Hospitals: Rerecross, Richmond and Ripon

A History of the County of York: Volume 3. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1974.

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'Hospitals: Rerecross, Richmond and Ripon', in A History of the County of York: Volume 3, ed. William Page (London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Hospitals: Rerecross, Richmond and Ripon', in A History of the County of York: Volume 3. Edited by William Page (London, 1974), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Hospitals: Rerecross, Richmond and Ripon". A History of the County of York: Volume 3. Ed. William Page (London, 1974), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

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This hospital was evidently intended as a shelter or ' hospice' for travellers across the wild moorland track leading from Yorkshire to Westmorland. It derived the name of Rerecross from a boundary stone, the pre-Norman stump of which still remains, and which, according to the 'Scala cronica' (1280), was fixed by King Edward (died 946) as the boundary between England and Scottish Cumberland. (fn. 1) It is there called the ' Reir Croiz de Staynmore,' and the hospital, being near, was occasionally called ' Rerecross hospital,' but more commonly the ' Spital on Stainmoor.'

Ralph de Multon gave the hospital in or before 1171 to the nuns of Marrick, (fn. 2) and agreeably to the foundation of Conan, Earl of Richmond, the nuns of Marrick paid the chaplain of the hospital the annual stipend of £4 13s. 4d. (fn. 3) Ralph and the prioress subsequently acknowledged that the hospital was within the parish of Bowes and agreed to pay over the tithes and the offerings in the chapel of the hospital to the hospital of St. Peter at York. (fn. 4) The charters the nuns of Marrick possessed relating to the hospital are unfortunately missing from the general series, (fn. 5) so that the history of the hospital, as such, is a complete blank.

In the valuation of Marrick Priory (1539-40), certain lands and tenements called the Hospital, or ' Spyttal de Staynemore,' with fields, pastures, commons, and meadows belonging to it, are valued at £2 13s. 4d. yearly, while in the Valor Ecclesiasticus the hospital was valued together with the site of the priory and its demesne lands. (fn. 6) In the reprises was a fee-farm rent of 26s. 8d. paid to the crown for the 'Spytell super Staynmore.' (fn. 7)

The hospital was on the confines of the three counties of York, Durham, and Westmorland, and it is described as within each of these in different records, but the site is clearly within the county of York. In a record dated 18 December 7 Edward VI, (fn. 8) a hospital or tenement called le Spittell super Staynemoore, leased to John Vdall, is thus noted: ' the premyses doo lye wth in vij or viij myles of the lordeshipp of Barnecastell, and as I am enformed within the kinges majestes forrest of Tesdale, and hathe good Inclosure and great Common thereto belonging. Also the premyses were always in the occupacione of the prioresse and covent of the sayde late noonerye [Marrick] and never leased before the dissolucion thereof,' &c. (fn. 9)

In a survey of woods (8 December 1553), within the county of Durham, under 'Parcella nuper monasterii de Marike,' is the following memorandum: ' There is a messuage called the spittle of Staynmore in the tenure of John Vdall, esquier, parcell of the lait monasterye of Marrike wherupon growythe no kynde of woodes.' (fn. 10) Marrick was granted in 1545-6 to John Uvedale, and in the grant is included ' the spyttelhouse de Stanemore in Stanemore in comitatu nostro Westmorland.' (fn. 11)


This hospital was in existence as early as 1172, for in the Pipe Roll of 18 Henry II is an account of 5 seams of bread-corn given to the sick persons in the hospital of Richmond by Ralph de Glanville, Chief Justice of England. The chantry priest also received, by the donanation of Nicholas Kirkby, £3 a year to celebrate in the chapel of St. Edmund in Richmond. (fn. 12)

In 1309 Pope Clement V granted a relaxation of forty days of enjoined penance to penitents who gave help to the master and brethren of the hospital of St. Nicholas, Richmond, to hold good for twenty years. (fn. 13)

It was of the king's foundation and patronage as belonging to the honour of Richmond, and as such the advowson was granted by Henry VI, on the death of the Earl of Westmorland, to John Duke of Bedford in 1425-6. (fn. 14)

Nothing whatever is known of its history (fn. 15) until 1448, when Henry VI granted the advowson to William Ayscogh, one of the judges of the King's Bench, who had restored the buildings from almost complete ruin, and had founded a chantry for a second chaplain. (fn. 16)

In the Valor Ecclesiasticus (fn. 17) the site of the hospital with garden, &c., was valued at £8, and other small properties in the neighbourhood brought the value up to £13 12s.

According to the chantry certificate in 1546 (fn. 18) the master had no foundation to show, ' but the inhabitantes sey that there is a pryste that doth say masse iij dayes in the wek, and other iij dayes at the chappell of Seynt Edmonde in the sayd towne, and doth fynd a pore body in the same.' The hospital was distant half a mile from the parish church. The ' goodes' were valued at 20d., and the plate nil. The total value was £ 10 13s.


Adam, occurs 1292 (fn. 19)

William Stuteville, occurs 1338, (fn. 20) 1352 (fn. 21)

Thomas de Collowe, occurs 1369 (fn. 22)

Richard Clifford, occurs 1397 (fn. 23)

John Hylyard, occurs 1402 (fn. 24)

John Carlton (fn. 25)

William Ayscough, resigned 1437 (fn. 26)

Robert Ayscough, appointed 1437 (fn. 27)

Richard Baldewyn, occurs 1535-6 (fn. 28) and 1546 (fn. 29)


At an inquisition held in September 1341 (fn. 30) the jurors made return that the hospital had been founded by an unknown Archbishop of York. Sisters only, with a chaplain, are there spoken of as belonging to the hospital. They lived as if professed (quasi religiose), and had certain specified duties to perform as to the maintenance of lepers. It was said that they all died, and that then a change was made in the constitution of the hospital, which is more fully alluded to at an inquisition held in the following year. On that occasion (fn. 31) the jurors stated that the hospital had been founded by Archbishop Thurstan, who had placed in it secular brothers and sisters, with a chaplain. He had endowed the hospital that the brothers and sisters should receive and maintain all blind priests and lepers born in the liberty of Ripon. Ten years later, on 19 November 1352, (fn. 32) at another inquisition, the jurors repeated the statement that Archbishop Thurstan was the founder. They had learnt this, not from documents, but from what they had heard from their forefathers and elders. The jurors further stated that an archbishop, whose name was unknown, had altered the constitution of the hospital, and had expelled the brothers and sisters, on account of ' defects' he had found at a visitation. The new constitution provided for a warden and a chaplain, or for two chaplans, if the warden was not a priest. They were to celebrate daily in the chapel, and attend to the lepers.

