London. |
A. 7301. Demise by brother E[ustace] the prior, and the canons, of
Holy Trinity, London, at the petition of Master John Rosamund, to
Matilda called 'le Flael' of London, for her life, of 40s. quit rent, which
the said John gave to the said prior and canons, to be paid at her house
quarterly by the hands of their renter (rentarii). Witnesses:—Sir John,
Adrian, mayor of London, Philip le Tailur and Walter le Poter, sheriffs,
Matthew Bokerel and Arnold Tedmar, aldermen, Robert de Cornhelle,
Thomas de Basinges, and others (named). Michaelmas, 54 Henry III.
Fragments of seal. |
London. |
A. 7302. Grant by Geoffrey de Frowyc, to Richard the prior, and the
canons, of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, for the welfare of
his soul, and the souls of his ancestors, of 20d. quit rent out of the rent of
8s. 4d. which the prior and canons of St. Mary's, Suwerk, paid him yearly
for a seld in Chepe (foro), which rent of 20d. he bought of John son of
Terry (Terrici). Witnesses:—William Fokes, William de Berkinges,
William, parson of the church of St. Mary Magdalen, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Non scriptum quia in testamento suo legavit nobis totum
videlicet octo solidos et iiijor denarios' . . . . 'De zelda vocata le gotte.' |
London. |
A. 7303. Surrender by William Berholt to the prior and canons of
the Holy Trinity, London, of all his right in all the tenement in the parish
of St. Olave towards the Tower, London, which he held for a term of years
of the demise of the said prior and canons, and which they recovered by
writ of gavelet against John de Kingeston. Feast of the exaltation of
the Holy Cross, 37 Edward III.
Endorsed: Names of witnesses. |
[Kent.] |
A. 7304. Grant by Thomas son of William the clerk of St.
Margaret, with the consent of Ralph, his eldest brother, to Matilda late
the wife of Antoninus the merchant, of land [in Dover], between his land
on the north, the lane on the south, her land on the west, and the water
running through the middle of the town on the east; to hold in fee and
hereditarily, rendering therefore 4s. yearly: she shall not bestow the said
land on any house of religion or religious; for this grant she has given me,
the said Thomas, 9 marks, to Eilewisa, my wife, half a mark and a chest
(archam), to Richard my son 12d., to Susan my daughter 12d., to Ralph
my brother half a mark, and to Thomas his son 12d. Witnesses:—
Solomon the reeve, Josep the alderman, son of Ulf, William de
Suinefeld, Thomas son of Ralph the merchant, Blakemannus, Mauger
(Malgero) the merchant, and others (named). Fragments of seal.
Endorsed: 'Thome filii Will [elm] i cl [er] ici de Sancta Margareta de
terra de Dofre.' See A. 6798. |
London. |
A. 7305. Demise by William de Ores and Mary his wife, to Adam de
Stratton, clerk, of all their right in all the lands &c. in London
which they formerly held by way of dower of the inheritance of John son
of Saer of London, in right of the said Mary late the wife of Saer
son of Henry, father of the said John. Monday the morrow of St.
Katharine, 53 Henry III. Witnesses:—Sir Stephen de Edeworth, warden
of the city, and constable of the Tower of London, Walter Hervy and
William de Durham (Dunhelmia), sheriffs, William son of Richard, John
Addrian, Edward Blund, Philip le Taylur (cissore), Robert de Cornhull,
aldermen, Robert de Meldeburn, William de Hadestok, John Horn. Two
seals, injured. See A. 6876.
Endorsed: Memorandum that the above grant was read and enrolled in
full Husting on the date mentioned within. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7306. Release by Alan de Onnesby of Edelmeton, to the prior
and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all his right in all the lands
and tenements which he had, for his life, in Edelmeton, of the demise of
the said prior and convent. Sunday after the Purification, 10 Edward II.
Portion of seal.
Endorsed: 'Quiet [a] clam[acio] Alani de Ormesby de terra sibi dimiss[a]
ad firmam juxta bercariam nostram in Enefeld.' |
London. |
A. 7307. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen the
prior, and the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, to Henry son of Geoffrey,
of the land which his said father held next before him, the said Geoffrey
willing this and making request for his son, to hold in fee and hereditarily
for 3s. yearly, so long as he pay the said rent (censum) and be faithful; he
has sworn in the chapter of the canons on the four evangelists to be
faithful for this tenement; he has given to the prior one bezant, and to the
canons half a sextary of wine of London. Witnesses:—Theodoric the
priest (presbitero), William de Arraz, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Contra Henr' fil' Galfridi Hiidtawiere.'
'S'ce Marie pellipariorum,' 'modo Mari Ax' (added). |
[London.] |
A. 7308. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Ralph the prior,
and the convent, of Christ Church, London, to AElfwin Finche, of land
without the gate, to hold in fee and hereditarily for 4s. yearly, for which he
has given to the prior and canons one bezant and a sextary of wine in
gersum. Witnesses:—Richard the priest (sac [erdote]) of St. Bartholomew,
William Blund, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Socca.' |
[London] |
A. 7309. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by N[orman] the
prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to Brunloc, and to his wife,
Leuiarda, Aduinus his son, and Leuieua, daughter of Leuiarda, and their
heirs of two wharfs (hweruos) with land adjoining at Rederesgate, to hold
for 25s. yearly under one tenure, so that they render 12s. 6d. at Easter and
as much at Michaelmas; if he or his heirs cause any loss to the church of
this holding, let them lose the fee and inheritance (hereditatem); they have
received that holding in full chapter and have given 5s. gersum; for keeping
this agreement they, by the prior's order, have done faith and security in
the hand of Blacstan son-in-law of Wlwin Graunt. Witnesses:—Robert the
priest (sacerdote) of St. Alphege (Elfego), Robert the priest of Aldermannesberi,
John son of Dereman de Crepelegate, and others (named). See A. 7361.
Endorsed: 'Contra Branloc & fiT ejus Edwin' de ij wervis ap[u]d
Rederisgate' &c.
'Frosseswarf' 'Magni martiris.' |
London. |
A. 7310. Bond by Thomas de Kent, fishmonger, of London, to the
prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 20 marks, to be paid at
Christmas next. Feast of All Saints, 4 Richard II. |
[Middx] London. |
A. 7311. Grant by Geoffrey Blund (Blundus) of London, to Henry
son of Reiner, in free marriage with Joan, his daughter, of 20 marks
quit rent, to wit, 10 marks in Brainford, and 10 marks, charged as specified
in detail, in London. Witnesses:—Henry son of Ailwin, Reginald de
Cornh[ull], William de Haverhill, and others (named). Cf. A. 5437. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7312. Bond by Stephen called 'le Coner' of Stratford to Sir
Ralph the prior, [and the convent] of Holy [Trinity], London, for . . . . .
marks, . . . . . in his manor of Totenham . . . . . [to be paid at] the terms
specified &c. . . . July, [3-4] Edward II. A.D. 1310. Mutilated fragment. |
[Middx] |
A. 7313. Grant by John son of Roger de Edelmeton, to Richard the
prior, and the canons, of Holy Trinity, London, for 20s. gersum, and 4d.
