[Kent.] |
A. 7201. Grant by William son of Hugh Pollard of Haleghesto, to
Roger de Leyburne, of 7½ dayworks (deyuercas) of meadow, in a meadow
called 'Smethebrok,' rendering, yearly, a costard at Michaelmas.
Witnesses:—Sir Ralph le Sauvage, knight, Gilbert de la Gare, William
son of William de Hupcherech, and others (named). |
[Glouc.] |
A. 7202. Grant by Alice late the wife of Thomas Dyer of Thorn-
bury, widow, to Richard Orchard of Littelton by Severn, and John Nelme
of Thornbury, of a tenement, by the name of a moiety of a burgage
which she had of the feoffment of John Erneburgh and Thomas Clerk, in
Thornbury, adjoining the villein land (terram natiram) of the lord called
'Packers.' 6 May, 27 Henry VI. Seal. |
N'hamp. |
A. 7203. Grant by Thomas de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick, to
his yeoman (raletto), Simon Pakeman of Kereby, for good service done him
touching the recovery of his land of Gower in Wales, of all his land
&c. in Overe Botyndon. Witnesses:—Guy, Thomas, and Reynbrun, the
grantor's sons, Sir Robert de Herle and Sir Ralph Basset of Sapecote,
knts., Richard de Piriton, clk., the earl's steward, and others. South-
ampton, 24 August, 29 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 7204. Bond by Peter de Ho, rector of a mediety of the church
of Silhangles, to Sir Robert de Benhale, rector of another mediety of the
same church, in 32 marks, for all Robert's corn there up to Michaelmas,
both from his demesne and his tithes; Sir Robert de Bosco and Sir
Robert de Morle, knights, John de Ho, his brother, Robert de Gissing, and
others (named), being his sureties. A.D. 1276, 4 Edward I. Three seals,
defaced. |
[N'th'l'd.] |
A. 7205. Grant by Gilbert son of Richard the cook of Birtely, to
Richard de Botteland, of all his land of Birtely, in return for 20 marks
which Richard has paid to him in his great need. Witnesses:—Sirs
Robert de Insula, Robert de Camhou, and Hugh de Herle; and others
(named). |
[Glouc.] |
A. 7206. Indenture of demise by Thomas de Wyncote, to John de
la Chaumbre, of Brodemershtone, and Robert Jurdan of Dryemershtone,
for their lives in survivorship, of the manor of Wyncote with all lands and
tenements &c. together with three houses, viz. a dovehouse, a chamber, and
an ox-house, by the gate. Saturday after Michaelmas, 35 Edward III.
Seal, injured. |
[Chesh.] |
A. 7207. Bond by John Legh of Legh, son of Richard Legh, John
Leycestre, esquire, Thomas Legh of Northwode, and Peter Stanley, esquire,
to John Daniell of Deresbury, for 200 marks to be paid at Christmas next.
21 November, 23 Henry VI. Portions of two seals.
Endorsed: Condition of above bond witnessing that if William Helegh,
knight, of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, shall fulfil all
the agreements entered into by him in certain indentures made between
him and the said John Daniell, on the above date, then the above bond is
to be void. |
Warw. Wilts. Berks. |
A. 7208. Release by Robert Horton, parson of the church of Lap-
worth, to Dame Rose (Roisie) Montfort, of all his right in all the lands
and tenements, &c. in the counties named, which he, with others, lately
had of her feoffment. Sunday after Michaelmas, 13 Henry IV. |
[Kent.] |
A. 7209. Grant by Simon and Walter, sons of John the tailor
(cissoris), of Dudelindenne, to Roger son of Herebert of Eldindenne, of all
the tenement which they inherited from their father in Dudelindenne, in
a place called 'Swaneueld,' doing service to the lord of the said tenement
and to the King, and rendering 1d. yearly to them and their heirs as quit
rent (ad forgabulum); for this gift the said Roger has given them 6 marks
and 6 pence sterling as a fine (in gheresumam). Witnesses:—Walter le
Franceys, Richard de Badisdenne, William Page, William de Hertleya,
Baldwin de Cranebrok, Richard le Spurch', Gregory de Dudelindenne,
Amisius Wylardus, William, Roger and Robert de Martdenne. IIII Kal.
May, 38 Henry III.
Endorsed:—'Carta Simonis et Walteri filiorum Johannis parmentarii de
Hertle facta Rogero de Eldindenne de terra que vocatur Swanesfeld apud
Hertle in Dodelindenne jacente.' |
[Sussex.] |
A. 7210. Grant by Peter de Hautboys brother, and heir of William
de Hautboys, to brother Guichard the prior, and the monks, of St. Pancras,
Lewes, of all the land and tenement which he inherited from the said
William in Herst, with the dower of Helewise, relict of the said William,
after her death, to hold of the heirs of Simon de Pierrepoint (Petraponte),
and of their heirs, in free and perpetual alms, doing royal service therefore,
as much as belongs to two parts of a knight's fee, to wit when scutage is
at 20s. one mark, for all service. Witnesses:—Sir Anfred de Ferrinkes,
Hugh de Plumtone, Thomas de Iford, and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 7211. Grant by Thomas de Wyllye in Bulkyngton, to William
Sweyn of Bulkyngton, of five swathes of meadow in Lorchewallemedewe
and two swathes in Stelartbrugge, in Bulkynton. Monday after the
Annunciation, 1 Edward II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7212. Counterpart indenture of demise by Roger and Nicholas,
sons of Edmund de Watford, to John Muleward of Watford, Agnes his
wife, and Thomas their son, for the lives of the grantors, of a messuage
and virgate of land in Watford, which Thomas Wattes formerly held from
the said Edmund in villenage, at 24s. rent, payable quarterly to their
attorney, at the manor which belonged to the said Edmund their father.
Tuesday the feast of St. Vincent the martyr, 26 Edward III. Portions of
seal, defaced. |
[York?] |
A. 7213. Grant by the King to St. Mary's church, Meauton,
at the request of Master Elias de Derham, 'our clerk,' rector of the
same church, that all the tenants of the said church may be quit forever
from suits of shires and hundreds and from the aids of sheriffs, their
bailiffs and ministers, and of all things pertaining to them. Witnesses:—
W [illiam], earl of Salisbury, Saer de Quency, Geoffrey 'our son,' and
Peter de Stok. At Sutton, 6 April, 6 John. Fragment of Great Seal.