At the visitation of 1341 (fn. 33) the jurors found that the archbishop (or sede vacante the king) was the patron. The founder had endowed it with a plot of land, with underwood, in Ripon called Dunscewith, worth 100s, a year, on which the hospital had been placed, and he had granted a supply of wood for fuel from Northscogh, and certain pasturage there. The hospital was also to receive from each carucate of arable land in 'Ripshire' a thra've of each kind of grain, which was worth 20s. a year. The sisters were to maintain a priest to celebrate in the chapel, and any leper born or living in ' Ripshire ' coming to the hospital was to receive a garment called a 'Bak' and two pairs of shoes yearly, besides daily a loaf sufficient to sustain a man, half a lagena of ale, an allowance of meat on meat days, and of fish on fish days.

Afterwards, alms were given by different persons to the hospital. A third part of Ilketon, worth £4 a year, was given by William de Homelyn to find a chaplain to pray for his soul, and the manor of Mulwith, (fn. 34) worth 12 marks a year, had been acquired by the hospital. The jurors did not know whether the hospital chapel had been dedicated or not, but those dying in the hospital were buried there, by licence of the chapter of Ripon. They proceeded to say that one John le Waryner gave to the hospital in the time of the then king the manor of Studley Roger, to find two chaplains in the hospital while he lived, and after his death three chaplains, and the hospital was bound to him in 12 marks yearly while he lived.

The jurors added that, the sisters being dead, the archbishop of that day granted the hospital to a certain Robert de Silkestone, chaplain, on condition that he maintained the alms as regarded the chantries and lepers. They also said that John de Brideling[ton], an acolyte, was master, having been appointed a year and a half previously by Archbishop Melton. One of the chaplains had been withdrawn during all his time, and there was no leper, none having applied, and there were no brothers or sisters in the hospital. Alms were given to the poor every feast of St. Mary Magdalene, and the stock and all else were well kept (except the withdrawal of a chaplain and the demolition of a certain building where the lepers dwelt by Henry de Shirehake, formerly master). Archbishop Melton, in the time of Henry de Shirehake, despoiled the hospital of certain land, pasturage, and fuel. The master had been too short a time in office to recover these rights. The only obligations were those of the 12 marks to John le Waryner while he lived, and the salaries of the two chaplains. The master and chaplains were of good report and honest conversation.

At the inquisition of 1342 (fn. 35) the jurors made return that the brothers and sisters of the hospital were to receive all priests, when blind, who had been born within the liberty of Ripon, and maintain them in the hospital, a special chamber being set apart for them, and each was to receive 7d. weekly for his maintenance. They were also to have a certain building for all lepers born in the liberty, each of whom was to receive ¼ bushel of corn, 1d. for drink each week, and soup from the hospital daily.

Lepers from other parts, coming for a night, were to have fuel and a bed. One William ' Homell ' had endowed a second chaplaincy, and afterwards a certain archbishop had changed the constitution, deposing the brothers and sisters, appointing a warden and chaplain in their place. They were to celebrate daily, and the warden was yearly to distribute, on St. Mary Magdalene's day, to all poor persons who came to the hospital, a loaf of bread and a herring. He was also to maintain the other alms of the old foundation; but they reported that there was only one chaplain, and the warden was not resident. The blind priests received their alms, but the leper house had been taken away for a long period, and no alms were given to lepers.

It will be convenient here to go back and pick up the threads of the earlier history of the hospital. On 24 May 1294 (fn. 36) Archbishop Romanus accepted the resignation of Roger de Malton, who had been master of the hospital. The archbishop acknowledged having received certain sums of money from him on that occasion, viz: 20 marks for goods belonging to the hospital when he became master, which he had sold; £39 15ss., the balance of £ 100, which it appears Archbishop Wickwane (fn. 37) had given towards the endowment of the hospital; and also a bond of Nicholas del Dale for £32 14s. 9d., of which £17 14s. 9¼d. remained to be paid. Of the £100, £42 10s. had been spent in the construction of a new dwelling for the hospital priests, and in investments for its behoof.

On 2 June following, (fn. 38) the archbishop conferred the hospital on James de Cimiterio, priest, declaring that he purposed to order differently in the hospital, and with the money which Roger de Malton had handed over to purchase the advowson of some church to be appropriated in perpetuity to the hospital, and that the master for the time being should be a canon residentiary in the church of Ripon.

