[Cornw.] |
A. 8901. 'Byll endentyd made yn the fest of the Natyvyte of Sent
John Baptyst,' 13 Henry VII, between Dame Alice Fortescue, widow, and
John Reskymer, esquire, being her acquittance for 40s. on account of 15l.
as conditioned in his bond to her for 20l. and also for 43s. 8d. on account
of a yearly rent of 4l. 7s. 10d. granted her by the said John and Jane his
wife. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8902. Feoffment by Ranulph and Alan sons of John Jordan of
Freston to Roger de Cobildyk, knight, in tail, of land in Freston at
Rosdyk, in exchange for land there at Kyndampittes; rent, a white rose at
Midsummer. |
[Herts.] |
A. 8903. Feoffment by Henry son of Adam Bukuinte to John son
of Waleran of the land the said Waleran held of Adam his father, between
land belonging to the abbey of St. Albans, the highway to Watford &c.
and land the canons of St. Bartholomew of London held of the fee of
William de Reimes &c.; rent, 3s.; covenant to defend the same against
the king for one virgate and seven acres of land; also grant of land in
front of the land of the said canons; for this John gave him 5s.
Witnesses:—John Bukuinte and others (named). |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8904. Counterpart of chirograph indented, made Michaelmas,
12 Edward [I], being a demise by Reginald Crok of Wyke to Ralph le
Frensce, for five years, of ½a. and piece of meadow in Lacok; consideration
10s. paid beforehand. Fragment of seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8905. Feoffment by Geoffrey Hildewelle and Thomas Elyngham
to Francis Southwell, esquire, John Sturges and Thomas Hoo, gentlemen,
and Geoffrey Brakke, to the use of the said Thomas Hoo, of 2a. land within
an enclosure of the said Thomas Hoo, viz. in 'Sir Howes Crofte,' in
Skernyng, which they had by the gift of Clement Pountfrayte of Skernyng,
by charter dated 30 May, 23 Henry VII. 1 June, 23 Henry VII. Seals
one broken.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin, Ascension day, 23 Henry VII. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8906. Feoffment by John [Fuller] of Brunham St. Clement to
William . . . . . of Brunham St. Andrew, of land in Brunham St.
Clement, situate as described. Saturday after All Hallows, 16 Edward II. |
[Herts.] |
A. 8907. Mortgage by Hugh de Marins (Marinis) son of Guerricus, by
the assent of dame Alice de Marins his mother, to Thomas de Nevill,
chancellor of Licheffeld, for 100s., of 15a. land of his demesne in Westmill
described, to hold from the Purification next after the making of Eustace de
Faucunberge to be bishop of London, viz. 5 Henry III, for ten years so
that he should take ten crops therefrom; at the end of the term to come
back to him untilled as the said Thomas received it; in the event of his
or his heirs' inability to warrant the land, he had secured the said Thomas
both by his faith and by the following sureties, John de Marins, his
brother, Michael Boissel and Geoffrey des Estockes &c. |
[Berks.] |
A. 8908. Grant by Maeinselinus de Bulehee to Henry de Columbers
of the hide of land in Uffentuna which Miles de Bulehee his brother held in
demesne and gave to Sibyl his wife in dower, the tenements of Henry and
Jordan excepted; rent, 4s. yearly; also confirmation of the virgate the said
Miles gave the said Henry for his homage and service; rent, a pair of gilt
spurs for all service, the messuage (masagio) which John Clerk (clericus)
then held of him excepted: this gift was made before Matthew de Columbers,
who is lord of that fee. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8909. Writing obligatory by William son of Ralph Chubb of
Wythern and Philip Balderyk, chaplain, of Strubby, for the payment of
60s. at Michaelmas yearly at Bagenderby to Thomas son of Philip Clerk
(clerici) of Bagenderby for the lands, &c. in Bagenderby and Somerby he
had granted them; the writing to be void if before the said feast they
enfeoffed him and Juliana daughter of Ralph Chubb of Wythern thereof.
