[Wilts.] |
A. 8801. Release by Walter son of Robert Flamberd to Sir Nicholas
de Haversham of all the action he had against the said Nicholas of all the
said Nicholas' part of the manor of Cumton, and of all his right therein;
for this Nicholas gave him 10 marks. Witnesses:—Walter de Pavylly, then
sheriff of Wilts, and others (named). [A.D. 1296-1299.] |
[Bedf.] |
A. 8802. Feoffment by Stephen de Alsop to Thomas Parage of
Henlawe and Isabel his wife of 1a. land in the fields of Cliftone; if the
said Isabel survived her husband she was to hold it for life, with remainder
on her decease to the heirs of the said Thomas; rent 1d. at Michaelmas. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8803. Feoffment by Richard Warner of Trop to William Ketel-
bern of Welleton of ½a. arable in Welleton, for 7s. beforehand; rent, a rose
at Midsummer; warranty to the said William by three butts elsewhere. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 8804. Indenture made at Mulcastre the morrow of St. Martin the
Bishop, 31 Edward III, between John Munkeman and Richard de Hodeleston,
being a demise to the latter of all the lands, &c. the said John had in the
hamlet of Hiton and Oldhiton in the town of Botill; to hold for the term
of the life of Agnes Reed; rent 20s. yearly. |
[Devon.] |
A. 8805. Counterpart of A. 8770. Seal, A ram's head erased. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8806. Feoffment by Stephen Hayvos to Guy de St. Aubyn (Sancto
Albino) of the whole of his burgage of 'la Medishol' containing one acre of
land English with gardens and places adjacent, as he had the same by the
gift of Henry Hanekok, boundaries described; with warranty to the said
Guy in his land of Hayvos into whose hands soever it should have devolved.
Witnesses:—John le Seneshal and Michael le Petyt, knights, and others
(named). Argalleis, Wednesday after the translation of St. Thomas the
Martyr, 8 Edward II, beginning. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8807. Indenture of demise by Thomas de Dunstapel and Joan his
wife to Robert de Bulkilegh and Felicia his wife, for their lives in survivor-
ship, of the mill of Quelok with the user of the mill-pond (cum atachiamento
stagni) thereof &c. Witnesses:—Richard de Fouleshurst, then sheriff of
Chester, and others (named). Middlewich, Wednesday after Allhallows,
1316. One seal remaining. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8808. Release by Margery and Amicia daughters of William de
Swepston in Lodbrok to William de Mackeneye of their right in 6d. yearly
rent which he used to pay them for a half virgate in Lodbrok. Witnesses:—
Sir John de Lodbrok, knight, and others (named). Endorsed: Quietaclamacio
sororum de Swepuston. |
[Worc.] |
A. 8809. Feoffment by Luke de Herci to Hugh de Caldewelle, rector
of Wytleye of a messuage and virgate of land which he, Luke, formerly
held in the town of Goldicote, as more fully contained in the charter he
had thereof from Sir Hamo Dawtrey (de Alta Ripa); rent to the chief lords
of the fee 1lb. cummin at Michaelmas for all service; for this Hugh gave
him 10 marks beforehand. |
Linc. |
A. 8810. (1) Feoffment by John att Stanes of Partenay, William
Borell of the same and William Kelpyn of Sausthorp to Thomas Blesseby
of Aswardby and Thomas Drant of the same, of all the land, &c. they
lately had by the gift of Thomas Cooke, rector of Langton by Partenay,
John de Askeby, parson of Castel Carleton and Robert Bradnam of
Brynhill, in Aswardby and Haryngton; warranty by John att Stanes and
his heirs. Aswardby, the feast of St. Dunstan, 5 Henry V. Copy.
(2) Feoffment by Thomas Blesseby of Aswardby to Thomas Baylie of
Aswardby of a moiety of all the lands, &c. in Aswardby, with one entire
selion of land in Harington, which, together with Thomas Drant since
deceased, he had by the feoffment of John att Stanes of Partenay, William
Borell of the same and William Kelpyn of Sausthorp by their charter, of
which a true copy was to these presents annexed, and which lands, &c.
were then divided between the said Thomas Baylie and Robert Cokerington
of Aswardby. Aswardby, 8 February, 15 Henry VI. Witnesses:—Master
John Burwell, parson of the church of Harington, Sir Alan Grene, parson
of the church of Aswardby, and others (named). |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8811. Release by John Sauvage of Stanesby and Margaret his
wife to William de Bulkelegh of Chedel of their right in a place of waste
called 'Chedelgrove' in Chedel bounded as described. Witnesses:—
Thomas de Felton, justice of Chester, Robert de Pares, chamberlain of
Chester, Sir Lawrence de Dutton, sheriff of Chester, John de Scolagh,
escheator of Chester, and other. Chedel, 12 November, 46 Edward III.
