[Middx.] |
A. 2401. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Robert de Coningeham of land in the parish of St. Olave by the
Tower of London, forming an angle between the wall of London and the
highway. Witnesses:—Ralph Hardel, Mayor of London, Henry de
Walemunt, Stephen de Ostregate, sheriffs, and others (named). [39
Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2402. Grant by Richard de Shanketon to William Bernard,
citizen of London, of a tenement in the parish of St. Olave by the Tower of
London in Woderouelane, and 2s. 1d. yearly quit rent issuing from a
tenement adjoining; paying 8s. 6½d. yearly to the canons of Holy Trinity,
London. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwico, knight, Warden of London,
and others (named). 18 Edward I. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2403. Grant, by Gilbert de la March, Ralph le Taverner and
German Clerk, executors of the will of Robert de Coringham, late citizen of
London, to Sir William, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London,
of 2s. yearly quit rent the said Robert left them by his will, issuing from a
tenement with buildings in Cristemasselond, in St. Olave's parish by the
Tower of London. Witnesses:—Sir Ralph de Sandwyco, Warden of
London, and others (named). Friday before the feast of Tiburcius and
Valerian, Martyrs, A.D. 1287. Two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2404. Grant by E. the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, to William Watloc, goldsmith, of land with buildings in the
parish of St. Olave by the Tower of London, paying 2 marcs 8d. yearly.
Witnesses:—Sir Gregory de Rokesle, Mayor of London, John Horn and
Ralph Blund, sheriffs, and others (named). [4 Edward L] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2405. Grant by Richard son of William son of Reinger to
Reginald de Mailing' of land in the parish of St. Olave by Alegate, paying
6s. 8d. yearly. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Fulk, alderman, Ralph Burel,
Eadwin de Essex, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Quam modo tenent Johannes de Stratford, Henricus le
Rede, Adam Hunteman, Willelmus Carpentar', et fratres Sancte Crucis." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2406. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to Stephen Dyer of land in the parish of Stanenechirche
in Cradocheslane, paying 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—Richard the priest of
St. Laurence, Terri Alderman, Ralph de Sumeri, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2407. Grant by Peter son of Roger son of William to Richard,
the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 4s. yearly quit rent,
issuing from the land with houses and quay that Benedict Stocfishe held,
reaching from the high road to the Thames, and land with buildings
adjoining in the parish of St. Dunstan by the Tower of London.
Witnesses:—Roger son of Roger, Mayor of London, John Tulsano, Ralph
Hardel, sheriffs, and others (named). Friday before St. Gregory the Pope,
34 Henry III.
Endorsed: "Modo Johannes de Cantuaria ijs., et Ricardus Bonavenlure
ijs." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2408. Grant by Thomas son of Hugh de Bosco to Richard son
of Richard Godsalm, of Staines, and Joan his wife, for 20 marcs, of the
messuage the said Hugh formerly held in Stanewelle parish, with a garden,
land in the tillage called 'Homcrofte,' part of it adjoining Wdehullescrofte
and abutting on land called 'Savoriesrudinge,' and crofts called
'Brodecrofte' and 'Littelecrofte.' Witnesses:—William de Dureham,
sheriff of Middlesex, John le Meriner, Nicholas de Baiesam, citizens of
London, and others (named). c. A.D. 1252. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2409. Grant by Roysia de Farndon to John Daroundel,
goldsmith, of London, and Amy his wife of the tenement that formerly
belonged to William de Fardon, her grandfather, and Isabel, daughter of
the said William, her mother, in the parish of St. Olave in Silver Street.
Reginald de Conductu, Mayor, Ralph de Upton and Walter de Mordone,
sheriffs of London. Monday after the Purification, 10 Edward III.
Copy. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2410. Grant by John Rydere, clerk, to Richard Wyltsshire, of
Haydon, Essex, and Richard Gyn, citizen and grocer of London, of lands,
&c., in 'le Roperie' and in Heywharflane in the parishes of All Hallows in
the Hay, St. Swithin in Candelwykstret and St. Nicholas in Oldefisshestret
which he, together with John Wyltsshire, citizen and pepperer of London,
and Alice his wife, John Chesterford, and Nicholas, son of Hugh Parys,
now deceased, had by grant of Isabella de Preston, enrolled at the Husting
in London Monday before St. Edmund the King, 1 Richard II. William
Askham, Mayor, Thomas Fawkener and Thomas Polle, sheriffs of London.