See 'Rotuli Chartarum,' Vol. I, part I, page 147. |
[Herts.] |
A. 7214. Grant by Thomas de Wilemundesle, rector of the church
of Wakeleye, to John de Marines, of Avice daughter of Ralph
Curtvileyn, whom he has of the grant of Ralph son of Richard
Muschet whose nief (nativa) she was; to hold her free, and those begotten
of her free, quit and discharged of all servitude. Witnesses:—John de
Herpesfeud, Peter the cook of Alsewyk, and others (named). |
[York. W.E.] |
A. 7215. Release by Alice daughter of Roger son of Herbert de
Mileford, to William the clerk of Mileford, of all the land, with a toft and
croft adjoining, which Sir Robert de Wilgeby formerly had of the gift of
the said Roger in Mileford, lying next the assart which Ranerus brother of
the said Roger held in Mileford wood, and a moiety of the tillage which
abuts on Beneflat, on the north. Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Wilgebi,
William de Burton, Richard de Camera de Mileford, Richard and Roger de
Leuenadton, Richard son of Alexander de Hudleston, Thomas de Kirk-
lington, clerk, and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 7216. Indenture of demise by John de Catesby and Emma his
wife, to William Baudy of Coventre, for sixty years, of a messuage in
Pottersrowe in Coventre. Witnesses:—Geoffrey Hampton, mayor of
Coventre, Robert Shyppeley and William Got, bailiffs, and others (named).
Wednesday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 22 Richard II. |
[Herts.] |
A. 7217. Grant by Theobald de Marines, to Cicely, daughter of
Philip de Seldford, of all the messuage which belonged to Smalred;
rendering a pair of iron spurs, or 3d. yearly, to the heirs of Hugh de
Marines for all service, as the charter of the said Hugh, to him the said
Theobald, of the said tenement witnessed. Witnesses:—Sir Richard
Muschet, John de Gatesbire, and others (named). |
[N'hamp] |
A. 7218. Grant by Henry son and heir of John Geffre of Yelvertoft,
to Simon son of Richard Terry, of 5a. arable and ½a. meadow in
Yelvertoft, part under 'le Portweie,' part 'in to' Holewemere, part on
Pessul, part 'in to' Crekmere, part on Sth'cesoutlonge, part 'in to'
Litlemede, part 'in to' Wodeweie, part on Longemartineslowe, part
'underb'ndonehul,' part 'in to' Severich, part 'in to' Eltendoneweie, and
part in Keilmershe of which half lies in 'le Tenroden' and half in
Smaldole; with further grant of the pasture of the fourth part of a
virgate of land in the same town. 9 November, 7 Edward III. |
[Norf.] |
A. 7219. Release by William, son of Ralph de Alicun, to the prior
and convent of Lewes, of all his right in 5 acres of land in Walsoken
called 'Chancburg' land,' abutting on Fendic; saving the dower of Agnes
late the wife of Alexander de Alecun, his uncle, during her life, after
whose death all the said land is to remain to the grantees. Witnesses:—
Adam de Hakebech, Roger de Hecham, and others (named).
Endorsed:—'Eliens' dioc'. Merslonde.' |
[Warw.] |
A. 7220. Grant by Emma late the wife of John de Napton, widow, to
William Umfrey of Chirchelalleford and Amice his wife, of a messuage,
13 acres of land, and pasture for two great beasts (grossa animalia), in
Hodunhulle and Astunescote, the messuage lying in Astunescote by the stream
at the town's end and the land on 'le Homforlong,' part 'Attewestbrugge,'
part on 'le Longeblachemilde,' part 'Attelowewelle,' part 'Atcumtonbrok,'
part 'in tothebrok,' part 'Attewashe,' part on 'le Churchehul,' part on 'le
Longe Longlond,' part 'intothewodeweye,' and part on Alfletdyk; the
pasture for the said beasts being in Hullemedowe, with right of way over
the grantor's land for the said beasts to the said meadow at the grantee's
pleasure. Monday after All Saints, 21 Edward III. Seal. |
[Somers.] |
A. 7221. Release by William Aumbesas of Burhentone, to William
de Mertok and Sarah his wife, of all his right in eight acres arable in
Bourhentone, with two acres meadow in Bourmede, and a close called
'Staciismour.' Witnesses:—Sir Robert de Sencler and Sir Piers de
Facunberge, knights, and others (named). Middilsomerisnortane, Saturday
after St. John the Baptist, 1 Edward II. French. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7222. Release by John son of Ralph called Chapman
(mereatoris) of Great Derset, to William le Clerk of Geydon, of all his
right in 4s. 6d. yearly rent from two tenements and one acre arable
in Southend and Templeherdewik, held for the term of their lives by
Robert Magot and Emma his wife and John their eldest son, and of all
his right in the said tenements and land after the death of the said
tenants. Southend in Great Derset, Wednesday after St. Chad, 4
Edward III. |
[York.] |
A. 7223. Bond by Sir Jordan Folyot to Adam de Novo Mercato, son
of Sir Adam de Novo Mercato, for 20 marks to be paid within six years at
the manor of the said Sir Adam in the form specified, commencing at
Whitsuntide, a.d. 1273. Witnesses:—Sir Richard de Barnoby, Ralph de
Schifeud, Hugh de Lindric, and others (named). |
[Salop] |
A. 7224. Release by Lucy late the wife of Richard de Gravenhunger,
widow, to John son of Roger Hastang, and Alice his wife, of all her right
in all the land which John de Loskesford holds, except a messuage and
a bovate of land which the said Lucy holds from John by way of dower;
for which release John has given Lucy two acres of his waste, by way of
dower, in the wood of Gravenhung [er] for all dowers and demand
Witnesses:—Robert de Honileg', William de Derinton, and others
(named). |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7225. Grant by Ralph Boy, chaplain, to John Barbour of
Willyby, of all his lands and tenements in Watford. Tuesday the feast of
All Saints, 6 Richard II. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7226. Confirmation by William, bishop of London, of the grant
made by Richard son of Walter de Alethorn, to Hugh the baker, the said
bishop's servant, of land which Richard Clop held, and 10½ acres of his
demesne, with a mere (mara) contained in 4 acres of the said 10½ acres.