Seal, a boar passant. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8812. Feoffment by John Waryn of Hagworthingham . . .,
to John . . . ., chaplain, and Henry son of John de Hagworthingham,
of . . and tenements in Hagworthingham . . . . 22 Richard II. |
Linc. |
A. 8813. Feoffment by John Bocher of Aswardby next Sawesthorp to
Sir Humphrey Bowescher, knight, lord de Cromwell, Sir Richard Wellys,
knight, lord de Wellys, Sir Robert Wellys, knight, and John Lankton, esq.,
of all his lands, etc. and goods in the county of Lincoln. Aswardby, the
feast of St. Philip and St James. 8 Edward IV. |
[Hants.] |
A. 8814. Feoffment by Roger le Lange to John Prinke and Christian
his wife of two adjacent cottages in Christ Church of Twynham in 'la
Castelstret,' also of a croft there. Sunday after the Nativity of the
B.V.M. 23 Edward III. Seal, broken. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8815. Counterpart of A. 8705. |
[Herts.] |
A. 8816. Feoffment by Ralph late serjeant of Westmel to Peter son
of Michael of Westmel, of 6d. rent there; for this Peter gave him ½ mark
beforehand. Witnesses:—Sir John de Gatesb' and others (named). |
[York, W.R.] |
A. 8817. Indenture of demise by Robert Taillour of Stapelton and
John de Mogelyngton, to Robert Leche, William Bate, Robert Bull and
Thomas Sadeler, of Wakefeld, of a capital messuage in the town of
Wakefeld, and land, for twenty years at 50s. rent. Monday, the Nativity of
the B.V.M., 50 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8818. Feoffment by Ralph son and heir of Robert de Nansteliou
to Reginald de La Medesole, of a moiety of his right in the moor called
Goenen Martg, as the way leads from Trelosec to the chapel of St. Francis,
&c.; to hold in socage, rent to the chief lords of Nansdeliou ½d. at
Michaelmas yearly for all service; also grant of common of pasture in
Nansdeliou. Medesole, Saturday after the Ascension, 21 Edward [I].
Endorsed: Goonmargh. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8819. Indenture between Roger le Taillour the elder of Bodmin
and Matthew de Roscol whereby Roger agreed to deliver up to Matthew, &c.
a charter of feoffment of even date made to him by the said Matthew of a
ferling of land in Roscol in the parish of Lauxsilyan, on condition the said
Matthew, &c. paid him 42ft. of pure white tin (stangni) at certain dates.
Bodmin, Thursday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr,
3 Edward III. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 8820. Indenture being a grant by John de Clayton to John Carles
and Richard del Wode, chaplains, of land, &c. in Thelwal, Gropenelle, Hulle,
Hatton and Walton, to the intent that they should reenfeoff him and Alice
his wife of the lands, &c. in Hurst (del Hurst) and Walton; and should re-
enfeoff him and his heirs of the lands in Thelewal, Gropenelle and Hatton,
which they had by his feoffment of even date. Thelewal, Saturday after
the Ascension, 7 Richard II. French. Fragment of seal. |
[Kent.] |
A. 8821. Feoffment by Richard Breche to Richard Maubank and
Margaret his wife of a curtilage called 'Shephoushagh' in the parish of
Frenyngham; also of ½a. in 'Nethere Vynhagh' there. 20 April, 31
Edward III. Witnesses:—Lawrence de Chymbham and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 8822. Feoffment by Gerard de Alespath to John de Makestoke of
his stone house in Waste Garden (vasto gardino), Coventry, boundaries des-
cribed; rent 4s. Witnesses:—Henry Baker (pistore), then bailiff, and
others (named). |
[Somers.] |
A. 8823. Feoffment by Agatha late the wife of William Bykenhulle to
Richard Sidenham and William atte Wode of her lands, &c. in Sandforde
Arundel and Thorne Margarets (Margarete). Witnesses:—Hugh Durburgh
and Walter Bluet, knights, and others (named). Monday after the Holy
Trinity, 43 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8824. Sale by Lewis de Penrin, clerk, to Oliver de Carndinou, of
his right in a messuage which John, the chaplain, his brother, bought of
Gervase, son of Jenovesa, and Gilda Pulcra his wife, in the tenement of
the said Oliver in the borough of Penrin, quit and discharged from him and
his heirs for ever; for this Oliver gave him ½ mark silver. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8825. Indenture, Sunday, the feast of St. Peter called Ad Vincula,
1305, between Oliver de Carmenou and Master Clement Roche (de Rupe),
whereby the said Oliver released to the said Clement and to Aucher (Augero)
de Fursedon his nephew and the heirs of the body of Aucher the rent they
owed him for the land of Enys by his charter thereof, for the ten years next
to come; so that during that time he should be unable to distrain for any
rent; after the term of ten years the said Clement and Auger and the said
heirs should be bound to pay him 2 marks yearly, or should be bound to sur-
render the land of Enys to him together with the said charter. Dated at St.
