A History of the County of York: the City of York. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1961.
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'Index: A - K', in A History of the County of York: the City of York, ed. P M Tillott (London, 1961), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/city-of-york/pp547-560 [accessed 9 March 2025].
'Index: A - K', in A History of the County of York: the City of York. Edited by P M Tillott (London, 1961), British History Online, accessed March 9, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/city-of-york/pp547-560.
"Index: A - K". A History of the County of York: the City of York. Ed. P M Tillott (London, 1961), British History Online. Web. 9 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/vch/yorks/city-of-york/pp547-560.
The following abbreviations have been used: Abp., Archbishop; Alex., Alexander; And., Andrew; Anglo-Scand., Anglo-Scandinavian; Ant., Anthony; Art., Arthur; Ave., Avenue; Ben., Benjamin; bldg., building; Bp., Bishop; Cath., Catherine; Ch., Church; Chap., Chapel; char., charity; Chas., Charles; Chris., Christopher; Coll., College; Ctss., Countess; Cttee., Committee; Cuth., Cuthbert; d., died; Dan., Daniel; Dchss., Duchess; dist., district; E.R., East Riding; Edm., Edmund; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; Emp., Emperor; fam., family; fl., flourished; Fred., Frederick; gen., general; Geo., George; Geof., Geoffrey; Greg., Gregory; Hen., Henry; Herb., Herbert; Hosp., Hospital; ind., industry; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; jr., junior; Kath., Katherine; Ld., Lord; lib., liberty; libr., library; m., married; manuf., manufacture; Marg., Margaret; Mat., Matthew; Meth., Methodist; Mic., Michael; mkt., market; mod., modern; mtg., meeting; N.R., North Riding; Nat., Nathaniel; Nat. Sch., National School; Nic., Nicholas; p.h., public house; par., parish; Pat., Patrick; Phil., Philip; Prim. Meth., Primitive Methodist; Rd., Road; Ric., Richard; Riv., River; Rly., Railway; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; Rom., Roman; Rom. Brit., Romano British; Rom. Cath., Roman Catholic; s., son; Sam., Samuel; Sch., School; Sim., Simon; Soc., Society; Sq., Square; sr., senior; St., Street; Steph., Stephen; Terr., Terrace; Thos., Thomas; Vct., Viscount; vill. and gen. dist., village and general district; w., wife;
W.R., West Riding; Wal., Walter; Wes., Wesleyan; Wm., William; Y., York; Yorks., Yorkshire.
Aaron, of Lincoln, 47.
Aaron, s. of Joce, 48.
abattoir, municipal, 281, 283-5.
Abbey Mills, see St. Mary's Abbey.
Abbot, Geo., 433.
Aberdeen, 108.
Academic Trust, see Y. Academic Trust.
Acaster, Alan, 100, see also Acastre.
Acaster Malbis (W.R.), see Malbysse.
Acaster Selby (W.R.), 180, 473.
Acastre, John de and his w. Iseult, 371, see also Acaster.
Acom, see Akum.
Acomb, vill. and gen. dist. of, 1, 3078, 313, 316, 321, 367, 376, 382, 384, 409, 412, 415, 461-3, 478, 535; Friends' Mtg., 406; library, 536; see also Slaton.
Acomb Chap. (Acomb Green or Benson's), 406, 415 n.
Acomb Ch. Sch., 441.
Acomb County Primary Schs. (Acomb and Knapton Board Sch.), 419, 440.
Acomb County Secondary Sch., 440.
Acomb Green, 441.
Acomb Hall, see Acomb Maternity Hosp.
'Acomb Hob Moor', see Hob Moor.
Acomb Infants' Sch., 536.
Acomb Landing, bath, 467; waterworks, 461.
Acomb Maternity Hosp. (Acomb Hall), 467, 470-1.
Acomb Moor, 1, 316-17.
Acomb Moor Housing Estate, 413, 458.
Acomb Nursery Sch., 454.
Acomb Rd., 287, 411, 507.
Acomb Ward, 321.
Acres Farm, 470.
Acts of Parliament, see statutes.
Acum, see Akum.
Adam, parson of St. Crux, 377.
Adams, Thos., 497.
Adcock, Wm., 210, 475.
Addingham (W.R.), 10.
Addleshaw, Canon G. W. O., 395 n.
Admiral Hawke, p.h., 407.
Adult Schools, Central, Cumberland House, Herbert House, Hope St., 460; Balmoral Terr., Redeness St., Walworth St., 406.
Ælfgifu, dau. of King Ethelred, m. Uhtred, 14.
Ælfhelm, Earl, 14.
Ælflœd, dau. of Earl Ealdred, m. Earl Siward, 15.
Ælfric, 334.
Ælfwald, King of Northumbria, 6.
Ælla, King of Northumbria, 9, 10.
Ælle, King of Deira, 3.
aerodrome, 308, 481; Yorks. Aviation Services Country Club Ltd., 481.
Æse (? fl. 11th cent.), 334, 392.
Æthelberg, Princess of Kent, 4.
Æthelberht, Abp., 5, 7, 8, 332-3, 337, 343.
Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, 11.
Æthelfrith, King of Deira, 3.
Æthelheard, Ealdorman, 6.
Æthelred II, King of Northumbria, 335.
Æthelred Moll, King of Northumbria, 6.
Æthelred Unræd, see Ethelred.
Æthelweard, chronicle of, 11, 335.
Æthelwold, King of Danish Y., 11.
Agar, Francis, 436; Jos., 305; Thos., Hosp. of, 160, 423-4; fam., 423.
Agricultural and Commercial Bank, 261.
agriculture, around city, 22, 52, 498; husbandmen, 90, 116, 258.
Aguiler, Thos., 43, 79, 100.
Aguillun, Wm., 50.
Aidan, Bp. of Lindisfarne, 4, 343.
Ainsty, The, 33-36, 42, 72, 75, 77, 90, 121, 145, 162, 195-6, 275, 313, 318-19, 320, 469, 475, 492, 493-4, 517; coroner of, 319; levies and musters in, 60-62, 122, 141, 196; liberty of St. Peter in, 496; officers of, 34, 77, 319-20.
Aire, Riv., 18.
Aire and Calder Navigation, 319.
Aiscough, Hen., 201.
Aislaby, Geo., 342.
Akum (Acom, Acum), Joan, 400; John de, 400; John de, jr., 400.
alabasterers, 115.
Alan I, Count (Earl) of Brittany, 23, 397.
Alan III, Count of Brittany, Earl of Richmond, 26.
Alan, s. of Romund, 51.
Alan, of Y. (in Dublin), 42.
Albany Chap., 415.
Albany St. Chap., 415.
Albemarle, Dukes of, see Monck.
Albinus, Rom. governor, 326, 330.
Albion Chap., 409-10, 441.
Albion St., 406, 409.
Albion St. Wes. Sch., 441, 451.
Alcuin, 5-8, 13, 16, 17, 332-3, 337, 343.
Aldborough (N.R.), Rom. rd. to, 330.
Alderman Siddal's Yard, 408.
aldermen, see corp.
Aldsige, abbas or vice-dominus, 9.
Aldwark, 21, 49, 52, 342, 419, 423, 428.
Aldwark Nat. Sch., 441, 449.
Aldwark Wastrel Sch., see Wastrel Sch.
ale, see brewing.
Alexander II, King of Scotland, 28.
Alexander III, King of Scotland, 28.
Alexander III, Pope, 344, 381.
Alexander, priest of All Saints', Pavement, 370.
Alexander, priest of St. Denys's, 379.
Alfred, King, 16.
Alhred, King of Northumbria, 6.
All Saints' Ch., Fishergate, 366, 3689, 382, 385; par., 311-12, 314-15, 386.
All Saints' Ch., North St., 96, 107, 202, 307, 366-7, 369-70, 384, 389, 427, rector of, 428, see also Joye; par., 89, 124, 163-4, 213, 266, 315, 365, 421, 436, 446, char., 420, 427, sch., 253, 427.
All Saints' Ch., Pavement, 46, 107,
201, 209, 251, 302, 351, 365-7,
370-1, 377-8, 393, 400, 402, 403 n,
409, 486-7; churchyard, 486; rector
of, 441, see also Alexander, Cragges,
Raine (Angelo and Jas.), Trevor,
Watson (John).
-, par., 121, 133, 162 n, 163-5, 21314, 227 n, 266, 445; char., 427-8;
char. sch., 428; (with St. Peter-theLittle), sch. (Canon Raine's or Peter
Lane), 441; workhouse, 227 n, 428.
All Saints' Ch., Peaseholme Green, 33, 53, 366-7, 371-2, 377-8, 384, 402, vicar of, see Mell; par., 133, 164, 379.
Allanson, Sir Wm., 180, 186, 191, 202-3, 341.
Allectus, usurping emperor, 328.
Allen, John, 434, 436; Wm., 136.
Allerthorpe (E.R.), 41.
Alma Sophia , ch. of, 332-3.
Almery Garth (L'Aumonerie Garth), 315, 358, 447, 499, 501.
almshouses, 117, 173, 228-9, 237, 420, 421-7, 437-9.
Alne (N.R.), 393; incumbent of, see Lamb (Nat.); see also Flawith.
Alnwick, Alan, 111.
Alnwick (Northumb.), 60.
Alric, Ealdorman of Y., 6.
Alstanmore, Thos., 105.
alum, see dyestuffs.
'Alwald', coins so marked, 11 n.
Alwarthorpe, Thos. de, 370.
Amalgamated Soc. of Railway Servants, 292.
America, emigrants to, 261.
Ampleford, Rob. de, 371.
Ampleforth (N.R.), 180.
Amund, Danish house-carl, 15.
Anchor Inn, 410.
Ancrum Moor (Roxburgh), battle of, 141.
Anderson, Art., 532; R[obert?] H[enry?], 505; Dr. Tempest, 535.
Andrew, Dean Ric., 345, 347.
Andrews, Geo. Townshend, 269, 480.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 6, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19.
Anglo-Scandinavian antiquities, 3325; see also coins, place-names.
Angram (W.R.), 319.
Angrum, Alice de, 394.
Anjou (France), wine from, 42.
Annabella (d. by 1260), 39.
Anne (of Bohemia), Queen, m. King Ric. II, 401.
Anne, Queen, m. King Ric. III (as Dchss. of Gloucester), 61.
Anne, Queen, address to, 240.
Anti Corn Law League, see politics.
Antioch, Pisidian, see Fronto.
Antoninus Pius, Emp. T. Aelius, 326, 330.
Antonius, Q., Isauricus, 329.
Antwerp (Belgium), 101, 104, 131.
Apollo St. Chap., 414.
apothecaries, see chemicals.
Appendage, The, 471.
Appleby, see Peter of.
Appleton, Nun (W.R.), see Milner (Sir Wm. M.).
Aprilis, C., a centurion, 329.
Aquitania, 332.
Archbishop Holgate's Grammar Sch., 153 n, 158, 199, 253, 299, 384, 411, 420, 441-2, 447, 451, 458.
archbishops, see province and diocese.
Arches, fam., 50.
Archil (fl. 1069), 18.
Archil (fl. 1086: ? = Archil fl. 1069), 22.
Archis, Osbert de, 22.
architects, 259; see also Andrews, Atkinson (J. B. and W., Peter jr., Peter sr. and Thos.), Bevans, Boyle, Brierley (W. H. and Wal.), Brierley and Rutherford, Briggs, Burley, Butterfield, Carr (John and Wm.), Dixon (F. W.), Doyle, Etty (John and Wm.), Fisher (Chas.), Fowler, Goldie, Gould, Hall (J. G.), Hansom, Hansom and Welch, Hornsey and Monkman, Illingworth, Johnson (Jas.), Jones (G. F.), Kirby, Langtry-Langton, Mitley, Newstead, Palladio, Peachey, Pritchett, Prosser, Robinson (Peter Fred.), Sanders, Sharp (W. R.), Simpson (Jas.), Taylor (Edw.), Thorpe (W. H.), Vickers and Hugill, Vitruvius, Ward and Leckenby, Watson and Pritchett, Wilkins.
Arden, Thos., 149 n.
Argles, G. M., 307.
Arinbiorn, courtier of Eric Bloodaxe, 13.
Arles (Bouches-du-Rhône), council of, 2.
Arlish, Steph., 435.
Armada, the, 130.
Armagh, Abps. of, see Lombard.
Arminson, Anna Maria, 426.
armour and arms, bought or made in Y., 26, 28, 42, 55-56, 59, 87; for defence of Y., 60, 77, 142, 182, 189, 197; armourers, 115, 141-2, 186, 483, arrowsmiths, 115, fletchers, 59, 87, 95, 116, bows and bow-staves, 102-3, 105, bowyers, 86-87, 93-94, 102, 109, 116, 127, gun makers, 259, helmet-makers, 115, stringers, 116.
Armstrong Patents Co. Ltd., 481.
Armytage, Sir Geo., 243; Sir John, 243.
Arnhale, Ric. of, 391.
arras-makers, see textiles.
Art Gallery (Fine Art and Industrial Institution), 278, 359, 537; Burton Collection, 537, 539; Evelyn Collection, 389; Friends of Y. Art Gallery, 537.
Art Sch., see Sch. of Art.
Arthur, Eliz., 429.
Ascough, Ellen, 434; Lady, 432.
Ashfield (Dringhouses), see Technical Coll.
Ashton, Jessie, 427, 437; —, 391; see also James Ashton playing fields.
Ashton-under-Lyme, see Watson (Wm.).
Aske, Rob., 144, 145.
Askew, Ann, 143.
Askham, John de, and his w. Agnes, 389; Wal. de, 389.
Askham, 'Little', 404.
Askham Bryan (W.R.), 180, 384, 398.
Askham Lane, 458.
Askham Richard (W.R.), 45.
Askil (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
Askwith, Rob., 196.
assemblies, 243, 245, 259, 267, 530, 531-2.
Assemblies of God, 417.
Assembly Rooms, 208, 237, 245, 247, 267, 310, 404, 462, 468, 531-2, 544.
assize, of bread and ale, see weights and measures.
'Association', 'The', see politics.
Association of Voluntary Guides, 309.
astronomers, see Goodricke, Pigott.
Asze (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
Athelstan, King, 10-13, 336.
Atherley, Mrs. T., 418 n.
Atkinson, Eve (Eva), 424, 437; Frances, 432; Geo., 435; J. B. and W., 390, 392, 413; Jas., 535; John, 248; Peter, jr., 118, 248, 471, 493-4, 517, 519, 526, 532, 543; Peter, sr., 231, 235, 248, 392, 471, 519, 526; T., 427; Thos., 207; —, 468; fam., 248.
attorneys, see lawyers.
Auckland, Barons, see Eden.
Audley, Thos., Baron Audley of Walden, 123.
Aughton (E.R.), 369, 391; see also Hay.
Augusta Vindelicium (Augst, Austria), see Baebius.
aulnage, see taxation.
Aumale, see Wm. of.
Aumonerie Garth, L', see Almery Garth.
Aurelius, Marcus, Lunaris, 332.
Austhorpe (W.R.), see Smeaton.
Autgrim (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Avenel (fl. 12th cent.), 50.
Avenue, The, 325 n.
Avenue Rd., 427.
Avenue Schs., see Tang Hall Schs.
Avenue Terr. Chap., 411.
average, rights of, see common lands.
Awdcorne, Alice, 153.
Babington, John, 524.
Backhouse, Jas., 265.
Bad Bargain Lane, 444.
Badlesmere, Wm. de, 523.
Baebius, L., Crescens, 329.
Baggergate Lane, 209 n.
Bagnio, The, 161.
Baile Hill, see Cromwell Rd.
Baile Hill Terr., 493.
bailiffs, of the city, see corp.
Bainbridge, Abp., Chris., 137 n.
Bainbridge (N.R.), 468.
Bairstow, Sir Edw., 357.
Baker, Geo., 269; Jos., 533.
bakers, 36, 41, 99, 114, 167, 218, 222, 252, 485, 495, see also Welburne; guild, 95, 168, 195, 218; bollbakers, 485.
Baldock, Nic., 416.
Baldric, see Hugh, s. of.
Balki (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
Balliol, Edw., titular King of Scotland, 56.
Balmoral Terr. Adult Sch., 406, 449.
Baltic Sea, Y. traders in, 102-5, 130-1, 335.
Bamburgh (Northumb.), 60.
Bampton Well, 316, 319.
Bank, Adam, 369.
banking and banks, 225, 261, 276; see also Agricultural and Commercial Bank; Raper, Swann, Clough, Swann, Bland and Raper; Wentworth, Chaloner, Rishworth & Co.; Wilson, Tweedy and Wilson; Y. City and County Bank; Y. Union Bank; Yorks. District Banking Co.
Bannockburn (Stirling.), battle of, 55.
Baptists (Anabaptists, Calvinistic, General, Home Missionary Soc., Unitarian), 205, 407-8, 425, 439.
Bar Convent (St. Mary's Convent), 248, 252, 419, 442, 446, 452.
Bar Convent Grammar Sch., 199, 205, 253, 442.
Bar Hotel Yard, 361 n.
Bar Lane, 331.
Barber, Jas., 501; —, 393.
barbers and barber-surgeons, 91, 110, 116, 167, 219; guild, 218; see also physicians.
Barden, Ellen, m. Sir John Dawnay, 112; John, 112.
