de fraxino) to wit from the place called
'Molishamstal,' &c.; clause against Jews and houses of religion; rent,
6d. for all service saying the king's service, to wit as much as belongs to
the defence of 2a. of the same fee; also grant to the said Robert of pasture
and common for ten sheep and one cow over all his enclosed land (que
inclusa sit); consideration, 2s. in gersum. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11352. Feoffment by Robert de Stratford to Alfred (Ailuuredo) de
Bosco of Rocheford, for his homage and service, of la. land in the parish
of Tundrel[eigh], between the land which Robert de Frene held of him,
&c.; also grant of pasture for twelve sheep and two pigs on his common
heath (super communem brucram meam) and fuel for his hearth daily in
Esthat heath (in bruera que est esthat); rent, 4d. for all service, saving
the king's service, viz. to a scutage of 20s. 1d. and so in proportion;
consideration, 9s. in gersum. Witnesses:—Sir Martin son of Simon, and
others (named). |
[Essex.] |
A. 11353. Release in free alms by Edward son of John to Sir Robert
the dean and the chapter of St. Paul's, London, of his right in 4a. land of
the heath, with messuages, hedges and ditches in the parish of Thunderle,
between Molishamstal and land of Alvrad the weaver, next the road; and
also in common of pasture for two cows, fourteen sheep and two pigs
through the whole demesne of Sir Robert de Stratford assigned for common
pasture; also fuel for brewing, baking and the hearth, in the heath which
is called 'Esthathe,' as contained in the charter of Robert de Stratford
made to him thereof; consideration, ½ mark given him by Peter de
Neuport, archdeacon of London, beforehand, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Simon
son of Martin and Sir William Giffard, knights, and others (named).
Hathl[ee], 42 Henry III, Wednesday after St. Matthias. Seal, with legend:
s. edwardi. fil. joh'is. |
Kent. |
A. 11354. Feoffment by John Polyver, citizen of London, to William
Cotyng of Myddelton, of a messuage and garden in Myddelton, next the
foothpath from 'Breridemell' to 'Penewyglemell,' 'le Wesshingmell pond,'
&c. 1 August, 15 Edward IV. Seal. |
Glouc. |
A. 11355. Chirograph of fine levied at Westminster in the octave of
St. Michael, 11 James, between Robert White, querent, and John. Ryland
and Joan his wife, deforciants, of 17½a. meadow and 1a. wood in Mickleton,
to hold to Robert for twenty-one years from 1 May last at a peppercorn
rent; consideration, 41l. Memorandum of Enrolment, Easter term, 4
James, in L.T.R. Memoranda. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11356. Feoffment by Adam son of Pain (Pagani) of Alworthlay,
to Robert son of John de Rypers of Loversall and Alice his wife in
survivorship, and the heirs begotten between them, of a messuage [in
Loversall]. Witnesses:—John de Rypers, lord of Loversall, and others
(named). Tuesday, the feast of St. John of Beverley, 1331. |
[Bucks.] [Linc.] |
A. 11357. Indenture being a grant, with the consent of Hugh de
Schirley, by Thomas de Aston, knight, John de Leyre, clerk, John Broun,
clerk, and John Outhorp, clerk, feoffees of the lands, &c., in fee simple, late
belonging to Sir Ralph Basset de Drayton, knight, to the lady Joan de
Brettaigne, lady Basset, late wife of the said Ralph, for the term of her life
of 10 marks rent in Gretwell, to be received from the messuages and bovates
of eleven persons, named, in exchange for the third part of the manors of
Newenton Blossomvyle, and Clyfton, which she held in dower of the
manors aforesaid. Gretwel, 1 February, 20 Richard II. Fragment of seal
of arms. |
Bucks. Leic. N'hamp. Notts. Staff. Warw. Worc. |
A. 11358. Indenture made the [blank] day of June, 4 Henry IV,
being the defeasance of a recognisance made in the king's chancery, whereby
Edmund, earl of Stafford, was bound to Hugh de Shirley, knight, in
12,000l., viz. if the earl executed the following indenture, the recognisance
to be void:—
This indenture witnesses, that Edmund, earl of Stafford, cousin and heir
of Ralph Basset, lord of Drayton, last (ultimo) deceased, has granted to Hugh
de Shirley, knight, the manors of Radeclif on Sore and Colston Basset, and
all other the lands, advowsons, fees, &c. which the said Ralph or feoffees to
his use, had in the county of Notts; the manors of Rakedale and Wyloughs,
Radeclif on Wrethek, Barugh on Sore and Dounton, the park of Buddon,
a messuage and virgate of land in Howeton, lands in Longwbatton, both
those late Richard Croupes' and other, a messuage in Thursyngton, and all
other the lands, &c. late the said Ralph's in the county of Leicester; the
manor of Thorp nigh Lobbenham, co. Northampton; the manors of Est-
hall and Westhall in Sheldon, in the counties of Warwick and Worcester;
the manor of Wardyngton, co. Bucks; and a messuage in Lichefeld, co.
