[Middx.] |
A. 2501. Grant by William de Hedirsete, citizen of London, to John
le Lacer, citizen of London, of a shop in Wodestret in the parish of St.
Alban's, London, with lights towards the grantor's garden adjoining on the
east. Thursday after St. Agatha, 9 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2502. Grant by Richard Kavel to the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, of 8s. rent from land at Wdestrate in St. Alban's parish. Witnesses:—Henry, Mayor of London, Walter Brun and William Chamberlain,
sheriffs, and others (named). [5 John.]
Endorsed: Thereof John de Wintonia pays 4s., the prioress of
Clerkenwell 4s. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2503. Grant by S. the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Stephen Teinterer of the land that William Wilekin and Isabel
his wife held in St. Dunstan's parish, paying 8s. yearly. Witnesses:—
Peter Neuelun, William Folkmar, and others (named). [John.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2504. Release by Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy
Trinity, London, for 23 marcs, to John de Monemue of two marcs yearly
rent he was wont to pay them for land with houses in the parish of
St. Peter the Little near Wodewharf. Witnesses:—Andrew Bukerel, Mayor
of London, Robert Hardel, Gerard Bat, sheriffs, and others (named).
[20 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2505. Grant by John Dursley, citizen and armourer of London
to William Serjaunt, taverner, of Stanes, and Ralph Baker, of the same,
of a messuage with curtilage adjoining in Westminster in the place called
'Tothill,' between the common pasture and the high road from Eye to
Westminster. 6 June, 7 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2506. Giant by William son of Gervase de Lytlebiry to Ralph
de Lincoln, skinner, for 10 marcs, of land with houses thereon in Wdestrate
in St. Alban's parish, paying 3s. yearly to the monks of Westminster, and
12d. to the canons of Newark (de Novo Loco). Witnesses:—Sir Peter
son of Alan, Mayor of London, Simon son of Mary and Laurence de
Frowik, sheriffs, and others (named). [31 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2507. Grant by William, son of Brichmar de Haverhull, to the
canons of Holy Trinity by Alegatc, London, in frank almoin, by consent of
Alice bis wife and Thomas, his son and heir, of 3s. rent in the parish of
St. Nicholas 'de Westmacekaria,' in the street leading from St. Nicholas'
church to the city wall. For this grant the canons have released to him
the 40s. arrears he owes for lands he holds at 8s. yearly rent in the parishes
of St. Mary Magdalene in Fish Street by St. Paul's, and St. Michael de
Bassishaghe by the city wall, and admitted him and his to participate in
the benefits and prayers of their church. Witnesses:—John, priest of
St. Peter of Wdestrate, Ingehan, priest of St. Michael upon Thames,
Henry son of Ailwin son of Leofstan, Mayor of London, Robert Blund,
sheriff, son of Bartholomew Blund, and others (named). A.D. 1196.
Injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2508. Release by Otho son of Edward de Westmonasterio to Sir
Roger de Leyburne, knight, of a messuage in Westminster between the
courts of the King of England and the King of Germany, reaching from the
Thames to the highway leading from Westminster to Charing, and of
another messuage with piece of land adjoining in the same town, saving to
himself a way for ingress and egress seven feet wide. Witnesses:—
Richard, abbot of Westminster, Sirs John de Kyrkeby, Roger de Lancastre,
Thomas de Musgrave, and others (named). Injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2509. Acquittance by brother Thomas Axbrigge, rent collector of
Holy Trinity, London, for 4s. 9d. received from the executors of John
Wodecok, late citizen and mercer of London, part of 10s. 9d. yearly rent
issuing from the front of a shop called 'le Crowne' in Chepe in the parish
of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, between the shop lately belonging to Robert
Knolles, knight, called 'le Legge,' on the east, and the shop of the
convent of St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield, called 'le Threlegges,'on the
west. The morrow of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 11 Henry IV. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2510. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Alan King of a shop in the parish of St. Nicholas West Fish
Street, paying 7s. yearly. Witnesses:—John Burguin, Walter Blund,
Walter Bruning, and others (named). [Richard I.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2511. Release by Robert son of Alexander de Derham and Edith,
daughter of Reginald de Leges, his wife, to Reginald de Leges of the two
houses the latter gave them on their marriage, in the parish of St. Thomas
the Apostle. Witnesses:—Stephen le Gras, alderman, Philip Waleram,
Richard le Gras, and others (named). [Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2512. Grant by John Ive, rector of St. Michael's, Wodestrete,
London, and Laurence Kelleshulle, chaplain, to Sir Simon Sudbury, bishop