On 29 August 1300 Archbishop Corbridge ordered John de Hubard of Ripon, to whom Giles de Garderobe, one of the canons, had leased his prebend, to restore to the master of the hospital certain tithes which he had wrongly taken as lessee of the prebend, and which belonged to the hospital. (fn. 39) The following year (1301) the same archbishop conferred the custody of the hospital on a certain Patrick de Brafferton. (fn. 40) This appointment led to much trouble, and on 27 September 1306 Archbishop Greenfield directed Roger de Swayn, canon of Ripon, to inquire into the condition of the hospital when Patrick de Brafferton received it and its state when he resigned; (fn. 41) and next day (fn. 42) the archbishop directed the Dean (rural) of Ripon to sequestrate the property of the hospital, and not to permit Brafferton to meddle with it. The investigation proved Patrick de Brafferton to have been a bad and wasteful master, of immoral life, and under sentence of the greater excommunication for two years. The archbishop removed him from office, and on 16 October appointed Nicholas de Bondegate, chaplain, warden in his stead. (fn. 43) Much more is recorded as to Patrick de Brafferton, which includes an account of the state of the hospital by J. de Cimiterio as it was when he was suddenly ejected (as he stated) by Archbishop Corbridge five or six years before. (fn. 44) Besides an account of the grain, &c., which he left to his successor, the buildings were, according to his account, in a good state of repair. The stuff in the chapel included a fine crystal phial with relics of the blessed Mary Magdalene, besides missal, legend, grail, and other books and vestments. He also left a quantity of household linen, but there had been no indenture made between him and Brafferton. No mention is made of any brothers or sisters as at this period forming part of the foundation.

Two years later, Edward II appointed Richard de Doncastre (fn. 45) to the hospital sede vacante, which called from the archbishop a reply (fn. 46) that he had appointed Nicholas de Bondegate as successor to Patrick de Brafferton, after he had received restitution of the temporalities of the see from Edward I. It is remarkable, however, that the archbishop speaks of Patrick de Brafferton having resigned of his own free will. On account of Nicholas de Bondegate being master, the archbishop refused admission to the king's nominee. This led to an inquisition and visitation of the hospital by the king in October 1308. The jurors made return that Archbishop Corbridge had conferred the hospital on Patrick de Brafferton, who was to hold office during the archbishop's life, and that on the death of the archbishop the late King Edward might have conferred the hospital on one of his clerks sede vacante. William de Greenfield, the then archbishop, had dispossessed Patrick de Brafferton as he was not entitled to hold office after the death of Corbridge, the appointment riot having been confirmed by the chapter of York, and he had conferred the hospital on Nicholas de Bondegate. The jurors added that the hospital was worth 20 marks a year. (fn. 47) Nicholas de Bondegate was probably succeeded by Nicholas de Molendinis, appointed 5 March 1311. (fn. 48) His rule led to an inquiry in 1317 held at Ribstone by the king's escheator citra Trentam, (fn. 49) when the jurors stated that there ought to be two chaplains celebrating daily in the hospital chapel, but that all the time that Nicholas de Molyns (as he is there called) had been custos, the chantry of one of the chaplains had been abstracted by the master. That hospitality was neglected, so that whereas any pilgrims, or mendicant clerks, or other indigent persons who passed by the hospital, ought to have shelter, food, and a bed, they received nothing, and were sent away empty handed. On St. Mary Magdalene's Day every poor person who came ought to have a halfpenny loaf and a herring, but instead Nicholas de Molyns gave the poor who came on St. Mary Magdalene's Day a saucer of beans or flour, but most of the poor got nothing, and other charitable works, which were usual in such a hospital, were not performed owing to the master's frequent absence.

In 1320 (fn. 50) Archbishop Melton had to intervene on behalf of William de Ripon, a poor blind chaplain who had been admitted to the hospital by direction of Archbishop Greenfield, but had been deprived of the benefits he ought to receive, and was obliged to beg for his living.

In 1329 William de Poppleton was appointed master, (fn. 51) and on that occasion and also on his resignation in 1335 (fn. 52) inventories of the property of the hospital were compiled. On the latter occasion the phial with the relics of the patron saint is again mentioned, as a little shrine of the blessed Mary Magdalene, on which was inscribed 'De ossibus Beate Marie Magdalene et de sudario ejusdem.' A full account of the chapel stuff and the farm stock is given.

The royal commissioners in 1342 (fn. 53) had a very unusual matter to deal with. A certain John le Smale, by falsely representing to the king that the master, John de Bridelington, was dead, had obtained from Edward III a grant (sede vacante on Melton's death) of the mastership, dated 10 July 1342. The case was investigated at length, the result being that a mandate was issued on 15 July 1345 (fn. 54) for the prosecution of the offender, and on 7 November 1346 the king confirmed John de Bridelington in the mastership.

At the royal visitation on 19 November 1352 (fn. 55) John de Bridelington was still master, and declared on oath that he had been appointed by Archbishop Melton, whom he called 'founder and patron' of the hospital. He stated that he had never seen any foundation writing of the hospital, but had heard from many of his seniors that it had been founded for poor brothers and sisters, of whom there were none then. By another ordinance there should be two priests in the hospital, of whom the custos, if a chaplain, might be one. Further, there ought to be three chaplains for the rents of Studley, lately acquired, each having 5 marks yearly and a fit abode in the hospital. There were then only four chaplains, including the custos, owing to the slender revenue of Studley, which brought in only 6 marks. The manor of Studley was in a ruinous state, and the general income of the hospital would not support more than four chaplains. He had demolished a very dilapidated building near the hospital towards the River Ure, intended for the housing of lepers, none of whom had used it for a long time, and with the timber from it he had constructed a chamber inside the hospital. From the evidence on oath of the chaplains it appeared that there was no foundation deed, but the chaplains had heard that of old it was said there should be brothers and sisters in the hospital. There should be three priests celebrating for property in Ripon, Mulwith, and Ilketon respectively, and three other chaplains for lands in Studley Roger, but there were only three chaplains, the custos making a fourth, but he did not celebrate, and was commonly absent for the greater part of the year.

In 1354 Archbishop Thoresby in a letter to Mr. John de Crakehall, whom he had recently appointed custos, (fn. 56) allowed two priests only to be maintained in the hospital until the revenues were increased. £10 ought to have been derived from Studley Roger, whereas it only brought in 6 marks. In a further letter (fn. 57) the archbishop sanctioned the removal from Studley of materials from the buildings there, for the reparation of those of the hospital.