Mewan (Sanctum Mewanun), Sunday the feast of St. Peter called Ad Vincula,
33 Edward [I]. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8826. Feoffment by John atte Wode (de Bosco) of Schipedene to
Walter Hurghard of Schipedene of the toft which Robert father of Richard
Fuke held of him in Schipedene; for his homage and service and 10s. given
in gersum and for 4d. yearly rent, and ½d. to a scutage of 20s. Witnesses:—
Sir John de Eggemere and others (named). |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8827. Feoffment by Maud Stalon of Stratford, widow, late the
wife of Richard Shepherd (berkarius) of Stratford, to John Carpenter, baker
(carpentaria et pistori), of Salisbury, for services rendered, of a messuage in
Stratford and her land there, with pasture for one ox in the common pasture,
and with pasture for his other beasts to feed with the beasts of the prior of
St. Denys by Southampton in season according to the charter of the said
prior and convent made to her late husband; rent to the said prior 6s. and
suit for him and her to the bishop of Salisbury's court. Witnesses:—Adam
de Remmesbury then bailiff of Salisbury, Reginald de Tuddeworth, Everard
then bailiff of that hundred, William his son, and others (named). Salis-
bury, Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 24 Edward [I].
Endorsed: Carta Matillidis Stalon facta Johanni le Carpenter. |
[Bedf.] |
A. 8828. Feoffment by John Baldewyne of Henlowe to his son
Nicholas, of land dispersed in Clifton field. The feast of St. Walentine the
Martyr, 23 Edward III. |
[Salop.] |
A. 8829. Grant by Thomas Gryme of Seet for the term of his life to
John Wenlok, esquire, and Richard Gryme his son, and the heirs and
assigns of Richard, of 20s. rent from his lands, &c. in West Bradeley and
Calleys late belonging to John Asshefeld of Much Wenlok, esquire.
31 October, 36 Henry VI. |
[Leic.] |
A. 8830. Feoffment by Roger Bagod with the consent of Amilia his
wife to William de Trumpinton of land in Drayton fields; rent 1½d.
yearly; for this William gave him 24s. gersum.
Endorsed: Carta Willelmi de Trumpeton de terra Bagod in Drayton. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8831. Feoffment by Simon son of Simon Bertulmeu of Hattone
to Simon son of Hugh de la Grene of Hattone and Alice his wife of land
there, described; rent, a penny at Michaelmas; consideration, 1 mark
silver beforehand. |
[Devon.] |
A. 8832. Feoffment by John Cokelyscomb to Henry de Churleton of
a tenement without the south gate of Exeter in the street of St. Mary
Magdalen. Wednesday after the Purification, 22 Edward III. |
[Berks.] |
A. 8833. Feoffment by Richard Savage of Redyng to William
Huntyngdon of the same, of a tenement in New Street (novo vico) there.
Witnesses:—Robert Bodewyn, mayor of Redyng, and others (named).
12 February, 3 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Salop.] |
A. 8834. Indenture being a feoffment by Richard Dobyn rector of
Buturley to Roger son of Adam late lord of 'la Sete,' and Margaret his
wife, of the manor of 'la Sete,' three water-mills on the Temede only
excepted, with remainder in default of their issue to Roger's heirs and
assigns. 'La Sete,' Monday after All Hallows, 20 Edward II. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8835. Grant by Roger son of Oliver de Carmynou to Richard de
Cerseaux, knight (chivaler), of leave to carry water from his land of
Treworeder to the said Oliver's mill of Cuger; rent 6s. 8d. yearly.
Witnesses:—Sir William de Botriaux, Sir Richard de Hewysh, Sir John le
Petyt and Sir John Darundel, knights, and others (named). Lostwythiel,
Monday after St. Peter and St. Paul, Apostles, 10 Edward III. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 8836. Grant in pure alms by Thomas de St. Wallery for the
souls of himself, Edela his wife, Bernard his father, Aanora his mother,
and Reginald and Bernard his brothers, to the church of St. Mary, Oseney,
and the canons there, of the manor of Myxeburi, with the homage and
service of Robert Purcel and his heirs for the fee they held of him in
Newenthon, to wit 24s. yearly rent and the service of a half knight, saving
to him and his heirs the patronage of the church of the said manor, and
saving the homage and service of Bernard de Hareynes and his heirs; if
the king exacted service for the said manor, he and his heirs would acquit
it from other their lands, &c.