of London, John Sudbury, John de Cantebrugge, the elder, and John
Chartesey of a messuage with quay adjoining in St. Dunstan's parish by the
Tower of London, between 'le Watyrgate' on the east and the tenement
and quay formerly Henry Cros's on the west, reaching from the Thames to
Thamyse-strete. Witnesses:—John Bernes, Mayor, Adam Stable and
Robert Hatfeld, sheriffs of London, and others (named). 28 November,
45 Edward III. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common
pleas, Monday after St. Andrew the Apostle, 45 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2513. Grant by Richard son of Roger Aldar to Thomas son of
Thomas son of Richard, of yearly quit rents of 10s. issuing from land with
houses in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Less, 40d. from land with
houses in the parish of St. Michael Queenhithe, and 20d. from land with
houses in the parish of Holy Trinity the Less; whereupon he has pledged
his own land in St. Michael's parish abovesaid. Witnesses:—Thomas
Black, Richard Patric, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2514. Indenture witnessing that John Asselyne has granted to
Ralph de Kneton a messuage with quay adjoining in the parish of
St. Dunstan by the Tower, London, in Tamyse-strat, on condition that Ralph
shall demise to John for bis life a chamber with a drain (cloaca) adjacent
in the east part of the aforesaid quay, with a stable underneath it, with free
access night and day to the said quay, stable and chamber with horses,
carts, and men, with reversion to Ralph at John's death; Ralph paying
John for life 10 marcs yearly for the residue of the messuage and for the
said quay, and repairing all the premises. If John die within a year from
the present date, Ralph shall pay his executors 20 marcs within a month
of such decease. Witnesses:—John Lovekyn, Mayor, John de Brykelesworth and Thomas lrlond, sheriffs of London, and others (named). Sunday
after the Invention of Holy Cross, 10 May, 40 Edward III. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for pleas of land,
Monday before St. Dunstan the Archbishop, 40 Edward III. |
A. 2515. Duplicate of A. 2514.
[Middx.] |
A. 2516. Grant by David de Toteham, son of Ralph, to Richard, the
prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 11 marcs, of land in
Toteham in the croft called 'Lenordesfeld.' Witnesses:—Gilbert de
Toteham, Peter son of Alan, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2517. Release by Agnes, late the wife of John son of Peter de
Totenham, to the prior and canons of Holy Trinity, London, of all claims
to the lands, woods, and rents of her said late husband. Witnesses:—John
de Grantham, Mayor of London, and others (named). Sunday after
Hilary, 2 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2518. Grant by Robert Chamberlain to Henry la Faitie of the
land by the church of St. Thomas the Apostle that William la Faitie
his father held. Witnesses:—Henry son of Ailwin, Roger son of Alan,
Alan son of Peter, and others (named). Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2519. Sale by Ralph son of Robert Chamberlain, of London, to
William, son of Robert Chamberlain, his brother, for 8s., of 6d. quit rent
in London issuing from land in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle.
Witnesses:—Roger son of Alan, Mayor of London, Alan son of Peter,
Thomas de Haverhella, and others (named). [John.] |
[Suff.] |
A. 2520. Grant by John Tumour, of Ipswich, baker, to John Smyth,
of Thurliston, of two pieces of land in Thurliston, adjoining land formerly
belonging to John de Breuse, knight, and abutting on the road from
Thurliston to Cleydon. Monday after St. Katherine the Virgin, 15 Henry
VI. Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2521. Sale and release by William Chamberlain, son of Robert
Chamberlain, for 60s., to Richaid Crass (Crasso) of part of his land with
a stone wall at the south end of his garden, being 2¼ ells wide including the
wall at the east end by Richard Renger's land, 1¼ ells 3 inches at the west
end, and 28¾ ells long; Richard having the right to pull down part or the
whole of the wall and to enclose the land, William receiving on his land the
water from such enclosure; but Richard shall have no view over the
grantor's land. [Henry III.]
Endorsed: "Sancti Thome Apostoli." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2522. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Lewes to
Sir William, called 'de Dale,' for his life, of 4l. free rent in the city of London
that Thomas Romeyn, citizen of London, and Juliana his wife pay
yearly for land with houses in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle,
between the lane called 'Athelingstretc' on the north and the land
leading to 'la Ryole' on the south. Lewes, x° Kal. Julii, 31 Edward I. |
A. 2523. Duplicate of A. 2517.
[Middx.] |
A. 2524. Grant by William, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Robert de Kersanton and Mabil his wife, of the
tenement that was Adam Smith's in Totenham, paying 4s. yearly.
Witnesses:—William de Derneford, Walter le Bounde, and others (named).