In 1356, (fn. 58) at the request of Mr. John Crakehall the master, the newer taxation of the hospital was exemplified. The Exchequer Rolls having been examined, it was found that in the reign of Edward I the temporalities of the hospital were taxed at 13s. 4d., and in 12 Edward II (1318-19) on account of the destruction by the Scots had been reduced to 5s.

In 1535 (fn. 59) there were two chaplains, each receiving £4 a year from the master or custos, and five poor laymen, oppressed with age and disease, dwelling in the hospital, each receiving 6s. 8d. a year. The master, Marmaduke Bradley, (fn. 60) had a house with garden and orchard and £9 6s. 8d. Against a total revenue of £27 5s. 6d. were outgoings (including the payment of £8 to the chaplains and £1 13s. 4d. to the poor inmates) amounting to £11 4s. 11d., leaving a clear income of £16 0s. 7d.

The chantry certificate (l546-7) (fn. 61) gives much the same return. Marmaduke Bradley was still master. He showed 'no foundacon but used ther to kepe ij preistes and v poore people to pray for all Chrsten soulez, ather prest havynge for his stipende iiijli, and every of the v poore people vjs. viijd.' The 'mancion howse' of the hospital with all the closes was evidently not inhabited by the master, and was, it appears, let for £8.

Both this hospital and that of St. John Baptist 'were attached to the [collegiate] church much in the same way as were the chapels and chantries,' (fn. 62) and still continue among the charitable institutions of the city.

Its post-Reformation history is continued with the complaint, made in 1567, against Mr. Thomas Webster, master of the hospital, and Mark Metcalfe and Christopher Bawdersby, clerks (the two chaplains), that they were nonresident. 'The howseis go to ruyne and decaie, and ther is no provision for releiffe of the poore.' (fn. 63) The buildings, with the fortunate exception of the ancient chapel, were rebuilt in 1674 by the master, Dr. Richard Hooke, a prebendary of the collegiate church. (fn. 64) Since his death on 1 January 1688-9 the Deans of Ripon have been masters of the hospital. (fn. 65)

In 1838 the annual revenue amounted to about £450, and, besides the master, there were a chaplain and six poor sisters, the five senior of whom received £3 12s. 4d. a year, and the youngest £2 13s. 4d. The chaplain only received 20s., thus leaving the greater portion of the revenue to the master. (fn. 66)


Robert, occurs 1268 (fn. 67)

Roger de Malton, resigned 1294 (fn. 68)

James de Cimiterio, succeeded 1295 (fn. 69)

Patrick de Brafferton, succeeded 1301, (fn. 70) removed 1306 (fn. 71)

Nicholas de Bondegate, succeeded 1306 (fn. 72)

[Richard de Doncastre, appointed in error 1308 (fn. 73) ]

Nicholas de Molendinis, appointed 1311-12 (fn. 74)

Henry de Shirokes, appointed 1317 (fn. 75)

William de Popelton, appointed 1329, (fn. 76) resigned 1334-5 (fn. 77)

John de Welleton, succeeded 1334-5 (fn. 78) occurs 1336 (fn. 79)

Robert de Silkeston, before 1339 (fn. 80)

John le Bridelington, acolyte, appointed 1339, (fn. 81) occurs 1352 (fn. 82)

[John le Smale, appointed 1342 (fn. 83) ]

John de Crakehall, appointed 1354, (fn. 84) resigned 1368 (fn. 85)

John de Gillyng, succeeded 1368 (fn. 86)

Roger de Pikering, appointed 1374, (fn. 87) resigned 1382 (fn. 88) or 1383 (fn. 89)

[Robert de Dalton, LL.B., succeeded 2 Nov. 1382 (fn. 90) ]

[William Lynton, 24 Nov. 1382 (fn. 91) ]

Thomas Bromflete, (fn. 92) 1383

William Skyrwith, resigned 1415 (fn. 93)

Richard Bowett, succeeded 1415 (fn. 94)

William Crowton, M.A., appointed 1441, (fn. 95) resigned 1445 (fn. 96)

Thomas Kemp, S.T.B., Archdeacon of Richmond, succeeded 1445 (fn. 97)

Ranulph Bird, resigned 1462 (fn. 98)

John Baddesworth, succeeded 1462, (fn. 99) resigned 1465 (fn. 100)

Thomas Tanfeld, S.T.B., succeeded 1465 (fn. 101)

Robert Witham, resigned 1479 (fn. 102)

William Poteman, LL.D., Archdeacon of Cleveland, succeeded 1479, (fn. 103) resigned 1484 (fn. 104)

Henry Carnebull, succeeded 1484, (fn. 105) resigned 1485 (fn. 106)

Philip Lepyate, succeeded 1485, (fn. 107) deceased 1488 (fn. 108)

Walter Feld, S.T.P., succeeded 1488 (fn. 109)

Anthony Sentlenger, resigned 1506 (fn. 110)

Marmaduke Huby, Abbot of Fountains, succeeded 1506, (fn. 111) occurs 1512 (fn. 112)

Marmaduke Bradley, Abbot of Fountains, occurs 1522-3, (fn. 113) 1535, (fn. 114) 1545, (fn. 115) died 1553 (fn. 116)

Thomas Webster, occurs 1567 (fn. 117)

Moses Fowler, occurs 1586 (fn. 118)

John Favour, LL.D., appointed 1608, (fn. 119) died 1623 (fn. 120)

John Favour (junior), appointed 1624 (fn. 121) [died 1668 (fn. 122) ]

Richard Hooke, D.D., occurs 1674, (fn. 123) died 1688-9 (fn. 124)

Christopher Wyvill, D.D., Dean of Ripon Collegiate Church, succeeded 1689, (fn. 125) died 1710 (fn. 126)