Endorsed: Quarta carta et optima. Fragment of equestrian seal. |
[Heref] |
A. 8837. Feoffment by Alicia le Crounor of Wobbeleye, widow, to
Fyel (Fyelo) Goldeneye of the same of land there. Thursday after
St. Agatha the Virgin, 16 Edward II. Seal. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8838. Feoffment by John Kelpyn of Aswardby to William de
Cokeryngton of Aswardby of land there. The feast of St. Mathias the
Apostle, 39 Edward III. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8839. Feoffment by Simon de Louth (Luda) of Hagworthingham
to Sir John son of Albin (Albini) Chapman of Aswardby, chaplain, of land
in Hagworthingham. Sunday after St. Peter ad Vincula, 21 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8840. Letter of attorney by Thomas Tremeyn to Geoffrey Seint
Aubyn and Geoffrey Penros Methele to deliver seisin to Lawrence his son
and heir and Elizabeth daughter of John Penros Methele, of all his lands,
&c., in Treveder, Mogen Vyhan and Chynal next Henf [ord], which Thomas
Treseys, Richard Henry and Sir Roger Cristou, rector of the church of
Wyn [walay] [then held of him]. Sunday after the Epiphany, 27 Henry VI. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8841. Feoffment by John Druri and Alice his wife to Robert son
of Walter le Giniur of Wenlinge of land in Wenlinge; rent to the abbot
of Wenling yearly 1½d. at Easter. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8842. Acquittance by Peter de Antre[u]on] to Hugh Peverel for
40s. in full of 20l. wherein the said Hugh was bound to him. Antreuon,
Sunday after St. Gregory, 26 Edward III. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8843. Letter of attorney by Hervey de Tre[varthian] to . . . .
de Bosfrantan to deliver seisin to John de Tre . . . . which Ralph
Miner (?) and . . . . . held in the town of Treverthion together with
. . . . . [in the said] town, called 'Guael Guartha.' [Tre]uarthia,
Monday after . . . . ., 17 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8844. Feoffment by Richard Lovel of Welleton to Isabel daughter
of Juliana his daughter of land there, for one mark which she gave him
beforehand; rent to the common lamp burning before the rood in the
church of Welleton, 12d. yearly, in default of payment the wardens of the
said common lamp might destrain. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8845. Feoffment by Thomas Gefferi of Penryn to Michael
Michillyk of Marghasyou of a messuage and land in Helstonburgh. Friday
after St. Andrew the Apostle, 41 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Carte de placea cum uno orto in villa de Helstonburgh in vico
pontis et ortus juxta castellum. Le Myn . . . . Johannes Nanscylly
erat heres le Myn. |
[Cumb.] |
A. 8846. Feoffment by Sir John de Haverynton, knight, to Walter
son of Adam son of Benedict, of land in the hamlet of Hiton in the town
of Botil, which he had by the feoffment of Richard Bosard; rent, 2d.
Gleston, Thursday before St. Patrick, 18 Edward II. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8847. Feoffment by Roger Garyn of Freston to John Mosee of
Leek, of land in Freston. St. Nicholas the Bishop, 18 Edward III. Seal,
effaced. |
Warw. |
A. 8848. Bond by Alexander, abbot of Combe, to William Catesby,
knight, in 100l. conditioned for his observance of the award of Robert
Danby, knight, chief justice of the king of the common bench, and John
Nedeham, knight, the other of the justices of the king of the same bench
in the matter of the title and possession of land &c. in Rodburn, Hodenhull
and Ascote, which abbot Thomas his predecessor gave to Dame Emma
Catesby for life with remainder to John Catesby her son and heir in tail
male. 14 November, 6 Edward IV. Ecclesiastical seal. |
[Hants.] |
A. 8849. Feoffment by Thomas Stake of Frendestapele to Adam,
John and William 'in the lane,' of 28d. rent which he had by the feoffment
of John Bewmund from land called 'Wadelond.' Frendestapele, Sunday
before St. Thomas the Apostle, 15 Richard II. |
[Hants.] |
A. 8850. Release by John son of Thomas Beawmond to Thomas
Stake, of his right in land called 'Wadelond,' which the said Thomas
formerly held of him by fealty and service of 28d. yearly. Frendestapele,
Thursday the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, 44 Edward III. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8851. Release by Thomas de Guael to John le M [archaunt], of
his right in 3a. of land English in a croft . . . . in Guaelguardha.