2 June, 5 Henry IV. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2411. Grant by Nicholas Lungespee to Geoffrey de Jarpunvile,
upon the latter's marriage with Alice his daughter, of the messuage and
land in Little Stanmere that formerly belonged to Henry Boquointe, knight,
and all his rents, &c., in the same place, with remainders in succession to
Nicholas and Isabella, the grantor's children. Witnesses:—Sirs David de
Jarpunvile, Richard de Oxehaye, Roger de la Dune, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2412. Grant by Robert le Treyere, son of the late Robert le
Treyere, citizen of London, to John de Warfeld, citizen of London, of land
with houses, a quay adjoining, and some vacant ground in the parish of
St. Mary atte Hulle, London. Witnesses:—Stephen de Abyndon, Mayor,
Hamo Godchep and William de Bodele, sheriffs of London, and others
(named). Sunday the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula, 10 Edward II. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2413. Release by Robert le Treyere, son of the late Robert le
Treyere, of Billyngesgate, citizen of London, to John de Warefeld, citizen
of London, of all his right in land with houses thereon and free ingress and
egress, in the parish of St. Mary atte Hulle, London, bordering on the
Thames. Witnesses:—John de Wengrave, Mayor, John Priour and
William Fourneux, sheriffs of London, and others (named). Tuesday the
eve of St. Thomas the Apostle, 11 Edward II. Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2414. Confirmation by inspeximus by Robert Treyere, goldsmith,
son and heir of Robert le Treyere, the younger, late citizen of London, of
the above release to John de Warefeld, citizen of London, of land with
houses thereon, quay adjoining, and free ingress and egress, in the parish of
St. Mary atte Hull, London; and further release of John's gateway and
room built over. John Hamond, Mayor, Thomas Leggy and Geoffrey de
Wychyngham, sheriffs of London, John de Causton, alderman of the ward.
Saturday the eve of Whitsunday, 19 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2415. Grant by John, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to William de Wylehale, the younger, and Robert son of Hervy,
executors of the will of the late William de Wylehale, for 25 marcs
"ad negocia domus sue expedienda," of 2½ marcs quit rent issuing from a
shop in London market opposite St. Mary-le-Bow, which the testator
bequeathed for a pittance to the canons and to maintain the light at St.
Mary's altar. Witnesses:—John de Gisorz, Mayor of London, Robert de
Cornhelle, John Adrian, sheriffs, Master Thomas Eswy, canon of St. Paul's,
London, and others (named). [43 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2416. Grant by Robert de Diva, prior of the Hospital of
Jerusalem in England, to Robert de Danemarche of a tenement of the fee
of Roger son of Alan in the parish of St. Mary del Ax, London, paying
therefor 28s. yearly, and the Hospital acquitting the tenement of 13s.
yearly to the monks of Bermondsey. Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Fulk,
Robert Blund, Simon de Bray, and others (named). Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2417. Grant by Roesia daughter of Godfrey to the canons of
Holy Trinity, London, of her capital dwelling house in the parish of
St. Mary Magdalene by Alegate, half the issues to be devoted to lighting
St. Mary's altar and the other half to the refection of the convent on her
anniversary. Witnesses:—John de Lcsnes, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2418. Release by William, the prior of Holy Trinity, London, to
Sir John de Maydenestane, the King's clerk, of 16s. due to the convent for
arrears of the yearly rent of 3s. for his house in the parish of St. Mary
de Hulla, London; John undertaking if hereafter he be enfeoffed of the
said house by inheritance to pay the said rent in full. Present:—Sir
Robert Giffard, knight, John Hardel. Richard de Wimbisse and Walter
de Burnch, canons, and others (named). Wednesday before the Apostles
Peter and Paul, 13 Edward [I.] Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2419. Grant by Ralph, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch,
London, to Richard son of Edwin son of Oswant, of land in Billingesgate
by the Thames, paying 3s. yearly. Witnesses:—Godfrey Taun, Blacestan
Alderman, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2420. Grant by Ralph de Wdeforye and Margaret his wife to
William de Hakeneye, called 'Staundard,' and Matilda his wife of the moiety
that Richard Suet bequeathed to the said Margaret of a tenement in the
parish of St. Mary del Ax, paying 8s. yearly to Holy Trinity, London.
Witnesses:—John de Norhamtun', alderman of the ward, and others
(named). [Henry III.] Portions of two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2421. Will of John de Warefeld, citizen and corndealer of
London. Bequeaths various sums to the chaplain, clerks, and fabric of the
church of St. Mary atte Helle, brass bowls and plates to his sons Thomas
and Richard, the tenement with quay that he bought of Robert Treyer and
which he inhabits, in the said parish, to be sold, and 20s. each to be
given to Thomas and Richard his sons out of the proceeds, and one marc
to John, son of Idonea his daughter; the remainder of his goods to be
sold, half given to the poor and the other half divided between his sons.
Friday after St. Gregory the Pope, A.D. 1348, 23 Edward III. Fragment
of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate before the official of the archdeacon
of London, 17 April, A.D. 1349; and of probate and enrolment at the
Husting, Monday after the Apostles Philip and James, 23 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2422. Grant by William Wirhale, son of John Wirhale, late
citizen of London, to Agnes, late the wife of the aforesaid John, of all his
right in a tenement with quay adjoining in the parish of St. Mary atte
Hulle by Billyngesgate, which he and Agnes hold for life by grant of the
prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London. 29 May, 46 Edward III.