Thursday the feast of St. George, 1349. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8910. Feoffment by Mariota de Fraunketon daughter of Ralph
of the same in Coventre to Robert de Donestaple and Margaret his wife,
her sister and their heirs lawfully begotten, of a messuage with buildings in
Coventre, position described; with power to the survivor of them to dispose
of the premises; rent yearly to the prior and convent of Coventre 6d. for
all service. |
[Glouc.] |
A. 8911. Grant by Constance de Lega, widow, for the souls of her father
William de Lega and of Mabel de la Mare her mother &c. of the manor of
Wudesmonescote for making in the town of Lacok an abbey of nuns, to be
called the place of St. Mary: willing that the abbesses and nuns there for
ever shall hold the said manor in pure alms, discharged of all secular service
belonging to the king and his bailiffs and to her and her heirs, &c.
Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Pavely, knight, and others (named). |
[Hunt.] |
A. 8912. Grant in pure alms by Nicholas son of Nicholas de Brocton
to the almonry of Rames [ey] of a messuage and land, described, in Brocton.
Witnesses:—William de St. George then steward of Rames[ey] and others
(named). |
[Devon.] |
A. 8913. Grant by William Bloyow with the assent of Joan his wife
to John de Holebrok son of Thomas de Holebrok, for twenty years, of his
lands, &c. in Rosmoundsforde and Pydecomb and in 'la More' in the
parish of Aylisbear, by service of 12s. yearly on the feast of St. Michael and
2s. to the lepers of St. Mary Magdalen of Exeter. Sunday after
St. Matthew the Apostle, 32 Edward III. Seal. |
[Bedf.] |
A. 8914. Release by Margery late the wife of Walter Maneby of
Henlowe to John Baldewene of Henlowe and Joan his wife, of her right in
3 roods in Cliftone. Monday the Nativity of the B.V.M., 10 Edward III. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8915. Release by Aliz daughter of Robert Caperun to Nicholas de
Haversam and his heirs, of her right in the land in Cumptun formerly her
father Robert's; rent, 1d. at Michaelmas. [1236, cf 7674, 9421] |
[Essex.] |
A. 8916. Feoffment by Robert, chaplain of Elmedun to Henry son of
Henry Lohout, of a croft in Ælmedun called Ærneburwecroft, with the croft
of Marculf and with the grove rounding from the highway to the grove of
Robert Lohout; to hold of Guy Cook (coco) and his heirs, in fee; rent, 3s.
saving the king's service, belonging to five acres of that fee; for this Henry
gave him 8 marks; wherefore he quitclaimed his right to the said Henry
and delivered to the said Henry the charter' he had from Guy Cook. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8917. Indenture reciting that there was a dispute between Ralph
son of Nicholas de Vernun and Adam lord of Bostok, touching 'hopurfre'
and 'tollefre' in Bostok mill; it was agreed on Friday after St. Peter and
St. Paul the Apostles, at Davenham, as follows:—Adam granted Ralph free
multure for ever in Bostok mill, viz. 'hopurfre' and 'tollefre' for all
manner of grain of his own, viz. 'hopurfre' thus, whenever the grain of the
said Ralph or his heirs entered the mill, a sackful of the grain then in the
'le hopur,' whosesoever it was, should be ground without hindrance by
the said Ralph, and after that Ralph should grind his grain without
hindrance; and if his, Ralph's, grain entered the mill before Adam's, he
should grind a quarter before Adam, and then Adam a quarter, and so
quarter by quarter, till the grain of each of them was all ground; and
similarly if Adam's grain entered first, &c. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de
Vernun, Sir Hugh de Dutton, Sir Roger de, Chedele and Sir William de
Brerton, knights, and others (named). |
[Camb.] |
A. 8918. Release by Alice late the wife of William le Bel of Haden-
ham to Adam le Bel of the same, of 2s. rent paid her by way of dower in
the town of Hadenham out of the tenement of her said late husband. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8919. Feoffment by Thomas son of Alice de Cranford of Essebi
St. Leger to Seman de Stokes of 3 half-acres of land there; rent, a rose at
Midsummer for all service; consideration, 24s. beforehand. Witnesses:—