rent, of one acre of land in Edelmeton, in the field called 'La Hyde.' |
London. |
A. 7314. Sale by Henry Wymond and Alan de Chikewelle, citizens
of London, executors of the will of John de Abbottestone, proved and
enrolled in the Husting of Common Pleas [Monday, the feast of the
Conversion of St. Paul], 13 Edward III, to Edmund de Heghham, fish-
monger of London, of a tenement [in the parish of St.] Mary Somerset,
London, situate next the tenement formerly of Thomas de Monthermer,
knt., on the east, the tenement of the said Alan on the west, and extending
from Thamisestrete on the north to the highway called . . . . . . . . [on the
south]; Henry Darci, being then mayor, . . . . . Pounfreit, then sheriffs,
and Richard de Rothyngg, alderman of the ward. Witnesses:—William
de Ware, and others (named). 4 June, 13 Edward III. Injured. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London on
Monday before St. Barnabas in the above mentioned year. |
London. |
A. 7315. Grant by James Long (longus) son of Robert Long (longi) for
his own, his ancestors' and successors' souls to God and the church of Holy
Trinity, London, and Richard the prior, and the canons there, of 14s. rent
in London, which William le Melkere was used to pay him for a shop
(soppa) at Estchep in St. Leonard's parish, between the fee of Roger son of
Roger and the shop of Robert the son of Robinel; subject to the payment
by the said canons of 4s. to the brethren of St. Giles' Hospital, 6s. to Martin
le Cornmangere of Garscherche, leaving 4s. for themselves; with power to
distrain for the said 4s. on his mansion (capitali managio) which is of their
fee in the parish of St. Benedict of Garscherche, if by fire or other misfortune
or defect of warranty they cannot otherwise get it and there be not stuff
enough to distrain in the shop. Christmas, 34 Henry III, Roger son of
Roger being mayor, John de Tulesane and Ralph Hardel, sheriffs, and
Robert Hardel alderman of the ward. Witnesses named. Endorsed:—Modo
in manu nostra per testamentum Hugonis Rowbery. |
[Mlddx.] |
A. 7316. Grant by Robert son of Wlured to John Waterl[ader] of his
land, to wit half an acre in Cropet, next land of Adam son of Aelsus, to
hold by 5d. yearly for all service except the bishop's aid; for this he has
given 2s. gersum. Witnesses:—Salomon de Cliva, Walter de Enefelth and
others (as in A. 7318). Endorsed: Carta Roberti filii Wlfradi facta J. le
Yepe de dimidia acra. Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7317. Grant by Adam son of Reimund de Blithenhal to John le
Ghyep of land in Stepney marsh (landmarisco de Stebeh') to wit ½ a. next
land of Geoffrey Waterlader and what land he had next Edward Shipman's
land, towards the east; to hold in fee and heredity, rendering 10d. yearly;
for this the said John gave him 11s. gersum. Witnesses:—Brie' de
Hecham, Adam son of Alsus, Robert son of Ralph, Adam 'Verre,' Hugh
Belebarbe, Edward de Tamise, John son of Frethesant, Robert son of
Wulured, Wulnoth son of Richard. Seal, broken.
Endorsed: 'Carta Ade Reymund facta Johanni le Yepe de duabus
partic' terre in Walemers.' |
[Middx.] |
A. 7318. Grant by Wulnoth (Wlnodus) to John Waterlader of his
land, to wit ½ a. in Cropeth next land of Adam son of Aelsus; to hold by 6d.
yearly for all service, except the bishop's aid; for this the said John gave
him 2s. gersum; warranty by Wlnod'; Wlnod' and John together swore
(affidaverunt) to hold that pact. Witnesses:—Salomon Scitthe, Robert the
chaplain, Robert the clerk, Adam son of Aelsus, Salomon de Cliva and John
his son, Walter de Enefelth, Durand', Robert Norreis, Roger de Enefelth,
William son of Geoffrey and John his brother, Alexander son of Thurbern,
Geoffrey son of Estrild', Keneward' the weaver (telario), William son of
Edric, Roger the carter (caretar'), William de Sudwere and Luke his son.
Seal, broken (a lion rampant).
Endorsed: 'Carta Wolnothi facta Johanni le Yepe de dimidia acra terre in
Stebbee.' |
[Middx.] |
A. 7319. Grant by Adgarus son of Richard the smith (fabri) of
Stebehee to John le Waterladere of Estsmedhefeld of 1 a. land in the
town of Stebehee, in the field called 'Cropatte,' between land of Richard
son of Geoffrey le Waterladere and land which was of Robert Wlured
the tailor (parmentarii); to hold in fee and heredity, rendering 4d. yearly
for all services, saving the King's service; warranty by Adgarus; for
this the said John gave him 20s. gersum. Witnesses:—Daniel de Stebeh',
Robert son of Ralph, Robert de Pinkeni, Hugh Belebarbe, Geoffrey
Waterladere, William and Richard his sons, William of Alegate, Geoffrey
Trentemars, Edward of Alegatestrat, John and Stephen Pinnhote,
Geoffrey the clerk. Seal.
Endorsed: 'Carta Adgari filii Ricardi fabri facta Johanni le Yepe de una
acra.' |
London. |
A. 7320. Writing, under the common seal of their chapter, by
Margery, the prioress, and the convent of Aunkerwike, notifying Adam de
Strattone, Martin de Garschirche, John de Chikewell and William le
Taverner that they had granted 28s. quit rent, wherein the said persons
were bound to them for divers houses in the city of London, to Adam de
Strattone, clerk; and charging the said persons to answer the said Adam
therefore. Aunkerwik, Tuesday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 54
Henry III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7321. Grant by William, earl of Essex . . . . . . . to Robert
de Ponte and Nicholas son of Simon canons . . . . . . [Witnesses:—]
Simon de Bellocampo, Geoffrey de Sai, Wiscard Leidet, . . . . . . . Hugh
de Ou, John de Rocell, William de Norhal, . . . . . . Endorsed:—'Willel-
mus comes Exexie de [terra] de Bramleia, que fuit Ro [berti de Pon] te,
salvo servicio suo.' Fragment: see A. 1745, 1832. |
London. |
A. 7322. General release by Thomas de Morlee, clerk, and citizen of
London, to Nicholas, prior of Holy Trinity, London, and the convent
of the same; also release of his right in the lands and tenements formerly
of Robert de Shordich, called 'Hornere,' in London, by reason of the
dower of Idonia late the wife of John de Hyngeston and then wife of him
the said Thomas. Witnesses. Tuesday the morrow of the Nativity of the
B.V.M. 28 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
London. |
A. 7323. Release by John Knyvet, John de Berland, . . . . Tauk
and Simon de Kegworth to the king of the grant he had made them for
the term of their lives of the lands and tenements formerly John Jurdan's
in the city of London. Saturday, the feast of St. Katharine the Virgin,
37 Edward III. Three seals (1) a tau and in chief three chaplets (Tauk),
(2) a bend within a bordure engrailed (Knyvet), much injured, (3) mutilated. |
[Herts.] |
A. 7324. Grant by John le Bel to Richard, the prior, and the canons
of Holy Trinity, London, of 1a. land he bought of William son of Ralph de
Highinton in the field called 'Refeld,' between land of Richard Scot and
land of William Gargat, and extending on one part on Erningestrate and
on the other on land of Alan Vigtamur; rendering therefore 4d. yearly;
for this they gave him 10s. gersum. Witnesses:—Ralph son of Fulk,
Richard Muschet, John de Marines, Peter Bussel, Walter Hakun, Brian
de Trokking, Walter son of Clement, Peter Cook (Coco), Roger del Bek,
Peter de Solio, Reyner de Buntinford. See A. 1028. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7325. Release by Richard Denys son of Richard Denys of Edelme-
ton to William the prior and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of his right
in 1½ a. land and 6d. rent therefrom in 'Langhegh' field in Edelmeton,
between their land, the land of Richard le Rowe and Reginald Pymine's
land by 'Gresputhel'; for this they gave him 10s. Witnesses. London,
Saturday after St. Nicholas, 22 Edward I, beginning. |
London. |
A. 7326. Counterpart indenture being an acquittance by the prior,
William, and convent of Holy Trinity within Algate to William 'Convers'
otherwise called Kelshill, citizen and fishmonger of London of 18s. in full
payment of all arrears of 3s. quit rent from his shop (shopa) in the parish
of St. Nicholas of Coldabbey near Oldfisshstrete, London, between the
shops of John Ardern, esq., and John Assheton, citizen and fishmonger of
London, on the east and west and highways north and south. Sealed by
the parties and by William Sevenoke, one of the aldermen of the city.