Witnesses:—Master Simon de Gloec', Michael de Barbefl[ut], clerks, and
others (named). Stokes, IX. Kal. February, A.D. 1207. Portion of seal
and counterseal. See A. 3437. |
[Kent.] |
A. 7227. Grant by Robert Kechel son of Augustine de Scalaria, to
Richard the vicar of Mereden, and John de Renham, chaplain, of a
messuage, houses, and gardens which Margaret, sister of Anchoret, held
from Robert. Witnesses:—James de Ridd, Walter and William de
Horherst, Thomas and Philip de Renham, Benjamin and John de Rede,
and others (named). |
A. 7228. Grant by Thomas son of Robert Lambin, to John Charles,
of 2s. quit rent which the heirs of William Cawe used to render him yearly
for a certain messuage. 28 Edward [I]. Witnesses:—Robert Munter,
John Manywar', John de Chest', and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 7229. Grant by William de Harecourt, son of Robert de
Harecourt, to Geoffrey the marshal, and Gemma his wife, of all the land
and meadow which he had in exchange from Geoffrey at Yokebroke in
Lapw [o] rth,with a right of way (chacia) for his cattle to till the said
land, and to carry the corn and hay, with free entry and exit beyond the
grantor's demesne; rendering yearly a root of ginger at Christmas.
Witnesses:—Sir Ivo Pipard, parson of Lapw[o]rth, and others (named). |
[Kent.] |
A. 7230. Confirmation by Geoffrey de Gurdun, to the monks of
Boxley, of the grant made to them by Alvered de la Gare on the marsh of
Serpenesse in the parish of Huppecherch. Witnesses:—Herbert the
Palmer, Vitalis de Horepol, and others (named). |
[Camb.] |
A. 7231. Bond by Thomas son of John de Agelton, to Sir Philip
Basset, in the penalty of 100 marks, to appear, with Agnes
his wife, before the justices of the King at Westminster in the quinzaine of
Trinity, 46 Henry III, to make a chirograph (ad cyrographandum) to the
said Sir Philip, and the countess his wife, of certain lands and tenements
which he had granted them in Dodington and Northwode.
Endorsed:—'Suwode.' See C. 3589. |
[Hunt.] |
A. 7232. Grant by John called 'le Smyth' of Aillyngton, to Master
Robert de Nassington and Nicholas de Eboraco, clerks, of a messuage in
Aillyngton, and of the reversion of 2 acres 1 rood land there, held for their
lives by John Bidil and Stephen Wright, of his demise; part lying in
Holmere, part at Neutonmore, part in Wlfstondikes, part on 'le
peyselondes,' part on Littelstanehilles, part at Welleslade, and part in a
tillage extending on Arnewessebrok. 10 May, 21 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7233. Demise by Hamo the Flesher (carnifex), and Edith
daughter of Leuegar, his wife, to John le Ghyepe, of half an acre of land
in Laudmarisco. Witnesses:—Brice de Hetham, Geoffrey Waterladere,
and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Carta Hamonis carnificis et uxoris sue facta J [ohanni] le
Yepe de dim [idia] acra in Walemers.'
See A. 1801, 2544. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7234. Release by Robert de Tillundune, to William de Mon-
chens[i], his lord, of 4 acres land in his field called 'Tyllundune.'
Witnesses:—Sewal de Haningfeud, and others (named). |
[Suff.] |
A. 7235. Grant by Robert Walter of Lausele, to Simon and Hugh,
sons of Robert the smith of Lausele, of land in Lausele, between the roads
called respectively 'Brunitofveye' and 'Brakyngveye.' Day of St. Tibur-
cius and St. Valerian, 10 Edward II. |
[Linc.] |
A. 7236. Grant by Simon de Stoke of Kanewic, to John the Long
(Longo), citizen of Lincoln, of 3 perches of arable land in Kanewic field,
abutting on Springwelle. Witnesses:—Thomas de Beufow, mayor of
Lincoln, and others (named). Seal, injured. |
A. 7237. Release by Alice late the wife of William le Massun, of
Etton, widow, to John her son, of all her right of dower in a messuage,
garden, and croft, in Etton. Witnesses:—Abel de Verney, John Hicheman,
and others (named). |
A. 7238. Acquittance by John son of Reginald, knight, for 100l.
received from Sir Hugh le Despenser by the hands of Robert de Harwedon,
in which sum the said Hugh was bound to John by his bond; with grant
that the said bond is to be henceforth void. London, Thursday after St.
John ante Portam Latinam, 25 Edward [I]. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 7239. Grant by Gilbert son and heir of the late Richard de
Buntesgrove, to Sir Amfrid de Hethham, chaplain, of a messuage with a
house built upon it at Buntesgrove in the parish of Hoathly (Hotlega),
which was his capital messuage there; also land, with a meadow adjoining,
belonging to the said messuage, and one acre next his gate, at 12d. rent
yearly, and double rent for relief and heriot. Witnesses:—William de
Berchamme, Adam de Shelvestrode, Roger de Dalingerug, and others
(named). |
N'hamp. |
A. 7240. Release by Ralph de Trop and his heirs, to Simon Malhore,
of all their right, and the claim which they claimed by writ of right against
him in the county named, concerning Ailmereshide in Weleton; in return
for which Simon has given Ralph four acres of land and one holm, and has
also granted to him the same common with his demesne cattle in Weleton,
as the rest of Simon's free men of Weleton have. Witnesses:—Eustace de
Watford, William de Hoxendona, Ralph de Thenerchbrai, and others
(named). |
A. 7241. Grant by Robert de Surrei, to Adam son of Benedict, of a
moiety of Westbrch and various other moieties specified, viz. of a meadow
in Wrthislade, and of what the grantor has respectively on Blachemore, in
Rothewellescihe, and at Broderate, a moiety of Depesladehul, and a moiety
of land and meadow on Hungfurlong. Witnesses:—Simon de Pink[eny],
David de Hachinton, Ralph de Staunton, and others (named). |
[Warw.] |
A. 7242. Release by Joan, relict of Nicholas le Wodeward of Coven-
tre, widow, to Giles le Waydour of the same, of a cottage [in Coventre] and
all her right in the same, which she claimed to hold from Giles for her life.