Bardi, Italian merchants, 100-1.
Bardolph, Thos., 5th Baron, 58.
barge, city, see ships.
Barker, Frances, 433; John, 422; Rob., 199; Thos. (fl. 1710), 428; Thos. (d. by 1710), 433.
Barker Hill, see St. Maurice's Rd.
Barker Lane (Gregory Lane), 331, 362, 382.
Barkergate, see St. Maurice's Rd.
Barlby (E.R.), 434, 474.
barley, see grain.
Barleycorn Passage, 283.
Barlow, John, 441; fam., 376.
Barmby on the Moor (E.R.), 521.
Barn (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
Barnack (Northants.), 334.
Barnard, Jas., 428.
Barneby, Ric. de, 374; Sir Sim. de, 402.
Barnet (Herts.), battle of, 61.
Barra, Rob., 156 n.
barracks, 459, 528, 541-2.
bars, 125 n, 161, 173, 185, 188, 209, 236, 262 n, 512, 513-14; bodies displayed on, 57-60; repairs to, 142, 160, 232, 234; watch and keeping of, 74, 77, 120, 192, 194, 252; see also Bootham, Fishergate, Micklegate, Monk, Victoria, Walmgate Bars.
Barstow, Alice, 434; Mic., 422; Hosp. of, 424-5.
Bartholoman, Alex. and his w. Mary, 538.
Bartlett, Dr. J. N., 84 n, 95 n, 113 n.
Barton, Thos., 111-12; Sir Wm., 45.
Baskett, Geo., 540.
Basy, Ric. and his w. Eliz., 392; Rog., 373, 391; fam., 373.
Bate, Dean Herb. Newell, 356.
Bath (Som.), 257.
baths, public, 214, 277, 467, 535; Turkish, see Bagnio; see also Rom. Y.
Batty, Paul, 407.
Bawtry, Sarah, 422.
Bayeux, see Thomas I.
Bayeux (Calvados), Abbey of, 344.
Bayldon and Berry, confectionery manufrs., 225.
Bean, John, 118, 382.
Bean Hills, 489, 491-2.
Bean Hills Gate, see Fishergate Bar.
bear-baiting, see sports and pastimes.
Bearpark's Garden, 535, 537.
Bears, John, 432.
Bebb, Martha, 435.
Beckfield Lane, 412.
Beckfield Lane Housing Estate, 444.
Beckfield Lane Secondary Mod. Sch., 442.
Beckwith, Ambrose, 432; Leonard, 360, 362, 376; Ralph, 117, 361; Dr. Steph., 338, 422, 424, 432-3, 437, 443, 447; Wm., 124, 152.
Bede, Ven., 4-9, 157.
Bedern (the street), 199, 253, 282-3, 343, 408, 417, 442, 455, 459; see also Minster Yard with Bedern, St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Bedern, Back, 283.
Bedern Nat. Sch., 441-2, 444.
Bedern Rom. Cath. Sch., see St. Wilfrid's Schs.
Beecher, Hen. Ward, 289.
Belford (Northumb.), see Burne.
Belina (fl. 1208), 48.
Bell, Jane, 435; John, 434.
Bell Farm Estate, Social Hall in, 418.
Bellator, Flavius, a decurion, 330.
Belle Vue, 471.
Bellerby, Hen., 539; Marion, 423, 437.
Bellingham, Sam., 434.
bellmakers, see metal.
Bellman, see Gerard.
Bellow, (Bellowe), John, 147-8, 360.
Belt, Rob., 178; Sir Wm., 342.
Belton, Hen., 70-71, 101, 370.
Bempton (E.R.), 439.
Benedict (fl. 1190), 47.
Benet, Adam, 42.
'Benet Place', 85.
Benge, John, 369.
Bennet, Sir John, 140, 157.
Bennet's Rents, 377.
Benson, Harriet, m. Geo. Fox, 240; Rob., Ld. Bingley, 240, 242, 253 n.
Benson's Chap., see Acomb Chap.
Beorn (fl. 866), 9.
Berden, John, 378.
Beresford, Ld. Chas., 291; Prof. M. W., 199 n.
Bergen-op-Zoom (Netherlands), 104.
Berners, Ld., see Bourchier.
Bernhardt, Sarah, 534 n.
Berwick upon Tweed (Northumb.), 28, 54-56, 59, 62, 79, 100, 102, 106, 108, 141; see also York (Sir Ric.).
Beseley, Edw. and his w., 153.
Besson, Leonard, 178.
Best, —, 469.
Bevans, John, 471.
Beverley, John, 85 n; Thos., 85 n, 105.
Beverley (E.R.), 26, 100, 104, 144, 180, 187, 533; charter of, 32, 542; minster, 29, 358; rly. to, 478; rd. to, 475.
Bichehill, see Bishophill.
Bickerton (W.R.), 318 n.
Bigot, Sir Francis, 365; fam., 365.
Bilbrough (W.R.), 392.
billiard-tables, makers of, 259.
Bilton, John de, 389.
Bilton St. Sch., 442-3, 449.
Bingley, Baron, see Benson.
Birchall, John, 201-2.
Bird in Hand, p.h., 537.
Birdsall (E.R.), 423.
Birkbeck (Birbeck), Chris., 249, 434; Mary, 428, 434; Morris, 406.
Birks, Edm. Alf., 437.
Birmingham, 258, 477.
Birstall (W.R.), see Nelson (John).
'Bishop Henry', coins of, see Henry, Bp. of Winchester.
'Bishopflete', 319.
Bishopgate St. Ch. Sch., 443.
Bishophill (Bichehill), 21, 32 n, 37, 153 n, 207, 514, 542; char. sch., 158; Friends' Burial Ground, 406.
Bishophill British Girls' Sch., 443.
Bishophill and Clementhorpe Ch. Sch., see St. Clement's Schs.
Bishop's Fields, 1, 4, 89, 187, 190, 313, 317, 390, 480, 498 n, 500.
Bishop's Flete, 314.
Bishopthorpe (W.R.), 392, 395, 461-2, 473; see also province and diocese.
Bishopthorpe Ch. Sch., see St. Clement's Sch.
Bishopthorpe Rd., 313, 360, 412, 427.
bitumen, see building.
'Black Bowl', 239.
Black Death, see public health.
Black Fair, 490.
Black Horse Passage, 362.
Black Swan Inn (Coney St.), 238, 477; (Peaseholme Green), 111.
Blackaller, Geo., 381.
Blackbeard, Nic., 181.
Blackburn, Alice, m. John Bolton, 112; Joan, see Bowes; John, 78, 85 n, 112; Marg., see Ormshead; Nic., jr., 85 n, 107, 370; Nic., sr., 85 n, 98, 105, 109, 111-12, 146 n, 370; fam., 107.
Blacklow Hill (Warws.), 54.
blacksmiths, see metal.
bladesmiths, see metal.
Blage, Wm., 416.
Blake St., 49, 156, 209, 336, 363, 409 n, 434, 467.
Blake St., Little, see Duncombe Place.
'Blake's Square', 409.
Blanchard, Wm., 538.
Blandford (Dors.), 214.
Bleasdale Fields, 471.
Blind Sch., see Yorks. Sch. for the Blind.
Blitheman, Wm., 363.
Bloodaxe, see Eric.
Blossom St. (Ployhsuaingate, Ploxwangate), 287, 324, 330, 332, 336, 424, 446, 450, 452, 535; fair in, 491; Rom. Cath. ch. in, 419; suburb of, 53.
Blue Bridge, 207, 284, 520.
Blue Bridge Lane, 360.
Blue Coat Sch., 219, 229, 235 n, 253, 428, 438, 443, 447, 482.
'Boar Town', 322.
Board of Guardians, see poor relief.
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 156.
Boerhaave, Hermann, 249.
Bohemia, Anne of, see Anne.
Bohemian Brothers, The, 532.
Boldero, Edw. Gale, 236-7.
Bolingbroke (Bolyngbrok), And., 80, 370; Steph., 370; fam., 46.
boll-bakers, see bakers.
bollers, 116.
Bolton, Alice, see Blackburn; Hen., 393 n; John, 105, 112-13, 369.
Bolton (W.R.), Abbey of, 49.
Bolton Percy (W.R.), 335.
Bonamy (fl. 1290), 49.
Bonda (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
bone ind., Anglo-Scand., 334-5; mod., 272; see also Rom. Y.
Boniface V, Pope, 4.
Boniface (Wynfrith), 8.
Bonville, —, m. Hugh, son of Lefwin, 46; fam., 46.
books, printed in Y., 155-6, 250; published in Y., 249; bookbinders, 99, 116, 155-6, 167; book-printers, see Freez (Fred.), Goes, Milner (Ursyn), Violette, Wandsforth; booksellers, 167, 200, 219, 536, see also Bellerby (Hen.), Etherington, Hinxman, Waite (Thos.), Wolstenholme (John); see also printing.
Booth, Abp., Wm., 345; Wm., founder of Salvation Army, 417.
Bootham (borough of), 39-40, 68-69, 174 n, 311, 314, 336.
Bootham (gen. dist. of), 85, 133 n, 189, 311 n, 314, 320, 409, 435, 498.
Bootham (the street), 32, 39, 49-50, 52, 69, 89, 150, 207-10, 216, 249, 315, 325, 330, 357-8, 363, 424, 426, 444, 457, 462, 490, 537.
Bootham Bar, 21, 58, 61, 63, 81, 85, 324, 329, 339, 357-8, 363, 492, 513.
Bootham House, 542.
Bootham Park Hosp. (Y. Lunatic Asylum), 208, 214, 467, 469-70, 471-2, 537.
Bootham Sch., 305, 443-4, 471.
Bootham Stray, 316, 476, 503, 505.
Bootham Stray Mill, see White Cross Mill.
Bootham Ward, 163, 223, 290, 315-16, 436; pasturage, 501-5; poor relief, 171, 214, 226-7.
Bordeaux (Gironde), 57, 91, 131, 322, 330, 332.
Boroughbridge (W.R.), 97, 103, 319; battle of, 523; rd. to, 98, 475-6.
Borthwick, Wm., 483 n.
Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, 310, 483.
Boshale, see Bossall.
Boson, see Osbern.
Bossall (Boshale), And. de, 393.
Boston (Lincs.), 43, 102.
Bosworth (Leics.), battle of, 63.
Botoner (Botomer), Hugh, 401.
Boudicca, 322.
Bough's Yard, 418.
Boulogne (Pas de Calais), 129.
boundaries, of the city, 1, 174, 254, 286, 306, 308, 311-21; county of the city, 69, 89, 318; separation of city and county, 528; see also liberties, 'shires'.
Bourchier, Sir John, Ld. Berners, 60.
Bourges (Cher), see Verecundius.
Bourne, Chas., 537.
bourse, for merchants, 117, 161.
Bower, Tabitha, 228, 429, 437, 439.
Bowes, Dorothy, 427, 429; Joan, w. of John Blackburn, 112; Kath., w. of Rob. Louth, 112; Sir Martin, 140 n, 378, 430, 437, 516, 546; Sir Rob., 141; Thos., 139; Wm. (d. 1439), 79, 91, 111-12; Wm. (d. by 1766), 435.
Bowles, Edw., 203-4, 351.
Bowman, Thos., 409.
bows and bowyers, see armour and arms.
Boyle, Ric., 1st Earl of Burlington, 181, 193; Ric., 3rd Earl of Burlington, 208, 531-2, 544.
Boyne, fam., 282.
Boynton, Marg., 374.
Brabant (Belgium), cloth from, 91; persons from, 41-42, 87, 101.
Bracebridge, Thos., 75 n, 109; Wm., 109.
Brackenbury, John, 61-62.
Bradford (W.R.), 90, 130, 257-9; see also Langtry-Langton, Morley.
Braithwaite (Brathwayt), John, 88, 383, 388, 485; —, 431.
Bramham (W.R.), 97.
Bramham Park (W.R.), 240, 242.
Brandsby (near Easingwold, N.R.), 125.
brass, see metal.
Breary, Sam., 430; Wm., 202; W. (? = Wm.), 429; fam.; 181.
Brecken Hill, 500.
'Brekles Mills', 62.
Bretgate (Brettegate), see Market St.
'Bretgate', 'Little', 49, 52-53.
brewing, 168, hops, 131, see also malt; brewers, 73, 99, 114, 120, 167, 259, guild, 218; ale, export of, 103, prices of, 99, toll on, 495; ale drapers and sellers, 216, 219, 258, alehouse keepers, 219; alehouses, 125 n, 159, 161, 168, 199, 202, 246, 319, see also inns, public houses.
bricks, see building.
bridges, 515-20 (see also under the names of the bridges there listed); in Ainsty, 319; in county, 196; round Y., 98; maintenance and repair of, 69, 123-4, 147, 161, 174, 178, 209, 234, 262, 475, inadequacy, 309; bridgemasters, 72, 74, 82, 124, 134, 182-3, 229, 377, 380, 382, 485, 516, 518.
Bridlington (E.R.), Priory of, 49, 87; St. Ann's Convalescent Home, 432.
Brierley, W. H., 392, 399, 472, 531, 542.
Brierley and Rutherford, 536.
Brigantes, The, 2, 322, 324, 330.
Briggenhall, fam., 385.
Briggs, John, 534.
Briggs's Charity (almshouses), 426.
brimstone, manufactory, 514; Brimstone House, see Red Tower.
Bristol, 85, 108, 122, 255, 261; Corporation of, 438.
Britannia Inferior , 2, 328, 330.
Britannia Place, 282.
British Association for the Advancement of Science, 268, 310.
British Museum, 17; gates and railings of, 273.
British Railways, North Eastern Region, 480; H.Q., 481; see also railways.
British Sugar Corporation, 294.
British Transport Commission, Historical Records branch, 481.
Brito, Petrus (fl. 13th cent.), 336 n.
Britons, 3, 15, 336; King of, see Cadwallon.
Brittany, Count of, see Alan.
Brittany, 103; persons from, 42, 336 n.
Broad, Thos., 200.
Broadway Grove, 542.
Bromholme, Rob. de, 34, 45.
Brompton-on-Swale (N.R.), 426.
Bronze Age, occupation of Y., 322.
Brook St. Chap., 411.
Brook St. Sch., see Groves Wesleyan Sch.
Brooke, Chris., 180, 186, 196; Jas., 180; Sir John, 205; fam., 180.
Brooks, B. G., Esq., 417 n.
brothels, see prostitution.
Brough, Eliz., 433.
Brough on Humber (E.R.), Rom. rd. to, 325.
Brown, Sarah, 430.
Browne, John, 333, 338.
Browney Dike, 223.
Browning, Theophilus, 407.
Brownists, see religion.
Brownlow St., 411, 415.
Broxolme, John, 360.
Bruges (Belgium), 104; persons from, 41.
'Brunanburgh', battle of, 12.
Buck, Geo., 433, 437; Revd. —, 369.
Buckingham, Dukes of, see Stafford, Villiers.
Buckingham House, 161.
buckle makers, see metal.
buckram, see textiles.
Bucktrout, Ric., 538.
Bugthorpe, Nic., 47.
building, 51-52, 85, 106-7, 118-19,
160-1, 185, 207, 232, 248, 260-1,
274, 282, 308.
-, workers: in gen., 43, 86, 93,
167-8, 218, 247, 258-9, 309;
bricklayers, 119, 167, 218, 259;
brickmakers, 119 n, 259, guild, 127;
cementers, 115; masons, 87, 110,
115, 247, 258, 511-12, 517, 519, see
also Grantham (Hugh), Walmesley,
guild, 218, see also carvers; painters,
116, 258-9, guild, 126; plasterers,
91, 115, 200; stainers, 116; tilemakers, 115, 119 n, guild, 127,
tilers, 91, 115; see also architects.
-, materials: bricks, use of in bldg.,
161, 207, brickworks, 464; clapboard, 131; lime, 92, 224; plaster,
92; stone, 51-52, 97, 322, 325-6,
511, 517; tar, 103, 131, bitumen,
105, pitch, 131; tiles, tilehouse, 317,
tile-making, 89; timber, 103, 169;
wainscots, 99, 103, 131.
Building Sch., see Technical Coll.
Bulkley, Steph., 199-200.
Bull, Phineas, 430.
Bull Inn, 105.
Buller, Mark, 423, 437.
Bulmer, Sir Ralph, 395.
Bulmer Wapentake, 20.
Bungalow Hosp., 470.
Bunny, Edm., 200.
Burdone, —, 143.
Burdyke Ave., 419.
Burdyke Sch., 444.
burgage, see tenures.
Burgh, Ric., 60; Wm., 248-50.
Burghley, Baron, see Cecil.
Burgred, King of Mercia, 10.
'burhmenn', see courts.
burial grounds, see cemeteries.
Burleigh, John, 437, 439.
Burley, Benjamin, 480.
Burlington, Earls of, see Boyle.
Burne, John, 142.
Burnholme Sch., 444.
Burrill, John, almshouses of, 427.
Burton, Dr. John ('Dr. Slop'), 242, 248-9, 376; John (fl. 1882), 537; Nic. de, 401; Rog., 74-75, 96; Wm., 105, 109, 402; fam., 364.
Burton, Bishop (E.R.), 468.
Burton Grange (St. Helen's), 459.
Burton Stone Lane (Chapel Lane), 297, 308, 315, 325 n, 364, 415, 4756, 506, 542.