Marghasyou, Monday after St. Luke the Evangelist, 13 Edward II. Seal. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8852. Feoffment by Thomas de Guael to [John le] Marchaunt
of Marchasiou of 3a. of land English in a croft . . . . . Marchasiou,
Wednesday the morrow of . . . . Edward II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8853. Feoffment by William son of Mylo de Beauchamp (Bello
Campo) of Wotton to Sir Walter de Horton, rector of Wotton, of a messuage
with a curtilage there, which he, William, had by the feoffment of his
father; rent ½lb. of cummin yearly to the chief lord of the fee at Christmas;
for this Walter gave him 20s. gersum. Witnesses:—William son of Philip
de Quenton, Simon Pyg, and others (named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8854. Feoffment by William son of Sir Mylo de Beauchamp
(Bello Campo) to William foster-child (alumpno) of Sir Walter de Horton,
rector of Wotton, of land there which he had by his father's feoffment;
rent ½lb. of cummin yearly to the chief lord of the fee. Witnesses:—
William son of Philip de Quenton, Simon Pyg and others (named). |
[Hants.] |
A. 8855. Feoffment by Ralph de Beaumunt to Richard Wade, of a
croft next Alan de Frendestapele's; rent 28d. at Michaelmas yearly; for
this Richard gave him 8s. Seal, effaced. |
[Salop.] |
A. 8856. Two charters, in rotten state:—
(i) Feoffment by Roger son of Walter Hwyttesone of Stevyntone to
. . . . . of land in Stevyn [tone]. Witnesses:—William Eybrich of
Richards Castle, and others (named). Monday, the feast of St. Philip and
St. James the Apostles, 11 Edward II.
(ii) Feoffment by . . . . to his son John for a certain sum . . . .
lying on L . . daieshulle between land of Roger . . . . [one] acre lying
at Aldewalle next land of John . . . . . [the other] acre next 'le
Worthyn' between . . . . . Dated at Stevynton. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 8857. Feoffment by Bartholomew Mareschal of Blecchynggelegh
to Bartholomew Stevene of land there. Tuesday before the Epiphany,
14 Edward III. Seal. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 8858. Feoffment by Richard Gyffard of Blecchyngeleghe to
William de Bodekesham and Maud his wife, of a croft called 'Little Dene'
in Blecchyngeleghe; for this they gave him 6½ marks. Saturday, Whitsun
eve, 6 Edward II. Seal, a lion rampant. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8859. Letter of attorney by Thomas son of Thomas de Eglos-
merther to Robert de Eglosmerther his brother to do homage, rent and
service to his lord Roger, lord of Reskemer, for all the lands and tenements
of the whole town of Eglosmerther which he held of Sir Richard father of
the said Roger, he having released his right therein to his said brother.
Dated at St. Minver (?) (apud Sanctam Menwedam), Wednesday before
St. Simon and St. Jude the Apostles, 5 Edward II. |
Linc. |
A. 8860. Release by Leonard Ely of Wolston, co. Hants, gentleman,
to Michael Reniger of Kirton, co. Lincoln, gentleman, of his right and
years to come in land, &c. in South Fereby, whereof the said Michael was
seised by descent from Michael Reniger his father, deceased; also grant,
with the assent of Margery Reniger, widow, that the third part of the lands
bought by the said Michael the father in the name of the said Leonard and
others in Fereby and South Fereby, should be conveyed and assured to the
said Michael his son; also grant that a lease to him and others for years
yet enduring of the manor of South Fereby, and then remaining in the
Court of Wards, should be surrendered and cancelled. 25 April, A.D. 1612,
10 James. Names of witnesses endorsed. Seal. English. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8861. Feoffment by Geoffrey Chamberlain (camerarius) son of
Robert Chamberlain to Robert Butler (pincerne), of a virgate of land in
Cumptun, which Geoffrey Chamberlain his grandfather gave to Robert
Caperun for his homage and service, and which Thomas Butler had of the
inheritance of the said Robert Caperun and gave to Robert Butler his
brother; to hold of him and his heirs freely and quietly in all places, as
was contained in the chief charter (capitali carta) of his said grandfather;
for this Robert gave him 20s. |
[Heref.] |
A. 8862. Feoffment by Richard Morewys of Webbeleye and William
Smyth to John Burges of Fernhale and Alice his wife of lands in Fernhale
within the lordship of Webbeleye which he had by the feoffment of the
said John. Fernhale, Monday after St. John the Baptist, 7 Richard II. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8863. Feoffment by William son and heir of Ralph de Tregod to
Thomas Peticru of Brongolou and Alice his wife and the heirs of the body of
the said Thomas, of the reversion of a messuage and all the land of
Nanssauson next Tretherf with the lawns (landis) and moors of Gwoen
Eestyr and Funten Lageck and 6d. yearly rent for the stream (bedo) of the
mill of Fordken, expectant on the decease of Isabel late the wife of the said
Ralph his father, with reversion, in default of Thomas' issue, to John de
Trevaynon in tail; also grant of the like reversion of the homages, rents
and services of William de Roscourec, Reginald de Kervineck, Reginald de
la Medesole, Osbert de Nanskelly, John Janne of Nanskelly, John de
Tretherf, Nicholas de Tretherf, Roger de Fenten Lageck, Richard Herdyng,
and Andrew de Trewent for lands &c., tenements in the manor of Tretherf,
which the said Isabel held in dower of his inheritance, with remainder
over as above to John de Trevaynon, with remainder in default of his issue
to the right heirs of Thomas. Conerton, Sunday the morrow of St. James
the Apostle, 4 Edward II. See A. 10,013. |
[Oxford.] |
A. 8864. Release by Isabel Herbard late the wife of John Herbard
of Schalleston, co. Bucks, widow, to Peter Poynaunt of Mixbury, of her
right in a messuage and virgate in Mixbury called 'Fremannes.' Friday
before St. Simon and St. Jude the Apostles, 1 Henry VI. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8865. Release by Sibyl Amenettes, widow, to John de la Roche
of the rent and service of Thomas Thankard with the reversion of half a
croft called 'Grascroft,' &c. and of all the lands the said Thomas held of
her; also grant of the reversion of land in 'Schortevinewel' which John
Hareley held for life of John Chippman; rent to her and her daughters for
their lives 3¼d.; also release of her right in all the lands, &c. whereof the
said John de la Roche was tenant in demesne or service, saving 5¼d.