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2423. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, to William son-in-law of Basset (genero Basset) of land in the
Fish Market (Piscaria) in St. Mary Magdalene's parish, paying 30d.
yearly. Witnesses;—Richard the priest of St. Mary Magdalene, Ernald the
priest of St. Mary's Sumersat, Richard the priest of St. Peter's, and
others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2424. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Simon Heimeric, for a pound of incense, of the land
they had of Alexander son of Sperling for the soul of Cristina his wife,
in the parish of St. Mary Upehulle, paying 12d. yearly. Witnesses:—
Jordan Alderman, Walter de Stocwello, Henry Bulengar, and others
(named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2425. Grant by John le Balancer, of London, to Alice Malemeyns
of a tenement with curtilage in the parish of St. Mary del Axe, paying
8s. yearly to Holy Trinity, London. Witnesses:—Sir John le Breton,
knight, Warden, John de Sterteford, William de Sterteford, sheriffs of
London, and others (named). [26 Edward I.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2426. Release by Olive, daughter of Robert de Dacia, to Richard,
the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the dwelling house
that was her father's in the parish of St. Mary del Ax; they granting her
the land and house that were James le Wantier's, and one marc. Witnesses:—Richard son of Walter, alderman, Norman and Thomas Megucer,
and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2427. Grant by Robert le Treyere, son of the late Robert le
Treyere, citizen of London, to John de Warfeld of the land with houses
thereon which be had by gift of Cicely, daughter of the said late Robert,
in the parish of St. Mary atte Hulle, London, reaching to the Thames.
Witnesses:—Stephen de Abyndon, Mayor, Hamo Godchep and William de
Bodele, sheriffs of London, and others (named). Sunday the feast of
St. Peter ad Vincula, 10 Edward II. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting of London,
Monday after the Translation of St. Edward the King, 8 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2428. Release by the same to the same of the property granted
above. Witnesses:—John de Weyngrave, Mayor, John Priour and
William Fourneux, sheriffs of London, and others (named). Tuesday the
eve of St. Thomas the Apostle, 11 Edward II. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2429. Grant by Alan Bursar to William son of Alice of the moiety
of his land towards 'le West' in Queenhithe, before St. Michael's church,
paying 12s. yearly. Witnesses:—Terric son of Fulcred, William Blund,
and others (named.) |
[Middx.] |
A. 2430. Grant by Dionisia, daughter of the late William Senex, to
John Norman, draper and citizen of London, for 27l. 6s. 8d., of her shop in
London market in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene of Milk Street, paying
7 marcs yearly. Witnesses:—Roger son of Roger, Mayor of London, John
Tulusan and Ralph Hardel, sheriffs, and others (named). [34 Henry III.]
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2431. Grant by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Asketin de Halstede, white tawyer, of land with houses
thereon in the parish of St. Mary del Ax, London, paying 6s. yearly.
Witnesses:—John de Norhamton, alderman of the ward, Robert de
Coringham, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2432. Grant by Gilbert, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Eadmund de Epping of land with houses in the parish
of St. Mary del Ax, London, by Asketin de Halstede's land, paying 6s.
yearly. Witnesses as in A. 2431. Portion of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2433. Grant by Thomas Abel, citizen and merchant of London, to
Adam de Stratton, clerk, of two marcs yearly rent issuing from his lands
and tenements in the parish of St. Margaret by London Bridge. Witnesses:—Walter Hervi, Mayor of London, and others (named). Friday
before St. Peter ad Vincula, A.D. 1273. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2434. Grant by Walter de Chesewyk, son of Walter de Chesewyk,
late citizen of London, to William le Barber, son of Fulk le Barber, of the
tenement the said William had given him in the parish of St. Michael by
Cristeschirche, adjoining the tenement of Sir Walter de Enefelde, knight,
and abutting on the high road from Cornhill towards Alegate. Witnesses:
—Sir John de Enefelde, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2435. Grant by Robert Whyte, executor of the will of John de
Warfeld, citizen and corndealer of London, to Sir Thomas, parson of the
church of All Hallows on London Wall, of land with houses, quay adjoining,
and piece of vacant ground which the said John had by gift of Robert le
Treyere, son of the late Robert le Treyere, in the parish of St. Mary atte
Hulle, stretching to the Thames. [Witnesses:—] John Lovekyn, Mayor,
Henry Pycard, Simon Dolset, sheriffs of London. Friday after St. John
ante Portam Latinam, 23 Edward III. Seal, broken.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting, Monday after
St. Dunstan the Bishop, 23 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2436. Grant by Cicely, daughter of the late Robert le Treyere, to
Robert le Treyere, citizen of London, of the land with buildings and quay
which she had by bequest of her father in the parish of St. Mary atte Hulle,
London, reaching to the Thames, paying 4s. yearly to her father's right
heirs. Witnesses:—Thomas Romeyn, Mayor, James de Sancto Edmundo
and Roger le Palmere, sheriffs of London, and others (named).
[3 Edward II.] Seal.
Annexed: Extract from the will of Robert le Treyere. Bequeaths to
his wife Joan a tenement in St. Mary atte Hulle parish for her life, with
remainder to Thomas and Richard her sons, and the messuage he lives in
with the quay called 'le Holyrodewharf,' for her life, and after her death
to his son Robert who is to pay 4 marcs yearly therefor to John and Adam
his sons: to Cecilia his daughter all the land with buildings between his
lane and the tenement of Avicia, late wife of William Jurdan, stretching
to the Thames, in lieu of the 20 marcs that Joan his daughter, late wife of
Nicholas de Mary, left Cicely in her will, paying 4s. yearly for life to his
wife Joan. Enrolled among pleas of land, Monday after St. Edward the
King, 34 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2437. Grant by Joan Blund, late the wife of Henry son of Reiner,
to Roger de Hereford of land with houses in the parish of St. Michael,
Queenhithe, paying 20s. yearly. Witnesses:—Laurence Lamb', alderman,
William son of Alice, Joce son of Peter, and others (named). [John.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2438. Grant by John son of Robert Dobyn, and Alice his wife,
to William de Hakeneye, called 'Staundard,' and Matilda his wife, of a
kitchen with curtilage in the parish of St. Mary del Ax. Witnesses:—
John de Norhamtune, alderman of the ward, Robert de Cuningeham, bedel,
and others (named). [Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2439. Grant by Ralph de Wdeforde and Margaret his wife to the
same of the tenement Richard Suet bequeathed to the said Margaret in the
parish of St. Mary del Ax, adjoining the above tenement, paying 8s. yearly
to Holy Trinity, London. Witnesses as above. [Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2440. Grant by R. the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Roesia, daughter of Richard de Barsham of the land that Ralph
Chaplain held of Robert Holebuc in the parish of St. Magnus the Martyr.