Witnesses:—John de Clifton, bailiff, Roger de Pacwod, coroner of Coventry,
and others (named). Coventre, Saturday, Midsummer day, 3 Edward III.
Endorsed:—'Coventr'.' |
[Essex.] |
A. 7243. Grant by John de Sutton of Wyvenhoo, knight, to Richard
son of William Heynes of Leyre Marny, of the wardship of the land, and
marriage, of Joan, daughter and heiress of William de Feete son of Stephen
de Feete of Misteleigh. Little Oklee, Wednesday after Midsummer day,
27 Edward III. |
[Sussex.] |
A. 7244. Grant by Denise daughter and heiress of Peter le Daubur,
to Jordan le Plomer of Suthenovere, of a messuage in Suthenovere in West-
port, between the messuage of the Fraterer (freyturarii) of Lewes on
the north, and Thomas Lorens' messuage on the south. Witnesses:—
Bromannus de Swambergh, and others (named).
Endorsed:—'Ad lumen beate Marie.' |
Warw. Worc. |
A. 7245. Grant by Thomas de Gudlesdon, parson of the church of
Morton, and Robert de Brews, chaplain, to Sir John de Bisshopesdon,
knight, and Dame Beatrice his wife, for their lives, with remainder in tail
male, successively, to Roger and John, sons of Sir John, and in default to
his right heirs, of a messuage in Bisspwode, a field called 'Sorelles-
feld,' and a messuage and croft in Lapwurth, held from the grantor by the
bondmen, named, with the bodies, chattels, services, and issue, of the said
bondmen; also all the grantor's wood in the foreign wood of Bisspwode
growing without the inclosure, and 40s. of yearly rent arising from the
manor of Bisspewode and from lands, &c. adjacent, which Dame Matilda
de Cauntelow holds for her life from the grantors in Lapwurth, Rowynton,
and Bisspewode, together with the reversion of the said manor and lands,
&c. after Matilda's death; also further grant of thirteen messuages with
land and wood, &c. and 8s. rent in Peopwell and Waresley, co. Worcester,
with the bodies, &c. of the bondmen dwelling there; also grant of a silk
purse rendered yearly, for lands; &c. which Joan late the wife of Thomas de
Bisshopesdon holds for her life in Hull and More by Fladbury, co. Worces-
ter, and in Lynden, co. Warwick, with the reversion of the said lands, &c.
after Joan's death. Lodyngton, Monday before St. George, 13 Edward III. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7246. Grant by Reginald son of Richard de Hemiton, to
Richard, the chaplain, of Hemiton, of a messuage in the same, with a toft,
and land in a croft. Witnesses:—Sir John de Hemiton, Robert the
monk of Bernewell, and others (named). |
Warw. |
A. 7247. Indenture between John Bracebrige, and William Harwell,
esquires; witnessing that the said John grants that Symond, his son and
heir, shall marry Elizabeth, daughter of the said William by the feast of All
Hallows next, for which William agrees to pay John 110l. in the manner
specified, and 55 marks to the said Symond, and the said John is to make
a lawful estate, as specified, to the said Symond and Elizabeth of lands &c.
in Warwickshire worth 20l. yearly over all charges, and agrees to allow lands
&c. to the value of 130l. a year to descend to the said Symond, in fee,
after the death of John and of Richard Bracebrige, Symond's grandfather;
provision as to the jointure and dower of Mary, John's wife; also agree-
ment by John to find and pay for 'all maner apparell of the array' of
Symond on the day of the marriage, William providing for that of
Elizabeth and finding 'all maner coste of metes and drynkes ' at the
same time, &c, &c. Monday after Michaelmas, 9 Henry VII.
English. Seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7248. Indenture of fine, before the King's justices (named),
between John, archbishop of York, William, bishop of Norwich, Nicholas
Upton, clerk, Andrew Sperlyng, Richard Alrede, and John Husy, querents,
and Robert Wyvill, esquire, and Beatrice his wife, deforciants, of a third
part of the manor of Newehall, whereby the said deforciants have granted
to the plaintiffs the said third part, and have released to them all they had
therein for the term of Beatrice's life. Westminster, the octave of St.
John the Baptist, 13 Henry VI.
Endorsed: 'Essex.' |
[Essex.] |
A. 7249. Counterpart of A. 7248. |
[Bucks.] |
A. 7250. Grant by Berner de Rothomago, and Beatrice de Langele,
his wife, to Roger de Walecothe, of lands in their field of Langele, in
exchange for other lands. Witnesses: Nicholas de Bolstrode, and others
(named). See A. 54 and 56. |
[Somers.] |
A. 7251. Grant by Thomas de Chei . . . e, to Matthew de Dunnepole,
of all the tenement which Adam le Vilur formerly held of him in
Galamtoune. Witnesses:—Sir Henry Lovel, Sir William de Monte-
Acuto, ('obiit' added), Colin Michel, Matthew de Bettevile, and . . . . .
Fichet ('obiit'). Injured. |
[Wilts.] |
A. 7252. Grant by John de Gardino, to Adam de Argoges, of
6s. 3¼d. yearly rent in Strattone, to be received from William Palmer,
Nigel son of Alexander and Richard Maline. Witnesses:—Roger de
Writele, Robert de Abendon, and others (named). |
Middx. |
A. 7253. Grant by John Roberd of Willesdon, 'housbondman,' to
John Gloucester, clerk of the Exchequer, of two crofts called 'Shirrewyk-
feldes,' abutting on a close belonging to the grantee called 'Hakkerfeld,'
and of another croft called 'Wodecrofte,' in the parish of Wyllesdon,
which descended to him after the death of Thomas Roberd of Wyllesdon,
'housbondman,' his father. 29 April, 27 Henry VI. Seal. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7254. Release by Joan late the wife of Henry Foulere, of Lappe-
worth, widow, to Walter Page of the same, and Juhota his wife, of all her
right of dower in a plot of land in Lappeworth which they had of the
said Henry's feoffment. 10 May, 2 [Edward III. ?] |
[Norf.] |
A. 7255. Certificate by Hugh Plaitur of Gestune, that he has
attorned William de Londoniis, his heirs and assigns, to Peter Walram, to
pay the said Peter 6d. yearly, which Hugh owed for one acre of land in
Hecham which he had sold to the said William. Witnesses:—Geoffrey
Baret, Simon de Lettune, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[London.] |
A. 7256. Grant by Richard de Berching and Luciana his wife, to
Robert Blund (blundo), son of Bartholomew Blund (blundi), in fee (in feudo
et hereditate finabiliter), of the land which Ralph Sage held of them,
between the land of Cicely of the Tower (de turri) and the land which
Ordric held of them, rendering therefore yearly 2s. 5d. for all service.