This hospital appears to have been founded by Archbishop Thomas II of York (1109-1114). By his charter the archbishop, for the love of God and St. Wilfrid, gave to the hospital of the poor folk of Ripon land in South Allerwick and Havercroft, with free multure at his mills. (fn. 127) These gifts were confirmed by his immediate successor, Archbishop Thurstan, and at an inquisition held on 11 July 1341 the jurors knew of no other founders. (fn. 128)

On 11 December 1222 Pope Honorius III exempted 'the rector and brothers' of the hospital of St. John Baptist of Ripon from payment of tithes. (fn. 129) The most important event in the history of the hospital was the appointment in 1340 (fn. 130) by the king of David de Wollore to the mastership. This appointment, made sede vacante after the death of Melton, while Robert de Otteleye, a layman, appointed by Melton, still held office, (fn. 131) led to inquisitions and visitations, which tell most of what is known about the hospital.

The Rural Dean of Ripon held the inquiry on 11 July 1341 (fn. 132) by jury, when return was made as to the foundation by Archbishop Thomas, and its confirmation by his successor. The jurors stated that the hospital possessed 50 a. in Studley and Bishopton; 4 a. at Stanley; and 24 a. in the field of Ripon, besides which there were 5 a. given by different people, on which the custos paid tithe. The hospital might be ruled by a layman, so long as he was unmarried, and it had been so ruled time out of mind. The custos received the third sheaf of seven Flatts at Whitcliffe, not in the way of tithe, but as alms, and there were no spiritualities or oblations that they knew of belonging to the hospital.

On 5 September (fn. 133) in the same year another inquisition was held, when the jurors found that the hospital was endowed, in part, with spiritualities, which a layman ought not to receive, and therefore, that Robert de Otteleye ought to be removed from office and David de Wollore admitted to it.

The jurors, on this occasion, reported that the hospital was originally endowed, when the land about Ripon was in a wild state, to provide hospitality for poor travellers, but that afterwards, when the country was cleared and built upon, the hospital was to support poor clerks, keeping their schools in Ripon, four or five of whom were to have soup daily, and. beds at night, besides twice a week a loaf, six of which were to be made from a bushel of corn. The hospital ought also to provide all poor persons seeking alms with soup twice a week, one time pease, the other time herb.

There was no brother or sister in the hospital. On the feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist yearly the custos ought to give alms to every poor person who came, either bread or flour; he ought also to find a chaplain to celebrate in the chapel, which was dedicated and in which the late master had been buried.

The King's Bench gave judgement in favour of David de Wollore, who was admitted. (fn. 134) His appointment was greatly to the advantage of the hospital, which by the neglect of its masters had become much impoverished. In 1301 (fn. 135) William de Somerset, on his resignation of the mastership, had left certain cattle, &c., for the use of the poor and sick of the hospital, and Archbishop Corbridge, in accepting his resignation, confirmed the gifts, and ordered that successive masters should make them good as they failed. David de Wollore found the property and stock so diminished (fn. 136) that the hospital could scarcely maintain its inmates, or perform its obligations. He generously re-endowed it, in order that it might be able to maintain its good works in the celebration of. masses by the master or a fit chaplain, as also in the exhibitions of poor boys attending the grammar schools of Ripon. What he gave is shown in an indenture of 6 September 1370, between his attorney and John de Brigg, who succeeded him as custos. The list is too long to be given here, but he provided a large stock of horses, cattle, and sheep, various household goods, two chests with the muniments, and service books for the chapel, a high table for the hall, and ploughs and other agricultural implements at Havercroft. These goods, or their value, were to be handed down from master to master.

On 5 July 1419 (fn. 137) Pope Martin V granted (on the ground that the mastership was not worth more than 10 marks annually, out of which the master was unable to support the burdens incumbent on him) that the master might hold with it four other benefices compatible with it, even if one were a parish church, or perpetual vicarage, and might exchange them for others.

On 10 August 1454 (fn. 138) Archbishop William Booth granted forty days' indulgence to all who visited the chapel of the hospital on certain feasts, or who gave of their goods to the chapel in offerings, or for ornaments, lights, or other pious help. The suffragan 'Johannes Philopolen episcopus' (fn. 139) also granted like indulgence.

At the time of the Valor Ecclesiasticus (1535) (fn. 140) Edward Brigham was master of the hospital 'or house' of St. John the Baptist. The house with a close annexed was valued at 10s., and there were rents in Ripon and Studley making a total of £10 14s. 4d. In 1545-6 (fn. 141) John Rogers was incumbent 'shewynge no Foundacion but of a contynuall use to pray for all Cristien sowlez and to celebrate Masse and other dyvyne service in the Chapell of the same Hospitall at his plesure.' The goods were valued at 5s. 2d. and the plate at 27s. The total rental was £12 0s. 4d.

In 1570- 1 (fn. 142) Thomas Blakburn, master, was Ordered on 5 February to bring in the foundation of his hospital at Ripon before the High Commission at York, and on 13 March following he was proceeded against 'for hearing masse in Rebellion tyme, and other Papisticall servyce,' for which he was fined £6 13s. 4d., and was ordered to do penance. Other charges had already been brought against him as one of the curates of the then late collegiate church.

In 1544-5 (fn. 143) a commission was granted by King Henry VIII empowering the Archbishops of York, for the time being, to dispose of the government of the hospitals of St. John the Baptist and St. Mary Magdalene, in and near Ripon, and to have the appointment of the masters. In this way both these hospitals have survived as almshouses. Among the postReformation masters of St. John's, before the mastership was annexed to the deanery, are two notable names, viz. those of Dr. John Wilkins (1660), (fn. 144) Bishop of Chester (1668-72), one of the founders of the Royal Society, and Dr. John Bramhall (1625) (fn. 145) afterwards the well-known Primate of Ireland. Since January 1688-9 (fn. 146) the Deans of Ripon have been and still are ex officio masters of the two hospitals of St. John and St. Mary Magdalene.