The morrow of Easter, 1 Henry VI. Two seals. |
London. |
A. 7327. Feoffment by John Neirneut and Margery his wife to
John de Hyngeston, citizen and goldsmith of London, of the tenements
formerly of Henry de la More, citizen and goldsmith of London, and
which the said Henry had by the feoffment of William le Bret, late
citizen and goldsmith of London, in the parish of St. Nicholas Olave,
in the Old Fishmarket (reteri piscaria), London; together with the
reversion of a tenement there which Cristina late wife of the said
William le Bret then held in dower by the assignment of the said
Henry. Witnesses:—Robert de . . . ly, then alderman of that ward,
and others (named). Sunday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 4 Edward III.
Memorandum endorsed of enrolment in the Husting of London,
Monday the vigil of St. Philip and [James] 4 Edward III.
Endorsed: 'Schordich.' |
[Essex.] |
A. 7328. Letter of attorney by John Tredegold of Witham, 'draper,'
to John Neel the elder of Spryngefeld to deliver seisin to John Byschop
the elder of Spryngefeld, 'hosebondeman,' of a messuage and garden in
Spryngefeld according to his charter of feoffment thereof made. Sunday
after the Purification, 10 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7329. Feoffment by Stephen Kynyton of Spryngefeld and
Margery Neles of the same to John son of John Bysshop and of Amy his
wife of a messuage and three crofts there called 'Homfeld,' 'Morefeld' and
'Shortecroft,' which together with William Chaynele and Richard Curteys
they had by the feoffment of the said John Bysshop the father, since
deceased, and which had come to him by descent. Witnesses. 20 May,
20 Richard II. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7330. Grant by Godfrey Pese and 'Sewale' Pese to Roger de
Midelhey of all their part of the land which lay before his door (portam),
as enclosed with hedges and ditches, in the parish of Springefeud, to wit
of the fee of Richard de Munfichet, whereof one head extended to the said
Roger's messuage and another to the wood called 'Molwud'; rendering 1d.
at Easter for all service, saving the king's service, to wit to scutage, at
more or at less, ½d.; for this he gave them 2s. gersum. Warranty.
Witnesses:—Robert de Springefeud, William son of Nicholas, Gilbert
Swein, Geoffrey de Belsted, William de Gwer, Richard de Dodebroc,
John Gladewin, William de Rich, Richard de Mand', William son of
Eadmund. Seals. (1)s. godfrid de saunford, (2)s. sawl' fil' rioardi. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7331. Grant by 'Sawalus' Pese to Roger Cobbe of l½a. land in
the parish of Springefeld in Midelhey, whereof one head extends to Philip
Ridel's lane and another to the way leading from the said Roger's house
(domo) to Ralph de Besevill's at Ocle, and in length under the said
Roger's messuage; to hold, with power of sale &c. except to religious and
Jews, by 6d. yearly for all service; warranty; for this the said Roger has
marled (marliavit) 3½ a. land for him. Witnesses:—Geoffrey de Belstede,
William de Gweres, Godfrey Pese, Richard de Dodebrok, Gilbert Swein,
Richard son of Hugh, John Gladewine, Roger de Wymbesse. Seal.
[Essex.] |
A. 7332. Grant by John son of Sawall' Peese to Sawallus Cobbe
for his homage and service and for 9s. 6d. gersum of ½ a. wood in the
parish of Springefeld in the wood called 'Middelhey' between land which
was Roger Cobbe's and the wood of William Peese, one head abutting on
the wood which was the said Roger's and the other on his croft called
'Shortecroft'; religious and Jews' clause; rent ½d. Warranty. Witnesses:—
Richard, son of Hamo, Gilbert de Stonhell, Hervey Carpenter (carpentario),
William Maxster, Gervase de Aldholte, Philip the tailor (cissore), John
Ridel, Roger de Belsted, John Wlyet. Seal. s. iohi. . . . |
[Essex.] |
A. 7333. Feoffment by John Bisshopes of Springefeld to Joan
Bisshopes his mother of a moiety of 2½a. land there in a croft he bought
of Thomas son and heir of the late Edmund of Springefeld (sic) between
lands of Richard Curteis and John de Goldyngton and the common way
from Springfeld church to Little Waltham church; also of a moiety of 3
roods meadow there between John de Goldington's meadows and the stream
(ripam) running from Bromfelde 'Melne' to Chelmersford, and land of
Richard Curteis, with sufficient way from the common way through the
middle of a gate (porte) called 'Nobattes Hacche' leading to the meadow
called 'Reynesshemad' and thence by the usual way to the said 3 roods.
Warranty. Witnesses. Sunday, the morrow of St. Margaret the Virgin,
83 Edward III. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7334. Grant by William Pese of Springefeld to Tiphania daughter
of Stephen Shepherd (pastoris) of Wodeham in frank marriage of a
croft called 'Wlstanes pictel' under the wood called 'Mosegrave,' in the
parish of Springefeld; religious and Jews' clause; rendering 6d. yearly to
the chief lords of the fee for all service, save the king's service, to wit 1d.
when scutage is at 20s. and so in proportion. Warranty. Witnesses:—
John Walram, Gilbert de le Stonhelle, John Wlfyet, Roger Cobbe, Sawall'
de Camera, Robert Chenterel, Robert Carpenter (carpentario) of Wodeham.
Seal, effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7335. Feoffment by William de Wendene, clerk, Roger de
Wodeham, Roger de Kepeworth, chaplain, and Richard Botild of Bromfeld
to John Bisshop of Spryngefeld of ½ a. meadow they had of the gift of Sir
John de Wendovere in Spryngefeld between the meadow of John Bisshop
of Leighes and the meadow formerly the said Sir John's and abutting on
the stream (ripam) running from the water-mill called 'Doubreggemelle'
to Spryngefeld mill and on the pasture formerly the said Sir John's.
Witnesses:—Sir John Fermer and Sir Hugh de Badewe, knights, John
Dodebrok, John Pesee, John Sawyne. Saturday, the feast of St. Barnabas,
25 Edward III. Seals, effaced. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7336. Feoffment by Margery Nele of Spryngefelde, co. Essex, to
Richard Bysshop son of John Bysshop of the same of a croft of 6a. in Little
Waltham called 'Bernardescroft,' between 'Heyfeldelane' and lands of
William Mays, John Chaynel and Thomas Coggeshale; also of two crofts
there of 2a. each,one called 'Huntescroft,' between lands of Sir Hugh Burnel,
John de Geldyngton (sic) and John Chaynel, the other called 'Mundes-
croft' between the road from Little Waltham to Spryngefeld Church, land
of John Goldyngton and John Wolvet's garden and lane; also of a parcel
of meadow called 'Mundesmad' containing 3 roods between William
Prentys' meadow, the bank of the stream from Bromfelde to Chelmers-
ford and land of John Wolvet; all which together with other lands she
had, jointly with William Chaynel, Richard Curteys and Stephen Kynyton,
by the feoffment of the said John Bysshop the father. Witnesses. 20
May. 22 Richard II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7337. Feoffment by Henry Stonhard of Spryngefeld and Alice
his wife, daughter and heir of Eustace Olyver, 'faconner,' to John Gebeloun
of Bromfeld, John Bysshop of the same and John Stonhard of Spryngefeld,
the elder, of a garden and croft in Spryngefeld between 'Wolveslond,'
land late of Eustace Oliver, land of Sir Thomas Tyrell, knt., and the
highway from Chelmesford to Little Waltham. Witnesses. 4 March,
33 Henry VI. Seals. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7338. Feoffment by Thomas son of Gilbert Wolvet of Springe-
feld to Richard Bissop and Avice his wife of 1½a. land between the road
from Hoclee wood to Chelmersford and Robert Wolvet's land. Warranty.
Witnesses:—Peter de Wandever (sic), Sewallus Cobbe, and others (named).
