
A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 7. Originally published by Victoria County History, London, 1953.

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H F Chettle, W R Powell, P A Spalding, P M Tillott, 'Index', in A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 7, ed. R B Pugh, Elizabeth Crittall (London, 1953), British History Online [accessed 10 March 2025].

H F Chettle, W R Powell, P A Spalding, P M Tillott, 'Index', in A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 7. Edited by R B Pugh, Elizabeth Crittall (London, 1953), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025,

H F Chettle, W R Powell, P A Spalding, P M Tillott. "Index". A History of the County of Wiltshire: Volume 7. Ed. R B Pugh, Elizabeth Crittall (London, 1953), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025.

Note. The following abbreviations are used: adv., advowson; agric, agriculture; Alex., Alexander; Ant., Anthony; Archd., Archdeacon; b., brother; Ben., Benjamin; bnss., baroness; bp., bishop; bt., baronet; cast., castle; Cath., Catherine; ch., church; chant., chantry; chap., chapel; char., charities; Christ., Christopher; cr., created; ctss., countess; d., died; D. & C, Dean & Chapter; Dan., Daniel; dau., daughter; dchss., duchess; Edw., Edward; Eliz., Elizabeth; f., father; fam., family; Fredk., Frederick; Geo., George; Geof., Geoffrey; Hen., Henry; ho., house; hosp., hospital; hund., hundred; incl., inclosure; Jas., James; Jos., Joseph; Kath., Katherine; ld., lord; m., mother; man., manor; mar., married; Mat., Matthew; Mich., Michael; mon., monastery; Nath., Nathaniel; Nich., Nicholas; nonconf., nonconformity; par., parish; Pet., Peter; Phil., Philip; pop., population; Ric, Richard; riv., river; Rob., Robert; Rog., Roger; s., son; Sam., Samuel; sch., school; sis., sister; St., street; sta., station; Steph., Stephen; Thos., Thomas; vsct., viscount; vsctss., viscountess; w., wife; Walt., Walter; Wm., William.


Abbott, S. P., 45

Abdy, Sir Ant., 189, 193

Abingdon, earl of, see Bertie

Abraham, John, 201

Aceline, 153

Acetylene Light Syndicate, 141, 143

Achi, 199

Addington, Hen., visct. Sidmouth (d. 1844), 45; (Hon.) Raymond Ant., 198

Adye, Chas. S., 5

Aelfwig, 52

Aelfwine, 52

Aethelred II, King, 2, 13, 17, 38, 70, 197

Aethelweard, 12

Aethelwine, 59

Agatha of St. George, 190

Ailesbury, earl of, see Bruce

Aitricus, 17

Akerman, Jas., 183; Rob., 184

Aland, Eliz. (née Dormer), w. of John, 100; Sir John Fortescue, 100

Albreda 'de Bosco Roalda', 56

Aldbourne, 129, 144

Aldeleia, de, Wm., 199, 201 n

Aldridge, Wm., 85

Aldrie, de, Wm., 201, 204

Aldworth, Ric, 189

Alexander, Hen., earl of Stirling (fl. 1653), 211

Aleyn, Christ., 130, 152

Alfgar, 66

Algar, 209

Alkin, Francis, 67

Allambrigge, John, 66

Allen, Gideon, 11 n; Wm., 49

Allington [Chippenham hund.], 26; [Swanborough hund.], 178

Allington [Alyngton], Thos., 208; Wm., 102

Allway [Alowy], Alice, 181, 182; Thos., 181, 182

Alnod, 73

Alowy, see Allway

'Alvestone' (in Bradford), 13, 41

Alvet, 71

Alward, 209

Alwold, 55

Alyngton, see Allington

Amand, Eliz., 183

Amenethes, Sibyl, 181

America, United States of, consul at Bristol, 139

Amesbury, 110, 111

Amesbury, priory of, 101, 103, 116; prioress of, 77, 78, 95, 97, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113; see also Geinville

Amice, ctss. of Devon, 77, 95

Amyas, Walt., 201

Anderson, Pet., 203

Andrews [Andrewes], Eliz. (w. of Hen.), 123, 211; Geo., 218; Sir Hen., 123, 211; Rob., 132

Anglesey, earl of, see Villiers

Anne, queen of Denmark, 194

Ansger the cook, 87

Anstee, Anne, 220; Wm., 219

Anstie, E. B., 195; G., 184; Pet., 140

Anstey (in Alton), Hants, 133, 184

Applegate, H., 45; J. W., 45; Wm., 160, 169

Arleghe, de, Malcolm, 213

Arundel, earl of, see Fitzalan

Arundell, (Revd.) E. A. G., 157; John Francis, 1d. Arundell of Wardour (d. 1906), 157

Ashe [Ash], Anne, 71; John (fl. 1650), 97. 102; John (fl. 1692), 43. 97; Sam., 71, 73, 76

Ashley (in Bradford), 16, 28, 42

Ashley [Asselegh], de, Ant., 131; Hen. (d. 1549) (I), 16; Sir Hen. (d. 1588) (II), 16, 131; Sir Hen., s. of Hen. II, 16; Hugh, 16; John, 16; Kath., 131; Rob., 130, 136; Rog., 16

Ashmead, Geo., 40

Ashton, Jos., 220

Asselegh, see Ashley

Atford, Pet., 14

Attwell, Wm., 34

Atwood, Ann, 21; Ric, 51

Atworth (in Bradford), 2, 5, 13; adv., 28; ch., 28; chap., 24, 25, 28; char., 51; cholera, 39; cloth industry, 46; incl., 41; mans., 16; mill, 42; nonconf., 32, 37; par., 8, 8 n; sch., 48

Atworth, de, Bennet, 17; Hugh, 17; Thos., 17

Atworth Cottles, see Cottles

Aubrey, Edw., 31; John (cited), 7, 9, 17, 22, 28, 43, 115, 121, 132, 201

Audley, barons, see Touchet

Audley, Edmund, bp. of Salisbury, 200

Aula, de, see Hall

Aumale, de, Rob., 199

Auncel, John, 200, 205

Aunger, John (fl. 1385), 64; John (s. of John), 64

Avon, riv., 5, 42, 43, 51. 86, 91, 92, 125, 143, 171; fishery, 136; source, 187

Avon Rubber Co., 46, 114, 115

Awdry, Ambrose (d. 1789), 101; Ambrose (19th-cent.), 97; Chas., 97, 102, 103, 105, 106, 115, 202; C.S., 94; Jeremiah (d. 1754). 97. 98; Jeremiah (fl. 1802), 97; John (d. 1639), 105; John (fl. 1754), 97; John (d. 1844), 97, 118; (Sir) John Wither, 97, 118; Priscilla (née Goddard), 97; R. W., 103, 204; West, 97; Wm. Hen., 97; fam., 100, 105, 114

Axford, Isaac, 85

Ayers (lieut.), 32

Aylesford, earl of, see Finch

Ayliffe, J., 222

Azor, 18, 70


Baber, Jas., 21

Badcock [Badcocke], Thos., 97, 203

Badlesmere, de, Bartholomew, 1d. Badlesmere (d. 1322), 53; Eliz. (mar. (1) Mortimer (2) Bohun), sis. of Giles, 101; Giles, 1d. Badlesmere (d. 1338), 53, 101; Margaret (w. of Bartholomew), 53

Bagehot, Chas., 28

Bailey [Baily, Bayley, Bayly], Christ, (d. 1559), 74; Christ, (d. 1602), 71, 76; Christ. (17th-cent.), 71; Edmund, 20; E. H., 155; Edw. (17th-cent. clothier), 138; Edw. (d. 1760), 16; J. (fl. 1851), 76; John (d. 1621), 71; John (d. 1642), 29; John (fl. 1647), 71; John (d. 1665), 74; Kath., 71; Margaret, 16; Maud, 74; Rebecca, 74; Rob., 71; Thos. (d. 1543). 71, 73, 76; Thos. (d. 1568), 74; Thos. (16th cent. clothier), 137; Walt., 140; Wm. (fl. 1532) 20; Wm. (d. 1562), 71; Wm. (16th-cent. clothier), 137; Wm. (d. 1695), 27; Wm. (d. 1810), 188, 193, 194; — (of Staverton, fl. 1658), 156; fam., 26

Bailward, see Ballard

Baily, see Bailey

Baldewyn, Walter, 112

Baldock, Rob. of, canon of Salisbury, 96

Balfour, Revd. A., 35

Ball, John, 108; Wm., 152

Ballard [Bailward], Alice, 181; Ann, 36; Hen., 36; John, 181; Thos., 181

Bamfield [Bamfelde], Anne (née Savery), w. of Thos., 63, 65; Dorothy, 209; Thos., 63, 65

Banks, Mrs., 30

Barache (or Barage), Isabel, 98; Wm., 98

Barbeflet, de, Nich., 77, 95, 110, 219

Barbour, Walt., 137

Bareville, de, Walt., 87; Wm., 87

Bargest, Mr., (minister), 35

Barker, Edmond, 128; Thos., 33

Barley [Beanfield, Berefeld] (in Bradford), 1; agric, 41; chap., 28; man., 18

Barley, de, Adam, 18; Alice, 18, 19; Hen., 18; Isabel, 18, 19; John, 18, 19; Rog., 18, 19; Rog. (s. of Rog.), 18, 19; Sybil (née Husee), 18, 19

Barnaby, John, 200

Barnard, Revd. Jas., 37

Barnwell, Revd. E. L., 106

Barrington, Daines, 25

Bartlett, Mr. (of Devizes, fl. 1901), 222

Barton, Mr. (of Atworth, fl. 1790), 37; Wm., 214

Barwicke, John, 57, 154

Basildon, Berks., 16

Basing, Hants, 14

Bassett [Basset], Gilbert, 52; John, 41, 135; (Sir) Simon, 101; Thos., 52, 55; Wm., 38

Bath & Wells, bp. of, see Ken

Battle, Suss., abbey of, abbot of, 177, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185

Bavent, Rob., 72

Baxter, Thos., 210; Wm., 210

Bayeux, de, Joscelin, 70, 71; Julia, 102; Maud (mar. Rabayn), 102

Bayley, Bayly, see Bailey

Baynard, Edmund, 98; Eleanor (née Bluet), w. of Edmund, 98; Phil., 18; Rog., 99

Baynton, Andrew (d. 1566), 102, 103, 172, 180, 181, 182; Anne (mar. Rolt), 181; (Sir) Edw. (d. 1545), 102, 172, 179, 180, 181, 182, 185, 191, 219, 220; (Sir) Edw. (d. 1574), 181, 183; Edw. (d. 1597), 191; (Sir) Edw. (fl. 1643), 180, 181, 195; (Sir) Edw. (d. 1679), 63, 183; Eliz., 15; (Sir) Hen. (fl. 1616), 181, 186; Hen. (d. 1691), 183; Hen. (fl. 1700), 72; Hen. (fl. 1793), 182; Hen. Summers, 74; Jane (née Dandeleigh), 181; Joan (née Roches), 191; (Sir) John (d. 1465), 102, 191; John (d. 1516), 172, 181, 183; John (d. 1716), 83, 181; Kath. (née Brouncker), 83; Nich., 191; Rachel, 15, 63, 134; Rob., 191; Thos., 15, 63

Baynton-Rolt, (Sir) Andrew, 181; (Sir) Edw., 19, 181, 182, 195; Maria Barbara (mar. Starky), dau. of Andrew, 181

Baynton-Starky, see Starky

Beach, Thos., 163

Bean, John, 213

Beanacre (in Melksham), 79, 81, 91, 92, 103; ch., 104, 105; char., 120; man., 98, 105; Manor ho., 99; mills, 113; nonconf., 110; Old Manor ho., 99; railway, 93

Beanacre, William of, 98

Beanfield (in Bradford), see Barley

Beard, John, 42

Beatrice, dau. of Herbert, 21

Beauchamp, Eliz. (née Roches), w. of Walt., 102, 103, 172, 181, 191; Eliz. (née Braybrooke), w. of Wm., 172; Eliz. (sis. of Wm.), 181; Isabel (formerly bnss. Lisle), w. of Thos., 20; Ric, 1d. St. Amand (d. 1508), 103, 172, 181, 182; Thos., 20; (Sir) Walt. (d. 1430), 102, 103, 172, 181, 191; Wm., 1d. St. Amand (d. 1457), 103, 172, 181, 182

Beauchamp, vsct., see Seymour

Beaufoe, de, Rob., 189, 211

Beaufort, cardinal, 132

Beaumond, Isabel (née Wiliton), w. of Wm., 122; Thos., 122; Wm. 122

Beaushyn, Agnes, 18; Alice, 18; Ant., 18; Eliz., 18; Hen., 18; Joan (née FitzWarin), w. of Thos. I., 18, 60, 61; John (fl. 1495), 18; John (fl. 1564), 18; Margaret, 18; Thos. (fl. 1400), 18, 60; Thos. (fl. 1530), 18, 28; Wm., 18, 28

Beavan [Beaven], Charlotte Amelia, 50; Isaac, 89; Jas. (18th-cent. leather worker), 46; Jas. (fl. 1867), 41; John, 94; Thos. (d. 1717). 114 n; Thos. (fl. 1750), 107, 114, 114 n; fam., 114

Beazer, John, 114

Beckett, Anna (w. of Wm. 111), 200; Edith (w. of Ric), 200; Ric, 200; Wm. (fl. 1542), 202; Wm. (d. 1677), 203; Wm. (fl. 1693), 200.

Beckhampton, 187

Beckington, Som., 144, 155

Bedborough (in Bishop's Cannings), 175, 187, 194; agric, 195; tithes, 193

Beddoe [Beddow], Ben., 34; (Dr.) John, 12, 26, 38

Bedwyn, Great, peculiar of, 149

Bellatt, Ric, 26

Bellingham, Sir Edw., 2, 13, 17, 21, 38

Bennett [Bennet], Rob., 32; Thos., 169

Berefeld (in Bradford), see Barley

Berkeley, de, Cecily (w. of Nich.), 191, 195; Eleanor (mar. FitzAlan), dau. of John, 190; (Sir) John, 190; (Sir) Nich., 191

Berks. & Wilts. canal, 93

Bernard, 38; Mr. (fl. 1700), 72, 74; Cecily, 199; John, 199; Jos., 75

Berners, 1d., see Bourchier

Bernevall, de, Hugh, 122

Berry fields (in Melksham), 91, 93

Bertie, Eleanor, ctss. of Abingdon, (née Wharton), w. of Jas., 200; Jas., 1st earl of Abingdon, 200, 201, 202, 203; Willoughby, 3rd earl of Abingdon, 200; Willoughby, 4th earl of Abingdon, 200, 202

Berwick, Gilbert of, 100, 112, 201

Besil [Besill], Cecily (mar. Rogers), 16; John, 102, 103; Margaret (fl. 1275), 102, 103; Margaret (15th cent., mar. Hall), 130; Pet., 102, 103; Wm. (fl. 1425), 16, 130, 136; Wm. (fl. 1467), 103

Besser, Isaac, 169

Bethell, Dr., 5; Ric, 1st baron Westbury, 5, 12, 14; Thos., 14

Beverley, Beatrice (née Percy), w. of Rob., 60; Rob., 60; Thos. (s. of Rob.), 60; Thos. (s. of Thos.), 60, 61

Bignell, Walt., 138

Bilbie, Abraham, 31; Thos., 30; Wm., 28

Billet, Ric, 131, 137

Biney, W., 11 n

Birde, Wm., 25, 26, 32

Biss, riv., 86, 125, 131, 132, 134, 140, 150; bridge, 145; fishery, 136

Bissey [Bissie], Jas., 56; John, 56; Ric, 76, 170

Blackborow, Hen., 189, 190; Pet., 190

Black Dog (in West Lavington), 198

Blackmore (in Melksham), 81, 81 n, 91, 92; incl., 113; man., 98

Blagden, Anne (née Hale), w. of John, 18; John, 18, 64; Rob. Hale (later Hale), 18; Wm. (fl. 1600), 137; Wm. (fl. 1685), 97

Blake, Messrs. (of Trowbridge, 1912), 147; Miss (of Trowbridge, 1912), 147; Eliz. (mar. Hearst), 100; H. J. P., 56; J. H. & H. (brewers), 140; Mary (mar. Dormer), 100; (Revd.) Moody, 37; (Sir) Ric. (d. 1683), 100; Ric. (fl. 1616), 137; Rob. (fl. 1564), 200; Rog., 152

Blakman, Andrew, 61; Eleanor (née Tropenell), w. of Andrew, 61

Blanchard, Eliz., 16; Joan, 16; John, 16; Steph. (alias Sanshue), 13; Susan (mar. Tidcombe), 16

Blanche, Eliz. (née Horton), w. of Wm., 55; Wm., 55

Blayney, Ben., 122, 123, 125

Blease, Julia, 157

Blews, Wm., & Sons, 27

Blinman, Jos., 69

Bliss, Jas., 29

Bloet, see Bluet

Blount [Blund, Blunt], Alice (w. of Walkelin), 181; Alice (temp. Edw. 1), 182; Edmund, 19; Eliz., 103; Geof., 210; Gilbert, 199; Hen., 197; John, 18, 19; Margaret (mar. Hussey), 19; Ric, 103; Rob. (fl. 1086), 199; Rob. (temp. Edw. I), 182; Simon, 19; Walkelin, 181, 182; Wilhelmina, 18, 19; Wm. (fl. 1086), 204; Wm. (temp. Edw. I), 182

Bluet [Bloet], Eleanor (d. 1349), 98; Eleanor (mar. Baynard), 98; John (fl. 1309), 98; John (d. c. 1349), 98; John (fl. 1370), 102; Margery, 98; Ralph (fl. 1212), 218; Ralph (fl. 1312), 98.