In 1838 the income of the hospital was £340, received by the master, who paid 20s. to the chaplain, and £1 7s. 6d. to each of the two almswomen called sisters. The building was used as a boys' school. (fn. 147)


Walter le Botiller, resigned 1295 (fn. 148)

William de Somerset, confirmed 1295, (fn. 149) resigned 1301 (fn. 150)

William de Thorp, confirmed 1313 (fn. 151)

John Paynel, appointed sede vacante 1317 (fn. 152)

Robert de Otteley, removed 1341 (fn. 153)

David de Wollore, appointed 1341 (fn. 154)

Johnde Brigg, succeeded, occurs 1370 (fn. 155)

Roger Haward, resigned 1398 (fn. 156)

Robert Tanfeld, succeeded 1398 (fn. 157)

Robert Colhome, appointed 1413, (fn. 158) resigned 1418 (fn. 159)

John Wodham, succeeded 1418, (fn. 160) resigned 1418-19 (fn. 161)

John Brommesgrave, succeeded 1418-19 (fn. 162)

John Soulby, occurs 1419 (fn. 163)

Robert Young, occurs 1433 (fn. 164)

John Pakenham (fn. 165)

William Crowton, succeeded 1441, (fn. 166) resigned 1445 (fn. 167)

Nicholas Kene, LL.B., succeeded 1445, (fn. 168) resigned 1448-9 (fn. 169)

Ranulph Bird, succeeded 1448-9, (fn. 170) resigned (query in 1450) (fn. 171)

Thomas Gyvendale, 1450 (fn. 172)

John, Bishop of Philippopolis, suffragan, (fn. 173) 1453, died 1459 (fn. 174)

Richard Musin, Bishop of Dromore, succeeded 1459 (fn. 175)

John Grene, Bishop of The Isles, suffragan, 1462-3, (fn. 176) resigned 1464 (fn. 177)

John Suthwell, succeeded 1464 (fn. 178)

Robert Jesson, resigned 1485 (fn. 179)

John Triguram, succeeded 1485, (fn. 180) occurs 1522-3 (fn. 181)

Edward Brigham, occurs 1535 (fn. 182)

John Rogers, appointed 1538, (fn. 183) occurs 1545-6 (fn. 184)

Thomas Blackburne, occurs 1567, (fn. 185) 1570-1 (fn. 186)

Christopher Lyndall, occurs 1604, (fn. 187) deceased 1623 (fn. 188)

George Procter, appointed 1623 (fn. 189)

John Favour, jun., occurs circa 1624 (fn. 190)

John Bramhall, appointed 1625, (fn. 191) Voided the mastership 1634 (fn. 192)

John Wilkins, appointed 1660 (fn. 193)

Richard Hooke, occurs 1674, (fn. 194) deceased 1 Jan. 1688-9 (fn. 195)

Christopher Wyvill, dean of the collegiate church, appointed 31 January 1688-9 (fn. 196)


This hospital was founded by some unknown person early in the 15th century for four men, four women, and a chaplain, with two beds for wayfarers. (fn. 197) Apparently it had no permanent endowment but was maintained by the alms collected for it. It was in existence before 1438, for John Granby, rector of a moiety of South Otterington, in that year bequeathed money towards payment of a priest to celebrate for his soul 'in capella vocata le maisendieu Ripon.' (fn. 198) Unlike the two other hospitals at Ripon it had no connexion with the collegiate church. On 3 April 1479 (fn. 199) Archbishop Laurence Booth granted an indulgence of forty days, for three years, to all who contributed to the maintenance of the house or hospital of St. Anne and the poor living in it; and on 8 August 1481 (fn. 200) Archbishop Rotherham granted another indulgence of forty days to all who, having confessed, gave towards the maintenance of the eight poor persons of either sex in 'le masyndew' in Ripon.

A regular system of procurators or nuncii, soliciting alms for the hospital, is evidenced in Archbishop Booth's brief of indulgence, and the original copy of one such appeal, made in 1516, has been preserved. It is addressed by Seth Snawden of Bilton and Robert Stokes of Bickerton and witnesses that a chapel and 'massendew' was founded in Ripon 'by our ancestor' in honour of St. Anne, within which 'massendew' were one priest and eight poor folks, men and women, who in time past had been of good behaviour, and that there were also two common beds 'for every lone travelling man that hath noe spending, and there he may be cared one day and one night in fulfilling of the seaven workes of mercy.' (fn. 201)

The hospital still exists, and in 1838 (fn. 202) sheltered eight poor women. It is said that it was founded by a member of the Nevill family. (fn. 203) Since the Reformation it has received various benefactions, but in 1838 its yearly income was only about £50, which was divided among the almspeople.