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2525. Release by Adam Smith to Sir William, the prior, and the
convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all his rights in the tenement he
formerly held of them in Thotenham. Witnesses:—William de Beyford,
Robert de Kersanton, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2526. Demise by John, the prior, and the convent of Lewes to
Richard de Derby, clerk, of their tenement in the parish of St. Thomas the
Apostle, London, between the lane called 'Athelingstrate' on the north and
the lane leading towards 'la Ryole' on the south, for 15 years from Easter,
A.D. 1290, paying them 5½ marcs yearly, and to the churches of
Westminster, St. Paul's, and Holy Trinity, London, 9s. yearly. Richard
finds as pledges for his fulfilment of this agreement Richard de Derby
and William Dynnok, burgesses of Southwark, and Robert de Wilebek,
citizen of London. St. Benedict the Abbot's day, end of A.D. 1289. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2527. Grant by Philip de Derneford, to Richard, the prior, and
the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of two acres of land called 'Sortecroft' in Toteham, by the wood of the said canons. Witnesses:—Peter
son of Alan, Gilbert son of Gilbert de Toteham, John de Solio, and
others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2528. Grant by Philip son of Gilbert Ede, of Totenham, to
Walter his brother of all the land and the tenement in Totenham he
inherited from Gilbert his father. Witnesses:—Philip Culling, John le
Blunt, Hugh Peverel, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2529. Exemplification at the suit of the prior of Holy Trinity,
London, of the roll of taxation of the temporal goods of the clergy, containing the amounts paid by the said prior for goods belonging to his
convent in 71 parishes in London. 26 January, 7 Richard II. Portion of
Great Seal of the Exchequer. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2530. Release by Geoffrey Kneveton, of co. Derby, to John Ive,
rector of St. Michael's of Wodstrete, and Sir Laurence Kelleshulle,
chaplain, of all his right in the quay called 'Asselyne's Warf' with
buildings thereon in St. Dunstan's parish, London, and grant of the reversion of all the tenements that John Asselyne holds for life on the said
quay; all which premises they had by feoffment of Master Ralph Kneveton
his brother, formerly the King's baker. 8 March, 45 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common
pleas, Monday before St. Gregory the Pope, 45 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2531. Grant by William de Canefelde, of London, to John, son
and heir of John de Welde, of Lauffare Mandeleyne, of all his tenements
in the lane and parish of Holy Trinity the Less, London, in Queenhithe ward,
east of the lane called 'le Trinite lane.' Witnesses:—John de Prestone,
Mayor, John Husbonde, Nicholas Pyke, sheriffs of London, and others
(named). Tuesday after St. Thomas the Apostle, 6 Edward III. Seal,
broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2532. Sale by John Market, citizen and dyer of London, executor
of the will of John Starlyng, late citizen of London, to Guy bishop of
St. Davids, William Askeham, William Walderne, citizens of London,
Robert Seymour, esquire, and William Wexcombe of the tenement called
'le Sterre on the Hoop,' with dwelling house there, situated in Tharaesstrete in the parish of All Saints at Hay, in execution of the said will.
John Fraunceys, Mayor, John Wakele and William Evot, sheriffs of
London, the said Askeham, alderman of the ward. 21 February,
2 Henry IV. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 2533. Grant by Avelina, Countess of Essex, for the soul of her
lord G. son of Peter, Earl of Essex, to the canons of Holy Trinity, London,
in frank almoin, of half a marc quit rent from the rent of her oven in her
manor of Tuucestre until she can provide the like rent in a more fitting
place nearer the church; the said half marc to be expended in an oil or
wax lamp before the altar of the Virgin Mary in their church. Witnesses:—J. rector of Tuuecestre church, Geoffrey de Sand', and others
(named). [John.]
Annexed: Mandate from Warin de Montechans' to his bailiffs of
Towcester to be respondent to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity,
London, for half a marc yearly farm which they have from his oven at
Towcester. [Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2534. Grant by Henry de Hastinges to John, the prior, and the
canons of Holy Trinity, London, of a road over the land of William, son of
Otho de Marisco, his customer in Toteham, reaching from their land called
'Geldeuacre' to their wood, and 24 feet wide between the ditches, saving
to himself, his tenants at Toteham, and his men free carriage and right of
way; in exchange for land in the same town. Witnesses:—Robert de
Sotebrok, Thomas de Bray, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2535. Grant by E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, to Gilbert Attewode, of Thotenham, for 25s. and a besant, of land
in the field called 'Daviesfeld' in Thotenham, paying 2s. yearly, doing suit
twice a year at the canons' court and paying relief and heriot when due.
Within two years Gilbert shall build on the land to at least the value of the
yearly rent. Witnesses:—Laurence Dukct, William de Derneford, and
others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2536. Grant by Robert de Epeswich and Isabella his wife to
William Gamel, smith, of all the lands and tenements on 'la Tourhull' by
the Tower of London, that Isabella inherited on the death of John Swetyng.