Dated at Bromham, Monday before St. Gregory, 13 Edward II. |
[Essex.] |
A. 8866. Inspeximus by Thomas son of James Outlagh of Audham
of a writing made by his said father to John son of Thomas Bounde of his
freedom; and release of all claim in the said Thomas Bounde and John
his brother, sons of the said John son of Thomas, &c. Dated at Wykemer,
Thursday before the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 20 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 8867. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by R. the prior
and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Alulf,
chaplain, of land at Brembel[ega]; rent 3s. yearly for all service, &c. |
[Middx.] |
A. 8868. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by the prior,
Richard, and convent of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Aluf,
chaplain, of 2a. land at Brambel[ega]; rent 2s. yearly. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8869. Feoffment by Roger son of Robert de Sprotton to Edmund
de Watforde with Emma his daughter in frank marriage, of a messuage &c.
in Great Creton with all the land which Hugh his, Roger's, brother bought
in the same town; also of 4s. 6d. rent from tenants there; with reversion to
himself in default of their issue. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8870. Release by Richard Wincent of Welleton to William
Ketilbern of the same of land there which Thomas son of William Ketilbern
gave to Richard son of William de Merston for his homage and service;
consideration, 20s. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8871. Feoffment by William son of Roger Murdak of Hochecot to
Richard Basset of Wodeford of all his lands &c. in Hochecot. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8872. Feoffment by . . . . . . to Sir John son of Thomas of
Bagendirby and Henry . . . of his lands &c. . . . . . Witnesses:—
. . . . parson of the church of Hagworthingham and others (named).
Hagworthingham, Sunday after Allhallows . . . . |
[Notts.] |
A. 8873. Demise by Thomas de Hotot of Hoveringham to William
Russel of Wlvisthorp and Alice his wife for their lives, of 10a. arable,
described in Hoveringham, next lands of Sir Walter de Gousil, the prior of
Thurgarton and others. Thursday before St. Cedd the Bishop,
10 Edward II. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 8874. Grant in pure alms by John son of Henry le Fraunceys of
Aylington to the abbot, William, and convent of Ramesey, of ½ arable at
St. Mary's well in Aylington field, and ½a. meadow in Micheleholm. |
[Linc.] |
A. 8875. Indenture being a feoffment by Robert Etton of Frisby,
Robert Rigge of Botheby and John Walton of Cumberworth, to John Etton
son of the said Robert and Isabel his wife, daughter of John Langton of
Langton and the heirs of his body begotten on the said Isabel; with
remainder in default to the right heirs of the said Robert Etton the father,
of lands, &c. in Bagenderby, Somerby, Stanesby next Bagenderby, and
Little Stepyng, and a croft, &c. in Irby next Frisby, called 'Clarescroft,' which
they, together with Thomas Dymmok, knight, Henry Rochefort, esquire,
John Langholm, Thomas Kyme of Friskenay, Thomas Moigne, William
Hauley, Thomas Tothothe and William Hebson, clerk, who had released
their right therein to them, had by the feoffment of John Ratheby, chaplain,
John Stayndrop of Halton, Simon Neuton late of Tetnay, Thomas Gunby
of Wodhall, John Taillour of Asseby, William Astyn of Little Stepyng, John
Braytoft, Thomas Anson and Robert at Hall, of the same, William Percy,
John Wiles, Richard Scalflet, clerk, Walter Countas, chaplain, Robert Astyn,
John son of John son of Robert Fouller of Little Stepyng, Isabel late the
wife of John son of Thomas Fouller of the same and John Enderby late of
Bagenderby, clerk, together with Philip Dymmok, knight, Robert Forman,
John Courtenay, John Wiles, John Blaunche, John Tailboys, esquire,
Richard Billesby and William Neucom, since deceased. Attorneys to deliver
seisin, John Hawe, the elder, of Bagenderby, John Hawe of the same, the
younger, and Thomas Braytoft of Little Stepyng. Bagenderby, last day of
August, 7 Edward IV. |
A. 8876. Feoffment, illegible. |
[Glouc.] [Wilts.] |
A. 8877. Chirograph indented being an agreement between Ela,
countess of Salisbury and Sir William Lungespee, her eldest son, at Lacok,