Blund, Blunt, see Blount

Bodman, J. (cited), 132, 144, 145, 151

Bohun, de, Anne (ctss. of Stafford), 100; Edw. (d. 1337), 100, 112; Eleanor (mar. Thomas of Woodstock), 67, 100; Eliz. (née Badlesmere), mar. (1) Mortimer (2) Wm., 101; Hen., earl of Hereford (d. 1220), 128, 131, 143; Humphrey (d. 1131), 66, 128, 131, 152, 156; Humphrey (d. 1182), 128; Humphrey (d. 1187), 55, 60, 66, 77, 95, 131; Humphrey, earl of Hereford (d. 1274), 128, 130, 131; Humphrey, earl of Hereford (d. 1361), 100; Humphrey (d. 1373), 100; Joan, ctss. of Hereford (d. 1419), 112; Margaret (d. 1341), 100; Mary (d. 1394), 100; Maud (dau. of Edward of Salisbury), 128; Maud (w. of Hen.), 128, 131; Wm., earl of Northampton (d. 1360), 101

Boles, John, 89

Bolter, Nath., 88; Sarah, 213, 215

Bolwell, Wm., 92 n

Bompas, Isabel, 132; John, 132

Bond, Nich., 214

Bonham, Ant., 134

Bonhommes, Order of, 197

Boord, Wm., 39

Booth, (hon.) Langham, 16

Borgh, atte, Nich., 122; Ric, 122

Boscumbe, de, Alestan, 201

Bothwell, William of, canon of Salisbury, 96

Botreaux, bnss., see Hungerford

Boulter, Thos., 122

Bourchier, John, 1d. Berners (d. 1474), 100; John (d. 1533), 100; (Sir) Wm., 100

Bourne, Alic (née Percy), w. of John I, 63; Gille (mar. Cadell), sis. of John I, 63; John (fl. 1428), 63, 132; John (d. 1477), 63, 132; Margaret (w. of John II), 63

Bourton (in Bishop's Cannings), 187, 188, 194; agric, 195; man., 189; mill, 196; tithes, 193

Bourton, de, Agnes (d. 1449), w. of Thos., 17; Agnes (w. of Rob.), 17; Rob., 17; Thos., 17

Bouverie, (Sir) Edw. (fl. 1719), 99; Jacob, vsct. Folkestone (cr. 1747), 99; Jacob Pleydell, 205; Win., earl of Radnor (cr. 1765), 99, 202

Bowditch, Geo., 200, 205

Bower, Thos., 211; Wm., 200, 204

Bowerhill (in Melksham), 92, 94

Bowles, Edw., 74

Box, 26

Boyle, (Revd.), E. F., 88

Bradenstoke, priory of, 98, 192

Bradeston, de, Isabel, 73; Thos., 73

Bradford, hund. of, 1–76

Bradford, Dorothy, 134

Bradford-on-Avon, 4–51, 144; Abbey ho., 6; adv., 24, 26, 31; agric, 41; almshouses, 50; Barton farm, 5, 14; Bearfield, 8; Belcombe Court, 6, 43; Berryfield ho., 6; brewing industry, 46; bridges, 9, 10, 43; burgages, 38; burgesses, 38; cemetery, 8, 40; chants., 26; chaps., 27, 28; char., 50; Chartism, 11, 12; cholera, 39; chs., 23, 31; Church St., 7; cloth industry, 42, 46; communications, 10, 11; Conservative club, 6; Coppice Hill, 7; courts, 38, 39; Druce's Hill ho., 8; electricity supply, 40; fairs, 46; field names, 41; fishery, 42; Fitzmaurice Grammar sch., 8; Forwards Common, 41; garrison at, 148; gas supply, 5, 39, 40; George Inn, 6; Great Wood, 41; Grove Meeting ho., 7; Hall's man., 6, 14, 15, 42; hosps., 6, 40; Kingston ho., 15; labour troubles, 44; Leigh ho., 6; Liberal club, 6; library, 40; local gov't, 38; mans., 12; Market St., 7; 'Mason's Arms', 6; mills, 42; mon., 12; name of, 9, 9 n; New Bear pub. ho., 6; New Inn, 6; Newtown, 7; nonconf., 31; Old Bear hotel, 6; Old Church ho., 7; Old Market ho., 46; Orchard cottage, 8; Orpin's ho., 7, 25 n; par. 2, 5; pauper apprentices, indentures of, 44; plague, 11; poor relief, 49; pop., 38, 44, 45; postal service, 40; Priory, the, 6; railway, 5, 8, 11; rents of assize, 41; roads, 10; Roger's man., 16; rubber industry, 45; St. Margaret st., 7, 8; sens., 47; sewage disposal, 40; Swan hotel, 6; Three Gables restaurant, 7; toll-gates, 10; Town club, 6; Town, Hall, 6; Tudor café, 7; water supply, 40; Westbury ho., 5; Whitehill, 7; Woolley Grange, 6; Woolley St., 8, 27; 'Ye Old Bank Ho.', 7; see also Ashley, Atworth, Barley, Budbury, Cottles, Cumberwell, Holt, Leigh, Limpley Stoke, Trowle (Great), Turleigh, Westwood, Winsley, Woolley, Wraxall (South)

Bradley, North, 144, 169; watersupply, 150

Bradley, Jas., 188

Bradshaw, Rob., 64

Brakspear, Sir Harold, 14, 62, 99

Brasyetere, le, John, 141; Wm., 141

Bratton, 85

Braybrooke, Eliz. (mar. (1) Beauchamp (2) Tocotes), 172

Breach, Walter, 109 n

Bremeridge (in Westbury), man. of, 198

Bremhill, 197, 198

Brereton, Ric, 55

Bret, le, Wm., 18

Breton, see Britton

Brewer, (of Box), 29; Sam. (fl. 1713), 138; Sam. (d. 1743), 128; Wm. (fl. 1200), 52; Wm. (fl. 1674), 43, 138; Wm. (fl. 1707), 155

Brewyn, Eliz., 211; Hen., 211

Brictric, 66, 128, 130, 131

Bridges, Brooke, 67; Francis, 67; Mat., 67; Wm., 67

Brigges, Ric, 54

Bright, Thos., 133

Brighton, Suss., 197

Brightwalton, Berks., 184, 185

Bristol, ctss. of, see Chudleigh; dean of, see Sprint; D. & C. of, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31; univ. of, library of, 130; U.S.A. consul at, 139

British Guiana, 105

Brito, Alice, 190; Thos., 190

Britton [Breton], Geo., 67, 68; Hen., 67, 68; John (cited), 84, 114, 144, 146.

Brixton Deverel, 123

Broad, Ric, 106

Broke, John, 201

Brokenborough, de, Edmund, 73

Brokworth, John, 132; Margery, 132

Bromfield, Wm., 67, 68

Bromham, 26, 93, 102, 172, 177, 178, 179–86; adv., 182; agric, 184; Battle ho., 179; Battle ho. farm, 179; Bell Inn, 179; ch., 182; chant., 182; char., 186; Chartism, 180; 'Church Estate', 182; Civil War, 180; cloth industry, 180; College of the Poor, 186; courts, 181; fields, 185; glebe, 182; incl., 185; mans., 180; market-gardening, 185; mills, 185; nonconf., 183; Nonsuch, 180; par., 179; Rowdeford ho., 180; St. Edith ho., 179; schs. 186; Sloperton cottage, 179; Spye Park, 179; steeple flyer, 180; village 179; Working Men's club, 179

Brooke, Nich., 74; fam., 42; baron, see Greville

Broomejohn, John, 32

Broughton, baron, see Hobhouse

Broughton Gifford, 1, 2, 91, 51–59; adv., 56; agric, 58; brewing industry, 46, 52; bridge, 51; Broughton ho., 51; ch., 56; Challymead, 55; chap., 56; char., 58; ch. ho., 57; cloth industry, 52; common, 51, 52; Darbies, 57; fraternity, 57; geese, 58; glebe, 57; Gifford Hall, 51; manor ho., 55; mans., 52; mills, 58; nonconf., 57; par., 51; roads, 52; schs., 58

Broughton, Little or Monkton, 1, 2; man., 55; Monkton ho., 56

Brouncker, Anne (d. c. 1684), 86; Anne (dau. of Dauntsey), 83; Dauntsey (d. 1693), 83; Gertrude (later Dauntsey), relict of Hen. III, 96; Hen. (d. 1569), 83, 96, 97, 103, 114; Hen. (s. of Hen. I), 96, 99; Hen. (d. 1598), 83, 96; Hen. (fl. 1689), 83; Kath. (mar. Baynton), dau. of Dauntsey, 83; Rob. (fl. 1540), 83, 111; Rob. (fl. 1579). 114; (Sir) Wm. (d. 1596), 54. 83, 96, 97. 101. 122; Wm. (born 1596), 54, 83, 96, 97, 99, 171, 200; Wm. (fl. 1680), 83, 85; fam., 104, 114

Brouse (18th-cent. pastor), 34

Brown, (Prof.) Baldwin, 23; Edw., 69; Jane, 18, 48, 51; Sam., 142; Wm., 196; (Sir) Wm. Rog., 91, 139, 142, 150, 151, 152, 167, 170; (Lady), 152, 170

Brown & Palmer (19th-cent. clothiers), 139, 150

Browne, John, 43; Wade, 67, 68, 69

Browne & Margetson, 115

Brownjohn, John, 73, 76

Brownwick, Arthur, 97; Wm., 97

Bruce, Chas. (s. of Thos.), 141; Jeremy, 16; Thos., 2nd earl of Ailesbury (d. 1741), 141

Bruges, Thos., 98, 101, 119, 120

Brutun, Cath. (mar. Hamond), dau. of John, 72; John, 72; Walt., 72

Bryant, Chas., 42, 44

Bubb, John, 50

Buchanan (archd.), 208

Buckeley, John, 21; Margaret, 21

Buckler, Humphrey, 220; Thos., 220; Wm., 220

Buckpitt (Mrs.), 147

Budbury (in Bradford), 1, 16, 41, 42

Budebury, de, John, 16; Wm., 16

Bulkeley, Chas., 210

Bulkington (in Melksham), 79, 80, 81, 81 n, 109

Bulkington brook, 198, 207

Bulkington [Bulkinton], de, Pet. 95, 219

Bupton (in Highway), 177, 178

Burbage, (Revd.) A., 37

Burdon [Burdun], Dennise, 122; Edmund, 122; John, 122; Mary, 122; (Sir) Nich. (d. 1273), 92 n, 122; Nich. (d. 1301), 121; Nich. (fl. 1334). 121, 122; Ric, 122, 202; Rob., 122

Burgages, 38, 130, 133, 135 n, 137, 140

Burgeman, John, 186

Burgess, Thos., bp. of Salisbury, 69; Thos. (18th-cent. clothier), 138

Burgh, de, Frances (née Walsingham), w. of Ric., 14, 17; Honora (mar. Paulet), dau. of Ric, 14; Ric, 4th earl of Clanricarde, 1st earl of St. Albans (d. 1635), 14, 17; Ulick, 5th earl of Clanricarde, 2nd earl of St. Albans (d. 1657), 14 n; Walt., 95, 110

Burghley, 1st 1d., see Cecil

Burley, Ric, 208

Burnham-on-Sea, Som., 188

Burrard, (Sir) Geo., 62; (Sir) Harry (later Neale), see Neale

Burton, F. A. P., 190; Jas., 20; Sarah Charlotte (née Erle-Drax), w. of F. A. P., 190

Busfield, Nich., 210

Bush, Elijah, 149; Maud (w. of Walt.), 74; Posthumous, 35; Thos., 10, 33; Walt., 74

Bushell, (Mr.), 171

Butelyate, de, John, 211

Butesthorn, Goda (née Cormailles), 73; John, 73

Buteville, de, Geof., 52; Olive, 52

Butler, the Misses, 222; A. S., 71

Butterfield, H., 198

Button, Ambrose, 19; Francis, 19; Hen., 19; Jane (née Lambe), 19; Jane (mar. Steward), 19; John, 19; Mary (mar. Walker), 19; (Sir) Rob., bt., 19; Wm. (d. 1547), 19, 64, 202; Wm. (d. 1591), 19, 61, 202, 205; Wm. (d. 1613), 19; (Sir) Wm., bt. (d. 1655), 19; Wm. (d. 1660), 19

Byde, John, 136

Bynnakre, de, Juliana, 219; Ric., 219

'Byncrot', de, John, canon of Salisbury, 96

Byrom, Thos., 202

Byron, Sir John, 188

Bythesea, Geo., 223; Hen., 138, 140; (Revd.) J. L., 131; Mary (née Minshull), w. of Thos., 131, 157; Sam., 138, 145; Thos., 131, 157


Cabble, John, 140

Cadell, Edw., 63; Gille (née Bourne), w. of Edw., 63

Caillard, Sir Vincent, 71, 73

Caldwell, H. B., 67

Calley, see Cawley

Calmsden (in North Cerney), Gloucs., 18 n

Calmundesden, de, Agnes, 18; Rog., 18

Calne, 195; hund. of, 177, 178; nonconf., 107, 184

Cam, Sam., 10, 33, 43, 50; fam., 26, 36

Cambon, Walt., 201

Canals, see Berks. & Wilts., Kennet & Avon

Caningan maersc, 187

Cannings, hund. of, 175, 177

Cannings, Bishop's, 97, 102, 175, 177, 178, 187–97; adv., 192; agric, 195; bridges, 187; chant., 193; char., 196; chs., 192; earthworks, 188; inch, 195; mans., 189; mills, 195; moonrakers, 189; nonconf., 194; Old Shepherds' Shore, 187; par., 187; roads, 187; Roman road, 187; schs., 196; tithes, 193; village, 187; see also Bedborough, Bourton, Chittoe, Coate, Easton, Horton, Nursteed, Roundway, Southbroom, Wick

Cannington, Som., 16

Canonhold (in Melksham), 81, 81 n, 92, 104, 104 n; man., 96; tithes, 98

Canterbury, archbp. of, see Hutton

Capital & Counties Bank, 115, 220

Capon, John, bp. of Salisbury, 67, 200

Careweye, Wm., 214

Carpenter, Edw., 107; Steph., 186

Carrier, Wm., 11, 127

Cary [Carye], Edw., 182; Rob., 102

Case, (Revd.) A. A., 37

Cass, Wm., 67

Castle Combe, barony of, 53, 101; honour of, 19; man, 52; Mission, 108

Castlehaven, earls of, see Touchet

Catley, Sam., 213

Cawley [Calley], Chas., 198; Mich., 198; Ralph, (fl. 1569), 198; Ralph (s. of Ralph), 198; Thos., 198; Wm., 198

Cecil, Wm., 1st 1d. Burghley, 200, 202

Cecily, abbess of Shaftesbury, Dors., 28, 29

Celestine III, Pope, 197

Cenwalh, King of Wessex, 12

Chalfield, Great, 1, 2, 5, 8, 24, 29, 46, 59–66, 79; adv., 64; agric, 65; chs., 64; Lenton farm, 59, 64; manor ho., 62, 143; mans., 59, 132; mills, 65; Moxhams, 63; nonconf., 65; Parliamentary garrison at, 59, 87, 136, 141

Chalfield, Little (or West), 2, 5, 17, 24. 32, 59, 132; adv., 64, 65; ch., 64; chant., 64, 65; chap., 65; man., 62

Chalfield brook, 59

Chalfield [Chaudefeld, Scandefeld], de, Hugh, 60; Julia, 60; Walt. (fl. 1198), 60, 62; Walt. (fl. 1308), 62, 64, 66; Wm., 62

Chamberlain, Jacob, 160; John, 32

Chambers, Christ., 85

Chambre, atte, Wm., 197

Champiun, Wm., 210

Chancellor (Lord), 84

Chapman, (bedstead-maker), 141; (mattress-makers), 142; (19th cent. tradesman), 151; Isaac, 141; Jas., 48; John (alias Hitchcocke), 209; John (fl. 1900), 141; S., 94; Thos., 34

Charde, Eliz. (née Tropenell), w. of Wm., 61; Wm., 61

Charity Commissioners, 50, 86, 89, 118, 125, 158, 159, 161, 171, 186, 197, 206, 213, 215, 216, 217, 222

Charles I, King, 3

Charlinch, Som., 181

Charlotte, queen, 127

Charmbury, Sarah, 215, 216, 217

Chartism, 11–12, 87, 94, 127, 139, 148, 165, 180

Chatsworth, Derbys., 199

Chaudefeld, see Chalfield

Chauncy, Nath., 107

Chaundler, Wm., 72

Chaz, le, Ilbert, 55

Chedworth, 1d., see Howe

Cherburgh, of, John (d. 1269), 99; John (elder s. of Wigan II), 99; John (younger s. of Wigan II), 99; John (s. of Rog.), 99, 100; Rog., 99, 100; Thos., 99; Wigan (d. before 1194), 99; Wigan (d. 1283), 99, 104

Chester, Wm., 136

Cheverell, Great, 175, 214

Cheverell, Little, 175, 203

Chewstoke, Som., 28

Cheyney [Cheyne], Cecily (d. 1430), 88; Joan (née Paveley), w. of Ralph, 87, 88; John, 191; Margaret (d. 1503), 191; (Sir) Ralph, 87, 88

Chicheley [Chichely], John, 14; Wm., 133

Chidiock, Joan, 87, 88; (Sir) John, 87, 88; John (d. 1540), 87; Margaret (mar. Stourton), 87

Chiffens, Nich., 220

Child, Jane (mar. Nich.), 191

Ching, John, 169

Chippenham, 26, 45, 144

Chippway, John, 181

Chirton, 50

Chisenhale, Thos., 112

Chitterne, John, canon of Salisbury, 96, 201; Rob., 28

Chittlehampton, Devon, 82

Chittoe (in Bishop's Cannings), 121, 122, 175, 177, 178, 179, 183, 187; adv., 194; agric, 195; ch., 194; chap., 194; char., 196; man., 191; nonconf., 195; sch., 196; tithes, 193

Chittoe brook, 179

Chivers [Chivere], Adam, 157; (Sir) Hen., 200, 202; Ric., 185; Sam., 114; Wm., 180

Chok, Ric, 61

Christian, Ewan, 207

Chudleigh, Eliz., ctss. of Bristol (called dchss. of Kingston) (d. 1788), 15, 36

Church Commissioners, see Ecclesiastical Commissioners

Church Pastoral Aid Society, 74

Church Patronage Soc, 152

Churchill, barons, see Spencer

Clackers brook, 92, 93

Clanricarde, earls of, see Burgh

Clare, de, Gilbert, earl of Gloucester (d. 1295), 71, 82; Ric, earl of Gloucester (d. 1262), 71

Clarence, duke of, see Plantagenet

Clarence, Margaret, dchss. of, (d. 1439), 211

Clarendon, 111

Clarendon, earl of, see Hyde

Clark [Clarke, Clerk], (Dr.) Adam, 36, 183; (Revd.) A. T., 220; Dorcas, 133; Geof. (13th cent.), 200; Geof. (fl. 1305), 200; Geof. (fl. 1329), 200; Hen., 89; Hen. Atwood, 133; J. B., 156; John (fl. 1418), 200; John (17th-cent. clothier), 138; John (d. 1780), 138; John (18th-cent. clothier), 153, 170; (Revd.) John, 133, 138, 139, 161, 162; John (d. 1846), 131, 133; J. & T. (clothiers), 45, 139, 140, 142; Nich., 200; Ralph (fl. 1329), 200; Ralph (fl. 1400), 200; Thos. (d. 1859), 133; Thos. (fl. 1868), 133, 156; Thos. (of Cumberwell), 19; Wm. (fl. 1281), 200; Wm. (14th cent.), 200; Wm. (17th-cent. innholder), 141; Wm. Perkins, 89, 91, 156; fam., 155, 169

Clark & Perkins (clothiers), 139, 143

Clavill, Wm., 25

'Clears', the, (in Melksham), 91, 113

Clement, Gregory, 211

Clenche, de, Thos., 182

Clerk, see Clark

Clevelode [Clyvelode], Wm., 71, 73, 88

Clifford, Ric, bp. of London, 96; Thomasine (née Thorp), 123; Wm., 123

Clifton, de, Sir Rog., 72

Clinton, de, Juliana, 201; Wm., earl of Huntingdon (fl. 1328), 201

Closworth, Som., 30

Clutterbuck, Dan., 74

Clyvelode, see Clevelode

Cnut, King, 13

Coate (in Bishop's Cannings), 175, 177, 187, 189; agric, 195; Calcote farm, 190; man., 190; nonconf., 194, 195; sch., 195, 196; tithes, 193

Coate, William of, 190

Cobbett, Wm. (cited), 45

Cobham, de, Eleanor (d. 1405), w. of Reynold, 190; Eliz. (d. 1375), w. of Reynold, 53; Reynold, 1d. Cobham (d. 1403), 53, 56, 190

Cockey, Lewis, 29; Wm., 27, 29

Cogswell, John, 89; Steph., 186

Cogwell & Co. (clothiers), 143

Coke, Dr. Thos., 36

Cole, Nich., 141

Colebrooke, Eliz., 21; Rob., 21

Coleman, Job, 108

Colerne, 52

Coles fam., 20

Collett, Mrs. Emily, 7, 47

Collier, Thos., 157

Collingbourne Ducis, peculiar of, 149

Collins, Ant., 28; Wm., 140

Collinson, John, 180

Colstan the priest, 24

Colston, C. E. H., 1st baron Roundway, 192, 219; Edw., 192; E. F., 192

Columbers, Eleanor (d. 1343, w. of Phil.), 54; Phil., 1d. Columbers, 54

Compton, Hen., bp. of London, 32, 38, 89, 107, 123, 204, 221

Compton Bassett, 182

Conkwell Wood (in Bradford), 8

Conolly, Chas., 18

Cony, Geo., 14

Cook, (Capt.) Jas., 188; John, 138; Sam., 138

Coombs, Wm., 33, 34

Cooper (18th-cent. householder), 25; Ant. Ashley, 1st earl of Shaftesbury, 16; Ben., 143; Edw., 139, 143; (Sir) Edwin, 147; John (fl. 1783), 76; John (fl. 1805), 143; John (19th-cent. clothier), 139; John Allen, 19, 25, 71; Mary (née Baynton), w. of John Allen, 19; Thos. (of Wingfield), 72, 76, 171

Copinger, Walt., 130

Cormailles, Goda (mar. Butesthorn), dau. of John, 73; John, 73; Maud, 73

Cornbury, baron, see Hyde

Corniole, Wm., 87

Cornmanger, le, Rob., 141

Cornwallis, Cath., 68; Thos., 67

Corsham, 35, 43

Coryton, John Tillie, 71

Costlyn, Rob., 26

Cotel, Isabel, 17; Iseult, 17; John, 17; Ric. (fl. 1242), 17; Ric. (fl. 1278), 17; Thos., 17