Stafford; to hold to the said Hugh in tail male, with reversion in default to
the earl heirs, any feoffments or alienations thereof made by the said Hugh
or his heirs notwithstanding, &c.; neither the earl nor his heirs shall be
bound to warrant the premises, except against Anne, the earl's wife, if she
survive him and claim dower therein. Witnesses:—Thomas de Rempston,
Thomas de Chaworth, John Leek, Thomas Maurewarde and Henry Nevill,
knights. Dated at Radeclif on Sore, 20 July, 4 Henry IV. Latin.
And the said earl shall cause livery of seisin to be made to the said Hugh
before Michaelmas next, &c. French. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11359. Feoffment by Geoffrey de Leia to Gilbert de Hoilondia,
clerk, of all his land at Leia, called 'Samueleslega ', which Walter Bataile
held; rent 12d.; Gilbert not to have power to give the same to religious.
Witnesses:—William Bataill, Richard de Bartllasd[on], John son of William
of Langd[on] Richard de Wicham and others (named).
Endorsed: La Lee. Carta Galfridi de la Lee facta G. parsone de
Langed[on] . . . . . |
[Berks.] |
A. 11360. Feoffment by William Badburewham and John Batayle of
Ascote,to Margery, wife of John le Rede of Ascote and John her son, of the
land &c. which they had by the gift and feoffment of John son of Thomas
le Rede in Ascote, in the parish of Woenekfeld, with the reversion of the
third part which Christian mother of the said John held in dower after the
death of Thomas le Rede, her late husband; to hold to them and the heirs of
the body of the said John, with remainder in default to William and Maud,
brother and sister of the said John son of Margery, successively, in tail,
with remainder in default to the heirs of John son of Thomas le Rede of
Ascote. Sunday after the Lifting up of the Holy Cross, 3 Edward III. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11361. Feoffment by Nicholas Rundelle of Austrefelde to John
Sardezandeson of Waddeworth, of 9a. land lying dispersed in Wadde-
worth. 34 Henry VI. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11362. Feoffment by Robert son of Denis of Waddeworth to Magot
his wife for life, of a toft and croft, formerly of the holding of John Chikin,
and 8a. arable there. St. Valentine's day, 1358. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11363. Feoffment by John Chikyn of Waddeworth to Roger de
Laghton, carpenter, and Joan his wife, of the reversion, expectant on the
decease of Julian his mother, of 8a. land in Waddeworth, which she held in
dower of the bovate which Hugh Chikyn, his father, had. 12 May, 1321. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11364. Feoffment by William Assill of Wallandewelles to Robert
called Dyotson of Waddeworth, of a toft, croft and 8a. land in Waddeworth,
which he had by the gift of Sir John de Wyncestria, vicar of Waddeworth,
of the holding formerly John Chikyn's. Witnesses, William de Ripers
(Ryperiis), of Waddeworth, and others (named). Sunday before St. Luke
the Evangelist, 1334. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11365. Feoffment by Robert Diotte, of Waddeworth, to Thomas
son of Thomas son William of Cowyke, dwelling in Waddeworth, and to
Isabel his daughter, wife of the said Thomas, of a toft in Waddeworth,
rendering to him and Mariota his wife, for life, 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas yearly.
Witnesses, John Ryperes, and others (named). Sunday after the Ascen-
sion, 19 Richard II. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11366. Feoffment by Alice Foghelere, daughter of the late John
Clerke of Waddeworth, the elder, to Alice her daughter at present wife of
William Rundelle of Austrefelde, and to Richard, John, Nicholas, Robert
and Thomas, her sons, of 9a. land lying dispersed in Waddeworth. Sunday
before St. Hilary, 13 Henry IV. |
[Kent.] |
A. 11367. Grant by James Trippelawe of Sidingbourne, co. Kent, to
Joan Polyver of a messuage and garden in Middelton next the footpath
from Brendemell to Penewyglemell, 'le Wesshingemell pond,' &c. which
with Thomas Stephene, since deceased, he had by her gift and feoffment.