2 May, 9 Edw. II. Seal. . . . berti wolvet. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7339. Feoffment by John son of William Cobbe of Springefeld
to Sawallus Cobbe of a piece of land containing four dayworks (daywerkas)
of land as enclosed in Springefeld between his land, land of the said
Sawallus, land of the abbot of Waltham and the lane to Middelhey wood;
rendering therefor to the chief lord of the fee, viz. to the brethren of the
hospital of St. John of Mapelderstede ½d. on St. Giles' day for all service.
Warranty. Witnesses:—John Wlyet, John de Springefeld, John Peese,
Sawallus de Springefeld, Ralph le Despenser, John Beneyt, Philip le
Tailur, Richard atte Grove, Bartholomew de Aldholte, Gilbert Wolyet,
Roger de Belsted, Richard de Belsted, Ranulph Ridel. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7340. Grant by Philip de Upwik to John de Wendovere, for his
homage and service and for 33s. 4d. paid in hand, of la. arable in
Springefeld in 'Childelond' field, between his land and land which the
said John had of his gift and extending southward to the way leading
to the house of Richard son of William, with the hedge and ditch between
it and the said way; rendering therefore 1d. yearly at Midsummer for all
service. Warranty. Witnesses:—Peter de Besevile, Henry de Mepereshale,
Ralph de Hotot, Reginald son of Richard, Gilbert de la Stonhulle, Geoffrey
de Sanforde, Sewallus Pese, Hervey Carpenter (Hervico Carpentaria),
Elias de Wendovere, Walter Boneyre. Seal, 's. felippi de opwic.' |
[Essex.] |
A. 7341. Release by John Bysshop of Spryngefelde, co. Essex, son
and heir of John Bysshop of the same to Richard Bysshop his brother of
his right in a croft in Little Waltham called 'Bernardescroft' and in two
crofts in Spryngefeld called 'Huntescroft' and 'Mundescroft' and in a
parcel of meadow there called 'Mundesmade,' all which the said Richard
had by the feoffment (A. 7336) of Margery Neel of Spryngefeld.
Witnesses:—John Chaynel, John Neel, John Wolvet, Thomas Stelewoman,
Thomas Belstede. 12 February, 5 Henry IV. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7342. Feoffment by Thomas le Mareschal of Springefeld and
Alice his wife to Gilbert son of John Wolyet for 20s. in hand of a piece of
land in Little Waltham called 'Herewaldescroft' between Roger Cobbe's
land and 'Oklestrate.' Warranty. Witnesses:—John de Springefeld,
Henry de Wendovere, Philip le Tailur, John Beneyt, Ralph le Despenser,
John Wolyet, William de Epping, John Pese, William Peese. Seal.
'S. THOM. LE . . . ESCHAL.' |
[Essex.] |
A. 7343. Feoffment by John Cobbe of Spryngefeld to John Bysshop
and Richard Pollard of his lands, &c. in Spryngefeld and Little Waltham.
Warranty. Witnesses. Sunday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 45 Edward III. |
Essex. |
A. 7344. Feoffment by John Nele of Springfeld, co. Essex, the elder
to John Bisshopp of Springfeld aforesaid the elder, John Pese of the same,
Nicholas Boxted and Richard Wolvett of all the lands in Springfeld and
Little Waltham which he together with John Bosi, John at Pathe, Richard
Wolvett, father of the said Richard, and Thomas Harry had of the feoffment
(A. 7713) of the said John Bisshopp by charter dated at Springfeld, Sunday
after St. Martin the Bishop, 11 Henry VI. Witnesses. 17 April, 34
Henry VI. Seal. |
Essex. |
A. 7345. Release by John Pese the elder of Spryngfeld, co. Essex,
son and heir of John Pese late of Sandon in the said county, to Guy Herling,
John Grene the elder, John Herling son of the said Guy, William Skynner,
Thomas Yenge, Geoffrey Bigulon and John Newton, of his right in lands
&c. called 'Bisshoppes' in Spryngfeld and Little Waltham, co. Essex, and
in 28½d. rent he was used to receive for the said lands and tenements from
John Bisshoppe late their possessor. 10 October, 39 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7346. Grant by Sawalus son of Richard Pese to Roger Cobbe for
his homage and service of ½a. land in 'Middelhei' between the path from
Roger's house to Ralph de Besevill's at Ocle and John de Cramavill's wood,
one head of it extending to the croft of the said Roger called 'le Reden'
and the other to Midelhei wood; to hold by service of 2d. yearly. Warranty.
For this the said Roger has given him 3s. gersum. Witnesses:—
Stephen le Franceis, Walter del Stonhell, Geoffrey de Belstede, William
de Gweres, Godfrey de Sanford, William Swein, Adam son of Gunnor',
Richard Dispensator, Robert Wlvet, William de Ocle, Robert Cobbe, John
Gladewine, Richard son of Hugh, Roger de Wymbisse. |
Essex. |
A. 7347. Letter of attorney by John Pese of Springfeld, Nicholas
Boxsted and Richard Wulvett of the same to John Bisshopp son of John
Bisshopp late of Springfeld, deceased, and Thomas Kent of Chelmesford,
writer (scribam), to deliver seisin to Guy Herling, John Grene, gent. John
Herlyng son of the said Guy, William Skynner, Thomas Yenge, Geoffrey
Bigulon and John Newton, of all the lands in Springfeld and Little
Waltham, co. Essex, formerly of John Bisshopp, the elder, according to
their charter (A. 7704) thereof. 20 July, 35 Henry VI. Seals. |
London. |
A. 7348. Release by John Waltham and Felicia his wife for them-
selves and her heirs to Katharine atte Pole, Richard Rose, citizen and
tailor of London, John Tredesalt and John Baret, chaplains, of their right
in the lands, tenements, rents and services formerly of John atte Pole in
London and elsewhere. Warranty. London, 18 November, 6 Richard II.
Seals. |
London. |
A. 7349. Indenture of acquittance by Thomas Percy, prior of Holy
Trinity, London, to Master William Dunthorn, Common Clerk of the city
of London, of 4l. 12d. in full satisfaction of all arrears of a rent of 54s. yearly
due to him out of two messuages situate together in the parish of St.
Mary Abchurch, London, to wit between the tenement belonging to the
churchwardens of St. Swithin in Candilwikestrete on the east, John
Langrigge's tenement on the west, the mansion of St. Lawrence Pounteney
College on the south, and the highway on the north; of which rent Thomas
Pomerey, the late prior, and all his predecessors beyond memory were seised
in fee in right of their church aforesaid, and for which they were wont
when in arrear to distrain on the said messuages. 28 June, 2 Henry VII. |
London. |
A. 7350. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by the prior,
Gilbert, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, to Hawisa daughter of
William the mason (cementarii) of certain land in the parish of Allhallows,
Colemanchirch, London, between land of the brethren of Mountjoy
(Monte Joris) on the east and land of Peter Huniteil on the west; to hold
to her, her heirs and assigns for ever; rendering 3s. yearly; warranty; for
this she has given them 10s. gersum. Witnesses: Walter Hervi and
William de Dunelm', sheriffs of London, John de Norhamton, alderman of
that ward, Henry Deubeneye, Walter the baker (pistore), Roger de
Leuesham, Norman le Megucer, Thomas Coberd, William Wodeman,
William the glover (cirotekar'), Eadmund son of Gregory, Robert de
Endorsed: Modo Ricardus le Sawyere. |
[London.] |
A. 7351. Grant by Henry son of Ailwin of London to the [prior]
and canons of Holy Trinity, London, for the health of the soul of King
Henry, and of his own soul, and [for the souls] of his ancestors and of
all faithful deceased, in pure and perpetual alms, of 5s. rent from the
land which Henry Toltrich held of him between the land which Ailwin
the plasterer (duber') held towards the east and the land which Lawrence
the plumber (plumbarius) held towards the west; to hold freely, &c. to do
service for the souls aforesaid, on the day of the anniversary of his decease
yearly when it happen.
Endorsed: 'Henricus filius Ailwini dat nobis v. solidos redditus.