Saturday after Ascension Day, 24 Edward III. Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2537. Grant by E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, to Richard Attewatere of land lying west of his messuage in
Thotenham, paying 2s. yearly, doing suit twice a year at their court, and
giving relief and heriot when due. Within two years Richard shall build
on the land to at least the value of the yearly rent, &c. Witnesses:—
Laurence Duket, William de Derneford, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2538. Grant by Geoffrey son of Richard Cook, of Edelmelon, to
John, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin,
of a road one perch wide extending from the canons' land at Toteham
Marche to their wood, and a road of the same width running east and west
near the said road, together with a headland (forera) between the said road
and the canons' land, reserving to Geoffrey the right to go, ride and carry
on the said road. 36 Henry III.
Endorsed: "Modo Robertus Bakere occupat istam cartam et ideo utatur
"ista via quod nondum occupatur per longum tempus." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2539. Grant by Reginald de Leges to Robert, son of Alexander
de Derham, clerk, in marriage with his daughter Edith, of land in the
parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, adjoining the said church,
together with the moiety of his drain there, paying 10s. yearly. If Edith
die without issue, Robert shall have the premises for life as long as he lives
in secular habit. Witnesses:—Stephen le Cras, alderman, Alexander de
Derham, clerk, and others (named). [Henry III.] Injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2540. Grant by Reginald Meiremar to Reginald de Leges, for
20 marcs, of the land with Louses he held of the monks of Lewes in the
parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, paying the said monks 24s.
yearly. Witnesses:—Alan Burs', then alderman, Martin son of Alice, John
son of Heiicun, and others (named). [John.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2541. Acquittance by Thomas Pestyll, servant and attorney of
John Hervy, esquire, for 26s. 8d. received from Thomas, the prior of Holy
Trinity, London, Richard Rawlyns and Bartholomew Horwode, citizens
and grocers of London, executors of the will of William Lemyng, late
citizen and grocer of London, deceased, for the farm of lands, &c., parcel
of the tenement called 'le Tyldehous' near St. Katherine's Hospital by the
Tower of London, which Lemyng had by demise of Hervy for certain years
not yet completed. 24 January, 49 year from the commencement of the
reign of King Henry VI., and first year of his restoration. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2542. Grant by Reginald son of William de Hauvile to Solomon
de Basinges, for 8½ marcs, of 8s. rent issuing from land that was Hugh de
Totinges' in the parish of St. Mary Abecherch, and two shops in the
parish of St. Mary of Arches; paying for the rent 1d. yearly to Favresham church, and for the shops 18d. yearly to Christchurch, Canterbury.
Witnesses:—Ernald son of Alulf, James Alderman, Serlo Mercer, and
others (named). [John.] Injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2543. Confirmation by Adgar son of Richard Smith, of Stebbehee,
to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the grant
John le Yepe made them of land in Stebbehee in the field called 'Cropet';
and grant to them of his share in half an acre the said John held of him
and his brother Wlnoth on the east of Cropet ditch, extending along
Hachestrate. Witnesses:—William de Alegate, Richard le May, and others
(named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2544. Grant by John le Yepe to Richard, the prior, and the canons
of Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of land with houses in the parish
of St. Botolph without Alegate, and land in Stebbehee, one acre in Walemers
owing 10d. yearly to Adam Reymund, half an acre in the same marsh of
Butler's fee, owing 6d, one acre extending along Hachestrate towards the
north and the lower road towards the south, owing 4d. to Adgar Carter,
and one acre between the said roads by Cropet. Witnesses:—John de
Teffunt, Richard le May, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2545. Grant by Adam, son of Jocelin de Litebrok, to Richard, the
prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of his share in half an acre
of land in Stebbehee, by Cropet ditch, paying 3d. yearly. Witnesses:—
William de Alegate, Richard le May, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2546. Grant by David, son of Ralph Vintner, of London, to
Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 40s., of 4s.
rent they paid for land in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, London,
paying him 4d. yearly and 3s. to the Chapter of St. Paul's, and to William
son of Robert Chamberlain 1 lb. of pepper or 6d. Witnesses:—Gilbert
Fulk, alderman, John Travers, and others (named). [Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2547. Demise by William Risyng, prior of Holy Trinity, London,
William Askham, attorney of Sir William Walworth, knight and late
citizen of London, and Gilbert Manfeld, citizen of London, to Francis van
Braban, dyer, of London, of the tenement with quay and garden that Sir
William lately held for life of the said convent in Temstrete, London,
bordering on the Thames, for 4 years from Christmas, 10 Richard II.,
paying 100s. yearly. Christmas, 10 Richard II. |
[N'hamp.] |
A. 2548. Grant by Avelina, Countess of Essex, to the canons of
Holy Trinity, London, in frank almoin, of half a marc quit rent out of the
rent of her manor of Touecestre, for the soul of her lord G. son of Peter,
Earl of Essex, part of whose body is buried there. Witnesses:— G. de
Bocland, Geoffrey and William de Mandeville, Ralph Cheindedut, and others
(named), [c. A.D. 1214.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2549. Grant by William de Sancto Michaele and Emma his wife
to Godric Virgar of their land in London in Wudestrate, paying 7s. yearly.