14 March, 4 Edward IV. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11368. Feoffment by William Mar of Loversall to Robert Repas,
John Yowll, John York and John Anten of the same and the heirs and
assigns of Robert, of a dovecot there. Lady Day, 6 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11369. Release by Thomas son of Stephen Ichenwe of Great
Walsyngham and Agnes his wife and Christina daughter of Geoffrey Gleg
of the same to Christian Fullere of Little Walsingham of their right in a
messuage in Little Walsingham, which she bought of Roger Stanhard,
their ancestor. Friday, the feast of St. Denis the Confessor, 29 Edward
III. Fragments of seals, one of arms (three chessrooks). |
[Oxford] |
A. 11370. Feoffment by Henry de Saltford and John Ernald,
chaplains, to John le Meleward of South Newenton of a tenement and a
virgate of land there, which they had by his feoffment. Witnesses:—John
de Mildecombe and others (named). Monday before St. Thomas the
Apostle 15 Edward III. Witnesses, Robert Dome and others (named).
Fragment of seal. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 11371. Feoffment of even date by same to same of five cottages
and a virgate of land formerly William le Sarmoner's in South Newenton;
to hold to the said John and the heirs of the bodies of him and of
Izod (Isolde) late his wife. |
N'hamp, &c. |
A. 11372. Letters patent by Ralph Basset, lord of Drayton, being his
will concerning all his lands, reversions &c. which he had in the realm
of England, in fee simple, by inheritance or purchase, and whereof he had
enfeoffed Walter Skyrlowe, bishop of Durham, Richard Scroop, bishop of
Chester, Sir Richard Scroop and Sir Thomas de Aston, knights, John de
Leyr, John Broun and John de Outhorp, clerks, viz.:—persons having
lands or annuities for life by his, or his ancestors', grant should not be dis-
turbed; the parson of Olneye to exchange livings with Johnde Leyr, parson
of Dodyngton, having had the church on that understanding; in default of
the church of Olneye the said John de Leyr to have 20 marks for life from
the manor of Wardyngton; the said manor to be further charged with ten
marks annuity to Ellen Cotun, for life, and the residue of the worth of the
said manor to a chaplain to sing in the chapel of Our Lady of Olneye; the
said John and Ellen to have the manor of Scheldon, called ' le Westhalle,'
to divide between them, as above, should they be deprived of the said
annuities; annuities of 5 marks to Sir John Broun, parson of Brokhole,
and to Sir Henry Braddeley, vicar of Merston, respectively, from the manor
of Watton; Jankyn de Outhorp, clerk, to have all the lands which he, the
said Ralph, had before this gift in Woddeforde, co. Northampton, for life;
the tenements in Lychefeld which were bought of Richard Mortimer, and
the land, &c. bought of William Marche of Walsale, called 'le Wast,' to be
assigned for a chaplain to sing in Lychefeld Cathedral at the altar of St.