Witnesses:—Ralph de la Bare, Richard de Warewic, and others (named).
Endorsed:—'Lond' S [an] c [t] i And [ree] Estchep. Carta Ricardi de
Berking ad opus Rob [er] ti Blundi quam nob [is] dedit id [em] Rob [er] tus
pro a[n]i[m]a fr[atr]is sui Johannis.' |
[Sussex.] |
A. 7257. Release by Joan late the wife of Simon de Herbeting,
widow, to John her eldest son, for 10 marks, of all her right in the land
which she had of the tenement of the late William le Frylende in the
parish of West Wistringes. Witnesses:—Sir John Pechy, John de
Almoditone, and others (named). |
N'hamp. Hunt. |
A. 7258. Release by Walter de Nauntone and Joan his wife, to Sir
Simon the abbot, and the convent, of Rameseye, of all their right in the
manors of Bernewelle, Crowethorp, Hemington, Nidingworth, Haliwelle,
St. Ives, Rameseye, and Hirst, with the advowson of the church of St.
Andrew, Bernewelle. Witnesses:—Edmund de Pagenham, Robert de
Haspale, Thomas de Hindringham, William de Kriketot, John Qwelnetham,
Ralph de Bokkinge, Edmund de Hemegrave and Giles de Watesham,
knights, and others (named). St. Edmunds, Sunday the vigil of St.
Edmund, king and martyr, 3 Edward III. Two seals, injured. |
A. 7259. Letter of general attorney by Warin de Bassingeburn, to
Sir Bartholomew de Brianzon. London, 2 July, 45 Henry III. Seal of
arms (gyronny of twelve), injured. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7260. Counterpart indenture of lease by William . . . . . ., to
Richard . . . . . . of Coventre, 'ferour,' and Lettice his wife, for their
lives, and after their death to their heirs for ten years, of a messuage in
Coventre. Witnesses:—. . . . . . Botener, mayor of Coventry, John
Styward and Richard Clerk, bailiffs, and others (named). Thursday
the feast of the Annunciation, 1 Richard II. Mutilated. Two seals. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7261. Grant by Richard Elys of Hatton, to Simon de la Grene
of the same, of a half acre in Hatton field, lying on 'le Redehull,'
adjoining land of the prior of Stodleye. Witnesses:—John de Shreuele,
and others (named). |
[Herts.] |
A. 7262. Grant by Payn son of Adam de Terefeld, to Emmot his
daughter, of 8½ acres of land in Terefeld, with all the common pasture
beyond Theuestrat, belonging to his land in Terefeld; situate part at
Pyntleshegges, part on Ordmarashel at 'le delle,' and part on Astoneshel.
Witnesses:—Sirs John del Hay, John de Gledesh[eye], and others
(named). August A.D. 1242. |
[Norf.] |
A. 7263. Feoffment by Robert Koppyng of Hemysby, Thomas
Langdon, John Wynne, and Thomas Waren, to Robert Galme alias Bately,
Isabella Curtes, widow, of Ormesby, James Willyems and William Carre,
of the same, and the heirs and assigns of the said Robert and Isabella, of
2 acres 1 rood of arable, lying in three pieces in the south field of
Scrowteby, which, by deed dated 10 Dec, 18 Henry VII. they had, with
other lands, of the grant of Robert Swalew and Roger Stanhow. 28 May,
18 Henry VII. |
[Warw.] |
A. 7264. Grant by William son of the late William Graunpe of
Coventre, to Robert de Corleye, William Madur, and John de Lalleford,
chaplain, of a plot of land, with a stew &c. in Coventre, which he had of
the gift and feoffment of John son of the late Ankytin de Collishull, of
Coventre, in the street called 'Bitwene the Brugges,' adjoining the running
water; with further grant of a certain gate and a lane leading to the said
plot, with free ingress and egress &c. Witnesses:—William le Thymeler,
bailiff, Roger Oky, coroner, of Coventre, and others (named). Sunday
after the Circumcision, 18 Edward III. Portion of seal. |
[Essex.] |
A. 7265. Release by Ranulph de Lanesande, for 6 marks to his
lord, Fulk Basset, bishop of London, of 14s. yearly rent for a certain
marsh of Lanesande, which he sold to the said Fulk. Witnesses:—
Gilbert de Haltsted, Robert de Uleham, Robert de Stamford, Geoffrey
Warenn, Roger de la Maylaund, Robert Bohun, Nicholas de Stok, Hugh de
Simmistr', and others. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 7266. Grant by John Nyghtyngale of Daventre, to Nicholas
West, Henry Neuport, and Thomas Fyssher, all of Daventre, of all his
lands and tenements &c. in Daventre, Drayton, and Braundeston, with all
his goods, chattels, and debts due to him, within England. Tuesday
before St. Gregory the Pope, 2 Henry VI. Copy. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7267. Chirograph, indented, being a grant by Richard the prior,
and the convent, of the Holy Trinity, London, to Richard son of Robert de
Hestun, in fee and hereditarily of 26 acres land in Hestun, which
Ralph Harang gave in alms, at 14s. rent. If he wish to sell it, the
convent to be preferred purchaser by one bezant of 2s. He has paid 100s.
in earnest. Witnesses:—Nicholas de Sancto Germano, Robert de Sancto
Johanne, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 7268. Chirograph, indented (Copy?), being a grant by Henry
Bucointe, to the brethren of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, of a
messuage with a garden and curtilage in Stanmere by Eggeswere, and
a certain croft, and 6 acres meadow in the marsh of Stanmere, part
abutting on the high road from Eggeswere to hold by 20s. rent, for all
service; with further grant that the said brethren may enclose the said
meadow; and that neither before nor after mowing may he claim any
common in or entry on the said meadow. Witnesses:—Gilbert de
Hendun, knight, Andrew Bukerel, mayor of London, and others (named).