William, vicar of Essebi, and others (named). Seal. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8920. Chirograph indented, being a friendly composition made
1278, at Whitsuntide, between Adam de Hatton and Alice his wife and
Henry le Norreys, lord of Derisbury, and Margery his wife, concerning
ponds and mills in Derisbury and Hatton. Witnesses:—Sir Roger, prior
of Northon, Sir Geoffrey de Dutton and others (named). |
[Devon.] |
A. 8921. Release by Nicholas de Bolevyle, knight; reciting that Sir
Henry de Champernoun (Campo Arnulphi) father of his wife Joan, before her
marriage enfeoffed her, among other things, of the rent and service of Master
Reginald de Champernon for the manor of Clistwyke, with the reversion of
the said manor, but the said Reginald neglected to attorn to her; release
by Nicholas of his right, by reason of his said wife, in the said services and
reversion to William son and heir of the said Sir Henry. Witnesses:—
Sir Stephen de Haccomb, Sir Otho de Bodrigan, Sir John de Carmynou,
and Sir Robert de Beaupel, knights. Tywardraith, Friday after the
Purification, 3 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8922. Indenture being a grant by Reginald de [Treth]erff and
John his son to John Lanhergy, for fifty years, of 6s. 8d. from their
lands &c. in Mcdschole yearly. Lostwythiell, Tuesday in Easter week,
2 Henry IV. |
[Essex.] |
A. 8923. Grant in free alms by Maurice de Windesor and Edith his
wife, as of her inheritance, to the nuns of Wikes of the isle of Siricheseie
and the tithes of their lordship of Purle, an acre of corn and an acre of oats,
a lamb and a fleece excepted. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 8924. Feoffment by John Coleman of Stokestalmache to John
Clement of Whytefeld and Agnes his wife of land in Stoketalmache,
formerly belonging to Robert Coleman and Agnes his wife, also a place
of land formerly Robert Parson's; rent, to the heirs and assigns of a
tenement called 'Panyters' in Stoketalmache, 8d. yearly. Monday in
Whitsun week, 4 Henry IV. |
[Berks.] |
A. 8925. Grant by Elizabeth Clerk of Redyng, widow, to John
Langham and Joan his wife of all her goods, whereof she put them in
possession by delivery of 4d. Witnesses:—Stephen Dunster, then mayor,
John Bakester and George Yonge, constables, of the borough of Redyng.
8 January, 15 Edward IV. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8926. Feoffment by Andrew son of William de Cotes to William
de Bussey (Busseto), knight, of land in Grendon for 1 mark paid beforehand. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8927. Feoffment by Isabel daughter of Roger Martyn of Schipe-
dene to Hugh son of Robert Tebaud of the same of a messuage there. St.
Mary Magdalen's day, 31 Edward [I]. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8928. Confirmation by Adam de Port of the grants made by Roger
son of Ralph, his knight, and Hawys mother of the said Roger, and by
Robert the priest (presbyter), of two virgates of land to Serl and Maud his
wife. Witnesses:—Odo de Arguill[is], Ralph his son, Robert the priest
(presbyter) of Swend[on], William, priest of Stantun, William, clerk of
Stretton, Nicholas, clerk of Redburn, and others (named). |
[Camb.] |
A. 8929. Feoffment by Walter le Nevu of Wilburham to Eustace son
of Roger de Wilburham, for 4 marks, of land in Wilburham; rent, 3s.
Witnesses:—Sir Walter parson of Wilburham and others (named).
Endorsed: Hee sunt carte Ewstacii filii Rogeri de Parva Wilburham. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8930. Feoffment by Geoffrey atte Bridge (de ponte) of Hetton to
Simon Bartholomeu of land there; consideration, 12d. |
[Lanc.] |
A. 8931. Release by Agnes late the wife of Robert Motton to Alice
her daughter wife of John Wawane the elder, of her right in a tenement
and in the third part of a house &c. which the said Alice had by her
feoffment in the hamlet of Whetelay within the town of Thornelay.
16 June, 10 Henry IV. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 8932. Feoffment by Denise late the wife of Robert son of Eudo
de Teleby, widow, to Ralph her son of her land in Bradewell and in Fislak
and in Tudeworth and in Wykeresle; rent, 1lb. cummin on the feast of St.