Nicholas in honour of St. John the Baptist, for his soul and his pro-
genitors' souls; lands, &c. in Pakyngton, lands, &c. in Tamworth after
the death of John de Clifton, tenements in Wylmencote after the death of
Richard de la Chambre, all lands, &c. in Exton after the death of John
Wyldebor, an annuity of 10l. issuing from 'le Ladymelne,'the manor of
Dunton, after the decease of those having life estates, or on the failure of
estates tail, and land, &c. in Wattun on the decease of those having life
estates therein, to be assigned to the house of Canewell, in perpetual alms
for five monks to sing for ever for his soul and the souls of his ancestors;
tenements in Suthwerke which were Richard Imworthe's to be given to
some house of religion, rich and sufficient to find two chaplains to sing in
the house of Beddelom in honour of Our Lady for ever; should the chaplain
singing in the chapel of Our Lady of Olneye be ejected from the rent in
Wardyngton, as above assigned, and should the tenements in Lichfield and
Walsale assigned for a chaplain at Lichfield as abovesaid, prove insufficient,
his feoffees, overseers and executors to provide for the said chantries; all
his manors and lands to remain in his feoffees' hands till his will
be performed, and thereafter to be given, except those ordered to
be amortised, to Sir Hugh de Schirleye, his nephew, in tail male, the
said Ralph to carry his surname of Basset and his arms, with remainder
in default to William de Stafford, brother of the earl of Stafford, in
tail male, carrying his surname and arms, with remainder in default, or
in case of refusal to carry the name and arms, to John de Grey, brother
of the lord de Grey, in tail male, carrying the name and arms, with
remainder in default, or in case of refusal, to Sir William Lyle, with like
remainder and condition, with remainder in default, or on refusal, to his
right heirs. And if the said Sir Hugh refuse, &c. Incomplete copy. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11373. Release by Alice late the wife of William de Herttberi,
widow, to Sir Peter de Newport, achdeacon of London, of her claim of dower
in the third part of 9a. land in Sucherch, which he had for a term by
chirograph between him and her said husband; consideration, 2s. before-
hand. Witnesses:—Sir William de Rupella, and Sir Simon Perdriz,
knights, and others (named). Sopilaunde, Monday after Midsummer, 45
Henry III. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Suthcherche. Vacat. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11374. Chirograph, indented, being ademise by William deErdber'
to Peter de Neuport, archdeacon of London, of a croft in the parish of
Suthcherch in the hundred of Rocheford for fourteen years from the feast
of St. Simon and St. Jude, 41 Henry III; consideration, 35s. beforehand.
Witnesses:—Sir Martin son of Simon, Sir Walter de St. John (Sancto
Johanne), knights, and. others (named). Barling, the morrow of St. Jerome,
the Confessor and Priest, 1 October, 40 Henry III.
Endorsed: William de Herdber'. Vacat. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11375. Release by William son of William to Robert de Ripers
(Ripariis) of a selion and a half in the territory of Luversale, at Clackeshou,
containing over half an acre, with covenant that he and his heirs will
continue to do the same service as before for the half-bovate in which the
said selion and a half were contained. Witnesses, Reginald, then steward
of Peter de Maulay, of Doncastre, and others (named). |
[York, W. R ] |
A. 11376. Kelease by William son of William of Luversall, chaplain,
to Robert de Ripers (Ripariis) of his right in land there. Fragment of seal. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11377. Release by Robert de Crygleston, and Ellen his wife, for
the term of her life, to Christian late the wife of John son of Peter of
Waddeworth, of 5s. part of 4 marks 16d. rent due from her and from
Adam son of Peter, of Waddeworth, for land in Waddeworth, which they
held from the said Robert and Ellen for Ellen's life; the said land to
remain charged with the residue of the said rent, as in the writings indented
(A. 11378) made between Richard le Baude, late husband of the said Ellen,
and the said Ellen of the one part and John son of Peter, of Waddeworth,
and Adam son of Peter, of the same, of the other. Witnesses:—Sir John,
vicar of Waddeworth, and others (named). Monday, the morrow of the
Trinity, 4 Edward II. |
[York W.R.] |
A. 11378. Chirograph indented, Sunday after the Purification, 1301,
being a demise by Richard Baud and Ellen his wife, for the term of their
lives, to John son of Peter, of Waddewrth, and Adam son of Peter of the
same, of a toft, with buildings, and a bovate of land, which Hugh son of
Osbert formerly held, a bovate which Richard Bond formerly held, a piece
of land, with meadow adjacent, called 'Bencroft,' in Waddewrth, and la.