[A.D 1231-7.] |
Middx. |
A. 7269. Grant by Adam Stakeboll, 'barbour,' and William
Skypton, clerk, to William Serjaunt, 'taverner,' of Stanes, and Ralph
Baker of the same, of a curtilage and 1 acre arable in Eye, which, together
with William Lucas, chaplain, they had of the gift and feoffment of Marion
atte Rythe daughter and heir of William, son and heir of Thomas atte
Rythe of Eye, co. Middlesex. Westminster, 11 June, 7 Henry IV.
Fragment of seal. |
Middx. |
A. 7270. Bond by Richard de Walingeford and Alice his wife, for
themselves and their tenants, to Sir Adam de Stratton, clerk, for the
payment of 2 marks of yearly rent which they had formerly rendered to
Gerin le Gorgerer, for certain messuages &c. in Westminster which they had
of the gift and feoffment of the said Gerin. Sunday after St. Gregory, A.D
1273. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7271. Demise by Ranulph Bocointe son of Henry Bocointe, to
William de Paris, of all the land which the said William held of him in
Little Stanmere, viz. a virgate and 7 acres of land with pasture over
against the wood of the said William called 'Luceholm,' according to the
tenour of the charter of Adam Bucointe his grandfather, by 2s. for all
service, and 6d. scutage when it happens, with release of all suit of court.
Witnesses:—William de Westmilne, Robert de The bewrthe, and others
(named). |
London. |
A. 7272. Release by Hamo de Chikewell son of Alan de Chikewell
of London, to John de Gildesburgh, citizen and fishmonger of London, of
his right in 40s. yearly rent, demised to him for life by the said John, from
all the said John's tenements in the city of London. Witnesses:—John
Syward, Edmund de Heigham called 'de Chigwell,' and others (named).
1 September, 20 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll in
October in the within written year. |
Warw.] |
A. 7273. Grant by Henry son of John de Lodbroc, knight, to
Robert Ede of Herburbur', and Alice his first wife, for the term of their
lives in survivorship, of a half virgate of land in Herburburb', by 5s. rent
and suit of court at Herburburb'. Witnesses:—Robert de Lodbroc, and
others (named). Day of St. Lucy the virgin, 29 Edward [I.] |
London. |
A. 7274. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen the
prior, and the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, to Edulf, brother of
Walter the hosier (hosarii) of his land which Randulph, his brother, held
next before him, to hold to him and his heirs in fee (finabiliter in feodo)
for 5s. yearly rent. He is bound to keep up the buildings (tenere hanc
predictam terram herbergatam). He has given 1lb. pepper in earnest.
Witnesses:—Jordan son of Seth, Godfrey 'glovere', Richard de Averhelle,
Randulf 'hattere,' Heur' 'tannere.'
Endorsed: '[Contr] a Edulfu[m] fr[atr]em Walt[eri]i Hoser.'
'Sancti Olavi versus turrim,' &c. |
[Surrey.] |
A. 7275. Grant by Walter de Wilesdon, to Hamo son of William
the baker of Talewrth, of a dole (dol) of meadow in Pukemed, as allotted
(sicut loth condonat), viz. as much as belongs to one half virgate of land.
Witnesses:—William de Stroda, Elias de Graplingeham, and others
(named). Portion of seal. |
London. |
A. 7276. Indenture, being the defeasance of a bond by Nicholas
the prior, and the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, to John the prior,
and the convent of the Charterhouse, London, for 80l. to be paid at
Midsummer next, witnessing that on payment of 40l. at four feasts in
A.D. 1377, the said bond shall be void. 15 March, 47 Edward III.
Fragments of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7277. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant in perpetual fee,
by Odo de Toteham and Matilda (Machtildis) his wife, and Ralph his son
and heir, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 5 acres of land in
Toteham, viz. 3 acres in Appelland, and 2 acres in Langheland, at 10d.
rent; for which Stephen the prior, and the canons, have given him
1 mark, and 6d. each, to the said Matilda and Ralph, and one ox worth 40d.
in payment of the rent of the first four years; and the said Odo and
Ralph have confirmed the agreement by their corporal oath in the Chapter
of Holy Trinity. Witnesses:—Geffrey and Stephen, nephews of the prior,
and others (named). Day of the Annunciation, in the year in which
pope Lucius succeeded pope Alexander, before the whole parish. |
London. |
A. 7278. Release by Sibyl late the wife of William Parys, widow, to
Sir Adam de Stratton, clerk, of 107s. 8d. rent in London, in which he was
bound to her, yearly, for her life, with further grant that the said bond may
be annulled; for which the said Adam has given her 10 marks, and has
paid 12 marks, for her, to Richard de la Grave. Stanmere, Monday the
feast of St. Thomas, 56 Henry III. Portion of seal. |
London. |
A. 7279. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Ralph the
prior, and the convent, of Christ Church, London, to William the
chaplain and his heirs, of the land which belonged to Geoffrey the tanner,
at 5s. rent; the said William having given 5 marks to Geoffrey by
permission of the said prior and canons, for the fee of the said land
and houses, and 12d. to John his son, and to each of his three daughters;
and the said Geoffrey and his sons and daughters have quitclaimed the
said tenure, and this they have sworn (affidaverunt) in the hand of
Wluardus the cellarer. Witnesses:—Richard the priest of St. Bartholomew,
Alured de Alegate, Salomon de Stebbeh', William Facetus and his sons,
and others (named). Endorsed:—'Socca nostra.' |
London. |
A. 7280. Grant by Thomas the chamberlain, son of Robert the
chamberlain, to William his brother, of ½ mark, quit rent, from the land
which Nicholas Duket held of him to be received only after the death of
Alice Maudoit, their grandmother. Witnesses:—Henry son of Ailwin,
mayor of London, John Bukoint, and others (named). |
[Middx] |
A. 7281. Chirograph, indented, being a grant by brother E [ustace]
the prior, and the convent, of the Holy Trinity, London, to Vincent le
Fox of Edelmetone, of 4 acres of land there called 'Fernicroft,' which
they had of the gift of Richard Denys; the said prior and convent, if they
desire to repurchase, or to lease the land to be preferred to any other by 2s.