Fragment of document. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2550. Confirmation by William son of Ralph Vintner to the
canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the grant to them by David his brother
relative to 20s. rent that Robert de Basinges was wont to pay David yearly
for land in the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, by St. Thomas' churchyard. Witnesses:—Henry, Mayor, Norman Blund, John de Cayo, sheriffs
of London, and others (named). [4 John.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2551. Grant by Ralph Kueventon, of Alvythele, co. Essex, to Sir
John Ive, rector of St. Michael's in Wodestret, London, and Sir Laurence
Kelyshull, chaplain, of his quay called 'Asselynis Warff' and the houses
built thereon in the parish of St. Dunstan, London. 3 December,
44 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2552. Grant by Gilbert son of Otho de Toteham to the canons of
Holy Trinity, in frank almoin, of two acres in Toteham in the croft called
'Leuegar's land' in exchange for the two acres in Langeland that Otho his
father gave them, together with the residue of his land in the said croft.
Witnesses:—Alan de la Coppedehalle, Gilbert Culling, and others (named).
Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2553. Grant by Gilbert son of Otho de Toteham to P., the prior
and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 5 acres in Napeland and
2 acres in Leuegar's land, in Toteham, of which Otho his father sold them
3 acres in Napeland and 2 acres in Langeland, afterwards giving them 2
other acres in Langeland in frank almoin; but after holding the 4 acres in
Langeland some time, Gilbert could not warrant this land to them and has
given in exchange 2 acres in Napeland and 2 in Leuegar's land.
Witnesses:—John the chaplain of Toteham, Peter de Herdewic, the Earl's
servant, Alan de la Koppedehalle, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2554. Release by Gilbert son of Otho de Toteham to Peter, the
prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of all arrears of lands and
rents they held of Otho his father and of himself, of the yearly use of their
plough, provision of food and drink, and all other temporal and secular
exactions. Witnesses:—William Peverel, William son of Alan, and others
(named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2555. Grant by Gilbert son of Otho to the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, of 10d. yearly rent they paid for 5 acres in Napeland and 2 acres
in the field called 'Leuegar's land' [in Toteham]. Witnesses:—Richard
de Taney, Gilbert Culling, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2556. Grant by Gilbert son of Otho de Toteham to the canons of
Holy Trinity, London, of 2d. yearly rent they were wont to pay for tenements held of him in Toteham. Witnesses:—Roger de Beuchedr', John de
Teffunt, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2557. Confirmation by the same to the same of the sale by his
father to them of land in Totham, 3 acres in Apeland and 2 acres in Langeland paying 10d. yearly; of the 2 acres in Langeland his father bequeathed
them in frank almoin; and of the 2 acres concerning which there was a
claim between his father and the canons. Witnesses:—Walter the priest of
Toteham, William Ruff us, servant of the Earl, Alan son of William, and
others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2558. Grant by Walter in the Hierne, of Estsmethefeld, tiler, to
Roger atte Ponde, citizen and wool merchant of London, and Juliana his
wife, of the tenement Walter is living in in the parish of St. Botolph without
Algate, on Estsmethefeld, with all its appurtenances in the liberty of
Middlesex. Sunday after St. Laurence the Martyr, 2 Edward III. |
Middx. |
A. 2559. Grant by John de Peckebrigg, knight, and Margaret his
wife, to the abbot and convent of the new abbey de Graciis by the
Tower of London, of all the estate they have for Margaret's life in lands,
tenements, &c., in Estsmythfeld on 'le Tohm' and in the parishes of St.
Botolph without Algate, London, and of the church called 'le Whitchapell,' formerly Sir John Pulteney's, knight, except in two mills under one
roof called 'Crachemille,' and the hermitage called 'Swannesnest' as freely
as brother John, the hermit there, and Richard de Elme, citizen and baker
of London, hold it of them by confirmation of Sir Nicholas Loveyn, knight.
26 August, 49 Edward III. Injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2560. Grant by Laurence de Sancto Michaele, son of William, to
the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of 60s. yearly rent issuing
from three shops in Sopereslane, at the corner by the great market of
London, paying therefore 20s. yearly. Witnesses:—Peter son of Alan,
Nicholas son of Josce, Nicholas Bat, and others (named), [c. 30 Henry
III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2561. Release by Margaret de Bampton, late the wife of John de
Echebrugge, to Sir Thomas de Nusum, clerk, of all her right in a piece of
land in the parish of St. Mary Somersete, London, in Tymberhethe.
Witnesses:—John de Wenegrave, Mayor of London, and others (named).
Wednesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 12
Edward II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common pleas,
Monday before the Apostles Simon and Jude, 13 Edward II. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2562. Sale by Richard de Yspania and Clemencia his wife to
Henry son of Renner, for 11 marcs given to Richard and a green
upper tunic to Clemencia, of land and rents in the parish of St. Mary of
Sumersetecherche. Witnesses:—Roger son of Alan, Mayor, Ralph
Holmant, Constantine son of Alulf, sheriffs of London, and others (named).