Cotes, see Coate

Cottles (in Bradford), 2, 24, 59 65 n; man., 17; man. ho., 8

Cottles Wood (in Bradford), 42

Couch, Ric, 141; Wm., 141

Coulston, East, 84

Coulthurst, Hen., 113, 114

Courtenay, de, Wm., 62

Coutances, bp. of, see Mowbray

Coward, Edw., 194

Cowper, Wm., 154

Cox, E. Richardson, 23; John, 114

Coxeter, Ric, 97

Crabbe, Geo., 128, 144, 153, 154, 155

Craddock, Edw., 26

Crassus, Ric, 103

Cressett, Edw., 200, 205

Cricklade, 26

Cricklade, Agnes, 199; Nich., 199; Thos., 199

Cromwell, Oliver, 208

Crooke, John, 32; Rob., 220

Crowmarsh, Oxon., 185

Crowter, Wm., 138

Crudewell, de, John, 58

Cuffe, Wm., 57

Cumberwell (in Bradford), 2, 5, 8, 41; adv., 29; ch., 29; man., 19; man. ho., 19; nonconf., 32, 33; tithes, 25

Cumberwell, de, Hugh (12th cent.), 19; Hugh (fl. 1221), 19; (Sir) John, 19; Phil., 19; Ralph, 19

Cunnington, Mrs. M. E., 188

Curll, John, 43, 50

Curme & Joyce (wine merchants), 140

Curtis [Curteys], Hen., 114; Margaret (mar. Geffray), 58; Wm. (fl. 1427), 58; Wm. (17th-cent. clothier), 114

Cusack, Miss M. E. A., 31

Cusin, Juliana, 63; Thos., 63

Cutting, Agnes, 122; Thos., 122


Dallimore, A. W., 35 n

Dandeleigh, Jane (mar. Baynton), 181

Dangerfield, Wm., 33

Daniell [Daniel, 'Danyear'], Cecily, 99; Eliz. (née Whitoxmede), 99; Rachel (mar. Fettiplace), 99; Sam., 21; Wm. (d. 1604), 98, 99; Wm. (d. 1621), 99; Wm. (fl. 1622), 99; Wm. (d. 1681), 99

Danvers, Anne (mar. Lee), 200; Eliz. (née Dauntsey), w. of Sir John, 96, 200, 205, 206; Eliz. (dau. of Sir John), 200, 203; Hen., 200, 203; (Sir) John (d. 1655), 79, 88, 96, 195, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206; John (fl. 1671), 96; Rob., 200

'Danyear', see Daniell

Darcy, Thos., 1d. Darcy, (fl. 1551), 74

Darell, Wm., 61

Darke, John, 137; Rob., 137

Daubeny, Hen., 45

Daunton, see Taunton

Dauntsey, Ambrose, 96, 101, 105; Christ., 101, 130, 136, 152; Eliz. (mar. Danvers), 96, 200; Eliz. (d. 1636), 203; Gertrude (née Brouncker), w. of Ambrose, 96; Joan, 130; John (fl. 1474), 130, 200; John (d. 1559), 201, 203; John (s. of Walt.), 103, 130; (Sir) John (d. 1630), 96, 200, 202, 205, 211; Margaret (d. 1571), 201, 203; Ric, 130; Rowland, 130; Thomasine (w. of Christ.), 101, 130; Walt. (d. 1502), 103, 130, 133, 137; Wm., 204, 205, 206; fam., 133, 141

Davenant, John, bp. of Salisbury, 68

Davis [Davys], (17th-cent. vendor of cartridge paper), 141; (widow, fl. 1669), 157; Edw., 138, 171; Jas., 152, 171; J. E., 46; John, 155, 171; Margaret, 171

Davisson (18th-cent. pastor), 158

Davye, Rob., 85

Davys, see Davis

Dawe, Rob., 131

Defoe, Dan. (cited), 44, 138

Delmé, John, 219; Pet. (fl. 1737), 84; Pet. (fl. 1780), 84, 85, 219 n

Denison, Edw., bp. of Salisbury, 194

De Quincey, Thos., 76

Derham, de, Elias, 202, 211

Derricke, see Johnson

Derry, bp. of, see Rundle

Despenser, le, Hugh (d. 1326, the elder), 99, 100; Hugh (d. 1326, the younger), 53, 73, 100, 128; Hugh (d. 1349), 100; Humphrey, 101; Thos., 71

De Vaux College, see Salisbury

Deverell [Deverill], Dan., 10; Florence, 106; John, 32; Simon, 42; Wm., 160

Devereux, Frances (née Walsingham), w. of Rob., 14, 17; Rob., earl of Essex (d. 1601), 14

Devizes, 106, 147, 175, 178, 185; cast., 53, 83, 95, 179, 189, 190, 199, 200, 201, 202, 209, 211, 218, 221; constable of, 199, 209, 218, 219; market place, 209, 209 n; parks, 192; waterworks, 188; Wireless Telegraph sta., 188

Dick [Dicke], Eleanor, 42; Thos., 25

Dike, see Dyke

Dillon (18th-cent. pastor), 37

Dimsdale Fowler & Co., 115

Dingley, Chas., 72

Dinton, 133

Diocesan Board of Patronage, 220

Diplock, J. V., 160; W. A., 160

Divett, Thos., 15

Dixon, Dr. Thos., 21, 21 n

Done, 18

Dormer, Eliz. (mar. Aland), dau. of Rob., 100; Mary (née Blake), w. of Rob., 100; Rob., 100

Dornakel, Deccan, 156

Dorset, archd. of, 149

Dorset, marquess of, see Grey

Dotesios (Printers), Ltd., 46

Doughty, John, 189; Ric, 189; Sam., 189

Dowding, Jas., 138; John (18th-cent. tanner), 34; John (18th-cent. clothier), 138

Down Ampney, Gloucs., 20

Downing, Edw., 31; (Sir) Geo, 32

Drakys, John, 130

Draper, le, Margery, 98; Terrice, 98

Drax, Edw., 190; Eliz. (née Ernie), w. of Hen., 190; Hen., 190; Sarah-Frances (mar. Grosvenor), dau. of Edw., 190; Thos. Erie, 190

Draycote Cerne, 22

Drew [Drewe], Eliz. (d. 1686), 123, 211; Jane, 123; (Sir) John (d. 1660), 123, 211, 214; Mich., 123; Nich., 123; Rob. (of Southbroom, fl. 1616), 189; Rob. (fl. 1632), 123, 211, 214; Rob. (s. of Rob. II), 123; fam., 188

Drew's Pond (in Roundway), 187

Drewett, Mrs. (18th-cent. innkeeper), 134

Drififelde, Geof., 191

Drinkwater, Mr., 132

Druce, Ant., 43

Drumare, de, Reynold, 111

Duck, Thos., 200

Duckett, John (fl. 1550), 130; John (fl. 1609), 130; Lionel (d. 1609), 130; Lionel (fl. 1692), 130; Martha, 130; Steph., 130, 191; Thomasine, 130; Wm., 131

Dun, see Dunn

Dundee, Thos., 153, 162

Duneshale, de, Alice, 18; Ric, 18

Dunkin, John Hayes, 21

Dunn [Dun], (Revd.), 34; Wm., 161

Dunsany, Eliz., bnss. Dunsany (d. 1916), 190

Dunstanville, de, Adeline (née Lisle), w. of Reynold, 52; Parnel (mar. Montfort), 53, 101; Reynold, 52; Sybil, 52; Walt. (d. 1194). 52; Walt. (d. 1241), 52; Walt. (d. 1271), 19, 52, 53, 56; fam., 20

Dureford Abbey, Sussex, 201, 205

Durrington, 123

Dutchmen in cloth industry, 43, 138

Dyer, E. (cited), 162 n; John, 162

Dyke [Dike], (Mr.), 72; Edw., 47; Geo., 25

Dymock, Capt., 59

Dynham, Beatrice (mar. Percy), 60; (Sir) Otys, 60

Dynne, Hen., 85

Dysmars, Christ., 156


Eadred, King, 13

Earle, Jas., 109

Easterton, 203

Easton (in Bishop's Cannings), 175, 177, 187, 194; agric, 195; tithes, 193

Ecclesiastical Commissioners, 97, 189, 194, 201, 209

Echelhampton, de, Geof., 210; Ric, 210

Eden, F. M. (cited), 168

Edgar, King, 70

Edgell, (18th-cent. clothier), 134; E. B., 182, 183; E. M. R., 182; Jas., 139, 142; Wm., 139, 142

Edington, 84, 197

Edington, Wm. of, bp. of Winchester, 20

Edith, queen (w. of Edward the Confessor), 180

Edmonds, Ezekiel, 45; fam., 47

Edmonds & Co. (cloth manufac), 45

Edmonstone, Geo., 212, 214, 215, 217

Edmund, earl of Lancaster (born 1245), 82; of Woodstock, earl of Kent, 62

Edward the Confessor, 197

Edward I, King, 95, 219

Edward III, King, 219

Edward Plantagenet (d. 1499), 83

Edward, Prince of Wales (1348), 129

Edward, John, 200; Thos., 200

Edwards, Oliver, 211

Edwin the priest (of Bradford), 24, 28

Edyndon, de, John, 73

Egerton, Mrs., 88

Egginton, J. L., see Ernle-Erle-Drax

Egremont, earl of, see Wyndham

Ekins, Dr. (rector of Trowbridge), 153. 157

Eldild, 87

Eleanor of Provence, queen, 82, 102, 122, 219

Elizabeth I, queen, 67

Ellingham, John, 102

Elliott [Elyott], Francis, 222; Mich., 171

Ellis, Thos., 136

Elstub, hund. of, 2

Elyott, see Elliott

Emblen, Mrs. (18th-cent. innkeeper), 134

Emeat, John, 114

Emma, abbess of Shaftesbury, 13, 16

Engaine, Hen., 62; Viel, 62

England, A. E., 182

Englefield, Eleanor (mar. Tropenell), dau. of Thos., 61; (Sir) Thos., 61

English, Amos, 161

Ennock [Enok], Anne (mar. Nicholas), dau. of Thos., 191; John, 122; Thos., 191; Wm., 122

Erghum, Ralph, bp. of Salisbury, 209

Erle, Ric, 131, 137; Wm., 131

Erle-Drax, J. Wanley (formerly Sawbridge), 190; Jane-Frances (née Grosvenor), w. of J. Wanley, 190; Sarah Charlotte, 190

Erlestoke, 80, 81, 81 n, 82–86, 104; adv., 84; agric, 85; ch., 84, 96; char., 86; courts, 85; glebe, 84; incl., 85; man., 82; man. ho., 84; mills, 85; nonconf., 85; park, 82, 84; rents of assize, 85; sen., 86; tithes, 98

Erlestoke, vicar of, 205

Ernesley, John, 122

Ernie [Erneley, Ernely, Ernley], Edw. (d. 1656), 193; Edw. (d. 1675), 193; (Sir) Edw. (fl. 1675), 190; Eliz. (mar. Drax), 190; Frances, 190; John (d. 1555). 123, 189, 220; John (d. 1571), 193. 209; John (fl. 1572), 189; John (fl. 1630), 123, 189, 190; (Sir) Mich. (d. 1594), 189, 190, 192, 193; (Gen.) Thos., 190; Walt., 190

Ernle-Erle-Drax, J. L. (formerly Egginton), 190; Sarah Charlotte, 190

Escuville, Humphrey, 202

Essex, earl of, see Devereux

Estcourt, G. T. S., 188; Thos. Grimston, 189, 193, 195; T. H. S. Sotheron, 189, 192, 193, 194, 196

Etwall, Thos., 202

Eu, William of, 201

Eugenius III, Pope, 197, 199, 209

Evans, John, 33

Evelyn, John (cited), 179

Ewart, Margaret, 209, 211; Wm., 209

Ewastas, Joan, 199; John, 199

Ewens, John, 209; Mat., 209

Exchequer, of the, Andrew, 99; Felise, 99

Eyles, Mr. (fl. 1724), 83; Edmund, 88; Edw., 211; (Sir) Francis (the elder), 219; Francis (the younger), 211; John (fl. 1681), 88, 211; (Sir) John (fl. 1716), 219; Maria (mar. Heathcote), 88

Eyre [le Eyr, Eyer], Amy, 182; Anne (w. of John d. 1581), 55, 61; Anne (relict of Wm.), 61; Eliz. (mar. Beaushyn), 18; Eliz. (née Jackman), w. of Wm., 63; Eliz. (d. 1637), 183; Geof., 182; Hen., 122; John (d. 1581), 18, 55, 61; (Sir) John (fl. 1630), 61, 63; John (fl. 1670), 32, 63, 65; Nich., 182; Rob. (fl. 1430), 182; Rob. (d. 1651), 63; Rob. (fl. 1675), 63; (Sir) Wm. 18, 61, 63; fam., 65, 182


Fabelle, Rog., 149

Fairer (of London), 88

Fane, Chas., 3rd earl of Westmorland, 100; Francis, 1st earl of Westmorland (d. 1628), 91, 100, 113; (Sir) Francis (fl. 1662), 97; Mary (née Mildmay), 100; Mildmay, 2nd earl of Westmorland (d. 1665), 100

Fare, A. C, 151

Farleigh, Monkton, 2, 21, 24, 31, 38, 66–69, 130; adv., 68; agric, 68; bacon production, 66; ch., 68; char., 69; cock-fighting, 66; glebe, 68; 'King's Arms', 66; man., 66; man. ho., 67; nonconf., 68; poorho., 66; pop., 66; schs., 69; stone-quarrying, 66

Farleigh, prior of, 2, 28, 41, 55, 56, 60, 67, 68, 88, 135; priory of, 20, 21, 29, 30, 31, 55, 60, 66, 67, 68, 73, 152, 156

Farleigh Castle, Som., 133

Farleigh Hungerford, Som., 70, 75

Farleigh Wick, 66

Fastolf, Sir John, 19

Fauntleroye, John, 199

Felde, atte, Ric, 190

Fellows, John, 15

Ferebe [Feryby], Geo., 193, 194; John, 192; Rob., 102

Fernell, see Goldney

Ferrars, de, Eliz., 53; (Sir) John, 53

Ferrett, John, 27, 50

Ferris, Jas., 49; Wm., 89

Feryby, see Ferebe

Feton, Ric, 201

Fettiplace, Beatrice, 54; Chas., 99; Rachel (née Daniell), 99; Thos, (fl. 1421), 54; Thos. (fl. 1681), 99

Few, Jas., 215

Fiddington (in Market Lavington), 175, 198; manor ho., 199; tithes, 203

Filke, Rob., 154

Filkes, Jane, 222; Jas., 222

Finch, Charlotte (née Seymour), ctss. of Aylesford, 129, 152; Heneage, earl of Aylesford (d. 1777), 129

Fisher, Amelia, 45; Ben., 44; Margaret, 16; (Revd.) R. B., 16; Wm. (15th cent.), 136; Wm. (18th cent.), 16; Wm. (fl. 1821), 123

Fitzalan, Eleanor (d. 1405), 190; Eleanor (d. 1455), 190; John (fl. 1242), 122; John, 6th earl of Arundel (d. 1421), 190; John (fl. 1364), 190; Ric, 3rd earl of Arundel, 190; Ric, 4th earl of Arundel, 54; fam., 59

Fitzgerald, A. R., 6

FitzHamar, Rob., 70

Fitz Herbert, Herbert, 82; Joan (née Mandeville), w. of Mat., 82; John, 82; Mat., 82; Pet., 82

Fitz John, Eleanor, 83; Mat., 82, 83, 85

Fitz Martin, Nich., 82

Fitzmaurice, Edmond, 1st baron Fitzmaurice of Leigh (d. 1935), 6, 12, 40

Fitz Niel, Walt., 214

Fitz Urse, Margaret, 62; Reynold, 62

Fitz Waryn [Warin], Constance (w. of Phil.), 18, 60, 63, 64, 198; Isolde (mar. Rous), dau. of Phil., 60, 63; Joan (mar. Beaushyn), dau. of Phil., 18, 60, 132; (Sir) Phil., 18, 60, 63, 132, 189, 198

Fleming [Flemmyng], Dan., 34, 34 n; Martin, 137

Flour, Maud, 200; Wm., 200

Flouret, John, 34

Flower [de Flore], Ben., 32; Dan., 109; Joan (née Long), 210; John (fl. 1550), 208, 210; John (d. 1614), 210; John (d. 1624), 210; John (born 1621), 210; Ralph, 210; Rob., 114, 222; Thos., 212; Wm., 200

Floyd, Mrs., 57

Foddington, Som., 26

Folde, Thos., 185 n

Folkestone, vsct., see Bouverie

Folye, de la, Rog., 199

Ford, John de la, 64; Rob., 199

Forest (in Melksham), 92; ch., 104, 105; nonconf., 108, 109, 110; sch., 119

Forester & Andrews (organ builders), 183

Forman, Alice (w. of Ric), 191; Alice (dau. of Ric), 191; Ric (d. 1640), 191; Rob. (d. 1622), 191; Rob. (s. of Rob.), 191

Forster, Judith, 29; T. B. W., 41; (Lt.-Col.) T. H. B., 20; T. Watkin, 20

Fortescue, Sir John (Chief Justice), 133; John (fl. 1461), 133

Foster, John, 63

Fowler, John, 94; Rachel, 94, 120

'Fowlers' Bank (Melksham), 115

Fox, (Revd.) Bohun, 104, 107, 117, 121; Francis, 209; John, 32; (Sir) Steph., 83

Foxham (in Chippenham), 198

Frampton, Anne, 210; Eliz., 210; Geo., 210; Jas., 210; John (d. 1426), 210; John (fl. 1530), 210; Kath., 210; Ric, 210; (Sir) Rob. (fl. 1428), 210; Rob. (s. of Wm.), 210; Rog., 210; Tregonwell, 210; Walt., 189; Wm. (fl. 1643), 210; Wm. (s. of Wm.), 210

Frances, le, Ralph, 132

Franklin, Ric, 186

Freeman, Moule & Co., 115

Freke, Rob., 57

French, Bernard, 203

Frere, Agnes, 185; Thos., 185; Wm. 185

Freshford, Som., 48, 50

Frewen [Fluine, Fluellin], Paul, 157

Freyn, Philippa, 197; Walt., 197

Frinnell, Wm., 200

Froissart, 100

Frome, Som., 27, 144, 148

Frome, riv., 73

Frompton, see Frampton

Fromund, Steph., 95, 110, 111

Frost (American technician), 45; John, 12, 94, 127

Froude, Edw., 85

Fry, Wm., 202

Fulford, Francis, bp. of Montreal, 128

Fuller, Geo. Pargiter, 51, 62, 64, 143; R. F., 62, 64

Furbner, Wm., 26, 47

Fussell, Jas., 51

Fyton, Ric., 199


Gainsborough, Thos., 12

Gaisford, Eleanor, 215, 217; John (fl. 1777), 72; John (19th cent.), 109; Ric, 21; Sarah, 213, 215

Gandy, Ida W., 188, 194

Gane (19th-cent. builder), 164

Gargat, Hugh, 95, 96, 110

Gaston, John, 189; Maud, 189

Gatford, Ric, 136

Gattenden, Leics., 20

Gaunt, John & Blanche of, 129

Gawen, Simon, 32

Gayton, Jacob, 165

Gear, Wm., 34

Geffray, Margaret (née Curteys), w. of Wm., 58; Wm., 58

Geinville, de, Isabel, prioress of Amesbury, 112

Geoffrey 'dapifer', 73

George III, King, 127, 168

George V, King, 127

George, Thos., 85

Gerish, see Gerrish

Germaine, Dan., 63

Gerrard, Wm., 17

Gerrish, Jerome, 52; John (fl. 1557), 102; John (d. 1635), 102; Wm. (d. 1604), 102; Wm. (fl. 1637), 102; fam., 114

Gibbs, Jas. (senior), 138; Jas. (junior), 138; John, 138; Phil. Jas., 159; Sarah, 159

Giddings, Thos., 194

Giffard [Gifford], Andrew, 157; Ben., 191; Berta, 53; Eleanor, 53; Elias, 53; John, 1st baron Giffard, 52, 53, 56; John, 2nd baron Giffard, 53; Kath., 53; Margaret (née Neville), 53

Gilbert s. of William, 38

Gilbert, Eliz. (mar. Sartain), 20; Jane, 20; John, bp. of Salisbury, 68, 203; Sam., 20, 21

Giles, bp. of Salisbury, 192, 199

Giles, John, 201

Gill, Wm., 63

Gillett & Johnson, 27

Gilson, Wm., 209

Gisburne, John, 158

Glamorgan, William of, 190

Glanville, John (d. 1661), 198; John (fl. 1702), 198

Glass [Glasse], Geo., 208; Jas., 212, 213; John, 217; (Sir) Ric, 12

Glastonbury, Som., abbey of, 12

Gloucester, Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (d. 1447), 53. 100, 201; Rob., earl of Gloucester (d. 1147). 70; Wm., earl of Gloucester (s. of Rob.), 70, 71; see also Clare