  • 1. Yorks. Arch. Journ. xix, 385. From the same source it appears that the Bishop of Glasgow claimed in 1258 'Rer Cros in Staynmor' as the limit of his diocese.
  • 2. Burton, Mon, Ebor. 271; Dugdale, Mon. Angl. iv, 244.
  • 3. Dugdale, Mon. Angl. iv, 244.
  • 4. a Cott. MS. Nero D. iii, fol. 22.
  • 5. Coll. Topog. et Gen. (1838), v, 117.
  • 6. Dugdale, Mon. Angl. iv, 247.
  • 7. Ibid.
  • 8. A clerical error for 6 Edw. VI (1552).
  • 9. P.R.O. Particulars for Grants, Edw. VI, no. 1453.
  • 10. Ibid.
  • 11. Pat. 37 Hen. VIII, pt. xi, m. 30.
  • 12. Whitaker, Hist. of Richmondshire, ii, 100.
  • 13. Cal. of Papal Letters, ii, 57.
  • 14. Gale, Reg. Hon. de Richmond, App. 208.
  • 15. Archbishop Kemp, in Sept. 1428, expressed his intention to visit the hospital, but there is no record of what took place; York Archiepis. Reg. Kemp, fol. 210.
  • 16. Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 720. According to the Monasticon he was the same William Ascough who resigned the mastership in 1437.
  • 17. Op. cit. v, 238.
  • 18. Yorks. Chant. Surv. (Surt. Soc.), i, 140-2.
  • 19. Yorks. Arch. Journ. xlix, 45.
  • 20. a Egerton MS. 2827, fol. 339.
  • 21. Assize R. 1129, m. 17.
  • 22. Baildon, Mon. Notes, i, 175.
  • 23. Pat. 21 Ric. II, m. 27.
  • 24. Cal. of Papal Letters, v, 469.
  • 25. a Predecessor of William Ayscough; Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 11, no. 220.
  • 26. Cal. Pat. 1436-41, p. 51.
  • 27. a Ibid.
  • 28. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), v, 238.
  • 29. Yorks. Chant. Surv. (Surt. Soc.), i, 140.
  • 30. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 223; Dugdale, Mon. Angl, vi, 620.
  • 31. On 5 Sept; 1342; Mem. of Ripon (Surt, Soc.), i, 228.
  • 32. Ibid. 234.
  • 33. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 223.
  • 34. 'Mulewath' and Newby, given cum corpore suo to the hospital by William de Winchelcumbe, were confirmed to them 15 Sept. 1241 by Archbishop Walter Gray; Archbp. Gray's Reg. (Surt. Soc.), 91. The gift, however, was considerably earlier, for in 1228 the master of St. Mary Magdalene's Hospital was returned as holding in Newby and Mulwith; ibid. 62.
  • 35. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 228.
  • 36. York Archiepis Reg. Romanus, fol. 98.
  • 37. This suggests Wickwane as the archbishop who changed the constitution.
  • 38. York Archiepis. Reg. Romanus, fol. 98.
  • 39. Ibid. Corbridge, fol. 66.
  • 40. Ibid. fol. 91b. On 16 June 1294 the archbishop received 50 marks from Robert de Percy for the use of the hospital, and appointed that Robert de Percy was to be maintained in the hospital. On 10 Mar, 1294-5 the archbishop granted Hugh de Rossedale, for his long and faithful service to the archbishop and his church, food and clothing in the hospital. This was confirmed by the Dean and Chapter of York (Mem. of Ripon [Surt, Soc.], ii, 20).
  • 41. York Archiepis. Reg. Greenfield, i, fol. 34 d.
  • 42. Ibid. fol. 33d.
  • 43. Ibid.
  • 44. Ibid, (on a slip of parchment between fol. 33 and 34).
  • 45. Pat. 2 Edw. II, pt, i, m. 16.
  • 46. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), ii, 60-2.
  • 47. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), ii, 60-2.
  • 48. York Archiepis. Reg. Greenfield, ii, fol. 36.
  • 49. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 211; Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi, 752.
  • 50. York Archiepis. Reg. Melton, fol. 406b.
  • 51. Ibid. fol. 97b.
  • 52. Ibid. fol. 437b.
  • 53. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 226.
  • 54. Ibid. 233.
  • 55. Ibid. 235.
  • 56. York Archiepis. Reg. Thoresby, fol. 29, 29b.
  • 57. Ibid. fol. 35.
  • 58. Pat. 30 Edw. III, pt. ii, m. 17, de exemplificacione.
  • 59. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), v, 252.
  • 60. The former Abbot of Fountains.
  • 61. Yorks. Chant. Surv. (Surt. Soc.), ii, 366.
  • 62. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), iii, p. xiii.
  • 63. Ibid. ii, 345, citing a Visitation Book of Archbishop Young.
  • 64. According to an inscription on them.
  • 65. Mem. of Ripon, ii, 307.
  • 66. White, Hist. Gaz. and Dir. W. R. Yorks. (1838), ii, 798.
  • 67. Archbp. Giffard's Reg. 27.
  • 68. York Archiepis. Reg. Romanus, fol. 98.
  • 69. Ibid.
  • 70. Ibid. Corbridge, fol. 91b.
  • 71. Ibid. Greenfield, fol. 33b.
  • 72. Ibid.
  • 73. Pat. 2 Edw. II, pt. i, m. 16. See above.
  • 74. York Archiepis. Reg. Greenfield, ii, fol. 36.
  • 75. Ibid. Sed. vac. fol. 132.
  • 76. Ibid. Melton, fol. 97b.
  • 77. Ibid. fol. 437b.
  • 78. Ibid.
  • 79. Ibid.
  • 80. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 230 n.
  • 81. Ibid.
  • 82. Ibid. 236.
  • 83. Ibid. 232. See above.
  • 84. York. Archiepis. Reg. Thoresby, fol. 29.
  • 85. Ibid. fol. 66.