Burton Stone Lane Chap., see New Lendal Cong. Ch.
Burton Stone Lane Meth. Chap., 415.
Burton Stone Lane Sch., see Clifton Sch.
Burton Stone Lane Secondary Mod. Sch., 444, 456.
Burton-upon-Trent (Staffs.), battle of, 523.
Burun, Erneis de, 22, 50, 387.
Bury St. Edmunds (Suff.), 122.
buses, 296, 309, 477-8.
Bussey, Peter, 291.
Bustard Hall, 500.
Bustard Lane, 316.
Bustardthorpe (W.R.), 313 n, 495-6, 500.
Bustardthorpe Closes, 250.
butchers, 35, 41, 89, 99, 107, 114, 120, 167-8, 179, 195, 218, 259, 437, 484-5, see also Clitheroe, Dobson; guild or company of, 34, 44, 218, 437, 481 n, 491, hall of, 481.
butter, trade, 98, 168, 215, 220-1, 225, 260, 476, 486; mkt., 168, 220-1, 487; staith, 210, 221; stand or standard, 221, 260.
Butterfield, Wm., 393.
'Byerd Stones', 315.
Byland (N.R.), Abbey of, 157, 400.
Byns, Ric., 437.
Byrdsell, Thos., 404.
cabinet makers, see carpenters.
Cabrey, Thos., 269, 480.
Cadwallon, King of Britons, 4.
Caeresius, a legionary, 329.
Caerlaverock (Dumfries.), 54.
Caerleon (Monmouth.), 322, 324-5.
Calais (Pas de Calais), 102-4, 125.
Calder, Riv., 224.
Caledonians, the, 2.
Calvert, Jas., 404; Thos., 200, 203, 404.
Cambridge, 20, 221, 498, see also Foster (G. E.); St. Benet's ch. 334; St. John's Coll., 158; University, 249.
Cambridge St., 287.
Camidge, John (fl. 1756), 352-3; John (fl. 1842), 354; Mat., 353; Thos. Simpson, 354.
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick, the actress, 534 n.
Campleshon, 314, 501.
Campleshon Rd., 449.
Candeler, Ric. and his w. Juliana, 387, 431.
candle-wick, see textiles.
Canterbury (Kent), 108, see also Hall (J. G.); abps. of, 27, 58, 64, see also Laud, Theodore, Whitgift; archdeacon of, 344; Cath. Priory of, Prior of, see Conrad.
canvas, see textiles.
'Capon Call', 487.
Cappe, Cath., w. of Newcome Cappe, 253, 447, 456; Newcome, 252-3, 405.
cappers, see clothing.
Caracalla, Emp., 328.
Carausius, usurping emperor, 328.
Carden, John, 378.
carders, see textiles.
card-makers, see textiles.
Cargo Fleet (N.R.), 46.
Carl (fl. 11th cent.), 15.
Carlisle, Earls of, see Hay, Howard.
Carlisle (Cumb.), 6, 26, 41, 43, 54, 59-60, 91, 108, 477; Abbey of, Abbot of, see Eadred; castle, 102.
Carlton Minniot (N.R.), 230, 276.
Carnaby (E.R.), 46.
Carnegie Trust, 536.
Caroline, Queen, w. of Geo. II, 241, 531 n.
Caroline St., 425.
Carpenter, Sam., 200.
carpenters and allied crafts: cabinetmakers, 167, 219, 258; carpenters, 87, 92, 95-96, 115, 167, 218, 258, guild, 94, 96, 126; cartwrights, 116; joiners, 115, 136, 167, 218, 247, 258, 292, guild (sometimes with carpenters), 126, 218; sawyers, 115; turners, 116; upholsterers, 86, 99, 116; wheelwrights, 116; see also coaches, coopers.
carpets, see textiles.
Carr, John (fl. 15th cent.), 98; John (d. 1807), 208-9, 245-8, 469, 526; Ursula, 428; Wm., 208, 496.
Carr, The, 367.
Carr Primary Schs., 444.
Carriage Works, see railways.
carriers and carters, 41-42, 116, 258, 273, 477.
Carroll, R., Esq., 191 n, 192 n.
Carter, John, 90, 110.
Carthorpe (N.R.), 389.
cartwrights, see carpenters.
carvers, 115, 127, 142, 158, 215, 2478, guild, 218; see also Etty (John and Wm.), Fisher (John, Ric. and fam.), Gibbons, Mitley, Taylor (Mic.); see also alabasterers, marblers.
Cass, Eliz., 434.
-, Danish, 10, 12; Norman (undifferentiated), 21-22, 510, 521, 528.
-, York Castle (i.e. on east bank of
Riv. Ouse): in gen., 17-19, 27, 47,
51, 55, 67, 87, 335, 462, 508, 511,
521-8; chap. in, 371, 403, 521,
Rom. Cath. chap., 527-8; clerk of
works, 524; Clifford's Tower, 161,
189, 521-5, governor of, see Cobb
(Francis); constable, custos, keeper
of, 47, 523-4, see also, Badlesmere,
Eyvill, FitzOsbern, FitzRichard,
Kirkeby, Mowbray (Wm. de),
Neville (Rob.), Ryther, Ughtred;
defence of, serjeanty tenure for,
521-2; ditches and moat, 18, 27,
211, 509, 514, 521; gallows, 497;
gate, serjeanty tenure for keeping,
29, 522, 524, see also Doget; liberty
of, 311, 319, 528; Moot (Common)
Hall, 522-5; prisons in, 27, 58, 85,
118, 136, 153, 358, 439-40, 493-4,
496, 522-8, 536, 541, gaol keeper,
29, 524, see also Redhead, prisoners
in, 27, 54-55, 57, 59, 85, 208, 292,
406, 523, Discharged Prisoners Aid
Soc., 440; record repository in, 526;
watchman, 524; yard of, 187, 329,
331-2, 528.
-, Old Baile (i.e. castle on west bank
of Riv. Ouse), 49, 68, 510-11, 521,
528-9; prison in, 497.
see also courts, Yorkshire (sheriff
Castle Hill, see Castlegate.
Castle Mills, 41, 67, 281, 506, 507-9, 510, 520.
Castle Mills Bridge, 477, 508, 519-20.
Castle Mills Chap., see St. George's Chap.
Castle Mills Lock, 464, 475.
Castle Museum, 309, 402, 528, 536.
Castleford (W.R.), 18, 19, 324.
Castlegate (Castle Hill), 48-49, 89, 208, 225, 284, 319, 325, 331, 334, 362, 424, 447, 470, 477, 521, 528, 535, 539-40; Catholic Apostolic mtg. in, 417; Meth. mtg. in, 413.
Castlegate Council Sch., 444, 452-3, 457.
Castlegate Higher Grade Sch., 453.
Castlegate Lane, see Tower St.
Castlegate Postern, 160, 162, 362, 490, 513 n, 514, 519, 525.
Castlegate Rom. Cath. Sch., 444.
Castlegate Ward, 289, 315, 321.
catering and victualling, 28, 43, 86, 114, 127, 137, 167-8, 218; victuallers, 98-99, 168; see also bakers, butchers, cooks, foodstuffs, inns, public houses.
cathedral, see St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Catherine (Howard), Queen, w. of Hen. VIII, 145.
Catholic Apostolic Church, 417.
cattle, mkt., 41, 98, 260-1, 274, 277, 294, 479, 486-7, 489, 490-1, 539; fair, 490-1.
Cave, Hen., 389.
Cavendish, Ld. John, 243-4; Wm., 4th Duke of Devonshire, 532; Wm., Duke of Newcastle, 175, 188-90.
Cawood (W.R.), 97, 425.
Cecil, Rob., 1st Earl of Salisbury, 182 n, 195; Thos., 2nd Baron Burghley, 154; Wm., Baron Burghley, 140, 524, 530.
celebrations and entertainments, public, 155, 199, 240-1, 243, 246, 267, 289, 293, 482, 485; see also corp. (ceremonial).
cementers, see building.
cemeteries (burial grounds, churchyards), Anglian, 3; Jewish, 47-49; military, 466; mod., 118, 281, 3312, 368, 406, 443, 466-7, Y. Public Cemetery Co., 466; see also Rom. Y.
Cemetery Rd., 411, 413-14; schoolchapel, 411.
Centenary Chap., 305-6, 410, 412, 418, 439.
Centenary Meth. Circuit, 409-13, 439.
Central Mission, 409, 416-17, 418.
Cerf, Adam le, 45-46, 53; — le, 53.
Cerialis, Petillius, legionary commander, 2, 324.
Chadwick, Ann, 431; Sir Edwin, 279; Mary F. V., 426.
chaloners, see textiles.
Chaloner's Whin Junction, 478.
chamberlains, see corp.
Chambers, Ric., 435.
Champagne (France), 91.
Chandler, Ric., 538.
chandlers, 116.
chantries, 53, 110-11, 117-18, 122-3, 143, 146, 149, 368, 369-404; see also St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Chantril, Ann, 426.
Chapel Flat, 501.
Chapel Lane, see Burton Stone Lane.
Chapel Row, 410, 423.
chapels, see nonconformity.
Chapman, Jas., 540; John, 157 n; Julia, 439; W. C., Esq., 453 n.
chapmen, 100, 103, 114; see also Gryssop.
Chapter House St., 339-40, 384.
charities, 53, 111, 134, 170, 173, 184, 228-30, 232-3, 237, 262, 266, 275, 277, 420-40 (see also under the names of the chars. and donors there listed); Y. Charitable Soc., 306, 437; Y. Charity Trustees, 420, 4224, 426-9, 431, 433, 437-9.
Charlemagne, 8, 9.
Charles I, King, 156, 497, 530; in Y., 185-7, 198-9, 339, 341, 350, 463, 530.
Charles II, King, 192-3, 199.
Charles Edward, The Young Pretender, 242.
Charles the Simple, King of W. Franks, 12.
Charlesworth, C., Esq., 274 n, 293 n.
charters, to city, 31-33, 69, 173-5, 194-5, 198, 202, 225, 313.
Chartists, see politics.
Chatham, Earls of, see Pitt.
Chatwin, Emma, 468.
Chaucer St., 413.
Chaumont, Gace de, 45; fam., 87.
Cheke, Hen., 152.
chemicals (pharmaceutical), manuf. and trade, 225, 272-4, chemists, 258; apothecaries, 110-11, 173, 179, see also Damme.
Cheriton, Wal., 101.
Cherry Hill, 330, 413.
Cherry St., 451.
Chest Clinic, see public health.
Chester, Earls of, see Hugh, Rannulf II.
Chester, Wm., 74.
Chester, 11, 21, 76, 257, 322, 324-5, 336 n; see also Harrison (Thos.).
Chester-le-Street (Co. Durham), 335 n.
Cheviot Hills, 4.
Chichester, Bp. of, see Lake.
china, dealers, 259.
chocolate, ind., 225, 274; see also Rowntree & Co. Ltd., Terry & Co.
cholera, see public health.
Cholmeley, Sir Hen., 525; — (fl. 1572), 125.
Christ Church, see Holy Trinity (King's Court), Holy Trinity (Micklegate), Holy Trinity Priory.
Christadelphians, 416-17.
Christian Brethren, see Plymouth Brethren, 'exclusive'.
Christian Scientists, 417.
Christian Spiritualist Church, 417.
Christies, Messrs. (London auctioneers), 537.
Church of Christ, see Assemblies of God.
Church (Ecclesiastical) Commissioners, 369, 372, 375, 377-9, 383, 386-7, 390-1, 393, 395, 398, 402, 430-1, 435, 442.
Church Extension Assoc., 444.
'Church Lane', 283.
Church Pastoral Aid Soc., 391.
Church School Co., 459.
Church St. (Girdlergate), 89.
churches (parish), 23, 51-52, 107, 111, 117-18, 150, 160, 162, 189, 200, 204, 248, 251, 260, 302-3, 306, 365-404 (see also under the dedications of the chs. there listed); inquiry into, see province and diocese (abps.); parochial councils of, 303; rates in, 151, 163, 303; see also chantries, obits, parishes, religion.
Cimiterio , de, Jas., 380.
cinemas, 302, 534-5.
Cinque Ports, 36, 48.
Cistercians, council of at Y., 27.
Citell (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
City Arms Inn, 489.
City Commissioners, see corp.
City Hosp., 467, 468-9, 506.
City Institution, see workhouses.
City Palace Cinema, see Rialto Cinema.
Civic Trust, see Y. Civic Trust.
Civil Defence, training centre for, 414.
clapboard, see building.
Clapham, Eliz., 430; John, 430.
Clarence, Duke of, see George.
Clarence Gardens, 489.
Clarence St., 364, 411, 535.
Clarendon, Earls of, see Hyde.
Clarevaux, John, 46; Nic., 53; Rob., 45, 47; Sir Thos., 45-46; Wm., 46; fam., 53, 87, 112.
Clark, Wm., 460.
Clarke, Sam., 544.
Claxton Hall (N.R.), 542.
Clayborough, Wm., 148.
Clayby, John, 149.
Clayton, — (fl. before 1736), 215.
Clement, Abbot of St. Mary's, 365.
Clement St., 425.
Clementhorpe (gen. dist. of, sometimes the 'par.' of St. Clement's Priory), 20, 50, 108, 287, 311, 31315, 330, 377, 391, 498, 503, 507.
Clementhorpe (the street), 360.
Cleveland (dist. N.R.), 476.
Cliffe (E.R.), 369.
Clifford, Hen., 10th Baron, 64, 111; Hen., 14th Baron, 64; Hen. de, 2nd Earl of Cumberland, 141; Hen., 5th Earl of Cumberland, 525; John, 13th Baron, 59; Rob., 60; Sir Rog. de, 521 n; fam., 521 n.
Clifford St., 333-4, 406, 417, 457, 463, 466, 478, 536.
Clifford's Tower, see castles.
Clifton, Alice de, m. John de Wythornsee, 496; Ellen de, see Ellen, dau. of Phil. the larderer; John de, 496.
Clifton (the street), 330, 411, 499.
Clifton (township, vill., gen. dist of), 50, 240, 286-7, 311 n, 325, 331, 398-9, 409, 411, 461-2, 476; annexation of, 1, 174 n, 320; char. in, 429, 437; lands in, 372, 387, 395, 401, 428; manor of, 503; pasturage in, 316, 499, 501, 503; see also Clifton Within, Clifton Without.
Clifton Asylum, see Yorks., N.R.
Clifton Chap., 411, 439.
Clifton Cinema, 535.
Clifton Cottage, 411.
Clifton Fields, 187.
Clifton Green, 396.
Clifton Grove, 507.
Clifton Ings, 245.
Clifton Lodge, 287, 289.
Clifton Meth. Circuit, 409, 411.
Clifton Mill (Lady Mill), 315, 506.
Clifton Moor, 499.
Clifton Sch., 444.
Clifton Ward, 321.
Clifton Within, par., 313.
Clifton Without, par., 308, 313, 481.
Clinton, Geof. de, 31.
Clitheroe, John, 153; Marg., w. of John, 153.
clockmakers, 99, 166-7, 218, 259, 485.
cloth, see textiles.
clothing ind. and workers: cappers, 69, 89, 114, 127, guild, 127; couchers, 116; drapers, 43, 67, 71, 79, 88-90, 102, 114, 170, 179, 180, see also Allen (Wm.), Hutton (Wm.), Redehode, Santon (John), guild, 44, 90, 127, linen-drapers, 114, 259, woollen-drapers, 259; embroiderers, 114, 127; furs, 42, 45, 99 ('firrs'), 215; glovers, 91, 94, 115, 127, guild, 44, 96, 170, 218, mod. manuf., 259, 272; haberdashers, 114, 127, 167, 179, 195, guild, 127, 170, hall, 161, 423; habit-makers, 259; hatters, 116, 127, felt-hat maker, 108, hat makers, 259, straw-bonnet makers, 259, hat manuf., 215, milliners, 127, 259, guild, 170; hosiers, 43, 77, 90, 114, 170, 179, guild, 44; mercers, 88, 99, 103, 114, 167, see also Collinson (Ric. and Rob.), Lylling, Ward (Rob.), company, see Merchant Adventurers; sempstresses, 114; stay makers, 259; tailors (craftsmen), 43, 87-92, 96, 100, 114, 120, 127, 143, 167, 169, 218, 259, see also Carter, guild, 90, 127, see also Merchant Tailors, St. John the Bap. guild; vestment makers, 94, 114, 127, 157; see also cordwainers.
Clough, Ric., 220.
'Cloveshoo', Council of, 343.
Clowes, Wm., 413.
Cnut, King, 14, 15, 335 n, 336.
Cnut, ? = Siefred, q.v.
Coach and Horses Inn, 433.
coaches, 198, 208, 247, 270, 477; coach-drivers, -keepers, -owners, 258; coach horse grooms, 258; coach-masters, 219.
coal, trade, 98, 131, 215, 223-4, 228, 257, 261-2, 271-2, 462, 473, 480, see also Middleton Colliery Co.; price of, 125, 257, 269, 272, 295, 463; colliers, 116.
Coates, Alex., 408; Thos., 430.
Cobb, Sir Francis, 525; Hen., 538; John, 433.
Cobbe, Gerald, Esq., 354 n.
cobblers, see cordwainers.
Coc (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Cockburn, Dean Wm., 303, 353.