Gloucester, of, Margery, 210; Nich., 210

Glovere, le, Hen., 140; Wm., 140

Godby, Ric, 34

Goddard, Ambrose, 97; Pnscilla (mar. Awdry), dau. of Ambrose, 97; Thos., 97

Godric, 17, 55

Godwell (in Westbury), man. of, 157

Godwin, 59, 62

Godwin 'Clec', 87

Goff, (Major) T. C. E., 9

Goldney [Goldeney], Gabriel, 220; Hen. (alias Fernell), 219

Goldsborough, Nich., 46

Goodall, Hezekiah, 215, 217

Goodnestone, Kent, 65

Gordon, (Gen.) Chas. Geo., 221

Gore (in Market Lavington), 198

Gore Cross Pond (in Market Lavington), 199

Gore [Goore], Agnes, 191; Edith, 141; Eliz., 141; Giles, 141; Joan, 57; John (of 'Hinton'), 191; John (of Bromham), 185; Nich., 52; Thos., (fl. 1380), 67, 172; Thos. (fl. 1526), 141; Wm., 57; fam., 136

Goring, Geo., 1d. Goring, 59

Gothyrst, de, Alice, 197; Hugh, 197

Gough, John, 202; Wm., 85

Gouldsmith, Hannah, 151, 171; Jesse, 151, 161

Gournaye, de, Joan, 190; Thos., 190, 191

Granby, marquess of, see Manners

Grant, Ann, 6; Edw. (fl. 1669), 138, 157; Edw. (fl. 1674), 138; Geo., 43; John, 132; Mary, 6, 34; Ric, 6, 25; Sarah, 68; Walt., 33, 34; Wm., 6

Gras, le, Isabel, 101; John, 101, 112; Ralph, 101, 112; Rog., 113

Grave, de la, John, 141; Maud, 141; Ric, 141

Gray, see Grey

Great, all place-names beginning with Great will be found under the name following

Green [Greene], F. W., 84; Walt., 71

Greenhill, Horace Walt., 88; John, 58; Margaret, 58

Greenwich, East, man. of, 99

Gregory (fl. 1149), 192

Greinville, de, Adam, 71

Grenyng, Joan, 64; John, 64

Greville, Fulk, baron Brooke (d. 1628), 21; Wm., baron Brooke (d. 1727), 21

Grey [Gray], Hen., 211; John, 182; Thos., marquess of Dorset (d. 1501), 83

Grey, Reynold de, 1d. Grey of Ruthin (d. 1440), 201

Griffiths, Agnes, 214; Rob. (fl. 1579), 214; Rob. (s. of Rob.), 214

Griffon, Thos., 220

Grinfield, Edw., 76

Grittleton, 138

Grosvenor, Jane-Frances (mar. Sawbridge later Erle-Drax), dau. of Ric, 190; Ric, 190; Sarah-Frances (née Drax), w. of Ric, 190

Grove, Anne, 220; Hugh, 211; Thos., 220

Grubbe, (Gen.) Hunt, 208; John, 211; Thomasine, 217; Thos. Hunt, 214; Walt., 217; Wm., 210, 216

Grumbalds Ash, Gloucs., 121

Guise, Eliz. (mar. Horton), dau. of Wm., 55; Wm., 55

'Gundrada', 56

Gundwene, Rob., 197

Gurney [or Gurnard], Anne (mar. Richardson), dau. of Ric, 61; Eliz. (w. of Ric), 61; Eliz. (mar. Pettus), dau. of Ric, 61; (Sir) Ric. (d. 1647), 61


Haden, Geo., 151; G. N., 162

Haden, G. N., & Sons (engineers), 140, 142

Haine, John, 162

Hale, Anne (mar. Blagden), 18; Edw. Bisse, 18; Gabriel, 18; Ric, 219; Rob. (d. 1781), 18; Rob. (formerly Blagden), 18; Rob. Blagden, 18; Theodosia Eleanor, 18

Halifax, earl of, see Wood

Hall [de Aula, Halle], Agnes, 14 n; Alice, 14; Blagdon, 48; Francis, 63; Hen., 14, 15; John (fl. 1330). 14; John (d. 1597), 15. 130; John (d. 1620), 42; John (d. 1631), 15, 41, 42; John (d. 1711), 15, 50, 56, 62, 63, 64, 65, 130; Kath., 14; Margaret (née Besil), w. of Nich., 130; Nich., 14, 42, 130; Reynold (before 1247), 14 n; Reynold (fl. 1420), 14, 26, 27; Thos. (temp. Edward II), 14; Thos. (fl. 1360), 14; Thos. (fl. 1373), 14; Thos. (fl. 1450), 14; Thos. (d. 1515), 15, 42; Thos. (d. 1550), 15; Thos. (fl. 1647), 15; Walt.. 38; Wm. (temp. Edward II), 14, 14 n; Wm. (fl. 1350), 14; Wm. (d. 1550), 15, 42; Wm. (fl. 1592), 18; fam., 27

Halliday, John, 72; Ric, 43; Simon, 72

Halsey, Harriet, 160

Ham Wood (in Trowbridge), 41

Hamlyn [Hamelyn], Eliz., 103; (Revd.) Jas., 37; (Sir) John, 103

Hamme, John, 199

Hammond [Hamond, Hamund], Cath. (née Brutun), w. of Rog. I, 72; J. Gordon, 131, 140; John, 72, 73; Rog. (de Sokerwyke), 72; Rog. (s. of Rog.), 72; Thos., 72

Hampshire Banking Co., 115

Hampstead Marshal, Berks., 17, 18

Hampton, H. J., 84

Hampton Court Palace, 199

Hamund, see Hammond

Hancock, Hen., 67

Hangsoke, Wm., 75

Hanham, Eliz. (w. of Wm.), 62; Jane (w. of John), 62; (Sir) John, 62; Thos., 61; (Sir) Wm. (d. 1671), 61, 62

Hanny, Wm., 36; Wm. Peters, 36; fam., 36

Hants & Northwest Wilts. Banking Co., 115

Harcourt, Simon, 1st earl Harcourt, 74

Harding, John, 107; Hen., 52; Thos., 68; Wm. (fl. 1621), 52; Wm. (fl. 1770), 141

Hardman, T. W., 156

Hardy, John, 56

Hareley, John, 181

Harford, Jos., 168

Hargreaves, Jas. (d. 1883), 143; Jas. (junior), 143; T. H., 143

Harmsworth, Esmond Cecil, 2nd vsct. Rothermere, 23

Harold, earl, 95, 180

Harpenden, Eliz., 22; Wm., 22

Harper (19th-cent. clothier), 45

Harpy, Taylor & Co. (later Ward & Taylor), clothiers, 45

Harris, Archd. (d. 1874), 198; E. Shipley, 220; Thos(fl. 1564), 214; Thos. (fl. 1742), 68

Harrison, Ben., 63; Sarah, 63

Hart, (18th-cent. landowner), 133; Wm., 198

Harvest, John, 203, 209, 211

Hastings, Agnes (relict of Laurence), 190; Eliz., 201; Francis, 19th earl of Huntingdon, 13; Geo., 18th earl of Huntingdon, 13; Isabel, 201; (Revd.) J. D., 152, 154, 161, 164, 169; John, 1st 1d. Hastings, 201; John, 2nd 1d. Hastings, 190, 201, 205; John, 4th 1d. Hastings, 190, 201, 204; Juliana, 201; Laurence (s. of 2nd 1d. Hastings), 190, 201; Wm., 1d. Hastings (d. 1483), 54

Hatton, Geo., 63

Haugh (in Bradford), fishery, 42; tithes, 25

Hauvill, de, John, 73; Margery (w. of Rob.), 73; Rob., 73; Tristram, 73

Hauvill, de, John, 73; Margery (w. of Rob.), 73; Rob., 73; Tristram, 73

Hawes, Francis, 219

Hawkes, Wm., 138

Hawkins, (Revd.) A. R., 37; John, 171

Hawkins's Grove (in Rowde), 222

Hawkstreet (in Bromham), 179, 181

Hayes, Jas., 35

Hayman (householder of Trowbridge), 147

Haynes (Revd.) Ric., 34, 35, 109

Hayston, Rob., see May

Hayward & Wooster (builders), 147

Head, G., 37

Hearst, Edw., 100; Eliz., 100

Heathcote, Geo., 83, 84, 88, 211; (Sir) Gilbert (fl. 1720), 83, 84; (Sir) Gilbert (fl. 1813), 211; Josiah Eyles, 88; Maria (née Eyles), w. of Geo., 88; Sam., 102; Thos. Jenkyns, 102, 106, 119; fam., 96

Heaton, Clement, 12

Hedges, (Sir) Chas. (d. 1714), 198; Thos., 198; Wm., 198

Hedley, Alice, 18; Thos., 18

Helliker, Thos., 139, 155

Henley, Rob. (fl. 1639), 189, 190; (Sir) Rob. (fl. 1670), 189, 190

Henry I, King, 95

Henry II, King, 192, 218, 219

Henry III, King, 95

Henry IV, King, 100, 129

Henry V, King, 129

Henry VI, King, 67, 129

Henry VIII, King, 179

Henry, s. of William, 63

Hepworth, P. D., 147

Herbert, Hen., 21st earl of Pembroke, 13, 42; Wm., 20th earl of Pembroke, 13, 189; Wm., 4th earl of Pembroke, 211

Hereford, de, Wm., 220

Hereford, earls of, 66; see also Bohun

Herman, bp. of Ramsbury, 209

Hertford, earl of, see Seymour

Hervy, Thos., 132; Walt., 192

Hesding, de, Aveline, 59; Ernulf, 59, 62, 122, 209, 213; Maud, 59

Hewes, Wm., 138

Hewitt (19th-cent. clothier), 140

Heylyn (18th-cent. clothier), 43

Hibbert, Geo., 84

Hickman, Thos., 58 n

Highway, 175, 177, 178, 197–8; adv., 198; agric, 197; ch., 198; Highway farm, 197; man., 197; village, 197

Highway [Hyweye], de, Adam (fl. 1281), 197; Adam (fl. 1327), 197; Agnes (w. of Nich.), 197; Agnes (w. of Rob.), 197; Alice, 197; John (s. of Wm.), 197; John (s. of Ric. III), 197; Nich., 197; Philippa, 102, 191; Ric. (fl. 1274), 101, 111; Ric. (br. of Wm.), 102, 191; Ric. (s. of Wm.), 197; Rob., 197; Steph., 197; Wm., 101, 102, 197

Hill, Ben. Chas., 88; Francis, 44; John, 63; Rowland, 37

Hillary, Margaret (née Audley), w. of Rog., 54; (Sir) Rog., 54

Hilmarton, 197

Hilperton, 79, 80, 81, 81 n, 86–91, 163, 104, 170, 171, 172, 173; adv., 88; ch., 88; chaps., 89; char., 89; Chartism, 87; cloth industry, 87; gas supply, 151; glebe, 88; Hilperton ho., 86, 89; inch, 87, 136; lock-up, 86; mans., 87; nonconf., 89; rectory, 89; schs., 89; water supply, 150; weavers' cottages, 86; wharf, 86

Hilperton Marsh, 86, 88, 89

Hilperton Stourton, man. of, 87

Hinton, Broad, 178

Hinton, Eleanor (mar. May), 55; John (fl. 1274), 123; (Revd.) John, 35

Hiscock, John, 208

Hitchens, Wm., 9, 36

Hobhouse, (Sir) Ben., 55; Chas. Chisholm, 5th bt., 14; Chas. E. H., 4th bt., 14, 55; Chas. Parry, 3rd bt., 14, 26, 38, 41, 46, 55, 67; John Cam, 1st baron Broughton, 14, 17, 20, 41, 43, 55, 84; (Lady) (1939), 67

Holbrow, Giles, 115; Willie, 115

Hole, Mat., 199

Holes, de, Hugh, 54; Margery (mar. Troutbeck), dau. of Thos., 54; Thos., 54

Holland, Edmund, earl of Kent (d. 1408), 211; Joan (sis. of John), 211; Joan, dchss. of York (d. 1434), 211; John, earl of Kent (d. 1352), 211; Ric, 211

Hollis, John, 3

Holloway, Amelia, 194; H. T., 201, 202, 204; H. T. (s. of H. T.), 201, 204; T., 204

Holt (in Bradford), 2, 5, 130; adv., 29; ch., 29; chap., 24, 25, 29, 156; char., 51; Chartism, 11, 12, 13; cholera, 39; Court, the, 9; fair, 28, 46; Ham Green, 41; inch, 41; industry, 46; man., 20; nonconf., 37; pump-room, 9; rents of assize, 41; schs., 48; spa, 46; tithes, 25

Holt, de, Alice, 172; John (d. before 1320), 172; John (fl. 1342), 20, 172, 173; John (d. before 1428), 172; Mich., 20; Rob., 20, 46

Holton, John, 32

Honeston, Wm., 93

Honywell, John, 110

Hooper, Sam., 131

Hope, Amos, 218; Edw., 219; Ric, 220

Hopkins, Mrs., 57

Hopton, Ralph, 1d. Hopton, 188

Horcheston, de, John, 211

Horlock, Isaac Webb, 73; Isaac Wm. Webb, 73

Horne [Horn], Ric, 42; 'Sayva', 211; Wm., 43

Horton (in Bishop's Cannings), 175, 177, 187, 189; agric, 195; char., 196; cottages (17th cent.), 188; man., 190; mill, 195; nonconf., 194; sch., 196; tithes, 193

Horton, Alice (née May), 55; Anne (née May), 55; Edw. (fl. 1549), 42; Edw. (d. 1603), 54, 55, 74; Edw. (d. 1605), 54, 58; Eleanor, 55; Eliz. (née Guise), 55; Eliz. (mar. Blanche), 55; Jeremy, 55, 58; John (fl. 1414), 136; (Sir) John (d. 1667), 54, 55, 58; John (fl. 1731), 57; Mary (w. of Thos. d. 1530), 27; Mary (mar. Yerbury), 42; Ric, 197; Thos. (d. 1530), 6, 26, 26 n, 27, 42, 47, 137; Thos. (fl. 1535), 26; Thos. (d. 1549), 26, 42, 63, 65; Thos. (fl. 1667), 55; Thos. (d. 1755), 55; Wm. (fl. 1243), 197; Wm. (fl. 1570). 145, 209

Horwude, de, Gilbert, 19

Hose, see Hussey

Houlton, John (fl. 1607), 43; John (fl. 1696), 26; John (fl. 1764), 91; John (fl. 1867), 71; Jos. (fl. 1663), 43. 138; Jos. (d. 1731), 138, 158; Jos. (fl. 1758), 138; Nath., 51, 138, 171; Rob. (fl. 1662), 43, 133, 138; Rob. (d. c. 1769), 158; fam., 26, 43, 158

Howard, Mr. (of Bradford, fl. 1816), 35

Howe, John Thynne, 1d. Chedworth, 74; Martha (née Parker), w. of John, 74

Howell, J., 130

Hughes, Eliz., 123; Ferdinand (d. 1640), 183, 186; Mary (d. 1647), 183; Wm., 123

Hulbert, Geo., 103; Thos., 103; fam., 103

Hullavington, 26

Hulle, Thos., 205

Hume, Mrs., 119; (Revd.) G. S., 120

Humphrey, duke of Gloucester (d. 1447), see Gloucester

Humphries (Revd.), 34

Hungerford, Berks., 123

Hungerford, (Sir) Ant., 72, 218, 222; Ant. (d. 1657), 72, 218; Bridget (mar. Lisle), 20; Cecily, 218; (Sir) Edw. (16th cent.), 13 n; (Sir) Edw. (d. 1607), 72, 218; (Sir) Edw. (d. 1648), 9, 72, 180, 218, 221; (Sir) Edw. (fl. 1686), 72, 218, 219; Eliz. (relict of Walt. d. 1540), 13; (Sir) John, 20; Mary, bnss. Botreaux (d. 1533), 13; Rob., 2nd baron Hungerford, 72, 201; Rob., 3rd baron Hungerford (d. 1464), 13 n, 72, 201; Thos. (de), 67, 73; Walt. (d. 1397), 73; Walt, 1st baron Hungerford (d. 1449), 71, 72, 73, 75; (Sir) Walt. (fl. 1410), 67; (Sir) Walt. (fl. 1485), 72; Walt., baron Hungerford of Heytesbury (d. 1540), 13, 25, 26, 32, 72; (Sir) Walt. (d. 1596), 13, 13 n, 72; fam., 22

Hungerford Market, London, 218

Hunsden, Herts., 163

Hunt, Hen., 62; Thos., 62; Widow, 62

Huntingdon, earl of, see Clinton, Hastings

Huntley, Wm., 37

Hurding, John, 16

Hurst fam., 85

Hussey [Hose, de la Huse, Husee], Hen. I, 201; Hen. II, 201, 205; Hen. III, 201; Hen. IV, 201; Hen. V, 18; (Sir) Jas., 18, 19; (Sir) John, 19, 19 n; Margaret (née Blount), w. of John, 19; Mat., 201, 202; Maud (mar. Paynel), 201; Nich., 99; Pet., 99; Sybil (mar. Barley), dau. of Jas., 18, 19; (Sir) Wm. (d. 1455), 19; (Sir) Wm. (s. of John), 19

Husyerd, Christine, 73; Rog., 73

Hutton, Mat., archbp. of Canterbury, 128

Hwyt, see White

Hyde, Edw., 1st earl of Clarendon, 133; Hen. (father of Edw.), 133; Hen., 2nd earl of Clarendon, 88; Laurence, 83, 96; Mary (née Langford), 133

Hyweye, see Highway

Hyles, see Eyles


Ide, Devon, 35

Iford (in Bradford), 26, 72

Inc. Church Building Soc, 156, 157

Ingram the chaplain (of Melksham), 104

Ingram, John, 136

Isabel, queen, 100, 102

Isabel (dau. of Edward III), 72

Iverton, John, 185


Jackman, Eliz. (mar. Eyre), dau. of John, 63; John, 63

James I, King, 179, 194

James, Mr. (of Melksham, 1828), 57

Jarvis, Sir Thos., 3

Jeames, Rob., 157

Jefferies, Hen., 30; Thos., 30

Jefiery [Jefiry], 19th-cent. millowner (of Melksham), 113; John, 117

Jekyll, Thos., 218

Jenkins [Jenkyns], Ric, 96, 105; W., 152

Jennings [Jenynges], 19th-cent. draper (of Bradford), 36; (Sir) John, 99; John (s. of John), 99

Jervis, Revd. T. H., 222

Jewel, John, bp. of Salisbury, 67 n

Joan, queen, 53

Jocelin, bp. of Salisbury, 189

John, King, 1, 17, 95, 96, 127, 199, 209

John, bailiff of rector of Trowbridge, 149

John the clerk, 72

John the Fat, 82

Johnson, Chas., 40; Hestric, 43; Ric. (alias Derricke), 43; (Dr.) Sam., 128

Jones, (Revd.) Abraham, 37; Dan., 106, 158; Gordon, 46; Inigo, 103; L. G., 12; Theophilus, 74; Thos., 33; (Revd.) T. R., 57; (Canon) W. H. (cited), 12, 21, 23, 38, 103, 131; Wm., 31

Jordan, Rog., 214

Joyce, Thos., 108

Juivet, Laurence, 22; Maud, 22

Jumeaux (Amiens dioc), priory of, 202

Jurdan, Hen., 136

Juweler, le, Rog., 141


Katherine of Valois, 67

Katherine Parr, queen, 219

Kaynell, Wm., 130

Keate, Geo., 128

Kechyn, Wm., 57

Keddle, Charlotte, 56; John, 56; Sam. Shering, 56

Keene, Wm., 163

Keevil, 26, 120, 122

Kellaways (in Chippenham), man. of, 53

Kelloway, de, John, 53, 56

Kemp, John, 162

Kemp bros. (19th-cent. clothiers), 140

Kemp & Hewitt (clothiers), 140, 142, 143, 162

Kempley, Gloucs., 157

Kempton, Revd. J., 37

Ken, Thos., bp. of Bath & Wells, 121

Kendall, John, 209

Kennet & Avon Canal, 5, 11, 86, 93, 121, 126, 171, 187, 217

Kennet & Avon Canal Co., 166

Kent, Eliz., 21; Hen., 215, 216; Margaret, 21; Thos., 21; Wm., 210

Kent, Victoria Mary Louisa, dchss. of, (d. 1861), 84

Kent, earl of, see Edmund, Holland

Kent, earldom of, 211

Keynes, Rob., 180

Keynsham, Som., abbey of, abbot of, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76

Kiddle, S. S., 166

Kimber, Oliver, 94

King, John, 45; T., 173

Kingsbridge, hund. of, 175, 197

Kingston, duke of, see Pierrepont; dchss. of, see Chudleigh

Kingston, Eleanor (née Lisle), 20; John, 20; Mary (mar. Lisle), 20

Kinson, Dors., 218

Kirton, Edw., 184

Kitlety, Jas., 44

Knapp, John, 162

Knee, Fredk. Hen., 109, 110; H. J., 141

Knight, Anne, 220; Jane, 29; John, 220; J. P., 12

Kyrle, (Major) Money, 190


Lacey, see Lacy

Lacock, abbey of, 101, 103, 132, 133; abbess of, 102; Royalist garrison at, 59

Lacy [Lacey], de, Alice (mar. Thomas of Lancaster), dau. of Hen., 128; Hen., earl of Lincoln (d. 1311), 128, 172; John, 26; Margaret (née Longespée), w. of Hen., 128; fam., 148

Lailey (smith, of Bradford), 7

Lambe, Aldam, 209; Auncell, 209; Eleanor (w. of Auncell), 209; Jane (mar. Button), 19; Joan, 209; John, 19; Pracsyde (mar. Long), 209.