Witnesses:—Richard Renger, alderman, Joce son of Peter, James de
Haverhill, and others (named). [John.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2441. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to William Veisin of the curtilage Alexander son of
Sperling devised to them. Witnesses:—John, son of Alexander Sperling,
and others (named).
Endorsed: "Sancte Marie Hupehulle." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2442. Grant by S. the prior, and the convent of Christchurch,
London, to Matthew, of the land that Retell held, paying 2s. yearly.
Witnesses:—Robert de Hereford, Robert Ruhaved, Richard son of Oswant,
William de Camera, Laurence Blund, Aubrey de Bilinggesgate, and others
Endorsed: "Sancte Marie Hupehulle." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2443. Confirmation by Marsilia, relict of Robert de Dacia, to the
canons of Holy Trinity, London, of the bequest to them by her said
husband's will of all his lands and tenements in and out of London.
Witnesses:—Gilbert son of Fulk, alderman, William de Hodesdon, and
others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2444. Testament of Thomas Kyng, citizen and haberdasher of
London, bequeathing to Robert Auncell, the prior, and the convent of
St. Pancras, Lewes, Sussex, the yearly rent of 13s. 4d. issuing out of a
tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Milk Street, which Nicholas
Dixon, clerk, John Fray, a Baron of the King's Exchequer, John Notebroun, Robert Warener, aud Richard Lyndesay granted to himself, John
Deken, grocer, deceased, and William Sydeney, of co. Sussex, and Thomas
Dufhous, citizen and fishmonger of London; the two latter having released
their right therein to Kyng by a deed dated 24 May, 14 Henry VI.
—12 July, A.D. 1436, 14 Henry VI.
On the plica: Memorandum of probate, 3 February, 15 Edward IV.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate and enrolment at the Husting for
pleas of land, Monday the feast of St. Agatha, 15 Edward IV. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2445. Grant by William son of Alulf to the prior and convent of
St. Peter's, Westminster, of his land with quay belonging in the parish of
St. Mary de la Hulle, between land that was Richard son of Oswant's and
the lane over against Billynggesgate. [John.] Copy. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2446. Grant by Hamo son of Gostantine to Richard, the prior,
and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of 4s. 4d. yearly rent from land
and houses in the parish of St. Mary de Hella, by the abbot of Waltham's
land. Witnesses:—Ralph Sperling, John de Solio, Gilbert son of Fulk,
and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2447. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Nicholas Prior of Wares, for 12 marcs, of the
dwelling house with garden that was Robert de Dacia's in the parish of
St. Mary del Ax. Witnesses:—John de Codres, sheriff of London, Reyner
de Bungeye, and others (named). [20–23 Henry III.]
Endorsed: This tenement was recovered against the prior of Pritelwelle
and Master Maurice de Waldene at the court held Monday after Hilary,
2 Edward III., by writ of Gavelett, to have and to hold to the prior and
convent of Holy Trinity, London, and their successors for ever. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2448. Surrender by Robert le Burser to Andrew Bukerel, citizen
of London, son of Andrew Bukerel, of two acres of meadow in Edelmeton
marsh, a house in the parish of St. Michael on the Thames which he
acquired with his wife, two houses in the parish of St. Michael Cornhill,
and 4s. rent from a house Gilbert Ketel holds in St. Pancras' parish, in
lieu of 5l. he owes the said Andrew, so that Andrew shall receive 20s.
yearly from the premises till the debt is paid in full. Of the 20s. the crop
from the two acres is to be reckoned 5s., unless the meadow be overwhelmed
with flood or storm so that the crop fail. Witnesses:—Ralph Eswi and
John Norman, sheriffs of London, and others (named). [19 Henry III.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2449. Indenture witnessing that whereas Thomas Kyng, citizen
and haberdasher of London, is seised in a yearly rent of 13s. 4d. issuing
from a tenement in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene in Milk Street,
London, and is also bound to Robert Auncell, the prior, and the convent of
St. Pancras of Lewes in Sussex in 20l., to be paid at Michaelmas next; the
said prior and convent grant that if Joan, now wife of the said Thomas,
survive him and within six months after his decease execute a sufficient
release to them of her right by way of dower in the said rent, then the said
bond shall be void and of none effect. 11 July, A.D. 1436, 14 Henry VI. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2450. Will of William Whelple, citizen and shoemaker of London.