In parochia Bothaghe.' |
[London.] |
A. 7352. Indenture of demise for 52 years by the prior and con-
vent of . . . . to Thomas and Margery . . . . of a shop and garden
in the parish of St. Botolph . . . . at 13s. [4d.] rent . . . . with right
of re-entry in default of repairs. 4 [Richard] II. Fragment. |
[London.] |
A. 7353. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by S. the prior of
Holy Trinity, London, and the convent of the same place to Edric the
merchant (Edrico mercatori) of their land, that to wit which Richard the
chaplain bought of Norman son of Alfred Horeh, in which dwelt Ailnoth
brother of Alfred Horeh; to hold in fee and heredity by 4s. yearly to
be rendered at Michaelmas and Easter; they have granted him this so
long as he pay the said rent and be faithful to the church for this holding;
the said Edric has sworn in the chapter of the canons on the holy gospel
to be faithful to the prior and canons for this tenement; he has given for
this grant to the prior one bezant and to the convent one sextary of
wine of London. Witnesses:—Robert the chaplain, Ralph the clerk of
Stebeet', Adam his brother, Robert, Luke, Ralph the clerk of
Framelingham, Hugh nephew of Robert the chaplain, Richard, Adward,
Peter, Ailred, Odo.
Endorsed: 'Contra Edricum mercatorem. Socca': also 'pro iiijs.
modo Willelmus de Alegate.' |
London. |
A. 7354. Release by Juliana late the wife of Alan de Balon for the
health of his and her souls to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of what-
ever she had in 12d. quit rent which Ralph Burel was wont to pay her from
certain land with houses which is in the parish of St. Olave towards the
Tower of London, in Marchelane, between land of Turbernus 'arconarii'
towards the north and land of Peter the tiler (coopertoris) 'Hondes'; to hold
freely quietly, for ever; for this gift and quit claim the canons gave her 6s.
Witnesses:—Peter Blund, alderman, Robert de Turri, Alexander 'frutter,'
Alan But, Nicholas Young (jucene'), Roger the cook (coco), William de Pyro,
John de Tefont, William Haket, Robinus de Camera.
Endorsed: 'Sancti Olavi versus Turrim': also 'Juliana relicta Alexandri
de Balun reddit nobis xij. d. redditus quas vir ejus nobis legaverat de terra
Radulfi Burel in Marchelane'; also 'W. Burel et Benedicti de Hakeneye.' |
London. |
A. 7355. Release by Richard Osbarn, Henry Hert, citizens of
London, Henry Jolypace and Thomas Preston, clerks, to John Marchaunt
son of Nicholas Marchaunt, late citizen of London, of their right in two
tenements with buildings which together with Henry Julyan, citizen and
ironmonger (ferrone) of London, since deceased, they had of the gift and
grant of the said John Marchaunt, by his deed enrolled in the Husting of
Common Pleas, Monday before St. Martin, the Bishop, in winter, 13
Henry IV. Richard Merlawe being mayor, John Gedney and Henry Rede
sheriffs, and the said John Gedney alderman of the ward. Witnesses:—
William Norton, John Caundissh and others (named). London, 19
January, 5 Henry V. Seals, broken. |
London. |
A. 7356. Release by Margaret late the wife of Thomas Berners, esq.
to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, of her right in a rent
issuing from the tenements and solars late belonging to William Burcestre,
knight, near the Great Conduit of London, between the tenement late
. . . . eyn's on the east and the tenement late Richard Dyne's on the west.
30 January, 36 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7357. Feoffment by Margery Neles of Spryngefelde to John son
of John Bysshop of the same of all the lands and tenements there and in
Little Waltham which together with William Chaynel, Richard Curteys
and Stephen Kenyngton as joint feoffees she lately had by the feoffment of
the said John Bysshop the father. Witnesses. Spryngefelde, Saturday
the feast of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, 22 Richard II. Seal. |
London. [Kent.] |
A. 7358. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by the whole
convent of canons of Christ Church, London, to Ogerus de Cabulian and
his heirs of a certain part of the land which Leuilda wife of Godfrey held,
that part to wit which is nearer the house of the said Ogerus which he
holds of the canons; for 8s. yearly to be held in fee, to be paid 4s. at
Easter and as much at Michaelmas; this land is without the gate of
Alegate and has in width 8 perches and a half and in length 27 perches,
and a perch has 17 feet and a half. It should be known that the said
Liuilda gave up to the canons this land in their chapter quit, and
Ogerus gave her 20s. for her right and to the canons one sextary of wine
of London for this grant, and in the chapter of the canons received the
same land. It should be known that the same Ogerus holds of the canons
a certain other land without Alegate for which he renders them 12d.,
and for the land he holds of them at Liesnes he renders them
2 marks and a half and at the same terms. The sum of those due for
these lands is this 42s. 4d. yearly to wit, 21s. 2d. at Easter and as much at
Michaelmas. Witnesses:—Adam the priest (sacerdote), Eduardus the
clerk of the said Ogerus, William Fugiens, Lawrence the clerk, Ansgerus,
Robertus Turnur, Warinus de Porta.
Endorsed: 'Contra Oggerum dapiferum de ij. terris extra Alagate pro ix.
solidis et de terra Beiuini(?) apud Lesnes pro ij. marcis et dimidia;' also
'Socca nostra. Lesnes;' also Willelmus (sic) de Sancto Philiberto, Ricardo
de Sancto Philiberto, Willelmo de Rokell, Godefrido de Rokell, Johanne de
Anestie, Ricardo de Bikelega, Willelmo Avenel, Jervasio de Cogeleis,
Willelmo de Anestie, Edwardo clerico, Edmundo janitore, Ricardo Walense,
Baldewino de Sartrin. Cf. A. 1878. |
Herts. |
A. 7359. General release by Richard Ambirley of the county of
Hertford to Nicholas, prior of Holy Trinity, London, and the convent of the
same. London, the day after the feast of the Holy Trinity, 49 Edward III.
Endorsed: 'Relaxacio Ricardi Aumberley dicti Braghwyng.' Seal, broken. |
London. |
A. 7360. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by R. the prior
and the convent of canons of Christ Church, London, to Ralph de Sumeri
of the land which William Locwrichte held; to hold to him and his heirs
by rendering therefore 4s. yearly, half at Michaelmas and half at Easter;
this they have granted so long as he render the said payment (censum).
Witnesses:—William the priest (sacerdote) of Scherehog, Andrew the
priest, Richard the priest, Jordan the priest, Roger Hat, Robert de Chent,
William Ruffus and Edgar his brother, Saled de Waltham, Harding,
Eadric Nauere, Saward the weaver (telario), Goldston, William de Benche-
sham, Baldwin and Siward, Geoffrey Gernun, William de Witham.
Endorsed: 'Contra Radulfum de Sumeri de terra quam Willelmus
Locwrichte tenuit,': also 'Sancti Laurencii super Tamisiam.' |
London. |
A. 7361. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Ralph the prior
and convent of Christ Church, London, to Brunlocus and his heirs of two
wharves (hwervos) with adjacent land which they have at Rederesgate to hold
for 22s. yearly under one tenure, so that they render 11s. at Easter and
as much at Michaelmas; this they have granted and by the present
chirograph confirmed that the said Brunlocus and his heirs may hold the
said tenure by the said payment (censum) so long as they pay the same
at the appointed terms wholly and without diminution; but if hereafter he
or any of his heirs cause loss to the church in respect of this tenure, let
them lose the fee and heredity, unless at the pleasure of the prior and
unless they find mercy with the brethren. Witnesses:—Robert the priest,
Robert of St. Elfegus, Elias the clerk son of Goldwinus the priest,
Blacstanus son-in-law of Wulfwinus, John son of Dermannus, Adam, Alfred,
Robert the cook, William. Endorsed: 'Contra Brunlocum de ij. wervis
apud Rederesgate pro xxij. solidis': also 'Magni Martiris modo Botulphi
Billy [ns] gate': also 'Modo abbas de graciis': also 'Frosseswarf.' Cf.