'Lambrok' (in Trowbridge), 125

Lancaster, Alice, ctss. of Lancaster (née Lacy), relict of Thos., 53; Hen., earl of Lancaster (d. 1345), 129; Thos., earl of Lancaster (d. 1322), 53. 73. 128, 129, 190

Lancaster, duchy of, 172

Lange, John le, 58; Thos., 112

Langford, (Mrs.), 171; Agnes, 141; Alex. (d. 1545), 137. 141; Alex. (d. 1585), 134, 136, 137, 141, 155; Edw. (d. 1551), 137, 171; Edw. (d. 1594). 133. 137. 141; John (de), 95; Mary (mar. Hyde), 133; (Mrs.) Mary, 171; Ric, 141

Lansdown, C. M., 155; fam., 140

Latimar, Osmund, 73

Lavington, Market, 175

Lavington, West (or Bishop's), 175, 177, 178, 198–206; adv., 202; agric, 204; almshouses, 206; Beckett chap., 203; ch., 202; char., 206; Dauntsey chap., 203; Dial ho., 199; fire (1689), 199. 203; glebe, 203; man. ho., 201; mans., 199; mills, 205; nonconf., 204; prebend, 202; railway, 199; roads, 198, 199; schs., 205; stonequarrying, 199; tithes, 202

Lavington, de, John, 200; Wm., 203

Leal, Revd. C. J., 37

Leckhampton, de, Thos., 198

Lee, Anne (née Danvers), 200

Leigh (in Bradford), 2, 3, 5, 8, 36; char., 50, 51; fair, 46; incl., 41; rents of assize, 41; tithes, 25

Leigh, Francis, 183

'Leiland' (in Rowde), 218, 219

Leland, John (cited), 6, 15, 22, 28, 42, 131, 132, 137, 144, 145. 154. 168, 179

Lemman, Ric, 185

Leofwine, 70

Lestrange, Alice, 73; Ankaret (mar. Talbot), 54; Ebles, 73; Eliz. (w. of Fulk), 53; Eliz. (d. 1383), 53, 54; Fulk, 3rd 1d. Strange (d. 1349). 531 John, 1d. Strange (d. 1349). 53; John, 4th 1d. Strange, 53

Levenot, 19

Lewis [Lewes], (Revd.) Israel, 190; John (fl. 1619), 222; John (fl. 1716), 157; Thos., 29

Ley, Hen., 2nd earl of Marlborough (d. 1638), 9

Limerick, bp. of, see Webb

Limpley Stoke (in Bradford), 5, 9, 115; adv., 30; ch., 30; chap., 24, 29, 30; cholera, 39; mill, 42; nonconf., 37, 38; place-name, 29 n; rents of assize, 41; sch., 48; tithes, 25

Lincoln, earl of, see Lacy

Liseman, 103, 122

Lisle [de L'Isle], Adeline (mar. Dunstanville), 52; Anne (mar. Rogers), 20; Ant. (d. 1604), 20; Brian (d. 1234), 190; Bridget (née Hungerford), 20; Edw. (d. 1722), 20; Edw. (d. 1752), 20, 73; Eleanor (mar. Kingston), 20; Eliz. (d. 1435), 20; Grace, 190; Humphrey, 19, 52; Isabel (d. 1484), 20; John, baron Lisle (d. 1408), 20; John, baron Lisle (d. 1429), 20, 73; John, baron Lisle (d. 1471), 20; John, baron Lisle (d. 1523), 20; John (d. 1664), 20; Lancelot, 20; Mabel, 190; Mary (d. 1539), 20; Mary (née Phillipps, d. 1749), 20; Nich., baron Lisle (d. 1506), 20; (Sir) Thos. (fl. 1520), 20; Thos. (d. 1562), 20; Wm. (fl. 1250), 66; (Sir) Wm. (fl. 1606), 20; (Sir) Wm. (d. 1665), 20

Little, all place-names beginning with Little will be found under the name following

Little, Abraham, 110, 114; Jas., 138; John, 138

Littlecote, de, Rob., 192

Littleton Pannell (in West Lavington), 175, 177, 178, 198; agric, 204; Littleton ho., 199; man., 201; man. ho., 202; mills, 205; nonconf., 204; toll-gates, 199

Livesey, A. F., 156

Llewellins & James, 27, 85, 174

Llewelyn fam., 218

Lloyds Bank, 115

Locke, F. A. S., 219; John, 219; Wadham, 219, 219 n, 220

Lockswell, abbey of, 218

Lofthouse, Mary, 12

London, bp. of, see Clifford, Compton, Robert

Long [Longe], Alice, 200; Anne (d. 1601), 27; Ant., 31; Calthorpe Parker (d. 1729), 173; Christ., 141; Dan., 88; Dorothy, 88; Edmund, 87; Edw. (of Rood Ashton, fl. 1558), 133, 172; Edw. (d. 1622), 56; Edw., (fl. 1622), 56; Eliz. (fl. 1672), 122; Eliz. (née Pistor), 210; Gifford (d. 1635), 9, 27, 122; Grace (née Powell), 132; Hen. (d. c. 1480), 57, 61; Hen. (d. 1490), 22; (Sir) Hen. (d. 1556), 22, 55, 56, 58; Hen. (clothier, d. 1556), 137; Hen. (d. 1558), 55, 56, 172; Hen. (d. 1608), 55, 172, 173; Hen. (d. 1612), 74, 173; Hen. (d. 1621), 173; Hen. (d. 1672), 122; Hope (d. 1715), 17, 22, 31; (Dr.) Isaac, 168; (Col. Sir) Jas., 59, 208; Joan (mar. Warde), 210; Joan (mar. Flower), 210; John (br. of Hen. d. 1490), 22; John (fl. 1550), 209; John (fl. 1590), 208, 214; John (d. 1636), 22; John (d. 1652), 22, 42; John (d. 1654), 31, 31 n, 56; John (d. 1705), 22, 31; (Revd.) John (d. 1748), 22, 25, 173; John (d. 1833), 67, 188; John (of Bath), 173; John (of Potterne) I, 210; John (of Potterne) II, 210; Kath. (née Thynne), 22, 31; Kathleen (d. 1814), 173; Margaret, 210; Mary (née May), 55; Phil. (fl. 1702), 157; Phil. Parker (d. 1741), 173; Pracsyde (née Lambe), 209; Rebecca (née Bayley), 74; Rebecca (mar. Parker), 74, 173; Ric. (fl. 1687), 132; Ric. (fl. 1731), 21; Ric. (d. 1825), 173; Ric. (of Rood Ashton), 67; Ric. E. Onslow, 3rd vsct. Long, 22, 88, 122, 173; Ric. Godolphin (d. 1835), 22, 88; Ric. P., 58; Rob. (d. 1447), 17, 22, 22 n, 23, 58; Rob. (fl. 1545). 137; (Sir) Rob. (d. 1581), 22; Rob. (d. 1620), 57; (Sir) Rob., 6th bt., 21; Rob. (of West Lavington), 200; Thos. (fl. 1440), 61; (Sir) Thos. (d. 1508), 22, 23; Thos. (fl. 1540), 111 n; Thos. (d. 1562), 87, 88, 122, 133, 137, 145, 146, 153, 172, 173; Thos. (fl. 1627), 173; Thos. (fl. 1674), 56; Thos. (d. 1733), 31; Thos. (d. 1759), 22, 25, 173; Thos. (of Potterne) I, 210; Thos. (of Potterne) II, 210; Walt. (fl. 1545), 137; (Sir) Walt. (d. 1610), 22; (Sir) Walt. (fl. 1610), 22; Walt. (d. 1669), 22; (Sir) Walt. (d. 1672), 55, 74, 122, 171, 173; Walt. (d. 1710), 74, 96, 173; Walt. (d. 1731), 22; Walt. (fl. 1758), 21, 122; Walt. (d. 1807), 21, 22, 173; Walt. (d. 1867), 22; Walt. Hume, 1st vsct. Long (d. 1924), 22, 50; Walt., 2nd vsct. Long (d. 1944), 22; W. H., 113; Wm. (fl. 1498), 136; Wm. (d. 1617), 210; Wm. (d. 1647), 22; Wm. (fl. 1731), 21; Wm. (of Potterne), 210; W. P., 173; Mrs. (Papist, fl. 1582), 68; fam., 3, 31, 73, 123, 136, 173

Long, Messrs. J., & Sons, 147

Longespée, Ela, ctss. of Salisbury, 95, 128, 131, 152; Margaret (mar. Lacy), 128; Nich., bp. of Salisbury, 209; Wm., earl of Salisbury (d. 1226), 128 131; Wm. (d. 1250), 55. 73, 87, 128, 152, 172

Look, E. H., 84

Lopes, Hen., 104; (Mrs.) Ludlow, 106; R. L., 119

Love, Sam., 32

Lovel [Lovell], Goda, 98; Hugh, 98; Isabel, 98; John (fl. 1268), 98; John (fl. 1381), 98; (Sir) John (d. 1408), 122; John, Id. Lovel (fl. 1412), 122; Silvester, 98; Thos., 131

Lowe (Mr., of Rowde), 223

Loyd, John, 34

Lubin, Edmund, 205

Lucas, Thos., 158; Walt., 42

Lucy, Constance, 14; Francis, 14; Geo., 14; Rob., 14

Ludlow, H. G. G., 152

Ludlow-Bruges, Mrs., 117; Hen. H., 120; R. H., 104; fam., 100, 101

Lukis, (Revd.) W. C., 23

Lulham, Thos., 63

Lumeney, de, Joan, 190; Walt., 190

Lunewode, Mary, 64

Lydiard [Lyddiard], Ebenezer, 43; John, 32

Lyntonesford, de, John, 64; Rob., 64

Lyster, (Sir) Mich., 192, 199; (Sir) Ric, 103


McCall, Geo. Kerr, 140, 143; Gilbert, 140, 143

Macdonald, Wm., 194

Mack (Mr., of Bradford), 37

Mackay, Mrs., 133; Alex., 143, 154; G. A., 155; Lucy, 143; Wm., 133

Maclean (19th-cent. clothier), 142

Maggs, Chas. (d. 1854), 96, 107, 108, 115, 183; Chas. (grandson of Chas.), 94, 115

Maggs, C. W., & Co., 115

Malmesbury, abbey of, 197; abbot of, 175

Malmesbury, Wm. of, 12, 23

Mandeville [Maundevile], de, Edw., 144; Joan (mar. Fitz Herbert), dau. of Wm., 82; Mabel Patric (w. of Wm.), 82; Rog., 82, 85; Steph., 82; Wm., 82

Mandry, Edw., 140

Manners, Cecily (w. of Francis), 218; Chas., 4th duke of Rutland, 129, 141; Frances (née Seymour), w. of John, 129; Francis, 6th earl of Rutland, 218; John, marquis of Granby (d. 1770), 129; John Hen., 5th duke of Rutland, 130

Mantel, Wm., 144

Manvers, earls, 50; see also Pierrepont

March, earl of, see Mortimer

Marchant, Le, John Gaspard, 188

Marchmant, see Marshman

Mare, de la, John, 53; Parnel (née Dunstanville), w. of John, 53

Mareys, see Marreys

Margaret (d. 1318), queen of Edward I, 102

Marlborough, Alfred of, 218

Marlborough, dukes of, see Spencer; earl of, see Ley

Marreys [Mareys, Marreis], Edith, 21; Eleanor, 214; John, 21, 67, 149; Rob., 214

Marshal, John, 218

Marshman [Marchmant], Rob. (16th-cent. weaver), 114; Rob. (fl. 1669), 107; Zebulon, 109

Marston (in Potterne), 177, 178; agric, 214; char., 215, 216, 217; eccl. par., 212, 213; estate, 210; incl., 214; mill, 214; nonconf., 213; plague (1644), 208; village, 207

Martin [Marten, Martyn], A. C., 23; Edw., 138; Jos., 137, 138; Sam., 33, 158; (Mrs.), 133; fam., 106

Martin (chaplain of Wraxall), 21, 30

Martinslade (in Melksham), 92, 93

Martock, Som., 129

Marvin (Mr.), 162

Mary (b. 1279), dau. of Edward I, 95

Mary Tudor, queen, 219

Mary, queen of George V, 127

Mary, abbess of Shaftesbury, Dors., 21

Mason, Sir Ric., 83

Massey, (Col.) Edw., 59

Mather, Alex., 109

Matravers [Mautravers], Hen. (d. 1348), 190; Jas. (fl. 1693), 141; John (br. of Walt.), 190; John (d. 1341), 190; John (d. 1364), 53, 56, 190; John (d. 1348), 190; John (fl. 1669), 157; John Howard, 105, 114; Walt. (fl. 1200), 190; 1ds. Matravers, 53

Mathew, Ric, 114

Matthew, s. of John, 219

Matthews, Rog., 215

Maud, Empress, 95, 128, 131, 199

Maundevile, see Mandeville

Maundrell, Edith, 219; Hen., 217; Rob. (fl. 1529), 219, 221; Rob. (fl. 1598), 214; Rob. (fl. 1743), 198; Thos., 217; Thos. Hen., 217; Wm. (fl. 1565), 219; Wm. (fl. 1602), 220

Mautravers, see Matravers

May [Maye], (16th-cent. clothier), 52; Alice (mar. Horton), 55; Anne (mar. Horton), 55, 58; Anne (mar. Eyre), 55; Eleanor (née Hinton), w. of Hen., 55; Hen., 55; Mary (mar. Long), 55; Rob. (alias Hayston, fl. 1540), 54, 58, 111, 112 n; Rob. (d. 1584), 55

Mayland, John, 28

Mayo, Dan., 125; Jas., 67; Wm., 123

Meade, Cath. M., 155

Mears, Thos., 27, 194, 212

Mears & Stainbank, 105, 106

Medows, Chas., 15; Frances, 15; Phil., 15

Melksham, hund. of, 1, 1 n, 77– 174

Melksham, 5, 51, 52, 57, 79, 80, 81, 82, 91–121; Acre, the, 93; adv., 104; agric, 110; almshouses, 120; arms, 116; banks, 115; boundaries, 91; brass foundry, 115; bridges, 93; canal, 93; cemetery, 117; char., 120; Chartism, 94; cheese-making, 113; ch. ho., 105; chs., 104; City, the, 93; cloth industry, 113; electricity supply, 117; fairs, 113; fire sta., 117; forges, 116; Freemasons, 94; Friends' Meeting ho., 107; Gane's bldgs., 94; gas supply, 117; geology, 92; glebe, 104; hosps., 117; housing estates, 93, 94; incl., 113; inns, 94; King George's Field, 94; local gov't., 116; lock-ups, 116; Loveils, man. of, 98; man. ho., 96; mans., 95; Market Hall, 115; markets, 113; Melksham ho., 94; Methodist chap., 108; mills, 113; Mission room, 105; New Hall, 94; nonconf., 106; police sta., 116; poor relief, 120; post office, 117; railways, 93; reading-room, 94; rents of assize, 111; Rhoteridge farm, 92, 113, 121 n; Rifle Corps, 94; roads, 92, 93; road transport, 93; Roman Catholicism, 106; rope factory, 115; rubber industry, 115; Salvation Army, 110; schs., 94, 107, 108, 117; Shurnhold ho., 94; spa, 115, 115 n; stocks, 116; streets, 93; Taylor's mill, 93; tithe barn, 93; Town Hall, 115, 116; vicarage, 104; vicarage ho., 105; water-supply, 116; woodland, 111; see also Beanacre, Blackmore, Canonhold, Forest, Sandridge, Seend, Sells Green, Semington, Shaw, Whitley, Woodrow, Woolmore

Melksham, Alvric of, 172

Melksham Market Co., 115

Mellyn, Walt., 55, 56

Menheire, Wm., 25

Mercers' Company, 205, 206

Merchant Venturers of Bristol, 192

Mereton, de, John, 220

Merewether, John, 212

Mersche, John, 29

Methuen [Methwyn], Anne (née Selfe), 99; Ant. (d. 1684), 43; Ant. (d. 1699), 27, 33; Ant. (d. 1717). 7, 43, 47; Fredk. H. P., 2nd baron Methuen (d. 1891), 14, 17, 105; John (d. 1706), 12, 43; Paul (d. 1667), 6, 7, 43, 45, 189; Paul (fl. 1684), 43; Paul (d. 1795), 14, 43, 99, 105; Paul, 1st baron Methuen (d. 1849), 14, 41, 46; Paul Ayshford, 4th baron Methuen, 41; Paul Sandford, 3rd baron Methuen, 99, 105, 120; Thos. (d. 1737), 43; Thos. (fl. 1773), 99; fam., 16, 114

Michell, John, 20

Middleton, de, Gilbert, 24

Milbourne, Eliz., 202; Hen., 202; Isabel, 202; Joan, 202; Ric., 201, 202; Simon, 201; Thos. (s. of Simon), 201; (Sir) Thos. (father of Hen.), 202

Mildmay, (Sir) Ant., 63, 100; Grace (née Sharington), w. of Ant., 63, 100; Mary (mar. Fane), dau. of Ant., 100

Miles, Jas., 89; Hen., 64; Thos., 64; Wm., 42

Millard, David, 159

Minshull, Mary (mar. Bythesea), 131; fam., 131, 157

Mitford (d. 1407), bp. of Salisbury, 209

Mochesam, Mockesham, see Moxham

Modbury, Devon, 147

Mogg, H. H., 194

Mokesham, see Moxham

Monemue, de, John, 95

Montacute, Som., priory of, 85

Montague [Montacute, Montagu], (Colonel), 88; Alice (mar. Nevill), dau. of Thos., 83; Eleanor, ctss. of Salisbury, 83; Geo., 211; (Sir) John (d. 1390), 83; John, earl of Salisbury (d. 1400), 83; Margaret (née Monthermer), w. of (Sir) John, 83; Thos., earl of Salisbury (d. 1428), 83; Wm., earl of Salisbury (d. 1344), 83, 129; Wm., earl of Salisbury (d. 1397), 129, 209, 213

Montague, baron, see Pole

Montfort, de, Parnel (née Dunstanville), w. of Rob., 53; Rob., 53; Wm., 53

Monthermer, de, Edw., 83; Margaret (w. of Thos.), 83; Margaret (mar. Montague), dau. of Thos., 83; Ralph, 83; Thos., 83

Moonrakers, 189

Moore, Mr. (of West Lavington), 206; Thos. (d. 1852), 84, 180, 183; (Revd.) Wm., 162

Moore Bros, (wool dyers), 45

Morant, John, 26

Morass Wood (in Melksham), 113

More, Hannah, 204

More, de la, Cecily, 101; Constance, 101; Steph., 101; Wm., 101

Morgan, Edw., 219; Frances, 219; Mat., 219

Morley, Thos., bp. of Marlborough, 26

Morrice, Wm., 137

Morris, Christ., 66; Valentine Hale, 214

Mortimer, Edmund, earl of March (d. c. 1341), 87, 101; Edmund, earl of March (d. 1425), 101; Edw. (d. c. 1704), 133, 138; Edw. (fl. 1713), 138; (Capt.) Edw. (fl. 1789), 71; E. H. (d. 1803), 133; E. H. (fl. 1822), 45; Eliz. (née Badlesmere), 101; Hugh, 72; John (fl. 1704), 133; John (fl. 1713), 138; Jos. (fl. 1762), 133 n, 138; Jos. (d. c. 1789), 71, 133; Jos. (fl. 1789), 71; Kath., 133; Ralph (d. 1104), 197; Ralph (fl. 1242), 87; Rob., 59; Rog. (d. 1282), 87; Rog., earl of March (d. 1398), 101; fam., 172