Bequests to the church, priests, and clerks of St. Alban's in Wodestrete,
where Isabella his late wife is buried; leaves 8 dozen pairs of shoes to be
distributed amongst the poor; to the four orders of Friars Mendicant,—
Preachers, Minors, Carmelites, and Austins, London—40d. each; the reversion of his two tenements in the parish of St. Alban's in Wodestrete, at the
corner of Addelane, after the death of Elena his wife, to the prior and
convent of Holy Trinity within Algate, they paying 7d. weekly to a
chaplain celebrating mass for him. 20 February, A.D. 1385, 9 Richard II.
Endorsed: Memorandum of probate before the official of the archdeacon
of London, 21 May, A.D. 1387, and of probate and enrolment at the
Husting for pleas of land, Monday before the Purification, 21 Richard II.
Frugments of two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2451. Release by Margery, daughter of Cicely, late the wife of John
de Norhampton, sometime tailor of London, to John de Colkyrke, tailor, of
London, of the tenement with houses by Addelane in the parish of St.
Alban's Wodestrete, London, that Cicely her mother lately granted him.
Witnesses:—John le Blount, Mayor of London, and others (named).
6 November, 33 Edward I. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common
pleas, Monday after St. Edmund the King, 34 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2452. Demise by Thomas de Colkirke, citizen of London, son of
John de Colkirke, to Richard atte Gate, shoemaker of London, of the
tenement his said father left him by will in the parish of St. Alban's
Wodestrete, London, adjoining Wodestrete and Adelane, for 4 years from
the present date. Witnesses:—John de Pulteneye, Mayor, Robert de
Ely and Thomas de Harewold, sheriffs of London, and others (named).
Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, 4 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2453. Indenture witnessing that whereas Richard Hervy, citizen
and goldsmith of London, and Alice his wife, have granted to William
Welpele, citizen and shoemaker of London, a messuage with houses in the
parish of St. Alban's, Wood Street, and Richard is bound to William in
20l. to be paid at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist next; the said
William grants that if he and his heirs peaceably hold the said messuage,
the said bond shall be of no force. Sunday the Purification, 34 Edward
III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2454. Grant by Richard Hervy, citizen and goldsmith of London,
and Alice his wife, to William Whelpele, citizen and shoemaker of London,
and Elena his wife, of a tenement with houses in the parish of St. Albans
in Wood Street, London. John Wroth, Mayor, Walter de Berneye and
John Doynes, sheriffs of London. Friday the feast of St. Gregory the
Pope, 35 Edward III. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common pleas,
Monday after St. James the Apostle, 35 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2455. Grant by the same to the same of the messuage with houses
they had by gift of Adam Colkirke, of Hathfeld, in the parish of St.
Alban's, "Wood Street, London, at the corner of the lane called 'Adellane.'
Simon Dolsely, Mayor, John de Chichestre and Simon de Benyngton,
sheriffs of London, Simon de Worstede, alderman of the ward. Saturday
before the Purification, 34 Edward III. Portions of two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for pleas of land,
Monday after St. Mathias the Apostle, 34 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2456. Release by the same to the same of the premises granted
them in A. 2454. Sunday after St. Gregory the Pope, 35 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2457. Grant by Adam Colkirke, of Hathfelde, brother and heir of
Thomas Colkirke, to Richard Hervy, citizen and goldsmith of London, and
Alice his wife, of two tenements with houses, &c., which he inherited after
the death of the said Thomas in St. Alban's parish in Wood Street,
between the lane leading from Aldermanburi and the lane called 'Silverstrete.' Henry Picard, Mayor, Richard de Notyngham and Thomas
Dolsaly, sheriffs of London, Simon de Worstede, alderman of the ward.
Monday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 31 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2458. Indenture between Richard Hervy, citizen and goldsmith of
London, and Alice his wife, and Master John Brian, clerk, of Wales, and
Alice his wife, witnessing that whereas the former hold, by grant of Adam
Colkirke, brother and heir of Thomas Colkirke, two tenements in St. Alban's
parish, Wood Street, and the latter a house with cellars, rooms over, garden
and wardrobe in the same parish, it is agreed that Richard and Alice shall
pay the quit rents for all the tenements, viz. 3s. to the abbey of Westminster
and 5s. to the convent of Newerke by Guildford, and John and Alice for their
house a rose to the prior of the hospital of our Lady within Crepulgate;
and Richard and Alice shall not by any building on the east of their
tenements interfere with the light, watercourses, &c., on the west of the
others' house. Thursday the feast of the Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul,
31 Edward III. French. Seal and fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2459. Demise by William Whelpele, citizen and shoemaker of
London, and Elena his wife, to Sir William Rysyng, the prior, and the
convent of Holy Trinity, London, of two stone tenements in Adellane, &c.,
in the parish of St. Alban's in Woodstreet, by the lane leading from
Aldermannebury to the lane called 'Selvyrstret,' for 90 years; paying yearly
to William and Elena during their lives 100s., and after their decease 7d.
weekly to a canon celebrating mass in their church, and conveying two
cartloads of wood yearly to their house in London. The morrow of St.