Martin yearly, doing to the earl of Warenne the service belonging to him
for the land of Bradewell and Fislak and Tudeworth, viz. ½ mark yearly;
and to William de Livet service for the land of Wykeresle. |
Camb. |
A. 8933. Feoffment by John Lenton and Richard Levechyld to
Edmund Hanson, clerk, rector of Tofte, co. Cambridge, George Baasley of
the same, Nicholas Maye and Thomas Baasley, son of Thomas Baasley,
of the same, 'smyth,' and John Grene of Comberton, in the said county,
of 3½a. arable in Berton. 10 November, 19 Henry VII. Seals. |
[Salop.] |
A. 8934. Release by Thomas de la Mare and James and Richard his
brothers to Maculin de la Mare, Richard de Cornewaile, John Darras,
Thomas son of John de Whitton, William de la Boure and Edward de
Whitton, of their right in land &c. formerly William de la Seete's by
inheritance, and which John Adames. vicar of Leyntwardyn and Nicholas
Bakar, chaplain, had by his gift and feoffment in Over Assheford, Nether
Assheford and Huntiton. Assheford, Tuesday the feast of St. Bartholomew
the Apostle, 13 Richard II. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8935. Indenture being an agreement made between Sir Geoffrey
de Chedel and Sir Richard de Stokeport, touching pastures in Echeles and
enclosures made therein. Witnesses:—Goscelin de Badelesmere, justice of
Chester, Sir Hamo de Mascy, Sir William de Venables, Sir Ralph de
Vernoun, Sir Hugh de Dutton, Sir Richard de Mascy, Sir Roger de
Dounvile and Sir Patrick de Haselwell, knights, and others (named).
Dated in the full county of Chester, the eve of the Ascension, 9 Edward [I]. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8936. Feoffment by . . . . to John de Trevarthian and
Isabel his wife of 3a. land English in Trewar . . . . Monday [after ?]
St. Peter in Cathedra [13 ?] Edward [I]. Faded. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 8937. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement between Hugh,
the abbot, and the convent of Ramesey, and William the porter (portarium),
viz. the said William being too infirm personally to serve as porter, the
abbot and convent grant to him for life, to be received from the cellarer
daily a monk's loaf and knight's loaf, a measure of beer and a dish of fish
or meat; also at Westun yearly 4a. of grain, viz. two of corn and two of
oats belonging to his office; in return the said William surrenders his
office. Witnesses:—Walter son of Robert, knight, and others (named). |
[Hants.] |
A. 8938. Feoffment by John Huse, clerk, Richard Bedhamton and
John Bred to Richard Stake of Frendestapull and Mary his wife, in tail,
of the lands &c. in Frendestapull, Farlyngton and Farham, which they had
by his feoffment, with remainder to his right heirs. Sunday the feast
of the Epiphany, 5 Henry IV. Seals. |
[Somers.] |
A. 8939. Feoffment by William Fychet son and heir of William
Fychet of Brimmore to Hugh le Luf, of the rent and service of Walter de
la Ya and his heirs for the lands &c. which the said Walter held of him in
Canigton and elsewhere of the fee of John de Gornay; also of the rent
and service of Oliver de Pophille for the lands &c. which the said Oliver held of
him in the said fee; also of the rent and service of Beatrice de Bodisham
and her heirs by Hugh de Bodisham for the lands &c. which she held of him of
the said fee; rent therefor yearly to the chief lords of the said fee, ½lb. of
cummin at Michaelmas. |
[Herts.] |
A. 8940. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by the canons of
Holy Trinity, London, to Geoffrey de Bordesden, of land which William de
Aldeber' held, in exchange for land near Bordesden &c. |
[Heref.] |
A. 8941. Feoffment by John Fraunce the elder of Tretillee in the
parish of Llangaren to Sir John Phelpotte, chaplain, and William Phelippe
of Trevawdy, of lands &c. in Tretillee in the hamlet of Tredonok in the
hundred of Wormelowe; attorney to deliver seisin, Walter ap Yerward.
The feast of the beheading of St. John the Baptist, 15 Henry VII. Seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8942. Feoffment by Roger son of Benedict of Metton to Thomas
Collector of Audburc, of land in Metton, described. Witnesses:—Sir
Robert de Curson and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 8943. Release by Estrild late the wife of Fulcher de Welles,
widow, to H. the prior and convent of Lewes, of her dower in land at Welles
called Briggereche.