Moseley, (Revd.), H. H., 29

Mother Anthony's Well (in Roundway), 187

Moule, Son & Co., 115

Moule, Hen., 94

Moulton, (Mrs.), 15; Horatio, 50; John, 40, 42; Steph., 15, 27, 45, 46; fam., 16

Mowbray, de, Eliz., ctss. of Nottingham (d. 1383), 54; Geof., bp. of Coutances, 70, 71; Rob., earl of Northumberland (d. 1125), 70; Rog., 70, 71; Thos., earl of Nottingham (d. 1400), 54

Moxham [Mochesham, Mockesham, Mokesham], Adam, 63; Anne, 64; Christ, (d. 1596), 63; Christ, (fl. 1692), 64; Christ, (fl. 1721), 64; Hen., 63; Jas. (fl. 1692), 64; Jas. (fl. 1721), 64; Jas. (fl. 1783), 64; Joan, 63; John (fl. 1300), 63; John (fl. 1342), 63; John (fl. 1460), 63; John (fl. 1610), 63; John (fl. 1721), 64; Rob., 63; Susan, 64; Thomasine, 64

Moxhams (in Bradford), 24, 63

Moyle, (Sir) Thos., 26

Mulle, atte, Agnes, 135; Joan, 141; Walt., 141

Munday [Mundy], Anne, 21; Sam., 6

Mylward, Rob., 185


Naish, see Nash

Napier, Sir Wm., 179

Napper, John, 138

Nash, Mr. (19th-cent. factory owner), 139, 142; Francis, 142

Naylor, Sam., 123

Neale [Neal], Mr. (19th-cent. schoolmaster), 118; Grace Eliz., 62, 102; (Sir) Harry Burrard, 59, 62, 102; Rob., 62, 64, 65, 102, 103

Near (18th-cent. mill owner), 214

Nestté's Milk Products, Ltd., 99, 143

Netherstreet (in Bromham), 179, 181

Neubury, Reynold, 220

Neville [Nevill], Alice, ctss. of Salisbury (née Montague), 83, 211; Geo., 191; Isabel, 83; Margaret (mar. Giffard), 53; Ric, earl of Salisbury (d. 1460), 83; Ric. (the Kingmaker, d. 14 71), 83

Newark, vsct., see Pierrepont

Newman, John (fl. 1741), 114 n; John (d. 1807), 114 n; Paul, 114 n; Silas, 114 n; fam., 114

Newth (19th-cent. school manager), 166

Nicholas, Agnes (née Goore), 191; Anne (née Ennock), 191; Edw. (late 16th cent.), 191; (Sir) Edw. (d. 1669), 189, 191, 193; Edw. (fl. 1705), 191; Edw. Richmond (d. 1770), 191; Griffin (d. 1635), 191; Jane, 191; John (14th cent.), 191; John (d. 1434), 191; John (d. 1461), 191; John (d. 1502), 191; John (fl. 1597). 195, 214; Rob. (late 16th cent.), 191, 195; Rob. (d. 1667), 191; Rob. (fl. 1691), 191, 222; Rob. (fl. 1784), 191; Thos. (14th cent.), 191; Thos. (fl. 1635), 191; Wm. (late 13th cent.), 191; Wm. (fl. 1461), 191; Wm. (d. 1749), 189, 193; fam., 192

Nightingale, Wm., 140, 163, 164

Noad, J. & J. (millers), 113

Noble, Simon, 99

Noell, Edw., 18

Norden, Ben., 220; John, 123, 219; Ric, 219, 220; Wm. (d. 1637), 219, 220; Wm. (fl. 1656), 123

Norman, (Revd. Mr.), 35; Chas. E., 97

Norris, H. M., 141

Northampton, earl of, see Bohun

Northumberland, earl of, see Mowbray

North Wilts. Banking Co., 115

North Wilts. Golf Club, 187

Northwode, de, John, 220

Norton St. Philip, Som., 144

Nottingham, earl & ctss. of, see Mowbray

Nottingham, Univ. of, 15

Noyes, Israel, 43

Nunnaminster, see Winchester

Nursteed (in Bishop's Cannings), 175, 187; agric., 195; mill, 196; tithes, 193


Oban, John, 140

O'Connor, Feargus, 127, 128

Ogbourne, 123

Ogbourne St. Andrew, 110

Oliphant, Laurence, 162

Oliver, Hen., 125

Olivers, Thos., 36

Olivier, Hen. S., 214 n

Orpin, Edw., 7, 12

Osborne, Jeremiah, 73

Osmund (d. 1099), bp. of Salisbury, 189, 192, 202, 211

Oxford, New Coll., 56

Oyselur, le, Hen., 219; Rog., 219


Padley, John, 117

Padua, John of, 15 n

Pagen, 19

Painter (of Wraxall, silkman), 32

Palairet, (Capt.) S. H., 6, 31, 45, 47

Palmer, Mr. (preacher, of Bath), 37; Brian (d. 1528), 54; Francis (s. of Brian), 54; Francis (s. of Francis), 54; G. L., 170; Guy.(d. 1516), 54; Joan (w. of Guy), 54; Rob., 200

Palmer & Mackay (clothiers), 140, 142, 143

Pantre, Agnes, 26

Papps, Ric, & Son, 46

Paradise [Paradice], Betty (w. of Francis), 58; Francis, 58, 59; Jos. 138; Mary, 138

Parfect, John, 114

Parham, de, Thos., 199

Parke, John, 138

Parker, Benjamina, 74; Calthorpe (later Long, d. 1729), 74, 173; John (fl. 1595), 42; John (fl. 1779), 123; Martha (mar. Howe), 74; (Sir) Phil, (father of Calthorpe), 74, 173; (Sir) Phil, (later Long, d. 1741), 74, 173; Rebecca (née Long), 74, 173

Parkins, Ric, 61

Parkinson, John, 214

Parsons (of Beanacre, fl. 1774), 103;
-, Isabel, 181; Jas., 218

Parton, Thos., 214

Pas, Walt., 199

Passion, Ant., 137

Patch, Jas., 35

Paulesholt, Paulshot, see Poulshot

Paulet, (Lady) Anne (mar. Wrighte), 14, 47; 1d. Francis (d. 1696), 14; Francis (d. 1712), 14; Honora, mchnss. of Winchester (d. 1661), 14; John, marquess of Winchester (d. 1675), 3, 14

Paull & Bonella (architects), 162

Paveley, de, Alice (w. of Walt. I), 87; Edw. (d. 1375). 87; Joan (w. of Walt. I), 87; Joan (mar. Cheyney), dau. of Walt. I, 87; Walt. I (fl. 1303), 87, 88; Walt. II (d. 1375), 87; Walt. III, 87

Paxcroft brook, 86, 125, 143, 150

Paynel, Eve, 201; John (d. 1319), 201; Maud (née Husee), 201; Maud (mar. Upton), 201; Wm. (fl. 1255), 201; Wm. (d. 1317), 201

Pead, Eliz., 183

Peapell, Eliz., 186

Pearce [Pierce], Abel, 157, 159; Ric, 36; Ruth, 209

Pearson (19th-cent. Methodist minister), 108

Pelling [Peilinge], John, 149

Pelson, Anne, 98

Pembroke, earl of, see Herbert

'Penne', see Penselwood

Pennefather, Edw., 67

Pennington, Thos., 76

Penruddocke, Hen., 202; John, 202

Penselwood, Som., 12

Percy [Pershay], de, Alice (mar. (1) Rous (2) Bourne), 63; Beatrice (née Dynham), relict of Pet., 60; Beatrice (mar. Beverley), dau. of Hen. III, 60; Constance (w. of Hen. III), 60, 63; Eleanor (w. of Hen. III), 60; Geo. (d. c. 1348), 17, 60, 62, 63, 64; Geo. (s. of Geo.), 63; Hen. I, 59, 60; Hen. II. 60; (Sir) Hen. III, 60, 62, 132; John (s. of Rog.), 60; John (of Little Chalfield), 60, 63; John (s. of Thos.), 63; Margaret (w. of Geo.), 62, 64; Pet., 60; (Sir) Rog., 60, 65; Thos., 63; Wm. (fl. 1201), 60; Wm. (fl. 1260), 60, 61, 64, 66

Perkins, (19th-cent. schoolmaster), 94; Jas., 148; Josiah, 162

Perren, G., 184

Perrett, Edw., 120

Perrott, (Sir) John, 193

Perry, Eleanor (w. of Nich.), 209; Nich., 209, 214; Scudamore, 15; Wm., 138

Pershay, see Percy

Peter the baker, 72

Peter, s. of Simon, 199

Peter, s. of Walter, 190

Peto, (Major) M. J., 72

Pettus, Eliz. (née Gurney), w. of John, 61; (Sir) John, 61

Petticary, Wm., 138

Pevensey, de, Ella, 87; Ric, 87

Phelps (18th-cent. clothier), 5, 44

Phené, Nich., 34

Philip, Amy, 182; Wm., 182

Philippa, queen, 102, 219

Phillipps [Philips], (Sir) Ambrose, 20; Edw. (fl. 1666), 32; Edw. (fl. 1818), 98; John, 44; Mary (mar. Lisle), 20; Ric. (alias Rous), 63

'Phillips' bank (Melksham), 115

Phipps, (Col.), 105

Pickerell, Cecily, 155

Pierce, see Pearce

Pierrepont, Chas. (formerly Medows), vsct. Newark, earl Manvers (cr. 1806), 15, 41; Chas. Herbert, earl Manvers (d. 1850), 130; Evelyn, duke of Kingston (d. 1726), 15, 62; Evelyn, duke of Kingston (d. 1773), 15, 20, 25, 44, 50, 56, 62, 64; Rachel (née Baynton), ctss. of Kingston, 15, 63, 134; Sidney Wm. Herbert, earl Manvers (d. 1860), 166; Wm., 15, 63

Pike, Amor, 88

Pilling, Walt., 163

Pinchin, Rob., 170

Pinckney, (Capt.) E. C, 67

Pinder, J. H., 156

Pinhills (in Calne), 178

Pinhoe, John of, 88

Pistor, Eliz. (mar. Longe), dau. of John, 210; John, 210

Pitman, (Sir) Isaac, 15, 128, 142, 150, 155, 160; Jacob, 155; John (fl. 1666), 32; John (fl. 1740), 33, 34; Sam. (fl. 1795). 142; Sam. (father of Isaac), 15, 45, 139, 142, 155

Pitt, Rob. (fl. 1724), 83; Rob. (d. c. 1784), 215, 216; Thos., 83, 84

Place, (Mrs.) T., 71

Plantagenet, Geo., duke of Clarence (d. 1478), 83; Isabel, dchss. of Clarence (née Nevill, d. 1476), 83

Pointz, Ric, 22

Pole, Cath. (mar. Hastings), dau. of Hen., 13; Hen., baron Montague (d. 1539), 13; John, 202; Margaret, ctss. of Salisbury (d. 1541), 83

Poles in cloth industry, 43

Pomeroy (in Wingfield), 1

Ponte, de, Simon, 199

Ponting, C. E., 29, 106, 123

Poole Keynes, Gloucs., 192

Poore, Ric, bp. of Salisbury, 84, 96, 199

Porret, Wm., 26

Porter, E. E., 151; (Revd.) J. P., 37

Portishead, Som., 14, 188

Portsmouth, Hants, Royal (Naval) Academy, 188

Potterne, 122, 175, 177, 178, 199, 207–17; adv., 211; agric, 213; Blount's Court, 210; cattle maiming, 208; char., 215; ch. ho., 212; chs., 211; Civil War, 208; cloth industry, 208; Court Hill ho., 207; customs, 208; Eastwall (ho.), 207; elm tree, 208; Feast, 208; friendly societies, 209; glebe, 211; incl., 214; man. ho., 210; mans., 209; mills, 214; moat, 208; nonconf., 213; placenames, 211; plague (1644), 208; Porch ho., 207;' Potterne Lambs', 208; prebend, 202, 211; schs., 214; tithes, 211; village, 207; Whistley ho., 207; see also Marston, Rangebourne, Woodbridge, Worton

Potterne, of, Eustace, 210; Jas., 210; Margery, 210; Wm., 210

Potterne and Cannings, hund. of, 175–223

Potts, Wm., 127

Poulett, Bernard (d. 1700), 18; Jane, 18; Ric, 18; Susan, 18; Wm. (d. 1638), 17, 18; Wm. (s. ofWm.), 18

Poulshot, 79, 80, 81, 81 n, 103, 120, 121–5; adv., 123; agric, 121; ch., 123; chap., 123; char., 125; glebe, 123; mans., 122; medicinal springs, 121; mills, 121; nonconf., 123; rectory, 123; sch., 123; village, 121

Poulshot [Paulesholt, Paulshot], de, Alice (dau. of Ralph), 122; John (s. of Ralph), 122, 214; Margaret (w. of John), 122; Ralph, 122; Wm. (s. of Ralph), 122

Pound, Jas., 188; John, 188

Pound, Taylor & Collen Ltd., 113

Powell, Edw., 104; Grace, 132; John (fl. 1753). 132; John (s. of John), 132; Wm., 132

Poynder (Miss, of Leigh Court), 47

Pravander, Geof., 219; John, 219

Preaux, des, Ingram, 52, 60; Sybil . (mar. Dunstanville), 52

Prester, J. L., 156

Price & Co., Sir Chas., 115

Prior, W. P., 133

Priscilla (postwoman), 40

Pritchard, John (fl. 1783), 183; John (fl. 1861), 120

Pudsey (Lt.-Col.), 59

Pulsford (19th-cent. pastor), 37

Purbeck, Sarah, 58, 59

Purdue, Rog., 27, 28, 85; Wm., 30, 85

Purnell [Purnel], John (17th-cent. clothier), 138; John (senior & junior, 18th-cent. clothiers), 138; Jonas, 161

Pusey, (Dr.) Edw., 7, 12

Pyarde, Christ., 137


Queenfield (in Melksham), 92

Quyntyn, John, 197


Rabayn, de, Elias, 102; Maud, 102

Radcliffe, Thos., earl of Sussex (d. 1583), 131

Radnor, earl of, see Bouverie

Rainburgus, 55

Raleigh, Sir Walt., 22, 23 n

Ralph, parson of Bradford, 24

Ramsbury, bp. of, see Herman

Randolph, Hen., 138

Rangebourne (in Potterne), 210, 214

Rangebourne [Ringesburne], de, Rob., 210

Rank, Messrs. Jos., 113

Rawling, Jos. (d. 1813), 35, 35 n, 36; Jos. (d. 1866), 35; (Mrs.) Jos. (d. 1816), 35

Rawlings [Rawlins], Nath., 159; Rob., 43

Read [Reade, Rede, Reed], Agnes, 141; Edw., 141; Jas., 138; (Dr.) Josiah, 33, 34, 35; Maud, 141; Nich., 219; Ric, 27; Wm. (d. 1593), 136, 141

Read & Carrick (19th-cent. clothiers), 142

Rees, Mrs., 160

Rennison, John, 40, 44, 44 n

Revett, Wm., 133

Reyner, Eliz., 35, 160

Reynolds, Geo., 7; John, 64; (Lady) Susan, 189, 195

Rich, Thos., 11

Richard III, King, 72

Richard the miller, 185

Richard the skinner, 140

Richard, duke of York, see York

Richardes, Eliz., 183

Richardson, Anne (née Gurney), w. of Thos., 61; Thos., 61

Richmond, Geo., 207

Ring, Jos., 35

Ringesburne, see Rangebourne

Risforde, John, 185

Rivere, de, Constance, 18; (Sir) Hen., 18

Road, Som., 158

Robert, bp. of London, 201

Robert, bp. of Salisbury, 197

Robert, earl of Gloucester, see Gloucester

Robert, s. of Maisy, 16

Robert (of Poulshot & Potterne), 122, 209

Roberts, Eleanor (née Horton), w. of Ric, 55; John (s. of Ric), 55; Ric, 55; W. H., 29; Wm., 55; W. P., 127

Roches, de la, Eliz. (mar. Beauchamp), dau. of John d. 1401, 102, 172, 181, 191; Gilbert, 181; Joan, 172; John (fl. 1293), 181; John (fl. 1348), 181, 201; (Sir) John (d. 1401), 102, 172, 181, 191; John (the younger, fl. 1382), 102; Ric, 172; Rob., 181; Rog., 181; Wm., 181

Rodway, Jos., 35

Roger, bp. of Salisbury, 189, 199, 202

Roger the priest (of Bradford), 24

Rogers, Alice, 209; Anne, 20; Ant. (s. of Wm.), 16; Ant. (d. 1583), 16, 20, 209; Cecily (née Besill), 16; Dorothy (mar. Hall), 16; Dorothy (w. of Hugh), 16; Dorothy (w. of Edw. II of Potterne), 209; Edw. (d. 1627), 16; Edw. I (of Potterne), 209; Edw. II (of Potterne), 209, 211; Ellen (w. of Ric), 209; (Sir) Francis (d. 1638), 16; Geo., 16; Hen., 16; Hugh, 6, 16; John (fl. 1672), 18; (Revd.) John (vicar of Bradford), 35, 47; J. S., 173; Kath., 16; Ric. (d. 1602), 209; Thos. (15th cent.), 16; (Revd.) Thos., 37; Wm., 16

Rolt, Anne (née Baynton), w. of Edw., 83, 181; Edw., 83, 181

Romsey, Hants, abbey of, abbess of, 133

Rood Ashton (in Trowbridge), 22, 27

Rooke, Wm., 214

Rose, Geo. Sam., 140; Jane, 21

Rothermere, 2nd vsct., see Harmsworth

Round way (in Bishop's Cannings), 175, 177; agric, 195; barracks, 188; battle (1643), 188; estates, 191; hosp., 188; New Park ho., 192; Nicholas Place, 192; park, 187, 192; Quakers' Walk, 187, 192; Round way ho., 192; reading-room, 194; shooting range, 188; tithes, 193; village, 187

Roundway, 1d., see Colston

Rous, Alice (née Percy), w. of Ric, 63; Isabel (w. of Wm.), 61; Isolde (née FitzWarin), 60, 63; John (br. of Wm.), 60, 63; John (s. of John), 60; Ric, (alias Phillipps), 63; Wm. (d. 1452), 60, 61, 61 n, 64, 132

Rowborough, hund. of, 175

Rowborough, Bishop's, hund. of, 175, 177. 178

Rowborough, King's, 177

Rowde, 93, 175, 177, 178, 217–23; adv., 220; agric, 221; ch., 220; char., 222; cloth industry, 218; incl., 222; Institute, 223; mans., 218; mills, 222; nonconf., 221; railway, 217; reading-room, 223; rectory, 219; schs., 222; tithes, 220; village, 217

Rowde, of, Gilbert, 218; Ulviet, 218; Wm., 218, 222

Rowde Ford (stream), 217, 218

Rowley (in Wingfield), 2, 25, 70; ch., 75; man., 72; Rowley farm, 72; see also Wittenham

Rucote, John, 200; Maud, 200

Rudes ['Rude'], de, Alice, 98; Juliana, 219; Laurence, 219; Walt., 98

Ruddle, Geo. Giddings, 189, 190; Geo. Skeate, 190

Rudhall, Abel, 27, 105

Rudman, Jos., 161

Ruffus, Ric, 100; Thos., 100

Rumming, Thos., 71

Rumold the priest, 96

Rundle, Thos., bp. of Deny, 121

Rus, le, Walt., 210

Russell, Agnes, 17; Oliver, 17

Rutland, dukes of, 152, see also Manners; earl of, see Manners

Rutty, Ben., 107; Thos., 107, 157; Wm., 110

Rysbrack, M., 27

Ryvere [Ryver], de la, Constance, 60, 132; Hen., 60, 132


Sacon and his sons, 13, 16

Sadler, Francis, 210

Sainsbury, H. R. & S. (provision merchants), 142

St. Albans, earls of, see Burgh

St. Aldhelm, 12, 23

St. Amand, de, Amauri, baron St. Amand (d. 1402), 20; (Sir) Ant., 103; Eleanor, bnss. St. Amand (d. 1426), 20; see also Beauchamp