  • 86. Ibid.
  • 87. Ibid. A. Nevill, i, fol. 2.
  • 88. Ibid. fol. 111.
  • 89. Ibid. fol. 32. 19 Sept. 1383, exchange between Roger de Pykeryng, custos of St. Mary Magdalene Hospital, and Thomas Bromflete, canon of the chapel of the Blessed Virgin Mary and All Angels, York.
  • 90. Ibid. fol. 111.
  • 91. Ibid. Commission to admit William Lynton to the hospital of St. Mary Magdalene, which Robert de Dalton obtained. Apparently neither of these appointments fully took effect.
  • 92. Ibid. fol. 32.
  • 93. Ibid. Bowett, fol. 53.
  • 94. Ibid.
  • 95. York. Archiepis. Reg. Kemp, fol. 47. (Also master of St. John's.)
  • 96. Ibid. fol. 55.
  • 97. Ibid.
  • 98. Ibid. W. Booth, fol. 140b.
  • 99. Ibid.
  • 100. Ibid. G. Nevill, fol. 2.
  • 101. Ibid.
  • 102. Ibid. L. Booth, fol. 52b.
  • 103. Ibid.
  • 104. Ibid. Rotherham, i, fol. 98b.
  • 105. Ibid.
  • 106. Ibid. fol. 3b.
  • 107. Ibid.
  • 108. Ibid. i, fol. 103.
  • 109. Ibid.
  • 110. Ibid. Savage, fol. 34.
  • 111. Ibid.
  • 112. Ibid. Bainbridge.
  • 113. Subs. R. bdle. 64, no. 300.
  • 114. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), v, 252.
  • 115. Yorks. Chant. Surv. (Surt. Soc.), ii, 366.
  • 116. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), ii, 224.
  • 117. Ibid. iii, 345.
  • 118. Ibid. ii, 259.
  • 119. Ibid. 277.
  • 120. Ibid. 278.
  • 121. Ibid. 307.
  • 122. Ibid.
  • 123. Ibid. 308. (Also master of St. John's.)
  • 124. Ibid.
  • 125. Ibid. 271.
  • 126. Ibid.
  • 127. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 322-8.
  • 128. Ibid. ii, 123.
  • 129. Ibid. 83.
  • 130. Ibid. 186. David de Wollore was for many years Master of the Rolls. He held the prebend of Studley Magna in Ripon Collegiate Church.
  • 131. Ibid. i, 212.
  • 132. Ibid. ii, 123.
  • 133. Ibid. i, 217.
  • 134. Mem. of Ripon (Suit. Soc.), i, 223.
  • 135. Ibid. ii, 29.
  • 136. Ibid. 130.
  • 137. York Archiepis. Reg. Bowett, fol. 683.
  • 138. Ibid. W. Booth, fol. 160b.
  • 139. He was master of the hospital at the time, having been appointed on 14 Sept. 1453; ibid. fol. 30b.
  • 140. Op. cit. v, 251.
  • 141. Yorks. Chant. Surv. (Sort. Soc.), ii, 368. There was 'one tenement called Saynt John House, with ij doses in Bongate in the tenure of Christofer Watson' (38s. 8d.).
  • 142. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), iii, 346.
  • 143. Ibid. i, 245.
  • 144. Ibid. ii, 265.
  • 145. Ibid. 280.
  • 146. Ibid. 271.
  • 147. White, Hist. Gaz. and Dir. W. R. Yorks. (1838), ii, 790.
  • 148. York Archiepis. Reg. Romanus, fol. 98b.
  • 149. Ibid.
  • 150. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), ii, 29.
  • 151. York Archiepis. Reg. Greenfield, ii, fol. 41.
  • 152. Pat. 10 Edw. II, pt. i, m. 29.
  • 153. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), i, 217, 322.
  • 154. Ibid.
  • 155. Ibid. ii, 129.
  • 156. York Archiepis. Reg. Scrope, fol. 1.
  • 157. Ibid.
  • 158. Ibid. Bowett, fol. 47.
  • 159. Ibid. fol. 51b.
  • 160. Ibid.
  • 161. Ibid.
  • 162. Ibid.
  • 163. Ibid. fol. 68b.
  • 164. Baildon, Mon. Notes (Yorks. Arch. Soc.), i, 181.
  • 165. York Archiepis. Reg. Kemp, fol. 47b.
  • 166. Ibid.
  • 167. Ibid. fol. 55b.
  • 168. Ibid. fol. 56.
  • 169. Ibid. fol. 66.
  • 170. Ibid.
  • 171. Ibid. fol. 76, where it is said that the vacancy was due to the resignation of Nicholas Kene—probably a clerical error.
  • 172. Ibid.
  • 173. Ibid. W. Booth, fol. 30b.
  • 174. Ibid. fol. 49. Bishop Musin's name occurs, with that of Archbishop Scrope, on the silver band of the well-known Maser bowl at York, as each granting forty days pardon 'on to all tho that drinkis of this cope.'
  • 175. Ibid.
  • 176. Ibid. fol. 55b.
  • 177. Ibid. Sede vacante, fol. 444.
  • 178. Ibid.
  • 179. Ibid. Rotherham, fol. 3.
  • 180. Ibid.
  • 181. Subs. R. bdle. 64, no. 300.
  • 182. Valor Eccl. (Rec. Com.), v, 251.
  • 183. York Archiepis. Reg. Lee, fol. 71.
  • 184. Yorks. Chant. Surv. (Surt. Soc.), ii, 368.
  • 185. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), iii, 345.
  • 186. Ibid. 348.
  • 187. Ibid. ii, 287.
  • 188. Ibid.
  • 189. Ibid. 313.
  • 190. Ibid. 307.
  • 191. Ibid. 280.
  • 192. Ibid. 281. He voided all his English preferments in 1634 on his appointment to the bishopric of Derry. In 1660-1 he became Primate of Ireland.
  • 193. Ibid. 265. He was also at the same time appointed Dean of the collegiate church of Ripon.
  • 194. Ibid. 307. He was also master of St. Mary Magdalene's Hospital.
  • 195. Ibid. 271.
  • 196. Ibid.
  • 197. Walbran, Guide to Ripon, &c. (12th ed.), 78.*
  • 198. Ibid.
  • 199. Mem. of Ripon (Surt. Soc.), ii, 157.
  • 200. York Archiepis. Reg. Rotherham, i, fol, 192.
  • 201. Historic Ripon (1890), 177.
  • 202. White, Hist. Gaz. and Dir. W. R. Yorks. (1838), ii, 798.
  • 203. Ibid.