A. 7309. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7362. Grant by Juliana daughter of William son of Renger to
God and the church of Holy Trinity, London, and the canons there serving
God for her soul in pure and perpetual alms of 26d. rent in Hedelmeton
which William Stonhard used to render her, with the service of the said
William; rendering therefore yearly to Ralph de Hairun and his heirs for
all service ½lb. of cummin before (infra) Christmas; saving the king's
service which the said William ought to acquit. Witnesses:—John
Bucuint, Richard Renger, Helias Belebarb.
Endorsed: 'Modo tenet in feodo Adam Fraunceys videlicet in anno
regni regis Ricardi ij. a conquestu tercio.' |
London. |
A. 7363. Chirograph indented being a grant by Richard the prior and
canons of Holy Trinity, London, to William son of Gomund of a certain
land in the parish of St. Dionis of Bakecherche which Andrew le
Orfreysier sometime held, between the land which was of Nicholas Hardel
to the north and the land of St. Giles' Hospital to the south; to hold to
him, his heirs and assigns in fee and heredity, rendering 12d. yearly at
Michaelmas and Easter; neither he nor his heirs shall be able to sell,
pledge, or demise the said land to Jews, and if they will demise it the priors
and canons to have the preference by 12d.; he has sworn in their chapter to
be faithful to them for this tenement and the payment (censu); for this he
gave them 5s. gersum. Witnesses:—Thomas de Dunolmia, Gilbert son
of Fulk, John de Cornhell, aldermen, Walkelinus the goldsmith (anrifabro),
John de Lesn', John de Teffunt, William Haket, Richard le May, Walter
de Wokindon, Henry le Large, Clement Joye, Edmund son of Gregory.
Endorsed: 'Vxor J. de Baukewelle de xij. d.' |
London. |
A. 7364. Grant by William Martel, the king's dapifer, to the church
of Holy Trinity of the land which Denys held of him by 3s. yearly; to
hold in fee of him and his heirs by the same payment; and so, that although
his land in London by him or his heirs be committed to the custody of any,
let neither the payment be increased nor any custom be added. Witnesses:
Robert de Burneham, Robert the chamberlain (camerario), Roger de
Hillenduna, Payn de Sancto Andrea. Endorsed; 'Carta Willelmi
Martelli de terra Dionisii'; also 'in parochia Sancti Petri Parvi.' |
A. 7365. Grant by John the chaplain, son of Stephen Black (nigri),
to Austin the weaver (telario) his cousin (cognato) of the land, late his said
father's, between the land formerly of Henry son of Rennerus to the north
and land of William Colnere to the south, together with the rent of 28d.
due from the said William for the said adjacent land; to hold in fee and
heredity by ½ lb. of cummin rent for all service, save the service of the
lords of the fee, to wit, to the heirs of Thomas de Haverill 5s. yearly at
Michaelmas and Easter; for this Austin gave him 10 marks gersum.
Witnesses:—Lawrence Duket, Humphrey Duket, Geoffrey Pinchehat,
William Castell, Richard Black (nigro), Bartholomew Dobes (?), Robert the
weaver (textore), Gerinus de Kent, William Palmer, Robert Palmer,
John de Walewurth, William de Enefeld, Alexander de Havering, Robert
de Havering, Godfrey Palmer. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7366. Release by Alice late the wife of Roger Hillari of Edelmeton,
in her free widowhood, to E. the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London,
of her right in 4a. land, between land late Hugh Peverel's and the land of
William le Fox which they have of the gift of John son of John her brother,
and whereof she impleaded Thomas de Arcubus, the tenant, before master
Roger de Seyton and others, justices in eyre at Stone Cross (apud crucem
lapideam) in the octave of St. Martin 2 Edward [I]; to hold to the said prior
and canons as the charter witnesses which they have of her said brother
who enfeoffed them thereof. Witnesses:—Lawrence Duket, William de
Berneford, Richard de Anesti, Geoffrey the cook, William Spirk, William
le Frere, Robert Gizors, William Yvon (?), John Blund (blundo), Richard
the cook. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed:—'Edelmetone.' |
[London.] |
A. 7367. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by S. the prior of
Holy Trinity, London, and the convent of the same church to Ailbrictus
the smith (fabro) of the land which next before him Turstanus held and
the land which next before him William the fletcher (fleccarius) held;
these two lands they granted to him and his heirs to hold in fee and
heredity for 5s. yearly rent for all service, to wit 2s. 6d. at Easter and
2s. 6d. at Michaelmas, so that he make the said payment truly (sine
omni ingenio) and be faithful for this tenement; he has sworn in the
canons' chapter before the convent to be faithful to the church and us for
this tenement; for this grant he has given the prior and convent 7s. ger-
sum. Witnesses:—Salomon son of Salomon, Turbertus, Ailredus son of
Turbertus, Lawrence Lingedrapier, Walter, Godwinus Turnur, Christofer,
Ralph his brother, John Turnur, Richard Mercier, Godwin the smith
(fabro), Turstanus, William the squire (armigero), Richard son of Gocelinus,
Edward his brother, Benedict Long (longo), and others (named). En-
dorsed:—Socca. |
[London,] |
A. 7368. Grant by [Thomas] de Heston to John le Balancer of a tene-
ment and curtilage in the parish of St. Mary Axe (beate Marie de lax) to hold
in fee and hereditarily, rendering therefore yearly . . . ., and to the prior
and convent of Holy Trinity . . ., and to Paul le poter . . . . . .;
consideration 100s. Witnesses:—John Standard, and others (named).
Mutilated. Endorsed: [M]alemayns. |
[London.] |
A. 7369. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Ralph the
prior and the convent of Christ Church, London, to Richard nephew (nepoti)
of Norman the monk, of the land which was of Gerold father of the said
Norman, and the land of Edith (Edire) the widow, and the land of Reginald
the smith (fabri), to hold to him and his heirs by 5s. yearly, to be paid 30d.
at Easter and as much at Michaelmas; this they have granted to him and
his heirs so long as they pay the said rent (censum) and are faithful to the
church and canons. Witnesses:—Jordan son of Sparling, and William
Facetus, and Geoffrey the tanner, and Godfrey the clerk, and Leuegarus
the smith (fabro) and the hallmote (et hallemoto).
Endorsed: 'Contra Ricardum le Ca[u]cer. Socca nostra.' |
[London.] |
A. 7370. Grant by Teodbaldus son of Ivo to Hubert son of Goda
French (francsigene) of his land lying between the land of John Hornepite
and the land of Hugh Clop, in fee (in feudo et hereditate finabiliter) rendering
12d. yearly for all service: he and his heirs are bound to warrant the land,
nor shall they expel the said Hubert or his heirs, to lodge themselves, or
others, there (causa nos rel alias hospitandi); they are to be preferred pur-
chasers by 6d. if the said Hubert or his heirs wish to sell (rendere vel
expendere) the land: to have this agreement kept Hubert has given 12d.
gersum. Witnesses:—Hutredus Stede, William de Suffolkia, Hernisus
Furbur, Fulcredus of Limstrat, Hugh Clop, and Robert the clerk, who
wrote this charter.
Endorsed: 'Limstrate.' |
[London.] |
A. 7371. General release by John de Wyndesore, 'taylour,' and
Julian his wife, daughter of Simon de Totenhale citizen and 'pheliper' of
London, to Nicholas prior of Holy Trinity, London, Richard de Brikendon,
his fellow canon, and the whole convent of the said church, and to John
Hauekyn their doorkeeper and all their household (familie). Witnesses:
Simon de Hatfeld, 'poter,' and others named. London, the feast of
St. Botolph the Abbot, 28 Edward III. |
[London.] |
A. 7372. Counterpart of lease by the abbot, John, and the convent
of Leesnes, to Adam Rouse, surgeon, citizen of London, and Julian his
wife, late the wife of David Leche, surgeon, citizen of London, for their
lives in survivorship, of a brewhouse, upon surrender of a lease made
thereof to the said David and Julian . . . . Luke the Evangelist,
A.D. 1378. Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of pleas endorsed.