Mark the Evangelist, 9 Richard II. Fragment of seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for pleas of land,
Monday before St. Margaret, 10 Richard II. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2460. Acquittance by Robert Percy, rent collector of Holy Trinity,
London, to John Wyssyngeshe . . for 30s. for arrears of a yearly quit rent
of 5s. due for his tenement in the parish of St. Michael Wodestrete,
between Wodestrete and the lane of Ingestrete. Morrow of Easter,
13 Henry IV. Injured. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2461. Grant by P. the prior, and the convent of Christchurch,
London, to Adrian Mercer, for 100s., of a stone house in the parish of
St. Mary Wulnothe Mariecherche, paying one marc yearly. Witnesses:—
Robert de Winton, John Blund, of Ebbegate, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2462. Grant by Ralph Vintner to the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, of the whole moiety of the stone house that was Hugh de Boclande's
in the parish of St. John upon Walebroc in frank almoin, the canons having
received him into their fraternity, paying 2s. yearly, and promising to feed
thirteen poor people every Friday. Witnesses:—Richard, bishop of London,
P. archdeacon of London, H., Mayor, Roger son of Alan, Roger Duce,
sheriffs of London, and others (named). [5 Richard I.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2463. Grant by Emma, late the wife of Thomas Sibeling, to John,
the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, London, of 4s. yearly quit rent
that Ralph son of Thomas paid for two rooms in Westchepe, with free ingress
and egress through the courtyard of her shop. Witnesses:—John Tulsan,
Mayor of London, Thomas de Wimburne and William de Dunolm', sheriffs,
and others (named). [37 Henry III.] |
A. 2464. Grant by Thomas de Gloucestre, son of Henry de Gloucestre,
late citizen and alderman of London, and Matilda his wife, to Bartholomew
Denmars, citizen and ropemaker of London, of the 20s. yearly quit rent
issuing from a tenement in Candelwykestrete in the parish of St. Mary of
Abbecherche, London, which they had by gift of Peter de Berkhamsted,
perpetual vicar of St. Giles without Crepelgatc, London. John de Pulteneye,
Mayor, John de Northhalle and William de Briklesworth, sheriffs of
London. Thursday after St. Katherine the Virgin, 10 Edward III.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for pleas of land,
Monday after St. Andrew, 10 Edward III. Two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2465. Grant by Thomas Densmars, of Ebbesham, Surrey, to
Thomas de Oxeneford, citizen and cook of London, of 60s. yearly quit rent
issuing from tenements by St. Laurence Lane in the parish of St. Mary
Abbecherche in Candelwikstrete, London; 40s. of which he inherited on the
death of Robert Densmars his father, and 20s. he had by gift of Bartholomew
Densmars, citizen and ropemaker of London. Thomas Leggi, Mayor, Adam
Brabaszon and Richard de Basingstok, sheriffs of London. 17 June,
22 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2466. Duplicate of the above grant, with the condition attached
that if Thomas Denmars pay or cause to be paid to Thomas de Oxeneford
the sum of 25l. in Londou by June 24, A.D. 1351, the grant and seisin
made thereon shall be void. 18 June, 22 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2467. Release by Michael Hughet, executor of the will of Thomas
de Oxon', late citizen and cook of London, to Thomas son of Thomas son
of Robert Denymars, late citizen and ropemaker of London, of all his right
to the above rent of 60s. granted to Thomas de Oxon' by way of mortgage
for 25l. Witnesses:—Richard de Kysellyngbury, Mayor, John Notte and
William de Wircestre, sheriffs of London, and others (named). 12 June,
25 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2468. Memorandum that by inquisition taken Monday after St.
Martin, 34 Edward III., it appeared that in 30 Edward III. Nicholas
Mockyng had in the parish of St. Margaret Briggestrete two tenements
with three shops and rooms worth yearly 6l. 12d., whereof he paid 12s.
to the prior of Christchurch, London; Roger Shipbroke held them in
49 Edward III., and the prior of the Charterhouse in 8 Richard II. Paper. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2469. Grant by Henry de Coventre, citizen of London, to Robert
Danmars, citizen of London, in free marriage with Alice, Henry's daughter,
of 40s. yearly quit rent issuing from a tenement in Candelwriste-strete in
St. Mary Abecherche parish, by St. Laurence Lane, which rent he had by
demise of Nicholas le Gras. Witnesses:—Gregory de Roquesle, Mayor,
Robert Darraz and Ralph le Feverer, sheriffs of London. [5 Edward I.] |
[Midix.] |
A. 2470. Grant by Thomas son of Thomas son of Robert Denymars,
late citizen and ropemaker of London, to John Malwayn, citizen and
merchant of London, and Margery his wife of the 60s. yearly rent released
to him in A. 2467. Saturday after the Translation of St. Thomas the
Martyr, 25 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2471. Duplicate of the above, except that the rent is granted to
John Wroth, citizen and fishmonger of London, and Robert de Brome, parson
of the church of Stevenache. Dated as above. Seal.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common pleas,
Monday before St. Margaret the Virgin, 25 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2472. Release by Bartholomew Denmars, citizen and ropemaker
of London, to Thomas Denmars, of Ebbesham, Surrey, of the 20s. yearly
quit rent he had by feoffment of Thomas, son of Henry de Gloucestre, late
citizen and alderman of London, and Matilda his wife, issuing from a
tenement in Candelwikstrete in St. Mary Abbecherche parish. Monday
after St. Andrew the Apostle, 20 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2473. Grant by the same to the same of the said 20s. rent.
Geoffrey de Wychingham, Mayor, William Clapttus and John de Croydon,
sheriffs of London. Monday after St. Katherine the Virgin, 20 Edward III.