land at Wisend; rent, 4 marks 16d., with bond to the bailiffs of Thickil in
default, and other covenants. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11379. Feoffment by Ralph son of Richard Clerk (clerici) of
Waddewrth to Henry son of Roger Carpenter (carpentarii) of Lax ton, in
frank marriage with Maud his sister of 4a. land in Waddewrth; rent, 3d. at
Whitsuntide for all service. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11380. Feoffment by John Baker (pistor) of Waddeworth to Simon
de Lyndesay and Denise his wife, of ½d. land in the north field there, at
'Northwelhill,' abutting on 'le Holsyk.' |
[Essex.] |
A. 11381. Feoffment by John son of Hugh Carpenter (carpentarii) to
Ralph, rector of the church of 'la Westlee,' for his homage and service,
of 2a. land in the parish of Fobbinge, in 'Dedefeld,' &c, except Jews and
religious; rent, 9d. viz. 3d. on the feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, 3d. at
Mid Lent and 3d. at Mid-summer, for all service, saving the king's service,
&c.; consideration, 10s. in gersum. |
Bedf. |
A. 11382. Bond by Margaret late the wife of John Northfolk, other-
wise called John Stone, of Henlowe, co. Bedford,' wedwe,' to William Parker,
clerk, and Thomas Stratton, in 20l. at Michaelmas next. 21 September, 31
Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11383. Counterpart of grant by Ralph Reskymmer, esquire, to
James Nanfan, of the custody of the lands and of the wardship and marriage
of Richard son and heir of John Trewyke, which belonged to him inasmuch
as the said John held land of him in the town of Eglosmerther by knight-
service. St. Philip and St. James, 14 Henry VI. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 11384. Feoffment by Richard Schirle of Worth to John atte
Melle of a croft of land called 'Sibrandis.' St. Martin's day 6 Edward III. |
[Essex] |
A. 11385. Feoffment by Geoffrey de Lee (Lea) to Gilbert de
Hoyland, clerk, of all his land at Lee (Leiam), called 'Samueles Leig,'
which Walter Bataill held; rent, 12d. for all service, doing foreign service,
as much as belongs to ½a. land.
Endorsed: La Lee. Carta Galfridi de la Lee facta G. parsone de Langed'
de Samueles Leye. |
[Essex.] |
A. 11386. Feoffment by Geoffrey de Lea to Gilbert de Hoyland,
clerk, of 10a. in the field called 'Pekelesfeld' which Elwin de la Hulla held;
rent, 10d. &c., doing foreign service for ½a. Seal, perishing, with legend:
sigill. galfridi. fil. stephi. de. l. . . |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11387. Feoffment by Reginald son of Norman de Alwardley of
Donecastre to Robert de Her thill of Donecastre of ½a. land there; rent, 5d,
to the chief lord. Fragment of seal. |
Leic. Notts. Warw. Worc. |
A. 11388. Release by John Broun, parson of Brokhole, to Ralph
Shirley, knight, cousin of Ralph Basset, knight, late lord of Drayton
Basset, and to the heirs male of his body, of his right in the manors
of Colston Basset and Radclyff on Sore, co. Notts, the manors of
Rakedale, Wilowys and Radclyf on Wreke, Barough on Sore, Dounton
and Whatton, co. Leic, and in the manors of Westhalle and Esthale
in Sheldon, cos. Warwick and Worcester, which manors he, together with
Walter Skyrlowe, bishop of Durham, Richard Scrop, bishop of Chester,
Richard Scrop and Thomas de Aston, knights, John de Leyre and John
Outhorp, clerks, since deceased, he had by the gift and feoffment of Ralph
Basset, in fee simple without any condition. Northampton, Thursday after
St. Peter's Chains, 2 Henry VI. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 11389. Chirograph, indented, being a demise by John de Sapy,
knight, lord of Rydmareleye Dabetot, to John le Parmunter, of Ynarston,
for life, of a mill called 'Paunteleyesmulle,' &c.; rent, 10 quarters of
'tolcorn,' of such grain, to wit, as he shall acquire by the multure
(cum multura) of the mill, &c. Monday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 32
Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11390. Feoffment by Alexander Litester of Great Walsyngham and
John Coo of the same to James atte Cros, Thomas Lexham, and Richard de
Bale, of a cottage [there]. Thursday after Michaelmas, 23 Richard II. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11391. Indenture being a grant by Robert Twyer of Doncastre,
Thomas Chamberlayn, William de Wombewell, and John Frankys to
Thomas Rypas of Loversall and Joan his wife of the lands in Loversall
which they had by his gift and feoffment, those lands there and in
Heghellers excepted which they had granted by charter to Thomas son
of the said Thomas Rypas and Isabel his wife, in tail; to hold to
the said Thomas and Joan for their lives in survivorship with remainder,
land in 'le Mydelfelde,' &c. excepted, to the said Robert son of Thomas
Rypas, in tail, with remainder to Thomas' heirs, and with remainder as
to the said land in 'le Mydelfelde,' &c. to the said Robert and Isabel, in
tail, with remainder to Thomas' heirs; attorneys to deliver seisin, [Thomas]
Rypas of Doncastre or John de Lee. Witnesses:—John Rypas of Doncastre,
Robert Rypas and others (named). 10 August, 9 Henry V.