St. Catharine, 28

St. Dunstan, 13

St. Edith's Marsh (in Bromham), 179, 181

St. Edward the Martyr, 13

St. Ethelwold, Benedictional of, 24

St. John of Jerusalem, hosp. of, 133

St. Lo, de, John, 71, 72; Rog., 70, 71, 72; Wm., 71

St. Maur, de, Alice (mar. Zouche), 72; Emma, 72 n; John, 72; Mary (d. 1409), 72; (Sir) Nich. (d. 1297), 72; Nich., 1d. St. Maur (d. 1316), 72; Nich., 1d. St. Maur (d. 1361), 72; Nich. (s. of Nich. III), 72; Ric. (d. 1401), 72; Ric. (d. 1409), 72

St. Osmund, see Osmund

Sale, de le, Reynold, 14; Thos., 14

Salisbury, bp. of, 25, 32, 68, 75, 104, 122, 123, 149, 153, 175, 178, 181, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214; see also Audley, Burgess, Capon, Davenant, Denison, Erghum, Gilbert, Giles, Jewel, Jocelin, Longespée, Mitford, Osmund, Poore, Robert, Roger, Wyville; canons of, 84; see also Baldock, Bothwell, 'Byncrot', Chitterne; Chancellor of, 98; Dean of, 211; D. & C. of, 25, 26, 84, 85, 96, 97, 104, 116, 118, 189, 192, 193, 195. 213; De Vaux College, 192, 199; earls of, 59; see also Longespée, Montague, Neville, Pole; see of, 56

Salisbury, Edward of, 128, 131

Salisbury Dioc Church Building Soc, 156

Salmon [Salman], David, 159; Rob., 103

Salter, E., 133; Sam., 138, 139, 140, 142, 154, 159, 160, 161, 164, 169

Saltonstall, (Sir) Ric, 18; Susan, 18

Samford, de, Warner, 220

Sanders, see Saunders

Sandford, de, Thos., 95

Sandridge (in Melksham), 92; Bushy Marsh farm, 112 n; Park, 104, 113

Sanshue, see Blanchard

Sargent, (Revd.) J., 37

Sartain [Sartin], Eliz. (née Gilbert), 20; John, 62, 64; Ric, 20; Thos. (17th-cent. curate), 29, 31; Thos. (17th-cent. yeoman), 29

Saucey, de, Rob., 200

Saunders [Sanders], David, 204; F. H., 39; Harry, 151; John, 6; Thos. Bush, 7, 28

Savage (19th-cent. minister), 35

Savery, Anne (mar. Bamfield), dau. of John, 63; Avyse (mar. Westbury), dau. of John, 63, 65; John, 63, 65; Rob., 80

Saward, 55

Sawbridge, J. Wanley, see Erle-Drax

Sawtell, B., & Co., 115

Sawtell, John, & Co., 46

Say, Wm., 37

Scandefeld, see Chalfield

Scholes, canon (of Basingstoke), 157

Schomberg, Arthur Jos., 106; Louisa Brodrick, 106

Scobell, John, 147

Scott, Sir Gilbert, 31

Scoville, de, Baldwin, 87; Humphrey, 87, 172; Ralph, 87

Scrope, le, Steph., 101

Seager, Margery, 183

Seagry (in Chippenham), 138

Seale, Britania, 220; Edw., 220

Seend (in Melksham), 80, 81, 81 n; adv., 104; agric, 112, 113; Can Barn, 97; ch., 104, 106, 107; chalybeate wells, 115, 115 n; char., 106, 109, 120; cloth industry, 114; Hill Farm ho., 101; iron-works, 94, 115; man., 99; man. ho., 101; mills, 113; nonconf., 107, 109; par., 91, 92; Park, 100; poor relief, 120; railway, 93; schs., 119; Seend Green ho., 101; tithes, 98; vicarage ho., 106; wharf, 93

Seend Cleeve (in Melksham), 92, 109, 119

Seend Head (in Melksham), 92, 101, 113

Seend Row (in Melksham), 79, 81, 81 n, 92, 96, 112, 120; man., 100, 101

Selcock, John, 32

Selfe [Self], Anne (mar. Methuen), 99; Isaac (d. 1656), 96, 99, 99 n, 105; Isaac (s. of Isaac), 96; Isaac (d. 1773), 99; Jacob (d. 1702), 99; Jacob (fl. 1757). 120; Jas., 138; John (fl. 1664), 88; John (fl. 1799), 49; Sam., 223; fam., 114, 121

Selkley, hund. of, 2

Sellon, Priscilla, 6

Sells Green (in Melksham), 92, 93

Selwood forest, 135

Sely, John, 137

Selyman, Edith, 64; Geo., 17; Gill, 17; Iseult, 17; Walt., 64

Semington (in Melksham), 93, 150, 151

Semington brook, 91, 92, 121, 143, 150, 171

Sewey [or Stowford], Margaret, 73, 74; Wm., 73, 74, 76

Seymour, Algernon, duke of Somerset (d. 1750), 129; Alice (mar. Zouche), 88; Anna Maria (d. 1802), 67, 67 n; Anne, dchss. of Somerset, 129; Cath. (sis. of Algernon, mar. Wyndham), 129; Charlotte (mar. Finch), 129; Chas., 2nd baron Seymour of Trowbridge (d. 1665), 129, 154; Chas., 6th duke of Somerset (d. 1748), 129, 130; Edw., vsct. Beauchamp, duke of Somerset (d. 1552), 21, 56, 67, 68, 129; Edw., earl of Hertford (d. 1621), 21, 31, 56, 129, 136, 141, 149; Edw., duke of Somerset (d. 1757), 67; Eleanor (w. of Ric), 87, 88; Frances (mar. Manners), 129; Francis, 1st baron Seymour of Trowbridge (d. 1664), 129; Francis, duke of Somerset (d. 1678), 129; John (fl. 1455). 72; John, duke of Somerset (d. 1675), 129; Mary (née Webb), dchss. of Somerset, (d. 1768), 67, 101; Nich., 88; Ric, 87, 88; Thos., baron Seymour of Sudeley (d. 1549), 96, 103, 172, 180, 181, 189; Thos. (fl. 1553). 152; Webb, duke of Somerset (d. 1793), 67; fam., 89, 101, 141, 149

Shaa, Rob., 16

Shad well, (Admiral Sir) Chas., 94

Shaftesbury, Dors., abbey of, 2, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 30, 38, 50, 56, 70; abbess of, 1, 2, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 38, 41, 46, 55, 56, 62, 67, 73, 135; see also Cecily, Emma, Mary

Shaftesbury, earl of, see Cooper

Sharington, Grace (mar. Mildmay), dau. of Hen., 100; Hen., 100; (Sir) Wm., 100, 101, 103; (Lady, 1596), 63

Sharp, (Revd.) John, 35

Sharpwell, Hen., 32

Shaw (in Melksham), 81 n, 91, 92, 111; adv., 104; ch., 104, 106; man., 101; man. ho., 102, 121; nonconf., 107; sens., 117, 119; Shaw Hill ho., 102; vicarage, 104

Sheppard [Shepherd], Ant., 171; Edw., 140; Thos., 120

Shepton Mallet, Som., 144

Sherfield, Hen., 74; Rebecca, 74

Shergoll, Wm., 164

Shering, John, 56; Sam., 56

Shertrin, (Mrs.), 73

Shireman, Agnes, 144

Shorter, John, 215, 217

Shorthose, Bartholomew, 202

Shory, Simon, 114

Shrapnel [Shrapnell], Edw., 138; Hen., 70, 74; Jas., 138; Ric, 138, 163; Zachariah (fl. 1689), 34; Zachariah (or Zachary), 43, 62, 70, 72, 74

Shrewsbury, earl of, see Talbot

Shuter, Thos., 189

Sibyl, dau. of Roger, 98

Sidmouth, vsct., see Addington

Sidney, Frances (née Walsingham), w. of Phil., 14, 17; (Sir) Phil., 14

Sifrewast, de, Rog., 122

Silbey, Jacob, 34

Silcocks, T. B., 167

Singer, Jas., 138, 163, 164; Ric., 170; Thos. (alias Smith), 114, 140; Wm. (fl. 1636), 140; Wm. (fl. 1668), 138; (Mr., fl. 1876), 154; fam., 169

Sirdar Rubber Co., 46

Sisters of the Holy Trinity, 6, 7, 12

Skeate, Mary, 123; Rob., 123

Skynnere, Avice, 140; Rob., 185

Slade, John (fl. 1551), 88; John (senior & junior, fl. 1659), 88; Jos., 150; Ric. (fl. 1525), 185; Ric. (fl. 1664), 88; Rob., 19; Sarah, 89; Steph., 89

Sloper, Simon, 191; Thos., 138

Sly, Eliz., 59; Steph., 72

Smith [Smyt, Smyth], E. Doran, 88; Eliz., 190; Francis, 27, 47; Hannah (d. 1860), 47; Jabez, 167; (Sir) Jarrit, bt., 190; Jas., 137; John (fl. 1562), 83, 96; John (weaver, fl. 1632), 114; John (clothier, fl. 1644), 43; John (of Potterne, fl. 1653), 211; John (18th-cent. attorney), 36; John (fl. 1723), 102; John (fl. 1780), 84; J. H., 190; Jos., 32; Joshua (d. 1819), 84; Mary (d. 1758), 102; Opie, 37; Phil, (of London, fl. 1751), 216; Phil, (of Poulshot, fl. 1776), 123; Thos. (fl. 1575). 67; Thos. (clothier, fl. c. 1640), 114; Thos. (diarist, d. 1723), 94, 102, 116, 120; Tom (historian of Potterne), 208, 209, 209 n, 213; (Revd.) W., 37; Wm. (fl. 1277), 185; Wm. (of Potterne), 216; Wm. (of Trowbridge), 161, 162

Snailum, W. W., 140, 151, 161

Snarlton (in Melksham), 92

Snell, Jane, 183

Sokerwyke, de, Rog., see Hammond

Somerford, de, Phil., 55; Walt., 55

Somerset, dukes of, see Seymour

Somner [Sompnour], Rob., 192; Wm. (d. 1654), 106, 107; Wm. (fl. 1772), 168

South Brook (in Melksham), 92

Southam, Thos., 189, 192

Southbroom (in Bishop's Cannings), 178, 187, 194; adv., 194; chap., 194; tithes, 193

Southe, Edw., 190; Thos., 190

Southwick (in North Bradley), 144, 157, 158, 166

Spackman, Chas., 71; Hen., 67; Thos. (jr.), 45

Speed, John, 178

Speeke, Thos., 182

Spencer, (Revd.) Edw., 74, 76; Francis Almeric, 1st baron Churchill, 200, 201; Francis Geo., 2nd baron Churchill, 201; Geo. (fl. 1859), 5, 46; Geo., 4th duke of Marlborough (d. 1817), 200, 203, 205, 219, 220, 222; Geo., 5th duke of Marlborough (d. 1840), 206; (Revd.) Thos., 74; Victor Albert Francis Chas., 1st vsct. Churchill, 201

Spencer, John, & Co., 46

Spencers (Melksham), engineers, 115

Spicer, F. F. F., 194; J. E. P., 196; J. W. G., 181, 186

Spigurnell [Spigurnel], Kath., 18, 54; Thos., 17, 18, 54, 101

Sprint, John, Dean of Bristol, 25

Squires, Alice, 18; Hen., 18

Stafford, Anne, ctss. of Stafford (d. 1438), 67, 100; Humphrey, earl of Stafford (d. 1460), 71; Ralph, earl of Stafford (d. 1372), 17

Stainer, (Mr.), 161

Stancomb, A. J. G., 156; (Capt.) Arthur M., 130; A. P., 156; Jas., 139; J. F., 102; John, 139, 142, 160; J. P., 167; Margaret, 160; Wm. (d. 1902), 102, 130, 139, 142, 144, 151, 154, 164, 169, 210; Wm. (d. 1941), 130, 210; Mrs. (1763). 132; fam., 141

Stancomb & Wilkins (clothiers), 139, 142

'Stanleigh' (in Melksham), 79

Stanley, abbey of, abbot of, 218, 219, 220

Stanshawe, de, John, 198; Thos., 198

Stanton St. Bernard, 178

Staples, Wm., 214

Star, Rob., 32

Starky [Starkey], Andrew B., 221, 223; Charlotte, 194, 223; Frances, 223; J. H., 154; (Dr.) John, 181, 186; John Baynton, 181, 186, 223; John E. A., 181; Maria Barbara (née Baynton-Rolt), 181

Staverton (in Trowbridge), 24, 65, 79, 80, 81; adv., 157; agric, 136; boundaries, 126; bridge, 145; ch., 157; chap., 156; eel fishery, 130, 136; gas supply, 151; incl., 136; man., 128, 131; mills, 143; nonconf., 163; sch., 166; tithes, 156; vestry, 149; water-supply, 150; weavers' houses, 146; woollen factory, 143; Wyke ho., 131

Staverton, de, John, 136, 143

Steeple Ashton (in Trowbridge), 42, 50, 135, 137, 180; Littleton mill, 139; vicarage, 152, 153; water supply, 150

Steer, Ric, 42

Stent, W. J., 162; W. S., 37

Stephen, King, 131, 175, 199

Stevens [Stephens], Edw., 89; Jas., 49; Jas. Hen., 117; John (16th-cent. butcher), 15; John (fl. 1705), 220; Thos. (fl. 1580), 134; Thos. (of Bristol), 196

Steward, Chas., 19; Jane (née Button), 19; (Dr.) Ric. (d. 1651), 19

Stewart, Chas. (d. 1695), 27; Edw. Hamilton, 212; Geo., 84

Stileman, see Stillman

Stiles [Styles], Ben. Haskins, 97, 189; (Sir) Francis Haskins Eyles, bt., 97. 189

Stillman [Stileman], Ant., 133; Thos., 138

Stock, Thos., 137

Stocks, the, (in Melksham), 92

Stokes, John, 106, 114; Phil., 136; Ric, 136; Rob., 189

Stone, Wm., 11

Stonyng, John, 96

Stopham, de, Ralph, 190

Stourton, John, 200; Margaret (mar. Cheyney), 191; Margaret (née Chidiock), 87; Wm. (fl. 1410), 67, 122; Wm. (fl. 1540), 87; (Sir) Wm., kt. (fl. 1555), 89; Wm., 1d.
-, Stourton, 87, 89, 172

Stowford, see Sewey

'Straburg' (= Trowbridge), 128

Strange, see Lestrange

Strangeways, (Col.) Giles, 32

Stratton, (Revd.) Jas., 37; T., 37

Straunge, Nich., 135

Strawbridge, John, 47, 50

Street, G. E., 84, 105, 106

Stribling, (Revd.) S. B., 37

Strickland, Walt., 14

Stroud, Hen., 35

Studley (in Trowbridge), 80, 81, 131, 145, 155; adv., 156; boundaries, 126; ch., 156; char., 170; gas supply, 151; incl., 136; nonconf., 159, 160; poor relief, 168; schs., 166; surveyors (highway), 149; tithingmen, 149

Sturge, Mrs. & Miss (19th-cent. school mistresses), 94

Styles, see Stiles

Suckling, (Revd.) C, 221

Summerham Brook, 91, 121

Sumner, Mr. (stationer), 7; John, 114; fam., 101, 114

Surrey, earl of, see Warenne

Sussex, earl of, see Radcliffe

Sutton, Jas., 97, 192; Prince, 189; R., 222; T., 189; fam., 192

Swanborough, hund. of, 178

Swell, Som., 26

Swell, John, 191; Nich., 191

Sylvester, F. A. P., 147

Symes, Thos., 104


Talbot, Ankaret (née Lestrange, d. 1413), 54; Ankaret (d. 1421), 54; Beatrice (w. of 5th 1d. Talbot), 54, 56, 58; Eliz. (d. 1473). 54; Francis, 54; Geo. (7th earl of Shrewsbury), 54, 57; Gilbert (5th 1d. Talbot, d. 1418), 54, 56, 58; (Sir) Gilbert (fl. 1670), 32; John (4th earl of Shrewsbury), 54; John (5th earl of Shrewsbury), 54; John (6th earl of Shrewsbury). 54; (Sir) John (s. of 6th earl), 54; (Sir) John (d. 1555), 54; John (fl. 1570), 54, 55; (Sir) John (fl. 1670), 32; Kath. (d. 1476), 54; Margaret (d. 1467), 54; Margaret (née Troutbeck), 54; Ric. (4th Id. Talbot), 54

Tally, Howard, 43

Talman, Wm., 199

Taney, de, Gwenllian, 87; John, 87

Tanner [le Tannere], Edw., 137; Geof., 140; John, 140; Jos., 214; Phil. (fl. 1302), 140; Phil. (fl. 1346), 140; Rob., 140; Rog., 140; Wm., 140

Taunton [Daunton] fam., 19, 26

Taylor [Tayler], A. J., 151; Christ., 156; Geo. (18th-cent. innkeeper), 134; Geo. (fl. 1852), 125; John, 113; Simon (of Jamaica), 84; (Sir) Simon (d. 1815), 84; 'one Taylor' (1839), 148; see also Watson-Taylor

Taylors, (bell-casters), 105, 106

Temple, Eleanor, 158; Nich., 160; Ruth, 160; Wm. (d. 1736), 138, 170; Wm. (d. c. 1773), 170

Temple-Gore-Langton, Algernon Wm. Steph., 5th earl Temple of Stowe (d. 1940), 74

Temys, see Thomas

Tench, Ric, 180

Terry the German, 82

Terumber, Alice, 168; Jas., 137, 144, 154, 155, 168; Joan, 168

Testewood, de, Agnes, 122; Pet., 122

Thankard, Thos., 181

Thomas, earl of Lancaster (d. 1322), see Lancaster

Thomas of Woodstock, 67

Thomas, son of Alfred, 85

Thomas, rector of Farleigh, 75

Thomas [Temys], Wm., 133

Thornburgh, John, 202

Thornton (Ches.), 16

Thorold, J. L. de B., 182

Thorp, Cecily, 122; Hen., 122; Philippa, 122; Ralph, 122; Thomasine, 123; Thos., 122; Wm., 123

Thresher, Edw., 26, 43, 44, 50; John, 21, 25, 43, 67; Mary, 105; Mrs. (1743). 159; Mrs. (1763). 25

Thring, (Revd.) J. C, 26

Thurnam, Dr., 188

Thynne, Hen., 31; (Sir) Jas., 56; (Sir) John, 56, 65; (Revd.) John, 65; Kath. (mar. Long), 22; Thos., 56; Wm., 65

Tice, John, 222

Tidcombe, Edw., 16; Mich. (d. 1662), 16, 27, 195; Mich. (fl. 1700), 43; Susan (née Blanchard), 16; Wm., 16

Tilby, Jas., 201

Tillie, (Sir) Jas., 71

Tilton, John, 141

Timbrell, Chas., 45, 140; Thos., 71, 76, 130, 140, 152, 160, 168

'Tinlyn' (in Bradford), 25

Tipper, Wm., 106, 120, 131

Tiptoft, Joyce, 211

Tiverton, Devon, 37

Tobacco, 22, 22 n, 23 n

Tocotes, Eliz. (née Braybrooke), w. of Rog., 103, 172, 182; (Sir) Ric, 183; (Sir) Rog., 103, 172, 182

Tocotes chapel (in Bromham), 183

Tollerwhelme, Dors., 68

Tomkins, Thos., 104

Tonge, Anne Eliza, 198; Augustus Hen., 198; Ethel Mary, 198; Francis Hen., 198; Louis Chas., 198; Wm. Norris, 198

Torenny, de, Ralph, 59, 60

Tornay, Rob., 18

Torrington, Great, Devon, 37

Toser [Tosier], Clement, 29

Toti, 197

Touchet [Tuchet], Edmund (s. of 5th baron Audley), 54; Eliz. (relict of 3rd baron Audley), 54; Geo. John (Thicknesse), baron Audley, 98, 104; Jas., 2nd baron Audley (d. 1386), 53, 54, 56; Jas., 5th baron Audley, 54; Jas., 7th earl of Castlehaven, 98; Joan (w. of 4th baron Audley), 54; Joan (w. of 7th baron Audley), 54; John, 4th baron Audley (d. 1409), 54; John, 6th baron Audley, 54; John, 8th earl of Castlehaven, 98; John, 8th baron Audley, 54; Margaret (mar. Hillary), 54; Nich., 3rd baron Audley (d. 1391), 54

