Hospitals: Bagby - Brompton Bridge

A History of the County of York: Volume 3. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1974.

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'Hospitals: Bagby - Brompton Bridge', in A History of the County of York: Volume 3, ed. William Page (London, 1974), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

'Hospitals: Bagby - Brompton Bridge', in A History of the County of York: Volume 3. Edited by William Page (London, 1974), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

"Hospitals: Bagby - Brompton Bridge". A History of the County of York: Volume 3. Ed. William Page (London, 1974), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

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This hospital is said to have been in existence about 1290, and to have been a dependency of the hospital of St. Leonard, York. (fn. 1) Gundreda, wife of Nigel de Albini and mother of Roger de Mowbray, granted to the hospital of St. Leonard land in Bagby, (fn. 2) as did Emma daughter of Gikel de Alverton. The site of the hospital can yet be traced in a field west of the. village. A farm-house, about half a mile distant, bears the name of 'Spittal Hill.' (fn. 3)


The origin of this hospital is unknown. According to Leland it was founded ' by one Wuse,' (fn. 4) before the Conquest. In the reign of John, Ranulph was ' procurator ' of the hospital, and he and the brethren of the house granted to Robert son of Roger Botte a toft in Middleton on the Wolds. (fn. 5) In 1226 (fn. 6) Archbishop Gray granted certain tithes in Skiteby to the hospital. Archbishop Giffard appointed Walter de Scrapetoft rector of the hospital on 20 August 1274, (fn. 7) and inserted in his register is a return made by the hospital, (fn. 8) relating that it was bound to have five chaplains who daily celebrated for the souls of Alexander de Santona, Stephen de Crancewice, William Daniel, and Walter Godchep. The patrons of the hospital are recorded as the archbishop, for a messuage and 2 bovates of land in South Burton; William Constable of Holme; William, lord of Raventhorpe, for all the land belonging to Riding; Richard, lord of Bentley, for land in Bentley; Alexander de Santona and Robert Godland, Richard de Anlanbi, for land in Riplingham; Stephen de Crancewic and Robert de Cave, for land in Middleton; the Prior of Bridlington for land in ' Frestingtorp '; and Robert de Perci for the same in Eskburn. It is added that the hospital was only bound by charter for the maintenance of two sick men, for the land of Bentley. Probably this return was made in consequence of the hospital being in an unsatisfactory state, and by a decree dated 29 September 1277, the archbishop, lamenting the condition into which the hospital had fallen, by the advice of his cathedral chapter, and with the consent pf the master of the hospital, annexed it with all its property to be subject to the canons regular of the priory of Warter. The priests and conversi who were then there were to be maintained in the hospital or at Warter according to the ordinance of the prior and convent. This ordinance of Archbishop Giffard was confirmed by Edward I in 1285-6. (fn. 9)

On 1 September 1279 (fn. 10) Archbishop Wickwane visited the hospital in person, and issued a series of injunctions as to its management. The Prior and convent of Warter were in future to have four priests of good conversation in the hospital, who by example of life might have a wholesome influence over others, honourably maintain the property of the hospital, continuously celebrate there, and preserve the due observances of the hospital. The two, sick and feeble priests, lately found there, together with the four others were to be kept there. Fifteen beds and as many sick persons were to be maintained by the house over and above the ten poor folk, who, according to their charters, received their food, and their charters were to be observed according to their exact tenor, so that the goods of other sick and poor were not to be thrown in common, in any manner, nor the charters in any way exceeded. In futureno victuals were to be sold from the hospital. The poor of the hospital who had no charters were to have a competent amount of straw on Christmas Day, and three or four eggs, according to the arrangement of the presidents. From every manor where geese (auce) were reared, the same sick were to have on the feast of the blessed Michael yearly in the hospital two geese and the fifth part of a cheese. Sufficient soup, as was accustomed, was to be served to them daily.