Mutilated. See A. 1583, &c. |
London. |
A. 7373. Counterpart of demise by Ralph the prior of Holy Trinity,
London, with the consent of the convent of the same, to Richer de
Refham, citizen and mercer of London, at 7l. rent yearly, and upon the
surrender of existing leases, of a tenement in the parish of St. Mary
Colecherch, London, between Ysmongerelane and . . . .; also of the
sollars at the corner of the said lane between the said [tenement] and
the sollars late of Adam de St. Albans, next Chepe in the said parish;
and also of three shops next the highway of Chepe . . . . John le Blunt
being then mayor and alderman of the ward of Chepe . . . . Friday
before All Hallows, 32 Edw. I. Mutilated. |
[London.] |
A. 7374. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant in fee and heredity
by S [tephen] the prior and the convent of Christ Church, London, to
Christopher son of Ailward Waite, of the land which was of Adam who
was the brother of Alfred Hore, with the forge which William the squire
(armiger) held, for 10s. 6d. yearly. They have granted this land to him
as long as he pay the said rent and be faithful to the church for this
tenement; he has sworn in the chapter of the canons to be faithful to the
church for this tenement; for this concession and the confirmation of this
charter he has given the prior and convent 10s. gersum. Witnesses:—
Robert Capell, Roger Brocsonghe, Richard son of Gocelin, William son of
the priest (sacerdotis), William de Camerwell, Ralph Fehe, Richer de
Endorsed: 'Socca.' |
[Middx.] |
A. 7375. Chirograph, indented, being a grant in pure and perpetual
alms by Ralph Hareng to God and the church [of Holy Trinity, London,
for his soul and the] souls of his ancestors and successors, of 25½a. with
the meadow belonging to them as they lie in the fields of Hes[tune],
together with the tenement and service, in pence and customs, of Robert
the smith (fabri) of Hestune. Witnesses:—William de Sancte Marie
Ecclesia, bishop of London, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Hestune. Radulfus Hareng dat nobis xxv. acras terre et
dimidiam apud Hestun pro domibus quas Brand canonicus Sancti Pauli
nobis dedit.' |
[London.] |
A. 7376. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement between Robert
son of Simon and Reginald de Lyega touching a leaden gutter, &c.
Witnesses:—Martin son of Alice, alderman, Serlo the mercer and others
(named). It was done (Actum fuit) IX Kal. April, in the presence of the
above and of Simon the chaplain, and of Master Walter the clerk and of
Richard Renger, alderman, 2 Henry [III]. |
London. |
A. 7377. Copies on one skin, mutilated, of:—
(i.) . . . . [witnesses] . . . Taylour, John de Flytewyk . . . . . .
4[0?] Edw. III. |
London. |
(ii.) Feoffment by William Herst, of the King's Wardrobe in the
Tower of London, to King Edward III, of a messuage, 8 shops and
a garden in the parish of Botolph without Algate, in the suburb of
London . . . . . of Thomas de Lincoln of Northumberland, and which
he had of the feoffment of the said . . . . 14 July, 4[0?] Edw. III. |
London. |
(iii.) Feoffment by Gosselyn Hosseberne, citizen and fishmonger of
London and Margaret his wife to King Edward III, of 4 shops with
tenements and gardens on Tourhill in Estsmethefeld in the parish of
St. Botolph without Algate, between the tenement formerly Peter ate
Vyne's now belonging to the abbot and convent of St. Mary Graces
on the west, and the garden of the said abbot and convent on the
east; which tenements formerly belonged to William . . . . of
London. At 'le Tourhille,' 17 September, 42 Edw. III. |
London. |
(iv.) Feoffment by William Gamen, smith (faber) of 'la Tourhille'
and Alice his wife to King Edward III of their tenements with shops
gardens and curtilages at Estsmethefeld in the parish of St.
Botolph without Algate, London, between a great garden, formerly
John Grantham's, on the east, his own dwellinghouse on the
west, the highway on the south and his garden on the north.
Witnesses:—John Grantham, Simon Taylour, John Flytewyk and
others (named). London, 12 October, 44 Edw. III. |
London. |
(v.) Letters patent by Arnald de Pynkeny and Richard de
Donemowe, clerks, reciting that Bartholomew de Bourne, clerk, son of
Margaret late the wife of Sir John de Bourne, knight, of county Kent,
held for the term of his life after the death of the said Margaret his
mother the tenements with the quay adjoining called Frosshwharf,
with shops, sollars, and other appurtenances in the parish of St.
Botolph in the ward of Byllyngesgate, London, situate between the
tenement of Henry de Boseworth on the west, the tenement of John
Wroth on the east, Tamisestret on the north and the Thames on the
south, and that the reversion thereof belonged to them, as appeared
by a charter read and enrolled in the Husting of London, Monday
before St. Margaret the Virgin, 45 Edw. III; grant by them of the
said reversion to the King. London, the feast of the Assumption,
45 Edw. III. |
London. |
A. 7378. Will, with probate endorsed, of Walter Cobbe, citizen and
butcher (carnifex) of London, dated Friday before St. Ambrose, and proved
before the Commissary of London, VIII Id. April, 1349. To be buried in
churchyard of St. Botolph without Algate; to high altar 2s., to every
priest celebrating in said church 12d., to the major clerk 6d., to the minor
clerk 3d., to the fabric 40d., to William Thormeston, chaplain, a tenement
in said parish between tenement of John Hottere on north and own on south;
two other tenements, on south of above, to be sold and distributed for soul in
masses and other alms by executors; all goods to be sold and distributed
for own soul, executors' souls and of all faithful deceased; executors,
William ate Gat and William Thormeston, chaplain. Witnesses, Robert
Brampton, chaplain, Godfrey Clerk (clerico) butcher, and others (named).
Seal, broken. |
London. |
A. 7379. Indenture of demise by Walter Cobbe, citizen and butcher
of London, and Isabella his wife, to Robert Partrich and Agnes his wife,
for the life of the said Agnes, of the south half, with the piece of land
next it, of the messuage which they had by the feoffment of the said Robert
and Agnes in the parish of St. Botolph without Algate, London; rendering
therefore yearly for all services and demands 12d. to the prior and convent
of Holy Trinity of Cricherche. Thursday in Whitsun week, 22 Edward
III. Seal, chipped.
Endorsed:—Unde habemus xij d. |
[London.] |
A. 7380. Release by Robert Cetylbern of . . . . to the prior and
convent of . . . . of all actions touching a messuage in the parish of St.
Botolph without Algate bequeathed to them by William Catylbern. London,
Sunday after St. John before the Latin Gate . . . . Fragment of seal.
Endorsed:—[Qui] eta clamacio Roberti de Che [tylbern] fratris domini
Willelmi de . . . . capellani; Botulphi Algat. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7381. Feoffment by William son of Adam Terry of Yelvertoft to
Simon Terry of the same of 1a. arable there, viz. ½a. on Middelstanclyve
and ½a. on Pessul. Saturday after St. Gregory the Pope, 15 Edward III.
Seal, defaced. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7382. Indenture of demise for nine years from St. Martin the
Bishop then next, by John Mallore, knt. lord of Welton, and Joan his
wife, to Isabel and Joan, daughters of Adam Caldecote of the same, of
three half acres of arable, with their heads, in the fields there, to wit
next land of Nicholas Gibbe on Coppedewelleforlong; with leave to dig
the said heads for the improvement of said half acres. Friday, the eve
of St Simon and St. Jude, forty . . . Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7383. Feoffment by William Stote of Lillebourne to Peter de
Egisfeld in Coventre of 7 acres 3 roods of land, with 2 roods
of meadow, in Chelveristoft and Lillebourne. Witnesses: Henry Baker
(pistore) in Coventre and others (named).