Seal. |
A. 2474. Duplicate of A. 2469.
[Middx.] |
A. 2475. (1.) Grant by Thomas son of Thomas son of Robert
Denymarcs, late citizen of London, to J. de B. of yearly quit rents of 40s.
and 20s. issuing from tenements in Candelwekestrete in the parish of
St. Mary of Apechirche. [c. 25 Edward III.] Draft.
(2.) Release by Michael Hughet, executor of the will. of Thomas de
Oxonia, late citizen and cook of London, to J. de B. of all his right in the
ahove rent of 60s. Sunday before St. Margaret, [c. 25 Edward III.]
(3.) Grant by Thomas, son of Thomas son of Robert Denymars, to J. de
B. of the above rent of 60s. Richard de Kislyngbury, Mayor, John Not
and William de Wircestre, sheriffs of London. [25 Edward III.] Draft. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2476. Release by John Wroth, citizen and fishmonger of London,
and Robert de Brome, parson of the church of Stevenache, to Nicholas,
the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity, London, of all their right in
60s. yearly rent, formerly belonging to Thomas son of Thomas son of
Robert Denymarcs, late citizen and ropemaker of London, issuing from
tenements in St. Mary Abbecherche parish by St. Laurence Street.
Stephen de Cavendich, Mayor, James Andrew and John Albon, sheriffs of
London. 10 April, 37 Edward III. Two seals. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2477. Release by Ralph Meerk, of Drayton, and Agnes his wife,
late the wife of Thomas Denymarcs, of Ebbesham, to John Malwayn, citizen
of London, of all their right in 60s. yearly quit rent issuing from tenements
at the corner in St. Mary Abbechurche parish between St. Laurence Street
and Candelwekestrete. Simon Dolsely, Mayor, Simon de Benyngton and
John de Chichestre, sheriffs of London. Monday before the Purification,
34 Edward III. Two seals.
Endorsed: Memorandum of enrolment at the Husting for common
pleas, Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 34 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2478. Memorandum that Michael Hughet, executor of the will of
Thomas de Oxenford, late citizen and cook of London, is bound to acknowledge and enrol a certain release of 60s. yearly rent to Thomas son of
Thomas son of Robert Denymarz, at the Husting in London as soon as
possible. [25 Edward III.] Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2479. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Richard de Hese of a shop in the parish of St. Nicholas at West
Fish Street, paying 10s. yearly. Witnesses:—Robert Ruffus, Alan King,
Walter Blund, and others (named). [Richard I.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2480. Grant by Richard de Hese to the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, of 12d. yearly rent from his dwelling house in the parish of St.
Nicholas at West Fish Street. Witnesses:—Walter Bruning, Richard
Long, and others (named). Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2481. Grant by Peter, the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Geoffrey Fishmonger (pessunario) of a shop in the parish of
St. Nicholas at West Fish Street, next to the shop Richard de Hese
holds, paying 7s. yearly. Witnesses:—William son of Aliz, Robert and
Martin his brothers, Walter Brun, and others (named). [Richard I.] |
[Middx.] |
A. 2482. Grant by Ranulf Goldsmith to John, the prior, and the
canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 60s., of 6s. yearly rent that Ralph son
of Thomas pays for a shop in Westchepe, London. Witnesses:—Adam de
Basinges, Mayor of London and alderman of the ward, Nicholas Bat,
Laurence de Frowik, sheriffs, and others (named). [36 Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2483. Grant by John le Lung to John, the prior, and the canons
of Holy Trinity, London, for 6 marcs, of 9s. yearly quit rent that Ralph son
of Thomas pays for two shops with rooms over in London market.
Witnesses:—John Norman, Mayor of London, Humfrey le Feure, William
son of Richard, sheriffs, Adam de Basinges, alderman of Westchepe, and
others (named). [35 Henry III.] Fragment of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2484. Grant by William Rustic to Gervase de Litleburi of land in
the parish of St. Alban's Wudestrate, of the fee of Robert Simple, with
the moiety of the stone wall against the stone house adjoining, paying 4s.
yearly. Witnesses:—William de Haverilla, Thomas Alderman, his son,
and others (named). [John.] |
[Middx.] [Herts.] |
A. 2485. Grant by Richard, the abbot, and the convent of Westminster to Adam de Strattona, clerk, of 37s. 10d. yearly quit rent in the
city of London, to be paid by the tenants specified, for tenements in the
parishes of St. Peter the Less of Wodewarve and St. John Zakary by
Staninggelane, and by the house of the dean of St. Martin the Great, in
exchange for 2½ marcs yearly rent he has remitted to them, for a garden
in Westminster called 'Thokkesgardin,' and three quarters of hay for a
tenement in Tyteburste. Witnesses:—Henry le Waleys, Mayor of London,
and others (named). Wednesday after St. Leonard, 11 Edward I. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2486. Grant by Emma Reynes, of Wrytele, to Richard Hervy,
goldsmith, of London, and Alice his wife, of 33s. yearly quit rent issuing
from two tenements in the parish of St. Albans Wodestrete, London.