The fifth lagena of ale brewed for Christmas, and the fifth ox from the larder, the fifth sheep, and the fifth pig of the larder, except the hide, tallow, sheepskins and fat, and the lard, the said sick persons were to have. The prior and convent were to maintain the infirmary with the local alms. At the burial of the poor persons four lights were to be used, at their cost, if funds permitted. As soon as anyone was admitted to the brotherhood of the hospital he was to make his will and bestow his goods on the place, and was not to assign them elsewhere. The men were to use white tunics and black scapulars with hoods, the women white tunics and black mantles, and none were to go outside the precincts of the infirmary without the leave of the guardian (custos) specially appointed for this, nor were they to eat, drink, or sleep, or stay except in the infirmary. Having heard divine service in the chapel within the infirmary, they were to be occupied with the work of the house, as in spinning, washing the clothes of the canons and their servants. The private and suspected apartments or cells in the infirmary were to be removed without delay, that no evil could be suspected in the house in future.

The archbishops seem to have appointed the master, and on 6 November 1388 (fn. 11) Archbishop Arundel appointed Thomas Rooland master of the hospital of St. Giles, when it was explicitly stated that the prior and convent could not recall him to Warter. In 1410 he was elected Prior of Warter, and on 31 December 1412 obtained licence from Archbishop Bowett to alienate for £60 to certain burgesses of Beverley in perpetuity a close belonging to the hospital and commonly called ' Seyntgiliscroft.' (fn. 12) The subsequent history of the hospital is merged in that of the priory to which it was annexed. It would seem that women were received as recluses in the hospital, (fn. 13) as Stephen Tilson of Beverley in his will, dated 6 June 1469, bequeathed 20d. 'cuilibet mulieri recluse infra domum sancti Egidij Beverlaci.' (fn. 14)

A few years later than this Roger Lunde and Joan his wife, in return for the gift of all their property to the hospital, were given by Thomas Byrdlington, then master, a corrody and a ' celle sett yn the southe parte of the Fermorye of the seyd hospitall with a gardyne by hym.' After Roger's death John Dobson, clerk, master, and Thomas Nowson, Prior of Warter (1498-1526), deprived Joan of her garden, ' which was to her a greate yerthely comfort,' and detained her corrody. (fn. 15)


Leland says 'ther was an Hospital of S. Nicholas by the Black Freres but it is dekayid.' (fn. 16)

Probably it was from its nearness to the house of the Black Friars that it came to be commonly called the ' Friary.' The earliest allusion to it seems to be in an indulgence for ten days, which Archbishop Romanus granted in 1286 to those who visited and helped the decayed folk of the hospital of the blessed Nicholas of Beverley. (fn. 17) Some charters, dated 1363 and 1414 respectively, describe land as adjoining that 'of the brethren and sisters of the brotherhood of St. Nicholas.' (fn. 18)

In 1300 one Robert Raggebroke complained against Robert de Kyrketon, master of the hospital of St. Nicholas at Beverley and certain of the brethren, that he had been despoiled of his free tenement in Beverley, to wit, a bed pro infirmo for a year, a piece of grey cloth, a dish of pottage daily, 2s, weekly, and 4s. yearly to be received at the said hospital. (fn. 19)

Archbishop Kemp, on 31 January 1448, issued a commission 'ad visitandum hospitale sive locum vocatum friariam Sancti Nicholai prope Beverlacum.' (fn. 20) There seems, however, to be no record extant concerning the visitation itself. The double name of the hospital or ' Friary' is also found in the appointments of masters in 1411 and 1458. In the provost's book there are notes of payments received ' de magistro Frarie domus Sancti Nicholai pro scitu dicti hospitalis,' and for a croft called ' Frarycroft.' (fn. 21)


Ranulf, occurs before 1250 (fn. 22)

Robert de Kyrketon, occurs 1300 (fn. 23)

Thomas de Gudmundeham, appointed 1381 (fn. 24)

William de Scardeburgh, appointed 1411 (fn. 25)

Thomas Sprotteley, appointed 1427, (fn. 26) died

Edmund Hardyng, appointed 23 Aug. 1458, (fn. 27) resigned

Nicholas Bellerby, resigned 7 Sept. 1458 (fn. 28)