Endorsed: . . . . Merslonde. |
[Devon.] |
A. 8944. Feoffment by Roger le Arbeloster to Henry de Gevele and
Margery his wife, in tail, of his tenement outside the south gate of the
city of Exeter in St. Mary Magdalen Street, bounded, &c.; with reversion
to himself; rent, 4s. Witnesses:—Master Hamund Parlebyen, then steward
of Exeter, John de Bitelisgate, under bailiff, and others (named). |
[Camb.] |
A. 8945. Confirmation by William Thalemasch to Walter son of
William Clerk (clerici) of Wilburgeham, of land of his fee of Wilburgeham,
which he, the said Walter, received of his, William's men, in exchange. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8946. Feoffment by Thomas le Wyte of Natton to Roger le
Draper of Lacok, of 1a. arable in 'la Inlond,' against Pensedoune between
land late John Bluet's, &c.; consideration, 40s. Lacock, Tuesday the
feast of St. Leonard the abbot, 4 Edward III. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 8947. Notification by Henry son of Arthur that he had granted
to Alan son of Ketel and his heirs, to hold of him and his heirs Ravenes-
berg, bounded as described; also he granted to the said Alan and his heirs
right of way to the same by two paths in his forest; rent, 2s. yearly;
saving to himself stag, boar and hawk.
Endorsed: Pro libertatibus infra forestam de Coupll[and]. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8948. Feoffment by Nigel son of Thomas de Pincebek to Gilbert
Kegge of Lincoln and Alina, Nigel's sister, of land in Toft, which formerly
belonged to his mother Margery, which she exchanged with Sir Roger de
Huntingfeld her brother for the land of Suththorp; rent, 1d. yearly for
all service. Witnesses:—Master John de Richemund, rector of Toft,
William de Holgate, mayor of the city of Lincoln, and others (named). |
[Norf.] |
A. 8949. Feoffment by Joan Wynde, widow, late wife of William
Wynde, to Richard Hoo, gentleman, of la. arable in Skarneng which she,
the said William Wynde, and Thomas Seeker, since deceased, had by the
gift of Katharine Newman late wife of Richard Newman, executrix of the
wills of Thomas Belde and the said Richard Newman, by charter dated at
Skarnyng, 17 April, 27 Henry VIII. Skarneng, 25 February, 1 Mary.
Memorandum endorsed of livery of seisin. |
Leic. |
A. 8950. Bond by Stephen son of Sir Richard de Weston, knight,
deceased, to Simon de Sibthorp in 40l. due at Leycestre in the church of
St. Mary there at Whitsuntide next. Leycestre, Friday after the feast of
Hilary, 4 Edward II.
Endorsed: A noblegasyon. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8951. Feoffment by William de Gotholgan to Richard Greet and
Margery his wife of messuages, &c. in Porthenes. Thursday before St.
Gregory the Pope, 27 Edward III. Seal. Faded. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8952. Feoffment by Maud Latin of Scoton to Sir Robert de Nevill
rector of Scoton, of land there; rent, a ginger root at Christmas.
Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Nevill, Sir John de Nevill, rector of Malmeton
and others (named). |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8953. Counterpart of feoffment by John Reskymer, esquire, to
Nicholas Jacrobyn and Joan his wife of land at Marghasvean; rent, 3s. 6d.