Witnesses:—John called 'Blund', Richard de Anesti, and others (named). |
London. |
A. 7282. Indenture, being the defeasance of a recognisance in 80l.
made Saturday after St. Edmund the King and Martyr, 17 Edward III,
before Thomas de Maryns, the Chamberlain, in the Guildhall (Guyhalda),
London, by brother Nicholas the prior of Holy Trinity, London, to
Augustine Waleys of Woxebregge, to be paid at Easter next; witnessing
that if the said prior shall pay to the said Augustine 45l. at the dates
specified, then the said recognizance shall be void. London, Monday
after St. Nicholas, the Bishop and Confessor, 19 Edward III. Fragment
of seal. |
London. |
A. 7283. Grant by John de Suffolch, and Agnes his wife, daughter
and heir of Peter son of Roger, to Sir Eustace the prior, and the
convent, of Holy Trinity, London, of 1 mark yearly rent from a quay
(cayo) with houses and shops built thereon, extending from the high street
to the Thames, and from the angle of the lane called 'Aubrees Watergate,'
to the quay of William son of Edmund de Essex. Witnesses:—Sir Walter
Hervi, mayor of London, Walter le Poter and John Horn, sheriffs, and
others (named). Sunday after the Ascension, 1 Edward I. Fragments
of seal.
Endorsed:—Memorandum of enrolment in the Husting of London on
Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra in the second year of King Edward.
Also 'Radulfus Clericus habet.' |
London. |
A. 7284. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by S [tephen] the
prior, and the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, to Odelina late the wife
of William Grant, and her heirs, of two dwellings (mansuras terre) adjacent
in the parish of St. Andrew, which Gunterus and Lefsi held, to be held in
fee and hereditarily for 3s. yearly. Also the said Odelina made surety to
the said church of the said tenement by interposition of faith in the hands
of Ralph the Goldsmith and John Facetus. Her nephew (nepos), whom
she put in her place, confirmed the said surety for her upon the gospels.
Also she gave to the convent a London sextary of wine and 2s. in earnest.
The land is 21¼ ells in width in front, 15 ells behind, and 31½ ells in
length. Witnesses:—William Facetus, John his son, Ralph the Goldsmith,
William d' Arraz, Ralph son of John, Baldwin son of Baldwin, Edmund
Jan [itor], Geoffrey Lirec, Robert de Hereford, Geoffrey de Insula, Simon
and John de Berching. |
London. |
A. 7285. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Ralph the
prior, and the convent, of Christ Church, London, to William Facetus
and his heirs, of the land which William, his uncle, gave to the said
church, with himself, when he was made canon, to hold in fee and
hereditarily by ½ mark yearly rent. Witnesses:—Robert son of Lesttan,
Edmund the Alderman, Jordan the clerk, Jordan son of Algod, and Roger
son of Eilwin.
Endorsed: 'Sancti Andree ad Sanctam Trinitatem.' See A. 1686. |
London. |
A. 7286. Chirograph, indented, being the defeasance of a deed
whereby John Rosamund, the younger, was bound to the prior E[ustace],
and canons of Holy Trinity, London, for the payment to them of 2 marks
yearly out of his dwelling house (capitali managio), which formerly belonged
to Master John Rosamund his lord (domini sui), viz. that on payment of 20
marks, they would restore the deed to him, on payment of 10 marks, they
would deduct 1 mark from the said yearly charge, and ½ mark on payment
of 5 marks. Witnesses:—Master Vincent de Puntois, Master Simon de
Cornhille, Robert de Curingeham, and others (named). |
[London.] |
A. 7287. Release by Henry de Iddeburi, executor of the wills of
Master Roger de la Bere, clerk, and of John de Burford and Rose his wife,
on behalf of himself and his co-executors to the prior and convent of
Holy Trinity, London, of all actions, on account of a chantry which the
said prior and convent had agreed to make for the souls of the said
deceased. London, 15 July, A.D. 1329. |
[London.] |
A. 7288. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen the
prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, to John the goldsmith,
of the land which next before him Walter the goldsmith held of them,
to hold to him and his heirs in fee and hereditarily for 10s. yearly, as long
as the said rent is duly (sine malo ingenio et meschenninge) paid, and as long
as he is faithful; he has sworn on the four gospels in the chapter before
the convent to be faithful to the church and canons for this tenement;
he has given the prior and convent a sextary of wine of London in earnest
for this grant. Witnesses:—Philip the chaplain of Hormade, and others
Endorsed: 'Contra Johannen Aurifabrum de Terra Walteri filii Jacobi
pro x solidis'; 'Omnium Sanctorum de Cornilla.' |
[London.] |
A. 7289. Demise by Richard le Paumor, and Agnes his wife, to
John brother of Henry Horn, for ten years, of a plot (placeam) of land
within their house with an upper room (solio) and a stair (gradum) to it.
Easter, 32 Henry III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 7290. Certificate by Henry de Lacy and Margaret his wife, to all
their tenants of Eggeswere, Kingesbyry, and Little Stanmere, that they
had granted to Adam de Strattone, clerk, their manors of Eggeswere and
Kingesbury, and the services of their free tenants in Stanmere, which
services and manors Nicholas de Lungespee [held of] them by . . . .
Mutilated. |
London. |
A. 7291. Letter of attorney by John Neirneut authorising Thomas
Neirneut, his brother, to place John de Hyngestone, citizen and goldsmith
of London, in full seisin of all the tenements formerly belonging to Henry
de la More, citizen and goldsmith of London, in the parish of St. Nicholas
Olave in the old fishmarket (piscaria), London, according to the deed of
feoffment made to him thereof by the said John Neirneut and Margery his
wife. Sunday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 4 Edward III. Injured. |
London. |
A. 7292. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen the
prior, and the convent, of Christ Church, London, to Hugh de Polestede,
of the land by the Thames which William the priest (presbyter) held from
them, the said William having sold the fee, to him, with their consent.