John Penketh, appointed 1485, (fn. 29) resigned 1503

Richard Penketh, appointed 1503 (fn. 30)

Nicholas Mell, resigned 1538 (fn. 31)

Richard Hawcliff, appointed 1538 (fn. 32)


Trinity Hospital.—John de Ake, merchant, of Beverley, in his will dated on Monday next before Michaelmas 1398, bequeathed all his lands and tenements in Beverley to Ellen his wife during her life, after her death to be applied to erecting and endowing a chapel on the Crossbridge in Beverley, and a hospital for twenty-four poor folk, their places, as they died, to be filled on the nomination of the twelve governors of Beverley, as well as a chaplain to do divine service in the chapel. (fn. 33)

Richard II, on 27 June 1397, (fn. 34) had granted to Robert Garton and Henry Maupas that they might assign to the twelve governors of Beverley two messuages and a certain piece of vacant ground, 120 ft. long and 24 ft. broad, to find a chaplain to celebrate for the king, Thomas, late Archbishop of York, John de Ake of Beverley and Ellen his wife whilst they lived, and after death for their souls, and for the souls of Anne late Queen of England, John de Burton, clerk, and of all faithful departed, in a certain chapel, newly erected on the said piece of ground, and also for the support of twelve poor persons, to reside in a certain house there erected.

Archbishop Scrope granted licence on 23 June 1399 (fn. 35) to Robert de Garton and Henry Maupas that they might give the tenement occupied by Thomas de Ryse in Keldgate, Beverley, at the time of his death, to the twelve governors of Beverley for the support of a chaplain and twenty-four poor persons in a certain house of God newly erected upon the Crossbridge of Beverley, further confirming the grant by the Chapter of York to Robert Garton and Henry Maupas and the governors of Beverley of the tenement which John de Ake held on, the day of his death, in Cross Garths in Beverley.

It seems clear from these evidences that John de Ake had founded the hospital before his death and endowed it by his will. Robert Croull, Prebendary of Fridaythorpe in York, also on 23 June 1399, (fn. 36) allowed the tenements in Cross Garths, which John de Ake had held of the prebend, to be applied to the purposes of the hospital. Poulson states that the Cross Garths were situated on the east side of Butcher Row, and that the Corporation Almshouses existing in his time (1828) in the street were those of Ake's foundation.

An indenture between Thomas Browne, chaplain of the chantry chapel of Holy Trinity, on the Crossbridge in Beverley, founded by John de Ake and Ellen his wife and the governors of the town, dated 1419, for the safe keeping of the plate, books, and ornaments of the same, is printed in Poulson's Beverlac. (fn. 37)

Richard de York, chaplain of Lythe in Cleveland, in 1437 left 3s. 4d. ' hospitali sancte Trinitatis que vocatur Crosgarth in Beverlaco,' (fn. 38) and Richard Beford, butcher, of Beverley, left a similar sum in 1434, 'pauperibus domus sancte Trinitatis apud Crossebrigg.' (fn. 39)

The hospital appears to have had no master or warden. Leland s reference to it is ' Trinity Hospital yet (1532) standith in the hart of the Toun. Sum say one Ake foundid it.' (fn. 40)

The Hospital of St. Mary without the North Bar.—In Leland's time there was ' an hospitale yet standyng hard without the North Bar Gate, of the foundation of 2 merchant men, Akeborow and Hodgekin Overshall. As I remembre ther is an image of Our Lady over this Hospitale Gate.' (fn. 41) On 26 July 1434 Richard Beford of Beverley, butcher, left 3s. 4d.' pauperibus capelle beate Marie extra Barram borialem.' (fn. 42) On 8 January 1466-7 William Tasker of Beverley, chaplain, bequeathed 6d. ' pauperibus domus elemosinarie beate Marie virginis extra Barram borialem.' (fn. 43) Henry son of John Holm, late of Beverley, on 20 August 1471 (fn. 44) left 6s. 8d. to the poor of the house, described exactly as before, as did also John Midelton, merchant, of Beverley, on 17 June 1475. (fn. 45) John Ashton, mercer, of Beverley, a little earlier described it in his will (21 November 1468) as ' domus oracionis extra barram borialem,' (fn. 46) a term he applied to the other hospitals in the town. It must not be confused with a leper house, also outside the North Bar, which was quite distinct from it.