Cockpit, The, 246.
cocoa, manuf., 225, 274; see also Rowntree & Co. Ltd., Terry & Co.
coffee, roasting, 246, 272; sale of, 225; coffee houses, 199, 246, 287.
Coffee Yard, 249, 408-9, 417, 537-8.
Coifi (fl. 627), 4.
coins, forging of, 62; medieval, 29 n, 67; pre-Norman, 8, 10, 11 n, 13, 16, 335-6; see also mints, Rom. Y.
Coke, Sir Edw., 137.
Colchester (Essex), 20, 108.
Cole, —, 152.
Cole St., 455.
Coleclough, J. E., Esq., 453 n, 460 n, 465 n, 467 n.
Coleman, John, 534.
Colle, Thos., 101.
College Green, 340.
College St. (Vicars' Lane, Little Alice Lane), 339-40, 413, 459.
College St. Chap., 252, 406-7, 408.
Colliergate, 111-12, 180, 374, 418-19, 426, 463, 477, 542.
Collingham (W.R.), Turnpike, see Wetherby.
Collinson, Ric., 103; Rob., 88.
Cologne (Nordrhein-Westfalen), 109.
Colphen, fam., 282.
Colton, Thos., 404-5, 439; Thos. and Mary, Hosp. of, 425.
Colton (W.R.), 45.
Colvin, H. M., Esq., 521 n.
Coly, Thos., 94.
Colyns, Lancelot, 144.
comb smiths, see textiles.
Comber, Thos., 200, 205.
combs, manuf., 225, 272; combmakers, 219, 258, 273, see also Land, Steward (E. and Geo.).
commander, of Y., see military affairs.
Commercial Sch., see Technical Coll.
Commercial Inn, 477.
Commodus, Emp., 326.
common council, see corp.
Common Hall, see Guildhall.
Common Hall Lane, 223, 361.
common lands and strays, 1, 52, 77, 123, 125 n, 179, 207, 292, 313, 31518, 320, 498-506; common bull of, 185; common herd of, 503; disputes about, 64, 69, 80, 82-83, 138; inclosure of, 62, 144, 195, 318; pasture masters of, 245, 275, 318, 502-4.
commune, see corp.
Comper, J. N., 356.
Comyn, John, 28.
Condé (Nord), 335 n.
Coney St. (Cuningestret), 32, 37, 45, 47-52, 156, 207, 247, 308, 324, 336, 407, 417, 431-2, 461-2, 477, 535, 538-40.
Coney St., Old, see Lendal.
Coney Street Ward, 315.
confectionery, manuf., 225, 259, 2724, 292-3, 301, 309, see also Bayldon and Berry, Craven & Co., Rowntree & Co. Ltd., Terry & Co., Y. Confectionery Co. Ltd.; see also chocolate.
Congregational Union, President of, see Parsons (Jas.).
Congregationalists, 406-7, 425.
Conrad, Prior of Canterbury, 344.
Conservative Club, see politics.
Conservative Party, see politics.
Consett, Chris., 178.
Constantine, Emp., 2, 8, 329.
Constantine, King of Scots, 11.
Constantius Chlorus, Emp., 2, 328-9.
Convocation, see province and diocese.
Conyers, Brian, 72, 109; Chris., 109; Eliz., see Nelson; John, 200.
Conyngham, Lady, 422, 424, 426.
Cook, Edw., 434; Miles, 138.
Cooke, Troughton & Simms, 308.
cooks, 67, 99, 114; guild, 218.
Cookson, —, 440.
Cooper, Ann Eliza, 433; Ant. Ashley, 1st Earl of Shaftesbury, 193; T. P., 507-8, 540; Wm., 533.
Co-operative Hall, 417.
Co-operative Soc., see Y. Co-operative Soc.
coopers, 82, 86, 116, 219.
Copmanthorpe (W.R.), 313, 318, 38990, 462; chap., 390; 'le Tempyll', 390; Knights Templar of, 508.
Coppergate, 49, 334, 336, 396, 409, 428, 477, 485-6, 538-40.
Copsi (fl. 1066), 15.
Corbridge, Abp. Thos., 30.
Cordukes, —, 292.
cordwainers, 67, 89, 91-92, 95-96, 115, 127, 143, 167, 218, shoemakers, 115, 258-9, see also Crossfield; guild, 96, 170, 423, hall, 164, 423, 481, 487, maison dieu, 423, 437; cobblers, 115, guild, 170; shoes, sale of, 87, 99, 486.
Cordwaner, Alice, 394; Nic. le, 394.
corn, see grain.
Cornbrough (N. R.), 45, 433.
Cornlands Rd., 419.
Cornwall, Earls of, see Gaveston.
Cornwall, Wm., 220, see also Cumberland House.
Cornwallis, Eliz., dau. of Sir Wm., m. 1st Vct. Lumley, 440.
Cornyssh, Jas., 128.
coroner, see courts.
-, gen. hist. of, 26 (commune), 3337, 60-61, 65-69, 70-75, 77-79,
80-84, 135-40, 173-86, 229-40,
262-6, 268, 275-81, 281-7, 293,
295-300, 309; offices and council
chambers of, see Guildhall, Mansion
House, Ouse Bridge.
-, City Commissioners (later Local
Board of Health, united with
corp. 1872): in gen., 264-5, 275-6,
281-2, 461, 464, 480, finances, 278,
police stn., 466, sanitary cttee., 279;
Local Board of Health Cttee.,
275-6, 282-5, 513, Inspector of
Nuisances of, 283.
-, committees: audit, 183, 229,
238 n, 277; bread and coal stocks
inquiry, 228; common lands inquiry,
504; commons' rights inquiry, 239;
corn tolls inquiry, 486-7; education,
437, 456; election fraud inquiry,
240-1; electricity, 463; estates, 537;
finance, 299; finance, inquiry into,
235, 263-4; fish market regulation,
222; freemen, inquiry into, 166,
216, 218, 231, 238 n; improvement
acts inquiries, 237, 263; industry,
encouragement of, 294; leases, 178,
183-4, 230, 238 n, 543; library, 457;
Mansion House building, 238 n,
543-4; manufactory inquiry, 220;
Ouse Navigation, 262, 264, 472;
reform, 1713, 211, 215, 218, 235,
237; Spurriergate improvement,
265; Technical Instruction, 457,
537; tramways, 463; Watch, 276,
282, 466; water supply inquiry,
460; wheat shortage inquiry, 221-2.
-, finance: in gen., 30-31, 35-36,
65-67, 72-74, 83, 122-5, 144, 1836, 188-9, 229-36, 239, 263-4, 276-8,
295, 299-300, 309; the fee farm, 22,
27, 30-31, 33, 35, 40, 62, 65-66,
71-73, 123, 139, 232, 234, 313, 318,
437, 495, 511-12, 515, 522.
-, records: repository for, 543;
transferred to pub. libr., 536; inspection by Drake, 249.
-, ceremonial: arms, 546; entertainments and feasts, 57, 61, 63, 138,
179, 184-5, 194, 199, 229, 233-4,
238, 318, fishing day, 179, 235, 238;
insignia (cap of maintenance,
chains, maces, swords), 69-70, 197,
545-6; livery 78, 140, 178-9, 238;
plate, 229, 238, 242, 263, 546; seals,
33, 82-83, 544-5.
-, elected officers:
-, mayor (lord mayor): gen. hist. of
the office, 33-36, 56-57, 60-61, 6768, 70-72, 79, 82-83, 104, 130,
137-9, 179-80, 236, 239, 243, 287;
designation 'my lord', 70; ex-officio
appointments, clerk of the mkt.,
484, 487, escheator, 69, 318, J.P.,
69, 318, royal serjeant-at-arms, 66;
insignia and seals of, see above
ceremonial; lists of, 546; lord
mayor's day, 178, 238; salary and
allowance, 70-71, 73, 83, 123, 185,
221-2, 232-3, 263, 486; see also,
Allanson, Barton (Thos.), Beckwith
(Wm.), Belton, Benson (Rob.),
Bolingbroke (And.), Bowes (Wm.,
d. 1439), Brathwayt (John), Bromholme, Carr (John), Cerf (Adam le),
Chaumont (Gace de), Clarke,
Cowper, Craforth, Cripling, Dickinson (Thos.), Dineley (John),
Dogeson (John), Drawswerd,
Easingwold (Thos.), Flemyng
(Nic.), Flur, Fox Lane (Geo.),
Frost, Gare (Thos.), Gisburne,
Hall (Rob.), Hancock (Rob.), Hargrove (Alfred Ely), Harrington
(Wm.), Hemsworth (Rob.), Herbert
(Thos. fl. 1604), Hobson, Hodgson
(John, fl. 1533-45), Holbek, Holme
(Rob.), Holme (Wm.), Hovyngham
(Rog. de), Hoyle, Hudson, Jenkins
(Tobias), Kaye, Kirke (Geo.),
Lancaster (Nic.), Langton (John,
Nic. jr. and sr.), Lawson (Sir Geo.),
Lewes (John), Louth (Sir Gil.),
Marshall (John), Mayer, Meek
(Jas.), Milner (Sir Wm. Mordaunt),
Neleson, Newton (John), North
(John), Pacocke (Rob.), Palmer
(Thos.), Peckitt (John), Quixley
(Sim.), Raines, Robinson (Sir
Tancred, Wm., d. 1616 and Wm.,
d. 1736), Russell, Sampson (John),
Savage (Rob.), Scoreby (Hen.),
Seizevaux (Hen. de), Selby (Hugh,
John, Nic., Rog., and Wm.),
Shirburn, Specer (John, jr. and sr.),
Stockdale (John), Thompson (Edw.
of Escrick, d. 1701, Sir Hen. of
Escrick, d. 1683, Hen. of Escrick, d.
1700), Todd (Sir Wm.), Tong, Watter
(Sir Rob.), Wentworth (Godfrey),
Wyman (Hen.), York (Sir Ric.).
-, bailiffs and reeves: bailiffs, 34-36,
38, 46, 65, 71-72, 80, 98, 313, 318,
491; reeves, 31, 46, see also Fairfax
(Wm.), Gerard the bellman.
-, aldermen (the twelve): in gen.,
71-72, 77-78, 134, 136-9, 179-80,
231; as J.P.s, 69, 318; see also (the
following are mentioned only as
aldermen), Askwith, Bean, Belt
(Rob.), Besson, Blackburn (John
and Nic. sr.), Bolton (John), Bracebridge (Thos.), Breary (Wm.),
Brooke (fam.), Consett, Cornwall
(Wm.), Dawson (Bryan), Dogeson
(Wm.), Foster (Lancelot), Fothergill
(Mic.), Gale (Geo.), Geldart (John,
d. 1659), Harrison (fam.), Herbert
(Chris.), Kar, Langley (Sir Rog.),
Lawne, Myers (Hen.), Norman
(John), Ormshead (Wm.), Peacock
(Rob.), Petty (John, fl. 1504),
Pulleyn (Ralph), Robinson (Sir
Metcalfe, Wm., ? d. by 1614,
Wm., d. 1626 and Sir Wm., d.
1658), Shaw (Ric.), Shirwood (Ric.),
Sympson, Topham (Chris. and
Mat.), Towne, Trew (And.), Tyreman, Vaux, Walker (Thos.), Watson
(Steph.), White (—), Wilson (T.),
-, sheriffs: in gen., 62, 67-69, 71-72,
75, 78, 83, 123, 137-9, 144, 172,
178, 197, 231, 239, 318-19, 490,
528; feast of, 72, 179, 238; lists of,
546; riding of, 72, 179; serjeant at
mace and clerk of, 72; see also Essex
(Geo.), Market, Middleton (Thos.),
Smith (John); see also above ceremonial; see also prisons.
-, the four and twenty: in gen.
(sometimes 'councillors', 'common
council'), 63, 71-72, 78, 134, 137 n,
139, 180, 463; a four-and-twenty
man, 236; see also Dobson, Shaw
(W. H.).
-, chamberlains: in gen., 34, 57, 60,
67, 72-74, 82, 109, 124, 134, 153,
172, 181, 183, 229, 236, 369, 503,
512; accounts of, 144, 185, 229 n,
237, 315; feasts, 179, 236; lists of,
546; see also Gascoigne (John).
-, commons, common council: in
gen. (= the commonalty, the community, the commons at large), 36,
48, 64, 71, 77-78, 80-84, 123, 126,
137-9, 144, 174-5, 178, 184, 233 n,
234, 238-40, 244, 246, 263, 320,
543; feasts, 238; foreman of, 178,
239, 318, see also Mayer.
-, appointed officers:
-, lord high steward: in gen., 182,
193, 195; see also Cecil (Rob.),
Coventry (Thos.), Howard (Hen.
and Theophilus), Lambert (Maj.Gen. John), Lennox (Chas., 6th
Duke of Richmond), Osborne
(Thos.), Percy (Algernon), Villiers,
Wentworth (Thos.).
-, recorder: in gen., 60, 63-64, 74,
83, 86, 136 n, 139, 145, 181, 188,
197, 216, 222, 232 n, 233 n, 234,
236, 239, 251, 286, 512; assistant to,
196; list of, 546; salary of, 123, 185,
233; see also Adams, Belt (Sir Wm.),
Boyle (Ric., 1st Earl of Burlington),
Ellis, Fairfax (Guy and Wm.),
Green (Ric.), Hildyarde, Hutton
(Ric.), Johnson (Peter), Metcalfe,
Place (Thos.), Thurkill, Turner
(John), Vavasour (John), Widdrington.
-, clerk: in gen., 61, 63, 74-75, 109,
139, 147, 148 n, 154, 181-2, 232 n,
233, 236-7, 239, 472, 543; assistants
to, 236; lists of, 546; offices and
residence of, 543; salary of, 123,
185, 233; see also Blackbeard,
Boldero, Burton (Rog.), Chester
(Wm.), Davies, Harrington (John),
Headlam, Kitchingman, Lancaster
(Nic.), Mace (Thos.), Newton
(Miles), Plumpton (Rob.), Preston
(Darcy), Raper, Rufford, Seizevaux
(Nic.), Shirwood (John), Townend
(Geo.), Yotten.
-, husband (paver, receiver, steward):
husband, 162, 183, 229, see also
Etty (Wm.), Harrison (Alex.); husband and paver, 182; paver, 209-10,
233; receiver, 182-3, 185, 229, 233,
239, see also Atkinson (Peter, sr.);
steward, 208.
-, mace, officers of: in gen., 182,
233 n, 318, 544; esquires, 82, see
also Brackenbury; mace bearer, 69,
233 n, 546, sword bearer, 63, 182,
233 n, 437, 544, 546; serjeants
(common, at mace), 34, 63, 69, 82,
123, 182, 314 n, 315, 503, 546.
-, other officers: baker, 233 n;
beadle, 34; Bow Bell ringer, 233 n;
bridgemasters, see bridges; butterweigher (greencoat), 220-1; chaplain, 233 n, 544; cook, 182, 233 n;
coroner, see courts; cleaners, 233 n;
clockwinder, 233 n; common informer, 233 n, 246; counsel, see courts;
engineer, see Creer; firemen, 233 n;
Friargate Postern opener, 233 n;
gardener, 233 n, gate-keepers, 511;
Guildhall-keeper, 233 n; huntsman,
232, 233 n, 246; Inspector of
Markets, 488; intelligencer, 182;
lamp-lighter, 233 n; mason, see
walls; M.O.H., 255, 275, 284-6,
296-8, 423; mure-masters, see
walls; news-writer, 233 n; pasturemasters, see common lands; porter,
233 n, 544, 546; postern and bridge
opener, 207; reader at St. Thomas's,
233 n; scavenger, 210, 233 n; staffbearers, 546; surgeon, 213, 233 n,
249, see also Drake; surveyor, 277,
sub-surveyor, 284, see also Mawbey;
sweeper, Foss Bridge, 233 n; tipstaves, 152, 233 n, 239; trumpeter,
182, 233 n; toll collector, 223;
wool-weigher, 239; see also waits.
corporation interest in and connexion with other persons, places and
subjects should be sought under their
names, but see especially abattoir,
aerodrome, almshouses, armour and
arms, bars, baths, boundaries,
bridges, buses, cemeteries, charities,
charters, common lands, courts,
education, electricity, fairs, freemen, gallows, guilds, hunt, liberties,
markets, military affairs, mills,
police, poor relief, posterns,
preachers, prisons, public health,
sanitation, ships, streets, taxation,
tenure, tolls, trade, tramways,
walls, wards, watch and ward,
water, weights and measures, workhouses.
Corpus Christi, feast of, celebration of, 96, 123, 147.
Corpus Christi Guild, 58 n, 61, 96, 111, 147, 422, 482; see also plays.
Cosin, John, 200.
Cospatric, Earl of Northumbria, 17, 18.
Cospatric, s. of Archil, 50.
Cossins, John, 208, 210-11.
Costobadie, Jacob, 434.
'Cotteburn', lands called, 495.
Cotterell, —, 396.
Cotterill, Jas., 434, 437.
Cottesford, Thos., 148, 157.
cotton, see textiles.
'Cottrell Bread', 439.
couchers, see clothing.
Coultas & Volans, Messrs., 414.