Two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2563. Grant by John de Foleham and Joan his wife to Stephen de
Cornhille, citizen and draper of London, of a tenement with their dwelling
house in the parish of St. Nicholas Olof. Witnesses:—Sirs Gregory,
Mayor, Henry de Frowyk, Luke de Batencort, sheriffs of London, and
others (named). [3 Edward I.] Two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2564. Grant by Alice, relict of Laurence Duket, to John de
Fuleham, citizen and merchant of London, for 40s., of a dwelling house in
Bredstrate towards the Thames, in the parish of St. Nicholas Olaph;
paying her 16s. 8d. yearly and 10s. to the Hospital of St. Bartholomew of
Smethefeld. Witnesses:—Thomas son of Thomas, alderman of the ward,
and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2565. Grant by Laurence de Sancto Michaele son of William to
John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, for 5 marcs
of 14s. 8d. yearly rent issuing from a shop in Soppereslane, at the eastern
corner, by the great market of London; paying therefor 8s. yearly. Witnesses:—William son of Richard, Mayor of London, Thomas son of
Thomas, William Grapefige, sheriffs, and others (named). [42 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2566. Confirmation by R. the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to John Young (Juveni) of the sale to him by Aubrey
son of Baldewin of land at Bradeleye in North croft, paying the said
convent 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Thomas de Stebelie, Roger de Angres,
and others (named). Seal.
Endorsed: "De duabus acris terre in Stebenhethe." |
Middx. |
A. 2567. Release by Peter son of Henry to Sir John Gerland and
Lucy Walerand bis wife, for 100s., of all his right in houses and land in
Stanmere whereupon there was a plea between him and them by the King's
writ of right. Witnesses:—Andrew Bukerel, Mayor, Gerard Bat and
Henry de Edelmeton, sheriffs of London, William de la Dune, sheriff of
Middlesex, and others (named). [17 Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2568. Release by John de Richemond, citizen and mercer of
London, to Roger Wastel, citizen of London, and Alice his wife, for 18
marcs, of two marcs yearly quit rent which he had by their demise from
their tenement in the parish of St. Sepulchre without Neugate, extending
from the highway called 'la Bailie' on the east to the Flete ditch on the
west. Witnesses.—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, Warden of London, Walter
Hauteyn and Thomas Cros, sheriffs of London, and others (named).
[15 Edward I.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2569. Acknowledgment by William de Evere, ironmonger, of
London, that he owes the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London
3s. 4d. yearly from a tenement in the parish of All Hallows Stanygge'.
cherche, they having released 3s. 4d. they were wont to exact from the
said tenement and the arrears thereof till Michaelmas, 31 Edward I
Witnesses:—Sir John le Blunt, Mayor, William de Cumbemartyn
John de Boreford, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [32 Edward I.]
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2570. Sale by William de Mariscis and Salerna his wife to
Ranulf Bucoynte, for 13 marcs, of land in Little Stanmere. Witnesses:—
William son of William, sheriff of Middlesex, Roger de Duna, William
Hauncelyn. [Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2571. Grant by Peter son of Richard de Hispania, for 10 marcs,
to Richard, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 20s.
rent that Edmund Mercer was wont to pay Clementia his mother on
account of dower granted her by his said father Richard, issuing from a
dwelling house in the parish of St. Benedict Shorhog. Witnesses:—
William son of Benedict, alderman, Philip de Winton, Ralph Blund,
goldsmith, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2572. Release by John son of Hugh Smith to John de Lauphare,
clerk, of the land with houses and rents, formerly his said father's, in the
suburb of London in the Bailey (Ballio) in St. Sepulchre's parish, which his
mother Albretha sold to the said John. Witnesses;—Sir John Tollesan,
Mayor of London, Thomas de Wimburne and William de Dunolm, sheriffs,
and others (named). [37 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2573. Grant by William de Reymes to Walter son of Hervy of
part of his land in Little Stanmere, which Robert Dursent formerly held of
William de Reymes his father, between the land of Henry Bocuointe and
that of Lady Lucy Gerlaunde. Witnesses:—William de Stanmere, William
de Paris, and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2574. Grant by Isabella, late the wife of Nicholas de Basinges,
formerly citizen of London, and daughter of the late John Viel, the
younger, to William le Mazeliner, citizen of London, and Roisia his wife,
of her tenement in the parish, and opposite the church, of St. Benedict
Shorhog, London; paying her yearly 10 marcs quit rent, to the convent of
Glastonbury 20 lbs. of pepper, to the convent of Holy Trinity, London,
2s., and 20d. to the nuns of Berkinge. Witnesses:—Gregory de Roquesle,
Mayor, Ralph de Mora, sheriff of London, and others (named). [8 Edward I.]