The Hospital of St. John Lairgate.— Of this hospital nothing is known either as to its origin or history, but allusions to it are met with in wills and other documents. On 8 January 1466-7 William Tasker of Beverley, chaplain, bequeathed 6d. ' pauperibus domus elemosinarie Sancti Johannis in Laythgate.' (fn. 47) Robert Bentlay of Bentley left on 1 March 1467-8 the same sum ' hospitali Sancti Johannis in Laythgatt.' (fn. 48) On 21 November 1468 John Ashton, mercer, bequeathed 'domui oracionis Sancti Johannis in Laregate ' 20d. (fn. 49) Henry Holm, 6s. 8d. on 20 August, 1471, 'pauperibus domus Sancti Johannis in Lathgate,' (fn. 50) and on 17 June 1475 John Midelton left 20d. 'domui elemosinarie beati Johannis in Lathgate.' (fn. 51)

In a grant by Queen Elizabeth to the mayor, governors and burgesses of the town is included 'all that our tenement in Laregate in Beverley aforesaid, one orchard and one close . . . containing by estimation one acre and a half of land now or late in the occupation of certain paupers called the Massendeu of St. John the Evangelist in Beverley aforesaid abutting on the east part of the aforesaid street called Laregate.' (fn. 52)

The Leper House Outside The North Bar.—This was probably the chief leper house connected with Beverley. In 1402 John Kelk appeared before the twelve governors of the town in the Guildhall, and sought permission to erect a certain porch (quondam porcheam) against the said house outside the North Bar of Beverley for the habitation of lepers, men and women. Leave was granted to build the porch on a piece of waste ground measuring 8 ft. by estimation. (fn. 53) Several bequests were made to the lepers outside the North Bar of small sums of money by Richard Beford in 1434, (fn. 54) William Tasker in 1466-7, (fn. 55) John Ashton in 1468, (fn. 56) Henry Holm in 1471, (fn. 57) John Midelton in 1475, (fn. 58) but for some unexplained reason in none of these instances is any house mentioned, the lepers ' dwelling' or ' being' outside the North Bar is all that is said. Thomas Burton, of Bainton, on 30 June 1473, left 12d. to each lazar house in Beverley, and also in aux ilium et relevamen domus lazari dicti Beverlaci unum lectum scilicet unam culcitram, unum bolstor, par lodicum, par linthaminum cum c'oopertorio.' (fn. 59) It seems not unlikely that it was to this house that the bequest was made.

Other Houses.—In the grant of lands by Queen Elizabeth to the town of Beverley is included 'all that tenement and one little garth there [in Fishmarket] containing by estimation one rood of land, commonly called St. John Baptist Massendeu, now or late in the occupation of certain paupers, abutting on the west part of a street called Fishmarket.' (fn. 60) Beyond this reference nothing is known about this hospital.

In 1394 a certain Margaret Taillor, a leper, came before the twelve governors of Beverley in the Guildhall, and asked for charity's sake to have a bed within the house of the lepers outside Keldgate Bar, which petition was granted. (fn. 61)

There was a Maison Dieu built by the gild of St. Mary connected with St. Mary's Church in Beverley, (fn. 62) and another connected with the minster; but whether they were the same as some already mentioned is not quite clear.

John Midilton, on 17 June 1475, bequeathed 12d. pauperibus in Wodlane, and the same amount pauperibus domus in Dedelane, Beverley, (fn. 63) but other mention of these houses has not been met with.

Poulson, (fn. 64) describing the Corporation Almshouses says: ' These almshouses consist [in 1828] of four tenements in Lairgate called Bedehouses, and of thirteen rooms near the south end of Lairgate and nine similar rooms on the east side of Butcher Row called the Maison-Dieus formerly Ake's Hospital founded in 1396. They stand on the freehold property of the corporation, and are kept in repair by them; but there are no estates or funds specifically appropriated to their support.' It seems likely that St. John's Hospital in Lairgate rather than Ake's Hospital on the Cross Bridge are, or were, perpetuated by these almshouses. In 1889 these corporation almshouses in Lairgate are described as being four in number and called ' Maisons de Dieu.'