Toukere, le, Rob., 137; Wm., 137

Townsend, Jas., 200, 205; John, 208; Rog., 214; fam., 85

Trapnell (d. 1532), 31

Tregonwell, (Sir) John, 209

Trewbody, Agnes, 130; Margery, 133; Rog., 130

Trewin [Trewyn], Eliz., 103; Thos., 93, 102, 103

Trippott (widow, of Potterne, fl. 1609), 211

Tropenell, Agnes (w. of Thos. d. 1488), 17; Anne (w. of Christ.), 61; Anne (mar. Eyre), 61; Christ., 61, 64; Eleanor (née Englefield), 61; Eleanor (mar. Blakman), 61; Eliz. (mar. Charde), 61; Giles, 61; Mary (mar. Young), 61; Thos. (d. 1488), 17, 61, 62, 65, 132; Thos. (d. 1547), 61

Tropenell Cartulary (cited), 60, 61, 63, 64

Trotman, Rob., 218

Troutbeck, Adam, 54; John, 54; Margaret (mar. Talbot), 54; Margery (née Holes), 54; Wm. (d. 1459), 54; Wm. (d. 1511), 54

Trowbridge, 29, 44, 45, 57, 75, 79, 80, 81, 89, 125–71; adv., 152; agric, 134; almshouses, 168, 169; arms, 150; barracks, 147; Bellefield, 133; bells, 155; brewing industry, 140; brickworks, 141; bridges, 145; burgages, 137; cast., 131; cemetery, 152; chant., 154; chapters, 149; char., 168; Chartism, 127, 139, 148, 165; chs., 152; cloth industry, 113, 137; coach service, 126; Cockhill farm, 146; commerce, 137; common fields, 134; constables, 149; constableship (of castle), 59, 61, 63, 132; coronatores, 149; Corpus Christi, brotherhood of, 155; County clerk, 147; County Council, 147; County Hall, 147; Court barn, 132; Court ho., 132, 136; courts, 146, 148; development (urban), 144; dyeing industry, 140; eel fishery, 136; electricity service, 151; engineering industry, 140; factories, 142; fairs, 143; fire service, 151; 'Foghelden', 133; gas service, 150; George inn, 134; government, local, 148; Health, Board of, 150; honour of, 55, 73, 87, 172; hosps., 151; houses, 146; incl., 136; Innox, the, 134; Liberal Club, 146; 'liberty' of, 126; libraries, 167; limepits, 140; 'Limes', the, 132; lock-up, 151; 'Loggeplace', 132, 133; 'Lovemead', 133; manor houses, 132; mans., 128; market-place, 144; markets, 143; meadow names, 135; mills, 141; newspapers, 140; nonconf., 157; omnibuses, 126; Parade ho., 146; paving commissioners, 150; peculiar of, 149; People's Park, 152; Polebarn ho., 133, 147; police sta., 152; poor relief, 168; pop. 128; port, 86; postal service, 152; 'Pyryplace', 133; railway, 126; records (parochial), 155; rector of, 144; rectory ho., 153; rents of assize, 134; roads, 125; Rodney ho., 133; Roman Catholicism, 157; schs., 163; street names, 144, 145; Sunday sch., 155; tanning industry, 140, 141; tithe revenue, 152; Town Hall, 150; town watch, 151; urban district, 125; U.D. Council, 150; vestry, 149; water-supply, 150; Wicker hill, 132; woodland, 135; Zion chap., 169; see also Staverton, Steeple Ashton, Studley, Trowle, Little

Trowbridge, Hugh of, 104

Trowbridge Water Co., 116

Trowle, Great (in Bradford), 2, 5, 70; incl., 41; location, 126; man., 20; mills, 42; rents of assize, 41; tithes, 25

Trowle, Little (in Trowbridge), 2, 20, 79, 80, 81, 156; bridge, 145; location, 126; man., 130; man. ho., 132; tithingmen, 149; Walwaynes Court, 132

Tryvet, Joan, 190; Thos., 190, 191

Tuchet, see Touchet

Tuck, John, 123

Tucker, S. D., & Sons, 141, 173

Tugwell, Eliz., 50; Humphrey, 43, 44; fam., 6

Tunnicliff, Wm., 10

Turleigh [Turley] (in Bradford), 9; char., 51; fishery, 42; man. ho., 21; nonconf., 37; see also Winsley

Turner, Anne, 198; Joanna, 161; John, 72; Lucy, 198; Ric, 198; Wm. (fl. 1621), 198; (Sir) Wm. (fl. 1661), 189, 191

Turnham [Turneham], de, Steph., 82, 99

Turpyn, John, 29

Twining, Thos., 158

Twyner [Twynyhoo], Edith, 202; Edw., 202

Tyderlegh, Eliz. (née Milbourne), 202; Eliz. (d. 1632), 202; Mary, 202; Ric. (fl. 1586), 202, 205; Ric. (born 1621), 202; Rob. (d. 1578), 202, 205, 209; Rob. (d. 1610), 202; Rob. (d. 1638), 202, 205; Rob. (fl. 1688), 202

Tyler, Chas., 43

Typtot, John, 129; Philippa, 129


Ulf, 16

Unckles, Sam., 114

Uncles & Son (iron-founders), 46

Unwin, John, 191; Simon, 191, 195

Upton, de, Maud (née Paynel), 201; Nich., 201

Upton Scudamore, 150

Urse, 62

Ursel, Wm., 74

U.S.A. Consul at Bristol, 139

Usher, Jacob, 147; John, 140; Thos., 140, 162; Thos. Chas., 101, 106, 154, 155

Usher, J. & J., 120

Usher & Co. Ltd. (brewers), 140, 142


Vanlore, Mary, 211; (Sir) Pet, 211

Verscrieck, Jan., 27

Victoria, queen, 84

Villiers, Christ., 1st earl of Anglesey (d. 1630), 98

Viner [Vyner], Hen. (fl. c. 1550), 101, 131; (Sir) Hen. (d. 1626), 131, 157, 171; Ric., 131

Vortigern, King, 12

Vyner, see Viner


Wadel, le, John, 180

Wadham (clock-maker, of Bath), 183

Wadman, Edw., 47

Wadsworth, H., 26

Wakering, John, 201

Walcot (in Bath), Som., 49

Waldron, Maria, 155, 156, 158, 169, 171; Wm., 158

Waldron, W. E., & Co., 142

Walerand, Ric, 103

Walgrave, Edw. (d. 1506), 88; Edw. (s. of John, fl. 1551), 88; Frances, 88; John, 88; Mabel, 88

Walker, Clement, 19; Heneage, 19; John (fl. 1579), 31; John (d. 1703), 19; Mary (née Button), 19; Thos., 200; Wm., 147, 152

Walker, S., & Co., 142

Wallef, 59, 62, 65

Waller, Sir Wm., 188, 208

Wallis [Wallys], Ann (relict of Hen.), 170; Ann (dau. of Hen.), 170; Edw., 170; Ezekiel, 137, 170; Hen., 170; John (d. ante 1597), 137; John (fl. 1611), 131; John (17th-cent. bellcaster, of Salisbury), 27, 194; Kath., 131; Thos. (d. c. 1599), 137; Thos. (fl. 1623), 137; Thos. (fl. 1648), 137; Thos. (of Bristol), 131; Wm. (fl. 1560), 85, 86; Wm. (fl. 1650), 131, 170; fam., 137, 169

Walloons in cloth industry, 113

Wallop, Hants, man. of, 111

Wallys, see Wallis

Walrond [Walraund], Margery, 63; Wm. (fl. 1427), 201; Wm. (fl. 1481), 63

Walsingham, Frances, 14, 17; (Sir) Francis (d. 1590), 2, 13, 17, 25, 29, 31; Ursula (d. 1602), 13

Walters, H. B., 198

Walton, Isaac, 121, 123

Walwyn, Agnes, 130; Jas., 130, 134; Ric.(fl. 1242), 130; Ric. (d. c. 1349), 130; Ric. (fl. 1401), 130; Rob., 130

Wansdyke, 187, 188

Wantage, Berks., 123

War Dept., 82, 84

Warbeck, Perkin, 83

Warburton, John, 160

Ward [Warde], Joan (née Longe), w. of John, 210; John, 210; Thos., 109

Warenne, de, Joan (d. 1361), 129, 152; John, earl of Surrey (d. 1347), 128, 129, 131, 152

Warminster, 158

Warner, (bellcaster, of London), 29; Ferdinando, 218; Ric, 59

Warren, John, 57; (Revd.) Roland Taylor, 94

Warwick, de, Nich., 190; Wm., 190

Waspre, Wm., 73

Wastel, Wm., 25

Watkin, (Revd.) John Burton, 20

Watkins, (Revd.) Thos. & Mrs., 35; W. H., 6

Watson, Wm., 67, 68

Watson-Taylor, Anna Susannah, 84, 211; (Lady) Charlotte, 84, 85; Geo., 84, 85, 211, 214; G. S. A., 84; Simon, 84, 86; fam., 98

Watt, Jas., 140

Watten & Timbrell (brewers), 140

Wattes, see Watts

Watton, Sam., 138; Wm., 138

Watts [Wattes], John (18th-cent. pastor), 85; John (18th-cent. clothier), 134, 138; Ric, 221; Thos., 132, 136

Weaver, Rob., 128

Webb [Webbe], Alice (fl. 1524), 200; Alice (fl. 1722), 220; Anne (d. 1617), 183; Ant., 25, 26; Cicely, 25; Dan., 66, 67; Edgar (d. 1674), 218, 221; Eleazar (d. 1647), 218, 221; Geo., bp. of Limerick, 180; Hugh (d. 1597), 180, 183; Jane, 220; Jas. (18th-cent. Baptist), 109; Jas. (18th-cent. Quaker), 157; J. H., 139, 142, 163; John (fl. 1402, of Bromham), 182; John (fl. 1556, of West Lavington), 200, 205; John (fl. 1669), 109; John (d. c. 1908), 105; Mary (d. 1647), 182, 183; Mary (mar. Seymour), dau. of Dan., 67; Mary (fl. 1769), 89; Nath., 183; Ralph, 185; Ric. (16th-cent. weaver), 180; Ric. (d. c. 1715), 222; Sam. (d. 1638), 182; Sam. (d. 1707), 218; Sam. (d. 1739), 218; Sarah, 89; Walt., 220; Wm. (fl. 1524, of West Lavington), 200; Wm. (fl. 1545, of Bradford), 14, 25, 42; Wm. (s. of Wm. of Bradford), 25; Wm. (16th-cent. clothier), 180, 182; Wm. (fl. 1795), 142; fam., 101, 169

Webster, (Mrs.), 142

Weeks, John, 32; Sarah, 218

Welles (16th-cent. schoolmaster), 68

Wells, Jas. (of Aldbourne), 105, 106, 204, 212

Welyved, Agnes, 181; John, 181

Were stream (in Trowbridge), 125

Wereat (Mr.), 33

Wesley, Chas., 36; John, 34, 35, 36, 38, 107, 109, 161, 162, 183, 204

Westbrook (in Bromham), 179, 181

Westbury, Avyse or Hawise (née Savery), 63, 64, 65; Joan, 63; John (fl. 1536), 63; John (fl. 1584), 63; Wm., 63, 65

Westbury, baron, see Bethell

Westbury and Seend Ore & Oxide Co., 115

Westmacott, (Sir) Ric, 173

Westmorland, earls of, 103; see also Fane

Weston, Paul, 196; Thos. (fl. 1583), 191; Thos. (fl. 1665), 191

West Wilts. Land & Building Co., 94

Westwood (in Bradford), 2, 5, 13, 40, 70, 160; chap., 24, 24 n, 25

Weyhill, Hants, 21 n

Whaddon, 79, 80, 81, 81 n, 88, 171– 4; adv., 173; ch., 173; font, 173; man., 172; man. ho., 173; mill, 171; railway, 171; roads, 171

Whaddon, de, Hen., 172; Humphrey, 172; Mich., 172

Whaf, le, Wm. (fl. 1350), 96, 112; Wm. (s. of Wm.), 112

Wharton, Anne, 200; Thos., 200

Whatley [Whatly], Mary, 6; Ric, 15, 25, 42, 44

Wheatley, Jas., 36

Wheeler, Ethel May, 30

Whitaker [Whittaker], Jeffery, 85; John, 140; Wm. 138, 140

White [Hwyt, Whyte], Alice, 182; Alina, 182; C. W., 182; Hen. Geo., 103, 105, 117; (Miss) I., 182; Jas., 212, 216; John (fl. 1430), 182; John (fl. 1564), 214; John (d. 1693), 203; Sam., 42; Thos. (d. 1545), 182; Thos. (of Potterne, fl. 1646), 208; Thos. (of West Lavington, d. 1675), 203; Wm. (fl. 1314), 182; Wm. (fl. 1438), 182; Wm. (d. c. 1909), 197

Whitechurch, Lionel, 141

Whitefield, Geo., 161

Whitehead, (Major) H., 67

Whitley (in Melksham), 79, 81, 91, 92; chap., 104; man., 103; nonconf., 108, 110; sch., 108

Whitley House (in Calne), 178

Whitoxmede, Eliz. (mar. Daniell), dau. of Wm., 99; Hen., 99; Wm., 99

Whittaker, see Whitaker

Whitton Park, Middx., 192

Whitwell, Wm., 67

Whyte, see White

Whyteng, Roger, 71

Wick (in Bishop's Cannings), 81 n, 175, 181, 184, 185, 187, 193, 195

Wicks, John, 220, 222

Wightwick, Sam., 189

Wiliton, de, Isabel (mar. Beaumond), 122; John, 122; Ralph, 122

Wilkins, Sarah, 156; W. H., 156; Wm., 137

Wilkins Bros, (brewers), 46

Wilkinson, (historian of Broughton), 52; Edith (relict of John), 26; (Revd.) F. H., 169; (Revd.) J., 58; John, Prebendary of Bristol, 26; Nathaniel, 51

Willett, Jas., 138, 157

Willey [Willy], Geo., 189, 191; Wm., 191; fam., 192

William, abbot of Bee, 123

William, bailiff of Melksham, 112

William, s. of Malgar, 199

William, vicar of Potterne, 201

Williams, Edw., 33; S. H., 156; Thos., 34

Willis, Mary, 62

Willmott, see Wilmot

Willoughby, Percivall, 128

Wills, (Revd.) Ben., 37; H. H., 192

Willy, see Willey

Wilmot [Willmott], (Sir) Chas., 1st vsct. Wilmot, 188; (Revd.) E. R. Eardly, 67; R. A., 12

Wilsheires Farm (in Bradford), 20

Wilson, Egyon, 134

Wilton, John, 64

Wiltshire (Miss), 11

Wiltshire, Archd. of, 149

Wiltshire County Council, 192

Wiltshire Regiment, 155, 188

Wilts. United Dairies, 115

Wilts. Yeomanry Cavalry, 188

Wilts. & Dorset Bank, 115

Wilts., Somerset & Weymouth Railway, 97

Winchester, Hants, bp. of, see Edington; marquess of, see Paulet; St. Mary's mon. (Nunnaminster), 13; St. Swithun's priory, prior of, 2, 70

Wingfield, 2, 5, 13, 26, 43, 69–76, 160; adv., 74; agric, 75; Bradleys, 74; char., 76; chs., 74; Church farm, 70; field names, 75; Freshawe, 74; gas service, 151; glebe, 74; Hamundes, 72; incl. 75, 76: mans., 70; Midway, 74; mills, 76; nonconf., 75; Pomeroy, 73; Pomeroy-la-Slowe, 73; Rowley farm, 72; schs., 76; Stowford, 73; Stowford farm, 73

Winsley or Winsley-cum-Turleigh (in Bradford), 2, 5, 13, 28, 39; adv., 30; ch., 30; chap., 24, 25, 29, 30; char., 50, 51; fishery, 42; man., 21; mills, 42; nonconf., 38; par., 8; postal service, 40; rents of assize, 41; sanatorium, 8, 9; tithes, 30

'Wirtgernsburg', 12

Witchell, Ann, 171; Rob., 138, 171

Witcherley, Dan., 16

Wither, Ant., 43

Withers, Molly, 183

Wittenham alias Rowley (in Wingfield), 2, 70, 71; adv., 74; ch., 75; courts, 75; man., 70, 71; par. 74, 75; rents of assize, 75

Wogan (19th-cent. schoolmistress), 214

Wolf, Isabel, 132; John, 136, 149; Wm., 132

Wood [Woode], Edw. Fredk. Lindley, 1st earl of Halifax, 19; John, 6, 43, 68; Rob., 156; (Revd.) Thos., 88

Woodbridge (in Potterne), 211

Woodfine, Robina, 63

Woodrow (in Melksham), 63, 81, 91, 92, 112; man., 100, 102; Woodrow farm, 92

Woods, F. H., 156

Woolley (in Bradford), 5, 8, 27, 36; char., 50, 51; Grange, 6; tithes, 25

Woolmore (in Melksham), 79, 81, 91, 92, 112; farm, 92; man., 103; man. ho., 103

Woolnough, Hen., 190; Joshua, 190; Rollstone, 190

Woolverton, Som., 158

Worfton, Cecily, 122; Thos., 122

Worspring, Som., priory of, 62; prior of, 63

Worth, Eliz., 141; Geo., 141; Rob. of, 24, 96; fam., 136

Worton (in Potterne), 175, 177, 178; adv., 212; agric, 214; ch., 212; char., 215, 216, 217; cottages, 208; estate, 210; Grange, the, 208; mills, 214; nonconf., 213; par., 207; rectory, 123; sch., 215; Sunday sch., 213; village, 207

Wraxall, North (in Chippenham), 22

Wraxall [Wroxhale], South (in Bradford), 2, 3, 5, 8, 13; adv., 31; ch., 31; chap., 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31; char., 51; cholera, 39; man., 21; Manor farm, 31; man. ho., 23; mills, 42; nonconf., 32, 37; postal service, 40; rents of assize, 41; sch., 48

Wraxall, de, John, 21, 22; Wm., 21

Wrenche, John, 17, 18; Margaret, 17, 18

Wrey, (Sir) Bourchier, 43

Wright [Wrighte], Anne (née Paulet), 14, 47; (Revd.) Nathan (d. 1721), 14, 47; (Sir) Nathan (d. 1721), 14; Paulet (fl. 1738), 14; Paulet (s. of Paulet), 14; Ric, 33; Wm., 86

Wroxhale, see Wraxall

Wroxhall, Isle of Wight, man. of, 219

Wyatt, Geof., 182; Jas., 192; Joan, 182; (Sir) Mat. Digby, 218, 221; T. H., 105, 188; (Revd.) Thos. (fl. 1684), 183; Thos. (fl. 1782), 219 n; Wm., 181, 182

Wyche, Frances Maria, 214; Hezekiah, 214

Wydville, Eliz., queen, 129, 130

Wygmour, Wm., 133

Wylinton, de, Eleanor, 53; John, 53; Ralph, 53

Wyndham, Alicia, ctss. of Egremont, 129; Chas., 2nd earl of Egremont, 129; Chas. Wm. (s. of Chas.), 129

Wynneley, Walt., 80

Wyville, Rob., bp. of Salisbury, 60, 209


Yardley, Bartholomew, 28

Yarnbrook (in North Bradley), 160

Yates, Messrs. (bedstead-manufacturers), 142

Yearsley, Anne, 94

Yearsley & Co., 142

Yerbury, Edw. (fl. 1645), 168; Edw. (fl. 1692), 169; Eliz., 17; Francis (the elder), 33; Francis (d. 1778), 6, 33, 43; Hen., 169; Jenevera, 203; Joan, 17; John (d. c. 1614), 17, 42, 43; John (d. c. 1633), 17; John (late 17th cent.), 169; John (fl. 1787), 43, 44; Mary (née Horton), 42; Mary (dau. of John d. c. 1633), 17; Ric, 169; Thos. (d. 1573). 42, 137; Thos. (fl. 1600), 137; Thos. (fl. 1632), 42; Wm. (d. 1609), 137; Wm. (late 17th cent.), 169; Wm. (18th cent.), 51, 72, 169; Mr. (19th cent, millowner), 114; fam., 138

Yew, John, 43

York, Ric. duke of York (d. 1460), 211

Young, Arthur (cited), 112; John, 61; Mary (née Tropenell), w. of John, 61

Yrmangeres [Yrmangere], le, Christine, 141; Edith, 141; Wm., 141


Zouche, de la, Alan (fl. 1242), 87; Alan (fl. 1304), 87; Alice (née Seymour), 88; Alice (née St. Maur), 72; Geo., 88; John (d. c. 1539), 88; John (fl. 1539), 88, 89; Rog., 87, 190; (Sir) Wm., 88; Wm., 1d. Zouche (d. 1468), 72, 88