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2575. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch,
London, to Geoffrey Vintner of a messuage of land in the parish of
St. Benedict the Less, paying 2s. yearly. Witnesses:—Bartholomew Blund,
Robert de Corhull, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2576. Release by Richard de Echebrugge, son and heir of John
de Echebrugge, late citizen of London, to Sir Thomas de Nusum, clerk, of
all his right in a tenement with houses and piece of ground at Tymberhuth
in St. Mary Somersete parish, extending from Themesestrete to Tymberhuthestrete, which Sir Thomas had by gift of Margaret, late wife
of the said John de Echebrugge. Witnesses:—Hamo de Chikewelle,
Mayor of London, and others (named). Monday after St. Petronilla,
13 Edward II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common pleas,
Monday after the Octave of Trinity, 13 Edward II. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2577. Demise by Sir Adam de Stratton, clerk, to William Page,
for 8 years from the present date, of land called 'La Hyde' in Little Stanmere by Woundenewellefeld on the north, tillages called 'Stanmereheld'
and 'Stoniputteshote,' and a piece of land called 'Fortheye' between
Grimesdich and the high road to Watford; paying 16s. yearly. Feast of
St. Thomas the Apostle, 17 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2578. Grant by James le Peuerer and Beatrix his wife to Adam
de Straltone, clerk, of a piece of land 6 ft. long by 1½ ft. wide in the
parish of St. Sephulchre without Neugate, upon which to build a chimney.
Witnesses:—Thomas son of Thomas, Mayor, Edward le Blund, Peter
Anger, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [49 Henry III.]
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2579. Grant by John son of Robert de Teffunt to Richard, the
prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 10 acres in Stebehee
marsh, which Cristina de Monasterio acknowledged to be his right before
the Justices in Eyre at Westminster, whereupon a chirograph was made by
which the land remains for life to Cristina, she paying 10s. 1½d. yearly to
the canons, to whose use it will remain at her death. Witnesses:—Jordan
le Cuteiler, sheriff of Middlesex, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2580. Grant by the same to the same, for 50 marcs, of the above
land in Stebehee marsh which he acquired against Cristina de Monasterio in
the King's Court, 28 Henry III.; paying 10s. yearly to the heirs of Alan
le Baud, &c. Witnesses:—Sirs William son of Reyner, Richard de Ponfreyt,
knights, Roger son of Roger, Michael Tovy, Adam de Basinges, citizens of
London, and others (named), [c. 28 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2581. Grant by Richard de Ulmis, of Havering, to John de
Laufare, of the land with buildings he had by gift of Robert, the prior, and
the canons of New Hospital without Bissopesgate, in the parish of
St. Sepulchre in the bailey, London, without Neuwegate, extending from
the high road to Flete Gaol; paying Idonea de Crepping 12d. yearly, and
4s. to the above-named canons. Witnesses:—Ralph Aswy, Mayor, Robert
son of John, Ralph Aswy, goldsmith, sheriffs of London, and others
(named). [27 Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2582. Grant by John Sawale to Richard, the prior, and the
canons of Holy Trinity, London, of two acres of land in Edelmeton,
paying 2d. yearly. Witnesses:—William de Forda, John de Anesty, and
others (named). [Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2583. Grant by Thomas Esperun to Nicholas Lungespee, for 100l.,
of a messuage with the land in Little Stanmere which he had by gift of
Ranulf Boquoynte, together with all his other property, as homages,
rents, &c, in the said town. Witnesses:—Sirs David de Jarpuntvyle,
Richard de Oxehaye, Roger de la Dune, knights, William de Paris, and
others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2584. Release by William de Chigwell, citizen and fishmonger of
London, to John de Gildesburgh of all his right in a tenement in the parish
of St. Mary Somersete, in Quenhethe ward, London, between Thamisestrete
and Tymberhethe lane; to hold until John shall have received the full
value of 20l. owing to him by the said William.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common pleas,
20 [Edward III.] Portion of document only. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2585. Grant by Albretha late the wife of Hugh Smith, to John de
Lauphare, of part of her land in the suburb of London in the Bailie in
St. Sepulchre's parish. Witnesses:—Sir Laurence de Frowik, alderman of
the ward, and others (named). [c. 35 Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2586. Release by Alice la Mareschal, late the wife of John le
Mareschal de Nusum, and sister and heir of Sir Thomas de Nusum, clerk,
deceased, to John de Abodeston, clerk, of all her right in a void piece of
ground he has by her gift in a place called 'le Tymberhethe' in the parish of
St. Mary Somersete in London, extending from Thamisestrete to Tymberhethestrete. Hamo de Chigwell, Mayor of London, and alderman of the
ward. Tuesday after Michaelmas, 2 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2587. Grant by Albreda, late the wife of Robert Lamberd, to
William son of Stephen de Sharnbrok, of a messuage with curtilage in the
suburb of London without Alegate, adjoining St. Botolph's churchyard.