A hospital existed at one time in Boroughbridge, but had already fallen into decay by 1297. (fn. 65) Nothing is known of its history.


Res ap Griffith and Joan his wife in 1340 bought the advowson of this hospital from Philip de Somerville, and next year regranted it to Philip to hold for life. (fn. 66)

An entry in Archbishop Kemp's Register (fn. 67) records the institution, on 28 January 1433-4, of John Nailston, priest, to the perpetual chantry at the altar of the Blessed Virgin in the parish church of Burton Agnes, and to the hospital of Braceford annexed to the said chantry, vacant by the death of William Foston, chaplain, and belonging to the gift of John Griffitz, kt., patron of the said chantry and hospital. It was almost certainly the hospital mentioned in the Taxatio of 1291, where it is said that the hospital of ' Brayteford' held at ' Brayteford ' property of the value of £4. 7s. (fn. 68) The mastership, might, apparently, be held by an unmarried layman, as an undated petition of the 15th century relates that the hospital or free chapel of Braceford, here said to be of the king's gift and foundation, having fallen vacant by the marriage of Robert Skerne, late possessor, the king had presented Nicholas Calton, clerk. (fn. 69)

On 10 April 1505 (fn. 70) William Monceux, who described himself as chaplain of the hospital of the chantry of the Blessed Mary in Burton Agnes, made his will, in which there is, however, no allusion to the hospital.

Chaplains or Keepers of the Hospital

John Barnetby, presented 1389 (fn. 71)

Robert Skyrne, occurs 1399 (fn. 72)

William Kechyn, keeper, occurs 1413 (fn. 73)

William Fostpn, chaplain, occurs 1433 (fn. 74)

John Nailston, chaplain, instituted 1433 (fn. 75)

William Monceux, chaplain, died 1505 (fn. 76)

Thomas Pierson, last chaplain, alive 1552-3 (fn. 77)


This hospital is said to have been founded by the Prior and convent of Bridlington. (fn. 78) Alan de Monceaux, (fn. 79) with the consent of Maud his wife and Robert their son, gave to the poor of this hospital land in Hertburn (in Barmston in Holderness), for the soul of Stephen, Earl of Albemarle, and Hawise his wife; and Walter Burdun, (fn. 80) of Winkton, gave to the use of the poor in this hospital land in Hertburn, with a turbary.

The hospital is again mentioned in a mandate, 15 September 1342, (fn. 81) addressed by Pope Clement VI to the Archbishop of York and the Abbots of York and Selby, to receive Maud, relict of Master John de Bramham, physician, as a sister of the hospital.


Considering the frequent allusions to this hospital before the Reformation, remarkably little is known about it. The former position of the hospital is indicated by a farm called St. Giles, on the south bank of the Swale. At the present time there is no bridge near, and it seems probable that when Catterick Bridge was built (c. 1421) an older bridge near St. Giles may have been discarded.

The hospital is alluded to under various names, (fn. 82) but the formal designation appears to have been that of the hospital of St. Giles, juxta pontem de Brunton, or de ponte de Brunton. In the chartulary of St. Agatha's Abbey, Easby, (fn. 83) there are some transcripts of 13th-century deeds relating to the possessions of the hospital, many of which the brothers of St. Giles exchanged for others with the canons of Easby. These lands lay in Marske, Scotto.n, Newton Morrell, &c. Unfortunately only one can be dated, as c. 1220, from the name of a witness. The others are undated, and the names of the witnesses are omitted. They indicate, however, that the head was called the custos or magister indiscriminately, and that the brothers were fratres infirmi, who, in the deed of c. 1450, speak of a grant being made assensu capituli nostri, implying that the establishment had the quasi-collegiate character of a larger hospital.