Council in the North, 62, 64, 87, 106
117-20, 122, 125, 134, 135-7, 141-3,
146-7, 151, 152 n, 157-8, 166, 1734, 178, 183, 186, 190, 195, 197-8,
201, 341, 358, 361, 363, 524-5,
-, Lord President, 129-30, 196,
472, 519, see also Cecil (Thos. and
Wm.), Hastings, Holgate, Percy
(Hen. 6th Earl of Northumberland),
Pole (John de la, Earl of Lincoln).
Radcliffe (Thos.), Sheffield (Edm.).
Talbot (Francis); Lady of, 350;
servants of, 166.
-, Secretary, 152, 158, see also
Cheke, Eynns.
-, Vice-President, 186-7, see also
Evers, Gargrave, Slingsby.
councils, held at Y. in Middle Ages, 14, 15-16, 27-28, 54-56, 187.
County of the City, see boundaries.
County Hosp., 208, 213, 249, 286, 432, 435, 471, 532.
Courts and the administration of
-, city courts: in gen., 21, 23, 34-35,
38, 68, 75-77, 135-6, 182, 197, 237,
278, 313, issues of, 20, 35, 71-73,
184, 231-2, city counsel, 139, 181,
236, 'burhmen', 'portmen', 18,
'judices', 21; mayor's (bailiffs',
burghwarmoot, portmoot), 31, 3335, 51, 65, 69, 75-76, 182-3, 210-11,
228, 232; recognizances for debts,
36; sheriffs', 69, 75, 182-3, 197,
517; wardmote, 76-77, 182, 211,
313-15, 502-3.
-, local, Assizes: in castle, 29, 160,
208, 232, 245, 266, 291, 522, 525-6,
531-3, 543, in Old Baile, 29;
justices of, 34, 36, 42, 68, 138, 528;
justices in eyre, 33, 495; justices of
gaol delivery, 492, 496-7; justices
of oyer and terminer, 318, 341;
coroner, 34, 46, 74; escheator, 69,
318; judicial combat, place of, 52.
-, local, County: (county, hundred,
wapentake), 21, 23, 79, 522-3;
serjeanty of keeping house for, 522,
see also Malesoure.
-, local, Sessions of the Peace:
Quarter Sessions, 171, 182-3, 197,
204, 210, 320, min. bk. of 75 n;
Gaol Sessions, 525; Petty Sessions,
319; clerk of peace, 243; Justices of
the Peace, 69, 275, 318-19, 493,
517, see also Hargrove (Wm.
-, central: in Y., 28-29, 54-57, 5223; Augmentations, 146; Chancery,
137, 147, 433; Exchequer, 27, 3031, 33, 36, 66, 123, 135, 318, 495,
512, 530; High Commission, 134 n,
153, 158, 205, 350; King's
Bench, 318, 495; Star Chamber,
147; Lord Chief Justice, 174.
see also Ainsty, Privy Council,
Probate Registry, province and
diocese, St. Mary's Abbey, St.
Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Coventry, Thos., 1st Baron, 182 n, 195.
Coventry (Warws.), 41, 90, 121-2.
Coventry and Lichfield, Bp. of, see Lee.
coverlets, see textiles.
Cowden, Great (E.R.), 373, 401.
Cowper, Sir Edm., 175, 176.
Cox, John, 408.
'Crabtreelees', 77.
Craforth, Percival, 125.
Cragges, Rob., 148.
cranes, common ('Old' and 'New'), 70, 72-73, 97, 132 n, 161, 169, 178, 184, 210, 223-4, 230; private, 210.
Craven, John de, 365.
Craven & Son, M. A., 274.
Craven & Co., Thos., 272.
Crayke (N.R.), 180.
Creed Play, see plays.
Creer, A., 474.
Cremitt Money, 437-8; 'cremets', 132.
Crepping, Rob. de, 510.
Cresces, Manlius, legionary, 329.
Cressey, Selina, 426.
Cripling, Rob., 136, 151.
Crisp, Steph., 405.
Croft, John, 250.
Croft (near Darlington, N.R.), 45.
Crofts, Emma, 401; Josiah, 428.
Cromwell, Oliver, the Protector, 191; Ralph, 4th Baron, 59; Thos., Earl of Essex, 123, 125 n, 132, 143, 145, 361, 363.
Cromwell Rd. (Baile Hill), 325, 406, 417, 514.
Cross Keys, p.h., 483, 543.
Crossfield, Hen., 413.
'Crowned Lion' (a house), 112.
Crucifix, guild of, see St. Crux ch.
Cudberht (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Cuerdale (Lancs.), 335.
Culloden (Nairn.), battle of, 234, 242.
Cumberford, Hen., 153.
Cumberland, Dukes of, see William Augustus; Earls of, see Clifford.
Cumberland House (i.e. Wm. Cornwall's house), 460; manufactory in, 220.
Cumberland Row, 208, 248, 296.
Cumberland St. (Thursgayle, Thurslane, Middle Water Lane), 49, 99, 220, 540; see also Water Lanes.
Cundall (N.R.), 423.
curfew, 159, 397.
curriers, see leather.
Cuthbert, Isabel, 434.
cutlers, see metal.
Cutte, John, 510.
Cyprus, 99.
Daily Chronicle , 540.
Dakyn, John, 148.
Dalby, Thos., 345.
Dale, Grace, 432.
Dalkin, Thos., 433.
Dallam, Rob., 350.
Dalton North (E.R.), 521.
Dalton Terr., 419, 457.
damask-maker, see textiles.
Damme, Constantine del, 110.
Danby, Earls of, see Osborne.
Danby, Chris., 371; Sir Jas., 499.
Danelaw, The, 21.
Danes, invasion and raids of, 6, 7 n, 9, 18-19, 333, 335, 337, piracy, 103; kingdom of in Y., 10-11, king (leader) of, see Halfdan, Swein Forkbeard.
Danesmead Secondary Mod. Sch., 445.
Daniel, Thos., 252, 418.
Danzig, 102-3, 131.
Darby, Rob., 428.
Darcy, Sir Art., 360, 364; Sir Geo., 364, 510; Thos., 1st Baron, 123, 144-5, 510.
Darke, Edith, 424, 428.
Darley, Edith, w. of Rob. Moore, 524; Francis, 524; Rob., 434.
Darlington (Co. Durham), 270, 444, 476, 478; see also Peachey.
Darnborough St., 284.
Darney, Wm., 408.
Dartmouth, Earls of, see Legge.
Daubeney, Niel, 41, 508.
David I, King of Scotland, 25-26.
David (I, II, III), the larderer, see Lardiner.
David, see Joce s. of.
Davies, Rob., 249, 269, 514.
Davy Hall, extra-par. dist. and lib. of, 'manor of Davygate', prison of, 207, 216, 226, 237, 311, 494-6; see also Lardiner.
Davy Tower, see Friargate Postern.
Davye, Rob., 428.
Davygate, 208, 211, 326, 462; 'manor' of, see Davy Hall.
Davys, Mary, 246.
Dawnay, Lady Ellen, see Barden; Sir John, 112.
Dawson, Brian, 205, 404, 437; John, 364.
Day, Wm., 435.
De Grey Rooms, 286, 533.
Dean and Chapter, see St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Deane, Edm., 200.
Deanery, Old, New, see St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Deanery Park, see Dean's Park.
Deangate, 309, 340-1.
Dean's Park, 340-2.
Defoe, Dan., the journalist and novelist, 160.
Deighton, Jane, 540; Thos., 538.
Deighton (E.R.), 462.
Deighton Grove Hosp., 468.
Deira, Kingdom of, 3, 4; Kings of, see Ælle, Æthelfrith.
Delittle & Co., 540.
Delittle, Fenwick & Co., 540.
Delphi (Greece), 325.
Demaine, Jas., 392.
Demetrius (fl. 83), 325.
Denmark, 10, 102; kings of, see Swein Estrithson, St. Cnut.
Dente, Leonard, 151.
Derwent, Riv., 4, 26, 98, 472.
Derwent (E. R.), Rural District, 461.
Derwent Sch., 445.
Derwent Valley Light Rly., 479.
Design Sch., see Sch. of Art.
Devall, Francis, 157.
Devon, liberty of St. Peter in, 496.
Devonshire, Dukes of, see Cavendish.
Dewsbury, Wm., 405.
Dewsbury (W.R.), 424.
Dickens, Chas., the novelist, 289, 534 n.
Dickins, Prof. Bruce, 37 n.
Dickinson, Chris., 202; Thos., 180, 190-1, 525; fam., 181.
Dijon (Côte D'Or), 546.
Dinant, Raymond of, 41.
Dineley, John and his w. Eliz., 153.
Dinsdale, Over (N.R.), 71.
diocese, see province and diocese.
Dish Fair, 490.
Dispensary, The, 214, 260, 430, 432, 435, 467, 470-1, 536; maternity hosp. of in Ogleforth (Y. Maternity Hosp.), 298, 471; Sick Poor Fund, 420; see also Homeopathic Dispensary, public health (health centre).
distilling, 215.
District Nursing Amenities Fund, see public health.
'Divlinstones', 336.
Dixon, F. W., 415; Mary, 435.
Dobson, John, 141.
Dodsworth, John, 429, 433, 445; Ralph, 209.
Dodsworth Schs., 445-6.
Dogeson, John, 137; Wm. and his w. Eliz., 147.
Doget, John, 522.
Dolben, Abp. John, 351.
Dolley, R. H. M., Esq., 335 n.
Domesday Book, account Y. in, 19-24; account of Y. chs. in, 365.
Don, Riv., improvement of, 224.
Doncaster (W.R.), 7, 91, 267, 533-4; Recorder of, see Nicholl.
Donkinson, John, 404.
Dordrecht (Netherlands), 101.
Dorothy Wilson's Sch., see Wilson.
Douai (Nord), 418.
Douglas, Jas., 55; Rob., 351.
Dover (Kent), 76.
Downes, Geof., 149.
Doyle, J. F., 399.
Drake, Francis, 249; plates for his Eboracum, 247; cited, 139, 160, 200, 213-15, 219-21, 225, 239, 241, 245-6, 319, 342, 345, 348, 369, 376-7, 381, 404, 442, 474, 492, 497, 538, 544, 546.
drapers, see clothing.
Drawswerd (Drawswerde), Thos., 137, 431.
Drax (W.R.), 26, 369, 388-9, 429.
Drayton, G. T., Esq., 409, 534 n.
Dredge, Wm., 520.
Drewe, Wm., 437.
Dring, Jerome, 243, 460.
Dringhouses (township and gen. dist. of), 1, 105, 278, 287, 308, 313-16, 320-1, 367, 375-6, 391, 461-2, 478, 500-1, 503; cemetery, 467; library, 536; manor, 499; Methodism in, 412-13; Sch. Board, 446.
Dringhouses Chap., 412-13.
Dringhouses Primary Schs., 446.
Dringhouses Within, par., 313.
Dringhouses Without, par., 313.
drugs, see chemicals.
Drummond, Abp. Rob. Hay, 250, 469.
Drury, R., 149 n.
Dublin (Eire), 11, 13, 42, 335-6.
Duck, Dolphin, 228.
Duckworth, Francis, 429.
Dudley, Rob., Earl of Leicester, 364.
Duffield, Edm., 524.
Duffield, South (E.R.), 180.
Dugdale, Sir Wm., the antiquary, 342.
Duke of York St., 415.
Duke's Coffee House, 246.
Dunblane, Vct., see Osborne.
Duncombe, Dean Augustus Wm., 305, 354; Chas. Slingsby, 244.
Duncombe Place (Little Blake St., Lop Lane), 49, 209, 252, 339, 363, 418-19, 455, 471, 534; construction of (i.e. Duncombe Place), 339, 418.
Dundas, J. C., 291.
Dundas St., 415.
Dunsforth, Lower (W.R.), 439.
Dunstanborough (Northumb.), 60.
Durante, Thos., 378; Thos. jr., 378.
Durham, Wm. of, 51, 53.
Durham, City of, 14, 17, 41, 61, 189; cath. priory of, 49, 90, 99, 109, 346, 370, 372, 400, 542; Bps. of, 128, 370, 400; see also Cosin, Ealdhun, Shirwood (John).
Dutchmen, see Netherlands.
Dyer, Edw., 516, 518.
dyestuffs and mordants, 103, 105; alum, 92, 98, 103; madder, 98, 103; potash, 92, 98, 103; woad, 42, 82, 98, 103, woad-dealers, 114; dyers, see textiles.
Dyson's Charity, 439.
Eadberht, King of Northumbria, 6, 7, 335.
Eadred, King of Wessex, 12-13, 337.
Eadred, Abbot of Carlisle, 11.
Eadwulf, Earl of Northumbria, 14, 15.
Ealdfrith, King of Lindsey, 335.
Ealdhun, Bp. of Durham, dau. of, 14.
Ealdred, Abp. (and Bp. of Worcester), 16 n, 17-18, 337.
Ealdred, Earl of Northumbria, 15.
Eanbald, Abp., 8, 9, 332.
Eanred, King of Northumbria, 335.
Eardwulf, King of Northumbria, 7.
Earlsburgh, 15.
Earswick (N.R.), 461.
Earswick, New (N.R.), 296.
Easby (N.R.), see Mowbray; Abbey of, 49, 402.
Easingwold, Thos., 109.
Easingwold (N.R.), 109.
East and West Yorkshire Junction Rly., 478.
East Moor, 501.
East Parade, 426.
East Riding Asylum (i.e. North and East), see Yorks. (N.R.).
East Villa, 471.
Eastburn, Mic., 460.
Eastland Merchants, 131, 168-9, 482.
Eastrington (E.R.), 425.
Ebenezer Chap., 414.
Eborius, Bp., 2.
Ebrauk, image of, 70, 513.
Ecclesiastical Commissioners, see Church Commissioners.
Ecgfrith, King of Northumbria, 335.
Eddius Stephanus, 5.
Eden, Wm., 1st Baron Auckland, 244.
Edgar, King, 13 n, 14, 336.
Edgar, Ætheling, 18.
Edinburgh, 477, 513; Castle, 200.
Edmund, King of Wessex, 12, 336.
Edmund Ironside, King of Wessex, 14.
Edmundson (Edmondson), Wm., 437, 439.
education, 124, 148, 157-8, 199, 253, 285, 288, 295, 299, 302, 304; adult, Marygate centre, 359, see also Adult Schs.; evening classes, 288; Sch. Board, 275, 278, 288, 293, 444, 447, 452; Y. Nat. Sch. Soc., 442, 454, 457; see also province and diocese, schools, Y. Educational Settlement.
Edward I, King, 28-29, 36, 38, 54, 346.
Edward II, King, 54, 67, 123.
Edward III, King, 56-57, 65, 67, 99, 107, 341, 484.
Edward IV, King, 59-62, 73, 137, 345.
Edward V, King, 62.
Edward VI, King, 125.
Edward the Confessor, King, 16, 336.
Edward the Elder, King of Wessex, 11.
Edward, Prince of Wales (s. of Ric. III), 62.
Edward (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Edwin, Earl of Mercia, 15-18.
Edwin, King of Northumbria, 3-4, 337, 343, 498 n.
Efrard (fl. 11th cent.), 392.
Egbert, Bp. and Abp., 5-8, 335, 343.
Egbert, King of Danish Y., 10.
Egbert, King of Northumbria, 11 n.
Egil Skallagrimsson, 13, 336.
Egremont, Sir John, 64.
Elcock, Thos., 435.
Eldyrton, Thos., 508.
Eleanor, Queen, w. of Edw. I, 346.
Electric Cinema, see Scala Cinema.
Electric Telegraph Co., 448.
electricity, supply of, 276, 278, 291, 295, 309, 462-3, 464; Foss Islands Power Stn., 295, 462-3; North Eastern Electricity Board, 409, 463.
Elephant and Castle Inn, 477.
Elim Tabernacle, 417.
Elizabeth I, Queen, 125, 136, 155, 158, 437; Queen Eliz. Dole, 436.
Ellen, dau. of Philip the larderer, see Lardiner.
Ellen, Sister (fl. late 13th cent.), 53.
Ellenthorpe (N.R.), 180.
Elliker, John, 541.
Elliot, Ada, 426.
Ellis, Berhard, 181.
Elmet, Kingdom of, 4.
Elmfield Coll., 415, 446; governor of, see Petty.
Elmfield Villa, 446.
Elvington (E.R.), 98, 180, 413.
Elvington Bridge (E.R.), 476.
Elviva, see Thomas, s. of.
Elway, Thos., 352.
Ely (Cambs.), Bp. of, 99.
embroiderers, see clothing.
Emden (Niedersachsen), 131; English Ch. at, 437.
engineers, see Dredge, Page (Geo. and Thos.), Y. Engineering Co.
English Martyrs Primary Sch., 446.
English Martyrs Rom. Cath. Ch., 419.
engravers, 219; see also Halfpenny, Place (Francis).
engrossing, see trade (offences).
Entomological Soc., see Y. Entomological Soc.
Eowils, Danish king in Northumbria, 11 n.
Ephraim, of Bonn, 48.
Erasmus, Desiderius, 156.
Erfast, see Richard, s. of.
Eric, Earl of Y., 15.
Eric Bloodaxe, King of Y., 12-14, 336.
Ernaldus, s. of Thos., 394.
Eschton, see Esshton.
Escrick (E.R.), 45; see also Dawnay (Sir John), Thompson (Edw., d. 1701 and Sir Hen., d. 1683).