yearly at Michaelmas, and suit to his courts held at the manor of Trewar-
thean and at Marghasowe. Attorneys to deliver seisin Nicholas Love and
William Parkyn. Marghesewe, 30 September, 14 Henry VII. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8954. Indenture of apprenticeship of Nicholas Trenewyth,
'bastard,' to Richard Nanskylly. Witnesses:—Peter Merser, mayor of
Helstonburgh and others (named). Monday before . . ., 19 Henry VI. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8955. Feoffment by Margery late the wife of William de Lindesya
to Thomas de Grenebergh in frank marriage with Maud her daughter of
land in Wilibi. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8956. Grant by Henry de Pomery son of Maud de Vitri to John
de Bugeles of ½a. land in Carwenran next Tredrin; rent, 2s. at Michaelmas;
consideration, 20s. Witnesses. |
[Salop.] |
A. 8957. Release by William Lymmell, merchant of the Staple of
Calais, to Thomas and John Lymmell, executors of the will of William
Lymmell late of Bruggenorth, deceased, of all his part of the goods of the
said William his father; also general release to them. 10 October,
24 Henry VII. Signed: Per me Willelmum Lemell. Seal. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8958. Feoffment by Ralph son of William de Dexthorp to
Richard Cordan of Aswordeby of land in Aswordeby, bounded as described;
rent, an iron needle. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8959. Release by Richard son of Richard de Crenhoc of his right
in the land of Crenhoc to Robert de Trekeminnon, clerk; rent, 35½d. to
Benedict de Wendr[on] and his heirs; consideration, 40s. Witnesses:—
Sir Richard de Tregod and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8960. Feoffment by Roger Harpour of Denford to Roger Lyne of
Suldrop, chaplain, of a messuage called 'le Gossted' and land in Denford,
as described. Tuesday the feast of the Annunciation, 22 Edward III. |
[Suff.] |
A. 8961. Feoffment by William son of Hugh le Rous (Ruffi) to the
prior and convent of St. Peter and St. Paul, Ipswich, of the rent &c. which
they formerly held of Claricia daughter of Gerard de Hemmingestun; rent,
18d.; consideration, 1 mark. Witnesses:—Sir Hamo Passelewe, then
sheriff, and others (named). Seal. |
Hants. |
A. 8962. Demise by Geoffrey Hore of Lovedene, co. Hants, to Peter
Beveroo, clerk, of Winchester, Robert Munkeston, rector of Farlyngton, and
John Norton of Suthwyk, of burgages in Farham and lands, &c. in
Frendstapulle and Farlyngton, which he and Thomas Cook, late parson of
Bedhampton, since deceased, had by the gift of Thomas Snokeshull of
Cranle, co. Surrey; rent, to Mary late the wife of Richard Stake during her
life, 5 marks. Frendstapull, 1 May, 8 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Herts.] |
A. 8963. Release by Agnes daughter of William Marshall (mareschalli)
of Aspeden to the prior, John, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of
his right in land &c. in Aspeden. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Rupell'
and others (named). |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8964. Release by Osbert le Sor, lord of Trelanmur, to Thomas
de Trelanbian, of his right in the moor of Goen Wordu. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8965. Feoffment by Richard Warner of Trop to Alice Beneyt of
Welleton, of land in Welleton, situate as described, for 30s. paid before-
hand; rent, 1d. with clause as to a future exchange. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8966. Release by William son of Reginald de Grendone with assent
of his wife Aliz, to the brethren of the Hospital of Jerusalem, in pure alms,
of the land which they had by the gift of Reginald his father in Grendone,
situate as described; also grant to them of 6d. rent from Andrew Besy for
land next to land of the church there. |
[Denbigh.] |
A. 8967. Feoffment by Thomas ap Grono ap Jevaun ap Engion to
Jevaun ap Hoell ap Robyn and John ap Jevaun ap Robert, of land, &c. in
Ryvyat, Toyssoke and Nantglyn Canon in the commote of Issalet in the
lordship of Denbeigh. Ryvyat, the last day of July, 30 Henry VIII. |
[Camb.] |
A. 8968. Feoffment by Peter son of Thomas le Jovene of Haselinfeud
to John son of John Amys of the same, of land on Hollebroc between land
of the prior of Anglesheye &c.; rent, 2s.; consideration, 30s. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8969. Chirograph, indented; in the year after the consecration of
Robert de Bingeham to the bishopric of Salisbury, at Michaelmas following,
Maud de la Mare demised to Robert de Wittham (vicarium de Wittham),
vicar of Lavinton, her land of Gares &c. a moiety of certain fines excepted,
for ten years at 100s. rent, and 1lb. of pepper at Christmas. |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 8970. Acquittance by John Tetryngton, attorney of John Sotheron,
to Thomas de Clapam 'dil Lound' for 100 marks for lands &c. which the
said John Sotheron had in the wapentake of Yowcross. 'Le Lound,'
Saturday, Easter eve, 10 Richard II. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8971. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement made 1285, on the
feast of the Assumption, between Hugh de Derisbur[i] and William de
Morthwayt, his son-in-law (socerum) viz. the said William to find Hugh
board and clothing and lodging for life in his house of Morthwayt, or where
ever else he might dwell, and his heirs after him if he untimely died and
the said Hugh survived him; in return the said Hugh gave to the said
William and to his heirs by Amicia, daughter of the said Hugh, all his
land in Derisbur[i], saving to himself his chattels moveable, &c.