In Kirkby's Inquest it is stated that there were 8 carucates of land in Brompton Brigg, of which the master of St. Giles held 2 bovates. (fn. 84)

There is a seal appended to an indenture dated 29 June 1376 (among Sir John Lawson's manuscripts) between Richard of Richmond and Elizabeth his wife of the one part and Sir Walter de Wendeslaw master of the hospital of St. Giles of Brompton Bridge and the brethren and sisters of the same of the other part. It has a figure (probably St. Giles) and two shields, (a) vair a fesse (Marmion) (b) a bend between six martlets (? Furnival). All that remains of the legend is: ... HOSPIT ... CATERI ... It should be noted that although the hospital is, called Brompton Bridge, the legend on the seal is Catterick. (fn. 85)

Masters or Wardens

Robert, occurs 13th century (after c.1220) (fn. 86)

John de Ellerton, occurs 1305 (fn. 87)

Roger de Skitby, occurs 1338 (fn. 88)

Simon de Wintringham, occurs 1343, (fn. 89) 1352 (fn. 90)

Walter de Wendeslaw, occurs 1376 (fn. 91)

John Hilyard, occurs 1388 (fn. 92) -1402 (fn. 93)

William Lister, occurs 1451 (fn. 94)


  • 1. Dugdale, Mon. Angl. vi (2), 780.
  • 2. Ibid. 609.
  • 3. Grainge, The Vale of Mowbray, 171.
  • 4. Leland, stating that there were four hospitals in Beverley [there were more], says ' S. Giles, where one Wuse, as it is thought, afore the Conquest was. It was belonging to the Bishops of Yorke only to such tyme that Bishop GifFard intitled it to Wartre, a Priorie of Canons in Yorkshire. It came a late to the Erle of Rutheland, and he suppressid it; ' Itin. i, 47 [1532]. The site of the hospital was without Newbiggin bar; Poulson's Beverlac, 778.
  • 5. B.M. Add. Chart. 5720. Thomas, the priest, occurs as ' rector' c. 1213 (Cott. MS. Nero D, iii, fol. 57), and Hugh as 'master' in the 14th century (Cott. MS. Claud. D, xi, fol. 168).
  • 6. Archbp. Gray's Reg. (Suit. Soc.), 8.
  • 7. Archbp. Giffard's Reg. (Surt. Soc.), 259. Hugh occurs as warden in 1269; Baildon, Mon. Notes i, 11.
  • 8. Archbp. Giffard's Reg. (Sort. Soc.), 259.
  • 9. Chart. R. 14 Edw. I, no. 39. The presence of 'conversi' in the hospital may be noted.
  • 10. York Archiepis. Reg. Wickwane, fol. 25 b.
  • 11. York Archiepls. Reg. Arundel, fol. 13b.
  • 12. Ibid. Bowett, fol. 180b.
  • 13. See an instance of this in the account of Arden.
  • 14. York Reg. of Wills, iv, fol. 137b.
  • 15. a Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 242, no. 72.
  • 16. Itin. i, 47 (quoted Beverley Chapter Act Book [Surt. Soc.], ii, 346).
  • 17. York Archiepis. Reg. Romanus, fol. 7.
  • 18. George Poulson, Beverlac, 774.
  • 19. Baildon, op. cit. i, 11.
  • 20. York Archiepis. Reg. Kemp, fol. 132.
  • 21. Beverley Chapter Act Book (Surt. Soc.), ii, 320.
  • 22. Assize R. 1046, m. 55.
  • 23. Baildon, op. cit. i, 11.
  • 24. York Archiepis. Reg. A. Nevill, fol. 93b.
  • 25. Ibid. Bowett, 176b.
  • 26. Ibid. Kemp.
  • 27. Ibid. W. Booth, fol. 44.