Endorsed:—Yelvertoft et Lillebourn. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7384. Feoffment by Henry Campioun of Weleton to Simon Heir
of the same, of a house belonging to his place (de placeta mea) there
between his mansion (capitalem domum meam) and his gate (portam),
together with the said gate, the gable of his grange next it and all the
adjoining court and curtilage, from the gable of his said mansion up to the
court of the said Henry, to wit between the tenements of John Tewe and
William Martin; to hold the said house with bounds and 'hayes,' walls on
the north and all the court up to 'le sidwon' of the grange. Tuesday,
the morrow of St. Ambrose, 10 Edward II. |
[Camb.] |
A. 7385. Draft of demise by John de Colne to Sir Nicholas de
Turri of his land in Mordon and Caxton, with services free and bond,
together with the meadow of Fen Draitun, for the term of 7 years
from Ascension day, 35 Hen. III, at 24 marks 4s. rent: the land to be
redelivered at the end of the term tilled, sown, ploughed for sowing
and relimed (relimatam) as received, to wit, at Mordon, 19a. corn,
7a. maslin, to wit corn and barley, 14a. barley, 11½a. drag, 14a.
3 roods oats, 6a. 3 roods peas and vetches, 23a. ploughed for sowing
and 57a. unploughed; and at Caxton, 72a. corn, 10a. barley, 50a. drag,
20a. oats, 8a. beans, 5a. vetches, 40a. ploughed for sowing and 5a.
meadow; of teams, at Morden, 2 oxen, value 12s. and 3 horses (stotti),
value 16s.; at Caxton 5 horses (stotti) worth 5s. each and 4 oxen worth
7s. 6d. each. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7386. Feoffment by William Rage and Agnes his wife to Thomas
Rage, the elder, Thomas Rage, the younger, and John Rage, their sons, of
the land she inherited on the decease of Thomas Burgh, her father, in
Braunston, as appeared by the charter made to the said Thomas and his
heirs by John Burgh his father. Witnesses:—John Payne of Flekenho,
and others (named). 11 August. 15 Edward IV. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7387. Feoffment by Lucy late the wife of Nigel Ricard to John
son of William de Catesby, of 13s. 4d. rent from her land in Bobenhull.
Sunday, Christmas day, 37 Edward III. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7388. Counterpart demise by Elizabeth Catesby, widow, late the
wife of George Catesby, esquire, to Thomas Whelar of Henley in Arden,
'barker,' for 60 years, at 19s. yearly rent, of a tenement there between the
pavement and the little park, a croft called 'le Bucley' within the lordship
of Beudeserte between the little park and the land of the Gild of Henley,
4 butts of arable in Whitley field, 3 of them between the lands of the Gild
and of John Aston, knight, and the fourth between other land of hers and
the road from Whitley to Wotton, and a garden called 'Barneyarde'
outside the town bars. The said Thomas and his assigns shall have
'loppe' and 'schrede' and underwood in the said croft, &c. 29 April,
23 Henry VII. Seal. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7389. Feoffment by Agnes late the wife of Richard at Well
(ad fontem) of Weleton, in her widowhood, to Richard her son and Maud
her daughter, of a messuage with a curtilage there, and 4½a. in the east
and west fields of the same, which she had by the feoffment of her son
Henry. Thursday, the feast of St. Botolph the Abbot, 7 Edward III. |
Leic. N'hamp. |
A. 7390. Indenture being a feoffment by Nicholas Catesby to
William Wodehull and Elizabeth his wife, daughter of William Catesby,
deceased, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to
himself, his heirs and assigns, of his lands &c. in Thedyngworth, co.
Leicester, and Silleston, in the parish of Wittulbury, co. Northampton,
formerly belonging to the said William her father. Attorneys to deliver
seisin Henry Hogges and Thomas Benson. Witnesses:—Fulk Wodehull,
esquire, and others (named). At Thedyngworth, 9 December, 11 Henry VII,
Seal. |
Middx. |
A. 7391. Release by Alice late the wife of Walter le Coner, in her
widowhood, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of her
dower in land in Edelmeton, co. Middlesex, late belonging to Stephen le
Coner and to the said Walter, his brother. 25 May, 18 Edward II.
Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7392. Release by Walter called 'le Coner' of Stratford, to
Richard the prior [and the convent of Holy Trinity, London], of his right
in land in Edelmeton, formerly belonging to Stephen le Coner, his brother,
and which the said Stephen had of the gift of [Robert de Lodon] . . . .
the Assumption of the B.V.M. . . . . [Edward II]. Fragments of
two seals, unattached. Mutilated. See A. 2200.
Endorsed:—Edelmeton. Quietaclamacio Walteri dicti le Coner fratris
Stephani le Coner de terris et tenementis que vel quas idem Stephanus
habuit in Edilmeton [de dono] Roberti de Loden. Duplex. |
A. 7393. Fragment. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7394. Indenture being a feoffment by John Porter of Assheby
Marys, John Balhed of the same and John Smyth of Faxton, to William
Payne of Assheby Marys and Agnes his wife, for their lives in survivorship,
of the land, &c. there, which they jointly had by the feoffment of the said
William and Agnes; with remainder to John Payne, son of the said
William and Agnes, and Joan his wife, daughter of William Clypston of
Draughton, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder in default to the
right heirs of the said William. Sunday before the Purification of the
B.V.M., 2 Edward IV. |
A. 7395. Feoffment by Alexander de Ketryngham of Henleye, to
Robert his son of a piece of his land there. Thursday the feast of
St. Valentine, 5 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7396. Counterpart of demise by William de Arderne the younger
and Agnes, his wife, to Isabel Gaunt, of Daventre, of three half acres in
the north and south fields there for the term of her life, with remainder,
as to one half acre, to Agnes, daughter of Thomas le Gaunt, for the term
of her life, with reversion, after the decease both of Agnes and of Isabel, of
the whole three acres to them and their heirs. Daventre, Thursday after
St. Simon and St. Jude, 28 Edward III. |
[Linc.] |
A. 7397. Feoffment by Roger le Wayder, of the parish of St.
Michael in Wikeford, with the consent and assent of Helizabeth, his wife,
to John son of Ralph son of Gocelin, of certain land with its appurten-
ances and easements, to wit with free ingress and egress by day and night
from the king's highway to the tidal water (a regali via usque ad aquam
regiam), which land lay in the said parish between land of John of Louth
(de Luda) on the north and 'le gothe' on the south, and extended in
length from the king's highway on the west to the tidal water on the
east; rendering therefore 3d. at Midsummer for all exaction and custom,
Witnesses:—Richard at Bridge (ad pontem) then mayor of the city of
Lincoln, John son of Gervase and John de Heftgate, then bailiffs of the
same, Thomas Beu fov, Adam son of Astinus, John Bern, Alexander de
Stiendeby, Geoffrey de Marcham, Robert de Kirketon and many others.
Seal, damaged. |
[Kent.] |
A. 7398. Feoffment by Thomas Beneyt, of Wylmintone, to Robert
Hauekere, of the parish of Derteforde, and Joan, his wife, of a rood of
land in Pethagh croft in Wylmintone parish. Friday after St. Luke,
21 Edward III. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 7399. Release by Simon — to Gilbert Basset of —
Blund and his holding with his issue (sequela). Witnesses:—Robert
Brand, Richard de Croinden, . . . . Waldith, William, son of
Hervicus. . . . . Fragment. |
[Linc.] |
A. 7400. Feoffment by Geoffrey, son of Hymer of Conesby, to
Thomas Abbot (abbati) and Maud his, Geoffrey's, daughter, their heirs
and assigns, of a place of land on the south of his toft in the town of
Conesby 175 (octo vinginti et quindecim) feet long and 24 feet wide,
rendering therefore 1d. at Christmas yearly. Witnesses:—Walter de
Conesby, clerk, and others (named).
Endorsed: Coningisby et Tatersale. |