Witnesses:—Roger de Ginges, Philip de Wid'vill, and others (named).
Endorsed: 'Modo Adam de Rokesle' . . . 'Sancti Dunstani.' |
London. |
A. 7293. General release by Richard Cayly, chaplain, executor of
the will of John de Kenyngton, late rector of the church of St. Dunstan
by the Tower, London, to William the prior, and the convent, of Holy
Trinity, London; and because his seal was unknown to many he procured
it to be sealed by Thomas de Bakton, dean of Arches, with the seal of his
office. 23 October, A.D. 1382, 6 Richard II. Portion of two seals. |
London. [Essex.] |
A. 7294. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement between Bene-
dict the abbot, and the convent, of Strafford, and Peter the prior, and
the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, viz. the said abbot and convent have
granted to the said prior and the canons of Holy Trinity 60 marks, and
40s. quit rent in London, in exchange for two lands, one called 'Luymudhe,'
which Robert the clerk of Westham held, lying next the Lea (Luyam), and
the other called 'Holecuhamma,' lying near the mill of the monks which
is called 'Pikeshoc'; the said 40s. of yearly rent lying in the following
places, viz. in the parish of St. Faith from land which was John de
Mareny's which Geoffrey the Chamberlain held of the said monks, 8s.; in
the parish of St. Benedict from land which Alfred Finacat held of them,
8s.; in the parish of St. Nicholas, in the ward of Alan Baalun from land
which Walter 'Tailiator' who had to wife the daughter of Michael son
of John held of them, 5s.; in the parish of St. Martin in Candelwrith-
testrat from land which Ralph Long held of them, 7s.; and in the
parish of St. Peter at Cornhill from land which Osbert Rufus held of
them, 12s. Witnesses:—Henry son of Ailwin, and others (named). |
London. |
A. 7295. Confirmation by Robert de Valoniis, of the grant which
David de Cornhella, and Robert his brother, made to the canons of
Holy Trinity, London, of their land of Blanchesapeltuna which is in his
soke of the said city, rendering him therefore 4d. at Mid Lent yearly for
socage, and for this they have given him one mark of silver in gersum.
Witnesses:—Ralph de Lattuna, his sewer, by whom he seised them of the
said land, and William his son, Richard Aguillun, John son of Nigel, and
Waleran, sheriffs, Henry the Alderman son of Ailwin, William Facetus,
Peter son of Alan, Geoffrey Buchuinte, Jordan de Turri, Michael de
Walencines and Jeremy. [A.D. 1177.]
Endorsed: 'Staniggecherch.' |
London. |
A. 7296. Grant by Felicia, late the wife of Jocius the young
(juvenis), for the welfare of her said late husband, and of her soul, to
Richard the prior, and the canons, of Holy Trinity, London, in frank
almoin, of 40s. yearly quit rent, to wit 20s. from land and three shops
of the fee of St. Giles' hospital in the street of London Bridge, between
the land and shop (sopam) of Wygod the mercer to the south, the land and
shop which was of Richard Blund, of the same fee to the north, and the
land and dwelling which was of Geoffrey le Soper (managium . . . .
Galfridi schopparii) of the same fee to the west; 8s. from the shop of
Roger the butcher between the shop which was of Derekin the spicer
(speciarii) to the south and the shop of St. Mary of Southwark to the
north; and 14s. from land with houses and shops in the parish of
St. John, Walebrok, between the land which was of Geoffrey de Frowyk
to the east and land which was of Alan Weyder to the west. Sealed with
her own seal and the seals of her husband's executors. Witnesses:—Ralph
Sperleng, Robert Hardel, Robert de Cornhell, Alexander [le] Ferrun,
aldermen, John Adrian, Robert de Catilon, William Aswi, draper, Richard
Sigar, Gilbert le Bas, Richard le May, John de Teffunte, William Haket,
Three seals lost, fragment of fourth. |
London. |
A. 7297. Letters patent by Margery the prioress, and the convent,
of Ankerwyke, being an acquittance for 2 marks, received from Sir Adam de
Strettone, the king's clerk, in full payment (perpacacionem) of all money in
which he was bound to them for yearly rents which he bought from them
in fee in London. 2 August, 55 Henry III. |
[London.] |
A. 7298. Chirograph, not indented, being a grant by Stephen the
prior, and the convent, of Holy Trinity, London, to Gilbert the clerk, of
the land which Malgerus, his uncle, held next before him, viz. a forge and
the land thereto belonging, to hold in fee and heredity for ever for ½ mark
rent so long as he duly (sine malo ingenio et meskenninge) pay the same: he
has sworn on the four gospels in the Chapter to be faithful; he has paid
½ mark in gersum and 3s. for pitance. Witnesses:—John, chaplain of the
Bailey (de ballio), John, our chaplain of St. Michael, Salomon de Stebeheth,
William de Plaissiz, Gilbert's nephew (nepote), and others (named). |
London. |
A. 7299. Extract from the will of Ralph de Cantabrigg[ia], enrolled
on the under-mentioned date, viz. he bequeathed to Henry his son, in tail,
the tenement which Robert Gylle held of him, subject to the payment of
16s. quit rent to the prior and convent of Christchurch, London, which he
was accustomed to pay them from all his tenements, with remainder in
default of issue of the said Henry to Robert Erhethe and Juliana his wife,
and the heirs of her body lawfully begotten. Monday after St. Hilary, 89
Edward III. Paper. |
London. |
A. 7300. Chirograph, indented, being an agreement by Stephen the
prior, and the convent, of the Holy Trinity, London, to find one of their
fellow canons to celebrate daily for the soul of John called 'le Blunt,'
citizen and goldsmith of London, who had left 50 marks for the said
purpose, which money the grantors had received of Ralph le Blunt, his
brother and executor, the celebrant to have the said Ralph and Maud his
wife in special remembrance; also the said John and Ralph are to be placed
in their martyrology, and service made for them thereon as for a fellow
canon; for all which the said Ralph had given them 25 marks. Friday
the morrow of the Ascension, A.D. 1295. |