Eshe (Esh), Phil., 431, 435.
Esnarre (fl. 1086), 22.
Espec, Wm., 41.
Esqueler, Hen. le, 524.
Essex, Earls of, see Cromwell.
Essex, Geo., 72.
Esshton (Eschton), John de, 375.
Ethelred (Æthelred) II (Unræd), King, 14, 336.
Etherington, Chris., 538.
Etherington's York Chronicle , 538.
Etteridge's Hotel, 477.
Etty, John, sr., 200, 248; Wm. (fl. 1709), 248; Wm., the painter, 399, 455.
Eure, Wm., 371.
Evelyn Crescent, 444.
Evers, Wm., 2nd Baron, 136.
[?Ev]rard, 334.
Ewbank, Francis, 437.
executions, see gallows.
Exeter (Devon), 85, 247.
Exhibition Buildings, 456, 534, 537; see also Art Gallery, Sch. of Art.
Exhibition Sq., 359, 537.
Exhibitions, of 1866 and 1879, 359, 535, 537.
Eyms (? = Eynns), Thos., 398.
Eynns, Thos. and his w. Eliz., 158.
Eyre's Coach House, 465.
Eyvill, John d', 27, 523.
Faganulf, see Wal. s. of.
Fairburn, Hen., 540.
Fairburn's Y. Monthly Advertiser , 540.
Fairfax, Chas. Greg., 9th Vct., 208; Col. Chas., 191; Ferdinando, 2nd Baron, 190, 350, 397; Sir Guy, 74; Hen., 4th Baron, 496; Isabel, see Thwaites; Rob., 231, 240; Thos., 3rd Baron, 189, 191, 342; Thos. (fl. 13th cent.), 37; Wm. (fl. 13th cent.), 30-31, 37, 45-46, 522; Wm. (fl. 1490), 74; Sir Wm. (fl. 1536), 123, 496; — (m. Rob. Clarevaux), 47; fam., 112, 161, 205, 496.
Fairfield House, 470.
Fairfield Sanatorium, 467, 470.
Fairhair, see Harold.
fairs, 35, 38, 42, 68-70, 72, 90, 99, 120 n, 151, 160, 168, 174, 195, 216, 223, 260, 275, 485 n, 489-91; see also markets.
Faithful Female Servants Soc., see servants.
Falkirk (Stirling.), battle of, 29.
Falkland St., 493.
Fantosme, see Jordan.
Far Water Lane, see Friargate.
Fargrim (fl. 10th cent.), 336.
Farley, Fabian, 432, 434-5, 437.
farm, of the city, see corp. (finance).
Farmers' Friend and Freemens' Journal , 540.
Farquhar, Geo., the dramatist, play of, 533.
Fat Stock Show, see markets.
Fawdington (N.R.), 230, 232.
Fawkes, Guy, the conspirator, 396.
Faxfleet (E.R.), 98.
Feasegate, 277, 328.
fee farm, of the city, see corp. (finance).
Fell, Miles, 508.
Feltergayle, see Fetter Lane.
felters, see textiles.
Female Practising Sch., 446.
Feriby, John de, 389.
Ferne, Sir John, 157.
Ferriby, John, 105.
Ferrières (-en-Gâtinais, Loiret), Abbey of, 9; Abbot of, see Lupus.
ferries, 210, 516, 520.
Festival of the Arts, 310.
Festival of Britain, 310.
Festival Concert Rooms, 268, 289, 416, 418, 468, 532-3, 534.
'Fetes', see Little Ing.
Fetter Lane (Feltergayle), 48, 331, 365.
Fever Hosp., see Yearsley Bridge Hosp.
Fiennes, Celia, the traveller, 160, 351.
Fifth Ave., 419, 451.
Fifth Ave. Temporary Sch., see St. Aeldred's Sch.
Finch, Dan., 8th Earl Winchelsea and Nottingham, 386; Dean Hen., 352.
Fine Art and Industrial Exhibitions, see Exhibitions.
Fine Art Institution, see Art Gallery.
Finkle St., see Museum St.
fire, precautions and service, 161-2, 211, 232, 268, 275, 277-8, 413, 465-6; fires in the city, 7, 18, 51-52, 161-2, 177, 189, 235, 332, 337-8, 353, 363, 466, 469, 506, 525.
First Water Lane, see King St.
'Fiscergate', see Fishergate.
fish, 27, 41, 99-100, 103, 140, 222, 495, 509-10, herrings, 98, 102-3, 105, 131, 140, pike, 61, salmon, 28, 105, 222, stock fish, 131, white fish, 20; mkts., 89, 98, 222, 228, 488, 489, 518-19; fishgarths, 61, 97, 128, 135, 169, 472; fishermen, fishers, 27, 99, 114, 127, 488; fishmongers, 41, 64, 89, 114, 127, 222, 259.
Fish Landing, 99, 488.
Fishing-Day, see corp. (ceremonial).
Fisher, Chas., 395; John, 248; Ric., 248; fam., 248.
Fishergate, see Hen. of.
Fishergate (Fiscergate) (the street), 20, 32, 49, 316, 332, 336, 360, 386, 423, 425, 427-8, 490, 542; gen. dist. of, 38, 325, 331; Salvation Army branch, 417.
Fishergate Bar (Bean Hills gate), 64, 77, 489, 493, 513, 514; prison in, 514.
Fishergate House, 459, 542.
Fishergate Maison Dieu , 365.
Fishergate Postern, 508, 511, 514.
Fishergate Primary (Board) Sch., 382, 444-7, 451-2.
'Fishergate Ward' (1652), 436.
Fishergate Ward (established 1924), 321.
Fishpond of the Foss, 22, 26, 29, 53, 67, 361, 507, 509-10, 511, 518-19; 'fosgraveship', 509 n.
Fitzherbert, Wm., see St. Wm.
FitzHugh, Hen., Ld., 60.
Fitzjohn, Eustace, 29.
FitzOsbern, Wm., Earl of Hereford, 18, 523.
FitzRichard, Rob., 523.
Fitzroy, Hen., Duke of Richmond, 117 n.
FitzUrse, Francis de, 337.
Fitzwilliam, fam., 267.
Flamborough (E.R.), 103, 140-1.
Flanders, 27, 47, 91; persons from, 41-42, 87, 100; see also Reiner.
Flavinus, Flavius, a centurion, 329.
Flawith (in Alne, N.R.), 396.
flax, 131, 169, 172, 220, 485 n, fair, 490; dressing and spinning, 257, 272, flax dresser, 215, see also Y. Flax and Tow Spinning and Weaving Co.
Flaxman, Rob., the painter, 392.
Flaxman Ave., 445.
Flaxton (N.R.), 271.
Flaxton Rural District (N.R.), 461.
Flemyng, Nic., 55, 110, 404; fam., 41.
Fletcher, Caleb, 265; Frances, 435; John, 153, 158.
fletchers, see armour and arms.
'Fletebridge', 317.
Florence (Italy), 50.
Florence of Worcester, 18.
Flur, Adam, 42, 45-46.
Folly Mill, see Hob Moor.
foodstuffs, apples (shops), 219; bacon (sellers), 219; bread, 99, 228, 485; cheese, 98, 486; cranes, 28; dairy produce, 485; eels, 131; eggs, 98; figs, 102; fowls, 28; game, 98-99; ginger, 99; hares, 28; licorice, 103; meat, 54, 98-99, 213, 484; milk, 285, 298; mustard, 272; oil, 102-3; partridges, 28; peacocks, 28; pheasants, 28; potatoes, 222; rabbits, 28; raisins, 99, 102-3; rice, 103; saucemakers, 114; sugar, 99, 103, 294; spices, 98-99, 105, spicers, 71, 100, 114; swans, 28, 61; tea, 225, tea-dealers, 259, see also Tuke (fam.); vegetables, 486; venison, 27-28; see also butter, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, fairs, fish, grain, grocers, markets, poultry, salt.
'Footless Lane' (Fotlousgeyle), 336.
Footpath Assoc., 512-13.
Ford, Dean Lionel, 356.
forestalling, see trade (offences).
Foresters' Hall, 406.
forests, 27-28, 33, 125, 320; see also Galtres, Ouse and Derwent, Davy Hall.
Forn (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Forne, see Ulvet s. of.
Forster, G. C. F., Esq., 242 n; Mrs. G. C. F., 167 n, 217 n, 218 n; Ric., 510.
Fortescue, Sir John, 182 n, 524.
Fortunata, Julia, w. of a sevir, 330, 332.
'fosgraveship', see Fishpond of the Foss.
Foss, Riv., 20, 27, 97, 190, 211, 281, 315, 322, 360, 365, 464-5, 499, 506-7, 511, 514; flooding of, 425, 521, 523; Navigation, 1, 271-2, 279, 283, 309, 464, 474-5, 479, 509-10, 519-20; see also Fishpond of the Foss.
Foss Bridge, 38, 41, 49, 51, 74, 85, 125 n, 184, 209, 230, 248, 265, 425, 458, 477, 509, 515, 518-19; mkts. on, 484, 488, 489, 518-19; scaffold on, 498; sweeper of, 233 n; see also St. Anne's Chap.
Foss Bridge End, 458.
Foss Dyke (Lincs.), 97.
Foss Islands, 271, 464, 475, 479, 510.
Foss Islands Power Station, see electricity.
Foss Islands Rly. (branch), 462, 489.
Foss Islands Rd., 412, 464, 510.
Foss Mills, see St. Mary's Abbey.
Fossard, Niel, 22, 377; fam., 50.
Fossgate, 45, 47-48, 77, 118, 286, 361-2, 377, 422, 424, 426, 457, 535; fair in, 491; Meth. mission in, 413; sch. in, 448.
Fossway, mission chap. in, see St. Wulstan.
Foster, G. E., 408; J. L., 401; Jas. Lancelot, 539; John, jr., 428; John, sr., 428; Lancelot, 422, 437-8; Mary, 428.
Fothergill, Geo., 430-1; Mary, 428; Mic., 177; Thos., Homes (almshouses) of, 427, 437.
'Fotlousgeyle', see Footless Lane.
Foulis, Mildred, 428.
founders, see metal.
'Foundry' (dist.), 302, 307.
Fountain (Fountayne), Dean John, 352, 440.
Fountains (W.R.), Abbey of, 49, 85, 87, 99, 515; abbot of, 106.
Fowler, C. H., 375.
fowlers, 114.
Fox, Chas. Jas., the statesman, 234, 244-5; Geo., founder of Soc. of Friends, 204-5, 405; see also Fox Lane.
Fox, The, p.h., 446.
Fox Lane, Geo., 240, 242-3; Harriet, see Benson; Rob., 243; fam., 240.
Foxcrofte, Ant., 460.
Foxe, John, the martyrologist, 142-3.
Foxholes, see Peter of.
framework knitter, see textiles.
France, 16, 56-59, 102, 156, 334; persons from, 42, 157, 215.
Franks, The, 6, 8-9, 12; kings of, see Charles the Simple, Louis, Louis the Pious.
Free Church Pentecostal, see Assemblies of God.
Freemasons, 439; Masonic Lodge, 457 n; Y. Union Lodge, 418.
Freemasons' Hall, 455.
freemen, admission of, 43, 72, 84-87, 95, 114-16, 122 n, 126-8, 166-7, 178, 183, 215-19, 231-2, 234, 240-4, 252, 257, 262; privileges of, 108, 262-3, 265; honorary admissions, see Boyle (Ric., 3rd Earl of Burlington), Fox (Chas. Jas.), George IV, Howard (Chas., 6th Earl of Carlisle), Pitt (Wm., 1st Earl of Chatham), William Augustus.
Freez (Frees), Edw., 142; Fred., 142, 155-6; Gerard, see Wandsforth; Valentine, 142-3.
Frescheville, John, 1st Baron Staveley, 530.
Frewen, Abp. Accepted, 351.
Friargate (Far Water Lane, Hartergate, Hatter Lane, Hertergate), 45, 209, 336, 362, 365, 405-6, 445; see also Water Lanes.
Friargate Postern (Davy Tower, Friars Minor Tower, Sugar House), 207, 233 n, 362, 495 n, 514.
friars, in gen., 51, 69, 110-11, 143; bldgs. of, 51; Augustinian friary, 96, 117, 120, 132 n, 311, 361, 363, guild of St. Catherine in, 111, library of, 537; Carmelite friary, 117, 132 n, 311, 361, 364, 402, 509; Dominican friary, 39, 52-53, 61, 81-82, 132 n, 207, 311, 361, 362-3, 480, 511, 522; Franciscan friary, 55-56, 81, 107, 132 n, 207, 311, 345, 362; Friars of the Cross, 363; Friars of the Sack, 363; Friars Minor Tower, see Friargate Postern.
friendly socs., 287-8, 301-2; Nat. Deposit Friendly Soc., 302.
Friends, Society of (Quakers), 160, 204-5, 225, 231, 252-3, 260, 265, 268, 281, 288, 296, 305, 405-6, 415 n, 416, 443, 448, 457, 504, 536; see also Adult Schs., Bootham Sch., Mount Sch., Retreat.
Friends of Y. Minster, see St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Frisia, 8.
Front St., 440.
Front St. Chap., 412 n; see also Sanctuary Chap.
Fronto, Caristanius, legionary commander, 325.
Frost, Wm., 58, 70-71, 402.
Fryde, Dr. E. B., 101 n.
Fryston (W.R.), see Milnes.
Fulford, see Thos. of.
Fulford (village and gen. dist. of, usually equivalent to Gate Fulford, now partly within the city and partly in E.R.), 1, 174 n, 286, 308, 312-13, 319-21, 386, 398-9, 401, 424, 435, 463, 465, 471, 477-8, 498 n, 499, 501, 503; battle of, 16; char., 429; cemetery, 466; rd. to (Fulford Rd.), 265, 316, 534 n, 541.
Fulford, Gate (E.R.) (specifically so called), 316, 372, 461-2.
Fulford, New (E.R.), par., 386.
Fulford, Water (E.R.), 174 n, 388, 461-2.
Fulford Ambo, par., 429.
Fulford Cross, 145, 316, 445.
Fulford Field (Fields), 315, 499 n, mill in, 507, 541.
Fulford Gen. Hosp., 467, 471.
Fulford Grange, 316 n.
Fulford House, 447.
Fulford Maternity Hosp., 467, 470-1.
Fulford Rd., see Fulford (vill. and gen. dist.).
Fulford Rd. Special schs., 447.
fullers, see textiles.
Fulneck (W.R.), 416.
furbours, see textiles.
'Furnour Inn' (a house), 87.
furs, see clothing.
fustian, see textiles.
Fyn, see Ric. s. of.
Gachet, John, 156.
Gail Garth, see Gell Garth.
Gaile, Sarah, 432.
Gainsborough (Lincs.), 14 n, 491 n.
Gale, Geo., 144; Dean Thos., 339.
'gale' (geil), 336.
Gale Lane, 440.
Galfridus (fl. 12th cent.), 336 n.
gallows, 314, 316-17, 376, 497-8; executions upon, 58, 60, 143, 154, 247, 266.
Gallows Closes, 497.
Gallows Hole, 316, 498.
'Galmanhowe', 336; see also 'Golmanlythe'.
Galtres, Forest of, 190, 315, 320, 489, 496, 498-9, 508-9, 529.
Galway, Vcts., see Monckton-Arundell.
Gamel (fl. 1086), 22.
Gamel (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
Gannoc, Peter, 30.
Garbutt, Hen., 431.
gardens and orchards, in and around city, 22, 52, 160-1, 184, 204, 207, 343, see also Yorks. Philosophical Soc.; gardeners, 132, 219, see also Adcock.
Gare, Thos., 78, 88, 105; Thos., jr., 104.
Garforth, Wm., 422, 439.
Gargrave, Sir Thos., 135, 140.
Garnet, Ann, 428; Rachel, 426.
Garnett, Mary, 426.
Garrow Hill, 471, 497.
Garrowby Hill (E.R.), Turnpike to, 476.
gas, supply of, 260-1, 265, 275, 278, 295, 300, 309, 461-2, 464; North Eastern Gas Board, 462; Y. Gas Co., 265, 462; Y. Gas Light Co., 461-2; Y. Union Gas Light Co., 269, 461-2; Y. United Gas Light Co., 462.
Gascoigne, Lady Joan, see Wyman; John, 78; Sir Wm., 112; fam., 378.
Gascony, 99, 102; persons from, 100.
'gate', meaning of, 336.
gates, see bars.
Gaussen (Gausson), T. J., 426.
Gaveston, Peter, Earl of Cornwall, 54.
Gawthorpe (W.R.), see Gascoigne (Sir Wm. and fam.).
'geil', see 'gale'.
Geil Garth, see Gell Garth.
Geldart, John (d. 1659), 180, 191; John (d. before 1693), 439; John (fl. before 1825), 430.
Gell Garth (Geil, Gail), 488-9.
Genoa (Italy), 44.
Gent, Thos., 249-50, 351, 356, 396, 537-8.
Gentlemen's Lodge, 471.
George I, King, 241.
George II, King, 241-3, 248, 485.
George III, King, 243-4.
George IV, King (as Prince of Wales), 229, 234-5, 244-5.
George V, King, 546.
George (Plantagenet), Duke of Clarence, 65, 393.
George Inn, 118, 198, 477.
George St., 381, 410, 419.