20 Henry III, 12 February, viz. the said William grants to the said Ela
his mother that she may give the manor of Bysopestre to the house of
Lacok for the support of the religious women there serving God, in pure
alms; he also promises to make an exchange with the prior and canons of
Bradenestok for the land they have in the manor of Hadrop, and with Sir
Ralph Bloet for the advowson he has in the parish church of Lakoc; so
that the said Ela may give the said land and advowson in pure alms to
the said house; and the said countess grants that the said exchange
shall be made for lands or rents which had descended to her; he also
grants that the said exchange shall be made before Midsummer next,
and the said countess promises that, for this agreement and grant, she
will, on the feast of Allhallows then next, give up to the said William
her son and heir all the lands, rents and hereditary rights which she had
on the day of date, without any reserve; he also grants that when he
becomes earl (cum comes effectus fuerit Sarr') he will by charter confirm the
said manor, land and advowson to the said house with all other the possessions
theretofore conferred on it by the said countess, in pure alms; and will,
before (infra) the feast of the Assumption next seek the king's confirmation;
the countess and the said William have sworn on the gospels to keep this
agreement and sealed it. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8878. Feoffment by Philip Trethewy to William Watty in tail, of
his lands &c. in Landreyn Rous; rent 7s. yearly and 2s. to the chief lords
of the fee, and 6s. 3d. for a relief; with reversion in default of issue of the
said William to him the said Philip. Land[r]eyn Rous, Tuesday the feast
of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 12 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8879. Feoffment by Roger Hapirtas of Coventre to Henry Baker
(pistori) of Coventre, of the land with buildings which he had in Earl
Street, situate as described, rent to the heirs of Roger de Montalt 18d. and
to him and his heirs a clove gilliflower at Easter for all service.
Endorsed: Carta Rogeri Habertachs; added Tenementum juxta Jordan
welle. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8880. Feoffment by John son of Henry Clerk (clerici) of Branston
to Thomas son of Peter de Branston of a place there rent 2s. yearly for all
service. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8881. Feoffment by William son of William Clerk (clerici) of
Bulkinton to Lawrence de Bulkinton of a rood of land there, in exchange
for a rood on the road to Ruton. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8882. Feoffment by Robert de Ulnehale to Walter Brun of land
in Tanewrthe, next the highway between Burmingham and Henle; rent
½d. at Michaelmas for all service. |
[Hants.] |
A. 8883. Grant in pure alms by Ralph de Clamorgan, to the abbey
of Quarr, of the land commonly called 'Bickehulle,' quit of all save the
service of the chief lords and particularly of 2d. to the mark for a knight's
fee to the earl's aid. Witnesses:—Philip son of Ralph de Clamorgan, and
others (named).
Endorsed: Buccehulla; Bykebergh. |
Surrey. |
A. 8884. Feoffment by Robert Gamelyne, clerk, and Richard Freke
of Fetcham to Juliana late the wife of Henry Freke, of lands, &c. in the
parish of Coveham; also grant of all their goods in co. Surrey; all which
they jointly had by the feoffment of the said Henry. . . . April, 9 Henry V.
One seal. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8885. Feoffment by Roger son of William de Frausham to
William son of Lefthen of Wenling for 4s. gersum, of the land which
Lefthen his father held of Walter Marshall (marscallo) in Wenling; also of
2a. meadow in Frausham; to him and his heirs or whatever kinsman or
friend he chose to give the same to; to hold by service of 2d. yearly at
Whitsuntide. Witnesses:—John de Oxowic and others (named). |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8886. Feoffment by Geoffrey Chamberlain (camerarius) to Pain
under wall (sub muro) and Alice his wife, for their lives, of a house which
Maud London (Londoniensis) formerly held &c.; rent 2s. 6d.; consideration
½ mark. Witnesses:—Richard Caperun and others. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8887. Feoffment by Geoffrey le Chamberlayn, son of Sir Hugh le
Chamberlayn of Cumppton to Alice Burneles and Richard her son, of la.