Fragments of seals. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 11392. Bond by Thomas de Midelton and Reginald his brother,
and William de, Whityngton, to Thomas de Redmane in 200l. at the feast
of St. Martin in Winter next, conditioned for their standing to the award
of Ralph Blande, John Blande, John . . . ., Robert Hoggeson, Thomas
Fawside, William Trotter, John Atkynson Jonson, Thomas Wilkynson,
Thomas Richardson, Henry del Bowre, Adam F . . . . and [Thomas]
Smerethewayt, arbitrators chosen by the said Thomas and Reginald on the
one part, and by Thomas de Redmane, Margaret his wife and William de
Redmane on the other, touching the title to lands, &c. which were Ralph
de Skyrogh's, father of the said Margaret, whose heir she is, in Depedale
in Dent in the county of [York], and further for their standing to the award
of Thomas de Stirkelande and Robert Layburn, knights, Thomas de
Bethome and Nicholas Layburn chosen on either side, touching quarrels
and personal debates between the parties, the awards to be made before
the Purification next. Saturday before Michaelmas, 11 Henry VI. |
[Chester.] |
A. 11393. Bond by John Danyell of Dersbury and Richard Torbok,
esquires, Richard Daune of Crawton and John Meles to John Ogle, esquire,
in 100l. at Midsummer, conditioned for the performance by Danyell of
covenants in indentures between him and Ogle touching the marriage of
Thomas his son to Grace, Ogle's daughter. 2 December, 37 Henry VI. |
A. 11394. Bond by William Wortley of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, to
Walter Tailboys, 'gentilman,' in 100s. on first of March next, conditioned
for his serving the said Walter, as bow-bearer (architenentis), for a quarter
of a year, in the king's wars in Aquitaine, in the company (societate) of John
Talbot, Viscount and Lord of Lisle, in the following (comitiva) of John,
earl of Shrewsbury. 5 February, 31 Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11395. Indenture being the defeasance of the grant made by John
Trevarthian to Ralph Carlunyek of land in Brevannek in the occupation of
John Awen, viz. on payment of 5 marks to Ralph. Trevarthian, Wednesday
before St. Michael 'in Monte Tumba,' 16 Richard II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11396. Chirograph, indented, being a demise by Elizabeth late the
wife of Thomas Carmenou, knight, for the term of her life, to Robert de
Heynesford, her chamberlain, and Constance his wife of a messuage and
parcel of land in the town of Hendr', which Roger Cabelian held before
as conventionary tenant (in convene'), with common of pasture for all
beasts in her waste of Carmenou, with sufficient furze for their hearth in
the lawns of Carmenou, and timber sufficient in her wood of Merthyn for
the repair of the said messuage; rent, a rose at Midsummer, for all service,
save suit of her court of Carmenou twice a year and suit of her mill there.
Landekeye, Monday after Michaelmas, 46 Edward III. |
[Devon.] |
A. 11397. Grant by Robert Whytton, 'skynnere,' to Sibilla Cruwes of
all his goods, &c. in the prebend of Heghes. La Heghes, Tuesday before
St. George, 35 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11398. Letter of attorney by John le Men of Helleston to Urban,
the chaplain, and Henry Wernik to deliver seisin to his son John of a place
whereof he had enfeoffed him in Helleston Burgh. Monday after the
Sunday on which is sung 'Misericordias Domini,' 1344. |
[Norf.] |
A. 11399. Feoffment by Eufemia daughter of Adam Shepherd
(bercatoris) of Skernygg to Geoffrey son of Reyner of Jaxham, of a piece
of land in Skernygg field. Sunday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 16
Edward II. Endorsed . . . . which my father knoweth. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 11400. Feoffment by Randulf, lord of Tregot, to Benet (Benedicto)
de Trederf, for his homage and service of the moiety of a croft called
'Crothorspol,' &c. as in A. 9955, substituting 'Benet' for 'Andrew' de
Trederf, throughout, as the name of the grantee, and adding after the rent
'for all service,' except the common tallage of the county of Cornwall as
much as on (super) one ferling of land in the town of Trederf, at the head
of the well (in capite fontis) called 'fons Hemminni'; and if scutage happen,
it is to be paid from the rent (de solo redditu debet solvi). Endorsed: Crofft
Horspole. |