Witnesses:—Sir Roger de Buddeworthe, prior of Norton, Sir Hugh de
Dutton, knight, Nicholas de Leycestre, bailiff of Hauton, and others
(named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8972. Feoffment by Benedicta atte Hill (super montem) of
Welleton to Richard son of Richard Martin, for 1a. arable there, described;
rent, 6d.; the land to revert to her if he died without lawful issue. Fragment
of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 8973. Notification by William son of Robert de Benestede that he
had given to Hubert de Gurnai 30a. of his demesne to hold as a free
'socheman'; rent, 5s. |
[Westmd.] |
A. 8974. Demise by Roger de Wesington to John his brother, of a
messuage, &c. in the hamlet of Asthauyt for 30 years, which William son
of Adam formerly held to farm of John Wesington his father, in the said
hamlet, in the town of Striclandekettyl; rent, 16s.; the tenant to make 10
roods of wall and ditch yearly till the whole was fully enclosed &c.
Thursday the morrow of the Purification, 19 Edward III. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8975. Indenture being a feoffment by Thomas Stoke of Calveley
to Richard Chirchehouse, of land in Nantwich (Wico Malb'o); rent, 14s.
Thursday in Whitsun week, 30 Henry VI. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8976. Demise 46 Henry III, on the feast of St. Cuthbert, by
Roger Lof son of William Lof to Hugh Clerk (clericum) son of Nicholas
atte Mill (de Molendino) of Worfton, of land in Wecckelscote, for ten years,
&c. Witnesses:—Sir Walter de Andeli and Robert Bloet, knights, and
others (named).
Endorsed: Wyklescote. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8977. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Herward, John
Atte Fen of Great Yarmouth (Magna Jernemuta) and Clement Herward to
Robert Crane of Shipden, of land in Shipden. Thursday after St. Faith,
1 Richard II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8978. Release, Monday afterr the Epiphany, 27 Edward [I], at
Helegon, by Michael called le Pedit, guardian of the heirs of Richard de
Heligon, to Walter son of Hugh le Gros and Joan his wife of his claim
against them and their tenants of Bolleythou for multure to the mill of
Helegon, till the said heirs came of age. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8979. Release by Eda daughter of Thurstan de Frausham, widow,
and Roger son of Simon de Skarning, to the monks of St. Mary of Mendham,
in pure alms, of their right in a moiety of the land which Lesfeinus son of
Lewinus of Wendling held of the said Thurstan in Frausham and Wendling. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8980. Indenture of demise by Thomas le Wyte of Natton to Roger
le Draper of Lacok, and Alice his wife, for their lives, of land in Natton
against Pensedoune. Lacok, Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas
the Martyr, 5 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8981. Demise by John son of William Rivel of Crendon to Henry
Maykous, clerk of Buckeby, and Maud his daughter, for their lives, of the
tenement Wymond Terri held in Buckeby; rent, 12d. to the chief lords and
3s. to him and his heirs. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8982. Feoffment by Ralph Lovel of Welleton to Richard son of
Martin Lovel of the same, of land there. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8983. Feoffment by Ralph Luvel of Welleton to Martin Luvel of
the same, of land there. |
[Essex.] |
A. 8984. Notification by Brainell de Wiches, that he has granted to
the nuns of Wikes 2a. of his land next theirs, in pure alms. |
[Leic.] [N'hamp.] |
A. 8985. Release by Thomas Mayhou of Desborgh to William Pyri,
of Northampton, 'corviser,' of his right in lands, &c. formerly belonging to
Richard Mayhou of Desbergh his father, in Great Boudon and Farndon.
Boudon, the feast of St. Maur (Mauri) the abbot, 12 Henry IV. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8986. Feoffment by Richard Altheyn of Freston, to Sciucius, vicar
of the church of Freston, John del Brewer of Freston, John White and
Gilbert son of Alexander son of Richard de Freston, of land &c. in Freston.