Thomas Leggy, Mayor, Walter Forster and Thomas de Brandon, sheriffs
of London. 7 October, 29 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2487. Release by E., the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity,
London, to Thomas de Conductu, vintner, citizen of London, of 5s. yearly
rent and all the arrears of the 10s. yearly they claimed from Robert Hardel
from land between two lanes by Walebroc, in the parish of St. Martin by
the Thames, whereupon plea had been joined between them and the said
Robert in the Guildhall, London; paying therefor 5s. yearly. Witnesses:—
Gregory de Roquesle, Mayor, William de Farndon and Nicholas de Wynton,
sheriff's of London, and others (named). [9 Edward I.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2488. Grant by William Newport, citizen and fishmonger of
London, to the prior and convent of Holy Trinity, London, of a yearly rent
of 6s. 8d. to issue from the shop he acquired of Robert Brabason in the
parish of St. Nicholas Coldabbey, in West Fish Street; he having inspected
charters proving the shop to be held of them by that rent. Witnesses:—
John Haddele, Mayor of London, Walter Doget and William Knyghtcote,
sheriffs, and others (named). The morrow of Michaelmas, 4 Richard II.
Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2489. Grant by Henry de Bello Monte, knight, to King Edward
of his place with garden by the cross at Cherryng, in the parish of St.
Martin in the Fields, enclosed by a wall. Witnesses:—William, bishop of
Winchester, Chancellor, and John, bishop of Ely, Treasurer of the King,
John, Duke of Lancaster, Edmund, Earl of Cambridge, and others (named).
Westminster Palace, Tuesday after St. Valentine the Martyr, 42
Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2490. Grant by Nicholas Smud to John, the prior, and the canons
of Holy Trinity, London, for 18s., of 2s. yearly quit rent issuing from a
house in the parish of St. Alban's in Wodestrate, London. Witnesses:—
Stephen Bukerel, alderman of the ward, and others (named). |
[Middx.] |
A. 2491. Will of John Godyn, citizen and grocer of London. With
consent of Cristina his wife bequeaths to Alianora, prioress of the nuns of
Sopwell, during the lifetime of Amy his daughter, one of the said nuns, a
yearly rent of 26s. 8d. issuing from his lands and tenements in the parishes
of St. Mary Wolnoth and St. Swithin, in the wards of Langborn and
Walbroke, London. 4 November, A.D. 1465, 5 Edward IV. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2492. Grant by Stephen, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Michael son of William Fulbert of land that Ernald
Furbur held last, paying 3s. 6d. yearly. For this grant Michael has given
the prior a besant and the canons a sextary of wine, London measure.
Witnesses:—William Fulbert, William Brun, and others (named).
Endorsed: "Sancti Johannis Walbrok. Modo Walterus de Writele:
post J. Blound. Modo Edward Blound." |
[Middx.] |
A. 2493. Grant by Wymarca, daughter of Richard le Chevalier, to
the canons of Holy Trinity, London, for 15 marcs, of land in the parish of
St. Nicholas at Fish Street, paying 3s. yearly in her name to the monks of
Ham. Witnesses:—Henry son of Ailwin, Mayor, Peter his son, Walter
Brun, mercer, William Chamberlain, sheriffs of London, and others (named).
[5 John.] Portion of seal. |
A. 2494. Duplicate of A. 2493, with slight verbal differences.
Portion of seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2495. Sale by Sir John Burcestre, knight, and Thomas Hoo, of
Sussex, to William Lemyng, citizen and grocer of London, of all Sir John's
tenements beside the Great Conduit in Westchepe in the parish of St. Mary
Colchirche in London; Sir John undertaking to give William sufficient
surety that Dame Elizabeth his wife shall not claim dower in the premises
after her husband's death. 13 June, 31 Henry VI. Fragment of seal.
English. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2496. Grant by Richard, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, to Hugh, de Hupcherche, fisherman, of London, of a shop
in Fish Street (Piscaria), London, in the parish of St. Nicholas Fish
Street, paying 6s. 8d. yearly. Witnesses:—Sir John son of Vitalis,
alderman of the ward, and others (named). Seal, broken. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2497. Release by John de Burtone and John Cateringtone, clerks,
executors of the will of William de Somerford, formerly archdeacon of
Essex, for the latter's soul, to Nicholas, the prior, and the convent of Holy
Trinity, London, of all claim to a tenement in St. Olave's parish by the
Tower of London by reason of a farm for 50 years demised to them by the
said convent. Witnesses:—James Andrew, Mayor, John Torgold and
William Dykeman, sheriffs of London, and others (named). St. Mathias
the Apostle, 42 Edward III. Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2498. Grant by Alexander de Brumholm and Adelicia his wife to
John, the prior, and the canons of Holy Trinity, London, of land with
houses thereon, in St. Olave's parish by the Tower of London. Witnesses:—
William son of Richard, Mayor of London, Robert de Cornhull and John
Adrian, sheriffs, and others (named). [43 Henry III.] Seal. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2499. Grant by William de Hertynge to John de Corneye and
Joan de Hertynge, his daughter, of land with houses thereon in St. Olave's
parish towards the Tower of London. Witnesses:—John de Grantham,
Mayor of London, and others (named). Sunday after All Saints,
2 Edward III. |
[Middx.] |
A. 2500. Grant by S., the prior, and the convent of Holy Trinity,
London, to Nicholas, son of Ranulph Duket, of a moiety of a stone
house in the parish of St. John upon Walebroc, paying 22s. yearly.
Witnesses:—Ralph brother of Josce, Matthew Blund, William, Robert, and
Peter Bat, and others (named). Seal. |