George St. Temporary Board Sch., see Fishergate Schs., St. George's Wesleyan Sch.
Georgian Soc., see Y. Georgian Soc.
Gerard, s. of Lefwin, 26.
Gerard, the bellman, 31.
Germany, 8, 42, 131, 332, 334; persons from, 42, 56, 100, 108.
Gernon, see Rannulf II.
Gibbons, Grinling, the carver, 200, 248.
Gibson, Eliz., 426, 429; Sir John, 157; —, 434.
Gilbert (fl. 1208), 37.
Gildas, 3.
gildgarths (gildegarde, gildigaror), see guild garth.
Gilfillan, Isabella, 538; John, 538.
Gilliott, Sir John, 105, 113; John, jr., 112; Sir Wm., 402.
Gillygate, 52, 85, 210, 247, 314, 316, 397, 417, 435, 489.
Gilman, Geo., 435.
Girdler, John, 424, 437.
Girdlergate, see Church St.
girdlers, see metal.
Girls' Public Day Sch. Co., 459.
Gisburne, John, 79, 80-81, 98, 102, 112, 389.
Givendale (E.R.), 521.
Gladstone St., 451.
Glasgow, 534.
glass, manuf. of, 225-6, 272-3, 360,
manufacturer, see Meek (Jas.);
dealers, 259; glass-ware, 99; glasswright, 110; glaziers, 71, 115, 259,
see also Preston (Rob.).
-, painted or stained, 107, 158, 200,
204, 338; the glass of the par. chs. is
mentioned under accounts of the
individual chs.; glass-painters, see
Gyles (Edm. and Hen.), Peckitt
(Wm.), Petty (Sir John).
Gleadow, see Dresser.
Glemham, Sir Thos., 190.
Glen Rd., 506.
Glen Sch., see Tang Hall Schs.
Gloucester, Dchss. of, see Anne.
Gloucester, Dukes of, see Richard III.
Gloucester, 20.
Gloucestershire, 496.
glovers, see clothing.
Godstow (Oxon.), Priory of, 49.
Godwine (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Godwine (of Wessex), fam. of, 15.
Goes, Hugo, 156.
Goldbeter, Hen., 79, 101; John, 98, 101.
Golden Lion Inn, 477.
Goldie, Geo., 419.
Goldsborough (W.R.), coin hoard from, 335.
goldsmiths, see metal.
Goldthorp (Goldthrop), Ric., 360, 404.
'Golmanlythe', 336; see also 'Galmanhowe'.
Good Templars' Hall (New Jerusalem, Swedenborgain Mtg. Hall), 417.
Goodmanham (E.R.), 4.
Goodramgate (Gutherungata), 21, 37 n, 45, 82, 85, 99, 118, 283, 334, 336, 339-40, 342-3, 362; Lady's Row, 372; Lecture Hall, 408, 416; Meth. Sunday Sch., 413.
Goodrick, Sir Hen., 194; Sir John, 360; Phil., 435; fam., 207.
Goodricke, John, the astronomer, 249, 342.
Goodyear, Thos., 360.
Gospel Hall, 418.
Gospels, Y. manuscript of, see St. Peter (Met. Ch. of).
Gould, Rawlins, 374, 421, 433, 437.
-, royal: at Y., 24, 28-29, 54-57,
522-3; Chancellor of Exchequer,
508, Clerk of Admiralty, 319, Clerk
of mkts., 484, 490, Lord Treasurer,
130, 132, 529, servants of the household, 509-10.
-, central: employment in, 294;
grants from, 299-300.
-, Boundary Comm., 257, 320;
Brougham Comm., 420; charity
Comm., 420; Exchequer Bill
Comm., 473; Markets Comm.,
486; Mun. Corp. Comm., 257, 262,
266, 420; Navigation Comm., 1906,
271; Poor Law Comm., 258; Poor
Relief Comm., 421; Prison Comm.,
525, 528; Ritual Comm., 354; War
Damage Comm., 543.
-, Home Secretary, 440; Insp. of
Prisons, 493-4, 497; Local Gov. Bd.,
276, 286; Min. of Works, 525; Office
of Works, 359; Surv. Gen. of
Prisons, 527; War Office, 528.
-, local, see corp.
Government House, 542.
governors, of Y., see military affairs.
Gowethorpe, Ric., 360.
Graa, see Gray.
Grafton, Thos., 158.
Grafton (W.R.), 110.
Graham, John, 53.
grain (and corn), unspecified, 20, 4142, 45, 54, 79, 98, 100, 102-3, 120, 125 n, 129, 131-2, 134-5, 138, 221-2, 495, 498, barley, 132, 168, 222, oats, 100, 222, rye, 102, 222, wheat, 102, 221-2, 331; dealers, merchants, mongers, 41, 114, 223; mkt. (exchange), 98, 135, 221-2, 233, 476, 486, 534.
Grand Cinema, 535.
Grange, see workhouses.
Grange Field (Close), 174 n, 316, 499-501.
Grange Hosp., see St. Mary's Hosp.
Grant, Nic. le, 382; fam., 371.
Grantham, Hugh, 110; Wm. de, 383.
Grantham (Lincs.), 109.
Grape Lane, 21, 377, 416.
Grape Lane Chap., 407-9, 413-14; denominations using, 407 n.
Grassington (W.R.), 386.
Graunt, Hamon le, 53; fam., 46.
Gray (Graa), Edwin, 342, 388; J., 469; John, 43, 45, 79, 393; Laurence, 393; Ric., 37, 393; Rob., 100, 393; Thos., 79, 103; Thos., the poet, 248, 250; Abp. Wal., 28, 51, 146 n, 337, 345, 394, 515; Wm. (fl. 14th cent.), 79, 393; Wm. (fl. 1788), 342; fam., 47.
Gray's Court, 342, 453, 513; see also St. Peter (Met. Ch. of, Treasurer's House).
Great North of England Rly., 478-81, 514.
Great Northern Rly., 473, 478.
Grecian Steps, see Salthole.
Greece, 99.
Green, Alice, 435; Francis Wm., 342-3; John, 429; Lawrence, 363; Ric., 63; Wm., 429.
Green Coat Sch., see Wilson's Boys' Sch.
Green Dykes, 316, 322 n.
Green Dykes Lane, 322 n.
Green Lane, 448.
Green Pond, 211.
Greenbank, Miles, 70.
Greenfield, Abp. Wm., 55, 529.
Gregory I, Pope, 3, 5, 337.
Gregory Lane, see Barker Lane.
Grento (fl. 1130), 47.
Gresham, John, 131 n; Sir Ric., 118 n, 361 n.
Grey, Thos. Phil. de, Earl de Grey, 396, 398, 449, 531, 533; de, fam., 398.
Grey Coat Sch., 229, 235 n, 253, 433, 438, 443, 447, 456.
Greystoke, Ralph, 5th Baron, 59.
Griffin (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Grim (fl. 11th cent.), 334, 392.
Grimsby (Lincs.), 103, 130.
Grimston Smithy (E.R.), 476.
Grindal, Abp. Edmund, 151-2, 156, 349-50.
grocers, 71, 99, 114, 179-80, 219, 224, 259; see also Nightingale, Tuke (Hen., Mary and Wm.).
Grove, —, 143.
Groves, The, 286-7, 302, 308, 411, 455 n; Prim. Meth. mission, 415; see also Paynlathes Croft, Penleys Grove St.
Groves Church Sch., see St. Thomas's Sch.
Groves Wesleyan Chap., 411.
Groves Wesleyan Sch. (Brook St. Sch.), 441, 447, 450-1, 456.
Gryssop, Thos., 91, 110.
Guest, Sarah, 431.
guild garth (gildegarde, gildigaror, gildgarths), 32, 542.
Guildford (Surr.), see Birkbeck (Morris).
Guildhall (common hall), 34, 64-65, 71, 75-76, 80-81, 83, 107, 111, 125 n, 139, 147, 161, 176, 178, 185, 196, 238, 308-9, 324, 331, 361, 462, 482-3, 485, 536, 542-3; chap., see St. Christopher; yard, 490.
Guildhall Ward, 283, 321.
guilds, craft, 44, 53, 70-71, 73, 76, 80-81, 91-97, 117, 126-7, 169-70, 174-5, 184, 216, 218, 481-2; parochial, 111, 148, 483; religious, 80, 111, 118, 147-8, 482-3.
Guilpyn, Francis, 508.
Guisborough (N.R.), Priory of, 49; prior of, 52; canon of, 93.
gun-makers, see armour and arms.
Gurnell, Ben., 429.
Gurney, Jos. John, 526.
'Gutherungata', see Goodramgate.
Guthfrid [? = Guthred], King of Danish Y., 11.
Guthfrith, King of Norsemen in Ireland, 11.
Guthred, see Guthfrid.
Gyles, Edm., 200; Hen., 158, 200, 247, 389.
Haakon, Earl, 19.
haberdashers, see clothing.
habit makers, see clothing.
Hadrian, Emp., 325.
Hadrian's Wall, 330.
Haget, Geof., 50; fam. of, 50.
haimald, see tenures.
Hainault (Belgium), persons from, 27, 56.
Halfdan, Danish leader, 9, 10.
Halfdan, Northumbrian Danish king, 11 n.
Halfpenny, Jos., 247-8.
Halidon Hill (Northumb.), battle of, 56.
Halifax, Marquis of, see Savile; Vcts., see Savile, Wood.
Halifax (W.R.), 90, 125, 257, 288.
Hall, J. G., 386; [Jane], widow of Rob., 516; Rob., 145; Wm., 460; —, 422.
Hall Field, 174 n, 499-501.
Hall Garth Syke, 316.
Hallamshire, 131.
Halliday, Elvira, 468.
Halton, Rob., 399.
Hamburg (Land Hamburg), 131.
Hamerton, Allayne, 369.
Hammerton, Green (W.R.), 110, 180.
Hammerton, Kirk (W.R.), 334 n.
Hammond, Dinah, 435.
Hamper's Yard, 417.
Hampshire, 496.
Hancock, Rob., 112; Wm., 103.
Handel, Geo. Fred., the composer, 533 n.
Hanover St., 451.
Hanse, The (German), 98, 102, 104-6, 130.
hanses, of Y., 31-32; house of, 32, 542.
Hanslap, Hen., 546.
Hansom, J. and C., 419.
Hansom and Welch, Messrs., 471.
Harbert, John, 529.
Harcourt, Abp. Edw. Venables Vernon, 303, 353, 403; Wm. Vernon, 535.
Harcourt St., 506.
Harding, Anne, 431.
Harewood, Wm. of, 41.
Harewood (W.R.), 42.
Hargrove, Alfred Ely, 539; John, 538-9; Wm., 338, 497, 526, 538-9; Wm. Wallace, 537, 539.
'Hargrove and Co.', 538.
Harland, Eliz., 427.
Harley, Edw., 2nd Earl of Oxford, 352, 543.
Harold II, King, 16, 336.
Harold Fairhair, King of Norway, 12.
Harold Hardrada, King of Norway, 16.
Harper, John, 136; Thos., 422, 516; Wm., 362; fam., 362.
Harrington, John, 74; Sir John, wit and author, 118 n; Wm., 144-5.
Harrison, Alex., 230; Ann, 430, 435, Hosp. of, 426; John, 180; Kenneth, Esq., 333 n, 337 n, 339 n; Sarah, 413; Thos. (d. before 1721), 434; Thos. (fl. 1810), 517; fam., 180.
Harrison's Coffee House, 246.
Harrogate (W.R.), 477, 534.
Harsnett, Abp. Sam., 201, 350, 370.
Harswell (E.R.), see Salvin.
Hart, Wm., 436-7, 439.
Hartburn (Co. Durham), 404.
Hartergate, see Friargate.
Hartforth, Ric., 435.
Hartforthe, Ant., 150.
Harthacnut, King, 15.
Harthacnut, father of Guthfrith, 11.
Harthill with Woodhall (W.R.), 439.
Hartley, John, 422, 437-8.
Hartness (Co. Dur.), 9 n.
Harwood, Ric., 201.
Hastings, Lady Eliz., the philanthropist, 467; Hen., 3rd Earl of Huntingdon, 118, 129-30, 135-6, 151, 154, 156, 529-30; Selina, see Huntingdon, Ctss. of.
Hatfield (Chase, W.R.), 4.
Hatfield (Herts.), see Borthwick (Wm.).
Hathelsaye, John de, 402.
Hatterlane, see Friargate.
hatters, see clothing.
Hatton, Sir Chris., 398.
Haughton, Wm., 428, 434, 447; see also Haughton's Sch.
Haughton Rd., 415.
Haughton's Sch., 253, 428, 447-8.
Haver Closes, 500.
Haver Lane, 417.
Hawke, Martin Bladen, 244.
Hawk's Well, 316, 319.
Hawnby (N.R.), 332.
Haxby Rd., 321, 478, 498.
Haxby Rd. Schs., 447-8.
Hay, Jas., 1st Earl of Carlisle, 530; fam., 109.
hay, mkt. for (King's Court and Peaseholme Green), 251, 260, 275, 371, 374, 487.
Haydale Cross, 316.
Haymongergate, see Shambles.
Hayter, Rog., 430.
Headlam, Leonard, 181.
Healaugh (W.R.), 319; Priory of, 49, 380, 391.
Healey, —, 422.
health, see public health.
Heath, Abp. Nic., 148.
Hebborne, Priscilla, 428.
Hebden, Wm., 272.
Hebrew Congregation, see Jews.
Hebrides, The, 20.
Hedon (E.R.), 43.
Helme, Edw., 507.
Helmesley, John de, 401; Wm. de, 401.
Helmsley (N.R.), 270; turnpike, 475-6.
Helmsley, Gate (E.R.), 280, 281.
Hemingborough, see John of.
hemp, 134, 169, 172; fair, 490; mkt., 485.
Hemsworth, Rob., 176-7.
Hemsworth (W.R.), 148.
Henrietta Maria, Queen of Chas. I, 188, 189.
Henry I, King, 20, 25, 31-32, 38.
Henry II, King, 26, 29, 31, 44, 89; as Hen. of Anjou, 26.
Henry III, King, 27-28, 33, 35, 38-39, 48, 318, 361-2, 521.
Henry IV, King, 58, 67, 341, 346; as Earl of Derby, 57.
Henry V, King, 59.
Henry VI, King, 60, 77; statue of, 345-6, 349-50.
Henry VII, King, 63-66, 85, 89, 97, 99, 122, 135, 341, 524; as Hen. Tudor, 62, 75.
Henry VIII, King, 84, 119, 125, 133, 143, 145, 319, 529.
Henry, s. of Hen. II (the Young King), 26.
Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, s. of David I of Scotland, 25.
Henry of Blois, Bp., 29.
Henry of Fishergate, 46.
Heppel, Wm., 417.
Herbert (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Herbert, Alice, 435; Chris., 152, 154; Eliz., 428; Thos. (fl. 1604), 154; Thos. (d. c. 1644), 422; fam., 118, 180, 378.
Herbert House, 118, 460.
herbs, mkt. for, 234, 486.
Hereford, Bp. of, see Spofford.
Hereford, Earls of, see FitzOsbern, Roger.
Herring, Theodore, 203; Abp. Thos., 212, 248, 250.
Hertergate, see Friargate.
Hesketh, Sir Thos., 509; fam., 509.
Heslington (vill. and gen. dist. E.R.; usually equivalent to Heslington St. Lawrence), 174 n, 312-13, 319-20, 385-6, 461-2, 498, 507.
Heslington St. Lawrence (E.R.), 312 n.
Heslington St. Paul (E.R.), 312 n, 386.
Heslington Hall, 509.
Heslington Hill, 322, 461.
Heslington Hosp., 509.
Heslington Rd., 316, 369, 414.
Heslington Rd. Chap., see Apollo St. Chap.
Hessay Moor (W.R.), 98.
Hessle (E.R.), 496.
Hewet, And., 142; Wm., 151.
Hewley, Chris., 428; Sir John, 192-3, 205, 403-4; Lady Sarah, 160, 205, 403-4, chars. of, 228, 230, 253 n, 404-5, 425, 427, 437-8, 441, 449, Hosp. of, 425, 480, see also St. Saviourgate Chap.; Thos., 460.
Heworth (vill. and gen. dist. of), 1, 3, 112, 174 n, 297, 308, 311, 313-14, 316, 320, 335, 371-2, 379, 383, 393, 399, 402-3, 412, 430-1, 461-2, 499, see also Dawson (John); rd. to, 210, 311, 448.
Heworth (the street), 412.
Heworth Chap., 412.
Heworth Church Sch., 448.
Heworth Croft, 453.
Heworth Cross, 311, 314, 316.
Heworth Green, 316.
Heworth Moor, 187, 311, 314-16, 499-501, 503; fair on, 490; mills on, 315, 506, 517.
Heworth Terr., 448 n.
Heworth Ward, 321.
Heworth Within, par., 313.
Heworth Without, par., 313.
Hexham (Northumb.), 5, 395; battle of, 60; Bp. of, see St. Cuthbert.
Heywood, Oliver, 205.
Hieronymianus, Claudius, legionary legate, 329-31.
Higdon, Dean Brian, 125.
Higgins, Godfrey, 469.
Hildyard, Chris., 200, 546.
Hildyarde (Hilliard), Sir Wm., 140, 482.