  • 28. Ibid.
  • 29. Ibid. Rotherham, fol. 3.
  • 30. Ibid. Savage, fol. 24.
  • 31. Ibid. Lee, fol. 71.
  • 32. Ibid.
  • 33. Poulson, Beverlac, 785. See also p. 729.
  • 34. Ibid. 784.
  • 35. Ibid. 786.
  • 36. Ibid. 787.
  • 37. Ibid. 788-790, quoting Lansd. MS. 896, fol. 134.
  • 38. York Reg. of Wills, iii, fol. 524.
  • 39. Ibid. fol. 392.
  • 40. Beverley Chapter Act Book (Surt. Soc.), ii, 346.
  • 41. Ibid.
  • 42. York Reg. of Wills, iii, fol. 392.
  • 43. Ibid, iv, fol. 46.
  • 44. Ibid. fol. 81.
  • 45. Ibid. fol. 196b.
  • 46. Ibid. fol. 148.
  • 47. Ibid. fol. 46.
  • 48. Ibid. fol. 57.
  • 49. Ibid. fol. 148.
  • 50. York Reg. of Wills, iv, fol. 81.
  • 51. Ibid. fol. 96b.
  • 52. Poulson, Beverlac, App. 37.
  • 53. Poulson, Beverlac, 771.
  • 54. York Reg. of Wills, iii, fol. 392.
  • 55. Ibid, iv, fol. 46.
  • 56. Ibid. fol. 148.
  • 57. Ibid. fol. 81.
  • 58. Ibid. fol. 96b.
  • 59. Ibid. fol. 195.
  • 60. Poulson, Beverlac, App. 36.
  • 61. Poulson, Beverlac, 773.
  • 62. Ibid. 727.
  • 63. York Reg. of Wills, iv, fol. 96b.
  • 64. Poulson, Beverlac, 799.
  • 65. Mins. Accts. bdle. 1084, no. 19.
  • 66. a Yorks. Rec. Soc. xlii, 139, 151.
  • 67. York Archiepis. Reg. Kemp, fol. 373.
  • 68. Pope Nich. Tax. (Rec. Com), 305.
  • 69. Early Chan. Proc. bdle. 75, no. 15.
  • 70. York Reg., of Wills, vi, fol. 139.
  • 71. a Cal. Pat. 1388-92, p. 156.
  • 72. b Ibid. 1399-1401, p. 3.
  • 73. Baildon, op. cit. i, 17.
  • 74. York Archiepis. Reg. Kemp, fol. 373.
  • 75. Ibid.
  • 76. York Reg. of Wills (Yorks. Arch. Soc.), vi, fol. 139.
  • 77. Exch. K.R; Accts. bdle. 76, no. 8. Thomas Pierson had been assigned 100s. yearly, the full value of his benefice, and was in receipt of this pension in 6 Edw. VI.
  • 78. Cal. of Papal Letters, iii, 86.
  • 79. Poulson, Hist, and Antiq. of the Seigniory of Holderness, i, 225. Burton, Mon. Ebor. 245, places these gifts in Winkton and not Hertburn, but his authorities for his statements are in his yet unprinted Appendix. Poulson's statement seems, on the face of it, correct.
  • 80. Poulson, Hist, and Antiq. of Holderness, i, 225.
  • 81. Cal. of Papal Letters, iii, 86.
  • 82. In 1338 it is alluded to as the hospital of St. Giles at Burgh (Brough) near Catterick, and in 1388 as the hospital of St. Giles near Richmond; Baildon, op. cit. i, 33. In 1352 it is called the hospital of St. Giles near Catterick.
  • 83. Egerton MS. 2827, fol. 111, 127, 269, 269b.
  • 84. Kirkby's Inq. (Surt. Soc.), 174. Mr.. Skaife, the editor, identifies Brompton Brigg with Brompton on Swale.
  • 85. Inform, given by Mr. H. B. McCall, Kirklington Hall, near Bedale.
  • 86. Easby Chartul. (Egerton MS. 2827), fol. 111, &c.
  • 87. Baildon, op. cit. i, 33.
  • 88. Ibid.
  • 89. Whitaker, Richmondshire, ii, 177.
  • 90. Assize R. 1129, m. 17.
  • 91. Sir John Lawson's MS.
  • 92. Baildon, op. cit. i, 33.
  • 93. a Cal. of Papal Letters, v, 469.
  • 94. Whitaker, Richmondshire, ii, 32.