land there. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8888. Release by Henry son of Edred to William de Franketon of
his part of the croft next the quarry towards the church of St. Nicholas,
and all his part of the grange there which he held of the said William;
consideration, 2½ marks. Fragment of seal. |
Leic. |
A. 8889. Feoffment by John Gybbys of Swynford to Thomas Pultney,
knight, Everard Fyldyng, and Martin Fyldyng, esquires, of all his lands and
goods in the county of Leicester. 22 January, 16 Henry VII. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 8890. Confirmation by Joscelin, bishop of Salisbury, to his beloved
sons in the Lord of Drews Well (Drogonisfonte) of their place and the goods
they then had, or might thereafter acquire, namely Locheswell and all
Hedfeld, both sides the stream, with seven men dwelling there and all their
service, answering nothing to the tenant of the manor of Chippeharn, with
wood for firing, and buildings, in the wood, and pasture and pannage free
and quit for themselves and the said seven men; also the land earl Patrick
gave them at Hedfeld, which belonged to Wilcot, and 20s. to wit Leiland
which belonged to Rudes (Rudam) and daily 3d of the rent of Cheppeham.
Endorsed: Carta domini Jocelini Saresb' de protectione monachorum de
Stanleg'; also: Quare Lockeswell nichil rendebit manerio de Chippeham. |
London. |
A. 8891. Assignment by William, prior of Blakemore, William, rector
of the church of St. Andrew, and Thomas, rector of the church of St. Mary
of Ax, executors of the testament of Gilbert son of Fulk, citizen of London,
to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the capital messuage of the said
Gilbert with all other rents he had in London, in pure alms, saving the free
bench of Alice wife of the said Gilbert with her dower of 2 marks; so that
if she pleased to leave the said messuage or to have another husband the
said canons should cause her to have 2 marks quit rent for the term of her
life only; and immediately after her leaving the said messuage they, the
said canons, should have the whole of the said messuage in Limstrate,
wholly, &c. Witnesses:—Ralph Sperling and John de Solio, aldermen and
others (named). |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8892. Letters patent by Simon Smith (faber) of 'la Medeshole'
witnessing that, whereas he had enfeoffed Walter Renaud of all his lands,
&c. in 'la Medeshole,' he had received the same again of the said Walter for
the term of his life at 6s. 8d. rent, payable quarterly. La Medeshole,
Wednesday the eve of St. Luke, 13 Edward II. |
[Warw.] |
A. 8893. Feoffment by Sir William Swynforton, vicar of the church
of Claverdon, and Cicely wife of John atte Pery of Schreueley to John atte
Pery of Schreueley, of three garden plots (ortiphinia) in Hatton, one plot
(ortiphinium) called 'Bissepesecroft,' another 'Orchardestede,' &c., which
they had by the feoffment of the said John atte Pery. Copy. |
[Bedf.] |
A. 8894. Feoffment by Agnes Blanchard of Clifton, to Sir John,
perpetual vicar of Dene, and Sir John Purlmans, chaplain, of 3 messuages
and land with grass headlands (cum, capitibus erbagii), position described,
in Clifton; rent, 100s. to her during her life. 12 May, 5 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 8895. Feoffment by Geoffrey son of William de Suthwode to
William de Wenling, clerk, for 15s., of 2a. arable in Frausham, rent 4d.
yearly. Witnesses:—Sir Gilbert de Frausham, Sir Reginald de Dunham,
Sir Saer de Frivill and others (named). |
[Heref.] |
A. 8896. Feoffment by William son of William le Palmar of
Hyneton to Nicholas de Crasselonde for 3 marks beforehand, of 2½a. land,
between land of David de Sernesfeld, &c.; rent, a rose at Midsummer. |
[Essex.] |
A. 8897. Release by Roger son of Braicel of Wik to the church of
St. Mary of Wik, Christian the prioress, and the nuns serving God there,
of 6d. rent they paid him yearly for 3a. land in Burfeld next 2a. his father
gave him in alms; for this they gave him 10s. |
A. 8898. Release by Simon . . . . . to John Wodelowe and John
Ivye, of his right in lands and tenements . . . . Witnesses . . . Schyngey,
. . . . Richard Pratt . . . . Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 8899. Feoffment by John Blount, esquire, to Thomas Hontyngdon,
Arthur Brook and John Hervyngton, chaplain, of land in Chorlton, which
he had by the gift of Thomas Balcok and Joan his wife. Witnesses:—
Thomas Strange, knight, John Rogon, esquire, Thomas Somerton, Thomas
Stapulton and Thomas Shyrfeld, of Hasthrop, and Richard Hopkenns of
Chorlton. 10 May, 11 Henry VI. |
[Cornw.] |
A. 8900. Feoffment by Richard Luky of Menethdu and Margery his
wife to Ralph Trenewyth and John Magot of Karn, for the lives of them
the said Richard and Margery, of all their lands &c. in Menethdu, with
common of pasture there &c., rent 1d. at Michaelmas for all service.
Menethdu, Saturday before St. Ambrose, 12 Richard II. |