Witnesses:— Sir Alan la Susche, Warden of the city of London, and
others (named). Wednesday after the Epiphany, 52 Henry III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2588. Grant by P. the prior, and the convent of Christchurch,
London, to Stephen Fishmonger (Piscario), for 10s. and a salmon in
pittance, of a shop in New Fish Street in St. Nicholas' parish, between
shops belonging to the canons of St. Mary of Southwark, paying 4s. yearly
and 2s. to the King. Witnesses:—Walter Brun, Richard de Hesa, and
others (named). [John.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2589. Confirmation by Matilda daughter of Bernard son of Robert
to Peter, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the sale and
release that William de Clovilla made to them of 8s. rent that Ralph,
grandson of Brice de Stebbehee, was wont to pay him for land called
'Scadflet' in Stebbehee marsh, which Rodland, Matilda's brother, gave the
said William; paying her 4s. yearly. Witnesses:—Maurice de Herlaue,
canon of St. Paul's, William Blund, and others (named), [c. A.D. 1218.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2590. Grant by Henry la Feite to Gilbert son of Fulk of land in
Limstrate, paying 42d. yearly. Witnesses:—William Crisp, Albin Rufus,
Geoffrey Kavel, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2591. Ratification by Gilbert de Hendon of the grant Walter de la
Hyde and Helena his wife have made to Henry Bokointe of eight acres of
land in Hendon. Witnesses:—Stephen de Stranda, Hamo son of
Constantine, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2592. Grant by Hamo de Bedefunt to Richard, the prior, and the
canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 12d. yearly quit rent they were wont to
pay him for land called 'Sadfliet' in Stebbehee marsh. Witnesses:—
William Huscarl, William Blund, John de Lesnes, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2593. Sale and release by William de Clovilla to Peter, the prior,
and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 8s. rent that Brice de Stebeheia
and Ralph his grandson paid for land called 'Schadflet' in Stebehey marsh,
paying 4s. yearly to the lords of the soil. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of
Fulk, John de Solio, aldermen, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2594. Release by Robert le Bere to Adam de Strattone of 16d.
yearly rent he was bound to pay him from the tenement Hamo de
Wroxhull demised to Adam in Smale-lane in St. Sepulchre's parish.
Witnesses:—Thomas son of Thomas, Mayor of London, and others
(named). London, Tuesday the morrow of the Conception, 49 Henry III.
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2595. Grant by Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent, to Philip Basset
of his messuage of Biestun with the circuit of the same manor, which
remained to him above the extent of the said manor which he made to
Philip in exchange for the manor of Crokestun which he had formerly given
him. Witnesses:—Sirs Gilbert and Nicholas de Sandford, Henry de
Wintersell, William de Gorham, and others (named). [A.D. 1227–1243.]
Portion oj seal of arms. |
Middx. |
A. 2596. Sale by William White and William Gibbonse, leathersellers, of London, to Sirs Thomas and John Nevile, and William Compton,
knights, John Heron, Treasurer of the King's chamber, Richard Broke,
serjeant-at-law, and Richard Lyster, to the King's use, of three meses,
three gardens, and three acres of land at Mile Ende in the parish of
Stebenhithe, lately sold to White and Gibbonse by James Algore, citizen
and grocer of London, and Margaret his wife. 12 April, 8 Henry VIII.
English. Seal and portion of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment on the dorse of the Close Roll,
8 May, 9 Henry VIII. |
A. 2597. Duplicate of A. 2561 with merely verbal differences.
Tuesday after the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr, 12 Edward II. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2598. Confirmation by John son of Keneward, lingedraper, to
John Dorturer, of Clerkenwell, of the grant Agnes his mother made to
Dorturer of 3s. yearly quit rent from land in the parish of St. Sepulchre
without Smephefeld Bar, paying him yearly after the death of Agnes some
gloves or ½d. Witnesses:—Reginald de Aula, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2599. Acquittance by Richard de Brikyndene, sacristan of Holy
Trinity, London, for 3s. 9d. received from Peter atte Gate for a tenement in
St. Sepulchre's parish without Smethefeld Bar, for the term Michaelmas,
12 Edward III., to Michaelmas, 13 Edward III. inclusive. West Smethefeld,
St. Matthew's day, 13 Edward III. Portion of seal: much injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2600. Grant by Agnes, late the wife of Keneward Lingedraper,
to John Dorturer, of Clerkenwell, of 3s. yearly quit rent from land in
St. Sepulchre's parish without Smethefeld Bar, paying some gloves or ½d.
yearly. Witnesses:—Reginald de Aula, and others (named). Portion of
seal. |