Tuesday after the Translation of St. Benedict, 23 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8987. Feoffment by Robert Fyssher of Skernyng, John Fysher of
the same, the younger, and Geoffrey Michell of Wendlyng, to Margaret late
the wife of John Rooke of Gressenhale, Geoffrey Bracke and Thomas
Bracke of Skernyng, of land in Skernyng, which they had, with other
things by the feoffment of Edmund Tabbe of Skernyng, by charter dated
the last day of March, 8 Henry VII. 10 May, 15 Henry VII. One seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 8988. Feoffment by William Thornle of Pereford and Henry atte
Wone of Certesey to Juliana Freke of Coveham, of the land, &c. they lately
had by her feoffment, at Dodewyk in the parish of Coveham in the lordship
of Little Bookeham. Dodewyk, Saturday the feast of the Purification,
4 Henry VI. One seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 8989. Release by Humphrey son of Humphrey the dyer (tinctoris)
of Burc' of his right in a toft which was his father Humphrey's, and his
mother Aquisia's in the town of Bure'. Witnesses:—John de Canffeld and
others (named). |
[Glouc.] |
A. 8990. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement made 1190 on
the morrow of St. Hilary, between G. de Neapol', the prior, and the brethren
of the Hospital of Jerusalem in England, and William de Lega son of
William, to wit William granted and demised to them his land of Cale-
mundesden, to wit all his lordship and the whole pasture of Aldesgare and
2½ virgates of bond land which Symeon, priest of Culne, and Martin held;
to hold of him and his heirs in fee farm, by 3 marks rent, saving to him
and his heirs the land which Walerand held and the service of Henry de
Chaveringewurd. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8991. Feoffment by Richard Lovel of Welleton to Richard son of
Martin Lovel of the same of 3 half-acres and 1 rood there, positions
described, for 3 marks paid beforehand; rent, 1d. at Easter. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8992. Feoffment by Cicely late the wife of Henry de Bpdham to
Sir Thomas, rector of the church of Wykemere, of 2a. land in Wykemere,
with the advowson of the church there, to hold for the term of his life;
rent, 2 quarters of barley at Michaelmas, for all service. Wykemere,
Sunday before St. Barnabas the Apostle, 2 Edward [I]. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8993. Two documents attached:—
(1) Feoffment by Ralph Dyhil to Isabel late the wife of John de
Trevarthyan, of a messuage and land in Trewarveneth Varghas. Trevarthian,
Saturday the eve of St. Barnabas the Apostle, 17 Edward III.
(2) Letter of attorney apparently of even date to . . . .to deliver
seisin of, apparently, the above premises. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8994. Feoffment by William de Aubeny the third to Robert son of
William de Medburne of 2 virgates of land in Wilberdeston to hold by the
sixteenth of one knight's fee for all service. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8995. Feoffment by Simon son of Simon Bertulmeu of Hatton to
Simon de la Grene of 3 half-acres of land there, positions described; rent,
2d.; consideration, 30s. paid beforehand. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8996. Feoffment by Oto Trevarthian to Robert Tregewore and
Alice his wife of land which William Chymeder formerly held in Penmeneth,
between the town of Gwallan and the land of Brevannek; rent, 8s.; with
reversion to himself in the event of their deaths without issue.
Marghassiou, Monday before St. Andrew, 2 Henry V. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8997. Feoffment by John Turk of Scypedene to Robert Tebaud
of the same, of 3s. rent for the land which the said Robert gave him by
charter in Scypeden, lying at Crowemer. Scypedene, Monday the eve
of the Epiphany, 39 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8998. Inspeximus by William le Brette of the charter of confirma-
tion of Tudwored le Brette, his grandfather, to John son of Peter de St.
Constantine of half a knight's fee of Mortain in the town of St. Constantine
and the advowson of the church there; with confirmation thereof to
Nicholas de Sancto Mougano. Copy. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8999. Release by Robert Breto, lord of Trelan, of his right in the
moor above Kinihavot, boundaries described, to Osbert de Lauda and his
Endorsed: Gonehanok quod bundat super Trelanvyghan. |
[Warw.] |
A. 9000. Feoffment by Thomas son and heir of Richard Coll[i]ns of
Hardewyk to John Cotes and Robert Catesby, esquires, John Wattson,
rector of Rodburne, John Gervyse, rector of Bukkeby and John Verney,
rector of Loddbrok, of a messuage and land &c. in Hardewyk Priors afore-
said. Witnesses:—William Peyto and Edward Doddyngsell, knights, and
others (named). 9 April, 26 Henry VI. Seal. |