Hill, Edw., 424, 437; John Ric., 424, 437; Mat., 430; Peter, 429.
Hilliard, see Hildyarde.
Hilmer, 'Professor', a quack, 214.
Hinde, Eliz., 429.
Hindes, Zachariah, 427-8.
Hinxman, John, 250.
Hippodrome Cinema, see Tower Cinema.
historians and antiquaries, of Y., see Browne, Burton (Dr. John and Rog.), Cooper (T. P.), Croft (John), Drake, Gent, Hargrove (Wm.), Hildyard, Knight, Raine (Angelo and Jas.), Skaife, Torre, Widdrington.
Hob Mill Close, 506.
Hob Moor ('Acomb Hob Moor', York(s) Moor), 1, 120, 313-14, 316-18, 390, 497-501, 503.
Hob Moor Lane, 314, 317, 475.
Hob Moor Mill (Folly Mill), 506.
Hob Moor Primary Sch., 448.
Hobson, Ric., 517.
Hodgson, John (fl. 1533-45), 141, 144, 147; John (d. by 1891), 436.
Hodson, Phinees, 439.
Holbek, Wm., 61, 70, 78, 82, 112.
Holden, —, 152.
Holderness (E.R.), 132.
Hole in the Wall, The, p.h., 338.
Holgate, Abp. Rob., 135, 141, 148, 342, 349-50, 384, see also Abp. Holgate's Grammar Sch.; Rob. (nephew of abp.), 342.
Holgate, 1, 253 n, 297, 302, 313, 319, 321, 389-90, 411, 454, 461-2, 481, 499.
Holgate Beck, 313-14, 317, 506.
Holgate Bridge, 317, 475, 478, 480.
Holgate Bridge Sch., 447.
Holgate Chap., 411.
'Holgate Land', 429.
Holgate Lane, 313-15, 422, 460.
Holgate Mill, 507.
Holgate Rd., 287, 417.
Holgate Ward, 321.
Hollon, R. W., 435.
Hollym (E.R.), vicar of, see Mell.
Holm, La, land called, 483.
Holme (Houom, Houme), Rob., 98, 102-5, 109, 111, 373; Thos., 88, 102-4, 112, 393; Wilfrid, 143-4; Wm., 132, 141.
Holme on the Wold (E.R.), see Holme (Rob.).
Holmes, John, 460.
Holtby (N.R.), 423.
Holy Priests' House, 372.
Holy Redeemer, ch. of, 367.
Holy Trinity Ch., Goodramgate, 107, 135, 149, 162 n, 163-4, 201, 366-7, 372-3, 384, 394-5; par., 121, 151, 213-14, 266, char., 430.
Holy Trinity Ch., Heworth, 303, 399, 403; par., 368, 379.
Holy Trinity Ch., King's Court (Christ Ch.), 201, 251, 302, 306-7, 366-7, 373-4, 401, 436, 487; par., 151, 162 n, 163-4, 213, 252, 419, 421, 430, char., 435.
Holy Trinity Ch., Micklegate (Christ Ch., St. Nicholas), 117, 161, 201-2, 313, 334, 360, 365-7, 372, 374-6, 384-5, 388-9, 392, churchyard, 484; par., 122, 163-4, 213, 303, 311, 313-15, 368, 419, 446, char., 429.
Holy Trinity Guild, 482.
Holy Trinity Hosp., see Trinity Hosp. and guild.
Holy Trinity Priory (Christ Ch.), 23, 49, 96, 117, 207, 311, 313, 333, 360-1, 365, 369, 378, 381-2, 424, 508, 515; gallows, 498; liberty, 39; prior of, 132.
Homeopathic Dispensary, 471.
Homildon Hill (Northumb.), battle of, 58.
Hooke, Hen., 201.
Hooton Pagnell (W.R.), 436.
Hope St., 460.
Hope St. British Sch., 448.
Hopkins, —, 391.
Hopwood, —, 292.
horn, manuf., 225; horners, 116; horn-breakers, 166, 219, 258.
Hornby, Ralph, 112, 383; Wm., 423.
Hornby (near Bedale, N. R.), 112; see also Conyers (Chris.).
Hornby (Lancs.), see Neville (fam.).
Hornsea (E.R.), vicar of, see Lax.
Hornsey and Monkman, Messrs., 391.
Horsefair, The (the place), 315, 361, 364, 475-6, 503; fairs in, 489-90.
Horsehay (Salop.), 262 n.
horses, fairs for, 490-1, grazing of, 499, 505, Race Week Show of, 491, toll on, 41; horse dealers, 258; see also racing.
Horsfall, Abraham, 401.
Horsley, Edm., 200.
Hosier Lane, see Pavement.
hosiers, see clothing.
Hospital Fields, 542.
Hospitallers, 508.
hospitals, see public health.
hotels, see inns, public houses, railways.
Hotham, John, 405.
Houltby, Joyce, 430.
Houom, see Holme.
House of Correction, see prisons.
Houseman, John, 148.
Hovingham (de Hovyngham), Rog., 102, 374.
Howard, Chas., 6th Earl of Carlisle, 544; Hen., 1st Earl of Northampton, 182 n; Humphrey, 530; John, 492-3, 496-7, 526; Theophilus, Ld. Howard de Walden, 2nd Earl of Suffolk, 182 n; Thos., Earl of Surrey and 2nd Duke of Norfolk, 64, 80, 83; Thos., Earl of Surrey and 3rd Duke of Norfolk, 145, 510.
Howard St., 534 n.
Howden (E.R.), 120.
Howdenshire, 98, 144.
Hoyle, Thos., 176, 186, 191, 196, 202.
Hubert, the Chamberlain, 384.
Huddersfield (W.R.), 257, 259.
Huddleston (W.R.), 71, 97, 112.
Huddlestone, Ric., 50.
Hudson, Beatrice, 428, 483; Geo., 257, 268-9, 271, 276, 289-90, 47880.
Hudson St., see Railway St.
Hugh, Earl of Chester, 378.
Hugh (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Hugh, s. of Baldric, 22.
Hugh, s. of Lefwin, 26, 30, 37, 45-46, 51.
Hull, see Kingston upon Hull.
Hull Rd., 316, 325, 478, 507, 541.
Hull and Selby Rly., 478.
Humber, Riv., 16-19, 25, 97, 131.
Hungate, 48-49, 85, 246, 297-8, 308, 361-2, 384, 461, 475, 481; Meth. Mission, 413.
Hunmanby, see John of, Wm. of.
hunt, city, 237, 246.
Hunter, John, 431; —, 469.
Huntingdon, Ctss. of (Selina Hastings), 406; Connexion of, 252, 406-8.
Huntingdon, Earldom of, 15; Earls of, see Hastings (Hen.), Siward.
Huntingdon (Hunts.), 20, 221.
Huntington (N.R.), 308, 375, 395, 403, 430, 461-2, 470, 499, 503, see also Holme (Wilfrid); rd. to (Huntington Rd.), 316, 470, 506.
Huntington Rd. Housing Estate, 536.
Huntington Moor, 499, 501.
husbandmen, see agriculture.
husgable, see tenures.
Hutchinson, Edw., 431-2; Mary, 432; Wm., 434.
Hutchison, Percy, 534.
Hutton, Chris., 428, 437; Dean, later Abp. (1596-1606) Mat., 151-4, 156, 200, 349; Ric., 181; Wm., 154.
Hutton, High (N.R.), 45.
Hutton, Low (N.R.), 522.
Hutton, Sand (N.R.), 404.
Hutton, Sheriff (N.R.), 62, 180, 271, 436, 475; castle, 529; manor, 510.
Hyde, Edw., 1st Earl of Clarendon, 192.
'Hyngbrigg', 514.
Ibbotson, Hen., 242.
Ibsen, Henrik, the playwright, 534 n.
Iceland, 13, 103, 108.
Idle (in Bradford, W.R.), 402.
Illingworth, H. E., 407.
Imphal Barracks, 542.
Independent Labour Party, see politics.
Independents (Protestant nonconformists), 205, 252, 404-5.
Industrial Ragged Sch., 450, 459.
Information Centre, 309, 364.
Ingham, Ben., 416.
Ingleby, John, 142 n; Sir Wm., 506.
Ingmanthorpe (W.R.), see Roos (Rob.).
Ingram, Sir Art., 186, 506, Hosp. of, 160, 424, 437, house, 161, 245-6, 339, 340-1, 511, 530, 533; Chas., 9th Vct. Irvine, 510; Hugh, 180; Hugo Chas. Meynell, 510; Jane, see Marshall; Metcalf, 428; Sir Wm., 180; fam., 510.
Ings Trust Ltd., 424.
inns, 161, 168, 198, 477; see also
Anchor, Black Swan (Coney St.),
Black Swan (Peaseholme Green),
Bull, City Arms, Coach and Horses,
Commercial, Elephant and Castle,
Etteridge's Hotel, George, Golden
Lion, Old Sand Hill, Pack Horse,
Queen's Hotel, Robin Hood,
Talbot, Y. Tavern, White Horse,
White Swan; see also public
houses, railways (hotels).
-, innkeepers, innholders, hostelers,
hotel-keepers, taverners, tiplers, 82,
114, 127, 135, 137, 142, 167, 179,
219, 258, 485, see also Petty (John,
fl. 1504), Waller (Thos.); company,
Institution for Diseases of the Ear, see public health.
Institution for Diseases of the Eye, see public health.
Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, 310, 384.
Institute of Popular Science, see Technical Coll.
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 442.
instrument-maker, 215.
insurance, 261; see also Royal Exchange Assurance Office, Y. and North of England Ins. Co., Yorks. Fire and Life Ins. Co.
Intack, The, 503.
Ireland, 11, 12, 42; persons from, 108, 280, 282-3, 286-7, 291, 306, 336, 419, 493, 523.
Irish National League, see politics.
iron, see metal.
Iron Age, occupation of Y., 322.
Irvine, Vcts., see Ingram.
Isabella, Queen, w. of Edw. II, 55-56, 522.
Italy, 16, 334; persons from, 30, 42, 50, 100-2, 108.
Iullinus, a centurion, 329.
Ivar, Danish leader, 9.
Iveson, Ant., 349.
Iveson's Coffee House, 246.
Ivor, Northumbrian Danish king, 11 n.
Jackson, Chas., 437-8; Francis, Esq., 357; John, 538.
Jacob's Well, 535.
Jacques, Sir Rog., 180.
James I, King, 154-5, 199, 350, 472, 497, 529; initials of, 530.
James II, King, 175-6, 193-4; (as Duke of York), 193, 195, 199, 351.
James IV, King of Scotland, 64.
James Francis Edw. Stuart, Prince of Wales, 194.
James of Pickering, 40.
James, the deacon, 4, 343.
James Ashton Playing Fields, 427, 437.
James St. British Sch., 448.
James St. Chap., 416.
James the Deacon Mission Chap., 367-8.
Jarrow (Co. Dur.), 5, 7, 9 n.
Jeffreys, Geo., 1st Baron, Judge, 175, 404.
Jeffries, —, 'Principal', 417.
Jehovah's Witnesses, 417.
Jellinge, style of in stone carving, 10 n.
Jemtland (Sweden), 334.
Jenkins, Tobias, 192, 240; Col. —, 193.
Jenkyns, Sir Hen., 343.
Jersey House, see St. George's Chap.
Jervaulx (N.R.), Abbey, 344.
Jessop, Wm., the engineer, 475.
jet, industry, 332.
Jewbury (Jewborough), 47, 49, 314.
jewellery, 334-5; jewellers, 99, 116, 219, 258; see also jet, metal (goldsmiths, silver).
Jews, 26, 28, 36, 47-49, 51, 419, 521; Y. Hebrew Congregation, 419; Y. Jewish Soc., 532.
Joan, sister of K. Henry III, marriage of, 28.
Joce (fl. 1191), 47.
Joce, s. of David (fl. 12th cent.), 47.
Joceline (of Y.), 42.
John, King, 27, 33-34, 318-19, 522.
John, of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, 56, 81.
John, of Hemingborough, 403.
John, of Hunmanby, 380.
John, of Paris, 41.
John (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
John, s. of Thurstan, 29.
John, the organist, 345.
John, see Lardiner.
John Burrill Almshouses, see Burrill.
Johnson, Denise, 142; Sister E. M., 418 n; Gilbert, 142; Jas., 541; John, 434; Peter, 208, 235, 401, 437-8; R., 540; Rob., 147; — (fl. before 1825), 430.
joiners, see carpenters.
Jomtob, Rabbi, 47.
Jones, G. F., 396, 399, 403.
Jordan (fl. 12th cent.), 29 n.
Jordan, of Fantosme, 26.
Jordan, Edm., 157.
Josephus, Flavius, Jewish historian, 47, 157.
Joye, —, 142.
Jubb, W. C., 417; Wm., 417.
Jubbergate (Bretgate, Brettegate, now in part Market St.), 48, 276-7, 336, 413, 431, 533; see also Market St.
Jubbergate Chap., 407-8.
Judges' Court, 249.
Judges' Lodgings, Old, 409, 467; Old and New, 249.
'judices', see courts.
Kaine, Tabitha, 432.
Kar, John, 401.
Kay, Sir Rob. Newbald, 412, 415.
Kaye, Sir John Lister, 231, 241-2.
Kearne, And., 200.
keeper, of Y., see military affairs.
Kelke, Chris., 149.
Kell, Rob., 431.
Kellet, Eliz., 371.
Kelsterne, Wal., 79, 101.
Kemble, John Phil., the actor, 534.
Kemsley Newspapers, 539.
Kendal (Westm.), 41, 90, 99, 108, 215, 477, 484-5.
Kennedy, A. B. W., 462.
Kenrick, John, 305, 449.
Kent, John, 105.
Kent, Y. men in, 109.
Ker, N. R., Esq., 16 n, 17 n.
Keregan, Thos., 246, 533.
Ketal (fl. 12th cent.), 40.
Ketel (fl. 12th cent.), 387 n.
Ketlam, Francis, 430.
Ketmangergate (prob. part of St. Andrewgate), 51, 336.
Kexby Bridge (E.R.), rd. to (turnpike), 98, 475-6.
Key, fam., 398 n.
kidcotes, see Ouse Bridge.
Kighley, Eleanor, 428; Thos., 428.
Kilburn Rd., 417.
Kildale (N.R.), 335.
Kilham, Alex., 413.
Kilnwick Percy (E.R.), 46.
King, Greg., herald and genealogist, 163.
King George VI Club for Officers, 410.
King St. (First Water Lane), 426, 486; see also Water Lanes.
Kingdom Hall, 417.
King's Arms Inn, 477.
King's Court (also Square, Kuningesgard), 324-5, 336.
King's Dike, 511.
King's Lynn (Norf.), 130.
King's Manor, 117-18, 136, 146, 158, 161, 189-90, 245, 247, 358-9, 418, 449, 459-60, 525, 529-31, keeper of, see Harbert, Howard (Humphrey), Lilburne; girls' boarding sch. in, 531; see also Manor Sch.
King's Sq., see King's Court.
King's Staith, 169, 208-10, 221, 223, 362, 501; prison on, 493.
King's Tofts, see Toft Green.
Kingston upon Hull, bailiffs of, 43; bishop of, see Pursglove; castle, 154; customs, 60, 65, 73, 98; docks, 224; infirmary, 532; King's Manor, 529 n; merchants of, 168, see also Moore (Rob.); Presbyterians, 439; Prim. Meth. Circuit, 414; Prospect St., Presbyterian Ch., 416; rd. to, see Hull Rd.; theatrical performances in, 533-4; trade connexion of Y. with, 43, 98, 100, 102-3, 105-6, 125, 129-31, 196, 198, 224-5; transport from Y. to, 474, 477-8; otherwise mentioned, 45, 97, 104, 106, 109, 153, 187-8, 195, 203, 413, 449.
Kingsway North, 444.
Kirby, Edm., 471.
Kirby Hall (W.R.), 180.
Kirby Overblow (W.R.), Vicar of, 207.
Kirk, Isabella, 431; J. L., 536.
Kirby, in Cleveland (N.R.), 398.
Kirkdale Cave (N.R.), 535.
Kirke, Geo., 109, 112; fam., 109.
Kirkeby, Rob. de, 523.
Kirkham (E.R.), Priory, 49, 392, 397, 399.
Kirkland, Sarah, 413.
Kirkleatham (N.R.), see Turner (Chas.).
Kirkoswald (Cumb.), see Pickering (Sir John).
Kirkstall (W.R.), Abbey, monk of, see Sandall (Edw.).
Kitching, T. R., 468.
Kitchingman, Wm., 181.
Knapton, Wm., 272.
Knapton (W.R.), 313, 375-6, 398, 461.
Knaresborough (W.R.), honor of, 54, 90, 97, 144, 478.
Knavesmire, 1, 70, 144, 154, 245, 247, 283, 300, 309, 313-15, 317-18, 320-1, 390, 498-503; fair, 490; gallows, 497.
Knavesmire Schs., 448-9.
Knavesmire Ward, 321.
Knight, Chas. Brunton, 273.
Knights Templar, 523; chap. of, see St. George's Chap.; mills of, see Castle Mills.
Knitting Sch., in St. Saviourgate, 134; in Spinning Sch., 456; in St. Anthony's Hall, 482.
'Kuningesgard', see King's Court.
Kyme St., 493.